Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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THE DAILY BEE---MONDAY , OCTOBLit 'l2 , 18d3. 7
1\ Palace Music Flail !
\ 0 tiL
1 COUNCIL BLUFFS , o are . ' . IOWA.
M ' Proprietor for the Colobrntod
: : : : Western Cottage Organ Co
Of Mendota , Ill , , for Westeru Iowa , Northoru Knusa9 and Missouri , Nobruka , Southern Minuesotn , and
Dakota Territory , and Dealer in the Matchleaa
. , .
j ; :
Music Boxes , Best Italian Strings , Music Books and Binders
Sheet Music , Etc. , Etc .
Ai a epecialty ii the Piano line , I would recommeud most heartily the
. Zardrnaii iiiic , !
Aflne tone , finely finished , first-class instrumept in every respect ; they arts not time CJ1t)1II ( ! ( dU09 , but
withiu the reach of all who really desire something that will last a lifetime. TRY THEM.
They are fully warranted for SEVEN YEARS.
so largely advertised like patent medicine , and like it , good for everything and nothing in particular , l DO
' t ; NOT KEEP IN STOCK. I cannot afford to sell them , as I live too near home. But if desired , I am Pr
1 pared to furnish any of these eheap Pianos and Organs at eastern prices , save freight , provided I am not held
i = responsible , In connection with this I will state that my Organs contain G full octaves of Reeds , to one eat s
and d0 not call a Single octave of reads , afull set , as advertised by shoddy makers and dealers.
I sell Pianos and Organs on Monthly and Quarterly Payments ; also for cash , with small extra discount
r ' Sendfor circulars , Address
1 t u J. MUELLER
' 1 . ,
No. 103 South Main Street Council B1uffs Iowa ,
1'E1tSONa1L ,
F , 1 MI1es nml l' , A. Batten , of ShcOan
dolt Went nt the 1'nclllo user Sunday.
L 0 , Jenninga , ngcnt of the Bulinlo 11111
and 1)r. ) Cnrvcr 1VIId 11'Cst calnbinatlon , wits
at the 1'ncilio yeatenlay ,
C , ll l'intt , of Chicago , was nu Ogden
house yo.tenlny ,
Judge Jnmes ( ,1)ay ) , of rho Supreum Coart ,
wan in tle city yoatetdny ,
Dr , D..1 , Ilaw , of Shonandmlt , env In the
city over Sumhty' .
J. 1) , limper , ofdinrktu , Iummn , Sundnycd
at the Ogden
Alden K , Miley and nun , of IInrlath w cro nt
the Ogden yoatordny.
11r. 11' . Ihngui ; , of the tirm of C , It Beebe
, L Co. , leavee tu dny ou n amuuercial trip In
Nurthwt'stert Nebraska , nccdugmoicti by hie
wlfo n fair Ft. Calhoun ,
llmr , John Y , Stone , of ftleuwond , wa in
the city yestorduy In nunpauy with ( msu' .
limo , of IVyoutiug , The governr'.healthiv
greatly lmpru + 'hg , lie ittelllla tar spend $ CV
rratl weeks hi lawn ,
, Ltcab Slats , of the maim firm of Shims , h Cant.
w'cll , Itav been nttentllug the circulL cuutt nt
Logan for the past week.
M. Earlmrt , who is connected w Rh 11'right
; t Baldwin , etas returned front n trip to De.
1lolncs aunt utlaor paints ht the state , lll +
u9fo , who 1aav Leon Hpendiug several weeks at
her old ha0w , retuned with hina ,
Judgantlaaa 1'reiuh , of Duvcuport , who
has been huldlug court at Logan , in plaeo of
, ludgu Iuve. , who b4 sick , Hpcat Sunday fa
the city , nail returnd hence today. Judge
( liven , of Dos Maine , , Ia to hold couatIn
I gaata for two weeks , cmunh'nclug next .1I on.
day , Judge % uver'H laealtla hchag ouch that he
as not only vtaablu to prsidu ! at peeseut , but
hx couteuplating reiguitig.
AIrss.E. J. Abbott and 11Trs. John llanencr
Iona tu dny for Chlctgo nod Cloveluud , in
tending to visit their mild heueai msu Ohio , and
be ah.ett about six veeka.
1)r. llnnclaettI Huprenloly happy , anti ought
to ho , for the now boy who lies nrrivcd at ! d.
berme is mite to bo proud of.
