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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1883)
- . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - A I - . 8 rin rMLY BEE..aO1AfJA , WEDNESDAV OOTOBER 31 , 188. _ IE DAILY BEE. O11AHA. . Wo'ipsday Morning , Ootobor 31. Tue weit tier. For the upper Tisssppi ' 1Yi genoi-tilly fitir Weather ! wliid8 tnotIy front wct to nortii , niI1g baroniuter , 8tationa'y or Iowor toniperaturo , witit frot.s T11Ur5hy ( inormllg. } 'or tlio Mjisouri valley , fair woatiior , t northerly w111d8 , riiig baronioter , stA. tioiiary or lower tenhIwrnturo. . AiiiI.Miiupoly ( Jiiivontloti. A dogito coiivontioii of the Anti. MOflOlOliMta of Douglas county will be hold on Saturday , November 3 , 1883 , at , 1:30 : i ta. , at the City huh , Omaha , to nominate a county tickob. I'riiuary eke- tion will bo held on Friday , November 2d , in the country precincts , between the hours of 5 and 7 p. rn. , and iii the city procincta between 4:30 : p. in. and ( :3O : p. in. Every country precinct ui ontt1ctl to four deIogato , and cvury city proiiict will bo represented by Bj i1ohogate. 'the Anti.Monopi1y Committee. LOOAL BItE IT1ES. -save money. Sonil to K Foamnwhohoh cigar and t.ob.cco da1or , for price flat. -The cao of the 3tt , , . Ed. SIiitto , In. dictod for th murder of Mnrttn Knight , will 1)0 begun In the JIiitrict court bc- fore Judge Wakeloy. -A very JTeMant IirlrlSO lartY given at tlio redenc3 Of Mr. II. A. Kotoni , on llowarilstreot , aturday evening , It being the ftyfifLli annivor8ary of Mrs. ICuotero' btrth day. -1'rize will be given the ownera of the 11aflLiflO3t ) (1011 and the thou with the inaot interesting hIstory , at tim chlIdron'm fair on Thiiivadiy evening. All who are willing to ' lend dohla for the OCCMIOfl may leave theta with MIi Taft , oorner of Twenty.lirst nnh Webtcr atreohi , or Mr . .Sherrihl , 310 North Ttcentieth atreot. -The elevator boy hia read TilE Bi anti takoi it advice , svhiicht was , If ho ntuat ; read at all , to road aomethihig better than tim j . nickel library scrle& One of our reporter the other day discovered an elevator boy diligoot. I hy poruing , between lift , , tim life of Charles Il Sumner. But the boya must remember that ii , the changing light nod sudden intervals of darkness in the elevator ahiaft are hail for the 'h -It 1 ntrncroi hero that tim culpritti whia ' have been atmptlnr to wreck 'trains on the i ; B. & M. itoar Araiahoo h1v4 boon caught by 1 non Bent out from an Omaha detoctiro agon. cy. They vihI be hold at Arapahoe for exam. . m ination. They have boon Hyitoiflatically b. i atructing tim track , with somno foul purpose in view. -Asiihialt paving 1mM boon begun on Fif. teouth street between Hnrzioy and lfowariI. I A buy Ecene just now at the herald corner. -A number of Indinii , belonging to the ' "Wild West" ahow , went on this znomlng'i I train to roam once 3nore in the genuine wild p vost. -Dr. Carver , Ith aaron car loads of horses . and buffalo and a Party of 3 , Indians and all , ( loft for tim south this aftcntoon via the We. bash and 0. & M. roads. -The ( mineral of tha lata Mr. John (1. Ja. ' cobs took Ithaca on Sunday at 2 o'clock , from r the residence of bi father-in-law , Mr. SoIl. . dayIt won conducted under Masonic ens. , i . plots. . t -Cody and Carver have divided their busi. ness. Cody will make a theatrical tour of the c east during the winfer , commencing on Do. ti comber 3d , and Carver will organize a "Wild Vest" troupe of his own nod travel with it L down south durlngtho winter , tnrtlng horn Omahalnadnyorso. I -lora ) Ucrnard , a womnanof the town , v1to , a8 taken Uj ) to jail heat itight , ves discovered , A to be ill , amid time city physician being called ho said that sIte was about to be conflumod , and must be immediately sent to her home. She was token there. No later news. -3trs. Ozier1 facetiously styled the "Canary : Bird , " posoibly because alto looks as unlike a T canary bird us possible , itatl a bat ! case of c doltniuin tromnons at loll last night , and made It lively for ( lornian. The doctor loft a bottle of itiedicino with orders to muimninlotor 141)1110 ) of it ; whenever the woman ves uneasy or restless. Corman 8fl8 13110 WOM uneasy and restIos cli thio time and he fed her the whole bottle and then vent to the drug stora for moore. "Mitre of thati" said the drug clerk , "why , a bottin j of that ii enough to kill an ordinary Porsn , " I Corinan said that tIm Canary Bird was not an ' ordinary person , however , and seemed to relish it , so Ito got some muoro. Simo imagined hInt saw serpontis : everywhere In the room. lii S her jocket was found ft card mumnoimmicing her : ci Mr. . hEal ) , a witlow who lied boon burnt ( tilt. ( In this Idea she begged her livimig. -An important caliod iiroeting of tim No. lireaka State Stonograhmors association was hold in time office of 1rof , .1. .1. ] . 