Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1883, Image 1

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\ . . THIRTEENTH YEAR. p..1. ' . . _ _ OMAHA , NEB. TUESDAY MORNINGS NOVEMBER 6 , 1883. - - - - _ _ NO. _ 121 _
The IJIIYi11C Riot Stirs U Ba
B1oo Ill the outli.
The People in a State of Fever
ish Excitement With Thou'
Artillery Out.
Vast Quantities of Arms and
, Ammunition Sold to All
Both Sides RCLtd ) ' to I'IIII TheSr l'er-
sundcrR On ft Moment's Notice.
\VASIIINQTON , November 5.-Cominia.
sioiicrEvans rocived an official letter
front DanviIIo , Virginia , stating that fur
tlier trouble was fcarel there. Throats
has becii made against the revenue
. Niw Yoni , November 5.-Special tel.
t' egrarns from Danville say the sentries
from local military cornanios continue to
guard the streets , and. citizens as special
constables , attned with shotguns , patrol
* the town. The fatue oE guard duty is
exhausting many citizens , who have been
so engaged since Saturday evening. The
town is quiet , but the latest dispatches
show the fooling is intense. A number
of persons were on the streth this morning -
ing , both whites and blacks , but
very few ladies were soon. Business
is almost entirely suspended. Mayor
Johnston this morning issued a procin.
. mationdenouncing the appointment of
special constabulary of pcked men for
. ' each ward , aided by the Danville Grays ,
called into service for military assistance ,
should it ho needed. The negroes eom
quiet and undemonstrative. The Richmond -
mend resolution adopted at the mass
meeting of citizens yesterday , setting
forth that the cortlict hero between the
i-aces was the result of a conspiracy .of
the leaders of the coalition movement to
k\ , force the race issue upon the whites , was
. bulletined here this morning and has an
encouraging offect.
A special to The Post from Richinond
sags this morning a. disturbance took
place in Fredericksburg , which almost
brouuht about serious trouble. Capt.
M01q5 Rowe , a prominent citizen , while
discussing tao Danville riot , was overheard -
hoard by a negro named Street , who do-
nouiccd the statement about thq riot as
J a Funder ( meaning Dcmocrati ) lie. The
negro knockeditowo down. Rowesucceod-
ed in vetting him off and beat him pretty
soundly. The affair attracted a large
crowd of whites and blacks and for a time
serious trouble was anticipated , but was
. prevented. There is a feverishness in
nearly all districts in the State and fears
' , I are entertained that other riots will occur
I in several places to-morrow if not to-4ay.
1' More armshavo been sold in the State
in the past ten days than ever before in
r time of peace , except probably just after
the war.
- - - TjNNILLE , Va. , November . -The
' : citiondeproth the present disturbed
r and/earnestly do-
' ndition of the city
the , estoration of paCO and good
. . ; . ( idCZ. " Ho has appoind eleven special
constables for each w and called in-
\ to8crvieo the DanvUb Grays , as a nnl-
. . zurther : So
, . . itary company.
complete and re10l0 is this arrange-
niqut for the pr.Servation of peace and
p'rotcction of ZO town that I feel fully
warranted 1Assuring my follow citizens
' d order will be
that good main-
taiiiod.norcforo peace call upon the good
citizciis , tftesumo their usual avocations
. : and ce ° appearing upon the streets
. . shotguns and other weapons.
Th' by quiet conduct and conversation ,
, .y'and assist tim authorities of the town
) A restorin" peace and good order , as all
1goocFcitizons should do. "
'I R1c113oNn ! , November . -Tlie
I ex itoinciit hero the past few ( lays was
I intense , particularly since the riot in
, I I Danville. While collisions between whites and blacks in Richmond are not
I very likely , yet to fooling is such that it
I / will rqIiiro but liglit hostile inovcmcnt
I to procilitato a riot. The whites are
making ovary preparation. Moiiibrs of
the First Virginia regiment are under
ordori ; from Major Carrington to hold
theinsols-ca in readiness for an emergency
nfl.1 150 81)OCifll police voro sworn in for
duty to-m3rrow. In anticipation of fur-
tlier disturbance in Danville and upon
representations made to him , Governor
Cameron this evening issued orders for
the Richinoud light infantry BlueB and a
section of the Richmond Howitzers to
proceed to that city. The Richm.nd
military leave at 11 o'clock to-night under
command of Major H. C. Carter , who
upoi3 arrival in Danville , will assume
command of all military there. lie will
report to the mayor afll city sergeant of
Dajlle. .
AN EAIILY 111111) .
Lvscauuita , Va. , November 5.-An
' ( I immense jonas mooting to-night passed
resolutions offered by Gon. Jubal A.
Early expressing sympathy with the pco-
plo of Danvallo , declaring for a free bal.
lot and afair count in to-morrow's dcc-
tioii and threatening summary vengeance
-An ) flI1 man or sot of men who under.
tithes to perpetrate fraud.
Sottloineit of at l'atoia Suit.
S r. Louis , November 5.-The Ago of
bteel has inforniation of conaider-
abin interest to the iron trade of the
west. About two years ago the harrison
Steel Company bought certain patentB
' : pertaining to the nuuiufacturc of Ilasaic
steel of Jacob Iooao of Pitthbur ,
Prior to that time ilcem sold certain
other patnita lCrtaiIling to the same proS
cees to tim liossemer Stool association ,
and litigation followed. The Bessemer
P ° P1 ° entered suit in the United States
. . 1ourt in this city last spring ngaiiist. the
harrison Steel company , to prevent them
from niakiiig use of the iteese patents.
_ _ . Jp : 4About a month ago the suit was dis-
p. - i.issed , without Prejudice on a demurrer
1td by the defendant , claiiniii' that
ceeso should have been ina& cc-
l'- ' [ tefciidant. After dismissal of the
. ) negotiations wore opened between
ilio harrison Steel company and the Bos-
aemor association , which The A"o of
Steel learns has just resulted in a lease
10 the former company for the use of the
Jcese patent on tim royaltybasis. This
-1 : ' . - - . ' - . - .
