THE DAILY BEL---TIN3CDAZ. , AOVl.lIltCIt s , iti \ j GREETINGTOTHETRADE I' ' . EXTEND THE RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP TO YOU AND ASK FOR A i SHARE OF YOUR TRADE IN HoUd'ayGocds ' ] Besides my large stock of Pianos , Organs , Music and Music Books , I have , laidhin a ' $20,000STOCKOFTOYS $ , , . . IP P I ' Fancy Goods and Small Musical Jnsftuments1 . , Offering you the Choice Selections of ' : f : i DIFFERENT LARGE IMPORTING HOUSESIIL : Besides a Good Line directly imported by . myself. As a specialty , I offer m Y I ASSORTMENTS OF TOYS L Made up and selected by myself ; the assortments have heretofore been all made up in New York , containing large quantities of one kind and also unsalable goods ; the result is always great dissatisfaction and disappointment. My assortments are made up as'follows : . , 100.00 assdrtment over 200 different articles. ' 50.00 " 150 " 35.00 125 " " 25.00 " " 100 " " 15.00 , 75 " ' " showing at once the large assortment of well selected and salable goods you will get. I have also made up a number of $5,00 Cases of 5 and lOc , goods , and also $10.00 Cases of Cups and Saucers , Dishes and Glassware , especially designed for the Holiday Trade. , y C1irtmas I , Carils. I CatIIV ALSO .1. FINE LINE OF . : -Ti PHOTOORAPH ANDAUTOORAPH ALBUMS , 1 i p JI Toilet Sets Purses and Pocketbooks L I I LEATHER I t 1 i { , f ! _ r Shell and Was Flowers Under Glass. And other Novelties all well selected and bound to sell. I have two men with samples - ples on the road ; one of them will endeavor to see you in time , but if not , my samples - ples and layout will be ready by October 1st , and if you can come in and make your o n selection , I will endeavor to make you at home and comfortable , as dealing with e right man always will do. . ® Fpctfu.ll Yy Trr MCTJEfl DILB JEt , oa o trf adn nee , ounce Us vw LOUIS BRADFORD , DF 1L6n 1N flOO8 , lllilis , 1 b I , Lt1 ' : ! p ' . jETC , ; LOW PRICES AND GOOD GRADES. Call and Get my Prices before buying elsewhere , lar(1s , corner 9th and Dotulns. Also 7th Rid Douglas. J.jH. CIBS00N CARR1A [ + E ANP iVAO IIFAC'FORY ' CORNER TWELFTR A\n 110WAt1D fl1t RT8 , OI'iZ19.I11r x .l - - INatt PArUeular attontton Icon to re atria Batls.uCtaeuatankeJ [ G. L. BRADLEY DEALEIt IN Lumber Sash Doors Blinds Buildin Paper LIME. CEMENT , IIAIIt , ETC. fico and Y rd , Cor 13th and Califnrnia Stronts. OiiAIIA , NEIL J. 0. PRESCOTTi N. P. CURTIOE. J. 0e PRESCOTT & CO. , W holoaalo i 3 c1 PLotctii1 PIANOS & ORGANS ! Musics Musical Instruments of all Descriptions. I Intho 9t.nto. „ CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOOK OR SEND FOR PRICES. Z0. Farnam fStroot OMAW RICHARDS & CLARKE , I 'W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Sulcrintendent. Omaha Iron Works , U. P. RAILtiVAI , - - - L,7TII tC t8TII STREETS J 1 Lr ; < i _ ' ) I = inn , - 1-l E I 1 } ' t I r 1 - fii , , . , v ez ; .r t i- it , , "v w mm . . . , . , , fret , o t MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Steam Engines , Boilers WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS Grain M chinery ! MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth. STEAM PUMPS , STEAM , WATEIt AND GAS PIPE , BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS ARCHITEC1 JRAL AND BRIDGE IRON. r tl Fi r a 441 O 1r ; , tit r ) a . , % , s ' ) i ' / . f . r , . s 1 1 . ' y v _ ; : / Y - ' O wfe arc prepare to furnish plnnh ntn ential tes , foul will contract for the erection of Flouring 11Ii11s and Grnin Elevators , or for changing 1'1lourin r Ittills from Stone to the Huller Hystonl. 