Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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: bbllehed every Trerning , ezecpt Sunday. The
eat ) Monday mornlrg deny.
RR1te aT NA14
tie Ynar 1QOOIThrtollonthe. . , w.MIb
$ IzMonrae , . bOJIOnoMonth 1.00
TUa VRTx1T axe , rutvtenR9 RTRRT W11m MDAT.
One Year , . . . . . , , ) , , . . . . , 60
alxMonth. . . . . . . 1.00 One Month. . . . . .
Amedam Nowo Company , Solo , Agente Nowsdcei
ere In the Unikd States
f10xfMV0NDRRC1I ;
A Commrln1e tIon , rclathv to Ncwx and i dltnrlal
matkrs ebould be addrnsed to the EDDOn orT1tR , ,
RrstNraS Lnmts9
I MI nnstnose Totrore and Remittanoos'nhould"tt
e iitroeeod to Tu , UrR PuRttelIRn ; ( io rAST , OnAIIA.
DrAtts , ( hccks and Pn4of ko ordcre to bo made pay
able to the order of the company.
E , 1tOSEWATER , Editor.
IT would take a good many kegs of
liardwaro to nail the catpaign lies of the
0110 huidroi monopoly papers in the
Saato ,
MR Ilmnxnr LE.tvlrr will bo elected
Comity Clerk by a good majority. The
1)001)10 know how to appreciate faithful
aorl'ices and official courtesy.
NhAULY a billion dollars in wealth was
represented at two Now York operas an
Monday oyoning , in a city where fiO,000
persons are bogging for employment.
Tux political dead beat. and strikers
in the old Fourth Judicial District are
full of hope and pronieo of reward , but
there are only a half a dozot doputiea
and guagora in the culluctor's district and
these are already filled by General Man
d0r8011'8 friend8.
Rnruttr.iCAN $ and Antf monopolists
will bo givoil a chance at the conning
election to rebuke the StMo Board of
Equalization which reduced the railroad
nasesamenta thia year in the face of the
I so smn pledgee of the party and ha can
1 didatos during the last campaign.
WUAT thin Republican party hl Nebraska -
braska needs moro that anything oleo is
a good dose of the medicine of defeat ,
, The sooner the railroads and rillgstare
I' learn that their meddling in party polf-
'r tics is dangerous to party success the
1 j sooner the gaps in the Republican
ranks will be filled up.
JUhax CliAnwICK has na opponent as
I candidate for County .Tudgo. Mr. Switz-
lor's withdrawal leaves a vacancy on the
Democratic ticket which no one has yet
boon venturesome to fill. Judge Chad-
4 - wick has proved himself a faithful and
competent ofncial and ought to have a
A vimv interesting fight is in progress
i' in Washington over the Surgooi General.
ahip of the Army , and the entire battery
of social influences is now being trained
upon the President to induce him to disregard -
regard seniority and appoint a Surgeon
t bearing the rank of lieutenant colonel to
the vacant brigadier generalship.
i WILLIAM DOLL is as mad as a March taro
because TimE BEx urges a olatgo in as-
aesaora whore they have failed to do their
duty. It hasn't named him yet , but if
ho puts the shoo on it must fit ) tint. The
fact is that the assesamot in the First
ward lots been the worst in the city , and
the poor workingmen pay the taxes for
rich property owners and wealthy ear-
Po rations.
How many mare deputy collectorships
has Mr. Post at his disposal ? Will Mr.
Cady , of the Schuyler Sum , be put amt the
pay roll of Utncto Sam as soon as election
is over for slinging mud at ltosawator and
filling his paper with campaign lies fa r
Ilir. Post's political partner , Roesol Mr.
