- - - - - - - - - . - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - -1 _ - - - - - - - - _ - . - - - - - - , 7 ' : : - , / THE DAL BEE"--OMAHA , SATURIJAY , NOVEMBER 3 1883. A DIG lilT. ( . 1 4T.VCTRIC : ! Tht toe tt men ! . ' , dett amt } :1tctrIztd. : q. wt Rblt Dr. ThomM lcled rk DII ? . ' , IieL. the people. Q. 1lo ? A. Curci their Rche , curc oeurll , heurna. N tIn , lnene bruises , , eihh , bltci , strIn antI llns : doeR all thl enl mote. \ Q , A A n tctnely lot eotigh ntl cohl It tnu1I be dltiicult te rind atIIhIngetLl to tr.jflina'lclee. ttle Oil. ft lIl cure thrua arid eitArrh aImot In. . tIbIy. Q. Ciliratitced Is li ? A. Ir.ty : , DonLe , on MO.RT lDVSDp. q. floodl R'e ht they clI : tliouzh ; tlt Ul1I hid , . ' , Never mind the ounI. Try ItI q. III do It. Vhet' the cipenec ? A. Ulfty ccnt for one dollar for large. Q. Cheapenoulj. Vlrn BoIh Dr. Tboma' Iclec. Irk' Oil ? A , IruggIet everywhere. * ( lr. 'Ihcnua' le1ectrlc Oil Iia rroietl to ho a bl hit. It Le sold tnoro ftnd gIvc better and more en. eralsitiefactlotithanany other conipcttc medicine FOSTER , MILBURN& CO. . Prop's Buflalo , N.Y. THE O'DONNELL TRIAL Allicrican Lawycrs Barre Prom Acilyc Participation Ill the Betcuso , The Aetioti of tico State Department. CHIOMIO , November 2.-At a meeting of Irislunen the 15th of last month resolutions - olutions wore pamBod instructing its i ; , ; s cltairxnan to coinmunicato with the State . : c : y Department of the United States with a view of sending instructions to the American Consul for Great Britain to imse his infinonco toward aecurin an impar. tial for O'Donnell , an American citizen , on the charge of time murder of informer Carey , and. to ask the courtesy of relaxa. Lion of the rules of lracttco before Brt. ish courts to the extent of allowing Anmericans act a O'Donnell's counsel. In reply a letter was received from Secro. tary Froliimghuyson , in which he says : "In the event of its being ascertained that Patrick O'Donnell Is an American citizen , lie will receive from the Ezocutivo Department of this government all tim protection to which lie is entitled , in harmony with the request - , quest of the resolutions you oncloe. it is not within tlio province of this department - mont to ask for a moelification of the rut- ing of a court in a particular cnding case. " Ho adds that "if the English court should iieed any assurance of the liih atandimig of the counsel sent from tlis country , the American Minis.ter will ho instructed to give the assurance of their standing. " Amerluan Lawyer8 Barred OLLI Ctic.oo , November 2.-Congressmaii Finorty has received the following cable- ramn front A. M. Sullivan , dated I4OI1 don : "It is positive none but members r of the English bar will be allowed active participation in the court. " This refers to the trial of O'Donnell for the murder of Informer Cirey. Gnu. Pryor and. .Judgo Fullerton , of New York , and two lawycii of this city , have been sent to London to assist in the case. - - - Surrender of Apaches. , ci . TucsoN , A. P. , November i.-TieStar ] i special from Fort Bowi says Natchez and .r" twelve other bucks , with sixty-six women and children , at Silver creek , surrendered to the military sent there to meet them. : They claim to have como direct from Case : Grande , and had no fight with the Mexi ; , cans. cans.Natchcz sayslic was , . . ; head chief , to come to Silver Creek , there wait ten days for him. They say , Ceronini with forty others , will be thom r three nionthe , One Indian named Chihuahua was shot through the right arm by Chief Chato , in a drunken brawl. , S Capt lafferty is at Silver Creek awaiting \ the arrival of Cuyottenoy , head chief. The impression prevails that Cro& was i'iglit after all. , - - - - - The Tabor-Bushi Case. S I D1NNnn , November 2.-The celebrated f case of ox-Senator Tabor vs. William H. n Bush , until recently his confidential ad- Y4 visor and business manager , for $ OOOO , 1 balance of accounts , has just been con- S Si eluded. in tim Superior Court with a ver- % ; diet for Tabor for nearly $ ! OOOO. In S reacIiini a verdict , Bush's counter claimS S of $10,000 for aiding Tabor to procure a S divorce , and several others , aggregating ' $18,800 , were not allowed. The verdict f gives general satisfaction. Bush will ap- peat. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Over the hills to tlio Poor House. " A l' ' " with linpaireti or impoverished blood Ii on the road to PhYsiCal bankruptcy. idock Illoo 1iilera strengthen and emnicli f . the circulation , opalr the tissues , nail builil u , the entire system. ' _ _ 'I The Army Pay ilolL. WAShINGTON , P. C. , November 2.- The amimial report of the i'aymnaster ; C'enoral of the army to time Secretary of War shows the receipts for the fiscal year , $15,400,310 ; disbursements , $ i- : J82i6f. The remainder was deposited S in the treasury. Since the last report five ofllcers in the pay dopartuient retired - tired , having attained the ago of fl-I , one died , and one dismissed for time mnisap- proprimmtiozi of public funds. g : Crushed t ( , Icntli. TITrL 1100K , November 2.-To.day , in Argenta , opposite this city , J. H. Cavarress , a wealthy merchant of Drew county , was accidemmtally caught between the platform and a backing railway traimi and crushed to death. TUTT'S - PILL $ TORPID BOWELS , S DISORDERED LIVER , I anti MALARIA. l'rom those sources ar1mo threo.lourtle of S S the (1100fl808 Of time human race. Those emymptomalndicato theirexistonco : Lou ot S Appetite , flown. coative , tIck J1ed. cIme , u11neia after enttug , avervion to ezertlun or ioy or mnLnI , Eructattomi ot food , Irr&tubhilty or temper , Low .pIrhtJ , A reeling of having negtocteti .omo duty , Xflzzlueiu , Fluttoringat the IIe.rt,1)ota Ls.rore the eyrihlgiilycol- oreil tn , , . , CONSTIPATION an1 tie. mantltho use ofa ronodythat ads direct ) entho Ltvor. JumaLtvcrmodicineTuTT' t'lLLtflIuvonoeauni , Thotrimotlonoutbo S ' Jidimeysan'i ' Skin 18 also prompt ; removing nU 1m1)urtIeB through these three "cray- enfr'ra ot the cyct.m , " producing uppe. tito , ound digestion , regular stooLs a clear ekiiiaiiiRvIgorousbOdy. TVTT' $ catiso no nausea or griping nor tnterero with daily work innS are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. hoLmlevrrywhere.2Sc , OfUee.4tMurrsybt..N.Y. TOTT'S HAIR DYE. GRAY HAIR OIL WUi8KiU obseged In. stantly to a GLOsSY IJLAc by a single ap. phleajloa of hits DT. oitt by Dwggtsum , or Sent by express on receipt of $1. Otflco , 41)Itirrny Rtroet , New Yo& . 