. J , Jj.iiluuLl.
lea t1io Harrison company free to go
on with the erection of their plant at
Harrison , Ills , , a few miles from St.
Louis. They hati organized the corn.
pan ) ' with a capital of 3 000,000 and
commenced. work wlieii stopped by tim
stilt. They now intend to carry out. the
original plaiis and erect extensive works
on their property in hlarrisoit aiid inanti-
facture steel of every variety on a large
- - -
The Opcrntloii ot the Motliotlistg in
llcnthcii Latids.
Dr.M Moixs : , November 5.-The city
pulpith were filled Sunday by delegates
to the executive committee of the Metho.
( list \Vomen's ] ? orcignMissionary society , ,
who also spoke at tim Sunday schools.
The anniversary services of the women's
society were hold this evening attlie
First Methodist church. Mrs. ind ,
president of tim western branch , pro-
sided. iIm. Parker , Craver and Joim-
soil , from India , and Mrs Spencer , front
Tokio , Jasaii , addressed the meeting.
A report was made by Mrs. Grace ,
recording secretary. The number of
auxiliary societies is 3,353 ; number of
members 8nt52 ; , an increase of 7,598 ;
life inoinors , 4,0i0 ; receipts for theyear
ending October 1 , $124S28..3. The so-
ciety's paper , The Heathen Woman's
Friend , has 19,571 subscribers. Tue society -
ciety has 40 missionaries and 40 assistants -
ants iii foreign fields , and aup'ports 220
Bible women and teachers , d hospitals ,
17 boarding schools , with 5,000 pupils -
pils , 150 day schools , with more
than 4,000 girlt and women pupils ,
three orphanages with 400 orphans , two
homes for the friendless and aystoinatio
visits , 1,800 zonanas. At the morning
sc.saion the western branch of the
society presented a petition asking for
division into three sections-first , Mm-
nesota and Dakota , as the Minneapolis
branch ; second , iowa and Missouri , as
the Des Moines branch ; third , Kansas
andt Nebraska , as tim Topeka branch ,
and headquarters of each at the placas
mmmcd. The Cincinnati branch asked
that Tennessee bo admitted to that
branch. Reports front foreign fields
were made and accepted. I a the afternoon -
noon a devotional meeting was conducted -
ducted by Mrs. Stevens , of Wilmington ,
Del. The session will probably last the
entire week.
Business Failures.
CilicAco , November 5.-Tlio Inter-
Ocean's Beloit , \Vis. , special says : The
wholesale paper house of HininanMoody
& Co. made an assignment to-day. Assets -
sets and liabilities not stated. The firm
is intimately connected with the Rock
River Paper company , whose troubles ,
it is understood , brought about the
present assignment. It is not thought
the business will be interrupted.
NEW YORK , November 5.-Schedules
of assignment of Benjamin L. Coflin ,
dealer in hosiery , filed liabilities at $101 ,
200 , actual assets $48,600.
DUnUQUE , Novomber5.FocklorBros. . ,
buggy top manufacturers , made an as-
aigument to-day. Liabilities $60,000 ,
assets not known , but claimed t be
sufficient to pay oil al' if not hardprcasod
by qreditora $40 000 of their. .hjabilUe
'aru xuutafsuyznc"reccnt and
unsatisfactory. adjustment of their insurance -
anco are tho'imniediate causes of their
embarrassment. Otto Junkerman , of
the firm of Junkorman & Hans , the
oldest drug house in the State , died to-
day. He has boon an invalid for two
years- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Killed IW the Cars.
DES MOINES , Iowa. , November 5-
Sunday morning , about 1 o'clock , a
man's body was found on the truck of
the hock Island road in East Des
Moines. It had been run . over by a
train. From tim fact that t1 body was
cold and blood flowed sluggishly 'it was
thought to be foul play. It was discov-
cred by the muon of the train that had.
passed over it. From the clothing it is
supposed to be a Swede irnmned Theo.
Johnson , a comparative stranger hero.
The matter is bemnmv investigated.
Time Brokeit Clyde Bank.
Cixnn , Ohio , November 5.-P. W.
Park-hurst , cashier of the Clyde bank ,
has returned. E. A. Southland , hardware -
ware merchant , who assigned , amid the
firm of Miflord , Southland & Co. , owe
tlm bank about 20,00O. Parkhurst
clauns if not pushed too hard by the
bank ho will pay every cent. The poo-
pie are more hopefulaimico hi3 return.
Des Moiiie 11ans1oii of Masomis.
Dr.s Moi-z , Ia. , November 5.-The
laying of the corner stone of tim mmow
Masonic temuplo of this city will take
llaCO Wednesday. Grand Ma8ter Van
Satin and the Grand Ledge will conduct
the ceremonies. The procession of the
Temple Commandory , consisting of the
Chapter aflI Blue Lodges , will be led by
bands. Judge C. 0. Cole will deliver
the address.
A Receiver's Showing.
Si'IliNoFiEr.n , Ill. , November 5.-Time
exarninatioiis of affairs of Receiver Howard -
ard , of the Danville , Olnoy & Ohio railroad -
road , by creditors of the company , dia-
close time fact that time operating expenses
from January 1 to July 1 wore $35,000 ;
earnings $25,000. The creditors are preparing -
paring to move for a removal of the receiver -
ceivor on ing to this showing.
- -
A Missouri Cyclone.
KANSAS Civy , November 11.-A diana.
trous tornado visited Springfield , Mo. ,
this afternoon. It is reported five ver-
Sons were killed and thirty or more
wounded. One hundred houses in the
miorthmern part of the city wore damaged
or destroyed. 'rho wires arc prostrated
and particulars are not to be obtainable
until a hate hour ,
The Journal's Springfield. speCial says ,
shortly after two o'clock this afternoon
this city was visited by a destructive cy.
clone. The tthrmn struck the woolen
mills , destroying a portion of the build.
ing amid greatly damaging time machinery.
