Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1883, Image 1

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" .i _ . , BEE.
I"\ - ' , . , , . . .
Tiic Ianill1aholls of thu Bulls all
Bears 1Ii Fast ¶ cek
, Scveral Su000BBfuI Oorners Eu-
: gineored to tho'Dotrimont of
tIe Market ,
The RaiIroLd Kings Watching
e foran Upar& Turn to Dump
Their Loads ,
The Irnnorzdtwtl Condtkrn ot the
Northern Pacific ThlrctLenM to
Disrupt the Conquny.
Sj'cii1 DIsr to TIlE BP.X.
Nw ; Yoiu , November . -Followng !
L tigioo' financifti review in The Sun
hi morning : Stock spccu1ator began
. to pay Iaa week the penalty which i8
* ' ' alwny8 attached to forced nianpu1ation.
. . 'r niarkot roquirea a certain anoun
I of artifica1 handling , just a every gar-
( itMi requires it , but it is equally wrong to
, UM force in olihor case. The fruits pro-
: cluced in both might bo attractive to the
- eyu , but not to thotaste , and onyvcry ig-
noruutpeoplowillcaro totaatothern. Tim
, $ . ifl1)UttOflt attempt of a fortnight ago to
. , force UI ) the Irice of Jorz y Central ,
; Michigan Central , and 'Northern Pacific
prerorred , looked at fi.-st very bril-
I . liatit ; in itaresu1t , bu a fe days were
. - iuflicient to ahow that nobody wanted to
. , . , tuto tim forced exotics. The transactions -
tions in these atocka have aizico
tnd the men who engineered these cor
.5 . ' aers have no otior satisfaction than that
of having &queeed a million or two out
of the shorts , and. of having accumulated
, in their tin boxes and 1)anka more
tock than t1&ey will ever be able
t4) Bell out at a loss twice as large again.
- A glance at the daily reports of the
transactiona in these stocks during last
week shows how determined the pecula.
tivo community IN to give them a wide
ICrth. Such a result in only natural.
Thu investora ( if there are any ) keep
away froni these atoks becauo they see
i that they are advancing and declining ,
iiot upon their merita , but under the
' pressure of artificial iuiluences , while the
professional ap'eculators d.cliiie to have
anything to do with them because they
- have the whole iLit to wor with-
. 9ut taking any xtra risks of squeezes
ind shakeouts.TIie coriiers in these
i . I etocks have roducd them to the position
, of the Ilanniabal& St. Joe securities , in
'which , since the famous corner , there is
' I. hardly a transaction a week.
t . however , has hAd. the effect of aliowinj
. I the full oi'tent of the short interest arid
434 . . , Qi Lhtddar
p : - iito' bulls. Promrneut nngthoseja
atid to'be J. It. Keone. But a fowweek
ago iie wastalking aa if he could not see
a bottoiti to tlio market. To-day lie is a
\ . rnnn bull. He does not pretend to
, N , nay that the general situation of either
f * . ' tim railroad or stocki business has im-
& i\ 1)rOVCd , but ho considers the mar.
. kL so heavily o rs ldthat much higher
I : ' Ir1COS for 8tockr are inevitable. Mr.
c Xeeno is a very agile manipulator , and
& few inca in 'Wall Strqot are able to jump
p -in and out as quickly as he does ; But
the inconvenience of taking the bull side
, of the market now , oven for.a momentary
; turn , ia that MrYandcrbilt.Mr. Villard ,
Mr. ( ould and all the Inca who are
loaded with stocks watch the market as a
L cat does a mouse , and jump on it to
fl 3o11 the moment they see the slightest
' ehanee to do o. 1hws , a man might
q ) in merely for a quick turn and
? thid himself s heavily loaded as to be
, : unible to turn at all. The danger bore is ,
in prqportion , na great to the man who
handles but a few hundred shares as it
J is to the man who handles thousands.
No matter what , may be the immediate
1 course of the market , there can be no
' I question that the center of interest will
bo in tim Villard stocks. Many uncoizi-
pliinontary things are said about these
scuritiea , but , as usual , some of
th' mmt important arc overlooked
- by the majority of people. After the
cole&sal junketing expedition , which
must have cost the Northern Pacific a
pretty penny , Wall street was not nunat-
7.irally surprised to find that retrenchment
'was the order of the day. Vice Presi.
dent Oakes has gone out into the sno
west to reduce expense , at least such is
the ostensible reason of his departure ,
though some unkind people are hinting
rhat he i8 keeping out of the way of a
. .JI ! . . ubpona. Accndiag to a western journal -
, nal this oconamical movement has already
BI'.D , VFE (
and several accidents have occurred on
the road , owing to the reduction in
ieflicicncy of the switchmen. Tiia there
s something in'th o reports is proved
by the caustic letter written by General
Haupt , who han been general nianiger of
] te road since 1881 , and who has just ro-
\ iiignod his office rather than. hold it and
) o unable to perform his duties efficiently.
Probably the president of a railroad
never received a more scathing rebuke
1t9IIi lu $ subordinates than is coil-
. . tainod in General ITaupt's letter when
ie says : "i : have received from you in.
iitruction.s to curtail expenses in every
department , to .diBcontiltuo the work in
progress , and to discharge employos who
bavoaorved the company efhiciently. The
- restrictions that have boon placed upon
ts general manager are of such a nature
that I cannot sea how it is possible to con.
tinue in management , and secure resultn
that will beat the same time creditable to
myself and satisfactory to the stock.
Ji'4ders. " When a man gives up a lucra-
41 tWo and important office for sUch reasons
as those , it is evident that things must ho
in a very bad way indeed.
oR 13 TilLS ALL.
