Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1883, Image 7

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    THE DAILY ] ---TtJENllAT + , i\UVt , MliL 'i u , itsai. r
Imm ense Sale !
Harkness giros. ,
commencing Thursday , Nov. 1.h
: Carpets at 18e , worth 30e per yard.
Ingrain. carpets at 45c , worth 60e.
Tapestry Brussels at 60e , worth 90e.
Best quality body Brussels at $1,15 ,
worth $1.40.
1,000 yards Canton Matting , at 20e ,
worth 30c , Less than can be imported today.a
Ingrain Carpets at 22e , worth 35e.
Our Skilled Workmen will Make and Lay 'Carpets in Omaha , at the same Price as
in Council Bluffs.
50 Pieces Bleached Muslin at 6c , worth 9c. '
GO Pieces Unbleached Muslin at 6' c' . worth , , O.
Canton flannels at 5c , worth lOc. 1'/ '
Heavy Cotton Flannel at 12-c , wort 16e.
Prints 3c , worth 6c. /
clo&I .s 4 oIYiza' .
Latest Style for $75.00 , priced elsewhere $125.00.
50.00 , I , 75.00.
\ 10 Dozeia. S1aQ1 'Jar ey J'acl s'
' " - :50 cash , sold . .
" we will off - elsewhere for $4.00.
.Silks , Bros s Goods , CloakiuasPillsliesVelvets&c
Omaha and Nebraska customers purchasing bills of $10 an c1
S0 upwards , will receive transportation both ways.
Iowa customers will save their trzmsportation by calling at
' Y .ARd9.J 7 S1 BAr4J J. LEJLItS ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
It is vetimnted that the lumber hutndry nt
Dubuque.loadtly employs upwanb of 100
1nOtl Alltt bys ,
'rho Lender mnkce tha cloao gucae from r o
is ti0(1 ( cowl miuorn are employed lu and about
t/CH Mono ,
Iubeguo le to till the throe of cheap w Mer
qm , Col. Swords having npplled for a
charter to tundah glal at $ . ,00 per thaumnd
f rant.
CApt , lived , et Vinton boring ter oil on tbo
Sanltera short dGtnnlro northwt t
plats n nt
tnv'n , hsu stnncK n cola of nmh eight feet ha
tldcknew , , At n dedh { of about ono hundred
nod ttsronty feet.
Sathlgtbattkw no getting { , opular. Thonnn
nt llnrenxut { Ju + i ntnrtlnq decldtvl to tut It ,
cnpibd nt. 5100,000 , anal now finds ikeolf in A
gnaulnry tt ith S1r0OW nubscrlbod w ith n s iq
oroue datanud ! ur aura
Pov , l ? . Chtto , of Iowa City besldoawntcla.
hag over hIs l7nittrlAn rlnuch Back , dtroy dutyy
anon n flock of bogy that brought hhu tits
suuuncr S2G00 , worth of honey , Of cmusa
this eaablcs ,11r. Cluto k dleanao { , the asvcatr
of religion nt half prlrn.
The 1htcntlno.lotuunl ronth le the public
that the tilntn Road Convention In law's City
last Fobnmry ndnptoal n rosnluNen tt hold ar
O ther convoutiun nt play 3oluth aoin0 limn
early duriuq the eewsion of tbo lepjilaturo
Wort winter. Tha ; lints papers Phuu d mnko
ft note of the tact and the ollicors nt the Iowa
City conrentloia abosdd coder together m to
the proper thug torholdhnq the convrntimtnnd
isrno n call ut an early day.
A fair dnin ei of ] Cookuk rocotdly vl + itcd a
steno in tint city with n stow of buying n
J acket. In iha process of "trying on" the
gannrnty hvr own cloak bncmnu in some way
Inlxod with Uroso on sale. The clerk gut rAth
o r uarvnawotor hlw talc ctwGtmor null finally
trlvd to loll her her own cloak , expatintiaq at
great length ill its beauty , qunllty anal cheap-
fl eas. lvhmt the young lady iudonnad hhu
of his u8stnko it took tliroa glnrsow ut "IhnO
water" to restore hhu to hln former self.
