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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1883)
i THE DAILY BEE---1VEDNESDA , OGfOBER 31 , lts ds. 7 f I EXTEND THE RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP TO YOU AND ASK FOR A SHARE OF YOUR TRADE IN I I1oda codIL Besides my large stock of Pianos , Organs , Music and Music Books , I have laid in , a L 1 . , $2OOOOSTOCKOFTQYSJ $ , Instruments1 Offering you the Choice Selections of HOUSESL 1 Besides. a Good Line directly imported by myself. As a specialty , I offer my _ j ASORTMENT OF TOYS f Made up and selected by myself ; the assortments have heretofore been all made up in New York , containing large quantities of one kind and also unsalable goods ; the result is always great dissatisfaction and disappointment. My assortment are made up as follows : r i 100.00 assortment over 200 different articles. ; r'\ 50.00 150 C 1 " Ise cc t 35.00 1.25 25.00 " 100 " 15.00 75 " " showing at once the large assortment of well selected and salable goods you will get. I have also made up a number of $5,00 Cases of 5 and lOc. goods , and also $10.00 Cases of Cups and Saucers , Dishes and Glassware , especially designed for the Holiday Trade. _ , Christmas , Year Cards. , 1 I CARRY ALSO A FINE LINE OP : i.PHOTOCRAPH i. AND AUTOORAPH ALBUMS. I Toilet Sets Purses and Pocketbooks , LEATHER ORllG , 1 1 I Shall and. W'an ' Flowery Under G1a 1. And other Novelties all well selected and bound to sell. I have two men with sam- pies on the road ; one of them will endeavor to see you in time , but if not , my sam- pies and layout will be ready by October 1st , and if you can come in and make your own selection , I will endeavor to make you at home and comfortable , as dealing with ; he right man always will doe a Ctf L11..1 T _ M TE DIiPJ fl , , o. I 03 E outh Main Str Bluffs , Iowa. I MILLIONS IN THEIR MINDS. The RxLraordiaary CollelliOl of Iu rcutorsr Bmn + o Or the S artling 3peclulcfH of Their .Pork IoMerlneIL L'IniH 1krTheir l''nturo 1Velfuc. Now York } : reuing Journa , ' ' (1nUA0s will bu 't'wo huidrud tnUIi n ( ropresentcd by thu littlu body of iuvml tars WhiClt guthur fu Layrio Ilan to'day , " .said thu Janitor , tehu tuns lighting the qns , ' 1'ho tupueter mif Thu .1uurutl hind not aecu s ) tuucl ) wenltll sUieo ht. Wits a king at the lrl + udurbdt ball. ' ' 1'hts liuwunt of wealth , ' eellntifU0d thu jnuitor , ) rho is a pnlftical ecumnul1St , "way nut made fu eai1yiug on exuhnuge , ) r ih ctnpluyiug n urkiteu , butt was lib su1tltuly Creased , 1t 1s a largo sent , " Thu repmtur , with gllalt auticipa tious , sat wnitiug fur thu iuvcutorli to : emu fu. 1'rctty 8nen n threadbare limn with n turn hat looked iu at thu dour , anti thou tiptoed geutly into the hall , Tot a S'ild uycd wen with ahuugry look , who hind thu nsCCL ( 01 ' buiig troll n district nttly visitLd , by fnwiuu , stiIkol in. A olau with his hair sticking tllrnlgh the arow u of his hat , eev'ural tuuu t ave1na ell their uppurs , allall w Ilk hiia bkO. ) hound emi with curl , uuo with half n paper culler real atiutlior w itlt half ii linen ii6ter , dropped in uuo aftir ; anutbel' . t'huy eat IOWA ou time front two tubs lit utl3 and looked liku entluweu who InehIt h" wnttn'1 for the lilatk i < iw'ha ti conlo along and tnko theta to 1Vard'a 181a1111. 'I jj , L'ilfenlh , " Paid the ta8letrutt Jnnl tor , w'hu , sth o , was Ie , rued , "has epukui of how iutch butter it would be if the inventioo ingenuity wuru directrtl to sills. viati of 11 nnnn 'ntlerimig rather thins ti creating material wealth. I suppose these Inch are here to let the eoaveutiwt study tllunl and discover Lrhnt iuvesitiull it may contrive for their boutit. ) " "Priywho are thcsupeople ? " asked the reporter of the juuitur lu uhiuf. " 'Pliny are the convention. " "And have created $200,000,000. "Yes , but it is in the lmtlds of patent lawyers , manufacturers and bueinesspnrt tiers It is mil brown bttmlu huu.te that other peuplu live in , carriages that otlwr peuplu ride in , yachts that other ponplu steam in , pleasure tours that other people take