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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1883)
V - . . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - - ,7z , j 'I - ' &Y ( - ' ( I ' ( : ' : . ( f J'j I ' ( ' , . t'f CJ , ' . . ' . ( , /ac ) fa cc ' ' , 1' , : : i f4 4 L ( . ' L L1/ ' j i i- ' - - ' ' " ' 4 4' ( P } , - ' , L\J 'I Tiii& ; O1VEA5-IA DAILY BEF. ° T : ' : : T TEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. FRIDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 9 ms. , o. 124. . j t1O ER COUNTY HEARD FROM Fr his of Retllrn.s From oraska V an the Eastern Stat&s , The tout Gang at Lincoln Olaim r Ight ThnuBand for Reese , ' Tli Domoorats of Now York Take the Politioal Bone Minus V the Moat. . S t3Ot Bill Mahono Oohono Ma- iourneon , Nawbooklish ' Evermore. Constitution Varried In Dakott- - Jna1 FigureM front Othev : : ' - . : . ' StfttcH. NEBRASKA. flUIt ? COUNTY. TK.3rAir , Nob. , November 8.-The official count haz just commoncod. The rVajority : ; on State ticket is , Reese , 111 ; Republican regonta , 719 ; lepu1hiean ma jority On county ticket , from hO3 , the iowet , to 763 , the highest. TflK SrALWAfl'r CLA11. LINCOLN , November 8.-Roturns from thrce.fourtha of the counties of the State and unofficial eatimatoa from the remain der , indicate the election of Reese , Re. publican , for Supreme Judge , by 8,000 majority. The Board of Recenta are oT.ected by 15,000 majority. crawford , Democrat , is eocLel ! Judge in the Soy. t oath district. Alt the others , except . Broady in the First district , are Ropubli. V cana. The Republican gain over the last Iection is nearly 10,000 , taking the vote for Judge as a basis. IrnoNil COUNTY. ALBIO , November 8.-Returns from Boone county indicate the election of Joooplt Chine by a plurality of 6 , and the Anti and Democratic fusion ticket. Job Green , for sheriff , is elected by a good Elajority ; Johi C. Lewis , commissioner , by a larg majority ; V. H. F. Lindor , county surveyor , by a large majority. The independent candidate for treasurer is &ectod. Hosts of men crowded the dourt room and streets during the day , .aid great rejoicing and enthusiasm was Vsr.anifesthd by the people. OASS COUNTY. , , Nob. , November 8.- , ( Cass county gives Savage 107 majority. I' The official count is as follows : Savage , 1780 , Reese , 1673 ; Hull , 1854 , Mafia- r lieu , 1853 ; Hyatt , 1857 , Woolworth , 161t ; Daniels , 1614 , Stein , 1613. County ticket , Jennings , Republican majority - jority 248 ; & 102 ; Newell , 255 ; NqttrcU jZElkenberry , Sheriff , 357 ; ; ! - O15Z s3rou180 ; OThnienacouuty cdin misar26Aldon , COunt' atqin. , tendont , 239. Showider , clerk of court , : \ Democratic majority 1 7O' re.elected. BUYI'ALO COUNTY. . . . \ KEAItNBY , November 8.-The official Qrnt of Buffalo county is'as follows : Iese 1,084 , Savage 882 ; judicial , Say- idge , Rep. , 1,281 , Hinman , Dciii. , 672 ; attorney , Bluer , Rep. , 990 , CalkSns , Anti , 964 ; regents , Hull 1,134 , Mallalieu 1,264 , Holmes 1,136 , Hiatt 1,141 , Butler 333 , Dean 716 , Woolworth 411 , Daniels 711 , Merritt 418. Following are the pluralities for county officers : Allen , Rep. , treasurer , 167 ; Hull , Dem. , judge , :395 ; Aspinwall , Rep. , clerk District Court , 624 ; Cutting , county clerk , 774 ; i3ehars , Rep. , sheHtl , 110 ; Hartzcll , Rep. , superintendent , 736 ; Baker , Rep. , COroner , 312 ; Campbell , 11op. , commis- eioner , 483 ; Silvernail , lop. , surveyor , 248. Township organization carried. Estimated majority of Savidge , Rep. , for district judge in the Tenth district. 600 ; Bixler , [ top. , district attorney , 400. Reports from Custer county give the k Republican ticket majorities. Returns from Phelps county give Reese 525 ma. jority and elect the entire Republican county ticket. Clargcd with Bribery. Pouo1IKiau'zE , N. Y. , Nov. 8.-War. mzita out for warden Brush of Sing Sing prison and a custom house officer named & Van Jassoll chiaigecl with bribery at dec. tious. 110 Will Run AgaIn. BOSTON , Mass. Nov. 8.-The Herald states Gov. Butler told a momlior of his council ho should run for for Governor I - next fall. Compliment of 150,000 votes * jk him to think lie will be auccoasfnl. .tw The Doom of Butler. BoroN , November 8.-Essex County returns a solid Democratic delegation to the Sonato. The Senate now stands 25 Republican to 15 Democrats , a Republi. can gain of two. The State vote , Gosnold still un. heard from , stands Robinson 160,175 , Butler 150,075 , Olnoy , 1,553 , scattering 80 , total 311,882. Ttio Jt sitlt znNow , York. Aauv , November 8.-The Evening Journal says the present election returns increase General Oarr'u majority to o ror 19,000 , and leave little doubt of the ' election of th Democratic candidates j for the remanung offices by majorities t between 10,000 and 14,000. The assein bly ebuids 73 Itopublicans to 55 Demo- crats. V Roblnso' Rejoicing , CnlcorjE. Mass. , November 8.