Cady may realize on his change of heart ,
'but how will those other follows in But.
mar , Saunders and Merrick counties get
their holds in the honk pots ? Ih , fa easy
to promise places just before election ,
but you can't put six pcga into two holes
when the tine comes for making good
the promises ,
Mimi. Jonx H. Allis , an excellent law.
yor of Lincoln , alas riominatod by the
Democrats for Regent , and endorsed by
the Itosowator people at Grand Island.
m 1tc nlbRcaml
This campaign lie has boot circulated
about long enough. This mat Amos has
boon posing in Tim Republican andothe r
organs of jobbery and robbery as a high.
toned Democratic endorser of 111. B
Reese. As a matter of fact , Johmi II.
Amos has always been a ltopublicana Ho
wits not nominated far Regent by the
Democrats. lie was nouhnatod by the
Anti Monopolista at Grand Island at the
auggostion of Dave Butler , who though t
that Lancaster county ought to have a
man on the ticket , and that Amos would
lB the bill , The Democrats had note
inatod Dr. Johnson , of Fillmore county ,
and when ho declined to run , their con.
tram committee substituted as a congpll
mont to the Anti Monopolista Mr. Amos.
They did title to make a precedent against
a partisan board of University Itogonhh
Mr. Amos happened to be a persona 1
friend of Mr. Reese , and was on o
of , that gang that thinks that there is it o
honor is politics , Ho returned the corn
pliment of his frionde by publishing a
bombastic reply to a confidential lotto
writtou hint by Mr. Burrowe , ehairinam
of the Anti-Monopoly contra ! committee
Ho-wrote hdmeelf down as a contempti
ble fraud by writing Reese up as the poe r
of Judge Savage. This letter has beer
paraded all over the State by the clam
pions ae a voluntary Democratic endorse
moat of Iteose. Comment is unneces
nary. Mfr. Ames has very properly beer
withdrawn by both Anti MonopolI8ts an dr
Democrats , and no docent set of inca o
psriy that has any eelf respect will eve r
eupport Mr , Amos again for anything.
l . . . x n "a.
Tim Government engineers have corn-
Plated their eslimatos for the river and
harbor 1,111 and call for$35,000,000 as the
soul which will be necessary to carry out
the contemplated improt emont' . It is
one of the unfortunate results of the last
log rolling river and harbor steal that the
prejudice excited by that measure will
certainly affect unf.itorably too status of
ii' ; successor in Congress. The amounts
demanded for the improvement of Ulo
Mississippi amid Missouri rivorsat the last
seasioll wore generally conceded
to be reasonable and the policy
of improving these great inland
high ways was not called into question ,
except by railway mangers ant ! their
agmits who feared the certain competition
tion of the water routes to the sea.
But time river and harbor bill received
a bad nano because millions of dollars
wore needlessly voted to improve trout
brooks amid streams whielm mmov'or cold be
umado available for navigntimm and which
yero placed in the bill simply to gratify
local pride through the expenditure of
the public nimloys among time ccrostitumt-
dies of So ntors amid delegates to Con
gross. The measure was pnahmed as if it
was a gigantic grab at thu treasury in
which ovary one was bound to have his
Time impending Presidential campaign
will also have ib effect on time next river
and harbor bill. There will be a deter.
mined effort made by the Democrats who
control Cougresa to cut down the appropriations -
priations inn ovary direction in order to
make political capital for the canvass.
Tito river and harbor appropriation is
certain to suffer with the others.
A determined effort should b ° made
by the delegates from the Mississippi
valley , without regard to party , to
secure what is necessary t0 continuo the
improv ° mmtto on the two great rivers
of time country. The question of judi
crofts river iniprovomonta is not and con.
not be a partisan issue. It vitally con.
corns a section which' raises moro titan
one-half of the crops of the entire country -
try cord which pays nloro for transporta
tiot by rail titan all the rest of the
United States comnbimied. To it , river
improvements moan future cheap trans.
portation and a saving of lrtr iy millions
of dollars in freight clmrges ,
Tilt : Pacific railways have again shown
their power to mulct Uncle Samato Limo
extent of about a million. The Comp.
troller of the currency has decided that
tire Goverment has no right to withhold
from time companies the amount duo for
mail trausportatiou o ) their subsidized
branch lutes , and that time amounts so
witheld for time past two years must be
roturied. For 188 2 it amounts to
8350,000 , and for 1883 to $ 183,301.
