- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - _ ' 'R ' 2 TIlE DAILY BEE'OMAIlA , FRIDAY , OCTOBER ] 9 , 1883. .1IIsc1iiovowa Malaria. 1'To say that malaria is fnucMevcus is to put it very mildly. It is all that and more , , , It 1s cunning , deceitful , treacherous , sly , and underhanded. It does its work in the dark , and in such a sly way that much of the mischief - chief is done before it is discovered. It saps the foundations of a health system. It robs the blood of its vita - ity , demoralizes the liver , confounds the stomach , and makes the victim wish lie n't rn in his grave. It is sad to see pco1JlC itdown in their misery , content to l" : 'v victims of mischievous - ous malaria. aid thinking that noth- in canbe done forthem. The power o BltowN's 'TON BITTERS over the mischiefs of malaria has been so amply - _ ply proved that there is no reason why anybody who can procure a bottle o this Prince of Tonics shall suffer. Great is the power of malaria , and great arc its disastrous effects. But greater far is the beneficent influence - fluence of lnowN's ] Ino i BITTERS , The preparation of iron in this f tvor- 'te ' Isms y remedy 'can be taken without ruining the teeth or produc ing constipation and headache. l Health is wealth n ur p rlAtri I a w.C,1YFS a . ' 'i'i E T11EATt1EN- Dr. i. 0 , 1Vicef , Ncrrn and Iiraln Trcahncnt , i nrae cad ep00150 for Ilystaria , 1i zrlneAs , DonYaf duns , Fits , Norwns Ncuralda , IlcaIAcho , Ncrtout Prostration caused bx mho ueo of aicahnl or tobacco , Habnul0css , Mcntal Un'rasinn ' , Sofk.nlrG , of tit Snlu , mending lu inanity and Ic.iig , to misery , eaay and death , I'rcrnaturo OW Age , Itarronncss x11 of poser in either sax , Involuntary 1,850 , pumatorrincn caua.l by user caortions of : u , olfabuse or over Indulgenc. inch urns ono month's treatmcnL QI.OO n boz , lr .pGa for QSMW. Sent by tnalu prcald ; on receipt t' WE OUA1tAh"TEE SIX IIOXES Tn c'uo any Casa With each order received by us for su boxes aaoompanlod with QS.OO , wowillecnd tl.c mrchascr our writtangnaranteotorelundthomonoy ithotrcatmcntdooenotaacct a cure. Guarantees ued only by C. F. OODDMAN ' mdrowI- Dour 1st Omaha Neb. , DR , fEL1XLFBRUN'S A.t\TT Gm PAEVEN" 5D CURE. OR E'w ' . ' SEX. ' This rcmaly bch0 ; ; , t' to the scat ] the 1iecaso , rcqulruu . , % , .t or nauswus , mcrcurlalorpoleeunu + inkenintern. lily. When real as a "r w m "ut eax , it is Imoneihla ; , to coutm.t 4'I , , rlr , but In the cseoet those a rcndy'uirnlnmtcll u' two guar antco three boxes to , , it. : and the money , i'rlco b inn + 1 , pas : c i. ' I " t lax , or th rco bozce for i. . ; wnrrriN nhA . 'kN t cued by all authnrinl 'o , . ' . i Dr.FelixLeBi'uu& Co ' I faTlS PIIfltl , Elnl'7 Nei nIo A n r , far tits m sv - , ' , I Have 3 a i intl. I1 1 Was the exclamation or a man when ho got a box of Eureka Pile ointment , whloh Is a airnlda anti aura ourefor'Ilesandau Skims llbxsans , bttly cwnteby i roan , poetpMd. t The American Drarrhwa Cure i .s 1 naa etood the tget for twenty years 4Suro curl fdi en .Nevor Fare. Dtarthaoo , Dysootory , and Chile. Morbue. , ' Deane 1 s FOTer and Aue Tonic & Corhal , i 1t Is bnpc.alblo to eupply the rspld cio of the same. SURE CUR WARItANTED Poe Taver and Ague , and aR Malarial troubles t i Pmcn. $1,00 , ur W.J , wHITEHOH OE , f LABORATORY. 10TII ST.OIdAIIA , NEP. for Sale by all Druqgfsts Cure out mah A POSITIVEIcll , l'nlunlcd0a to10 , 70. On a box No. 1 will cnro any c.so In four days or less. No , 2 wDI cure the most obstinate case imomatterot how Cf long bthndlrmg. Allan's Soluble Medicated Boogies , No nauseous doeos of cubebe , co ably' or oil of eau. dal wool , that era certain to prudueo dyepeI , a by destnring the coztingeofthetomach , l'rice8160. Bold by sii drub glets , or uulhod on receipt of prlca. For further , artIcularesend for circular. 1'.o. Dox It.9t ' IJ. C. ALLAN CC „ 4JURE. da Jda atrwt , New 5 mirk i 1 GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. i ' ' , Cities r11t1L 1. Debut y OSNITAL LOSS j t . DF3lANLYYIGOItSwnuatom ; laeaeta.wmen ) all other remedies dies fan A curd puararstceiL , rr ° * 1.Oabottlolarge bottle , lour ' \p , . = thou the quantity. Q& Sold ox. prcu to any address b' alldrugalets ENGLISII MElll. OALi ; l'ITrTF Proprlewn,718 Olleo Street , St. + Lou' ' 1 V - - " 1. . "A Wy Cooper' ' . Vital Itottoratra cr l me -y nrtamer epaakl hlgldy of It uaiurltr udorwit&earomuody of true merit. "C. F , GooDYANDruggist. 