. - - - . - - - - - - ' - - - THE DAWYBEE--OMAIIA TIJURSiJAt NOVEMBER 8 ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , 1883. A IU RI ? . I. Ectjctiuct : What does it tnirt7 A. ektcd . .nd 1kckIzM. . . . Vht rbu It.ThomM } : cectrc om ' A. flOMe8 the poi1e. . ' 9. 110 % ? - ' : ' Curci their Rche4 , cures : : : : ltjnnc , brutq , e.catde , blte , epreIn trt1n : iiI 1itn , ; joeg J7 tiia anti nerc. \ - S r. Q. What ? 4 M remoIy for cough Mid cod It wouhl be cmleiilt ] to find aaythInge.u to br.Thm'Ee1ee. ? le oi. ; it wlfl turo tthInft and etAnh & 1rncet fn. db1y. Cl. (1uruftnte4 I It ? S 1viay : I30TTLF , Ot MOM RF.IVDXD , , Q ( ; oodl 1t ht they ciifl ptcnt thouhtrnt ; ) OunJ IaJ. S. tnlnd the COtn.1. Try S t , . VU do It , WIiM tiecxpene A. Fifty cent for inlI , one do1Ir for tre. ' S q. Cheaenouh. Who eds Ir. Thomu' } ccc. ! tk Ofl A. Dnt everyhcre. 1LDr. ( Thom. 1dectiIc 011 ho probed to ? o a btg - S hit. 1t Is Bob ! more aiid ghc tottr sunt inure geit. era CatIfatlonth any other cOmpctfo 'nedkIno FOSTERMILIWRN& CO..PropsDufl1oN.V , 'riii SPRINGFIELD TOI.XADO. 1tIIe1 3roaHurc--rorc DeatI Et. pected. Sf nMrflL1 ! : , , to. , November 7.- 'l'licre was one ( luath to.d' among the victims of tim tornado. Several others ir o in a very critical condition , and some will die. Itoporbe Iat night embraced full and correct particulars. Pweny. tive hundred dollars have been rahsed for relief of the injured and dotituto. All are well cared for. The work of rebuild. , ' ing is going on rapidly. About p forty families are homeless and destitute and a many more materially damaged in property. Many of those who lost their house were employes of tlio San Frau. cisco raihroad , and Captain Ito'ers , eon- erni manager of that road , is furnisifng } material to all of thorn to rebuild , giving them their own time in which to nuako payment THE CRIMINAL RECORD. AN I1flTOR AD oAnlflNEn )1LLED. GAL'EsroN , Tox. , November 7.Tho Nowi' Fort Worth special says that J. v. Fleming , formerly Greenback politi. cal oditorof The Age arid Proross , waa shot in thti head 3at ovoniug and instantly - ly killed by E. L. Cunningham. Flem. ing had a pistol in hli hand when killed. - lIe and Cunningham were rjvith in the muxkot garden buainess , both had boon drinking and Upon meeting each oilier in More juaroled. TWO TEGUOEM ShOT. ¶ Srttro , Va. , November 7.-Two negroes were eliot yesterday by a white unati named Croghan. . . A flitL MUJtflEfl. OALyITON , November 7.-The News- Lulung.special says that eight miles out , the daughter of Itov. Newton , was shot to death by her husband , her hearta blood spurting into the brea& she wa making for him. . Ho pretended 11i3 wife suicided owing to her jealousy. S De MoilicH Dots. DE Iowa , November 7.-A 4 three-year-old son of John Larson fall LntA ) a tub of boiling water and waa icaldcd to death. The corner stone of the Masonic Tom- P10 Waa laid thin afternoon. Grazud Maui- ter Van Saun officiated. Rev. Young 'I niado the prayer and delivered an ad- ' 1reui. The procession of commandcrie9 , coiisLuiting of chapters and blue lodgeui , l8 led by bands. Cilhlston , n tlio flock lelanil. CUICAGO , November 7.-The Chicigo , . lrock5lsland andPa ific train from St. S Paul5to-hight ollrded witWa freight' tnufn S just outside the city limits. Several cars were badly wrecked. Baggaemanoo. VS- Berry was injured , probably fatally , and r aevoral otherui slightly hurt. \ N The Swell Head. Ciuuctoo , November 7.-Several cases S of the contagious difeaso known rui "swell head' ' have developed among the cattle at the stock yards. The first scientific examination of thts disease in this country - try waa madoto-day , under the direction of the United States Treasury Cattle Commission. It was decided that the disease was the result of the lodgement of inicoecopic planta in the tooth. When the disease extends to the jaws it . nearly always proves fatal. It can be communicated to man. - - S A G-ood5Talkcr On the itas r platform , In society or at home , mint not only JoseL. brahn but a clear , 4Lmng voice. Catarrh , or a aevero cold , i al- modt certain to injure the yoco. fltt thehe may be COmI)1OIY cz-aullcatol with a few npplfcaUoni of 'Ihonw'Eckctric ! Qt ( , un- rivalcd In jt8 specie ] Li08. A Virginia Disturbance. PErERuI3uno , November 7.-Latuir information - formation concornLng the disturbance at Wakefield says it was more seraous than : utfirL reported. At the time of the diii- turbanco . H. Morris , proprietor of the Vakefi ld hotel , attempted to leave the crowd and was pursued by the mob , .Nothing has boon hoard of his wherea. bouts. It is supposed that , after being killed , his body was concealed. Expediting Justico. GALvmT0N , Tax. , November 7A fr Luuling special says last night a hundred united unasked inca surrounded a house in vhich was confincLi , John 11. Martin , who yosterdiy confessed to murdering his wife. Thu guard gave him Ut ) Ofl do- ihauid , Martin's boJy was founri to-day hanging to a tree in the oubekirts. CATARH COMPLETE ThEATMENT , $1 , A , dnIc d 01 Baniord's Iladtcitl CUTS In' sth.ntiy rilevtthq i.no t joIent $ oeerin or 11e3d Co1dj , thirstho head a by maiiio. toi try dI- iIargv frpm the ( r.se anti Eyc , prcvcnt IUnii. oiot' ' , in the hee ) , Curee iervoua IIezdachoan buWu(1l ChIU and Feer. In Chrordo Ctatrh , It cIeanei the naoI pe&ges of foul inucu , , rt-tore bu ne (4 m4hI , t&td and bearIng hn uflecteti , trie the hoa'i. ( hott and bronchial tube of ouien. sI , matter , wvetcn anti Iuriflc4 the breath , top the coub and irret' thu porcs ci eatrrt to 4S _ cure. one box Catarflat 13o1. * nt OJl $ .enfIrd Inhaier. &hl I : , one pee3ge , o an iIrugitt.toi Ask ftr flisuoso'o HIwcaL Cres. l'oTTba IrL'o CID.Muc.u. Co. . notn. Poe the relIef and preventlot2 , S COLLINS INwrthT IT 113 AI'PLWD , . VOt.TAC $ ° IthewnxtIm , Neura1ga , $ ci&t- , I Colit , VeaI ' \ ' .t"i , _ ; - litotn&th .2u1 floseI.i , ShootI S S \ _ Pa1n. Numbnu , hysteria , Fe. - -S ir.e I'oJns l'aipltatlon , Vypop. 