1UTT' MAKUAL RECEIPTS fUi. j. THE RAILROADS. A ViLy of Pools Qiirlin all Urasth inChico , _ , The Xaiisas Paoiflo Denies' . the Right of the State to Meddle With Its Superiot' . The Rook Island Threatens to Start a War on Rates Prom Kansas Oity. An lmpoi'tnn ( . Stilt Started In ha. . koim 4glmlIist time 1fanItoa ) i5lonnpoly. Ilt1L1tOAI ) MATTI1lS. ritmmroot SIF.ETINCS. C.'EIICAOO , November 2.-While the rep- rcoutmmtives of the Transcontinemital association - ciation were waiting to hoar front 0. W. itisthie in regard to his ncceptxmnce or rejection - jection of the commuissionorsimip of that association , to which ho was elected yes. terday , time eneml passenger ogents of the l'acific hues and their eastern con- imections met to.day and took UI ) time question of paying commissions. It was decided to allow a cotnmnision of $3 on first-class and $2.50 on second-class tickets on Pacific coast business only , and none on other business. Time meeting of lilies interested in time lumber business between Chicago and tim Missouri river and beyond ya hold to-day. Conumils. sinner Midgoiy was empowered to ap. point a committee to draft a schethdo and. that if this comniimittee cannot agree time matter be submitted to Arbitrator Boyno. Thu CENTItAL IOWA POOL , Cinc.oo , ovommmbor 2.-Time Central Iowa association and. Colorado Traffic association - sociation failed to meet to.day. Coinmis- sinner Carman will issue a circular au- thoriaing the use of thu Illinois freight classification as revised to November let oil Davenport , lock Island and. Moline business. TIlE 1'ltINCfl 01' TIlE POOL. CLnVELANn , November 2.-G. W Ilistine , elected Traiiscontincital pool commissioner , left Painesvillo this afternoon - noon for Chicago. He says lie cannot tell whether lie accepts time position until after a conference with the meeting. A T11fl1.tTENEI ) hATE Wilt. KsNs.u ; CirY , November 2.-Notice has boemi given by Passenger Agent Sebastian - bastian , of time Rock Island road , to corn- petiimg hues , timat. unless certain alleged. irregularities are discontinued , time hock Island will make a $10 rate from Kansas City to Chicago. The charges are that coupons of tickets issued at Denver are shipped. to scalpers here , and sold by them at $12 , and. useti over the Chicago & Alton and Hannibal & St. Joseph ; also that commissions to Denver agents leave a scalping margn Thirty tickets were sold front St. loseph to Chicago via Kansas City over the Council Bluffs amid Altoim roads at scalping figures. The Alton people say the Demiver business could not be carried on as charged except - cept by collusion of the gemmeral pcn- ger agents and St. .Joseph tickets are through by Council Blu1I on an opposi. tiomi line to the Allen. . 'iN I)1IOmtTAT SUIT IN DAnOTA. F.&uc.o , Dak. , November 2.-To.day summons was issued out of the district court on behalf of the Territory of Dakota - kota ems information of time Attorney General of Dakota , Hon. Alex. Hughes , of Bisniarck , to show cause why time St. P. i\1. tS : r. railway should not be do- priycd of its chartered rights in Dakota Territory by reason of refusing to deliver freight to the Fargo Southern upon tender - der of charges , thereby violating their contract as common carriers. Numerous allegations arc not U by the Attorney General on behalf of the Territory , and it is expected that wimomi time suit comes off , which will be pushed. with the ut niot vigor , that all questions arising Under - der the coimimon carrier code will be brought out. vita lLlL1tO.tD 8t'l'ltlttOlt ¶ r ( ) TIlt SL'ITF . TOCEK. % , Kits. , November 2.-TIme answer - swer of the Kansas Pacific Railway coni- P'Y to time 1)etitiOll III time UO warranto case , now pending iii the Superior Court , was flied yesterday with tim clerk of that court. It alleges that the railroatt is not a corporation created. by any law of the territorry or State of Kamisas , and claims no rights , privilege or franchises as such. It ; alleges it was created by an act of Congress ; that by virtue of the rigimtf conferred by timat act it was organized , built its line of road , and mmndor such an- thority it 1mm ever aincoboen oPerated ; timat time railroad comistructed by it is on a different - foront line than timat designated. by time territorial act , and. that time consolida tion it hiss entered into with the Union I'acitic and. Denver Pacific roads was made tinder time authority found in the acts of Congress and not tinder any act made by the State. It denies any right of time State to forfeit ith francimises. Iiisine.s I"ahlu"s , Naw Yonic , November 2.-Time business - ness failures in the United States and Canada for time last seven days are 216 against 218 time previous week , and 243 tim week boore. DANvzrtu , Iii , , November 2.--Jaimlcs A. Cimnuingimani , lm'oPrietor of the Damm- ill Starch Vorka , him made an assign- mont. Liabilities $100,000 ; assets will not near cover time nmnQunt. Ciiietoo , November 2.-Attachments to time amount of $100,000 were issued this aftermmoomm emgaimmst IL Rtck Island pa. per Company , Itcsicloimt imuinagers de. cline to make ammy statement. Brainard & Servy , retail boot and shoe dealers , confessed judgment to time extent of $12,000 to.day. The company has boon 1mm business for 25 years and owns immills at Beloit amid ] lockton , 111. , and Marshall , Mich. Its capital stock is $150000. Assetta estimated - mated at $300,000. Liabilities unknown. N. B. Blackman , tobacconist , made a voluntary assignment to.day. Lisbilities $175,000 ; assets not stated. Wrecked by time Storm. EIIn : , Pa. , No'embor 2.