Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1883, Image 3

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TilE DAILY .IiEEOM..iwx , 1U1DAx : , 1U % iu.wiai , .tutj , , .
4 - - - -C-- _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
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The Jbraska National Bank.
? .M UDP1tft1 . . . - $250 , oO
urptusuid. May iisaa ItI.000
\ I
t 'k JO9ON , rrlent , ot Soete , 3ohuit Co
z A. L ToLtN , VIc.a ? ietdent , o
F " w. V. of W. V. MOflE3 } Co.
.1oIt ST.L1N3 , of 0. H. COLLINS.
.1 , t. wjLWORTIT , CounUoc & AUorney ii L&w.
t , S. Iti. of EyTO ! Road & Co.
It , W. tESCaehIcrtor many 'ean CMhIer of th.
flN tIonil flank of Onm.
Thu ik opened tot bwiIneAprU 27 , 1S32
4mo.o 'eadIng ' burincee men of Omih , ntt he
busIn.e conducted wIth eepocl.iI reicrouce to the
bct , jIncroMIng bLoreteofItemerc&ntUo p&trone.
CL.I4CTIONS reoete prompt ittentloo md
eitowoet obtitniblo hero or elsewhere.
LSTEST illowed on time depoelte upon fmor.
Mls ttti mnd upon ioount of binke mad bmnkeri.
FOIION IXCUANOK , Ooernnient floudi mod
1arnt CIty Becuritle. bou&bt mhd sold.
ncil Bluffa Loan and.
I Thist Company.
} 'ir ! Mortme Lomne Negotiated. Comrnercl3I
Ppeind MI Oood SeeurlUe. dealt In. 3 L'carl
C & &OO First menue , CouncU Bluff.
I Nw Yorn. November S.
! onev-Vory eAsy at per contvloshig
it per cqnt.
I1rlrne Paer-47 per cent ,
( tchangs BUn-Ffrnt at 4.8U ; demand ,
' - ' ( rvotnmorts- 1rtfon lower for 4.s
% Ot1pOfl.
tocks-Tho market aliowod much more
4tengtr ! than yesterday , and though
it tt11 , prIces gradually crept upward all
day , and at the close of the day became more
tctive , IrLO5 advancing rapIdly , and at the
clo4 showing a not gain of to 2 per coot
overtho gain of ycetorday. Divideiid stocks
attracted more attention today , an are all
, higher. Of these dividend paying stocks The
Po.t says : " To those who have closely watch.
ed tire tacticeof the pocu1ators in tire iLrcot ,
it l4 Plaiki that a dopreislon in prices , and dis.
tru-t , has boon largely produced by deliberate
1yhi1 by the cliques , whose purpose has been
to depress the Prices. Tins isliowever , get.
tiuR to be understood now , and the class of
ted referred to are being gradually taken
up and withdrawn from the street.
, cuUroN8
3e ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1OO
' Ws Coupons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 I ,
4's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Pacific G'e of ' 95. . . . . . 130
American Expres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bar ! . , Cedar Itapids & Northern 82
Central Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chicago & Alton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 $
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Chi. , Burl. &Quiney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] 2T
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
do Pfd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Fort Wayne &Chicago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Hannibal & St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . .
IlUnois Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
md. , Bloom. & Western. . . . . . . . . . . . 12O
Kansa& Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . . . . . . . . 100
Michigan Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Minneanolis & St. Loula. . . . . . . . . . . . 21.
do do do fd. . . . . . . . 42.
'S MissouriPacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06. .
Northern Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O.
do do pfd. . . . . . . . (34
, i orthweatern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125.
' do phi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146.
New York Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Ohio & Mississippi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fOO
Peoria. Decatur & Evazisville. . . . . . . . 14&
Eock Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
St. Paul & Milwaukee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 116.
& Paul , MInn. & Manitoba. . . . . . . . 107
SLPazi1&Omah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
do do pfd. . . . ' . . . . . . . . . 9S
Texas Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Union Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Wabash , St..L. & Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . 2O
\ ' do do do pfd. . . . . . . . . 33
, WosternUnionTelegraph. 79
' tAsked.
Cufcoo , November 8. - Flour- Quiet
and unchanged ; common to choice spring
wheat , 3@5c ; Minnesota , 3@41c ; bakers ,
45c , patents , 67c ; winter wheat flour
Southern and Missouri , 45c ! . , Michgan ,
Wheat-Market active , lower , very unset.
tied and irregular ; 96&c fQr November ; OSc for
December ; OOc for January ; 1 O6 for May ;
I'o. 2sprlng , 97c ; No. 3spring , 8381c ; No.
2 red winter , 1 O1@1 O1.
Corn-Demand active unsettled and lower ;
4Sc forctuh ; 48gc for N'ovembor ; 48c for Do.
comber ; 47c ! for the year ; 4Tc for January ;
&Oc ; for May.
Oatt-1Jnll and easy ; 2Sjc for cash and
November ; 28jc for December ; 2Sc for the
3e3r ; 28 for .Jnnuary.
Bye-Steady and firm at 57c.
Barley-luIl at 61c.
Flac Scott-Quiet at 1 'l5.
Timotliy.1irriior ; prima to high grades ,
1 281 20 ; choice , I 30 ; ordInary to good ,
1 24@41 21 ; .
I'ork-Unsettlod mid lower ; closed at Inside
prIces ; 11 OOQI1I 10 for cash ; 10 93 for No.
vembor ; 11 00 for 1)ecuuber ) ; 10 05@11 00 for
iii's ' year ; 11 5211 55 for January ; 11 67 ®
11 70 for , 1cbrunry.
Lard-Fair demand ; closed at iiisido prices ;
7 42 for cash and November ; 7 .10@7 42 for
December and the year ; 7 47 for February.
Bulk Meats-In fair demand ; shoulders ,
4 75 ; short ribs , 6 60 ; short clear , (3 75.
Butter-Quiet and unchanged ; fair to fancy
creamery , 21@29o ; good to fancy dairy , 14.
Eggs-Qufet at 24c.
% VhLsky-Steady anti unchanged.
CALLBOAItD-Wheat-Actlve ; advanced jc
. . , for November ; declined Lu for December ; ad.
' vanced c for January.
Corn-In fair domind ; advanced o for o
vember , jo for December , and c for the year.
Oats-In fair demand ; declined c for Do.
ceniber and May ; dclined 4o for the year.
Pork-Active and weaker ; declined 2c for
Lard-Active and weaker ; Sc lower for to.
vombor arid the year ; declIned 4c for Decum.
her and the year.
Visible 8UpJly of Grain November 3.-
Wheat-3O,67O0O bits. ; corn , 10,336 000 bus , ;
cats , 5,511.000 bus. ; rye , 2,359,000 , litre. ; bar.
Icy , 2,587,000 , bus.
' On call .alos of regular whoatwere 1,750,000
bus. . , corn 310,000 bus. , oats 110,000 , bus. , iork
.O.UOO bbls. , lard 11,500 tierces ,
Cheese-Market steady ; choice full cream
dieddzui , 11@12c ; chcice full cream i1at ,
12@121c ; good part skim cheddars and IIat.J ,
7C8c ; hard skims , 24c.
hides-Unchanged ; green salt cured light ,
& ; green salt damaged , Ge ; green malt heavy ,
green salt calf , 110 ; dry salt , lie , dry calf ,
Tallow-No. 1 , 627c ; No 2 , 6ccake ; , 7c.
