Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1883, Image 1

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' , ' 1
, . ' , .4y
' : THE 1 OMAHA. 11DAILY ' BEE.c
'rIHRTEENTII YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. TUESDAY MO1ING , oo'roBEi ' 23 , 1883. NO. 1O.
All IIllortallE llcison ! ! llYO1Yill tile
Title to Lall Urailts Ill
The Oolorod People Publioly Consider -
sidor the Recent Civil
Righta Decision ,
The Ii'flersot ? hflUfl1Cfl ( CotpIetcI-
sate of Ahtbztzna IInernI
LaiiiI .
\S'SItINaToN , October th.-A lalII
ca of great iniportanco , the SouLliorii
. , . , . . Minnesota Itailway Extension company
. vs. Atitistus Ktifnor was decided
' by thu Suretary of the I ntcrior. lit
AS76 tilt ) laitti griiL of the railroad was
cerifiel to the state of Miinicsott by the
land doparttnent for the benefit of the
railroad company. iCuftior , however , recently -
cently titade ciltry of a tract. of land and
his entry was received by the Ciiiinis-
Hioner of thu Liid 0111cc , v1iO held. that
the certitication of lands to the state was
) irregutarand that the certificates had not
f the force of pateIIt3. Tim Secretary upon
a review of too lcgisla4on upon the sub-
: iect , lioltis that by virtue of the
graiit (111(1 ( under the act of
.July 4th , 186G , as amended Tuly flitli
santo year , tim title to the land in contest -
test ILs5el to the state of Minnesota for
the benefit of said company when the
tract was certified to the state in 1870 by
the laitti ( Iopartment. lie further holds
that in having been decided by said do.
partiiieiit in 187i ( that the 150(1 passed
to the sta'o under the grant. and it haying -
ing beoti so certified and under such adjudication -
judication the lands Iiaviii been goiter-
ally sold to innocent parties , such do-
cisloit cannot iiow be changed.
.It is said at the interior department
that the decision of the commissnner ,
if sustained would have resulted in a loss
to the railroad coiniaiiies in T1iiincsota
of about one million acres of land and
the decirion might have a'so ' unsettled
the title to 50,000,000 acres of land cor-
titled to by the railroad companies in
other States. Under the act of 18S3 , do.
daring public land in Montgomery
county , Ala. , to be mineral land , the
commissic'ner of the land office had advertised -
vortised it for public sale , January 111th
next. Time land in the I Iuntsvillo dis.
trict , Ala. , mentioned in the same act , is
also to ho advertised for sale.
/ ' Colonel Casey reports to the Secretary
' 1/ of State that tim work of erecting a
c i suitable monument over the grave of
Thomas Jefferson had Jeen conl1)loted ,
the adjacent lots repairod. and a strong
; and handsome fence built about the
; burying ground.
Time signal aervico will no doubt adopt
the now time standards for railways.
4 The day following that on which the
Supremito court decided the civil rights
( \ _ bill unconstitutional , Fred Douglass ,
p Prof. Gregory , Hon. J. M. Langston
's and other prominent colored men of the
District of Columbia , called a meeting
of colored people to consider the decision -
ion of the court and the future of the
colored race as affected by that decision.
To.miight , in response to the call , an assemblage -
somblago of more than 2,000 persons ,
otto-third white , packed the hall in which
hio meeting was hold and almost as many
more were unable to secure entrance.
l'rof. J. M. Gregory , prcBided and Fred
Douglass , Col. Ingersoll , JudgoShollabar.
gerund 11ev. Dr. Itanicin made speeches.
J'rominemmt colored men \\Tasliington
and several white muon who take active
part in mt.vomonts for the welfare of the
colored race , occupied the platform. The
assemnbhago was remarkable for its en-
thusiasni and apparent unanimity of semi-
timent with respect to the matter rhiichm
prompted the niectizig. Fred Douglass ,
who was the first sjeaker , saim ! his race
felt the decision as they had felt the
furious attempt to force time accursed
system of slavery upon the soil of Kansas.
Resolutions were adopted declaring
001(11mg other things it is the duty of all
lovers of their country and all friends of
justice to see to it that full and equal
protection of the laws is afforded every
citizen. 'I'hat the Republican party
should be hold to the enforcement of its
demand for complete liberty and equality
iii the enjoyment of civil , political and
jublic rights ; that the Democratic party
snould ho reminded of its ditclaration
' in time national coiiventioii in 1872 , that
' - 4. it recognized the equality of all mcmi be.
fore thollaw , amid that it is the paramount
duty of the colored voter to give his aid
amid support to that party or coalition of
parties that will give force amid meaning
to the utterances , pledges and demands
of the Republican amid Democratic par.
ties in their Platforilis of 1872 in respect
to the protectiou of colored citizens imi
their muamihood rights.
Time Episcopa Convention.
l'IIILAPEU'iIIA , October 22.-In the
Episcopal conyontiomi the order of the
day wa taken , viz , consideration of lie
resolutions offered by 11cr , Dr. Hunting.
ton , of Massachusetts , as follows :
"That there shall be and hereby is
proposed in this onoral convention for
adoption or rejection by the next general
convention , alterations alid additions in
the book of conunon prayer in said report
and book annexed as atnonded and soy.
orally and sopirately sot forth , and each
of the sections therein noted is hereby
, proposed as distinct and independent
'a1torationa or additions in said common
¶ \ . - prayer amid to be acted upon separately
' - . ny the mmext general convention.
) "That said alteratiomia and additionabo
' 4'severally made known to the conventiomi
' of every diocese of the church to the end
-2 that each and every omie of them may be
acted upon for adoption or rejected as
said convention shall doterinfimo. °
Judge Wilder ( Mi u. ) proposed an in-
termediatu hue of action ami offered as a
g substitute that such parts of the reports
as have beumi considered in detail in the
house be adopted as several amid indopcn.
dent propositions situ that they ho sever.
ally made known to thin several dioceses
with a view to their being adopted by the
next generalconvention ; that the balance
of the report of the joint committee be
recommitted. A long discuulon was in.
terruptedby recess. Judge Slieflloy , re.
ferring to lr. lluntingtomi , said he shn'dd
1ittt iii alt ndtlltiomi to tl'r' 1.
Lord tlelivir " ubeTt
ASoTzit:1t : TEhIGItPit LINF.
4t Comninercinl Idime Between No
York anil Chicago.
