- - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - .r------- . 8 rrrR DAILY BEEOMAUA , SATTJRDA OCTOB1R ! 27 , 1883. - TilE DAILY BEE. - OMAHA. Saturday Morning , October 27. The Wcnthcv. For the tIIvor MISSISSII)1)I valley , cloudy weather with local nti , ouUi. er ) ' winds , failbig barometer , atationary or rising temperature. For tito Ztissour valley , local rains , southerly winds , stationary or falling barometer anti temperature. LOCAL BREVITIEB1 -Savo money. Send to l. ] ? earonwholesale , clgr sod tobacco dealer , for Price liL. -An 1mmnono ollcan liort nnrli of Omaha , bangs ith wings out.trctclmel In front of a 1arnaiii street fili mnaket 511(1 attract4 con. iclorahlo comment. . -Titu new barracks at Fort ] ) onglM arc being 1)ullod ahead wiLli commendable vigor , Vsfll the contractors anticliatO lmavimig them completed within time nettwcmity ( lays. -The comedian , D. 11. Fitztatrkkwhht op. var at l30yl's opera house t.o night In the romantic Irish tiramna , "Shamn.a.Guv. , ' The play l a merItom'iou one , mimi k highly sioken of by the prs everyWhere. -The V miter Works comnnifly arc now iay fog their pipes on Saunders street. out to time 14.rt. Timla will give water ) r1vilege to Lb large sectIon of thbvn , and as a matter of course , enhances property In that part of the city. The now addition of Plainvlcw has ro ( .c ivol Au Imicromued hinoni frommi this cause , 011(1 ( hiring the 1)Mt. woolc LO lots have boii sold I there with a continued ( lelnan(1 , ium the prkc.i amid terms are nmoderatc enough for all buyers. I This l)1)erLY Is hianilletI by Ames' Heal , Es tote Agency , vhi are over to the front him on. t.erpmisimlg eflprts to please time Public. -Tho opening of time imow holy Family Church , on Nineteenth and Izard streets , next Sunday , is an Importaimtevent to thiohthohics of North Omaha and to the city generally , t4&owlmmg mis It does time wonderful growth of the Gate City. As a fitting close of the inmb t 1k ceremonies citho day a lecture will be (10 i I hlvered iii the evening by Rev. 1. Bratly on 4Tho I'Ltgaml Women anti the Chrintian Wo l , This subject will prove doimbly Inter. { cstlmmg at the JL'01400t timime ; in fact a immure "taking" subject than woman could not be . chosen at any time. -A special car comifaining the ] ) avy Crochet m hunting club , COHhlIOSOtI of officials of the Lehigh Valley rallroal , invsocl tlmrough the city Thursday bound for Gibbomi , Nebraska -Time Immot Monumnont Association has k ppoimmtcd Jolimi II. Feeney of the firm of 1'OC21Oy & Connoily , and E. F. Moriarty of the U. 1' . freIght ILOUKO , to receive mnmbwriptlon for the t'Dommnoll defense fummd , I -Mr. Jebsto Withers 'if Cramul Island aiitl Miss Amino Burley of tlmia city , were married Wednesday womi atthe residence of Mr. Alfred Burley in thb city , nod have gone to ( iramid 3ilaimd * to live. -how much better tha valk down Farnamn street Is , to bo sure , since the now hlowalks have been laid. And what a brisk scone that 1)ronleflado ) at mornhimg , noon and night , when clerics , oinployea and buelmiesa mmen mauve in otto long stream going tO or re turning from their work. -The Uniop Catholic IAbrary association will have their regular tllnmo sociable on Mon. day evening , Oct. 2D , at their roomiiCrcighitmi blclc. An excellent programnmo Is being prepared pared , and these who fail to ho prosemmt will 11(155 OflO of the best emmtortaimunonbm givoim by the association. -A now actress , Miss Kraft , of St. Loim1 , 'will make her debut on Sunday imight in thin IOtinfl31 theatre iii thin lcadingrole In "Philip. pins Welser"a thrilling drama , whoso scemies tire 101(1 in tim ) ? iftoenth century. Miss ICraft. is spoken of very highly asan actress and a lady. -John Guild , of the firm of Guild & Mc. Inni , the Sixteontim street cloth ug merchants , had his hoimso catered yesterday by a stranger. The intruder was captured amid detained , I ) rov1ng to be a fine twelve pound boy. 1vory. . body is happy at the Guild mansion. -The Comigregatiommalista of time North Oma ha Presbyterian church Propose to imovo an "Autumn Festival" next Thursday evening , S sit whichi time the new basement vi11 be opened. ] tofreslimeimts will be sorvcd aimd good music Jmas boon promised umider the dlmcctorslmili of Mr. Frank Smnith. -Handbills br gallery ( listribution lmavo been gotten UI ) by the Opera Ilouac lilimnago. . , imeimt requesting t.hte patrons of the house to applaud only by the clapping of the lmmumds. \Vhiisthijmg or ahioutIim vhll not be allowed nut ! any person guilty of such conduct will be ro uiioved from the theatre. -Time romaine of Mrs. Margaret Farrqhi arrived yesterday and were taken to tiio reshtlemmce of rr. Johui Tracy , curimer 12th amid Pierce streets. Time funeral will take llhuo this nmornlmmg , October 27tl , at 8iO : a. 311. , to St. Phllomnmias ( j'atitcdrai , wimerti looms vii1 be eocbratud ! at 9 o'clock a. in. Dayon port PPcrs Please Copy. -The funeral of the late A , E. Slumllsomm , will take lilaCo at 10 o'clock simitri ) Sunday forenoon irom thin late rcmldcmmt.o on Burt ztrcct , between 18th aimd 10th. -'rite 1)0110011 hanging iii front of Meta & - ' itnsorstcin's Place , mneasurcs eight foot from ' Lit ) to tip of Its iving. . Tlii i time ommiy bird that comm cross the sea , and It does so by carry lug ten dayi irovisslons