Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1883, Image 1
THEOMAHA DAILY BEE. _ _ . " \ THIRTEENTH YEAit. 111fAIlA , NPIi. 1P1)DNES1)A1' , MnR\iNG , OCTOBER 31 , 18&4. NO. 116. ! Our a' ! s , I3 . siiis : r The public are cautioned against purcltnvtn any of rite poor trashy 1 , , loaded fa rics tint are being sold as "li nek S s ; ' npnrt from tlto ro- sentbinnca in color Nnd weave they bear to good silks , they have not the slightest claitu to the name of "Silk , " 'Ve have discarded themas bring unfit for us tosell and r : . w w&rn11T ¶ P ever9' Yard Below Lesoribed as Peing Absolutely Pure Lyons Mao Silks. At no time in the last twenty Years , have silks been so cheap as on I s thissale. We are the only parties to Omaha buying these goods for t Cash From the Looms Direct. - , . . , 50 pieces : 22 and 24 inch Lyons , Cavhinero finish Black Silks will t be offered during this sale at IINI n yard ; here sold by the manuractu- rer heret'fore ' , for $123 and $1.50 25 pieces Cn 1iinere Princess Black Silks , donbk warp , rich , lu trous finish , full 22 inch , and some 24 iches w de , at 51,35 , worth $1.75 to $2,00 , $11 warranted to wear withou breaking , 28 Pieces Cashmere Aloxandre 24 inch Black Silk9 , will be sold dur- ins thnsat $1,65 a yard , these are the regular $2.0 quality , with superb - perb lustre , heavy weight and are nl anys consid'red cheap at $2,00 a yd. i 20 pieces Ca9 1esta A'exandre 24 inch Black Silks. the quality usually - ally retatled east for $ : ,50. wilt be sold on this sale at .2.10 n yard. . 12 pieces widest , heaviest and best qua ity of Cashmere Alexandre inch Black Silk , usually sold by all bestenstern houses for $3,00 to $3,60 a yard , will be sold by us during this sale for $2.50. MEN'S GLOVES ! Two GREAT BARGAINS. 8 ® Dozen L y With embroidered backs Pique Sewe + 1 , Eveiy pair warranted genuine French Goat and Dog-kin. 1 ® ® r Pair. ALSO FIFTY DOZEN Ca1or G1ove I &d Brown , Dark Brown , Tan , Drab , with ; heavy Silk Embroidered t Backs , : S1. 5 er Pair. _ . , - Neverbefora offered less than $2.00. . . Men's Underweai'i . Commencing this Saturday Evening , October 27th and \ Continuing Next Week. 6 CASES MEN'S FANCY STRIPED l SCARLET NOOL SHIRTS AND DRAINERS I $1.26 each , worth $1.75 , 90 DOZEN MEN'S VERTICAL STRIPE , NON-SIIRINKING Scarlet Wool Shirts ravers $1.50 each ; retail value , $2,00 , 60 DOZEN MEN'S COCHINEAL DYE . i 1 $1.75 each ; litanies elsewhere at $3,50. t ATTENTION WORKINGMENI 240 dozen Machine Knit Woo'on Sox without seams , will be sold at $1,00 dozen pair. , 6 pairs for 50cusuafly sold for 25c a pair , 216 dozen all-Wool Seamless Sox , very heavy and double run ] reels , during this sale fox 25o a pair , usually sold in small stores for 25c or 3 for $1.00. $1.00.Mittens Mittens Gloves 150 dozen all-wool Double Knitted Mittens at 25c a pair , worth at , retail 50c. 40 dozen Buckskin Mittens , with riveted palms , at 75c pair , usually sold at $1.00 and $1.25. ' ; o dozen Plymouth Buckskin Gloves at $1.25 a pair , worth usually $1,75. i Blanket Department. 7 EXEMPLARY BARGAINS. The unusual values of which will be readily recognized by the pub- lie without further comment on our part. From the Great Auction Sales of New York. t 150 pairs 11-4Whlte lankets $2,50 ; worth $4,00 , t. 200 Pairsl0-4 P110 Blankets $3,75 selling elsewhere $5 , .iI . 100 pairs 11-4 all wool Blankets , $5.00 have sold at$6,50 , 50 Pairs 12-4 White Blankets $6 + 50 'before the auction ' $9.00 50 pairs all wool Red Blankets $5.00 , ' never sold under X6.00 , 100 p airs 8 lb. 12-4 White Blankets t 7,75 , ' worth at Retail , $12,00. 