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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1883)
4 Tlil : DAILY BEE "UMAIIA , FRIDAY. UCTOBEit 26 . 1853. THE OMAHA BEES nbinhed every nrrnlng , excey4 Bmday. The el , Monday morntrr dafly , f tYl ST XA11 tie TeArt11ao11Threelfonthe , . . , , .13.00 furMonIM , . . , . , , . 5.0)1One Month , . . . . , . . . tee Till ArrtRLY UP , t7RLn1rsD RTIIT UDrMDAT. TRa.A reMTAI0. One Yar $2.oe Three LfonthI fA flux ltonthA. . . , . tOO I OneMonth . . . . . . 20 Amorlosn Ness Company , SoleJ AgentaNewadeal ors In the Unltel Btate + . i ooaRRAroxDxRCIL- A Oommunkellona re1Rting to hews ladEdltndl rnV.ton should be addreaxd to the EDIroR orTrn RIL ACAIRI + A LRTTUII.l ' AU Du ! nes + Letters and itemlttehece'shonht"be eddreuedtoTIIEfl RRPt uamRn ( ) owPAMT , DYAIIA. Dratt + , Checks and I'mtolace orders to bemade , pay. sbie to the oiler of the company , TIIE BEE BUBLISBING CO. , PROPS. E ROSEWATER , Rdltor , i , 1Vu , b Mr. rams got hitn mieya worth out of Louis and late bogli5i co nvcntion ? A few vacancies arc at our ( ThqO al Torras , ca91t in advance ; no oplione , .lA9oN LnWfs & Co , Din , BAULIER will run independent and tire hope that ho will continuo on the track jastfor the fun of it Ir there were only a few moro suckers II Omaha wanting mn olico , there would be suite enough to clotlio thnsn shyster workingmen for thu next five yeani. J Tuu Citizcna' ticket has buen with. drawn in Now York. Itcpublicann con. cede the State to the Denlocrntn at the conning eloctimi by 26,000 majority , 1VE arc bound tr have the coroner in t 9 this office. We will have aoveral pohtl cal stiffs t0 bury on the soveuth of No. vcmber and we want to expedite their funerals. 3 Nsw YORK spout $ (0,000 ( far opera on ? Et.nday . and some of the mobocrats who acarcoly know a symphony from a nardino occupied seats for which they paid as high as $20. Wn did not say that Professor Bru or is s polIticau , but we might have oniti IL ho is a candidate for something every year , The Iast time ho was up for " poli .P judge. We might any in ltia cam that at ovary election "the schtoohnater is abroad. " TNaita is a good deal of mud slinging at Mr hems abort his final settlement as j county treasurer. His assailants are forced to admit that Win. F. Heins in an honest man and had no intention of do. frauding the county. Ho nail ltfa bonds. Inca have always stood ready to make good any deficioey that mid' be shown. The difference in his accounts was a more trifle and the commissioners after three months of patient and thorough iuvosti gation were unable to discover whothior time couple of hundred dollars which wan out of balance was duo to time county or to Mr. bum. Mr. Ileuns turned over time books to John Rush ho tutted thorn over to the deputywlmo , had kept theta ; and Mr. Rush is universally cnnccded to be acomu potent and homiest mimai , Tin : Republican is hot filq back its last bombshell and oxli cta to faro it nmong time workingmen of Omaha a tiny or two before oloetioim Title terrible missile is loaded with ttmo Judge's charge to the Grand Jury during tlmo so called workingmen's riots which wore brought about by the principal backers and pa. trove of time Republican. If there in any fuse in that bombshell it will explode aomowlmero near Mr. Shorilf Millerwhom the Ilcpublicm thinks it in miocosvary for our people to ro elect lie is mainly ro apoueiblo for bringing the militia to Omaha to overawe workingmen. If Mu. lcr had not signed time dispatch stating that ho had exhausted his authorityGov ornor Nanco could not have brought Limp 11tilitia to Omaha without violating time law. Out city marnhalmakes himself busiest about things that concern him time least. Ile has served notice upon business neat to take down every sign that projects front a store front This is sitnlrly potty persecution , which very properly our merclmuto are bound to resist It Is true tltoro is a dead ordi- manco 011 the books that was placed there to prevent the obstruction of thorough. fares. It was not intended to apply to aigmma that do