14 . . . . . . _ _ Ire r r THE DAILY BBL--COUNCIL BLUFFS , THURSDAY , iVQVEilII3EI : 8 , 1883. d j r'iE DAILY BER : COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Mornine , Nov , 8. f sunscnlrnon Ius1a : B Canter - - - - - - 20 ante per week IIy Mal - - - - tIQ00 pct Ynr II _ - OFFICES I No , 7 Pearl Street , Hoar Broadway , I MINOR MENTION. See Joseph Roiter's fall goods' Additional locals on aavcnth page , fynster block ie about completed , Cheap Railroad Tickcts at Bushnoll's. ' Tim addition toSL , Francis' Acadotnyis ltonrly cornpletod. J , F , Davidson , of Boston , was at the Ogden yesterday. { Fred W. Lee , of Chicago , wns an 0g I 11Cl1ito yesterday , J. A. Iiddlcton , of IToston , arrival at the Ogden yesterday , ' Much snort is promised at the matinee t nt the driving park Saturday , The Bachelor club is preparing to give a social and oyster supper at and early I date. Sidney Williams and T. R , Gomloy , of Colfax' Iowa , were at thin 1'acifc ycstor day. day.The The pipe for the water works is coining ' right along now , and it is expected to be i' .I . all laid soon. .II I Leave towed was yesterday given to j. 1V. Darr , of Cheney , Nab. , and Sarah Stocker , of Marengo , Iowa , The board of education is discussing the advisibility of having another school house near the Wabash freight dopoL Tim banks of the city closed at noon yesterday in respect to the memory of C Charles E. Dix , late cashier of the Say. I { i ing ° bank" t Constable Clatterbuck want out to I Carson yesterday to brin > I in a colored i woman , Anna Scott , who is violently and I dangerously insane , All ordinary beer wagon got stalled on Broadway yesterday , and yet there are 1 citizens who do net think it is beat to t pave the streets. I The electric light machinery was + i shipped from Boston on the first of the month , and is expected to arrive ] fora ; within a few days. ' This evening Mia ° Ella Miller , a returned turned missionary from Burman , will give a free lecture at the Baptist church. She will give rersonal experiences , do. nk scribe the peculiar customs and habits of the country , and give various instructive r and interesting facts. . I Rev. Richard Armstrong , pastor of th f Methodist church , was badly hurt last y' ' ; ovoning. Ho was taking down som e decorations in his church after a festival , R had boon held , and fell from a stopladdor. ' Bo brokohiscollar bono , loft arm an ; 1 i one or two ribs , and was otherwise badly ' 1 t bruised. One of Broadway's retail merchants is t having n great dual of trouble with his boy , who is only about seventeen year old , and wlio is said to got hicastlY + ugly drunk , abusing his father , and causing a commotion generally. The questio arises , who sells such a boy drink ? The third of thofoyal Arcanum social ° is to be given at their' hall Friday oven I ing. Only these fortunate enough have Aecurod eoason tickets are ad mftted. Those occasions ore among the o most eii oyablti pf tllo social season. Tll ° . x Jtoyal' hum novur dove things by ' hitlvoa. T : i YostndaY ono of thu workmen , . on ago dl 1 ; in moving the old bU ie4'r n ui1 ' l street , was badly hurt by the glvin l , away of the cable , a large iron boo : swinging around and hitting him wit h L much force the knee on , hurting him s e badly that lie will be laid up for som time ' be being unable to stop on thin lc g. I 1 S. T. Walker t1 Co , , of this city , ar o { mentionca as likely to got the Stat o printing. An old established firm wit Ii excellent facilities for doing good servic o } to the state in that line , it is to be hoe that they may got it. The State pre t } work surely be done wel , and the s could not all into better or uteri ° akil lful lands , z ; Charles Itoeao , a colored barber at I Ncola , was arrested there and brou tht' { this city yesterday , to answer to a clra qe ; of adultery it being elninted 1Y E d , i Burke that hoses was the follow who it z duced his wife to stray from the path of t virtue. Burke avous that Rosso at 1d Mrs. Burke took a room together at tl to llry'ant house , and he doom not propo ea to stand any auch doings. Conductor Bennett , who has serve d long and faithfully as conductor on U no 1 street car line , has resigned his poaitiot , In the course of a weekpossibly be no : t 3 Monday , the street car' om Is to do with t away all 1i in boxes' inwhich passengers can dal o ° ; ted their own fares. Bonilett has rev od t liimsolf an o0iclont mal , , and w firth hie wuo acquaintanceship and many lrien cis he will have no difficlt Y in finding sot n0 other position" Judge AyleaworUt has decided o ne , ueatu n m the caao of Colby vs the Cod as ltaPidainsurance coin pony , Thorn w in the policy a charge providing that ! E could not be assigned uxco t the co pasty consented and the soc eta of C h u company shall so endorse on the eli ° g ' The pokey was assigned without n . Lent , nd he Judge hold that this neai6 , + moat was valid though it did not be out any defence which 1 could have Leon set up before the ale a imnnent , REMOVING TIIEJBEDIAINB , Tlie Body off Charles F , DIr Start ed Per thcGrlcftrlekon Eastern Hants. Yesterday afternoon there wore L riot funeral eorvicos hold hero over the i.e. mains of Charles E , Dix , this cashier of iho SavingaJ bank , who shot him self while temporarily 1ttesta , Thu acrvl cos wore conducted byRev. . Mr. Mackey , of St. Paul's Episcopal church , and in ac cordanco with the ritual of that chu ach , There was quito a gathering of sorrow 1118 fnoads and this occasion eat poculia fly std and touchinga The pall bearers w are II' ' Lawrence and 0 , I , Pease , of Omu ha ; , ' D , St. Clair IB1lis , of St. Je ; Rob art Croon , Hon Robinson anti W. 1Y. Dearborn. Thu remains wars pia coo on the evening train , to be taken to t he hone of liiaparents in Saloon , M alas , ) Ir , N R Doi 1 ro taking them hi cla ro' ' r "i O . n Ii Tull Oit' fl JUllY. The Coning Terms of Cho District and Circuit Court , The District Court opeus itstorm ; in this city December 3. It fie flue Inst term of the District Court at which Judgolteod will prceida , as on iho first of January ho is to ] sous Chit bench for the higher one of the Supreino Court. The following is ( ho flat of the grand jury , chosen last spring , end who bola over ThaynrooxPectetl to report ou Cho first day o { the term : 1I , Dlardin ; Council Bluffs ; W , II , hairl'alloy townahipF ; , T , 0. Johnson , Norwalk ] A , W. Coffman , Knox ; A , C B ergman , I'lcasanE11'm ; , Bcaslay , Mace. aonin ; J. I" ' , htnrtiy , 1'otor ITochtclo , 1) . h oist , , lobo Evers , Council ITluil'ei A.11 , Wyman , Keg Creek ; Win , 1111aouCoun cil Illufl's' W , 11. McGinnis , Hazel Dell ; E ugene htupfcll , Ilnrdin ; Basil Fox , Itocldorth Under this now arrangement the first ] suit of the district court Host year fie to b e bola iho first Monday in , Tnnunry th e 7111 , in Shelby cauntq , ant as it his generally understood that Judge Lootbourow is to succeed Iudgo ] Coca , this will 'be his first term in that otont. The lost form of the circuit court tins gear is to be hold in Fremont county De camber 17th , anti the first tons of the