i l THE DAILY BEE-- OMAHA , TIIUItSDAY , NOVEMBER 8 , 1883 , _ _ NHL OMAHA BEE. uWishcd cvnry horning , except Bunny. The OD ) Monday morniCg deny , M ( TMAIL no TcarSlo , IThreoMont.lt00 ) ptXMODall , , . , . . . . a.00/OnoMonth / . . . . . . . . . 1.00 , ilia w't1LT P [ ' , r4aU'D'D twit r tr'Dx3bAT. TraMIOerAID. One Tear.,61.00ThmeMonths , Blxllonhn . . . . . . ompMIYi ' Amerfoan y Sote3Agcntr" .xowsdcal 'n In the UMtod Broke. mxnxaroxD > TCr. ; A Commnniu tion roiatlnq to Newt and Editorial , netts thould bo a ldret ed to the IDnoalor"Tax Portxzta txrrsaa. r MI Durtncxw Letters and Itcmlttanece'ehnuld i4 addresxdtoTnfRssI13uamxa coMucy , OMAUA. DMtts , Chrcka and Postolnce ordora to be made pay I.bk to the order of the company. TIIR BEE BIIBRISBING C O , , PROPSI E. ROSEWATER , Bdltor. Tllanksglving 1'roclnmatlon , "In furthornnco of the tawtom of tads people i at the clodnq of each year , to engage npon n dry set apart for that purpose in apccisl fostl ti M of prafso to the Glaer of all ( loodthoroforo , j I , Cheater A Arthur , l'rc Ident of the United i States , do hereby deagnato ; Thursdnv , the 2Btlm clap of tiovomhornoxtasaan , is of national , Wanksglvlag , for the soar that Hrnwing to an end has been replete with the osidenco ofdivine th prevailenco of oa neoooflnon o ss e the harvest , time stability of ponce and order , I the growth of fraternal fcelinge , the spread ox ' intelUgonco anti learning , the continued enjoyment joymont of civil and religious Uberty-all and countitise other blosst are cause 1 tor re erent rejoicing. 1 do , therefore , recom mend that on the day above nppointed the people rest from their accustomed labors , a and ntootlag lntheireovoral ploco. of woreht p , express their devout gratitude to God that no has dealt bountifully with this nation and pray that 11is grace and favor abldo with it forever , Cncsrnn A. Anrnun , PreiIdont By Frnw. T. EnsLiNmt n11ES , Secretary of State. : 'MIL IJAMS has pulled through but it teas a very cloao call. Tin : lesson in Nebraska , don't mun key with the buzz saw , KEEP it baforo the people that I1c braska rofusea to bo subjugated. TnEWIdoWButler r6fueea to ho inter. viewed ainco Maasachuaotte planted a , bevy foot upon her atomacli. t Tm iu' was terrible fighting at Win I chester last ThulstiaY , and Sheridan loss 1 than hundred miles . i 1 one away. I , Tito , Internal Revenue Department ' e must have boon very buay in Judge Post'a district judging from the return , t t Mus. CDLBY's huaband will not wear rI I r the ermine but will continuo to wear ep : aulota as colonel of the First Nebraaka militia. MAU0NE was unhor od in the battle { , but that did not atop him from issuing a ii manifesto to the vanquiahod warriors in old Virginia. Tnosn horrid anti Monopa have re. fused to take rho advice of the railroad a orBana. They can't be induced to seek salvation in the hound of their lords. , . 1 fi ' NEw Yalu ; ; . will atilt be the pivotpl N State'in the Text Proaidential election and : that mean Cheater A. Arthur as the moat available candidate on the ltepubli ' can aide of the fence , I Tua home of Governor Dawea , Saline county , which mod to give all the way frond eight to twelve hundred Republican t niajority , has now become one of the pillars inttho Anti-Monopoly cohlmn. 