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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1883)
; - - - - - - - _ . - - - - - ' - - . - " - - - . - - - - . - - - - - - - . - - - - 1f I / 8 rim , DAILY BEE""OMAUA , TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 6 , 1883. - ! IE DAILY BEE. OMAHA. Tuesday Morning , November 6. t I The z For the upper Misssppi nlIoy , c1or ng , coiddor wontlior , northerly to vest . ' crry winls1 higlior barornotor followed In the northern portions by slight rise of 4A3rnporatIlro. For the Missot.ri valley , fair cohtlIor , nort1iwcst winda , sliiftii to cost niitl 'outli in tim northern nini I ontrnl portions , .tntionary or rise in temperature nnd lower barometer. ; LOJAL BEE VIT1TES. -The lInxincnilc ocloy met iat evening nt r Ma Mcycr'o Mulc hail for regular ; iractfco , -3arnoy McAnloy I to lioo a onon nL the ojmri lionie next wecic , as follows : Tuo. (183 , "A ! os.cngr from , rnrvl. ' Section ; " c Vodnesday , "Tho JerOyniiin" Thur.tlay , "i'a1tff. " -A gay fl1flftW' wont up Frnnin strect . } clatter thnt the CStcrl&y nnd mode .uci a .troet was fihlct1 with people In n minute , -The funeral of l'rank Humpherey took , flIACO from TriniLy Cathedral yesterday , Dean Milispaugh offlclatlng. The InLcrrncnt "as made ist Frospoct 11111 cemetery. & -The etorm Sunday pretty ovcro nklently in omo portion9 of the State. 1 Prom a gentleman who came up from Plntts. . } mouth yesterday we learn that the light. t , ninr' tore off the north end of the depot build. 1 log. -fa.hii Guthrle received a telegram from I Paul , Minn. , yestordaysn3lng : "henry 1 McCullough , supposed i.e bo from Omaha , hung himself here. What .hnll we do with the remains. " The question now Is , who Is McCullosgb ? ! -When that steer got away Sunday a i brother of James Cahill tried to lasso It with rope , at which , for some reason , John Shim. aion knocked him down mind then struck him with brass knucklem. At Ieaimt this hi the comn I vlant ! which James Cahill made In the police court yesterday , charging Shannon with as. . ttstilt anil battery. - . -Notwithstanding the Inclement weather % of timi. morning hundreds of ladica visited r Morse'.s silk and dros. goods counter. . . this morning , and all were more than .atisfiod with the bargain. thereat. With the advent of fine weather this aftorn on the ruah will bo so great as to make the first choice a necessity with all who would secure the bct bargains. : -The followIng pleasant worda from The : Watchman will find a hearty endorsement to. . ; day In the shape of solid votes. Mao says : , " 1. . r. Stenberg , candidate for lustico for the I First ward , ought to be elected unanimously , :1 : He 1. eminently capable , impartially just and conscientiously honest. " ; _ -Nat l3rowno , thi genial and populir rep. f ; tesentativo of the C. 13. & Q. loft yesterday for iU time l'aclflo coast and western territories In the Interests of his road. There I. no better man out for any company than Mr. ] 3rowne and I while he Is on the wttrpnthho "Q" v1hI never see dull times. , -The regular nominee for justice of the peace of the Republicans In the Third ward was D. F. Brown , but through some mistake I his name wAs lettofftho regular ticket. } 'If. ; , teen hundred ticket. . have been printed , how. I over , wlthth full 1it of nominees which will j be placed In the hand * of yotora this 11 i miiIng at the polls. I J -AU. S. ofl1cIal who attended a recimt stock sale In Nomalus county caine away the , possessor of a horse , a colt and a fittlo thor. . . oughod bull , all of &hIch lie didn't want but . wlmlchcnmo te him as time result of reckless bidding. He feels like the man vith the I white elephant now , he don't know. what to tb with the bull. . -TheltestcandIdatcthat has come before th publio Is is gentleman from the Fifth ; vard , who only came to town last Saturday I evening. his last name Is HasIcell , and his - fighting weight 1. nIne jounds eveil , and his father Is the modest and obliging harry has- kell , day foreman of Tim hixu now. room. . ] tarry diBtrlbutod the hlavanas yesterday to all hands , from the "devil" to the religious : editor. editor.From -From a gentleman who caine dowis from ] flpir we learn that the depot there was robbed Friday night by somno cracksmnen , who rifled the pas nger and freight safes of their con. teute. In the passenger safe was only $3 of the company's money , but an omployo of the depot hail Put in $27 of his own money "for aafo keeping , " and wiLls tlls the burglars got away. They then turned their attention to - the trunks in the depot , and took tliruoor four good overcoate from the sampiocaso of a tray. oiling zhaii. . . Ilorsford'am Acid L'iiospsttto. Excellent Results. . . I Dr. J. L. WirL18 , Eliot , Mo. , says : "Iloraford's Acid Phosphate gives most. excellent results. " I Itoal Esinto Transfers. :1 : Tim following deeds wore filed for ro. cord in time recorder's office , November ' fI , reported for the DEI by P. J. Mo. Mahon , real estate agent : Bent K. Hayden and who to Henry \v. Ytoa , of lot (1 ( , blk 8 , sub.div of r J. Itedick add , wd-t,500. p John A. McSkane nd wife to Chias. Landroch , Iota 1 and. 4 , blk 3 , Brookline , : wd-375. John A. McShano and wife to Isabella S. Bell , lots 1 , 2 :3 : , 4 , 5 , (3 ( , 7 , 8 , (1 ( , 10 , 11 , 12 , Brookline , wd-82,100. Samuel B , Rogers and wife to Anna Cauler , lot 1 , block 7 , Improvement As. sedation1 