-This city is very mnuch excited to.night over time trat'jc death of five young men who went across time bay to aponinsimla on Wodnes. day 'and. never returned. Their names am .John W. Eyster. aged go. snail agent ; ( flies Russell , aged 80 , mail agent ; Ciias. Brown , 21 , a carpenter , arid P. (3. Kelsey - soy , a Union News Co. emnployo. They had with thmeimi a sail amid a clinker. To. day thin sail boat was found bottom up in time bay , with three guns and. a satchel belonging to Eystcr. To.night time clinker was found smear time light imouso , bow stove in , Time bay is being dragucd and a jmair of rubber l > ootmt have been found , but no traces of time bodies. 'Fhe wind was blowing a gale when timoy started to cross time bay on time way home. Ilyster heaven a wife , Kolso7 a wife and child , the others unmarried. Much public sympathy is expressed. us time muon Were wollkuown and PoPular. Lake Erlo howling , Cr.EvEitNL' , November 2.-'rimo stonn continues anti time hake is still lashed to fury by time gale , Time schooner John I' . Merrill , of tilwaukco , arc laden , which stranded last imighmi , lbs easy and ProbablY saved , Time schooner Minch soemmis breaking to pieces. Time schooner Iavhl Vance anchored inst night. outside and wa iii clangor of being beached. She wits safely towed 'mu the harbor this morn- lug.'l'imo 'l'imo great storm is abating. No sorkitis dnmmlamo to this district except atraimeling of schmooncra Munich mat Merriii , That ito life was lost was due to time heroic amid skillful work of Cmtptamn ( loodwin and Imis life saving crow , vhio rescued from those vessels 17'inoii and time wife of Captain Coleman , of time 1lorrill , all of vhmoiim vete in imminent peril , but we're brought ashore by firing lutes from a howitzer to time 'essols aitti runimin" ' ' time baskets back and forth among time s'i'mips. A ittimuber of vessels I ) ! ! ; imm imorofor elicitor , FOREIGN MISSIONS , Fotmi'centlm Animimmt Ieetimig or the F.cemit ho Commit tee at 1)es itInimie , Iowa , Dus MoiSr. , November 2-Timo four. teentim mumnual meeting of time gommoral executive - ecutive comnnmittco of time Wonmami's Foreign - oign Missionary society held. ita opening session at time Fist 1ff. B. church this mnoriming. After devotional exercises time followimig oflicors vore elected : I'rosi- dent , Mrs. Ii. C. Murphy , Orinnell , In. ; secretary , l\rs. \ J. T. Grace , Rochester , . Y. ; assistammt secretaries , Mrs. I. 1. Houser , Evanston , Ill. , and Miss Mary Gatch , Des Moimmos. Comnmittoeson publication - lication , finance and nisaiommary cmuidi. dates were appointed. Time reports presented sented by corresponding secretaries of time different branches were road mind adopted. The treasurer reported. receipts of $12- ! 83.38 for time year. Time afternoon session was devoted to a devotional mnoeting. At the evening sea- sion Mrs. Nind gmuvo an address of voI- collie on behalf of time western bramichm , which i'ae responded. to by Mrs. J. F. Kcemm. An address was delivered. ' by Roy. B. 1Youmig , of this city , reviewing the work of time society during time past 14 years. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' ' . llea'y F'hi'cs. Oznvir..tn : , November 2.-At I o'clock this inormming a fire started in time zmcw barn of time hotel and destroyed a imirgo portion of time village of Willoughby , 20 miles east here. Time imigh wiimd. increased time force of the flames , which consumed about twenty stores , dwellings , sheds amid barmis 0mm Spalding and Erie streets , also cremating six horses and omm span of untIes. Catu'atxi , November 2.-Time aggregate - gate loss by time Willoumglmby fire is cati- minuted at $100,000 , insurance possibly half. The entire population turmmcd. out and. formncd a btmckct brigade , but their efl'orts vcre futile , because limo gale swept the Ihmumes with resistless fury until every frame structure iii its course was in mimes. Time conflagration was fimially cimecked by the Bond block , in which is a bamik , opera house and. oflices. Time brick walls of this block proved a successful barrier against further spread of the fire , thought for a tinme it was feared time whole town wotmld be destroyed. Notwithstanding tIme citizens finding it useless to tight time ilames witlm buckets of water , they turned attention to saving property from build.- ings in danger of burnimu. , in aevoral iimstances time blaze lapped up hil entire house so suddemmiy that n timing was saved. Woxawoc , Wis. , November 2.-The prmcipal part of thin iliage was burned Wednesday night ; loss , ' $20,000 ; partly insured , CiL'ITAL I ES. oItDvAv , or D.txo'r.t. \VtsItL'oTos , November 2.-Governor Ordway , of Dakota , iii his report to the Secretary of the Interior , rocomnmncimde that Coimgress 1)rovide for a legitimmmate constitutional comiventioim to prepare omme or two constitutions , or elite 1as5 an enabling act to ha submitted. to the iteo- plo for ratification. . i'OST.tL bT.tTISTIOS. Statistics of tIme universal postal utimion for 1881 show that the Utmiteci States rank first in time number of potoflices In the number of letters carried by mail , Great Britain raimka first , and time United States mmcxl. 1mm tIme number of mmcw8pa- pbrs carried the Ummitod States rank first , with Cerimmnny second. . _ _ 5-- - - SPOUTING NOL'US. IIIIIOIITON Iifl.tCmI 11.CES. BimmuitToN BmAchI , Novenmbcr 2.- Thmreo.quartors of a mile , htaska womm , Larimimmta second , Turin third ; time 1:181. : . 'Three-quarters of a mile , Clarence womm , Chancy hempiand s'econtl , Hostage third , timno 1:19. : Mile amid a quarter , Laura Gloss wemi , rseimic second , Lillie Palo third ; time 2:107. : Mile amid a furlong , timreo.year-olds , Ferg Kyle won , Wiku's I'rido second , Temumyson third ; timmmo 1:8 : , Mile amid a furlong , thmrce-ycmar-olds , .Ioo liliichmoil won , harry Maim second , Pilot third ; time 2OH : ) lYmTIO 1'.tIiK RACES. Novoimiber 2.