I I - . . I / THE. OMAHA J DAILY BEE. . 1 TIIIRI LL vTiI YEAR _ _ _ _ , . . fc . U1i11I1A , NEB. 1 Il I1hSIA1 11GIivTVG OC lUI3IiR 1883. ISO , 11 ! . rHSD osE&Oi WEEK ' -OF : : Gr e a t S ale ONDAY , OCT. 22,1883. ¶ 1ADIESJERSEYSI _ AS s. IIOUSEOit STREET GAIt- MENT UNEQUALLED. To-morrow at 11 a , ni , adirect J11t portatiott of Berlin Jersey Jaclcets , ordered by us last July , and which the nianufoctnrer agreed to deliver earl' in Septr tuber , they arrived here Tlntrhdny morning October 1S , over a month I liiid tt e , and we will sell their at exact cost of importation - portation , the wauur'aeturer stauis the loss. Note the prices : ; t GO dozen Black , Brown , 'Vine , i Card'mil , Navy Blue , perfect fitting Berlinshaped , Jer ey'Hat 25 each , worth $3.50 to $1.00 , 30 dozen Ladies' Spun Silk Jerseys - seys in block told navy blue at 83,75 eucli , worth usually $5,00 to $6.00. 25 dozen Jerseys , rieldy eni lI'OidCrCII , scale sped uroumd bottom , and beautiful qumtlity , in black oily , at $ b 00 each , were imported to sell for $8 to 810. Cost of niailimg told registration only 25c. SPECIAL-Pon' confound these with the cheap ill-tittulg domtstic Jerseys sold at same or higher prices. r 'Coak Deparrneni. , ' Our business in this department is increasing so rapidly that we have enlarged our room and doubled the stock , now making our cloak depart- nreit the large t m Omaha. "Ye i f1r as special bargains for . . THIS SALE 1 100 Ilrlies' Heavy Russian cir- cular' mltl pleirte(1 iii the back , faced down front with satin. A great bargain - gain at $7.50 each , worth $1 : to 815. 150 all-wool Diagonal Dolmans. triuuned with wideft blaclc fur fund deep fur collar , at $9.50 eachwortb V12. e + 20 Silk Seal Plush Jackets , 44 inches long , w itli pleated baclcs and quilted linings dtiriag this sale at $25 each , would be cheap at $35. 1 25 Silk Scal Plush Dolmans , ox- trn length , with quilted stllc linings pleated and triuuned ii the back , 1 will be sold at $10 each. Camiot be duplicated nlaler $59 to $65. 20 finest Silk Seal Plush jackets , 4 8 inches log r. t.riutnted . with seal- skllt ornttlleilt ( ? , a perfect oeauty , 519 , worth 8(11) ( ) . IOU all-wool Diaroual Dolnnans , r Anun0l with dcelp fur around hot- " tW1I , Sleeves and deepest fur collar ; ornamented on sleeves with r c1) Passanuent'rio , will be sold on this sale for S15 each , retailing elsewhere - where at 825 , Our 820 Black Din gonal Dolma , , has band of Fur . ) inches deep around bottom ; fur collar and trimmings - mings to snatch. A rich , plain Substantial - stantial garment. Our $14 Black Diagnal Itussian Circular , has deep fur collar , satin facist in front , 1111(1 ( i9 of it gwtlity trtmh n6 elsewhere for 820. Country orders for Cloalcs or Dol- f souls will receive prompt attention. f/ / el BED SPREADS. 1,000 full size Crochet Spreads , purchased by us at auction sales in New York at half price , will be } sold at idle , worth $1.25. 500 extra large fine and heavy 12.4 Marseilles 13ed Spreads at X1.00 each , would be cheap at $1,25. 