wd-$300. Jeff Vi. Bedford et si. to II. M. Jack. son , t4 of lot 4 , blk 1 , Kirkwood's add , vd-U5. A S. Paddock &nd wife to L. Ricliarti. son , bik 11 , 3mith's add , wd-$2,000. Jeff W. i3odfozd et a ) to E. G , Low ! . , w d , lot 6 block 3 , Kirkwood addition 375 , Sam' ! Patrick to Reuben Allen , w d , S C foot of lot ( , Griffin and Isaac's addi tion , 185. I Augustus Ko9ntzo et. al to Edwmu Lewis and James Johnson , w d , lots 1 , 2 , - a , 4 , 5 14 , 16 , 10 , 17 , and 18 , bik 4 , ii : . Plainview , $2040. John I. Itedick and wife to Elkabeti Smock , w d , lotl8 and ( feet oIfn sith of lot 17 block 2subdiv of J. I. ltcdck'm ! add , $800. . Charles P. White to Mrs. J. I'atoraon w d , lot. 6 Burr Oak addition , $350. Thomas Bryant and wife to Ia Ti. 11111 ! d , lot. 4 bik 1tJ5 Omaha , $1250. _ _ A Postal Card . Yrom Mrs. Denni , Smith Louisville Ky. svs ; "For blood Iwjur1do iunio4jjico JItUr , emn imaxtlculariy adapted. Never ho fore had wujm1eifen so silear. Use sfl Lb time. : " I. , . - - - -i-- . , , . 1 THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. They Roccic IIIIIIFCdS of Ap1ioa- Boils for Tccliorhs ! in tlio Schools , But Do Not Taoklo the List or Appoint Prinoipals Yet , D1cissimig ( lie Question of Imnploy. lug a Carpenter by thin Year The board of education immet last cvete lug at their rooms , It. being the first Mon. day in the month , I'rosidont Long in time chair , and iwoscntMeasra. Conoyar , Cope. land , Gibbon , Livosoy , Parker and Points. Time treasurer's report was road , oxhmib. iting $42,918 balance from last month , and over $56,000 on hand. An estimate of work and material was received for tim now school on Delaware street , amounting to $7,825 , and on the Leavenworth street school. amounting to $5,110 , both : less 15 per coat. retained. This is in favor of contractor I'otvin. This gave rise to considerable discussion. Mr. Conoyor moved to allow only $9,000 , at present because time csthnnto was not made out. in detail. Mr. Gibbon thoughitno injustice would be done by allowing nnly $9,000 at. pros- ont. ont.An An amondmnont. was offered to pay time whole sum amid lost. By a unaimimnoums vote it. was resolved to allow only $9,000 at present. A communication was received from time city mission notifying the board that the rent of time building belonging to the school , which the board occupies as a public achoo at present , niust bo increased - creased from $15 to $30 , as the rent. for so commodious a building should ho higher. Parker moved to lie on the thbTh , as the building mentioned w.s not fit o occupy as a school anyway. So din. 1)OSOd of. A proposition from It. L. Williams , an eastern manufacturer , ' to supply the schools of Omaha with : solid slate board. , was referred. Applications wore received from a large number of the present toachorn to be sep. pointed principals of the now schoolssoon to be occupied Applications for toachersicips from all P arts of the country wore recoivod. There wore over two hundred applicaI I Lions altogether , Those applications and those for principalship. wore referred to the committee on teachers amid text books. Applications for places an janitors were referred to the committee on build. ings and proorty. The committee on claims reported a number of bills allowed , including timatof superintendent and teachers. $3,602 , and and that. of janitors , $100. The report. was adopted. The committee on buildings and prop. erty made a very favorable roort on the two now school building. . ¶ Ihoy reom- . mend that the sum of $20 be allowed to the janitor of the leigh school building for additional help during the winter month. . Mr. Hall wanted tee motion , if adopt. od , to go through as if making the salary of the jamntor $125 a months , out. and out , despite what any newspaper may say. Ho didn't care what the papers said. That would give hIm $1,230 a year , observed Mr Conoyer. The salary wan so fixed upon yote ; $125 a month during , the winter months. Dufreno send Mendelssohn submitted a report showing that. the Leavenworth street school building was under roof and being elated and lathed ; time building - ing on Delaware street is to be ready to roof in a few days. Upon report , it. was resolved to pay Valentine Nook $357 , balance duo on Coictre street building. ocretary Conoycr submitted a report showing the amounts paid during the last four school years for carpenter work in the schools : 1879-80 , $333 ; 1880.81 , $344 ; 1881.82 , $474 ; 1882.83 , $091. tr. Gibbon rose to protest that the report was not full enough. He thought. thmoro yas a leak somuewliero and asserted tlimLt. in the past four mouths the board had paid out moro money for job car- pontorimg than limo secretary reported us three yoarn. "Whore's the rope , for iust.anco , " ho said , "that was mod wheme time high school building was paintodi" "In a roosms at the school building , " said Mr Conoyer. "In it. all thereV' "It is. " " \Vell , I intro boon inforimied diffe ; . cathy , " said Mr. ( libboim. Mr. Conuyer explained how much work , how many improvements had boon under way recently in all thee schools in time city. Ho then recited itemized no- counts , in answer to several inquiries about bills , in a satisfactory snannoc. Thu janitor of time Iligle , chool thou stated , upon request , that ho knew notim. ing of any rope , but. the carpenter pros- out. stated where it was. Mr. hail wanted to employ a insets