At the Slionnudoah Catholic fair n gold
headed cane svnw offered tO the must popular
! , antlemnn. A railroad conductor and n proun
Inent phsidnn of the city wore the chief trnl
t o' ledw. ; 9liotnilromllwtywlAd money with
tlnonn , for that day tau lion payday. The
dttctr'w , intends wnw thnttha centayt iii hlw be-
h alf ts euld be costly and almost hupelasa. Ihtt
thou vutad , The cane brought the church
520-200 from the amductor'H side , anal t5
trunrthoducttnt'w , Thu 1nEtur'w frloudshad
wimp ) ' kept up the evcltcntout , and helped the
clroroh by putting ru b1G1 of paper Disk + ad et
each , In thowoAlod onYuhpos. ,
Thousantt. ttp..u Thousandth
of dollars have been sprout in ndvortiainq rho
c elebrated tfantock ! 7luu I Iliffera , but tits feat
accanuty only in pare for [ hair ononnmiw wale.
Thdlr merit Ifay auntie them 'whet they nro-
the best blood modiriuo over deviaad by man ,
ThelteilRloueEditorTitlrest1 'Whack
at n I'rizc Flght.
"Look liurol" exclaimed the maragrng
editor of the Brooldyn Iaglo , hie hart ne
hug eu end , "did you write this account
of the priw fiill" ;
"You're right I dint" replied tire rolig-
ions etlitar. " 1 wanted to goand the city
editor said if I would gat up ml account
of it ho would give ma n ticket. Wlint'a
t he mutter with it
te "Listen to tltisit' groaned tbo managing
e ditor , reading from the copy :
" 'Quito n congregation of worallipor8
a ssembled yesterday to participate in the
fiatic oxorcnsce between Dfosar , . Sberifl'
and lditeholl. Mr , Ifnrry Hill preoidod
with marked aolomnity , and from tbo
arrival on the ground of the bolli eronts
to the going down thereof , tlro'rnu tituao
was 8017.01 with a fervor of enthusiasm
eolaen soon outside of tlie tamp mcating
of the nosta. " '
"What kind of a v y is that to describe
a fight1"
Bettor hire man another thud"
growled the resYgiOUS editor. "But you
haven't cot w the fight yet , head on ,
and youI find that 1 spas there.
"I , upPoso this is what you mean by
t h0Sght , " grinned the managing editor ,
" 'Firat And upW when the anon were
laced in the tom dolo-liiin ; whlbh Choy '
called Sheriff arose in his wrath and smote
bun that they termed Mitchell on the
nose , oven tbo bridge thereof , so that ho
bled i sore and was etaggorod thereby. And
tire multitude shouted apace. And it
game to pass , in lase than a minute , that
he that' was known as Mitchell speedily
recovered and emote back , much as
Moses sntoto the rock , and Sheriff
was hit griovdusly on the mouth so that
ho fell and 'waited until they that were
his friends raised him up ad comforted
him. '
' 'Was this a pmyor meotiug ? " inquired
cfio managiug'editor.
"lVoro you there ? " de anaoa the
religious editor , hat some boat. "If you
were , you can fix it to suit yourself , but
I'm telling you'that's the way it lisp.
"What's tltisnextpara&raphall about ] "
enoored the managing editor.
' 'Second-Then it was revealed , when
tlio man stood ui again , that Sheriff had
boon evilly treated , so much so that there
was a lump on his visage , while Mitchell
wore tire anrlo of the man that provailoth
against his foe. And the multitude made
a great clamor , sumo saying after the
manner of Matt. XXIV,13 , and others
beseeching thlat they do go 1n and slug
their adversary. Whereupon th ey wrench.
ed and tossed each the other , oven like
unto him that slow the limn ill the piton
a snowy day , bending each the other
with great blows and loud sounds and
much dust. '
"Perhaps loft something out of
this round , ' suggested the managing
editor , sardonically. "Wotadn't this
be a good place to insert the pouts.