'oints last cening , when the annual eloctlou of officers I for tIme ensuing year tooic place. The follow. lug officers wore elected : l'residont , J. J. - Points ; yico lresldent , J. 'r. Deli ; secretary , t :11. : G. Stripe treasurer ; , ui. . ureevy ; exam- Lug cormunittee , J. T. Boil , 11. 0 , Wakely and 'Xhomnas T , Mellon1 executive committee , James II. Ilaynea , J. B. Shmpsblro anti 0. A. lYotter. After some little discussion the date of tim annual banquet was fixed for Saturday , Jecetnbor 8th , and ths fohlowiog committee 'of arrangements antI progranuno Wore ap. potnt.odm John T. lIeu , 1) . 0. Wakoly and Jamo Wilson. The following iontlozneu were : admlttodintotlioesioclation ; Messy. Thomas , t3hepoaxd , Case and Woodmnan. CaJItAIU Morris 0. Foote , of this Ninth Infantry , who was In the city yesterday , Irtnnewu . . death of Mr. Charles Y -Y.'IJoo , a ti , tirr of Miss Constance Wool . lion , the novelist , which happened at Los Au . Holes , California , last August. Mr. Wo3lor I . will be remembered. by a circle of friends Ic I Omaha whom he attached to himself by 1mb I genial macnoes , brilliant qualities of imitnt I . &uil rare cozmvenmtional lmowers. Just Prior h ) ltI departure lii Augnst , 1879 , ho was omit . pluyotl for saute weeks in tim 11. & M. head . quarters , . _ _ 'yin , MIssln Mary ChurchIll. Tinuni 1tAUTI , Intl. , October 1O.-Dr L Itobert Van Vahzab , a dunti5t of this city , Iun1 a cousin of Mary Churchill , time zntsms. . tj . . , 1i1 St , Louis girl , was visited yoaterda , ' ovcuiIiq about dusk by a youn" woman , I Being busy all the time 11a about to leave his vullco hue only saw her a few , t- , iumnutea , lie Is satisfied thiut Jib I ( visitor was Mary Churchill. Ntluiiig ha I ; 1cexuit of her siuco. ciTy COUNCIL. An Imer1aflt ictizi at the City Hall Last Thht. ttti Au1Journid ) Ieeulzt to lb lichi 'rO.slgIlt. A regular meeting of the city council was held last evening. l'resont-I'resi- dent 13iker amiti Councilmen Andersomi , Iluluin , Dunhirnn , Ilascahl , I'tturphiy , Ited. hold , Thriuno amid Wood vaithi. VflTITIONS A1) ) COMMUNIcitrIONi. From the smutyor : Approving the or- ( Imnanco regarding the clerk of time police court , also that to pay 6OO to Voter Chambers , Filed. Front time mayor : In reference to the bill of Ilomiry Gibson , for printing , that ho knew of no contract existing with henry ( iibon for city printing. Mr. itodliold said that the bill had been taken out of his Imamids by the mayor , who claimed that he was time auditor of accotumitri , oLe. Since allowing tim mayor to take the bill 1w hind , himself , looked up time laws , as given iii Chase's revised ordinance , and had found , as decided , that the mayor hind no authority to pur. chase oxce1tt whore heads of failed to iurchmaso as directed , and that he had 110 authority to act as auditor but was sunply required to satisfy himself that a bill was corr.ct , before signing it. time concitisiomi was that the mmlayor lied been assuumnimig duties to which ho had no right. Mr. ltedhiold'a motion to refer wee carried. From City Treasurer Buck , in refer. once to election laws. Referred. A protest against the method of ro- uioving dirt fromit 11th and Dodge ntrcota. Filed. From Elms M. ilornaby , in reference to erroneous asseasimiemit. Referred. From lot owners on 16th amid Cumrng streets , in reference to having atreets mimado of ummiformn width. Referred. From time city waterworks company : Notice of 110w hydrtututa ready for use. Filed. Frormi time mayor : To give one pub. ilcation of registrars notice in Time DAIIx Bun iii order to give it the widest circula. Lion posaiblo. Gcntiomuomt of time City Council : Very frequently : run asked iii regard to registration of voters for time aproacli. ing election , November ( I , vr xuino. It is of comumon reniark that tIm notices of ouch registration do nut appear iii the city papers. I therefore recommend that one insertion - tion of the notice of time registrars of the time amid place of aitting , be inserted iii 'I'iui : Or.ui.t DAnx Biumi , in order to give it the widest circultutiomi practicable. CimAIPoN S. CuAsE , Mayor. Mr. Denimam moved to file , because lie believed Tim Union could make more out of a lawsuit against the city than it could out of publication. From the mayor : Appointing judges and clerks of election as follows , on mtc count of the voting on pavimig bonds : First ward-Judgos , .Tolm Brandt , Felix Slaven , It. C. Jonkinson ; clerks , Michael I'arr , W. Honan. Second ward , f1rat district-Judges , J. C. Stevenson , Alex. Black , Anton F. French ; clerics , Samuel Lippincott , Matthew Norad. Second , district-Judges , C. S. pocht , J. % v. Lounesbory , F. W. Belini ; clerks , Moses I' . O'Brien , J. H. Baldwin. , Third Ward--Jumdges , Simeon Bloom , v. B. Paytomi , Fred Dolionu ; clerks , 01cm Chase , F