Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1883, Image 7

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N Palace Music Hall !
] a p
® r
Proprietor of Musin flail and General Manager for the Celebrated
Westero Cottne Organ Co
" - ! Of MendotaIll.for Western Iowa , Northern I im5zs and nth onri , Nnhr kn , Southern Minnoiota , and
Dakota Territory , and Dealer in the Matchless
E 1Ik/ l 8 '
r +
" r
. rlc Boxes Best Italian Strings , Music Books and Borders
Sh J 1iIusicit Etc. , Etc.
'e ine Coods.
r r ' ' . II Kinds of Othes and Toys.
Ai Irspecialty in the Piano line , I would recommend most heartily the
&fine torte , finely finished , first-class instrument in every respect ; they are not the CltenpoHt l'innos , but
' { a within the reach of all who really desire somothiug that will last a lifetime. TRY TIEM.
, . They are fully warranted for SEVEN YEAIU3.
c/ r
so largrly ndv'nrtised like patent medicine , and like it , good far everything and nothing in particular , I DO
41 NOT KEEI' IN S'TOCIC , Icannot afford to sell then , ae I lire too near home. But if desired , I am prepared -
pared to furaiHll any of tliesb tlhenp Pianos and Organs at eastern prices , Pave freight , provided I am not held
responsible. In connection with this I will state that my Organs contain G full octaves of Reeds1 to one set ,
and do not call a siuglo octave of reeds , a full set , as advertised by shoddy makers and dealers.
I sell Pjanos and Organs on Monthly and Quarterly Payments ; also for cash , with small extra discount.
Send for circulars. Address
No. 103 South Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Six pearls Ueattng nv'Lii' ; e
Dr , F. B , Stephens , of Sbeln i 1oih ,
nrrivetl at the Ogloit ( ycstolxlay in con'-
lany Ivith Alks M ggiu 1'ttten , of 1Vm d
htuo , nPl the nilit'al of the 1Vnhr h train
n few houta httcr were joined by tb ( it
friends , Mr. O , 1' . Taylor nisi Alis3
llnry E , llan'is , loth of Shona)1dhah
Ilcv , Alr , Armstrong , of thu lfet1tuh '
cluwell , revs thou suimnoned to the par-
10r8 and a double wedding tout ; pine' ,
pigs 1'ntten bccoPi"g Mta. SI p't
antl Alig % ltUti54 Ait. ) 'I\Vt , ' 1 , I
ccrenmi ' iriw brief but g" ' utul as n '
to inljn issh'o , nud bout toupt 4 I ,0
n'any Ititntdq w11 , Ivill imprort lit
tppoftnnity to Cutl nutulato Iho'u n" J I
o'Icruvoll tIslles , 'rflo wedded ones h' .
for Lhnaba lilac oveUio ; .
Ltst : ovonug ; ? Ir. James ] l , ingei i1I ,
a Nell minas r.tilwny nutn of home ,
arrived hero with Aliss Clara B. Ildhnan ,
a Trull Iiuowu young lady of th t phtcu ,
nud nceompanwd by a ntunher of Luonu
fricuds , the party proceeded to 11ro
resido)1cu of R31' . J. ! , lrntsttunt , on
Madison st'cot , where ( hat clurgymmu
purforuwd the narrinno eeronl iuy , elos'
ing with introducing Alr , mualltn. ingor
null to ( ho friellg present , who eongratu
hltcd theut 11us6 he8ttily' . Thu bridohns
been a warns friend of i1r. Arastron ;
mid flvi''y ' 1I'd a nlelubor of the church
l i 1' ' 'I'i 1'e rea9 1)i t rt' ' : ' c ,
t Lm . ' 1 n' t e 111 Sin 1' ' ' y for
cl " ' ni d linvi 1 to rc'1 fo. ; e
et- } Iv.
I Itt1IO1' Shtte
A new apparently taking suggestion is
low ntado as to what tray ho tlto outCOme
of the changes on the butte ( . IL i' Hail
flint IIou , JUe. Y. Stone is tobu npp0iul-
oti to take Judge Rucd'u plnco mul tha +
I'i11 spoil the other elate complotuly. ' 1'lio
conjecture is given like ( lie otlior for
what IL is worth. Judge rlylcswortll , of
the Supeior court , has peen dCChlrCI by
501110 to be the best fitLCl man of Pot -
wnttaluic county , hoc ho is a Dan"ct.d ,
which vh' unlly bars bin out ,
The Flying Iles in dLIvt rag
ALu vutts , Ia. , October 2.-T1' plcco
hag 8 population of 1,200 wilc u wale
peeII ( ) e.
Corn picking will soon bo in order in
this locality.
Thu telepliono littoa hero are doh4 a
gooi busitlcss.
A mask skate wag enjoyed by tlo
young folks lnst Tltusday evening ,
The l'resbytetiaus have pl.tccd n street
1'L ' ill ; rot t Of their church. to the con.
VCIHCIICO of the church going people.
The annual nlouting of the HLoek1101d.
Drs of tl'o Malvern Fair association ov
curs lest Saturday.
The Musical Union , a htletted benne
sociuly , gave another of their delightful
alu'n nr entertainments Monday eve-
11111g.Rev. A , Rhodes , pastor of the Ili
church hgs accepted a cs11 to thu p
ate of a similar church at 'lie . s
will Koo' rentuvo 1101100.
The Baptist church building is r ce ; .
lug a fresh coat of paint.