410 Pairs Best Mission Mills Blankets , $12,00 t ' exactly Mill Price. i1 Continuation of our Great + 'ierear ' Hosiery Sale. 10 Cases morn of these Ladies' Superior Grade Vests nt 35 cents , Neverexcelled at 5oe , 50 Uses Ladies' Silk Embroidered Finu1ied Seam Fine Merino Vests at 55 cents , S , + lling elsewhere ntI.OU , , c ; . s M Monday morning we will oiler 50 dozen Misses Genuine C. & G. r , Rt FRENCH WOOL HOSE. All Sizes from ' . IA 11 , 5 , 51-2 , l + 0 ! 2 .Luc.i. , All Sizes from lie 7 , 71-2 , 8 , 81-2 Inch. * U ii U. ' are Worth Exactly noube , that Price. Department6 On Monday Morning , Oetol i 29th we ishall offer EXTRAORBIN'Y ! BARGAINS o Pieces 27-Inch Costllie Velvets The Rkgular Retail Price' of Wbich has always been $5 + . . , . . , . . , . , . 10 Pieces 21-inch suji.erfine quality Fin , , . . Jrak , . . . - . t L YE TS ' " YARD. The Invariable Retail Price of this Quality is $6 + 00. Those appreciating the finer grades of goods will doubtless avail themselves of this rare opportunity , Jersey Waists I Our importation of Ladies' Jersey Waist3 has arrived late. We w sell atexact cost of importation its the numufactnrer was to have aclivered them to us early in September , and now instructs us to sell then for his ace 'unt. For the information o1 non-residents of Omaha , we would say that it costs 25 cents tosend a Jersey 1Vaist to any port f the country. 60 dozen Black , Brown , Wine , Cardinal , Navy Blue , perfect fitting Berlin shaped Jerseys at 2 25 each , worth $3,50 to 84.00. 30 dozen Ladies' Spun Silk Jerseys in black andnavyblue at $3.75 each , worth usually $5.00 to $6.00. 25 dozen Jerseys , richly embroidered , and beautiful quality , in black only , at $5,00 each , were imported to soli for $8 to 810 , Cost of mailing and registration only 25c. SPECIAL-Don't confound these with the cheap ill-fitting domestic Jerseys Fold atsame or higher prices. Flannel Department. At 110 time in tbp last'.five years have we been able to how such A BARGAIN 100 Pieces 29-Inch California Red Flanool YARD. Made of fine Merino Wool , extraordinary weight , non-shrinkin r and enuine Coell it cal dye. This flannel has never been offered at retail for than . Sixty . Cents. &PMOO. Cotton Department. ID Cases Heavy Weight Cotton Flannels ' 'T , AT 5 CTS A YARD. I Mr . ; : r . Regular Retail I'rice Elsewhere 81' Cents , I' ° ivC . . . . Very Heavy Cotton Plailnels , . AT 121.2 CENTS A YARD. . , . Never Sold less than 15o , . I Colored Dross Coeds I 3 CREItT ARCA1NS ) 600 Manufacturer's II e mxiaiit 3 WooiB1ack , W w ; " ' t 1 to 1L yards , 00 coats a yard , Nnt a yard of these goods worth less than 90 cents , Sortto $1,00 to $1.20. a 1200 Yards M . , 40 Irnah ' , I ; ; All-Wool " Costume Cloth. Mixed and Plaits Colors , 574cents. . 1Vc closed out all a manufacturer had of those , worth every cent of $1 25. f 4500 Yards f I y ' DeBeges , and 'Cashtneres ' , 7f Cts , a aid. Worth 15 to 2Oc. VELVET EENS ! 0 4 . BARGAINS 4 0 ' TEN PIECES 24-INCII S1I4K FINISII 0c 0 c Ve1vets , 45 cents a yard , usually retailed at 60 cents. 15 Pieces 24-Inch Silk Finish CLEOPATRA VELVETS. 75 Cent a yard , regular retail price , $1.00. ' 5 Pieces 24-Inch Silk Finish COLOREDARCADIA VELVETEENS Beautiful colors and superior to many Silk Velvets in finish and durability - ability , 90 cents a yard , soling everywhere for $1,25 , ,