-Freo.for-all BOSTON , - - , j. B. Timoimmas womm , King Aimuont secommd ; best . time 2:21 : , by Almnont. Climes 2:27 : , hello Simaclett worm , Wiimnio Wick second , Farce S third ; best time ) , emI : --I 4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Coabt Notes. S.4 ; Fn.twisco ? , Novwnber 2.-Joimim Mumrpiiy , of Now York , mu yellow fever patient eu time stoamnor Samm Bias , Paima. ma , ( lied to.day , Time deceased. is ye- ported wealtimy. I'resitlent SoLo , of Jlommduras , loft this morning for tIme cast , via Denver , Chica. go , Burliimgton anti Quimmey. Time lun8as City Cattle Show. K.tss.ts Ciry , November 2.-Time pleasant weather broughmt. out a good attendmtmmce to time stock almow to.day. Time street parade of cattle was a novel affair and imighly creditablo. The Angus cattle in time Procession were preceded by Scotch fmfers. A sale was immado today - day fmnnl tue herd of imported ( Jailo. ways , of A B , Matihmosva , ICaimsas City. Twenty-seven boilers brotmgimt $11,476 , average $126 , amid twenty bulls $7,725 , average $430. Time highest priced. heifer was $010 itimmi hull $625. ScitoruLt. A mmmodicmo that destroys time germs of Sercifula amid June time power to root it out , is appreciated by the af- flicteti. 'rime remarkable cures of monwo- mmmcli amid cimiltirerm as described by testi- itmonlabs , prove hood's ' Sarsaparilimi a roil. able nmethcino containing reimmodial agents which eradicate Scrofuia from the blood. 100 doses $1.00. Sold by all dealers , 0. 1. hood & Co. Lowell Mass , THE OLD WORLD. Thc Frcuc Coinllialldr Repr the Canition uii Prospects of Taki Tellniu1 A Task of Unknown Proper- tintis and Oost Before the Army of France. Time Dyimnmnite Scimm'o'orkmI flit' nil It \Vovth lit Iottd n. GlE11Ua FOUEIGN NIVS , o TO ILAIPUONO , P.titts , Novemimbor 2.-Admiral Courbot loft ilaipimomig on the 2 I tim of 0 tobor with flOO tuaritmes for untie1 , wimero lie awaits reinforcements before attackimig Sommtag. Time Fromicit forces expect to occupy Ku. timing You , .10 miles imorthenat of llai. mhmoimg , iii a short tinmo , TmlI C'lMINl w.uu 15tmtlt ? , Novenibor 2.-It is reported that time first secretary of the Chinese lo. gation stated. that war between Cimina tumid France is now cortaimi. Time cabinet council discussed ( lemmoral Bonet's no- count of time } 'romichm position on time lied Ilivor , time nicnatmres which it. is advisable to adopt or atrcngt.lioiming time lOSit'mOli and time t1ttesti.n of time monotint. of fummds which immay be necessary to bring the caumpaign to a atmccess. futl issue. Nothing was dofmmmitoly decided. Time Cimatmtber of Deputies trill probably be asked. to vote a miew credit. lii his account , General Bouct states at. least 10,000 mon of all arnie , infantry , cavalry amid. artillery , will be required , especially cavalry , because time mmovc. mnemit of Limo Black Flags is very rapid. Everythimmg weimt to prove to General lie. imot that the leaders of time Black Flags are Germmuums. Time Black Flags are well supplied with artillery , Just before leaving Gonmiral Bonet heard ot time arrival of a strong Cimimmese foi'co with Krupp guile. If time Clmimmeso inter- vommo lie says it trill be necessary to sommd large relimforcomnents. C.cmmeral liotmot comm. eludes ny enyimmg it is iimmpossiblo to formmm all approxinmato idea. of the imumbor of the Black Flags. ( lenoral Bomiet expresses strong itoimo of being sent back to Toti. quilt to finish time work of time oxpeditloim , tie believes Somitag mmd hlangitow cn be easily captured. Bactmimihm , imowover , wimich is strongly hold , cannot be so easily taken. Time Chimmose iegatiomi officially denies time truth of M. Tricon's tclograpm. . Time oppositioim papers twit I'remmmmer Ferry with distartmn facts iii order to obtain a nmomeimtavy trmunmjhm amid temporary 1mm- jority. . 'tNOTlIEtt. COTTON F.tim.Umtu. Livntm'oot , Novommibor 2.-'l'hcsus1)emm- 51011 of Hohlinshmead , Titley & Co. , cotton brokers , is builotined. Liabilities probably - ably 100,000. is cit.tNR' $ IIISSION. D.txrzm , Novoniber 2.-A maim nanmed Piotrowski him been arrested. atDirschman , charged with and confessing to be sent by time Nihilistn to immurder Bisimmarek. ilo said lie was a Russiami actor ; that the Ni- hilist.s provided. him with mmmoney to travel to Dammtzig , via Reign , mmd timat ide noim- cy had hieeii stolen from hminm at Dantzig. He had. aim instrurneimt for injecting mnor- pimia amid a Nilmilist's poem on lila person. ltlSilAmtOK'S JiliAtThf. BuRLIN , November 2.-Prince Bis- nlarclc line cmmtirely regained imis forinor strenglim , He comnplaimms , however , L that lie mm longer possesses the capacity , br work lie formneriy lmad A LISTItCVJO WITh .1 1)1i'i'EUENCE. P.tas , Novemmmber 2.- Time Toinpssomni- officially 1)Oitits out that Li ilimmig Cluing's disavowal of time Marquis of Teong me.imot . time official utterance of the Chinese gov- orimmont but simply Li Hung Clmaug's pcmsonal cxpressiOlm , A STItEItT SES.tT1ON. LONDON , November 2.-Time Pall Mall Gazette's extra editioim commtaining a state- rncmmt that Lime authorities tvcro ammony. nmously immforimmcd that an attempt would bo made to destroy time train emi wimicim time Duke and Duchess of Coimnauglmt travel to Dover front London , on time way to India , caused mu great soimsation. Time Yorkshire mimmers hmavo resolved to strike unless time advammco of 15 per cent. on wages is conceded to by time let of December. NOTI'it rn' .tTT.ttHMENT , Pnt'ssiis , November 2.-It is reported that Crowmm Primmco Canoe , of Portugal , is LtlOUt to bo botrotimed to Arch Duchess Maria raierjfl , the yoimmmgost daughter of time emperor of Austria. . about .tNI' ' .SANKV. Bishop Harold Ilochmestor Jute dcprcss- ed his hearty aporoval of time Moody amid Sauky mnissioii , amid urges clergymen of time established cimurch to help it. A IAI.SF. ALAIIM. C.tmimo , November 2.-Time report of Lime defeat of time false proplmot and great slaughter of lila army by hicks Paminu is discredited. Military autimoritica calcu- lute hicks Pashma's army was seven days' ' mimarch from Elobeid at time tiimmo of time ahle"od vIctory. ItdUl Aziz , brother of time Stmltamm , be. ziicgimmg Mubcat , line been repimleed amid tied. LOST I A FOCI. Br.IuLI , Noyemnber2.