circuit court with Cho now judo , who. over ha may be , will ho hchl Pabrunry 7t h in Crawford county. The fief term of the circuit court rat Council Bluffs w ith the new judge will be thu second Dlmndny fn February. Gas fixtures at Bfxby's ' , 333 Broadway , PEU80NAL. V. F. Forth , who heM recently entered with M r. Coith into ties loran and real estate Luse Rosa at Sioux City , ie ht the city for n few Jaya' stay , Mr. Ives , of Den Moines , one of the attor Hoye engaged far the dotmeso of IInlly Lewis , w as iu Cho city yesterday , nud left last oven. hug for home. 1V , 1t , Vaughan accompanied him to Des Moines , expecting to be gone only a tow sign. James S. Bradford , of Cleveland , 0 , , is at th e Pacific. A , If. Whoolock , of Moliuo , iii. , is at lfachtolo's hotel , ' Olny Knox , of Mncodon'n ' , was among those who enjoyed n toll ices at llochtele'a yesterday , B. F. Cathvallnder , of Crostun , Iowa , visited the Blues yesterday , and dined a t BOChtolo's , 0 , A. Rogers , of Cedar Rapids , ono of th o olliciale of Cho insurance company of then t place , was in the city yesterday. \v. C.II. Androwa and wife , of Chicago who formerly resides hero , have been spend lag n foss days at tire Ogden. Mr. Andrew. , 1 is general western agent for the Oran Trunk and other lines , was hero air business , a nti also had an opxrtnnity ; t < , greet some 0 f ids old time friends , Judge James , Judge Lar I nter and others. lIa was warmly welcomed b y his old friends. Cut rates to all points at McAllister ttckat ollico , 1i05 Broadway , Council BIuUe , STRANGE RUMORS. Is Cho Union Pacific flenolsingOut lb. More Streets ? It now appears that the Union Pacif ° fie not satisfied with being given Unio n a venue , but is looking forward to affil j Ireater I acquisitions. If i ° stated ta } t some of their surveyors have been out o ° Washington avenue , locating a possible e xtension in that direction , and that the company is planning for a line runltin g Os3419fA1Y { QNt of this oily , It u wolf fo L I 'tiro cltizcna of council I31ufl's to o n ' uard , The intorestit of the cif Y are paramount to those of the Union Pa ' c ilia , and the giving of Unoh } avenue ha b shown that the city cannot expect an ' great returns for any grnntgn'on to the t c ompany. Few of the promised ndvnn tagca have been thus for gained , slid it i a well for aldermen mla citizens to keep o the alert for some further planningonth 0 part of the Union Pacific , The Now Catholic Church , , The foundation of the now Cntholi ° church is note eomplotad. The work t ' ° massive end oap0uslve , and the buildiu g which ha to be erected thereon wall be f n proptrtion , ranking ens of the fins a t church structures in this part of the ta country , the cost to be $10,000 , 1"h 0 fouudati01ts leave cost $10,000 , and nbo Ut ono half of this 01nount has beau alrend pain , leaving $5,000 to b provided far. Itov. Father McMetom who ana this great entarrieo in } an a'ti is intorviovring the Gusuicsm mint an ti those interested. in having Gno churc h 1'roJlurty in Council ] ] lotto , and Cho re seems n willingness on the pert of min Y to help tlio cause nloug. By raising tl 10 $ GOOt1 now it would pal , ' , ; the antsy ] er1 so to n permanent success , far there fie enough in the other property offered i solo to complete the church ne soot ] as of can be solo. Council Bluffs noose bolt or churches , ana needs then badly , as 'd such a great improvement. as that no tr going on altaulrl practically interest Itil , , I wish to extend sincerest thanks at nd life loug gratitude to my