by the year to do thin work ant ) prevent all thin leakage. Mr. Coucyer. showed. that one luau could not do it without additional help. Mr. C poliend hero inquired how the ! . inatterof carpenter vork was lixod in isrgo cities. Superintendent Janies stated timat ii Cleveland ant ) other cibles a auporintond. ant of building. wan employed by the city. Ho at. liret did the work lumnaelf hut as the city grow ho employed four or five other mcii and became quite a gems. tiomnan himusehl , Mr James stated also timat. the Omaha school buildings were now lie an excellent condition , owing to the efforts of Messrs. Spocht and Livosoy of the committee on buiidinga. Every member of theo board hero rose I RU turn and said somnotiming on the quo. . tion , The wheolo snattor was theme referred - forrod to thmo comunilttoo on buildings and ' property , wiLls Mr. Gibbon added. . it was resolved , on motion of Mr. Paz- . her , to purcleaso a set of four pimyaio1ogi. I. cal charts for time Publio school. , to cost I twelve dollars. I I was hero suddenly determined to have all z-esolutions lie wz-itiimg , 6 to 2. C Mr. Copehmend oflerod a z-oaolutiome to I have zuabs sic Limo different schools for the S children to clean their feet ems. Izlr Conoyor bore showed leow time children p woulU desert the scrapers for thee santa if they are adopted , and 1111 the mats with p mud. fr. Copehand liesistod that cliii. drome know snore than thets and that time teachers would see to it that the clmildremi wore taught how to use time mats Other , members spoke on tim ! . important quo. . f tiorm. Resolution finally 1.t. I Parcr olflmred a resolution that all special teachers be required to ropozi nemi.tmnntiahly to the board upon the amount of work dono. rave of absence to l'rinciprml Brunor was granted for Tuesday , vrovided ho .ocurcd proper substituto. Mr. Points wanted to know if Mr. liruner had requested this and learned that ha had. A resolution to allow Miss McCngzzo 5 increase in salary in consideration of tmttonlnnco at Normal school two years , was introduced by' Mr. Copeland , but afterwards withdrawn whiomi he dmscov. ered that the rules of thee board were cast iron in regard to ammy irregular increase of salary. WHEUETO VOTE. A List of th Polling F1ccs Fxc ! for To-day , Roati IL Carefully anti be on hianil The polling places designated by tim county commissioners for to.dnysm election are as follow. : Omaha precinct. No. 1 , at Turner Ilahl , Tenth ammtl Howard streets. Omaha prociuct , No. 2.-Election din. trict , No. 1 , at Jimstus Kessler's , Thir. toonthe street. Election district , No. 2 , at Wm. lion. nosoy's , Eighteenth atroctand St. Mary't avonUo. Omaha precinct , No. 3 , at northwest Corner Twelfth and Harnoy stroets. Omaha precinct , No. 4 , at Sheriff's ofhico , court house. Omaha precinct , No. f.-Elcctiomi din. trict , No. 3. , S. E. Cor. Twelfth amid Ciii.- cage streets. Election district , No. 2 , at Redman's feed store , Cur. Izmerd and Sixteenth streets. Onmalia precinct , No. 6 , at engine liotiso , No. 1 , Cor. Twoiitieth and Izard streets. Saratoga precinct , at school house near Oruonig's. Florence precinct , school house atFlor. once Union precinct , at Irvington school house. Jefferson precinct , scheol house in din- trict 44. Elkhorn ptecinct , at Elkhorn school heouso. Platte 'Valley precinct , school hmouso at Valley station. Waterloo precinct , school house at Watorlqo. Chicag precinct , school hozmnti at Elk- iorn station. Millard precinct , Millard school heoune. MoArdlo precinct , McArdlo school souse. Douglas precinct-Election district. o. 1 , at Hascall' . Park. Election district , No. 2 , at Cassidy's ichool house. 'Wont. Ommeaha precinct , school house soar SeMen's. The election will be opened at 8 o'clock n thee moruin and will continue open Lmntil ( I o'clock us the afternoon. AN A1'PE4tL FOIL JUSTICE. sir. J. J. Poimmts Submit. . ills Case to the Candid Judguzent of the People. ro the Editor of Tim Bzr. For shd yearn I have held the oflico of county superintendent of public in. struction in the first county of Nebraska. For nearly five years I heave also boon a member of the board of education of Omaha. I haciformerly held-this latter oflice for thiroc year. rend know well the thonkloss responsibilities attached to the IositiOfl. Two years ago this olilco wan again tendered to mc as the unexpected , unsoughet. and unbought tribute of the workingmen of this great city. My chief inducement to its accopt.ameco was the wish to honor those who lead thus honored. me and. thee desire to discharge its duties noioiy in thee interests of their childroie. I took it as a burden , I held it without honor or profit and I shall leave it withozzt regret. I supposed that my experience in these positions wouhd entitle me to decent and respectful treatment - mont whenever 1 enighmt ofFer myself as a candidate for an educational oflico. 