Then piuisiii a little north of east , it do-
mohisimed a number of resideimocs. Sink.
log Division street at time corner of
itoomievillo street , the storm followel the
line between the city proper and North
Springfield for three blocks , leveling rca-
deuces iii both towns , Thou tomiditig a
little northward the tornado passed to
Bnidgotewn , a suburb of ontim Spring-
held. The total loss is estimated at be.
tweomi $150,000 and $20,000. Probably
seven versomis are killcdand , ninny inured -
urod , The new cigar factbry of F. A.
Hacker , mind his residence , were corn.
plotehy demolished , The family were
. , ,
- - - - -
absent at the time. A number of cm-
ployos of time factory were injured. St.
Mary's Cathiolin chureiL was wrecked.
It. is roportott that great damage
was done itt Brooklyn and Itepubhic in
the southwestern part of time county.
- -
- -
RtlI,1tOs-1) MtITTEIIS.
Till : 1UMUt 100L.
Ciuooo , November 5.-Commissioner
Midgley has nppcinted the foIIowiim SOil-
tiornon a conmrnittco oil lumber dillermi.
tints to .Missouni river vointh : E P.
htiloy , at the Chicago , Burlington
Qunmcy ; W. S. Mellon , of time Chicago &
Nortliwestorn A. C. Bird , of ( ho Chiica.
go , Milwaukee & St. Paul ; W. M.
of the Cimicao , Hock Island Pacic ;
H. II. Courtnight , of time Chicago Al.
ton ; F. J. Clark , of time Chicago , St.
Paul , Minimenpolis & Omaha , and'Gcorge
Olds , of time MissouriPacific mmd Wabnahm ,
St. . Louis I'ncific. If thei cannot
agree emi a piami , time matter vill ho no-
ferred to an arbitrator for a decision of
this long coimtiimuod. source of troublo.
run nnIAxnm or mituitans.
Time office of time oonmmissioner of time
Ohio river 1)001 will bo removed to In-
diaimapolis to.rnorrow. At an informal
meeting of tIme passemmgor agents of time
east bound trunk lines to.dny it was discovered -
covered time Grand Trummk hues were soiling -
ing imalf fare tickets to coimunorcial tray-
ciers on Saturdays from Detroit to CImi-
cao. Time representative of flint road
said it wits dommo cmi 1iotitioim of time Conm-
morcial Travelers association in order to
allow members to spend Sunday with
their farnilicsbut asotimor roads objected
it ; would. bo withdrawn. It is stated iii
this commectien the drummers are preparing -
paring for a united dcmaimd on time roads
January 1st , for special tickets at rates
lower than at present given them , special
privilogesin the way of extra weight of
baggage free , reduced rates on excess of
baggage and special Saturday rates front
all poimita.
G onoral Passenger Agent. . C oodinan , ,
of the Central Pacific , isis issued a sup.
plomentary circular in which lie says the
proportiomia allowed roads in the circular
of October 25 , cmi first.claas tickets from
St. Louis to Latlmroj , Sacramento , Stock.
ton , San Joan and ban Francisc , wore
incorrect. The correct amounts are as
follows : Southern Pacific , $27.30Atcimi. ;
son , Topeka and Santa Fe , $32.40 ;
Atlantic and Pacific , $26.30 ; St. Louis
and San Francisco , $14.00.
The Eriti of ( lie Churchill Seimsatlon.
Sr. Louis , November 5.-Mary
Chmurcill , in charge of hot father , arrived
this morning from indiamiapohis. She
still refuses to state wimy sue ran away
from hmorno. This ends tim Cimurcimill
INDIANAI'oLIs , November 5.-Professor
McElroy , the elocutionist , of this city ,
reports that Miss Churchill , as Miss
Lockwook , came to Imim last August for
instruction in elocution , and represented
thiat imor parents wore dead ; that she was
a graduate of the St. Louis schools , and
that she Imad determined to go on the
stage. Mr. McElroy discouraged her
plans , pointing out the difliculties in the ,
way. She went away , but returned in
September an&arrangod a date to corn-
macace a'courso in elocution Mr.tMo-
' 1ly
j ietcAer lia..i wilhimtuu h1.consont , do.
dlined to accopthor as a stUdent. In his
judgment , she is undoubtedly "stage
struck , " andho doesnot appear to have
a very highnpreciation of hei talents. ,
in that direction. She sings well , but
her voice is not suited for dramatic
Affairs In Peru.
LI3IA , VIA. GArxru'roN , Novemnber 5.-
The Ilesias government decides not to
recognize Mont.ero's acts. News has
boon received that Montoro resigned time
comninaiid. of thie defending force in
Aroguipa and timoroby greatly oxasper.
ated his troops , vlmo killed two of Imis
aides-do-camp. Montoro is supposed to
have gone toward Puno. A Ohiliami diii-
patch to Gon. Lincim says the troops
seized temi pieces of cannon amid have
taken possession of time railway amid tehe.
grah hues preparatory to sendimig an
eX1)CditiOmi t ( ) timntpinco.
Switched to limo Ditch.
Sr. Ar.nANS , Vt. , November 4.-A
traimi on time Mussiquol road was timrown
from the track by a immispiaced switch and
time eligine precipitated into time river.
'fimo engineer , Times. Flood , had both
legs broken and skull fractured. 'J'Imo
fireman , Fred. Ilnimver , weimt down with
time oiigiiio mmd was killed. No passoim-
gors injured. Ed. Ellis , brakonian , is
accused of turning and locking the switch
amid causing tim accident.
Edward Ellis , suspected of having
wrecked a traimi on time Missiquoi railroad
this morning , was arrested this afternoon.
lIe comifessed to using time switch early
this morning , but clainms lie left it all
right. Circunmstantial evidence is stm'omig
agaimmet ] iiin.