0 , sha sea.1 11)83 vis m&o.adiy r GOLD MEDAL , PARK , 1878 BAKER'S w 't.2 -l Broikist [ oc 1 1Varrantcd nM1sobrtelj per { noon , from wblch 1110 excess a ; , 1 , R oKnrenruved lilies ilf duff s myth of Cocoa mlxcd t II whim Starch , , .lrruwrootur Huger , r i wad 1s tbercfnro t.r mono ccuuuml it cal. ! t 1s dcllrluus , uvurlsLlnly atrcublbeutub , earll'dl v.wl , o u d j adrolrubly adupu.l fur hn'ultda a t , 'fell u. fur In icaltb , Sold by Urueen ererptbere. s BRIER & CO. . , Dorchester Mass ' " c . . 1 f y .t jlt 4 BETTER AND CHEAPERIHAH SUM FOR ALL I Eollso.Cioaning Purposotit , . WILL CLAN f 1'.t1NT , l1ARIII.B , OIL CLOTUS , IIAT 'rUlis , CIOflail' : , n1TCltl V L'TLN6 [ WINtOW $ , Ira , 11T WILL POLISH ? 1N,1i11A65CO1'PER.A I)6ThELWA Ill Or' ALL IUND9. SOUTHERN TREASURES. A Cabinet Iteeliu g and What It Left Bchill It Jowolr of the Lndica of the South , Grnernl Itrecltenrldgc , by Mistnke , Gives It to n iady , IIrH iart11L 3Ioss , null n sharp 1 nmilteo \I'nikM OITlt'Ith all 01 It -A Fortnlc Special tolboCincinnati Comnrerckl fiazotto ATt..tNTA , GA. , October 14.-rime Cnn stitiitiOf cf to-day contains thu following - ing , writtmr by 1 : . A. Tats , of Semeca , S. 0. : During tlto winter of 1861.6G , the Come federate Govcr7maut , on account of their rnilrond cominunicatinnn being destroyed in 80 nramiy places , built a pontoon bridge across the Savannah ltivur , a little uvor n mile below old Petersburg , nod which is at rho t no utln of the Broad ltivur , or , in other words , at the junction of thu two rivers. Thin p0ntoen wasabout half way between 11asWngton , ( in. , and Abbe- yule , S. C , Iii time early part of 18o ( , there Was an nhnost continual stream of soldiers going anti coming el that road. About three and a half mules from time bridge , in Lincoln county , Ga. , lived time WidOW of David ? lima Dioss , with liar three small children. They awned a Guo plantation and ivero proapcrous. Uric oveuiug a larger crowd canto to liar house than usual , finer tennis , finer dressed - ed man , everything botokenud somu dis tinguished porseago. At last a tall , flue-looking geutlculat came np and imi- traduccd iimilmself its Uenurnl Breckuut ridge , naked for auppor and a room , and said they would not stay the night , but only wanted the room for a short tuna. She opened her parlor to them , and in a alert time the room was full of gentle- mel , also bozos of various sizes , Mrs. Mosssoon found that alto Was entertaining - ing l'rusidaiit Davis nod his cabumiut. IIer health at that line was very bad , and she became very i uelr excited over ill that was going emi , and could mi0t sloop. About 1 o clock a , ni. sire heard kuockiig at the pa'lordoorantl answered it iii person. She was mot by General Brnekuridgo , who gave liar fifty dollars tar gold , am , a'niuu around and looking at floe confused stare of the parlor , boxua , papers , &C. , lying in every direction - tion , said to her , "We give you whrat we cave. " I was under the impression that t e net Cnbinat ntaeting was held there , but Captain TT.Letdon says in Washington , 1Lraybo ho is correct. After tlloyhad allione ; Mrs. Moss retired - tired , and next mornin , she and a youmig titer went into the armor to clear up. [ 'ho commenced. moving the boxes , but iii fast caine u purl 0110 that was very . The examined it and found was full of the finest diamonds and 'ov alr . They secret ] moved the box into Afi-u. Mors' bed roe n + and put it under trio bud , aid that night those two loan ladies 'carried it into the garden anti buried it. The garden had all been freshly spaded up for thu regular spring work and it was not noticed. 1'or a short time things nmvutl on very quiet , and at last several Yn ikeua cane up and made enquires about the box , and she told then alto hnusv nothing about it , old they loft. Thou calms on the gold nxertamant , and several of the best pcople wore talwu and llaugetl by the thumbs to make then tell about the gold.All All this excitement was lee rnuelf for Mrs. Moss' already enfeebled syatom , and clue was cool wed to take liar bed. \Vhlu ] lying there alto brooded over her soorct oat last concluded that slur , would tell everything to her pastor , amid act on his advice , Site did so. 