1EvoLuTloN never gobaekward. The Abolitioniata fought until slavery was : i hbolishod. Thu Anti Monopoliata of Nebraska will remain in the harness until' corporate , monopoly is made subservient to law. _ ' _ TuE returns from Ponnsyltania show , ; that when the I1 mblicau party to fairly i i treated in that State its candidates gat vary comfortable majorities. The ru- 't suit on Tueeday is al earnest of what it ' , ' will bo in'84. Tuz Republican "reserve" did not come out in Now York , but the "partial victory , " as the Tribune designates it , shown that the Democracy have no more ' + than a' fighting chance for carrying it to r the next Presidential camped b , That tl I ' „ elrcacrvo1/ will goto then. t Douaw county has rebuked the elan. , derera of Judge Savage by giving him i over 1,500 majority , In view of the fact tlat the county is Republican by eight hundred to one tlmu bnd this is a cola. jiltinont thiat.rudgc Sasago can wolf bo proud of , Two YEeiusag .Polk c.uut1 6o a'nr ! ucl Maxwell , Republican , 093 votes and Mungor , Democratic dtindiaato for Sut promo Judge , B votes. On Tuesday last y. . Polk count gave 247 majority for Sar ago arItlwuld seem the''Antl MonoPof Y RepublI an ! # ayo'repented ' andgpiho bachtuioltho hno'R r + "In , SEXA.OILM T710NY , the otdcat United States Senatkx , in , consecutive , service , Wall probably bo electod'prceldont of th e Senate When lha body nieets is Decor n. as Senator 'Edmutda wishes to b o rid of the position , The Rhode Ialan d Solutor ltaa Iegainod his health and wit t _ enter'upon ' hia filth & ' natorial term t ' ' 1 linter. Of the eight Senators who bo ' K an now forme of service with him on ! j Ml . Saulebury , of Delayuro , 'aurvivoa Mr , Anthony is the only Senator in con . t , ti uoua. , ervjea whose name .was call l i4larchl41861 , wjler3 jlu aoutheri them I : ' ben hod wtthdrawn and the 'Democrat wore in the minority. Thu importance which athebos to the presidency of tli 80n , as exclppll6ed by the death o GarI1 IJrnmakea the selection of so abl0 man as Senator Anthony veryeatlafttclo ry the country d generally. ' \ . . r n. U , - - - - - _ . - - . - : , . _ : : _ TWO "BOSSES" DOIPABD , The results of the voting in two States on Tuesday are matter for special congratulation - gratulation by all who hold principles above party , in the ono case that so dangerous a demagogue as Benjamin F. Butler hag been repudiated by the people of the old Bay State , and that lie now remains solely as a festering thorn in the flesh of the Democratic party. / Thu ofd man" will doubtless be heard from iii the national convention of that unhappy political organization , desnito his defeat , and so long as there is anything which ho considers worth the seizure Ida hand will be outstretched and his peculiar , not to say diaroputnblo , methods will ho cm- ployed to enforce his wishes. Ilia pros , ent downing is all that Republicans care for , ' .Cho political crockery he may anmair in 1881 is not in their cupboard. The election of Mr. Robinson over him shows that the people ask for good men , and when they nro precented political tricksters will be relegated to the rear. Butler has traduced the State and hot people for a moan political purpose. Beyond that his administration has no fenfuro of importance. In Virginia Mahono has sufrared a do. feat and ono which should be a lesson not loss to himself than to the llopublj- cmm faction which has catered to his whims and winked at his dictatorial Inethoda , for the sake of a success not worthy the sacrifice. Tire Senator has accomplished some good results in his crusade against beurbonism , and for that something i duo lam , but not the sacri Pico of principle. The Republican party could not afford to endorse him beyond the verge it had roachod' in the past. While a bourbon success in Virginia is to be deplored , it is preferable to the "bona" rule of Mahone , and should be viewed in its true light , as a blessing in disguise. The battle against tire victors in the latest election in Virginia should ho waged on a purer basis than his , waged with persistency , waged than un- qualiiod success , ' and then will the full bonefita accrue as they should , to the whole State and tire country generally. TILE LATEST