Buy your dishes of Hoivo & See ,
Council IUuals HaIM SonloAmbltfon for
Cult ure ,
The public BcliootB and colleges by n0
moans hold all who are sucking education
by following well arranged courses of
study. As the winter evenings draw
near there is a renewal hero of the plans
adopted in proviohs winters for the gain.
lug of further education and information
by sonic who have finished their school'
ang , but who are fortunate enough not
to have the conceit that their education is
tinisbed. To nignt the Chautauqua club
tIUCts at its parlor in the Dluthodist
hureb. Thu club was organized a year
go and it enters can its second year with
ham preInhse of uven greater euthusiasur
ahan last season. Thu coursu of study
aursued is the same , cf course , as
that pursued by the other Chautauqua
0101)5 of the land. 't'his local club nuol-
bors about fifty members , ranging in ago
from sixteen to sixty. A very plcasaut
parlor is being fitted up in time church ,
aid hero on every Monday evening the
chub meets , and goes throughas complete
a recitation as over narked a school.
History , political economy , literature ,
sciolaco , are all in the course , and the
lnombers , by following tlto fixed course
of study and helped by thu weekly meet.
ing , arc gaining much , while having a
delightful way of employing their leisure
atononts. Rev. Dlr. Arnmtrong is the
trader , and proves an enthusiastic and
helpful one.
Another mutual imnprovoment society
is the Round Table , which is just reorganizing
organizing for another winter's
trtdy mind reading. This organization -
tion makes no attempt at
securing largo numbers of members , but
rather to afford an instructive and illtur
esting means of spending a portion of
the winter to those who are ready to join
heartily in the mutual attempt to fua-
provu mentally. Thu Ituund Table maker
but little elmw or hretetlslelaH ) , but itH
work for several sensoims hits boon good
as well as pleasant , and it has been undo ,
tbo lendorahip of a Idlest excullcnl
scholar , Rev. Cyrus Hamlin , pastor of
Lime Congregational church. Last winter'
much of the time was devoted to a study
of Carman literature and llist3ry. It IH
to meet o norrow evuniti ; at tilt residence -
donco of Dlr. Cowles , on Fourth avenue ,
earner of Eiehtli street , to reorganize
and plate for this season.
Bntlt these organizations are a credit
to the city and a pleasing refutation of
time common charge that all the young
folks of time present day are giddy , and
think of nothing but dressing and
dancing ,
Buy your dishes of Howe t4 Son.
1)onIHOn flat IhllgH.
DENISON , October 20-A very enjoy
able sociable was held at the M. E. par.
sonago'1'lursday afternoon and evening
The now Lutheran minister is Rev.
W , F. Strobel , lately located here.
This place is said to have some very
fine home musical , and theatrical talent ,
amid they are to give one of their outer-
taiunteate at the opera house next Tues
day evening.
The social season has opened up hero ,
and during the winter many social events
of dlforont kinds will be enjoyed by
young and old ,
One of tire late city improvotnsnts is
Limo water works on a grand sralo , 't'he
place is now amply protected from time
ravages of lire ,
Buy your djelmes of llowo eC Son.
A 1116 I'ItIIGEIIf.
How Can Counoll IIIuf.m ho Properly
He veragad.
'Cho sewerage question , which has beau
talked about on time corners and is being
grappled by the board of trade and city
council , is as porplexiug as it is impor.
taut , It seems pretty well settled tha t
Indian creek cannot be used as a general
sewer , and oven if it could it would not
answer only for a mall portion of time
city. Time dead hovel of the lung stretch
to the river renders it ahnest itnpossibl u
tai ) gut a gravity system to connect wail 1
the Missouri , as It would necessitate th e
oxpoedtturo of almost a fabulous
amount in grading tip , A plait has been
suggested for havitmg a reservoir ma the
hluiTr and thcn'by letting water through
the tliailr sewer force it denim , but time
prosvuro wot'ld be so great that n voui'
derful strength would have to be Put
auto the sewer building , Thou there
would be a great expense. It has becnm
smggosted thlita grunt cesspool be tondo ,
cold this ptunpu/l nto tie river , 'I'bis
would also be n great undurtaking , and
wotild involve n largo oxpcnse muntnll ) ,
but by emu' it.isdoanted the utostfeasiblu
Bari f aims' . Council ltlull's cannot
to iven any s stem of se vera go without
i.great eo1ybut
. ex1tot eiu cra1/gu seutns to ho
time neejssarZ' iutprovemnunt now to lire.
Cede any pnvumu , or iu fact any great ox-
teusion.'f the w'alorworks , or other hn
ptvtveulentRR , 't'ie pioblout must be
MdVed seine way.
couzoltma1u-r NA1txHr ,
Wbont--No , sprltag , TOc ; Nu , 3 , COc ; cc
Jected , ( Oc ; good deuumd.
Coro-Dealersnmpag9ag:8 t30d ; rejected
curia , Chhrvgoflt11T'c ( ; miomr 0mlxod Ilk ; wldto
care , btc ) : time recolpts of corn nru light ,
oats-in lased dnutand amt : 'time '
clay- I ( If ) 11 W i' tun ; tOtm per bate ,
Rye-IOe ; light swpply.
