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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1883)
B 1'liL DAILY BEE---COUNCIL I3LUrrs , WED ESllAY , OOTUtiER 31 , Iisn6. si'.l + ' DAILY BL'L + COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wodnoslay Morning , Ootobor3lr SUBScuuTlot nATES : to tcnte Meek fly Cnlct - - - - pct BM11 - - - - - - - - @ 10.00 perYcar OF17cs : 0 , 7 Pearl Street , sear Broadway. MINOR MENTION1 See Joseph l1oitor'a fall goods' Cheap Itnilronl Tickela at Bushnoll'r. Work of filling up lower Broadway ie 1 going on again , The Gorman Lutheran church has a bonoIIt nt Dohany's ' next Saturday cvcn idg. Any ono wanting n cot of .Tohnaon'e Encyolopedtn can gat n bargain by calling at BEE Office , Council Blufra Tim p0ltco took A. Castle ycatorday , and ho ! vas fined $ for being drunk and loading n horao on tlio sidewalk. The street ear track on lowur Broad. ' way is being rained. Again thu quostinu , who ought to pay for filling iii the dirt ? i There wan an incipient blaze at O'Don nell'a blacksniitlr shop , near the now city building Monday night. No harm done , however. t The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Fred l Branrn'n infant non Willie , who died Sunday of congestion of the brain , took place yoatcrday. Work on Shugart , Wnit , C 1Voisus now warehouse , on lower Maui street , is now going on well The building is to ho two stories , 100 by 14Ci feet. John O'Connor and Nellie Skinner , both of Neola ; Patrick Ityan and Aminie B Barry , also of Ncola , ware given duo permit yeatenlay to wed if they watt to , : Justice Schurz } eetordnyporformlod the I ceremony of making Stromor and j Johann Alberta usband , cord wife. Iioth arc reaidont3 of Pottatvnttnumiu h county. The employes of the Council Blufra in. auraneo company are to give n nelect art this evening in the Sliu art block bird floor , The Bavarian band is to t fnriiialt the music. 1 S. Dodson , while laboring undertho in. fluonco of liquor , got discouraged and took a (1050 of chloroform , but the duo. + ors is unned him out , and he lives to repent pent his foolishness , r A sensational scouo is reported as haw r , ing occurred in the Curtis street school , a boy drawing n knife on the teacher and l thireateting to stab her if she ersiatcd iii it whipping hint. Ho was l just 1 { the annie. ft Prof. J. J. Slattery is to open in cou section with St. .Josoplra academy n i night business cello c , in which a full course of bookkeeping and i business course will be taught. The night school R will open November 9d. Chief Tomi lotnn , of the fire depart. ea meat , is expected home the latter part r of the week. Ho reports the mosquitoes at , Now Orleans as large as binck birds i 3 and promises to bring back several spoci / ' i mana forhis museum , Mrs. Oilbort , of Now York , arrived at the Pacific house yesterday , whore she is thmo guest of Mrs. Paigo. Mrs , Gilbert is bore on the sad mission of removing time remains of her father , Mr. Campbell , t from Des Moines to a resting place in II'airview cemetery , where other relatives I are buried. Time remains are to be iii. terred hero at 10 o'clock this morning. Gus Laming waa yesterday arrested / for malicious mischief , 1t being charged i that ho chopped u1r two airs of na. loons hit Skolton + Hendricks .ti Rico's tailoring establishment. N. A. Holmes 1 was also arrested for stealing a knife and I. . pair of shears from the saute establish. t mont. Holmes gave bail buforo Justice SC Kurz far his appearance this morning , I and the other man te ° k nchnngo of venue fl to