FROM NEJIR.ISlt'A , Returns from the various , sections of the state are attll incomplete , especially from the Elkhorn valley and the counties on the northeastern border , It is now definitely known that Mr. Broady , 'the Anti-Monopoly candidate for judge of the First district , is elected by a land. some majority. The district was Repub. licati by fully 2,000 majority at the last judicial election in 1SB1 , but the popularity of Mr. Broady , and notoriety of his opponent , together with the retul- lion croiatad by the Anti-Monopoly movement mont , are responsible for the result. ' The Second and Third districts elected their judges by acclamation , all partioh laving endorsed the same candidates. Judge A. M , Post has boon elected iii the Fourth district bya decisive majority , notwithstanding the heavy odds against. hhnr Judge Morris is elected' in the Fifth over Boatty „ , Judge Gaal a is ro.clocted' ' unanimously , . The outcome in the remaining districts is as yet unknown. The most liberal estimates on Suprorno Judge show that the majority of M. B , Reese will not exceed 4,000 and it may be wiped out entirslyby return from the north % oatorn counties. All the brag and and bluster of tllo supporters of Iteose about the olLtimo majorities are propos terous. In throe or four of the counties that last year gave heavy Anti-Monopoly majoritidsthero hoeboon a rovulaion , ow- lug to purely local causes. Unpopularcan , didates and personal controversies turd railroad influence were instrumental in carrying those counties for Reese , but in the main the Anti Monopoly lines did not water and the vote was pretty much the same as it was last yoar. With three-fourths of tire State press support. ing Reese in a campaign that was fought almost entirely through the press , the Republican candidate should have been elected by at least from 15,000 to 20,000 They have barely escaped defeat , and they must now concede that Nebraska will remain a debatable State until the demands of lho Anti-Monopolists have been conceded and satisfied , CALLING A'IIAL'I : The business men of the country are at last becoming alarmed over the rock. ices inflation of railway and telegraph ae curities , which form the basis of financial enterprise of tire greatest magnitude. Stock watering and excessive bonding have created fictitious valuea that throat. on sooner or later to bring on a crash more disastrous than Jay Cooko's col , lapao in 1873 , Unless a check is put upon stack watering and Credit Mobilior con lltruction rings at a very early day Wall ptroot will be convulsed with a panic that will eclipse in magnitude and terrible G naeq'uonces the memorable panic of 7iIh 1c Friday. The Now York Chamber of Commerce , at a recent meeting , has taken the iuitia tivo.and called a halt to the Goulds anti Yandcrbtlta in their career of legalized brigandagq , The following resolutions , passed by that body , will meet the hearty approval of business inert all over the i country : That capitalization of surplus earning s , should be prohibited by law ; that the in Y crease of cai I al , either by stock o r bonded iaauoa , should be defined by ' strict legal furnulas , easily undurat cod ' and only pormhtted for good and auilcion t I public reasons , and not because it can b , shown that a corporation can be made t e P aYa , fair dividend on an in crease d capital. That the public welfare requires tja o corporations should by subjected to Gov f ornment eupervieion and control , "Stab a or Natioual or both' , iu ! the case ma y be ; ' by means of cornrmssrone or otho methods. That such Gcvcrameat dhperVbio $ should have power to rogulalo and con trot , within reasonable limits , the charges of thcso corporations. That ordinary differences arising ho. twcon these