ItANSAS OiryNoveenbcr 8.-Whost-.Weaker
anti nominal ; No. 2 sod , lilAc bid , 84&c asked
for cash ; 95c for December ; 84c asked for
the year ; bolt , O293C.
Corn-Weaker ; No. 2 mIxed 38c for cash ;
370 Idd for November ; a5 for .Eanuary.
Oat-DuIl and nominal ; 23c blil.
Lrvgnr'oo , November 8.-1read5tuffd-
Firm ,
Wheat-Winter , &i 6d9I id ; spring , 8sI8o
1LtrTIMOIt ; November 8.-Wheat-Vestezp
Iikrher ; No. 2 wInter red , cash , 1 O$6 1 O8.
Corn-Western , bigher ; mixed , cash , 5.3
( ) &ti-Scarco and hIher ; western white ,
373c . mixed , 34 ( 3Q.
. . 1ye-QuIe at 65q7C
Butter-Steady ; western packed , t020c ;
creamery , 2O@2C.
] : ggeFirm at 29c.
Whlsky-Stoay at 1 1S@1 1St.
NEW YORK , November S.-WhoaL-Cq1m
@o and options @ 1Ac , nusettleti an1
lower closing heavy' ungraded red , D0C ®
I 13 ; ko. 1 rot1 0lc ; FO. 3 rod , steamer , Jlc ;
No. 3 rod. I Oo@1 07 o. 2 red , 1 131117.
Corn-Cash , ic nnm options ' @l'c , un'
settled and lower ; ungraded , bt'6lc No. 2 ,
CiO162c ,
Oats-@c lower , clo1ng weak ; mixed
western , .44127c ; white , Z3Sfij43c.
Eggs-.Wcstorn fresh , finn anil in geol do.
mnand at 2Oj2Se.
l'ork-Firmn and fairly acthe ; now mnes' ,
12OOl212 , . .
Lard-\S oak ; prime steam , 90 ,
Butter-Virus ami in good demand ,
rEltlA L'gODVCK.
PE0nIA , November 8.-Corn-QuIet ; Mglm
nilxud , 1'c ' 2 immixed , 4Sc.
Oats-Easy . : No. 2 white , 30@30c ,
Srltiskv1.irmmi at $1 15.
sr. LOIJIS ? ItOfltCC.
Sr. Louts , November 8.-Wlieat-Markat
lower and fairly actke ; No. 2 red , 1 0i
I Ol for cash ; Si O1 for November 1 03 for
December ; l OI. for the year ; $1 O5 for Jan.
orn-rowor and slow : .1 114 lc for cash ;
41o for November ; 12c for December ; 12c
bid for January.
Oats-Lower and slow ; 26@26o for cash ;
26c for for November ; 2Tc for December.
Bttter-llrnm ; dairy , t8@21c ; creamery , 2o
Flaxsood-1 34I 31.
Itay-Finn ; l'rairie , 10 OO11 00 ; tnnothy ,
Ii O01SOO.
Corn MoM-$2 15@2 20.
CtoslNr ; BoARD-Wheat-Easier ; I 01 bkl
for November ; 1 O2 for December ; 1 O for
January ; 1 O7f for February.
Corn-Steady ; dlgc bid for ovcmnbor :
.l2c for December and the year ; 12@l2c
for .1aiiuary.
Oats-1asier ; 26 c for November ; tue hod
for December ; 27Ej28c for January.
MiawAuKax , November 8.-Wheat-Quiet ;
06e for November ; 95c for December ; 9Sc
for January.
Corn-Scarce and wanted ; o. 2 , SSc ,
Oats-Stronger ; No. 2 , 2c.
llyo-Firm ; No. 2 , 56c.
Barley-Easier ; No. 2 , 00'c. '
Touno , November 8.-Wheat-Active but
lower ; No , 2 red , cash , I O3'
Corn-Dull and lower ; high mixed , Ic ;
No. 2 easy at 52c.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 cash amid November ,
81c ,
CrscIsNATr , November 8. - Wheat -
Strung at 1 0Sfii1 0S for calm.
Corn-Steady at 50c ,
Oats-Firm at 3O.fj31c.
Rye-Easior at 59I60C.
Pork-Qmdetnnd st2ady at 11 iSOcrell 75.
Lard-In good demand at 7 40j7 .I7.
Whisky-Firm at 1 13.
Nscw OnLEAs , November 5.-Corn-
lasicr and bcarce ; mixed , (31c ( ; yellow , .61@62c.
Oats-Quiet and weak at 3Sc.
Corn Meal-Dull and lower at 2 45.
Pork-Demand fair ; higher at U 75.
Lard-Steady : tierce , 8 00 ; keg , 8 62 ,
Bilk Meats-Dull but firmer.
Whisky-Steady ; Western rectified 1 O5 ©
1 20
CHICAGO. November 3.-The Drovers' Jour.
nal reportathis afternoon as follows :
logs-Weaker and 5@lOc lower ; packing ,
4 O0 4 40 ; packing and shipping , 1 45@5 00'
light , 4 'g-c4 65 ; skips , 3 0O@3 65 ; closed
dull , with 1,400 unsold.
Cattle-Best are strong , and others dull ;
exports , 6 25@7 30 ; good to choice shipping ,
5 4O6 10 ; common to medium , 3 005 20 ;
inferior to fair cows , 2 ! 2513J2 75 : medium to
good , 3 O03 75 ; stockers , 2 75@3 50 ; feed.
ore , 3 75Q4 25 ; range slow ; 0' ) Colorados ,
averaging 1,200 lb. sold at 5 00 ; 13O'Texana ,
950 ibs , 4 10 ; 287 'koxans , 925 Ibs , 3 80 ; 189
Texans , 1,020 hUe , at 4 20 ; 147 Texans , 850 Ibs ,
3 75.
75.SheepDull ; common to fair are lower ;
inferior to fair , 2 .OO2 50 per cwt. ; medium
tog od , 26O3OOchoice , to extra , 325@
4 00 ; lambs , per head , 75cf3 00 ; Texas sheep ,
2 O0@3 50.
KANSAS Cirr , November 8.-Time Daily In.
dicator reports :
Cattle-Steady and unchanged ; supply and
trading chiefly in Texans and Iow Mexican
ethers ,
Hogs-Firmer and lOc higlier ; sales at 4 60
@ 4 75.
Sheep-Quiet and unchanged ; natives , 2 00
@ 3 25.
Sr. Louis , November 8.-Cattle-All good
grades scarce and wanted ; common dull aiid
weak ; exports command quick safes at 6 OO ®
6 40 ; good to choice natives , 5 40(6 00 ; comn
moon to fair , .1 r0@5 25 : native butchers' etuff ,
4 O0f5-I 25 ; Texans , 3 25@4 10 ; Indians , 3 SO@
4 2i.
Slieep-Cood demand for best grades ; fair
to good , 8 2563 75 ; Primio to fancy , 3 SO ®
1 25 ; Texiuie , 2 @ 3 so.
CnrcAao , November 3.-Receipts and ship.
merits of flour and grain for the Past 24 hours
have boon as follows ;
Receimts , SImjp'ts.