L. D. Hertznman. Fourth Ward -Judges , W. J. Brotch , T. K. Sudboroughi , Charles O'Connor ; clerks , M. Baawitz , A. P. Nicholas. Fifth Ward-First District-Judges , E. D. Pratt , Joust Erck , I'atrick Loary ; clerks , David Hume , Henry Hobart. Second District-Judges , W. E. Riley , Josopi Itichinan , James Shannon ; clerks , H. II. Swinby , B. F. itedmnnu. Sixth Ward-Judges , A. H. Heel , Johuui Quinn , Martin Elimor ; clerks , G. It. ltathbumi , George Bassett. Confirmed. From Win. Gontleinami and othmors : For four feet on the outside of the side. walk and four feet iiext to their atoros on Sixteenth street for the display of goods. Referred From .Tnineaon tz Bailk : To erect a scale on Ninth and Jackson streets. l'etitiomi fromui Fred ICrug : To pave alloy in blook 176 at his owui oxpouiso. iteforred. From Elizabeth Kouutzo : itight of way of Davenport atrot west froimi Twenty-sixth street. Roferrred. 1IESC ) ( .UTIONI4. By Itodileld : That tIme removal of clay from Dodge street , betweemu Eighth and Ninth , be discontinued. Adopted. Several sidewalk resolutiomus wore adopted. By Murphy : To fill up the creek at Twenty-eighth and Dodge streets , price not to exceed 18 cents imor yard , and to. tel coat not to exceed $200. Adopted. By Hascail : To make the necessary surveys for establishing the grade on twenty-six ditForont streets. Adopted. By Anderson : 'ro repirunk bridge over North Omaha creek at Twenty-first mid Clark streets , Adopted. . By Anderson : To construct sidewalk in front of lot 5 , block 135 , on Ilarnoy street. Adopted. By Bobm : To ad.'ortise for bids for cleaning the several streets already paved ( oxcuptilig Fuirnamu street ) , and stick other streets as nitty be paveil this ( cii , said contract to coutinuo to July let , 1884. Adopted. By Ilascall : That time owner of amuy ! ot on Faruani street , until such street is ropavod or the width of tIme sidewalk is increased , may lay toniporary sidewalks of plank , time semite to be ronunved upon joruiuaumeut sidewalks being ordered. Adoptod. lly Bolnu : To build catch basimus on Nineteenth anti Jackson. Adopted. By Baker : To repair tIme old culvert across Saunders street , north of Pat. trick's , Adopted. 11y Baker : To build a sewer across Cumning street , at Tilmnan street , the 5liIQ tube awarded to the lowest rcajmon. aublo bidder , Itefurrod. with power to flOt. uuiu'oim : or uOninrrg , On Judiciary : Itecoinmending that tIme lull of Dr. P. 8. Loisoimriimg , the city physician , for attemdiimg impoui snuall pox cases , tIme amount being 269.tIO , be paid. Adopted. On Claims : Itoconunomuding the iy uncut of sundry bills. Adopteti. On Streets and Grades ; itecomnuumoud mug 0 the apmroval of time catlmumute of won done emu Sixteenth street by A. L. Barbc : & Co. Adopted. Same : Fuvor of accepting plat of Coi lco Place addition , Adopted. Seine ; Favor of ajproviumg time estimat of grading on St. . Mary's avenue , $383.17. S.umiio : Making certain rocommemuda. tii'iis as to regiilatiiig the right to arena mmml stAirways. Adi'pted. ' Suimmu : ttecrnniimeiiding that the hay market ho ehmatigod fromn Fourteemith street , between Ilarney and llowamd , to howard street , between Fiiurtcemitli and Fift.eiithi , amid also on l'otmrteemitIm , be. tweeli .Jnckeon amid Ilowanl. Auhipted. 0mm Gmis : ltecomnumiendiimg payflemmt of bills of Ommrnba Gius Co. Adopted. It wium mn'ved tim it vhmou the council ndjiurmm it. tudjimimmim to iiie't at 7:30 : p. in. % 'u'edimeaday evening. onImn.tnc"r. An ordinance changing the grade of Thirteenth street , south of Center street , vas imussoil. ; Aim ( .rdinanco locating cortoin addi. tional water hydrants , was referred. Adjourned. A IlicHaing to nil Mankind. In titesi , times when our Newspapers are fluiolcil itii 1atont , umodicinme advertisements , it In gratifyimmg to know what to procure that will ceratimily cure ythi. If you are Bilious , bloom ! outof order1 Liver insetive , orgonorally dcillitjitod , tIters is nothing in the world that will cur' , you so quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a ilessimig to olhmnankiml , ami can be hail for only fifty cents a bottle of 0. F. ( good. nina's. i'ERSONAL. Dr. Ilerteman iiM adorned from Lincoln , whore ho hm been visiting liii wife , whose mmmisfortumrn and Present condition is known to cli. Coup & Uffncr ate the proprietors of the celolrated Chicago Mmnicumn mentioned yes. tontlay , with whom Mr. .1. 5. Ilalbort will work 1mm time future. Willimun F. Nurzoy , representing the Buf. fate ] ) illy Timmmrs was In time city yesterday amid calied at Time 11mm otlico. Ca1t. M. C. Footo leftto.dey forFort ] tns. sell , after a three months leave of absence , which ho slent meetly imi and around Now York. Victor Vifquaimu is in town. General Cowin went west yesterday. A. II. Noidig , of The Norfolk Journal , is in the city. State Tronstmrer1' . 