in a huge beg lmtmng under Its chin. Time pelican and time camel ; would omaha a good teammi , one carryimmg the grub mind the other the hltinid refreshmmmouts. . -A boy about fourteen year , old Out ! cvi. dently a foreigner , warmly but coarsely clad , Ill In a violent flit yoslcrday Just in ( remit . of Shiverlck's store on Farnama street. In -falliimu ho struck on tIme iron sto1l In front of : the t.oro and cut himself in the chin so that the bl6od ( oil profusely. lie was attended to by bystanders vhmn camno up and two olilcers aw thxt he reached lila boarding 3llmmco. -The jury in the hugh ] iayhiu rape case would out return a verdict Thursday after. noon until timoy had bad their thinner , about o'clock. Thu yerdict finally returned , after the jury's limner man had boon rcresimed , was cue of not ; guilty , based on time fact that Jimmy. 114mg wa's ' a victim of the opluimi lombit , aimil had carried that so fmmm that ho could riot be guilty of time crime With wimicli lie had been chargel , -tevlvalzntmotlvgs ] will be held him time South I Omimahia M. E. eimurch , beginning Sunday oven. I lag and c.utlnuing for jmoumme t.iumo. These . ineetlimgs will boconductcd by the pastor , wi misted by Jey. M L Ifammoy. a imotod and sue. ceuful revIvalist. A cortlliml invit.4ion . is ox. tended to all the PeOVIO to attend. Pastors itu4 uiemL * of other chiurchs will iii inatlo wlcomuo , tmid their preseuce rind hell ) are ear. * immotly ollcit.od. , T. W , Stewart , -'The UnIon Pacific o10v1ls reached Halt Lithe by 1Ial train yesterday afternoon , and wmmikd ip the 'm'aiker House. Amnong the f visitors vere Charles FrancisAlnm , P111(1 Ii. Ames , Vilhiam13akcr , S. It. It. Clark , .T. ] 3lickcnaderffer anti 'mV. B. Irnldtidgo. A portion of theIr biislnesi mere , besIdes inspect. lug time mad , is to consIlcr the project of ex t.CflltflV time Tinio line ( ruin Lout to tim lac. ific. It is claimed that such a line wommhd 01)011 Ill , 8 fine mnimmcra , stock raising and 01810)11. turn1 comimmtry To.day , it is mminlcmstood , the 1)onver ) & hUn ( lran4a hy special train Will run the Union Pimciflc vIitor over a 1)OTtiOfl of thick road iii Utah. So it is aipai'cmit ( mill this timIt the freight warn of railroad companies i14 imot emigendor cry bail blioih.-ISaht. Lake 'l'llnmtmo. ; 1F1 ISON Ij. Chums. It. I tigahls omit ! wife , Ii. S. A. , arc at the l'mucton. Thmeim. flogammt and soil , of Schlmyler , arc at the I'axtomi. MIMI \Vicdniumn , of Plnttinomthi , s1cnt Tliursmiay iii the city. II. ir. Pomoroy and lady smncl Chums. 1) . Siiitii , Of Lincoln , arc at the Paxton. Miss Emnina Fimnko end mtiis TIllio Fnratof T.iiicoln , arc spending time day in thin city , aimil are at time Paxtoti. C. A. Spreckelca nnd wife , time great sugar inmhxrtcrs of Sami Vranciscm , , was rogistAiroi the Paxton yesterday. Mr. .Tnhn L. Taylor , of thmo County Olerlcs ohl'mce , left. last ovonlimg for ] ) onver rind the mountains , taking thin first vacatlirt ito has a1 loWell iiiinelf for muianyyoars. 1te. George Albrighit , of Mt. Carmollll. , visited our city yostortlay , amitl was time guest of his umnelo , Col. D. B. I muck. mfr. Aibright is a gentlemiman of womitlerfiml talent and high ctml Lure. 11. C. Thmllock , a leadiimg ilommttst of hartford - ford , Coimmi , , and 'iv. ii. lllggs of the maine place , tccomiipaiilod by thmeir ladles are at tlmo Paxtoiu. Tlmoy hiavo comaeVemt for a iiumnt and are goint mit. t North Platte mmoxt week umimdcr tb escort of 1In. , 'mV. ' P. Cody. .1. MCMLUIIS armd wife. of Ogden , are guests at time l'axtoim. C. II. Ashton , Custer , E. F. 1)ay , Sommtii Bend ; Chaummicoy Abbot , Schuylor ; George C. Illckok , Northi 1eiii ! ! ; 'V. Ii. Van Aletyno , Liticolim ; .T. if. McCall , Dawson Co. , 011(1 (1. \v. Foster , Lincoln , arc at the Millard. Congressman Valentine nnd IC. E. Valen. tiiio , Of Sot l'tiint , are at the Millard itrs. C. \Ylmitmnoro , of Greoncastle , l'a. , ill at time Millrd. , Tohmn 11. Dommuelly , of Choyenn a , is at time Millard. harry \Vimitmnorr , of LinColn , is III toAtu. I ) . T. Martin , of Cohmnibus , is iii thin city. 1)r. Carver omit ! wife , registered at time MU. lard last muiglit. Thos. Bryan and son , of Schumylor , are at time l'axton. Clias. H. Iimgails , of time arimmy , is at tim l'axtou , with his wife. Capt. . Ilogardus , with time % Tih1 1Vest , Is at tlIo l'axtomm. lion.V. . Ii. Munger , of Fromnont is in thin city. lion. 'mV. F. Cotly is at the Pamxton. Iajor Frummik . North , ( If Colmummbus , is 1mm tOWil. Senator Vami Wyck , is at thin l1aucton. A. A. Pomimeroy and lady , Cimarlos P. Smith , Lincoln ; IL. A.Vellmnau , llntnptnn ; David Dean and vifo and Ci. N. Foisoma and wife , Ashland ; .1. 5. McClary , Norfolk ; Col. Tom Vilsoim , W. 11. Tucker , North Platte ; A. P. Cammip , ItHlIiLmIId fi.V. . Ballantine , Lincoln ; II. r4. Matthews , Iirowzmvillo , and M. D. Welch' Lincoln , are amimommg the Nobraskamia at time l'axtoim. Time following are among the arrivals at the Paxton yesterday : W. 11 , lliggs mmml svlfe , Hart , Conn. ; Ii. F. Glasakihl , Lockport ; Mien Emnnma Fuiret , Lincoln ; Miss Tilhio Fumrst , Lincoln ; J. C. Bork , ( loshmon , Md. ; Ii. Stanch , Baltimore ; C. S. Blackman , Chicago ; II. C. limmllock , hartford , Conmm , ; F , C. JCini. bark , San Francisco ; Ii. W. Wood , Now York ; E. 11. ] lhlsoui , Chicago ; Chums. 