I'Iour , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13ooo 19,000
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 06,000 37,000
Ccrxm , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 189,000 132,000
Oats , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 121,000m 74,000
Rye , busheLs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,000 5,000
Barley , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 80,000 134,000
NEW Y0I1K , November 8.-Receipts and
Shi1)IflOfltSOf flour amid grain for the lat 24 hours
have been as follows ;
BecoiltS Ship'ts.
'Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 93,000 83,000
Corn , bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 95,000 35 000
Oats bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000 , , . .
KANSAS Crrr Novemnbor 8.-Receipts and
shipments of grafu for the past 24 hours have
boon as follows'
Becoipte , Shlp'ts.
Wheat , bushels. . . . . . . . . . 12,000 17,000
Corn bushels. . . . . . . . . . . . 7,500 sooo ,
ChicAGo , November 8.-Jloccipts and ship.
meats of live stock for the pMt 24 hours have
been as foUowe ;
Beceipte. Sltip'ts.
Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ssooo . . . ,
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,800 . , , .
Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,400
Sr. Lours , November 8.-Bocelpti and ship.
monte of live stock for the past 24 hours have
been as follows ;
Receipts , Ship'te.
Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200 350
. . . . . . . . . . . . , 250
11A'I5Afl Cixy , November 8.-Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours
have been as follows :
ReceIpts , Ship'ts.
C attle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,2,000
I1ogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,100
Sheep , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ito
Wholesale Prlce .
Ovnce or Tus OsaicA Ba ,
Tbursday Bvening , Nomwnber,8 : ,
The folI'w1ng pricea are charged retailers
by jobbers , wholesalers and comrnlsloa meg' .
chants , with the exception of grain , which Is
quoted atthe pricosfuriiishodby the elevators
and other local buyers :
Orals. .
VREAT-CLISh No , 2 , 75c ; No. 3 , GSc.
Bmu.xy-Caslm No. 2 , 413c.
RTE-Cah No. 3 393c.
Coa-No.2 , S2c ,
O&ris-No , 2 , 27c.
Live Stock.
FAT STEEaS-QuIet at 3 ( )3 ) 40 ,
FAT Cowig-2 73 25 ,
Uoos-4 004 15 ,
SHEt-Virm t 3 0O3 rio.
CAtvmu-Falrquality 4 00'gOOd ; bnthh.
ore' stock , 600.
Jlonr .tndMllletuffe.
WI.rEnVilLttIiest quhlty , IalMntat , :
340@3&o. ' . - .
SECONI ) QUAtTTT4 OOt3 .141.
SPItING VIlrAr-I3ost quallty , patent ,
8 6O@3 60.
SECONI ) Qcury-2 3O 3 60.
IIRAN-65c per cwt.
CliorrEn } 'ET.l-Por 100 lbs. SSc.
( OIlN MEAL-I 0O1 10 per cwt
SCZtEEhlNQ-6OtJ7Oe POr cmv
Grocore List ,
CANNED Goons-Oysters ( Standard ) , ver
case , 3 70@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 It , , 1mg' case ,
2 10 ; raspberries. 2 It , , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett
Pears , er case , 2 40 ; whortleberrlos per case ,
80 ; egg lllms % , 2 lb per case , 2 90 ; gron
gages , 2 lt , , var cow , 2 t ; do choice , 3 It , , per
case , I 130 ; t'imio alli1o.i , 2 Ib , per case , 4 ®
5 60.
ROVE-Sisal , inch anti larger , lOic , inch ,
10 c ; j Inch , ilic.
b ANIIY.mi-BOxO1 , 40 lbs , lOs , 1r ; Se , iSo ;
bo'ces 40 lbs , 1(3 ox , , Os , ISo.
MATcmIas-I'er caddie , 35c ; round , cases ,
1 55 : square caqes , 1 70.
SuoAns-lowderod , ilk ; cut loaf , be ;
granulated , 9o ; conlectionerim' A , 8c ; SLuml.
ant otra C , Sc ; extra C , 7c ; inodbun yol'
low , 7c ; dark yellow , 71c.
Coyrsams-Ordinarygredos , 1OiIc ; fair 12
(12c ( ; good , 11@lSc ; prime , 12@12.c ; choice ,
13J14c ; fencygroon and yollow,14@15c ; old
government Java , 20@26c ; Levering's roasted.
14o : Arbuekho'n reast.od , 17c ; McLaughlin's roasted , 1Tc ; Imitation Java , 16
® lSjn.
ittcx-Lonlslaima l1mo to choice , 7c ; fair
6c. I'atma , ( c.
1i1snNo. .1 mackerel , half bris , , 8 00 ; No ,
1 mackerel , .tits , 1 15 ; fanmily mackerel , half
brie. , 6 00 ; family mackerel kits , OSe ; No. 1
white fish , half brie. , 7 00 ; ko. i. kits I 05.
Svnur-Standard Corn , , 35c , bole ; tandanl
do , 4 gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kegs , 1 60 ,
fon.-In hbPPor , 3 30 per'caso ; kegpcr ib ,
Picrmrs-Modinni , In barrels , 7 00 ; do
in half barrels , 4 00 ; small in barrels , S 00 ; do
in half barrels , 4 75 ; ghorkinsinbarrols , 1)00 ) ;
do in half barrels , 5 ( JO.
TRAS-Guupowtlor , good , 45@55c ; choke 60
' (7So ( ; good Iniporial , 4013c ; choice , 60@fiSc ;
2'oung Ifyson , good , 865Oc ; choice ,
OSe@l 00 ; Japan natural loaf , 35c ; .Tapan ,
choice , 6O75c ; oloiig , good , 3540c ; Ooloug ,
choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , ROOd , 35@40c ;
choice , 3rfJ.I5c ,
W000aNwAnr-Two hoop imalls , 1 85 ;
three hoop pails 2 10. Tube , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo'
neer wn.ihboar e , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wellbuckete 3 85.
S0APS-ldrk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; klrk'
eatinot , 3 60 ; KIrk's standard , 8 75 ; KIrk's
white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirlc'.a eutoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's
magnolia , dux.
P0TASII-Ponneylvanla calls , 4 case , in ,
3 35 ; Babbltts ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 1)0 ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50.
CANnY-French mixed , In 30 lb. pails , iSo ;
American mixed. In SO lb i'all , lIe ; Brilliant
mixed in 30 lb pails , 13c : Noboy mixed , in 80
lb ; maIls , 13c ; Competition mnixed , in 30 lb
paila , 12.c ; Excelsior stick , 30 lb pails , 13c ;
double refined , 30 lb ; ails , 13c ; Crystal mixed ,
80 lb nails , iSo ; Old Lime mixed , 80 lb Pails ,
14c ; Tip 'i'op.mnlxed , 30 lb bills , 13c ; Flirt ,
mixed , 30 lb pails , 11c ; Flirt , stick , SO lb
imails , 11c ; 'Iii Top , stick , 30 lb pails , 12c.
VINEGAR-New mf ork apple lOc ; Ohio ample
plo , 13c.
SALr-Dray loads , per bbl , 1 SO ; Ashthn , iii
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , Se , 330.
STARcII-Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , lie ; Corn
Starch , tIc ; Excelsior Gloss 7c ; Corn , Sc.
SrIcEs-l'opper , 17c ; a11lice , iSo ; cloves
25c ; cnesia , itc.