1) . Sturdsvant is stop. iing at the Fax ton. If. .1. Sargent , advamice rigomut of time Dion Boticicault company , is at tim Millard. Mrs. J. Brinker , sister of Mrs. F. fl. Knight , loft for heir home In Salt Lake on yes- temulay imooci's train. lion. 1) . II. Wheeler , of i'lattsmouth , and him. cousin , .1. N. Wheeler , of BloomIngton , Ill. , are at the l'axton. luir. cmi Mrs. 'Withers , who have returned from their eastern bridal trip , vcnt out to Grand Islamid , their imow home , yestemtlay. S. T , . lCnpaI of Cheyenne , M. 0. Jones anti wife of Tolcatnali , It. 1. ] tuffncr and .T. \v. CutiIht of Plattsnuuotutim , are nt tim Mu. lard. Samuel F. Dommnelly , formerly mm Omaha ncwsaper mann , and now connected with Time Now York Sum , is iii towmi for a few days , and beIng welcommueti most heartily by lila old confreres - freres in jounnmailuimi. Ir. J. A. Class , late of time B. & M. freight auditor's office , will leave for his home in Kentucky , Thiursilay. We understand ho luppes to return at an early date. 'rime following are amnong the arrivals at the Paxtn yesterday : M. ilold , New York ; H. Ir. Foasloy , Chicago ; M B. Jenkins , Now Yo.ikV ; D. Maples , Now Orleans ; B. J. heath , Chicago ; Charles Branch , City ; I. M. i'earson , Illinois ; George 11. McElvano , Buishno I ; T. S. l'otvin , Lincoln ; D. H. Wheeler , Flattamouthm ; J. C. paniels , Chica. go ; B. i.ichtenstein , Kochester ; J. It. Steele , Chicago ; Charles Oahn , New York ; ii. Hat. field , Now York ; 0. L. Riclmardsoim , Wanike. alma ; T. J. Litwip , 1'Jmiladelphmia ; I. Chanmbcrs , New York ; John lEnwkins and wife anti J. M. Wolcott , Grand ltnpidii ; B. W. Miners , Boston ; W. A. Douglas and 0. B. i'carce , St. Louis ; B. A. Baird and wife , Iowa ; S. F. laniois , New Ydmk ; It. H. Curt , St. i'aul ; 0.V. . Iluist , Columbus , Nob. ; S. 0. llryan , Asimlamul ; 'mV. J. McCaguo , city ; Ski. imoy Tickiumr , I'iiiladeipbin ; Charles F. Sinai ! , Now York ; A. IL. Neidig , Norfolk , Nob. ; 1' . D. StimriIvatmt. Lincoln ; I. Sehuomuburg , Balti. mmcm ; B. .T. Marsh , Chicago ; Will 1 ? . Strong , Iowa ; 0. M. Folk , Emerson ; 5. r4 , Scott , Bed Gak , Iowa ; S. 1' . liyiand , Baltimusre ; A. C. Chase , Kingston ; 11. TiE. i'eano , St. l'aui ; 1. . B. Stmeeter , Clyde , N. Y. ; .1. S. Crounso , Newark ; L. Clark , Albion , Nob. ; Sam. Strauss , Chicago , lii. ; J. A. Edsont , Idaho ; .T. B. Whmlto , Grand Island ; .1. 1' . Nylanider , Kermtemy , Nob. ; Paul Meyer , ChIcago ; M. ( ilmtmier , Chmienigo ; 0. 'SV. Kotchmini , returned maui l'mis Vegas ; 3. K. Perry , Ciii. cage ; Mrs. C , ii. ( iregory , Now York ; ] j. Mills , - ; \V. B. White , \V. Ifnrnington anil E. T , Durst , Tekanmalm ; A trigga , 1111. itoh ; 0. V. Conkiinmg , Tokarnahm ; John kinder , Chicago ; T. Spencer , Nebraska City ; .1. liumalimmoll , St. Louis ; J. LouIs , 0. Ullinan and J , .1. F'nirbanmka , New York ; \V. ii. Meson , Virginia ; 1' . 5. ] tmtler , Prescott ; M. S. Myer , Iloston ; J. Kinsman , iim'mladoiinhula ; , T. li' . liar. risen , Now Jersey ; C. B. Chamuiler , St. louis ; 0. 'IV. Lyforil , Jmmiius Kriil , Now York ; \V , It , Mason , VirgInia ; Gee. I'd. Sargent , Chicago ; I' . S. Ruler , l'rcscott , iL S. Myers , Boston ; J , Klmuimnen , Philatielpimia ; J. 1" . Aarnison , llobokomm ; C. B. Chandler , 13t. Louis ; It. H. Pinnoy , Fremnont ; C , S. Curia. taiu , St. Louis ; II. GiltuoaV , S. Kommyon , Irving Cross ; f. 0. Taylor , Suowvilie , Va. Mrs. 1)r. Grossinamu hits returned ( rote AKlilG POWDER ; Absolutely Pure. C , Pder never &nio. . A maRvel of Iurlt strength Mid s iiokomcima.s. Slora uoummoumleal ha m . tim ordinary kIimd , and cannot be solO Inoomnetltlo , r 1111 ItmsmnujtItuio ,4 luw teat. ihort .Jun o I Imo9ImW pustlev. IcW onmy In cimia Itoal iiab Iimm iowdcr Cu. , 100 Villi3treut cw York. - - - - - - - - - - COLORED CITIZENS. A ass MeetIng to Pisdllss the Clyll Rights IJOCISIOII , Speeches by General Thayer , Treasurer Rush , Edward Rosewater and Othor8 , The lcclslomm l'rommimmmiced , by Itesolu- thitii to lie nmm AIniitiImmg'Ommicn. Tim colored people of title city nssemn- bled at time court house to hold a discus. aloim upon time late decision of time Sn- vrorne Court of the United States in no- lation to time civil nights bill. Mr. B. B. Overall was made ehmninmnamm of the macct- ilmg , amid W. B. Gamble , secretary. Mr. Edward Rosewater , the editor of Tine Bar. , wa first called upon for an ad- dress. lie aai : "I caine to-night at time invitation of your chidrrnnti to listen to General Thayer , but I do not fear to express my convictions upon this mattor. I will nil. ways remember tiuit. my ancestors were slaves iii time land of Egypt , arid furthermore - more , that this slavery did not cease when they crossed thmo Red era , but continued - tinued during time middle ages and even up 14) timis day in many cemnmnunities looked upon as civilized. Indeed , I no- member that my father told inc timat wimemm ho was a young inca pCO1)lO of hits tutu were compelled to pay toll when. over they 1nasscd the gates of Prague , just as if they wore horses or cattle. Those distinctions , whether they are against creed or race , are crimes against imumrnmiity. 