. Nnv Yomtm , October 22.-At a macct-
ing of tIm members of time Produce l.
climigo coninuttee nptointctl to exmunitie
into the feasabihity of building a tolegrmipli
line lmtwecn this city and Chicago , rePorted -
Ported they found diflleultics in securing
the right of way so great they abau
doiicd all nt'emnpt to mmmaie
an cstimnate of the ccst. They
recoinmemnled the Comnpally be
composed exclusively of members of the
New York Produce Exclimuigo amid Clii-
cage Board of Trade That tim liiio of
thu New York Central and St. Louis
Railroad company , and New York , \Vest
Shore anti liulbilo Itallroad company ,
owned by the Iatioiial Telegraph coma-
l'y , they had obtained refusal of
) urclimisim1g it for one million dollars iii
bonds bearing fl per cemit interest , to be
issued by the coiiipaliy. 'i'lie line runs
front VJcohiswkon , New lorsoy , to within
eight miles of Chicago. Its comnphiitioii
to the proposed terminal points would
cost $ OOOO.
Time committee proposed the members
of tim Now produce and exchaiign
should take $600,000 stock and the Clii-
cage board of trade $100,000 , no person
to be permitted to take mnoro than $500
of stock , to prevent consolodation of the
line with any other. 'fliey reconunended
tim voting l)0VCi of the stock be placed
mu the limuals of trustees animointed by the
New York exchiango and the Clii-
cage Ilcard of Trade.
AlrtIi s at ICenriiey.
Special Dispatch t ' [ 'lIE flii. :
K1Aimsnv : , Nob. , Octnber fhi.-Tlirce
boys made their ercapo from the reform
school this inormiing , but were foumid
about 10 o'clock this morning in a graimi
elevator at Elm Creek muid are miow emi
their way back.
Thu third biting affray withiiii a few
weeks occurred to-day. A cotmutrynian
amid a imian employed at tIm brick yards
became omigaged in a quarrel , in which
( lie former bit the latter's neck and hiiuid
severely. 'ftc countrynmii will be jailed.
Two Circuit .JiiiIgem Petit 11mg. , October 22.-The Toledo ,
Cincinnati St. Louis road Ises sart out
and part withiinthio jurisdiction of Judges
Drumnmnomid mid Baxter of time U. S. Circuit -
cuit Court. Iii August last .iudge Drama.
tumid , with the concurrence of .Judgo
Baxter , appointed E. E. Dright receiver
for the road. Recently Dwight applied
to Judge Drumnmnomid for an order regard-
imig the foreclosure of a mortgage oii that
( if thai road withjimi Judge Baxter's juris.
diction. The matter came to Baxter's
knowledge and he took offense , removed
Dwiglitfromn tholteceivership 'tiitliiii his
jurisdiction , amid appointed W. .J. Craig.
This COmflllicated mnatters amid to-day
ccunsol from the Boston , Cincinnati &
Toledo , roprosontimig the bondholders ,
appeared before Judge Drumnmnond to ask
him to dismiss Dwight aud appoint Craig
withimi his jurisdictiomi. Drumumond replied -
plied that ho saw no sufficient reasomi
therofor , but in the interest of the cred-
itora he would yield the point to the cx-
tent of appoimitimi Craig joimit receiver
with Dwight in his ( Drummand's ) tern.
tory , if Baxter , would appoint Dwight
joint receiver with Craig iii his Baxter's )
territory. Counsel will urge the propo.
sttioii tipomi the comisideratiomi of Judge
Biiriiimig Stoalmier.
Nnv YOItK , October 22.-4:15 : p. mu.-
Thin steamship Hoinidahi , reported ott
fire , has arrived iii the lower bay. She
him on board three cabimi and 305 steer.
age passengers. She reports that on the
evening of October 21 , smnoke was discovered -
covered coining p from the lower maui
1101(1. Steam was turned on to keep tIme
fire down. The cause or extent of the
fire is iiot ascortined. Tim people on
board are not now in peril , however.
The passomigers were transferred to
Castle Garden barges amid thai police
boat. Tim caphtin amid crow remnaimiod
on board the steamer. 5103 was towed
to Bedloc's Island and run ashore.
Nearly all baggage amid passengers were
taken ell Time tire originated in the
lower mania hold , Sunday afternoon , amid
was pretty much confimied there. Tim
cargo was shipped atStettin , Copenhagen
and Chmnistiaiia , amid fully insured. No
definite estinmato of daiiiage to either
steamer or cargo could ho ascertained ,
but it will amnount to considerable , both
front fire amid water.
The Apaches Conming In.
TucsoN , Arizona , October 22.-A Fort
Bowie special says : Two Indiamis front
tim hostile camp of Sonota caine in to.
night. They state 00 Imidians amid four
chiefs will arrive at Itucker to.miighmt.
Lieut. ilunter , with a party and supplies ,
goes out to.inorrow to meet them. Capt.
] { aflhrty is near Ituekor with two corn-
panie was ordered there six weeks ago ,
expecting the hostiles to return. It is
reported Crook has information of the
coining in of the renegades. lie , with
stan ; are somewhere between San Carlos
and the ilium.
A lI(1nJliOfl 1'roteit.
SAIr IjAKS , October 22.-TIm report
from the east having reached to city that
Sumner Howard , speaker of the last
! ilichigaii house , was to be appointl
Chief .Justic of Utah. Mo abets of the
Salt Lake bar , to the number of thirty ,
held a ineotimig thii8 afternoon amid passed
a resolution opposing his nomination.
Ileward was United States district sttor.
ally of Utah , and occupied that position
whemi .Iohmmi B. Leo was convicted niid ex
ocuted. One of tIme chief mnovcnmm was
the Mormon church attorney.
Tlioroimghahrcd Shows.
Nmv Yniu , October 22.-lImo first aim-
nual exhibition of time National horse
Show association of America opened this
morning. All thmo entries are complete
and mmumnbercd in all , including those
horses entered for specialpromniumns , four
Zmundrod animals. Of these 875 are cii-
tered for regular prizes , the latter class
macludimig a number of fancy carriage
and coach horses , as well an horses of
the fire and police departnwnta. J. It.
lCtmeno has two horses entered in tim list
of thoroughbreds , which number nine.
General Grant iui entered his pair of
grimy Arabian ponies. In time class of
trflttets there arc 89 entries. horses are
entered here OWned by Etlwiim Thmorno
nimdV. . Itockefeiher. Time class of road-
store inmmubers 'ii in mill.
Tilmi zoit.t ntlitNs ' .tsi : .