LYE-American 3 40 ; Greenwich , S 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; worth Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye
4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75
General Produce.
BUTIER - Fancy creamery 29@31o ; cold
storage creamery , 2527c ; ho0 dairy , 20
@ 24c ; best country , solid isacked , iG@20c ;
beat country , roll , 18@2Ocl inferior grades ,
10@14c. Market declining , owing to large re
ceipte amid poor quality.
Eocsfleceipts faIr ; selling at 25c for
Ar'i'r.mus-Ciioico eating , regular packing ,
$3 50@4 00 ; choice cooking1 regular packing ,
$3 OO@3 50 ; extra chomco , $3 504 00.
Strictly fancy ap9lOS vell packed are In good
demand. Market advancing ,
C1ImsE-New York State full cream , 14c ;
5 hoop lots , 13c ; full cream chodders , new ,
13c ; full cream cheddere old , Oc ; full croamig , 2
in hoop , 14c ; Young Ajnericas , i ; crania ,
ery skims tic ; fine Swiss cheese , lUc ; Lim.
ougcr , 14c ; Edameach , $1 25.
P0TAT0ES-Rcceipts large and prices
unchanged. Consignments of strictly choice ,
large sized , straight potatoes are scum
from 34 to Sdc ; mIxed cars 80 to 32o an
light demand ; poachblowe , 40c.
SWEET PoTATOES-Choice yellow , 2@3c.
ONIONS-Receipts larger ; choice large red
Wethersfleld selling at SOc. No demand.
CABBAGE-Market for choice stock $5 OO ©
13 00 per hundred. Demand good.
Bx.aNS-iland Picked navies , $2 T@3 00 ;
hand vicked mediums $2 OO2 25 , Re.
ceipt.s fair : demand joom1.
GASIE-l'rnirie chickens , per doz. , $2 SO ®
3 00 ; quail , $2 SO ; ducks , 1 502 50 ; geese ,
2 OO@2 50 ; venisomi carcass , 815j9c.
FRESH Orsrxns-elects , 45c ; mediums , 35c.
P0ULrnv-Live chickens , per doz , 2 SO ®
3 00 ; dressed chickens , 9C lb. , 1213c :
turkeys , full dressed , per lb. , ide. Dcmaiitl
for full dressed Poultry good.
LEIoNH-Extra fancy bar lemons , $8 00 ;
fancy Messina lonious , pe box , S7 25 ; 5 box
lots , Messina lemimone , $7 00 ; 10 box lots do , ,
$6 75. 'rlmrse are strickly choice Messina ,
lemor. .
mand at $4 0O@4 50 l' ° box. California
Duchess Buerre , Ciargean , etc. pears , per box ,
$3 O03 50.
I'EACILIO4-Clioice Michigan hOg' basket , SOc
@ 1 00. Receipts fair ; demand for choice
stock good
DATs-Blaclc Arabian , uer lb. , 8@Oc ;
quarter crates , lOc.
Fics-25 lb. kegs , per lb. , 12c ; 10 lb. box ,
layer , i ° r lb. , lStc.
CocoANcLM-1xtra fine , per )0 , 8 00.
CAuTFOILNIS. Paun-In good demand ;
2 252 50 per ox.
Cinmcit-luro sweet cider , 16 gal keg , $4 50 ;
1 ! , & 1' . clarified , 16 gal keg , 5 00 ; 1sf. & P.
clarified , 82 gal keg , $8 00.
Pies Fv.rr , iiIrr ; ETc.-Pigs feet , 15 lb
kits , SI. 15 pigs .10 lb qr bbl , $2 25 pigs feet ,
80 lb half bbl , SI 00 ; trIpe , 15 lii Idts , $1 15 ;
tripe , ' 10 lb ( jr bbl , $2 25 ; trIpe , 80 lb half bbl ,
$4 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 lb kIts , $2 nO ; pigs
tongues , .10 lb qr bbl $6 00. Lambs' tongues ,
is lb kits , $2 6 ; 40 lb bbl , $6 25.
MINcV. MEAT-i8lb buckets ( buckets 25c )
JOc ; 37lb hucket ( bucket 40c ) , bc. ; lOOlb
kegs , ilk ; half barrels lOc. stormojars' 12 in case ,
96 doz , 82 25 ; tumbler , per iloz , $1 95 ;
schooner , per dozen , $3 10 ; tin cans , 4
doz. . In case , $1 40 ; 2.ib tin cans , 2 doz In case ,
BULK .TEI.TIE.5-Curraflt , wood jinils ,
per II ) , 8c ; strawberry , wood pails i'er
Ib , 8c ; raspberry. wood 1Jul11 hmer Iii ,
8c ; blackberry wood iuils ier Ib , 8c ;
crab apple , 3O.llj wood julIe per 11 , , 8c ,
Arvuc wooden pails , per Ib ,
$8 00 ; wooden pails , 6 in case , per case ,
83 50.
I'IeACIl Burrxn-26.lI , wooden pails per ib ,
311 00 ; wooden pails , 6 In case , per , case ,
l 25.
l'iueenviis-In ( wooden pails-1t..sp. }
bony , $15 00 ; strawberry , quince , $14 00 ;
leach , $14 00 ; cherry. $14 00 ; tomatoes , F14 00 ;
ilum , , L14 00 ; aasorted , 5.1IJ wooden buckets ,
6 In case , ler casu , 84 76 ; assorted , tin
cans , 2 do in case , case , $3 25 ,
NEURASKA Cou : 1osy-1.lh frames ,
cases , mer lb , lSc.
OIIANGES-Louislauas PO bbl , $9 00 : do. ,
box , $5 00
BAN.tNAS-Cholce , per bunch , $3 OO@1 00 ,
CtaNIIeIImmmom-maiicy Cape Cod , highs color ,
$14 00 ; bell and bugles$12 ; r.Oballnmid ; cherry ,
$10 75. SPecial prices on large loW ,
ILAY-ilalOd , S OO@JlO 00 liar too ; In bulk ,
60O66Oper ton.
Dry GooW.
BeowN COroNa-At1antic A , 8c ; Apple'
ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; Iloot JP } ' SIc ,
Buckeye LI , , 4.-I , 7c : Cabot W , 74c ; CliltEc.
nango A 61c : GruatFalle B 8c ; hoosier , 6c ;
IlomuiatidthSc ; Indian IioadASo ; Indian
Standard A , Sc ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 7c ;
Lawrence Lii , 61c ; Mystic River , 7&o ; Pequot
A , 8c ; Utica h , &c ; Waclmu.sett 3 , 7c ; thu
A 8o do E 48 , 12c.
Fzzr bmtowN COrrONii-Allendate 4.4 7c
Alligator 3.4 , 3. Argyle 4.4 , 7c ; Atlantic
1414 , 6c' Badger 3tate iC 4.4 , 6c ; Bennington
C 4.4 , tc ; Buckeye S 4.4 , 6c ; Indian Orchard
- - -
AA 0.8 , Sc Laconla 0 39 8c Tohlgh B 4.1
Oc ; l'epperell N 30 , 7'c ; o ti s2 , Tjc ; do i (
3d. 7e ; do I 39 , 8c ; Pocaamet 0 4.1 , 7e ;
Wamsutta 4.1 , 13c.