Wall street has beeii expecting for
some time a statoinent of the fiuiancial
hOttiOn of the Oregon Transcontinental
cinnpany. The date of its isuo has boon
poatponod from day to day aiid it is now
whispered that several of the hroininent
bankers interested in that company have
refused to sIgn or in any way to endorse
i- .
the statement. ' connection with
the concern was Iegarded by the public
at. litrgti ha of much more un.
lcrtanco than the oxparto reports of the
officers of the road , 8)1(1 ) it l How
that the coiniany does not dare to pub.
lishi the StatOttleilt. WithoUt the endorso.
inent of Mr. Belmont , Drexel &
Morgan , RIII1 ether well known mon atip.
p05011 to ho interested in the afflurs of
the coinany. The recent decline in the
'Villard stocks has directed public atten.
thou to oiio point which ought to be von.
tilated thoroughly , Is the president of a
company R1)1oifltCd , as a trustee of the
atockholdors , or as thto speculative nomi-
flee of a fov Wall street operatoral Of
course every one knows that a man like
Mr. ittissehl Sage becomes a director in
a railroad cotnpzuiy or a bank
merely to have his information
5)1 months ahead of every vne else ,
RflI to be able to ninke out Ins puts and
calls accordingly. But it seems as if the
president of a railroiul1 at all evcut , if
not thu directors , should have other aims
than personal notoriety or gain.
Tue livery stable of mineR OCimnelh , at
i.ogansport , Intl. , burnett Saturday , ilxteen
horses were coiismned.
Atliniral Courbot lta' assumed conunand of
the French forces at. IlallIl and will attack
Baciinl'SvlLhi , 3,000 and W giiii.
An order is PubflshLOll annolinchlig the
( loillhtIlcil goveninont will pay a bounty on
fig Iron manufactured from Canadian ore.
Frank Chickoring lumber ( healer , Gratid
llaiiida and Fire Lake , ha. assigned. lAa.
bhhith s $100,000 ; Ahiets vary itearly as much.
I'rivato advicca state the Canadian wreck-
lug Htealner Conqueror , while attointhiig the
recovery of the roe1ior Oneida tnick the
Saab rock as the oneida and aho stink.
Six bench varrants have been hnued In
'cw York city for the arrest of jrson ac.
eused of connection with frauth in the water
bureau. Daiid .E. a\Iku , out cii bail ,
Twenty-one hungarIan railroad laboror. ,
arrc1teI at tflbraltar , l'a. , for Hating and in.
timidatiug other workincti and detroving
ProIerty , have been sent to jail at JeatIiug.
At the election of tfhiecri of the National
\Voiiieu' ChristIan Temperance union a 1)o
troit Saturday , Miss } 'mnci E. W ihlard was
unanimously roelectcd president , tiiiitl the
greatest enthusiaMin.
Ehlery II. Andrcws , clerk of the North.
western National bank , of Chicago , who coIl
fessed three days ago to embezzlement of
$ U,400 , pleaded guilty and was sentenced to
thrco years in the penitentIary.
A dpatclt from Fort Buforti , 1)akota , .ays
thu camp of the Cree hialf.brcotla is creatlnc
trouble inVhit.o Earth , f'O inlhrs north of Bti.
toni. Many ranches have boci , plundered ,
and a nuniborof cattle driven otT and killed.
The Ottawa Council has passed a bill ad.
iiiitting swine in bond into Canada at all
tarohiousiiig vorL for slaughter anl export ,
iitoatl as how on the western frontier at the
pottS f Saruhi , Windsor and Ainhierstburg.
The Clyde , (0. ( , ) bank stipended 1a3lnent
Frilay The cashier , 1' . 'tsr Parklaurst , loft
Wednesday night , and has not returned. De.
jiosits amount to 6OOOO or 7OOOO. It Is
upposetl this cau be made by the remaining
Partiicr. .
A Canadian Pacilic freight trahis of 8 cars ,
coming east over the l'ort Arthur branch ,
broke down a heavy trestle work at Hawk
Lake Friday , and precipitated the entire
train , with the exception of the engine , Into
, tlie iiiiiuengo gorge beneath. No lives were
Judge Hawes , In the Ciri'it court of C1i1
engo , sentenced a man 7tiiPruiau to ir
o'tlu'in tbr co'nymif d.cWpttii ;
a ) trotIirthio 1nteret of tkeorth.
western railroad , sthick was being sued for
ierionl damages.
The Lord Mayor of Dublin returned frOm
Londouderry } 'rida ovonlng. Ho was ro-
calved with great enthusiasm. A processIn
with bands of musIc and torches escorted lIiti
from the statioiz to ] Is residence , where Mr.
Sexton aldrcssoti the multitude and de.
nounced the trezitirtont of the Lord Mayor In
A verdict was rendered In the Mooney moe- ,
( icr CaSO. at .Tolllot , 1ll. at 2 o'clock Saturday
afternoon , the jury finding Mooney guilty-of
lnurler in the first degree , and aflixing the
death penalty. Mooney Is a convict Wilt ) mur
dered his mate , Anderson , wiLls a knife while
they were in a cell alone at night.
Adispatch froiii Chicago says Gre. 'IV. ' ills.
tine , who was tendered the Isositiou of coni.
misdoner of the Transcontinental associatIon ,
dochitied the office , owing to the desire of the
iiianagers of the railroads Interested to make
a , , iminothate decision. The managers thou
1)roccedel ) to ballot on ether candiditte.
Arthur 11. Johnson , a lawyer and call
known politIcian. vas found dead in his ollico
in Utica , Now York , with , a piLoI ball in his
Irenst. Ito was an undo of , Tohnson L.
richi , shot by lowell iii Batavia , Tuesday
iilght. 'rhtey occupied the sanie office. Toitii.
HUh prolably coiiiirittetl ; stilcitlo under dopte. .
slut caused by the shooting of Lynch.
Veterans of the Seventh , Illinois infantry
havoperfectod nrr&tieineiata for : , oldin a re-
and banquet In Springfield on the iith ( of
Pebruary next , being the 22zul anniversary of
the capture of Fort Lonaki5on. This was one
of the flrstroghiiients orgaiilzetl , and the meni
bors are now much scattered. Any desired
Inforinatioti will be flirnlshel by aptnln J.
11. Jhoberts , of Springfield.
The cattle sales at lCnnaas City Saturday
waco of Gaflownys. l'ricos Were fair. though
not equal to yesterday.- From VT. I I. Coch.
cane , Canada , fifteen heifer Ironght r,2tO ,
average , 833 ; hIghest , $ . ' 3 ! . Eighteen buliK ,
5 Odi ! ; average , s'J8l. E. F. . and Jj.Loonard ,
Missouri , sold thdrty , slx hollers for 4l2POO , ;
average , and eight bulls , 37O , avcrage ,
4tid ; highest lirice , 871t.