There is also another bnlauco of $86,000
for services performed on subsidized por-
Lions of main lines , The sums had all
boon passed to tlto credit of the compa-
1I108 under the Thurman act , but must
now be paid to thu companies in cash.
The Chicago JTcr'akf thinks that on a
may talk about Jinunies amid lovers and
hydraulic jacks and dynaititu as methods
of attacking Uncle Sam's cash box , but
whcu it conies to at easy amid simple way
of reaching the treasury without incurring -
ring the penalty of burglary the Pacific
railway racket is the slickest.
MAJOmI GuNF.IIAL PoPE doesn't want to
kayo Fort Leavenworth for San Francisco -
cisco , amid is trying to lmavo the order ro
voiced. Now let General Shorniat issno
an order for another court martial.
There ought to bo no dif'eronco botwcor
a Colonel and Major General under the
sauna circumstances and it is less than a
year since an Assistant Adjutant General
w'lmo had beau proved from pillar to poe t
over the country for years was hauled
over the coals of a court martial for a
tomptiug to secure his own retention a t
the shition of Newport Barracks , Ky.
Time amino fit rco should be repeated iii
Ocueral Popo'a case. What is saucu f ° r
the Colonel's goose ought to be sauce fo r
time Major Goloral's ' gander ,
Lussintorost , than usual somas to b e
excited by time fmpondmg ulectious.
There is a general belief that the Dem o-
cratio roosters are in training for a lively
crowing on time 7th of November , andth o
Republican press has a dispirited tare ,
which no doubt reflects time prevailin g
semitimont of Republican voters , New
York is colcedod to time Democrats an d
Now Jersey and Virginia will uudoubt
odly roll up good Bourbon majorities ,
In Mamsachusotts liutlorism is time omit y
issue. From present appearances ito will
be his own successor.
' 1'umi ( lovornintmt lies at last , but non e
too aoon , declared war on those posts o f
time treasury , mho pommafon claim agents.
A list of tls'enty or nnoro is published a s
disbarred , amid more are to follow. I f
the whole tribe could be rooted out i t
would be a saving of thousands to the
Treasury , and the means of protectin B
thousands of iunocemt people from frau d
and illlposition
There has boon a renewal during tic
week of time touafon botwoom Franco ami d
China amid the latest cable advieos are t o
. time effect that all negotiations are ox ,
hmausted and that war between the two
r countries scents inevitable. Chinese
, troops are gathering in great nunnbors at
, Canton oatonambly to preserve the peace
. but in all probability to mcot any aggressive
sivo French move lout that may he made ,
The Canton riots are said to have greatl y
. iufaaled the uativea , In time interio r
. the expectation of war is reported a s
. universal aed foreign rusidollte are adopt
) fog every precaution for time proservatiom n
of their lives and p > operty. There ar °
r snowed rumors that the Ohinoac regu
tare are aiding tire Black Flag pirate e
against the Frenclmand the French tree 1)s
' % . . . .
rw k
nro awaiting roinforcemolits before entering -
ing on futthor operations. Current
tinontal comment inclines to the belief
that war cannot ho avoided and the overtures -
tures of th0 Marquis of Thong k time
English arc believed to look toward securing -
curing British neutrality in cam of
the outbreak of hostilities , 111 fact the
relations between Franco amt Great
Iiritafu are lending to a renewal of the
tension caused between the two countries
by time Tamativo incident , Nothing is
known at time Foreign 011ico iii regard to
the reported offer to Missoionary Shaw by
the Froiclm Govermmneut of an indemnity
of 60,000f. , Earl Granville , Limo British
Foreign Secretary , has , through Lord
Lyons , the British Enlbassador at Paris ,
sort a long dispatch to the French Gov
crmmtnont atatimg the extensive losses sums-
taimed by British subjects trading with
Taumative and other ports in Madagascar ,
Earl Granville leaves time total mnoant of
time indemnities to ho clalmied from
Frammce to be fixed hereafter , as claims
are still being lodged at the Foreign Of.