13LEACIISI ) CorroNa-Antiroscogglim L 4.1
9o ; Blacketommo Alt imperial 8o ; tIe ( O hall
bleached 4.1 9 ; Cabot 4.3 , 8c ; Fidelity 4.4 ,
O'c ; Fruit o the Loonm , Plc ; ilo cambric 4.1 , tb Wator'rwIet , 10c Great Falls Q , Pa
Indian head shrunk 4.4 , i20 ; LonedalO , iOc
0 cambrIc 37 , 12c ; Now York Milk , l2ic !
Pequot A , bOo ; Fopporel , N G Twills , 121c ;
l'ocamonts ) , 4.4 , Uv ; I'ocasset 5.4 , S ; Utica ,
lie ; Vatnsntta 0 X X l2c
Ducs ( ColoretlhAl.nmny i brown , So : mb
C , ( iral , I Ic ; do XX stripes afll lmlidii , 12 1.2c ;
do XXk lrowi .nd dm1 , , PitrilloS stint l'lhI ,
12 1.2c ; Arliurton fancy , 1lc ; Bnuissmlck
brown , 8 1.2c ; Jhmarlot fancy , P2 12c ; rio
tea heavy , 20c ; } 'all Itivorbrown , extralienvy ,
11 1.2c ; indiana A browim , 13c Neponset A
biuwn , iSo ,
Ticxtns-Amoskoag AC A32 , 19i ; do XX
llime 32 18 1.2c ; Arrowanima , U 1.2c ; Clara.
immont 113 15 1.2c ; Conestoga , extra. 17 l'2c ;
linmntltsom J , ii 1.2c ; Lewleton ASO , ISo ; ? . , ' ( U
imehaha .1.4 , 2O ; Onmega , simper extra l.4 , ? .
I'oarl 1ti'.er 32 , 16 t'lc ; 1mmtnamn XX blue
stripe , 12c ' Shctmmckot 5 , 10 1.2c ; do SS , 1'Jc ;
Yeoman's 'blue 29. Oc.
DENISIS-Anmoskoag , blue and brown,1G I .2c ;
Andover 1)1) blue , 15 1.2c ; Arlington X blue
Scotch , 18 1.2c ; Concord 000 , blue anti
browmm , 12 1.2c ; tb AAA , do do , 13 1.2 ; do
Xx to ilo tkm , 14 1.2c ; Iaymnakor's blue and
ltOWfl 9 1'2C1 Mystic River DD stripe , 16 l.2c ;
Pearl Iliver , blue ami brown , 16c Uncnsvllle ,
bluonmul brown , 14 1.2c.
Csmmluca-Banmaril , 5e ; Eddystone llnlnR ,
21 Inch double face , 8cUarnor ; A glazed , 6c ;
Mitnhattattm gdovo finish , 52c : Nonport. do. SIc ;
do glazed , 5c ; Poquot do , c ; Lockwood kid
finish , Ge.
Couasr .TEANS-Amory1 Andrescogitm
satthoi Sc ; Clarondon ( 'IC : Conestogga sat.
t000 ! ' , c ; ilallowoll , Sc ; Indian Orehiaril , 7c ;
Nnrragonsott , improved , h3c ; l'opporihl eat.
teen , 9.c ; 1iICkhOrt , 60.
l'iuxm-Allons , Cc' American , 6c : Arnldo ,
6c ; ilorwick , 4c ; Cochuoo , 6 Coneatoga , Sic ;
lanklrk , Sc Dimunoil , 6@7c ; iddystono , Iic ;
Gloucester , 6c' Ilarniony , 5.c ; Knickerbocker ,
6c ; Morrinmac I ) , Tc ; lfystic , 5o ; Sprauos ,
lie ; Southbrhlgo , Cc ; do Ginghams , To ; Marl.
bow , 5c ; Orioimtal , 8e ,
(3 INomlAsis-Amoskoag. 9c ; Argyle , So ;
Atlantic , 8c ; Cuinbcrlaml , 7c ; highland , 7c ;
Konilworthi , 9e ; Pluukstt , 9c ; Sussex , Sc.
ConoNAnas-Abborvlllo , i3c ; Agate , 260 ;
Aumorkan , lic ; Artisian , 21k : CaIrn .1) and T ,
13c ; Clarion 1) amid T , i7c ; Docan Co.
etritmos B atiti T , lOb ; Keystone , i3c ; Nan'
timekot , i9c' Nonpareil , Ilk ; Ocean 1) amid T ,
13c ; Itoyal , 1Gc ; Sussex , 12c ; Tic'gaVaclnm. .
colt elmirting checks , i2c ; do Nankin i2lce
York , Plftimt Nankin , 12.c ; do chocks , stripes
vimd fancy , 12.c ; do S oz , 260.
SIIcKTINGS-Antlroscogglmi iO.4 27c ; mb
11.4 , 23c ; do 3'4 , 32c : Contbnentat C 42. tb ;
Fruit of the Loommi 10'.l ; 27c ; Now York ma Its
( J. SSc ; do 78 , SOc ; do Sd , 22c ; Pembroke
10.4 , 2So ; 1'iiiot 10.4 , 23c : do 7I , iDe : do 49 ,
ific ; i'empeaell ; 90 , llOc ; do 67 , 21c ; mb 7 , iSo ;
Utica 96 , 360 ; do 52 , 22c ; do I8 , lie. ,
ralmmteollg and Varnishes.
OILM-i1O carbon , ver gallon , i3c ; 150 °
lmoadlilit , l gallon , iSo ; 175 ° lmeatllight ,
per gallon , 20c ; 150 ° water white , itic ; liii
sued , raw , ; pr gailontSSc ; linseed , boiled , er
gallon , SSa 1jar1 , winter str'd , ior gallon , SOc :
No. 1 , TOcNo. ; 2 , GOc ; castor , ! pr gal
lou , 1 50 ; No , 3 , 1 3O sweet , Imor gaUom : S5c
P ° " W.B. , pe gallon , 1 60 ; fislmV1. . IL ,
porgailon , 65c' neatsfootcxtra , nor gallon , 1)60 ;
No. 1 , 75c ; lufricat'mng , zero , per gallon , 360 ;
summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , l gal.
Ion , SSc ; No. 2 , 25c ; spnn , sigitat , uier gallon ,
SOc ; turpentine , ler gallon , SOc ; iiaptha , 74 ° ,
Per gallon , iSo.
1'AmNTS tN Oiu-White load , Omaha P. P.
Go ; white lead , St. Louis pure , 6.c ; Marseilles
green 1 to 5 lb camie , 2tSc ; French xlnc green
seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lic ; French
zinc , in varnish nest , 21k : Fmonch zinc , I : : 011
nest , iSo ; raw and burnt number , 1 lb cane , 160 ;
raw and burnt SIenna , lao ; vandyke brown
ISo ; refined lamnl > black , i2c ; coach black , and
i'ory black , ICc ; drop black , lOc ; Prussian
blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , iSo ; chrome green
Ii. ir. .k D , jOe ; blind and shutter green , 1
Id. & D. , iOc ; l'ads groan , 18c' Indian roil ,
iSo ; Venetian red , tic ; Tuscan roil , i2c ; Amen.
can Vcrmnilhon I. it P. lSc ; chrome yellow
L , M. , 0. & b. 0. , lee ; yellow ochre , Do ;
golden ochre , ific , Patent dryer , 8c ; grainimig
colors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , cht Inut
and ash , iSo.
