Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' -r--- - - - - - . - - - , ---k- - : : _ -iT-- : - .
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. .Estato
. -IN-
Oity , &hurban and Farm Property.
We have a Pine Tract near Center of Oitj Which is a
Bargain. ;
' lit $ l&oo-t/t IT ) 1Countze' 3d t.ddIton , good thrcu
room houe , barn , cU , tc. thio.thlrd caah ,
IftIftUCU S per ceflt.
iI eoo-One.htlt1t n Rountzo',3d adilitloti , good
: i room houo , with shed kitchen. One'liaf cash ,
balance to suIt ) Ir.)1er. )
113 & 2SOO-L.tOOx1& Itogcri' atdltlon ! , Dorc.o St. ,
near 10th. Good 7 room liouo , tab1o , cI.tcrii.
griipe vInes , etc. EiOO CMII , bAMICO to suIt pur.
hacr ot 8 vcr cent.
t14 * 3O-Thrco acres on 18th. one halt mile south
' 0t 1fa8co1II't 5 room house , itbIo , fine trce ,
good sIht1y location. Ono'thtril cash , batancQ
to nulL
115 tOOO-Two oero , focing Cumtng ocd Burt , five
1)tOCk wct of Crcg1iton College. Uood 6 room
Iiotie , ta1o ! , well , fruth orid bhrnbbery , ona
third balance to .ult.
110 Stlio-l'ulI lot ith 5 room hoiuo on litli St. ,
between Center arid Dorca& Good cellar , bri ,
coal house , clotern , oIdcvatk , Bltrubberv , , etc.
Great Uarati. ,
liT 3iOO-1fcautfu1 lot with 4 room hone , good
collar , largo cIoetH , ctc. Sightly location.
113 83,300-Lot 07x132 , sitii 7 room cottage on Slier.
loan aycnuclctwcon Sliennati and Clark 8trcets.
teed pronerty.
ieo 2,3OO-Two beautiful lots in tcCormIck't3 atdl. !
tion , on Fartiatn ttcect.
119 $3,8QO-iiceic Place , l'ark a once , full lot new
two.story liouae , 7 rooms , good cellar and coal
. shodo , city water , treca mid nil Lmprovemciit.s.
ii l,25OCa'li-Lot S6tS on 11th St , in Kountzcs
4th addition. ltouto 4 larce rooiiv , lot beauti.
fully located anil l really worth much lilore.
Ilcaqon for clliijg , inuot ha o money.
1 ! 1,2tiO-Each tlireo boantiful ot in lteeo Place ,
l'ark aveiue on enoy tcrm&
121 l,3OO-lIalf lot on Saunders trect. Good liouqo
4 roon , good closets , pantry , Ntablo , well , clq.
toni porch front and rear. Price Sl,300 , two.
. ' thIrdi caoli. Tlii is a bargain. Muot bo aold by
tlio Oth or will ho wlthdraun froinale.
Improved Property.
C 3,5oo-12 room house , cor. 13th and Callfornf
etrcct8 , 6 cloeti , cellar , city water , outhoucu ,
a 2,7OOroom house on N. 13th street , cloet ,
7 cellar , cIstern , well , etc. Ur.uionn : & Socra.
531000-Good aix room bouoo on Davenport , bet.
3d and 2lth , two etory c ooct , pantry cellar ,
cistern , well , nit land ohrubbcry , staiilo and
3.1OO-Full ? zo lot on McCandllsh place ,
two frarco COttaed. one 5 room , coo 3 room.
For solo or excbngo.
1 $2,100-Good two and a half acre lot with five
room cottage , brIck collar , well , frutitrics , etc.
iT One of the best three cry brick busmosa ho
on Farnam street. Tcnn pnvate.
L $3tOO-Now7 room liotioc co N. 18th otroet. All
moiorn Improvements. Good location. Cheap.
I\ 85,300-Now two etory hOuBe , QUeen Ann otlo.
: . . All modern Improvonients , city water , lot 1x
! Two full lot , St. Mayy'o avenno and 20th , wIth 3
houoeo. WiU ho flrt clao buaiuea property.
Terms easy.
4 4,7fiO-Lot OtlaflO , wIll. two houes. Cheap.
0 $2,500-Two houses In Nelson . addition , on Ceo.
ter street , Outnouses , cistern , fruit trees , etc.
Iluslness house and lot on Douglas street , bet.
Utn and 15th. Terms easy.
4 New 8 room liouooonChicago. hot. 24thand 25th.
All improvements.
35 Two now houses , one sl and orher 8 rooms.
Firet.ciaso and modern luiprovetnents. Torma
56 2,7OO-Lot 500x132 , College Street , Eedick'o
, ubdlvielon , new S room house. Yell Improved.
B3 2tOO-Lot SOxl&O , Convent street , a TSOLII cot.
tags , large basement uitablo for rooms , barn
8 112,300-6 joom house Thorncila additton barn ,
well , cioLrn , good lmprmomcnts. 3oQ cash ,
lSoo on long time.
* 4,200-7 room houto on Davenport , bet. 16th
and 17th.
tj Lot iSxtOO on Sherman , large house , barn am !
other Improvements. Lo without Improve.
enents is worth the money wo ask icr it.
tl Two now houses and two lull .lzo lots on l'ark
Avenue. hot and cold water , azid a modern
ilr3t clasS iinprovemcrta. Uouses would cost
what we ask for whole. Extra good bargain.
9 $2,6OO-tt 82x150 , car , 17th and Cejiter , house
4 rooms , barn , water , trees , outbuildings.
g $2.60G-Flve room house , ttt.i bet. California &
Webster. Nice property. Terms easy.
50 $ lioo-Lot 9 , block S , Shlnn's 2d addition. One
and a half story house. Tsrni easy.
52 3OOO-OOOd 7 room house onSherinan. Modern
Improvements , stable , well , cistern. A bargain.
58 $6,000-Full lot , one 8 room and cnn 5 room
house , now , 6 blocks from the opera ltuuse. Very
$ ' 2 $ i5j'O-Splendiilloton Dodpenearltth. Chea
01 $8,000-Large house and tnall cottage. Sace.
lent loeU9ri full .1w lot Davenport nea 19th.
63 $1,000-Lot f10x230. coo. ! 6 room houe , modern
niprovoinont. near buInoat , on Sherman ave.
92 ItOO-No lotq , l2OrllO , with house atablo etc.
Barker's sitb.4IlsIiiii.