Corn teal 12Z' per 11k1 pounds ,
WINilt-Omd supply ; pricuv at ) altls , i O0 n
0 00 ,
Coal-Delivcrod , hard , it 110 per tun ; soft ,
li fill per toe ,
Itutter-l'ledy and In fair domm d at : 'fro ;
cnuttuery $1k.
liyrys-hardy sade at lrro par dozen ,
lnnl-Fairbauk'H ' , wholo. + aling met tic.
Poultry'-Firm m dnalers are ) ; tying for
chlckeus Ink ; lien , ° tO Per dozen ,
Vegetables -J'otataos , T0ct uuluns , bllc ; cab.
bagos , 30400 per dozer apples , 3 60 u l 00
Pr btarrcl
Ilour-'Cityy flour , I ii0 ( 8 tO.
Itruotns 00@1300 per doz ,
i.tvi : Hinci.
Cattlo-3 00@3 tsl ; calves , fi 0Op 71 n.
lb'gi-Market for lo s quiet , as thou pack.
hug hooves mire closed ; sldppets are payimtg I 00
© I 7t.
l'reHVcd by a I'unHor. (
1Vhen nutmimn bares begin to fall ,
And fleck thin earth with gomgaus dross ,
! itatromm and maul , the great , the mead ,
elre then cuwmectud wltlm tbu "pass. "
Buuud 11far "s wait , Aiaygusttms' are
IH scud lillthllii his nutpln sleeve ;
"Although we gather leaves to press ,
1've lira + sed you withiuut leave.
"Yes , that is s , , " spike lihtry thou
11'ith geltures'in.tus uudrrstuud ,
"limit still l Autumium mule you feel
1'd just as leaaves you would. "
-.lhtrnthun ludopealent
) A bible PriImtcd in England is 10111. on cx
latbition nt l'nntaeube ,
The Salvailion rimy of lnglaul : Ix luavlug
fif teen halls builtwith smufug capacity for 2 i. .
000 People.
The four grant Bible xoctotiCH of this comiutrp
amid Ore it itritain isvnod bsst year IJ90' , I
copies of time Scriptural.
Mundy haw dedicated the now buildirags
connoctu.I with Iris .ebool fur burro at ( .1 ill ,
A1149s , Thu builllugx cost$20 000 ,
Mr. Ilarrison , "th'a bo preacher , " Is sahl to
lw tlmromnnel with brain fever. Suuiohndy
inust Imvc started tidy story vhaa actor Imeard
blot preach.
'Phu waale of prayer for 1881 , accoplhmg to
time runnnmueudnti um of the couuniLtoo of time
Evangelical A1lionco , will ba from .lanurry 0
Li , .f uamry it ; .
The nnuin of time umutml charch in Canada is
to ho .iutply " ' 1'hc llnthudlstClaimrch , " aumd it
cetalnly lams tam merit of good sense , distluct
ucsx alma ! brevity , no ntoau virtues ms thlugs go
Ainruouistn Is gaining gruel ham North
( icorgiu , Alahauut , amt Altddlu "mid East Tar
hesseo. 'Plw mubsiumwies , svhosobeadgnurtes
are iu Cluattauaui , a , a a nurkiug hmadreds of
converts auhually , It is nut o01y time poor aid
ignorant svhu are , rosolytizud , but the edit.
hated amid the waeithy , lh eontly a _
nautiylaaldeg Lamer appll0al at the Clutttn-
nooga erubah Lome to have a little girl to tied
over to hate us a guardian , anti u0der time riles
of the ilmstltntion he was asked whether ho
vats ii meuhor of n Christlmm church , "Yes , "
ho answered , " 1 tand any vIfo are both mam-
hors of the Church of Savlorfoxus Christ. "
" \Vluat deueauiuatlnHY" 'rim Church of the
Latter Day Saa'nts ' , eoututomily called 1llur-
mmns. " 1'ho ' child will continuo to be an Inv
imitate of the Iege.
Miss leanado Kollugg will ho located In ] bas.
ton this whiter.
IIlaas Ricbtar will give three orchrstralcon-
certs in Loudon tlds ntttmnim.
, folui 11fcCulluugh closed a three weeks' env
gagenant amt MoVlcker's an Saiturday night ,
Pluybmg Jllchard III. to u $1,000 , homisu.
Kirtlfy's now tboatrn min Fourth avenue
New York , will he c"mnmcaced Abay 1 tautl
opened the begiumilog of time season of 1884.8t.
Rtnme , ( clstlnler { is to create during law
American tour the thtle role aim " Floretta , " anew
now operetta by Alfred Strsver and .1Amx Von
Slnftdlus Benedict has rewritten tmlx can.
tats "Crarlollu , " which was glvdn last your at
the I1lrnihmghani festival , and will pnamlueo it
during the seavou hi Loedou Crystal 1'ulawu u.
an npora.