1 lived in the South bolero the war , amid many times I was corn- polled to sit in first-class care with negro women who were there as sorvamits to take care of time children of Southern families , but if a free negro dared to thrust his face into a passenger car ito was booted out and ordered to go into time 'nigger car'-which was about as good as . A CA11LV. QAId. It wan all right for a negro woman or nian to travel with gemitionien or ladies , as a slave , but a free negro was offensive amid could not ride with white folks. I hold that when a man pays his fare on a public himgluivay ho hints time right to occupy a scat many car nomnatter whitcthiiti color. Time other day , while travelling , I found the porter of tim Pullman car early in the morning lying undressed iii one of time bertims. That was all right. Nobody objected. But if , Tolmu M. Langatomi or Fred Douglas Bhouid ask to ride in a sleeper ho could not be accommuodated , because of his color. I believe that when People are wIlling to have their children drink from the same fountain with a colored mami , timoy can also take lessons from the santo teacher in the same school. Twelve years ago there was a public school kept up in the Third ward exclusively - sivoly for colored children , but in fram. ing the act creating the board of education - tion I put in a proviso that the public schools should be free to all , regardless of sex , color or creed , and the colored cliii- dren are now iii school with my own , "But , " somebody will ask , "do you expect your daughter to marry a niggerl" This is all bosim. My daughterwill prob. , ably marry somebody according to her station and social condition. . Civil rights doesn't moan SOCIAL nQVALITY , There are many white folks with whom I would not associated. But J insist that in public conveyances and public places and public schools there should be rio distmc- tion. tion.Dwolhins Dwolhins upon tIme decision of the Supreme - promo Court , Mr. itosowater referred to time fact that in lila memory Salmon 1' . Clime , the Republican Governor of Ohio , was compelled to execute tIme fugitive slave law enacted by Congress. The Sn. promo Court sustained that act therm , and yet now they decree that Congress cannot enforce the rights of colored citizens iii time States. The Supreme Court , to say time least , is voryungcnorous. Its judges are indebted to the colored race for their IOSitiOmIs , for eight out of ton have been appointed since time day of Lincoln by ltoIUllicami Presidents , and no Reuhui- caim could have boon elected Prosdont without the colored vote. But time Republican - publican party of to-day is not what it was itt early days - one of umuivorsnl freo- dma. Time colored mmmii must net for hmimn- self in enforcing his rights. situ. JouNiuusu , the county treasurer , was time next speak. or. Ho mailo a very eloquent speech , and was frequently interrupted by onthmuastic applause. Ho expressed his wonder amid astonishment at the Supreme Court do. cision. Ho was not prepared for it. He thought that tIme last cobweb of prejudice and ignorance against time colored people had boemi wi1irst out in time best blood of our citizens. Ho had labored under time imnpressmon that he could take Ins black brother by the hand on perfect tenimia of equalitybuttlmisdoCisiOiilmfldeetluiflm 'link. ingand hue couldcorno to butonoconclusiumu iii roard to time matter-that there was a alight tinge of prejudice in that. decision , Whenever doubt existed iii tie law , it soomimed to be agaummet time colored mann. lIe failed to see how this discninmimmation by time Supreimmo Count could be sustained. Ho advsod the colored people miot to actumostilybutwitlt procisiomm amid determi. nation , to speak their sentimnoimta omm timid qimostloim of civil rigmts , arid almow the supromne court that 1imibho opinion is against time docialomi , mmd that the intent of time law was to give to time colored pee. mb alt time rights and privileges enjoyed by the whites. Lot time colored lmeovlo ummeet in every city and every towmm , amid lot theimi ] mavo time sympathy of time best wimite citizens , until at last Lucy shall be imeard so loud that Gourmets will be forced to pass a law givimig to all , white om black , equal rights and privileges iii this Republic. nlNSIuAL TISAYEId'S 8i'EEdfl. General J. M. Thmaycrex UimitodStatem Senator , wimo cammme from Grnmnt lsiamm lllOIi imivitmitiosm to address time cohorcil leolmle of this citywas introduced by Mr , Overall , Lie spoke substamutimully as ( ui lows lint , Cur.ImtmuAr4 .tNLi