93 lOOO-Lot and a half , good bouso , ltal1cJc' BItb.
division. ( corner. )
93 Lot wIth 7 room house , Chicago , bot. lLh and
01 1,500-Lot an' ! 5 room house , liorbach's aiil !
tioti , well , ci8tern , etc. Everything Lu good Ce.
l' ' . -
L2 5O-Lot and 4room house , lwd , bor. 16th and
Unimproved Property
2 lOOO-Lot 60x127 , indlatia and DIyIsnn. !
S 7oO each-Two lotsO6xlfl2 each , on 11th. Cheap ,
and 2 lots 63xl82 each on 10th.
11 $ .O3 cach-7 lots in Yates & Itetd'e addition.
23 $ T200-12 lull elm Iota , lianscom Place , one
block west of Park arenue.
eaSe cacti-Two lots on Park avenue. Bargain. .
Busizicas lots on Dodge , between 11th and 12th ,
31 300-Lot Inthlrii's , alititioii , on Seward trcet.
33 83,000-Full lot , Roetl'glt addition , on 25th and
43 $5,000-SIx good lots Iii Uaoscom Place. lIar
54 bd,000Lot 0xi2O , on Farnain , near2oth. Ve
iju Fourocres loWest Oinahit.
00 p550-Lot Iii leases & Seiien' aildition.
61 el,600-Flno lot , iteildick's addition , Park ave.
84 400-52 feet of block M , Shion's addItion. Fine
view ,
88 2,2c.-Lot 4dxOOun 16th. Business property
worth twice the Price askeiL
01 3,6OO-Fuli size graded lot on Chicago , , bet.
lath and 14th.
03 d0O-Gootl lot , high location , south 10th.
lot ) $ S,000-33x132 on 10th , bet. homey and Slow.
103 3750 each-Two extra good lot in LlIimBomo
addition. Coodhlh location.
Bargains in Farms & Lands
10 27 per acro-160 acre lmprovo1 farm , near CrosS
toii , Iowa , 10 acres woodland , 45 acres corn , 20
acres Tiiootliy and Clover.
13 4X0-4Q acres 8-4 of a tulle ucat of Ft. Omaha.
two iioii'cs , to- . ) barns , granary , corn crib , tso
wells , . .0O boning fruit treat , 1100 grape vines.
Will eti or exchange.
14 7,0O0'-200 ncre , half mile N. SY. flkhorn , 140
sorts In cultivation , balance iasture. Four room
house , sthble , etc. Terms easy.
61 96O-lC0 acres good land , 4 1- miles from Bur.
lington , CofYco county , Itansas. Will exchange
fo Omaha property.
01 $ S,400-240 acrosadjolning city of Wilhier , Saline
county. All (1110cr fence and well improved.
This iroperty ischeal , at $10,000.
63 620 Per acre-400 acres , 3 miles from Waterloo ,
Douglas county. Part In cultivatIon , balance
meadow , all good land. % VflI sell ir will arrange
WIth cattle man for w.lartflershll ) , or will Con
tract to hetl 300 or 400 head of cattle.
70 to 02-10,000 acres iii Merrlck county. Good till
able land , and will be aoL ! from $3 to $0 per
89 S7 Ier acre-Will buy 160 acres in Cedar Co.
9(3 $15. per acro-320 acres 2 miles from Hamburg
07 $15. leracro-lmproved near Logan lows.
104 Several hundred acres le Cunilng Co. Neb.
105 Six thousand acres In Stanton Co. Nob.
107 $1O'jer acre-2200 acre , timbered land In Stay
Co. , . , three ainalifarms ontnis land , balance
good tonwood timber , which will more than
pay far Investment. For aio or exchange
Omaha property.
108 p2,200-Lot 219x220 , Cor. 17th and flehlvlew St. ,
aouth Omaha , near ilascall' Park , brIck house ,
tout-rooms veeli , cistern , stable , collar. AU in
good contikion and licarly now.
25 cr acro-40 ( ) acres lii Washlnirtsn county , 0
miles south of Blair , on him of C. hi. P. H , & 0.
railroad. Station at corner of this land Good
stream running water. 100 acres In cultivation ,
80 acres grass , 180 acres timber-oak , hickory
% oilmit and elm. Small house , good fruit and
abundance of grapes. Is partly tcncod. One of
the beet farina in the county. 1 ! purchaser
wlhes , will soil homestead iohjeintn good
herd of cattle.
Cal1 and examine other property not istod.
21 16 , 14th. bet. ' j.rnarn sOil Poujlis
t : : : LoLs in this aIditioll are selling rapidly , and prieet will bo again
I ' , , advanced in a few days , These are without a doub tlio most iIcsrabo
: ' I otis ii Oinalui , and will cerhiiuly double in price before spritig , All who
- ) Ia'vei seesi theni are well Plelised uild PFOI1O1SIICO tilolli cheAp.
. ,
- .
, BEDFORD & souEa ,
er Real Estate Agency
1 : ELd ; zx
: ,
14th Street , bet. Farnam and Douglas.
Ifflifidilso Freight Traille 01 the 11111011
The Ventlicr I Is Wc'stci'u Ncbrn8ka ,
While inriny ilnagillo t1lM io nra liriv.
ilIg (11111 t'llllCS ill OlImlirt , it it Ieatnctt
titat the roeopto by rail at t1ia point are
greittor than over beoru , Yardiiiastcr
( i1illoro 1kM all tlht. ) ho ahhll his force call
jtosiby attemt to. lie has seven witc1t.
Ollg'lIlthl at work nil tim tiino by day alIti
five by night , etnployiiig it force of
switclitiiott aisti astistaut.s InIlilboring for.
Atitotig tlio illlport.'tlIt itelIls ill this
tlC1).tt't1UL'11t 1l1R be lllOhltiOllOLl ( ICIt thu
Uiiion olcyators are receiving about
forty cars of graill per ilay. This graii
it ; isut. b&tiiig slii1s1tcd Out but. stored away
ill the ohivators. Tiloro is also a large
alnothIlt of cotl coIning in , oboiSt fifty cars
per day front the coiipauy' IflhlIcs tuid
thu Baltic lthItOUllt front tim east , in all
about 1,600 tOlls 11cr tiny.
'rite stock soit.aoti is iwar ovcr , aspi it is
leariteti by illqtliry that tile P1111 tIlls year
is hot. Si ) IIINIVy by 1,000 Cars as it was
litat ; yeas , a falling oil ill alijifluclith of
20,000 Itettil. III 1831 there were ro
CCiVCi at this POiltt 160,000 head ; Ill 1882 ,
180,000 ,
The LTliioll Pacific is really doing a tro.
lIlelidolls IltISilless both In passenger 1111(1
freight trallic , exceedilIg that of ntiy prc
viotis year itt the saitie season. 'L'Iiey
8011(1 out each dt ) ' eight freight trains ,
aviraging twciity'Iivu car loads tincli , or
200 cars ; 80,000 tOlls Ill till.