-Goy. V ernor-olect Robinson was given a recop. tion to.night. Att r a parade he made a brief speech at the town hail , expressing gratification at the triumph of the peo. to's cause , which he said is higher and Tictter than any man. 4y The Ftgurcs in Pennsylvania. Puu.tnzai'iua , November 8.-Oflicial ) ( returns frotn67 of the 67 counties of the State and estimates of the others give V .NUe3 16,261 and Livaey 17,501 majority. ; tiNsibaippI' Mountain. ( J.tcKsoN , Miss. , November 8-The e.ectioii returns are nearly all in. The Legislature stands 180 Democrats to 25 Republicans and Independents. The Democrats have elected 11 out of the 1h District Attorneys. The disturbanci in 'Cop't&h county is the only one reported in the Stte on election day. Political Brlbozy. PoUouxaz'aE , November 8.-Pro. coedings have boon begun against City Assessor Charlea Coiwoll ; A. A. Brush , warden of Sing Sing pron ; Robt Morr , of the Now York custo2n house officers , and several other prominent politicians , charging them with buying votes Tuo- day. Mahonc's boom. B1t'UMoND , November 8.-The latest returns increase the Democratic gains. Reports from all but two districts give the Democrats 23 Senators , coalitionists 15. Returns from both districts , not fully reported , show heavy Democratic gains , which if continued at points not heard from , will give one or both to the Democrats. In the Rouse of Delcatea the Democrats kayo so far soeureI 63 members , the coalitionist.s 33. Of the four remaining delegates the Democrats kayo one certain. which makes the ma. jority in the House 27 , on joint ballot not leas than 35. The PoPUlar majority in the State is likely to reach 30,000. A Chip of tiLe Old Block , PETEE.SUURU , Va. Nov. S.-Sonator Mahono's son was fiuied $15 for drawing a pistol at the pelts election day. Court room was crowded. The Man Who Struck HIlly Maliono , Puisusnuno , Va. , November 8.-Wil- ham Long , a tobacconist , acknowledges that lie is the person who hit General Mahone in the face during thu scuffle at the po1is election day. Long explains that being lreMed by the crowd ho ( Long ) rained his hands to clear himself and get out. As ho did so some one struck him violently on the right hand , which induced hint to strike General Mahone lightly in the face , which he hopes did the General no serious iIjui7. Long said he had no intention or desire to do General Mahone personal injury. As to his ( Mahone's ) offer of a hundred to know the scoundrel or assassin who struck him , he ( Long ) is the responsible party and hopes thin statement will be satisfactory. The Usual Claim. Loa.kNsroar , md. , Novomer 8.-Wil. llama , editor of The Logansport Advertiser - tiser , was shot last evening by a young man siamed George West. The trouble arose over Williams claiming West had been too intimate with the editor's wife. The men' ntet'in the public street after dusk and the quarrel followed. West fIred one shot from his revolver at Wil- llama , the ball lodging near the heart. The victim cannot hive. West in in jail. He claims that Williams had threatened his life and taken a rifle to lila office with which to kill him. The Barbed Wire Fence. ChICAGo , November 8.-Represents- tires of twenty-six firms throughout the country engaged in the manufacture of barb fence wire , are in session hero to determiio the amount of royalty they will pay the Washburne & Moon corn- pany , which practically controls all barb wire patonta. The companies have ben paying a royalty of .7hi.--centa per hundred weight , but'th claim is urged thit the Wphburno & Moon company have beenfgriingbottei tezms , to cer- . Lain of tlWliconasosr owing td which fke they are' all abso1V&1 from jaymont of any royalty. It was finally determined , howevei , to offer' the Waahburn & Moon Company a uniform royalty of 30 cents per hundred weight , and a committee was appointed to make this proposition. The Political Busliyhead. MLJSKOOEE , Ind.T. , November 8.-The Cherokee National council met Monday at Tahlequah. The first steps takonwero to organize two Houses and elect officers , when the votes cast at the late election were counted in joint sea- sion. D. W. B 8llyhead was announced - nounced as chief and Rabbit Bunch assistant chief , Henry McGee Sheriff made an attempt to arrest a drunken man , Einunster I'arkor , atTiaho- nungd , the Choctaw capital , two days ago when Parker drew a revolver and killed him at the first fire. Kneeling beside the dead man Parker blew his ownbraina out. Missionary Socrctary. NEw YoltK , Nov. , 8-The Missionary commitee N , E. Church appropriated 28,000 dollars for general missionary work in Naples and 12,000 to purchase real estate there ; 823,000 were appropriated for general work in South : America. - - Another Proclamation , Si'itINornr.n , Ill. , November 8.