250 very finest 12-411arseilles Spreads that were imported for 1 samples will be sold at a uniform ' price of $2.50 , worth 54,00 to t $5,00 , ( 'r DR 153 000DS Our New YOr'li biyor lltts ( trade large purcha'us at r'cent auction sales , 1111(3 } wo are enabled to oJie sonic moods in th's ' d pnrtnloat at half value , notably : 2500 yards Colored Cashmeres 7c ! , worth 15c , 2000 yards mixed ° ; DeBege at c worth 20c. 4000 yards double width colored Cashmeres , in wire , navy , brown , green , etc „ at 15c a yard , retailing elsewhere for 2oc. 3'i00 yards plain color twilled suitings , very fine quality and soft finish. will be sold during this sale for 25c , have usually sold for Slc. ( 3,000 yards 48-inch beautiful Cole ed Cashmeres , Navy Blue Garnets , "Vines , Brawn , New Greens , &c at 45ca yard , worth 60 to 75c. 1,500 yards 42-inch mule finish all wool Shooda Cash acres at flOe a yard , before the sale were a bargain - gain at 75e. 2,000 yards Novelties Silk and wool mixtures double width will be closed out at a uniformi price o 50c , worth $1.00 to $1.50 a yard. Of same make mid dyad by Gui- ] emet , the best dyer in Prance ; we import and sell direct two qualities : Quality "M , " very fume , all wool , in wines , gainets , browns , myrtles , navy , cardinal , at 5'e a yard , usually - ally cold at 75c. Quality "N , " the finest Cnsl- ] mere shown ix coionS , in addition to niyrtle , navy , seal brown , wines , etc. , all nev shades , inasti. ' , niouse color , drabs , tubitc , bronze , Clair , weed brown , etc. , at 75c n yard ; these goods will be found equal to any sold elsewhere at 900 timid $1. B'ankets ' , Our t3lunkets have been reduced to such low prices that our aulesare enornous We are the only retail here who purchase direct front time nmantfncturers for ca + h 10 days and we adSO purchased largely front the recent. AUCTION SALES in New York , at one sale alone a11d our buyer attended four , w'optu chus- ed 900 pufrSof white blankets , 60 pairs 11-1 white blankets will he sold for $2,5Oa pair nsnally retailed in frevious yceis at 84.00. 280 pairs fine soft } wool blankets at this sale for 83.5 ( a pair exactly 5auutthutt is selling elsesvllere for 85.00. 10 pail's strictly all wool ( ilb. blankets , at $5,1)0 ) a pair , vo lli $7.50 , 200 pairs fine all } cool Fcarlet bllutketsutL00apairworth87 ( 50. 100 pairs 12-4 8 pound very , fine white blankets frontuuetiol will 1)o sold on this sale for $7,75 , worth 81200. V " t9 ; P ] 1orse& Co SALE ! Now an assured success and numbers who have thanked us personally , have but voiced the opinion of the multitude in their appreciation of the low prices we are establishing in their midst , enabling residents of Omaha to do their shopping to much greater advantage at home than they could even in any of the great cities of the East. Coming at a time of year when household expenses are necessarily large , when a more expensive class of Dry Goods are needed for Winter outfitting than in the Spring. The importance of this sale and the benefits of it accruing to the rich and poor alike , cannot ce overestimated. We , therefore , ask that every reader of this paper will consult their own interest by studying our prices do vn to the last word on this page , knowing that the result will be a great saving to them and make our store in future , as in the past , the concentrating point for the largest retail trade in the western r it ] y , BLACK GOODS ! "GOLDEN ST'Alt CASIIMESES. " "A , " 34 in , all wool black Cashmere - mere , 2 7jc. ? B , 34 in. all wool black Cashmere - mere , 37c. C , 38 in , all wool black Cash mere , GOc. D , 40 in. all wool black Cashmere - mere , 65c. E , 40 in. very fine black ; Cashmere - mere , 65c. F , 40 in. extra black Cashmere - mere , 85c. G , 46 in. finest black Cashmere - mere , $1 , We solicit comparison with goods : n smaller stores , who purchase front jobbers , at 25 pcr cent higher than above prices , $ G4 c As a feature of this inimeii o sale not yr t iutrodu''ed , we will oflcr 10 pie'os velvet finish "Arcadia" Velveteens , 22 inches wide on t his sale only 3 7jc a yard , worth usually SUc. X20 pieces 24 inch Velveteen ilril- liant U no f3 ack and superb finish at 55c a yar m , worth and selling elsewhere for 75c 18 pieces " 24 uch silk ( hush Nonpareil Yrulweleens , will ho Sold of this 8010 for 75c a yard , regular price everywhere , $ I.00. SILK 26 pieces ( we Sold thirty this week ) all we have left of 19 inch tine Skirting velvets in new colors at 1.551 a vmtrrl would be a baraaiu at $ 1.10. Ii ilew 8110(105 , ilk plashes reduced to 2,00 dollars 11 yard , sold everywhere at 2,50 to 3,00 dollars , art GO pieces our finest quality l9 inch Skirting and Snituigs velvets , reduced to 215 a and others sell lheni it 2.75 to 3 , 0dollarF , . Goods , 1 Case morn's very tine finished seanll'ancy striped undershirts aid drawers , two in a box , reduced tc 75c each , usual retail price , $1.25 l Case fancy vertical stripe Slrirt5 1(11(1 Drawers , et $1,25 etch , never showms before less that $1.75 , 80 dozen fancy mottled and Htril0rl Scarlet Shirts and Drawers , at $1,50 r itch , never sold before lest than $2,00 , - - - - - - ' ' ' ' A'r'r'EN'rloN , WORKINGMEN I 240 d z. Machiie Knit 1Voalen SOX , without 4eaius , will be sold at $1 110 (10/.011 pain , li pairs for 50c , usually sold for 25e a pair. 216 daz , 011 Wool Seamless Sox , very lroavy 1111(1 (10111)10 run heels , ( luring this sale for 250 a pair , usually 501(1 in small stores for 35c or 3 for $1.00. Mhteis , Gloves ! 1511 dozen all 1Vood Double Knitted llfirteisat25i iipairwortli at retail 50c. 40 ozen Buckstrini1iHenswitii riveted patens , at 75c a pair , usually sold at 81.00 1(11(1 1.25. 60 doz. Plonroutll Iluckskin Gloves at. . $1.25 i pair , } vorth usually - ally $1.75. BED COMFORTS ! I 80 Bales ( i 1)01111(1 ( Bad Con - forts , made with best Calico and tilled with ptire white Cotton , will 1)0 ret milieu at the wholesale price , 81.50 each , sold elsewhere for $2.OU. ice , ( + iB1lai18 , &C , Good dmu'lc fall priufs , fast colors , bought by us 1tt fhe still , } vill ho re- [ milled by vs at 3e per yard. Cdolcest styles of full standard prints : Cochco. Allen , Best Arnold , Prints Oriental , .cis , hlorinmac , Amerlcall. } nrd. Richmond IViudsor , J 13ES'1' GINWIAMS , 71c. A Ilioskeag , hull ncaStcr ) , Iletes , Best. Renfrew , ( linghams Calton , 7.c , Jress Plaid , Persian , Best Scotch 0inghaus,1Sc , worth " 5c , Shawl Department 50148(1105' heavy Beaver Shawls in beantif'ul colors , } vi iI be sold dur- in7 this satll + at $4,50 each , usually colSidered cheap at $600 , , I00 finest , double al l-woral , ro ersfbl0 Sihwls , size 72x1 t-1 inches , at $5,5O each , usually sold at front $8 to $10 , 20 fine double Broehe Slluivls at $20 , reducer ( frohl510 ; , I0 Superior 'Quality Double lirochoShuw1SUt43U ; , reduced front $40. 12 best quality Double Broehe Shawls at $35 and $40 , reduced from$45 and $50. Hosiery ENT he bargains u1 this rle1)a'tmteit will be suited to the wants of tl' ' ( ninny , as from our cheapest to IL' finest itoso we sell , our patrons lied one and nil at about half ttr , usulil price. 100 dozen Ladies' Seamless tin- bleached Balbriggan ( lose , 'vita double heel turd Too at 20e a pair. 100 dozen Ladies' Seamless Merino - no finish , ribbed hose , warm and heavy , tit red , blue and brown , at 150 a pair , sold last sear at 2c. 50llOzot Lndirs' Seamless Derby Ribbed Euglisll hose , extra length (111(1 very choice assortment of colors at 45c , sold last se-sou at G5c to 75c. 50 dozen Ladies' 8iillc hose , in black , brown , navy blue , garnets , cnrdinals , etc. , at $1.