Justice Abbott. Oliver Haigh , who has been one of the m d best known of the tire lads , and { vho is I now connected with the cracker factory , was much supremely happy yestnrday by tj being wedded to Musa Ella Spellman the j corenony taking place in Omaha. Both ' a ! have maim' friends hero and time welcome and con atulatkama which will pour upml I the young folks an twit return will cmn t vince than of that fact , if they arc nut : , ulrcady cen'inced , The lnan Smith , charged with stealing $ u free a cowboy who was sloopmg at the Broadway hotel , had hits oxauiuatiom before .luatico Abbott yesterday. Time testimony showed that lie went to the room , and that afterwards lie deposited $80 in time eamo kind of money as that ' atolon at another hotel , and got it again in the Biornini . He was bound over to the District court in tlmo aunt of $250 , His'nttorney , John Lindt , now proposes to get him released on a writ of habeas corpus , Dr. West , dentist , 14 Pearl street , UNDEII Tlpl : WUEELS. A Boy Iris Both I.rge Cut Oa' by time i C11rN. I A rumor was afloat yesterday tImat a brakeman on the Rook Island road named Ilughos was badly injured in the yards t while coupling cars. upon , investigation _ - ' lanrimod that no parties eonnootod ' j,4 a boy , 1 r ti' ' , 1i 1 i - 1 . 'Ti ' 11 ( Ti1AT ATiaANTIO ItO1lU1ItY , Time I < urtlrcr 1)etnlle of tire Big Ex. prcas Rteni , The robbery of an express messenger at Atlantic , as given hr a special to TILE BEa last Friday , is thus handled in do. tail by The Messenger of that city , TIIIm ilium in informed that besides Limo $5,000 taken the ether packages contained in mill about $1,000 , tanking the total loss about $0,000. At time Limo of the arrival of the Smfr : express train last eight , while unloading bnggago , time express messamgce , Oscar 1Vhtaloq was rubbed of tlioifuy pnekngea nmountiug to several thousand dollies , Froin tto express messenger and others wo learn the following facts : Thorn are usually two baggage cars on time above named express , but this thou it only had ammo , thus compeliiug time ox prusstnan to ! vat until the bagga a was unloaded before he could unload imis ex press. IIo pulled his trunk just beyond Lima car door and helped to unload time bnggago. After this was unloaded ho knelt down to pick up the tunguo of his truck , Ed , Wort , nn out. Hoye at the dupot was atnudinq just barely throe feet from hums amid lvhilu ho ( 1Vhttur was kneeling down ho felt what ha + uploaal , to be came one brush. toe ngaiimst hue , but snow after ho tom uod and saw n fellow lump off time piatforam , mud run tovart thu Atlantic llauriug mills. Jim a numelt lie umiraed his pouch whichh ho carried atrippul on his back. IIo asked 1VcrL if he hind seen it. Wurt replied that ho had not Further search proved that it had beem cutaild time pouch taken , ' 1'Jme knife of the robber mm dc quite n elk in lmis overcoat. 'Tiro whole nifnir took dace in leas than tlmreo min' mites and time messomi gor could hardly ro nlizo wimat lend happened. BY this time time man was out of sight. IVo ohtnitiod time following description from Ed. Wort who hind aechint b time li"Imt front time car door : Light complex- ton , light nitistaelmu + shout five feet six inches in lmoiglmt , amid wuro a dark suit of clothes and a light stilt hint , 'Thoro was one package contaimming s6,000 , from the Casa County bank on route for Davenport , amid four other pack. ages from Audubon and ffrtswold. We could not find out wlmat they contained. Cut rates to all points at McAllister'n ftr.4ot o/lice / , 505 Broadway , Comicil Bluffs , 1'EItSON.t1I , Sam lfaa. ( htaa returned ( room hit western ranch , , .T.1' , hart la confined to lea home by ill. Hess , Dr. ] lolhingor's brother , M..T. Bellinger , vhmo has Uceu ntudying medicinoinNew York , is how hero ou a visit ; anti intends continuislg Ilia medical course bm Omaha , Miss S. D Rehae , the young artlst'whn has gained 5a enviable a reputation , a sister of Mrs. .f. .T. Bliss , has returned frmn time East , whore she has been continuing her met studios , aid 'viii reopen her studio hero , C. D , ICasson , a brother of John A. hassoml. nud a proalnemmt lawyer of Corning , was at thu l'nchiu yesterday. lion. B. F. Clayton , o ; Macedonia , whim in time city yesterday. I 1T , Ahoi , of Milwaukee , was nuneng yes- terday's guests at the Pacific. Paul Meyer , of Chicago , was at tlmo Ogden yesterday , Wnt. B. litmrgeas , of Brooklyn , ha at time OgdmL flay. J , z , Armstrong loft yesterday for the district conference. itov. Mr. Austin , of Donison , was in time city yesterday , on route for time district cou forenco. S. 1V. Day nud wife , of Ottawa , Kansas , nro in the city et n brief visit to their rein. tives , J. DL i'abuer and 11. II. Fluid and families , C. II. Whitney , who travels for Perogoy k Moore , and who has boon takou Ill at Wahno , Nob. , is reported as not gaining rapidly , anti hits physician advises himn to go south for Infi health. Major A. ] t. Anderson , of Siduoy , was ii the city yesterday , F. Im1. Ellis , of Marshalltown , was ht limo city y'esterdny , lane , Tohnsei and Thoculore Thomas , bunt of ltamdulplm , Iowa , vls'ted ' Lim liluTs yester. day. , Tosoplt ifarker rod 0. Smith , of Missouri Vnlloy , wore visible hero yesterday. There was n gnartotto of alum ml of Law. roncoumiiversity , Appl0tou , 1V1s. , wino snot hero yesterday , showing how the boy's gat scat- tored. One w'as Juhn L. Moon , Crete , Nub , , another. 11. Showvmui , of 1)e ] son , the other two being Jacob Slmms , turd Tilton , of 'l'us Iym. Old stories of time far away Badger university worn exchanged whim the unml jests. Cornices and poles are tlmo cheapest at E , Stockort & Co.'s , 300 Broadway. SPIRITUAL RELIGIOUS MEETING. A combination of four gifted mediunms will give an omitortairmnont at Masonic hall on Wednesday , October 31st , amid Thursday , November let , at 230 ; in the afternoon and 7:30 : in the ovemming. This programme will consist of trance speak- lug , iuspiratioital singing and playing , payclmontotrio reading amid independent clairvoyant testa and spirit plmot0 raphv. Pictures will be taken to time halt. . Dts eases will be located and dingnosed without - out questions. Mnuy cured on time spot. L'rompt attention is requuod. ] mtrauce fee , 50 cents , ItA1U AT ILEST rnrI Iloltl at . tad. , October 30.-Tlmo fu e , thu brakeman who o U , P. Transfer last f , took place hero to- , ek , from time nt , > ; . large number of Joe's s tabled to pay their last ' Almon they all had loved ( , February 21 , 1850 , near . , and was at tlmo thno of 128 years of ago. . Be- m of 1808 amid 1879 , we are as a scholar in this Iowa ut home , located at thus r who was a union soldioi a prisoner of war at Can. 11370 ho entered time employ c Q. road , whore he rouiaum. I. four years , then wont on I M , in Nebraska , time Union Pacific , hi ) y ho was at time thew of ltta death. Among lhordlroad lxrys who wore hl attendance we lrarned the names of T , J , Lowry , T. I , Sully , N. B.Vin kelmnnVillhun CAidisli , , S. J , Megeatll an(1 George JL Copeland , of limo Uuinn Pacific , who acted ns pail hearers ; .m e a conductor , Mr. 1V. IV. Kirt1 , and his wife nail daughter ; Mr. S. Starr , who tvn , Jcu n fellow-brake man , IL Slmpnon , .1 , E. Stimuli , l : . 