Iiot obstruct the passage of tennis and podostriane allay don't our city marshal attend to his duty in another direction and enforce tie ordinances upon time crimhmal classes ? lie kmiovs that thugs and burglars aid all kinds of outlaws are stalking about time streets which the public ought to take in hand. There is any amount of lawbreaking going on right under hia Imone but Ito taken lee notice of it , Tins Lincoht laborers and mechanics ought to vote for Mr , Rceso. Time Liil collm Journal is pledged to deliver 2,000 majority to Mr. Rooee , as a cotnplhnont front Bill Stout. Amid Boss Stout , you know , is your valuable bomhefactor , , lie employs about 226 convicts down at Liu coin and takes the bread out of tie mouth of laboringmonbylaborwith which they cannot compot.o Dlr. Stout is very anxious to elect Reese amid put hum under dor obligations. lie has bueinoss before the tiuprotno court every few menthes. Tlicro limy be a question about his cot' tract for convict labor amid ho wants that contract sustained , Bcsidon this , ltd has a grudge against Savaga who ap pearcd before the Supreme court against him a few nmouths ago and asked for an ' injunction to prevent time State officers from giving ! mini time contract for tail. } iletimig the Capitol with convict labor M 841,000 moro than It. D. Silver was r rilfus to do II for with trop labor. 0 o rl TJIR ,1CCRARY DRCI,4ION 'limo decision rendered at Dos Moines on Wctnesday by Judge Mcthrary in the case of the State vs , the Illinois Central railroad company is important as once more affirming the necessity of Congressional sional regulation of inter nt.tto commerce , Judge McCrary hold that no State law regulating the charges of common car. riern can apply to through shmipmonbs originating outside of the State boundar ion , bccauso such a statute would relate to a subject Wlhchi is national in its na Lire and control is especially given into the hatida of Cotlgress Time posi. limn of Judge McCrury is noumd on its face. The pnwor of time State to curb the exactions of corporate monopolies and to prevent and punish discrimina trons against citizens and places is undo. tried and ought to ho called into exorcise for the public benoft , But that power cannot pass beyond State lines without infringing on the rights of othum. 'Po nrsumo it , would be to ansunie the right to dfacriniimialo against the commerce of other antes for time benefit of the one where statutes regulating the railroads are ill existence. In other words , \Vyoning and Iowa pnssesaed railroad laws anti Nebraska 110110 , legislation cutting down freight rates on through traffic lnasniug through time territory and stale Named would cer thinly result in time raising of rates on both through and local freights in Nebraska , where no law was in operation. On thin account Judge McCrary'a decininn fa to ndvaitago of thu trallic within time states. limit time chief value of Limo decision is in calling renewed attention to the necessity of a national law for time regulation of in state connnorcu. Time right amid power of Congress to pass stick a law is uow gmi- orally admitted whore ton ycara ago it was as generally denied , Wlmatis now neetiud is a thorough awakening of public interest to this paramount necessity for its passage - sage and operation. Ore by one the states are falling into line in adopt. lug what used to ho called the granger idea of railway regulation. But such legislation at its best can Duly partially moot the evil , It leaves untouched time vast freightage which originates from points without time atates mad which is greater in bulk amid value tin m time local shipments. This can hover ho affected by legislation until Congress takes time matter in hand aid passea laws which will prevent discrimination - ation and extortion in through shipmionts as elfectivoly ns state laws now prevomt than on trallic originating and biding within time state lumen. No state laws can operate to relieve tine Pacific coast from time oxtortioma which have for years been practiced upon ( hunt in regard to overland business by time railroad cornier- ants and time Pacific mail steauahip coin. pauy. Nootatolaws cattprevent tlrough hones in combination with other roads from making taruffs which arc dictated only by the uccessition of stock jobbers , and from combining to prevent time law of competition fromn operating towards time relief of time people. Congress alone cal give a rmnedy which will forbid time shanialess watering of time stock of cor- porationa with a view to concealing pro. fits aid forcing additional tribute from time patrons of coumaiou carriers. 