-Thmo Priimco and Princess Albert of Prussia returnimm from Frankommateimi , in Silesia , after at. temmding time Reformation immemorial a'r vices , lost their way iii a fog , time carriage tm'aa ovorttmrimed amid time right ankle of time Princess fractured. ThU OIILEANISTS. Pimmms , November 2-TIm Pcethmoi Lloyd statement is declared uimtruo , tlmmul time Orleans I'rimcce , soummded Bismnmirt relative to their immaking a claim to th timrommo of France amid made a relly a ! fording no hope that Cierinaimy would tip prove such a course. TIlE UMUItOimOUNhi EXm'I.OSIONH. I4oNiioN , November 2.-Time govern memmt and railway authorities offer a re ward of 500 eacimforimmformmmntioim leadin to time arrest nut ! comivictioii of porsoni coimnoctcd with time into uxplosiotme. Pimy siciazms say dyimamnito immuat have beoi used to rupture time mnombrazmetympammun of time pCOllO immjurod , Johmm Carver , Parbysimiro & Co. , macv chants , of tlmis city amid Manchester , immmvi failed. Liabilities , 120,000. CILTNEEIE A Paris dispatch says it. Is reported thin time Chinese logatinim are coimsmdoring thmi questiomi of demaimding Itamiroati Acoldolit. Cr.AmmINIt , Iowa , November 2.-Tim camumorm ball train over time llunmeatoim . Slmonnrmdoalm railroad , going east , Wa I wrecked Wednesday night at time trestl worh at Vest Forked vivur five mileacas of Simenammdoalm. Time engine , baggage en timid coach rolled down time emmibaukmnemi o feet. Time l'nhlmmm sleeper rornsdmic(1 on the track. A. Ii Vordeim , time oimgi- fleer , was killed , mid time firomnaim arni ox. lrees messenger seriously litjtiruth. Time neculont 15 ascribed to time titeplacomnemit ( if a rail sweet of time bridge by traimm wreckers for time inlrloeo of roh)1)cry , S _ _ The TenmhmernuceVomnon , ] ) arnoti' , Novemmiber 2.-At. to.day'a scesiomi of time \Vomnnmi's National Citric. tutu Temperance tnmiomm rejmrte trero mitade frommm time itower mmmisiomt of time state nut ! cotmuty. Ilmuif linus memorial service tras lielti iii boimhf iIVm , , . .1 , 0. .bohmnsomm , of 'l'emmneieoe , prceliohmt of time ieimmjmimis nut ! State imimione , Aim elegant. faum was Presctitel lilies W'ihlnrtl by time ladies of VorimiouLlrs. . Cireomnalling lmrosommteul aim address , Imirs , henrietta Sk Itomi , of Illismois , spoke at. ieimtim of time work nmmmong time ( lerimmnus. Special mnemitiomm tram' immado of Iialmmmbeecimer , a Germami temuperammco paper imtmlhieImeel , 1mm Chicago I't'oI' . Adolf Scitmnhlt , time cdi for , is iii attendance. 'l'lmo mmmectiiigs continue - tinue large and imitorest is ummabated , THE WORLD'S WONDER. A c1chraLc Elllish MCi9Ill Visits rnah. And Calts time Icmmtl In I.itb BaI'ore "That Great _ mumul Atm' . ( It ! flay. " A m'oporterof 'I'mItnm : : called yesterday upon l'rof. Ilctmry Static , time dmstin. gimisimed mnedimmmn , who is stopping mm few days tim tlmis city , omt his twa ) ' cast front time Pacific coast. No mnotlitm u of time ago line been so thoroughly catmvmmssetl amid investigated as Prof. Shade , who line been kmmuwmt as au adopt itt time profos. siomi for twcmmty-two years. Prof. Shale was born in Now Orleamme amid is at present 86 years of ago. lIe gave hits first aenmice in St. Lottie , tvitim slate writimig , whomm but 8 years old amid has given physical mmtamiifestatioims for t.wemmty.eigimt years , iii Mie1mimmn , Now York , etc. , lila wonderful mmmammmfostatiomis at. Leommida iii time forimmer atatg being historical. Lii 1876 Ito visited Englmumd , Scotland , Irelammd , 1utstralia amid Ilimseimu , tumid by special invitation gave a seaimce before Queomi ' ,9etoria njmd her imousohmold. Iii the mouth of ItIa' , 1876 , lie was arrested iii Lomidumu by trd E. Cites- terfield as aim immipoator , amid was takomm be. fore Judge I. S. Demmieomm , who asked imimmi to give him sommie evitlemmeo of hits being what lie claimed. Time prisommor at oimca took a alatoaumd in it few imiintmtes hmamidemi it to the .lutlgc , who road it amid at omice oxclaimmmed , witim a t'oico trembling with emotion , "rime lrisoimer is acquitted. " lie had read a comnummicatiomi from a brotimer bug since dcnl. lie was agnimm arrested by Professor Crookos , time distimigimisimed scmontist , who tested his powers 1mm imis private labora. tory , wimere every immoans true timed to tie- toot amty 1)OSBtblo fraud , timid the result was timat time charges wore voluimtam'ily withdrawn , \Vimilo iii Australia iii 1871) ) lie was arrested - rested by I ) . S. Slain , in 1\elbottrmmo \ , but was acquitted agaimm. 1mm fact , all ehi'orts to disprove time genuineness of Limo mmm's wonderful powers hmmuve signally failed , amid ito stamnts to.dav without a rival on earth. earth.While While iii this city time professor is atop- ping at No. 1618 Cimicago street , andin seance was givomi Thmursdayereimimmgattimia place , vhiic1m a roportr who was present timus describes : Semite score of iiersomms umiited in time circle last. evening , thin 'scammce being a dark otto. A cimair was placed iii time ccii- tor eecttrcd to time floor by iaver bands tacked emi time cmmds. Jim this cimair the medium smut , botim wrists bcimmg etmcircled by cords which iii turim wore fastened. t ® time clittir. Time lighmts hinting been ox- tinguisimed and. immumde joined , a song was suIm. and with it opeimmug imotea time "spirit rnanifestatjc.mma" began. First timore canmo a hand , wimose hanl time reporter would not venture to say , but a hand there certainly was , as various vigorous culfli testified. There was mme partiality manifested , amid time reporter inwardly coxmgrattmhated. himself that Smiihi- van was still 1mm time humid of time living , which gave imommmc assurance that Ito would mmot be called upomm to take a imaimd in time tmlimggiiig immnt.ehi.Vimetimor any of time blows struck fire cannot be said , but there tremo nomne imidications pointing iii this dircctiomm , aim a wamider. mug light. aIlCaretl ) ttlOIl time scene amid floated abommt time room , iii imppoarammco like time blue llammto pronuced by striking a mnatcim. A 1)011 ) WflS rung , amid thin mcdi- nm's coat remnovcd amnt giveim to time re porter mis time cite immost iii imoed of such aim article. That ito imijUBtiCti elmoimld be done , thin spirits also removed a young ' it. time mcdi- ] ady'mshtat amid bestowed mipomm - urn. After studying sonic tiimmo to aseor. mimi whetimer time imat tvas properly adjusted , amid not "hind side before , " time reporter gmuvo it Ui ) tIC ti bad , jolt. Two commmmuuicmmtiona myoro rocemvoddmmr. 