huchZ '
"Put ht anything you like , " replied
the religious editor , with rat air of hudif
f cneo. "But if you think the revised
votaion of that puzo fight is going to
cnnvev an intelligent idea of wtat to I
' you're much
"Door , hrs run all the way through by
samplol ° hod the managing editor ,
aboutlg e tbolta6ros , " 1Vhat's this all
' " Fivo-Nuwh , 'tis plain that Sheriff
had been woundedsore and Mitchell
notwithstanding' tho\which , clove him
again and again.witli ili limnd , bath upon
the head and the body , ' horeat Sheriff f
remonstrated with his sic hod list , s o
that Mitchell fain stepped Stud looked
after himself little. '
a And' tva s
unto the end , when harry Jlfllbadu
thorn go and punch no more , ylecldring
all beta oil , oven unto the stakes , in his
great haste making no disposition of the
'That'sintolligont , isn't ' it9"communtod
the ntau4ging editor.
"I understand it "
, roplivd the religious
editor , simply. " ! t is all plait enough
to mc , and will be to the p oplo I know
heat. You publish it , andyou'11 see a
flack of clergymen a rntlo 1 ng around
thle office after paperi to soil to their
friends. "
" " returned the '
"Very likely , 'lmnading
editor , dryly , tearing up thl manu s
script. "I guopa you d bettor stick to i
your own line of journalism , andlot the }
sporting editor look after the fights , horn
alter. "
" 'Pint's all right , " growled the i' ligi
sue editor. But , I say , l had a fur tl
truto of it , and if the closet buevt } p
anything ranlculaWd to take away the tuti o
it's no more that fair for you ! o sot 'em
, '
' I' ' ) ,
"Nny , nay ; not. so , " smiled the mating.
ing editor. "Cho to , for know that
Culowa 11dl forbldaoh it in tics , ( io
look it up , nod the next limo you start
o ut. t0 d u n prtzo fiht you of n bow to go
a long and strew you how it ought to be
done , "
And the religious editor hied him out ,
not oven smirked till u'oll out of reach ,
mul thou ho sold an accurate account. to
nuoUror paper ! uf shekels , wherewith
ho pllrehllat ll forgetfulness for hi9 Pllla
anal made merry utter the manner at his
kind ,
- - + - -
" Over the llllls to the four itouso , "
A torero with impaired or impotonahed
bhwi is aft the mad to physical bankruptcy ,
Rnulork ! i,0(1 ! Niflrrw strcugthou anal mulch
the clroulntlon"ropnlr the tisruoy , and buildup
the entire syeteun ,
---w - -
CIGAR. TItttl7 SEC1tI.TS ,
i nterest hag ilnd Inxlru0tlvo pla0la
sut es Matlo by n 1)enlcr.
Chicago Nmu ,
A reporter for The Daily News chanced
i nto one of the largest trholoanle mul ra
tail innutrtinF , tobacco huusoe in Chicago
y esterday. While there awealthy nrar
cltmnta whose love of n good weed well
known mnotlg his friends cnuw in and
naked , is it possible for nw fu gat n
g enuine llarnnn clgnrl"
"Yes , sir , " answered the proprietor
b riefly , courteously mid 4msitit oly.
Let too have ono , said the nter-
chant ,
'l'Iio cigar dealer went to his safe , pro.
saved n hat hex , opened it , mid tank
tlrarefrmnalnroustzed cigar neatly messed
in tiu foih
"I think you will hind that a good ono , "
] to said , as he hnuded it to the morelrnnt ,
'I'Iio smoker took the cigar , lighted it ,
and asked :
' 'flow nuicli ] "
"Otto dollar , " mid the cigar dealer ,
b landly , but without smiling.
Thu merchant frowned , "Isn't that
pretty high far n ehgnil" ho asked.
"It is n good deal of money to my fern
n single smoke , " Paid the 1 rlridlllor ,
"Uut it is not ti high Ixicu for flat cigar
in tire aonso thntyou figs ilia term l3
'high' you mvnn uxccesiro and I assure
you that I can Rell Lyou two ch era for Sli
c0uta , mid mnko as much Profit on them
as 1 shall make on selling roe rho cigar
you are now smoking for $1 , r yid they
twill be ouuino llavnni too , "
" 1 wish you would oxphaintlat to toe "
said the merchant , ! Hying down a trade
dollar , which the cigar d6nle' disdained
to touch , but instead squared hintaulf o0't
for n speech which ho intended to Iarena
n "clincher , "
"I've said this
thing a great ntnuy
t imes before , " he began , "but I'll ' any it
again , anal any it claw ; than you'll Uo
a ttic in take it all in. Lt the first place
there ha uo plansuro hat retailing Ilavma
cigars ; you don't really make any profit
on them ; your custontor won'tboliuvo the
cigars you sail him for Ilntauas are genii.
in0 , situ hat moat cases bra tastes has bo
come so depraved khat he can't apprcai
nro the genuine article oven if ho gate it.