11. Tn. galla arid wife , If. S. A. ; C. W. Joimimnoti , St. Piumi ; IL. Clmurlc , St. Paul ; F. II. Tutnihl , St. Paul ; J. C. ] Couimz , Burlington , In. ; 1V McCoy , ] Canmas City ; F. Caumlmlnan , Chicago ; S. Emimery , Grammd Rapids ; , r.c C ; . hitchcock , City ; 0. 1' . Sormmes , Cimiciugu ; M. 1) . Lnrrabo , Clilcagu ; a. ii. Colllims , Now York ; 14. A. Pease , Ciii. cage ; 0. A. Srenckels nmmd vifo , San Frammcis. Cu ; N. J. Sileby , ] i3iilm 1ass. ; A. 11. l'oume. roy ant ! lady , Chins. I ) . Smnitb , Liimcsimm ; it. A. \Vclhmmman , llaimmptaim ; J. lVolf , New lTork ; P. . Sclilichmt , Ilochester ; J. B. 1mIimttimov , i'ort. haniiDavltl Dean mmd wife , C. ? [ . Foleoimm muimil wife , Aslmlnmi(1 ; \Vimoelor , "IV. 11. Alex- tummder , Imieago ; Jloylmthls ammd vifoV. , . ( big. ger , cityV. ; . Omvem , ] ihiicago ; Time. lirylult amid suit , Schmuyler ; C. S. harlan anti lady , Macedonia , In. ; Capt. ] ) ogmmrdue , Wild West ; \v. II. imlummiger , 1"romuont ; Times. Fnllumm , Peoria , ili.J ; , S. MeCluroy , Norfolk ; W. IL. 'J.'imcicer , North Platte ; TmulIlsomi ) , Fremmmont ; \r Cody , ' ' 1iumffrlo Iihl , " Wild \Veet ; .1. C. Myers , S. N , liurrove , Des Moines ; J , F. Nylammder , ilisnFrmumk Northm , Nobrasica ; A.W , 11111 , ] ) cnrer ; A. P. Ihurlow , J. S. l'crry , Chlcayo ; I , P. Sears , IJuhfolo ; ? mI. J. Bassett , Chicago ; is ! . IL. ICavauuun1m , F. C , Gtmttursoii. Now York ; S. Oberimmagor , Gin. elnimatl ; Ii. S. Jfatlmews , llrusvimwlhlo ; C. Ii , Viom Wyck , Nebraska City ; 0. W. ] lalhan timmo , Lincoln ; II. IC. Vr1ght , New York ; F. 1' . Ilorimbrigimt , W , Ii , Jirouvim , Cimicage ; : Coo. 0. Foster , Sahuilue ; F. iCirkby , Now York ; T , A , Jiurd , Leavenworth ; F , W , Grecim , St. Louis ; T. .1. NaIl , Chicago , Joima Baker , Wild West ; .1. Givin , Des Moines ; Harry A. Zeimu , Chicago ; Imi. I ) . Welch , Liii. coin ; J. McMaimin nimd wife , Ogdeim ; W. A. Cmmmmipboll , Cimicago ; Joseph 0. Mailoy , T. F , Gallagher , New York ; .T. A. Laimib , ChIcago ; ; E. S. ( ionnmalm , St. l'auil ; John F , Smith , Freuport ; J. B , Whittier , JCanaan City ; A. P. Caump , Aaiulammd , Mo , ; IL. A. Boll. , CouncIl Bluffs ; J. A. iraiimo , 5t. Joseph , Mo. ; : Leo J. Calloy , Boston ; A. Pomneroy , Llrmcohm ; : 14 , 14 , hlailan mmd wife , Macedonia , Iouva ; 0. Im ! , Folsoin nt1 wife , Ammimland ; I ) . ] ) eaiu antI vlfe , Aelmianuli .1. 1 ! , ? mlatthiows , l'orthamid , Mahno ; 11 , \Vollmnan. . Ifaimmptoim , Nebraska ; J , IL. Blgaxd and 5Oli Scimuyer ] ; Al cmi . liruouuimail , Muaeathno , iIwmm ; Charles 1) . I Smith , Liumlu ; It , II , l'ommmeroy , Lincoln ; L. A. Pease , Olmitmgo ; N. E , Silsiiy , ] 4ylmum ; Mams. IflEh ) . STITT-hn thi. city , October 2fl , 18wJ , at 7:30 : a. III. } : Iiza Jane , beloved wife of 1. S. Stitt ammil daughter of John Ituddin , aged 23 years. Funeral S ) ihl take Ilimmen Stmmmdumy Irollu time rosideuuce , 214 Nortim NImmthm atroct. DBrs INU. When baby has 115111 $ at dead t.1 Ilight , amotimer lo aIitght lather Iii mm1lIghi Whea worms do tiLe , baby iuut cry , U fever sets . in , Iib may dlo. It croup > jatii. kill LO0II'IS , In thet house t1ir' . no CAWI'OIUA , Yet mothers karti 1Lhout delay cAmrou14 cure. by iil1t and dey , _ s ---c - " _ _ _ . _ A _ , _ - A TALK ONTOLJZALIN. A Farty of R1roa1 ! MCII DidllSS lie Unat allCF. Amuti Tell Varkii Anectlotc Con. 14Cct0l With Jils Early Tub , A mmnmimr of railroad officials amid their assistatits worti gatimored hi ono of time ) moadquartors iiu'mldimugs yesterday amid Limo convcrsatiomi tuned ulpoli the fu. tore prospecto of Mr. Touzalun , now of tim At.ehiisomm , Topeka t Santa Fe rail. road , ¶ I'lmo firat remark made was that lmo hind token or sas about to take a lmonao at. Topeka to live there , ' 'That's just his policy , " said onoof time party , "imnnmediato nuporviaioml of the road ho ia looking after. lie wanbi to know all about it. , anti be on hand where ho can ace everything that ma ( lone. I believe it in time nocret of his iniccuca. LIe known that ho cannot manage time road as veIl iii Boston no lie caim iii Topeka where time colmipany's general of. flees are situated , " Aumothuer one added , "lIe does time saimmo way if ho is going 1.0 iiuvost in the stock of rummy road. lie makes a Personal ox iitniimmtioii 01 tIme lute ztmlI thou lie goes to tim olilces , to thmo atmditor'a olhice say , and looks UI ) the exact financial condition of time road , ammd Icarus how mnumclm it is oann ung before Ito Puts any immoney iii. " " \Vlirtt I like time best about Mr. 'l'ouzaiun ' , " said one of time yommmigcr men , "is time way lie taicca care of 'lila boys. ' .Just see how well lie has lrovidoi for thorn. There'sV. . 11. Ilaunuin , who has just been immade general agommt of time Santa Fe road at Demiver , a very import.