- -
Ifeavy VC1IiCt iigitimist Cli Icago.
CIucAoo , November 5.-Time suit
brought by the hicks of the Kerr estate
mmgnimmst time South Park commissioners to
recover time value of 111 acres of land in
time heart of one of time city parks , which
has been in time courts timirteemi years ,
was decided in the United States district
court to-day , time jury rommdenimig a verdict
for the hoira , fixing time value of time
property at $ :150,000 : at the time it was
takeim possession of , which with interest
amnoumita to over $600,000.
The heaviest rains kmmwzm in this sec.
tiomi for years foil to-day. At mnidimight.
it amounted to imeanly 3 inchies , Many
basements were flooded.
Salt. Lake Itenms.
SALT LARE , November 5.-Tnquiry at
time oflico of time Denver and fib Gramido
amid time Union Pacific elicited time state.
mcmii that the freight war will be adjusted
A shock of earthquake was felt at Cave
Creak , Utaim , yesterday. No damage.
Time orgnmiizatioxm of umiti-Mormon aocio-
ties lit time east is severely condemned by
time 1onimoim .
- _ _ pmos. _ _ _ _ _ -
Collupsu III t'zipcr.
1100K ISLANC , November 5-'himo ri-
Ian Paper company to.dmmy confessed
jimtlgmnont for $14,75U , in favor of time
Itoek Island national bank amid thiotj
made aim aasigmminormt.
_ _
- - -
Fatal Itccldermi.
Sr. JOhNS , N. F , , September 5.-itt
South Side , St. Johns harbor , thus morning -
ing , a coal shied fell , crusiming several
laborers. 'rivo were taken out dead.
Four others were dragged out seriously
wounded. It is feared otimers were bunied
in time coal heap.
Intcrosliii Lats1ics ! ConiD1c ! by the
SuIcaii : Qelleral of tue
Miiiy ,
The Comparative HoalthTulnoss of
Black and White Troopu1 and
Temperate Qualitiea ,
The Supreme Court on thoMoral
and Physical Aspoota f
Insane Suioid0.
I'tCVelttlOfl 01' I'onsion Swhultc-
Cotmmt t1ppoiimtmiiommta.
_ S
nonum ; CLAIMS.
WAsmImNnroN , November T.-Uptomm ,
Second Commmptz-ollor of the Currency , in
imis aummual report , suggests I1it time
statute of limitations cmi war clmummis be no-
Pealed. This , lie thmiimks , would dIce.
tively prohibit ammy claimmi agent or attor-
Hey from presenting cinimmis mis has heretofore -
fore been dommo , without ovoilan nttenmpt
to aseerhdmi whether meritorious.
Time issue of standard silver dollars for
time week ended November 8 was $31-
499 , against $1,033,000 the correspond-
big week last year.
J. C. Baimcroft Davis hums bo mu appointed -
pointed oflicial reporter of the Supreme
Court , vice Judge Otto , resigned.
The Supreimmo Cburt has decded that
self-killing of ami insane person tinder.
standing time physical nature and come-
quommccs of time act , but not mtsmnonnl :
aspect , is nt death by suicide wit.hiii the
inclining of time condition of a policy of
insurance upon his life that tu ! ijolicy
shall be void in case he die by suicide.
1mm time case of Ci. A. Arthur , collector ,
vs. llommry Pastor , reiatimmg to the proper
duty on washed wool. imported iii
1875. Time collector , in accordance with
his instructiomms and time revised statutes ,
exacted a duty as follows : On 1,294
pounds at 20 cents per pound , 658 ; at
22c , $357 ; total , $1,015. Tim immmporter's
calculatiomm was 3,394 pounds at 2Qo per
pound , $658 ; on 813 unwashed , value
22 per cent , $ ; , $836. ThI court
holds that time importer's mmnderst.l.nding
of thme law is correct amid that tiip ccl-
lector erred in apparently assumig the
same number of poumids of umimsimcd
wool would bo worth as inchi as 'washed
wool. Time provision of the , old tanil to
which tire construotloim is given In lmo
above case remains unchanged p time
now tariff , so the decision has a
and prospective , as well as retrospo4ivo
offecL ft
The annual report of the surgcoqgon.
oral of tlmo army shows 3,790 whtoUs
wore on time sickliat. duringthe , iilf"amd
IigjQtaL numb fdj'f'j'J. !
cause2l4 1fpor 1,000 mean stroiiim.
Among . . , tiie colored trooa there were
4,689 cases of hi kinds and 2G deaths ,
or 11 per 1,000 meamm strength. Time cal.
ored troops make a particu1nry ; favorable
showing in the ammmnli numberof admissions -
sions to the hospital for aichohiarn , time
rate being 4 per 1,000 against 76 per
1,000 among time whites. It is recoin-
mended that a thorough revaccination of
every individual of time military estab.
lusimmnent , which hmqs been so eminently
protective in the German army , be rigid.
ly enforced in our own.
Total number of oflicial doimmands upon
time record amid pemmsion division for imifor-
mnation for causes of deaths amid. hospital
records of soldiers , 119,580 ; ami increase
of 57,950 over the previous year.
Time Postmaster General has dismissed.
from the service Postoflico Inspector
Amos 1. Fostr , for remiderimig thmo _ do-
panimmiomit false and fictitious accoumits.
He was statioimed. at Austin , Texas , amid rommdening accoummus for per diem
mYSTEItBUS ) flhlOOTiNJ. (
Toi.nno , Ohio , November 5.-A young
maim imanmod Joseph Comnmmmeumziumg , cia-
P10Y0d. in time clothing house of 0. 11.
