Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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nhtlehed every nornhg , exoepE Stu 7 , 'The
0 nq Mooday momlog dally ,
ealte eT our.
no Year$10.00IThree Monlhe
AIL Ileums. . . . . . . , 6.001 one Month. . . . . . . , 1.00
Tna WzW.Y etc , rueLlena3 ZTaCT WRDa1eDAT.
T11RM8 roerrAlD.
One Year.n. . . . . . Months . . . .I 50
flzMonthsL00 OneMonth . . . . . . . .
AmorIc n Nelda Company , 9oley tgcnte Nelateal
re la the United Statoe.
eoaaesroaDlTCa „
A Communirntlone relatlnq to Noaa ant Edltodal
matters should fro addreesod to the EDnoaorTux ,
I AU Buslnceb Let ere and Remittances ehould be
addreesedtoTnRRRRrCPLlatncn CospMT , OYAtI * .
Drone , Checke and roetoIDce orders to be made pay.
able to the order of the conquny.
Fort JVDOE OF TIlE arrnKniE CoraT ,
Douglas County.
1'awTee County ,
Madison County.
( Short Term , )
Franklin County
J F. MN 1tlti'1'1P ,
Antelo a County ,
Thanksgiving I'roclamatlon
"In furtherance of the custom of thin people
at the closlnq of oath year , to engage upon a
k 1 day oat apart for that purpoeo In epectal fortl
vat of pralso to the Okqr of all Goodthoroforo ,
I I , Choetor A. Arthur , President of the United
States , do hereby designate Thursday , the 29th
day of November next , as a day of national
thaukagiviog , for the year that is drawing to
f . nu end IraO boon replete with
.the evidence of dhiuo goodness , the
provallanco of health , the fullnats of
the barvost , the stability of peace and order ,
the growth of fraternal foelinge , the spread or
intblllgenee and learning , the continued env
joymont of civil and rollgloue liberty-all
them and countless other biorsin a are cause
for reverent rejoicing. I do , therefore , rocom
i mend that on tire day above appointed
the people rest from their accustomed labors ,
1 f and meeting inthelreoveral places of Wotehtp ,
, ' crpre'S their devout gratitude to God that ho
/ i ' 'hae dealt bountifuwith this nation and
1 tray that IDs grace and favor abide with it
forever. CllEsigIt A. Alcrr cu ,
i 1
t President ,
i By FRED , T. Enz u oiicyszN ,
Secretary of State ,
A FEW moro roorback afdayite from
i Carlton , Schmidt and ether tale bearera
j f i will soon bo in order to kill off Mr.
w Points ,
WASIIINOTONIa'a00nto order the ro
, , matalofall "telegraph poles from the
l I otreets. The capital is bound to be
i ; beautiful if not good ,
w . .
HF nY IRNING has boon well received
i l in New York , but until he knocks out
si Sullivan ho can never hope to enter the
i timer sanctuary of the American heart ,
" TItz appeal of Mr. Points for justice
and fair dialing should rally the friends
I of education to his support. Mr. Bru
nor has a good place ; let lum stay there ,
Bosv $ TOLTT has-como to Omaha to
supervise the defeat of Judge Savage and
. insure the election of a Judge who would
favor his penitentiary contract and'chpi
tot atonT ' tl
I Tnzn Ti FzvE y0 ors ago 0 , P , Hunting
l ; ' ton , now ono of the millionaires of Now
York City , was a peddler of oranges.
The profit on oranges lute not decreased
iullcll since.
IF the gas in Omaha ; gets any 'worso
some gas fixture manufacturer can make
a point by coating them with luminous
paint ao that people can see to turn out
p the gas before going to bed.
DUn1Na'the summer packing season , in
Chicago which began March 1 , and end.
t ed November 1 , there wore slaughtered
i and packed 1,850,000 hogs , a largo in.
i crease over the season last year.
Mit TJAUs has flooded the slums with
money. Ho has done more to corrupt
+ the present campaign titan any other
candidate. It romaine to be soon
1 whether ho can buy his way in for four
j , ; years more.
s" MR. IJAMs makes it a point that le is
alto only man cornpetont to fill the clerk's
otlnce , T1tis'is bosh , Mr. Henna is contm
potent but to make sure ho lies arranged
with Major George Annstrong whose
competency nobody questions to act as
his deputy.