- alit. position ; sumccoedhmg a good man , Comm. Theodore F. Brown. Jiamlun , you know , was first. ogemit for the B. & Id. at Lincoln-I domm't know but what ho be. gaim at llastings-nmid thou he was made guimoral ageimt of tiio Burlingtomm hero to succeed Philhippi , and fimially lie went to Las Vegas to run the Montezuma hotel for the A. T. & S. F. Of course Touza. l iti managed it. all. " "Timon there's Bert.Vata mi and Coo. Harris , and 'I' . A. Bawsoum , " suggested the newspaper man uYcs , and .Timn Barr , " said one of time knowing ones , with a shako of his head. "Vlmat ' 1" "Why , yes ; Barr has just gone down to Kansas City into time stock yards as a blimid. lIo'll be railroading again inside of a year in some fat piaco , now , I know , and domm't you forgot it. " Time conmpammy expressed surprise at this and soimmo didn't think there was mummy truth iii such a minor , unless it. caine front Mr. Barr himself. "I won't say who I got ; it from , " said thfl young clerk. "Wimero's Dawson gomme , by the wayl"Vent from Platts. umiouth to Topeka to lie gmmernl store. keeper ( If the A. , T. & S. F , Plmillipd is now general agent at Chicago. I be- hove timat completes time list of B. ' M. IilOfl. Touzaimmi first came here as laud conimissioner for time Burlington , too ; did. you ever hear the story of lila k'avimmg the smite position on time A. , T. & S. P.1" 'I " \Vell , there was considerable dissatis. faction expressed by the old fogies back in Boston , who thought ho wasn't soiling ommough land for tim road. They wanted it ; to go like hot cakes , amid it was grass. hopper year and people weren't very anxious to buy. What did ' 1'ou7.aiun do ? Why , lie got mad and sent. omit sommie men to gather Lmpgrasshmop. Pr far and wide amid ho received thousands - sands of time little pests. And then lie made up a great bagfuhl of dead grasshoppers - hoppers 011(1 sent it to the directors in Boston with a note saying that wastho kind of land they hind out in Kammsaa. " Just like him , they all agreed and the mneoting then adjourned , laughing. Aim Amiawor Wanted. Can ammy ommo bring us a case of kidney or liver Ct)1111)lftiilt that Flectric Bit , . tots swill not moelily cummeo say they can not , a.i thmmsauihi of cases rmlrnuly Inrmulalmemmt. ly cured nuid who are .llmily rccommimiiomiilin llcctria Bittems will pro. Bright's dLsoae , tlittictes , weak back , or nm.y umlnnrycoinplaimmt quickly cured. They purify time blood , regu. late time bui'cln menti act 'hiroctly on thin tih. easeti Parts. Every bottle runrammteoel. For sale at 5Cc a bottle Lw C. 1' . ? biodmiuan. Why are LIi l'IT r , LEAKt Co.'s Gloves the best. ? Because , they are olNuiNn 0ALxro1lNI. . BUcK. 2&'tw - _ TIfF "ISTuE OP DFSTINY. " ltn Sons tm ) ho Morn , J u'tly ] ) calt by OIL tuuc Stage , Time followimmg is published by request of the writer , and will be found to con. thin noimie semmeiblo ideas. In miu ctmummtry in tlmo world , suuco time ( lawn of civilizimtioit to time prosemit event. ( iii lOmiod ( If time milnotoenthi century , has history repented itself with limuro sorrow- ( ul reality than iii time ' 'isle mf Iezmtimiy , " whose green lmills aul vahlus hmutvo lceml saturated with the blood of the bravest and the best- where oven the lives of un mmocommt c1mildromm fond nmotlmera and white. : haired gramidsires have been sacrificed to swell tIme tide of blood until it line becoimmo crimmison ocean , dividirmg forever Ireland 08 ft nation from time accursed misrule of Emigimuid Time clmtmrcim humus mmobly espoused Limo cause of time Irish people , why not time stage ? Time latter is time most IOwerful factor iii the civilized world to sway time imoart.s of time people. ' It roaches whore time church does not-time Keel- logs of the masses , Time stags in tim grand banquet hail en ( the muimmd , where Jew amid Clmristiau , Mormmiomm amid Gentile , grutimor together to bo amused anti to criticise uimtrammmmolcil by the boundaries of thmuirrespectivo creeds. W'itomi , therefore , a true amid abmiplo story of Irish life is properly represented on time stage , witlmout dragumg the priest ill 1mm sacred calling , into a low amid vu ! . gar acommo ot debauch in conipany with aoimm villainous mumonstrosity that is iii. t.ommdod as a typo of an Irislmuian in Ito. land , time 1)001110 of that ummimappy country nifty be emmeourmuged with time imopo that at last they have mm ohmmnmco of bemug dealt justly by emi the sthgo , as well as in time 1mui1tt or on time rostrimimi. 'l'hmu ) eopio of Irolamil are too mmmcli in cattiest iii this struggle of life imimd doathm formmulf.govommiitmcmmt to mummy lomigor toicrato with iiflpUlmity Time llam'pormm'Veekly lrmsimmiiamm emi time stage , who with dtimud. cliii jim hiat , accomupmum'metl with a whisky bottle anti immuedorotms looking club with a mmmmmku.uj of features muoro brtmtai thami the grrilla in time jimmiglos of Africa , traulucea arid belies our race , bringing tim blush of almumno amid ImuniUlutlon to tIme face of time true imiamihood of lroammdl ! Vu'lL have no umoro ' 'wakos , " no mmioro scones wimeru "Paddy" anti time hiricat are aeon lrimmk'mmig together. ' 'Tlmo'mr timmmo has come rind ( hey i'nuat g , " as DaviLt says of the Irish landlords. With audi aim aini in view the romantic Irish drama of "Shaumn a ( low" hums been written , The scones and incidents are laid in and around glorious Woxford , , near Eniacortimy amid Vinegar 11111 , Tune- time ( hark and stormy period of 1708. limo Engiisii government. hmtmng and masS sacred the Irish then. Time Enidmahi t0vormmmmuermt 15 doing Limo same to-day. how mug in It. to do so w'mthi imptmimityl hclio atuawcra-imew long ? But. "lot 113 trust UI God amid keep our powder dry. " TIlE CHAUTAUQUA CLUB. OralluzIion 0j- : Bratich oioty iii ll18h1 Time Course l'lmrMImCl by ( lie Jiranehios 01' liio