5- ' , ( ; ; ) - . na , Liver domtiaint , IIUIIOUI Fa . - ' cr. Uaria and eLIcugca , , - ' \ S / S ' CUJNii vLMrrE tii an Ja- S EI4CTIU\\TItIO n.mitr t 4 c5 $ with aPoroiui1asterandbub S a. Vs .vsryw1ns. TilE tIOVEMBER STATES. Tucsay's ' Tn atYr \ BristicsVith \ Vctoricsforlloth ! Partis1 I Now York Gees Domooratlo by a SoratohTjth Manning - ning Defeated , Ton Thousand Opposition Vote Piled Upon Butler in Masaohusott , Anti , IaI1on'Johit,4 , the Del'intut Army Sailing Up SuIt Creek. NEW YORK , Nv : Vunuc , November Thu total vote of this city on the State ticket : Sec. rotary of State , Maynard , Dent , , O1,51O ; Carr , Rep. , 68Ji82 ; Controller , Chapin , D iii. , 1O1,82th Davenport , flop. , f8- (115. John Reilly , Democratic candidate for County Register reoivcd 70,147 votes ; Jacob hess , Rep , , 8tl)8 ) ; James O'Brien , Independent Democrat , 16,431. John Connohly , thirty years of ago , killed himself , being diasatisfied with the result of the election. floturuus from 1,002 polhimig pla es in the StMo oUtside tIthe city give Maynard 161,721 votes and Carr 18J,168 votes for Secretary of Slate. The Albany Argus estimates tim majority - jority of the.Domocratic State ticket at 10,000 to 15,000 , except Maynard , who is probably defeated by 10,000. It estimates - mates the Senate to be 19 Republicans , 13 Democrats and the Assembly in doubt. NEW Yofl , November 7.--Mnyor Lewis is re-elected in Brooklyn by a majority of 1,628. ALumAjY , Norombor 7.-In the returns received to 10 a. in. , The Evening l'ouit claim Carr's election , and possibly Dover. port and Russell. The Legislature is surely Ruipubhicanin both branches. AtnA.-Y , N. V. , November 7.-The. Argus estimates the election of the Democratic - ocratic State ticket except Maynard by 1o,000 _ majority. Carr's majority i& about 16,000 , The Republicans have 19 sonatons and assemblymen. Thtw YOItC , November 7.-The Sun says Maynard , for Secretary of State , apcars to have run30O9O votes behind his ticket in this city , Brooklyn , Roches- tar and Buffalo ; and Carr , ltoiublican , is elected 16,000 to 18,000 majority. Maxwell , Demovratic candidate fer State Treasurer , lagged behind his ticket in time wcstpart of the State , but probably pulls through. Russell , Republican candidate - didate for Attorney General , leads Carr and the restin Northern Now York , but not enough to put hIm ahead of Dennis O'Brien , the Democratic nominee. Ceairmnan Daniel Manning , of the Democratic - cratic State . committee , telegraphed the chief feature of tIme election has been the cutting of Maynard by the liquor interest. According to our latest reports the State ticket is elected by about 1,0oo majority , except Secretary of Slate , who is defeated by 16,000. The Legislature is Republican. " Pho State Senate Staflls 19 llcublicans , 13 Demo. crats ; Assembly 72 Republicans , 56 Demn. ocrats. Total vote for mayor of Brooklyn - lyn exceeds that cast for the State ticket nearly 400. Low's majority is 1,688. The Tribune estimates Carr'a plurality at over I 6,000 and says other ilepubli- can candidates of the State ticket appa. rently lack only from 400 to 6'JO to an olection. It says the Senate stands 19 Republicans , 13 Democrats ; House 74 topublicanui , j4Pemocrats. ' VIBIfINIA. PETIutsnuno ; , November 7.-Senator Malione said at midnight , last iiight , that from returns roccived the Ito-adjuster party gained four counties and the city of Norfolk , and that they will have a con- titutional majority in both branches of the Legislature. Senator Mahono sends the following'to the Associated Preal : "Returns mdi- cato that the Ito-adjusters carry the Ilouso and elect 12 out of 20 Senators , leaving the Bourbons with 21 seath in the Senate out of 44 , of which seats holding over Senators represent Re-ad- juster districts. The recent diabolical murders in Danville and other parts of the State and tim extraordinary and cor- ruIt use of money have seriously affected the result in respect to certain districts' and the general result in the Stato. " ALEXANDuTA , Va. , November 7.-Re- tunis up to midnight show uninterrupted. gains from every quarter , which insures the State to the Democrats by a large popular vote and the Senate and House by good imejorities. RichMoND , November 7.-Tho Dispatch - patch , ( Democrat ) claims a glorious yic- tory , with a majority on joint ballot of ten , which may be increased to twenty. five. The aggregate popular majority will foot up between 10,000 and 20OCO. itudilMoNi , , Va. , November 7.-Addi. tional returns this morning show Porno- ci'atic gains of one member of time house delegates in each of the following counties - ties : Charlotte , Culpeppor , Fairfax , ha- vans , Franklin , henry , Mont. gomol-y , Norfolk , Wytlio , Priim- cess Ann , and ono in Crai and itoanolce , one in Grocimo and Madusoim , ono in Sniythio and Bland , two iii Chesterfield and PowhaUan , two in Itockliridgo and two \Vashington. . This with time loss of one imiumber in Carollimo makes the umot Democratic gaul 18 , which immures a Democratic majority in the house of 10 , with good prospect of the mimajority reaching 2i or 80. Time Democr.itui have 22 of the 40 Senator - tor which will mnahco their majority 4 with a chance of more. BucimnoNo , November 7.-The result of the election causes the wildest oxoito. macmit. The street iii front of Thu Die- hatch office is blocked with an immense mass of people and business is suspended and speakers urornaking stirring speeches. CoLumnI , S. 0. , November 7.