11 Smith and 1l. A Iluntloy , mill of the U. I' . II. S. Arniafruug , L. 11. Strood , Thins , (1. Suait itu(1 di , Mh Marshall , of time 0 , , I ; . eC Q , and Eugemmo Wmhiett , of the Milwaukee told , llie brother Shin , who lives in Kansas City ; a sister from Creston amid one from Dunlap , wuro all hero , M , B , . .m OhJAitO1 \V1'FII l MULE STEAIa1NG , 4 % . Young Jlnn from Lewis Lodged in .Intl , Yesterday there was brought to this city and lodged i n jail hero a young man giving time common name of John Smith , charged with nmule stealing , the particu- tars of which charge nro given by The Atlantic Telegraph , na follows : A man giving Ilia nnnie as .Tohn Smith was arrested at Lewis , Subdny ovedmg , having in his custody n pair of males which he had stolen ammo weeks ago from Ii farmer smear NeolnPuttawattaumio county - ty , 1'Iio arrest was made by Charles Shulloy , nmorahol of Lewis , who , assisted by Ed. Patterson , brought Smith to At. inutic this mmornilmg. At this point time prisnuor wail delivered to a deputy sttorifr of Pottawatbuuie county who took that to Council Biuirs. Sntith ms n sen in lav of Emory ltinhardeun , nud hind beet kcepitlg the Illlmies at Rlchardaril'a , on time 11..1 , Graham farm , Ho claimed that ) re hail bought the nudes with money furnished him by n half brother who resides - sides in Madison county , Jima real mine is thought to be Cunpboll Six par cent city and farm loans , S. W. I urgussou t Cc , , ; i9 l'carl St , ntwCf. A large stock of curtains nud fringes at E , Stockort& Co.'s ' , 309 Broadway. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE-Speclol advertisements , each as Lost , Found , To iean , For Sale , To Stint , { Pants , hoard. Ing , etc. , will be Inverted in this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS l'Elt LINIt for the first insertion and FIVF. CENTS Plal TJNI : for caoh suhsoqucnt In. , crtlen. Leave odvatisemomits at our oaleo , No , 7 I'oarl Street , near Broadwav WANTS , 1 , ' ANTED-Every bo tynr Council Dlufls to take TiisIISs. Delivered by carrlerat only twenty ents a week. SA 7ANT'IEU-A buy , with pony , to deilver Tmis flxr- yA ThP-Ilya competent stenographer , em. ployment Trsnwnt tuade on typ e wrlter , p. U , box 251 , Council illaas. TTAVINOItni11'INEntotlecity ' , iaut now pro 11 paoll to recclto and whder a few good track Imrsca or fancy rmttters. ] lest of care 511(1 proper exercise , lull training guarnoteed. Bur ten , , ad' drama 0. 11. { Yltsml , Council lilulis dri'ing pnrk. wed&Mon tf R. Rice M. Da or other tumors removed without the CbNCPRS I knife or drawing of blood. CHRONIC ll1SE SES of kinds a specialty. Over thirty years practical experience. OfSco No. b t'oari street , Council RIutis , t rConeuitatlon free. MCOD SIMS , E. I' . CADWELL. SIMS& CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA 051ce , Mnin Street , Itooms I and Shugart & Mo. Mahon'sDlock. WCpracticoln State and eds. . ] courts JOSEP I GAGKEGAN. HARD WOOD AND -COAL- Comer Mahm street and Eighth avenue , Counoil RIuRs. SefLowost rates and prompt delivery , r10& orricita , n. . . roast. OFFICER & P USEY BANKERS , Council maths Ia. Esfablisbea - - 1856 Dcalere In Forglen nud Domostlo Excha + g home t ecuritlea IhIFS , R. J , 11111011 , 1i1 , B , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 272 Broadway. Council UIUCa. PILES. V treat Piles and Falltnglor the Rectum for radios ! and pcnnanemit cure , In trout two to