(10 ( a pair , worth $1.75. About GO (107.011 Ladies' line Lisle Cotton and Fu ucy Enllridere(1 hose thrown in a SOc b"x , rota pair worth loss than 75c to $1.50. _ . . OhildrensHosiery _ 80 dozen Children's Seamless 1110 rind Ribbed ( lose , red , blue , brown , etc. . all Sizes , tito 8 inch 1tt lOc a pair ; would 1)0 cheap at 20c. 216 dozen Seamless I [ envy weight cotton luLriped fwd solid color ( lose , all sizes , 5 to 8k inch , roil , bloc brown , etc , , warranted favt colors , at. a uniforit prier of 2 50 , worth 50c ii pair. (1) ( ) dozen Child's ' Scamrlnss So ] hi Color Caslunere Wool hose , all Sizes , 5 to 81 inch , will be ollcred at 25c a pair , worth 50 to 75c. About 80 dozen Clmill's ( fine qual- it English and Freneh C/tslut / ro hose , all sizes , 5 to 8 inch and beautiful colors at SUc , worth 75c to 85c. 35 llo'zen very finest English Caslmmere Ilose , all size and sitars , and not a pair worth less than ; .1 . , will ho thrown in ono lot to-ntor- row 060. TOWELS. 25 ( ) 'dozen large size , iii Ii" en ! luck amd D.tnitsic 'J'ots'eks iii , I5c , ( fell , would he 1t good value at 25c. 300 dozeif Finesl. Iluck Dimask ( anti Jnoiled Fri ii fO ; 'I'IWOIH at 2Se each , usually 801(1 ut 3371 to SUc , ItOdozen ) Finest Iuucli [ mid Dani- alc ] hnbreider' d knotted fringe and Olsen work TOw OIH , all very finest goods , ivill be sold rat Buie lot at 5Uc worth 75c to ' 1,50 $ ; F1m THIJD WEEK - - 0111 Great Sale , MfWAY9 OCT. 2z , 1883N1 l1LA/li ( / Silk Department1 r1'hn public are cautioned agnins p11rehuyilug any of the poor triehv 1(10(10(1 fabrics th11t are being sold as Iliac k Silks'apart , front the re- aenlblance in color tunl , leave they hear to good silks , they hove not tire slightest claim to ( tin n one of "ail r. 1Ve Itavo diSe111'lell ( them as being unfit ( 'or us to sell mid WE WAERANT EVER" ' YARD 131 + ] L01V DE. SCRIBED AS BEINO A13SO- Ltl'l'Ell' l'UitE LVONS MAIE 3liAK . At no ( into in the last 20 years have silks been so cheap us of this sale. 1Ve are the only parties nl Omaha buying these goods fur cash front 'rho Looms Diroot. 50 pieces , 22 and 2.1 inch Lyon , Cashmere finish Black Silks } will 1)0 olli'red during this sate at $ I 00 e yard ; w ere sold by the nuurttfnctu- rer heretofore fur $1.25 and $1,50 , 25 piCCCS CashnicroPiincessBlack Silks , (10111)10 } varp , rich , lustrous finish , full 22 , 011(1 Sonic 21 inches wide , et 1 + 1.,16 , , lvortll $1.75 to $2.00 , all warranted to wear without - out breaking. 28 pieces Cashmere Alextuulre , 24 inolt Black Silks , will be sold during this sale at $1.65 ayard. ' 1'11'Fn are the res ulnr $2.00 quality , with superb - perb lustre , heavy wei'ht and are al wiiys Coasilel ( ed elieap at 2,00 a yard. 20 pieces Caahniero Alexmm3re 2.4 incli 131ack Silks , the quuliry usually rataile(1 eItst $2,50 , } v111 be sold by its on this sale ut $2.10 a yard. 12 piece wi(1CSf , heaviest maid best quality of Caslnnlm'e Alealuidre 21 inch RIneicSitks , usually sold by all hest eastern houses for , $3,0(1 ( to $3.50 ii Ward , will 1)0 sold by us tiurah tins nule for $2.50. . - - - - - . 25 pieces ( i4 inclt Scotch Loom Innlaslc , 1re0 front dressing , very heavy :111(1 ( IL great bargain lit 37jc , hover slloivn before by oay ono Jo' lesst bait 05c. 131)10005 ( i8 inch heavy Cream Satin 1)anitslc will he o(1ered ( on this at 51x0 , never retailedi before leis titan 750. 