-Great intore.st is manifested throughout the state on account of Mahono's defeat in Virginia. Time Columbia flying artillery fired a salute in honor of the ovon. Psrmtmtsuuiw , Va. , November 7-Ito- turns at 1:30 : this afternoon indicate that thu Domocrath have carried the State by between 10,000 and 15,000. Bulletin boards wore surrounded all day by excited crowds. Itzuunosr , , Nov.7.-Tho Senate stands Democrats 22 , coalitionist 13 , doubtful 5 ; House of Ropre&entatives , Doimiocrats 60 , coahitioniata 29 , doubtful 11. Vhieii time doubtful counties are hearth from limo 1)omocratic mnajonty Oil joint ballot wall probably roach 25. PENNI3YLYANIA. Pniu..nnam'uit.t , November 7.-Corn- ploth returns from 61 of time 07 counties LU Ui State 5ivo Nihiie , Ropublinm , for jJ ' -a--- Auditor Ccncrsl , a majority of 15,448. Tim three remmuainhmm counties wilt incre.use the Republican mnnor'ity to about 17,000. Complete return. , in this city give thofot- lowing resu1t For Auditor ( lcnerniNites , ltelmublaconi 71lKlt ; ) ; Taggart. 1)oumiocmt , 54,858 ; iles' niajority , 20,981 ; for Stat Treasurer , Litisoy , Itepubhican , 75,835 ; l'owoll , Democrat , tl,58fl ; for District Attnriiey , ( Irahaum , no oppositiot , 125. . 030 ; Controller , , Ieffries , Republican , 65,822 ; I'age , Democrat , ( iI,6.i. I'ltlLAnmil.I'iIIA , Pa. , November 7. The othicial reports reeceivcd from a mmnumbor ( if counties make mio material chaugo in time figures gIven last muight. Niles lies 18,188 amid Livecy 14,370 am- jority. MASSAOHUSETTSU l1OSTO , November 7.-- Three hundred and thirty.thrco towilti and cities , with thirteomi to hoar from , gives Robinson 168,203 , Butler 119,321 , Ainmy 1,5.19 , Arnoll $9 , scattering .11 ; Robinson's plurality 8,882. TIme executive counsel tItus far stands 5 itupubltaums , 2 1)cmno. crate and. 1 in doubt ; the senate 23 Ito- pnblicnii , 11 Democrats , with six this- tricts to hoar from ; house , 118 itopubhi. mius , 83 Deummocrats , uith11 districts to hour from. uiix a utua. BOSTON , November 7.-lou Butler has refused to be interviewed , and will nmako no atatoinemut concern'umg his defeat , vhiciu ho accepts coimuplacently , although Ito ackiiowledges it wan unexpected. Ito. turns in thai State nra coiimplote , with tim exception of one towim. Itobinson's total vote is noltl ; ; , Butler 150,07-I , Ahoy 1,653 ; Itohinson over Butler , 10.087. ' 'Tills FIYISI1F.s HLTLEIt. " 'l'ho Herald Bays : ' 'This finishes lImit- br Massachusetts line spoken with a full voice , 'to hover mnorobe aim olhlcerof mine. ' It is true lie has not permuammontly immjurcd Massachusetts , as her institutions are strong. The disgrace was in electing him. Time State will look back in shame 1111011 this wild Butler folly when Butler is in dust. Tim liomnocrats of Mmussacimu- eotts will rue time day when , in defiance of principle and honor and for tim hope of spoils , they allowed such a deimmgoguo to capture the party. All honor to time Democrots who refused to bow time knee to a demagogue who captured their or- ganization. " Additional returns give the Republicans 189 members of 'the Legislature to 92 Democrats and one independent7 with nine districts to hear from. Robinson's total vote thus far is 159,855 , Butler's 150,013. Four towns to hear from , The total vote for Lieutenant Governor gives Amnes 12,000 to 14,000 plurality. MINNESOTA. Sr. PAUL , November 7.-The St. Paul vote shows 5,011 for Hubbard , itepublican , whose majority is about eight hundred in St. Paul and htamnacy county , and in Minneapolis and bane- pin counties Hubbard shows a loss of 1,122 out of a total vote of 10,200 as polled in isBi. Time balance of time State Republican ticket is variously esti- ummntod at from 15,000 to 18,000 majority. All time county officers are elected except County Attorney in Ramsey and Coroner iii Heunopimu counties Sr. P.tua , November 7.-Oflicial returns - turns from six counties and estimates from about fifty counties , based upon the election two years ago. give hltub- bard 14,000 majority. These fir'ures will not vary much from the official ro- turns. Sr. P.iur. , November 7.-No additional information of the election in this State since the dispatches last night. Iteturna now to come are from off lines of railroad - road and will be some days getting in. Thieflepubhican majority in time State wil not be loss than25,000. # - . OONNECTIOJJT. 4 HAutrYoiun , November 7.-Complete returns make the Senate stand Ropubhi. cans 16 , Democrats 8. The indications are that the next Legislature - islature will be 155 Republicamis and 93 Iomocrats ) , ' a Republi&mn majority on jointbahlot of 69. HAwrm'omw , Conn. , November 7.- Connecticut elects eleven Republican Senators and one Democratic Senator. Senators holding over are five Republi- .mns and seven Democrats. Time Senate hOW BtZUIdS 143 Republicans , 8 Democrats ; the lower house , with temi towns to hear from , stands 165 Republicans to 00 Dam. oratmi. The ltupubhican majority on joimmt ballot is 65. . NEW JERSEY1 Tiam.NTON , November 7.-Time Times estimates Abbott's niajority at 4,226 and gives the Democrats six majority in time Legislature on joint ballot. The Repub- iicans will liars three majority in time Senate. S Jmutsav CITY , N. J. Nov. 7.-Latest election returns give. Abbot about 5500 majority. Senate is 12 Republicans , .1 'Democrats. Assembly 2 ( Republicans 34 Denmocrats. Democratic majority on joint ballot of 5. T1uroN , N. .T. , November 7.-Time Titans computes Abbot's ( Dern. ) majority at 6,199. _ _ _ _ I DAKOTA. YtNKTON , Dak-Novombor 7.-Time State executive committee figures thmut the Consuitutiomi is carried by a good ma- j ority. YANITO , November 7.