It Is now proposed to baud a theatre ham
which tall time stems amid curtail mm. will bullfted
and luwiaed by bydrmlio huachiuery , so that
emily about uho $ xth tie miuumherf uien usuiti
by reglmired suffice to "work''anythlug , and the
scones em bu elm caged ll a surprislogfy .hart
tiume. It only rcmulns to work the actor. by
M , Cupaul , tlto tenor , heeded ham NOW York
frame the Normuaadio best Friday. This 1. ids
fifth visit th Attica M. Cupoul regmutud
a reporter whutu ho moot G ) wutnullct the
story of his umeruIngo recently pnbll + hod. 1Gi
stated tianttheru was nut a word of truth lam
it. Jle says lao hex hot brml nnrriud , and ,
what Is allure , ouver will nmarry , M.
Cup ul Hpuku caruostly alma Ilourislmed imh
A Hpleudld Itenasdy for Iru'm 181)-
Dr , itobt , Newton , Int. President of time
Eclectic College of the City of Now Yarknnd
fornorly of Chmeinnatl , Ohio , nsod 1)l , 1Vil ,
IIALI'H 11AIA4AVI eery oxtoosivoly in his pruo
tire , its mm mmyof huts pnticmmts , now Ii ving , mud
restored to lea ltk by the use of thix luvnlmablo
nacdmcbme , cam unlply testify ; lie ukwvayI said
that so goad n remedy ought not to he w msid
orcd ncrely iii n patent modiclao , but beat It
ought tube prexctibrd freely by every 1ihysi
claim ax a soverelgn remedy In all cases o Leumg
dixvoos , It Is a sure coma for ConsuOqtion ,
and lmax no equal her all poctural cuulplaiuta
---r - -
IlfoaHUrlug Nor'Ihoru t'ao111u Eiim-
ploycs ,
auttu ( I ! . 'F. ) Mlaer.
Orders have boon issued ( rearm the bondd
quurters of the Narthun Pac'f'u ' ' itailrvrtd
t(1 tlmu ulrcct that all urnIdoyus nn tnihus
auIml at Ht8tiOmis over time line nrimot appear
in uniform , A tailor is new going ver
time road taking lmaeasumrsnaits of thu
employes for their yew suits , who , in
order U ) expedite matters , uunds time following -
all ' "fake air
lowing dispatch to agsmts ;
oyurytlmumg but your pantulounu and slmirt ,
and ho ou time plutformm whuu tlma train
arrives , to be mmeaeurcd fur uuiforn , "
Arriving at ammo of the new st ati7na he
juumped front time trahm , tape-line in baud ,
nu(1 shouted for time agent , lam respousu
to leis call a handsanmu young lady stopped
forward , nctontpanied by a sturdy six.
footer , who numuuneed that time lady was
time agent , mmcl le was her brother , and
dt'nmaudcd am explnuutiotm of his dispatch
( 'lao tailor explanud its best lee could ,
iced boarding tie traium tulegraphod from
the next stutmimm , "flow nmury agents hnvu
you got LhHt don't wear sluirta and puuta
lasHH , nail wheio aru they located ? An.
Bwer quick , "
About llareomontlaago , leas takonwith , sovcro
pslns ht the small ci my baek , In the rtglon of the
kidneys , from ehldt 1 btesme a terrible suhicrer , 1
ronmlted Rh a numherot phyalcians , rnI nimbly
placed uq sell nldrr their treatment , they telling mite
1 had the sclatla rheumntlnn mud kldnoy eoniptnlnt.
On exmntnatton my utlnemns found tubs in n very
had romidltlan , of n very dark eolhrakl Impmgnntttl
elthnlicnvy'rcdbrlek dtntdrlrodt , and very ofltm.
she , 1 had the uw + t careful and beet mcllel mitten.
done , and hied mill the pgNdar rcmelles a Ithout ox
pcriom'Ingnny mallet , l'oriunaldy aiout tldetimim
the vkttmo of Ihmt's llcmcdy Icing celled to m mat.
lcntlod , l Ianuxlt and u + el a bottle , with such satl ,
fartnry rrsnlts that I rodlmiuat en for .Ix mmauks ,
what , tin leg used tour bottles , I fond 1 w u mauvcll
n + cm cm numb entirely cured , All palns left mmmc , toy
attar retuniet to Il + nnUrrnl actor. i nm tine 1mm
celknthealth , flail able to attend to nmy budueas
( gazers ) .
N'hcnovrr mu oppnrtultty nmurs to reeouuncml
3Ottt elunhlo mcvtleluu l nlway s do a , , a l nn colt.
0dcnt It eIll do mill your clalm + fat It , mud that ca cry
tlmn Voss , , vtth grallthde ,
( At r. Jour Ranee.
Now tendon , ( loan. , MaY 0 , 1993.