-Coy. Hamilton issued the following Thanksgiving proclamation : "In accordance with a time-honored and very proper custom and in harmony with a proclamation issued by the President - dent of the United States , I , John M. Hamilton , Governor of the state of Jill. ibis , hereby designate Thursday , the 20th day of November , A. D. , as Thanks. gving Day and I request the people of title state to lay aside their usual labors on that day , and in the manner of their choice , either in private or in public assembly , unite in devout worship of God and hearty thanksgiving to Hiiii for the blessings of peace , plenty , prosperity and happinesa which the peopio of this conimonwealth haye enjoyed during the past year , and humbly pray that these devine favors may be continued. I further recommend that onthe day thus set apart all the people of the State whom Providence has. favored with au abundance of life's com forts , shall especially remember the poor , the needy and distressed , and by public bounty or private charity not only fur. nish them with food and clothing to enable - able them to be especially thankful to Providence and their follQwmon on Thanksgiving , but that steps may be taken to reasonably care for thorn during the coining winter. In witness whereof I hereto set my hand and cause the great seal of the State to be affixed , at Spring. field , the day andyearfirstabovo written , ( Signed ) JohN M. HAMILTO ( , By the Governor. J1atv D. DEMEN ? , Secretary of State , The Kansas City Stock Show. K4tNMLS Cirv , November 8.Thio fat stock show closed , having proved a success throughout , A pernianont or ganization for alt annual stock fair hero. after was effected. At the closing sale to-day a herd of Jlerefords was sold by Adam Earl , of Lafayette , lad. , 31 cows brought $17,565 , average $608 ; general average $574. Sudden Death , M1fNaU'OLu , November 8 , - The Tribune's ipocial from Stihiwater , Minne' seta , says Mrs. M , E. Sabin , mother of Senator D. M. . Sabin , died suddenly of heart disease this evening , THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. 'flic Authorilics llotcriii1uc to Pllsh SWillli11 Pension Attorileys to the Last Ditch. "Brewster General " , Attorney , Urges their Extermination by ail Lozal Moans. Civil Service Rule Eight Changed flr the Better by the l'resiilent. CPlTAIi IOTES , HA7.uN's nurolir. WASUINGT0X , November 8.-The chief signal olhicial's annual report says : "The service has been seriously crippled by diminished appropriations , and ho uraes Congress to be moro liberal in the future. He recommends a separate office on the Pacific coast , and a decided improvement of the service in that important egiouD i'ENSIO Fit tUI)4. The following letter from the Attorney General explains itself : "Under instructions - tions front him , Colonel Corkhull , United States District Attorney , has nearly coat- pleted a number of cases of frauds upon ) enaion claimants for action by thegrand jury. He has reserved a large number of fraudulent circulnra and letters ox- phaining the use of them. Ho is desirous that soldiers or their friends having copies of such circulara or any knowledge of such : attempted frauds will at once seiid hint full information , and be particular - ticular tO scud the number by which the claim in caclicase is known at the pension - sion oflice. " DnrAivriinr oiJusTieF. , V.tiinNc.ToN , November 7-To the Secretary of the Interior : Referring to your letter of the 2d , respecting the appointment by the Commissioner of Pensions of a person to aid the U S. District Attorney of this district in the invostigatiouof all claims for pensions and bountiesin connection with which charges are made against attorneys , and to examine such cases as the District Attorney shall desire to pro. sent the grand jury , 1 agree with you that such appointment cannot be made to cover examinations where the ofi'enses charged are not offenses against the United States , but the District Attorney , in hislettor to you includes cases whore these pension agents niake fraudulent applications to the pension office. It is well known the clainia they present are fraudulent. This is an offense against the United States. So far as the District Attorney makes the charge of crime against the United States he sh uld be aided in the examination of such cases by an officer of the pension bureau specially detailed for that pur- pose. The evil set forth by the District Attoriey ii a groiing one , and all means that can legally be eniployed to suppress it ought . to be .put in rnctimi. ro thIt.eVnd pernut rn& to send VtO Ofl advance proof sheota of the Second Auditor's report , which discloses a frightful condition of organized fraud against the poor and helpless , who either have served their country themselves and live maimed and broken down in health , or who have leftdostituto widows and children , all of whoin are now victims of these designing bad men who rob them of their little savings aad earnings under colorof gains they are never to have and ovcrl6ad public officers with work that hinders the necessary progress of their properbusineas. If this can be put an end to by the intervention of the officers of the United States , if this can be pun. ished , it ought to be , ( Signed ) Biuw. : civia siavzcz nuLus. The president has so amended civil service - vice rule No. 8 so that it distinctly prohibits - hibits the appointing power ahko in every department , and in every postollice ana customs office , front making any din. crimination in the selection for appointments - ments by reason of any liohitical or religious - ligious affiliation or opinion. AFatal Duel In Mexico. MExIco , Via Galveston , November 8. -A duel was fought in Chapultepco , out. side the city , this morning , betweoii Degheest , of the Moricati National bank , and Oliviore , a French merchant , The latter was killed , and Digheest was badly wounded. Swords were used. Both parties are well known. The trouble was caused by a dispute over seats at the racis Sunday. The British minister , twoArnerican ladies and Deckoest heft their seats to promnado , , Olivioro and two ladies occupied thorn , A quarrel ensued between Degheest and Oliviore , The former called the police and the hat. ter was ejected. The incident caused aeveal challenges to Dogheest. He had another duel arranged for to-morrow , There is inteziso : excitement among fuj- oignera. A I'uhlntnn Sleeper JItched , MINNEAI'OLIC , Minn , , November 8- The Tribune special says : The sleeper on the eastbound night express on the St. Paul , Minneapolis and Manitoba railroad was ditched this morning near the bridge over Red river , connecting Moorhead and Fargo. The car turned bottom side up and all passengers , a dozen in number , were more or less in. jurod. , The moat seriously hurt wore : v. S. Bailey , of Chicago , and a lady from St. Paul , name unknown. A bridal party was aboard. The bride lost her pocketbook and marriage certificate , Trains were delayed two hours , IHarmony In the J'ool. CjtIciAao , NQvember 8-A few days ago Commissioner Midgoly. of the Mis. souri roads , appointed a committee of sovonto , prepare a schedule of differon- tutl rates on lumber from northwestern points to points on the Missouri river , with the tinderstanding that if it was unable - able to make a satisfactory report the matter would be referred to Arbitrator Bogue for adjustment. It now trans. pires the Chicago , Milwaukee St. Paul road refuses to submit to arbitration in the matter , so the attempt to restore harmony on thin class of business is abandoned for the present. - - iiliornitin at home , Sr. Lot'i3 , November 8-Gen. Sher. man will arrive here , his future honie , Monday next. At his own request there will be no public demonstration on his arrival , but ho wlI be jiven a reception in the evening at the Southern hotel by the 0. A. It , in which citizeits generally will participate. After this Ihto General will go to the Olympic thbator to Uiko Part lii the welcome to be given to lilt old frond , John McCullough. - - - att Opois Switch Leads to Death , Coh.utIiuM , Ohio , November 8-In lb. , accident on the Pan Handle nearNewark this morning , John Matthews , enpneer , and John lConiiedy , fireman , of t'te VC B. Q , train , wore instantly killed , David Wilson , baggageman , received so- yore cuts , lavis , engineer and Frank- Parnelh , firemen , of the i'an IJamhte freight , werobadly hurt and it is thought they cannot recover. The cars of hioth trains wore badly smashed. BAGGING TIlE BUZZARDS. The PonilsylTaula Ont1as CorneEc in 1110 Wc1h Moautain , Prightful Tragedy Near Kaias City--The Pittsburg Gang. ofBurglars. ( . .IIIIMINAL'RECORD. . rica iiuzz.uina OUT , L.uc.trnit , Pa. , November 8.-lIol. linger'aatoro at Lincoln was robbed last night. A large posse started in pursuit of the thieves , Buzzard and his who recently escaped jail. The thieves were overtaken at Welch Mountain tnd a fi'ht followed. John ClifFord , an es- capea prisoner , was captured. Buzsrd , the leader , was shot and seriously in- jurod. ilard , one of the posse , is probably - bly fatally shot. The thieves escaped ( hitford was lodged in jail to-ni3hL H'fatatea flint six of the escaped priaon. c1s are depredating the vicinity of Welsh niountain. Clifford , at the tinio of his arrest , narrowly escaped being lynched , owing to the ahiooting of young Bard. Ropes were provided by some of the party , but cooler heads dissuaded titan : . The mountain is surrounded to.night by a large osae. It iS behioved to boirn possible for either Abe or his associates escape. Clifford revealed the hiding place of a large amount of stolen goods which were recovered , vim LINCOLN MVSTE1tY , ChicAGo , November 8.-Dr. Miller , of Lincoln , arrived here , bringing with him the brains , liver , kidneys and a portion of other viscera of Zora Burns , whose murder still remains a deep nya- tory. The theory baa boot : advanced that tint murdered girl used drus . for procuring an abortion , and that throagh their use she canoe to her death. It is expected that the analysis will determine whether she took poison of any kin4. vnoissszo DUUOLARS AT WOiU. Pirranuito , November 8.-It aovi- dent a gang of expert thieves are working - ing in this vicinity This weak three extensive robberies hjvo boon commit. ted. The boldest w thi' ' brkjpf thsfoo2' SarnuJ3l Schultz a silteej few miles from the czty early this morning. The robbers hauled the safe out of the building , blow it open with : powder and got $2,200 in cash and jew. airy. Three hundred dollars' worth of cloth : , stolen Tuesday , has been recovered and three. men and a woman arrested , butit is thought there are a dozen others in the gang. 1RIOTPUL TIIADEDY , Ktsis Ciry , .Novernber 8.