1 am ever prepared to welcome just criti. clans of my work and to submit to any fair contest in whiicle merit has a cheanco to win. I did not , however , expect to have to repel attacks upon my character such as disgraced time pages of thee Omnaima Ropubhcnn ! of yesterday morning. Time evident malignity of thmo article in yertorday's itepubhican robs it of all value as a criticism of my work or au oxosition of ray cimaractor or my standing iii thin community. - The interest. of that journal in - oduca. tional matters was vell indicated four years ago , when its : nazmgors aougimt to nominate for thee olilco of county supurimi- tendont one of their recent. oiszployes who head no record wlmtover as a toachmer. To thee editor of 'limo Republican I wiil say that. ho can be accommodated with mezy resigmiation as soon as leo will show by roputabla testimony : First-Thiat. I heave booze guilty of in- competency , neglect , or comeduct unworthy - worthy of a izzame sued a county officer. Second-That. I have "pulled vires" or visited any nina in the city or county to secure his irefluonco in behalf of may candidacy , or that I leave offered money or other valuable connidoratioim for like purposes. Third.---lf I can not prove to tise satin. faction of any unbiased man tiea in four out of fIve of time very few cases of trouble im the country schools during hey athnin- istration , there hens boon a dishisnest school officer or a drunken toachmor behind - hind it. To Lice nameless pretender , whose malice - ice furninlmcd a skeleton for tim ! . shanmo. less attack upoze ieee , send wimo in as titer- ouglmiy uecapablo of iminufting a rcspocta- ble maim an bmo in of comnprehondiimg an imonest. one I have zeotimlu" to say. In coiicfusiois , Mr. o&tor , I appeal from thin libel to the intoiligomet and jun. tice loving people of them city amid county. I appeal to those who Imavo kieqwn inc during tine ia4 ton years us mivorsity as well as ir ° spority. I aipeai to ver8oIa1 frcnds frone I have received so iuafiy favors , to take up again Lieu burden of iziy cause ome oloctiou day. 1 appeal to those who know of my pant rolatiozes vltie Mr. l3runoewhothmer tim ! . attack is aiz hmonorseblo return fez the support whmlcii , as a mnemmebor of timt board of education , I have steadily semi chmeorfuhiy nccordoduiimn. I appeal to the sober , iiztchligezit I and , unpurohmasable evorkizmg muse di thIs cit ) wleetiior I heave betrayed thoircozifldenc by sacrificing time interests of their dm11 I drumi , for time 1upoo of ndvanoismg fl > 3 owls. J. J. 1'oz.v. A PERFECT BEAUTY. A 1aniflcont Nc Bs1a1ishffidll1 on Thirtodllth Stroct , - . Grazmj Opening on Saturday Sight Lnsf , One of Limo most attractive now bust- ziess blclcs erected this summer is Den- nm Cunningham's spleiuUd building on the Northewest corner of Jackson and l8thm streets , and It was formally opened to the public on Saturday evening , when Mr. John Kilkenny , the "Co.'g of thee now firm of McNamars , Duncoi Co. , and the manager of their business , open. ed up their now and elegantly equipped .amllo room. The firm has been lavisie in the expenditure - dituro of money to obtain the finest and haLest. styio of fixtures amid those who visited the place Saturday evening will admit that. it inn perfeetgemanclaspretty as it. is tasty iii its furimisheiimg. On entering the front door the first Lhzmng which attracts the eye is the screen , whole is difForceet from ammy over before neon in those parts. A mnassivo plate glass mirror , on beLie sides is supported in a freuno which is of tleo same design as the counter mmd in constructed of asic and cherry , with ebony pilastors. The mirror - ror above time sideboard is 10 by 5 feet in size with a faanmo of the annie woods already - ready named and surmounted in the center - tor by a lovely panel in front of which a person is at once attracted by the beautiful - tiful disphay of glassware and a costly silver urn for hot water. The sideboard in also of the same woods , tim frame being handsomely trimmed in bronze. The bar is 22 feet long , with two panels , and as fine a piece of workmanship sea can be fozmncl even in Eastern cities. Thee rail in front is of gold plated metal supported by brackets of the Queen Anne style. The ice box is al8o of a now pattern , and is elaborately trimmed with bronze and surmounted by cornmco corresponding 'with that of the mmrror. In the roar of the room , which is 66x21 foot in nizo are two easy sitthmg rooms , the Woodwork being of ash and che rry and the glass pazeels in the doors are cut with beautiful designs by Limo sand blast process. On thee south side of the room en a raised platform for barrelled goods and wines , guarded by a fine foot railing to match the furniture. The oflico wmth eta cebinet and safoare in the right leand front corner of theo room , and are as carefully gotten up , as in theo entirowork , while the cabinet work about the win- down in equally tasty. The room is bettor lighted by day b three broad plate glass windows , wide are shaded with curtains of olive tint painted in-letters of gold and silver , high- Jy shaded in brigietly harmonizing colors , thee whole announcing the nature of the stock kept on hand , .4.t night t magnificent nix light chan- deleor , of Queen Anne style. in front of the .Jrnr and four other two light. chandeliers in front of the door and hi each of the three wIndows , furnish a Irihhiant illumination. The curtazns , whmch.aro superb in design and finish wore furnish.d. by the new house of Mr. 0. M. Kostet , and they sneak highly for the skill 01 the artist , wico is known to have no supoiir in town at such work. As stated above , the firm niaced their junior partner1 Mr. Jobii > jjlken. fey in charge of the .establishmenL Mr. ICilkonpyhas eon in Omaha about to yeaz-aarmd all the time has been at Me Naiania Duncan's Fourteenth .tre t houne. Ho was popular with the public from the first , and his , friends are legion. A quiet and unassuming young