'for pastor was , if I rsnienbur correctly , hu Rev. L , W. Stephens , now of hart. lie , after hearing her story , very wisely told liar to keep it. It was curtaiily hors , ntoru so than anybody else's , it was iveui liar by General Breckinritl go , and even if by nistaka it was lucre until the ) ) aties called for it. This a uicted her d for a while things wore its usual. About this tire I received a nnussago Iron her , to come to sue her ; that she 4'uitod : to sae me on important business Sala Bald alto did not expect to live lam ; . Circunista ces over which I had nn nmtral prevented me. 1 lever saw bier any inure. A few weeks , perhaps over a month , bofo e situ died , seine Yankee officers came to her house , searched it all over , took oil her bed std soarehod it , alum the nnattrassos and everything cennectcd with it. As a matter of course they found Rotlun ] g , About two weeks beore aim. , died a fellow cano took a boot from hia pocket , nun road to her a list of the urti epos , rind told her that he was sent fo r them ; that they hero overlooked that piglet in the hurry of departure , and I all'pose he Illade every'tiiiig very reason- able. able.She She was very low , nobody being about her but ladies who knew nottiug nbeu t the box and no one to give her advice aid this follow being so plauiiblo , slit told him wham it was , and thu nlfuna miscreant , after getting all , fwd to soa'ul everything to sea if there was iluthimi urea , nod she a dying woman. After thb fellow and his squad left , there won various BpeculntionHH about it. 1 put i up this way at time time : 't'his box con tamed thu jewelry of time ladies of th South , sent out by them to assist t1 lonfederuuy , or it was jewelry dolositu by the birdies for safe lteopiug with th 1 reaeurer , anti at the capture of ltiib t uncurl a unoutorunduul of the things wit fonmidnnd its they worn not its tichnronr 1 t'wy were supposed to lo with Mr. Davie a. , shun Ifir Davis was captured tire Were not with him eonso juonthy they la bran lift sanewleru On time read , 'rlii 0.-I . Felicity rapped hia reward , amid le g u - u fortune , 7' ) vivo y'n au idea of the value , timer molts ono 1 + g nu.i rule like n l unnnin hind , Thu eyes were single dhunoun B rand to singe wino also studded wt ] dfanionda , and it sc incd to be alw aye i a bolubling inotier , ulna every motto suened to give uddiboual brilhnnuy fume days after' Mrs Mass hnd given ii the lsx , that uobbe henrted Christian wr inn , Mrs. .iuhi Cm l. . , cif Elburt , we : over tent see A1re. Moss She then rupee ad to Mrs. Cade all that I have state above about this box , and she also to ) Nor emu hai sent too word to couu m see her ; that eho lad wanted to piano ti box in my possession for time bonolit bier ciuildrei , as I was the nearest rep tiara of liar husband , he beiiq my ouch amid slaw thought I could dispose It it bettor than any any one else sbo cou g think of. A Cut'stiulrlda. a From tta Now London IUy. A well authontiuatea anti uumtloubte case of feline fold do so occurrol at Fort. Trumbull one day last wook. Early in Limo week it wits noticed by her friends that pussy was not herself. She moped and ratused to eat , fasscd liar nearest and dearest without recognition , and maim- ifested a strange lorststcnco m gutting into the sink , palls , non the bath tub , ( rout which she would notba driven , oven whorl time water was turned on. One day she was observed to stalk solemnly down to the wharf , and , tvllen arrived , to gaze and earnestly cute trio water , 'I'luo solrliems watched liar closely , but were not prepared for time result. After a while time kitten returned to liar accus- toumeel haunts , ntopwl nroumi , snowed uotluing to nobody , amid kept about uutml time mioxt day , when afro again walked down to time wharf , deliberately heaped overboard and conmmtltcd sutcido beloro the eyes of the astonished gtrriaon , Taming Men , Middle Aged Mcmi and All \len who suffer faun early hudiscrctions will lied Allan's ilrabi F.sl , time moat powerful imignrantover introduced ; nuce restored by It thorn Is i u remise. Try it ; it never fails. $1 ; ti fur $ b.'At druggist. . - - - - A 1'IOF1T TIIAT illa'i.NIS Upon alto Nature ofthmem Moot hurl rho Geue uHlty of limo Parson Sewed. " \ ' do you make on a box of binekmglt asked time New York Sun reporter of a boy- who was shining a pair of sloes rat n North river ferry- boat. boat."That "That depends , " situl the boy , as lie bent dowmi his load to ouinton time toe of the questioner's shoo with his breath , " ( Jut what' ! " ' 1)11 the sloes , " h'ne boy vigorously sluoved time brushm across the toll of the shoe , occasieally touching ditforent spots with Ida daubing brush nun rubbag ] thieuu bright. Thou hue gave it amiotlur coat , amid rubbed it brigl.t again. As ha rolled dawn the trousers leg ho said "Some shots take