'This Reagan bill which has been before two Comgrosseshad several objectmoml features and might be improved in ronudollimig , but any law based on experience and drawn witht a proper regard to all inter- oats , could hardly fail of being an fni- provement on tlmo absence of all restriction - tion on common carriers of interatato commerce STJthrG2'ARN OUR JUDICIARY. Time nomination of Judge Savage by time Anti Monopolists and the Donocrats was a mnovo iii time direction of atremigth- oiling our Suprane Boehm and of lifting the Judicial ermnino out of time mire of partisan politics , There is no honest lawyer whose mend is not warped by party prejudices who is not ready to admit - mit that Judge Savage has boon for years time ablest DistSfct Judge fn Ilmo State , The records to which his ononmiea have appealed , show conclusively time satisfac. tiomn with which he has boon regarded in the Third district from which fewer ap peals in proportion to the business , have boot taken than from any other district in the State , while tmo per codugu of reversed caRes Inns been smaller thrum tleso credited to any other Judge in Nebraska during the nmno period. It was owing to a kuowlodgo of his entire fitness for the position through boa adu cation , professional standing amid ammo record , that Judge Savage so. cured the nomination to the Supreme bench from two political parties , IIo brings to his candidacy long years of professional mmd judicial expori onto and nu lmommorablu record as a cultured - tured gentleman aid a ripe scholar , Mr. Reese's nomination by Limo ltopublicamma is defeneiblo emily on tine grouml of his availability as a railroad cammdidate. He was the choice of the Union Paciflo for weeks before tmoconvontion stet amid was pushed through by railroad inlluuucoa in a comvontlou presided over by Church fiowe and omigimioored by limo men who have made ndlroadrepublicanimn astoncim iii the nostrils of all ( air minded voters In this etatu , Dir. Itooso's uoniuation assured one thugg and only ono thing to Limo ropubllcan leaders and that was time earnest amid heartfelt approval and amp. port of the railroad managers. Judged by hla merits Mr. Reese was palpably limo weakest of null candidates before the con vomtion. As a lawyer ) le had never risemu aboyo mediocrity , as a mai ho is lacking hm time culture and scholarship of Judge Savage , while hie umtiru I mlesaiomial en- reor line boon bounded by the jury box and bar as prosecuting attorney of to Fourthm district. To say that Mr , Reese ie unknown-to the bar of tire State outside of his own district and that ho has never sat a single day on the bench is to give sufficient rca- sons why ho elmould be oterwholmingly defeated when ho presumes to pit himself - self against such a man as Judge Tamimes 1V Savage , Time Suprmno bench would be materially - ally weakened by Mr. Iteeso a election. It will be none too strong without Judge Lake , Every interest in time State do mantis that time best lawyer and judge shall bo elected to the vncancy and no ono wlmo locks the field over can doubt tlmt aside front all partisan and personal projutiieea Judge Savage is limo man for the place , C'1LRY'S 1.641. : Dir Colby by this time probably wishes dint lee had declined to run for Judge of time 1st District of Nebraska. Time revolt against his nontinatiomi , wlmichi began anong time ltapublicansof Gngo and I'aw- lice eouutiea before time convention mot , which pine 'hint in time f old , has spread hike wild fpm 7ugh time district. Time leading paper r 'o county and