11mg thin evelming. ¶ I'iio first tvas mmddresecd to ommo of time gcimtlomncim preseimtnmmd read as follows : "My semi : I mum horn anti pleased to mmmeet yell. 'l'hero is a paper that . will give tip its lmidummg plmco : before lommg. , Look well nmmd yoU wilt be ammo. ceasimmi. I will speak to you thmrougi your former rncditmmmm. I will touch you to. : 'rime geimtlomtmii recognized time wr'mliimt . as timat of lila motimor. Another mmmcasagt m received by a lady was ultmmittctl geimtmilme bitt imot mnado public. Thmo znodhmpt tlmmm carried out aim un provised cabimmcmmt and mmitorimuhlzatiomm a . spirits took place. heads , urine and tin t UilOP portiomi of mm body were scott. 'rwi ladies iresolmt wore vositive that they satS Limo sa.imu imdividmmnl. , S This evening 'm seammco will b - trill ho given at No. 1018 Chicago street and emi Smmnday evening time jmrofeesor mvii open at time Academy of Music. 0mm thu latter evening mvm admnissloim ( cmi of 25 am . hm0 cents will ho charged. If anyone wil . tying a Cimimmamnami or ropioseimtativo o any imntiommnhity wimntover to ammo of times S exhibitions , l'rof. Shade liromnisea timmit. ii - shall receive a eotnmmmuimicatioxm in lime mmu t tivo toimguo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S : It Strike Agimhmist Miuhilnimry , - Cmuo.umo , Novcmmmber 2-'J'imti lute 11 Ocetum's ( Jormmimit ( ImmmL ) avecial says For sormmo time farniurs iii timEs mmeighmbor hood , true owim self.hummdhmg harvesters t have boon receiving lottIrih thmvommglt thmi a and adjmuceimt pristotlices thmrcatoimimmg vcmi geammee because timummu rnaehmitmes redtmce time doimiamul for ftirmmm laborers , 'I'imes threats took the forum of incoimdiary bar , 0 burnings. 'l'lmimm sveek several bnm'ns hay beemm cwmsttmimod already , includimig tsr a ia.'mt night , Ommo of these was set on fir 0 mit 3 o'clock this mmmorning , after thin owime it Imad guarded it till 2. 'l'his causes mnuc r excitement. and farmers are forming it vigilaitcu A COLD IAYFOR HEMP. _ 1e trctchiii Scciics or Ascdlithilif Illhlocdllee Mar the Record of Ihe Bay. The St. Louis Grand Jury Oreato8 a SenRation in High 0111- cial Oirolea. Tile Governor of Miasouri Ooii- surod and the Police 00111- missioners Indiototi , A ( htlvcstomi Coward Etmititles Three Shiotgmmmts iii ( lie flnck ni' an Emmeitmy-Otiter Crimimes , OltIMlNztTi IIECOIII ) , TIIU ST. LOtl ? CNSI'imi.TOmi , Sr. I4ot.'ms , Novemmiber 2.-Time grand jttry mmmdc a fimmal report title afternoon , amid rettmrncd indictmmmemtte agaimmet Joseph II. McIntyre , State Coal Oil Inspector ; Eti liuttlor , Dommiocratic Pohit'meiamt amni eo called boss , nmtd las'idV. . Cmsruthm tumid lr. Frammk Lutz , l'oiico Comimmmmiesiomimmrmm , Tue imidictmnemmts allege thmmut. those lrtics commspired amid comubitteti to obstruct time adtmimn'metratiomm of law withm reference to gmttmmbhimmg , lotteries and gift eimterpmiaes , amiti to dictate and control time imol'mce tip. PilitimiOmttc with a view itt carrying otmt their echmcmnea , political amid otimorwise. Timoy are charged fmmrtimor mvithm mtttemmipt. mug to immduco ex.Cimief of PohicoJohmmm .V. Cmtmmi1mbcll mint. to immterforo srithm gammmbhing , lotteries , etc. , timid failing in this thmey ro- mimoved hint withtommt entice frommm ohhice. 'i'hme report asserts a conibinmitiomi of no- toriotte existed to obstrmmct time laws with regard to gammmblimmg ; cemmctmrcs time Governor for gramttimmg pardons , ee imocma1ltocotuvictetl gammibiers , amid. recomn mnommds time withdrawal kit the pardoning vower frommi time Goverimor amid appo'mmit. mmiettt of a State Board of l'ardomis. It. furtimer recomimmmiemmds time power of imp. pointing time Board of i'ohico Comnitils. siommors be witimtlrawim frommi time ( hmvormmor , amid that they be appointed citimor by time 1Iayor or Cim'ctt'mt , iudgcc , atiti also so- veruty ceImsumros time use of hmumk ) resgumm. tiomme by tile Governor. lesst. Cnrmmtlm , Lutz mmimd i'.lclmmtyro voltmmttarily vcmmt before .lmmtlgo Nootmami , of Limo Commit of Crimmtiimmul Correction , two or three hours mifter their imtdictimment % t.mts ammmmmmtmced , amid emmtered bomids of $800 each. Time charge ngnimmst thorn is ommhy mmmisdomnenttor. Time othmer iimdicted parties svill give bomids to.mmtorrow. Timoro me a uttiverammi feeling of satisfactiomm at thin work of tim" grammd. jimry. It is stated time graimd , jury mviii ho mimstrimctcd to comi- timmume thin imtrosti'vitiomm of time ring , mmd there is little doibt that still immoro fin' portammt imitlictmmmonts mviii lie foumul. It is also said some wittmemmsea before title jury trill be indicted for giving false testi. mimutmy , .m.timi : . ' qu.ummrmnm. 1.tcs.ts Cirv , Novemimber 2.-The iii- forimmatiomm received frommi ( iallatiim that Frank Jaimmes was allotvod time liberty of time streets , is tmmmfoummdctl. Time story was time reammlt of a case of mimistakoim idemitity. .Jatmme line mmot been on time streets at nil amid mint iii time jail 3nrd , cx- Ce1)t when attended by a deputy. .tttttmsD IW luoTiu14. : Ilm.tIiNO , l'a. , Novemmibor 2.