-A fearful tragedy was ontcLed to-day at the farm house of H. Clay McGee , ten miles south : of the city. His children returned home from schOol thus afternoon and found the lifeless bodies of thofathier , mother and older sister lying dead upon the floor. McGee evidently had killed his wife , shooting her in the breast with a shot. gun , shot' his daughter in the back and then completed the horror by going to an tipper rosin and swallowing a dose of niorphine. . Thu house being isolated the neighbors were not aroused and the bodies consequently lay until discovered by the children later in the day. The immediatecause for the insane deed is not knowzt , McGee is described as a man of violent temper , amounting almost to frenzy at times. lIe was a prosperous farmer , having caine into the vicinity several years ago frorn'Kentucky , where it is said ho once killed a man. There were. six children , mine of them married , Mary. the murdered daughter , was twenty years of ago. Aitothier daughter , the wife of James hopkins , a inomber of an old family hero , was accidentally - dentally killed by her husband some months ago. McGee was .15 or 50 years of age , siuanmtnn 'Pen MONEY. .ttNiEItSON , rInd. , November 8-Mrs. Susannith Nelson started for Ne. braska September 0 , and has not since beet : heard front by her friends. She had a large sum of money with her. Michael Coburn to. day made known to his brother that lie found a life insurance policy issued to Mrs. Nelson iii the woods near Terre Haute , whore some time ago a badly mutilated body of a woman was found by a hunter. Ho claims to have proof that Mrs. Nelson was murdered. Deadly IolngN. Sr. Louis , November. 8.-Jas. Bray- ard , a bartender , shot and killed Luke iClingenamith in the Opera saloon at Car. in : , Ill. , last night. Both are worthless , dissipated characters. The latest accounts of the cyclone at Springfield , Mo. , says four more persons died of injuries-Mrs. Ponnington , Jeff. Edmondaoii , Wm. Tiger , and infant son of J01ii Chanipiux. This makes eleven deaths in all. England Cinliiis a Forger. MONTREAL. , November 8.-Stamford , the American confidence operator , is claimed by the British government , for forgeries in England. New York jewel. ( Ire were swindled out of $2,300 by Stem- ford Time Coat Oil Victini , INZIANA.tOLL , md , Nov. 8-Annie Berr'mmmgor , a domestic , was burned to death : this morning while kindling a fire with coal oil. - - V Mining TroubIe. Prmnuitu , November 8-'rho president - dent amid six members of time Miners' as. sociatloit to-day started on a tour of the third and fourth pool mines to induce the miners who have accepted reductioiis to strike , pending the acceptance by opera. tort of the pruposition'to arh5itrato. V THE OLD WORLD. The Crown Prince of Uermuy S1art oil a Visit _ King Alfoilso. - - -S A Portion ol the Russian Army Mobilized and Purloigha Cancelled. The Loyal Irbiti-hlrltiqhm TIInnkN to the l'ope-Other hii'nis OLNE1tAti FOItEON NEWS. A NLitILlSTlO lutE. \'A1IEAt' , Nov. 8.-The imperial Marie Institute was burned , as is euppoeed by miulmats to destroy treasonable documents in press for printing in the nihilists Journal , Proletariato , recently discovered there , MEDIATION HECLINEI' , PAins , Noveniber 8-China's note to the Marquis Tseng made allusion to a proffer of mediation by a power friendly to France , supposed to Imo the United States. It was rejected by France. Fomtnuuv ANt ) nitzusm. ' . I'iiritsiiuitn November . . :81' , 8.-Eight. teem : persons have been arrrested hero , and five in Odessa , charged with the forgery - gory of bammlc notes , Manyfaclory hands have boon arrested for larticipatitig ill conumiumistic agita. lion. lion.PAnts PAnts , November 8-It is stated that that Prime Minister Ferry told a Deputy that ham hind no intention of lEaking a I ) reposition to tim Chamber of Deputies to send more troops to Tonquin. Re Was confident that Admiral Courbot was able to conduct the campaigusuccesafully with : the piesont force. Thtb Portuguese forces have occupied Landana , north : of Congo. Lord l4orne is suggested for Viceroy of Ireland , A ViSIT. Bitii , November 8.-Am : aide-do. camp of time Emperor has gone to Madrid with an autograph : letter stating Crow : : Prince Frmlerick William will visit Jing Alfonso. The Crow : : Prince will react : Genoa about the 15th : inst. , from whence he will proceed to Spain by steamer. TILE MINE I'ISAHTEIt. IOnoN November 8-A large itumu- bor of bodies nra still ii : the Yorkshire coal nine , in which the explosion occurred - curred yesterday. Frioids of the dead crowd the mouth : of the pit. MOSEY rout MUNITIONS. I'AILIS , November 8.-In the Chamber of Deputies the minister of marine asked for a supplementary grant of 11.500,000 francs , formilitary operations in Tonquin TItANJS TO TIlE rbri. Jt0ME , November 8.