four week. Operations palulewr. Dlauaces of the Rectum a Specialty. DR , A. J , CcoK , 1l.,13 , w item Po + mcl 11 tte. , awn COUNCIL BLUFFB RAILROAD TI1HB TABLE The following are the thine of arrival and departure trains from the local depots. The trains start from the hobo i'actfo depot about ten mtnutos earlier than below atatud , and arrive at the depot about ten minutes later , Thine on heel lines and H. 0 , run on Chicago time , a half hour taster than local. Wabash trains run on iii. Lonia time , twenty minutes faster than local , U , P , and Lincoln trains ran on Council Bluae time. cluVAou , coca teLAH ° Aso picnic. Depart , Arrive. AtLeaoExt,6SOpm. PacidoEx,0:4 ( : ° Ex and liail . . .0:5Q : , , m. Ex and Mall'0:6 : DesJlolursao'.TIIa.n. : Dee Molneo &o. .6.6 cmcaoo , araunroa Aso QOtacr , . Arrive , Chicago Es' . , , .bSSp.m. Counait h'ulTa ex , , , . , ! tall and Ex,0 45 m I Milt and Ex'T.bQ p , ne ciliciQo and 5oaru.rwTaaS. Depart , ATrta AtlantioExt. . ,616p.m. ; PacldoELt,9:16am. : Man and Ex'.9:20 : a , m , Stall and Ex 616 ; p. In Aocow ( Sat.6:60 ) : p , m. Ae.onn ( Mon146 ) ; p , m , aASai CITY , 51 , lea LSD WUNCIL ALVUC. Depart. Arrive , eau and Es..9:56 : a. m. E press..s:35 : p. in. Expreae..8:26 : p , m. I Mail and Ex,6116 p , m 05101 scene , Depart. Arnie. Overland Ex..ilSOLin. : oretlandEL.,4:0o : pL m tinooln Es.iisO ; a. in. Denver Ex,6m : a , an. Denver Es..7:00 : p. aL L eI Ex,6:50 : a. m Load . , , , , , . , ; a. nL " Ex..0:05 : a , m , Elaigrant,6:20 : p. na " Ex..000 a , rp. wasuII , AT , wore Axe sine. Depart. Arnie. Dull andKc..9Y5 a. as Mall and Ex,4:110 : p , u2 Canuon ] kill/ p. to 1 Canteen Ualln105 a , m 51001 cln Ass riuria Depart. Arrive For Sioux Chy,7LS a , m. Fran Sioux at 1:50 : p.m ForFartAtubrra From k'ortliobrara Nab' 7'65a.rn. ; NdL . ' 6:5op.m : , For Bt. i'au1..7:40 : p. In. From St.l'w1..9:60 : p n carcaao , rmwarxn Asa we. PAOL. I.casesOmaha , Anhoaat Omaira. 15111 and Es. , , , 715 ; a. Ira I Paclno Ex , , , , 045 ; a , m Atlautlo Ex , , . , 640 ; p. m.1 Mail and Ex. . 7:25 : p.m AU train , dilly riciso , 51Lwivxxn Aye srr part. LcaTOs Council DIUQs. Artses Council Bltd/e , ball and Ex.9YO : a. an , ) iaq and Ex.6e5 : p , m. Itiantle 1x,1515 : ; p4 m. I Atlantic Eat19:1o : a , a. co6NCIL BLUri 1x9 oanU svaui LAILWAT , Lea , . CuundililutT , Leave Omaha. 91m.Oa.mlOaaLls-1@aaL9a.m.101.m , L m 1I' In. 2 p. In. a p. m.4 II L m , l m. 2p . n , a p. m pnLs ? m spw. 4pm.ap.nLap.m. Street can run hill hourly to the Union Teeter detat. On Sunday the can begin their trip. at 9 o'clock a , fL , and run ro ulaly during the day at 9 , n , 2 , 4 , 6 , .ud 0 o' duck , and ruu to city tL a 1 . j. 't ' mpkie Hardware Co , . : : : - 7 .t ' WTIS,7D1 11i.a 4 . rt Hardware t r . 1I , t.r ( T ' 100 and 111 S. Main Street , j.1' COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 9 W1IOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 84.1 Broadway , - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. CreaM 9. Fruits CollTeotollery ! Parties , Socmblee and Pictnaa sit'qlied ' on short notice , and goods delivered to all parts of the city. Vienna Broad , amid Pies , Fume Cigars. W. T , BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS IZ3atiz ht and f5tolcl. Morse Loaned , ' Abstracts Furn ished > , . II _ . MoMAY 0I0T No. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , MAYNE & PALMER DEAWltSIN , Hard Coal , BULK AND BAfltEL Li lE LOUISVILLE AND POISTLAND CEMENT , MICIIIIAN ( PLASTER , DIMIt AND SRSYRlt i'll's. iTo , 539 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , SMITH & TOLLER r I t h f Ohl I I I I " ' t % Ntt j 4 : : , ( D w ? * t1 c ai iGI ev .1St li Merchant Tailors. 