corporations and their cm. tomors should be decided by Oovermont commissioners without the expensive and tedious delays incident to a lawsuit. rhnt larger and more important ques tions should be , as now , referred to the Legislatures or the courts , 'F'lint there should ho no fixed limit to the rate of cash dividends corporations acting under such supervision as above indicated may pay to their stockholders , by reason of superior management of their affairs or of increased prosperity , but such quo9tions should ho loft t0 the legislative power which created them , to tlrctdo upon the necessarily varying con ditfons of each case , . - . Tut : Nutmeg State still keeps the con trol of its Legislature in the hands of the ] topublicans , and a Republican successor to Senator I'latt will be among the re- stilts , Mr. 1'latt is the man distili guidmed , we believe , forrojocttnga heavy retainer from a corporation which desired hie legal services , on thin honest ground that ho was the servant of the people , and did not think it right to give his services to others while tlioy wore duo his constituents , p. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CrAinM.tx Donsnv had better revise his figures. When ho bulletins lloeso with ten thousand majority ho shows In rnentable want of political mathematics. THE RESULT IN NEBRASKA , A Vast Amount of Incomplete RD' tarns From Various Portions of the State Reese Apparently Elected by a Very Insignificant Majority Colby Out' on All Sides and Burled - led Out of Sight. The County 'Pickets Brilllant With Varied Politloal Hues , NEBRASKA , 'roan covxry. Special Dispatch to Tna Bin. Yon , ; , November 7.-Reese carried tire county by about 5DO majority. Township organization carries by n small majority. LINCOLN coUNTr MAJOnITIES , Special Dlspach to Tel : Bin. NOarir PLATTE. , November 7.-Lincoln county will give Savage 150 majority , Himan 350 majority , Calkin 100 major. ity. Those majorities are approximated from the count as far as made. ItWIWUSON COUNTY TOTAI $ . Spacial Dispatch to Tam BEu Huunonr , Nab. Nov. 7.-Total votes polled , 453 ; Roean 224 , Savage 223 , Colby , 170 , Broady 250 , Cain 255 , Jushon 190 , Muasolman 240 , Brannon 187 , Mend 238 , Laroo 227 , Fischer. 177 , Wilson 241 , Cal. Aron 213 , Houtz 230 , Baily 256 , Carpe 160 , TILE vorE op SirmnnicK COUxrr , Special Dispatch to Tint Bzmr. For Supreme Judge ; Reese , 108 ; Say. ate , 108FourthDistrictJud go , Williams , 74 , Post 137 ; District , Attorney , Pat. torsono0 , Marshall 116 ; County Tronauror , Webster 178 , Adams 18 , 'Ervmg 18 , Foster 3 , Clark Good win 24 , Rico 133 , 'remplin 57 , Sheriff Dunham117 , Caawill 68 , Taylor 21 , Best 5 , County Judge , Logue 5.1 , Hoattettor 125 , Whited 32 , Superintendent , Itidgie 50 , Baker 124 , Dressler $7 ; Commissioners , Eastern District , Gilbard 10 , Crawford 12Z , Adams 70 ; Dllddle District , Scuddor 132 , Traver g ; Township Organisation , for 34 , against rota COUNTY. O. CEOLA , Nov , 7.-Tito vote of folk county incomplotr , six out of the nine rrociucts , gives time following : Savage for Supreme Judge 39 majority ; Mills , Democrat for District Judge 230 major. ity. RITCIWQCK AND DUNDY. Special dispatch to the Bee. CcLnnwrox , Nov. 7.-Vote of hitch , cock and Dundy counties as far as heard from stands ; Judge of the Supreme Court M. B , ltoeso 63 , Savage 56 ; Judge of the District Court , Gaslin 138 ; County Clerk , W. S. Perry 75 , W , W. Brown 6l ; Coun ty Treasurer A. B , Young 00 , Chase 49. ( i. L. Baldwin has nearly the entire vote for Sheriff , PLATTn COUNTY , Ceausrnus , Nub , , November 7.-Near. ly complete returns from Platte county dvo Savage 500 majority ; Post , District Judge , 1,200 majority ; County Treasurer , Newman , Democrat , 100 majority ; Coun ty Clerk , Stauffer , Democrat , 100 major. ity ; Sheriff Kavanaugh , Democrat , 100 niajority , ; IticnAaDSo i. Rule , Neb , November , 7.