1V. R. 13ITIICS a well to do t4L'1' ' '
i , ) adjacent to trig place , ! rag at ; ' ' .
IVilh II paralytic slrol o last week.
The pestoneo ! at Clark , in one of the
oat townships , has just been dioeontitutcd
, tnI the pelgUP1ite5 01 hands tranvfel1Nl
to 11LIg ollico.
James Bono , of Eender ou , dolivorcJ
a car 108(1 of hogs of his OWfl raHilg ; to
the pacl.iu , house Monday , the avern'o
wci'iht h " 1) ; 001 potuds ' 1 rcUy good.
The pace 1us 1)O11SU ) hero opouetl up for
the scanon last Fully uodor very favor-
ahlo circumstances. They enplOy ctu-
Htnlltly about the cstab1Lglnuatt abeu'
fifty 111011.
Quito it scri(1us nccdcnt ; ] sat Thursd y
befell Alfred Bellrmrd , a fu'Ihcr ; livid a
few ntilca out of tovl , 11'1 + ilo dtivrl'r
up bill the lvagou (1(101)10 tlcdg trotu art
tle Wagon started dovvtl hill 1)8ckaat1s ,
and in getting out Mr. L''n lug wn ;
The Central Ilouge k having an 11(1(1j-
tiou built to accerllcd tto i.s . c : teat ive
Kendall's troupe ig to p1 .y bcr" thrdl'
nights thi ; v.cek , beginning t-alight ,
1' ' u CI ) .
COMt11t41tClAra ,
COUNCIL IlLUrrli 1IAllKI r ,
Wheat-No. 2 Hprllr ; , 70c ; No. 11 , GOc ; rr
jcctud , tOc ; goad doaiaud ,
Corn -Delott ; ore payug : 28(0,10)1 : rejoetod
corn , Cticago ) , 1U iUc ; uuw 11dsed.1'c ) ; whltn
corn , GOc ; the receipts 0 ? cum rra light.
Oats-In good ( ! ununld at 'lar.
IIny-4 OO dO CO tier tun ; t O pr bale.
It - ; su i , .
Carr Meal ; 1 ) .
Wuhtl-Good supply ; prices at yardrG OOr
li OI ( ,
Coal-1)eIIvercd , hard , I1 OU pcr ton ; soft ,
r f,0 per tun.
Butter-Plenty and In fair denLtad at 26e
crefulory , 40c.
Eggs-lteady 81110 at 15c pH + r dome.
Lard-Falrl nult's , wh"l ( alfug at 110 ,
Poultry-Finn ; derJrrs sire payblg for
chickens llio ; live , 2 60 per dozen ,
Vrgctablo8-J'otntoes , UOc ; nulu'IM. 6Uc ; cah
bug(8 : u(301 ) per dozen ; applc9 , ; IUU@I00
per barrel
] lour-Clf y flour , l G0) ) : 10.
llranils-2 00ut ; : 00 per dot.
' .IV , hrICK
Cuttlo-g tXILA8 6J ; calves , 6 00(47 60 ,
IIogH-1 tarkct for b'i ' s qute , a tilt pac1 ;
tog binges nru claled ; Hhippere are paying 4 (10 (
(4 4 71 .
Iusv They Brought duly G nlld tl the
1Vltuehl , frill ) 11(1.
New 1'orl : Sun ,
Story in to day'H Sun of the di lv'tn0w
"xponcnco of the subprn1I orver s'1w ,
tried to reach Russell daso rccnll s ty ,
insult n'ntU5UCCts frl1'fliitof Ibucltr4
of thu Sonata Caunrttce tin 1sdaea
mid Labor to cnpmw ( the Sutntllr'U h4l
1st wihmra , Mr. Jay O.UUl. I ; ivu tai
incident from the C1"rk'H(1IVn recital ;
Whet the elurh ( runt duni to 71
IJI nLdwl'y with tile Souah/tial ku'nlnon + ,
duly si'tued ' and Sealed , hid a way i)1 .
cunt pocket.1 ' I cuquirud for Air 01)01)1 ,
tilt guuds , aL the door tried to bluff' Lilo
I11 , just its Dit. Sdge'H lreldul'0n '
Citric flail. ] ; ut tile ciiimuittco u c
cgnnl to the occaaton. I I o r. fits' 1 ;
btulicQ and march : d right 1)t" t1'd
lute of the lrilliunairu. ' ' 1II I' ( ' . ;
Hold he , Hnlilliiv I.v ' I ii IYu n '
on , young 111111 , " rogpoldtd till r. 111)8(1 )
ua11 ttlograph tuugnn 0 , aovorull ? ' , "Iluw
do you know my 11111110 i5 Gi)1ldf' ( '
"Know ? flow do 1 ktiowi 1 ,
iiiouldrl't ' i 1(1OW rvllat Uvu)1 the ho'
lllncks 1101(1 kneel 'I'huro's no iiiisttkiulyv
.Iny ( lould whuu you Boo litlt.