CAI.Ut ) , October 2i.The .Ionrnal's
Lincohmm ( Ill. ) siecltl says : At time > era
hints umiqimest Thomas IS ! . Dukes , who
was engaged to iiiarry time murdered girl ,
provetl mm satisfactory alibi. 'l'Iio father
of era testified that she hail shmowmi hilimi
tWo letters recovered from C ) . A. Caricn.
ter , mmow under arrest for her mimuntler ,
and read portions of thmeimi to witness.
Tim dead girl hail claimed (1arpeuter was
owing her solmie immicy nod aim bid
stated before leaving haute that she was
goimmg to 1iimcohmm to try to collect it from
rmiNmmisii : ( 'OWIIOYS
DnNvnmt , Ocbber 2i.-'I'he I tepubli.
calm's Itosito , ( Ccl. ) special says : Last.
miighmt. two 1uxicamms , minimums ummkiiowmm ,
ivuimt. to a house near ( lardimier , where a
daimee was going ( mmm.Vliibe stamuhimg
outside tims ) ' fired several shots into time
house , killing two 1\lexic.imms \ , ( mite of
irhiotmi iv.ts time owner of the , auth
tWo wlmito imimm , ammo tIme son of a promimi.
miemmt citizemi of this county. lmmtemmso cx-
citemnemit prevails. 'l'hme shmerill' , with a
posse , is iii pursuit. Lymmclming is proba-
mcIINI : } TIiL AlIVE.
Dn iioINmu , O'tober -Klimic , who
was shot , on Saturday , by his brotlmer.imi-
law , is still alive with mme prosPects of his
recovery. Cool , ivhmo did tIme shiootimmg ,
huts been arrested amid is mmow imm jail at
Tmti : % .Smioom , TO lULL.
MACoN , ( in , , October 22.-lit Wilkin-
soil county , a negro minuted .Joo Iloldemi ,
while out imuntimmg , discovuicul another
negro butchierimmg a im'g beloumgiiig to a
white man mitummed Clay. lloldomi report. .
ed time fact to Clay , who , with lloldemi
amid two white niemi , arimied with double-
barreled shiotguims , iwemmt to the imoum of
the thief , who , not ieimn ! at liomne , time
wife refused to tell lila whereabouts.
Clay knocked her dowmm. Time party
thou left. Out tIme iva' hmomne two semis of
time negro wommiami ummid ami ox-convict.
minuted Cooper armed timemmuselves amid
pursued time white iarty. Overtakimug
thtoimt they fired , killing lioldemi insimimitly.
Clay returmied the fire , killing Cooper
woumuhimig tim other two.
- -
Bloody Shoot lug Afl'ray.
AUOIJSTA , Cia. , October 22.-Imi a
bloody amid fatal fight yesterday near
1'micBeaim ' churchi , in Burke county , Sat.-
urday , there was it dihhiculty betiveuti two
young amen , Synis amid Rogers , at tIme ball
groummids. cut Rogers in the Imamid.
After church yesterday time difliculty was
reumewed. T. B. Symns amid his soims Framik
and 'I'homnas were shot by F. B. , .1 M.
and Warremi Rogers , and Rufus McNor.
roll and .lohn .1. Cox. Thos. B. Syms
was eliot. five tinies and klbed. Framik
and Tout Syms were mnortahly wounded.
Johmi Rogers was shot in the face by a
friend of time Syma family , reported un-
armed. All parties are respectably comi-
miected amid well-to-do farmers.
Thmo steamer llehimuiahil frnmn Copenhagen
for this JiOrt , with five hmimmlrotl passengers on
board , ms reimorted off Fire Ireland sgmiahimig
for assistance , She is cii fire.
Time wife of ( eii. Ammsoim Stager died In Clii.
cage at 130 ; yesterday aftcrmmmion.
A fire at Midtllcvihio , Carr county , Michil.
gami , destroyed a brick store limuihhimig owned
by Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith , , Charles Bummdy
amid a boy miaimmwlVelclt wore criahieti by fall.
jog iralis amid the bodio were consumed by
thu hlamnes.
Time 11ev. ( eo. Milum , formneri } ' of Chicago ,
op000i a bm-icf seasoim at Castes' OlCm'a ,
Knmmsas City , inst miighit , apmcarhmig in "I Iauim-
lot. " lie was warmimly received by aim np-
preciative audIence fair in iiumiilcrs.
of ! mo ; railroad swltchmnmomm at work at 1'iii-
i'as Cityaboimt fifty moot iii secret m'sion to.
night zuid formiicii an oimm mmization. 'liwy demmy
ahi } I imtemitioim of stnmki rig. I t siippoomh ,
however , that the immatter wan mumnier considers.
'mErs. loiijsa 1)ohieity ) , of Now \rk ) , ageil
:35 : years , hat mdght atteompted t.u kill hutmrself
amid mm five year old cimild , by ctmttiiig time
throat of the latter amid by savoring the nrtc.
lies of lure cmvii wrists. Both ivihl jmrobiibly
l'amick Egaim Set i los 1mm lihticol a.
LINCoLN' , , October 22.-h 'mitrick
Egamm , the great Irishi agitator and the
late trcastmrcr of the Irish Land League ,
to-day filed iii the district court. his in-
temitiomis of becoming an Aniericamm citi-
xcii. lie will locate amid engage in buy.
imig grain at Lincoln. lie expects his
family lucre iii April or ] SIay. 1mm an iii-
terview to-night ! tr. Egami said that lie
would notreturn tolrehaiidfor imia funnily ,
but. would semi for themum. Ho is at pros-
oat the guest of , Johimm Fitzgerald , of timimi
city , a promiminont and wcahthmy worker
for time cause of the Irisim peasantry.
l'iiimurnl of' Con , Stenmltimau.
Tom.iiio , October 22.-'I'imo funeral obseqUies -
seqUies of the bite Major Gemierumi .me.
B. St.eadnmamm , at this place , this after-
nooii , were attended by one of tIme largest
gatlmcnimmga iii time sthte , At least 10,000
lttrlioIms were present. The funeral cortege
tego was of a very irnposimmg cimaracter ,
over four miles iii Time core-
momucs wore held \Yoodlmiwn , iii wimicim
time romimains wore vhacod in a vault. pond.
imig timeir immtermeumt iii a lmnivate hot no-
cemitly donated forthat purpe.
Time Figures lii Ohio.
CoLusmnus , October -Secrohmry
Nowuimami furzmiahmes the following totals cii
Governor as time result. of the into dcc-
tioim : Foraker 147O8 I , lloadiey :359,5ft3 : ,
.Schumimacimer 8,301 , Jenkins 2,785. ¶ J'ot.iil
vote , 721,401. lIoadiey'a majority 12- ,
520. Majority for judicial amnondmnent ,
33,418. Time secomid amnendmeumt fell
short of a majority . ,54,1 , 'l'lmo reguis.
tion amnemithoont rcceivel 08,050 votes.