1'II'rY dollars have been levied by the
bogus workingmen's committee on Mr.
Ilooso's friends and the aunt ltas been
paid in. Will Mr. Reese got his fifty
dollars worth of workiugmon ? How do
Omaha mechanics like being placed open.
ly on sale ?
Mu. TELLltlt still resists the pleas o f
the railroad land grabbers in Washing
I ton , It will take several hundred thou
I sand dollars well applied to provost the
passage of a law by the next Congro s
forfoiUng the unearned grants of gigantic
corporations who ( rave v'iolatod ova ry
J charter obligation to rob the public ,
i GIIEAT excitement exists in New Yor k
i" " over the coming election for Regietor
I There arc sliyoral IUchmends in the fief
; who , with a rising sigh , oft wiehoth earl
other fn Heaven or something like that
The office is worth ahout $100,000
year , This fact may in a measure 0 z
plain the anxiety displayed by the diffe r
r eat candidates.
UNLFM there is a markedchangeforth
I worse the last two mouths of the preson
year will bemoro satisfactory to bnsfnoa
i , , - , , men than November and December o
1g82. After lagging behind last ear'
figures for a long time , the bank clearing
, of the country have at last begun to oho w
r : # ' 4 a dopidod gain , and a better tone acct run
A topprsyail in commercial circles , Thor
a plenty of morn for improvement ,
? n
. .
The c.'tmpaign is now virtually closed.
Nearly ovary intelligent voter has made
up his mind whors he proposes to sup.
port and nothing I may say at this late
hour will materially affect the result ,
lioforo the polls close 1 conceive it
my duty to pay my eomplimonts to the
brace of scoundrels who edit and manage
the Omaha JkpitbUca/i By nature and
habit they arc the most rock.rooted bourbons
bens that over invaded tire arena of journalism -
nalism , They never learn anything and
never forget anything. To their malignant
stupidity and villainous hostility I am
largely indebted for the unparalleled
success that has attended my efforts to
establish one of the most influential and
prosperous newspapers west of the 1Gs
s.ssippi .
For moro than twelve years there fm-
ICeiles have waged a relentless , vindictive
tivo and cruel warfare , which had for its
solo aim my degradation as a man and
the breaking down of the BITE as a newa
They hate stopped at nothing that
devilish ingenuity could invent and have
stooped to devices and means that would
shame thomostaudaciouspirato that over
cut a throat or scuttled a ship. In 1872
they encouraged the incendiary that act
fire to my printing house , only to sco
Tn1 : BEn rise from its ashes more vigor.
one than ever. They have incited 10r-
aerial assaults by bullies and rowdies , and
in 1875 the grand jury that indicted
Richard Curry for an attempt to asaas
sinato me in the streets of C malia barely
failed to indict Casper E , Yost , I. W.
Miner and Paul Vanderv'oort for setting
up that murderous plot. The only reason -
son they were not indicted , as District
Attorney Connell stated over life signa
ture , was that while the evidence was
clear that they planned the assault , proof
was wanting to show that they know that
the weapon was to be a four-ounco billy.
These are not time only crimes of which
they have eon guilty to accomplish
political and personal oilils. In May ,
1880 , while the Republican County con.
vention was m session at the court
house one of their number whom I can
name sot fire to an empty barn adjoin.
ing the court house , for the purpone of
stampeding the convention winch had
been disastroustotheir faction , And those
instances are only a "Miner" part of the
rascalitics that have boon perpetrated in
Omaha to down Rosewater and give full
away to a sot of cormorants who would bo
a disgrace among the Hotcntoth. Only
last spring a Douglas county grand jury
unanimously found a true bill against
Casper E. Yost and Fred Nye for ma
licious libel on me , but before the indictment -
ment was presented one of the grand
jurors divulged the fact. Corrupt ma
chinery was set in motion , and the indictment -
ment was reconsidered under false pro.
temes , Fivoofthegrandjuryntenwhohad
been tampered with voted "no" and Yost
and Nye escaped by the skin of their
teeth , And such mon have
put themselves up as exponents
and leaders of true republicanism ,
wliilo I iii' put down ae"a rebel and apos-
tate. What are the'facts ' in the case ?