-Errington , in an jnterview , with Cardinal _ GacobinI papal 4iocitary-of obto V , ( amut Csrduial Slineom , expressed the satiofaction of the British government at the action of the Pope in afTairain Ireland. V TUE LOYAL IRISh. DuJJUN , November -In consequence of the Parnell campaing in Ulster it is proposed to foruna constitutional .organi- , ration there apar. from Orangeism. The object is to unite Catholics and Protest. ants in support of lawend the promotion of loyalty and oppose disintegration , hiomne rule and household suffrage. , TIlE ItU.SSION ARMY. Sr. Pernuisnuim , November 8.-It is reported thattho Thirty.sevonthdivision of the Ruatian army will be mobilized , The men 011 a furlough have boci : summoned - moned to rotors : , and the contingent of 77 recalled for immediate action. AFI'.tIItS I.N SEItVIA , BaI.anAna , November 8.-Eighteen members of the Radical cornnittco here , including l'aschi , Radical leader of the Skulpta , Chimia , were arrested. The result of General Nicollic's attack upon 3,000Vinsurgents is still unknown. It is believed the insurgents will sooi : be crushed , as time itoyahist forces are sur them. iWIIABVEI AND VIUNAUX. PARIS , November 8.-Schaefer and Vignaux , for championship matohi at billiards , ihay time balk-himmo game , begmi : . fling NVotiemher 26th , the game lasting five nights. The winning toss selected an American tablo. A FatSilfi 801(1. BALrItoan , November 8.-Moses , lies- band of tIme fat woman who diodreccntly , it appears , called several times the day of her death on Dr. hill , oWerin hits wife's body for sale , which was hmially bought on the importunity of Moses , who rave as a reason for them singular transaction , timathe was in great poverty and needed the mony , Tim remnatn.s will not be taken until Ioeomnbor. Ohio Beer Guzzlers. CINCINNATI , November 8.-Advance shoots of Superintendent Maxwell's chamber of commerce reports showa that the manufacture of malt ) iquors In Cia- cinnati , Covingion and Newport the past year aggregated 875,000 barrels , an increase - crease over the previous year 91 more titan 47,000 barrels. The report estimates - mates the consumption here equivalent to 555 glasses per annum for every person - son in the three cities. Closgug the Saw Mills. CuwAoo , November 8-It is stated hero that a large Proportiol : of the saw mills on the east shore of Lake Michigan gait will shut down within a week. ' 1hs , action is caused by the low price of hun- bor and the fact that the sawing season has already been as lonj as usual. The closing of thoVmihl.s will practically close navigation , as it wmll leave but little to do. _ _ _ _ _ - - Taking Tinie by the Bang. KANSAS U'rv , November 8.-TIme Journal's .Jotroraon City special says Governor Critteuden has issued a procla. mation recommending corporations and citizens 14) adopt the new system of standard time to be iuiaujurated by time railroads the eighteenth inst. Thu time of this division will be nearly time solar time of St. Louis. - V The Eioctlon in Dakota. YA.NKT0N , I ) . T. , November 8.On the COUhtitutlOImal vote eleven countie have booi : heard from entire and tweirt partially. The total vote fa as hoarJ from is 7,000 and on thus vote 5,000 ma .jnity. The return , conic in slow. The state executive committee tigutes that ninety per cent of the 'roto have been cast [ or the constitution , V V COAST NOTES , . . - - - A 1)ecltlon on the Chinese Question- . Sharon's Mi'rriago Contract , AN FRANCISCO , November 8.-Jutlgo iloffinami , of the United States District court , decided to-day that Chinese who went to China prior to the passage of the restriction act are entitled to land. Agnes hlill , suing Senates Sharon for divorce and division of property , refused ii : court this fleming to produce the n ! logod marriage contract until informed by thejudgo if she did not it would be ruled out of evidence. She then pro' duced it , Shiat'on , after seeing it , do. notiiced it as a forgery in such indignnuL tcrmns that time judge ordered him removed - moved from the court , The document rentaila ill possession of the clerk itittil a large photograph is taken , --V Another Bust. Aui.Nv November 8.-Charles E. Land , fornerly propritor of the Delavan house and latterly of the Brighton Beach : hotel , Coney Ialamd , made a general as- signrnent to Charles B. Buchanan , L'ta. bihities and assets unknown , The lUg Pool , Ti'iiK.t , Novoimibor 8.