nmoro blacking than others. " "how about these ! " " ' but ' blacked "I'ratty large , they're ovary day. Sere of the big Jcrsey boots take mote , A G cett box of blacking averages forty pairs. " "What is time greatest nutmiber you over blacked in adnyi" The boy , who lurid blacked the shoo all over carefully as he talked , picked up two long brushes , and , working hula arms line time pinion rods of a locomotive , snout mimade time slice glisten. As ho got ready for time final touches lie reached for the tlaui.iig brush and said : "Sixty. " Tliet ho wont over the oboe again , as ho hnd time first , "That would make tlmreo dollars rutunt for time labor , time wear of time plant , and time 7I cents invested in atockl" was asked. The boy rolled down time trousers leg , gathered up the box , time brushes , and the bit of carpoEon which Ito had knelt. 't'hen lie held out his lmamd and looked time questiouier very hard in time eye , as ho said : "I got S1.7G nut of it. Time gmmtlonteu mostiy gave ale 10 cents. " - - - - - A SpiCndld ltonuedy fen Lung Dia- cases. Dr. ltnbt. Newton , lsto Preahlout of the Eclectic Ooliegu of time City of Now Yorkummd foruuerly of Ciuciumiati , Ohio , used 1)8. 1Vv. IIALL's iltts.lu very extoneivoly in his practice - tico , its manyof his patlonts , new living , and rostorad t" health try the ueo of this invaluable nsdmclno , cw amply testify , lbu always said that so good a remedy ought not to bo consul. erect merely as a patent medtclno , but that it ought to ho prescribed freely by ovary off i'ysf clan au a soverolgtm remedy him all cases Lung disensas. It is a euro cure for Cousunmption , amid has tie equal for nil pectoral cotr platnt , . The Wtnuen of liurutumh how 'rney ' Dross , Act , and Livim Goncrnlly. Time Burmese women before tlroy be. conro mothers are noted for their ! veil- proportiemed though amtil figures. To ono accustomed to seeing the regular features so prevalent mnongst time many pretty Indian girls , time Mongol like fea titres of their Burnmcso aistna look ugly' and repellant , but after a while this bm- preasien wears oil ; the women of tme country Imave mammy pretty little was and they are very cleanly. Their hands and feet are small old wall shaped , arms symmetrical - metrical , time load tvull put otime neck ; tloir carriage is erect , they allow no hair to grow anywhere except out tlmuir heals , whuru it is most luxuriant , aid is takem time greatest care of , tied up a la chlinoiso , withm a wreath or garland of tlowors entwined - twined ; they disfigure their cars which are naturally small and pretty , by boring luigo hulas in the lobes , and wear ii then ) either gold or author cylindrical. shaped uarrin"a ; they cover tlmenselvcs over with no&lets , bracaleta , rings , etc , , amid time Burnmeso gold ailveranmith are nearly as good as those in Cutaek , Trick- ino mly , or Delhi. A Burnleso girl who wishes to kiss preaSOS liar nose up agaimmat a face amid eniilst Sue is a born coquet , and will sipomid ] tours in adorning her persail. 'llleir dress consists of n tight under- jnckut to support the bust , and a loose aid flowing jacket ever for show ; n gaudy scarf hangs down over thu shoulders front time waist they wear either n . colored silk thauiinu , which exposes the I inaido of 0110 lug half-way u1 l the thigh , 1 or a "loougie , " which is immure duccit u being a mutt of putticoat fastened rouul l s time waist and exposing no part of thm o 0 InCdOlb All tire wonlet slicks aimd chow t betel-mutt , ] tut have uieu white , ovuu teeth ; they can swims as a rule , nd dc u light in dabbling in water , amid invari u nhly hatho once , perlmaps oftener , durhu g d the day. I ) 'I'me ] Bunneso seldom have miwrs thmu one wife , amid alto reigns supreuo ii thi u v hotiso' . rued conducts thu pnechase or ash , of all iucussarios. A girl's great anbilur ] ; is to keep a stall in a bazar ; it is liar in y troduutunm into society , amid is equivatuu d to our own girls being brought out me 'limey are a ilorry , ' ) luasuutt nice , and 111 n1 Y t of limo fourth Scik11s tvllon tile ) ' rntu'tl ad to time Puu'ab , took bak will u 'them Burniuao girls , ureferrium then gg 119 wives to thir mvn far u mulls , wouuen , h ' ! 'hero is luot a prettier sight in tit. 11 world tlum a crowd gathered round ii r itch eu it gals do the uuou re A s lunduutitm uom geoue aliarul time woude' nod childreimgiii theirbeat r g nutty , rltuub. . I. well uupldo figures sailing faces , banner it struamnmilmq flags tl yim backed-by th t built of time sceuue' and the grainl bire , dd purttmis of their numoroue pagodas b , U d these nccashlma the people its unorr ltd ms cm-idiots , are eoiaaly on thu mnnve " m and thnrou gad enjoy themselves. 