many neb to friends , and particularly sir , and Mr , I , A , Miller and Mr , and Dire. Cl Hobbs for the watchful taro and fond : noes shown my late husband during 1 Ile last hours , L f , CLAIts. Found Dead , The Crawford County Bulletin narra tea the following mysterious death : Last Thursday morning , Henry G us tau Honing , aged 10 issue , was tau na dead in Mr. Edward Mundt's bane. 1 ID had for ° 01110 days boon threshing for Mr. Mundt and had concluded his wo rk 1Yutinasduy evening. ! t appears tl tot eovurnl of Cho threshers hind ruviou sly boon accustomed to oleo in ttto bar , sin ! Eliot young llollinr intended to sloe th e rep that night , Tlno b ° aY yea found roclhliin r alt tlio floor of tins bat t , near ono of doors , Cordner P' i or aid , with cotmnenaablo promptness , ro pace { to the residence o t Mr. U. J , Iii ] hug , tl ' F father , ice Uttar Ore ok d ' whore an hilt1n08t was bola ell Thursday night. No ovlaonco urns a0 vulopea at the inquest upon which it theory of the young eau's death cot la be based , It } s a ens ail'alr in every toapcct , ] Ie woes bright into intelligent young n tau who enjoyed a largo number of parse sa l friends , eta sympathy fie expressed for the atllictod , aroma , U , JoIui ] lolli is one of our beat known citizens A 1nU Il1yr ono of the lending inset in hie township and all ilia roaaora of The Bulletin wilt te nder their heartfelt. sympathies in his auh boreavonnonL 1Vo learn that. Cho body will exhumes and n postmortem ex amination mode , which it is hoped will uurnral ! ho and myator of pia death. Since tlio above was received , a post. mortem oxaminntton was made , and the min's skull was , found fractured and other marks et violence wore found on pia person , which led to the belief that the man had been foully dealt with , Four men heave since hemi arrested , and ar e now being held at llonieon , awnit lu g the action of Cho grand jury , now in session , TII1. NEW DYEWOItliS , F. It , } Iurlburt hens oloncd , rat No , 3 f P earl street , n etenm dying and I' ' roach dry donning works. I'lumca and tips , velvets silks , satins , ] rent's clothing , rnorclnnnt'a slllf warn bed roads + ill made na go od as now , Ilenl Estate Transfers , The following deeds rare filed for record cord in Cho recorder's office , November 7 , reported for the B1E : by P , J , Mc. Dlnlion , real .slots agent : Elizabethn Salloy of nl , to Mary B. Senn , lot 8 , block 11 , ltidalo's alts ; ; 300 , Citizens' Savings Bank to .1 , 0. Schent- morhorn , lots 3 , 4 and 6 , block G , Bay liaa' 2d odd ; Q3,250. William Newton to L. S , Axtell , eoj no,10 , 77 , 4.1 . ; $150. slut H. Covert to Virginia E , Robin. eon , lot 1 , block J , Meredith's add to Avoca ; $800 , A. J. I'owoll to Joint if. Powell , lots 1 , 2 , 7 , 8,18,10 and 20 , block $0 , C0n trnl sub ; & ; 00. T , N , Deal to Thomas Slattory , nnI swj , 33 , 77 , 44 ; $50 , Uoorgo B. Schonck to N , A. Olslon , lot 1 , block 14 , Ferry add ; $150. Tomas Bowman to Vi. .1. Lautorwas. ear , port se j- nol , 2G , 7 + I , 44 ; $600. John Geodson to James Luby , . i not , 31 , 77 , 41 ; $2,400 , D , H Francisco to John Francisco , sl Total sales , $8,201. Why permit your children to die with tiiphthonaT Dr. Jolfurios' , ( Council B luffs , Iowa ) , romoaY prevents or cures ev ery case. Send for it. CoMMEItCIAL. COUNCIL aLUFFB iAmCET , , Wheat-No , 2 spring , 70c ; No. 8 ; COc ; to. Joctod , GOc ; good demand. Corn-Dealer. arc paying 28@30c ; rejected corn , Chicago , 40QaGc ; now mixed 40c ; white corn , 50c Clio receipts of corn are light. Oats-fn good