FitlENlis : I Sfl ) fniemmda , fpr I 'ilL mmot address you witi words of hypocrisy by callimig yeti fellow citizoims , for whuim mwmguiltleas , of crime , are denied any right or privilege gmmanamm toed to others , time title of fellow.citizonm cannot be applied to thmemmm , I have but few words to titter to xmigh. I ciummo ( mmmi Gnmmnmd islammd to express mu symmmmatimy witim you iii timis hour of tria to join with you 1mm denouncing that do ciamon to the Supreme Court , which inn caused you to athmer lucre. How dare you meet in this temple of justice ? how dare you walk and nmmovo along Limo side. walks witimout fear of being ordered in Irommm thmo streets , for time Supreme Court says , iii certaism ropocts , that you have no nights which the white man is bound to respect. The circurnstatmces cud facts for cinch a decision call ( in cli inenpie , all ciasses togotimer , to do- umouumco that decision , wimich is an invas iou of imumnmum rights. It Is aim itmsumlt to time moral selitiumiont of time Aummenican loJpIo : , and I svurn amid traumilile time ile. Cistui $ wider foot. Bier Rilico that do- cisiomm was ProlIIuumcoti 1 have been mad , auid I hmav.i been gettilmg madder mill time tiume , time imbue I reflect upon it. For soveumlemi years I imavo lived 1mm time SUIhimuiO convictmomi that this was immdeed a Itepublicami Govurnmmmemmt.Vo have proclaiumiod to time veopiu of time world timat this is a iloimublicaum Govornrneumt , arid that bemmoatim time protecting folds of its glorious flag time rich amid tim Isoor , time white and thin black are equal iii tIme presemmco and majest of time law. TIme Sn- I rclmmo Court , however , says imayt That is all A OIIXAT AND A Lmnl It is not time first tinmo that a decision of the supreme court court has shocked the world. Twcmmtyfivo or thirty years ago a decision cammmo from out time dark recesses of time supreme court declaring that colored menu hind mme rights which mcii were bound to respect. It Caine ( mum Chief .lustico Tamiey , who sat on that bunch for twenty years after lie was dead. CertAin muon , clotimed in black , proclaimed that doctrine to time world. That decision plammted seed from which germinated this last dccisio , , . To-day , in this enlightened ago of time world , vhieni universal liberty prevailed in this land arid no man's nigimta questioned - tioned so long as lie obeyed time law , we are told timat time colored race hum no rights , in certain respects , which time white man is bound to respect. The do- Ciajoim of the Sumproino Courtomi thmisqucs. Lion should have beemi in accordance with time universal eoimtimnent of time people. 'rho fourteenth amendment declares that Ito right , civil or political , shall be denied to any maim on account of race , color or previous condition of servitude. It was passed to protect lIe colored maim front invasion of their rights in any respect. Chmanl a Sumner and Timaddeus Stevens helped to frantic that law and vans it , amid time7 believed their object had boemi aciumevod. 1 imow conic to time question as a pcac- tied one-time right to travel in a public conveyan.o , to ate1) at a public iimnm , or visit a public place of armiusenieuit. I sa that is a civil right. A public is for tue acconmmnodatmomm of those wimo traveler or tlmonmo who want a temmiporary imorno. Ii is open to all , and army titan , white on black , who enters a hotel , who is decent in behavior and appearance , commformus to time rules of time house , and pays his bill , hues a riglmt tlmro , and wimoim lie cim- tera a place of amuseimment , a theatre or a church , ho Jim time mrne rights thmero as ammy other finn. Vhmon the Stmprerne court says there is no power to protect hint iii these rights , it pronounces a aENTENCu Oi out the colored raco. The veriest b1hck- guard armd pimp can outer hotels mmd travel out the cars andnono , can molest hmimn , but because a man line a darker skimm timan himself , a landlord or conductor can exclude himn. If a colored man enters a church wlmero devout people worship , if they don't exclude him , they mviii put him in one corner , where he can look on. . I say out upon this atronious doctrinel We had come to believe that we had achieved time grand purpose of this free and equal republic according to the dec. laration of indopendence. This nation went through strife and civil war to save time Union and establish a Republicamm government , which we imevor had mmii- til the war came. Timers cami be no Republican government where slavery is tolerated. It required the awful visits- tionm of war to bring this natioii to a settee of its duty to the colored race. Time war came as a punishment upon this nation for the great crime of tolerating lmumnamm slavery We declared that you should be free ? The sublime proclamation was issued to all time world that imever more should sun shine on a siavo on Arncricamm