Again , there are very few-host. few
1 could scarcely make you buliovo-
) ; onuino IIavnnn cigars imported into
tlna country. They arc hat sensual all
o ver the world , and time aamnna ha man
tiwos hat excess of the supply. Besides ,
t he vary name of Ilat ann is a mienonror
I hm'u smoked cigars made of native
Connecticut tobacco that wore batter
than , onto agars imported street from
Cuba. The coal Ilavmia lost has n very
salivate flier. Its coins are not straight ,
as is moat tobacco , but are rlg.rag , Cho
rttoro tlnoy zig the bettor tbo tobacco
Under the name llav'ana , a tobacco
which grows only in the Vuolto Abajo
d istrict , near the city of IIavann , they
purchase all kinds of tobacco which grow
in Cubnmra , the Cubans thamsalvca will
toll you flint some of it is the worst in
the worts. Yarn , which is a fo grade
of Cuban tobacco , if used when fresh , is
largely worked up as Iinvann , but
not to so great an extent as that
grows in Vuolto Arribn , Soma of rho
tact named has really it line flavor and
t aste , but time loaf re much coarser that
the IIat nna loaf , and much of it ha coarse
hat flavor as hat appearance. Yet whatever
flavor it has is generally superior to that
6 crown in the United Statue , and gives n
taus to the Connecticut seed tobacco ,
with ] which it is usually mixed to mnko
t he ordinary acca and llnvma cigar. We
u se , in the ( Jolted States , n grunt dual of
tobacco tram Sumatra , Jamaica , and
Mexico , but tbo bulk of the so called
fIavana tobacco comes from the Vuolto
Arriba. The real Havana , that from
Vuolto Abajo , is almost entirely absorbed
by Cuban ntnnufnctururs , the product of
t he Ucst plantations being mortngca for
years in advance , as wan ohco time
CaaO with minty cotton p1miL'ntione
in the southaru statue. You may
b e sure that very little of this tobacco
ever gets into Northern markets. A corn
mon error among wonlthy smokers is 'to
suppoau that because they buy aft im :
ported cigar they must got n'ooa { , ono.
Many of tlio brands of imported roods
which have has their run hero au1 t as
t he Fignro , Eepmloln , I'aringn , never
w ore a line Rtnd0 of gcrags as compared
with other Cubmn cigatrenna many of the
imitations made horn and sold by millions
na genuine are actually bettor than the
o riginal. Smnu excellent brands of cigars
a re innportca here from Cuba , but in
vary enall quantities , the bulk of the boat
goose being solo to FlIrOw , , 1 could give
y ou further noiutars about the cigar
raaei but I don't ' know that I could t e ay
a ny more about lIavnnas. Oh , yoal We
aunt got our cigars by way of New York ,
as ninny parsons suppose , trot by way of
Now Orloartar and Chicago rocolvos and
smokes mare fine cigars than New York
acca , There are quantities of smuggled
cigars received in Now Oilcans ovary
your , and many of thorn Gad their way to
t his city. Of course our house daps not
bangle thorn , Uut we know they are hand.
led in the city ,
The merchant picked up his trade dol.
talc , which hug been lying neglected on
t he show-case. Ito Ifulled out mu $10
tg reenback and sate 1 , '
"Can you iyo me a dozen of these
c igars fog101'
"Couldn't do it possibly. "
"Will you trust rno for $21"
"With pleasure. "
'Phu rnorchmit laid down his $10 note
took eleven cigar , anal walked out of the
stare ,
01 DhNOhICxn Merit.
For the nose and throat , externally or inter.
natty asst , 'J'luuruta' herretrte Uft ly uiutehlos.