-The Transcon. tinental l'ool associntiomi was in session all day , but mothting cam : be learned of their proceedings. The Colorado aszmoci- atiom : will not neot again until the Trans. continemtal peoplofinish : their business. TEIiEGRAI'hI NOTES , An order haM beCfl granted Ii : the i1oton courts dissolving the 1 ahestiuc ilallroad Corn lam , ) , , The road originally designated to run front Calm , Egypt , t. ( ) , Jorussloiii , V I\lottsignor Cape ! lectured in ChIcago last mt'ight to a large audience , on "Time Catholic Churcit amal todcrn Thioupimt , Time pollee of Chicago have arrcted twel' , o rnonbers of a thorougimly org nlzcml gang of shophifters , IncludIng time leaor , a woimun : known to timu police as "Mother 9er , " two son. and ta'o dauglmthrti. liver $2,000 worth of stolen goods wore recovered , It is obtims. ted that the reculations of the band nearly all of whmomn are women , arnouctod to l0OOO. The Kansas City Journal's Cltlhualnma , Mexico , siecial announces the departure from there last nIght of an oxcuraion'party of CtItltmlhlStS antI nmerchmants roprosontimug $60- 000,000 capItal for St. LouIs. The Iarty travel its of the Moxiceu Cemmtral , tIme Santa Fe and MiMomirl l'acjfie roads , A Locomotive in Mid.Alr , Last baturday while workmen were ' enpged in repairing time Lehigh V'ahley bridge , over the Delaware river , the fast freight caine along and before it could be stopped rat : along the track to the spot where the repairs were being made The rails had been removed sand heavy wooden timbers spanned the ton ortwelve more feet between the pier and the end of am : iron spin : . . Some of tlme'mo .thtnber had booni"Io. - thoved Isnd 'thO 1oonOtive. crahihod through the roinainin ommes and lodged against the pier , turnimg half over. The roar driving wheel caught against the heavy girder' of tim span amid there the engine hangs. To remove it will be no easy task , All day'long a force of men have b worlinj over the wreck , but so peculiar was the accident hnd5o diM- cult thot tasic of getting a PVUZChMO on the locomotive that it will 'rci1uiro considerable - sidorable tirn to ronovo , it. The engine weighs over seventy tons , and as the bridge it over seventy feet high at time point in question , the magnitude of the work zany be imagined. Time bride span is also injured and the damage will be heavy. The accident was occasioned by the engineer of the train being Unable - able to stop after getting the signal , as a pushing engine oim the rear of thme train , which : extended around a curve , could not not be notified , and pushed thiQVfrormt of time train upon the ralless ; apali. _ - -V Coimnmandcrs of the Arimmy. Since time adoption of time coimatitution in 1789 , the army of time United States , speaking of it as a whole , him had four. teen commnamiders , including the preseit incumbent , Lieutonant.Con- oral Sheridan , who catered upomi time duties of time position on Thura. day of last week. Time first. Of hicso was Brevet Brigmtdiur-Genernl , Josiahm liar- mimer , Lieutenmuit.Colonel of infantry , who was senior officer of the army from Septoumber , 1789 , to March 4 , 1791 , Thor : followed Major-General Arthur St. Clair , "Mad" Anthony Wayne , James Wilkinson , Henry Dearborn , JacOb Brown , Majer.C eneral Macomnb , Winfield Scott , George B. McClellan , henry SV. Ilallack , U. S. Grant amid. William T. Sherman , Washington ImmuJ. resigned from : : the s.riny before the constitution was auopted. A. BEOEFI1ON or time Moat 11ev. ArchbIshops of Sn : : Francisco. Salt Lake Tribune , On Sunday afternoon a roceptiom : was given by the Sisters and pupils of St. Mary's Academy to the Catholic clergy visltiimg this city , namely , The Most 11ev. Archbishops /tlamaioy and htiordan , time delegation of 11ev. clergy who formed the special escort of the new Arcimbithop to San Francisco. Fathmer Scanlan and time other Fathers of Salt Lake , and aev- oral of our citizens were present. A chorus of welcome was gracefully re- dered. The addresses to tim two arclmb'uhops wore appropriate. 'Time music , vocal andinstrumental , was' very select and rolmdered with uiie siumdigs and effect Thought the d.i' was rainy there was an amrof froshiess in the whole attair The archbishop and accompanying - ing clergy seemed much pleanod. Arch- b'uuhmop Itiordnu , inhiaclosiug , said Ito was agreeably ouririsud to find im : whmat Ime thought time wild west such : a grand im- stitution of learning. Wimat lie had soon and hoard ovimiced to himit that time standard of education was nowise in. ferior to fIrst-class institutions cast , " 1 Be ( ) hero , " said he , "intelligence , refine meat and scholarship which would tic V credit to any institution. " Time arch bishop's iwriod closed by giving benediction tion in the academy chapel , and left Ii time for the afternoon traimi. -ThIs afternoon there will be a sham batti , at the barracks , On hundred rounds of axe I munition hate booxi Is.ued ler wan1 and . lIvely tim. It expected , a V V - _ V ' - ' - V . ' A CAPITOLCALAMITY. The Props of Wcuin's ' Capitol fitie V Way ant TlluiIc the Roof to Vl1e Cdllar , V V Scores of Men Crushed ti Death or Maimed by Tons ofStono andBrick. . V , - - - A Goot Chauice to Hang the C. tractor amid Rantslm ( lie : V Arctutect. V MADiSON , Wit , , November 8.