The local hushiess alolle , outside of
coal. stone toni rauii , tiverilgos fifty cars
Per day. 'I'lio arrival of ltotsseltold goods
alone tiverages ton cars itor tiny , aIlti tlitt
receipts tjf Itotatoes live cats , or 1,500
'I'lio Nail Works , at present is rocoiv-
iiig about 100 cars of oh iron to vork up
tuid the Smelting \Vor1a is doing nit ellor-
ll1OUS btisiiioss. An average of 400 cars
per di3' , , is received , much of which is
takoit ti , froit the brauclos , Tilts does
hot look iitticlt us if tltitro vuro hard Liiiics
ill thu country.
The train iiioii and ) sssei1gers on the
trains froni the north and west roitorted
that a aeveru allow storni was in progress
at Uastiugs , and sit Central City as they
left these ilaccs. It was reported that a
llea7 allow storni contiiiuud nearly nil
hiigllt at Central City , and that the
8110W Vlt5 SiX ichios deep at
that place. It was talso reported
thitit the 5110W WilS deep at both Keariioy
tutU Hastings. The Joui'iial 1111111 sought
the teltigrapht lleadqnartcrs at the depot
for reliable iiiforniaiois , and buIld tItit
the stateiiicuts of the jister-
viewed hind all bCcll iiiar1ed by a greater
or less degree of exuhet'aiey. Reports
of agents to headquarters state thiatitbout
three inches of show fell near ilastitigs
tlhll lseai'iioy , while the fttll at Central
City was considerably lighter , and extended -
tended about doa'it to Aurora. There
was sto show reported on the A. & N. ,
nor on the iiiain line froln Red Cloud to
Table ltock.-Sbtte Journal.
There is deep snow along thin maul
line as far out as Ogaulalaaud four inchie
011 the ground at Albiofi. 'Such weather
as we are iiow havitig has isover beets
Iciiown before in Nubrts1ca. A geittleinais
ivhto huts lived in Nebraska for the isast
twenty-live years , says Ito has knowii it
to freeze , siio'w and blow for days at a
stretch , at this season of the year3 but
ho has ziovor boost obliged to wade
through a sct of mud for so long a 'time
The Missouri Pacific now brings in
about tidiLy loaded cars daily and the
Union Pacilie trains sent west are made
Uj ) Of solid loads for Desivor , Salt Lake
and California.
Mr. C. 1. Goodman returned from the eatt
yostcrday . niornlig.
- The following are among the arrivals at the
Paxton yesterday : 14 , W. Russell , (1. W.
Maples , ( Ilenwood , In. ; C. Dunlovy , 'tVhiool.
log , W. Va. ; M. 1) . Welch , Lincoln ; S. S.
l'arker , San Francisco ; P. 11. Miichart , Clii.
cagu ; Jas. Ware , Ogallala ; 14 , hogan , city ;
M. 1) . Johnson , l'orry , In. ; J. A. 1)ryor , Salt
Lake City ; T. J. ollers , Chicago ; .1. J.
Clarkeon , A. I. Flint , Schuyler ; C. F.
Francis , Connecticut ; 11. Clarkson , 1) . II.
Itcyisolds , Topeka ; 1' , D. Stitithi , St. Edwards ;
Jr. , A. P11cc , Boston ; 11. A. Slnpson , ihhijo
liii ! ; A. E. O'Neil , .1. Morn , , , Ottuinwa , In. ;
J. ( I , Spencer , Chicago ; .1. IC. Moore and
wife , Now York ; George Shiadloy , Knisass
City ; 14. B. 1)obblns , Phiiiadclphilii ; L. A. Em.
Cr500 , Atchisoii ; .T. E. Swords , St. .Tou ; W'm.
Murry , Buffalo , N. Y. ; James Cstiiiiot , Clii.
cazo , JV. . 1)awco , Boston ; 0. 1' . Morryman.
Baltimore ; General Shieldiny , ] Ciiisa City ;
F , F. Slinon , Bo.ton E. 5 , Itoois and wife ,
Lincoln ; J. 'r. Pershing , Chicago ; F. Prontl ° ,
CiovolaitilV' ; , A. lfobliison , Now York ; itt.
, Jacobe , CinclniiiatiY. ; . .1 , lhrandon , New
York ; A.V. . (1imnn , Chicugo ; A. ( ) sborn ,
New York ; A. 'I' . Vegard , Itocliester ; M. E.
hlackiiiran , St. Louis ; A. SCorns , Chicago ;
S. WT. 1ltchI , , ( Ilonwood , ra , ; (5 , W Mn'
1)1055 , II. & Is ! . ; S. 0. Dhinlong , Sterhirw ; M ,
1) . 'pV'clch , Lincoln ; S. 8. Barker , Sais Fran.
deco ; T , If. Minclnff , Chicago ; J , S. Wnro ,
Ogahlala ; S. Ifogati , CityV. ; . T. Johusun ,
Perry , Iii. ; James Irycr , Salt Lake City ; .1.
' 1' . Jailer , Schuylcr ; Dr. A. S. Flint , Superior ;
H. A , l'iko , Boston ; P. J , ollar , Chicago ;
0 , 1. French , Cuiincctlcut ; I I. Cliirkson , To.
1 > ukat I ) . II. Jt0)'flOhdt , Powder River , \V , 'P. ;
I ) . 'i ' ) . Smith , St. Edwards ; It. A. Simpson ,
Blue Still , Nob. ; J , Moran , Ottawa ; It. K
OrVilhi , Ottawa ; Jieno ( ohaoi , , Ot.
tawa ; I. U. Sooncor ; Chicago ;
.1. IC. itlimro and ivifo , 'iV'yoining. J , B , Dot , .
bins. Fl iladehithits ; L. J , ( ialloyr , Ihcistoit ;
A. SciahI , Chicago ; Ii. Littiofleid. Nebraska ;
A. T.regard , Itochiester , N , Y. ; flarnuch
JCuhnt , Now York ; .1. Mitrainost , iox Moinei ;
T , I , Stobbona and wife , 0 , W. Taylor nod
vife , Shisnandoah , , In , ; T. It. Ftiglt , New
Albany ; \V' . .1 , ( Joriloti , lctroit ; Shots it ! ,
Enshtuss , Chicago ; A' ICaufnian , l'hlladoi-
iiiiia ; 11 , W'eiss , Chicago ; (5 , 1 , Ycuiiek , Ash , .