511 you will purniit 1110 to hand you
this 8un1nn115 , Iellator Ill1ir Iruull
like 'our testimony or the 18bor queul
lion. '
"Cut I don't know anything about it , "
rcpottcd 11r , ionld. "I don't want to bu
n Ivihlcsa. ] won't go , "
"lint you must Collie. Thcro's no gut
till ; out of it , "
' 'Oh , you duu't say sot' '
UR U It a eI I r
, --THE r
I 1 , dz'y
v e
t j
- lS,17'
e ; , fSl.etrM sx Y Sq aan r h a , . „ " , , ,
tux 'fldCdt Y : , n ! v alCD1
They always have tilt' largest and beet stock ,
- ' - KtNNYUgNM..MM - - Mr.M..04/MM1R iemnnr. -7-
c vrj 3 1P0 ua ! rtv ; Nvuva 111 rsq fov..oJ'Jrdh , Jr.
l v
111 1 "J ' y J : rik o.lJ'1IL& giar1 ,
I. ' a " l 1 d "Jat u ) vlnfa5a farm ,
11eaiJIU , l.uae r'f .
i ; c lhovtrnflnrtcr' 1
.1'ouxra it lailsulspcs
. . _ } tJ.h qht , .rte n.AAtk bcr
ildSV . , 11rltAiu. - l2V.J. L. TOWNIX ,
Aftrr a thuroul h trial of the r-r1 + 111rk' 04111s /
Dtr TONIUI tao P1eaHurO TA1 , . duotrq , Ill. , aaya- : '
In sttttntr that I have lIUI Io oats 1 do'
irzaLv braflttt(1 by tto a } soot excellent rontody
tS , htlniutero anti tub. , thu tiebintlttultvitslforeeu.
Ito n > ) I11:0tH w't find it 1r st + n.w.vwrrrr. r..N.wu.n.rtewa + . .w.amswa.ww.rc aelrry
of the jit'attut vILXt1e , * , > 2 aa emr + -f ° S. vrm 9arc ur
avhereo. Tonic Is y '
nr ruu , f Max
. T. Sy fM f
nary. recownund it j > Y
ax u rnnnblu rentadtnt ' 1ea
N1out , Pos tesnin q 11 11 A/.r '
& 1N'
tlOllbt0t ttutrltivo unit I1j'41 ' t
rcntorativo .Lruenir , Ay. Uropotli , ( l. t , I1C. + e , x t . . . at . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . - . . . . . . . u . - trx . - k . . . . . aalkk.ki7
a rErr. & DEY 1II5 DJ. . HA1TEF. ) ; 1FD1CINE CO. , 11311,1IM1 c : , , cr. LOQiQ ,
' A ' ,
( * ' IA
f' v1) ' rr ' LTCIHT. HANDSOME.
I : S
The I tesi'Yarc ; iillc 1 for ittto I i 1111011.
. )1 rFIFtp1 > , A . LIANl1FACT1IR D ONLY aY THE
R . Si11 LOUIS S W ' . 511 ' t 1 t,01 1'l Yf 3,11 , LOUIS ,
, 1'11'1 ' J " n ? ? v rgi ) ( T U } 'r , 1 , ' , ' , . ' ) i i1 fll llllai110 , 9l1Fr )
"Yes. I do , ) t. will colt you y115L $210 ,
nn(1 ( ilnprl' elnlcnt if the 11)10 isn't paid ,
to slay LlWilY , "
'Tho nillinnmro pulscd. ho studied the
oxte'ior of the clock and the varied chir'
grtlphy of the su'lnuoIS iu silence for r
time , tuui that exclai11'Cl ( , I
' 1lrell , llumphl . .l think about 3 ,
You umyytoll Senator 1llair tbai 191 tJ'r 'w
be there ,
.lay Gould wan there a91111. 11osvapnpor
readers knoly , 111 lie 1viig leaving tlip
calnnittoe,00'11 to catch the elovrtor , t 1
' eatalR.II p0rcc al rrcollee : ona a + ma'
'neweIbe mu11o 111' + 1.)3tupp0'1t .
. - n. r
; I ( Oil B Il(1 nellt , Ilea'I' f''I1'I
1 'u IJ uadltgll ] L t , iU. : ' : ' , u CardLd
nnething by your testilrouy , " Ah' ,
Gould ino'c(1 ' : tq ) ill nstun"lnnent ; , nt'd
tl'o creek tvo 't o't : " ] 'rg nil a > tu9 ;
c 3 arc enl'tictl to ¶ 9 chit l 4 n feu f0
tildetoali'aUDy , Tl'eu ii 1 duo you ,
' 'nuI : d0u't wait tire 4 9. "
' ' ' ; : t ( ' tLU 1) ' 1 , fhp'l , AVith this
I , ' " .j'"J P'i(1 ) : ' rol ) ' HIInrIt)1tletl
1w Clark i''l ' 1' 4l it 11'.1 a d n h' ' 'r ' to-
t.eiIt ) Io 6rC11"u Llt ) ) 1111 ; 1)'h" "O'I .i ititttto ,
1ltt : lbo latter dot it'1ued and o-
cluiuled :
' 'No , I can't aunt that. 1 t ni'llt tool ,
03 if I tool ; tire Moneyy if 1 did. ' TIen
1)e ) adjnsted h'a dia'noP'l.alllll , 1 '
pot oo his hat nud ball d front tlld rout ) .