-Time portion of the territory soumlim of the 40th parallel s'otcml yesterday on time ratification ef time constituUon framed at Sioux Fails iim Soptonibor. The complete constitution was nutdu from the beat jiortiona of van ? oils State constitutions. 'rime proposition is to prcmueimt it to Congress this winter amid ask the admnissioui of the uuouuth half of Dakota as a State. There being mm general election in tim Territory a light vote was polled. Jncommmplote returns from 15 of the 48 coummties are in favor of the constitution by 2,000 majority. ST. JACKSoN , Miiis , , November 7.-The latest returns show mm chman"e in time ram' suit of the ohoctiozm announcea last night , oxcolmt Panola county , whore time fusion ticket is defeated by a small majority. The legislature , ns usual , is largely 1)emzm. ocratic , .5 BALTIMORS , November 7.-Iteturns from a number of couumtieB are incomplete but sufticiont is known to insure thai alec. tion of time entire Democratic State ticket , Time official majority for Mcljutirm in thuium city is 7,921 , eatlmnateti majority in time State 12,000 , Itopublacans gained three Senators , the Demnocratui gained Senators in I"redenick arid S'auihuingthn counties. Timis1 with five Doiiiocnatio and eithmt. Re- pulubcans , Senators , holding over , wilt make the Senate stand 14 1)emocrats amid 11 Ropub1ican , with Calvont county yet to be hetrd fr9n hut 1rbabiy RupibU. can. Time hitniso of delegates will pobabhy be Donmocratfo by 20 niore. ATOIIISON , KItS. , November 7-The ilepubitcass elect their entire county ticket , except sheriff and register of deeds , hmy a majority of 150 to 850. TIme Democratic cammdidato for almenifi' is prob. ably oleetcal by a summit majority and time 1)emnocratio register by about 250 immajonity. 'AiTO , 1) . T.2 Novommber 7.-Eight. teemi of time forty.umgimt Southern I.mkota coummties hare umnalo faith amid Partial ro tunims , otuly aix counties boimmg coummplote. Tim nmajority for the comiatitutloim so far is 2,630. 1Lttrionn , Novonuber 'T. ' - - The latest returns show MeLiumo's majority jim time State is i2,06t1. Time Senate stands 14 Ihunmocrats , ith Itepubikans ; litmuso of Ioiegatea , 1',3 1)aumnocrats , 28 ilopumb. hicunis , g'is'hmg time Ioumtocrats4 a majority of 37 oim joint ballot. S COMMllNTS OP TtII I'ItIS , ¶ 1 hue ltezm4oIms 11w ltcjoIchuig. Cutua. ' tflu , Noveumbor 7-Timo Tr'ubnnq says editorially : Time Itopublicaum Imarty hum amuck reason to rejoice over time re- suIt of time ehectiOmi yestonla' . 1mm Maui- sicinisetta lIeu Butler , a poatufurous uloumi- agogue and ommo of time dangerous mmmcmi lately prominent. in Amncnicami imoittes , is tmnquestiommiubly defeated. It. mint mm question of immajonitios in 1imssacimsetth the defeat of Butler was time object at aumtl it mm-as accommhiaimed. in spifo of his vile cimarges ngmmmmmat tim mnnmmmtgouuiemmt of Itohmublicmmn immstitutiommmu , and poibly hum comiscqtmenco of thorn , he mmas rofumsed a re-election. The issue was mmot the smite its if ho Imad been seokimmg a no- election as governor ozu time smuno tormmms aui Mr. itobinsomi. lie had served cue termmm mind usage iii Massumciiusetts gives a see. end tonmu to mm govenmmor whose autuimiumis- tration 1mm reflected homier eu himself mind time comnmnomiwealthm. The retinoimmemit of Butler to vrivato iifo is oquiviacmmt tea a censure upon hits private atid tiumblic conduct , It JUtB nmi camal summarily to Butler's presmdential aspirations. In New York a partial victory iii view of time emiormous majority qI 200,000 for Governor Cleveland last year against Secretary Folger , is a sploimdid tniummmphm. It proves that time election last year was imot a fair test of relative strength of time two parties niudthat Nouv lYork is still a doubtful Stato. On the other hammd the size of the nmnjonitiemi against some of time stalwart candidates. for time Legimlaturo ronmoves all doubt as to whether the rio- litical sins of Mr. Roscoc Conkhing have beemm forgotten or forgiven. It umay be doubtful whether President Artimur , when ho stUdios these returns , will look upon timers results witim unalloyed sati5- faction. Clearly time feeling among Rope licans in Massachusetts , Now York amid Pennsylvania - sylvania is that the party imas been riun- ished. enough , and punished throuh auf- faring sufficiently to deserve aamn time support of time nmass of- the people. rita "iuisriuvr" worn i-iot OAsT. Nrnv YoItK , November 7-Tho Herald s.mys : A strong Republican majority is elected to the next State Senate. l'roba- bly it will bo six in a total of thirty-two. The present Senate is Democratic by a majority of four. The Assembly is in doubt with the chances favoring a smmmall Itepublicami nmjority there. Time present Asseunbly is Democratic by imeanly a two- thirds majority in a total of 128 and returns - turns from country counties also show ( what is voryominous of evil to the Dern. ( ) cflitui next year ) that there is a strong Republican "reserve" vote which was not cast yesterday. TihimouGlu ruin woai.u'ii sricmci.s. : NEw Yonm , September 7-The World says : Time Democratic triumph in this State is of no ordinary character. It was mono than a party aoccoss :41t : risO higher than a more victory of tlii Demo. crats over time Republicans. It means 1884. It means a change in Washington. It means that the people are tired of the ruling party , It moans a vindication of popular self govornmnent. A itOFOUND ] tmsioN.tTiO' ; . BOSTON , Novemubor 7.-Thu I'ost says : Butler lisa led the Democrats of Massa- cimusetta into trouble , but ho cannot hei1m thorn out. We trust they arc manly enough and far seeing enough to hmolp themselves. They were never in debt to this man. They imiwo heaped honorui upon ithmn that ito never wall repay. So far as the result is a condeiummmation of Butlonusmim our resigirntion iii pnofoummd and consummate. Ito can rtihl make , trouble in time Democratic faummily , no doubt , but imo cannot enter upon his cherished schemes of Tammnmnanyiziimg time country witim time prestige of Massacitu- etta behind hiumi. a 1tUrLIit IH PhEASED. A. Telegraphic Iuwrview , % VIthm time DtsthuiZ3ihHulCt Defunct. I'rrrsnumtci , Pa , , November 7.