laud , ( I , ; \ \ ' , K , Ross , NewYork ; 1 , it ! . Sent , ,
Iloston ; It. J. Neinhtstaoliier , Ncav York ;
S. ( , Brown , Frositoist ; 1) , E Fnrsimi , 1'Itt.s.
forth , N , Y. ; 11 , l'erlznsky , II , ( unlry , Chit.
crigo ; W , 0 , I'utter , 1. Vt' . 8Ieer , Chicago ;
\v , 13. JIanibhIti , lint Springs ; Me , and Mrs.
v , ii. liVood , chilil nail nurse , J'hiiladoldJi1 ,
Thu 1tftYLtl.lpi iii' JIJlitliel'Ift ,
OltEENSlIORO , N. 0. , October 25-
DiJhthluria ill this section carried oil' , it
13 thought , iio less titan 800 children. So
aiariiaing was the condition of affojr for
a tinie that there was a quarantine by
the people of 501110 counties.
Real Estates rriallbrers.
The following deed were filed for
record in the county clerk's office Oc-
tbor 24th , reported for TilE BEll by
Amos' resti osthto ttgoncy :
JefFerson Bedford alul Abrahiun It ,
5011cr aiitt WiVOS tO herbert F. hhuhitly ,
% ' ii , hots 8 MId 0 , 1)100k 4 , Kirkwooti add ,
575 ,
Frank 1ammcr to Louis 1amnsor , w
el , 1tart of lot 4 , itt ltngait's athiit'ioii , $1.
George 11. Boggs atut wife and Low
'v. lull to l'etcr 11. Sander , w d , lot ( I ,
hik 4 , 1bogg&.Ilill'sntid$3liO.
To Jeckle % 'tint. " , 'otk Slitll 1)0
1)ono ( lii lltt 4iolc 'Yartlts.
? tlessrs. Swan 111111 Urqullart , of the
stock yard syisdicatu , arrived its this city
yesterdli ) ' , and it. was iiltolRietl to have
a Ineotilig ill thoaftoritoitli of nil interested ,
for the isurposo of taking SOnIC ( ietinjte
ste1ts toward beginnilig cork nit the
groiiiuis at ' 'Ehillitlrgll , " south of Oissa-
ha , It is not. COllaitiOl'CtI PflbalIV , how.
ever , that an'tlsln will ho colnlndnced
out there uutil spring , but at Is expected
that ork will then be coinineliced cathy
alit ! the yards be ready by stiliuner.
'rho board of trustees is coiiiposed of
A. A. Swan , 'iViii , A. Paxtoii , Frallk
itlurphiyChas. hlalniiton , 'lituiiirss Swobt' ,
J ' \Voolworth , 11141 they have tiw di.
rection of the totvii of 1iiittnsrgIs. it is
the intention of the board to dri'o out
alhil View the proiosed silo on llext Sat-
SAlIAFOIl1LLlS. - ; .
The Union Sniiihtty School Concert
itttl 01 iser ltciiiH.
Thu ( 'ohicort of the Uitioii Suiiday
School , which avas anliouhleed to take
place ott Sunday evening , % vtts lstPolted
instil the first Sunday in Noveiuher , , Sills.
day ovellillg iiext. ltovV. . K Copeland -
land will preach at the tIstlal hour , 7
\\ln , .j. Tousley , junior member of the
Islarket garden firm of 'rollaley Bros. , lets
just returned front the \Vest , where ho
went iii thu iliterest of the urns. hut
fricids. 5511(1 they are 1111U1y , are glad to
tiseet hini again.
Our people are likely to hare a treat in
the way of political oratory , some time
tinse next week. A isteeting is boiimg tsr-
rallgod at which ion. Edward Rosewater
will be 0150 of the speakers.
'l'hio jurehsasiiig constnittco of the Un.
jell Susidtty School Library Fund was iii
towii Cucitoo.
A Clorcd ortitor's Ailvice.
A well-know' ' 'chiacactor" iii a towis in
Alabansa recently delivered at lecture to
Isis colored brethren , iii the course of
vhjchi he said :
"Yes , issy bredron an' sisters , you is
dull sot free , alid l'so gwino now fur to
show you as how you illust duct iis' have
yoursefs so dat ye will be zatnlIes , to do
whole won' . Ill do fust Ihace , 1 says ,
carry at high lu.'ad ass' stiIl neck , ham yo'
is (10 chiozen PC01)10 , all' let tie white fo'ks
kIlOW as how you is as good as (1ev if yo'
sken is sorter dark and yes' hair kinky.
Itight hijar I brings iii alinudder proof-
sand dat's do way ii lecture nuns makes Isis
1nut. Aiit't it de ann of do white woimien
how ti days fur to sisako dur liar Iciil : , tiii'
kuso it don't day have fur to screw it up
in papers and hay-puss 1111(1 Well it , toe ?
I tell yo' my frens , do time ain't fur ofr
when I s1iects to see our elsilluns cut do
shiiise otreis do white isatioss , and I hopes
8.5 OU will member dat do Bible nays nq
how 'you nius turn good. for evil' . But
time is pressus , as I hionris a goiniisems say ,
and l'su got annudder pint to lay afore
dis cultivated hodicisce. Dar is otse
charge which is brusig Uj ) agin our race
which is 1)itstedly wrong , tisid dat is dis.
\Viion we 1)iCkB up do tiling what Lord
lays in our IatIls , do white folks says wo
steals. Now , brederis , ivhseis do good
Lord provides dose things for you , you
ain't in no iviso sttsauiis' , 'ens you is yarn-
lug dciii by do sweat of your brow. Aiist
Ho dun say so ? Now , Inind you I ain't
tell you for to break 01)011 do doors an' do
locks , but I says whets doy is laid right
afoto you 1)iek 'Cal up. Doss , agoli , witoit
yell is libin' wid Mttssa Bob , 1 ain't ' 'rise
you for to go to Massa Johsis's amid kill his
hogs , kaso what's ' do use whseis flub has
got hsgs assd you is a.Workill' fur dusts
sslsso : liege ? Deroforo , brederis , I says be
uprito aisd jest , and dois't steal frotis nobody -
body , but jos take what do Lord provides
for Ills I ° 0l ° .