Dry Paints.
White lead , Sc ; French zinc , tOe ; Paris
whiting , 2c ; whiting gildore , 1c ; whiting
com'l lic ; lamnpblack , Gormautowa , 14c ;
lampblack , ordinary , 160 ; Prussian blue , 55c ;
ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown,8c ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber. raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt 4c ;
sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , genuine 25c ;
Pani green , comnmon2Oc ; chromogreen , k.Y. ,
20c ; chrome green' is. . , 12c ; vermIlliofi , Eng. ,
70c ; vormillknm , American , iSe ; Indian red ,
160 ; rosa pink , ide ; Venetian red , Cokusose ,
2c ; Venetian red , American , ic red lead ,
7c ; chromo yellow , genuine , 260 ; chrome ye1.
low , K. , 12cochro ; , rocholic , & ; ochreJrench ,
2c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral ,
2c ; lehigh brown , 2c ; Spanish brown , 2c ;
Prince's mineral , Sc.
VAnxIsIgzs-Barreis per gallon : 1"urnl.
ture , extra , $1 10 ; furntture , No. 1 , $1 ; coach ,
extra , $1. 40 ; coach , No. 1 , Si 20 ; Damnar ,
extRa , 81 75 ; Japan , 760 ; ZLSIhaituiii , extra , 85c ;
shellac , $3 50 ; hard oil finish , $1 5O.
Leatimer ,
a sole , 38c to 42c ; lmernioclcsolo28e to 35c ;
"CII , I , hip , BOo to 1. 00 ; runner ( ISo to 860 ;
oem o calf , 85c to 1 20 ; hemlock upper , 23c
to 260 ; oak upper , 23c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ;
calf kid , 82@35 : Greisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak
hip , SOc to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French
kip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2.00 ; rue.
sct.s , 5 50 tim 7 50 ; lInings , 6 00 to 10 50 ; to1) .
liiigS , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B , L. Morocco , 300 to SSc ;
POlblo 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; simon , 2 50 to 300.
HARNESS-No. 1 star oak , 42c ; No 2 do ,
SOc ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No.
1 Milwaukee Sic ; No. 2 do 3-Ic' .
Dull and weak ; greflim butchers , Cc ; green
salted , 7'i@7c ; dry fluiit , 12lSc ; dry salt ,
iOS3llc ; anmageti hides , two.thirds lrlco ,
Siutri' 1'Lt-25c@1 00.
Merlno tmwashiod , light 1-1@iOc ; heavy ,
13iSo ; medium unwashed , light , iB@20c ;
washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 360 ; tubantl washed ,
28c ; burz'y , blaekaudcutted wool , 2@6O ' ,
Lum Der.
We quote lumber lath and ahlngleaon oars
at Omaha at time foliowin prices :
JoIST ANI ) Scs.TLINu-16 ft. anil under
2200 ; lSft , 2350.
TzncmEiw-1ll foot and nuder , 2200.
TIimrmm AND , Tomwr-18 It , 23 50 ; 20 it , 23 50 ;
22 ft , 26 50 ; 2111,2650.
FENCING-No. I , 4 and 6 in. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
SIlRrruiG-No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 2000 ;
No , ° , 18 00.
L&E-l'ar barrel , I 26 ; bulk per bushel' 35c ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa lIast' bbl , 2 50 ; hair
per bu. Soc ; Tarred felt , 100 ISa , 3 50 ; straw
board , 350 ,
fleavy ifartiwaro List.
Iron , rate ; 2 60 ; plow steel special cast , 7c'
crucible , 8c special or ( lom-uman , Go ; cast too !
do , i520 ; wagon spokes , set , 2 25tA3 00 ; hubs
Pr set , 1 25 ; folluo asweil dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , 7085c ; aales each , 7So ; wiuare nuts imor
lb , 7iic ; washers , or Ib , 8lSc ; rivets , per
ib , lic ; coil chaIn , pen tbG@12c ; malleable , Bc
iron wedges , Go ; crowbsrs Go ; barrow teeth
4c ; spring teal , 78c ; Burden'shursohoes , 525
Burden's inuleshoes ' 0 2h ,
BARRED Wiiis-I'ri car lots , Sc per 100.
NAIzn-tates , 10 to GO , 3 ' 20.
Snor-Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental
powder , kegs , 6 40 ; (10 , , hall kegs , S 48 ; do. ,
quarter ketn , , 1 8 ; blasting , kegs , S 35 ; fuse ,
P ° 100 fooL , soc.
LEAI-Bar , 1. 65.
CoAn-Curabenland blacksmith 10 00 ; Mor.
mis run Blossburg , 10 \Vhitefireast ; lump ,
S 00 ; Whitebreast nut , S 00 ; Iowa lump , 00 ;
Iowa nut 5 00 ; IlocIc SmriIig , 7 00 ; Anthra
cite , ii O QiI ) 25 ; Canoms City , 7 00 , per ton
Llquo re.
Aacouou-1S3 proof , 2 25 per wino gallon
extra California spirits , 1813 iroof , I 25 ier
proof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 1.87 proof ,
1 28 ien' proof gallon ; ro.dtstilled whiskies ,
1 OO1 50 ; fine blended , 1 riO2 to' Ken.
timolcy bourbons , 2 0O@7 00 ; Kentucky anti
l'ennsylvazmia ryes , 2 0O@7 00.
J1nANnns-rmporthd , 0 0Ol600 ; domestic
GINIS.-ImpoctMd , 4 SOQM 00 ; domestic , 1 40
rItuesImportod , 4 5O6 00 ; Now England ,
2 OO4 00 ; domosti ; 1 603 50. ,
Pzacs Kl ) Mrz.E Bu.uv-1 754 00 ,
CnAcrAoNmum . - Imported per case , 23 0O ®
:34 00 ; s'imorican'por case , 12 OI10 00.
Pt'e TOmACCO. C1lma , SOc : Bullion , 660 ;
ilorsosmoo ) , SOo' Ster SOo ; Ituddy , 'ISo ; Her.
soy's , 48c' Illaclc , & 'k4Oc.
FIZ cT--Cnndmon , 2O360 : good , 4 ®
flOe ; ibm I.naf , 60 : Premium , OSc ; DIamond
Crown , SSc ; SItcon , 47o.
Siotyo-O. S. , 21c ; Moerechisumu , 28c ; fur.
ham , 8 or. , SSc ; Ihmrlanm , 4 os. , r,7e : Durham ,
2 or. , 65c Seal of North Carolina , S ne , , SSc :
Scat of North CarolIna , 1 oz. 57c ; Seal of
Siontbm Carolina , 2 or. , fOe ; 0. k , 1)Irlmammm , I
or. , 2e ; 0. K , Dorhan' , 2 o , . , blOc ; Uncle
Neil , 4's , 25c ; Tout auth , 'orry , 2Jc.