The Chicago .Tonriial's LInen ! , , , Ill. , special
says the first stops in the iirollinlnary hearing
of Orriii .A. Carpenter , charged with the niur.
dcc of Zora Utiriis , were taken this iztornlng
by the attorney for the defeaso , who tiled an
affidavIt for change of venue before Tustlce
Jtaiidolpb , who sent It to Justice Maitby.
The hearing of testimony Is IotPonCd till
to.i1iy. A great crowd was in atteniInce
and there was considerable excitement but no
IndicatIons of mob violence.
By directions of the cIty council of Slou.
Ytdls , 1)akota , telephone P0l04 and wires on
the principal streets were cut abe 3 Sat-
unlay by the polIcemen. An order for re.
inoval of the i'oles to the alleys had been dis.
rcgaedod by the company. The plant is this
property of the Jrle l'ehegraph and Telephone
collipany' . which recently vnrchased It froni
the Southeastern Dakota company. The exchange -
change bad about 150 h'atrors. Similar notIce
hind boon served at the same tIme on the West.
era Uniozi and dIsregarded , but It. lines wore
hot Interfered wIth.
lionI7 Longstrcet arid Gordon Ostranderi
two young men , were arrested In Chicago
charged with a sortes of robberies from this
Unltotl States Ex1rosa coinhiany. The latter
viu4 in the employ of the company and Lang-
trcct disposed of the gootis.
A fire Sunday morning ( listroycd the bush-
iless Portion of Port Costa , Cabs. , and eight
Central I'acific curload of wheat. Jo.s
5lOOOOO ; lusurtuce , not yet. known.
A Grand ltaiiltIs ( Mich. ) disjatchi announces
that , i. J. Bond. a prominent luinhornian ,
failoti. LiabIlities lT5OOO ; asseti which
may yield 2OOOOO , ,
It Is almost certain that the wheat surjlus
of Oregon antI W'mihingtou territory will be
100,000 tons less than ostimateil.
undid Laytou , colored of Trenton , N. J. ,
died Sunday mornIng , iodyears of ago.
The Marquis of Lanidown Governwr.Gen.
eral of Canada , loss received seventi letters
threatening his life.
There were 240 cholera deaths at Mecca In
one week.
h3rad4roe shows 716 new firma were eet&b.
lislieti at Mintiespolls since .Iantiary 1 , l8$3 ;
210 since Augut 1st , exclusIve of saloons.
( "otilition of the treasury , Ntveinler $ rti :
( inlit coin anti bullion , 21Uts3OtGIf ) sihior
dollars and bullion ; $121,113 011 ; fractional
slhi'cr coin $2i,76I rii : : ; Unltei States notes ,
lSS3O1 ; total , 1tO,212,28l.
A .STRh1U 01' 5111511 woMr.y.
I4oyiiiItiiv , : , Novonibor .l.--Snvertil
hundred factory women are on a strike ,
because the proprietors refused to ills.
charge the isian in the factory who moved
that the corporation of Londotidorry re-
sciiitl the resolution grunting 1)OtIltiSSi)1t )
to the Lord itityor of 1)ublin to lecture in
the city hail. The women paraded the
streets ciying , "Goti 5'sVO Irobuid. " They
were attacked and stoned by a iimob ,
, hiicJi they fought. desperately. 'l'ho I' ° -
lice flumnily dispersed the iimb.
Disorders arisin" from the hiot.ihitiesot
Oraugomon aliti ationalista continue ,
and thio.broahiug of windows is general.
A Nationalist was stabbed to.tlay. 1tovs
and beating of parsoits two frequent on all
sides. Revolvers and other weapons are
7tUt.sIA AN ) ) TIII iAST.
Latest accounts front Afghanistan show
the cotiimti7 its foinp1cte aiiarchy. Thu
oxehecquer is without funds , trooJa arc
demoralized and the Aincer is a mere
plaything in the hands of the Ghmilmis.
Prince Bebolitr , who originated the
device of a wreath with brolcen chains
one of the Ilonti ollerins at time funeral
of Turguumicfl the Russian novelist , has
been expelled from St. Petersburg amid
llflcCl ) snider police surveihumice.
LonoN , November t.-Mr. Moody
successfully olciicd a great mission at
Talingtomi to-day. Four mcotings were
hold , each attended by .1,000 to c,00j (
persons. At the close of the meeting
111011 shouted out that Moody's last nile-
skim a failure. Moody answered by
calling for volumitecra to come out boldly
on the Lord's aide , whereupon 800 muon
arose. The incident caused munch excite-
PAnLS , Nov.'immber 4.-The Memmiorial
Diploniatic says Great Britain sounded
the Brazilian and tnited States govern.
immomits to aaccrtainwhether they , vould
mediate botweozi France . and China.
Tim POL' .tNl' Z31GI1AT1ON.
RomiE , November 4.-Tuesday next
time Pope will hold a consultation with
Mr. Errington , Cardihal Manning and
several . 'tmnorican Bishps on the i1ucstioii
of Irish emigration to America.
NoTr. . . .
It is said that the French Minister of
\Vat is preparing a reserve corps of ten
thousand troops for Tonquin.
Time German press generally , regard
Piotroweki , who it states was sent by the
Nihilists to kill Bismarck , ai aim impostor
or lunatic.
Many districts of Theasaly are flooded ,
although the raimis 1imvo ceased. The
safety of ninny villages is still unkmiown.
Mary Churchill Found.
Sr. LOU1f , November 4.-Thomas J.
Gallagher , time well-known sporting editor
of The Globe-Democrat , who has been
working the Mary Churchill case contin-
nously for incIitb8 past , , finally located
the gitl-yestcrdiyjrr ariin8anb asyiuu ;
ten miles from Indianapolis , whore she
has boon workin" in the lau&dry since
September 4 , umYor the name of'Jonmiio
Lockwood. Gallaghsei had a Io'r interview -
view with her last night , but 1d not
learn why she loft her home nor whether
she will return. Her leaving home , however -
ever , was a voluntary act. She wont
alone , and the-theories about elopement ,
marriage , or being in any way connected
with any gentleman , vcro wrong. Col.