one of lute staunchoataui..nt ably edittd Ito. publican weekly journals in the State is supporting with great vigor IIou. John Broady , amid pouring hot shot and shell into IITr. Colby's camp , I'ronuincnt Ito. publicans who arc ire n positioni to know predict Broady's electionby frtnn ; 1,000 to 1,000 majority. Mr. Colby has a fragant record and limo from which his neighbors do mint are pose that lie shall escape , As a uimnber of thu Legislature groni Gage county , lie wan up to his eyes in every job and voted through thiclc amid thin with Church llowo , amdin time interetsof the railroads. In August , 1878 , he was engaged in n swindle by which thrommgh the assistance of Mayor halo lie endeavored to becloud time title of a largo portion of the town site of Beatrice and to transfer several blocks to himnsolf. The indignant citi zoos rose in anna and Mr. Colby amid hla fellow conspirators only escaped a coat of tar and feathers by promptly undoing tlmoir work amid cancelling the fraudulemit coiveyamices which they had prepared for the purpose of blaeknmailing time owners of town lots in Beatrice. Time fmill proceedings of time citizens at the time are now republished by time Beatrice . rprcas ( Rep. ) which in this nmanuor gives its reasoms for bolting Mr. Colby's noninatiomi and for supporting time ablest attorney in time district in the person of Hon , J. H. Brondy. TIIE arrival of henry Irving and Miss Ellen Terry at New York autl their early appearance before an American audience is awaliomimng great imilerest iii time cast. Mr. Irving imasfor some years past ocun pied a large share of the attention of time English pcoplo IIo is without question time foremost actor of Englana and as such ho will doubtless be received with tine respect which time position ho has earned for himself domantls. What time American estimate of Mr. Irving will be time alone can toll. Ilia dramatic moth- otls are said to be peculiar to himself and tinged with mannorisms. But ho moat be respected its a reformer who has done away with a good many of time old traditions - tions of bombast amid fustian , Mr. Irv" ing must , however , bear in mind that there is a marked dullbrence bet voon an English and am Aniericau audience , Sonu.ons of repetition have made us ae- cuatomed to time peculiar idiosyncracies of our own best actors such as Booth , Barrett and McCullough amid whmothmor our playgoing pcoplo will accept tune idiosyncracies of Irving at first is an after qucstiomi , It must be said of time great English actor that ho has educated the audiouce of lila couutrynion to bus own dramaticataudard amid his very ind'viduality ' joined to u versatility which makes lima equally acceptable - ceptablo in tragedy or comedy has brought hum both fannu and fortune at homiio. It is perhaps fortunate duet lie opens his emigagomiiunt 111 "Thu Bulls , " a drama in which lie cannot be compared to bus own disadvmiogu with any of time ldcIa of time American Btage. It is p0se1- ble that fmrtlmor acquaintance withm Henry Irving will tone down a dissemit which could hardly fail to find voice wore ho to nppoar 111 hamlet , Time Aferelinnl ( rJ J'c fcc , ( ) r llomco and Julicd. What. over any or may net be his artistic tri unmplis , there can be no doubt of the limiancial success of his ongagomomit. Curiosity to see Jmfm is intommso , amid euri- oaity is jollied to n desiru to study hits art amd to coutparo it with that which passer here as time highest class of acting , MR. Rmnm r.'s record is the record of n consistent , couservutivu Auti Monopoly Itepublicam. In nnnmiuating hiui for 5upremu Judge , time Ito public mie fulfilled a portion of their pledges to time Anti- MomiuImolY I martY , -Jle 1 rim blfoun , Mr. Moose's record before he bocanio prosecuting attorney of the Fourth Judicial district wan that of a railroad attorney , lie dufundud the railroads against time settles iii time Saunders county land cases and acted as ' 1'hurston's political tool fn time Union Pacific cauipaigus iii that sectiou , 'J'ho man does nut live who over heumrd of Mr. Ileeao ill colnlectiemt