At nna L'aturrhand serious thruuEnlfectlOnis
are qulclCly nmt iuhlo W Ilia efficient remedy ,
Uncle } lulus hatch bus conic out-
trongly fn duf0nso of the eowboyll , Ilia
nterests ill the NationalpnrL , o [ coarse ,
tag nothing to do with his pull' for time
prairie stourors , whosu society ho prefers
fa the bulls and benne uE Wall at-root.
"As for the bays , " says Uncle Itufus ,
"they are the essence of mninbility-por
feet Lubin extract- when conduced with
Is AT-
They always ] lAYO the largest and beat stock.
0. TL LIi(711'IOR. U , T. OWR7E.
. ,
( NVCCI'390R9 TO ) u\YA1t1) 1111OP. & co )
Wholesale Druggists I
Paints , Oils , Brushes , Glass ,
, , .
- - - - - - - xrBRnsse.
some of the 'maple ' you elbow ngninet in
the city of lAuw lark , ' and as for novel.
vers , t wro is more use for n six-shooter
ou Wall street than out 1Vest. They any
b e rough on the outside , but they are
r eally as wnrnu b0ntted anal hospitable n
lot o1IoaIflu as you will tied ratYrpthero in
America. One of our guides was agrnd
unto of Iloidolbetg , and could Gnik rho
l anguage of ot cry tuna in hhu ( ] arty ; a
dual shot , too for he shat this silver del
Inc oll'n sump seventy-live yards aiehtnt
with a'riflu'bull , while ouo of the mr in
oars on n locomotive , whore I hmu lotl
t he lover , could quota Latin and Croak
b y the yard , kuuw all the classical nu-
tiara nod nmdu you foul na thou h yen
w ere in n library. CowUoyel doe t make
tt mrstnko. It any bu a new country , but
i t's full of brains. "
Mr. John Rlnslimn , of Augusta , Me „ write , , May
10 , 1iST ( , na fullow s ; "f hou been altllclcil for sonic
genre sdlhaaot rro kldnuylrouhlcnud hasTngnollci + d
a n article In aim el our papsnr of iha x uadurtul cure ,
Hunt's Itcutcdy hail porformeil fn of drop.
M y , LIu1Jcr nod klJneytrnublce , anal Ilnding n battle
In a fox ut straw packing , I cmncudud 1 Would try It ,
and commenced to lake It , n hmn , to enqrleo , I fount
that the first botllu LunaOted mo so much that 1 dc
clded lint I would coullnuo its tau , and 1 kept on
taklug it until 1 had toed In all wlx lottlee , and my
appolllo V goalall p olne lu the flack and side disap.
pcnrtvl , and furaso of my years ( I am now SO years
old ) I am able to attend to my Uuahmes , and ran
strong and slgorous , ate many of nq friends and
nolghbaro can testify tint knoww we well I Leg to
s tate Who , that manv of our rwlghlors have wet
Itnnt's llemcyly w Ith equally as goad results , and one
of my ttlonJs who hoe Jtwtpurchaecd abottlo of Cup.
l ay. lilnsmsn k Alden , of l'orlland , gays howould ! not
bu without It at any prl %
Mr. Alfred Nadcan , Na 01 Lbmoln street Lewiston
3e. , writes ur , May4 , iSaa : "I ) as 1ocn , savsrol r
alOictaltoralouq limo as lth Indlgostion And Ilro rr
complaint , and at tlmur all that I ate so dbtrreeal
tnuthaticould not bear hhu elghtet food. I had
trlud n good many JIUon nt remedies for my corn.
plaint , and lacy all IAIIeJ , until ono day Dlr. Marto
ono of our dnngglsla In Lmsldon , tecornmondad
llwd'e Ilmncdy , as h0 kncwof eolmuywhohaJ aced
fthero wflhgreat success furkldney , Ilrnr , and err
htarY trouhlce , as well as Andlgcellon , mid upon his
r ecommendation 1 Onnlty concluded to try a battle ,
and commnncel taking , ulth very Ilttlo faith In It ,
Ttlo first bottle helped mu so much that 1 purchased
t wo more , anal It haulono coo a wondurtul amount at
goad and curet mo of ludlgosllon , 1 can wt all
I InJe ofoat / new , ant rm tidy rucommond float's '
itcmcJy a , a aura cure forlndlgesllon , lirer and kid.