1' dspeeinl attention Riven to furnishing l'owor 1'lnnts for any 1r pose , and estimates made for same. General machinery roI ird ntteuded to promptly. Address RICHARDS & CLARKS , Omaha , Neb , Anheuser-Busch BREYIING ASSOCIItTION , t-r Mq , k . r- CELEBRATED Keg and Bottled Beer This Excellent Boor apenks fcr itholt. I W q f U if G s ORDERS I r RObi ANY PART OF P1IIs . . . . , , BUS CH , b1Ar1 + Ult IfIL L1rIlIt ( ' , 1VlSr , ! STIUUIS fll ° . Promptly Shipped. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD c : c-Lr I ' . SCHLIEF Sue Agent for Oma1i and the Wctt. Cvr , tlth 1 trt Mal nBritvl Ay'tnuo ! I at f1 { ( Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy Rallroad. ) , o w alt r r A - .I. ' r WaW t P ) N w.- o _ K r ' M 'D Law ' - . -r b -T ; : o , l : : . ; ; w tan _ COINC EAST AND WEST. COINC NORTH AND SOUTH. EIrgnot flay Coaches , Parlor Corn , with ileelln Soltd Tri km of Rlrgant Dar Coaeht's and Pull lu C uiIri ' + eta frcl' ) , Rmokitig Cars , With Ito' mnn PMaco Slcepliig Cars pro run dnRy to and vohdngChalrs 1'allmnnPalaeouleeping'araand from St I.nuk , vin Ihmelbal , nine ,6eoknk , lho fmnnuaC.h.e .Iinhti Cars run dnllstonnd Ilurlingtnn Cedar nnpkisnml Albeit Lca to St frontChlcago.thansasCity , Clucagwt ( ouncf I' ulandDlhlncnpallsll'arlorCaswIthicdlnip' itluQs , Chicago , t Ih's Moines t'htengo , St Jo" Chaff to and from St Loula and I'eorla ahdt' ( 'NI , Atehtaou.CTopckn , Only through and from St Louts and Othimwa. Only a ; hwcnChlcaoLinen in.t Dent'cr Thmnghcare chnngo of cars between St , LouL amt 1 : IN'tseenlndinnappoIb &Council lllunatial'eortn , Moines Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , and DenvCt All ctnmct'tlona rondo In Union De rota. It is Coloradan towuastlmgraatT111tOUQILCARLINC Ittsunhersat1yadmit tdtobetho tI I Flnnnt Equipped Railroad In the World for all Clnssos of Travel. I .J. i'OTl'CR.3i Vlct.PreS'taudlon'l Manngor Phlhv ( 1. Lnall ; ? T. lu. Tt c. Art. ChtCluti [ I FOUND IN A BOX , Mr. John 1 Iii than , of Augusta , ! e. , May 10 , 1583 , aa follows ; "I have Leon afllctal for eomo years witiacvoo ) kiduoytroublcald havingnoticcd an arllcoln ) mro of or papers of the Wonderful cures hunt ilomalyhadperformedInumuyca osofdrop. e3 , bladder and kldnoytroublce , nod finding n l'ottlo ' In a bur of slaw packing , l concluded 1 could try it , nud annmeneed to take lt , when , to aurrie , I found that the firet bottle benefited me n umrh that i de" elicit that I would COODUUO It. ue , and I kept on taktngltuntil ihadwadinnildx 1lottie. , and my appetite la good , aU patine Iu the btek ; nul ei.lo disap pcaral , And tar one of my yens ( I am now S0 y can oho ) I am able to attend to my bush. . ! , and am strung nud ilgorou ± , as inmyof my frfcndsnud neighborr can testify that kt1Ow me w'Ih 1 bvg to etatoaleo , that luauyof our noighlara tnaru nvenl Ilunt'altmocdywlhequally { n. gn lresultsandmoo of my frieds who Ilae tutpurchased nhottlo of aup. p3 , Ilhisman A Alden , of l'orllanleaye hobould mot hat without It at alp' prfcu. ' THE BABEIt'S