25 pieces newest and richest patterns - terns , sell two yards wide , Double Satin DanuSk , very fkno turd heavy , bciiig our own naportatioll , will ho offered on this sllo for $1.OO a yard , sire worth 1111(1 never shown before less ttuui 51,50 , Corset Department W0 have secured two of the greatest - est hangouts in Culset that have ever heart shown in Anierica and we u0w oltur lilt customers : 100 (107.011 Satino l i'ench Corsets with ( it ) bcuos and rows of cording llet'eell , ill nil colors , red , black , light blue , pinlcgold , cretin , ecru , white , emibroidered } vitas colored sills floss , will ba sold of 75e emtcls , worth ; + 1,50 , 80 dazon 3(1O ( bole Fry itch wovarl Corsets , } 'Mite and drab , will ho 01050(1 out on t his solo at $1 ell ) each , u8tually sold at $1,50 acid . ' . ' ,110 , I We a(1viFo our cast oniet's io Secure - cure the ltbern at 011013. It. will be iuspossible to duplicate tlieut , Gill . ci..jI 1(10 ( 4pouuds eltoice quality all 1t eel 11 osteru inutile 11 lute , Sr cops Grey' iird lllue 1uixe I yurn at 75c a p ' 1111(1 , rufltiling elsewhere fir L)0 ( ) , i000 Pounds very fine All 1Vool foil , Navv lilue , Scarlet , Wine , Cardinal , ( frown " 'urns at $1,00 a 1)01111(1 , worth fully S L,25. CNIIDDENS RND LADIES HOODS , 1Vo have devoted acounter to the exelustve Hole of Iboils mid offer a 111011 warm heavy or finest quality Si IIc hood knit in Ithisuiutter when goods me cheap , ut p'ices of unite- rial now. 10 doz Children's llaul knit Zephyr hoods iii ill good colors at 75e each , sold last year for $1,00. 20 doz Ladies extra size fine hand knit Gerluant0u n hoods. l great pargutn at 83,25 ; were elleap last year lit $1.75. 1 S do , Ladies I tun , , Silk 'I'riut- nicd , new style , voy w'ntv1 1100(15 , all good colors , for $1,50 011011 , worth $2.10. LADIES MEitiNO U ND ER W E AR. Soldoz Ladies line quality Iltrino VcSts with liuished scums , will be s"ld on this 51110 for l s cts Ouch ; 110 other firm in Ontaha or the 1Veat is retailing this for less thou 50c. and 1n 8(11110 ( Ht)1'eM ) aH high 118 SOc is uHked. I'20 dozen ltOliViOi' ford liner La- dies' Merino Vest , } s'i'll Silk + m- broiderc(111001014 ( , are elli red on this salty for 55e ; exactly the same as selling elsew'hef'e for $1,09 , 80 (107.011 Ladies' all-wool Scarlet Vo-ts turd I'aots will he oflered on this sole 11)1'$1,00 , selling elsewhere for $1.25. (11) ( ) dozen very finest quality Cashmere - mere 1Vool ScOl let Vestswarnanted , not to shrakor ( ( 'ill , with finished 50111115 , will he sold for $4.50 asuit ; tvortlt usually 36,1)0 ) , Child's Merino Vests ; 25c , 35c , 15o , 550 , 6c ( ) , Child's COSlnilere wool vests , 45c , 55e , fUe , 7/c ( / , 80c , ; IOc. - - - - - - FLM EL& fill pieces 1Vhih Shulco Flmtiimi 1 ' bought in Ilse anetioll roons will be Null an this Sale fat' 15c a yarI retailing elsewhere for 250 , 4O JIieOW heavy Calii'ornia red twilled Illerino wool IltuutolfttlI29 iaelit's tvide , a great bargain at 45c , fully equal to anytht'tgyou eut buy elsetvhete for tOc. ( i0'pieces Extra heavy alifontia red twilled Il1erftio fltuutel at 55e a yard ; this is very cheap and worth 75e. NOTE.-All on' red twilled flai- uels are soft hteriuo wool and will not irritate the skin or full in wa'dihlg. Orders through mail promptly filled , ai1 Bo'p't. ' ' Nou residents of Oninli can have the 8111110 f'ueilities for shopping through Ibis department as though the goods wee0 selected in person 115 the will t Imldly send sauuplCS or iur- ni Ii iufrntatton w'h011 wanted. Orders eurnsted ( to our care turd selertinls left to us will be its well filled as though you utnlo n trip to Ontal t and seleuled yours B , I t Co. I , I .