Hey diseases"
air , Coo. li , flatoof Na a2 Cottage Strcct , Lowb
ton , D1o , a reliable n' d promhnant clthcn , implants
t he tollawing Information , May 11,18&0- :
"Ilating la"r al of thu vnluabl qualllies of Hunt's
RemoJy In n prnctlaJ mamma I beg to state that I
ceneidcrltoremedy of great morlt , and can most
chcarluby rocs umand ft to any one traulded with
kllhioy er liter dIArnKOP
Nebraska Cornice
normor 7i azdowAee
Iron Fencin !
Crostici , , Ilaluotrades , Verandas , Otllcoand flank
HalllIngs , Window and Collar Ouarde , Eta
N. SY. colt. urrrim AND JONFS STS.
Wbl. OAiSKR , Managor.
o lobar 1d , 10. Onn
box No , l will enru any Cass , in four dnyr or lees. No ,
2 wllleurothe uiostobotloalocaunonatterof how
long .taodlir. ,
Allan's Soluble Modicatad Doug/es
No nausoousdonos of cahals , copahla , or oil of sat , .
dal w'oal , tlirtaro certalu to produce Jys iopsla by
destr"y'luq hhu co'atlugaof the stamalh. I'rlee $ hou
Hold by all dttt fgtsts , or tnallud on receipt of pnal
For further { mrtlcularsscud tarcirmtler.
l'.0 , Jinx 1(33.
c , ) " HtttatNo0w 2i urk. CURE.
617 St. Charles St , Sf , Louis , Mo.
A HKOUi.AILUIIAUUATEoftwomedical college.
1 1 hsa loon catqaqoil lee ur In tbo treatment of
than oilier physldan hi Ht. Lout. , as she w
nail all old residents know , Consultation free au
Inrltal , When It b biwnvcnlant to vblt the rfty fo r
treatment , ioodlelnolr can to ecntby mall or uxpr
everywhere. Curable casceguaranaegwherodoub t
cxlatu it Is frankly .tatud. Call or write.
Nervous frustrotlon , Dublllty , Mental wd I'hyuics
Ynakrrosi , Mrcurlal and nther sffuctou 'throat
loon lapurltfoa uuJ Blood 1'olsou
ngHhb' MTevtiuus , Old Horse and Inenre , hnpedl
acute kr nurringn , nhemoatui , 1'I os. Special a t
ientlontocaesfrontovcrworkuJ rsiu , HUROIUA L
O.tHEH reou vu .pwc ettoutlue. Duasu..r n g
from mprudene , , Excoeis , , lsi a gunoos.
- ' - -
---rTe ;
ls urywn11to14Mun Y
roalptr who
a17xxm. marry.avlloina'nu t ,
why , atasea , ca ecquouoes end cure. blallai for 250 ;
paaaxo ur stamps. sept 26-dawly
The ueo of the term' ' Shot
S H 0 RI Lino" In connection with the
corporate name of a gtestroad ,
conveys an Idra of ut what
I I N E lie-a regidndbythotrnrding Shirt Line , Quick Time puD
and the beet of accommoda 1
Host.-all , ofiwhlch arc fnm. !
Ished by the grutteet taUway fu America.
CHIoAuoMawAuiB , I
And St. Paul.
It owns and operates over 4,600 muss of road a
Northern Illlnol , , Wieonsin , Mtnncsota , Iowa aad
Dakota ; mid a l to male lines , branches And conneo
tloni reach all the great buslnees ecutres of the
Northwest and Par SYest , It naturally anawere the
dacrlptlot of Short Line , and float Route betwoca
Chicago , Dllhraukeo , St , ihid and Mlnneapolle.
ChlcagoMlhwaukeo , La Crosao and Wlnona.
Cldcago , Mllwankco , Aberdeen and EUendato
Cbleniro , alllwaakeo , Kan Claire and Stlllwatot'
Chicago , Mllwnukeo , IYaurau and McrriR ,
Chlrago , Milwaukee fleavorllam' and Oehkoeh.