Mailoy & Co. , was suet amid killed last
night in time city suburbs by an unkimowim
party. Time allixir in involved iii rays-
tory. Time shot was heard and the man
whmo fired it was seen leaving time spot by
two womeim , but as yet lie has imot been
F1tAUBUI.iN hIIA'T $ .
iw YJIK , Novemumber 5.-A draft
Plmrponting to be drawn bythoMaumimattarm
National bank , of Evamiavilie , had. , upoum
time Leather Manufacturers' batik , of this
city , for $4,552 , was prosemitod to time
payimmg teller of time Leather baimk for collection -
loction Saturday. I'aymnomit was refused ,
as time Evamisvil1 hanli had givemm uiotico
that fraudimlont drafts lund been mmego.
tinted in and around St. Louis. It is
believed that a considerable anmouuit of
this fraudulent paper has beeim put on the
market. by St. Louis mimeum.
PIINCET0N , Wia. , November 5.-Mrs.
Ellen Long , a widow , amid L. S. Whmitte.
nmore , father of time boy found iii time
river with his throat cut , lowe boon an.
rested for murder. Detectives vhuo took
time case had timoir suspicions turned to
Mrs. Long because of rumors that simo
dice attempted. to P01501m Wimittoinoro's
wife and failed. Searciiin ' her imouso
they found bloody clothes wimicim alma imad
beomm wearing up to the mimurder aummi a
butcher knife and two razors staiumed with
blood. Iii time well on her lireumusos was
foummd a club with blood marks. Time 1
neighbors say a criminal intimacy oxiated I
betsveorm time widow ammdVhmitteunore i
amid that it. vna known to his elevciu.year. I
ol1 soim , who was prbumbly thus disposed
of to ate1i time scandal. 'lime boy vums
missing teum ilays. but time father mumade I
little effort to fluid hmini ,
SAN FitANwaco , Noveuumber 1i.-Judgo
Fimmmi , , at ; time iequiest of Senumlor
Simaroum , orlerod l'disa lull to furnish
uhmotographmio copies of time alleged umar-
riago comitract , to nflbrd aim opportunity
of testiumg their gonuinouleas.
A OOY muummmmsit. :
ToLuaio , November 5-l'utor Merimert ,
17 years of au , is under arrest , charged i
' S
with simooting young Coiimrnommziimg , whose
mysterious killing occurred last evening.
Monutert proves to be tim person 'wimo wa
soemi to heave the spot. after thmo pistol hmot
was imoard. lie claims Comnimienzlmig borrowed -
rowed the 1tstt'l ' of himmi and shot Imiutisolf.
Menment. was lucid to muvait time result of
time coroner's itmqticst.
iiE.tlbc 001) 5Th ii'a.
Dr..timwooii , November . - Cimns.Vil. .
SOii iiumot amid killed Kitty Clyde , an no.
tress at time Coin theater , this evening ,
amiti then aimot himself through the head.
Ho will robably die. Jealousy.
Noha ystrtmm was killed In time Romeo.
stake mine by time falling of rocks this
Sioux Cin , Ia. , Novembot 5.-Time
Journal's MitclmollDak. ) special says time
dead body of a miian minted W. A. Sooly
a haunt buyer from Miclmlgamm , was found
muear Mitchell. lie had over $700 nit his
Persomi. Ho 115(1 boon drinking imonvily
and imad a revolver In hmis hammd.
ioim . ( rrL't ) CAItrENTER.
ChlicAco , Neveniber 5.A Daily News
Liumcolui ( ills. ) special says : At 10 ( u'dlock
to-night it is reported that , u imiob was
organized for time uurrose of lyumching
Orrin A. Carpenter , in jail cmi dlmargo of
time murder of era Burns. A military
comnpamiy huts boon ordered to time jail to
protect hint.
BUIOflTOX imhAChI n.kcKs.
Bniumtvo BIAcn , October 5.-Three-
fourth mniloKato Dowes tcomm , Pashma see-
omid Dick third ; timmie 1:20. :
Three-fourth miloTroasuror
ation second , Alienoko third ; tiumme I :18k. :
Mile , Little Buttercup 'you , Dizzy
Blonde second , Baby timirti ; limo 1:44. :
Mile amid. a funlomug , Brunswick won ,
Jo0 second , Elenpital third ; time 1:57. :
Mile and a furlong , Arsenic womiForg
Kyle second. Harvey Mann third ; time
1:59. :
Glass Blowers' Strike.
PirvsmiuimaNovomber 5.-Tiie wiumdow
glass manufacturers of Bollefomtte to-day
notified. time Pittsburg imrnnufacturens that
they could not fill an order for glass , as
timemr macmm threaten to strike if ammy more
ahipmmients arc made. This is duo to nit
order from time imoadquartens of tIme work.
uiiemm. Time bottle glass blowers have issued -
sued a circular to druggists and patemit
muedicimmo dealers threatening to Boycott
theni if they bimy bottles made by non-
unioui work.
- -
Time Canipaign In Massacimimsotte.
Nzw YORK , November 5.-E. B. Has-
hell , editor of Time Boston Herald , writes
Time Mail und Express of this city timat
General Butler will bo defeated. by front
100 ® to 25,000 votes. Win. Croasdalo ,
editor of The Day , says : "Timero is not
any doubt of tht0 election of Democratic
State officers , amid of limo Legislature being -
ing Democratic en joint ballot. Time
State Senate , however , will be very close
as it happens a majority of the holding.
over Senators are Republicans.
Furnaces fumed ,
CHICAGo , November 5.-The Daily
News LoSahle ( Ill. ) ootal saya Twoof
t1mthree furuacea of the Destigor 'glna
000 ; insurance , ' $ ZflOO. Ono hun'drod
mmd fifty wqrkmon are thrown out.
-S _ S
Covering theCohom Line.
LITTLB Roex , Novonmber 5.-Rev. J.
G , I'oliand , until a few weeks ainco presiding -
siding elder of time M. E. Ciumrcim Nortim
in Arkansas , created a sensation to-day
by marrying a colored irl mmanmed Eliza
Millaimoy. Ho was divorced fromiu imis
second wife a montim ago.