gentleman and although a careful buni. ness man he won. thee confidence of his employers as well ss he friendship arid respect of their patrozi. In putting him in their now place , where the same choice wines , liquors and cigars yihl be sold as are sold , at the Fourteenth street store , they heave made time slmccess and popularity of thee now resort. a m&ttor of certainty. John will bo assisted by lrr. Henry Brando. , a vohl known and higUy esteemed Omaha' zznn , and tim two wilt always be found equal to thee emergency whmen their friond8 call to 800 tleemn. Thmo opening Saturday niglet was thee occasion of an immense throng of visitors , splendid luncie was served with the lmqumd refreshments , and time whole affair was a grand success and neost gratifying to Limo proprietors. A lunch will hereafter - after bo set at noome daily and cacim eve. nmng for the accommodation of time va- trons , vimo are euro to be very numerous. MII1TA1W MATTEItS. Time Iaiest Orders of time Dopartmnemit of time 1'lattc. The following ecamed mole re-enlisted and enlisted. at. Fort Omaha , Nob. , are nssignedas follows : Private Charles Zoohler and Recruit Fred L. Ellis , to time Fourths infantry. Recruit. John Burgos to tim Fiftim Cay. airy ; ito will be sent to the station of hmia regiznent on the first favorable oppoj tumeity. Csq.tain SY. I. Rood , Soventhe imifapty , will proceed to Fort Laramie , Wyo. , and report at 10 o'clock a. in. , Nouumiber 0 , 1883 , or as soon thereafter a practicable - cable , as witness before the general court- nizac-tini in session At timat poslUti thee case of tlmo Useitod stesegihist Private Michael Murriey , conepany : ii , Seventhe infautm' , and ou.conp0t19n ; Liii. duty will rejoimi his pei stattoim. Time following , iain djzion enlisted at Forts Omecaha , Nfi. , an1lD. A. Russell , Wvo. , uro assignedM follows. Walter M Millafi to time Fourth imefan- try. Edwarh1Lng to compafl' , Ninth in- fantry.i TlmofohloLng In publlshmed for time in- fprmnatiome amid guldamico of all conoermiod lie this depiertmont : "Ofilcorn and enlisted muon who are ome- titled to wear niarknsnasc's buttons , amid wise desire to 1ihaco thmoime on more than I 0110 blouse or , coat can purciiaso otra buttons for this vuz-i0 at : tvty (20) ( ) cents for oath button. The sale uf shot gumm material can not be autieoriz-4d , but there in no objectiome to powdorsuclm as is used for reloading pzzrposeaoiIig sold in sizinli qumuetmtien to ohiice for timoir poreomini use at . twometyivo (25) ( ) comets per pouted , pro' . vided slcim sales cart be made without , cletrimn/nt to time pubiio service. L T1e/e salon can be made on applica- Lion t/m time commuammdimii oflicor , Cizoyunmze L OrthAmeco Depot , Wyo. l/nmmoncing with this mmeornmng , I Co6nol Mason , inspector general of thee . du/artmmmeiet of time Platte , will conduct a P .411i05 of inapoctlonsrevzewsand exercises I applied tactics , which latter is really a . _ - ' sham battle , at Fort Omaha , occurring in thee following order : Monday , 0:30 : a. m.-In.pcctmon of books , record. , and police quarters 1:30 : p. mn.-Compnny drill. Tuesday , 0:30 : a. rn.-Reyiew mend in. spection of battalion , escort of class , and battailmon drill. 1 :80 : p. -Exercises in applied tActics infantry and artillery conebimied. Wednesday , 2 p. m.-Reviow , inspec. Lion , and drill of light battery , Fifth at- thllery. - - F1OM butN 5OCT11. Tlmo Cimlef Esiglimeer of time Fire Do- inrtmnemmt Itct4srmls from New Orleans. Tlmo Chief Engineer of Limo Fire Depart- mnent , .John II. Butler , accomupammied by Chins. Kaufmnnmneniber of time city coume. cii of Omaha , returned yesterday from New Oricamma , where they imavo been in mettemedanco at. thee Convention of Chief Engineers of Fire Departments of Limo United States. A reporter met Chief Butler ties morning , and asked imimim how ho enjoyed the trip. "Couldn't have hind a bettor time " lie replied , "for we were treated hko Idngs downthere. . It was a mighty expensive trip , but it. was well worth it. Whylook at tie ! . banquet programme , engraved on satin , did you ever soc anything like it ? We stayed two days afterwards and went. down to soc time sugar plantations amid time orange groves , beautiful places. " "Was enucim important business tramis. acted 1" "A great deal. It was a very interest. in meeting and I shall make areport to the city counil in regard to it. Con. tie-ens will be mnomoralized to imass a law in reference to over insurance , and in to- gard td fire-proof buildings for drug houses. But , for my part , I don't think that in anything Congress hem to do with ; it is a matter for State regulation. " " \Vhero will the next meeting be heeldl" - "In Chicago. " Thousands May So. Mr. T. W. Atkins , GlrardKan. , writes : "I clover Imesitato to recommend your Rice- trio Bitters to my customers , they Five entire satisfacttomm and are rapid sellers. ' Eloctrie Bitters arc the purest acid best medicine kimown and will positively cure Kidney send Liver complalmmts. Purify time blood and regulate - ulato the bowels. No family can affsrd to be without them. They will save imuimdreds of dollars 1mm doctor's bills every year. Sold at 50 cents a bottle y 0 ' ' MAItItEED. JOHNSON-OLSON--On the 31st inst. , at tlmo resimlonre of thee btido's parents , north. east corner Twenty-secommd and Izard. Mr. Andrew Johnson , of Carbon , Wyoming. and LIzzie M. Olson , of Omaha , the ltov. Victim. ershOofl , of Grace Clmnimeh , officiating. The happy couple left yesterday for their fu. turo home , Carbon , Wyoming. SPECIAL NOTICES Speo1als wUl Positively not be Inserted unless Dald in advance. TO LOAN-Money. jONEYTOLOAN-TheIowost rates of Interest 1J J3emWs Loan Agency , 15th & Douglas. 