'J'ilt $ ' / which would hl'YO g011u ( ) Ibu
poor ii still 111 Iho Scnatu ° 1 ' '
A1I Pix G(1VelRlOr'H 1ct.
x-Lt.-Gov Norutnn J. Colunlau , of
"t. LouiH , rty ; : ' 'Any wjro ling 11)110(1
great Leletit iii the use of St. Jacobs 0'1
ICS a ) IUUt elll'U , "
A Nice rtuOlp1IH. '
Tat ( fird'1'u ,
A traveler entered il 'Chliug ronm ; old
Hsu dow with hs ; I' . , ; n. . ' . 118 hl avn' '
nboltt to attack the I i 16n ] tea'1 wi' ' -
uragkul Dial t ) tltlo elf jtig ltlt , , and 1)H I'11 '
deulocd ; to do i lbu landlunJ wag He'n. '
110110(1. T ) tt p0rLOUag0 GUcd ; Ihu Itrrt
1111(1 throe7 it otlc of doors. 7.'barat ' I1 u
ghost 11V00 jest 115 8 waiter IYag prey- ' "
ISitll a tray froilded with I n'0nhudy' I
( lfllo0r. 1Jo gnvo till ( city n i , c1i rln '
$011t tbu dishes hying to ) rp' ' L 111e r elli11g.
Thu waiter suited the guest by iho cotter' ' '
and the gndIt cui % d the w'llLet ; by Ii , '
tltru..L , nud the iitdlurd mid thu vlitel
knnckC(1 the guest UI oe the dhnntr tshlr
' 1'be ' table crag upset 011(1 thou was a
crnslt , and the guest nut out tO tutu rlwnr-
e3t lawyer's ' rllcu ) turd entered a suit for
tune value of hio hot ,
Aboct thIel ntfnth. ago I u'ss takmi nlII ( Hu + '
irhl11 It the , vwll cf lily beI : , lit ( till rrklnn e' i'
' .IL'rvn , from n hlch l be one n Ierrlh'o ' eIgun ) r , r
rcq ) Uul ! wlh ( a nntnbrI ) ! plt'slc'al + , and Ilea' '
lured 111 art ( ii udcr their 11vstwent , they tclllfl , ai
1 had thu edatiu Ihcu11mtIsni aul 14(11)1)7 COngt'at'IL '
( Iii Uxantnatlnll n'y ' Ut hioii as lulutd I0hu hl n a ,
1).d eundltiu11 , eta Yry dark co'ur , and lmqrrgll , 4 i
V. : n al heavy rut hrlu'duet deposiL , old Tory o6' . ,
Isar I hall Um Lo't rs e ul red bust 7Ded'CYI ' at .
dehcv , and tried ell thu lrpu'ur rumalluI without. .
( alorirbiluny relb.t. I'urtnlattly nbcut till ti u ,
2'I ) irtlo rd Ihnn's Ileu'uly b , fhg rap' d ti lily rt
( ' Hare , l jMn(1llt unld are ( n bottle , nltIt n1Ch.9t1 +
[ v turv n at1W ( lU t 1 rnlilt dal nn tar Hii w' s ,
ls'I 14Yingulc4 ( our liolt'o ' ) , I fnmi4l w'lrasI )
i ( r red elittrtly ' I' ed , Aar Flt"H k It in" , vi
W , r rctlrautl t0 ttal Illtmal color. 1 am 11(1W lit i
s..u0thtalth , aN 1 nude to Dl' , all to Illy bmf0
( ' .1aolr )
wllcuerran oppnrtufty 0(01114 In neelIm 1
yt.uralunl.lumuJlclnut tihvale4I ) Oa.lan
G1ent Itwlll do 11)1 ) your elal'nc for U , and that V ) '
Ilruu. Yours , 11 1111grdILudc ,
( LAI' ! , Ju1N , at llLL4.
Ne'e' bond d , Cann. , May a , IIVJ3 ,
Atmt"nuyuarngult)0) tat ( H with s.uerort
. , f , t'.rw a tit thu 1/dlrnya , frrh wh'cli l 5111 ( r
r , e , inr)1'udt0 ; ; 01111ota1 Ily4uau.anti ! r
rs.ehinSally ! alpIcalled out Mr. Ju1uiA , lluil
our drugdIAland.tatulmy raw , Irv Innnedhuel ;
hahdarmun Ixtlluof HI' It'e hemtsly , otfuad It r
a great riluolllu far that Nmpl slut I anutrcur
luhtgltatvnccandrein ihucry startI bvgnt'
1. ' pt(1vv , a11d by the till ) I Lad ubell ii ' butlu h. . .
U'tiicly ) n'cii. I wnud ) adlku any Iw" ) ) t III
rUOlculty wIth Ihu kl nuya to ghu lhhlt'd UCIC ) ) I n
trial ) I kiiowol mw cauu l undcs ivy oats bei.g ! curtd
sod wield dnaertully r'uriuuanl It to a'y one ,
( ilAILts , It , ALa1Aa0x. ,
Voreinan 1) u Iluune , Niaturlut 1111'11. '
flay 8 , 1533 , ( irvtuIllu ( ) , Cone ,
1 tertfy to the above bclug n true uuu , Iwlb
.old thu midlclnu to Mr. Aluaander,1111)1 I.uuir hln )
o ho a geiiUtlnau rcrpw , tcd hihf , , itt thu I..4tlon I u
lief ! , . Jolrx AlfuauAx ,
Jday B , 1853. UrugglstUrlcuuvlllvCoun ,
+ The use of the ter ' She
&l1 11 ( I II Linn" Iii Cnunrcllnh nltItLh'
corpuUHo tinuu ) u , a greatroad
annoys r'I rim o' lot what
9 reguh'ul by t'eu trnu'llug pul ,
r Ile-n Sh.rt 1fuo , tlulelc 'l'uau
II tI F ti Ill nud thu bust of nce.011n1ols
ta II II a " Untie-all 01 which mu turn
it'd I.y the grcc et railway 1 ,1nterta.
; , rli' G ( a t 1IWAUKEI
And 5t. Paul.