with Amiti Mo nopoly until lie was mionniuated by time railroad ltupublicams amid pitted agaimist an Anti.Dfoepoly candidate , Now that Lioulentamt Sohwatkn has discovered at inu monso river in Alaska eumptyiug into the Arctic Ocean and navigable for umany miles , except for moo or two rapids , it is to be hoped that this river will not ho forgotten in time next River mad harbor bill. Time obstructions should be romiioved at once , GENamaL CitOOK telegraphs to Wash. ingtou that tto Apaches are coining in frou Mexico , Till'uny and time gang of white robbers In Arizona whom Ocucral Crook deposed and who have since been devoting their energies to slandering him through the territorial press can uow pull hm their horns. During his remarkable career as a law. yer , Judge SSavage inns at different times been a andidato for district judge , member regent. , nited States Senator , of revs , Supreme .Judge , Consul , member of Lcgb ature.-/lepubllcan. i This is as malicious as it is false No man dares b ) say that Tudgo Savage leas over asked for a nomination to army office , lie was twice elected judge because an almost Unanimous bar and thousands of Itopublicaima in time district demanded it and enforced their demand at limo polls , Tine efforts James W , Savage has lnade to avoid nominations are notar bus , IJo positively refused the nomination - tion to Congress Inst. fall when time chan cesof success score strongly in hla favor , The Ecpublicun is perfectly aware that ho fought agniust the nomination for mayor until time last moment. and oily accepted it under the most urgent solids tations of party friends and many of our most pronnhnont busiuuss miters who arc staunch Republicans. It is no secret that time chancellorship of thu university with a salary nearly double that of a jus tics of the time Supreme court Inns been repeatedly offered to nod declined by him. That Judge Savage has over been a candidate - didate for time legislature or for a federal appointmnont is also false. But what is time use of answering w il- fun misrepresomitation and malicious lies. Tim editorial crank of that paper is irre- aponsiblo and is governed by neither fairness - ness or conunot decency in hits cowardly assattl ta. CArrAIN 1I0w0ATa , it is reported , is living under an assumed nmno in St. Louis , Speaking of llowgato , there is a large and eminently respectable numitber of pcoplo who are looking around fora coligresanan who has the servo to get up in his place next winter and call for a detailed statement of time circumstances attending lfowgato's escape and the measures taken by the Department of Justice for his apprehonsien. There are surface indications of alargeand robustly scented scandal beneath the surface of this mysterious Howgate affair. Tins proposition to sell Limo county court house and to build an addition to time county poor house ought not to carry. Time poor farm nmust be removed further from the city. A farm surrounded - ed by residences is too expensive a luxury for even Douglas county to indulge in. FF USONALLT1ES , Oscar 1Vildo rays be had hia hair cut to nmako humn look like a young ilontan Emperor. He looked like thodevil buture Ceblmrd svhille in Europe traveled under the name of Gibbs , but we do n"t knuw why un- lose It was because it rhymed with "Lis Nibba. " Paul Dana owns 800 blooded dogs. If Paul wont to Siberia ho could purchase 100 wives , according to the present market value of that commodity. Sitting Bull , in a religious point of view , is nut standing still. Ito expects tooccupy apcw in church before the next Indian suuunet's breeze blow. Now that MraLangtry has been insulted by a crowd of hoodlum. . fu % Vall strootwe suppose Great Brituhi will deumaud an apology Iron this country. "A Man Wanted" was the title of a lecture in 1'rovideneo the other nglmt. ( Reports do not $ ecp whotlmer the lecturer war Dr. Mary is alker or l'Lwbo Cozzeus. Time full name of n young woman at West Fork , is. , is Iowa DakotaMfnnesotallcnnett. The truth leaked out when her young ntaa applied for a marriage lmeonvo , Victoria Woodhull