7 old 9 Main Street. II3I7CJ ' ® SiY' . c TJISTG'XX.e x..4. . ATTOI5' FY AT LAW. MANACEIS OF rOTFAWATTAMIE COUN JOHN W BAIRD , TYCOLLECTION AUENCY , Utacecorner froadeayandMain r.trcet. JOHN BENO & Co , , is ua n street and ! 17 'enrlst et. MAg MORN CRt Ho IIOUSN , Croce 216 SIain Street. 1lotol " 17 nod 210 ban ] street. DR J F WHITE OFFICE , Cemer Main and Fifth up etnire. Residence , 600 Willow avenue N. O H URZ. OtBc o over American OF Exprcea S . S VVAGNER , WiR contract for funorab at AND ra7ysonahlo FRED , rates. 22 Fourth street. . J. M. Sr. JOHN & CO..CAr-H BUYERS. Wholcsalobuttereggs tryand fruit. Shlp tous. pool. Draft by rotum anal ! . 146 Broadway. Blax WRITER d aR . D . A , BENEDICT s OtOco 337 roadway , Counc Blutlo , Iowa KOCH , Stock Complete. Suite mat reasonable TAILOR , No , $05 Main St. G F . S KITH . Corner 7th and Itroadwav. CONTIIACT011 i'lenaanti AND BUILDER specifications , furnished. DEALER Ix FINE HARNESS , W . W . SHERMAN , I have the variety that hrbiga patronage , 124 Mala street. JAMES FRANEY , Artistic Work and reasena le charges. 672 Broadway , HUWE & SON . and noueehold Supplies. 1URNiTURESTOVES , 303 Broadway. A'lraltNEYS AT LAW , LINDT & BART , lames Bleak , 1'mctlce In state nail federal courts. SANITAR tUIN And bath house , 421 and 423 ltroadway , L Sovereign , Prop. I' . J. Mont. aomery , SL U. Physician. JUSTICE of THE PEACE , EDWIN J . ABBOTT _ , Notary Public and General Cnnvuyancer. 416 Broadway , REV 'BE H 1 USI" Sb11Tl , ' ' , Draadwns' ' nnneslto Smv Opera ibnso. Refitted al , b1.fa per 'lay HAIR GOODS OF ALL KINDS. Sold a e owes Prices IN 1115 WEST. QUALITY CONSIDERED , At MRS , D , A. BENEDICT , . 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs , In wa. PETER C. MILLER , WhIOLESALE AND 1tEPAiL wall-Paper and window Shadesand Parting In all Its Bianchesl FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. No. 18 Mouth Ponr1 fH/t. - Counoil 1'i. La cr Our line of Stoves is thto nioss contpla to ill no city and includes all the most Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvements ! 1Vo hwo lianunerod the prices down as thin as they will staid without breaking , and you are luvitod to call and see how thick the stoves are in comparison , PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , slightly tarnished , at a reduction of $5,00 each. T1TOL wIT < xc - x'r , 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Sf Council Bluffs. SKELTONf HENDRICKS & RICE TAILORS , 102 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. I a FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES 1S OT TO BE FOUND . YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED EXO LUS1VE ! have the only exclusively Wholesale Store for the aWe Sale of , ) 'f i3 TS m I _ S West of Chiengo and east of Stitt Francisco , north of St. Louis anti Eouth of St. Paul. We Give Chicago Discounts ! All the tilue. Write to us direct or prices. etc. Our line of Specials - cials is the finest in the country , 00 d , , Office 412 Broadway , ( Up-Stairs ) , Council Bluffs , Iowa , BUCKEYE PEED GRINDER L a Yoh , N - ; < . , s4 \4 WIL SHELL AND GRIND AT THE SAME TIME ! 1 . A complete Ilorso Power. The best Feed Mill in existence. Costs but little more titan a common grinder. Write for circulars to SHUGART , WAITE & WIES , Council BlutT , Iowa , General Agents for Western Iowa and Nebraska. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE , ) 1VJOI\IEYFIlO \ LOAN ON REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts df Title to all Lot , maid Lands in the County. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers ! 317 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFF'S : 1VI RS. D. A. EENEDICT 1 I DEALER IN Lathes' ' Fu1us11ill ! NOTIONS , JEWELRY , &C. M 337 W. Broadway , - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA R. S. COLE & CO. , MANUFALTtEIER AND DEALERS IN ALL t Kinds Lightning And Ornaments. Also Weal and Iron Pampa , Wood Tu11ng and One Pipe end PJpo . Fixtures , for both No Feb , 004. South Main Wood Street and . . . Iron . . . . l'umpa. . . . . . . . . . Orders . . . . . . . will . . . . receive . . . . . . . prompt . . . . . . attention. . .COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA M. CALLACHER. New Store , Fresh Geode , Low I'rices and Polite Attendants. First Door east of Hotel , LOvEltntonDWAY. , . 'iFirst { Metropolitan } Caullcil DIuQe. Broadway Steam Laundry . 72 + wEl = 1'r A. C. LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. C'ifton ' Ree e J , A , PROPaIroa. 1 ROSS , - - - - - 537 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Is the place for A. No. 1 Meals. Day Boarders accommodated and guarantee satisfaction. Model earn au.n 1 dry ! 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. A , CHRISTIANSON , - - roprietor. Has just opened a new mid well fitted steam laundry. G unrautee good work. Please give mo a trial , , { IF YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBER CALL ON S. . r .1 Corner Main and First Avenue , Council Bluffs , He has Them. Make Your Contracts Now for Your Whiter $ upply of Missouri Hard Wood , ! AND IfAltl ) AND BOl7 ca1 -W1TIi- I' OVERTON , 505 First Avenue , - Council Blufiu , Iowa , And secure the lest article and hilt measure at the very lulertprlce. Stoenualdcllerodtoanyhart of the city DRG1W.PANGLE f fEADERI 0T' MAN ! ) iftcen year , ' experience Eciuctle blagnotioand Iterballut i'hysicisn , Mater of tl + o fulllwing dl. . esses : Catarrh Nervous i'tblltt } , Mental Uuprese ton , Apopluay , Pita , I..uu of Slanlluu.a Cancers Itoumoved Without the Knife , Dropsy - sy { Vithout Tapping , IJvcrConmp ahd , It ldn.3 Cuiu l.lut'rlakltca , llbea. uatismi'aratysl. , tVilhe bwellhlx , Eryetpalu , Bt. t Itua , Dance. Woman and liar Diaeaaea Treated With the UaPpleat Iteanlta. tipeciel atteIttwn glclm to private end venrrcal . Looateit No , 610 Uroadway , Itouma , ( up stairs ) , Council hiatus , low a , A Correct Diagnosis Given Without auy Explanation Irons the Patlent , tfCunsultauuu flee at Dice. Novelty Works iT NORTII MAINST COUNCIL IITUFFS. KLENCK & JUREY PROPRIETORS. All kinds of repatring Furniture Iepalred and Onl + hod , Chain ro csned anti no seated. All kinds of UI + holstering. Loris , bulls mitt E7cctdo instill- uents repaired. S , caking Tithes put in all or now butidtngs. 110) a atte/i and Stoves reiIalred. First. amass work guaranteni. live ma a trial. MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The attest quality and iargeet stock west of Chicago of Wooden acrd rletall0 Oiu.e. Calls attended to at all Imuura. SYe defy compeliaoa in quality of goods or prlaa. Our Sir hurgat bar served as undertaker for forty yeah anu thuruugidy understauda hhr bust. ncu , tV'arcreuo,311linwtwny , Ul'IIOLYi'EItiNU In all its braucel ) , promptly attended lo ; also carpet Io' Ihig and Iaua.raiuhis. Tele'gtaphlo sad mall Alera 011al without delsv' w. . V A 4.f1'A.t ' H A 14i. Justice of the Peaces Ommaha amid Council Bluffs. itcel ectete cud oolloctlou a2omey , , as Old Fellow's lock , east tlartage Dank. laa9n I