Barges III Trouble.
ItowimuTEit , October 22- . Time barge
Pacific was picked up by a tug off Charlotte -
lotte this liiorimiimg. All hands were
saved. 'l'imuru were four otimor barges in
charge of time tug Caribou. All broke
away iii a gale , auth onu is suiposed to
have gomio dowmi with all ott board.
alias atul Organs.
YOU Cali buy at a ( Jrcat barjjaln omme
Kimball Piammo , square , and mmeariy now ,
for 100 ; nuiC iww ICimubahl i'iammo , up.
niglmt , micarly new , for $200 ; cue Kimball
Organ , new , for e05 one second hand
Mason & hlautilin Organ for $35 , and you
can rent any kind of a Piano or Organ for
a very small unto at
U 1Iosuti's Musto ILn.z ,
The Bynffluters Ci'cate Cousie b1c
01 SCre lleyoll the
The Marquis of Lansciowno Groat-
ad With Tall Stories
Prospective Asoonts ,
Prepuiruttloums thr ii Figlmt Totmtiuin- -
. Othtei J'iveitts oh' Icsscr Note.
iArrilmnt im.AY.
lhiumth , October 22.-Tue first imer.
formumamice of tue lutbmer play , represoimt.
11mg ecciucs iii time reformers life , took
hmlutce at , lorti , SaxeVeimmmar , $ atmirtlmm' ,
and was a great success. Tim lioumse ivns
crowded ; seventh ( herman l'ninccs amid
Abbe Liszt. were imrcsummt. .
vita flUlE.
The Grammil Duke \Tlmidimuir , brother of
time Czar of lttiSSim % , is expected hero miext
week amid ivill imiect. the Emit ( mror.
ANOTiimmt PLOT lflSOVEitEI1.
LONIOlt ) , October 2'2.-Tlioro is mmmcii
surprise lucre Owing to dispatchmee fromum
Ammierica stntimmg that Ctmmmdiami detectives
limivo ( hiscoverod a plot. to murder lierti
Lamisdowne , the (1 ovornor Gemieral of
Caimmuin , at Quebec.
1'AitlS , October 22.-TIm ( kuilois says
that l'rineo .1 cronmu Napolooii itill 111mb- ,
lish a mmmnnifcmmto.
Looo , October 22.-An explosiomi
occurreti in Lad I'it colliery , near time
Stake.upoim .Tremmt , yesterday , whale time
iim iiiers vcre tryiimg to extinguish a lire.
S ix ivere killed amid three wounded.
E.t1tTIIQUAIuI : .
i\Ltm.'rA \ , October 22.-A slight shock
( . ) f eartimtjumiko hero at 2 o'clock this niormi-
Tiutasvm : , October 22.-Earthquake
shock here at 8 o'clock thus mnorniiig.
Puns , October 21.-Gon. Caumpenoim ,
mmuimiistcr of war , says ito will devote all
of his energy to tlio reform of the systeuii
of mobilizing the army. The prospect
of war with Germammy will be uliporumomit
iii lila nmimid.
A dyices front Taimmutive , Madagascar ,
state that time French man-of-war Ynim-
deimit left. with orders , so it is reported ,
to bombard Mahmamia amid other soutimorn
vorts of the islamid
HONG lCoNuOctober 22.-Decisive
, - rue-
flout of the French forces from Hanoi
ngaimmst time Black Flags at Bacmming is
imupemiding. Time weather is - cool and
ground rapidiy drying.
October 22-Oflicial
from Tonquin state time roads arc still
flooded but the weather improved. Soy.
crud raids wore nirude by time Frenchi forces
to cut. off thmo clammy's supplies. The
health of time Fremich troops is perfect.
Admiral Meyer forwards time relort. ) that
tIme Cimimiese troops emicaumped emi time
frontier near Momikal have returned to
The Frenchi garrisomi at hanoi is mo-
momitarily expcctiimg8,000 reimiforcemnomuts ,
which will mmmako the available force there
7,000. Admiral Carbet has taken coimi-
miiand amid will imnumediately begin an tic-
tivo cammipaigmi. Tue pirates imienncimmg
Ilaipliong were driven front the coast by
Fromich gumiboata.
PasTmt , Ilummigary , October 22.-Coumit
Stefano Piatthiynuy aummi Dr. .Jiiiitms Itos-
emiberg fought a duel , with pistols , to-
day. Time Coumit was shot timroimgii time
thmiuplo amid kihiec. 'l'iw police are iii-
quilimig iiito time aflhir.
Tiui mvN.umiITEiL $ IN ( SAN Ally.
l4oNooN , October 22.-Spechil this.
Patches from Quebec nay that time report.
that. time dyuiamnitcruu were liemit cii muinitimig
flu attack on Lord Lamidsdowmme on hits
arrival caused tIme greatest oxcitemmmemit.
thiero amid iii time adjoiuming country. 'limo
police inforimmeo 14)rd Lorime mmd time Do-
lilimmiomi muimmiuuitors of their dscovcry. A
cabinet coumimeil was himistily surimimiomied _
It ; nmct Sumiday mmd discmimssed mnoamis to
lie takomi to prevent any hiostiio dommmomi-
a tratiomi.
'fill : siomutomis 01' szimmnui. .
Sr. J'ErlntsumuJw , October 22-TIme
first riummiber of tim socialist. lumper , 'J'110
\Vill of tim People , " wisicim is printed
abroad , reached this city. it. cont.aumms a
letter front the Nihilist pnisomierNetschma-
johi to tIme Czar. Nctschuitjoff was con-
tleinned ton years migo anti was supposed
to be dead. Time uniter coimmplains of
time inhmmmmmmuimmity of time trisomi oflicials tumid
time terrible troatmmmemit to whiicim imo amid
his fellow prisoners mire subjected. lie
says Ito line recemitiy been deprived of the
little light hitherto nulous'ed hum.
'rime Journal adds that tim letter was
origimmally written iii blood ami a printed
piece of lapor arid a 'rerut portioii
therefore is illegible. 'l'ito letter created
mnuohm oxcit.omnent amid seimsatioti numong
time mmiimiiists at St. I'etorsburg.
ltitITiI4ii ( ImIAIN TJIAIIY. .
LeNnoN , October 22.- Mark Lamio Ex.
press siiyms the weather bait beomi colder
time IU8 week. There imiumi beomm a cousid.
erabbo fail 1mm graimm in sumac locauitiejus
but seed time so far hunts Imeen favorable.