-The fol. lowing yotes cast in Rule , for Judge of Supreme Court Savage 185 , Reese 75 , District Judge Broady 195 , Colby 101 , sAltry , Bi i.LEvrrNeb : , Nov.7.-Supremo Court Savage 8 , Reese 80. 1SAH'NE , PAwNEn Ci v , Neb , Nov. 7.-l'awneo City precinct tolled 510 votes , Returns from Pawnco Cit Plum Crook Turkey Crock , Miles and Table Ruck precincts give Broady , District Judge , amajorit Y of 30 , LAIicA 9Tna. ' Br1 iTT , , Nob. Nov. 7.-Supremo Judge , Moose 190 , Savage 81. HALL COU.NTv , Special D'wpatch t0 Tan Bzr. GItAND ISLAND , 1ovember 7.-Savage will have at least two hundred majority. The county malomocratioamdAnti-Mono. Poly. STANTON OOUN'Y , SrM-ToN , Nov , 7.-This county goes 170 Dumbcmtio majotitg on thu State ticket. Savage tin majority ; Crawford 43 majority , The county ticket went t democratic by a small majority. u oroE. UNAnILLA , Nub , , November 7-Judg r of Supreme Court , J. W. Savage 1.41 ; III , Reesu 148. u . I'.tLay1U Nev. 7.-The fc1i : .iugi3 . the vote from this place : State ticket , Sarno 183 , Iteoso 152 , County ticket Woodhouso 101 , Brown 71 , Greonwe.ti . 148 , Adlo 125 , oeder't2 , Campbo11178 , Cnnida 132 , Chory 117 , Pierce 1177 , Dwel der 187 , Boyd 218Sycamore 151 , Housor 177 , Morgan 107 , Stevenson 147 , ] hen 137 , Simpson 15 ! , Davidson 171 , Now 147 , Ellis 203 , Howard 100 , I\EnnAAKA CITv , November 7 , 4,30 , p , m-llouser is elected by 700 majority , Seymour by li votes , Adlo by8 , Stevenson by 12 , Simpson by 300 , Canada by 100 , atson b 80 , and Weller by 210. The oficial count ill decide the ota of Ste. Volition , Adlo and Seymour. Broady is ohected in the Third district. Later returns give Savage 580 in time county , Manmex. CI\nmAL CITv.NOb.NOv. 7.--Suprerno sludge : Ileeso 601 , Savage Gan ; Judicial .f udgo : Post 0.0 , Williams 577 , Marshall 691 , Patterson 651 , w'.lslilNflTO\ , BL.tnt , November 7.-All Republicans except county treasurer , and Reese be. twceli 600 ad 700 majority in the county. ' roar , OsucorA , November 7.-Tho official vote of Polk county gives Savage S69 , Reese 022 ; Savage's majority , 217 ; dis trict judge , Mills ( Dem.l 1,055 , Nonal ( Rep. ) 141 ; Mills majority , 612 ; Kelly ( liop.i candidate for clerk , has 1 majerm- ty ; Adcons ( Rep. ) , candidate for judge , han 32 majority. Balance of ticket fusion and Democratic. nnn WILItOW. INDLtNOLm , November 7.-Ill , B , Iteoso has 400 majority , Wm. Gaslin about 600 majority , The Republican county ticket is elected by about 8i10 majority. LINCOLN COUNTY. Nowrir I'rATTE , November -Total vote of Lincoln county 778 ; State ticket , Snvndo , Dom. , 140 majority ; Judicial. Hinman , Dom , , : t8 majority ; Calkins , Dem. , 64 majority ; county clerk , Grady , II ) em. , 08 majority ; treasurer , Ellen , Rep. , 65 majority ; sheriff , Bangs , Dom. , 264 ; county judge , Snelling , 38 majority , ' muto\VN. . ALNSWOItT11 , November 7.-Returns Coming in very slow ; indications up to 12 o'clock show a barge Republican ma- jority. Savage . is running sell , nUFFALO. r Iic.tBNEY , November 7.-Buffalo coup : ty $ ivos Republican' majorities for the entire State judicial and county tickets ranging from 200 to 800 , Sherman county gives Savidge , district judge , and Barber , district attorney , bo200 majority. RE.tnNEY November 7.-Incomplete reports , which will not , however be chngemuch b fuf reports , elect the entire Republican county ckeby in. ralities ranging from 1000 to 000 , Sam. L. Savid o for district judge , carries tlmis county b nearly 600 a rty over unman , is undoubtedly elected. Bixlor fr district attorney has about I00 majority in this county ver Calkins and is probably elected. Dawson county giros Savid o and Bixlor 16 majority each. Reports from Sherman count iddicato a Ro tblican majority of about 100. Room tms about 40 ajorit3 in Buffalo county. tDAMS COUNTY. HASTINGS , November 7.