Fhoro is not a man in the .Republican
gang who sorted his country in the war
while I braved tire dangers and took the
risks incident toseveral campaigns. The
war was barely over when Yost , who
always has been a Republican for rave.
nuo only , betrayed the party that had
fed and clothed trim , Johnsonried and
supported a mongrel Democratic ticket
with J. Starling Morton for Governor.
Nebraska then didn't have any Ropubli.
cans to spare and when Grant came in
power in ' 69 Yost was kicked out of the
U , S , Marshalship for his party treason.
In 1871 , Yost and his clique bolted that
Republican veteran John M. Thayer and
voted the straight Democratic legislative
ticket. In 1875 , those paragons of Re.
publieanmm , bolted and defeated John
DI , Thuratou who had then not become a
railroad candidate. In 1870 they defeat.
ed W , J. Connell for District
Attorney , and elected Buckingham , a
Democrat. It is historic flint they had
knifed and sought to defeat Burley and
Manchester in the previous campaign , by
putting bogus tickets in the field. During
the memorable Senatorial campaign that
culminated h i the election of Alvin Saun
ders , these ahlwarta made a bargain with
Sam Tilden to give him Mr. Hitchcock's
support in the Senate in return for Bern.
ocratlo votes in mho Legislature. For
particulars wo refer to James Crotghton
and Charles h , Brown , who were mom.
bore of that Legislature. Later on we
find Mr. Yost making a bargain to soil
out his own friend , Gridloy , Republican
candidate for Sheriff , in return for half
the patronage of the Doirocratic candi-
date , George Guy , For further partic
ulars I refer to Henry Grebe , MrGuy'e
Fred NYe , who cuts'a rannull
figure in Nebraska politics , was a Groc
I leyite in 1873 and has been Tom Kim-
, political jumping laek for knifing
Republicans that didn't suit the railroads
and for keeping up a villainous personal
war on me.
In paying my respects to these polio
. cal hybrids I must confess flint 1
d fool highly flattered that they have
1 kept m ° before the people as a candidate
for every great office within time gift
a of the people of Nebraska Durin g
three senatorial campaigns , Rosowato r
has been the only eonlpotito r
against their fayorities. Upon mo tire }
dumped all the filth h1 their maud bat
0 tones and upon my head have fa119n al
t tie calumny that they and a hundred 1It
a tie satellites could hurl. In the languag o
f of 11'obstor , "I atlll lino"aud wbatie tru e
s also the political graveyards have boom
e planted full of the mon whom thl5e iua
beetle desperadoes have championed ,
Tlno public lmas known how to take tine
o assaults and lido
taken the measure n
time calibro of the assailants , Unit
boon the devil incarnate which they have
painted me , tine principles I have advs.
rated would still survive and the good
men I have supported would not suffer
in reputation. I have sought to publish
a fearless , outspoken jionest newspaper
and my highest ambition has been grati-
fed in time prosperity of TnE BEE. The
concern that flaunts the Republican In.
bolhas sunk thousands upon thousands
of dollars in a vain effort to "bury Rose-
water. " As a journal it is a disgrace to
the party it pretends to aup
port. As a newspaperr it is reader.
lea fn tire town wlnero it is
published , and it only survives because
of the job work which the railroads be.
stow upon it. The infamous calummii ° s
which they have concocted against mu
lmase recoiled , and their last and most
stupid canard has proved a boomerang.
In tendering to them the compliments of
time season I hold them up to gaze in
time mirror in which their true characters
are reflected.
Aside from our local campaign , the
chief interest in to day'a elections center
in Now York , Massachusetts , New Jersey
soy and Pennsylvania. There is com
plaint of general apathy among voter's in
ever State except Massachusetts , In
Pennsylvania the canvass is tame , as the
oflicos are comparatively unimportant
and the campaign a inoneyleas one. In
Now York tire Republicans arc making
something of an effort to wipe out the
190,000 majority by which Cleveland
stopped into time gubernatorial cirafr.