- -
DENVER Mstit1UT. ANOI.uu-llamq lG35ul6c :
lrt'akfast baron , Irmlrc : sflhkC'tj sides , t1 ,
® l0c ; salt sIdes , 89c ; lard , i0c ,
GnmXN : Pmuit .tNui'nonvcR-i ot.atoas , 5OI
ISo ver 100 poummile ; iioL'mtocs , sweat , pet 100
pounds , 2 2c2 7'l ; onlotme , per 100 lsnmmmtls ,
SI 6O2 00 ; tommmatsmos , er pound , 21@Sc ;
tunmil'i , var I ) , , Ic ; Coboniuhi , cabbage , now ,
per bOO , i5cf3jl 00 ; live elmiclceims , ulmi per dot ,
; I OO4 25pnaminio ; chickammi per doz , $ 0O3 TO ;
eggs , freh , u'cr tloi. , t8fi.8lc ! ; butter , fair minal.
it3 creamnory , finest imer ib , 856J30 ; crenimmery ,
good , ; or Ib , 243Ic ; Kaimsa. , and Nebraska
ilatry , or 11 , , 2k2Iccocmking,8QlOc : ; clmoeo ,
Lull croani , tier lb. IGfjI4hTc ; nlml)1Oi ur bid ,
easthnmm , .34 75610 00 ; grnpo. , lor lb.
5iGe : ; Calilormila pears , ; 'Or box , 3 25
6.3 55 ; phummis , 20 lb boc , 2 OOQ2 fiO ; Mes.
emmia lcmnon , oxtma , Per liox , $7 O05S 00 ; Cslo.
rain vlmoat , ier lXlI ( , , SI 8Ot 88 ; flour , Col.
orado , t'or 100 Ui , 82 0O2 25 ; flour , patent ,
$2 'JO@3 00 ; flour , Kansas , PO 100 Ib , $2 705)j
a 00 ; flour , Uralmatmi , tier 100 Ib , $2 0Oj2 SO ;
flour , rye , per 100 lh , $2 L'PO6J'J 70 ; Iboimr , buckwheat -
wheat , per bId $11 t'061j12 SO ; corn macat , er
100 ibs , $1 85 ; corim , per 101) lbs. $1 2 , ©
I 30 ; conmi chop , Per lOOllis , $1 301 38 ; now
oats , per 100 Ibs , $1 arfuijl ,15 ; oats , Nebraska ,
niixotl , l'r 100 Ib , St 30@l 4Ooats ; , Nobrnskn ,
white , tier 100 Ibe , SI $51 45oatmm ; , Colorado ,
Per 100 lbs , $1 259l 85 ; barley , per 100 hls ,
$1 60l Vt ) ; mnixodchmo , tsr 100 Ibs , $1 83 ®
1 10 ; brami , Per tomi , $ ti OOlt ) 00 ; hay , loose ,
Par ton $12 00@11 00 ; baled second bottom ,
810 OOc3u1'.i 00 ; bated upland , lI OO@l7 00 ;
clover , per ton , $20 00 ; straw , imor toim , $ S 00
@ 1:00. :
RaliwayTime Table.
. 13. 1' . R It. , MAIN tlNR.
mLHVS. .
l'aclfla ) czprcse.12o5 : p in Atlantlo Es1irvss7S a w
Western } a' .rCsS 8ce : pm VeterrsHxprogs. 3Op : ma
a. Island Ias5 . , . .4GOi : mn 0. Island L'as. bI:4e : a in
Lincoln Ha..t2iO P in Llnooln Nt..i2A5 p ma
T.mcomitaha I 7:10 : , 8:00.9:00 : : , 10:00 : , 11:1)0 : a : tim. ,
1:00 : , 200 , 8OO ,4' .00 , 5:00 : , (3:00 ( : , 10:10 : . at. On Simm , .
11535 : 7:10,0:00 : : , 11:00 : . am ; COO : , 4OthOO : , 10:10 : p.
ni. Arrive attreneferdepotO inlmnitnelater ; IlnosiF
; n3' depot , CitmiieII Imlulis , : : o midmiutes Inter.
Lca a Council liltitTi , , nrosdmnty ( lopat , 8:00 : , 9:00 : ,
10:00 : , 11:00 : a. mu. ; i:0o : , 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , 6:00 : , 0:35 : ,
10:40 : : , .mn. On 3imttdnys ; 8:00 : 10:00 a. ma. ; 1:00 : , 8:00 : ,
5:00 : , e:3 : , 10:40 : ) , . iii. ArrLo 'irammafer depot , lonilu , '
titos later.
Leave Council niug5 Tranefer tiepot : 8:5 : , DC5 ; ,
10:25 : , 11:25 : a. at. ; 1:25 : , 2:2S : , 3:25 : , 4:25 , 5Q5 : , 025 , 6:50 : ,
10:55 : p. mit. Arrive Omitaha 20 tulumutum later.
LeAva cemaims. LMvs ceescu. eLurre.
Pass No. 2. . , .7:55 : a m Pass. No. a. . . . rro a ma
I. No. bO . . , . ,5' .45 I' Ri " No , 15. , . .U:5o : am
I , No. 4..3:505nu : ' No S..flHOam
, , No. . . . . . . . . . . ' No. Ia , , 735 P in
I , 1s.6..6:15am :
C. , M. & St. P. R. It-U. 1' . DEPOT.
ihtI&Rx..7:50am : PacliloEx..45mm
&tlantloEx..3:50 : 1) in Mall & Hz..7:10pm :
WABASh , ST. LOUIS .t PACIFIC-i' . 1' . ' DEPOT.
Omaha..50 a ma Omaha..11:20am
, , 5:50 : p ma I " . . . . . . . . . 5:20 : p ma
V. , 13 ci n. n.-u , p , DEPOT.
Mail'.7:10am : . . . . . . . . . :
. . . . . . . . . . . . ii ma ' . . . . . . . . . . . : pug
C. , ft. I. & V. R. 11.-U. P. DEPOT. ,
Esprose..7:50mm Mmli. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . : Erproee , , . . . . . . .7:10pm
C. & N. W. 11. IL-U. P. DEPOT.
Mall'.7:50am : . . . . . . . . . :
Expnon . . . . . . . . .3:50 : p ma ' . . . . . . . . . : P as
- S. V. & P. . IL IL-U. P. DEPOT.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . : a m Express..0:45 : 1
. . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . :
Express . . . .7:00 : a to I Express..0:45 : p as
C , , ST. PAUL , M. & 0. 11. 11.-DEPOT N. 15T11.ST
No.2'.7SOmmlNo.1. . . . . . . . . . . SaOpm
No. 4' . , . , .100p us INo , ' . . . . . . . . . . :
Leave Omaha for Valentine 'rim St. Paul Line
fo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lube from Valentine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5io ; p in
Denver Express. . .8:15 : a in Atlantlo. . . . . . 630p as
Pacifle Eipnce..035 p ma , DenverExprsee'O:40 : m in
Sc. C. , irE. JOE & C. B. K. 11.-B. & f. DEPOT.
& . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . .
8undaya excepted.
Opening antI Closing of Malls.
BOUT ! . OnE. 01,081.
Las. p.1mm. mm. p.m.
C &NW.C.R.L&P.C.B.