PATEJISON , N. 3. , Novomuiber 5.-Wil.
ham Swinbourne , time pioneer locomotive
bmuilder , is dead ; age 78.
To Omgaumizo luuto Slate , County , null
'Ioyu4shmlI ) l'dhft Icuil Clmbs. ,
ChicAno , Noveutiber 7 , 1883.
115 Dearborn Street , Iloouui 9 J
Comnmamdes of time Wc.t :
Nearly a score of years has
we imul aside time garb of limo soldier , amid
ausunmed Unit of the citizen , and , althmougim
OUt' mmmnbcrs have largely decreased , it is
felt timid. there aumouhci be no funtimor ( lelay
iii a thmonough orgaumizimtion of I mmiomm ret-
crans for political unoses. Our arimmy
life gave upa taste for thu tuxcitemumeumt of
an active comitest , amid ti'o hmavo felt it our
duty to preserve by time ballot that which
was woim by time bayonet.
As umoxi year time juresidontial and oilier
national imuid inmport.ant State ciections
take place , it is tiuoughmt now is time time
to effect a timorougim orgaumization of vet-
ornuis whicim shall exert aim infimucumee in
assisting to secure a it'use , lmmmest , ticu
nomnical goverrmuumoimt arid time election of
othicials of iumtegrity amid ability , who
seek emily time beat interests of our coum-
try. As all orgammizatiomus must eummnnate
fromum one centre , I have beoum counamis-
siommed by the Chicago Union Veteran
club to eircct an organizmmtion in every
county in time State , or until mmcii time as
tiiero are sulhicient couimties organized to
sanction' a State Veteran association.
Time design is , to have time organizations
aim universal , as siumuplo amid ecoimomnica ! as
possmbhe. lii order to secure a roster
of every union veteramm iii each town.
ship , wimicim taken together will form
time county club or orgauuiza.
lion , a recruiting ouilcor will be
commumussiommed for each township upon no-
coipt of request. for such appoimmtiuieumt ,
signed by at least five veterans , residents
of time tOWImShiip , amid upomi time approval
of time recruiting oflicer for time commmmty ,
provideti auucim otlicor luau beemi appoiumied.
Upon the request of at least ten union
veterans , a recruiting oflicor for time
touzimty 'mviii ho coummnuissiommed , or for mm
ortaiim divisiomm of time couu.ty , simomuld it
be deemed mulvisoblo to form two or
rumoru clubs ii , time couumty , said m'ecruiting
illcor to reside at 50100 ceumtnuml voiuuL of
imo county or tilvision of said county.
i'luo recruiting o1licui' trill be furnished
ivitim enrollmncimt blammks for time sigimature ,
residence , coempammy and roginmuumi , amid
rank in sumac at ditto of discharge , of mmii
v'etenmmmus in tIme towmmsumip amid county ;
misc , saumplo CJly of commatitutioum mmd iy.
aws , instructions for orgammizalioum , etc.
aid emmrolhuneumt blanks to read. as fol-
" 1'ho undersigned , oxsohliers amid sail.
rs tvhmmi were imomiorably discimargemi frommi
imc service ( if limo IJzmit.ed States of Annim' .
c , amid who served under time uniomm flag
luring time hate war of time robehhiomi ,
would umost respectfully ask that a cumin.
ten be granted for limo ostabhisimnient of a
climb at "
- - .
"Objects : First , limo uphmoldhmig of time
imnimiciples of the Republican party , based
upon a paramount respect for , and fidel.
my to , time national Conatitutiomi of Iftuve ,
reserving time right , however , to act imle-
pondontly In nil cases whore time interests
of thmo union veteran soldiers are involved :
Secondly , tire procuring of employment
for deaorvlimg and unemployed. union vet.
era soldiers. Timird , the cultivation and
atrcngtimemt1n of the social ties hIchm had
their beginning iii the common privations
of the camp , the bttlofioid and i.imo run.
son pen. "
As soon as the enrollment Is complete
for time township and county , a proBmi.
umnry cimartor will bo grammtcl and. the climb
organized by the aolectlon of proper olui.
cons- Time orgahization will be different
from alt otimer organIzations of Union
Veterans , as it in ptimarily for political
purposes. As time expense 'will not exceed
twoimty-five cents to one cloliar a is
itltOliIed , amid cannot fail , to reach time
masses. All forum amid cerenmony will ho
avoideclas time climbs willumold opeumptubbe
mnOotiL'cs for addresses upomi amid discus-
sbus opolitical questions , mind to organ.
iir.o forwork prior to time political cain-
1)aigui. One primmmary advantage will be timat
mm conmpleto roster emma and should bo se-
cured. of all time tuition veterans in eachm
towmmshuip amid coun'.y. This ivill ommablo
tim officers of time clubs amid oilier
lit Uhitumagers to conimmiunicate with
every resident imumiomi veteran , ci'emt in
sparsely settled districts , also let time
comrades know if their neighbors are
also comrades mmd iii ease of time death
of ammy comnado , to pay appropriate no-
sheet at time burial service of time do.
ceased. Even should any of time coin-
ratios bo identified with oilier political
parties , timoro ouglmt to bo no opposition
on timoir part to such aim organizatiomu , as
it is distinctly understood. that time or-
ganizatiomm reserves time right to act in-
dependentlytimi all cases wher time in-
tereats o the union veteran soldiers arc
zmioyod. ]
As a , Sthto a asociatiomi will be formed
as sooum mmii smutilcient counties are orgami-
izod to form a mmucheus for stick an associ-
atiqu , and if any county is to orgamlize ,
it is always desirable to ho one of the
cimarter members of a worthy organiza.
tion ; timoso counties whm'moh intend to
orgammize should do so at once.
ltcqimests for commiasiomma an recruitiimg
officers as above simould. be addressed to
the tmumdersigned , nooni 9 , 115 Dearborn
street , Clmicago.