amid opera boxes that other people occupy. Thu $200,010,000 is in the wnrhh jest the saws. Other people have it. [ 'lie plotsuro to bo obtained front it is the .tune. Other peuplu uujuy it. These uteri in rags represent it. " 'And this is not time end of skinning the inventors. The United States Soss situ hoe rzcently pmtssl'd n bill tmpoeintl an ulditiusal tax of $160 for taking out a untent. Cnigress proposes to divert the $3,600,000 of the putout fund for edua + tional uses ft ) thu States and Torritoties , At the same time this wise old body esi't appro1 rsa Le enough utuuuy It , vii ly ell the butaess of the patuIs oil'e It hikes uenltha , almost years , .t ) reach u dent , iny'ntirs rep at the d"nr"f th , patent office with an application and grow ; toy wiutmi lut thou ) .tau 1. Auaurlwe : t . , 'ur gt.aoluhiblren gut . ' ' ' cnm'eistinu has dratted n immemorial u Colsgress. It says that the want u' suit aid of facilities in the patent epic. . r xuelt as would disgrace sissy privatt IIJcu ii time country. A request for uin t ,5)111 ii the building had been islet bey , + rdUction of time clerical force , 'l'lio la efor Departnment had walked' in n build- g huilt for time oxelnsivu use of thin pat- , dlico t"d portly paid for omit of the patent fund. ] t is requested that n commission ii which there shall be two or three out nidos'a appointed to make n digest of tho' patent ollieo rep rts-to abhruviato nud condense the rnwnnces on nmchinory which thty coat h , That the feu fns granting a patent shall not greatly ex curd time expeusu of it. 'That the pnteut fund be kept sacred and the Patent Ollico ho made a separ to department mint liulb , If the Interior Department or a branch of the Bureau of I dine Affairs. Many odd invention wet o represented by the delel.tes. The newlydiscnveed methcd of cloc- weaving rag-carpet by - trlelty ; time belay motor lot waking anrn balls ; tboapnratus for changingcmu- nInn rags into loaf-sugar , by time success. f111 introduction of which time Italimis in ilulberry street , will be turned lido augur ; rowers. Time man with nu elixir fur 'nuking hair grew luxriantly wailed ti try it on the hirnds of the bald rnrmhors of the qonventiomi. After some debate the ymi amnion was voted dawn as the l'resi l nt would not bo aisle to identify the delegates. The dolgato with au invel nun fur making old maids juvenile , time del.gntn with nn ingoiious device for smoothing out the wrinkles of n encond widnwur or n gay ockguuarial ha"imelor ; thin dnlegatn with n patent far hlrlmiug blondes into brunettes and brunettes into blondes ; the delegate who expressed great confidence in n nmachino for snufiing candles ; the delegate with the patent pep. pur bux ; time iilipnrtut little tutu weds the combination saltcellar ; the fussy lit. tie man witn the self.adjusting nmstard lmttlo , were all present , aud uwstof'thesis ! nude speeches at one and the same tiuse , iliviig a general inmpression to Limo uli- technical mind that a machine had been invetlted which wasi at nnco a Cosalbilia tion of all these extraordinary things , lnveutdng scented to ruts it. Imes. One delegate , wlusso IInir was frosted , had its. vomited uvorything pertaining to cold. llu had a rufrf aerator , a Iherimnnieler , tut sco crean freezer , a nmanhino for nuikiug Ice , n miuw variety of frosted cake , a toy akntiss g .and amt a children's snow man. A delegate with ficr red hair had istvod. ud a varnin' oauY A ouu wla , was Lniufull sitar-sighted hind invented nn artificial a 'o , man hln lelessl ) hind showed it kaleidosco me to the cnnv ntban. A alum whin cnuldmi'tllmear three yards was the inventor of nu ear lranl ot. No in- venter seemed to Isavuan realcnnfidolcu in his owls invention , hnwovor llithl ( ho praised it. A man wise Marl invented nrli liefal nrnw nud legs took ( ho finer nud ad. drexted time comivumition tai two woudun stumps. Nine ladies whose genius it was prcenm. ed had been niaimily occupied with the invention vention of now rutlht'e and Aouucen far dresses old liuw headwork tar cloaks wuru present. Thu cnnvunliun nn time whole was a very Iespeebtbludo"king hotly , nud its prnceednlg were cnudueted wills dignity. Letters were read ( rout ex Suuldor Pintf , Guiernl Uun'nn , for. merly linminur of I'atuuls , Had ludgo . 