soil ? We spoke the words to your race in bonmda'o to conmo forth into the bright sunlight of huMAN IImmEflTr , to be men and woman with its ; that the crime of slavery should be tolerated no longer ; that you and your race should no- joico ; that time day of jubilee had come ; timat Gd'a people were free ! Now , to imearthisassertion ! For seventeen - teen years we have been hugging time do. lesion that tiuis is a free nation amid that all muon are equal before time law. Now we are told that certaimi rights ate with- lucid from time cchored race. 1 donouco that decision as unworthy of time Suprenme Commrt and aninsult to time Anmorcan peo. plo. * * will respect no decision that tramples on human riimts. Iowa made a true rapublucaim anmid time scones of blood and carnage. I huitd nine rogiiimomits jut my comnmand , timreo vcre colored troops , and three ware Jiudinums. ' 2Jmo Indians 'were riot worth a continentAl brass teapot. The colored troops were equal to the wim'mtes in every respect. They were notlong in learning time tActics , and they went into battle fighting like devils. 'l'hmero and then I said to mmmysolf that time limanu who fights by my side shah yoto by my side. In conclusion , General Thmayer again denounced time decision as au outrageund lie said that another amniouidmuenut nmust be dornaumded and secured-atm arneimdmnemmt that would put the matter beyond time power of evoim the judges clotimed in black. Ho praised Juatico harlan for his dissension from time rest of time bench , ammd lie thought ilarlami would nmake a good Republicaim cawdidate for Prosi- dent. Itonmarke wore also made by Gommocal O'Brien , P. 0. Hewee arid \Y. U. Robin- semi. semi.'rite following resolutions vcro ircsemt- I od. by the commummittco tumid unanmnmmously adopted. mtF.'LUTiON5 ' , WulamurAs , TJuo Supremmmo Count of time . United StAtes hums decided time civil rights I law ummconstitutionial ; and , wimeroas , the dciaion will work great otmtrao to the colored peopleospecially itt time Southern StAtes ; arid , wiucreas , we believe the do- I opposed to 'imo civilized age of time L itopubhic , amid time relative relatioimof time I colored mimaum to time oxistimig Conidhitiomi as a freeuumamu cmiii citizcmm ; thmereforu , be it Jk801CI. That we rccumvo the deem. sioii as a bad ommiemi , aianummimmg as ve1l to ! time atlvaimcinmg civ'mhiz.'ut'mon of limo cetmmmtry I as to thu colored citizen , wimicim hiatt its . origin iii a lirigerimig , dangerous lirojutiuce that the accursed amid barbarous imistitu- : tioim , chattel slavery , left behind it. I Jksotvcd , That we believe time decision does mmut give satisfaction to a large man- jonity of time intelligent Amnenucarm people , r white or black , unost especially tim pollen. eiaims and imonost voters of time Repubhi. : party , to snitch party a mnjonitr of S the judges who promulgated that docisiomm . - - - Infants and ChUdren Without Mor'htnn or Narootina. 'That gives olin ChIldren rosy cheeks , What cures their fevers , ntntke tliemn sleep ; 'TIe I When flabtes tm-ct , and cry by hums , Wbat cures then- colic , kiUs their worms hut Catnris. Wbat quickly cures Constipation , flour Seomath , Colds , Indigmistion ) tnt Cnqtnrln. Pameweli then to Morphin" Syrups , Castor OU and rarogonic , tint ! , lint ! Cntorin. Coritnur LjnIment.-Ab. sointo euro for Rheumatism , Sprains , Burn. , Gnlia , &c , anil &u instantaneous Pain-rollover. owethmo honor of their present position in time judiciary of time country. Jcaoh'cd , That we regard such tardy protection of the civil rights of time colored - ored people , as this decision loaves for thorn , a very poor reward for time great services they have rendered the country m % the pilhitary service since 1869. Be- luovingus we do , timatall dofendorsof time country should bo equal sharers in its blesbiI' , civil and political. . .llcnoe'cd , That the entire vote of the colored eoi1e has iii time paat been given to time Republican party , time bulwark of eecirity for our people , because fronu timat party we have derived every right we enjoy as American citizens and imot for gratitude , only in common with all other good , true , loyal AMF.RWAN CITIZIINS4 , amid that we demand iii future good , true amid whohesommmo laws , sufficient ferthme dounammd in protecting time colored poopio in tinjoyiimg fully every right guaramitoed to city other class of Anmonican citizens , ( oven if it reluirea another ton years of special legislation. ) li'CSOEVC ( ( , Tlmat we regard the recent aumeimdmmmeumts to time Comistitutiomm , which were unadoapeciaily necessary by time Comm. dition of time colored Imeolsle , practically dead , without penal stAtutes for time en- forcemueimt of their provisiomme , as is not ommly proven by time bulldozing mntmmnida- tioum of time colored people iii time Soutim- era States , but by time cornduc of sonic of