I imavo time honor to be , comrades ,
Very respectfully , your macnit obedient
servant , II. S. VAIL ,
Chief Organizing amid Mustering Officer ,
Olmicago ! .Iimion Veteran Climb.
&Guest 7alkctl Otl'by aPolicenman-
Disunity of' time Dancers.
N. V. .Tournal.
"A 'wedding is 'a licensed ubjeot to
joke upon ; " says Charles Dickens in his
"Pickwiok Papers , " and time remaxk of
the ronowmmod novelist. found iflustration
dutinga festive gathering . in Madison
street. . A feeder , employed in print-
ingostabishmont onFulton Bttet aLd
courtto afain young aimsp girl of the
She eir4.hmaLcnt1v.iz
witii favorand about'a'wcek ago ho4n'o.
) OeOd ummrriago and was accepted.
ho would-be bridegroom , whose
name .ua Kelly , immediately imp-
plied for a license and the wedding of time
young couple took place in the parsonage of
St. Jammies church on Oliver street. A
reception was timon proposed , but the
young couple being too impecunious to
imire a hall for the sceasion , applied. to
the proprietor of time shop in which the
grooumm trims ncoustomedto get shaved for
time use of his apartumonta. Time barber ,
olin Mr. A. Gross , of No. 12th Madison
street , commacrmled , and , in a few moments
time shaving chairs , wimich were located. in
time front basement , were placed in a
rear nocum and time fun bcgamm. To time
niusic of a somnwhmnt dilapidated fiddle ,
about twenty-fIve couples danced away
to time dizzy uumazes of wmo of Strauss's
ianguisimiumg waltzes , and all was oiImg on
as "merry as a ummuirriago bell , ' whmun a
poiicemnaui nppoarcl upon time scone.
lie ' 'wammteml" a young mimitmi mmammmed 'ilimr-
lilly , mm 1)050mm ) friend. of time groom , amid
time festivities at omice cammmu to ii stand.
' 'It's a 1111t-1m1) job , " rcmnarked mume of
time ' 'antI bet ' '
guests , you 'lurphi' will
5mOim be back agumui. lie's up charged
with 'slumggimmg' a mini os'or omm ] hirnmuiumg-
ham street , tumid lie ( lid it in self-do.
l'mleamiwhuilc ' it was ' 'ott with thmodamice , "
but time spirits of time crowd umeemned. to
imavo vumnisied whim time departure of time
Only for a time , however. in less
than imaif nui hour , Mr. Mumrpimy , ivimo
lund bewm released by Sorgcammt ( ) rowloy ,
of time Sovczmtim J'rociimct station , returned.
'l'ime dance Btopjed for mmmi instamit , imaumd.
ehmalcimmg nud coumgratuiatiomms bccmmmne general -
oral , amid time ( mmmi in time barber-shop con-
timmuod uumtil it was thee for time shavers
i.e hmono up for time conmimug day's worm.
Time affiuir created mimmgied mnurnimnommi
ummud exciteuueimt iii time micigimborimood of
time interrupted festivities ,
Why time Wedding Was Oti
] iostomm Gazette.
Fragunemmta ot a dialogue heard between
two languid swells ma Boyhston street :
"Foliaim told mao yomm were engaged. "
' 'Ymumsi" ' 'Jolly girl ? " "Awful ! " "So
" " " "Married " "
glad. "Yanal" soouil" "No ;
it,8 offnow. " "lucas mnof don't say so. "
"Yaaa. hoard the faumily ate benmm.
COUilti't stand timat. " "l'oo bad ! "
"Ynims ! "
- -
floe. not get wcii of ltemr ; it reqidres caretuh. rem' .
Istent attention sail a remedy that will aMML natun ,
, throw ult * 140 C(11M0 and tuna up thu digestive
( im'gans till they m'ertonn their dutte , vtiUlmgmn , Mr * .
o Amherst. N. 11. , elmer trying mnauy
"surocurts" without bimeflt , fowiC that
.T4o 0(1'S S"avsapa'iZla
lltthe anti on the lteat nnci rcsthre4 hem' to iiealtb.
Among the agonle. cxm'eriencC4 by the dypepUc , are
llstres. i'eoreor after onUtcioss of apetlte , fringe.
family of the boweL , . IuC or gas nuC nln in the
stujimli , ieart-tura , sour tomacIm , .tn , causing
mac.ini depression , neinou. irnitablitty umml sicerles.-
tics. . If you imie discouraged lie of geed clieerand try
IlooC's SarMl'artUa. it baa cured J.undredsit will
curs you If non give It a fair chance.
ahissui. C. I. hone .t Co.
( ieullmc'lueu-l was ier115de4 ) to try hood' . Rarsa.
rarilia to : iiiy wifi. bo ha' . been tioubied whOm in-
.Un.uluj . , alit ! .leblllty for bevend years. iIcj i&a.I
i(4.Ily rcn'lsre4 . S S
' Iiereeble. Before shi Iad
laktn the tlrt I.iomulo her liCaltil coiuieIeeg to I.ui.
From t' . She I. Iow taming ulie fourth Jotmle , aisi ncr
L'aitli ins , teaimu1 untm 1IuI'roYtt ' , silo
1 tlnOy 1 * uls , . ' hoOd's .aruipaiuIzs is Plltmtlcm tO ( lId
, rt'tlim. ( lEo. iV.ilO'lWOIlTiiAmuheret , i.iJ.
I'rerarct by 0. 1 , itO/i ) .1 00. , i.oweU , zi. l'ntcw
i.U.sit lot 5.tu , bc ( by Pruggisu , . . . . . - . -
S -I
Lomb L8llc afe1y at Liyepeol
nil Arcssc by the
The French Laviulily Decorate
the Odnquored King of
Annam , I
Anti Send Ommt. Adillthimnh Troops (0
l'crlbrato time Black Flags ,
Loxno , November 4.-The fine a
time saw mills of Lines Bros. , Haggora.
town district , whicim began Saturday
morning , is now comiflmiod. to the lunmbee
Piles before reported bimrnimmg. The hose
will not exceed 80,000.