'l'h 0f Wnlller claiiut as ule ekhur read u a. write , for their priostu are not ullowud t o , teach maim , A ( ow harp been oductll' of by weli ihuaniigiliissiomtanieabutwhutln Id films coping lu cemttct with native cud l diem or Sulie other reason , these girls to often are not as welt conducted as thei more ignorant sisters. Every Ilurameso girl is a boron actrea eel nod delights in takug , a part iii a puny u national drama. Thera is no stigma attached to women who take part in tlwso performances , there is to dancing girls i Irmdia the are invariably modest girls. Like the mcmi the women are inv erato amimblcre ; at a boat or on race time mciii and women bet together freely , and often n girl , after hosing all alto )058sas , will stake horsehf n aiut what eho cotlsiders her value , anti if sue loco alto follows the winner , amid bocomiies his wife or concubine , for limo two are nearly synonymous in Burmah ( hi the slightest provocation a womal will connnit suicide , generally by tneaus of opiumit , whir u , thanks to a paternal ' , cart ho purchased without restriction in every bazaar. Eminent ntcn , tner of nil callings , indorsn St , Jacobs Oil as n pain-cure. i ; TII19 1I11lLAYAH , Hama Lofty Dioumitnhi Cllulbirmg--The highest. ! 'slut Yet Itenahed. Our Calcutta correspondent in a recent talc gram , , niemitiottud rho arrival of air. Graham , an experienced climber , with two Swic guidcs at Dary'eclimi about route for Sikkim , when co lee was to attempt - tempt time ascoit of time Iiineluijurmga mountain , whiclm is upward of 28,000 , feet high. Wo limo bcou favored with two private letters from Mr. Graham to a friend its Landon describing his mnuui taineering oxpcrionces ii time Himalayas up to the date of writing. Our inter- niant believes that no one ilad previously alined as high , either ii the lii iabeyas or olsowijere. We extract the following from alit' . Grahann's letters ; "CAtf unDIat NANnA DEvx , 14,000 fectJuly 22,1883-I am afraid you must think mite very redo in miot auawcrnhg any of your letters before , but time fact is , till I received hour last 1 was not aware that you lad written to mime , as tiny had not reached nib. Directly Boss and hauhnan reached Nynce Talk started , so that your letter , which arrived by the sauna mail , only reached me yesterday by the court- cay of an officer who brought it up from time country. First let me thlaik you very much for the kindness you have shown in your arrangements. I fear I mintst have put you to great expense as well ; but if you will lot ] Ito knew the aumunt 1 will soon settle that , It i worth may money to have such a good fellow as Boss along ; 1 do not hnowlow : I should lava of out without him.Ve left N mmeo Tai on the 24tH and reached Nini + close to the 1)caker ] n twelve days. Very little sport amid a gret deal of rain , We should have done it qutcker but for liosa being , cry seedy. Then at Mini our trouble began. First , it is almost innpossibie oven to reach the mountains , as they stand back , and are only reached by deep and impassable gullies timrough which enonnous steams dash , Time result is that you have to make a seriesof asceutstoreach the hi im eat peaks. Well , we started for Dunagiri , -3,181 feet. After twice passing over peaks 17,000 feet amid 18,000 feet respec- tivelywo reached its foot on the 111th day amid camped on the glacer , at the height of 18,500 feet. I had to send the coolies back , as the brutes had oaten a fort- night's food in live days.Irell , we start. ed early next morning. The climb was decidedly ditlicult. All tlmeso peaks mire nmuclt steeper than time average Swiss peaks. About ball way up Kaufman , who had the least touch of feaver , gave out , and Boss and I went ma alone. At 1:30 : we hind reached at loumt 22,300 feet. 