'i' Sun of 1V. ' , putout iawyuta + shiogtnn , exprnsenmg syoqathy with the ubjeeta of iho convoutinn , 'r h , I'ijNomi Contrnot QnrstIon , Now York 1'vnnguII t. Time ubulitiolt of the contract system is nppeeed nh the ground thst It will Insku the prieomis a cost is the taxpayers of the State. It is possible that the prianmis would nut ho eul6suppnrting at brat under tutu proposed method ; amid no- cording to the report of lhoSuporintond. out , as it has been ami sty zed by sumo of the papers , they are hnnlly self supnrt ( fag in w. Ilut there nru two questions of tliportaico invob'cd in the wattur whin supports time pri8uis tinder the eou tract eystuut , stud is it respon iblo for time feet Ilimt two-thirds of Limo crones agdust property are eouintitted by diseharged enivtets , 't'he testiutnny taken by the Legislative Ltinuioitteo List winter slims red Ilutt utust of the burden of suppnrtfiig Lists primula Imow fala ( all tisu hat'uu + kiug , tine slit umusk iug , the stovc uulkiug aid the hituuhy tinsiisess ; anti the co itslutUOn it. suiIo of those brnuehes of bttstuesa , ps r- heuh + rly in the stuve nlnkiug business , hire been disnstrxnis to nsatlufncluiers who employ hulleat mcclintlit's. It is is udly fair to force a halt dazed tattles to supJart this piisooa of n grtnt State. .1111 time IIrisuus are a source of dntlt ur to tllu eonmunmity , for two slut of every riu eu noel tvhu quit tlieu cos'o ' out worse thou they went um , to pray upuu honest peuplu it. uure cilicieIIt and depornuu tvmis dent before. It wuttld ho eheupur nI the lung run to pay a suu + ll tss to yu farts prismters lhni to have them turned nut immure degraded and desperate tutus w'hun iuearcnra + ted , to steal nsd tub amid couuuit arsuu nod umirlu . ' 1'ueau paints dyeurve c truful cuisideratiou. Gets , trnut'H ' Ollco. " 1Vhuru is ( lwl. U"ltt'a ollicui" is a qucslioi oftuu naked by sight seurs , says .t New lurk juuruubat Neuly , urul ) panne fnusilinr with 11'all sheet is Cuil potent , his ieidy , "In the United ltns k building. " , 't'his tall stricture , at the curlier of I3roadwny lutd 1Vull street , is ltesmensIly kuuwmi by the title of ' l"ort Jhursuuu. " lI a 10 ny 12 room on the suveisth Iluor due ux presideutattunds ash. uwst slimily to Ilia dunes nit presalutnt of the Mexteat St nlhert railroad , A new circular-top nuihuiqumy dunk atuuda seat's broad wiiduw which overlooks llremalroy. Frmim Isis chair lien , ( rant lists tt mggniGcent vow across Trinity church- ) mid , nut into time hay stud over time river iit ) Now .1 0180,3' . A duk hued Axminster carpet euvers the tlour of this Cozy oilko , rich nuifu'gany Ivainscuting reaches half way up to the ceiling , amid thu mtervuuiug opnCU fs euvurud by st thick golden paper stunped in imititiatm of Aztec mwtal , 'l'hu ' dour fraunes nud ceiling are of highly polished Ueurgia ptiu , Around ouu side of time rouse are solid ulahogaiy book cases , lull ii ease corner is nu old-fa shfonol brick fire place. TIio few pictures that onuullelt time walls all relate to Mexico. 'I'huru is a fiuu large leap of the City of ] Mexico , lull also a drd'e uyo view of the plsen. A lam ge glass Immix en the window. . , ill i' , stal's sniuu rlsnice apeciniesms of Mrxicau silver. For those who many tarsuu ltm sou luistlmu guueril limos pros idud sultd lunkiig cailo seated aria chasms os polished ash. 