demand at 20c. h ay--I OO li O 00 per ton ; GOc per bale , it yo-40c ; ht supply. Corn Meal 125 I or 100 pounds , Wood-Good supply ; prices at yards , G O0@ 00Coal-Delivered - heard 1100 per ton ; soft , "r GO par tun. Butter-Plenty and in fair demand at 25c ; c reamery 30c. Eggs-lioady solo at 1Gc per dozer. Lard-Tatrbank's , wlrolosafng at lie. Poultrq-Firm ; dealers tire paging for ch ickens lCc ; his , 2 GO per dozen , Vcgotablcs-Potatoes , SQc ; unions , ( Oc' cab. bngos , 30Q40c per dozen ; apples , 3 GOb I OU per barrel F lourr-City flour , 10003 40. Brooms-2 0o@,3 C per doz. Cattle-3 00f3 60x cnlvCOa G C7 50 , logs-Market for hogs quiet , as the pack. ing4housos are closed ; shippers are paylnR 400 (03 7G , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE-Spaclal rdvertlsementa , sroh ale Lost , F ound , To Loan , For Sale , To limit , a'arrd , Doerd log , etc „ will b0 inserted fa this column at the to w rate of TEN CENTS PER LINE for the diet Ineartl0n a nd FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent In. .ertlOp. Leave advertisements al our Ofaee , N0. 7 Pearl Street , near Droadaav WANT $ . 7 [ ANTED-Four broom rlakero , Immediately. TT ' Highest prices { wld , blame A Co. , Council I DluO'a , ANTED-Eve Loa to Council Bluffs to take TVTush. . . . Deilycredyby corrierat only twenty costa a wcolr % ANTEI-A Iwy , with pony , to dtllvar Tea Bra , p1U 11AItIAINAnymle wanting a bc6 of JoM . eoalEncyol0pd11a,017ho\'Qlumescaagctabat gain by coiling at T1ra use otnce , i SITUATION wAlrl'EO-ray a first class wok o goat ex erlonce , Address J , W. , 700 Mali s treet , . JOSEPH AGHEO.A.N a HARD WOOD AND --COAL- - - - Conley Muhl street .d l Ig11lh stellar , Coure : 1 hull , , . drrhowat rates aril prompt dclhery , , treat Piles and Yallingjof the Rectum I aT radical and pcnnmwnt cure , iii from two to to aTe n ceks. Upcratlone palulenn. Diseases of the e Rectum a Specialty. DR. A , J. COOK lbddcw Item ucl llluna , sirs Dinka Your Contracts Now for Yo ur Whiter t upply of Missouri Hard Woos. I AND IfAItDAND801 1 ' -WITih P. OVEI TON , 505 First Avenue , Council Bluffs , Iow a , And secure the beet article and full measure att h a of't11o cltyt pule , Stove weal delivered to any pa [ t DR. G.W. PAN GL E READER OF MAN Fifteen yeas' experience. Eclectic , Magneno flerballst l'hyslcim , Master of the touawlng d eases : Catarrh Nervous Dobfltp , Mental Repro t Coil , Apoplexy , l'1t. , Lox. of Manliness. Cancere.Removed with outthe Knife , Dro p , ey Cured Without Tapping. Liver Comlalnt { min.y UouWlahd'Diabotus ' , she u i atism ' , l'aralyst. , WLII „ Swelling , Erysipelas , I uhe VRus 'Ihnce. Woman and Her Diseases Treated Wit he the happiest Results , Setial { attention g run to prlratu u1d vcner dl.eaeoL Located No , 310 Broadway , Room 3 , ( tip ! solo ) , Council Blua. , town , tiprap A Correct Diagnosis Olvon ( Without a rap Explanation from the Patient , tTCun.ultatlonlrouatuSOO. - Mr Rr RIBBON. P I t nEPttl01EtaTa : Phmnlx Assurance Ca , 01 Concise , Cash Aasets , , . . . , . nnn.f5tal , Wostol ataT , N , Y. , Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,000 , Tha Marchand , of Newark , N , J.Cadtl 1,276 , ° ° ° Gtratd Ftre 1'hUs.telpIda , capltM , . , , , , 1,200,000 , Firemen' . i'undOspltai , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1YSe,916 OFFICE-Room 10 , Omaha Nauon.l II1.nt Du Bd inf. Tenpbons No. 575 John De Peabody , M D PHYSICIAN & SURGEO N OPYIO $ n00My , 9 and t 601 FAIUTASL l l rraIs i Stint , - EXCLUSIVE I We have the only exclusive ) Wholesale Store for the Sale of BOOTS AND SHOES a West of Chicago and cast of San. Francisco , north of St. Louis and south of St. Paul , We Give Chicago Discounts ! Write to us direct for prices , etc. Our line of Specials is the finest in the country , , Z5 T. LINDSEY & CO , , Olfce 412 Broadway , ( Up-Stairs ) , Council Bluffs , Iowa , IYIAYNE & PALIYIER f DEALEILS IN - - . + _ . . Hard and Soft Coal , , IIllLI [ AND DAnnIL : LISIELODISVILLE AND ! 