lice , It iii note reported that the amount
will be $500,000. No reply has yet been
received frommt I'aris ,
' 1'111 : impeaclimont of Selmer , Mlinis
ter of State , of Norway , began an Mon.
day at Cllristiamia As llama been alreauy
pointed out the trouble grow out of a
disputn between time King's Ministers and
time Storthing or Legislature as to mninis-
tonal responsibility , Thd comstitutfan
of Norway , like that of France , contains
no provision on the subject. In each
country time popular party has boon insisting -
sisting that the ministry which has not
time support of the legislative majority
shall resign. But neither is willing to
follow time English precedents , to which
they appeal , fartlmor than it auto tlmont to
do so. In Norway the King insists that
time change shall be accompanied by a
recognition oI life right to dissolve the
Stortluug and appeal to the country in a
general olectioL This the Stortihing re-
fuses. They ask ministerial responsibility -
ty to a Legislature which may continue
in power overt after time people have
ceased to eupport it-an arraigemont
for which only Franco furnishes a preco-
dolt , and time oxporiemicoof French Ministries -
istries since thoresignation of M. McMahon -
hon does not conmend the French ox-
As the Storthing consists of a single
cimamber , the impoachnlemmt must be tried
by a special court created for the occasion -
sion by the constitution. All the legal
members of the court arc Conservatives ,
aid as result favorable to the Storthfng ,
can hardly be expected ,
In England the echoes of the Leeds
comvemtion are still ringing iii the ears
of all partios. A strong majority of the
Liberal party seems to be itt accord with
tlmu Radical programme as there laid
dawmm , and Limo issues made up will
bably now be transferred to time floor of
ParifammiL John Bright's declaration
that a lioriditary and irresponsible legis
lature cannot remain au mstittttion of.
the country , which was followed by the
remark of a deleg tte , "throw- the Lords
out , " and rapturous applause from the
coimvontion , is considered a practical
oponfng of the Radical campaign against
the House of Lords. It is safe to say'
diet any definite result from the discus-
810mm of this issue must be long delayed.
Radicalism is not yet aufflciently strong
to carry through a measure which flies
directly in the face of English prejudice
amid bulwarked authority ; but the threat
will no doubt be a formidable wcaaen in
the hands of the Liberals as a means of
inducing favorable action from time peers
emi Liberal measures. The cabinet is not
in sessiarm at present , but Mr. Gladstone
and his niinistora will resume their meet
mugs early in the month to prepare
work for time coming soasiom of Parlia-
mont. It is generally understood that
time county franchise bill which enlarges
time electoral franchise will be introduced
soon after parlimuent moeta.
O'Donnell's American counsel , General
Pryor , exprtsacs hinisolf cuniiient of
saving leis cliomta neck from the gallows.
( Tien Pryor infornms the press that Eng.
lislm opinion does not scent inimical to
ODouieil , amid that the witnesses who
will bo produced by time defence will eer-
tautly disprove any greater offense that
itmislun'litur. Thu defense will show
that O'Dommmoll was never an Invincible ,
that lie did not fallow Carey out ship.
beard and that ho took his life m. . a quar-
rum resulting from Carey's disclosing his
The arrival of time Marquis of Lands.
downo at Quebec to relieve time Marquis
of Lorne of the Governor Gonaralmlup of
Camadn was attended by umch excitement
owing to a runlur that time police lad dis
covered a plot for his assasuatiom grow.