I w. lit nPrratrl ( tor t Ltk ) tidlci of rcnJi'
' ' , S 'lure , r , Ii'i ' , iian , , 1 tl1lie l . Ions a
vh anJ'-tynadilltll. , huutchcs 1111,1nhu + (
rev n , I ) .11 the roat uteluotl centrex of '
svct nud I t I \.t , It uatulnlly nu.ocrs
mptluu u' Shari 1.11) ) , avid Ilto-t ! )01)1,1 ) ) Iwtnecl '
Chlt-i o , , Jtllwcalke : , Hl. rttlll and ytlrLealutle.
Cldntgo , Nllnuukcu , La Crone and 6'Iuenn.
Cldluguytlieatl erAbeatccnnud EIlmldala
Clrlra'tn,1l11vatl'sco ! , t tt Chlra mid Silltnnler'
Chlcngu , Mtt' ti11kcu , IVtuhau and incrdil.
Chl.go ( , llihntduu ; , Ileavur Ilain 1)'I
Ihlat,0. : ) Illnankcr , ll'adccshn nud Ocela,0u0)O0
Chick o , 31ihauLee.ladfvn"cud IhalrluhtChlsr
Chicago , ytllnalelru , OwatODUa n'nl ' F"tdrihault.
( 'sun ( ) Ilolnll.lamsiPfunudIhu'rotl'olnt.
Chh nu , tall" , Ihwkfard mid Ihrlrngro.
Clu , ugn , CI utal , hock Inland and Cudar IL pfde
Cldenga , I'01)111II 11111tH and .
ChIt.i o , Sluua.City , Hloux Falls and Yankton
Clara" ) i IIii adco , ll ltchclt end Ct.auherlala.
/ , IInb11que , it. I'anl mid Ithaen relit
lralunport , Colmar , lit. I'an' ' a0d 111u11capela (
t'tilluai , litecpurr soil limo Fhwet Uhtllrr Card ln + s
wog Id nru 1)r" eu t'1) ulahtthiev o'Lhu ' CH ICAC Q
u'ui' ely tilt ilOo11 it pnld In passeigcrr y court.
ors Nnpoe ) Of the cunqmry ,
C. d , tl SLlnld. ! , A. Y. Ii. OAltl'YNT:11 : ,
llcnT Annaget. Ccii i I'a.s. Agcn
. ' . 'r , riu r , ( ICO 11 , IICArynllu ,
( ' " ' 1 ti l''t. Ass't tlrn'I tits.
$ a
Ore dctructlrn to haul t't llcaitlr mid e
t . .u , rtl1ecu uud fmr'ul ' rnnhlned , ho tffi
is ungnishuti ultcno'all'Lar ) Ll ( Laud It leas I As
Lndayn.ehun , Thu.ii4I uLU" ( IC Itln.1 Iti 0.
drugged w11Ii i lireurl to i oru U'u , oak' lr , mid t'.41
uov , n it lth laude. t0 t nru hint of I n Slrrcurlu' P 3tr
onhrt ; Dar' ' nlral of 1 + 'ief , t lu Ili , hue Irea'v ' I'll ' ,
c'Irrdilalthu'idma , .rs ( ' , ) ' , ,
,4leur''Imhknbtcwlirooruav. ; 'fa Ih0'0 ntrh.t'1 '
IIo t1I1) 1)Y illi 1 , ' . liletilio's ' 140 gruutt,1''non : 0.1
eat Ut , e0d lv o no lit 111otU than 110 aright I' , ke1d. It
aiUdolrs DdslIiui'rlail'ul ) dte11r.1111t"a.stet
nail bilkI nw.ulfrrrr Itul „ to aeul0tu"I , liylqhh't.
1I : q 11u.u1'h0hnvuvcrI on i'IIll' ' ' .unLlhy
it ninon t1) ' e n Ihnrnn'h .e.ltau ill Ihid t intvl ) ;
uI'1g1"OSV : IL'H'rwln09 l'0 , 011
fi w yrars nu I found on 111,1' nludalloa a vtor' 1
1011 iron 1)r. Lai i dlecnvod , 1o .tateii I4 t fin )
11.dv.t iIii nil c"11'tait Int'nl ntruoutblot
yee aid and Luau t' t' h ) nwny , dp'.Iu
iwr" . ts'nit'hbu It o , Li' hltilrth'iLr ) :
* pr flr . H wit tlmu bu tvra bnuad aniti i 1l ,
Di , act liars a byniptnul of l w d'.i a , t.lut o ,
IIlie gcntlsuv + l who had been conrliea to bk i o
hi'.ICe 1
rht'rcly ' , mrd e1i aku In thu lilshu. , nrullu n' d , S. H.
CI11Lli9 & IICI IILY ,
Chnttauioia , Turin.
Ia t 'I ' I. fJ1' 'r l .t.l . large. oho'tL (
" . I l , i L. I 'I Ii ( lit , , Ai' I'reyd'.l9 ' h 1) )
l.I bo pidd to any Ultuud.t who wilt hut' , on ar
dyiAlnt 10)hntlk rlurcu
L llde 1'uta.lnn , or any mineral suh'taneo.