"Dar is aumsuddor lilatter we is ntocd
for , beatin' our wives. Now , dar do
Scriptur cunls ill agin. Do good book
says : 'Husbands , keep your wives iii
BublllisSjOfl. ' And how is you gwino to
dat thing ? 'Why , beat 'cism to ho sure ,
'case doy iseeds it. 1 too dciii gala a isudg-
in' each other and tossims' der heads , but
I ctini , , hero fur to tell do trull'widout
fear of man or woman , and wid do Lord's
I is gwiiso to do it , too , Yes , gomuinen
we us do iCings of do ynarthm , and we must
rule do wosnoll , kasu if we dols't rule dciii
dey is nughity to rule us. Den agin ,
We ) IS do salt of do yearth , and we is got
to keep pretty sharp to keep do yoartht
salted. Doss agin , if you give a woman
ass iimch she is snore app to take ass oil.
So I 'rises you all to do your duty and
keep do women in hard , "
Mijync RoUt in the Mexican War ,
J. ' 1' . Truwbldgs , In St. NkIolas for November.
- "rise Castle of ( Jisajiultepee , colnmiiand-
lug the great road tA ) Moxicowns successfully -
fully stormed by our troops oii thu 1Lh
of September , 1845.
itoid wiut in coiimtnatid of time grenadier
conpaiiy of Now Y rk volunteers aunt a
dutacliiisoist of United States snarinca ,
with orders to guard a battery which
they hind Uirown tlj ) . 'i'1io IliornilIg of Limo
Iui : ; viss lixod for time assault. 'l'lio bat.
tories wore ordered to cease lirimig at 11
o'clock , anti the attack begasi.
JtCi(1 Mid the artillery ohlicora , stausdimig
by their guisa , watched the advance of
the line with jIsteliso tusxioty , which be.
cause aplrellollsiosl vhsets they saw that
tibout half-way tip the slope there was ii
isalt know , " lie says its isis account ,
"that if Chaptiltopec was hot taken ,
isoUlier would the city be ; aisd failing
thsat , not a stints of us nsiglst over leave
the valley of Mexico alive , "
Asking heave of the senior ongilleur
officer to join the storsising party with isis
( norm , iso obtained it with the word's " ( lo ,
aisti Cod ho with ycut" lie was off at
111100 with his volumiteors and marines.
After a ( luick run across the ilItOrvoiling
ground , they caine uij wills tlso storming
iisrLy under the brow of tim huh , whore
it ittid luslk'd to await the scnliiig ladders.
"At this 1moimit. " says Lieutenant Mitr-
sisal ! , of the Fifteolitis Ilifalitry , "the
tire frouts time castle was so continuous
numd fatal that Limo immoim faltoredanol several
oflicijys wore wounded while urging thesis
( ill. At this llIolileiit , I llOtiCOi Lieutenant
Muymmo iteid , ef time Now York Yolun.
tui'ras ; I isoUcod isisim more iarticlarIy itt
time time on account of thu very brihitasmmt
uniform he wore , lie suddenly jumled
to his feet , atiol calling impost those around
to follow , allot without looking around to
see whether ho was sustaiised or not ,
Istishmool oIl aitmiost alone to the
wails , "
Itititi's action was moL qihito so reckless
as this accouimt of ass oyo.witmscss would
issako it aitlicar. Tlso outer wall of Limo
castle was comisusudod by three pieces of
eslilsols OIL the parapet , which , loatleti
with grape nisol canister , fearfully tIed.
imsateti tim ranks of the Aimsericiums at
every discharge. 'U < s ntiVltlleo secimicti
certain ( lentil BtsL deaths seemmsei equally
certain wise ii r the us slaistartreatcii or
rumminhmsed whmuro timoy were. Suds is his
owms oxplammatioms of isis comuinet ,
' 'ittemit" lie ShlOtltOtL otit , iii , t imifllllellt4 % .
ry lull of the coisthict , 'if we doss't take
Cimapultepee , time AimlericithI sirlmly is lost
Let. us charge % lj ) time witilsi"
Vo'sies iusswcrcdVo will charge if
aisy (1510 iVill hellot smat" ii\\1.0 roadyl"
' 'Coimso enl i'll lend ) 'onh" shmoutcol
Calitnin Ileid , as Ito iraveiy leaped over
time searim that , 115(1 totnhioral ily slmoltei'eti
thioims , itisil imitido the charge atiready tic.
scm ibed ,
'l'huro was sin hICCi , ho says , to look
Itack to see if 1w vius followed. lie know
that. lila smiess would smut hsst'o 1)0015 there.
lihiess PrePtildol to go ivlsoso Iso led.
About half-way sip , Iso saw the paract
Ct'lVlCl with i'lexicau artilerists , ems the
1)iimIt of discitargitig a volley. lie avoid.
ed by thirotviisg hmimssselt ems Isis face , re-
cilivimmg omtly ti slight. votmtnI ill hits sword.
imaisol , itisotlier tohiot ctittiimg hit clothing ,
hlIstflsltlV ems Isimi foot : i1itin , Ito mimaolo for
the vall , in frosst of vineht 1w was hrotmhst
dotvmt l' ti Itluxieau ounce-bail toatmisg
throtmghi isis tlsiglm.
All thu teatimnolsy goes to show that iso
tvit.s flrst before the wall of Cimapultopee ,
hUed's hietItoIltult , hlypohite l.trdoiivihlc ,
ii yotsng hreslcllmssams , immousito I ( lie scalhmg
ladders with time forcmsutst , torn donvit tlitt
Itluxieasi thug frosms its stn1l
Before this , houvever , lied was emery-
ed by Liemitcsiisut Coelmramse , of tIm Volti.
geurs. Cochmrnsso was nsshsimsg for the
eastlo with his imiess , wlwms before hums ,
scarcely toss yards Irons the wall , an nfl-
cur of infantry issul a ctsissruhs : were shiot
timid fell. ' "I'lmey were time oimly two sit.
the tinso , " Ito says its his statcimseist. ,
a' whsoiis 1 saw iii mulvausco of use on thmo
rock tiioss whicht ste wore scratmshling. "
licactmiimg tIm wall , Cocisrauso ordered
two siloli ' 'to go back a little way iusd as.
siat the ladders up thsu kill , " As the3'
sassoti time slot i'hiero the Wothildod clii.
cur ltl ) ' , lie raised hmimitsolf iTiths evideist
paums , anti snug ommt above tisu diii timid
rattle of lisuskutsy , iimsmioring the issems to
staimd firm :
' 'Don't leave that ivahl , " lie cried , ' 'or
we shall all be cut to pieces , hold on ,
amstl the castle is ourat"
Cochraiso amisvosed , to re-assure huts :
' 'There is imo dissmgor , Captain , of our
huarimsg tidal Noror fear ! " 'I'hmeis the ladders -
dors caine , tIm rush was smtade , uusd the
castle fell.