WAY. Mr. Altred Nadcan , No.02 Lintroln.trect Lewiton , Mc , writen.Mn ) 1 , ISSI"Ihalo been severel e011ctetlfor alOlg time nllh indi estlon and Ihur complaint , atul at lines nil tf.t , . i ate so distres.ed mothnt 1 could , not bear that sight of food. I Ind trlmlakroalmany df8ercut rcinedlas for my coon plaint , trod they all failed , until ono day Mr , Martel , one of oar dtUggfst , in Lewetun ! , recoutmended hunt' . Remedy , ae ho knowof en umnywbo had used Itiiergwftlgreat 1uccesfwrlddnoy , Ilrer , and ur luary troubles , as Wulf as huligc8llou , atilt upml hta rcconunendation i finally concluded to try a bottle , alw1 COtmuoucrd tnking , s Ith t cry little faith In It. Tlno Ilrst ! rattle helped me no much that i purchased two more , std It haedono ate a wondcrhd amount of goal , and mired he of ludigestlon. I can eat all khtde of foal now , and can truly recommend ] luny , Itoutaly as a ante cure forindigeetion , firer and kid. nay dlseasca , " PRACTICAL ; EXPERIENCE , Mr. Oco. D. Dateot No , 32 Cottage Btrcet , Lewls ton , NI. , a reliable old prominent citizen , imparts the following Information , May 1I,1SS31- "llaiwg lenroal of the.aluabin qualities of llunt'e Itmncdy In a practical manner , 1 beg to , date that 1 conetderIt aremedy gfgreat merit , and can most cheerfully r'commend It to sny coo troubled with kidney or lhcr disease , " Nebraska Cornice - AND- MANUFACfrTntEltS OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES normor D indowsay FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT METALTO SKYLIO11T , Iron Fe.ncin ! Creetlnga , Balustrades , Vcrandae , Otgcoand Bank hailing , , Window nod Ccliarauarde , Etc. N. W. COB. NINTII AND JONES STS. WM. OAiBER , Manager , SP , LOUIS PAPER WAREIIOIIB Graham Paper Co. , 217 and 210 North Main St. , Bt Loull WI10LE23ALE DEALERS IN BOOK , WRITING Jf/4E"ERS iwiAI NERYS , / ' I ENVELCPESCARD OOABD AND PRINTERS' STOCK stiTCaeh paid far nags and Pope StockScrap Iron ail Metals. 1'Aper Stock Warehouser , 122 to 1227 North Sixth elect. eeIt2ld 3a. . //O1anNACQ'1Vnrr7 / / eltpt1HCOIOORAPNYer1HIS000N 1HY Wla Clt CY IXANININO THIS MAP THAT THC r' 1 , tD I . 19 + / / , aa r .i ) .a n t k r e 'Y ' 4 i i : P AI { 1 'tl .w , ryy wI I a Jy Ig d' ( .1 ' 'a ) . . Cl1ICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R1Y W the central poslllo'I of ate line , ocunoets the Ituat and the 4.t by 1ha ahortoattoute.oudcar. rot , pa.ualeen , wllhopt oltanga of ern , betweun Chluuu and iCouu „ Clty. Cuuudl fllutl , " Lenvun worth , Acnt + rn , ZAluncapol.u Cull fit. Paul , it rcnntut , m Untua 1)opuW wilt all the principal unru m Fund balYcOn Into Atlatuo nod the 1'ao no Ocoau. . Ib cgnttl tneal t. mtrtvated end t'agts n ent , u'lnp omnpoacd or tdoet ( ominrtablo nod ) lelttUtal Iny Loacho Magntnncol Morton Itc clluhtg CI..t r CaY llullbtm' . l'ruttluot I'alaoa ttlweputr Car , , npU ihn IL nt Lmo of Hmmg Oar. hi lllo\Ycld hNIWaeUChicago and IL.01111 lever I'ouu. . 8w o Tretu. botvecn CIIt- ergo and agateapobi and ht , l'aulvu ) that ramous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE. " A 1tow.nd Direct Line , vta Honeoa and 1'.anho. ta.nauroeenUir been opened berwcn lltuhmond , ! iolulbtJuw ) orlNuw . , LhultanoogAAllantAu- , . Lo'atvllln.LextlmlonCwotnuatt ' , 1ndt.utapoll , at1 LatayoUC.ald Omaha , bltamonp eta. and ht. Paul all mtormedtata Pont. . All ' . , ' ' Through 1'eJ.enger1'ravcl on Ytwt Lzptcu Train. . 