They have only fair prospects for a par.
tinl success. The outlook is that the
Democratic majority in the State will
range from 35,000 to 60,000 with the
possibility of Republican gains in the
The center of political excitement is in
Massachusetts , whore Butler is fighting
for his political with a desperation
eommonsurato withrtho stake. On the
ova of election itrfs impossible to predict
oven the probably result. All the polit' '
cal elements in the State arounitedagainat
Butler , but ho is a shrewd , methodical
and determined fighter with a complete
knowledge of political machinery and
with monmoy enough to lubricate it liber-
ally. Ho has left no stone unturned to
draw out the full strength of lrfa support
and if ho is defeated it will be by a
small majority.
The contests in the other November
States possesses little of interest or aig-
nificance. New Jersey will doubtless go
Democratic and. Pennsylvania probably
Republican. The result of the election
fn the particular States named will ho
watched with interest as indicating tire
probable outcome of the Presidential
contest next year. IF New York , Massa-
chusotte and New Jersey go Democratic
by decided majorities , and Pennsylvania
shows a marked falling off in the Republican -
publican vote , the election of a Republican -
can President next year will be so dif6
cult as to be almost an impossibility
under proment conditions.
In our own State time contest over the
Supreme Judge excites universal interest
and limo county contest will tend to draw
out a full vote.
The steady rise in real estate and the
continued firmness of the market , not.
withstanding the approach of winter , is
one of the evidences of Omaha's ' contin
ued growth and the increasing public
confidence in her present stability and
future importance. Tins confidence has
boon festered during tire past year by tire
public improvements which have been
begun in the city and by the strong sent
timemit of our people which demands
that they al > a11 be steadily prosecuted. in
tire future. Iii time nbsorice of a corn-
ploto system of waterworks and sanitary
sewerage , with upaved streets and alleys
and uttlnggcd sidowalko , the appearance
of Omalra belied all the praises of her
citizens , i tuclr as we might talk to
strangers of our advantage as tire grow-
fag metropolis of tine Missouri valley and
expatiate tmpon.our vigor and activity as
a live city , wo wore invariably answered
by disparaging remarks about our mud
and dust , our lack of pavements , our
wooden sidewalks amid our wretched
street crossings. Mr. Touzalin probably
did 2101. exaggerate tire case when ho
stated that the lack of publio improve.
meats vita costing Omaha millions of
dollars every year. Capital was fearful
of inveatment In business enterprises in
a city whichl was behind all its compoo rs
in entorprisea wlrich benfilted every citi -
Zen alike amid for whose absence the pub
lie at laree were responsible.
The construction of time water work s
was tire beginning of time cud of the of d
reign of costly consorvatisni in Omaha ,
It was followed quickly by time Warin g
system of sanitary sewerage. Those
completed , the charter was amended t °
permit a furtlmer extension of improve
manta through a safe extension of tlr °
city's credit , and paving began. To da y
we are launched on d syatemu of public
improvennonta which , if carried out an
projected , will make Omaha within flit
next toll years ono of tire urost attractiv °
of cities in the west. By another yea
the greater part of our business stroo I
will lie paved , our loading thoroughfare
graded mid curbodmany of our rosidenc
streets neatly parked , and a boginnin
will be made towards the improvement o
' our county roads which lead from tin
city ,
1 Omahm met only needs a steady oxten
slon of public iiuproveuetits , but silo i
Troll able to atTort it. Our proport
valualiuu , as returned by tire assessors , i
m leas than one-fifth of our actual valua
tion , Graatiug that it is actually ono
fourth , our tax rate is lower than that o
o any other city of our size fu the country
f while our bonded indebtedness per capil
I is proportionately small ,
The changes which wore expected to
result from the operation of the new
revenue laws have caused the monthly
statements of the condition of tile fift.
tional finances to be watched with more
than usual intorcat. To those who pro.