Churchill , the girl's father , loft for in-
diammapolis Further ( levoiopnmonta
will follow his seeing her.
INIIANA POLlS , November -Thio myr-
tory surrounding time disappearance of
Mary Churchill , daughter of a wealthy
St. Louis merchant , has boon solved by
the complete identification of the missing
girl in this city. after a fruitless search of
three months by detectives all over time
laud. Dr. Fletcher , of time imisane hmospi-
tal , was struck with thodoscriptionof the
nhissimmg girl to time roimmarkable closeness
with which it answered thm appearance of
a donmdstic In the laundry department ,
and at once notified the authorities , who ,
accompanied by Thomas J. Gallagher , of
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat , called at
the asylum and identified the girl , She
gives no reason for her sudden disappear.
atice. Sue loft the city to.nighit in coin-
pamsy with her father , to pay a brief visit
to her mother , but declares that shin cami
make hot own living , and informed Dr.
Fletcher that she would report for duty
next Wednesday.
- -
Mcxlcan Stivor.
SAN AToNIA , Pox. , Noveimibor 4.-
Silver ore from Mexico is being shipped
to New orleans , whose mint is amoco nc
cesaable for mines tributary to Saltillo
than the zniiits of Mexico. Five huji.
drud pounds of pure silver passed through
San Antonio yesterday , . .
- _ * .
TU } NEW iicflITEor ;
Time Successor of IIihI-t Sketch of
111)1 ftreer.
Sioux City , Toirnal , ,
Mr. M. F. ibohl , of Des Moines , who
received the appoiiitinent , is a conipara.
tiyoly y.ung nine , being only 3fi years
od. Ho has beemi very successful in bin
profession , having had under his charge
the construction of several important
buildings. lie was long associated with
A. 11. l5iquenard , the original architect
of the now capitol at Des Moines. Upui
his death , seven years ago , Mr. l3ohl be.
caine the architect , in which position lie
has acquitted himself with , ominezit suc
case. lie was managerof the cozuitruction
of the Illinois State capitol at Springfield
amiti was designer avid auerintendoimt of
construction of the additional IeImitoIi.
tiary at Chester , Ill. , a building costing
in tue neighborhood of $1,000,000. Mi- .
Bell's candidacy was endorsed by the Ii.
hiimois and Iowa Senators , warmly sec
onclod by a very influential represeiita-
tion of the other Comigresenmoim and public
men of both States. lie had sonic very
formidable competitors , ainoin whons was
Mr. T. A. Thomas , a leading Now York
architect , who wait strongly backed , Usm.
dci- these circunistances Mr. Bell's ap.
pointinont iii a Very ftatteringcomnpiimnont
personally. ills partner , Mr. hackney ,
j1l direct the completion of thu Iowa
State Capitol.
The hakota county Teachers' association
will meet at Dakota City November 30th.
- - - -
AuoLhcr ColloclionofAunual iloporis
FF0111 Tliroe Iindt BllrgaIis ,
- -
The Ooined Operations of the
Minta and the rntorual Rove-
flue Collections.
The Methods Employed by Pension -
sion Attorncya. to Swindle
the Soldiers.
- 4
at lgt ; e Assortment ( ) L VINhIhmg1oi %
JtflO1 )
W.tSII Nd-etmmbor .
il1TON , 4.-Judgo
Otto , for mmmany yoara"omcmal reporter of
the United States Si1ir me Court , said
Saturday , while tcstmtyhiig in a case be.
fore Commnissionor Burtly , that lie had
formally rosignoil tim lmsittomm. It. is
utitlorstooti that ho is to be aucceede.l by
J. ltammeroft Davis ni'iil nmumoumieoimioiit
of the change wih b forimmahly lmmaho
fromim the bench by OhiofTustieo Waite
iiext week. . :
JF.N5TOX VflA'Vfl $ .
Secretary Toiler hits * ittomt a letter to
the Attorney Gomienil subniittiimg the
iluestiomi of whether lie can legally detail
an oxaimminor in the p'nsion ' otlico to assist
Colonel Corkhiili , Di3tri t Attorimoy , iii
itivestigatimig fratids .by attorneys amid
clahmm agents upon pomisioners. In Comm.
eluding his hotter Secretary Teller says
his endeavor vihl 1t 'to vigilantly carry
out time law regardimi' 'this imiatter , amid to
assist to time best of ijsabihity aiid auth.
ority in the prosecution thiose persomis
vhio have committed olThhsos agitimist time
1)01131011 laws or are gUilty tif other statutory -
tory r comnnmon law offehses. After
hearing the defense offered by lioux amid
English , 1)01551011 titloriiuys in thus city ,
aus1memided a shirt tinme ago , thmeywere to.
tiny disbarred frommi pratioo before the in
tenor dopartinemit by Secretary Toiler.
Tug OSTM.tb'f1 nENEimtr. .
Postmmmaster G oncuil Gre hanm , Sccre.
tary Liimcolim , muici Cotnmodore Walker ,
U. S. N. , will acconpany Secretary
Chiamuller on lila trip front New York to
Newport on tlto UmtiteI States steamer
Trenton. 'I'hie jfert Icavo Wa.ihmingtou
WILL inctin TO O1IAT T1I eIL1lTI:11. :
Comptroller Knox siill decline to grammt
authiormty to operate h national bank in
the Jjidiamm Territory , Jis declination is
based on the ground that the applicaiits
are not citizens , and hence not imtttledto
privileges under time banking act.
huts gone hionie to 'rote. No bond call
will be made for sonmotinmo to come.
iEN3tON 1't'3iENTs.
It is entiinatetl by liie Conunisalommer of
Pemisions that $4tJiOOQOO will be ro-
i1uired fet time payni . .mj 'mf onsions hme
- -
T1u woim orrrntrsm.