TuiHSVIF1 : HPgcIFlu CO. ,
Unanur 8 , Atlanta , Oa ,
tirl'rlto tor the llttlu hook , which will lie mailed
t'rit'e ; 8)anll ) situ , d1.O0 pcr hold , ' . Iatrgo t'r , '
( putdi"gduuliuquantltY ; ) , 81,76mabotlru , All 1. ik
tbt9 ; p : ' It ,
, ' ' Ile./11.1.1 I . n
, ,4' Li , ' ii'ill'Oil 1. Y
p , { It , ) illy iii Ih'r , , , 'i.t.
r , ? . , f t ; i I l4'ntd re 'ii' ' . )
a i.1 4 1 , 'nrtr"ue ) ) ak u' m
title iliM , nlnvt t , ) en , ir
t1 ; . F.r , ; to , i.l. , 1
PTu3zI t''rrili.x--"F.rta ' of Ihu
humvl Is l ) nl.u ; red , 'rvui"pod uud.trehgtlr std ,
etc. , Ii nit HituruvtIt'll ' adwrltsi'tucht hurt ran In aul
pour leiIlrh.h'g11hl'.lUIlIllsuyteittherut , .
110 uvulrnc of lnuuhlrl , . Di , th a OIitray
'hu uhett'r ' rd ore tcri hljIJy 'tutu , ht'd. Intareblvl
.I'rred111.1 : ' , wl , Ielr 'unrsgl1hit 111 + µ utlcel.
m by a i.1r' i 11' Irlu : ) lubral Cu. , d , O , Lox Si S.
IIOTdo , N , Y , t'i'uud _ , 1scuts : ; ; C'a Ieunll'IV _
Ant '
.SG . . , uwrwtu .rw . , . , . . . . .
dI Own wIn frWrn lb lii , ' 6 , , p , rV. r na.r'su. . . r4
' 111 , uuu.v3 , l wr , r. , ; b , , , id , am ii , ) .1i4 uuW ; . I )
nl.rin Isla' . Qutli. , her a t Le r rt.Ly . .d , , uus
uupr note I , vil e ' " , d1 . . xi nn1 bjuctrrl
. , lunar. . , , ) , , . 1) .s r. ' .1iI 1 y . 'lbs.a
1.1111 rfuuUi A'rruu 9,1'1111 , , I'1 , I.ul I'r ' , ai.aa ,
nr1.r ) , ( tI'H'1 .r.tth'1Ity114)I,1H ) , lit )
Iurt.1 a. . " YII' a bl , JI Slin lie r1
rwLnnlou r I' 11 to u ' 11.81
. , . + ) li I. ' e
. , . , , 4s II . ) . .i. 1. . "
Iii + longtern scknow1Nlged soil more ti at ) hie day
than any'other. The aitfield of lnaltcal adlnm l
o1cr incrcaiing , nud It + 11nmoroat hranchas are
hroii lit nearer aul nearer to pcrfectlon , and
nn ono 11159 con any Ion3or grasp 111110 al
Ikntethouoces.lls'ordlI1ingtiro labor. Atidltl +
true lgyund nl dnnht that dlaca.o , alfccnng the gcn
fo udhar ) ' ngtatis tut 1 special.tUly mole than ally'
hln ( cite , If we wnnld utidorstand and know how
rent tutu Properly ,
UIL IL I'AUNiilt k fully snare that lheroare
wauyplly'atcianrnndoniO entlhlo 1s oplcwhiwlll
+ n'1) ldn , ( or unklnthu elagi of dl 'n oa a spe
, , , hot hu1.h. . ; pv to knoll I eat 1111 ! , most tier'
. ' ' * dIi'reani Ierrtalldllltr l1l cticuntmrur'nil hWn.
i ) ' low It fulfil of thdsuiji.t , coil t'iatDieti1W lC'
,0 , I wlie IICYntUS hltnttdf to rolievtnz the &llletod and
lug tllrnt 11,101 nprsu thus death , 1) nnle. . a hut.
htuphlnu lionchotnr to 11111 in o i'ian ' thetir
I nn ur phydrlan 1Yho h ) ' c'oao ' apuIL' I Ian uxrnl ) In
env other hrauoh of hlv pr0te to'l. ! And fortunatey )
III' iuunaulty , the day I , tlatruinywhcn time fake pltl
anthro'hy that cvmiculned the alctlnan of tollyor
' , , , * nndertime Jawbh law , to the
uncared for has passed stay ,
A Few Reasons
IVlte gnu dlonld try the celebralcd It6 II.1Vakmer's
n'cihai.of rare :
1. "Ur. II , Vngricr k a naturat phy aiciau. "
0.8. I'mrr.aa ,
The Ilieilcat ( .1'.111 ; I'tratolugkt.
" 1'aw ran ewe 300 1)a a tlocloa"
IR. ,1. .
The world' sJre.i1ci11' ( 11ond.L
3 , "Yen nru iunule"ully ) iroartenl Iii your lnonl
edge of dla.ue nud me llcti ca"
lit. J. M.IriltRwe.
J. "rile ltlaictNI and tcady relfof In your pres.
Ntco. ' Da , .1 , HIHti. .
t , , "Ur. It. li'agtiar f + a regular gralnato ( rota
Utdietlro UOq.la1 , Nen fork city ; iin ; had rrry ex-
It0 % httopll ml ptlott , ' , mid t Ilinou'lhly ) n.ted 011
all hmnnccs of Ill ) beluvod si'lan'o , , elpeelally on
chronic disotSC3 "
Dag. IlsowxaLL & Fwixo.
IL "Ur. IL IVagncrha. 1h11.ert..Il'ah Idnrclt br
hii , onderhll ay of s ii cta0 remedki for pd.