writes that site umntici. pates uu dlRculty in obtaining her divorce. Probably not 1611 understood that her bus. band is working ilku a beaver for lion. JoagObi . [ illor's ' pother , who is sixty years old , recently married a Portland , Orrgou , youth of tlo tender age of twenty-two , .loa- gtdu will be a kind father to his stop-paru't , Frank IIattomi undoubtedly holds four kings and aim ace. Unless some other genmtleinan armed the hoard liolds a gait or a buwio knife there is likely to be trouble at the next show. dowmm , Time New York Siam's plcturo of William S , liultnan , represomts that Imidianmi archive with a collar about eight mnotmtil8 bulmhlti the tiuiies. This , we believe is churututerhtla of time nmau generally , Wilklo Collins wears striped and spotted clothus and Mrs Ifowells parts hia hair in the muddle. LiWrmmturo is slowly but surely boiug dxaggod ( loWli tc the level of coumwcrco aid statusmauship. Ed. Stokes to said to be one of the best pa. truaa of its bar , but mm New York correspond. eat bclluves tbat ha keeps a private bottle , for it is intlnmatod tlmat time stutilsold over Stokes' nmalmogany Is rather more clangorous than Stokea'revolver , Moissumiicr's portrait of ulna , Bonanza Mac. key repruseutea Isrgo hunod , largedeaturod , elderly wonmamm , with the hands of a plownman , lustoad of a sylpli llko woman flying through the upper other of a suusot tuited eh.wdur lnn- guldly racliuiug ht a calla lily. O'Ioamell the avenger , is to he put on trial about the nijddlo of November. It is believed that by the tinmo his Chica o and ICummsas City lawyer. gut through with I int. he will face time gallows with a resignation bordering upun thu forlitudo of tlw old thuo Lunn tyre. General Siterummt was terribly hard pushed when a young moan anti unit to work so many Lours a tiny o wnimig a living that he And mu tinmo to go w strawberry festivals , church so- cmablos and ndto societies , ltenwtnber this wlmon hmellned km blame hhn for uovur losing a ehaneo to kiss pretty girls who feel fiatMreml by time attuntlona of a great guttural , Ile Is only trying to make up for last timimo , dint's nil. nil.A A few ndnutes elWr Mr. .iool Chandler Iarris [ hind reglstural his minute at a Jlostou hotel time other day lie was slmiPlctt on the back by u stomager who oxohdumed : " .Vhy , hello , Ilarris , old multi flow mire you ? 11'hon did you leave Atlamitnl" "Uncle liemus" looked at hint front heat ! t.r foot carefully , and then said : 'tAly aanmo isn't Jfarris. Vmu Charles Francis Admuus ; mind it was snrpris hag to sou how quickly the stratmgcr disa " peurod , All of snitch shows that l.nstun still hiae her bunko steorers , and alas that "Uncle ltoinus" knows lust how to fax 'oa-llmnton ( uazotto. A 1'osttti Teiogrupli. San E'renrheo Call , It is nosr probable that the next session of Congress will consider the subject of entablishing a hwstat telegraph syetom. It hats boon stated than Postnnmstur General Oreslmam favors tutu proposition , timid will recomnmoul Culigrosy to adopt it. There arutw o nooessesb which tie govertunent mu bo otne r masessed of limes and offices that in tit murchasu prorunt ah'uadrr iii exietelice or to cinmBtrtmet Imuwlitmus , Wimieim will in that case bu run in coma petition to lines Row to rxistonco. 'l'ime Now York Board of Truio and TranslmrGttiat has issued a pamrpla of him which a coma marisonm is niado betvmeon the miatiohal tuiv rauh service , as performed in Great Brttaiu m and the corporation service which prevails in the t'nitcd States. In 1860 the English government took possession of all Lima telegrah lines in the country at an n taiseil value. The number of iles of line purchased in 1860 was 6,601 miles inn 1880 , 23,166. There wore 6,600,000 mimestages soot iii 1869 , and 20,617,137 in 1880 The increase in the plant has been paid foroutof time earnings of the department , and $10,000,000 ha s been aid on account of intereston bonds issued by the government to purchase the plant. Time rate established is no shilling , about 26 cents , for twenty words to ally of the kingdom. The estern