-Time Counmnaurcial Gumzmmtto this nmorning teie- graphed General B. F. Butler for his views cmi time result in Masiuciiuseths , zuel asking for his programnmno for time future. 'I'lio following roiily was received : BosToN , Nuvomumbor 7.-The answer to your queitiomi is easy. Aim to time cause of the result in Massacitusotta last year , I had181,000 votes , 'I'lmo largest vota : ever riollod was for Ganlield , in 1881) ) . ( ; arfield had 165,000 ; hancock , 112000 ; totai,277,000. Tiuus year's vote is 313,000 , of which I hmavo 152,000 , This emionmumoums immcnoase baum been cammeod by time free uMam of mumommoy , fraud amid corruption of umuy OlmPOmiohmtH. More votes have beoum cast thusmu will lie ium time next presiclomutial year. 'rime 8,000cr 9,000plurahmty of my 1mImmmemit was umioro thuumu lost iii time city of Boston , Massaeimuusutts is therefore suit-ely Democratic , if I make another Sl.'tto caumvass w'itiiout further gain , Wlmon a man has increased the Deummo- cratic vote from 112,000 ti' 152,000 iii three years , is there any imeed of arm umm amwor to your dLUUBtiOmm wheat my pna' ' . gnamnnio will bel I am 1)leased with tim. . , result , I imad rather imavu my vote than 1)0 elected by 150,000. 1mm lust case , it would then be said lust Massacimusottu is a Republican State , Shmo has a large reserve - servo vote wimich , iii a Presidential dcc. tion , will conic out. Now wo have had thiommu all out arid measured thorn , and iii time next Presidential election , * itlm a ju. diciommum platform and a popular nomumna. tion , at least , we ahmouid keep Itopubiicamm mmmcli and mooney at imamne to take care of huLler , hmmmteat of sondiumg both lute ) iiio and Iumdiamum to corrupt those states. ( Signed ) _ _ B F. Buri.mumu. 'L'hmo IiI i'oiI. S TOI'iKt , November 7-TIme Ti-anscon. tiumeumtal 1mol association imeid sum ad. jommrned mminetiumg front Cimicago hmore this afternoeum amid evuuuiumg. tehegraumm iva'i scuit ( ; . Itistuno , wimu , was kcted coummnmussiomier of time ; moc.l . at Chicago last week , and uifter a few imouno' waiting , he replied aocopt'mmmg time posit ion , 'limo tinioum Pacific , Cuurutrat I'acific , ( lalvostomi , ilium rusbum-g & San Aut.oumio , hunlhmii tomm 'k M'WiuIQtitj lttver1 Denver & Itlo Urando , Northmcrn I'ncific , Atoimisomm , Topokn Sumimla Fe , amid St. Louis i Santa Fe were represented , No other business ivan traumsacted. Amiether meeting STill be iteM to-morrow. Time Coiorado Pool zmssocimmtiomm Will alsonmeot to-morrow. THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE. Prolimthary tcp for the Prcsie. Hal Campall ! of 1884. The Itcpmmnhicztum Natlomimil Comimmmmtt tee Called Tagcthcm'-Smnto mmmiii S Sit mmmiii Convemut lotus , ATltiO , Inmm , , Novemnbor 7. Col. , Ioiumm A. Martin , Secretary of time Na. tiommuth itepumblicami Comnmmmittco , to-day semut out time fohlowimmg call : A mmieeting of time itepmmbhicnum NatIonal Comnnmittco will be held : tt limo Amiimmgtomm IloumsoVzm.'ulming. . tomm , P. 0.Vedmmesda ) ' , lecenmbcr 12 , 1883 at. 12 o'clock , for the immmrpoao of deciding upon a date amid imlaco for hold. imug time next Itepublicamm coumvontiomm. 'l'hmo comnimuittee will milan elect a cimairmmmamu , .ico ( iovcrmmor Marsimuuil .1 owolideceased. At5 time rneotimmg of time eouummmtteo , imolel imm W'nshimugtomi limo 1 7th of Jmmnumary , last time following resoltmtiomm was adopted : I , llcsotu'cd , That time call for time mmoxt Natmommal ltepubiican commvcimtiomm shalt be so broad atmd hilicral us to invite time Cu- opcratiomm , witimommt immiposumig rutty otimer tests of fealty , of nit citizomma who are 1mm favor of elevating or digmmifyimmgAnuenicamm labor1 protecting mmd exteumdimig imomumo 1mm- dustrmes , g'mvimiz free imoiuumiar odtmcation to time mmmnsses of time people , secmmring free sull'rago amul honest. commmmtimug of ballots and effectually rirotectiumg all imumammim mlgimts 1mm every section of ommr comimmnomm ceummitry amid who arc wilhiui to support time mmomnhmce's of time comuvontuoum. " The commurnittee also i'mxed time b.'um'ms of representation of time mioxt mmntioumai cmi- vemmtiomm and time mmmaimmmer of electimmg dole. gates , by adopting time foihuwimmg order : "Time ltepublmcnmm miatiomml convemmtioim of 188.1 simall comumist of four delegates at large front each state amid two delegates froumm eacim Ceumgressiommal elistnioL The delegates at large shall be cimosemi by riop uhuir delegated state cemmvontion , called oim not less tium two days published notice - tico , and hold not immoro timami sixty (15)5 before time time fixed for the nmeotiumg of time natioumal conventiomi. itepubhi- caims Loq various commgrossional diii- tnicts shall have the option of electing their delegates at separate popu tar delegate conventions called on similar notice and lucid in districts at any time witimin fifteen days next prior to the meeting of the State conventions or by mmumbdivusiomus of State convontmoims immto district comiventionmi and mmcli delegates summIt be chmosoum in the latter method if not elected previous to time mneotimmg of the State convontiomm. All district dde- gates to be accredited by officers of such district conventiomm. Two do catus shall be allowed front each Territory and froumi time Iiuitrict of Columubia similarly cimoson , Notice of contests shah be givomi to the imationiul cammimmnittoo , acconipanied by full printed umtatenmonts of time groummds of contests , whidh also shall be maclam public antI proferemico in the order of hearing and determining contests summIt be given by time convoutiomi according to time dates of roceptiomi of such notices and alatoments by the nut- tionumlcommnitteo. A full attendance of members is carmmestly requested. ( Signed ) .1 , A. MAUTIN , Secretary. - Blank harbor Julia. Sr. Louis , November 7.