234-tI ONEY TO LOAN-Call at Law once of P. L. iTI Thomas , room 8 Crelghton Block. IONEY LOAIjIW-On Chattel mortgsge , room 7 1TI. Nebr&sks National Bank BuUdIn. 1841.1 ONtY TO LOAN-J. T. Boatty cans on cbatte ) ivt PropertY. sin South Ctth St. septiS RELP WAliviw. 'XTANTEfl-OIrt for general housework. iimqulrc V V at i023 flouglas street. 'IXTANTEO-FIvo flrt.ciss box makers. Apply , v atonce to JOS. OAICNEAU Cracker Co. , dug-a 12th and Jackbom ) . A7A1TED-A girl for geneplhouseworkin a fan , VT Ily-of two. German Iirsferred. Apply at No 1208.24th Street 058.5 W 7-aN'gan-Two gooti girls , one to tend dining rot.n-ec1mIyeiy. Other to do chamber work andhol1 , ir. dining room meal tIcs. , Apply at ' Dan. baum'sremta.mrait . , iSIS Dodge , trect. 652-tI ) USlNEss CUANCES-WC want a live , tatirit _ J _ ) forNobrases , nhltiono for Iowa , ox , a new far- mner. , specialty. Itetali 3.OO. "Forwant of it uiany framer. are poor. ' ( % Ioi. 0. A. Forsgard ) . Muet bci wlllliig to pay miersonem visit LI ) each county seat. Can niako tOO per wocet all winter. Immediate in. tcriew will be appointed tfyou state occupatiomi amid PltaI by lettet addrebscd FAIIUJANISS , PAL3IF.l5 &CO. N5.3t Box 83 , Pntoii Hotel , Omaha. C AItL'ENTIIes : WANTEi-6 gnod lliIsIer. , . Jim. quite at lath mitid flowariC Street. 60.O TANTKU-A few day boarders at 3mra Wood- . . . _ . : : .mtnmm s , 513 N. 50th street. 642-71 Jj4TEI-A Gcrnai , girl for houcwork iii fain- V V Jl of two persons. . Apply at corner 2mt cud howard tLwts , % . 3lr. Itolide. 6140' . . _ _ - \ ; y.Ah I 1.O-iloYabut iS scars o ii. to tlri a dtilv- cry "an ) ! , . AiI.13 tO Jot0 II. IJiIlsmncat mar- I.ct , isth strc , bet. Ilarmucy and howard. 15.Gf I\ one that cerm milako 150 Jogir , saiLrt , . will , ay zagc to Nortim Bend . ' time Omaha JIOIL5bjjarflcy Cd..011 1ti : } amid L1tl _ -S . \ TANTlu-A good girl lC.geuicral housework mI ' . i72U Cass St. , 635-st TANTnD-A girl 50 icc' nod _ vait oi' table , liii- 5" I _ iiie.iiatelyat Iho Occidental lIotd _ dimming room gIrl ilso dl1i' 5' 'I washer at Hostoum lCeijtauraut , DopSIa $ Ct. 600-c , TAh1n000h1 chambenuabi at the Carey hours \ notth west corimer 11th amid jMvonport- -AN'rD-At once , five go&l solicitor , to travel V V ammil deal with busines ; mmmci , . ladles rrcferred. A'Jre.s ' W. C. IJICANNcara 13cc. 019.5 TANTE1'-Atlmorouglily conupetemut gJri to do / geimeral Iioiio work Jim a iimail Samliy. Apply 2521 Douglas St. 6IO.6j 'ArANTtt-noo.I milan tochop uuttrees out of 50 , , acres of ground oncomIng St. , lnidecity limits1 BESIIS , Agent 15th aim , ! flouIas St. W TANTED-A somali gIrl to liclpwasii dluihos at time : mimniet house. 577sf TANTED-La.d7 agent. te sell th. best sellIng I V line of Ladles nd ChUdren' . good. ever oIler. Cd. Same. inadu In every house as fast as agent. can show the good4. Ageimta are makIng $100 mouth , Address , with .tamp , . U. 51. Co. , 9 South Slay St. , cLIcugo ! , Ill. 305-ui , , ITAflTlD-GIrl in a family of tw. . inquire at IY C. J.CANAN & CO. - ZiO.tI u1 ANiIW-Oood gIrl. for goud tannuleL Best TV wage. . AI'PI ) Immediately it emploment bureau 2m7 N. 10th St. No. cmos feu BITUATIONS WANTED. t't7A1rrED-sJtmmatloi , a. book-4eeper by a student , 1 of W uiialIs Cieomuerelal College , after 4:30 : p. HiAddmc " 54. (1. " thIs olIIe , 647-Ui . ' 7ANTEI'-Sltuatloui bymnan amid , Ife to work in Ott ) ' , OC g oil farm. Cam , do ftrst-cla. * cookJiu iii hotel or refatiraiut.0 . Hfercumccs Itirmulalmed. Aj dre "If. iS , S. ' ilto ultke. 653-SI 'tT7ANTIl-SLtdat1ou , iiyayouumiggirl for gcucrai , V V hOilbCWOrk. inijuiru at Sirs. Idisquest 22.1 St. between Ltaveisortli and Maaon. 65T.7 t'TANl'El.Situatlom , by a competent druggist , 18 1 1 ) emfl.'eaI'erleJice. ghu best of refercuuces. Adtires , "II. A. 31. ' lice olilcu. UI3-6 tXTAN5rEIi S1TUATION.-iiy ( Irug clerk , single ; Yb 15 years experience. Gerunamu. At preent en. , lloed in 1)e5folne. , iona Address SI. fluerselem , , I. . 0. lfouc 218 , i : Ies Moluues , los-a. 630-5' 1TAtTII-SitmtIoui by a comuipetent druggist , 1 1 have bas.I U years experience. speaks ScIeiiUlna- ' tat. . and aim sOlumo ( Cem-nian calm fursulii be4t of refer. euce. Address "A. Ii. C. ; ' tel. oUtce 549-4' MISCRLLANEOUS WANTS. A Competent dressiumaker teem New York city would like to make a low cuigageimients to sew out b the day In gooi families. Aply to i3 Z. uahbt. 639-UI Infants and Children Without MorpMno or Nnreotlno. What glres our Cimlidren rosy cheeks , I What cures their ( avers , makec theni sleep ; 'I 'TI. Catnrln. When Babies fret , send crr lmy turns , % 1jat cures their colic , kills their worms 1515 ; Castorlu , . What quickly cures Constipation , Sour Stomach , Colds , 1ndigetIon : lOut Cactorla. rareweil then to Morhino Syrups , Castor OU send larcgorlc , antiHail Hail CastorJui Centaur L1nImont.-ab. solute onro for Rheumatism , Sprains , Burns. Gufl , , &o. , asset n instantaneous Palxm.