\Vtiiioro , November 4.-The annual -
nual report of the director of the muiit
shows : (4old'recoi + cd amidoporated upon
during year , $ .t9,0OOOQ ; silver , nearly
$89,000,000 ; coinigo of the year valued
at $66,200,704 ; ttal gold coinage , 35-
98a,9i7 ; silver , 28,835,4iO , of which
$ i,8ii,119 wore standard dollars. Profits
on coinage of silver dollars , $3,701,883 ;
not silver profits the last five years ,
$18,860,310. The silver circulation , the
director says , is iii ecoss of the require.
momits , and expresses the belief thmat
equal coinage of both gold and silver by nil
nations desirable , and suggests Congress
consider time ( luestion whether tue law
directing monthly coinage of two inilliomis
of silver dolkira hiould not ho modified
or repeated. The director rccoiumoiids
the coinage of gold dollars amid time
three-cent nickel piece be discontiimtmed
aimd time repeal of the net autliorizimig the
coilmago of trade dollars aiid latter coiims
be semit to tim mints and cxcliiumged for
other silver .lohlars. The proluctiomi of
gold currency the calendar year will be
$82,000,000 , and silver $49,000,000.
The estimate of the circulation of coin
on October 1 , 1883 , is $5J1,512tJP9gold ,
iiiitl $3fi,291,823 silver.
The annual report of the Commiasiommer
of Itovonue was submitted By the con.
solidatiomi vfcollectiomm districts an annual
saving to thm. ( iovcrniimoimt of $125,000
was secured. The aggregate receipts
this year are estimated at 120,00O0.
During time first three months of time current -
rent fiscal year the revenues decreased
$7,920,401. Au a large number of those
engaged in illicit distilliimg qru desirous
of abandoning tue unlawful practices ,
this Conuniasiommor hiss been strongly
ui-god to roconunond a geimoral lrOCIalfla. )
tioim of general amnesty to such per.
eons. lie suggests that Congress
provide a shorter period of limitation
fbi- the prosecution of ofTonses agaliist tue
revenue. F1io question of cnforciimg the
revenuejawsiiz hiiItsn 'rorritoryhavuboen
referred to fccrotary , Folger for action.
Tue Commissioner rceommondsthiu with.
drawn ! of time privilege granted manu.
facturors of vinegar of auparating alco-
hello proIerty ( rein fermnemited imnush mind
using time sanmo in time Production of
vinegar. Aside from time above time report -
port i.e aim elaboration of poimmts proseimtod
In the Comnmiiissiormor'mg letter to the flee.
rotary , Published the 27th of July last.
Judge Ferris , Second Auditor of time
Treasury , in his annual report , exposes
time methods by which soldiers of the late
war and time Gevorameut is being swip.
( lied by unprincipled attorneys and
aemits. lie says not one in ton apphica.
tions for arrears of pay amid bouimty
passes ummy immorit amid smut oimo iii
twenty of all those clainma ma filed
111)011 ) thu suggostloim or by time voluntary
action of the clainuumt , The attorney
seeks the client arid represonta to tIm
uiminformod , inure geimerally colored aol.
dicra or their heirs , that they lowe not
boon paid all that is justly duo them ;
that sonic new law or new construction
of tlw existing law entitles themmi to snore
bounty or further pay. A small toe in
advance is required , gemmerahly 82 or $8 ,
sometimes more iii fact all that can be
1'ot with a promise of no more will be
1 enmazmded unless the claim be aHowed.
Thu foe is paid , tim application filed and
in the end ; ejected , Soldiers arc swimm.
dicil and after their claims amo rejected
often ( lOtioflhlCo time government timid its
ihicors , who simply mulnummister the law as
they timid it. .mmothor class of utthiess
claimna is constantly imicrensitig , imninuly ,
ciimn for bounties nIredv iald. In
mummy of these cases ttenmas of formuor
liymmmemmts are umado iiiitler oath , when time
records of this office show conclusively
that the PaYmneiits vero made years ago.
Should these records be destroyed , amid
such a calamity is not beyond a possibili.
ty , the goverimumemit would certainly ho
defrauded out of millions of dollars.
' - ' - - -
rosxu. ( : soIl Ficrioss.
t Vow l'ilimti. , A1)iimt lime .lmnhlclai
Ticket In time FoiirLh 1)1st-let.
Corm-e.spoimtleimco of Tin : hhai
Scitintait , Nov. 2.-hi your issue of
cov. 1 appeared a COtrCsIoiitlelIm frommi
this place very appropriately headed "A
Gross Minreprasentnt.iomm , " and idgmmed
very mnmipproprintoly " ] tlackamtone. " The
cisutemmia of that eomnmmmunkatiin form is
series of misrepresentations , to imsea mild
formmm of expression. That momma do lluumo
was uvitlemitly elmosoim with the intention
to surround the author with a profes.
sional imimmibus , to which the real maim can
lay iso claimmi , 'mViieii he ehmargeti A. N' .
Post withm the hideous crinmc , of "tlemmui.
gogtmery , " a word of his own coining , lie
gives hinmiclf demsil away amid shows flint
emily personal slite imltmced hint to imur
his vial of wrath over time listrkt .lumtlgo.
if lie s , tom I surmise , one of th unsue
cesaful litigants in that celebrated mlec.
toim stilt , he mmnmst know th'tat time trial
was lontponed on account of time illness
Of 0110 of time lrincipmml attorneys in thiitt
case. niul there wits not a nine in this
county , save ' 'hllackatommo , " to fled fault
wit.h the IostPmmenmeiit ) ,
if that aamiiu imidiviilual further states
that A. M. l'ost was cimmiotseti by a 1mm-
jority of one in time A. I.l , County Coim-
vcntioii after a his-ti tight , amid onli after
whining , beggii mmmiii IroimlisimIg. lie gives
tmtternimcu to a wilful amid malicious lie.
Tins truth is there . .
, was imc. tight or oppo.
sition wimmtover. , timid time resolutlita to en-
( hCSe A. I1. Post was ilmimmimilimously car-
nod. It would 1)0 a waste of time amid
ppr to rcputbiites P0imlt for point tue
stateimmemits of a moan , so utterly devoid of
honor ; for every luau , wonman 5151(1 child
ill thus county knows there is mmot a scum.
tills of truth in it.