-Full returns are all in and the entuo Republican ticket is elected by a largo majority. The Republicans carried every precinct in the county with majorities ranging from 10 to 500. Reese's majority over Savage for Judge , of the Supreme Court is 466. . i1OWAnll , . Sr. 'PAUL , November 7.-For Judge of Supreme Court , Iteoso has 04 majority ; Jud oof , District Court Norval , 31.7 ma- moajorit county treasurer , C. Jackson , 428 ' cent clerk C , Robison , 557 majority ; sheriff' , Johnson , ,177 , ma- jority. 1'OL1. OsCEOLt , November 7.-The AntiMonopoly - Monopoly ticket in Polk county is elected ed , except county judge and countycierk , which are doubtful. Time majority for Savage is 247 ; majority for b ! . A. Mills , District 4udgo , Anti-Monopoly , 012. CASH. 'PL.trrsMoum , November 8.-The Re. Publican State ticket has about 150 ma- jority. The County Republican ticket is elected by majorities ranging from 150 to 250 , BUTLR. : DAVID CITv , November 7.-Returns from Butler county are all in except one precinct , which will make no material change in the vote. Savage has a major- it of about two hundred ; Williams for District Judge has a majority of about five hundred. Harper , county treasurer , is time only Republican elected. He will have a small majority. A STALWART ESTIMATE. LINCOLN , November 7.-Returns at 10 o'clock to-night show Republican gains in almost every county on time State ticket. Iteoso , ltopubliean , in elected Supreme Judge by 10,000 majority , Broady , Democrat , is elected in the First judicial district by 3,500 majority. Three other districts not hoard from are supposed to bo in doubt. The Republicans elect the seven judges. Very , few counties elect tire straight Republican ticket , many mixed , seine give Republican majorities oil State ticket and elect opposition county officers , others the reverse , Generally orally all elonment united iu opposition to time iepublicans. ntwsoN. . Pruu CRETE , November 7-Thu fol. lowing is the official count ire Dawson : Supreme Judge , James Savage 381 , M. B , Reese 370 ; District Judge , Samuel T.Savidge ; 381 , B. I , H inma4865 ; District. Attorney , J. W. Bixlor 380 , E , 0. Cul kips 370 ; county clerk , Hewett 413 , ltnldwin 33.4 ; county treasurer , Fleming 512 , Tiler 222 ; sherd , McLean 316 , amen 203 , O'Brien 192. acTTON , SurroN , November 7.-Sutton pro. duct $ IVCS Morriss District Judge , J mna orttyi Boasts , District Attorney , 11 , majority ; Dickson , county treasurer , 150 majority : F. It. Yarco , clerk , 145 mma jority ; Kidd , shorilr , 145 majority ; Iteoso uJudge , 145 majority Time county gives about 000 Republican majority. GAGE. 1Vvltonr , November 7.-For Judge of the District Court , First Judicial dis triet , Jefferson If. Broady , majority , 80. County ticket , Ring , majority , Li , shier. itf , Davie , majority , 114 ; County Judge , Krutshiger , majority , 400 ; county coot. nriaalo er , Third district , Unkoff , major , it 1161 ; county superintendent , Fore. maul , majority , 11 ; county surveyor , Pasco , majority , 300 ; for now county , majority , 440 ; against township ergani Tatlon , majority , 210 , - hunter In the stomach , Much of time distress and slekilesa at. I lribute.d to dyapctpaia , chronic diarrhoea and other causes is occasioned by honor In the stomach. Several cases , with all . Iho ch uacterhstjcs of thcac wujplaat4 , a 11 r Cures ,9crotula , Fiysipolas , Pinplos and Face Grubs , Blotches , Boi a , Tumors , 2ot- tor , Humors , Salt Rllou m , Scald Hoar ! . Sores , Morouril Diseases , Female Weakness and Irrngularitios , Dizziness , Loss of Appetite , .Tuanclico , Affections of the Liver , Indigestion gostion , Biliousness. Dyspop sin and Goneraf Debility Aeauc of lluNork meo.t Moen will satty the moo skepit el mat It Ii the Greatest Illon.t 1'antlr un earth. 