dieted timat tire now laws would reduce
taxation by greatly reducing time treasury
surplus , tire statements sfnco July must
have proved disappointing. Time Novem
ber statement will be equally so. It
adds little to the public information ,
but it emphasizes most strongly the at-
gumonts flint have been put forward in
favor of revenue reform and shows that
time dlfliculties flint an unwarranted
treasury surplus throws around the ad.
minktratfon of time national finances are
steadily increasing. Tito treasury is too
full ; and , in spite of all efforts to deplete
it , it continues too full , while that part
of the public debt which alone is subject
to redemption diminishes with increns
ing rapidity. The debt reduction for
October is over $10,000,000 , and for the
first third of the fiscal year a trifle less
than $10,000,000. Between this stint
and the reduction during tlto correspond.
ing period last year , as well as betweer
the receipts of revenue for the same two
periods , the difference is near $20,000-
000and ; this makes pretty closely the extent -
tent of reronue reduction. At this
rate , tire reduction for the entire year
would be $00,000,000 ; and oven making
duo allowance for tire extraordinary
receipts during the first few weeks
of the operation of the now tariff
act , the total reduction cannot rise above
$76,000,000 , and will most probably fall
far below. With time natural increase in
trade , this leaves thoyearly surplus about
what we have held to be the nearest ap-
proximation-$100,000,000 Since the
1st of October the 31 per cents outstand
ing 'havo ' boon rcducad about one-half ,
only the trifling amount of some $5,000-
000 being left. Time 3 per cents have
also lost $4,000,069 ; while notwithstanding -
ing those extensive redemptions , tine cash
in treasury hiss mounted from $3$5,000 ,
000 to $ 364,000,000. But of this increase
some $5,000,000 is in the item of gold
and silver cercificates.
No one can deny that the situation as
outlined is unhealthy and unsatisactory.
It is scarcgjy less so than it has boost for
years. Revenues , extorted by taxation
on the commonest necessaries through a
tariff maintained to bolster up the fortunes -
tunes of millionaire monopolists , are
pouring into the treasury in an unprecedented -
dented flood. Cash1 is accumulating in
spite of every effort to get rid of it.
Bonds are being cancelled at a rata which
must seriously affect the national banking -
ing system. Thur relations of our curr
rency to that s.f other nations is being
jeopardized by the unrestricted coinage
of silver and all this because of a system
of taxation whose results exceed by a
hundred millions a year the needs of the
OF tire old war Generals , Meade , Tlro
mast oker , Garfield , Kilpatrick , Burn-
aide a1 ? , Halleck are on fame's' eternal'
camping ground. Grant is getting old ,
but has good health , plenty of money ,
and enjoys life. Sherman is 04 , but
looks older , Sheridan , who was a Major
General at 30 , commands the army
at 51 , FItz John Porter is white haired
and broken in frame. McClellan is rich ,
rotund and round shouldered , with the
activity , of his life over. Ploasonton ,
the cavalry hero , lives quietly at Wash.
ington. Rosocrans , the California Congressman -
gressman , lives at Washington , and his
hair , with a military cut , is snow white.
Hawley and Logan , well preserved gentlemen -
tlemon of 51) , and Slocum , are also in
Congress. Sickles is a Now r ork lawyer -
yer , StonomanisGovornorofCalifornia.
Doubleday is in Now York writing a
book , Humphreys , Bunter and Critten-
den , on tire retired list , live in Washming-
ton. Fremont , no longer rich , lives in
New York. McDowell is on tire retired
list. Buell is in business in Kentucky
Banks is United States Marshal. Hancock -
cock , Schofield and Pope arc Major Gun-
orals in the army , and Howard a llriga
dier. Terry is expected to succeed Sheridan
idan in clef command of the army.