Ahouktnyoarsgoluas taken wllh n
tack of dica + o of the kldlrys , trot ahlelt 1 auncreb
oemely. 1 mppltcd to our loeml I'llMctnn , and hot
rotelalu g any help 1 relict min Mr , John A , Morgan ,
otirdruggistnndstttemlany rae. inc Inuucdlalcly
laudwl nm n I"tttle mil Inmt'a Remedy , nnael it ns
the great spcchto for that tvmrlalnt. 1 eonuncucd
mislug It at nnee , mid trout Ile eery start 1 hcgan to
iutprote , mud by the thew 1 hml used that' bottle roam
chtItaly m dl. I mmouhi advice amity persons hating
dltltcultyelot the klmcyat to glaeliunt'a Iteniealyii
ttlmal , I know of ate msu bcsadcn may own behtg cured
nod a ucld cheerfully rt'eommtmatemial IL to atty our.
CttAktxv lb. . ( ta.axoxmt ,
t'orcman 1)y ) a Meuse' , Shhhtckrt Mills ,
May 8,18L Orcrnemilleh4mu ,
Irertdy'tOtltuanon lacing n true ease , having
roll time turdieuu ! to Mr , Aloaandea mind know bhn
to bu n getttlourmm mcsywcted highly tat thin l'odllnn Ica
hulls , Juus A.1IonuiAx ,
illy S , ISSI 1)ntgdmit , ( incite , lile , Coon ,
" " Theits , nf the ( em"Shot
S H 0 R"I" IJuo" In conltetiou m Ith th ,
cegwrmate hanie of a gn'mitroad
cenesmaim llryof mat shat
raqulrod by the lrarellug cab
lie-ma Short Lhac , tt.lek 71m.
atttl th. toast 'it ae'eettmaeda
U bees-mall of shdch stn bun. .
Ihal by thu gre t mt raulway to Amucrltat
And St. Paul.
It owns and operntra over 1,800 tnlleeof roadli
Northerm Illluols , 1Viseousln , Mlnuesota , loom art
iMkota ; nod mist to main hums , bra"elws nod otmnnet
dons remich nil the great bulucas centroa of U'
NUrthweetntltt FairlYrmit , ! t sntnraiiy nuseurs th
dcsrrlption of Short Lhw , mid ! lost itoate between
Chiiage , Mllwatakee , St Paul nett Min"aapolle.
ChlemgnMllwaukeo , iii Crease total Wlnnna
Chicago , Mliwn ahuo , Aberteru anal Ellarilnlo
Chleigo , Milwaukee , Eau Claire mad Stllhemitu'
Chieag ( , , Mllsnukru , Wausau mind Morrill.
Chhmgu , lilbmnukeo , lteamer Dour nlmd Oahkash ,
Chleago , Mile m ukce , Wnukoeha meib Ocrmuutuwuo
ChlCngo , Mllanukce , Mmlleotr pal l'ralrlcltt Chic ,
Chlengu , Mihaukco , Onatamuum mid eatrlh"ult.
Chicago , ltulult , Jnnesvillu imitd Mliteral l'olnt.
Cldemgu , Illgnu , ik'ekfurl mui ! ) uhegno.
Chiesxa , Cllulat , Hock laland nail Cedar itapbtn
Cldntgu , Council Ulua , and ( tueahta.
Chicago , Slone Clty , Slanx falls nlmd Yauktan
Chaeatgnlulls aukeu , Slltchcll amid Ch"mberlatn ,
foek Island , lnlugnu ) , it. i'aul ausl Min"ca polls
natolport , Cninuar , St , I'uttl mind Mimineapulta
I'tdhhnu Slrepcrs anti the Fhaest lIni"gCams ) hush
world are nu , oil the mnal0tusoflhoCH ! ! CAC
andaeryntleotiulispah to pmesuugrra , y eouttt
one anployum of ( ho cmmi { ahy ,
9. d. MEIthtiL1 , , A. V , 11. CAltl'INTltlt ,
( lo'I , ) meager , Ocn'i i'aesa Agent
J T.CLARK , (25011iiiAFi'OIti ,
Ocn'I Sui { t. Aadt ( Iai' ! Pass. Ag't
hasLemmutorodeslnactimotohumanhealth natal o
throe win , pcUleacu and fmulno coniblthNi. So said
a dldiegulslwd write , , uauytcars ngowd it Is a. true
tn day at Uteim. 'i'Iw pour afcthn of Itlond Dlseaso I.
dniggod w tth Mercury to cure Otto malady amid than
nosed with Ialhles to Cairo hhn of rho Mercurlal Pone.
oning ; but insteitd of relief , tam llrst ouu break , down
lilagomtendhcallhmaul utakes luau "crippietutu the
other minim his "Igestlvo organs , To tunas nithlatel
Ilthls wily Swift's 8peeIfalstime greatest I oem on
earth , nod la s nrtia morn Luau its m , lght ho gold , I I
unlhdutcN thin Mercuri"I Tolson , torsos up Uw syatau
mad hringa taw su0brer hack to healthaod hlp { ncss ,
1:1try : pcrsm w hl haw ovcr here sallvatud should by
all uwma , lake a thunagh course of this raiady.