The duimmand for seed keeps up tim
values for the choicest samples of wheat
flour. Market is depressed. Beat liar-
Icy tomida uliwards , Orimutilmig sorts have
declimiud ( hiS'iieat is dull , limmumimnato
and gratlualiy decreasimig. 'rime supply is
Very 1arjo. Foremgim flour is tiepreesed.
maize is cheaper. 1' ' ifteumi cargoes of
wheat arrived , six sold , live witiidrawn.
Sales of whmoutt for the week 1)7,888 ) quar.
torts , at 40s fiti per quarter , against
r,4vJo quarters , at 89s 7d Pr ( jUmmrtor ,
for time corresponding week last year.
.MOitI OF TIlE 8AiV. ,
Qoiniso , Ooct.obor 22-News of time
alarimmimig stateuutmiit.s publisimed in New
York respectiimg time reported mipprolion.
siomul of trouble cnuicernimlg time Marquis
of Lmumsdowne'is arrival , caused soummu ox-
citcmnemut imore to-muighmt. it is not be.
iiuyod any attempt has burnt made to
coimceal time timium of hubs hamidimig amid hi-
augural ceremonies. Time jiarty wiii
. probably lamiti about 0:80 : to-imiorrow , Tlmt
mmow ( iovermior General will be sworn iii
about 10 o'clock and time liarty leave foi
Ottawa by special traimu , A Fremmeim
PaPer says to.iuglmt tlmat it. u-as
I oporteil thmtt sonic hint. headed lrishiunemm
u'mhl mmmmike a ulemuimstrntioim , hostile fit time
mtRm'luis. It mtfhcts , , imowovor , mail. tO
ho icyn the rumor aunt says it hopes its
I nab fr'meimds iilil lumuvo immure souse. It
iuitreovor calls 1111011 Frommt'h Cunmuidsiums to
rally nmummmtl tue mit iv ( ivermmnr , , whose
mother , it says , was a Fromi ° li wommiutum.
'L'lmis is time solo roferommee umiado titus far
ium time city press to mull ) ' amiticipatinims 'f
tI'OumblO. l.emulimmg lnislimmmun , upomm lnummg
immterviuwcd , mitlictuled nay fear of trouble ,
Out the otimur lentil it. is rutmmmred mmd imm
digmmatiomt mmueutiuug iiill be lucid imp time
cave to.niglmt ni.auuuat the mmmv Onvermmor
lii' Ir'msim residommts. A reimrtcr uu'imo
VmmitOl Limo locality coumlul glean no mutmehm
immforiumntion , however.
Cluimmeimit itumulgem
lIl1 Koui , October 22.-Advicos
fnmmmt imumt Niuti coumfirmu time report that
the Chumievo ate assisting tue blumck hluigs
jut Amimmauum ,
Time viceroy at. Camitomi objects to for.
oiiners trarersimmg the streets.
1'timi timoumsamid mmmcmi mire coumcemmtnmtetl
lmouui Camitoum , ostommsUuly on accvnuumt of
thin anticipated imoimtmiuur couummmmtsttomm.
'lime viceroy eomumpiaimms of time with.
drawnl tf time I'orttmguese gtmmmboat. whim
tue wmitehmmmmnmm Whim ) drowmmed thu. , Chmimmum-
mmmcmi auiti irecipittteu1 ) time reccuit riots ,
'I'imo viceroy duimmmmtmmds timat time watdmmmmmtum
ho imalldu(1 over to time Iiritisii courts for
trial. ' [ 'lie l'orttmgese otilciala imm reiIy
saul Unit the prisoimer uu.uus tmt. Iacas , until
if timu Cimimmose wished they could prosecute -
cute liimui timere. iuportmi of tue iuim-
routclmiiug war with foroigmiurs is circa-
luitimmg iui time immtorior of Chmimmmt , tumid poo-
lilo imm Vtumimmami lohiev timmut the Ohmimiese
armmmy is prejuarmuig for mm war of tixtonmni.
mmuutiomm ngauimst. foreigners ,
Time Viceroy of Cmumtoui hints n.e1etl for
( limo immiiliomt tutels for imymmmtmmit ) : of losses
iumsuru-ed iii the recemmi. emotimig. Ills umgcmmts
are askiumg for nm'mmms.
2tiI ( Immiet imm l'oiiuimiiim , lrmcticutlly , 'lime
Fremicim forces hmave miot mulvaucoci hoyomul
himtkio , mimi will mint. muttommilut mmui'forwutrd
immovemmuomit until reuiiforeemmmemit.e arrive.
Athiices froma Ilmil Pluommg , 'roum(1uuimi (
say tIme residemutmu dread mumi utttack froumm mu
thiomusand pirates emmenmumlmed iii the vieiimity
uf time French ( iarrisoii at lJai I'lmoumg.
Sil.tNuithm , October 22.-Time Chmimmose
Atlmmiiral arrived here wltlm ought gtmum
iioitts. Sir acorgo F. hiowemm. Emmgiisim
( iorermmor of ihiumig Kommg , left. l'ckimm for
hlommg after mu satisfactory iumterview
with the Cimimieso Mimmistur of forcigmi
- -
Itt'nm'y ISioshier Cliii ins That I 1. ito was
Gluomi Thmime lb Coutiti Prottimec
time Iills.lm ,
Pirrsiiuiutm October 22.-A telegrama
front St. Loumbu stating that a miow clue
bad been found to Charlie Ross , hmmus boeum
corroborated by the atatomotit of mu gun.
tlenman hero front \Vyomimimmg Tt&titory ,
who says that. henry Moshor- brother of
the Moshmer who admuuttcd of kidimmqupimmg
Charlie Ross , was lynched near Ciieyemimle
five weeks ago. Mosiier begged tbmmit his
life should ho spared twumity.four iioiurs
and said he would give tIm world
immforniation for which it loud beemi suck-
fag for years 1uist. lie admmmittud hiavitig
iii custody time person imeld for rammsonm
fur immero timan mu year , and said Ito hail
buomi uinivemi to time far uvest. by time hot
lursuit of dtcctivos. Tiimie was not
allowed timid time secret died withm hmimmu.