'OhT1ANDOritENT , MIC1n0AN PLASTERIiAIR . AND SEWER I'IFE. He , 639 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLIIFPa , IOWA , SMITH & TOLLER , w co o r ' P ' 0 erc an ai ors. 7 and 9 Main Street. nxRI70TOR Y , CJOYTN OIL SLIIFFf3 , I. . ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OF PUTTAWATTA3IiE JOHN W , BAIRD COUN , TY COLLECTION AGENCY. Office weer Droadwayand Diln street. JOHN BEND & CO OENEIUL MERCHANDISE. , t 18 Main .frost and 17 Pearl street. DIAX MORN C1tES DN hl 4 ? Sand ) , , 211 Stain street. DR , , , WHITE , Corner Main and Fifth up stntrs. OFFICE Residence , , 600 Willow Avenue. N , SC gURZ , JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , Ofiw over American Express. S S. WAGNER LiVERYAND FEED , , , win contract for funerals at reasonable rates. 42 Fourth .tree. J , M , ST , JOHN . & . COCASH BUYERS. lrY a a iT nii 's > ; fp'to ; Draft by retain inst. 1e0 Broadway. JACOB gOCH , Stock Complete , Suite MERCHANT made at reasonable TAILOR prices. , No. 805 Matra St. a . F SMITH CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , , , corner 7th and Broadway. Plane and specifications furnished. , , SxBRnffn r DEALER IN FINE HARNESS. , I have the variety that brings patronage. 324 Main street , JAMES MERCHANT TAILOR. , Artistic work and reasonable charges. 572 Broadway. HOWE & SON FURNITURE STOVES , f and Household Buppllee. 603 Broadway. LINDT- & HART ATTORNEYS AT LAw , James Block. Practice fn.mla and federal courts. S A U And gomeq bath house , M. D. , 421 Physician. and 423 Broadway , L Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont. EDWIN J . ABBOTT JUSTICFe OF THE PEACE , , NotaNPublloandGeneral Conveyancer. 415 Broadway. R EVERE HOUSE NMITII & NORTON , , Broadway opposite Opera IIousa. Refitted 111 , 11.50 Per day T HAIR- GOODS OF ALL KINDS. Sold a e , Lowest race s IN TILE WEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED , At MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , - - 3371V. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa KaX11bear11 cC p ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) 1 OI1EY r , . Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and Lands in the County , Model Steam Laundry ! 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N , A CH STIANSON „ . - - - roprietor , Has just opened n new and well fitted steam laundry. Guarantee goo a work , Plt4ase give me a trial , IF YOU WANT BOOTSSHOES OR RUBBERS I CALL ON 7 Corner Main and First Avenue , Council Bluffs , He has Tllo m ' I -x J- Solar Camera Ellhtr ement for the trote ] at reasonable rates. Order s 'ay mail promptly fillet. C. D , LUCCOCK , 143 Broadway , Council Bluffs , ' IA I'ER CENT OPTION LOANS 0 n City and Farm Property. S. W. PERGUSSON & CON , 3t1 ] 'earl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , .J c : : Our line of Stoves is this moe cpmpleto in w city eta includes all the most Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvements 1 1Vo kayo ltammorod tIm prlcea down as thin as they will stand without breaking , and you are invited to tall and see how thick ties stoves are in comparison. PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT Of HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , slightly tarnished , at n reduction of $5,00 cache. 