Whatever Immay have beemm time real or
ilmmRimmimry , political crimes of time Post
faimiily , whatoy. r mummy Imavo 'boon time for.
moor connectiomma of time present incunmbeimt
of the district judgeship , it is conceded
by all parties , that A. M. Post , as iudgo
of this district , byhmis courteous , gentle.
immanly bearing , his superior legal knowledge -
edge and his inipartial ruling , line womi
the confidence of tim peollo and the respect -
spect of tue attorney.
Time samime reasons and motives , whilcit
impel the immiolhigemit Amiti-Monopohists to
favor the candidacy of Savage , will also
actuate thom to cast their votes for A.
ii : . PoaE.
The result of the election will give
Blackatono time lie. J is too ical to
a' 'miuino 13uibomm ' tivaddhirag iirAntl-
Monopoly clothes. Bla kstono is one of
them mmd a ( air spociimmezm of fossil Demo-
cracy. For 'Williams , time Anti.Moimopo.
list , he don't care is straw , but for Wil-
hams , time Democrat , Ime is ready to throw
UI ) is mnoummtaiim of lies. E. L.
A Carti Froimi Bhmiliols Glhmour , of
CaEvni..ssn , Noveniber 8.-Bishop Oil.
mnour , of this city , of time Catholic die-
Cole , furnishes time fohlowiimg for time Associated -
sociated Press :
1mm answer to a widespread report that
certaimi nuns had left a Cleveland cons-omit ,
takin" ss'ith them $60,000 , time under.
signea would maspoctfmmlly state timmit it is
not true. Tinit at three difFeremmt titmice
duming thu past year three utimme hmmul at
their owit request beemi released front
their vows amid returned to their faini-
lies. They have incurred mme ceimstmro.
There is tie unkuimdmmcsa betweomm tlmonm
aimd time sisterhood. They si-cro siimmply
dissatisfied with time religious life
amid after ( mmli uimderstaimding with
time hello1) , they wore released
from their vows , and returned
to time world. 'l'iwy took with them no
motley , nor bonds , imor valuables of aimy
kind , nor (11(1 they oek tb. ' [ here is
trouble in relation to time tenure of St.
Joseph's hospital , commoimly known as
thu orpimaim Asylum. This-property wan
bought by public atmbscriptions of Catho-
lice of limo diocese of Cleveland , but in
ethad of being put iii time imamne 'of time
bishop , ass directed by time laws of tue
church , a corporatiosm nuder thu name of
St. J050111i imospitni was formed. Thmo
management of time funds yearly raised
( or support of the orphans imot being sat.
isfactory to time bislmop'hie demanded it
be placed under ide control , an also the
the asylum , which hind been built by ccl-
lections throughout time diocese. This
was a few of time nuns who
were ouhicers of tue corporation. The
thirce nuns who left wore not of flicee.
The matter Inom been referred to cosirt.s
of the chumrcii , wimoru it will be ottlod.
A $4)hhIOr lLoslIrmg
riawtu si : , November -Edward
llcimardn , 40 yearn old , aim intimate of the
national soldiers' hmontu , him been asleep
twemmty.nmnts days. lie wont to itortimerim
'W'iscuzisimi on a furlough in September ,
and was engaged an a imurso by time sheriff
of Bayficiti county , who one day found
hint asleep. Ito could not be wakened ,
and was brougiit on to lila iiomno in a
comatose cwmditiorm , lie me regularly
fed by aim attendant , mumd swallows misty.
thing vtit Jim his mouth.Vlmmm held up
iy atteimtlasmts he easm svnlk. He is semi-
sible t.o touch eu limo bottommi of time feet ,
amid draws u his limubs whoim tickied. iii
the early part of time jrosont year Iticim-
ards slept front Fohirumiry 28th to Mardi
' '
Time Camnpitigmi Iii Now 'aozk ,
Naiv Yog , Novemimbor 4.-1'Imu clue-
tIR Wits time pulpit t.iienio in rnmsimy
churches The Repubilcans closed
the campaign last ovosiimm ; wmtim a grunt
nmoctiug at. Cooper Uzmmon. Ex.Gov.
Cornell roidimmg and \Vmim. M. 1varts
and ( itumuncoy lii. Dopew benig speakers.
Time numyoralty contest In hizooklyn is a
local Issue of umte rust ,
- - - - - =
- ' -
The Capture of Noth Puliors of Boiis
BooIo iii Illfiall ! ,
. - , _ -
A Dotootive's ' Successful Masquerade -
quorado at the Port of the
Coiners ,
A Politioal Row in Danville , Virginia - .
ginia , Winds Up With 5ev-
. oral Punerals ,
. ' Now York i'ohieornin l'ound , , a
l'rlm.oner to Death-Oilier Shiistl
ut Crltio.
. ¼ r.runi oi i cosm-Tr.mur.ITImt. :
EVANSVIT.Ls , ovommmbor 4.-Colimor ,
alias .1'1atmlkner , alias over no inasmy oIlier
imamoshas beoti captured iii } 'rouchtowmi ,
harrison county. lie was the leading
niirit of time counterfeilers of the district
amid lived hear Freiichmtown in ii log house
built very snitch like a fort. It hind omme
ehiimmkimmg out all aroimnul amid wimile Finmlk.
muir worked cmi time immanufacturo of coin
lila svife stood guard. Imnmmmodistoly mifter
time arrest of tim Pikoville gaimg it. 0.
Hobbs , is detective , known as Doe lieu.
tIoroum , weuit 10 Fronclitowim amid to time
the house of Faulkner , whmoum hmu told
atmiut time raid ammtl said that. ho ( Hobbs
Svmla the only man to escao. ile svaimte
to hide for is fowdays. } aulknorremuliiy
took liiimi in amid explained all 1mm pro.
ceases to hobbs , who PiOfCsaCl to lie mimi
exporiemmcod cotimitorfoiter. Saturday
Faulkumer went to Froimclmtosvn to
et seine Eviumsvilio ltaPor to
tiumdout the extent of the raid.
Iioh protoumded ho svmss oing for a hot-
tie of whisky , followed 'hmmmm , amid dodg.
lug beimimid fmnmces amid trees , saw Imitum on-
tar a store. Hobbs i-mimi iii mimi , vresemit.
ilmg us revolver itt Faulkmmcr'a hiemmd , or-
tiered hiimim to throw up his hmmuids. Gulfs
wore put on amid time deputy suimirainmi
took him in cimmirgo. I lobbe hmurrkd
back to tlmo house mud called to Mrs.