JErreasusrtix , Twines Co , , ( la
Flee yen ni ago I lentil maim toy plnntatlmn n adored
tnae who was haul , dheanud , Ile stated that eve
years butoro ho ) iudcuutracb-d n violent case of blamed
uhotr , and laud been treated by many physlo
lama ill falleng ; to cimru hhn. Itrcatcd halm meat Hslft s
Hpuchllc , lie wms01mmithmalwell ,
aid hue out humid a sy'ugdumn of thudlscno share ,
D , 1,1.1IUUIIES.
Ona gentleman who ha + I hcen confine l to hl , ha
six s eukn situ Mereurhmb lihenuallsnm boa beel cured
entirely , mind Nlwaktl lam ale hkuhust prmilse of H , H. H.
CUILIS : t aiiltltY ,
Chattanooga , Tcnu.
rice : Htall sits , $1.00 ier bottle , Largo sizu ( holth
d 001)10 quantity ) d1,7h battle. All , Iruggists soil
Sv111 be patd to nny Chendt who will nnJor an
alyalaof IIMbattlo. S , 8 , H. , ono partlciu of Mercury
tondo I'otasaluui , or amity udmural subtanco ,
'rug SWlh'i'Hi'ECIFIO 00 , ,
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa ,
tTVnito for the ilttl0 book , wiulcim wilt ho months )
free ,
I'rlco : Hmahl , iw , 01,00 per bottlea. Largo alp
( hamidlugduubiequmetlty ) , 1i.75abottle. All drug
gists sell it.
Traveling PublJc !
-TIiE -
Capaooolta , , Nob. ,
I , haw uodorgoumg thrormagh repairs , both within and
wittu"tamid ) , thuprupricUr hateuds It shall bu HBU
( IN I1'0 NONS lam thu State , uuxL to Orealm ,
1:1t. ULAIIUWEi.L ,
hug 21 2m i'ruprlutr ,
Nebraska Cornice
3Dormor Win ilea Isy
Iron Fencing I
Crestuigs , Jihlustrslos , Voraudas , 0)11ce ) coal Dank
itailbags , Wluduw and Qcllarouards , Eta
WI , ! , ( JAISEIt , Manager.
Graham Paper Co ,
217 and 210 North Main HL , St. Louie.
ENYEi.01'E8 ' , ( Mii ) imOAltl ) AND
t1VCmaeh bald for Itag. and I'apa Bto01eHcta ) lror
and Metali ,
I'ays0 dtuck Warubousat 122 to 1221 North suet
shot. uuptlld 3au
leas long been ecknnslem1 ed and more an at this day
thnnmayother , The vast ncidof medical valence I +
ewer Incrrasing , mid its umtmcrmta branches arc
brought hearer and nearer to perfection , nail
no alma nman can any longer gra + p them al
itrncothoncros + ltyfordlaldinglholahor. And It ii
mime baynnd all doubt that d { + esase , anecting the gem
Ito u ilmaryorgnus need speeinl study more than any.
thing else , if we would undertmsl and know how
treat thene 'ampereg. '
lilt , It , WAtINf It I + family aware that there are
maneplgsleiatr + , mammal roam cnsiblo 'enple , w he .ill
rondotilo hlmm for timakttlg thula via + of dh + ea + ev a spo-
claltybutlieI ltappy iikhomvUaat with can + t per
sail , of rcOneatad nod hitcllgeuco ! a m.rc enll"hten
cal vlmvta taker of the subject , nail that the { la'de'
Inn . ho dnote + hlmself to rollomlag the nnllrtod and
sating then frounvnrso than thmlh , Iv talc. + a phi.
ladhmpl + t mud bencfactur to bib race the the shr
gcou or physlcfan w Imo by clo + o npolicatlon exeels in
amity other branch of his . proet lon , And fortunately
orhunmtdtyulnaday.Isdawnlmigmmlien thefahsoi -
nnthro dq that imudrnrwd , Lima victims of folly or
evlnao , hike the lepers under the , Jarlah law , to die
mumed fur has pascdmway.
A Few Reasons
1Vhy you shuuld try time celebrated Dr. If. Wagner'e
melhoil + nf cure ;
1. "De 11 , w'ngner ls n natural physldan , "
0 , S , Fowtxn ,
Tbo Oreatcst Urlug I'hrcnulogtet.
"I'ar calm card you ns n doctor , "
D. . J , Sitnty ,
7bae w'orld's Orentest 1'halasghohdvt.
8 , "Y elmnrewouderhteyprotlciontlnyuurknow )
edge of dlscaso anal tiaralieincs. "
tin. J. MArrmtmiW5.
1 , "T1ienUictcd ! null nmdy relief hr our arts'
race. " Da , J , Siusts.