thnivcinlty. The Chautauqua Literary amid Scion. tub Circle of tlmis city , wlm'mehi was immaug. tirated a short. tiiimo aunce by .1. II. Vincent - cent , D. D. , met. last Tuesday ovoniimg mum the lecture room of thie First Iii. E. cimimrcim , for time purpose of coiiillmeimcim4 time four years course of study proscribed by time faculty of lImo Chautauqua Ilimi. vcraity. Notwithistamidung time imiclem. emicy of time woathmer a goodly mmunibor of cntiiiisittic students wore preseiit , amid took part iii time class recitation in Greek imiatory. The Onmaima Circle miow nummibors twon. ty.mmimme students , and it is expected that it vih1 be greatly increased by those who desire to avail tlmomnselvcs of this excel- lemmt opportunity for systematic hiommmo reading and study , at a very small cost. Time next meeting will be lucId iii the Ice- Lure room of tIme First M. E. church on Tuesday evening , October 30th , at 7:30 : o'clock allan ) . All persons wishing to join tIme chclo are invited to be present. . 11110 Chautaqumu University has been in successful oporatiomm for over five years and now has nearly 50,000 students enrolled - rolled from ovary part of time United States amid Canada. It already numbers over 3,000 .raduatcs who have successfully - fully comifcted thin four years' course , amid received their dipiomnas. Mr. Bunday thou gave a short address on "Early American Literature , " which was very comprciicr.sive and interesting. This was followed by a brief biographical sketch of Wnsim'mngton Irving and other Amoricami writemsgivcmm by different mnem- bers of tIme circle. Miss Quackenbush then road a very entertaining selection fF0111Vashiingtomi Irving's "Old Dutch Life in Now York. " After the transaction of Miscellaneous 1 business time exercises of time evening I were closed by roll call with quotations. It is neb a sectarian institution , but numbers among its students menibers of all time religious denominations , as well mum those of no particular church commnoc- tiomi. Time course of study for each mouth in the year is mapped out by time faculty aiici. sent to each local circle. The books used are especially prepared for this course by eminent professors iii each department of study. Only forty mm- utes reading and study each week day are required to complete the four years curriculum , although more time may be profitably given to the work. t Life SavImmgL'resent. Mr. M. B. Allison , Ilmitelminmomi , Kan. : Saved his life by a simple trial bottle of Dr. King's N'jw Discovery forconsummnption , which cause , ! iuium to orocure a large bottle that comn- pletely .vmrod hiiuii when doctors , change of ciimtto 'mmmd ovorytimung else had failed. Asth. ma , bronchitis , imoarsenos , severe commghms , and all throat omit ! lung diseases , it is guaraumteod to cure. Trial bottles free at 0. F. Goodnman'a drug store. LargoeizoSl.0O. I BUFFALO Bliulu. Time Last utertainmuent of thIs Son- Hon hero To.Dny. Time Cody and Carver conibinatiomi him proved a highly successful ommo , amid its tour iii time Eastern States has brought time two varilmora a oodly aimioumit of wealth. It Wuts organized in Nebraska and started from Omaha last spring , amid it has returned hero as its disbandimig ioilmt , time iast.perforimmamice to be giveui at tIme fair grounds thu afternoon. 111)11. W. F. Cody , everywhere kmmowmi as "Buffalo Bill , " cmtino in from his hmomne at North Platte yesterday , amid womit over to Coumicil Bluihi , where time show lmold. Although he is suffcrimmg a great alliictomi ! , time loss of mu beautiftml daughter , it imm absolutely necessary that Ime sujmerimitenml the thin ! arramigt'mnonts of his commmpammy , so lie will ho immure to day with timommm. STARTLING STOItICS. A farmer iii Bucks county line a Circe- year-old colt that is over live years of age , While blasting at hot Springs , Ark. , rocommtiy , it now arung of ] iot. water was discovered , which as cold ams ic& A young lady oii Cimcstmmut atrcotwoar. immg mu full coatuiime , passed a large plate gluaaslmouv window a day ortwo ago with. out lookimmg iimto it. A trammip applied for some breakfast , amid was kindly supplied with aim abumul. nut immeal , lIe ate it , and then out of lUre gratitude wommt out into time wood. aimedwimoro ho sawed four sticks of wood and broke a three-dollar saw , A little country boy amid a city agommt vommt fishing one dsp. Time little boy had simfll)1y ft of conmmmmomm cord amid a bent p1mm. Time city gout was supplied wIth time latest inmroyomnenta in Imaiming Parapimorimahia. 'limo city gent caught all thmo tmsh , A huimtor finding that somnethmimmg was the matter with his gimim blow into time iflUzzlo. Time grin was loaded ammdcockod , but lie took the precaution not to spring time triggom- , amid so , of course , there wore nofatal results. If the gait imad bcmi neither loaded mior cocked lie would doubtless Imavo been kihlod.-PJuiladel- [ Call. pimia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aiiaalmes Hmmrrcmmtlerlmig. . Bowis , Arizona , October 20.-A cour- icr from Lieutomismmt Itunter's camiip , at Silver Creek , brimmgn rudvices that sovoimty- five hostile Aiachmca mmurremmdered to Lieutenant llummter last imight amid timat eleymu'mm mmmoro were eomniimg imm. They will be caught here , Scmtomiju.Z A mmemmmo that destroys time gerumma of Scrofumla amid has time power to root it ou ( . is appreciated by time of- Ilicteul. 