mg out of Irish diasatisfactiun with hie
course as a landlord. Time rumor proved
unfounded and on Tuesday time Marquis
of Lorno resigned t , ltfa officand is mmow
on ltis way to England. There are fmmdi
cations of renewed labor troubles in
England , Time colliers of Yorkshire
have donandod au advance of wages
mid time iron workers arc said to be con-
tomplatfng a strike. Time smnaiim ss of
the harveat amid time prospect of high
rates for food are the stimulating causes ,
lu Russia there have been retdwed ar-
rusts of Nihilieta during time week umauy
of limo offenders having beemm discovered
in time ranks of time army mid navy. 1'ho
groatur part of the arrests wore made in
time Oauactaus district , time number of
those implicated being so largo that mu
epocial comumissiou of nmveatigution has
beou sent to time province. Though
Nihilism , to outward appearalcee ,
is dormant , the spirit of revo
lotion is believed to be making
steady progress in time higher rnnke of
Ituasian society , amid omly awaits a faor
able opportunity for outbreak , Froaim
shocks of earthquake are reported fron
Turkey and Asia Minor , but without so.
riousdimuao tolifeor nro fort , Theroaro
imdieatious that the relutiomma between
Oermnary and time Vatican are increasing
in friendlineas , Cardinal Manuimi r says
the Poe leas shown thorough willimm nesa
to moot Prince Bisniarek's advances , and
those of time German governnuuat every.
whore , ao fur ass ho could do so coisnst
only with time principles of the church ,
rwhich havu been very libarallycowtrucd
Cardinal Manning bultuvea that rinco
Bismarck is much more incline to be
friendly to ! tome than ho has hurotuforu
boomi and that he will accede to amy
measures llkul to result in a peaceful
Itho differences ,
Tux weeks' mews from South America
Is chiefly interesting by reason of time as-
Auraneo that a treaty of peace ties for.
mally been signed by tlmo I'ernvian General -
eral , Iglesias , and time representatives of
the Chmltan Government. The terms of
the treaty , unless they have boon lnodi
fled ainco tlmo draft of time instrument
was published , are more severe to Pore
than these sire might Baca obtained at
mummy time within a year after the fall of
Limn , which practically ended Limo war
so far as ammo was concerned. Panama
adviccs report steady progress on time
great canal whichm is being prosecuted
with great vigor against almost disheart-
cning difficulties.
Since time Czar's return to St. Peters.
barb ltusetam agents have boon exerting
an iniuotmeo on the press. Itoports are
currmtt that time Czar is desirous of join
lug time Austro German pcacc bmId ,
These reports arc associated with time
numkinrr of arrnngemonts for a itussian
external loan of 1.4,000,000 with Fratk
fort , Berlin and Amsturdamn bankers
independent advices contradict buth ( her.
maim or Ituasian peace aims. Tha Cologne -
ogne Gazette states that 150 regimenta of
Cossacks of time Don are being placed on
a war foolimi. It is certain that orders
have boeim gmvcn to restore Sebastopol
itunediatcly. A first class fortresa is to
be prepared , and a standing garrison of
6,000 m ° mt is to be atntiouod there.
Dockyards capable of floating time largest
iron clads are to bo built. Six now gunboats -
boats amid twelve aea'gofllg torpedo yes
sole are in process of conatructiou far the
Black Sea fleet , Forty Ituasian rmaval
oflicera have been drafted to farm a Bulgarian -
garian flotilla , amid moro officers will join
time contingoit. There are now 250 corn.
missioned ollicera in the Bulgarian army.
The cable dispatches , getting Limo news
as always by Vienna , tolus uothimm of
time serious Austria lots
in Sorvia. The King , with the help of
tlmo Conservative party , has been Itiaking
Sorvia into something like a political
dependency of time Hapsburgs , and in
case of a war wdlm Russia for the Balkan
Pmiinsular sometlmfug more that the
neutrality of Sorvia was counted on.
But while King Milan was feasting la
Sorvia a general election swept the Conservatives -
servatives fromn power. Not oven time
King's right to nominate a large part of
time national Parliament can give his
friends a majority ; and timere is talk of
recalling the older dynasty to the throne.
Mismanagement of the fiances by the
Conservatives contributed to the result ;
but time chief motive was the dislike of
the Servians to al alliance with the
greatest enemies of the Slavonic race-
the Ilapsburgs and their Magyars.