' , % Uandtc llatdlecnsca-VIrdullCityChronlclo. 1
7. " 'I1lummlids of hnnllds IWclt to.eo IdnL"-Sal
L'Iatieli i , Cl + roldde.
S. "Tho Uoctor'a long experience a + atpcetriltt
nllnt1611Tlulerhltn Icry buecussful.-1Wccy ! ) iotm.
lnln None.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At one tune n diacuivlml of ( ho ecerrt Ylee was cu.
Ihtlvntrldeil by the prufeidlo11"alt ) mcdia + l norksot
hot n futryrarn ngn n uuld hanlf v mNIltou it.
'lhiI,1Y tllu physlclul Is u : n dll1unnt oplulon ; he is
rune that It Iv IdI duty-dlragn'aililo tlnugl1 It
ntaylie--to haudlo 11115 utatter nfthout glnc.anti
q ak plthllI' ebn11t II' and Illtutll elmL I'arctitl and
xtia'dlmis idll thank hfr etor doing , o.
Tlw restdls ntleudklg Ihs ( destniclhu rice n era for.
tuerlyhottmdelslnolorlb. , prnt'crIYesllrntttrl and
Itolulpettnhrobelu 'ntachut t + asnhjectahlltl by
ills tint or a dent not tut Ito cleiu In restlgatiou , It wain
nIitll lv l nun'd ,
'I'hv falii , l Ii generally uintractal b the y'ounj ' a
uldln atturulhlg rehNd ; miler Ulroug'1 '
their raauple , may ho respun.iblu for It , Or It may ho
aupdredthrough aetiduriL. 'flieuxcltenlentonce cx
pctlrnrcd , Ilie pmrtbu null be repeated again and
antis , ulllll atta.L limo hahll bcctnnes Ilnu atd crone
r10tt11' e'usiaV OY ( lie droll. Meri Lil hall IIer1001 of
Illetl"us ore uvually Ilie Pr11ray rauls of seif n1Nee.
Attiuti" the InJurluus erects may ho nen.loued lasil
I tile , iluJoctlnn or IrmvtlhliLy of tenqer and gtuleml
deblllty. The hay eccksscelnslon , mrd rarely Joins
Iii the d , art. u ; hf. uanptuiau t If he be a young
man he will bo little found In cum'may ' with the other
tux ld Is troubled nhh exeve.Vug nil auloyinK
Iia.I , In their Iii 01111(0. I.avchl"u9 ( Ireams ,
cenlsluus nud cruptlaus on time face , etc. , are also
proudnat sy 1)l ) LOnly
If thuplartlvvlsviolently 1urslstedlnmoreoerlnue
dlimutiuires taku etacu. ( lletil palpitntlun of the
! earl , iir udluitleeoutulslmre ) , are uxpcrienad , and
the su Terur 11uty fall Into n ca hi IULO staru of idiocy he.
( tit u , tiii ill , dud ii relic' cv tutu.
Tualllhovu"rI : 4evliti this dalgeruv , practice , I
+ Inuld aav , lirst'hf all , stol IL at orit'c ; make every
' .rlhlu cnort to do b1) ; but If } un fail , If y our nervous
.y.Imti ! s ahead } lo" much shattered , and ennse-
g11,1hlly , vn11r willpower brokul , take sarno none
tndcl0ntll " ulnyour efort. . Ilalugtrued yourself
frn11ethe unl "it , I Isould further counsel you to go
duuuvh a regular county of trentulent , for 1t14 n great
! ahniu to su , ia.u that my one rutty , fur some time ,
' I'Lulcry .elittle gliuhlui c1f ullloLull taainattng
I ; tdangur nti.uxcftmnc110wIUlout LuCeriug from it's
, 'tvuH.ipleucuvr'tMhnohlturotlnea ' ' 1'huruuutber
e' ul , nc11 ) whu m u h'atarhdal , to all thu duties , by wedltek Iv nlarhtinzly Iar'e , end lu 11tost
ur .U41laHC $ thlsunforiunatucoudltni ( of Lhlugscan
t o traetid to thu pmctico a sel.abuse , wldelr hail been
ub.uuln11cil years Sg".luduodafowmouths 'practco
of this hahlt is sutllelurlt t , Intluca s iernmtorrhtoa I
teryeareaitd I have navy of each cases under treat
111011 at the trtcaout day.
Young Men
Wilt ) hilly ho enflcring from the effects of youthful
Olilcior ludiscretlonstrllldon'elltnarall themselves ,
0t tlid ) , the greaWst Lion over lald rl th u altar of suf.
( crliu : nunmhlty , its. S'AONaaIIIIgharoutcotofor'
1' IL 1 tQ ) ) fur utary auo of IlunlhrI weakness or prh'ats
ttlaeItto of any klud and characterwhleh he uudor
takes touudfallst0 cure
Middle Aged Men.
There are many at the ago of 30 to C ) who are
Iro'bledwltdtill ) frequcuL evacuation. of the blad
ttrr oflc11 ae00manlal ; , by nsllght smarting or burn.
hi. Lensallou , and u weal cuing of the ulpstein In a
Lti'nticrthupaltmltcannot nccuuntfor Ouuletalnin.