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Sf „ Council Bluffs , . - _ - - - - - Enl kia HardWaraCo - t ; . P E 1' , l " " ' . ( 'VCTaOLar i.f . ? .tlf iR if H HHnrdwaro ! " - 100 and 111 S , Main Street , 7 _ -j r _ . , , d. , , _ , ' COUNCIL BLUFFS , . IOWA , ] X tc 1f 9 W1OLESALE DEALERS IN HATS , GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCILBLUFFS , 1n11',1 , I ce CreaFruit , & CouTtiollei'y ' Parties , Soalables and Picnics supplied on short notice , and goods delivered to all parts of the city. Vienna Bread , and Pies. Fins Cigars. We T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 Neat Broadway , , COUNCLL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS ISought JtSS.d 1901,3. Money Loaned , Abstracts F urn fished J. MoM1 . ION' r No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. BUCKEYE FEED GRINDER . . Y u. / ' + ll , . p ; . 4 , a i 5 III I i' i F . , l - WILL SHELL AND GRIND AT THE SAME TIME P . A complete Horse Power. The best Feed M111 in existence. Costs but little more the n a common grinder , Write for circ'llars to SHUGART , WAITE & WIES , Council Bluffs , Iowa , General Agents for Nesters Iowa and Nebraska. MRS. . D. A , BENEDICT f DEALER IN Ladies' ' . Furnll ! Gooffs 1 NOTIONS , JEWELRY , &C. 337 W ; Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SRELTONf HENDRICKS & RICE , ah TAILORS 102 MAIN STREET , C OUNCIL BLUFFS. , FALL AND WINTER Gl ' r STOCK NOW C OMPLETE f EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES t OT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED Ella GALLAGHER. ' O c : " d7l' SL w"7q Now Store , Fresh Goods , Low Priccs and I'olito Attendants. ' f l first Door east of Metropolitan flotelrLOU } ConucI Eltn ( nnnn I11uU. . AY. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers . 317 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS ; 'J' 'I' OI ] N'EID BEUTrrELEls European Hotel. The only only hotel run en the European plan this city. New building , newly furnished and all modern improvements , and is centrally located , PETER BEC3i TELEf PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - -Council Bluffs , Iowa. PAWNBROKERS SALE OF Vnredeemod. Goode. Iii diamonds suitable for ladies and gent-a , also in ladies' and goats' solid gold and and silver watches and chains , and a full line of set and plain gold rings , 25D neon's and 90 boy's ov coats , All these articles must be sold , Money lent on ALL KINDS of goreo11a1 ra art , D , GOLDSTEIN , 228 Middle Broadway , e1yPoeitu Council Bluil's city building , ' WL R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , Real estate and wylectlonageooy , n Odd Fellow' . lock , oterSavior. Bank. , an8p 11rs , H , J.11111811,111 , , D , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , _ 22TBroadwar. CouncU BlUE. . _ JACOB SIMS. L' . I' . CA DWELL. SIMS & CA DWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL if.UFFS , IOWA Office , Stain Strctt , itoomi t 1.011 rlhugart A Mc. bldlon'a Stock , tV'UI prctke lu State and tiroi wurta R. Rice M. D. CANCERS or other tumors removed without the 1 knife or drawing of blued CHRONIC DISEASES of .Cods a specialty' Orcrtldrtyyearsproctlcalerperlenra OdlccNe. e Pearl street , Lbu cil L'IuU , , , rsfConsultatlou free silos. duds , a. Ir. runt , , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council blue. ' Is. Establishea - - ' 1856 beaters rl Furelgn and Uomust1 E nhau ge aid liourc SecuUus.