In Itoumania these feelings have little
or no place , and thocloso proxunity of
Russia excites the jealousy of the Rou-
manians. Iii that Latin kingdom the
Austrian alliance is popular , rattier than
The father of time late Duke of Port.
land used to say that ho was the wealthiest -
iest living Englishumman , for , though his
revenue might not be so large as that of
some othmos , no one had more available
cash. Lord Derby is in a similar agreeable -
able position. His income from land
alone is 167,000 per annum , and he
may be credited with at least as much
moro as will make up 200,000 per an-
num. For his Irish estate , which he
wisely sold , he received 160,000. Then
lie has 6,000 a year officially. His
wife has a large Jointure from the Sals-
bury estates , and ho is childless. Then
he has but one place to keep up , Knows.
hey , for hislittle , villa in Kent can hardly
be counted a place , and Knowsley is
neither an Eaten nor a CiLatsworth. The
park is vast , but. as cattle arc admitted
at so much a head pasturage , it is not
particularly valuable , and the gardens
are ordinary. He might live whim exceptional
ceptional splendor and salt down 100- ,
000 a year. But the Liverpudlians say
he gives away nothing but advice. His
fatimer was fond of horses , his grandfather -
father kept an expensive metngerie , and
his great-grandfather was a mighty hun
ter and cock fighter ; but his only hobby
u tree planting and pruning , by which
money is earned , not lost.
Gen. Crook and the Chiricalmuas.
N. Y. Sun.
Some of thopeopleofArizona are angry
with Gen. Crook for his policy toward time
caphlred Chiricahuas. rime Governor of
the Territory has given a partial expres
sion to this feeling , in a cornmuntcmtiun
recently received at the Departnment of
the Interior. Peaceable Lmdiams are , in
sonic cases , ho says , reported to be almost
starving , while time murderous Apaches
are wolcoumed at San Caries aid allowed
to live in comfort timere. At least , those
who have not yet surrendered , hio argues ,
sbuuld be declared hostiles , "and treated
as such by the army std citizens , " If
the present plan of governing time reservation -
servation does not succeed , then the
Indians should be reuieved "to soot
otimor part of time United States , " and
the reservation lands opened to white
The real basis of the local dissatisfactinim
with Got. Crook is time imommArablo amid
imuiane course wlmicim thisoficer has pur-
sued. When Secretary Teller's depart.
went , which is specially charged with time
protection of time red men , urged time int-
prisoimont of Indian tvoinen , hind time
trial and oxecutioi of warriors as crimi
uia18 , Getm. Crook protested against this
policy as perilous and treacherous , lie
welt further. Not only did he save time
Govcrmnuermt from the disgrace of killing
in cold blood those who had surrendered
of time faith of being treated as prisouors
of war , but lie strongly doluuuecd in the
official report of hie Sierra Madre can
paign , that eentinmont , whether emitertain
od by eitizeims or soldiers , wlmieim regards
Indians as having no claim to justice or
Nor was this tire first tinme that this
officer had confronted public opinion fn
Arizona. When Comm. Crook took tour
maid of the department , a little more
than a year age , he inunudiately nmade a
thorough tour of exonmmatiou numong time
luidiune of the eastern and soutlmern part
of the Territory , and then issued , on time
5th of October , one of the most remark.
able order that evorcamofroumamilitary
aflicor , out the subject of time rolatiena of
time red maeit and line whito. I'rema ' g
that ho had fuumd , with regret , muong
iho Indians "a general fcoliug of distrust
amid want of coimidonce in time whites ,
especially time soldiery , " lie ronmitnded all
Officers mad soldiers that ' 'ono of time
fumidmnoutal principles of time military
character is justmcotoall-Indians as well
as white umai , and then proeooded as
follows ;
"Ia all tlmoir dealings with time Indians ,
olilcora oust bo careful not only to ub-
servo time strictest ndolity , but to make
uo promnise8 not in their power to carry
out ; all grievances arising witlmin their
jurisdiction slmauld be redressed , so that
at accuumulmution of thomu unay not cause
mi outbreak. Grievances , however petty ,
if lernlitted to accunulutu will be like
immto flume.