8 , "Dr. IL w'Agner Iv n regular graduate ( rota
Ilclleana lto.pltnl , Now York city ; has had very ox.
lmtthe hiwpllal praclt o , numb Is thoroughly pa + ted on
mill bmnrhes of his beloved science , especially at
chrolledleasos , "
1)us. IIROWxxtL& lwaco.
- "ir. \'agtaerh am InuttorUdlacd lahu'elf h
his wonderful dl + eoryads eclnc remelcs ! for tar
valoaidsctualdlwnsesVirghdaCityCbrotddo. .
7. " 77asa.ands of htrahlds ( lock m see hlraSan
Frwcbm Cliroulcla ,
R "Taw Doctor' long oaperkneo as a specialist
ahoiddreuderhlm very euecessfinel.-Itocky Mouu
Uln Name ,
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At aims tutu n dl.ctuslon of the secret r3c" wm + cam.
llrcly avotdcd by thu prafessinn , and uhtllcal works of
but n few years ago umtld hardlyy ntentlou it.
Today the phuycleLtm la amt n diaerettopinlnn ; ho Is
aaaro that it Is Id + duty-tleagreeablo Umnm h it
uuayletn lahdhe lhls matter .Ithout glaesnnd
eyaaak plalul' about It' mod Intclllgcnt lucenta anti
guanllmis my 111 thank maim for dolog so ,
flu results nttcudiaag tlol , destnttivo t ice a era for
uterly moat u"detmitoud , tar not prot'erly cstltatrd' mind
nn lugwrtancu beangattached to a subject mellcir by
Ilsuaurudoctaut ht itn cieo IacstlgaUoiItwas
I'illhugly Ign"tcd ,
77au habit Is generally contracted hap the youo
while aneiilhimag et'huul ; nhicr companllons through
their axnmplu , nay ha respa"siblu for it. or It any be
napdred through uccldcut , Thu cxrltcmelttam cx-
puricncrd , tlw prneticu .III bo mpenteal agaht mud
amen { , null ! at lart rho hnblt becomes nr"t amt comma'
letcly eaasi.a u , ( ho sletha , Mental and nervous af
lllctlamna are usualy ! the primary results of , cmf abuse.
Ana"ng lime taijuri".s erects many be mmatloued lass ! .
tutu , dejection or Irrasdbillty' of temper and general
debility. Thu how seek natal rarely jelu.
lii time sd'orts of his cnmtilaldala. If ham ho a young +
utau lam old he little remand lam remoany.Ith the other
sex mind Ii troubled slth exceeding and annoying
basiuhluvsa In their proscure. Iase1 lens drcmns ,
aulsnlo"s nut erupttuus cal the taco , etc. , arualso
hrouaincnt symptoms.
If tlwpracticelsmlolenlly 'acralstellamnaoreserious '
allludaahces take place. ircat pnlplatlou of the
heart , ur epllcptla couvul + lous , are otperbeurod , mid
limo auaerer may ( mall halo acuutplotu state of Idiocy be.
fore , linally , death rollm es hint.
't'oallthosoemmm ; 'ud ht this dtmagerons , practice , I
s drat of nil , sto i it at nnee ; makoemery
possible uaert to du so ; but tf yon fail , if your nervous
sytau b already to , , much ahattaed , anti rouse.
yucmdly' , your mmmll pom er broken , take aommo nerao
tunluLnalat y onlnyuureffort lfavlugfroalyourself
frmn rho habit 1 would fmrlher counsel you to go
throulam ; a megufar coarse of tremttmut , for it is a great
ndetako tam stmIu that any aw may , foroum thno ,
Itotocrysolittle give himwlf uptuthiifaschwtiug
but datgerousutdtcutentwitlaoututtering frmn its
evilconsayuamecs at aomontmero thou , 'fhw mmnhacr
of ymmgloal % Ito are Inrnpaclatctl to till time dutice
aijolncdbywedlock isaharnrhiglyli rygo , nod Inmost
of such cases thls rudorhuatum oeuditlam of Lldugv can
bu traced to time praclkm of self atinso , which had been
alundnnudyearsngo , Indoedisfewuronths'practice
of this habit Is sullldaittohulucuopornatnrrham u
later y'oarsnud I hnvu uauy of suchs casesuuder lceat
muutut the ) russet day.
Young Mess
Who mommy be sutlcring ( roan Limo ofeatsof youthful
follies tarlndiseretkonewill tiemrclitonall thmemschos
of ( labs , the greatest boon care Iautatthoaltarof salt-
( erhag huuaulty. Iha. IYACsxa .III gmamntce to for'
felt * .OOforevery cacoof senrlminlwoakuossorprlvato
dkNatso of any khhl and characterwhleh Imo uuder-
tnku , to amid falls to cure ,
Middle Aged Men.