The crimue for wlmich ? mIosimur was lymmclmed
was time kiilimug of .1. \Ventzell and
time mimurderomis nssaultou , Iimmi } mmighmt.
lImO ltAm'lmu4 , Michm. , October 22.--At
Fisk Creek , live mucus front Sherlihummu , time
barmis of tue ( rmmumd llavemm Iumiuibor comim.
imany were hnmrned. Sevemmtecmm lmorses ,
sei.emm oxtiii , 2i 10 buuilmols of oats , immid
forty tomms sif liuuy were destroyed. No
' ( Jettibor 22.-'lime
Dummutt'm- , Iowa , -
flour mmmiii of (1 mmttemibuirg mind owmiud by
( l. P.Vest , was lumnmued Saturday mmigiit ,
14055 $115,000 ; imuaurummmce $7,000. , Octohor 22.-liseil's blccic ,
imuar time mimumrket , is mthln.u. I I. comitmuimis
the largest. bmmsimmess hmomisemu of tIme city.
it is thmouglmt two or three persons are
buriitmth. Thm l'uinyor ' hue toiegtapimed for
imiore aid ,
Tint hmoummes amid mmiime store rooimms wore
bmurmmed. 14055 $110,000 , ( histnibuted
mummmommg IL mmummibcr of people ; immisuramuco
emily partial.
ANAI'Oi.IS , October 22.-Two persons
wore killed , Cimariesu Leggut and 1mm aged
taint , ] 'mliss LizzieVumtkimmus , wheat Leggut
tufter Ito wits out svummt back to save ,
LA ( huANoa , Ills. , October 22 - A.
Dobbs cimeemso factory was burimod Intro
timmis uiortuimmg. Loss , $10,000 ; imisunuuimco
miot stated.
\Vomieim'im F'orelgti liIismsIsii ( jonvetmtlon
] 'migruvAuuar. ' , Octoier 21.-'I'hme fifth
umummitmuil comivuuitioti of time \Vonmamm 1or.
digit Missiomme , for time immt.erior country ,
including states from Ohio to Colorado ,
oiions tAI-mtmorrow with about. four imuti.
dred delegates , three lmumidred amid twenty
of wiiotmm have already coinmmmiuimicumtetl
timoir imitcnt.ioim to be proaemmt. ' [ 'ito open.
big exercises will be imeki at. Plymmioutim
church , where time delegates will huu ad.
dressed by Mrs. lluummphmroy , of Chicago ,
\Vuthmesday exen4mues will be imold 1mm 0 mini
Avemiuc Comigrogatiommal cimurcim , wimeim
Mrs. (1. II. Ida , of Milwaukee , will do.
liver no nddresu ef wolcommo. , In the evening -
ning l'ilrs. Moses Smnitim , ( if 1)etroit1 I'ros-
idummt. ( if time \Yomnami'a lloutrd of Missions
of tue iuitenior , amid Dr. , Juhium 11. Barrow
of tIme First I'resbytorimumi cimtmrcii of Clii-
cage , uvill speak. 'i'Imo comivcmitiomm will
close 'l'hmimrsday evcimiimg with a cohlectmomi
PrePared by Limo ladies of tue three local
Congrugatioiimml societies.
- - -
Two II ) Omumu.
F'IMSmiNoHmiiJiW , Ky. , Octohuir 22. -
Saturday mmigimt Chants McCartmmoy was
mmtt.acked cmi time street by Jnmuies 'I' . Luim.
welt amid Frank L. 'l'hmolmmisomm , uigriuvouI
by a puhiiicatioim iii Mcthurtmoy : us mmuws-
laper. 'I'hoy used stomios as wcaptimms.
McCartmmuy threw a revolver amid shot. botim
of thmummi. Lumiwoll died yesterday imiormm'
iimg , 1111(1 'fhmonipsomm is aUpnstu1 to lie
mortally woimmmded , McCmmrtmmuy has been
Ioat Ii Itocorti.
Sr. Louis , October 22.-'lfoim. Ehisimo
Foote , fatlmer-imu-lnw of ox-tJmiited States
Soimiutor hlemlerson , amid Cummmimmissiomtum
Iii Pateimts during tIme nduiiimistnmutioii o
m Amidruw Joumnmson , died of imeart disessi
I timia znornhmmg at luiju son-imi-luiw's rest
deuce ,
I ,
Virulell I YClIe\V \ Pcor ti11 Rftillg at
imyias all 1IFlllOSi116 ,
Senator Sharon Oorllared By An
Attorney iii a Suit
for $125,000. ,
Tlmi , lhi'umt lieu 1)epmmr tug . % tIi Ii ( mlut
luimul ltetumm-mmlimg 'tt ii hail
S.u FmIAXOmSI'O , Octolier 22At a
bammutumet. li.mmileretl Boimci'mammit last eve
Imimmg time guests ivere obliged to proceed
to dimmmier iiitimoiit. their guest , liotmcicault
havimmg boomm mimuhulemiby seized wthi ! a so.
yore attack of mimeumummttismmm. lie is hot-
tem tO.itiv , lmimt it'ill imot apiear at time
tlmeatre timimu evcmmimmg.
A. F. Ammtlruzttlo , ml utezktmm gemmticmtiamm.
arrived hmuiro by tmumimi frcmmi Gumaymimas.
I Lii sut's ui'lioim lie left six uinys ago yohbow
fos'er of mu mmmost. virmuiemmt. typo iuas still
Prevail i mmg ill I limit. ci ty , mmtuv , mthustnmmul hug
nil reports tO time coumimtry. Ammmomug time
intest vietimmms ivuts Colommel Curium , of time
I'.ltuxicummm uurmtmy I Iii says tIme fever wits
orim.iuimuii ) ' bi-otmglmt there froumm Pmutmammumu.
At I lormmmosuii ( ) the disaso is still rmugimmg
amid time mmummmbor of tlt'uutims imavo lwcmm
greater tiumimi imere reported. .tumommg time
ur cimisses time distmcss is fearful , tutu ,
to unhi too time sumtihiimmg , food uvums scarce
mmmmd dear.
'l'imu stemiummer itio huflmeniim , sailiimg omm
W'ctimesdumy for 1 loimg Kong , will carry
tuui.ny alaiumt 1,000 Ohmimmummimemu mumml aIuumt.
$750,000 , wlmicim they carry elf witim timemum
out. of time country. Over 800 of thuommi
imuive already beemm provideti uvitit retmmrmt
certihieumtes. I t hiss bcomi roummutiked that
mu barge li'timmrtioui ) of rtmtmmrnimmg Cimimiese
mmuibrimmg mvomumomm utlioum tlmoy eiaini as
tutuw ; . 'l'lmtne beiuug mme way to dis-
1)tove ) mumarrimmge time ) ' itt-u lermmmittd to
humId ? amid , I mm a mmmmujori ty of cases , ilmi-
ummedmuitely tunmied loose for iutammmoral ptmr.