'rho summit was in sight , a steep trow Slops broken vitlm rock. Another hrlf hour would have put us on the top , t'ha a sudden amid violent snow-storm are l and we were obliged to turn back. how we got down seine Very awkward slopes I do not know , It Was the most dangerous work I over did. We reached our camp , but could gut no Iwo , everything being wet , mud passed amestnwful night , Time : text day we had to leave , as provisions wore short , and the peak would not be read for another week. Though beaten back we have solved time air prohlem. There is no more dif ticulty breathing at 22,500 feut than at 12,500 feet , We returned to Rini , and have since boat trying to get to Nauda Dovi , 25,609 feet , the Indian Mrtterhorn. We should ] taro reached it yesterday , but temi coolies out of sixteen olted so we were reduced t0 Qwaggging , and shall reach the peak tomorrow. The weather ni very bad , rain every day ; but we have gat twenty days' provisions with min , and will exhaust then before we turn , My feet av vary sore today , so that I nom stopping in camp. Bass is shooting and time rest swagging. There is not ouch sport , but 1 was lucky enough to get a fine ounce , or snow leopard. One thing I almuld have meuimmod iii my last. 'rte peak Kaul ; Lyu , which Iunbeden and I useondud , is either 20,300 feet or 20,800 feet according to time two known surveys ; at ) that I shill not roturi quite empty handed , however. you will hear inure of our doings shortly , l ( rope. Renmeun her rnu to the friends .tt time A. C 'Thera is ground uunuglt hero to occupy them all for a counury or so. " "NYNIi : 'I'AL. , Aug. 13 , 1883.-1Ie. turned tociviliration yesterday aftergreat trouhles. Time rest of or coolies bolted free Namida Devi ; the wwmthor bccsne hopeless , and we lad to snag back , sixty Ipounds per nlnn , over nrostawful ground. M back still aches tvlien I think of it. We managgoti to bag another peak , which 1 have hakomi time liberty of calling 0 mtoumtt llonal , on account of time quantity o f taco lee birds em its lower slopna. height. 23 , I6 feet by guvornmant sur- toy. We also tried as n tour do force a t nagniticont aiguillo 21,001 feet , butwer u stnppod about 800 feet from time top. 1 hotos were ash entire failure , all the appanitus laming been anashod or iu jured over time villanous ground. I nu 1 m starting for Darjeeling to umo row , whore 11101)0 to hula' one inure tryatthegmmtts u amid if I fail ieavo it for bettor men tutu i i myself. I hope + o mcut Kennedy ai ti Miclwl at Bareill ) to-morrow. 'lima lattu r t huts seine project of forming a large haunt . hut. I unoan to Ihght form own ' loss is admirable , butlialfnan very da ( appointilig , I timid hinm ( between our I solves ) a rough , timid pea'nnt , and nn m uvei a first claes guide. Perhaps you wit r say Hatt it is pique at hsnnrethnu ] ( any thing else ) lavug lust us the ascent o u Uiulagiri. But even Boss lion told tin a fellow that ho would scud hint back wur o auutlwr obtainableu however , thuugl u eourowhat diiappointod , 1 have mlot los , all lopo.-toiler ( Times. Angoshn n hilts aarru odorod by mil time loading ; pheldans and chemists , for the ! purity mind whuloaomcmioas , ltotraro of awmu n t + rfoits , old ayk your grocer or dnmgget ( n y tiegeumuimeartido , prepared by Dr. J l. , 1 ! , SIBHert. Smir18. r tiale mil dnhnetun , the I'auer , 0 A Chicago dispatlt says ; "Flue pace a Juhnstoithat uuaduarucordof'210ov. ' r the Chicago track lest Tui's.tay . , was sob today to thiunuodoro N. 1V. Kittsou , o u St , I'.ul . , Miuu. , for $223,000. Juhnatom r is a bay guiding , 7 , 'airs ail , and iv e ucar Ikrlum , \ \ is. , hie sire being n horse called If.tshurn Gold Duet ; a grand r son of Green's lfashori , Even in th days of llfa coithood dohmiston was a fast natural pacer , and last season he g ns given his first regular work on a track , being bromm ht to Chicago amid kept hero the aater part of time eunmuter. Durin g that. time Ito paced n mile bit 2,15'9r and last spring a half interest iii him tvas 'pur- ' chased bB , II. Smith of Miltvaukcc for $ u 000 , limo horse Navinb in the miieatltitno been laced in time tuards of Toter V , Johnson of this cif for train. in g. lie won several races in the Mieim i nn circuit and at time Chicago Jul im eotimu astouislled everybody l ut the few who were in the seet f lute s eel by ) acimi n mile in 2,13 in his first race hro , A few days later lie was started against tluo best 1caciumg record , time 2.112 of Little Brown Jul , amid equaled it ml time first atlampt , hoon after that he was taken with quinsy , amid while still out of form Mr. Smith disposed of his interest to Mr. Mather , thus giving that gmttlo man exclusive owmicralmi ) of the horse. Now that Jolmnston has become the pro- party of Counnodoro lCitsoi ( ho will be rivn bY Jolut Slplats + amid will rob. ably o to California , in cooaum with time other horses belmibyin1 , to his own. or. " Another dispatch says that Pater V , Johnson , time driver of Joltnstem , is con fident that time horse can go oven faster Liman 2.10. lIe asserts that le has driven , Tohnston a quarter iii 294 seconds , which is at time rate of 1.li8 for a mile , and also a half mile in 1,03 , "r at the rate of 2,00 for a mile , Arc you lhilliousl Try time rmnedy that cured illrs. Clmuent of Fr.anklyum , N , II- IIood's Sarsaparilla , made iii Lowell Mass , Coltt'UiBNCE , blow to Avoid Getting hnt Jt 13111 of rare , fall Mali Qazcltc. A now book on "Corpulence and Its 7'reatnent , has lately been published in Gernauy by Prof. Ebstein , of Gottingen. He is not , like the English "savior of the stout , " full of overflowing thankfulness for relief from this disease ; probably ho has not even suffered front it for corpu- left men are rarely stern and strict. Iris method differs frmn that of muting. According to Ebstein , the primary cause of cnrpulomiey is the want of attllieient energy to renounce the so.called attractions - ions of life , lie firmly maintains that fat is produced merely by over eating rand drinking. Water and drinkmig ] cures arc altogether condemned by Prof. Ebstoin ; and while time baiting system teaches that , 'fat makes fat , " thus doctrine is di. rcctly opposed by Prof. Ebstoin , in whose ideal of fare for those suforing from con- pulmicy fat forums a great feature. "The 250 grammes of bacon , " says Prof , Eb stein , "which our Emperor ordered to be delivered daily to all soldiers taking part in this French cuupaign of 1870 , are , so to speak , a1 official acknowledgement of time iumpurtauce of fat in the rational nour- ishnient of a hcrd working man , " Time annexed bill of fare is that propos- ad by Prof. Ebstein for an average case of corpulency time invalid being supposed to be 41. years of ape , and having sullered front imiercaatng stoutness for 25 years. The disease is supposed to be contracted by insuficiotit bodily exercise , a diet consisting - sisting of such thinks as are hurtful , among which are namued all sweet dishes and those containing much albumen and those devoid of a sufficient quantity of fat : "Breakfast-A large cup of black tea without milk or sugar ; 50 granunesof white bread or brown breath witht plenty of butter , "Soupe-frequently ( and with bone and marrow ) , 120 to 180 grammes meat , boiled or roasted , with list gravy-fat meat being preferable ; a small quantity of vegetables , particularly higuminous , but also all kinds of cabbage. Turnips are excluded because of time sugar in thorn ; potatoes are altegetller excluded. After dimmer soma fresh fruit , when in season , as dessert ; a salad or baked fruit without sugar. Two or three glasses of a ltght wino. Soon after dinner a large cup of black tea , without milk aid sugar. Supper-Inn winter regularly , in sum. mar occasionally , n largo cup of black tea without milk and sugar. Au egg or sonic fat roast heat , or both , sometimes fat ham , smoked or fresh fish , about 30 gratnmimes of white bread , with plenty of butter , and occasinaily a small quantity of cheese aid seine fresh fruit. " Time IIorsror i llhnannc andCoole Book mailed free on application to time Itumford Chemical Works , Providence , lt. I. NcwspapcrH it Schools. Sacrauento , lice. Sumo of the Eastern newspapers continue tinue to discuss the Pro and con , time subject - ject of adniittiug newspapers into the public scdools , 'rime suggestion wlmen first made was rather popular , but it is now nteetiug with considerable 01)1)010- than. Time Chlicngo News takes this rather sensible view of the subject : Thu public taste of to day demands that icsvm of a certain character shall be collected aid published. Time editor , if ho desires to win or hold time patronage of time iublic , to a reasonable extent at least. lu doing so lie frequently prints mutter which , if Ito consulted ills own taste , his own foehiugs or his own judo meat , mho would consign to the waste paper basket. There is n vast quantity of trash published ii the daily newspapers of time period , and a vast quantity of stuff that in worse than trash. It is not the sort of food which 1 time young mind no- quires , nor time sort of tonic to iuvigorato or struugtlmi ) the young brain. Amid this is lint because of time mauer in which it treats of current events , but because u f time subjects which must be taker up , dis sussed , timid suuiutinnea eiabnrdted , to sui t the douirmds of time readtug public , Modern newt s ) ers , especially the m et ro olitai ones , h1ave uoceasaril am du timid imtime ' ' ) , ! 