"When oflcera are applied to for time
empluymuent of force agatnet lndlana , they
: Ic ,
ntoon nlrrrn5AIIE
RDRDOCi nneceellentpreparxllon
for the stomach. Try
R g5D0Ce . curolndltcstlonnnddv ,
a t1
speinia , depend upon it.
8 , D C CIS remedy nL00n oreRItS As and A
and rryelpcia , are on
equalled ,
m.00n DITFxnSNSV.
LDRD 0Cs. er tall toatrcngthen and
tone up the Ryatem ,
BD R , DCCgp II 1ueaiSITTIsn4 ; cure , .
vonsness and debility.
.r nLOD ( Ilirruims Foit
BJRDCeieeplesness and con.
allpatuon are as good ae
tnero is.
B''RD ® C : rr'easanttotnke ) imlTTUllu , quick Ant : .
to relieteand thorough.
. ly reliable.
Bi7 J lIO , C ' ' * RLI evcrywhcre Tcl9Anx at 81
mer bottle and guarani
tend to
1'0STI lt , 1m.DUi1N Er CO. , l'rop'e , nuaato , N. Y
should thorougldy satisfy themselves of
the necessity for time application , and of
the legality of compliance thcrowtth , in
order that tlloy any not , through time
inexperience of others , or through their
own iastilmess , allow time troops tinder
them to become time instrumeiits of op.
" 'l'lmere ' must be no divisioi of respoisi
bility fn this matter ; each olifcer will be
held to a strict accuuntnbility that his
actions have boot fully authorized by
law and justice , amid that Indians evincing
a desire to enter upon a career of peace
shall have no cause for complaint
tlmrouglm hasty or injudicious acts of the
military , "
To appreciate this order fully it must
be remrnnbemed that Gen. Crook went to
Arizona with time reputation of being one
of the greatest of Indict fighters. As
suchm ho was hailed by the people , who
could find no bounds for their joy over
lus appointment to commaid. He might
have made himself tire idol of the Soutli
west by refraining from interference with
local prejudices. He ] has preferred to
sacrifice life onto enoriuois popularity
iii that region fpr time sake of doing
'But even slmould Got. Crook prove
hereafter to be on the wrong track , there
is not the alightet evidence thus far to
show that ho has commnittcd any mistake
in his management 'of the Chiricahuas.
We believe that aim accurate compilation
of statistics would disclose that both in
the number of lives lost and time amount
of property destroyed , Arizona aid New
Mexico combined have suffered far less
since Crook took command in that region
titan during any equal period for years
preceding. There is certainly a contrast
between the comparatively slight ravages
of time raid last spring and those committed -
mitted by Vittorio , Nana , and others in
previous seasons. Whatever nay be time
facts lmrcafterthus , far there are no signs
that Crook's policy is a failure.
. I RttM > rmv
I' i hl U'usgii I I ItelleersuudPAO d
d" " md ' ,
C ; , t , : , ' , RII F UDLiT IS.IL
r ; n t ,
I nr { Sciatica , Lumbago ,
tt.acl4ACtra : ,
It ,
, II1 ( JIII I dl il ; l ji1)e ' ' t3UI1SYUS
f I ' .tlr4 ,
rl u
as , II I Soreness , Cuts. Bruises.
; I''i l , Lll .el arlrtYti , 04L4LDY ,
, ! Andollothcrbmillyache.
Img wad pules.
, i u { + FIFTY CENTS A DOTTI.Ii ,
4m w1
li ll i NnldbynnDnagghlvaud
i I Urvdeaa. Oureemluus lu 11
A I' ' ll II' I Tha Charo0 ! A. Vogeler i t
Wl ' rw , " , .wA.vuetu.Rk.x
$30,000 fort $2.
Regular Monthly Drawingwilltako pTact
D In the ) laeonie Itan , Ilasouio Temple Ilund
Log , inLouisiine , Ky.