"The wonlsicd ofilcor , " Cocisrano cost-
tiistses ' ' to be Lioutcimust
, 'proved : lSlmtyisu
Reid , of the Now York s'olummtoers. "
IJieutOlInlit itlaralsali , for whomsi we are
indebted for that vivid glimnpso of the
young ofilcer iii "his very briihiasst ussi-
foriss , " describes thse efFect produced by
the exploit-all tisoso ss'hso witmsesscti or
kmsow if it it ' 'without
) rossotnsdnsg , ox-
C01)tioss , the bravest msd mssost brilliant
achtsevensomit jerforimied by a single imsdi
viduam during the cammsjaiign. "
lVliaI ; the Grtsil Avmmy , Oilleern sty
AlILI , 11 IN 'I'Iit'citt ,
Sass Frasscisco Call.
The rommsarkablo tisremit of Thusl Vams-
dervoort , wIse was recosstly dislmsiseed
frosn isis 1)OsitiOis 115 railway lIlaul clerk ,
by Postmaster Gomsural ( ircshsam , for
"sshiirkismg work auiti disoboyimig orders"-
viz : that if ho was isot imisiodiately roism-
stated the Postssmastur Gemsoral "would
feel the % 'Cflgcfltsde of the Orasul Army of
tim RopilLlic , " as stated by a Washing-
toii correspondent anti published in yes.
terday' Call dis1atchcs , was sssuch re-
muarked i ° ' during tlso day sssid eveisimig
by sneitsbers nial oflicera of tlso 0. A. it.
ill this city Several of thsomn were imstor.
viewed at the Custosss 1101150 nssd I'ost.
otilco with reference to the matter mid
ill response to the ilioluiriets of Tue Call
reporter they all agreed thmmit , albeit. Van-
dorvoort was l'tist Comisintimider sif their
order , his threat was is very isssprudommt
amid a very empty osse. The general ser-
timmiesit secmmseol to be thmat tiso OXlimil
clerk's cirort 10 buhldoso ihmo Poimt.nmssster
( ? emmeral ismto roimmstatimsg hums by dragging
in Use order jim whichs ho held -ims imimport.
amst olhico , was very rapreliolsoiblo , timid
that they wore heartily glad that it hind
failed utterly of its imstusidcd effect. Btst ,
it order to get the bottomis facts of Vami.
dervoort's case , tIme reporter was advised
to call UpOil II. ii high olilcer of t.hio order ,
and , in lact , tIme highest. upon this coast ,
who would give htitmi the "true inward-
15(139' ' of the whiolo mmissttcr. Accordimigly
ho proceeded to thso place of busissoss of
tIme hiigii ellicial isammiud. Ito agree(1 withs
hsa coimmrndes in conaideriisg Vamidur-
vooit.'ms throat nit idle and inmputiemt one ,
but added that it was quito comsistent
wiLls the reputatioms ho hail ivoss for hiimn.
self as nh arbitrary , overbearing. ccii.
ceitod and ProstsuisPtUOtis 1111115. lIe wits
very uimpopular with thmo ollicials under
huts us thu mmsssil service cii account 'if
these traits issimis character. "Btmt 150w
is it ; to io accouisted for flint such a tutu
asVnmsdervoort appears to be so well select.
od as grand cotnniusmidor of your orderi"
' 'I will oxpiniss thmat. Ummtil thin Crnssd
Encanlpnmesst at Cimmciuirmtiti , in 1880 ,
wisoro Vandorvoort appeared as a dole.
gate fremum Nebraska , imtfwmss little knowis.
lie snis for the position of gramid coin-
inundur tiseim , and ivmui overwhmcimnimighy
defeated , From that until thu ( Irusid
Encammspmmsemmt at ] haltjnlortj its 1882 , imo
wits whimiismg lLlhiL , hum defeat , and strain.
lug every imervo to got. miuilortora with
some success , l3tmt Ito would mmot Imave
syoms at lhaitismsoro had there mmotbooms cur-
tam tlitsoistions aumsouig the order , v1micls
it ; was imumlossiblo to rocouscilo fully ; but
titter four or five hnllotirmgn , the Qordiams
kmsot was cut by Yfllileryoort's ehoctioms.
lie thuems weust te ) l'ostsisaster-tjeumcral
howe , and through tIme iimlhtmcsmce of Sois.
ator Logais mmd others , succeeded iii ob.
taming a sihmo-mmsonthms' ' learti of nbsoiico
with a to travel mid build imp the Ci ,
A. IL-ms leave which hmo was free ta nay
mtisosmhl isover litre been grzuitcd himis ,
110 had imgratiatotl hiiissehf with the rail.
roads thiroughm thu UIIIOII f'adhic , and tmb-
taineI free visssen Oil wimiels lie jourlluyo(1
isero tuisul thmertm , junkothmig alt over the
cousmtry. AL the emmol of thu nine nsomiths
ho reprusolste(1 to l'oatnmaster.Ciomteral
Grcsiiuin , who inul nueccialed howe , that
lie had isot really l'ummishod his t'omk for
Limo ( irnsd Armimy , niul iikuti fur amsothior
six weeks' absence , It was gtamstod ,
without jiny , ems comsilition that the iill'tsirs
of the doiiartiiseuit shoimld not be allowed
to sufrur ny hits furtlsur absence for that
lousgtti of tiumso. lie exceeded his tiumso
oigt teen days , mmsakimig iso report of hsimmi-
null to the dupartmuiemst , amid it wan for
this neglect of duty amid nparoxst indif.
feiemmeo to the resjoissibihitics , of his posi.
tioii that lie wan ruuioved , as it seelmis to
5110 itroperly , "
"no you kuow why the Denver imoplu
- - - -
- - - - -
are tlowmu on Vantlervoort , its I nsa told
11103' arch"
"Yes. You kmso'ts' tisoro was a grand
exposition gottoms up last summer timero
to whoop siti Detiver , tInt tlso city appm.
oriated $21,000 for a reception to the
( Irnisti Armmmy of thu itopimbhic , which wan
to lmavo itts goumol csscitmmspmeiit tlmero at
time same tiuso In July , 'i'heru wits a do
licit of aliout $12,000 imi settling necnussts ,
atsol ems imivestigat'i mIs it was fouimsol flint it
hitd Icemt shmnusefuhl3' wasted at. the grand
( tlhCahsllllsemlt. timitler Vammdcrroort , . As Limo
ttXRsitil5 ) was a tlotoi : fa'ilsmro , limo ) ' mm-
tutally felt irritated over this abuse of
timeit hlS'strilit3' , aisd it is moore thsams iios
siblo thsset I hey misty litre hind sonmo imsitu.