'I'hie romiimmrkmublu cures ( If mmmemmwo. mmuinantl children as described by test- ! mmionimtls , prove hood's Santaparilla a reli- 111)19 ummedmeimio commtaunuiig reimmetlirmi agomits which eradicate Scrofula ( toni tim blood. 100 closes $1.00. Sciml by all dealers. 0. I , Hood ' : ; Co. Lowell Mass. I - MODERN MASONRY. Temple BniUers of the Traus-Mssollri ! Country. Busy Scones iii Mr. Fred Drexel's ' . Stone Yard , Iltmgc lUneks o1 Snmio-Pino ( Carving aiitlSkiifii I SV orirmimeim , Probably no mnatorial kmiowmm mmatumro 1mm beemi , nimd still is , put to mmcii a variety of uses for time bcmiel'mt of mmmii as stone , which him been employed in every way frommi boimmg an immstnumnomit of death to time Pimilistine giant to time con- imtrtmction of time great pyramids and time tOfluIle of ICing Solomon , It is to.day Limo sujport. alike of time dwelling , time stately house of worship ammd time temmiplu of justice , It ntands firm agaimmat time swmmcpimmg waters of thin greatest rivers amid bears comimmerco across thorn , dashes back thie ocean waves and is a bulwark agaimmst. their anger amid in short it is time liomm of the imilmioral kimmgdom. These facts would suggest tliomsolves to mummy omme who simoulti visit time yard and works of Mr. Fred Drexel , situated at time corner of Eighth amid Jones street. in this city , where are piles of huge stones ill Lime rough , jmmst as timey caine frommm time qmmarry , amid iim commtrast whim thorn tue mimic material which lion 1massed timrouth time lmammds of skillful work mid been slumped to beautify amid adorn olmio mmiagmiiticent inmbiic buildimmg. ! .I'imo ard itself is commimnodious amid comitaimms a oiiveniciit work shop iii time center. Time rmu lway tracks run right uiommgside of it. on both time north amid southi amid material is ummloadcd or loaded by menus of a pew- erful elevated derrick which runs upon a wooden tramway amid conveys time stone to such part of time yard as it may be mvammted. .Just. across time side tracks is time office commimected with the works , comi- taiumimig time business office and a draught.- ing room whore designs are drawn and the work nmapped out. Hero it was timat the Bnu reporter yesterday met the proprietor - priotor , Mr. Fred Drexel , amid was shown by Imuni through the yard. Mr. Drexel is well known to everybody in time city andcountyhavimmgbeona mmmcm- bet of tim board of county commimission- ers for six years , and a citizen of Douglas county for twenty-six years. He started his present business about. twenty years ago , hiavimmg learmied tIme trade at his no- Live place , ) brurtemnburg , Gerniany. That ho has domme his work well and to the en- Lire satisfactiomi of time public is shown by the fact. that lie has increased his trade to much vast proportions and loft.tiie imprimit of hibi owmi taste and skill and that. of his werkmnemi upon nearly every imuportamit mmmd elegant building that has gone U in Omaha for the past fifteen years. At prcsommt there is bat little work of this kind done by any one else either Ln Ommiaha or Council Bluffs , while lie Imas contracts also at Fremormt. Columbus , I'okammiah , Blair , Sclmuyler , Plattamnouth and \Vahoo , in Lids state , amid Missouri Valley , Vihlisca , Harlan , and many otimer cities iii Western Iowa. Among his work recently completed or iii progress in Omaha may be mentioned the new Lutheran church , Holy Family church , St. Phiiiomena school , time two new public schools , the splendid blocks built by .Denmiis Cunningham , W. F. Lorenzen , Stubbondorf & Co. , and hundreds - dreds of others , while time Council Bluffs Masonic temple is in his list over the river. - Time bulk of the stone used at these works is Rockville sandstone , wlmiehi comimos from Bates county , Mo. , Mr. Drexel being a part owner of these quar- ties. Here is also extensively used stone from Carroll county , Mo. , from various parts of Kansas , Ohio , Illinois , Colorado and Nebraska , time latter coming immostly from South Bemid. Atthe ltockvmlle uar- rice time conipammy have pt in immmmenso amid valuable machinery , including derricks - ricks , sawing amid hoisting machues , etc. , all rumi by steam , A perfect mountain of stone from there is kept iii time Omaha yard , ommo huge piece being slmowmi time reporter - porter which mrmeasured ten feet in lemmgtii , four in width and live iii depth and weighed 18,000 , iounds or its much mis the famous Jummmbo. One of thmeso big pieces makes a wlmolo car-load iii itself , amid timey arc split ill ) after their arrival here to any desired size. 1mm other cases time stone is sawed before simipmmment in yarious sizes for use as window sills and so omm. Time reporter was shown a qualm- tity of flagging fromim Fort Scott , Kaimsas , amid Fort Collins , wimich is prommounced thio fimmest ever bmomighmt. to time city. The Colorado atomic conmos in slabs of froniommo to sixteemi imichics iii timickmmcss , anti of ammy width amid lemmgth desired. ltcommmes frommm time quarry 115 smooth as if it. had been polished , amid as true by imaturo as it could be cut by time best. workman It is one of time most immtoreatung features of time yard , and in prmicumlly used for side. walks , 'rmult. floors , etc. Mr. Drexel emmmploys a force of twoiity mmmcmi