1auaet. for pile at cll prtnclpalDhckct Onccce In the Unlaud Mates and Canada. lleeearo checked lhroaah , and rate , of faro at. tvuy. a low aa cuapotltors tltatotmr 1u , aUaan to ' es. I'ur dctulledlnformatlon , got lbo ] dap. and } 'old. Cr. of too GREAT ROOK ISLAND ROUTE At your neare.t Tlokct ( linen. or addro. . U.U.CAOLE , E , OT. JOHN , aw..nthat ' , Ut.ITkt.4tau. .4g1 , 1YlfAOO. ICETOOL . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 1 have eocurad the agoney of 'Wm. T. Wood & Co. , To au11 their took. They arc making the beet lee Tool , , and ore thu uidwt arm It the United State , Any ice Company w I.Idng to buy took sill receive thuprumpteet attention by addres.luar F , lV , BLUMVE 3.1ibtlIIi AttouleQPAU + lict4 . . 'Liu u.u of tic a.uu rotor S H 0 ii.i. Lino" In connection with lha corporate mmne eta greatroad , convey. an Idea of tag what ' required by the traveling pub. I I N E Ile-n Sh.rtiJuoQuick Tme aunt the heAt of ecaimmoda e dons-all of which are fern. ( shed by the greatest railnay hl Auerla. C HIOAGO , ILWAUKEE AndSt.Paul. It ow ns and operates over /,1 + 00 miles of road o Northern lllhml. , Wieconin , Mumosota ; Iowa an i Dakota ; and nil t , mnhl line. , Umnches and connec thou. teach all the great buslne , , contra of the Northwp t natal Far IYest , it naturally awswore the dtnerlptloo of S1.ud , Llne , and Ilcst ltonto letwecn Chicago , Mllwmtkee , St Paul and Mi ocapolle. ChiagoMllwaukeo , La Cro.o and Winona Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and IJlemlalo Cldcago , Mthinttkce , Eau Claire and Stillwater Chicago , 3tlhvaukce , Wausau anal Merrill. Chleage , Milwaukee , Bearer Danz and Oshkosh. Chicago , Milwaukee , WaukeehaandOcouomnwoa. Chlago , Mlhmukeo , Madison and l'ralrlodu Chien. 1 Cldago , Mitnaukeo , O Ft atoata and Fairlhault. , . Chicago , I1eloft , Jnnesilie and Miineral l'oint. Chicago , Eight , Itockfonl and Duhnque. , . . ' Chicago , Clinton , hock ] eland and Cedar itaplde. Chkagu , Council Uluae and Omaha , Chicago , SIArx City , Hlale Falle and Yankton ' ( Tncnro , , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlaln. hock Leland , tubuque , St Paul and Minneapolis. Dav coped , Calmar , St. Patti and Minncapolle. Iuliman Sicepere and the Finest Dining Care Inch world arc run on the stsalnlinoe of tee C AC MILWAUKEE PAUL RII A and escry attention I. pal to paseongere y cout one employes of the company , p 8 , d. MER111t.1 , , A. V. It. CARPENTER , Ocn'I Manager. Ocn'l Pass. Agent. J , T , CLARE , OEO Ii. IIEAFFOitD , Ooaa'I Sup' t. Aea't Ocn'i Paee. Ag't. , De { e 1t' ' e an as ONE OF TBEBEBTIPHYSIOIANS. , - ' - . . , I' Iiavo teen u9ing Swift'atSpeclfio in my practice for fluitealong tImecoil lregard Itthebestoombinatiot aa blood purhler and tonic. It I.I entirely .cp.table . , v being composed of the oxtracte of route which grog , . lu thisectlon of Georgia. 