'lose ' ,
\v. Necisoum , umttormuoy for 1iliss 11111 imi
time chumrgeu of adutltery lireferreti by her
mugumimist immator Siiat&uuu , utmud which Sit.-
muudmuy lutist uvero ( limummisseth , huts out lmis
owmm muccoummit filed a commiplutimit 1mm thin
Simperior enumit. to recover $120,000 front
Semmuttor Simuromiforahleged : slutuider.
A I'leuisutuut. Aukimowletlgmumemmi.
S [ miii somum' mutoitmaci m ammd mmmIumnhio apmtmtitn
fur mmmoiutiiq , tutu gmciv timi mm nver' duty. I iswI
lltimdmck 1i1OM ( JJjtIe , s ivltim time iiust mmmarvclt > mu
resumltmu ; ftol smduuiilld. ' ' Il m's. .1 om'eiuii J oiii..omm ,
l'ittsburgim , ltmmi.
Time Comudit bus of Immtciiu LIoraliec.
} 'ron. . ' "limo Alcohol , ly hr. i-clI m. . osmm-aII ,
In i'minmImr $ cIemumc .iiomtlmIy for Novoimmlicr.
It is a sigmmificant fact. that iii every clvi-
tizuiti coummitry of this cuirtli uirutikeminess is
rarest atnommg time ciasses into hmau'e other
and better commvivinl resources. 1mm the
United. States , wliomo tue "almimighity dol-
luir" commforum mmmmlimmuited privileges , the ) eJ)1e are tiio mutest tummuperate
imi time uvorhl , time poor tiio mmuost. imitemimlC-
rate Jim Turkey , wimero time lower classes
are immdulged Iii mumammy pastimmies which are
commaidered below time dmgimity of ummi "oui'omi-
di , tIme hoismi.vco is actumuilly comitimmeil to
tue impper.temm ; tummmperammco reigmis iii time
cottuui'o , while opiumn.immmieknmg and secret.
drammi.drimikiimg prevail imi the palace.
I mm Scotlauid , where au cimusses have to
commformui to time umiomul by-laws wiiichi dims-
coumitomiamico holhxmiy recreations , total ab-
ittimmumice ii ; oxtreimmoly rare. For-"Nn-
tare will immuvo bier revemmgo , and , uvimemi
time ummost ordimiary mmmiii imuirmuloss recrea-
tiomma mire forbiddemi as simmftml , is apt to
seek coimmpemmsatiimt iii immtluigummces wliicim
110 ummoruthist. woimid be wiilimmg to condomie.
'l'hte eluargu liroimgimt agahiust. time Novatiomus
iii time early ages of time Church calm , with
equal plausibility , be hrougimt miguuimmat. time
l'tmi itnmmii iii our ocvmm duty Ommo Imioro vice ,
mit ; till evoimts , wimicim CImriatinmms of every
school , tus urell mis muomm.Cimriatiuui ,
mire a greed iii commdummmmiing , is repimtod to
bs mu special olilirobrimmlmi of Scetiuummtl ; tumid
time strictest obusurvmimmeo of umil those mimi-
mmuto aimd olihiroivo Sahibatimmmriaii rogula.
Lions to wlmichi we referred just now hiuns
luecim foimumd commmpatibltm with cemmumecratimig
time day of rest to it quiet limit.
im miii mimited assummu ilatioim of tue
liiiiim1 wlmichm imucliriuuteti limit does miotcimeur.
Amid nuder the oitl regimmmu to be be dnimith
1mm pri'tuto , though ol course miot. usammctiomm.
oil mis allowable , would hmavuboomm : mccouumtcd
ml far loss Imeummtmui outrage 0mm time digmmity
of timeSuibbatli timami to ui'imistloimmtime inmbhic
streut.-'i'lie ( "Satturdtiy ltoviuw , ° July
10 , 1870 , p. 711. )
'J'lmero mum , iiiiloeul , mme doubt thmut time
' 'smmuhliimmg , wlmimmimmg saiiits , uvimo grouuimod
iim spirit. mit time sight. Of .lacic imm tIme
Green , " hmuvo tlrivcmm as immammy pleasure-
seekers fromtm tue ) luiy.groumid to time pot-
hoimso as despotismmi hums turmmetl freemimeim
jmitti outlaws tumid robbers. ior time prac-
ticuul aituriuntive is miot. bct.wcomm ceuveim-
tiL'lea 101(1 rummm.riets , , but. botweemi healthful -
ful utmid bammeful pastimmios. Before we caum
begin to eradicate the poison.liabmt. we
immet miunke mefonimi more attractive tiumuim
vice ; mtmml , ItS bug as time chimutiupiommis of
tuumiperuimmee ishmut their eyes to tue sigmimfi.
cuummce ( if that truth , tiicir lujfmsiative unmiuct-
mmmeumtis uvill always remmmnmn deatl.ietter
laws , 0mw worst. defects we Owe , jim fact ,
less to time siuruwdmmess of our iieor.brew.
immg uimpiimeimts tliuuum to time hsiimnhmmcsn of
our Sumbbntariaim umihies. A free Summdtuy-
gmmrdmni , with aothogiCal curiosities , footraces -
races , ammil geniI mimusic , wouid do more
to lirmmmoto time cause of temmmperaumce
Ibnim a wimolu arimmy of Jiudiliraus rovivu-
Jos not 5et weii st lnelt ; It nytmIr-.a eamvfttl , per.
.ntent ttcntion 11111 5 rmtnusiy tiat wuim .mmMst mutters
to throw ( uft IllS CIIUKI'4 imnil tsmmo Iii' tis digemUve
CrgAlm thU lucy mrfonim tImiIr , Iuitte wuumngmy. Jsr.
iiowom-tlu , of Amumlicr.t , N It. , after trying messy
"suroctires" wlUmout beacuit , found that -
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Ittho nail 011 tII'l Imca.I anut retore4 Imer to litaltim.
Among time agotuk. exieriezmcc4 by the dypeptuc , Un ,
.lliiremue icturumor slier eaiti.g , toM ot iirieiik' , irregu.
laritj ot time bow(1j , Mimul or C ttM pain iii the
totnmuJm , lmemtrt.burn , sour Stoataci , , Ac. , causing
tentst demireMiurl , mlei-vomm IrrItablitty alel , leeptess.
iteM. if you are mueeouraged be of good cmernnti try
imuoul's Kmtaam'arUL. 11 lmu ctmred l&undrtxLdiI WIll
cureyouifou gtmoiisfmmlr ciummmce.
J4paiii. . ( L I. iloot. .t Co.