Union iTcle gra hi Cant not operated in 1866 with 37,880 miles of line amid 76,680 miles of wire. The following year it seat 6,870,288 , messages , for which the receipts were $6,568,026 , at au expense of $1,014,005 , leaving a profit of $2,241,619. CCompared to this the statement for 1882 is as follows : Number of miles of i131,032 , ; miles of wire , ; 174,2111 ; numer of messages sent , 30,000,000 ; receipts , $17,114,165 ; expemi- acs , $0,0116,005 ; prolfts , $7,118,070 The capital stock of time conmpaty increased front $336,700 in 1868 to $22,000,000 in 1806 of whieh $3,323,000 was issued in purchasing computing lines , while nearly 518,000,000 , was issued as stock dividends , the Western Union has since ahsorbtd time United States Company , for which purposu $7,110,300 in stock urns issued , time American Telegraph Conpany , for wimieh $1113,100 ; of Western Union stock was issued , the Atlantic mid Pacific with a noutiunl capital of $16,000,000 , ail the Autorican Union with time anmo valuation. The competimig companies have been purchased , so far as the public is informed , at a prtco from three to live times their cost , and Limos increased value is added to tutu capital stock ou which dividends are declared. Out of gross earnings of $17,000,0001mi 1882 dlvidumids were upmvard of $7,000,000 , or about forty per cent of time whole. Largo anmounta are nteadimo devoted to thu construction of now lines , wlmicim increase the value of time plant nu(1 time earning capacity of time corporation without other expense to thu stockholders than time limitation of dividends to forty per cent of oarninga. By various chan ges , sonic of which have been mentioned , time capital stock of the Western Union has been increased to $80,000,000 , ont whieh aunt six per cent dividends are annually paid. The New York Board of Trade thinks the telegraph business cant be done more cheaply by the government. The argu ments in favor of a postal telegraph under government central are nmany and conclu- sive. Time exclusive right to conduct the mail service might , by the adoption of this moro expeditious nmoduof conveyance , be deprived of its origimnal purpose if time government is limited to time means at its disposal when time government was established. A telegraph message is , in fact , a letter sent under different condi- tiwis amid by n different mode of convoy- aice. The change in the modes of transmission counts for nothing. The government should at all timmes bo in a position to perform the work the eonsti tution devolves upon it in time bestmauner possible at the time. It is now said that time telegrapih companies are willing to dispose of their lines at a fair price. Probably time government would bo expectel to pay moro than tlmo cost of constructing lines over the mine routes , but a fair price , under all time circuum- stancescould boarrivedatasinEugland , through appraisers. BV1 % lIing Cattle. T'lie Clarendon ( Tex , ) News gives the scioico of brandhmg in the following exposition - position : Time object of branding is to produce another amid different crop of Iuir where time irons touch , which may ha clearly distfuguisiled frm time othr hair about it. This is eflectually done by burnng } time outer cuticle of time skin. Po burn deep does not improve thu hrand in the loayt. The iroum should be neated to a dark cherry red and quickly applied , whoa the burn is almost instautamieous , giving butan instantaneous sting , when time pain ceases , as has been a thousand times proven by time actual cantery to the humnau subject. If a half heated ire is hold to the skin a long time it cooks througit time skin and makes an ugly sore , which subsequently gives time animal great pnin. It is true that tlmero is a good deal of timis inhumnan sort of branding done. It is i11human and injurious - jurious to time hide of time uuimal for pur poses of loather. It is also true that a burmm onm the outer cuticle will ultinmatol show tlruuglt time entire thickness of the skin in comiscquonce of cicatrix on time surface , Loathur is tougher , firmer , and