-xdlievor. / O0LI NEPAL , PAItIB , 1878. S v BAKER'S Vl1tk BroBkft Coc i. Warranted bsofitel pu- ' Cocoa , from wiulcim the excess n. oil hMt'eeil rrmocd. It ha. tAr-es SZnes C/is strength of Cocoa mlie.i ( slth Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , ( anti Is therefore fur more ecoimomel. cal. It I. ( IclicloimS , iiourl1iing , . strengthening , easily digocted , tintS ' admIrably adniitd for lnaIlds as ' ' -well U for persons In health. Sold bj ( irocers escrpihere . BAKER & CO. Bordhcstor5 Iass. MANHOOD RESTOREDI A lctlmn of tang Imprudence canin nertota , debit. ity. premnstn5e tCC , etc. , having trued In caD , erl Snowniemedy. ham. dJseoere-d& simple niesasof .eil- wire. which he wlIIend m'mlEatohl , fellow-ufferrrr. .Addeea , .1. 11. REEVES. 43 OhathsmiL Now Ycrk. ABOUNTE ! All co.p from 1s41eidc. ' , . , . . "I .ih. . , . . , .e , s ? . , ik , Lbted. i. .suriid. ChUI. I , & ii. I- perM , , lire' . dull..I1'tS.t $ ? ' . N I , , lt 11 . .r 5- ms.iI e.r.4 , . .iU.t , iOp , wt , I I 'To I ' . .it mtSILSt , Csd IS. fl , S p. , . . * i , pP. , , tftrsIis Nri' , , ' le I i m 117.1. t i. , . .t , . , us isily PprwsIe4 5 , TN i --I spe ' ' b.tIe. . C1S ( ' . . . , rei if . , , , I- , rses a.cbiod. 5''rI' . 0li.P11 ! , IlCsttt 'tJ I. , * 1.111w. O.ltifl , , , I - cTros. I S THE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHE L SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON 1 IS ENTIRELY The Product of American Industry PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE S THE BEST THREAD IN , THE . WORLD S FOR HAND AND 1ACHINE SEWING. , - - Full assortment constantly on Hand send for sale by HENRY PUHRMANPremont , Neb , 1TANTED-13oard and room , by a young man ef V V good charaeterin a rivate famIly. References furnIshed. Address "lv. C , L" Bee 0111cc. 604-55 tTANTEDA partner with snmfl capItal who wIll v % personally attend to sales to associate himself with one of the oldoat mnauuufaeturiuig houses of Ohms. ha. ExceiIvo trade on staple goods. Address P. 0. box 4SScity. 595ti hog RENT--Rouses ana Lots. F Olt RENT-House three rooms , hard and sot vatcr. Apply Clark Street , 5th houc north of St. srary's aonue. 048-60 F OR RENT-Houses , stores and offices. J. A. ROLLINSOmnaima NatIonal Batik. 650-7t F Oft ISENT-IIomc dcalrably located , mmearh Street car line , 7 rooumts bath room , closet , , etc. Ad. dress "E. IL" Bee Qlllce , 011.5 F OR RENT-A houo and large barn eu 18th St. near NIcholaS , amid house and barut corner 23th end howard St. . Wmn. I. . Monroe , 6th and Douglas. 02i-St F ( oltmcEs'r-onenew nice 6 raomn cottage with brick baqement , cistern , amid city water on S. 10th St. Inquire at Moore's harness store 410 S. lStlm St. 033-9 F OR ItENT-A nicely furnished alcove room soutlm exposure Also parlor , wIth or without ) board. Three blocks from opera house. Address Grand Union Tea Co. , 119 5. 15th St.' IF Qit REN'r-Lrge and small rooms with or with. out board , 1613 Dodge St. 635-St F OR RENT-NIcely furnished front room with _ board. Suitable for gentlemen. Apply : 1418 Dodge , oume half biockfroni 1' . O 625-ct F BENT-Two small 5url.hed rooms. Inquire Drug store cor 10th and Douglas. 047.11 F flENT-Boon in Nebraska Natlonal ilank buildIng. Most ilesirabic offiges in time clty Suimplied with hydraulIc clator amid heated by steam. Apply at Bank. 620-tt T RENT-Three large rooms and tlmree large closets at the corner Saunders and Cah5well St , 62S-5t F OR RENT-A eumte of two or four very desirable furnished or unIuriuishct room , , of convenient access to postohlice and one block from red horse car liumcon Chicago street. P. 0. Box 32. 602-Of i\TicuLY furimihed roomsforrcnt , Sirs. A. Calder. h wood IOiO CalIfornIa St. 608-8 F OR RENT-house five macms on Capitol 11111 820. 0. F' . DAVIS & CO. , 1505 Farnfun St. 600-3 F ItENT-To a baum and wife without children , 4 chaiumbcr couuveumientfor house keenIng , front and rearentrance , hard amid softwater 3i9. ilth St. 572-41 _ ltENT-Furnished front room , 1724 Douglas r Btrcet & JSENT-Furuilsticd rooms 103 north lOOm St. FOIt 574-61 Font RaNT-Furnished roommi and board modern improvements , 1852 Dodge St. 576-61 F on 1tENT-'z-wo furimihed roonms at 89.00 : anui 810 per mmmoimth. Each room large emuough for two occupants. 1014 Wcbzter street , 562-tI I cuoxr-muoom , , 0-22 Southwest corner Izard uititt-l8th : ( ' 52-41 EOlt ICENT-turumished maui , anti board by the .iav or week at lii N. 14 tot. the liouso former 1occtCJn. . . . " ha "vitri , Fsyvio beets bought out by MrLfloum-chier. - ' - . - - 544-iot J 'on RENT-A few furuulalted room , sIngle aui.Uor ' light house keeping teumiporarliy vacammt In Beeun. Cr's buiek corner eight ails howard. 522-ti -'OR ItEN1' rooms fiirmilslmed not -I , or , as ilesired , lout- blocks opcm-a house. Apply lFarnauL 1Th-tf I ' 4T-A furnislued dwelling corner howard ilm uid , Rent$70. her mumontlu. 0 , W. ifonIfti , . ' 4m2-tf T LnT-Fiiiiiism.d rosin. with board 1803 Caii fornia St. 474.Imiio- F OR itSNg-Newstorsft's buu. , . dcistreet. . Good locnlou1 for 5rOCL. Dim ' butcher shop etc. luuqufra at . .ople5 liank'DilTts St. 2OLtf OR FNT-Furni.hed rooms on the northwest F cor. 15th auilCaltolavenue. 139-tf Olt ZIENT-Itesideuce. And storebuildlngs. BED. F FORD & SOPER , iteai Estate Agency. 01000 east side 14th street , betwen Farnam and Dough-s street. . . 792.5 OR LEASE-Four choIce lots on 20th St. . long F time , 217 N , 35th St J. L. Itamble. 625-ti FOR BALE. ( ) ltsAI1-siwoIal : Bargains. house and futliot , F east frost on 19th street. Easy tefluis. 