'l'ine conductor of one of the mnnotLly runniig elevators ii this building lists bran asked so often whore ( lull , ( halt's nllico waist that ii nuuouuc iug the fluor as ho goes up or down he how calls out time seveith fluor thus : 'eveimth-Gus. Orust's otlice. " "IIuw usasy persons that iuquiro for Goss. Grants nllico ronlly want to go there ? " asked time reporter , "About osse in toy" was time reply. Relatives of Martin Luther are being discovered in ! rent nmsbt rs. Anuw 6 time earliest found are a buulmkeeper in o cn cuhttiug Iibr i'y , n policuunum , and u regisn sir ii time Al suistry of l'ublic Norks , mill it. Berlin. Tlmey mire direct descend nnia of the refnrmel'a younger brother , Jacob. Sonic descrosladmta n ( I,1 m'tin Luther's ynumigesb dnuglst. . r. Margaret list. are living it. Denmark , and bear the mistrust of 1Vsgmor. A liurlingtoli , Iowa , tailor and a hair. dresser gut drunk together , and time tastier tn.k time other nmar home , if is sumpriso was great when , on raging the door boll , the barber's wife Hudduilly ap- potred amid gave lnus n sound thrashing with a rawhide fur keeping her husband out all uiglmt , COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL fLUYYH KAIIKKT. Wheat-Nu , 2 spring , 70c ; No , 3 , COc ; to- Joctod , fOc ; gael dommsd. Curia -1)enlare arc paying 2930c ; rejected curs , Chicago , 4O@1Tc ; taw mixed 4Uc ; white cons , bite ; time receipts of curd are light. Oath-Ili goal dmnnnd at'2te. ) IIay-4 OOd,8 O0 per toil ; &Oc per bale. Jtyo-40c ; light .supply. C Mual 1 'nth pm Iekl puuntdx , Wnol-Good supply ; prices at yard , 5 00@ ' .00. .00.CnahDeiisored , hard , 1100 per ton ; soft. 'I rte per temp Ihmttor- Plenty msd in fair domaad sit 2cc ; crenilcry. 3oa Eggs-Ready sale at lbc per dorms. I srsl-Fdrbnlik' . , wbnlusallog at IIc. } 'sultry-Flan ; doadrra sir. , pahsg for eliickous IHe ; live , 2 bO per dozen , V.'grttbletJ'"taGeu. , 60c ; uniuslh , tfcf calm- I'aana , 30I40. per duzun ; alples , , 3 LO tr i 00 per barrel' Flour-City flour , l C03 40 , lirooans-2 00Q3 00 per doz. LIVK S1'00K. Cattle-3 00@3 FU ; calves. , fi 007 CA , hinge-Market for ha. . 's rpdot , mw the pack. hug houses are closed ; sh2ppwtn are paying 4 01 @t 4 76. SUERIFF'E REPORT , Under date of May 16. IbK'I , Mr , lsalah Cook for. merle shorlff of Hkowtlegan , Ifs w tim. as follower "I he been efalcto a 1 r over tweet ) ( o ) yearn with awuvkno ii of the kulny , amd flber , and have had suer. lmluehthuhick and.ldwiwhirl's were iir..ughst ulwn sus In the nrst ptwa by expotun durlag RU stvy fn Callfonda dnrhsa the euly tat tllcment of the land of gold. At timer ) my watr troutilal mu very mncha"dalter trlug nawuy dacrad , meals wilh out revel , Ing any honeSt , l woe Inoucrd to try hunt' Ilmaedyallhoughlwataut , pruiullcodagalnst It and all ether inedieluee 1 purchs ed a b'tlle at Cu.hlrlg'N drug tole here In Skowhegan , and I found thattier flout bnttlu rulluved all palms 4r the hack And .Line , amid I bais , In lily fatally , ued Ate bottir s In all , sad hsvu fouuul it n mudlcine 1 real merit and of great value , and h srugl ally r , commended it to many of myfrlondssisal seighbure who amveroally pratoe It in high lnaa. You sire at Iiherty to uo my aame for the benefit of eufferhsg humanity , " TIMELY ADVIOE. l live bison troubled with kids ey dlstea.o.and gray. eh fur a Iess hale with sever. palm hl iiuy hints , and lack , wins Inllaunnann of Molder , My sufferhaga were Wrrlble I trial sureral I hy.lnlans , all to no purfae-I wanllacouaagedand , 1 sit hithus phyw Iclan. and medldna , shun .i friend from Malhuuuitho hat been cared by unmet' , It medy of gravel sod heir esn1dahrt. rlcommended It tome , and from the lint Lottio 1 oommuoced to ImprOYS , and three is.uledlurseentirely curotlmeandf hseartiI thank /dundl'rhln0'uelyadrlcetuuso t.trt'.lteuledy , fur all the { ahn have g tuts from bank , and 1 aua In exsellont condIU , un4 I tool that a wunl from mute H sy he the tuluanN of saving frlund that miy bo euSTerhmg as I did , brforo taking Ilrlnt's 11u3 lxi ) ' , the heel klduvy and liver afro. ttMt'EL LITTLEFIELD , No. I49t Wasldugton Street. May 11,1ts ikutom , Maw , DOR8E RAILROAD L 1f. having uotvadon to eau a modid'i ' , f .r general du' billty hi icy famn'ly , l wee rwrrnmsndsl by a frlend tosso tfuut' Ite'"edy , us that was hl 'g used with guest su teas ail over the country Wu have used oily I.ol11e with mnarkal benefit , asst And It Just as roprsonted and s n alelne ( of great isluu , and I dsapully add my lntlmuny In 1'ral.e 111 Ilunrs liem"idy OEOAUEHCOTON , wstchman South Boston ( kar stabler il'uth lioston , Mans 12 WOMAN'S bi CRET. She is overworked , poor thing I Pl'Otld , honorable , faithfill , womanly , she determined to keep expenses own , and do the work herself. Right ably has she ( lone it , but at terrible . .t. 