1O14 1,1 medidnedeAle"eerrwhcte. D"ectlona.eleven lanruages. l'nIcaz. ' . FOSTER , MILBURN &CO. , Prop'ia Buffalo , N.Y. have been cured by Rood's SarsatlaHlla. Other cures biftiated by this Medicine are so wonderful that time simplest statement of them atfurds thobestpruof that it combines - bines faro curative agents mind when once used secures the confidence of the people. A company of Erie , Pa. , capitalists hsa been formed for Lilo purpose of embalming - ing time dead in all cities of the United States by Dr. Arthur S. Lovett's secret process. The capital stock is fixed at $250,000. But one man of time company is to be entrusted with the secret rim a hermetically sealed casket. This mom , bor is to be placed under $100,000 bomids to preserve the casket intact. Ho is to be elected by the stockholders , and is only to open time box and read the secret for the benefit of stockholders in time event of Dr. Levctt dying suddenly without - out making provision for carrying on the business of the corporation. Joy in Chinatown , SAN FRANCISCO , CAL-Chan Hon. Chao , President of the Sic Companies , gives time following to the press. [ His statement is endorsed by leading Chinese merchants , among whom arc : Leong Pok hug , President Sam Yip Co.Wong Shok Lee , Prosidontxop Wo Co. ] Chan Hon Choo nays : We regard St. Jacobs Oil as the most wonderful medicine in the world , as a euro for pain. Missionary Bills. Nw YonE , November 7.-Time exccui , tivo committee of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal church began its annual session today. The following appropriations wore recommended : Africa - rica , 4,000 ; South America , $28,000 ; Central China , $31,000 ; Foe Chow , $15,000 ; North China , $215,000 : West China , 512,000 ; Germany and Switzer , land , $24,000 ; Sweden , $22,000 ; Norway - way , $14,000 ; Denmarlc , $10,000 ; North n$64,000 ; South India $10,000 Bulgria , $15,000 ; Italy , 27,000 ; Mcs. . ice , $34,000 , and Japan , $35,000. TimoSt. Louts I'ollco Light. Sr. Lochs , November 7.-At a moot. ing of'tho board of police commissioners this evening , the decision of the court of apeala annulling their act of October 7th , relating to the deposition of Chief Camp. boll was recognized and an order made that police captains report to Colonel Campbell : , The latter thereupon took possession of time police headquarters and is on duty tonight , Chief Tanio re tiring without opposition. 'Before ad. journment , however , 'De Lutz , one of the commissioners preferred charges of insubordination and conduct unbecoming an officer against Colonel Campbell , arts that gentleman will be tried on the charges at the next regular meeting 'of time board. The conspiracy case against Messrs Lutz , Caruth , Mclntire and But- lerwascontinued today until the .26th inst. to give the State time to prepare for the prosecution. The Dollar Nuisance , CLNCLNNATI , November 8.-The dir- cetonof the board of trade and transports - ports at a meeting t.