-Deputy Shmcriil' Strummik timid a posse of policcmtmemt returned. fronm Gibraltar , five miles from here , time scene of thin railroad riot , lmav- lug jim custody tweimty.omme rioters. They wiil have aimearing in tiienioriming. They are nil Htmngmirinmms , cnii1oyed on time mmew Schmmmykill brammohu of the Poimimaylvania road. This inormiimig Commtraetor hour. imman paid thorn oil' timid discharged timoum because timuy wore robehhiomma amid demummd. cd higher woges. They iot drtmimk , in. timmildated other worknmen , amid tried to poretmado theft not to work. Next thmoy attacked timelaborors'quartors , tore dowim time aimamities , broke ammd do- atroycd ovcm'ytimiug they could lay Imands Ott. Time i see Iumrsmmel Ihmemmi on time roami arid caumghmt imp witim timomu at Birds- bore , whore all trore CtmltUrod , oxcelt olin or two. Pistols svere talcen frommi several , others carried dangerous looking kimivea. A charge of riot amid iimtimnidat- imig woricuien trill be preferred agaimmet thmemn. A utah tumid wonman vcro assaulted. Time hatter is badly injured. hmtrmmqrNnl : To KILT. . ( LtLvmSTOS' , November 2-At Boltoim , \Vedumesduy zmighmt , L. .1. Wihhitmimumi , a law. yer , 1mm passillg time rcstaurammt of George Eckles , time hatter stepped otit tumid eznm- tied four cimnumbera of a mmix almoottir into Wihilaimis' bmmck. Eckics then wont inside tumid returned with mm ahmotgtmmi amid thu. charged ( ) IiO barrel \Vihliammms' thmroat timId fmmco. 'limo other barrel immissed fire , whmernupomi Ecidos brought ammotimer suet. guim nmmd eliot both barrels \Villiamum' vmoatratc body. Time pair hind a difileulty IL few days Imfore , ilurimmg svlmichi 1mVilhiamne eliot at Eckles but missed him. ' ( 'ime on- gin of time trouble is imot stated. BEAUTY SOAP ! r mO keep the 1'rc Opel' . the oil glands and ttmles tttli I. , a , , , ! thmms fmmrulbhs all iitmtlt for Inipmmdtle. : III no icrsirst In , , mist blocil whIt ) , cause lie milhi. , tiny 1,1ntcic ) , blaaimheacls andnmlor , , , dmlim lletnImde. , , e.pec4 .mly oh liifaiits ; to cicsie , wlitttri ami ) beautIfy . the ekIn , remnevo tim , , , freckles , .umburn , at , , ) niiy niatter ; to keel. the Iiiu.di soft simile and Ircim from. . . I chaps aimti rotmgiince , prevent coi.taglc.Lis . , hl , . aimil , & aI ) , tIistai4a , atiti to ItomItIu an ex,1it.ite , .kii ! tieaii. tilter antI toilet , bath cud , I1mr , + ery .anmutImu , redolent wIth delicloto , hewer oiirs slid C.mtlcura . IcmiIsi , ) iUim. , f .31LIIII . USU the thmtlcmmra tbsp. Iridors.l by i'y' ' ( Ian anti ctiei..ists an uljolutely uImre ciii ) IiIh.iy . me. I dlrlimil , Slcs maim and i852 1,000,000 cike , The Heritage of Woe. ismmmv : , idiamimo anti agomly , I ftc : . bc.jtmtnt liv.t . as f .1 IL 5(110 lt8C3 t.I tiijlI'i'mi , ly mis , cuts Is , ierIcctvtI i Ihxofimla , Ti. vk.imIbc thu blood of tIiI btroilltaiy , , .Iso : , niiI , thi ; .etio , ii I us , , iiuL m rotmimo etmtmo of m homiest. , iitTerlmir , ii , thur the aklsi if I bulgi , rl.r , . J I ii. I. mimes , Itililer 'lectures , hhiiiilIatisy , , , lrmi.tlou : nii i..nitIso.mc , . $ ( .rt cRise.I % ly It , l ) 'Imry ) aiim ! ticaumlfy time skim , , aimit reitores the hsIr , to that Li imo tr.uo of ilseasu reimalii , Citleimra iteiiolvext , time liLt , . blood I'inltkr , illimictic acI , ams. cleat , mtil ( 'ut ) . ; eura auth Cutletira Sea ) , . time gremi Skin Citree suit ' iIeautIflcr. art' bufatlilde , S Had Salt Rheum r he the , nr.st agrsiate1 form for eight car. . He kitl of treat out , iiudknu ) Or docmnr. mIld ne any mm per.naiicut . good , ily friend. ) , . MhIon know 1.0w . I aullcrcd. WIiei. t bcai. the uo of euticura item. , 0 , Ile'S iisy ilmimb. WfO 5f aW alitl teiid.mr that I conk , . , , ot bear tilt ivtight or , tbeu. i.itiiont time ekhi. crack l , , Mihi 1.1cc I. . , slid sias ObhIgem ) I. kO tit , ut , 0i cutIw.I. . Peed time Camtmctira 1tenedIc fly. , nmomth , , 5,1,1 waS coim..letemy . suit .onnaswimtly ctrud , Mii5. S. A. IIROWN MaLlen , ? .fam.s. r lteferci.ce. . ; Any citIzen 0 ? blaldem , , Ma , , , - Copper Colored , I have beerm atftlctemi wit ) , troimlihesomo atmiti ill. C&LL , coieriii almost completely the tmm'iier jisit cm Joy body , causIng my' .ktri to assuimmo mm I. wed hue. It could be rubbed of ! II. . . , daudruf ? , era ii 51 tiiiio causijig intolimeablu Itching simm time im.L In tt'l.u suffering. I have ueI bloot purifier. . , plO. . U and cmtherwiyertisod teinemiles , but ex.rIcncd em mm reilof until I promureit thu thalcurm iteumeIic.ehmIcii , although carelessly and Irremnmlmely , cured mime , allay lug that terrible Itching , aiz.t etistorluig toy iki. . b 0 its nattiest color , I am wIlling to make elm Othidal I 0 to duo truth of this statement. Milan , MIt ) . . El. 0. m1Vm'OM. r Sob ! by all dtugghtc. i'rlco : thitloura , Miets m liesolvent , $ i ; mloap,2i Ct , . i'ovimuiHcuo Aim'Cun. a Co. , ilostee Mi , . . ieutl for "hew to Vitro kiu Ubesacs. " CRAY SPECIFIC MEDICINES. TPLAD MARL , TIisOflctTlzG.TflADE MAPIC amat , miaspay. Arm tinfatllngcutfot _ : end ill 1)iseuee that follow mic a sequence of SoP. . " . ' .t .1 --S 'rRE TAKID.peItattidet'aIn JTER TMIMO. * _ ' . flack , tlmncs. ) of Viton , irornature Old Age , , iuny otherlisos5e'e that bail tolneanity orCoim. lmnlmtlmirm and it t'tcmaturo Utile. Oew.lRs of tu1vert'evnents ) to refmnmt , money , when dttigmte from whom time medIcine ( q bcumght , Io sinS te'hmml , but tefer you to the manufacturers , nmI the reqImIroneimis are auth that they are , elmlnn , ( f er.'r mnnplk.I slth. See thoirwrittcngumaninke A trIal ut one almgme 1oCkat 01 Ut25'5 OpeeSlo will oonmlneo the r.oit eke'tlcaIof It. ical merits. Ci. . aeeoint of cemntoi1oltcr , we haso adopted the I nwWrappcr ; the only voatmlrme. t41FuIl prtkuhn. In OUT paznphlet , hkh we do. ite to email free by mud ) to every erie. tOTtme Spe. rifle ame.uc lao is , old ly tum drtmgthts.at tm pot pack. ire , or Me mac1agem for tO , or wilt tie sent frei by null on the tCCOf.t ) of the mousy , by n4draemn Tilti OItAY IIEIICINCCD. , ijulaio , H , 'f , SlmI In Omih hvU flr.lman. 1vIDmoo.e CIVILi ltIGItTS. Ami hhtuinclmt 4tIsImenl Isy time Colored I'eoplo of' tIeimiihmLq. Mnsnm'nms , Novommibor 2.