more durable where brands have boot applied - plied that when they have not. Time only drawback is , that it will not finish smoothly over the brands. In ether words , time more a side of loather hiss been properly branded , time bettor it is for wear , Time Fugitives. NICKEnaON AN ! ) ROWOATE , WASnIINOTON , D , C , Oct , -Spec- [ - ial-Tho fact that time War Department has had a detective in the saumo house with Maj. Nickerson 1t. Camiada for some moutlia , whole time statement has been of- foully made at time dopartmitont thattmotlm- ing was known of Maj. Niekerson's whereabouts , has called attention to time case of Maj. Howgato , time absconding eigimal officer , and it is suggested that it is very possible that time attterities know time location of that officer. Timers have been some pretty well autlmomticated ro- there 1iorts that were roasona why time re turn of Capt. Ilowgate is mmot desirahio , ml TUEGREATGERMAfi REMEDY rnnnnai m runrii uemmevre and cures 'l RI1EUmMA'I'1SU , Nourrilgla , 2'v Sciatica , LumbaOo ,'IfA011F : , IIEADAG1I , TO0TIIAC8 $ SORE THROAT ' . , aIk Krtealitsl , Soreness , Cuts , Orulss , ' 5I3 F1tOtiTlilTi':5 , , mw ntnuNs , ve.tLIN , And amid psmus. n ' h Rd FIFTY CEBTS A 00TTLfl. a lcddbynnlDruRRlsniYnl t In : drpx Iml"rlluna In ll lomiguagra , h + lima Charlas A. Vogelar I't. mt.mtnwr. . Y1'.mm. a A POSITIVhC'rowilhoutmed I . tuber 19 , 7a Ono box No. 1 MITI pure sup easels tour dq s or lees. No , 2 wul repro the omoet obstlustursso no musttero ! how ionutauding , Allan's Soluble lAedicatnd Bougies No nauseous dose. oo cubeb. , cotebla , or ou of , w. Sal wood , th.t&recvtainto prudnoo Jyg by dc.tro Ing the cuattn .of the .tumach , Price Sl50 , SeLl by alt o rugglat or mauled on receipt of price. Yet further Fartlculsr. seed tor clrcular , 1'.O , lies IM3. .J. C. A46AN CO CURE. tl ! Jahsatrwt , Now > sbtk. I 1 Dry Goods/ ! CO. , Washington Avenue and Eifth Sfrcef , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO STEELE , JOHNS ON & Coe , Wholesale Grocers IB . AND JOBBERS IN FLOUR , SALT , SUGARS , CANNED GOOD 'ND ALL GROCrS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF , Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco , , AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & 'RAND POWDER CO MAX MEYER & Ci , [ MPORTE1tS OF HAVANA CIGARS I AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC + I 1 1 U PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Rspeciales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $6 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN' PRICES. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. tl to v ' ' o 0 GAG O. DL LEIGHTON. i 11. T CLARhE , LEIGHTON & GARSE ( SUCCESSOIIS TO EENNARD BROS. & CO. ) WhoesaIe rsts 0 G' ! -DEALERS IN- Paints Oils , Brushes Dl ashy . . OMAHA , - - - - . - - - - NEBRASL& . ) III. IIIII ® T' MANUFAOTU1tER OF t IrooCorDices Niodo Capsfirit 1 Skylights ka Thirteenth Street c IIcci 1. _ -p : r ASK YOUR GROCERS FOR TIIE OMAHA DRY HOP YEA WARRANTED NEVER TO FAIL. Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Ho p Yeast Coe = CORNER 15TH AND DAVENPORT STREETS , OiAIIA , NER. GATE CITY PLANING MILLS I MANI7FACr IntO OF Caroenters' Mate ias' . . -ALSO- Sash ! Boors , Bills ! Stairs ! Stair Railing s , Baluster s ! Window & Door Fame &C1 l'rat claaa facIJities tor the meaufacture of all kinds . of Mouldlage. Planing sad Maklplag s epectalty Orden from the country will be promptly executed. t Address mdl communications to A MOYFIL roy . Double and Single Acting Power and Hand PUMPS , . STEAM PUMPS , Engine Trimmings , Mining Maciiinory , Bolting , Hose , Brass and Iron' Steam Packimig at wholesale and rehdl HALLADAY WIND MIL1S , CIIURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St , , Omaha Neb. J. A , WAKEFIELD pWIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN , Lath , Sli1es , Pickets , SASH , BOORS , BLINDS , MOULDINGS ! LIME CEMENT PLASTER &C. STATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA , NEB av C. F. GOODMAN , Dr1ggist I ' AND DEALER IN , Oils , ifiass OMAHA , NEBRASKA. l a t