elico lIt BecurilmgTamstiervoort'uo remisornl
frohsi Ida oll'mciai Position. "
, ' 'loe , yosmr orolor litre anytimillg to do
i-u-ilk ioltticai . ' "
wmrc.iull'mimg , fluhysvtty 4"
l'\\ lieu it. Vas tirst , in 18f0
isimol frommi timatois to 1871 , it was cesmroik'ul (
113' lart3' politieiasss 1Usd ( P1001 los' plivato
and polO icalpttrpoaes , wimieli was the cause
( if its disru1Uoss. It. wits toorginmized its
1872 , 01 % ii strictly lsols-hiitrtistls : l'ais , utimol
It. by righmt. huts lsotimilmg whatever to do
hoSt' With Itarty politics. us otmr llonsr-
ishumig ( ell. 'I'lmoimsuis l'est we Intro ( less ,
ltnsecraims amsil ( lumi. itliller , Stuart M.
'i'miylor and \V. I I L. I kitties , which
elmows that. we arc smot p.irtistsi. : "
' 'I vill emily ask you otiu or two ipmes.
tiomis musoro. ,1 have you atsy itlea that
Valldervoort will litid any supporters null
83'lmsltntisir.urs ttlmiong thin ( I i'itmmol t5fl53
smsems , mid will ho timidcrtakc to carry out
Isis timroath"
' ' \\'ell , 'es , I believe Ito vihl , thn'ossghs
itiiluemsco schmichs he khlows lsow to bring
to lit'np , secure a certauti followimmg nmssotsg
less worthy imminbors of thu order. Tiseris
ate mttmch iii all orders , amsd we have oust'
full share. ] humt timy are tiecitledly in
the sisinority. 'rho Dopartisuemit 1lmeamsip.
tunsist. will isseet truism time muithllo ( if Do-
icimsbor to thu nskidte of .Tantmary micxt ,
amiti no donibtaiuiurvnorL will emsdcavor
to llsako Isis rovoimgeful spirit. felt its thens
as far as lie dami , ssot waitimmg for amiothier
gramid eisealsspmmsent. lInt you mutty be
sure hue ivill fluid iso coissiderablo symmspa-
thy or oncourngo.nommt cmi this Coast , amiti
I dot msot. nelievo 1w ivihl asiywisero ill the
order. Smichm simon , ever atrivimmg to use
the order to surve their owls lrivato asud
P05'sollal essils , mimsd even to carryont their
little spites asiol Itotty ricisuines of rcvdsmgo ,
are ami injury to it , amid teisti to brimig it
into contosmspt thu tlisgraco. it is hard
to suiect your fellow-citizens alit1 be
tallmited with comsmiectionu with such sssems
iii thi order. "
1)ESE1tTll ) unit 1)YING fltiS.
BslNI ) ,
A Young Wlf'c Flies 'Itls a Porgorer.
. .itClltlittltettmrisM amst Smslckdems.
Waiter \Voodburn vns a prosserotuu
snorchsnsst ot l'lensustTmthluy : , N. V. lb
Jim ! literary tasts. W'imutt ' tIme l'leasasst
Valley Dramatic society was proposed
Wooolbnris was selected as a loader. lie
bocamnu a great fitvorito with the village
Omse day a lr0tt3' .Jersoy hello , Misn
Carsieodcauno to 1'lctsauit : Valley asid
took hart. Ill time drasnatic exercises of the
society. Sue wts : very pretty , woil.du.
vuloped ttmsd robust , irsta active zusd intel-
higemit.1Tootibtmrms fell iii love with her ,
Pleasasit 1Tail0y girls became jealous , timid
thacoret limmhly esitled all draimiatic asmsbi.
tiosis in PletislilIt. Yniloy.
'l'lme mssarriulgo wlsich esistled was a briT
liasst. one , susol Limo young couple settled
dowmi iii it pretty little house. 'uVooolburmi ,
hsowcvor , wits sooss seized witis is fatal ill-
useRs. His bitsimicas dwimsdbed away , cager
creditors seized lila little stock and lie
svts seems ImOllIlilOBs. his ivifo thiss sougist.
to tttmpport liar lsusbamsd. She caisse to
this city asul obtaiiied ensployineust its a
huadimmg drygoocls toro on Sixtiu.avo. For
musoisths shmo worked , early and late , sommti-
ing the greater portion of her summaul
earnings to the iisvaiid at hommso. Numnor.
oils ZtciUnumstiiliCCit wore , hsowover , formed
us this mnuv sphere ofhifu , nmsd mnrusy were
attracted to hsordepartmssemit by her pretty
face and winnilmg lumnustiorn. Ainossg her
auimisirer was au apparently cultured
gemithemitasm. Iii time gumiso of a Southsern
gomstlommsais of wealth , the strasiger firsally
smiadu an immspressioul on tue friendless
woinams , U1on , the prouusise of a happy
hsoimio smisdor sunssy Southern skies imimo
flmmsshly felt.Viiiotmt a word to her dying
hiusbamid , she lied with timis man , 11cr
friesds isow nay tIm gay Southerner was
a liostoss forger who was forced to floe
from thso East. After a short stay in a
Southmorms towis , Ms-n , 'uVoodbuyn ropesit-
ed aunt wrote to ) her dying ltusbiuld1
1 ) luaditsg for forgivousess , prolnisitig miss
smmsmmmcdiato teturms to his bedside.
'i'liis was graistud. ? tluchs tilmIa was 1o8t
ill snaking thin journey Imonme.Vlsois tie
reloistnsIt s'ifo retched hiomnu , she fotted
time smeighsliors her hsusbamid's
body for the grave. Time bereaved aimd
heart-broken wommssui syns received wills
silesit. comsteinpt. After following Limo fu-
uterstl procession to the village chsimrchm-
3'ard , aiid weopitig bitterly over the ssoiy-
imiado grave , she vassislied.
0mm week Inter thin corpse of a beauti.
( uI woman lay stretched on a shut iii time
Morgue. "Found drowsiod" was time emily
cluL. Maumy caine to jazo upoms time fair
taco , but msosio could clattis her , and the
body s'msn busrietl its l'otter's field.