'flue sparkle that was in her when she was a bride is gone. Labe once ) lump 811(1 rosy checko holey nn(1 colorless. She t" a now ( . use(1 to step lightly and gracefidllr taut now she ( irags one foot after the otht : vrillt painfttl vcarincss. her Im : sake of the family she Boca not I lentiOll , 'r aching back , t , acutely-painful sit rvcs , her nccu- lnfttl'c'inges , herd'speptiC troubles , or the heavy weight She feels in her right side , that tells her her liver is oulg wrong , She thinks nobody knows about all that , nn(1 she vi hl suffer on in quiet and unrepining pa- tience. Alas 1 tier secret is tut opetl one , for it tells its own talc. 1Vhisper this in her car , she ought to know it' ' Jltda7)r , 13ro 'n'S iron 11illerr'n illlrcalpourback.faintponr rrtrvcs , d'illy'orrrnc rn7ralis 1dri'eorrl , pour a.rftrsiaandccrrctl 'oUrlive ; Dcb..r n bottle. . Nearest . ' : 11IId' Time nisei In cenneetlou the tuna"neat alth tut S I'I 0 i N1 eanyysauhlcaof elgonte nano of a last grestrssd it lust ngnlndbrthutrasdhsg II-a Sli.rt Llue , quick Tutu , sun the best of aavlmntods time-ell of which sro fort. Wlel by the grentrYQ rallwtiy lu Aulerka , C HICAGO , M ILWAUI EE And St. Paul. It owns and owrata ) over 1Le0 mfleeof roadlt Northyru Illinois , w'latvsndu , tnnuosots , Iowa tied 1)nkotaaldn.ttsmnhriiuns ; , brntucbow situ consuet lhm. reach all the gent hu.luese n'utres of ti. Northwu4 stud I'nr Ilu.t , it naturally ausere IF' descrlptlan of Short tA"e , al.d Kent Itourn twtw eon t7dcagu , ii us sukuc , SL I'aul aid ilhmtwpolis Cltlrnguylllwsinker , IA Clmssu old 1t'luuna. Chlolgo , Mlhrnukee , .ttwniegl anti IJIelldale Chlrngo , illlwtslteu , Ian L1ame and Stilln ator Chicago , II Sinsukns , w'aualu sud Merrill. Cldcugo , Mllwnukeo , Leaser Uam mind llthtoah , Chicago , Mllwaakec , tVnulu'.ha and Ikeumuowoo Chlengn , Mllwnukte , ylndl.ou and I'ralrlcdn Chtm ellltalgo , Milwaukee , ntlatollna au.tI . .nlrllmtdt. L'hknKo , lidult , Jaae.slile old Mhlcrol Point Chicago , Iigtn , Ileekfanl awl lluhuquu. Cldmgu , Cllulou , hock Ideal mend Ctrlar IbapWa Chtcngo , Council KIOK , nud Omaha , Chicago , Sloux City , Sintx fall. mud 1'asktus Cluesgo.lllleaakee , ilneuell andClmud.trlnhu hack Idaud , nuhuque , NL Paul atud ylltuoenjrout nnsenlturt , Cluwr , St. I'nul nut Minneaitulla I'ullnrstl Sltwjien mind the Fhsu + t Dlnimi Cars Into world are rust flu , timlushIttutvtoftlu CH CACC MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RpSLWAI asst over' atl.'ulinn is , paSTtu ps.sougen by court , ouu anployee of the comftamy 11 , it. Muitlt1LL , A. V 11 , CARI'ENTEU , Uru I ylaneger , Omu'I I za , Agesl J. T. CiAItK , OEO ll. iIEAFF01tls , Uen'I Hup L Auw't Ucn'1 roar All 0 hut , lwensnore doatruelieutohuman ccalth sad e limo men ) , I txilencc ) mid fntnlnn eousbinud. Ho said n distiugnlrllo I nrle'ntunnysearo ego mid it I. sit true hi min ) ' , ' " then. The poor slchna of Isle mil Discnsu I dnq'KcdwllhMcrruryloeuruUwmaiady ' a'd ' then ao ul whim lodldoa to curs lulus of line Mercurial I'ns' oning ; limit Instead of relief , the Ilrst ono hanks doter hi , . gnaer.l health all umtets Ilhs n c Imgde , and the other ndu + ldinlgesthuorgnn. . To lhoao nlllh'tcd lam lhii wuySoift'sHperltoIs5he greatest reon mi tau th audI wurlhmutate thnuitswrightlt.k dd. It nntid.dex Lhi.ylereudol I'ui ontonrsuplus } stem Ind huingx the xufferer hoer to henltlumd Impplnun' Kyl ry pcr.on who hta ever Ii as wallratal chonld b ) all uwnus tutu a thorough eourru of tubs rtanedy jm ryaxxo're'sttw , Twmni Co. , Ca. Five yene. ago I funml on any plantntlmm n colored moan who wen Itadh dixotted. lie stated tint nve years before he lullcomractnl n slolrut coca of bloo Ialsnn , and had taco treated by tunny phytie file , mill falliuI , to ceu him. I ln'nh'd'hlm whin Swift. SpedACandlnasborttluw Ile watsotaladalldw'.ll , and hax not had a symptom of lhedlccaseshlcc , a. kL NUUUI H One gentleman who had heen confne'1 to his he stx weukN with Mercurlul Ilheumatlrin hax homy coed c tlydy , and oIwalss is time hluhott praise of H. H. S. ClllLl S.t 11EItlLY , Clwttasmora , Tcun , _ - rice. Small size , 11ak1 per bottle , large site ( hold. doublu quantity ) 91,7 , hnttln. All dnaggls m null SI,000'.REWARD. will be paid to any Chemist who will find. on au Ylyds of 1oO botUas H , f. S. , onu partlclo of Morose ) Iodide Potaaudum , or any mlucral.ulwtance , TIIKHWIFFHI'F.CIFIU 00 Drawer 3 , AUauta , Os , jgWrlto far the little book , whleh will be malfa free. Prlce : Snlali size , 11.00 per bottle , Largo eIt' ' ( holding double quantity ) , 11.70 a bottle. All drug glees ntll It esteiii Coroic-/oks / IKON ANT HLATI : aooFINO. C. PROP . SPECHT1 , 1111 Douglas SL Omaha , Neb. MANUFAcYr'UUER OP IGalvanuea Iron Cornices jWOormer Wmauowe , Flutals Tin , Iron and Nlats , tao0ug Speeht' , patent Metalllo Skylight , I'atenl wiJustutl Ihttelsrt liar and Draoket Hhelvltig , 1 aut tin quntral agent for the above line of good. . Iron onoing , Crestusle , Ilaluetr.olus , Voraudas , Imo flank lnug. , Wtnduw Ihamlds , Oullar Uuanl. ; also general eat for I'eorenn m 11115 stunt nlde f111sitL ' , > pJVC .JIrJIi1 . I Have Found It Wan the exolamatlon of a mar when ho gel a boss d Eureka file Ointment , which b s simple and curt 'ago ' for i'flu. and all Skin finesses. Fifty ooatt b ) haul poetpatd , rho Amorfcan Dfarrhaa Cure , Use stood the tact for twenty year. Sure cure to' ' ill Never FaUa Diarrhaea , Dysentery , and 'hole Worbua oeauc's ' Foyer aid ! roue Tonic & Cordial n Ili hnpowtble , to lupply rho rapid aieof the same , sUitl CUII IYAIOIANTKD for Favor and Annals , and all Malarial troubles. Ptucx , IAAd , w.J. WHITEHOHSE LAli01IAT01tY , iCTIf HT OMAHA , NRU For Sale by all Oruggfsts' r ter in.a6ldmugnro h needs + ' tL N i'yeurrnl ' drnusrniuu / Q of Ihagrnrallv' ulanus /p/ R ] Thrrl.uumhtnkratoul this hrstiuntrt.t , tic , rots rhuou , snram of y1KP Tllll'7Y ! hnnmwllnr FOR thnmsh . ILr marts us. alien. Ibru1 6. Lralth YltsVh Ile mlei e"Iio'"tl liar .Ith Electric r.1' ' , ; t + 'hrrn.rato rare lute I Is c I ( Urn lYlf : pxrlhr Luru..r dal 'Intl 1' , 'a , , a fnlllallnl , t'h. / . , ' I"T3FtPJOi' ' L-"i'.rte of the humeri baq rrlarrd'rvelnltel { and. rmagtla or d. etc , le an' ' umterodlog.d.ern. , unrnt long run In nor Iwlet his ee1i to I"qulmi'.yewillsayt'atthouIs ' uoundeumc of humhugaunutthia Olathis' rontrary. the sd.ertluun are sees highly on l rsed , Inta'e.tud 'e ' . IIY luny g'I , sale I clrPll and givhig sl ) tulieu r by a Wr , stint Krio tledla4 m' , . , I' . U. box tI Uuffufo , N. Y-Tvledd ( lrwmag uia'ae. allay THE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , DR. H. WAAGNER . . f list Icmg hoer saknnaledged and more so sit lhls day thin any other. The vast fold of medical eclence le ever brcrontung , and Its numnoroul branehea bra brotgkt nearer and nearer to iwrfoctinn , and no one man can any longer graip them cl ' tndltIi tnaa boy"mid all doaht thatdlseato , aaecting the gan to'ssrlliary orgnnt need pw'clal.holy morn than nny. Imhg ehc , Ir wo world mderotand and know how rent them prnJwrly. IIIL II. WIUNEIt h fully aware thet there are uuuirhim ) slelatlsandtonic , cn lblo ' , eoplewhuwill cenifcun Islas for making thlsclau of dl.cascs a spe. elalfy , bust fuel.llappy to knee that with limit isor sons of rellnerucnt auJ { ntellll enco a an rc esllghten rd vtea 1 , taken of time suttjort , stud that the ehy.lo Ian w ho dei'ota. hhn.clf to rellutlog the aOl Idol and roving then ) far n worse than death , Is no lest a phi. Innlhrupi.t nod heuufaclur to him race them tlmo sur- germ or phr.klatu who by clo.e npullcatlnn a'tl clt In my other bmuch of hit profo don. And fortnnatei ( Sr hnnmmtytheui ' Is , ) mllhrn.f , that condruulcd time eletlmv of folly or .time , llku limo lepers under time Jowleh Ian' , to duo uuaared for Ilan patted mitt al' . A Few Reasons ivlsy you shtwh h try the celebrated Dr. If. Wagner'a Utethols of cure , 1 , " 1 r , IL w'agner ls a natural phy.lciama" 0 , 