2.0OO. liotime , harm. tiim.i four lots. Ea.v ternms. t'd.lCU. Good house , Ii rooms , full let. barn and all corn- 1.leto , mueartreet cars. Teras$3,200. , 1-1 ii beautifni corner lot. ' near street cars , ltnJro % ti f.sruss and s liti 'amuds 1mm tuauutitie to suit In aIm parts el Cite elate. Iowa and Nebraska Coal Lantla for sam elmeap. J. A JI1LINO { , 651-if Oniutia Natlomual Batik , , OIL i3ALE-Beteen 300 and 403 hicati of sheep , I 6-2.30 twr head. Call cii , or atidrusM. Skldmnorc , Skltiinoro 510. 634-0' - ' Voot1ou Coutmt- , , -'ton SALE-Yanm-SO acres - ' I icaum , , on the Si , , K T. It. IL , 5 mIIe horn iltmmboltit. illghlv Inmproved. 3 room dwelling , 5th- lie , lCtL'rtu , etc. , Ihimig wat'ir amid is Iii the future grea' irult resriomi of Anierica-d100 bearing fruit trees of u , . varIetIes.Viil take hart city Jirij.ert ) lii ox- chamige. Address C. V , liAs8t. . 624-Sf Olhmnaum , Slarshall Co. , iteca , SALE-itesldCflC amid busimiess property in I . .ui rt. of Omaha , and Farm Lands in all tarts of the state. lISUFOiLI ) & SOUKIC , 703-tI 213 S. 14th St. bet. farnam and Douglas. ' SALE-Lot. IS and 56 bock 3 Ifanscomu I'OR 0mm Park ave. , only g.o. each. 637-tf MCCAGUu , opposite F , 0. OitSAli-A tseI established Brick businessith F mnaehiiuer ) and ds. 514-if rMC4AGUE ediite p. o. 'Olt tlAlS-Twohts N. % V. corner of 25t ) amid I Chicago St. Inquire o Edhohu and Erlck.on 457-Il ' CR SALII-Cormmer lot 1mm Shtumrm. addltlem , , I' I MeCAGUE , UpliQeite P. 0 , 'oic SALE-NOW _ cottage In good location , 83.000. _ t _ 632-tI , - ! CtAGUE , Oppoito I' . 0. t'OR SALE-35 head horses , wagons , buggies and .5. harnemsand stables for rent at Emasigramut , tablt- , Coining St. O.DKItW1 ? 312. Cf " ' . . ' SALE-house 8 rooms , one-half lot , facing .J _ Joflerson square , 84,200. house 5 rooms , near 17th arid Cas , . $2,600 , 860 down , balance 825 7 cc mouth. Lot 30x180 , close to town , $1,300. Bargains. 287-If LOUNSBURY & MAItTIN. -i'oR _ SALE-A number of nmortgagos , flrstchass se- _ L curity. McCAGIJE , opposite 1' . 0. 'eU-ti 1310CC HALlS-Two portable boUer. , 10 horse power' _ U Apply at B. FITZL'ATItICK , 668-tf sin South 15th Street. F SALE-iSouse and rnrner lot one square fii Street care at 81.700. 5IRtf McCAOUEop1mosite P.O. TJtOR SALE-GOOd busincm. chances at 2i7 N , 16th . I _ _ street. .1. L. MAItBLE. 539-tf F on SALE-At abargaina small Moslerflabmaumn and Co's fire proof safe. Inquire at this office 1JOlt _ SALE-A first class second hand top buggy 1. Call at 1319 liarney street. Oltf flTANTED-To buy Omaha Itoai Estate for love.- TV tore. Call on McCAGUE , opposIte t' . 0. 1JO1t SALE-Oici newspapers in Cargo an small _ i _ quantities at thLs office. Sf F Oft SALII-Thrceor four resiticnc lois ( corners ) in bet location in city. MCCAGUE , opposite P.0. S EIOR SALE OR ExCIMNOK-Full lot and Lilies .I _ dwellIngs corner of 11th atmi Pseiflo streets. Nine lots In south 0maia. Also 160 acre. of land near Santen , Nebraska , and buIldIng and stock of clothing NO. 804 Tenth etreet Will exchange for Nebraska farm lands. Further particulars at Gee. IL Petereon'i Clothing Store , 804 Tenth street. , MISOELLANEOUL S TItAYED Ott STOLEN-One three year old red / and white cow. Suitable rewardwilibe gicm , for e ammy informnatiomi leaving to the recocry of tIme sanuS S GRAS. It. VEI5STItE , 610-71 2202 St 5ary'sAvsue S TItAYED OR STOLEN-November ist. a flgbt red cow , 11 years old , one horn broken oIl. Any Iumlormmiatloiu regardhmg her will be tliankfullyrcmletf at the 10th street Woodyard , Northwest corner 10th and llarney. BENT NELSON. tt6-loi S TICAYEI-Two horses , one grey and lay. . the.u Jior'e were hitched to a waoiu hen they m ceo - lost. Hail otu harness. I'arttcs iiaing iosselon of S halide iIl bate word at Bee olfice. 640-55 D Y IIOAICD N. W. corner lSth and Fornanm St 609-tI fltA\5 ( itt STOTEN-Chestumut sorrel marc , 3 S 3ears old with star on forchesif. 825.00 reward will b miaitm If returned to 0. W. O'Neill Leavcmmmortli St. beteem , 13th amid I4tlm limO-St r iftltE siii 1,0 xl. select Spiritual Circle imelil at i613 ClmkagoStrcot , eery SaturIa evemiimmg at 9 o'lock _ 'l\so first-chug mncdluni rill be hirescuit. . - .ttliuissiomi 50 cents. 461-Of. S 5Tj'OR ICENT-Cottags ncar23d auiti Clark strcet , _ 1 _ 810 11cr month. 2' . J. } 'itzmorrig , 642 S 17th St. .1 II OltSES taken to winter at the } 'atr ( lrouudt MOUNT & GRIFFIN , . 47.7-7 0111cc , 213 S. i4thm btteet. EDWARD KUEHL , / I MAGISTER OF PALSIYBTERY AND C0ND1T1ON ALlOT 303 Tenth street , between Farnain and U- nay , will. 1th the aid of guardIan spirits , obtat for o1 one a glrmea of tlr past and irs'eut , and on Ceitaimi condItions In the future , IloOts anti shoes imiade to order. Perfect satl.faetlomm _ zuaraiteed. , - -OY4i , : POWDER. Absolutely Pure. ° , , - 'this powder umerer varies. A marvel of pumity , s4rength and whoieomncnese. Mote ecomiemgiica ChaD the ordinary kInd. , and cannot be sold lncomnpttltio 1t1m th rnultitud of low test , short-weight , uhmmu or S ptiOh&tO } powders. Sold only lu cans. io { al ehak. Inl owder Co. , IOU lYall Street New York , NOT1CE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice l hereby gIven thatthie Co-pAttnehut1i btu- totem exmstluig betmi-ecim time iitider..tgmie4 Aug. Bi. zcnatid ( luitave euhlimi , under the Unit umamue of lien- ron & Collim , , Is this day dlssolsol by mmomlual CuuucruL liie Itl Aug. Ilenron vU ! cwitlm4u , thu bulmit ; , cc the oltIco lii south 13th street , anti will also recelmo amid pay the dett. of th late firm. ; ACO. nszox OumumtaNoy. 1,1513 , GCOLLIN