Omso of thin smsttmmy observed at thu
Tiorguo who hmu.lboeis : ius adnmiror of thin
pratty shop girl amid kisew of her sorrow
drew time conisuctimig himsk botwoeim her
sad history amid time Corosier's verdict ,
"Found tirowimed , "
flub brllliallt , f1tscihllLthll
111118 0fC01111)lOXlOlI ) l'orii'hiicht
Itidles sli'lvo are chiefly Ilrt-
iIt'iiil , 1111(1 ( all ivlio iYIl'l 1411(0
-tue trouble iiy secure theft.
TilesO roseatti , bowl Lcltliig
lilIeS Ibhiowihie iisoofllagan's
Magilolia Jhiliii-at delicate ,
litu'iiiless 1111(1 ( lllW1L3S 1'OlItlllO
article. Sold I' all tlrugglsth.
The Magnolia B a 1 in cof-
ceals every 1)101111811 , removes
Sallowness , Tan , Redness
Et'upllolis , all evitlences o
exciteitient and every 111111cr-
Its elThcL are Inirnetliath
iiittl so ultItlhI'Ll thiittiio litimimait
IJOIZIg dlii detect Its apjilica-
Practical Horse Sheer
Makes a pecWt 4 Roadsters aad'teaderfoo
1. Shops , Hodi , txit 1s4j 11th aiMi $1A
lkdlyuo Uou. .
- - -
- - - - - -
211 South Thirteenth st.
Opp. Oninusa National Ilasik.
2 5 room house , tot tOltO , 0th ntrcct. . . . . . $ t COO
S 5. room house , lot 00s140 , 10th street , . . . 2 100
4 15 room boue , lot t'Siifii , 17th street. . . . . 2 000
C C room Itnmeo , , lot 821t1) ) $ , 1)orcaq trcet. , I 0410
7 ennui tiotIee , lot C0l25 , Montana .trcct I too
8 I' , ronits l14)iito , lot 30'ct4O , 10th Street , . . . . 2 300
12 5 roosis liouo on leased ground , Ca , . at. . . 275
Iii Lot4txlS2lOtl , etreet , , . , . , , . . . . , , , . . , C 000
17 hot tSe132 , Teith , street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 000
In 3 room boone , lot 40515 , 26th street. . . . . I 800
80 0 roon , linuo oti lenecti gnal , , ( .ining ,
trect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
23I mu , , , liotice , lot C45.110 , 20th street. . . . . 2 200
17 lliueo anil lot , 60v132 , Caiittilnuinto . . , 2 600
2,1 tIiueo sill lot , 85xl22 , OatifornLa street , . 2 800
so Iliomee ant lot , tlxll2 , Isienport street. 000
32 ho , , , . atiti lot N. lit St . . . . , . . , , , , , , , . . . , . . 2,300
: n ititco , , , lot Califoriia , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
: n Iiiio , aiiil lot N. 1311 , St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,7(10 (
:5-4 : 8 liouo , lot Cued. , iirtt , 12th street. . . . . . 3,009
8:1 : 5 tqir. , nil , , I it 0 full hits , I tat en lort St . . . 3,50(1
40 4 lots , 63t.lli ) , south ( itt , , treet , cacti. . . . . . 275
41 0 room hoim'.e , leaved gitluint (4 ( 3Cars ) , . . 700
42 t roolil lieu , , leased grouitl(4 ( 3cars ) . . . . . 610
Farming Land Far Se ! louses For Uent1
1hENON & COf4LIN.'aL
United StatesDepository ,
First Naoll Baii1 ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
The Oldest Banking Establishment
In Onwvha ,
OrganisetS in 1853.
Organized as a National Bank in 1803.
CAPLT4U. . . . . . . . $200,001
SU1ttlUS ANI ) P1tOPITS . iaoooo
orncsioa siasuvou.
UeasAsr ICousyzit , President.
Joims A. Cinualti-wi , Vice t'resldonL
A ucasita lot'NTrii , iLl Vice l'roisldont.
A. J. t'orrx.siox
F , 11. DAVis , CashIer.
v ii. IIwqumiii , AssIstant Chshler ,
Tran.acto a general banking business. Issues tin.
certii5eatu icnriig intcret. . Brass ui-aft. , , on San
Fraeisco , nail trinctlial citlee in the United States.
Al41 , London iublii , Elinburghi and U , , irinclra
ejtics of ( tie cjntinsnt of Corn e.
Oldest Real Estate Agents
Notary Public and Practicai Con- .
Clarke se1t h1iiiee anti Lots , lto.1i5en Teb and
lhiieiiieai Lots alt eser th city , tool all nhlitloij , tie.
e'.dcs ' Iiiiprnve.i and uuilinirovtd farms ooer thea
fly , , tiier owent mar 13-
0. F. DAVIS & OO.
( ienon Dealers in
lfioSFARNAMST , , . - OMAUA.
Slave for sate ' 00O00 acres caretully selected lands
n Eastern Nobroeka , at low price and on easy terms.
lnproved , fariiis for sale In Dougos Dodge , CoUax ,
i'latte , Burt , Coining , tlarpy , YashIugton , Herick ,
Saunders , and Butler Counties.
Taxes hail in all parts of the State.
510110) loaned on improved font , . .
CJntarv I'uhtlo , Alwayn In 013cc , C.rrcapondenoe
Merchant Tailors. !
1110 Pernan , bet. 11th and 12th Street .
OltAIIst , - . . NF.UtIASKA.
li.A.IICLLIWM. H. ( I. A WILSON , 51. It.
1ietdeice , , Besidoiit e ,
illoCapitol Ave. 2417 navcnportsL
Phyioian aii. Surgoons.
Boyd's Opera house. Omaha. Nob.
Carriage & Wagon Ma1co
Jobbin of all Ulnda Promptly Attended To ,
New end .ooond band bugmius aiid wagons alwayu
iii hand. ( iSO 1' . hIULDOON ,
Cot. 11Dm ; antI Leavenworth.
I lsio secured the agency of
Wan. T. WooL & Co. ,
P5.0 ccli their They ace moling the best Ice
Toohi , and are ( Sin oldo , ( lris ( ii the UnIted States.
Any lee Ot-capammy wieitig ) , to buy tools islil receive
the Promlitest attention by addreeslE ,
1' . V , IlLUSiVE ,
Sliornian Avenue , Omaha , Neb ,
ortnorly Glib & Jacobs
aradua ted Midwife !
1508 California Street.
Graham Paper Co. ,
Sly anti 219 North Male St. , St. Leo ! . .
aroash i' ' for 1tagi end Pipe StooktIcuap Irois
and Metala
l'avr Stock Werohousci , 123 to it-li Nodli Sixth
siteS. KptSld.3us.
- - - - -