1 ran familiar frith Itahle tory from the time the formula was obtained front than Indian. . It Is a certaflt nud eaha teinedy for all klnde of blood paleal anti akin huunor and In thu hundrat of taeor lm wilclt I hare used it std Ken It uetl , ] hero hav nea or huen a faliuro to cure. I hnSo curetlbloal taint in Tor. Tlllmn Oxtett.tTIOx with It , after 1 had maet.l iaally failed by the most approved niethude of treatment with mercury and . ' lotklldeofpotaehum. { Thom taecehalobeen cured over tiftcetaveats , and hav o never ] Wad any return of the dhease tat tlleluselvei , or In their children. Fftin,1T00ME1IM. ; D. , ferry , Iloutuo Co „ Ga. "It I , the leat ceiling remedy in my .tore , and all eta. e , of CuPhCQntY It. It hae ) become a huuechchl remedy with many of our bust cittreta. . " SVALTEIt A.TAYEOR , Atlanta Ga. "I sell SwIfre S aeclfc-often egroes in tenlaysat retail , and to all claa9eb Sonro of Allante's heat peo. ado une it regulary as a tunic' a'ui ' allendive. , J05L111 BIIAD49ELD , Atlanta , OA. Our treatise on Ihlood and Skin Dheascs maectl free to applleuda. Tin ; 81f1FT SPECIFIC CO „ Draror 3 , Atlanta , Oa. Coroice-'Norks ' . IRON AND SLATE ROOFINO , C. SPECHT PROP. 1111 Douglee St. Omaha , Neb. MANUFACTURER 0 ? ' Galvanfzea Iron Cornices tJlDotmcrWindow , , Flnlals Tin , Iron and Slate " Rooting Hpccbt'e patent Metallic' Skylight , Patent ) uljuatcll Ratchet Rar and Bracket Shelving. I am ho general agout for the above line of goode. Iron eoclugCreitinge Balustrades , Verandas , Iron Dank Mange , Window li11n at , Ccear Guards ; also general ent fnr I'eorpou& 11111 aW t'nude lllind , A ' OSITIVoplthoutmaC , , g , lhtt ntcd0e tobrr 10 , 70 , Ono , Lox No , l will cnro any case in four Qaytt fir lose. No. 2 will cara the moat ohstiuatu cans no matter oh how long utaudlag. Allan's Soluble Medicatrd Doug/es , ' No naueous dosus of cubele , copabta , or oil of aal dal wood , that ore certaluto Pruducu dyetupslahi dcitrnyln g tlto eoatingeof the etumach , l'rioa Hold by all drug 6 lnte , or mailed on receipt of prila + for further tartleulareecnd for circular , P.O. sex iW13. J. C , ALLAN 00. CURE. b3.IuhQ bpeut-Amt. I Srk. . - 4 . : Rryeu' ' ' . . p tt1 1A ) ltt , . owr utt I fnr I/a cnm ul der waruu nN 1 bran h un mblatn slant Od , lu.lnuurnt , Iba .Nm a4t Hh . . tnnnnex rulum of ) : LEU k'-E-J' ' l lnaltllt'fl1'p , nnratlug , tm..a * % S. II. 1.1C tla a l. , bealtllw m Iluu nu cot randoant I ' ' N lf" " iIf all itat tJtvtduns } n Idle N r. O / mnhrodtunw It lx fur 1 ' IIit I I atw Ibe pulpau l1 'ur'lnnletxptptint ubt P. h r' , , Ivy a.antourmrcueddlc. , , , . , . , p Clwet'rr DR. WHITTIER f " 617 St. Charles St , , St , Louis , Mo. A IIEOULAIIORADUATEoitwomedical colleges 11 Kea huen entia' { ud Ion-er In the treatment of CIIIIONIC , NIat1 oS , eltfN ANP BLOOD Diaeasaa than other Phyblelan in St. Lout , , as city lapcreshow and all old resident , kuuw , Coaeultatioa lraoald ImvitaL 1VfaenltielnconspnicuttoIittheelty'for treatment , medlulnea an ho east by snail or axprose b eterywhera Corablucases guaranteed ; whetcdoubt oalats it he frankly elated , Call or write , Nen'oui'ra.lratlon , DubiIItyMeutal and Ph sty tzj ebkneaaMarcurlal anti other aSectlona of 'throat , - - lostlmpurilfeeold U1ool1'oiwn lug _ , Skh' Atfectluna , Old end Ulcer , , 6ufwo1 iuenta ntnr ago , lthmunat .nl , 1'llue Special at teatlontocaacrtrout overworked brain. SUIWICAL OASES rucu se special atlentlon. DGaeaua arl + g from Impru cnoe , Exoeteoe , Iadulgaucae. MARRIAGEpagu : aw Many oat roa'lpta' who tray G VIl7I7. tour9whomayrtot , why. auaeateousequenceaadcure. Mailed S 90c ; pCt.Masur ; wj ) ; idyiSO lY . 1