Fmumlkmior to bring is shmoigmimi as lie ran.
Site , thinking her lmusbnumd was in danger ,
did as alto syzus bid. When site reached
hobbs elm gave him the weapon. lie
clapped cuffs cmi liar before she know
wimust he was up to. This brought
time couple ( town to tiii city , where they
mnatle mu confession , amid went to indian.
apolis. Faulkner made column front 10
coiita in silver to $20 imi gold , and so iur-
belly that lie said liimnself lie was not
afraid to go ii the hank with themim.
A muow o UACEM.
IAvI1.r..n , Va , Noveummbor .t.- % . cost-
hid. pecurrud between it crowd of whites
amid colored last evoumimig. Walter lId.
lmumd , son of C. J. Holland , was shot in
time head and is supposed to be mortally
wounded. Thmop. Seward was eliot through
time body. Five negroes wore killed , and
it ; in supposed imimimmy nrno wounded. The
boginmmmg of the ccmmtiictwan the beating
' 1.y Oslo of tJe citizens of a negro who
abuse&amothisrnegro forapologizin , for
an apparelit ruleimess and spoke rougiily
about us citizeim. Seine , of bothcolors , in.
torfered-mind a 1)iatOl ) knocked omit of tue
hand 'of ommo of time white immon exploded
aumd thu.firing logan. All time stores were
cloecil itmimodiatoly and an aiarm buiiur
uimnmmmded time people caine out with mmrmrg
Besides five nfmgroes reported killed ,
it is said two others have since died.
Time bodies of thee found dead on time
streets wore lauded over to their frieumdn
and takenaway. Walter Holland , shot
in time imead , is time mum of 0. 0. Il llammtl ,
chmairinami of timoDesmmocratio Congressional
cmmimipaiglm coimummitteo. lie rested well
and hopes are entertained of his rocos-
cry. While ( ico. ColeummnnP.1t. Gravely
anl , It. M. Hubbard were out ditty last
nigitt its mounted police , passing a imouse
occupied by colorcdpeoplo , in tire oimt.akirts
( if tue city , thmoy were fired upon. About
20ehmotsss'eregivcimnsmdreturimcd. hubbard
received shots in time hmnmmd timid leg. Time
party entered time buihdiimg amid captured
mu uiogro , \r51 Colemnamm , omm whose persomi
Is-as founil is six-aimooter , three barrels of
which had been discharged , amid soimie
powdormusmd fuse. lie was lodged iii jail.
Hubbard is etuflbriumg greatly timis simorn-
iimg. By agmeeiimeuit. tie services vore
IUIIl in time ehmureimes to-day. ' .l'hmo city is
under time supervision of time town nor-
goaimt , ' 'Limo Grays , " is white mnpaimy1
and time volunteers accepted by
time advice of 11mm. Cy Omibell , member
of Congress , mind other lending citizesis.
Time towim sergeant , JamnesW od1 did umot
call out time colored military company.
After tue delivery of time mails this
morning , which wan very hmirgciy
mitteuided by whites and blacks , the town
sergeant proclaimed that no asseombliosoms
time streets would be allowed , amid r'-
questei ulur' IPolie 14) O 11(31)10 ( ) intl i.
imliliul i1ii'tit. ' . . lieu. P.1. Caboui amid .Iudgu
Aikoit Joined in tue request. All is mmew
quiet , but Limo 1)001)10 of time city are smut
without approimemisiomi ( if further trouble.
About 20 Iioraoum in all were woammdud.
1'mIrAnxmLrIuA , Novcnmber 4.-A gon.
oral fight occurred this afternoon omm 1311.
bryn and Wihlardatreots. Several 'oung
simeui wore severely uijurotl. A dispute
in said to have arisen over politics. .IJur-
lug the encoummtor stones were timrown
amid kumis'cs freely used.
A TII.tiJIfL1) VP.
INDIANAPOL1tII November 4.-Time train
on time Wobmisim , St. Louis & I'acific rail.
way going east yesterday morzmismg wins
boarded at Danvihlo Jimmictioum by four
mmmcli who wommt timrougii one of time Iass-
emmgCr cars with drawn revolvers nun oh-
tamed about $800 ( rout time passengers.
They left the train suddomuly just us it
1mulled Out anti imo line beoui found
of them. Time same crowd or a isisimihmir
one worked a train on time hiidiammapoiis ,
Itloomniuigton & Western road , which
coimimuctis at Imumvillo with time Wabash
by time pickpocket lrOcess , gottimmg $1,200 ,
suItuun AWL ) VOUL rLAY.
MINNiArouB , November 4-A Swede
ummimed Gmustmiy .Ericksoim usuicitled ycator-
day iii a vacammt house in tue North End
by hanging itimmiself with a wire.
Miss Irummu ( lowuim , ii young lady of time
east divisiosm , disappeared omm 'Fimtmradmmy
aunt no trace of her has boeii found.
Foul viay is feared , an site hind a cousid.
era .ie suiii of money with her wtcia last
Niw Yoiuc , Novemubr 4.-Policeunaim
William Conroy brotmglmt to time statloim
house a Prisomucr imttmcil Peter ieoumnui , a
furniture mover , 34 years old , Kccnmrn's
head sync covercil with 1iood flowing
frommi cuts C.1U50i by the policeman's club.
In lila abilomnemi therevmum abullot.wouumul.
lcooumnn was i-unmoved to the hospital anti
diet ! soon mifter. Policeman Conroy
stated ho arrested leennn for being
clruumk tUmil disorderly ; that a imuob as-
smiuulted him and iii aolf.defoumse Ito Ivaus
oiiiged to tine his club and revolver.
Conroy was hbncel mmsnlor arrest. Frotir
humforimmatioum obtained by detectives mmd
statenmonts of witnesses at time cot-elmer's
preliminary examination it npcar
l'ohicomsmamm Coimroy imati bcemm drinking
heavily ; that iii time liquor sahooim at 82i
East Tiiirty.aixtlm street ho mussatiltod soy-
oral Porsomms witimnimt cause , anti finally
attacked iCoomman , who was quietly atmumil-
lug hoar limo bar , immtorforiumg imoitimer with
time polieeuummm her any imimo else. After
shmootimij him without warning , ho
tlrageu1 hmmmm from time saloon amid clubbed
111111 long after ho becammie uumcouiaeious.