-Tle ettrc : roof , the inside wails , and time iron aid atone colunn of. the new south wilg of the capitol fell at 1:40 : p. m. Barney Higgins and Win. Edger , of ' Madison , vore kihIod i'mistantly ; Wni. V Jones , boss mason , of Mihiwaukee , had his skull fractured and is dying ; James Lowell had boll : legs broken and will probibly die ; Rhodes , of Simeboygan , 'vat badly injured ; .Iamnew Kelly of MaLI. 18011 had a leg broken amdbadly injured ; James Maxwell , Janeaville injured in ' the ho timead ; Ed. homes , . of Madison , ! mdly umijured ; Arthur Lymch , Chicago , I injured badly ; \Vmn. Sciuuck , Madison , badly injured. Time full list list of the killed and wounded in the Capitol dusaaiec this af ternoon as follows : V flEAi ) . Bernard Higgins , laborer , 50'yoar3 old , ofMaclison , V V Win. Edgar , mason , ofMadinoi : , buried . under limo debris , horribly crushed , V V V " V V Michael evank , mason , of Madi.tor , V V died after being taken omit. William G. Jones , mussel : , of Milwmmu. , kee , skull fractured , died since take : : out. V V INJUF.ED. I V Miles Maxwell , plasterer , of Janes- nIb , badly cut on head. Wm. Rose , plasterer , of Sheboygau , probably fatal injuries. , . V \Vun. Judge , carpenter , of Madison , V badly scrat.cled , V V 4Artlmur Lynch , of Madison , imead badly hurt , delirious. V ' I.V Ed. Bahn , Maaomm , of Saukerty , single , aged 23 , seriously cut up. V Ed. Page and J. Ci. Page , masons , of Midclleton , young muon , brothra badly ' hurt V V $ Ed. Kingsley , mason , of Milwaukee , hurt about time head. : - Jut. D , Owohhmaaon , of Madison , aa old. settler , aged 60 , both legs broken , . will die. ' V" V Patrick 0. Laughlin , laborer , left armV * broken and two temple cuts , will die , ' : . Wiliam . Burke , Sr. , laborer , naxried ' . i'V 1' V 'with 4 clmmldron , badly cut about ibm , face andchcst injured , . V Ed. Kinaehl'bricklayer , ofMilwaukee , V V V out aloii head andack. , VV j . . . . . Cyrus 8chonc1c , of VVVS.O1U'r $ Eok : 'v . .4. ' countVy : , cut on backof head and in right ' ' 'Pi $ eye. ' Henry Diderics , mane : : , of Milwaukee , . left leg broken. V V ' * Mike Zerank , Sr. , mason , of Madison , V and'Ed. Banien , plasterer , of Madison . , . face and back injured. V John Clark , plasterer , of Milwaukee , V V arm broken. V VV Nelsonlloestcarpcnter , of SunPrairie , Imurt slightly. V V. Pat Carey , of Madison , badiycrushod. . V Ed. Gleason , laborer , foreman of V V turners , hurt by box of failing glass. V . V TilE CAUSF. . . of the terrible accident is somewhat un certaiim , but time most lausiblotheory is ' that time heavy ire : : pillars supporting time roofof tIme second story balcony sank into the plank om : which : they rested , thus pulling time souid vahi outward , which in turn caused time roof of the entire wing to cave in. The columns wore rmado of large pieces of boiler iron rolled imito dr. ( cular fern : , stove pipe fashion , the joint. tire not iioiimg bolted. ANOTJIEIt ACeOUNT. MILWAUKEE , November 8.-A Mmii. son dispatcim says : "The south wing of the capitol extension fell at minutes . of two this afternoon , burying over twomity wonlcnen. Four men were killed and seventeen injured seriously. Ofthis imumbor some six to ten are probably fa' , J V tally injured , Five imien ha4loft time basement amid were about returning wimon the crash : caine , Hundreds I of people flocked at once to the scone and with : time aid of the hook and ladder every sufferer. Mcdi- cal attendance was summoned and the wounded removed to a placeofsafety. Some think the accident was duo to defective - foctivo iron ilisra , ammd others to poor masonry. It is the opinlonof Contraetor Bammtly timat the loss will faIl on the coin- , uionwoalth , an time plans wore approved by time State Architect and the disaster cannot be ascribed to any one. The loss cannot beV estimated at pteient. The ad- ditious were to be cozipleted March 1 , 1884 , and $200,000 was appropriated by the Legislature to meet the necessary ox. penso. They wore designed for the His- ' t'orical society's use. V 2woV Molti : virrmis. M.twsoN , Win. , November 8.-Jauues Kelly died at 10 o'cla k1 making six deaths. James Dowoll is dying. A dispatch was received from Governor Rush , atBayfield , lastructiim all care to. be taken of the dead mmd inired. lie will return in the morning. The mayor of time city has ordered an inquest to be held in the morning. A full aid rigid inveetigatlomi will be hind and time blam. laid where it belongs. V HowTlmoy lIeu : Missouri , Tue umanital knot cam : be tied in other wsytt than by at : oloponmemmt in caao5torn parents object. Miss Amanda Kingsley ammd Mr. Henry Dutilold , pf Sedalia , con- chided a few weeks ago to : iko themselves - selves cite , the objections of the fair' maiden's father to the contrary miotwith- standing , and arranged time matterthusly : After breakfast ome morning Amanda walked out of her house and ever to Mr. ' ) n1Uold's , folIowcd by her angry father. On the latter's arrival there he found m 1 . justice cf tle peace performing the core. I OY1 with : one f the bndegrooin'a brotlors in the hdIway arnmd with a gun , another with an axe , and thehappy e happy man himself holding areyolver m I. V' Q15 haid : and the inaiiage ring in the it ? thmur , Old Mv , Kingsley bad nothmntu. j say , t - , VV _ a.V. _ . _ _ -4- : : ; , ' - - ' . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . )