J' y - 1 . ( 1'.LiL DAILY BEL ° ° C1l.1UNCIL BLUFFS , FRIDAY , N'VI.\f ifEIi 2 , lbtl3. Ii ri1 + DAILY BEE. : COUNCIL BLUFFS. Friday Morning , November Z , i BUDSCnnTioN 1LtTs : ay Carrier - - - - - - - 20 yenta per week Dy Hal - - - - - - - - Flo.oo per Year OFFICE : NJ. 7 Pearl Street , Near nroadway , MINOR MENTION. Sec Joseph Reitcr's fall goods' Additional lochs on seventh page. Cheap ltailrond Tickets at Bushnell' Lotto is talked of a being the one to opal the now opera houao hero , 0 , IT. Snyder teal been reelected eec rotary of the Mills county fair asocia- ti011. Services appropriate to All Saints' ' day wore hold yeatordny in the ritualistic churches hero , , Justice Abbott has joined ill wedlock Chsrlo8 II Smith and Dogmar F , Ncl- soy both of this city. The Itound Table gives a reception to nonlo of ita friends at the rc8idonco of bor. A , B , Walker , thus evening. No need of the boys wasting their evenings in lounging about the streets. Council BluthT has two zlight school this winter. The ladies of the Ilroalway M. B , church are to give a Newingland supper in the parlors of the thurcltnext Tuesday evening , It is now decided not to have any more leave gathering in the park until the tree. are all bare , so that the cleaning up ' may all be dole at once , t Yesterday afternoo' Charles H. Creigh ton , of Omaha , was married to Miss Kit- t , tie Ttcliugll , of the same city , Justice 1 Abbott performing the ceremony , The Bluff City hossd team coos not pro , ! polo to give up the contest with the I lhuratoi s of Omaha , but will ronox 1 their cbnilonge for mother naco within t a few days. I Informations are being filed inviting file prostitutesnnd gamblers to stop up and pay their lieogsu , under the garb of a deposit for their appearance at sumo t future day of trial , or a fine , l Tire following have been selected to servo as jurora ill this month's tom of t t the superior court , although it is doubtful 1 about thcro being any jury caacs , so they 1 will probably not have to servo : E. Ito , I aecrans , W. 0. Oliver , Wade Cary , Elias Sears , Garrett Croon , Johii E. Alllea , A , t n Covalt , George A. Jacobs , and P. D , 1 ' Moltaz. 1 1 1 In the case of ltnsmussen vs. the Rock Island railway , an appeal has been taken i to the Suprono Court , The plaintiff is t administrator of the cstato of one Larson , who was killed while woridug for the company by a bank caviluf in on him. At tnu out toxin of the circuit court the t case wa decided against the plaintifl , Hopes the apps' 14 " The salon u men are now coming up to I I the clerk's oflco with $100 each nl pay. meet of the next quarter's license. The t 1300111 as won satisfied as when the license t waa Duly $1110 , and one of them remarked - ed yesterday that ho wished it was $1 , . r 000 lic01uo httoad of $400 a year. An. I other year will probably see the license I raised a the present one seems to have i worked eydU. Judge Reed holds an adjourned term of t the District court at Glenwood to-day , what the motion for a now trial in thea .Taper N. Clousor murder case will be ° heard. Col. Kcatley is ono of the coup. t nol for tlioprisonor , and one of the inter- eating 91a2108 , en which rho motion for a f 310W teal isbaod , iii that one of the jury which convicted Clouscr was drinking to s much during the trial. I There Iva n slight disturbance at Ida Story's house of. ill.f sine Wednesday night , which Ollior Barhyto put a stop t to by arresting the soomiugly disturbing elements/ the form of two y oung m011 , C. Femur and Ton CaOb who g gave t I aecuritY for their appearance yesterday , t t At the examination of the facts by Judge 1 Aylesworth , it was learned that Fraer did little beyond talk but Ca11'ory , it e i t acorns , struck the landlady , nud rather ° started the row. Ile was 11110(1 fa m1(1 Ii coats , while Fraer wa discharged. ° t i Tow case of the mot Lorringclan god Ii with malicious mischiafl has ocoupled l0 two or three days in its examination. i , , The prosecution claimed that ho had got mad withh one of the firm of Skelton , llondricks nL' Rico , and that ho had ' threatened to got oven with thou , and nought to do so by entering their tailor. ing eatnblishment ono night and cutting u i two pairs of Pantaloons with a Pher o shears ; Thu evldenco against tlio accused wa circutat + mtial , but Juatico Abbott concluded it Was Btrong enough to warrant loin in binding Lorringlover f , to await the action of the rand jury Jiry' month , bail being n 6ivonfi n the sun of s1 µ ,0. It is probable that the city council will at its next mocUn take te initiative s ' ate toward securin legislation tine winter to e111lblo the sit to o ahead t with the PaviliB of the streets on the im- provoneit bond , by which the property r owners , who have to pay for the proposed paving , lacy luavo a series of years to pa for it in , by paying a low rate of interns ' , 'with the option olraYiu a 1 at once if y they prefer , thereby Bavuig inWrest. It f { 1 is thought that to pave under the present nnethod , requhriug the whole payment at 1 ouco , i8 too great a burden on many of M rho property owners along Broadway and u { Main atroet6 , and that by partial pa . . , m erits the desired ills1)rovemolIts could 1x1 IUada next season , v t : rev. Mr. Kaolin returned yesterday 1'r , s from Dos Moines , where ho his been in uttendanco upon the convention called ' for the Purnnse of or anlnng a I'risonere' t r" A'II ' association of Iowa , the object of such society being to help prisoners lead t . 4 as honest life , cud to prevent crime , In I,1 many of the States reformatory work is yr4 being pushed acalously along tlii6 Ihno , and with encouraging results , and it is a 1 matter which cannot but futercat all who hay's the good of i as at heart. On idci Wednesday o ouiu. Govurnor Shortnan 11 and other intereatilI r gave an Sturtuvant ' 1 ddr saes were ven b Br , 'i of Grinnell Cha 1 .lain . Donn. of Ft. Mail- - . Bon , and Mrs. Merrill , of Anamoaa , a11 s = of won had had experioncp with cried. 1 l sat classes , and 1Whu bad givot rho sub. 1 jest much thought. Au Organlsctioli w a r1 to 1)0 perfected yevterday , and it is to b 0 laopod that it nnsy grow and meet with 0i dt the desiriud rtieulte of bettering then o ' r t1 ' { ° CprnicOe and red chcaltrot a ' I E , Stockert & Jo , e , JO'J Blosdwuy. ) k I A POOL OF BLOOD , A Quarrel Oror the Game Lca s to a Probablq Fatal haolin , The Assnllant Now Lodged In the GIolwood Jail , The southern part of Mills county has 1)0011 ) thrown into some excitement over a murderous rev which took place in a saloon kept by a lnan.named John hall , in Solomon , The row was over a game of pool , and David Brodock , an inofon ; sivo and rospcctod farmer , while trying to separate the parties , received a bullet from a revolver in the hands of a man named MoCllargue , which ht is thought will provo fatal , Yesterday's Malvorn Leader contains the substance of the facts as brought out on the preliminary examination 5.8fol lows : On the afternoon in question , Tom Quail , who lives near Solomon , in company - pany with a 2101)110W from Missouri , by the name of Alex McCharguo , flail' ; saloon and engaged in a game of pool. After running behind 30 cents on the game , they loft the saloon refusing to pay it. After visiting alothor saloon they returned again to ] fall's , anti wanted to continue playing 1)001. The bartender told than the could play no more until they raid what they wd him , Quail , asked h' how much it was , "Thirty cotta , said the bartender. At this DTa . Clarguo broke in with , "you are a - liar , ' at the same tuna drawing a self- cocking revolver. The bartender throw up his loft arm , striking McCharguu on the olbowand elevating the weapon , and at the santo time striking stint in tune face vith his right test. 'I'lio two clincliod , and a4 no one scorned inclined o separate then , David llrodsch stepped up and taking McOharguo by the ) oft armjlttempted to get hold of the ro- olver , The latter , however , turned 1110 voapon quickly and fired , the ball pass , ng through a linger of Brodeck's left laud , then through 1)19 chin , entering ho neck , McCharguo was inunodintely .laced under arrest , and ins preliminary oxaininatiun held on Monday and Titus- lay , the substance of which is given above. Before the examination was corn- plated , however , D , If. Soloman , who i yes prosecuting the case , nioved a post- lonemeit till November J0 , which was granted. Lrodock's attending phyaiehans lill'or in opinion materially as to ltia con , dition-one claiming that the ball is edged in his neck , the other that it lased out. his recovery , however , is doubtful , at the best , lYe are informed hot the fooling against 11Iccharguo rues 'cry high in and around Solomon. 1I0 vas brought to Matvonl Tuesday evening ) y Marshal Talbott , and kept during the 1 light , the itfarslial taking him to Glen- vood and lodging him ill jail yesterday. Dr. Nest , dentist , l4 Pearl street. Cut rates to all points at McAllister's icket oilice , 505 Broadway , Council Bluffs , _ - - - - FAMILY FUSSING. . SO. . , Whips IIII ! Father Because the 01.1 Riau ilitln'c Behave. The family of John R , Marshall , living n flint part of the city known as Streets- 'ille , has had couidorable trouble of late and night before last a row broke out be- weeu the head of the family and the on , a young inan of about twenty. As result the head of the family now wears wo very deeply draped eyes , Constable Clatterbuok arrested both father and senor or fighting , and yesterday morning the on was brought before Justice Schtrz , but as the fattier did nut api ear ngainat Minn ho was discharged. , Tlio father appeared before Pubs- ice Abbott I(1 pleading guilty raid i1 and costs. The son reason for pounding his fathun wan lint flu was so ugly to his toothier , and hit lee hind acted in aa very unftttlturly 1 ray , to say the Toast , toward lus sibter , t t girl of about uighteoii years. Tim boy ouldn't aloud any more of this sort ob etion , and in the controversy blaDkonoi } L , is father's oyes. Mrs. Marslmll leas onmencod prnceedi1ls ( ( fun a. divonco , on. ho ground of hdr Inrsbmt'r : s cruel treat.- olt , and it looks now as. if the family ' circle was to be pretty badly brnx01i up , llfnrahall used to. live in Omaha.nui hero had a setiantioual revelation of his Tamily life about three or four ysura nge. rho family sag they have boile + with him. until furbaranco lte ceased to bo a vi.s tua. 3US9'dtEc rviix A large and elogaut stock of the nrcab- sat eolections of Ovorcoating , Suiting 1111(1 Pantaloon Paitnriu of the latest art n i and 5i1A1r8S. AU orders made up in first class styles , and satisfaction guinuitcod. Call and uiaailno our stock and make your sCiUdious. All orders , proniatly filed. SMTII & Tou.sit : dos , 7 and J Main Streak. Council Itluth. ORi tT TAlE OFI S. Tl.o Boya Celebrate llallolydon by Various Praak6 , A good many of the eiticoa , eu awakening - ening yesterday morning , found the front gates of their residences had been taken off by the rtliSehiovous boys , who cele. braced the evening before. Some of these good citizens ware so wroth that they used languagu very unbecoming to All Saints' Day. Others wore more good nntured about it , One old carriage was taken out unto lower Iiglith street , and turned over on Its lido in tlR BtrceL boom of the shrewder gate owners took their gates into their houses the night before thus barring the boys out for any spurt with thorn , Two or three of the more ingenious boys showed financial shrewdness by Iiuntln" up missing gates yesterday and returUttl g thioni to their owners at ton oaut6 reward for each ate , Thu alacrity with which the boys found the missing gates was slightly suspicious , and led to t m surmise thatossibl ' they had boon around at least when sand gates wore car nod oils if they did nut them ul r themselves. One despicable sort of a trick w a plsyod on an old lady living on lowe r MaiatXOCt. Aladdorwasetupagainn t the door anal than thu door bell wa rung t. so flat when the woman opened lb e dour to see who was there the ladde 1 fell 1n , 'ague woman unrrowly cacapetl being injured seriously , and it would be 4 good thing If the one who tried this practical "joke" could be brought to re- ahze time serious side of it. For the most Part the pranks were not very serious in teir nature , but it looked altether too simple to se some of the ( mill grown 'sung lieu trying to lie cmt- lu nug bs ' moving about ,13non Broad- way. Six per cant city mid farm loans , S , IV , Ferguason d Co. , 89 Pearl Strnw&f , ro Attorney Babcock , of Avoca , wa4 In the city ycskrday. - A largo stock of curtains and fringes at E. Slockert& Co.'s , 3011 Broadway , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICI-Special : wlrcrtlsementt , each as Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Mont , Want. , Uoard fng , eta , WIII be inserted do this column sl the low rata of TEN CENTS PER LiNE tor the Orel insertion and FIVE C1Nm : rmt LINE for aech euhsequenl In. sertlon. teare alrortieoments at our otflee , No. 7 Pearl Street , near Urelwav WANTS , lANTEb-E.ery 1latym Council Illuffe to teke Tneilrs. Dellrered by carricret only twenty cents s week , .wANTEU-A , pony , to dellrer Tunnel. l f j.tNTEU .113 a competent etenngTapher em. 11 ployment eiening , . Tnncrl marls on typc wrlter. I' . 0 , box 'l , Council Uruff..a . II AvlNo III TUIINEU to the rlty' , I em now pre , pared to rerelte and winter a few goes track hors , or hoary mvlten. Ikst of rare and prolar axervheand tralnlrgguanntco , ) lair loom ad. tressI.Ik Witson , Counctl Blulrs dtirlug irk. wcd&31on tl ) Itt IIAItu.NAnoou..anlinga ( set of Jont. ) l ) sass Ent yclo'Ielh ' : , eight rolunlar , can gete bar gain hy' cniling at Tlic lIce alllcc JAcon Snms. 1 : . 1'.CADWELL , t : sIMa& CADWELL , RttorneysatLaw , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office , Slain Street , iteoms l sad Shugart A Me. lotion's Block , will practice in State and nslr. I marts lIOSEPII GAGHEGA.NV HARD WOOD AND -COAL- . Cornet. Eighltl avenue , Couucii ilun. . Ad i.aw ast rate , and prntupt ddlsiry. T o. . on vna , n. N. rcexr. OFFICER & PUSEY BABC1KERSIr Council Ulu7u - is. Esfablishea - - 1856 ! Dealers iii Forte oa and Domestic Exti n , Ionic Securities. burs , II , J. HlllouI 1I , B , , PHYSICIAN & SURGE' . ' N , 292'RreadwarCouncU , Blufra. PILES. S tread Piles and F. d1Lng or the Rectum Ins rodlWl and pcrmaucut coca , h. .row two torar week , . Operation. palulese. Diseases of the Rectum a Specialty , DR. A. J. COOK , 16dkw Uen , Councl Ulnas. owrw bfako Your Contracts Now for Your' Winter lsupply of Missouri Iflr Woody AN ! ) ItARDAlKi 2OFT a a L , -WITII-- ' S I. © VE1TON , tr t r 505 First Avenue , - Council Bluffs , Iowan , ' And secure tbu beet artlrleand full measure at t\a { Cry lo' cot lids. titotu woo Udailerod to any pLrl , If the city DR. CL ) W. RANGL . R1ErAEER 0' ' MAN I i'lttee.ycare ' . eapedeure. Idyls ik , Slagnetlenzd tcrbatl.t I'hytlcian. Slater of the folluwlug .its. canes : CatarrbJNenous Dcl4cbilental Deprrj oil , Apoplexy , ilt9 , Lows of IAauha.wl Oancora Removed Without t.o Knife , Drm. By Ourod Without' Tapping. .Ivcr Complaint luduny Cntnulaint , lllabele. , nthu , uall.ut , ParuI.i i'hite. $ waaing , Ery.lpclas , up , Viti. ( lkutce. Woman and Iler Diseases Treated WCh ; tna na piest Eesnlte. Spoclai atteullun grcn to prirete and uvntaal IMcaae ) , locatnl No , 910Ilroadwey' , ( loom e , tap , stairs ) , Council ISaas , Pun. A Corroot Disgnosts ( ! Sven Without nap. Explaaatlon from the Patient. t TConeit tatto.lree'et otc.n : MORGAN , IIEI&ER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The finest quality and Inrge.t etrokweet of Cliesgo of lYoodeu and Dlttalio Cnnnt. Balls ettoudat to at ell hour. Wedefy comtatIYnnInquality ofgoods or priocn. Our an inurgau ha. eened es undut.kor fur forty years anu thnrou/tdy ; uud.rstnnrle hiebusI. none. lyarorooms,9llllrondway u1'1IOT.YTTJutlo in all lt. branches promptlyy amended to ; also car 4 laying anti Inmbroqulne. Toiegrephic and' ' ninth Aders filled without dolor COUNCIL BLUFFB IUZLROAD TIME TAIILB The following ere the tsar of snivel and taparinr. trtlns from We local depute. The ( rein. stare born lit. Union 1'aeea depot about ten udnutea. corller lfan below .taMl , sad . .Lire at the depot eboul ten minuteS kten. Ttnlnr on poallhua * At % . 0 , run on tag time a hel hour taster than local. W.bash trains nun oe St , ioule time , twenty minute. foster than locel. U. 1' . sad Lincoln tralw run mt Conuoll Ruude ttane. ciuaaoo , ior6 ISLAND MtD rac.na. Anity LtlanaoErt..535p.m. PaciaeExt..Oly Kx.ndaaU , . , oaea.n. F.xnnd HaJP..S Deaulur.na'.T:1Jnm. : Deairulnea noea ta"aniO.SSLISOroe AaD Qt 04o1. Depart. Antes. OhicagoEa'.6 J5p.m. Coaruablue.ex. . , , , I .II snd Ei..D 46 n anll amt Ea . .TOO p. m crcauo sad auwnrw.'mas. Drywrt. Aura , . . LtinnttoEst.,1:16p.mu. Pad5alirtp:16am. : nu end 7tx'.Oc0. : . n. Mall and Nx'e:1S : p , a Lcoom (5at.6W ) ; p. m. Acovcu ( Sraa.1:43 : p , m. Faasnacm , er. JOt .LSD WUNCIL aLUYT. . Depart , Aniva Yell sad Fx.O.5 : e. id. Espr.es,6' la p. tug , , , , , , . , ; u. in. I 5Sallwd Ex.d,46 , p. m. rites rAtwiu , 7)t. Arrire , O erl.nd Ex.ilds0LDu.Ov.rtau.fFx,4 , 00Pm UnculnF.z.,1lSOs.D.Dean. : ) . . . .9. roah. Denser Ka..1:00 : p , mu. l neat La. . . , , .e:8oa : m. Load . . . . . . . . : a. m. " ) . . . . . . ; a. m , Emtgnat.6td ; p , mu " Es..9OJ ; w m WA.Aet , , CT. 11014 AND rAt1Vle. 1)epant. Andre. annandEt..045au ; NeilandFx..430pm Cannon 11.11..L'bO .m. ( Snnon 11.11.11aNa.m .tool vnr Aseraclnc. Ikpsrt. Ardre Fur Sioux Clty,7:6S n , m. Fnn Sluux Oit78SO P ro VorFertKiubrarn From Fort Nk s.ua Neb ' , . . . .T5i4n.ut. Ncb. . , . , , , . dSop.n. ror st.i wui.Tw : p. mu. From St.l'aoh..5SO : n. m. CUICa00 , LILWADUI AND ST. ) Leans Ouaha. Anive. et thmhs , unu and Ex. . . , T:45 : a. m. I l'trlfcEe. . . , 0:43 : a , m Ltlwuo Ex , , . , 8:40 : p. m. ( Mall cud Ha „ 7.25 p , m Ml traho d.ily , CHICAnO. BILWArtae AND el. rIU6 Loaves Cornell iaua. . Air. , tkwncli Rlud. , u.u and E * . , . a:20 a. InSlnuan.IFx.055p.am. lu.uuo En , . . .Ial6 : p. in. I AUsnuo En. . toao a. m. COraclb SLUrAN ) Or4Aul hTexrr aILWAT. Lear.CounoiIBiuas Lrate Omaha. 