mill time timmme , immeluding fiftoemi cut. tars amid five laborers , his foromnamu is Mr. AlbertFoli , aim exceilemit. milan for time positiomm , whim a thorouglm knowleago of time business nmmd possossimmg time entire commfitlcmmce of 'his emmmployer. Mr. Ohas. , oliicolter fa thin carver , vhmose work is anmomig time fluent to ho seen anywimere. Ho worked fortwelve years On time Capi. tel and public luildungs at Washington , amid desigmied and furrmisimed tlmo mmmodel for the fammuus Grant mnoniorial statue in Canada. He is busy at present witim time work for time Council Bluffs Masommic Temmmple , amid for time Stubbomm. dorf block , imd lie has domie sommie beauti- fmml carvimmg for botlm , time koyatommo wimich goes above time mmmaimi emmtrammco of time temmm- plo boimmg a sllelidid specimen of artistic work. Mr. Drexel is further assisd by his two somms , Mr. Johmn Drexel having charge of time books , amid Mr. Henry Drexel iii time shop. All iii all this is one of time best comm. ductodsbmmiost amid mimost imitorcatimmg maLi- ttmtions in time cit. ) ' , mumid we hope time ring of steel , its it tramusforimma tIme rough atomic iiito ormmaimmoimtal anti useful shape for beautifyimig time bmmiid'mmmgs of Onmaima , mmmay mievor cease or grow loss hero iumtil Oumiahma 1mm ceased to oxtemmd hint iimimit and time last. hmouse to be erected iii her boumularies is limmisimed , - - ' - - - POINTS TN TlLI L'LA'rTE. The Iuaet Oi'lcvH l'ttit * D ptmmi lmtOtmt Ileum tliui amtcis. Unassigned recruit , Tohn N. Thmiry , now at Fort Ni&rarmm , Neb , , ma assigned to Comimpammy I , Fourtim mnfammtryl lme will be souL to time statiomi of lila commipany cmi time first favorable opportummity. First Sergeant bury O'NoilConmpany A , of Instruction , M. S. , hmawimmg reported : - - . - - ' 'ii _ _ _ 'I r JATE1 # J , for nfant and Children. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Castorln proimuit c 'n 1)iesfiomi What gives our ChIldren roar cheeks , aiuTVrcoummcs What cmmres their fccrs , mnaies them ieii ; 1 latumiuumoy , Uotmmupa- 'Tin Cat.rTh. tiomi , Sour Stomach , Diarrimma , and 1hfes fretnnd cryliyturrms , Fevericiimmess. It immsuren health amid what cures their colic , lI1I their worms , uifltUI'81 sleep , 'without nmol'lhLule. litit ( iistorln. . - What qimickly cumrc'q ConstIpation , , Sour l3tomath , Colds , Indigestion , ' Castoria Is so well adumptod to Children tlirit iI1t CflPitOrIa. known I recomimluend to mime. " IL as superior I. A. Alecimait to any preer1ptIou , M. D. , Famwell then to Morphine Syrups , 813'PortlnntlAvo. , Brxk1yn , N. Y , castor oii and l'aregortc , and nail Casthrtnf - - - -j- CENTAUR LINIMl1T-nn absolmito cure "r 1Umotiiit : ---U tlsmmi , Sprilimis , Du'ns , Galls , &c. Time utmost Povw' ' iimu LCflt'- ci tratlmmg 1'aIit-reiIo'1mmg 1111(1 } Icitiing Reimmedy him. ' . o innim. . _ . _ _ _ _ _ ! ! L ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L HE ' BESITHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES . . ' , . SIXCORB SPOOL COTTON IS ENTIRELY The Product of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR HAND AND MACHINE SEWING. Full assortment constantly on hand amid for nab by HENRY PIJHRMAN , Premont. Neb. at these headquarters in compliance with paragraph 2 , Orders No , 253 , dated Cay- airy Depot , Jefferson Barracks ; Mo. , October 18 , 1883 , the Subsistence Do- partmnent will pay commutation of ratiomma to Sergeant O'NeilL , for one day for the return journey to Jcfl'eraomi Barracks , it being impracticable to carry cooked ra- tions. Under authority contained iii para'rapli 520 , arniy regulations , as correcte ? by Gomieral orders No. 4 , series of 1882from the imeadquarters of time army , tim ration of bread for issue to Troop B , Fifth cay- airy , Fort Niobrara , Nob. , is increased to 22 ounces. Time following miamimed men emulisted at. Forts Douglas , Utah , and Omaha , Nob. , are assigmmed as follows : , Tamnes Kelly , to Company D , Sixth in- fantry. William Wagner , Fred Miller and James Green , to the l'ourtli infantry. Recruit Barry \Vest , enlisted at Fort. Omaha , is assigned to the Fourteenth in- fantry. He will be sent. to time station of his regiment time first favorable oppor- tunity. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A DANGEROUS DOG , And Other torus Fommud in time Po- Co Court. People on Elovontim street are corn- plaining loudly of an obnoyious animal said to belong to Andrew E. Han son , time proprietor of time Scandinavian hotel , amid a warramitwima sworn out yesterday iii time police court. agaimtstmimn. ] It. is said that time dog is large and fierce , and has bitten several children. A man who arrived in Omaha Timtmrs. day from time southern part of the State visited time variety theater at night and antlered for his anmusement , At least ho claimed iii time police court. next nmormming timat lie had ieen ) robbed there of him pocket-book , containing $150 imi mmlommoy amid a mmumnber of importamit papers. The thief mnust imrmvo boon a slick one , because time pockot.book was iii time inside vest pocket of the stranger. Time police are lookimmg for time thief. Buckloim's Arnica Salve. The greatest unethical wommder of time world. \Vmurranted to 81)eodihy cure Burns , Cuts , UI. cern , Salt Rilemimzm , b'ovor Sores , Cancers Piles , Chilblains , Curium , r2otter , Chapped hamids , amid all skin eruptions , guaranteed to cure In every untanco , or money refunded. 