-At a hargo mmieot'tmtg ot imrominiomiE colored citfens hmolil to.night , time fohlowimmg rcsoltmtiomi Was adopted : "Tiiat we , as a 11001)10 , do receive with eimmcero regret. the decision of tim Sttimremmio cotmrt , timid vo deeply do- lm1te time dmtmmumgimmg clh'ect which immny r4- atmlt to tie as mm imeoplo ; that ve csmli tmlitm time Imeoplo of time Ummiteti States to ttim'te , with uma in potitmonmimg the ! .cg'mslatutro to aminull laws tliscriimmimmatimmg agmmmmiat ums on nccottmmt of race , color or condition , to time cmiii that we immay enjoy time privileges amiti immimmmummmi- tics ( limo to tic tic citizens ; that we desire that time enjoymnemit of these rights amid priv'mlegesbosccuredtoallparttm t'f thocoun- try , amid if 'lecessary that by tutu ndditiommah anicituimtiemit to the comistitutiomi of thin tTimitcd States they will be phacet ! clearly beyommd amiyactmmuido by time State ; thmat we regard social citmmuiit emi one Imatiti amid ott time other , civil rmghmts dime to mmmcmi iii comnmmton , mum totally dilForemit timitigtm , amid we do most earnestly protest. imgaiiist time i"rmorammt , i1lo"i a1 cfibrt to confomimid hcee two ideas ; that we regard it of the imi"imest jam- portomico Oii our inrt entirely i'asemttial to time ftmhI possession and en- joymnemit of all rigitta of citizenship , to give mill emmcourag mmicnt. to thin formittion of parties of imltmstry amid ecoimoimmy , amid time mmcqmmiaitioii of imitehicotual culture anti wcaitlm ; timmtt. we ratcfumhly recognize thin stroxmg sommso of justice tumid immtcgrity to right primmcipio imimimmifested by .Judgo Mar- hum iii imis dissentimig frommm imis associates of time Supreme bench. " Addresses were mmiado by Congressnian Voittid , Casey amid others. Ex.Congreaa- mmiami Wihliatmm R. Moore wrote a letterex- ptcsimig symupatimy with time object of time mnenting. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIme Color lilmie lowtm South. AUSTIN , Toz. , Novommiber 2.-Adjutant Geimeral Kmmmg reports timat. time negroes are dissatisfied with exclusive cars for their aecomumnodatiomm , mind says that train mcmi emu time Texas Cemitral , where time sostemn imnmm just benmu immaugurated , ann eomnlelled to take colored imeoplo omit of time cars asumigimeci to wit ites , - TELEC1At'II NOTES. ' [ 'lieVest Ifoyltoim ( Mas. ) schioolc are closemi. Fifty cases of th'mimimtimerla hare oc- ctmrm-ed within a wecic , aumd five doatlmt. A disjatch frommm .Tnnmaca ! amays a monster political mneothmmg was kohl last milglmt In King- atom , . It was a great sucee3s'being an im- macmisc ilomonstratlon tighlimlt Lhmo Present 8S. taut ci'government. . Thin sophomeroand frellmnian classes of the. Ilcmmssnlaer . Pohytochnic Institute , at Troy , N -V. , , ilavo beau rttisponded. Tiny hsd a tm'ug- gb for a claps brumnor iii the intIttmte , amid the 9ropcrty was damnmm.'pEI I00 ivrn'tim. Two of of the student-s urero seriously injure ! ' , others shigimthy. 'rho Chicaro Immter Oceami's Iowa City special sayit mmiiit before last at Oxford , this titate , \Viison s flotmring mmmiii was bunted. hose , $10,000. 'limo schmeoner John A. Mccviii trims blown ashore at Cleveland lust n.igiit. The crow sept11 rcscuc(1 1mm a basket over the line. by the life savimmg craw. Sommtommcetllor 14j ; : hIurm'iuro , INn. , Nosumaber 2.- Charlotte Eppe yesterday wjs found g - ty of mmmurdurimmg Imor Imuslnd last. 44110 , by time adnmimmietration of poisonfPPs was mmmi oUl mind wealthy bachcland wan mnarried to the mnmmrtlerous itmit imiontha preceditm' his death , she pfoviously hay- iimg served Imirn in tim caltiity of house- keeper. liar punimmhmyit was fixed at immmprisommnmoiit for life. / 8111,111 . Sm'muniorir.1n , 1hI. Novornbcrti.-Oascs of smmmahl potjmavobeomi reported at Stone Fort , SaiirnJcounty , and at Paris , Edgar county. Thu disease seommis to ho confined - fined titus ar this season to tito southern portiomi of time State , owing , probnbiy , to its inoro direct exposure to infected local- flies , but to mi great xtemit also to neglect of vaccimmation. / 'l'lmc PrIce of Life. ' 1'o3loTowN , M. D. , Novenmiber 2.- [ mm time case of Grace M. Ahiisoim verses time Baltimore j4mid Ohio railroad , to recover - cover $10,000iamnages for tIme kihiing of her father , te jury returned a verdict awardimig ] m9C' $ U0O0. Time dofendamits appeal. I - - SockLng Accident. 0zNelAT ; , Novomnbor 2.-Mrs. L. Woiftitoin , yohl known in Jewish circles , weimt to ts wiimdow of time fourth story of her icidomico this lnormiing to call the cotichmlin timid fell to time groimmid below. Simoiac shocldngly crushed but. lived till ii y mu. - Time iIIlssLsslmpL Comnmmmlasioim , S O.mmio , Ill , , NoVember 2.-The Missi- Bijtpi River Couiniesiomm , , Ceimeral , loitn S A. Logan chmzmirmmman , passed soutlm at 3 o'clock this nftcrmioomi They examnirmed S sevei1 river maim , amid Imad eommsultatioii with _ other proimminont. citizens. HOOD'S SARSAPARIELA Icncaretmmliypreparedutra.cCot the best remedisi m of die yegetablo kingdom known to rmmedlcat ect. ' race as .AilenUiyee , himoc.i i'rniflers , Iiimmrehci sort oaIcs , uctm as 5&riiaprWa. Ydlew Dock.lttUUugta. IMadeilea , Jurmiper DenIes , SIaumIrnlme.Wiid Cherry . IIar sac other ieiected root , , barks and herb. . 4. gmmedlotne , ilLs ammynmiag rise , can ire fairmr judemi only by hic results. W pointwlth aatbfmdcton ! to tb , . glorlouerecormi lioo.P.areiim4rlUa lisa coterni rot f itaeU upon thmi beads of timoulmuidi of people 1mm l.eyr . utandwLohaeper.Ona.iiJOr Indirectly Sitar- I lievt4OI terribloeultertxmgwUcl * imU niberremedmee . iaUedtoreaclm. , le.ira C. I. Iloo'I .t Co. : Oentm-rlease semi ms S aaitafew Loolt iiook for lUibuiIen. Your mmremimva Ira wortat wonilere In tim esas of air ie. itho liaa beer , trmibttrt with pmci licambieha snot hmoacneaa toe ) year. . 131's onmy tooit oiw-batf teapoonrui at a dose , sad 1mM lied hecim co well her itveyesr mu. now , Sim.s moundthttwtlblnilweckidtertflklntdll.ii3 Sell very tath beitOr Snit is now entirely tress flume ihao ec- - vemheaWhes. She has 501 laien antef nay or- , . count dare Laa * pi1ng , unit wbal httUt abs Said 1 * ierm TotIoutherimts1 anmiwO flLt % hmwemttnltme Sense , yomtrslruhy , iLOhiUt L htll.i'ittaict.I. Mass. t S