LOutNu A'1 imoima.
Livimroot , November 5.-Time Mar
( kills of Lorno and l'rincess Louise an-
nived and Were imeartily cheered.
as they drove to time towmi hail whore
time corporation presented an address slut
pmvo ft lmmmichooim. Time iarquis , reply-
mug to time address warmly extolled time
doniimmiomi of Canaa and. time people. lit ,
said lie hind experibmicod great pleasure in
the friendly relations immamntaimmed by Cami. .
ada witim the United States and trusted
the friommdship now existing would. ever
Tile rnr.wmt i TONQUI2.
PARIS , November 5.-The Fi'emich
forces imavo occupied Nonanggon and.
Ninhbinhm. French rn snongors loft
Naigan for Hue with presents amid dcc-
omatmona of honor for tIme Kim , at Annamn.
Time transport Tonquin , with French
troops , left Singapore on time 10th nIt.
to reinforce time army at Haiphomig.
Baumnnn , November 5.-A summary
oxammipie will be made of the loaders of
time revolt at Cruaroka. 'Vho pt'esidcnt
of the civil tribunal atNiscit'will preside
over the common udgos accompanyilig
time mnilit.ary expedition , which has boon
sent to suppress the disorder.
Li vmtroor. , November 5.-Chief Jima-
tico Coleridge returned today fm-cm the
United States. Ho expressed hmimsoli
much satisfied with his trip.
t'iiimOWlNa ilOiIllmS.
LYoNS , Nqvembor 5.-The nmnarchiista
exploded an infernal mmtemmne in froiitof
the mansion of a. wealthy merchant. .
Immense dmumiago was 'done time buiidhig
' 'S
No one was Jturt
PAUl mNovembor 5.-The day nft'er
the .theoing of the Chamber of Dop9tiemm ,
it issaid , orders wore sent to Admnirai
OobOt topuh ; perationa In Tonquinto:4
! tai theChImiio government shotho ' _ _ _ _ _
c unseit ; intend-tq iuauo , so Fr.nce can
, take doflnitoacti n. . ; 5 , ,
.t i Vtc'ONOO : ) UVEU. : ' ' .
tii6 Powers insisting uponits rights over
the Lower Congo niversAfnica , and averring - s
ring it has no desire to intoicro with 'the
navigation of the stream. t .
1 ,
ALEXANDRIA , November. . ' 5.-Timoro
were five deaths from cholera Sunday.
BELWAIIE , November 5.-Four thous.
ammd troops arrived at lt'rna Peka to suppress - '
press disorders. Fifteen hundred rebels ,
armmied whim rifles are occupying a strong
LoNDoN , Novcmnberfl.-MarquisTseng ,
Chinese emnbaasador , hums a telegram fr.smmt
Tsong Gammuen expressing his astonisim-
nmont at the Chinese government at the
stnteiiient in a dispatch from Tnicon to
Prime Minister Ferry timat Li Hung
Chiming did not ngrce vithm time course of
farqtuus 'l'aemmg in time Toimpmin matter.
liotim time government of China amid Li
Hung Cimammg deny having expressed time
desire that Trican simoimltl remain in
China as Freimch agent and testify their
unqualhified approval of time mnnnnor iii
wimich Mttrquis Tsouig carried out ida in- '
atructiomis on the Tommquimi question.
A MEhmL4.NTILfl cONamtEss.
MAIlnu ) , November -Time Mercantile -
tile , C'olomiial and ( Joograpimical congress
oegaui session. It will discuss time coma-
imiercimil interests of Spainm and time nccea- .
sity of erecting factories and opening free
p058 itt Spammisim colomijea. .
Jn'Amns : IN SEIti'IA.
Buauit.&nz November 4.-Troops sent
to supircss disoriers mimimong time peasants
of Cnimna Iteka comprise six battalions ,
two squadrons and five batteries. A.
commmmmIission of jmmdges accompany the
troops. A peaceful arramugement of the
troubles will first be attempted. Ukases
inive been iniblisimed withdrawing time
liberty of time press , the nigimt of associa-
lion and freedom of speech. Nothing
trill be allowed to be printed imi Servia
witimoEt time sanctiomm of time police.
MELtIUltNENOVOmflber 4.-The Govor
norofVictorin , iii prorogulngparhiamcimt ,
said time importance of limo question of
atmnexation of New Guinea to Australia
was imitemisitied by France's proposal to
deport to New Guinea the worst of her
cnimmminaia. lie declared it vitally important -
portant to the Australian colommios that
time island of time Western Pacific aimouhi
miot ; become time possession of a foreign
vot'ur amid such a sink of pollution as
Fruitce contemimplated action would make
New Guinea , should not be permitted to
exist at time imortalsof Southern Bnitaimi.
Aimotimor Arctic Capture.
Ili i.i'o , Noveumbor 5.-Time whaling
bark Louise was lost emi time 22d in time
Arctic ocean by atickmmig in time ice. Si
mmmdii perished. The captain and crow .
arrived at 5mm Francisco yesterday iii the
bank Francis l'ahmnor.
Extm'cmeTirctl FcoiItmg. , ti
, A lady tells u "tue first bottle in
done immy dniugimter a great deal of good , '
lien food does imot distress her miow , nor
does sue suffer ( vomit that extreme tired. _ _ _
feeliim avhmicim sime did before takimig
hood if Sarsaparmllt. " A aecomul bottle _ _ _
effected a cure. No oIlmen ProparatIoi
contaimus such a concemitmrmtion of vitalizing ,
ommriehihmg , pum'ifyiimg and invigorating ( i
lilopenties as hood's Santmapanilla. '
. _ -