-Time river improvement commiatco of time Mer. chants' Exchange of this city have had printed a petition to.congreis askiimg for an appropriation for dc peniuig the chaim- nd of Western niverm and will distribute them throughcmut the Mississippi valley for signatures. Time Kansams City Belt Beau. 1CANsts Cxrv November 7.-Ground was broken t0.d5 for time construction of the Kansas City Belt- Line railroad and work will ha rapidly pushed. Time line will be built by time Saumta Fe and Fort Scott & Gulf railway poopie , who have purchased the property righith of time former company and will be operated for time cominomi use of mmii roads. Time out- eialB anticipate time work will be corn- 1Iotcd , one year lmemie. Bmmslness fathmmrcs , IcAL.tMA'/OO , Micim. , Novenmber 7.- Kuhlogg , Sawyer & Co. , lumber mumauumfae- tutrera of this place , mmmrmtlo aim asaigummumomit te.duiy. Liabilities , iii time imeigimborhood of 276,000 : assets of firma , $485,000 , be- uiides individual rizoperty of 30,000 to l0,000. The usuiets coompniso 60,000- 000 feet of stamulimmg pine in Osceoia coummty , l'mlicii ' , , the um.utw-mmm'mhl , ruuuumimmg 200 iiuuumdim , logging railuca' ] , amid 90 , . 000 worth of mmmaumufactured lmmrnbor1 t'qui ) ' mmmuumt and other PropertY. 'Fime fauluro mm , directly cammmmed by ondoraeummeumts for Fraumk Cimickermumg , of Crammd Itapidmi , to time extent of .t0,000. OIlmen liabilities rinimmcipuuii' to Kahummna7oo ammd Graumd I.ummka and a contract for plume lands umaturing year by year for several years. 'rimeir mmliii closed to-day. There is some prospect , if a concession is ummuido by time creditors , that time busines will be re capitalized by a mmcmv coempany. which was iii prgrc of orgmumiastioum at time timmme of time failure and the busimicaum will ime continued. \ VATY.1ITOWVis , , November 7.- .loauph liurimigom' , brewer , imums unado a voluntary asaignumment. Liabilities $100 ; . 000 , assets $15,000 to $50,000. Cii iuno , November 7.-Time litter. ( ? eeiumm'm South Ilcaid special says : Now. toum Jackson , builder and imummmtnur dealer , unpommded. Liabilities t)0,000 ; mmomumirmai : cssotij $10,000. 'rime susumcumsiomm is caused by time failure of time Orammd Itaimidmi ( Mich. ) lumumber dealer. Later lam the day Fletcher made an as- m4igumumment. Liabilities $69,000 ; aasotn G7,000 , made up of stock , book accounts uuumul Ilxtmmrcum. 'rime creditors mu-u chiefly Tim Chicago aumd Now Yen- , Itegumlatlomi In ittinmuimi , TI'KiCA , November 7.-A conference was lucid timus afternoon betweoum railroad mnanuigens and time State Board of Corn- mnissiommena , which resulted iii time mnana- gers muakimug mm request of timu Comnmnis- imiommens timr.t timoy appoint sante timmie to umout time traffic umumnagens of time various rOads , stud with theumi agree uomi mm eimedulo of rates , 'l'lme coummmnmasmoumenms lick ! thom decision uumtil 8 o'clock to. ummorrow imioriiiuig. Nearly all time roads of time State were represented mit time emeotimig , - - - hut iou' mmmiii II Is Council. Bomiio'i , November 7.At a anootingof the Goyormmor amid Council , George L. Ituufluum , a colored lawyer , \Ym18 miommilumated for Judge of the Otmuirlostomi District Court. it voted to ask time Supreme UurL mum to thu legality of Mrs. Clamni C. Leonai-d's nmetubernhmmp in time State hoard of Ilealtim1 Lunacy amid Charity. - ' - - - - - - - S THE 0111 WORLD. Sx1y-Trc ! Liycs Lost by an El. plosloii in a lillilO in Lalloashiro , Preparations for the Ooining Tdal of O'Donnell ' , the Slayer of Carey. Pronoh Operations in Tonquin Equivalent to a Doolar- ation of War , Time Jillilanui Mmttcli In l'arls amid time limit tier ( . 'eiebrat ion. G1NElt.tt. POItEIGN Nfl'S. li4AmiTIuiVmi ) ( Mi NIfl uxi'I.usIu : ) . Louo , , Novomabor 7.-Atm oxplosiomi occurred at 1k80 timis mnormmimmg iii i1 immk- . field colliery , Lammcasimire. Omme lummidreat amid tomm mumumers mm'ore 1mm time colliery , mmcl oumly six have tiums far beemm rescumed , Twenty hiersomis imzmve been rescued imp to mmoomi , sommue imadly imtmrt. It is imimpos- stub to ostimmmato time ntmmnber of Itursomia killed. Parties are searcimiumg for the mnissuimg ummimmenu. The searcimers traversed mm distummmce of timreo.qmmarters of a utile he- fore rencimimmg time scoumo of time explosion. Losm'oN , Novomnbor 7.-Time ( Lisastor luuupmemmed 1mm 1'.foorfiold ' colliery , miot Mommklield. Timirty atone mcmi hmmuvu beomu rescued. The umimumft becammmo blocked , amid immahmy mmi'umucnu vero immmpnisonod thereby. Timeru is little imopo of roacuiumg themim. ' 1'hmo saved were taken thmrommgh Wlminnoy limit shaft , otto tulle fronm time blacken shaft. Sixty-three hmmimm rs were killed. It m.s expected timatahl time witnesses for O'Donimoil will reach Emmgluuut before No. vommibor 23 , time ttay emi wimich time trial begins. Time latest mumail advices ( noun Maduugas. cat- state that hlovas has secured a bingo sU)1)iy ? of gtmmmpowdcr from America , 1'he hiritiaii Btoanier Iris , front Cardiff to l'ort Said , was lost oil Cape Viihtmuo , Spain , Of a crowof 30 all but oumo were drowneth ¶ l'hmo British imports for October 'mum- creased , conupared with October of last yeimr , 1,682,000 pommumds. Exports f or October this year imucreasod , compared mitl October of last year , 261,000 pouumds. iimmsmm rom.ITnuAL I'nlsoNamum. The Timimes , cliscuMimmg the proposal ofAniericumn counsel to defend O'Don- itch , nays to give audience he foroigmi counsel is a novelty in Emmgland amid mme roummmtl is simowmm for mmmkimig an exception in timis case. Time police offer a reward for , Toimn McCaffory , coimvicted of treason in Dublin in 1867 , sentenced to servitude - tudo for life and since escaped. Mc- CafTonty was born in Ohio of Irish parents amid served in the Commioderate arni' . Gout. Pryor says lie has imot applied to take part itt ( ) Doumtmohl's defense and does imot 1woposo to immake apphic.'ttioum. Ho says 0 Dommmmell is already provided with counsel 1mm wimose fidelity his fniemuds have implicit confidence. a'mmr. u.u'rmuami CLKumimATio. hiI:1Li : , Novemubor 7.