8. Fowcxn , The Urentett Liming PheenologlaL "Few can eieel you six n doctor , " Ill , , I. Hass , , The w'orld' . Urcolct I'h 'dttgucnlt ft " 1'ou wondcthdly kuowl aria edge of flan o sisal mcdlclnc. ' DaJ , Mattmiswa 1 , "The mifllctel Ond rawly relief iii .our pres. .IIN , " Ia ) , .5 , Stmax. h "Ur. Ii. wngner ft a regular grodnate from Ik'lleviw llospltal , Ncv York dty ; has Iwd v'ry ox. tends'o hlwpltal prnctlce , and Is thnrmrghly lasted on all brwuchos of hl. beloted scicnev , et1edaUy ml chronic dnuaee , " Das. lieow\att & Kwtto. a "Ur. II. H'o'lier hat lmsnurtvlitcd Idtuself by hitwastlchsldlteoveryof sI'a'Illo remedies far prl rate and soxaal dlsueee-VIrgiula City Chronlele. 1 7 , "Thoueasls of hmralld , sleek to sou Idut"-Han } Ynnd.'o Chronicle. K " 'ale Dwlor'I , long experience as napcdalitt shnuldretailer hhu very succanful.-ltocky Moun laic Nasw. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At ono hula n diwnelnn of the secret lice was en- Urol ) ' aroldrl by the profesdoo , and tnclrnl { work. of but a few ) cart ago would hnnlly tnuutlms IL T'o-day the phNlrlaa is of n dllfemntoplnlon ; he la aw ure Shot It Is lime duty-dlsngrceablo though It mayLo lu haudlo this matter wItlomt glosesaml i eak phd ml , about l1' nud Intelllgatt ) areimte nud gamanJlam. St ill llwlk 111111 for dolmlg xe. Tsonsulusattauitsu thusduttrucUvomiceWere for. Uteri ) ' suet undrrstoal , or nut prolwd ) ' eallmatotP and nu hopurtaure lehlg attached to a nabjece whlclu by It.Ilahlredce'llet lnulm emote IsvostlgallunItwe , willlugl' Iguurcd T1lo whit Is gruscmlly eontroctol by the 'nun wldlo nltcnding avhool ; older v mgwudoui rhroug their example , limy tie retpull.iblu for It , or It umay Ito r.e ulunl through aaddetut Thu eecitellsellt uluco cx Item leucwl , the prartli' will ( .u rovntod ; again amid a { , ahl , unlll al la.t the hablt become' arm mmd Win lcte'ly' entices thou skfnr. Mensal mid venous at uttnlly the prlmnry re.ultaofelf abusa .Unoug time InJurluua effect. tray be mmratloncd laesl tulle , dejeetlon or Irma. iblllty of temnpvr mad general dobllity. ' lso boy seeks secluslou , and rarely Johns lt. Use sjsut.rof hf. erisnpaniulut. If he ht. a young man he will la littlu found In t'nm1'amy with the other .ex. amid Is troubled us ltla cxceollug cold anteing buthluhliws lm their peewee' . lAxciviou. dreams , auisatons nud enrptlnus on Limo face , etc. , are alao I tondtuutiywphnnn. If theprnetlcuin loluntlyper.teteIInmore eertone dlsturbalc. . take place. Urcat paipitatlnn of t11e Marl , sir c1 Ueplle ceutuldou , , are cxedcucod { , and mile ndlrn r mnay fall lute a conlpleto state of Idiocy be. fire , Ilually , dtanm rellovew hlns. 'foalllhaecugagulln Lhlt daisgeruua , pncllceI would toy , unit of rill , tk'I. it at uaa ; astute every psolblaeffort todoobrat ; if you fail , if your mien wus sstcm is nlmaatly too uureh shattered , mad commas. gncntly , our wlll puwnr brnheu , take , utao nave tunlctumill youlnynuregert IlethlgIicalyouauclt Innnthu haldl , i would furtlser cannel 300 to go Ihmuph ; n ra ) ular course of traatmeat , for It is u great adstale ti.u''s'u ' . ' lhatnuy oueamty , fur , t ulu time , hotevery tollttlu glsehlniiclf nplothi.ratdunting lust daugerous excltnment witlsout eulfel lug from its sell consoquenccsatsonmufutmaro Suite a'hu nuusber of ) olui g nscu w ha are lucapucb.nrl to fill Lho duties , and hl "suet lit animatesthlsunfortunateconditlonufthitugican he traced to rho practlca lit seif'abueo , which Kati been nbandeueil ' 'rare ngu ludo tI , n few rnmsths' practice wf lhls tltanflclent to fudnco epcrnmturrhnxt. 