( Ieuti-mgen-i wel mreua4e'I ' to try Itoot' . ISarsa.
. , ' io imas Imutmu iroubted hi.
raruui. ) ( or mmy 'mtm mu with
OIg.-.mon fltai uitmjImi ( or seycist ycer' . wmIueh pa.
tatiy rctsitrc,1 iwrfrebie. imefure i.o us.
taken tie' iirt , m.oituo ) .er tiesiti. coliuneneeti to mn.
r proyr , h4l.e Ii now lahmg ( tie bunts J..utile. id
i.r&ltti han i.ten4tm.y enS . icrmnaimemutir ImemmobSU. site
flnxtiy uiuer tuu't.s iii IItimim 10 UmIS
ctdii. uao , w. iWS'OitTiI , AmulmenU. Z. Ii.
prtitaje.t by ( I. I. 1100 ) .t jo. . LowellMssi. Fitco
$ m.u.uaor I.w. dl by , . _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _
l'romn these suotmicomi auiso ttuce.monrtlms of
tim dlstmmt.,9 . , of time imuimminu muec , Tiucee
tymnhtiomits hiil4t0 their - : Lusi of
AmlleIte. louIi cI -
flcIit'tiiiimcri tifler
ecrthoi Ct Imut' ' 4' 1111
n iint , Zritat .tr % .5 ,
q1Irtt , it 5it".ri t hin -u l _ sul
% , Iimii thus' , i.lT.ceelm'Iei I. . s USt i't time
lIrntt is. . . i.ore the eycsiih,3lmlycoI-
orcul . . . ( ( , M'tlJY4I'IO , until do.
tmlmituul the mute eta. retmmtiIlytlmnt acts ulIrecti
( mum tim l.Ivu'r. Asmubivur umueulmelmumi'rIJTT'
url.l.M hmavo no O.pmal , Their michioum on time
f1.Iismys muumit .Sklim Is mmlqo pronipt ; rmmmusovimmg
miii jtumpuimttmom ) Uuroumgh t1ietO ttiriio zcav
cllgcrIl of tIme .ystern , " PromliucIng-appo-
tlio , toilumul ttigcstlon , regimhuur stool a clear
skIutmmmula'vIgoronuhouIv , Tt-vT'4i'sLr.s ;
climumlo 110 immmumna or itrLtuug her hxitercrs
ivlfim dahiNivorir uumit are a tnrrcct
tiot.tuocrymshu'r.Urk , . ( ) iuiee.'i I MuirraySLt4. .
Cmm.ur Il.uix \\'um-msmucs : chuauigrut iii.
istnmmtIi to it ( Ir.uu.ny hi-ion liv asmimgmtu mm ) .
2lIu'ittoui : Of huts liv ) : . Sumlut by ruggtsu ,
em ? cent. by cxproa on teecipt. nt tj L.
Otlt'uu : , .5 $ Itumriy , Strum.'l. , tew Vortc.
I"r7's tis'JuItI m : iigrui.
Oldest Real Estate Agent.
dYotai'y Pub/ic am ! Practicai Con-
Clailmo stun IIfltlM41 imtl Tots , H.enilcneo tot and
Utisinesmu sil oser the city , nail all additIons , be-
shin hupromod , umi mmnluipruvod tarins ewer than
imvotiuer a.' tmar 15-
i'ronoh Coffee IIouo I
LEON KOPALD , Proprietor.
N.iV.Ur. 131 m Anli Jones St. . , . OitAif/t. Nit- )
I 5tCUICII tlIm agency of
WIlL. T. Wood , & Co. . ,
Te . .ehl their tioh. They are muai.lng the tuent Icu
Totils. aim. ) nrc time , Ihht.t firma In time united States.
Ammy It'i Ooitmmauiy uihmteg to h1m3' tools wmII rcvtho
I hic protiiptet nttemmtion by ntIiru.1mig
1' . iv iii.iniva ,
Siiuritmamm .tscimta , ( hmumium Neb.
Oli'1 ' Jilsurauco Aeut
UEP1tiENTS : -
Phmnnix Ansuranco Co. , 01 i.ontton , Caah
. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , .
Wostclicter , N. Y. . Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,000,000.OO
Tholterchants , ofNowark , N.J.CapItaI 1,275,000.00
Oti-ard i'me , Phmia.mcmpbla , Ousplbm. . . . . . . . 1,200,000.05
flronieii'iu } und , cariti ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,230,915.00
OFFIC1I-Itoont 10. 0 ahaNaUon&1 Bank Bull
g , Tebplmono No. 1175
Practical Horse Shoer.
i.akos a .pecmaltg of Roadsters and tenderfoot bor-
08. Bimope , Dod. street bets 11th and 12th , Old
lioflvuo how's '
Steam Dye-Works ! .
200 11th Street , beL Frimattm niml 1)ougias ) _
D. ] 3. WUCiI & CO. ,
, , ,
riLoiuIiEuoitn ,
trt.hiu' aimul Oduitfu' Clothing chaneil , ,1cl anti cc-
paIred. I'iumiiuen situ t iFul eltatit.i. , Iyeti amat cuirleiL
I.tmmcs Suits , iii UuIk. ittln situ Velvet , t-cauied ) iy
tiuc Frutietu utry elenuilmig mirucess. gIfA first-class
taller em , ) , lii ciinmmectlota.
ALt. Woitit VAItnANTEfl.
i : . A. mtmi.i.ixii : , is. c. A WILSON , 1.1 , H.
ltciIemuc , . , IIesthcuice ,
1720 Caliht ol Ave. 2 117 1)ai cmiport St.
Phyioians an Surgoon.
Boyd's Opera house , Omaha , Nob.
Formerly OIalm & J&cob
Call .ntl look over amy now .toro and see my new
( bode.
Employment Agent.
MI kin. ! . . ot help uiip4lccl promimpuly , hIahiroad ,
Hewer ammd Grading help
217 It. 10th Strott , - ' . OIIAI1A , NEIl.
; IAS , H. PE&BODY Ti. .
htesidence , No. 1407 .lcnee St. Otilc , Nc , 1501 Var
sale street. Oflios hour , , 12 in. to 1 . mu. , and
in. to S p. mu. TtIeuhone for ulilce , VI , ilesideno.
John D. Peabody , M. D. ,
OFFIOl 110051 $ , h anti 507 FARNAf ,
U lieu. ! & . Street.
Physician & Surgeon
Roaldunce. ISUs Street overUe1nuu $
atoms ass , Jackeon
tteJercm.ce-A 20 yvsmn' hfl.9tQt 5Y41I1G1IV.
( I