time businmesa mmmcmi 1mm titus city since the do. cisioni of tIme Supreme Court amirmuhlinig time civil rights law of time Natiomm. JC80wcd , That we believe there exrats iii every state in time mmatiou law sutlicienmt to vrotect vbmito mmmcmi against vimoumt timero is rio prejudice , iii time ciujoyxmrnmmt of every nghmt , but imu view of the strommg prejudice hOW exiatimi between time white amid black races in thmts country , we do not regard a law on general pniticiples strotug cimeugim to supply our iiocds , Jksottcd , ' [ 'hat we regard social amid civil rights us distimmct ( mimi each other us light is front damirmicas ; one is govei-Imel liy cammmummon coimeeuit maid thu other by legiuilatioim. Social rights will regulate itself , amid civil political mghmts mimuet ho regulated by legislatioum , amid we do riot risk time association of aimy who do umot do. sire our asamiciatioum. - Butlflmma'd Rus.sia Salvo meets witim wonder. fui success in all cases of skin disease 'ny it. II Ii'j/J / . - g ' : l . r-.i _ 'V i- . t. . - - : t/ _ , _ otwcio OIL co. SeALS. 540. attE % , SiC. cL4i 4 Tiii , S64m. iI-tss Jso 2401b. cTARMIRs SCALE $5 . SIo ' m.I'tmn ltctlv , " t. ( tix. te. It , . im. * UUOTIIItItSsmZr. InmtRLisrnuxs. FORGEC , TOOLS , &c. cccv roimer aims Pus Lieu ? uuRE , am. C , , Ii , . . . , , viI unit Kit hr roIR. iO i'rMn $ M tI . .4 . , ea dt.g ohS j.b. . fltnwe'mvii. . . . . . V1f9,4 . . . . . & . . O'h-r ' Artlc'mos - . - . , ' , . . , - V. , , 1 . . . .q. , ( , . TTHE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES ' ' . - SIXCORB SPOOL COTTON IS ENTIRELY The Product of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EX1E1LTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR HAND AD MACHINE SEWTNG. Full assortment constantly on hand and for sale by HENBY FUHRMAN , Pi. mont , Web , 1ERY LEAMS JOBBER OF a11 Paper aff. ! llO Sliae. EASTERI , PRICES DUPLICATEDJ 1118 FARNAM STREET , . NED. SALEM FLOUR. T.hs Flour Is made at Salem , ificharthon Cor , Nebraska . , to the Combined Roller Stoimo System. W lvo EXCIAISIVJt . Bale Of . our flour to mm firm In a phoo. We have opened a branch at 1615 Caplto ! avenu Omnalma. Write tot Prices. Address either xri : . , m Salem or Omaha. Mob. i : - Booth's 'Oval' Brand AND FRESH FISH AT WHOLESALE. . D. B. BEEMER , AgentOmaha. . PEIrEOTION . Heating and Baking hotilyaQainodbyushmg - . . - ; i atIj iMjm1t 1 Stoves and Ranges , _ . _ 2:3 : . j 1IT IIIE GU1E OVER DOOfi i ' . . . . , . .L ; For sale by _ 7 MILTONROGERS&SONS Pu OMAHA. State Stenographers. Acahled meeting of thoNebraska State Stenographers' associatiomm will be hold Tuesday evening , October 30th , at the office of J J. Points , Croigittoim block , to consider the following mnatttora : Annual - nual election ofoflicors , fixing date and programme for our forthconming banquet , application for niemnberaimip , regular business. - Bucklon's Arnica Halve. The greatest medical wonder of thin world. Warnaumtcd to speedily cure Burns , Cuts UI. core Salt Rheum , Fever Sores Cancers iiies r- Chifblalns , Corns Totter , dumapped hands , and all akimi eruptonms ( , guaranteed to cure in every instance , or money refunded. 25 cents Cr hox. SPECIAL NOTICES. rSpoclais will PositIvely not be Inserted unless itald in advance. EELPWA1flJW. 1TATED-1 agents te sell tu , . beat selling ' line of Ladles nd Cbhtdron' good. over otTer- cii. same. mad. him every house a. ta.t as agents cmi show thu . are making 8mm month. Addrcs , with stamp , L. U. iS. Co. , U South May St. , Clmtcgo. Ill. SOS-imim _ 7ANTED-Lady agent. for the "Queen i'retect. V Y erA now under garment for iadhe , te&iie of soft. flexible rubber. Sure protection to the under. wear , when necessary to ho worn , lictahie for $2.00 a. fast a , arttitscami shown. Large proflte. Addraaa with start ! , , "Ladles' Uundergarumemmt Mammuterturla Co. . No S iley aired , Cittearo , I. 795-3m . ' \ : ) - , cix good tailors by mi. lievera _ , 'relmiusim , vb. btvaiiy work thu en- tireycar. 4554 SITUATIOL4U WANTED. U ANTEI ) . tlrtmc clerk , almiglo ; Yv 15 sear. eilwrlcmmeo. Cermami. At pritcmtt cmii. idoyed in leailuSic. bee. . Ad.lrust 1. ! . ittierselun. , m . ii. hex 245 , l Iee Moinca , low.m. t3.5' 'tVAWIEI-Si'.untlonby a ro'njctent sober Sillier ' 4 S a msith thu I ebI of rcttrcmiees either nt.Il , or buhri Aldiete J. % i' . 001 l.ET , lluaeamit 11111 Mo. ( .Oi4O Felt SALE. oIu sui.hmllliarl : ' 1all-J. it. l3rmmmiwIc. lialt.e Co's monte , eoromn , .t.amiuard size , iith cuts. Cost $ so : , tuu sell Sr * 15 cash. lflg lIrgalmm. Address Iiez 59 l'airflelj , Neli. 1(502 LTISOELLAUEOU $ . NONE lshngs drug ature forst.lo , t1eh ili I timvilcu i.Oi U ii , a ( Othello romnimimmulty ii , Nib , call r.4dria Lox "A , " UmtoxCity Mo. t5750 . 'oit ' ldl.NT-Cottage neari2d ard Clark itrot. ' , . 310 l'r znummhlm. .1' . J , k ltzmvmmtz. , 045 5. mlth St. St.'I 'I '