-day , adopted time report of time committee , declaring the trade dollar a nuisance and recommending - ing a memorial to Congress for its ro demptlon by the government and withdrawal - drawal from circulation. soc I MgRk . r. r.t a , , . , y.p TI-1I GREAT ' ct : - Ii' CURES Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Dmckattta , headache , Toothache , gore TI routYne1ntarNprnlue.llru/.e , Lit ALL l.rll'I ; aui'tI.r I'tRt eau Alll18. eUeDreret.'MItU.rLMew.ken. rIM1eauu.kale pir.tiro , In It I.antuq.v. Till : nI.EP A. . PIN ) r. r $30,000 fort fZ. 3 Regular Monthlp Drawmglatntake pJae in the MMonlo hail , Slaaonio 1'cwpls Dund D Ink , hLoututnc , icy , Thursday , November 29th , 1883. A Lawful Lottery and Fair Drawings , chukrnt by thu IegWaturoot Ky „ and tt.iat declu. al legal by the highest court in the State. flood given to henry County In the num of 1100,000 for the pronspt pa ) noot of aU prize. .old. A ItEYOLU ION IN BINOLE NUMBER DItAWINOB std ! Everv tlcket holder hteown eupervisor , cen call out the number on hla ticket and era the rorreepond log number on rho tag placed In the wheel in his praeeaea Thew drnwhtg. will ooeur on the hat T7surtdayat every month Iteed thu tnagnLScent November Schema. 1 Prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 50,000 1 i'rrIze' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,0(0 ' . paw 2 i'fuzesefO0each , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 6,000 a Prtzee , I,000cach. . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . o,0u0 to lrleoe , 1.00 end , , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 101 100 ach , , , . , , , , , . 200 i'rtzes , L7 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 r0J Pnzee , :0 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , , , . 10,0(0 ( 1000 I'rire. , to tech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 D IMcee , r ( oachApproxinmtlonlttu2.700 0 I'rtn a , roe nods 'S S 1,500 e price , 100 cash o „ DD0 1,557 hr's $110 Whole Tlckete , $2. flair Ticket' , $1 , 27 Ttciots , $50. ae Tlcaet' , 4100 , Remit money or musk Draft n Letter , or scud b z sresa Dottv SEND fly muom : ' EmtlD : Lrrfra ii 1'Ot3T OYFICEOIWFdt , until further notice. Or ; un of tS and upward by expree , tau la rent at our a"p 'e nee. Addrem au Orden to J. J , lk1UOLAs , LrMm.lal , .tl'.4-ti h "n Li YM .W e S Dry Goods ! C. CO. , Washington Avenue and Efth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS , MOl STE I IELIE JOHNSON & C ® . . Wholesale Grocers ! AND JODDERB El FLOUR , SALT , SUGARS , CANNED COOLS 'ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS DFJ Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & IRA/ID POWDER CO MAX MEYER & CON , IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS I AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC A x / ARTIOJE 1 j D PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRAN DSa Reina Victorias Espetiales , Roses in 7'Sizes from $6 to $120 per 1000 : AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Combination Grapes 'Pro ' 'ess Nebraska' Wyoming and , ' Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. e 6 Double and Single Acting Power and Nand PUMPS , STEAM PUMPS , Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery ; Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings Steam Packing at wholesale and re ail , HALLADAY WINDMILLS , CHUIttH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St , , Omaha Neb. . I. , , j . } e riL wry . . ILtNUFAVIUREIL OF OF ST1tICTLT FntST-CLASS Carriages , , AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1510 and 1320 Harney Street and405 , 9. . 19th Street , , - A NEE U trated Cataloeue furnished tree upon appllcatlan. , elPr tG.E&r r On Time--Small . Long - - Payments. . lloso. J 15111 DODOE"ITIIE J. Ae WAKEFIELD . . 1w7IOLESALE AND RETAIL DF. w IN , Lath , S1ill1o ! , Piekots , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , IIIOULDINGS LIVE CEMBNT PLASTER' ' &C. STATE GENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB a _ VY a DEALERS IN Hall's Safe and Lock Comp'y' . FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES , VAULTS , LOCKS , &c. 1oso1Warnam itroot. c mtais. a.ar . , a. 13 .JL .R6I rIq Booth'sAND AND ANDWHOLESALE. .