-Dr. Dolhimigor , presidemit of time Royal Academy of Mtmmmich and leader of time Old Catholics , writes that the Old Catholics nmumy take' Part Iii time festivities , Saturday next , in honor of ? martinLuther , apart from religious - ligious grounds , because ho did so much for language , letters , education amid country as to deserve the everlasting thamiks of Germans. TulE FRENCh IN TONQVIN. HoNG K0NO , November 7.-Admiral Courbot huts postpomted hum attack on Bac aiim until the roads are ready for thp tra9apontation of heavy cannon. Preparations - rations are making for a desperate defense. China's arsenals are busy and regiments are mnarchiumg 9outh. . TAIt ANI ) } ' } ATIIRIt ri.or. DuulLL' , Novommiber 7.-A plot has beau discovered to tar and fcatter the Lord Mayor Thursday while attending time nieetiimg of the University Fhuiiouiophucal society at Trinity college. riumt'no.tu 'ro w.uu. Ptmtis , November 7.-TIme Telegraph Bays Prounior Ferry hiss iii imiui possession a docmmnmomit showing that the attack , aim Somitay and flacumiumhm must lead to warwithm Clmimumm , Thin iIILLIAJI ! ) MATCh ! . In the billiard mmumtcim between Vig. mmn'ux and Maurice Daly , the former mmmdc 300 points and time latter .126. Iii time match Imutweomi Jacob Scimaufer mumd Rudolph , time formoracored 800 amid time latter 291. TILl : zmitui.isTs. Sr. PEnutsimuiw , Tovemmiber 7.-tt mu meeting uf time Nilmilusts time views of time immoderate hmuurty pruvutiied. The propo. sals of time Terrorists 1mm favor of yiolcmmcc were rejected. nArirr'S Nr.Tmmooum DuIiIIN , November 7.-At a maccling of time Irish National Loumguo , Nic.maci Davitt denoummced time proposed rytcnm of expatriation aud urged time League to organize vigilance commmnmittcos to mrus' Irate it , and send duiegatos to the Ummiled States zumd Caumadmu if hmocossary. A mc- lion to that ofrect wami adopted , Tithes 1n1Lv013' Emurumeul , 7.-The Our- Coviuorow , Novemumbor - - field l'oat of time ( ] raimd Army of thu ito- public adopted resolmmtiommmm last umigiut do- clumnimmg that iii view of time emmmimiuumt son- vices of I4icutcnaumt Gommeral P. II. h'lmeri claim , especially for bravery at Wmmucmeu- } tsr , lie ahomuhi be prummmntcd to Goumursi , and that Major General W. S. Iluumicock , for bravery at ( iot.tyshumrg , muhOUll be macida Lioutoumuumit ( ieumurnl. 'l'he rosOitm- lions are to bo aubummitted to the head. quumrtuas of time Grammd Amimmy of time Ito- pmuhmiie , mit Cos'ingtomi , ICy. , amid thcummco to nil d.ipartmacmit headquarters in time Un. lIed States , for coumcumrronco by all pasts. \Simchi retunuied timoy will be sent to Comi' gross with mm proper explanatory letter , Death ot' ( IA.HomiLitor BRnuIoipI , . Nomtitmwrow'rm , N. .1. , Novomimber 7.- Ex-Sumuator Itaimeloipim died to-day. The Senator comnjlaiuod timis moruming of umot feeling well , Ito did unit go down to breakfast , bmmt retired to mhm study , whore ho was found insonsibio'ahortly cii ccrvrard by imua daughter. Dr. Lndsay was called , but whmomi lie arrived the Senator myaw dead , Fatty degeneration of time heart caused the death. huirecautod lum uaWeli. liisuiAItcmc , D. ' 1' . , Norommubor 7.-Two uuman namnod Olson amid Nelson , Swocl o , voro diggimmg at Paiumtocl Woods , yeator- day mori-mimig. 'rime macn cut. timrough a vouum of coat Moiiday evening , and upon resuming work yesterday morning 1'ulson iYLms lcttiuig Olson tIQmYn In time bucket when time latter became sufIoeate l and IoU t'i Ute bottoun , Suppeaumig ins corn. rade'4 fall was an uccdent Nulmion called , , CtAY PEOIFlO mEDICINES , TRADE UARg Tmiumuui tTRADC t MAnIC usm , ILMISDY , An nnfat1In core fo -5- &emnlnii Wesk. ' ' I : _ : 'S that follow as a , . sequence of Seil- t' .1 : amarOflE TMImIQ.aimadtiudoPain AlTER TAUNt ? , th Itick. Dtmncis of Vialon , Premature ou Age , nsny otherIIaeaqcq thai head tolneanIy ! c.rCon. mptIon &nI I'rtmaturo Oraye. hip.wASa of sdvrtLoments to refunit money , when drui5uqtq from whom the medicine I bought do not re'isf , but refer yom to the unanufacturer , , and tim reqummrement.a sre auch that they are , eldon , , ( f ever OornpIk4 wIth. See tholrwrittcn gilsnrntee A of one alnnle pickasa ot Omn's Bpctlic aill convince the moqt akeiiIeaI of mm. rt.m mtritR. On account of counte.ueltems , we have adopted th a low Vrmppor ; the only geinmino. tflFuhl I'artlcnlara In OUT j'amh1ct , uhfch we do- almo to send free by unail to ccry one. rThe Spe. elSa Modmelne ma sold by au dnmglMa at 1 pot package - age , crams packageIorBor 501 ho aent free by realm on the rccept of the money , by MidrealnS Till : OI1.A M1uCINIcO. ! , Humfaho , N. T. Sohilin Omh by (3 ( mr.lnian. lv irn&ob.o for a mint to lower hmimmi amid wimon nearly imalf way down liii also became mmncoa , .MciotmB amid fell to timebottom. . "Over tim hills to the Poor Ilomise , " A With impuutrol or Impovorishoth bioot is eu the roach to physical bumnknmptcy. Iiimutock 1ll.Z , iilIe-.i ! strommgtimcum aunt emmnichm tim clrcuhitlomi , rei'alr the Ugstmos , nail bimild up. the emmtln , systrum. -u- - ( ratmt to I.'luz , iLLi Porter. Nnw Ymmti , November 7.