1 later years , and I has ii utaiy of such cases tmder treat strut at thoprsseut day. , , , n Young Meh Who nesy ho suffering from the effncttof youthful ' follies orbidlecretlonswilldnwclltonvall thumeelvoe' of that , , thou greatest boon awe laid at the altar of sat. furiughuuuudty. lhu SVaaNra willguarantcutofor- felt & oOforucrycase of eeminniwoakuotsorprivets dlswnam of may kind and ctmruclcrwhlch hounder. takes toad tall. to cure. I If f Middle Aged Men , Thorn are many at the ago of 30 to 50 who axe troubletlwlthtoofregned oeacustlons of lima bhad tieruften naxnnpanled by aeligld s"mrtbug or burn. lug Nensatlou , mid a weakenitug of the system in s nraulerthopattmlcantiotaccnuntfor , Ou examine h.gthuurlrrxrydepotltearopyaedimontitill oftalbe fomad , nud "nnetiuma snudl particles of albuumes wIU aIgene , or the color will ho of thew tullkish line , again chaugblgWslark usual torpid apIearance , There urn uraly uieny macs. wise die of this tilfleulty , I msoraat of tllo railer , wldd , Is the .oalaull stage of ucnlnal'weak. hors. lit , W , w Ill guarantee a lwrfcct cure 1st nil cases and a healthy rostoraUonof the gonito urhsaryor. I 'plum ' , Consultatlon tree , Thorough examination and ad- 1 All cummunlcatlons.hoad be addressed , Dr. llcury hefty Wugmer , i' , 0.2393 Dcnvur , Colorado The Young Ma's feel et Comsalon , , by Dr , n Wagner , Is worth Its wel put In gold to young nee , latest , Hest by snail to may wldrews. Let Your Light Shine , Dr. Wagner the celebrated , pealalist of Denyer , i Colo. , 345 lAlluser street , bullevc , In letting lhoworld , / know what hw trim do , and is dolug for thousands of hilts follucmal. Ili , trcatmerst for lost manhood Ii sure to win kilns a name that ionterit will blosy. Ton thnuaand testimnonlal , from all over the Wltud states frurn thosuho Ilacunsd , I. proof ) .odtlya that hedtee curs tile worst eieo , of these ditease. . Time atlllctod from ehrmle nud sexual dlsensus of every khul will Ihld llhn their bestfrlasd. Itatl hlaadvertlseuieutln all our clty papor.amid tall on lilna for ndvlce'aswe know you will corroborate us In wlylug he is the cut freer' , true ttlend-pockyMuualrafn Nowal i , Relief to the Afflicted. r In medicines , as in eaenco , the apoetallsts are the ont'etilts. alit aNcomestothe frontamid w'oom'lleh ' ' grit results. 1'hli ram/rk I , eepoclally upplleable tote to fir. IL Wapeer ; , of tubs city , lie stand , at thu top of hlsprofuuulmlarid lhacures ho ierfurna for UIe miforhumtu would , eem wmrderfuf If not propery ) viewed In rhullghtnf sdmltlfo as1ulrenlenta Ito fe i eudored by the nsoot eminent of time meditwl faculty , _ Ins nlilcu at 31s laraudr street , whore hu will eptedl Ily oaewta cnru for the uifurlag of either sox , no mat. i ter how complicated their oompleJnt.-Pomeeoya t buuuocraL i Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Curer ' I Persons at adltatcewhowlehLobe teeat.dby Dr. ! WtqAuer need not feel baekwad because of InabllIt' IA ) vadt hla1. If they will w to the doctor ho wIU snutall.tof qucstlons w tables hhn to send uuudlciitcseounsel and to thousands he boa tuever seen. Ifs has p I In every city , town and ; t station in Coloratk well as allover time United itxtca. Seu his ad , late advertlsemcnt-Den' rer Ttibuao , I Ii i Shall We Reform ? ' SlMelfo rsmodlesor / alldasuaeoe le the theory practlcc at present of elucatal and exI'ermunce ' , phlclsns , amid lam all large communllles they have Uelr , specialties , to excel lm which they dlrtat their dudleswrd traduce. 1)r , Wagner fs A sucttastul U lustratimi oh this umadena school of sodsltlea and his urglrtc'sdemtcrl success bl the trsatmellt of l rivate dlseasea Is use wonderful as it h fatterl"g.-I rot. J. I i sheens. Tli : p srson , who need medical rolled for the most doliat of dbcuxes wlllf mad au axouspllehcd amid .uo / ee.aful mih ) sdelahm the person of fir , . No. 413 ldrhmlrr street , who le highly roeomuemed bythe callcal profueiom at 1lumas and aboard.-l'omeroy'e Ucrn'crat ' lilgatryend Iguoraucemust glee way to wisdom tad run w o phyldar bclietes lu lotduc his laid shies for the glory lit his felluw nmou , Prluter. imlk Is the torch ho au best use to mddo the weary ) and sick mueto the fuuiutain of health If this muds rlutdl le bu4euuseutal a.a "TOiLCIILI' ' 111" set up. in' ' o It ll to guide eulTedng huulanlty to 313 Lerlmer ' street , PvurerColorado , itwill answer the iut'i a ( US which It was wriltes , Address DR. RENRY WAONER , ; p. 0. box 9359 , or tnU at 1143 IArmer ) Street lenver , Celts Cgllssd tb.ooluam , b.adod "The Necessity for the k 2i I a