Irythuutlnary'dupusltsarnpysolllnrentnlll often be
louud , turd .ohletinies sumiltartleles of albumen will
nppuar , ( it' the uuler till ) Iw of thin ndlk6ll hue , again
eiaughlgtoadakrndtorpdapIicamnco ) ) , There are
Ilai' 1110115' 111011 wiii , tile if ( his dllliculty , Ignorant of
thu : uw , which 1. the bocind stagu of semlual ncak-
1)r ' . UrIV.uiiguarantee ) ajerfrctcure luallcascs
rod n healthy restoration ti' ' the kcnlti ) urinary or.
dune ,
( ll'bultallgn free. Thorough examination and ad.
vkc , p ) . '
All t oamuncat , ere shnttld Iw addrevscd , Ut' . henry
INnr ) lVa ( tier , P , 0.2389 Ucnacr , Colorado.
Thu Yeuug Mcii's 1'ociut CanIradon , by UG II
WnO it worth Iti weight In gold to youur 0100.
r0ei ; . , .3. Hcut by ueaU to any addrosa.
Let Your Light Shine.
I' t'a'nrt tluo celebrated specialist 0f 1)Nner
t 110.,1'13Jlatrf vier street , bslloves In etdng tiwworld
I"/uf I lilt ho 11111 dn , and Is dulhg Jot' tl0usmtlls , of
I(1'feltunaure , ills treatment for lost nanhotid i.
earn h , Ylln him a uatnu that , otterlty alit tiles. . Ten
Uun'.aud IOstlnundals front alt our the Ualtud States
triit.t U1c u ho has cured , is proof ptisldw that budoee
rove lhunorsteases of t'eru diseases , 'I'be aftllcted
( rumchindoamid , seminal diseases 0f every kind ulU
pnl lit .41 u'lclr ' hebLfrlund , ) Lail his alt'ertlietiecutlu
a'I our &ty pnPmatuid tall on him tor an1CC , Mn e
Liiur7.Ou vllt cerruboreto us Iii .ayheg lie 1)s ) the euf
Net's true friend.-ltuck'Momtraln News „
Relief to the Afflicted.
lu rncdinneo , o + In aclenru , the sioctallltd ; are the
( Hitt It hoahnrseO.lo'tothe ttont and a'utan lilt
' , Ic.utlIIItl. "
10 Ur , II. 11'agrep 01 this a ty , Ito btauds tit the top
of Iii Ii O'cbsl011 , rod Thu cel"n he 'erferute for time
wdortnatu wo"'d , , em n'nndcrfu It trot proper !
Mowed nil l'ulliitoclenthio ? as ulccmunts. He ly
atdurted h't'u mu cnlhloht o thu medical faculty.
Ills udlcunt 1113 Laimnlr btro , Irhew ho will speed ! .
Uy elttn cure foe ti u sintering of uithcr tux , no mat.
tar how to.ntrated , ! ; their Mnlplalut.-1'omeroys
I : auucrat
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure ,
l'ersunsatadhttncelvlowllhtohntrcat dhy Dr.
1Ynuur h' .1 not ( eel I..cItn'aid . 'cauta of ' ' ; bllty
tI1411''II ' , Nttoytinilw totlwdoctor huwlll
bend u p I u ( qui 1101111 w u , ; duv hint to'Lwld
u/tdh"I ti , tm'u.el r Ut to thouvnnds ho Iced
tueleC L ( 0. lie has pa In u ) ry city , ttOVn and
btati011 19 ( 'olur4dq uollrl e'tuicr 1.19 Culted
Htt.a , Hi ah'sal ' This I.dertitctcnt.-Veli.
we , Tsibuu" . I , . a so
uL .1 4J1
Shall We Reform'
S IeeColumedksorr'IdsuaC ) , , ltl thu doury
pracUtu rt preCCut o , cducaxl't ml"es'erlcece , ' ,
ldiylclarid , anti iii all I r u COIn11UUtleh ) fhoy.huro
their , pucliltlc' , to ext-I I" Ylhlcll till ! ' ihret t thelr
studlusundactlte , lit , iI C rlrrUabuTcssfulIt'
lustatlao ofdtlt111 audcnt trhuol'ula'ulnltlea ' ' and Itld
nuprua'tlcntcd buct'ce11' I Jhe tteyttiunt , gl pulvgte
dIHuase ls it wonderful us It b auttrr11h-pruf J ,
Sltllnw. I n
( Ilusu I.Orllona 11)10 tlo rl tn&iral Wilder , triy u1Pat .
dullcaWofdlsoabusullltind } at'cbtnpllahcIatdsuo
eusbful dg.hiaeln the lwtO0 DSr br.'lhsgitcrNo.
ass i muiulrr btrcet'I I1u la hi ; ldy'recuulmeudgti yythe
meillad pt'o esslai at iiomo and aboard.-Ibuleror'a
Uculiwra6 Jlgutr Iand lgtiOranCUnuslghnlilpyto 1
nlaitorh putt phyllci.ullielleusJolutllaglti
Ilga bhlnu ( ur the 31dry of hle'eltuw 111011 , Prihter e
Ink la 11111 torch lie eon t us ; usvi ( o gIttde „ the ) lWry
uud elckahu t , thu ( ouritaln u ( health if this arliclr
should hi ) lutirau ehtl us a d'TOECIiLlt 1IT"set up'
uualull lte guidu suavt'u ' Juuuanitylgsg ) $ Uthuer j
bloulVenter , Coloradostill ) , UUlwer the purpuao
furwluleh II wunrtttCU. Address
1' , (1 ( , box 2389 , tit cab at313' Lariaor Hteet
Unsur ,
t3 Ro.d thecglu : wI lleatlet ; "ThsigceL.tty ; (1)r ( the
Hia11 . 1