--Oemieral Oraimt imas adulruuiseul mm letter to F'itzjohmn. l'ortcr , wimiclm comucltmdcs as follows : "As bug as I imave \'oico it shall lie raised imi your support witimout. mummy roforemmce to time otroctimpomi mute or others. Yoimrrcstora. tiomm to time mmrummy aimmuply I wommid regatd as a % 'cry itmauloqimato mmd mlimjmmst repara. tiomm , wimilo mmmcmi , one at least , has boon restored to time army because of their gal. iamitry anti woummuls , after comuviction amid. semitenco , imot. only to be dismnissod but to , bo comifined in the pcnitcumtiary , and wimon timoro was imo dotmlmt of their guilt , and given all their pay for time years timoy wore omit of sorvico. I can see no reason for your imaring loss. I hope for your thmorotmgh rimidicatiomi , not only by Con. gross but in time mniumds of youmr country. local. " - A Silent Tenoro. Now % 'omuuc , November 7.-Tobiabor. tiimtmima brougimt suit for $50,000 against CoL J. H. Maplesozi for alleged brcach of comitriuct. lie avers he 'was engaged. for time rirosont season as prime tonoru asaolmmto at $3,000 aimionth and produces a lottr , from Ccl. Mapiesoim as proof. The immmpressario does imot intend to keep this contract. - Chinese Pramitla. W.tSimI.oTON , Novommiber 7.-Senator Miller hiss written a letter to the Scene- tary of State complaining of the fraud. ulomit practices of the Chinese oflicials Hundreds ofCimimmcsolaberorsare landedimu. America as teachers , students , or those dosinimmg to travel intho United States. A Forger Caught. BOSTON , Mass. , November 7.-Na- tiiami Sakainy , arrested aim the steamer Marathmou , this nmorning , cinurgod with oxtommaivo forgeries jut Bronberg , Prussia. Szkalmmy was for mnany years in the banking business. Becoming financially cmnbarrr.ssod , it is said he forged aeceptaimcca for umearly $50,000. S Cashiered be I'lve Years. ( iLEvmuI'm , 0. , November 7.-Kirt. hand M. Fitch , thodefaultimmgcashiou a ! the Warren ( Ohio ) Second National bank , plead guilty to embezzling $80,000 Ho was sentenced to five years imprimmonmenb and was taken to the peniteumtiory 'this afternoon. - _ Frglitdul ! Cam'11Is1ui - . COLiThhuIt7H , 0. , Novomber7.-A tnigimt- ful mimash imp occurred on the Pammhammdlo road at Itockport , ammo unite west of Now- arlc , to.uuiglmt. The Thmmmimandlo freight iuwl takeut a siding and tiioiirakemm1anhad ! lofttho switch standiumg open. .Tho Bal- tiunore Oimiopassongcr , leaviug Columbus - bus at 1 p. nm. , ran into the freight , umiaking a fearful wreck. Engineer Mat- tiipws , of Columbus , and Limo fireman , umamno iiot learned , both of the passenger trahm , wore instantly killed amid twelve otimers received injuries front which they will die. The track was cleared in an. hour No counmummicatiomi can be had for particulars. TIme Sluggers at Qzmlncy. QJLNCY ! , November 7.-TIme Joimum L Sullivan Pugilistic Couimbirmation gave an exhibition here to.nigimt. Aside from the curiosity to seam time much talked oE Sullivan time exhibition was regarded as a farce and utterly uniumtercsUn. ' PURIFY i BLOOD. mmmn mnumrvclotms nsuht.i of Ilcod's Bareaparmuls j. upon'aU heinous 00(1 low condmtmon5 of the blood prove It the best lutoon MEDICINE. Bach liii , been tboauccca3 of thl.i artlclo/ / at lionmo that nearly ci-cry famUyy / In wboto nclgnborhoo&i have bcen1 / taking It aS tbo .amo tluie. Jt , ream-f . / 7JU. vitainci 55(1 enrlchea 11.0 iIoc.I/ ' . /cnrcC di-spep. . VIa , btliouaies. ma nil I I t1erangcmneuit ot theatonmachcausedbyImpum blood erA A deblutated : coed- ! / 5b I lion o the nervous a'atcm occacioned / cZ' I iJi' exceutye mental or physical c.tro /laborordlmalpaUon. . is cradleateamicrof / a3nlaand n31 Soul bonier , . , anI reiloreS I 3nnd renovates the whole ytcm. A IripeenUnr point In hood's nmmparimI ha is that It createi an ap- petiteani/ fbuIlds U and .trenglhzcn , ( ho ' .vetem. and proven Invalnabi , , xm a protection tmnt tib44'MM3 Ui4 originate hi cliaogc of 1130 5(550115 , Cu cliciata : Lnd of lila ileura. C , I. 11004 .S Co.m O'ntmemtnlt aflort mc mu.'li m4enuru me recognmen.t I Iou.t . .flnrsaparlila. My ioalIi. fUl' m.clII 11(1l th.it for , oie , years pa.t I hLIY , ) beeblta'cd , to takea tonlo of annie kind un the .prlng.nn4bavoneVorloUlkl linithimug that hit mur Ynnm , UI your tdarsapiutlla. I I tunes ; m. miii' ay.tem , iurltla 111 blood , . .tiarpen ay appetie . jitti seer , , . , to niriz. , 11 * , over. it1apectmumt1 ruin'S , 4. I' TIOdr. oxt.oimelt , 5uss. . iteglaer or Ioeda , iutddieex Co. mivid my dmsgiots. I rice sm a houmme. or si tori. C. 1. 11000 CO. , Aiolbec.trlcs , Lea cit. ZSasa , TIiEP1DLOSOPRY OP hEADAChE. TmfltwroimACIm , a'ima imowu'.r.s AND 'rut : rivitmi Alum : littSt'NmilBT.h filut m'vEttY ; I'ANU THAT RAcKS TulIIFAm : : ) . ImnUUI.ATK'NNEAND HAlt- ' .stuHizH 'm'tui : . AttION oi' vziim : ALI.mED Oit. ( mANS Willi TAFRANT'S SELTZEF ERlEPJT. AN ! ) \ ( IU CWttt'rhIaC.u1'LAJZ'L .irxmai m3uUiWt. miOLU 1W ALbDhiUQOISrs. PURE COD LIVER LIME :9N.D : . Oct ( lie ( hiuumumino , % ntIole-TImo Great. rioomdarht of "JViltor's Counpoiend ofCod Mart' Oil amid 1ime , " baa Induced some unprirmclpletl pci-sons to attonmpt to iatmii oil mm slm'rihe artldo of theIr wmm maumumfacture ; but amy rierson svhm is aW1edn from Coughs , Colds , or Consmnup. ttou , simoulal be careful where they purchase thIs article. It requIres tic pulling , The ram- sitht , of Its use are its best re omuirnendutlomos ; amid the prorinhet'or has ample evidence on ftiti 01 It , . great .uocpss 1mm pulummomary cocmpIahmts The l'bosphate of i.lmne ii paost muir- voUoui healing ; 'ower as comublued by that punt ) Cod.Llver Oil by b , Wilbor. It La pre. I.CZ'IbOd by the uzisdisal facmmlty. Sold by..I $ . " Wiuioii4 Cbcumlst1 baston , anti till u1ruisW. a , / '