& Q. , St. l'aul .t Sioux City. 11:00 : 9:00 : 5:40 : 3:15 :
0. , ) l.&S.P. $ . C. & P. in Iowa 9:00 : 5:40 :
Walash Express. . . . . . . . . . . . 1230 3:15 :
Wabashlocal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:00 : 5:40 :
K. ( I. , St. Joe & C. B. . . . . . . . . 0:00 : 9:00 : 5:40 : 0:50 :
MissourI Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730 5:40 :
C. , St. I. 31. & 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : 7:20 :
Union Paclttc , overland. . . . . . 8:00 : 1L35
UnIon I'acllc : , Denver mx. : . . 4:00 : 7:30 :
0. & liepimblican Valley. . . . . . 1:3oIl:35 : :
B.5I. Expness. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 7:40 :
U. & St. for I'Iattemouth , S.
Bend , Ashland uiudLIricoln.11:00 : 5:40 :
OSico open Sundays from 12:00 ma. to 1:00 : p. m.
C , K. COUTANT Poetniae
Capital , - - $250,000.
JAS. B. UF.ARTWE1L , Prestlant.
A. L. CLAII1CN , Vlco.Presldent.
K. C. WEmlsTEltjTreasurer.
C , 1' . YEB8TEI1. Cashier.
mmnuel Aioxander , Oswat1 Oliver
t , L. Clarke , K. C. Webster ,
eo.U , l'ratt , Jas. 13. ifeartweil ,
first Mortgage Loans a SpOoialtV
hi. Company furnIshes a permanent home Inititu.
w here school Bonds anti other legally Issued Mu.
Securities to Nebraska carm be nerotlitod Sn
S t avorabie terms. Loan. inetle on mpoved
n all well settled countlo , ofthe state through
' his n.mal norresoonlente cv
OOLD MEDAL , pAft18 , 1878 ,
flapI BroHft Cocoii.
IVarranteil nbaoluf1y pur'
Cocoa , ( noun wilclm ! the excess o.
L Oil 1151 b't'fl removed. It line tires
t1ei the atrcnflh of Coc ni mntxeil
vllh Starch , , trnowroot or Sugar ,
end Is tliereforo far more economi.
cat. JI ii delicIous nourleIilni ,
. ctrengttictmiigen.hIy dlgesWd , tuai
admirably adapted for InvalIds ii
welt as ( or persons lii health ,
Sold b Urocere everywhere ,
L BAKER & CO. llorchcstcr1 IIs& ,
A SOON T ! ! M
All lb. . , .h. ft. . . . Iahlr.fln. , i. . . . or , ihIc. , , , , Ire
1,1k , un.rv. * , I.w.glOI.i , whquciIuy 5.ii.S , .D5 saible 14
perrore lire' . dull' . piogriy. C. , l 5.t&i.Ij 5.5 rosa.
. .oiIy cc , . . ) , iiii.4 , Wmob Xi4r..5 .
a.iar , 1,4 il , . v" Th Mdic..4 , . . I , 1i. Ii
piss ctO.tIg ? , , rvnu. l..Illt , m'h.I.l
I. .L5l h 'IIIB .MAIIM r.ia hioI.Ls. it. .
hoprle.s..r. ort4 .t , xi.i'a twr.iIoi , is 1,11 .n5 per.
n.m hurt , , acui , , . gl.a.iat.
( Pr $ r.sI , , , OonuijIsPlaii . fl phy.Mi. Id , . .
'f4'T ( ) ' " 0 4 ' ' p. . s. Vw
nil I1T'UflPTIUIflJ A regular graduate to
Un , LthllIJiiIlIU11 , medicine , Over sixteen
O06mndOOWyaudottuSt. yuan' pnaotloo-.twslv. to
KA2DIAS CITY , MO , ( Jhtcgo.
Authorized by the state to Ices ,
Chronic , Nervousisil i'ntvato diseases ,
Asthma Eplleidy , lUmeunistism , PUes ,
Talie % ontn , urinary and Skin 3M.
eseeSemlnml Weaknseeulghl ( loeees
Sexual IsbUltyOoius nf.exusl&we ; ,
Ito. 'Uris gu&taateed or money refunded. argos
low , Thuussnds of see cured. No Injurious mcdl.
nines furnIshed even to patients it a distance. Con.
sultatlon fees and contidtntlal-caU or write ; age sad
ixpuntonoc are Important. A BO4K for both sexes-
Uu.tnmtod-snd 0t01218n1 of other thIni. io $ iesied
101 WO 3 coai . s1sas * . YIWIC MVSEUM . assiod.w
WM : sIq---Dith ,
. .
Carriaaos , BuaeRoa ! agous
, 1513 med 1320 Iimey Street sf11403 8 , tills Streel , - -
a Irtlod Catalogue furnished free upon mpptlcajlsn , StreeloMA.BA : , NEB
, I' _ INIIcxaD : ,
CaIyaoiid IrooCorDices1dow ? CapsFioia
Skvhlzht4.te ThIrteenth Street Nets
r Heating and Baking
L : i attaincdby using '
- o..e , ,
Stoves and Ranges ,
7am p '
-ar-I- Foi' 'itY
. OMAHA. . .
Tuli Plour Is mnnlo at Salem , Richardson Cot , Nebraska , to the Coc.olned Itolter Stone System. W
give EXCT.USIVK into of our flour to one ( hum In a iiiies. We have pound a branch , at 1613 Capitol avenu
Omaita. Write for l'rleee. Address cithuer
. ti ,
Salem or Omaha. 5fe'
Etb1iad. iii 13B.
a S1&oli ,
_ - 1109 and 1411 DodgeStreet ,
- - -
OMAHA , - - - - - - N3RASKk
aii PaperV'do \ Shades.
Wholesale Druggists I
Paints , Oils , Brushes , Class. .
OMAHA , - - , . . - - - - NEBRASKA.
, ) .
Grower of Live Stock' and Others.
Our Ground Oil C kei.
It I. the beet and cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound I , equal to three pounds 01 osea
took fed with around oii Cake in the Fail and Winter , Instead of running dovn , will Increase In wells ,
am ! be In good marketable condlUon In the sprInt. Dairymen , as wcU me others , who use It can teitify
It. . merits. . Try It and Judge for youreelves.Ml rice $25.00 nor ton ; no charge for sacks. Addree.
Wholesale Druggist I
Paflits , Oils , Yarilislies alid ! do 1ass
to.riti 4 eqmtdaatton , ofiroli , J'cn3e of Pro. , .
.flerl. emsd1'iwspJwru.s in.
U ) .aZutabtO ro'- " . For
:1 JthlIiiy , Los , of 43J75)
( ( Ic , l'ro.strafors of i'ita.C
1'owi'j ft is iiidispcnsa-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bto.
: IlBv , A. UOUBS Writes : ' D.EV.3L. TOWNEE. ,
After thorough trial of the J'URI FIES1
a ,
. ' , ,
IIION TONIO , I take dusutry' " says- :
in stating : that : i have been . "I col3Sider it
greaUv benefited bce its LOOJ a niost oxcellentremody o
use. Titintoters and 1'ub ' thO debWtatOd vital forces.
110 Speakers 'will tSnd it
of' the greatest value
where a Tonto is noons.
nary. X r000Lflznonci It
agent as is reliable , possessIng remedial un 'rI4'
doubteci nutrittys auict .
restorative , , properties.
LusIiU , Ky , , 3
L T 1 D. UL1ITE M1DWIE CO. . $1W. , UT. L01.
. .
a \ '
. - . , . . - . - ; : - . _ - . - - - - . - - . - . - . .