Coumroy nmntlo several contratlictomy state-
limemita about the matter.
Temmuiitmmt- time Yomisig hilcit how to
Shoot Intht1iiity stt ( tie Spot.
Thursday morutimmg-l'rayer mneothmg
was oxcoptioniuiiy gooti anti time addresses.
svoro nil we could exoct them to be , in
truth were exccilemmt Report of th
executive committee showed wouidcrful
t-grc aunt Rev. Osborim shows himself
to be is good choice for tIme interest , both
for time Stmmmday schools of time State anti
for time Publication Society mit Pimiladol-
phia. Time discummsloim of the report
brougitt out many immtcresting facts.
.Aftcrmmoomt - 11ev. Jtedell , of Peru ,
read a iver elm time nmiesiolinry work of
time Sunday school ium time rural districts.
lie argued ttmmmt the cities are fed by the
country iii mnoro ways titan one. Many
mnercimanta hi time great cities were country -
try boys. So of onmitmoumt lussvycrs and
preachmers-nmammy of the ablest cammio from
tue cotumtry , therefore , rural district
mutmet siQt. be neglected.
Time welcome address by Rev. .1. W.
Lewis , vaster of time cluircim , wins brief
amid appropriate , which was responded to
by the president of time convention.
( , , reetimign svoro extended to time Baptist
Suite conventlomm , umow in sensioim , refer-
ing limo to time .16th Pemulmmi , anti flint 11ev.
a. v. Tolutman mimi Dr. llaighm , comummit.
toes , wore appcimmted by the president.
11ev. .1. 0. Read of Nebraska City ,
Proaclioli the annual net-molt IromnDeuttmr-
onotmmy 29 , ' 7. Secret thmimmgs belong to
God-Revealed thugs belong to God.
let. Secret things iii smattiro-in
2. Secret tiiinge in God's providemices.
8. Ilevealed thmiimgo mum iii God's word
bOloutg to us.
-1. how shall time word of God ho
After tlmo sermon time people rose anti
sang "Nearer My God to Thee. "
11ev. 0. F. Tolman , reprosentin the
Missionary Union , ( foreign nitesion
.vork , ) thou addressed the conventiost.
. - ertychuzpbn oit of onohtmimdred arid . . . .
. . . .
fifty Baptit '
now commtributing.Lo time Foroign.Mission .
work. Thmroo umuisejoumarlea 1mao gone
from thus State , Rev. I. Price , Miss
Anmbroso arid Miss Hardin ;
Electiomm ofofiicers for time ensuing year :
Prosidemit-.Rov. U. ' , Y. Read , of Gib-
boit. ,
Secretary-Rev. J. J. Keeicr. \
Correspommding Secretary-Rev. 'J. W.
Treasurer-Roy. 0. A. Buzzle.
Time President , upon mutsunhiumg again
time responsibilities of ide office mmmdc an
appropriate addrcs.
11ev. F. G. Thmoarle , of Chicimgms , midda
a iltual word of comnmumemmdatiomi of time
svork apareImt ) iii time State , saying he
had smot mmmcl iii four Sumrmday School mao-
ciutioitn such maimifest immteros amid Iower
lie lie iumoets here.
'jill0 ] hmi1utint State comiveumvioui snot on
Tltursdmuy evelmiumg. A large gathering of
people , mumlorIg whmommi were imuanr ( lis-
timmgtmisimed visitors ( coma abroad , nmmmtglcd
iii sochml converse till time niceting was
called to order by time Presidontand Rev.
0. B. Young , of Tukmtnma , led time dove.
tional nmootimmg.
Ho says it is not is burlesque to say
thtmmt time uiiissienary work of limo Stmndmiy'
school aide time wet-k of rime missionary
ocietios , hut lie finishes imp finely mu
wimmit time children are doing for the nile.
Mrs. A. J. How , jresident of time
Woman's Mission society , addressed the
zmieutimmg in an impressive mnamumer , re-
furring to her being born in Burrnah awl
living there till seen years of ago. She
its the sister of Dr. Osgood , who has
paseud 1.0 his reward
11im : cxpuriei. o in Sunday school 'work
IS very imitorestiug to teachers and peoplb.
Sue has a large class in the city which
elms all the Flower Garden of the.
Time conmrnitt.eo on constitution offeret
a resolution changing time name from
Sunday school convention to Sunday
school association. '
Sunday School work jim towns and cities
was jrcsented by 11ev. Z. 0 , Buslm , of
St. , k4wards , amid aoniewhnt reversed
isommm of Row. Bedell's arguments. .
Where most people are , immure work
should be iloimo-tite greater denmnnd the
greater the supply itapid life is more
npparommt in towns. Smi rapidly takcs
hioltJ. of time eblidreim umitil old hearts are
foummd on youumgeitoulders-okl an crimno
- youngrniii years.
Jr. Stouni deprecates tue deserting of
time rural districts imi regard to religious
work being removed to the cities anti
towmms too exclusively-pastors camniot.
do all time work iii the cmty aumd iii time
oomtsmtty , titoreforo lmtynten smiust be
tnmiiued In go into tue rum-al districts.
11ev. 0. F. 'l'olnmamm , of Ciiicmmgo , gave F
aim address on time umissiormary work of Ow-
Suimday school as it aids time mnmssioy
- -a-
Crook miiitt limit AIaeIte $ ,
DasimNo , N. Ill. , November 4.-Now
that the Chmirieshmuas are coming to thu
reservation it line become known thmattho
reasout they broke faith witjm Crook was
duo to tim immfluoitco which thieves -ox-
crIed. On two occasions the Indiana
had crossed the line , but wore induced to
rcturui. Crook is now conducting the
mmmilitary immovemmiunt botweenWilcox ana
the hue.
_ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _
hiastimigs Is descrIt's 'a very great lhttl * '
place , '
_ 4 .