25 cents or box. - - Real Estatel rrammsfers. Time following deeds myoro flied for record in time county clerk's office October - tobor 25Um , reported for Tim Bun by Anmea' real estate agency : Ii. Jaccobberger and Josopimin .Jaccob- burger to Christian \Vmmcrhichm , w d , lot 5 , block 11E. \ Simmithu's add , , $1,925. .Jefrerson W. Bedford and Abraham U. Souer and wives to Ella E. Lrutaon , w d , hots 2 , 3 aiid 4 , block ii , Kmrkwood add. , $825. $825.Dexter Dexter L. Thomas and wife to Jolmn Joimmmson , w d , e 50 feet of w , of n 127t feet of block 2 , Slmimmu's 2imd add. , $275. Leroy Tuttle , Jr , , to Dextcr1L. Thomas , w d , hots 20 and 27 , Tuttho's aubdiv of s of mme and n of so sea 5 , 15 , r 13 , 1.250. AKI $ POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThIs mowcr never varios. A niarvul of purity , trengtmm ae wholesenieiiea , , More economical Lbo the ordinary kinds , sod cannot ho aoI4 iuoonii'etltIon uetUtlionuuuiitudo 01mw test , .hort 5eI&bt , .ium or pho9thatc l'sderI. Hold only 1 can. . iloyal Lma. tLuf I owdir Cub , lQd Will Street New York. PROPOSALS FOR GRAIN. headquarters Department of tim i'latte. Chief thuartermautco' , 051cc. Omaha , cb. , October 23t1 , 1853. S EALED 1'Rom'otAr.s , trii.liiate . , iUbjtct tothe Usual conditions , I1II be received at tmLms once until 12 o'clock noos , oii the 23d day oj November , 1853 , at which 111110 00(1 place they will be opened in m > reencc of bidders , for luriiislilng and delivering at Omaha Ucpot , Nob. , 1111,1 at mtatloims Oil malti line of lJntori l'acIfl Hallway at and east of North l'Iatto , msoooou p0011.15 Corn and 500,003 PoUnds Oats. Contracts u , iii be made for tlico tmantItIe , subject to Iuucrcao of lifty 11Cr ccntuui or dimuuliiatlon of lit ty her ccntuni. l'rcfercmcc Mimi be given to articles of domestic pro.Itiction , condition of Iric'o anii qtmalltv being iUal , arI.I . such ilrefereneo will be given to ni ( kits of Auiiericoii i'roduictiouu ' irodumcol Oil the l'aciilc coast to the eAteilt of tmkeir lute requircul by tim public 5cr. iec L1LCO For full muorflcuitars as to bidding , blanks for pro. posais and bidder's guartu.tce can be obtained on ep- m'iicatIon to tills ollico I , 0 23-Ut U. U. DANDY , Chief Quartermaster. SPECIAL NOTICES. SpCCiais will PositIvely not bo Inserted unlesmm nald in advance. HELP wAwrw. . . , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - IXTANTED-A good canvaer to travel iii Iowa t. V Y and Dakota. Must have lunowledgo of the her- lal Beak Tradu : Call at room C and 7 , uverctts block , Council BioS , , Iowl. 453-20 VTANTEn-Ladv agents te emil the best selling V V line of Ladies' and Children' . goods ever oiler- ed. Sales made In every house us last as agents can show the good , . Agents arc making $100 a month. Address , with sLam ! ) , 1. U. M. cc. , U South May St. , ! Iiicago. Hi. 8O5lm IUANTED-Lady agents for the "Queen i'retect- V V or.A new under garment for ldics , made of soft , flexible rubber. Burn protection to the under. wear , when necessary to be worn. Retails for $ L a. fast aenta can show it. Large profits. Addrcee witbstauap , "Ladies' Uundergarment Manufacturtog , f" Co. , Na S Mayetroet , Chicazo , L 798.Smn .5 1yANrED-Jmmdi m , , six good tailors by II. ! Meyers , Tckaoiah , Neb. Steady work the en- tireycur. 459.it St'L'UATIOrlS WANTED. 1XTANTED--situation , muy a competent sober 31111cr lv oith the best of referenceseitlierroilsor bohr's Address J. 'h' . COLLET , m'loaaiiL 11111 Mo. 003.501 iuTrEit AND TAILOR , who can gIve flrmt.ci . tl _ reference , t. onen br olivagemotit. Address Sunlth& Toiler , council Bluffs , Iowa. 153.201 'lULb ltI' . i-A IleOt Y iUtflihCtt rOOIIliuCXt door to a tlret cia , , boarding houe. Iniiullroatl5iit howard street. C. L. IIAWKINSON. HoMe Aan ! { DRSA'S ( ' BET SF10111 Omaha Fair arounds saturday , Oct , 27th. Afternoon Performance only , corn- menciiig itt 2 o'clock. -THE-- - - - WILB EST. . Bufl'alo Bill. Di' . Carver. Buffalo Bill. Br. Carver. Buffalo Bill , Di' . Carver. Performers. 0 0 Performers. i Performers. Performers. Indians. Cowboys. IndianB. Cowboys. Scouts. Mexicans. Scouts. Mexicans , Iferd ofVild limiffalo , herd of MountAIn E Ic , Iferti of Texas Steers , Orer 100 Indian 11cm-sea , Mexican Mimics , Ihmrrors anti lironcliot , Indian t'onte. , Bucking horses , Etc. , TILO ( it-eat Westeru , Camp Scene. INnlANlucisci , UUFFALOCIIASINO. ) INDIAN FIliliLNO , InIu'Aro CAL'TUIIING , 'im. 1hIlAI 31A1t IANCIS. SIIJFFA.0 ) lULlING. Thu em-and milieu Duiltab IfuIlt. 'flie Wild Texas Steer Capture. ' 1 lu s onderfmul l'oney Expmeus Elder , 'rile Ll1tOmllg 01 tlLO 3ILIII liton. TIlE IIE/mnwoop COACh ATTACK. A Thrilling nod Itcalistlo SI'octacle. CAPT. UCOAlilIUS , MtJOI' FRANK NORTh. CAI'l' . ii OAImLIU. ' , MAJOR FitMn N0h'L'hI. HIICK'I'AYLOII , the Ringof tin Cowbo3g TIM lAVS0N the Won.lem-tul . Lasso Thrower JOhN NF.LSOk , and ti timoons liidlami Iaa.liy , ' .1031 NELbON , litre ot tiue lewjood Massacre. sTaIL-rPAIIADE : IN TIlE MOIININO. Harding Sneat1on , , ssitneseed by bixty Thousand P ° Ple Iii liostoui Cheering muiultltudce ueryaheae. ADMISSION , ( .0 CENTS. Chlt,1)iIKN ( 20 CEN1. ADnlSSlONtoCCNtum. ( : IlIiUImKN 25 CENTS. tUateavenntl2g , l'ertoruaaecc2 I' . M.htl