Thursday , November 29th , 1883.
A Lawful Lottery and Pair Drawings
chartered by the leglelaturo of Ky. , imd twice deciar
od legal by the highest court In the Stale. none
gisen to henry Count , In t'hc rum of $100,000 for thr
prompt iuyluent of all prince acid.
d'Uverv ticket holder hisown supervisor , can jail
out tire number on hie ticket and COD thu coach pond.
hag cumber of the tag plae d In the wheel ht h'
I resence. Theee drawinge will occur on the iast
l'hurmday of every mouth. Road the magnificent
November Scheme.
1 Prlru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 80.0(5 (
1 Prizo. . . loOlR
1 1'rizo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000
2 Prizce , $ 'i,5o0 03C11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000
5 Prizes , 1,000 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000
20 Prizes , 500 cad , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
100 rizoa , 100 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -o,00C
rte i''rizes ' , 50 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
500 Prmzoa , 20 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1ooo (
1000 t'rlzce , to ondl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
0 Prizes , 900 each Approximation Prizes " ,7U
0 Prize 200 inch " " 1,8(5
0 i'rize , , 100 each 'S 41 900
1,857 Prizes. 8110,400
Whole Tickets , $2. Half Tickets , Si.
27 Tickets , $50 , Sb Tickets , $100 ,
Remit money or ( lank Draft n rAtter , or send b'
express , mR T SEND nY REOIS'fEitED LSTTE11
OR POST OFFICR ORDER , uuil further notice. Or
dote of $5 and upward by express , cat ho sent at out
expense. Addreee an orders to J , J , DOUGLAS
Lnulevllle.Kv d wA sw em
Carria o & Wagon Maier
nLAcmteltrrmuINo , NoitsEstioxlx0 ,
Jobbin of all Kinds Promptly Attended To ,
mN dad second hard 1u 050 1'.IMULDOONwaye .
Cor , 19th and Lesvenworth.
.b. !
1 have eeoured the agency of
Wm. T. Wood & Co. ,
To sell their tools. They are making the beet ice
Toole. and are the oldest arm In the United States.
Ally ice Company xlshing to buy tools wUi reoelie
the promptesl attention by addreesing
F , lY. nLUb in 'F ,
Sherman Aveauo , Omdu , Neb.
Pormerly Oleh d Jaoooo
) tEOULAn axltuAN
.Iomoo athio Ph sioian.
ilourr-At Residence , No..1448 S. 10th Stteot , till
le a , m. and antr 9 ' , m. ] lours-At otace , No. lea
and 105 S. illh St Room 7 from 10 a. mu. , to 9 p. mix
Nll-TheTepo t onu will be removed , without
danger , to time of from 2 to S house.
N ± IOii1' : sJ
Dry GoodsL
Waslnngion Avenue and Effth Street , - - - ST LOUIS. IWO
Who1ea1e Grocers !
Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco ,
Double and Single Acting Power and hand
Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron Fittings
Steam Packing at wholesale and re ail. IALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
Shlilgies , Pcket ! ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB
C. Fe GOOD1N f
Druggist !
i Glas
f f
h D
Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $ G
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and
'j " . d vrdY" 'W- ' e ,
.1' . r
t' °
M t ' I d jXe
h 'kr it i t + ,
) fits ,
T r
4 Y
Carrage ! , BuaaieRoad ,
& 19th Street , ' -OMAA NEB
U Crated Catalo ue turabhe tree upon appliica409
swmrAOru1uEn or
I IrouCornices NhuEIO CapsFiDiaIs I
; , I t
Skyii hta dam Thirteenth Street Neb
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
It h the beat and cheapest food for stock of any klnd. One pound b equal to three poanda of core
took fed with Oround oa cake in the Fail and Winter , Inetead of running down , will increase 111 welgh
and be in goal marketable oondiion in the spring. Dairymen , ae well u other , , who use it can tntky
ltd merits. Try it end Judge for yourselves l rice25.0Opnr tool no charge to , aaoks Address