8aru.Da.rolon.su.1.n. 8a.uLDs.ruglOam. m l p. tu. : ! p. u. a p.w.4 s. ro. l ro , tp. w B p , m p.nL61 mepauL 4pm.5p.Ir.ep.m. , Street an. run lilt hourly la the Union PsolAt depot. Ou Sunday th. can Pt-gin th.lr trilisatP o' oak a. mu. , nod run rugulnriy durtar the day st 8 , r Il , t , 4 , 5 , old 9 u' DWCk.Dii runto coq Utue. LAI31JAL i headers of THE B1E Inn ) ' wonder 1v11y' tvo jlcaded this advertisement as above. "We Can't Tell a Lie. " Tltorefore say to ytu that our object waste ntlract your attc'tIion to the fact that our stock of SIippers OVERSHOES AND WAD ER , For fall and winter wear , is the largest and best we have ever hnd. AU bought FOR ( JASII from manufacturersdircct. A11 work warranted - ed not to rip. Prices as low as the lowest. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , ) , I 01YA. Neste Side of Square , Clnrindn f MAYNE & PALMER f DEALFfS IN Hard and Soft Coal , :1JLg AND BARlr11T. LIMP. , LOUIBVILLC AND 1'01TL1ND CEMENT , MIL"JWAN PLASTER , HAIR AND SEWER PIPE. No , 639 Broadway , - - - - - COUNLTL BLUFFS , IOWA , SMITH & TOLLER , a r _ I ' loll ' , ' I V \ l i I11 Y } coy w a , t ! _ . C W t > - PAz - z 'i1 s - - - - - I = I W Merchant Tailors..r 7 and 9 Main Street , : x . ] icurORC ODI'T XZa aL4JI'Fl , x. . . . . ATTO16NEY AT LAW. M. N.tO OF POTTAWATTAMIR COUN JOHN Wr BAIRD , T3 UOL1.ECr1ONt0ENU1' conten3loathayandMaIautreet. TORN BENO & CO. , 16 ° Ine mtand'1TIAa ' > E.trect. - - CRSl'0 : . MORN , IJtel , 217 and 21D date. street. DR. J. F. VPHITE OFFICE . , . . , Cnnsr3iain and Fifth up etairs. ne9 idenae.5O Willow arence. JUSTICE } ' N SCNURZ r Oflceovor AmcrlcatiExpres , S. VVAGNER , wvl ea7lraatter 111119faii LIVERY at AND- r.a.1111a1110lAt99 FEED , : 22 Fourth cures. , J. M. ST. JOHN & CO. . CASH BUYERS , try yamt fruit. Ship , to n , Draftby returnmall. 148 Rrmdwar. I ACOB KOOH t , Stol'k Corrplate. Suits MERCHANT made at reasonable T.ULOIt prices. , No. 803 Stain St. G. F , . S.MI L . , 1 r Coy nor 7t t and Broadway. CONTRACTOR Plans AITD and BUILDER epecmOrationafumbheL. „ W , VP . SHERMAN _ I tiara the yarlety'that DEALER brln. IN FINE patranagu hARNESS. , 1i Main surest. JAMES FRAI + iEY , Ar : etlo Work aEreea.imm nP1bla TAcharges. . C7 ° . Broadway. ROVPE SON5 end ILousehcl : 9uppllc.FURNl1glItEBT0YE5 , 3jnroadway. LI1YDT & HART , Ja nee Blink. ATTO1tNEao1 In elate , and-fod.nl courts. bat h hosa. , and , . , . ' . , ANITARiUM ADd 421 425 Broadway L. Sorerelgn Crop. I' J itont goo nary , Xi D. rhysiclan. EDWIN J . ABBOTT , KsSaatr Public and JUSTICE General OF onve ancer. 4415 Broadway. REV ERIEHOUSE p P raadxav opposite New ) Opera Fiouso. NOITUN , itefltta181 , $1.50 per day HAIR GOODS OF ILL KINDS. $ old a the owes races IN TTiE wF.Sr4 QUALITY CONSIDERID. : At Mlli i , Dl A. BENEDICT , . - 337'y Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) , . . ffl.NEY TO I ESTATE ! : : aorploto Abstracts of Title to nil Lots and Lands in the County. . oa Steam Laundry ! i2 BROADWAY , COU11 MI4 BLUIflS. N. A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - has just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry. G uarnlttee good work , Please give me a trial , R. COLS & CU. , IiANUSAUTURErt Al bDBAt iU3 IN AI lL the Most 1 Lightning And Ovuementn Ala. Woad and Iwn Tamps , Wood Tuliag sad Ono III ea f Pipe nature , for boil , end bop . . Orden will preuptatt.auon. Nooe6O4 nub7 a1n woad Street , . . . . . . . Pump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . receive . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . .COUNCIL BLUPPSIOWA IF YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBER CALL ON S. . .i.r , Corner DTsun aa141I + 'lrat Avenue Council BhlT lie huq Them , PETER C. MILLER wllOLESALEAND RUI'AIL aII-Pa P ar acid WIndow Shadesand Painting In all its B a aches i FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. No. i.r > < iouth I'oiarl Int. Clounoil S1uJ3a. Broadway Steam Laundry ! 7134 w1111IT A. C. LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor , LATEST IMPROVED MAOHINERY. 1 EmPk.e HardWareCo. Jq" + I VCTIIOL33t9 A ZaI2 t t I : M , 101) ) and 111 S , idfaiu Street , COG\CIL BLUFFS , Iona , : I/r : ° 'tc31EL.f q lyltOIISAIL : IfALEI1S IN ! ATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 a nS,314 Broadway , - . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Joe Ci'ea , Prilits & CouIectiouery Parties , Soclables and Picnics supplied on short notice , nod goods delivered to nil parts of the city , Vienna Bread , and Pica , Fine Cigars. W. T , BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS tBougbtt raid olcd. Money Loaned Abstracts Furn i shed P.- . MoM I30N No , 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. BUCKEYE FIED ! GRINDER , Lyi 5 ' ! b a : .l I. VIII SHELL AND GPtIND AT TOE SAME TIME It A complete Horse Power. The best reed Mill in existence. Courts Iutlittle more than a conunon grinder. 1Vrite for circnhars to SHUGART , WAITS & WIES , Cc'.moil Bluf , Iowa , General Ageats for Western Io vn and Nebraska : MRS. D. A. BENEDICT 4 DEALER IN Lath-os' , &C. :137 : w. Rroadwwy r - - COI N IL BLUFFS. IOWA SKELTON HENDRICKS & RICE TAILORS , Io2 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. r ! " FALL AND WINTER , STOCK NOW COST EMBRACING. MANY NOVELTIES SOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED M. CALLACHER. car ® c ° New Store , Frc9h flood Low 1'rloarand ! 'unity Attendants. First Door east of Metropolitan hotel , ILO E v n QwAY. STEINHARDT & . FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers ! 317 Brcwlway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS : h'j j rayoll , 9 Solar Camera Enlargement for the trade at reasonable rates. Orders Dy mail promptly filled , C. D LUCC00K , 143 Broadway. Council Blufl3. J" CTi'I' OPENED I3 + CITELE' S European Hotel. The only only hotel nm an the European plan in this city. New building , nowtY furnished and all modern improvements , and is oantnlly located , PETER B ECA TELE1 PROPRIETOR Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs ) Iowa , PAWNBROKERS SALE or t Unredeemed Goods. GREAT BARCAINS In diamonds suitable for ladiui and gents , also in ladies' and gents' solid gold and and silver watches and chains , and a full line of sat and slain gold rings , 250 mop's and 110 boy's overcoats. All those articles must be soli- Mono lent on ALL - BINDS city building. of personal property. , I ) . GOLDSTEIN , 228 Middle Broadwa y' opposite WI , Re VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omalui and Council Bluffs , Real estate end cU.cti. , ngeooy , a U1d Fallowi lock , user nario , .Iank. : tansp. R. Rice M. D. CANCERS or other tumors tumoral without the I anlle or dewing of Woad. CHRONIC DISEASES " 'rpedalt , uter thirty years practical expertrn me , Ottles N. . J ' etruet , Council illud. , t4fauaeullation free ,