Theme are eauy , at ttao ago of 30 to 00 who ate
troublal with too trcquent cvacuatlons of the bladder -
der , often at'comyuudel by n sllght stnnrtkng or burn.
hag smusatlou , mail a weahamltig of the sy start In a
umaunurUwpatlontcanrwtaccouatfor , Oat oxanain
h.gtimeurhmrydepoeltsaropy saimontwill ! oftonbe
foundaudsomulinuensnallpartlclesof aibunmon wIU
n gear , ( mm that color will ho of ttdn ntllklslt hue , again
" { , . Tharoarc
nanny miecuy uten who die of this dllllcvmity , lmiormatof ;
the comiac , whilelt Is the secend stage of solmlmal soak-
puss , Irw.wlllguamnWuapcrfectcurohinllcasos
and a healtlmy restoration of tlao genlto uriuary ur
Cnnsnltatlun tree. Thorough examinatlon and ad.
glee' , * 5.
All emnneutdcatlane should ho aldresed , Dr. Honey
Ilcnry Wagnor,1'.0 , 2890 , Dcncr , Colorado
The Yomag Slat ; a Locket Cmn ion , by Dr. U
Wagner , is worth its wei ght ht gob ! to young mace.
I'rica , y1:8. Hart by mail to any address.
Let Your Light Shine , .
Dr. Wagnar the celebrated .pcciaiist of Denver
Glam. , 813 i.arfnaor street , believes hi letting time
know what ho can do , and Is doing for thousand , of
his fellowmuu , llla treatment fur lust manhoal 1 ,
sum to win blue a uauy treat , tcrlty mill blos. Tan
thousand temthn"nials frmn till over time Uulted States
from thoseJue has rimmed , is proof positive that hodues
cure the worst cases of these dlmeaes. The afflicted
lruum dmeilc and sexual disaasas of every klld WI ! !
fhal hhn their best lrlund heal his advertlsumontin
all our city ' , apors , acid cal ! at' halm for advice , as we
klowyuu sill auroboratu u , hi aaylmag { he is the But
force's true frimad : pockyMou0nlaiNew. ,
Relief to the Afflicted.
In medmdamcs , as lam sconce , the apoaahete arc the.
clues whaalway s conies to the front and aim oreplash
great ruwits. 'ibis remark is opeclally applicable tote
to hr. 11. Wagner { of this city. Ito stands at time top
of his profoaslou , and ( Ito cure , Ica ierforns for the
unfornmato would .coin wonderful 11 not propcrly
viewed lam Uwllghtof sdentiflo asulrmnents. lie kr
ixklorsod by tiae titost utnlnott of the medical faculty ,
III. otihee at 313 Laramlr street , where ho will spuedl
Ii ) oncctn cure for thu sunurlug of either sox , no teat-
tor how complicated their complaht.-1'omemoye '
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure ,
I'ursone at a diatance who wish tobo treated by Dr.
Wu suer need hot feel backward because of luabllity
G ) vldt hint. If they wUi w to the doctor he will
sendahatof questlors w nablra hhn to Bond
malirlnes , counsel amid to tluumwnde he has
never soon , Ho has pa ham every city , tosm and
station ht Culoratk well as allover the United
Slates , Set his ad n hie alvartiaement-Dcu
ver Trlbuuo.
Shall We Reform ?
Specinoremedies formlldtseaeesis the theory
practice at present of aiucatal and uxierlenoer ,
phyalciati , anal ilm all large oonmawtltias thmey hmime
their awciaitiee { , to exact lam vaich they direct their
tudloaaid practice. Da Wagner is a suaesaful 11
lustratlom amt thals nadont school of mi aeclalth s. and his
uuprecslonted success hi the trcatnwnt of private
diauax'a la as wonderful m , It is fiatterlug-1 rot. J.
Slnuh , .
' 1'Iuose i ursmie who ncod malice ! relief for the most
delicalu of disoaaue whllllud mm accomplished mid aua
lesaful lu sielan he the { anon of 1)a % Vagnor , No.
343 Lair l utur strwt , w ho is highly recommeua ad by Lhs
uwdlcal pr0fussluu at houw wtd aboard-i'omcroy'tl
DumaCrat hllgatry and ignormwomut game way to
slsdoam and the wlsu phyaieAa t bellemos lam IotUug his
light ablate for taw glory ul his fuliow naon. Printer's
Ink Is limo torch lie cute bust uu to gmiido ilea weary
aut sick ono to Uw fomitalri of Itoahth If this article
should bu instrume"tal as a "TOHCIILIi llT".ot up.
uu tkhiU to guide sunering huuaulty to3t3 Ialuter
street , Datives Colorado , It x 111 aeiaWer Uio purpose
for which it wee writtou , Address
1' , 0 , box 3H9 or call at 1113 Lhrlmur Street (
fenver , CIO.
ti the column headed "The Necessity for the