'heir editorials se ; locted articles nmi"lmt us rule , be adnmissi btu to time selmooil , but weir police , tutu - graphic and other departnelts , which ru Ilect time ovary day everts of time world ' 1 geermlly cnntaui much that it wuru bet I ter for ehildrou not to read. It would h dltlicult to fluidmmdaily jounel hunt would f in all respects , be unobjeetnaul to thi seloul roen. 'lucre ilium ) ' be , and doubt less are , magazines and literary journa l. q m to which no serious objection could b u t made , but they do not possess the butte i fuatires of time daily mrcwspLapcr , arm would be little or no impruvuueut upon I time ordinary text book , 'l'Ilis matter o r newspaper reading by children can be r buttorloft to judgment of parouts. Near. , ly every family in the eoummtry takes a newspaper of some kind , aid children ar 0 purimitted to read thorn while under tIm 0a 0u supot vision of their parents , t + lie simoul a r bu abbe to discrirniiuate as between the t r which is healthtul fend for time youtltfu 1 d mind and that whiuh i9 objectionable , i zl1Nl'H toznrnlcArnu : COsl'LLx10N'mowmga i For hmfant's toilet It is an trdieponeablo Cr. tide lmeslhrg all uxeomiations Imunmllately , lhtfier'a should ueo it freely nit time lit.lu ones it is perfectly harm less , Ion eats by all drug u b ts. CHARLES SHIVERICK Furniture ! E , [ I. Have just received a large quantity of new r AND AM OF'FEIUNG THEM AT VERY' LOW PRICES P55E.ssE1YVfEa eC L,6lvaiiL OII C-JASI SEJIVEEIICK ; 1 To .4 .U P100rs. 1206 - , 1208 OMAHA and 1210 , NEB Farnan , St SALEM FLOUR. Tills Flour 1s made at Salem , atcharlson , Cor , Nebraska , mu the Combine l Roller Stone system. W give EXCLUSIVE sale of our four to mm firm in a plaoo. We have opened a branch at 1918 Capitol avenu Omaha. Writs for Prices. Address either 4 Ea = e3D T'rI11T ] afa 7f IPPY. m Salem or Omaha , Nob. , - ASK YOUR OIIOCEIIS FOil TILE ® MAHA'RY HOP YEAST ! WARitANTED NEVER TO FAIL , T Manufactured b the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Coe CORNER 15ThI AND DAVENPORT sTalmrs , ONAIIA. NEIm , l nheuser Busch BREINING ASSOCIATION OL M raBREINING t ' ' - \I- : .r - . - . + CELEBRATED ti v . . y , t . \R. I ' , . _ t Ik e and Bottled Beer This Excellent Boer speaks for itself. , men q N s s St. . EWi ORDE1lS I'RO11I ANY PART OF TII ] ? ; . . . RBUSCHBR STATE OR g rIIE ENTIRE ! VEST 5T.10U15 MD , Promptly Shipped. ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD bk t F. SCHLIEF 9 1 Solo'Agelt ' for Omaha andtlo West. Con. 0th Street and Capitol Avenue , I .E .Js I LJS.II . : : E . ooth'sGOva Brand AND Q t These goods are used exclusively by the following leading Grocers , Res- taurait3 and Marketulen of Omaha : Win. Fleming 5 ; Co. , R. Ii. fuffett , .1 , Wirth , S. Schlank , , . . , S. Callum , Eoilcrts & Engler , llchmrod A Dorman J. J. Corrigan J. 11. Spotmanl2that. , , 1) . Guild , - - Bates , - . - , Allen , I1.01eso" &Co. , J , A. Spetman , lath SL , J lfollman , if. .larrall , J , quuuetrard , 1. . V. Morse , Sirs Bradley. A. Parker , J. , lchOh , IL Leedcr , L , Danbanm , FF lliclcsteln , 1v. o. Norton , n , M , lforneby , Ileinrlckeon S Johnson , Is. ltuppig , . , , , 1' . Learson , A. Brown George Ilelmrot J Stiles J. 0 , Shatter , Bergen a Smiley , It. Seznuer , E. A.Slarab , J. It. Winspcar , It II. Lucas , Scherb A Co „ S Nelson , A , II. Samhcr , 0 , E Boelnne , J. A. Taggart , 0 . , Si , linuer , Varrgrecu SCo. , l'axton hotel , I Stevens , it. . Ifenrirkson , D. Ilurly G Ledge & Son , Slilhard hotel , J. IlcYlttle. L. Kopai , D. B , BEEMER , AgentOmaha , NEW PARISIAN MILLINERY I TlIo Ladies of Omaha are cordially invited to inspect our elegant stock of Fall Hats and Donllets t Made up with exquisite taste and in the most fashionable manner , to be found in no other place in the city. Special attention is called to our ri Ana s Parisian Pattern Hats. Which only can be seen in our establishment. R. IIIRSCIIBERG , 16th and Davenport. i r. L , BRADLEY , , DEALER IN ; Lumber Sash Doors Blinds Buildin Paper LIME. CEMENT , IIAIR , ETC. flco ] anti Ya rd , Cor , 13th and California Streets. O1uIAIIA , NEB STOVE STOVES ! : The largest assortment , the best stock , the lowest prices , on Bso B1llle 1 b Sloyos , I RANGES , BO'T'H CAST IKON AND 1VItOUGITT , m At prices that that defy competition. Call nun see mile before you purcuasn. f JOHN H. EROK ) f Uloaud UI7 North IU t.e NEW HARDW&RE STORE. 2407 Cumirg Street , Co , . Saunders. , / , y 1 PRICES AS LOW AS TILE LOWEST. ' JOHN RUSSIEIf - - - - Proprietor. r