ChlagoMilwaukee , WaukeahnandOeonomowoa.
Chicago , Mllwaukeo , Madison and i'ralrlodu Chlon.
Chicago , Mllwsukoo , Owatonna slid ialrtteaWt
Chicago , Iletoit , JanesvPlo natal Mineral Point.
Chicago , Eight , Itoakford and Dubuque
Chicago , Clinton , hock Maud and Cedar Rapids.
Chicago , Council hulls and Omaha.
Chluigo , Stoma City , Sioux Falb anal Yankton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
) lock eland , Duhuquo , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Da cuport , Calmar , St. Paul tend Minneapolis.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars ( nth
world arc run on the mainlines of iha CHIQACO
anal every attention be Imp to paaeongen y eourte
ouo omIdoYoe of the company. ,
S. it , bt ititmr , A. V. H. CARPENTER ,
Oon'i Mulagee Oen'l iha , Agent.
Oon'l Sup' t. Aedt deal Pass. Ag'1.
,1c % t TT1 , . .
ihl't 9
ec b , 1
rA an a ,
I barn beonueing Swift's Specific In toy practice for
quite a loag that. , and 1regent it ii , . , betcomhinetlon
asa blood purllier and tonic , it le mdircly ve etablo
twig ooa'orod ' of th uxtrncts of rot , which grow
hi tills esctlon of Oootgla Into famhilar with ItaW ,
tury from tbo tlmo the formals aye. ' , oktalnel from
tlia hullane. It Ie a certain and safe comedy for all
khtds of blood poison attd skin humor and In the
hu nhe l of rasor In which r have used hand soon ft 1
ueel , there has never bear a failure to cure. I have
cureal blast taint is
Tits Tllltm asx5nanoN
with It , after t hut moat signally fulled by the most
apIproval act ode of treatment with mercury and j
lodldl 10 of potatyium. 'I linen cases lava been cured
ov'eraftsuuyo"e , and have uavor had any return of
the dlscast In themselvcr , ur In their children.
rltiD.t. TOOMKIIM. D „
Perry , Huuetoo C , . , Oa.
"It le the bast selling rmnody hi my eery , and all
closes of Iooplohuy It. It bar become a household
tomody with filmy of our beat citizens.
Atlanta , Us.
" 1 sell Sw111' . S'oclfc-orten ' agrees ii , ten days at
retail , and to alt , dnasos. Sane of Attsntab best pee
) lo use It regulary as a tome and sllara'lve.
Auarlta , tie.
Our treatise on Illoal natal Skin Dlseases mailed
tree to applicants. l
Drawer a , Atla nte , Oa.
CoroiceJNorks , i I
Ill ] Douglas St , . . Omaha , Nab.
Ga/vanrzea Iron Cornices
LJtHOnoor Windows , Ffnude , Tin Iron and Slate
Itooang Specist's patent bleta1Uo Sicyllght , Patent
adjuetetl Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shalving. I am
ha general agent for the above line of goods. Iron
encmg , Crusting , Balustrades , Verandse , iron titanic
slitsgs , Window tltind. , Collar Ousrdr aim general
eat for Poor.onk VIII atent nail. Blind.
Graham Paper Co
217 and 210 North Male St. , St. Loma
NnWtl , } PAPERS { W1t W APPINU ,
Caeh akl fort and Pa Pe Stoelr r Scra P Iron
sei stale.
Paper Stock H arobousoe , 123 to 1227 North Stxth
, trot. acpt2ld am
, tor h nmJp rrar rIY far
i .rrwr ul drrulurnu nlw
M Ibo rmurrath otu uir ,
E rtwr NuundrnillYlrwt
" Ihlslnttnnnrul .
, tin run.
' InnmlU r"xwlu nt t l.e1 : .
OR , rs I n uating
ttu + lnxh Uu qns
r Ilrt/qY IIII ,11 to halltlO
ultlup Iw not , rl
i Ibi , ui0n g a
w n sdre"inrl tt Is , yh u
a a riwuh . .dIW4 lily . !
IIn41Sl ; qr , Illr In t
v retib gl u , . .
I +'urhln ' , + rc tJt.rY' -nq ?