Gilmore , Parke and Weitzel are its charge
amid fortifications Grier-
of light'housos , -
son is commanding a colored regiment in
1T is the opinion of the best informed
European writers that tlm next great
European war will take place between
Russia mid Germany. They would ap
pear to be right. For aontu reason ,
which Germany regards as sinister , urrd
probably rightly , mrotwithstanding Baron
do Giora' bland and open atatomomrt flint
Russia is pacifically inclined , Russia has
boon atrengtirening her fortresses along
ter Southern European frntior , while
at the same time sire is massing crowds
of Cossacks along tire same lure. The
Berlin cabinet intends to protest agamat
these movenouts as unfriendly acts , mid
then-well , nobody knows what will take
place then , it fe diflicult to see what occasion -
casion Russia has for throwing these
Cossack hordes along her frontier at the
preaont moment , wirer there is no 0s
feasible cause of trouble between liar
r and Germany , but that restless spirit of
Pan Slaviem , of which General Skobele
waathe jwoplretandGeneralGourkoisno w
° the apolitle , is bound sooner or later t
I come into collision with both Austria an
f Germany. If war does break out , i
° will , considering Gorinnny's alliance ami d
Russia's atormous resources , prove one
of the bloodiest on record. jlunFrmrc o
s will get her hand imi ,
a SFcunmrn LINC0I.N followed his Shari
letter on the Arctic fiasco by prompt an
' noufrcomont of the court of inquiry ,
f wlmioh will consist of General Beimet ,
, chief of ordnance , General Ayres , of th e
s Second artillery , and Colonel Poe , of tit e
engineers , with Major henry Goodfellow ,
s r
Curds Scrofula , Ezysipolns ,
Pimples and Face Grubs ,
Blotches , Boils , Tumors , 7ot-
tor Humors , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Sores , Mercurial
Diseases , Female Weakness
and Irregularities , Dizziness ,
Loss of Appetite , Juandico ,
Affections of the Livor. In di'
gostion , Biliousness , Dyspepsia -
sia and General Dobility.
Aceuneor Hurd ci Dtea1 flitter wiIi aitld , the
mmtkeptlc.t that ml n the , reateet fllood runner Ca
euth. Sold by mediclnedllereeeeryrhere. ,
Dltecnonelneleven lanrua e , rsus,5,0 .
FOSTER , MIIBURN & CO. , Prop's , Bufile , N.Y.
of General Pope's staff , as judge advo-
onto. The court will take imito account
General Iiazon's alleged contradictory
orders , and tire impression
vails that they will investigate
Hazen quite as much as Garlington ,
as Hazon's disposition to help Grooly is
the subject of some ugly reports. Proba
bly time truth is , however , flint Hazen
had but an ill-informed purpose as to the
conduct of tire expedition , and gave lrfs
subordinates a confused and hesitating
programme. The court is composed ® f
officers of high standing , and their con.
clusiomie will have great weight with the
army and tire public. It is a melancholy -
choly ending to all the recent Arctic expeditions
poditions that the survivors cone home
to undergo a court of inquiry ,
Tire Omaha Bee.
Shenandoah ( Reporter , Nov. 2.
Tun O IAiIA BEE charges flint the Re-
ublican party in State is completely
Bono combed b the railroadcorruptton
iats of that State who arc not content to
run tire primaries and nominating
amid have their pets and tools
fill the Legislature and ro + fde as judges
on time bench , so as to have lawmde
and construced in their interest , and to
throw tire burden of taxation upon the
people , while they escape. It is a fearless -
less defender of public rights and Is
waging a war on bhalf of the people
against the corporate monopolies of that
State. It is Republican out and out in
principle but does not consider that Re-
ublinpanismn and robbery are interchan -
able and sYnommYmoue tems , We admire
its spirit.
Thecitirons of Doniplian have voted $2,000
for a now echool.
Sisters of the Order of St. Francis are
raising funds to build a hospital at Grand Is-
The Congregationalists of Ltircoln are moy
ing for a how church , on which they propose
to spend $20,000.
Henry Moon , a Lincoln boy , was run over
by a heavy wagon , breaking iris leg between
the thigh and hip.
On November 0th Decatur is to vote on issuing -
suing $16,000 bonds in aid of the Salina , Un
coin & Decatur railroad company ,
The Catholics iuvv& socnrod a' site for a
church at Fairbury. There arc some thirty
Catholics families in that vicinity , who pro.
pose to raise 81,200 or $1 , i00 forlthe purpose.
A merchant of IIastin s recently received
the following order ; "Mgr. B- , please
sondme $1 worth of coffy and $1. worth of
shoogar , some email vales. My wife had a
baby last rite , also two padlocks and a mon
key rench "
Farmers of Minnesota are buying now corn
in Dodge county , to be shipped there for feed-
leg hogs. Some of them also contemplate
shipping their hogs there for fattening before
being sent to the Chicago markets.
The Grand Ialaud schools are in a terrible
condition , according to the Times. The boys
fight and shc ot pistols , and as a consequence
of a recent row , ono boy is laid up with a bullet
lot in his log and agirl had her nose split ,
The teacirors are afraid of tire boys and cannot -
not enforce discipline.
Theronro at pesent over ; 0,000 railroad ties
lying pilect up "n both aides of the switches at
the Odell depot. A largo train loaded with
steel rails has also arrived. Both the rails
and ties are intended for the new B. & M ,
branch road now being built from Odell to
Waslmington , Kansas ,
The Lincohr and Salina railroad rennin
north and south , which was surveyed throng
Odell some time since , will surely be built
hoforonoxtfall. Work has commenced on
the southern end in Kansass already , This
will give Oddlh three roads , and open up facil
Ities for ship4ling purposes , cnjoyod by very
few towm in Gage county ,
The B , & M. railroad extension from No.
maaha City to Salem is being pushed to a
rapid cumnplotion , and the piers are now being
built for a bridge across the Missouri at Rulo.
Both the rnilrrii extension and the bridve
will'be conrphtted by early spring , and this
will give the B , & M , interests In Nemaha
county a good southern and eastern outlet.
The wife of a prominent stock man in But.
falo county recently stamped out a small rev
bollion among slxteon cowboys. During her
absence one hay tire muorr resolved to do as lit.
tie work as possible. Being in ICearney at the
time she hired a livery team and drove to the
ranch , sumumoned the sixteen urea before her
and paid all every one and discharged them on
the spot , miring other mart to do the work , and
returnhmg borne the saw .
A Card front Mr , Itustin ,
OMtuA , Neb , , November 5 ,
To the Editor of Tuz BEz.
III your Saturday's paper you have mia
represented my record as a teacher in
this county. I have taught 34 months
in the district schools of Douglas county ,
whieim , at air average of six months to time
year , makes live and two tlrird's ' school
years. As to my competency , that is a
matter of opinion , as , not intending to
follow the profession of teaching fear' a
livelihood , I have never applied for a
first-class ertificate , J , B. RUSTIN ,
1Ph0L , MgRk , " .
r ati
hheumatismnNeuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , iearbhe , Toothache ,
lure'1'hrual.NurI1lnIIw.NVrulu.ltrul.ea ,
Ituru. , Nro"1. , a'e'or Rntr ,
51 , ILL OTIIV.U isn iII rase Ake Thurs.
.9ilbptulatn"al.t.rtawbere. TIfJCan.botlml .I mm t.eeee. , .
mm 's a. 1'l . "
4 _ , r.5'I l".1 'maLC.a b
t' .
Dry Goods ! /
CO. ,
Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS MO
Wholesale Grocers !
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco.
Double and Single Acting Power and Hand
' r' ,
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings
Steam Packing at wholesale and retail. HALLADAY WINDMILLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
a Piekels ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
Heating and Baking
1 Is only attained by using ;
r iJrt
Stoves and Ranges ,
For sale by
: E _ c. .
' , ,
> 4 t „ 1
Hall's Safe an Lock Comp'y
, , .
3.080'arasLam Htleoet.rOmaha.
MAXMEYER & . C01 , .
A /
.1 I D
Reina VictoriasEspeciates - , Roses in 7 Sizes from $6
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Pro ess , Nebraska , Wyoming and
BuJes aii Sll ! ¶ OllS
MylRepoeltory G oonrtanUy tiled with a seleetletock. Bcatworkmui Wp guaranteed.
Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qmal a
, . .
y ratra - / rO L1 1.e ® , er r. _ _ .
Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Co , N
On Long Time--Small Payments.
Frioos. A1 lloso '
1si DoD0B9TR8