F Y - TTir DAILY I3LD TliUliSD11Y , , OC'1'0.61.It YS , 1888. 7 I \ JJGREETINGTOTHETRADE I EXTEND THE RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP TO YOU AND ASIA FOR A SHARE OF YOUR TRADE IN = Hoiday Gocds f Besides my large stock of Pianos , Organs , Music and Music Books , I have laid in a $20,000STOCKOFTOYS $ , , s Fancy Goods and Small Musical Instruments1 Offering you the Choice Selections of . . . . H . B DIFFERENT LARGE IMFORTING HOUSESI ' Besides a Good Line directly imported by myself. As a specialty , I offer my : ASSORTMENTS OF TOYS [ Made up and selected by myself ; the assortments have heretofore been all made up in New York , containing large quantities of one kind and also unsalable goods ; the result is always great dissatisfaction and disappointment. My assortments are made up as follows : e I' t , 100.00 assortment over 200 different articles. 1 50,00 150 ll L6 " " " " 35.00 125 25.00 li 100 " " " " " ' " 15.00 75 ( L , showing at once the large assortment of well selected and salable goods you will get. I have also made up a number of $5.00 Cases of 5 and lOc. goods , and also p l $10.00 Cases of Cups and Saucers , Dishes and Glassware , especially designed for the Holiday Trade. 1 1 alldBth1ayCds.j m I CARRY ALSO A PINE LINE OF , iiiToRAri1 ALBUMSD _ . I 4- Toilet sets ! Purses and Pocketbooks - iii ; . 4 I I h 111 1 1 i j LU. Shell and Wart Flowers YUndor Cilaes. ' ' And other Novelties all well selected and bound to sell. I have two men with sam pies on the road r ' one of them will endeavor to see you in time , but if not , my sampLes - pLes and layout will be ready by October 1st , and if you can come in and make your own selection/ / I will endeavor to make you at home and comfortable , as dealing with the right man always will do. A .e. : ELe eCtf-UQ-1i hia DILELEJ , N 0. ! 03 South M Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. r COUNCIL. BLUFFSn ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS , 1'EItSONAL , C. A , Clmnmout , of Deunlsou , was nn 0g. den guest 3'O torlny. 1) . Frank , of Chlcago , c uno in tire elty yes. tenlay cord stopped at tire ogdm ) . Sawa Todd , \V,11aaon and 1..1.1to . vers , of Cnrroll , were l1) the city yesterday. Sani I I o'hoy , who hat been cni 'uietl to ids rrxm forsovernl days , on account of sickness , i. Iagtrot iug elou'ly. F. L , Corw lu , of Creston , was in limo city yesterday. 11 , 1) ) , Co. % o mid U. , I. Snit , "f R'n1Ia 11'alln , am guests of the Ogden. \v. I'erus + vorth , of lloouo , cauro to the city yesterday Iuotldng. S , li , Tooto , of Knnsnw City , k registcre l at the Ogden. l. . It , llurkt , of ( 'arroll , is in the ally hok- Lug niter b11rincae hderostr. ( ; . It , Powers , of the firut of 15nersnu k 1'ottrot $ , Creston , ) own , In cuntp ny with S. 1V , Ferguson , of lndianRI(1lls , ] 1)d , were I t town 00 ha dunes cud mndo a short call lit Tnk dole : oflieo , whore they will be welco n , ngatn at my tiuw. Jt Cannon and 1)nn .1olntson , of hoone , wore ht the city yesterday. 0 , I . l'ennol cano lit from Ies 1lhie last nlght curl Is quartered at the l'aciie Ilonse. A. ? d..Iackson started yesterday for llaw tins , 1Vy. , where ho will hrspoet his largo stook ranch. B. Kinsoy , of Ifarlnn , was of the I'adfu house yesterday , Mrs. I Iarvey , of Cherokee , is rr'gtstored at the Pacific house. ( ien. 31. l'etty , of Kansas City , is in the city. Bdwha B3gelaw , of the Chicago Board of Trndo , Is in the city , the guest of 1V. 0 , Wirt. N' . J. Trdlinder formerly of the iusuraneo company of Taftinder & lleckor in this city , but now of Sioux Falls , 1) . ' 1' . , is hero shaking ) rands with hk frionds. . .1.V. . lllnnclrard , s'hto for a number of yeas has been connected with the 1Vahastt railway 4)v the superintondemt of the Northern division , Las accepted a position with n now railroad in ' 1'onnessce , and wdhl have full charge of the construction of the Anita. C. II. llruwu , of St. Louis , is an Ogden guest. guest.W. W. S. Filature and vifo are guests at the Ogden. Coorgo It. Petty , of Kansas City , is a guest of the Ogden. Bhiuskets. Blankets and comforters for sale at CASSAnY & Oaeurr'H. 1''renclt Pattern Opmdng. Mrs Bliss will display the latest styles of French Pnitarn Bonnets amd Ihata Saturday , Everybody invited. 0 Ienl Estate Trutsfors. Tito following deeds were filed for record cord in the recorder's of lco , Oetohor 17 , reported far the BITE by P. J Mc. Mahon , real estate agent : .1.1. ( teed to Elvin Larno , part n w : , n 0 j , 12 , 75 , 40 ; $1,000. Lukelllennuy to August Kay of al. , w _ , s tv,14 , 71 , 11 ; $3,200. , Albert A. Dwn to Lithe 'liennay , ii .l 8 0 E and s w , d , s o j , 0 , 70 , 41 ; $3,3(10. ( Il , C. Corry to units E Satdirk , lots 21 and 22 , block 13 , Burns' add. ; $1.10. John Slticksiauz to .1. II Burroughs , part lots 1 , 2 and 3 , bloclc " 111 , " Curtis amd ] tameoy's ald , ; $1 fi0. Total sales , $12,200. Broken hearts , doctor bills and funeral expenses can be averted by using Dr. Jolaris Council Illufla Preventive and Cure for Diphtheria in all cases of sor'u throat. Keep it on hand. Stout Such Rascals. Tuesday afternoon one of those luau- nerleas , nnoralless rascals , who are too often engaged in peddling , called at a house near the Twelfth avenue school house , and wanted to sell a patent wash- lug machine. There was no one at homo except a yomt ( lady , and she refused him admission to the house , and told ( tint that his washer was not needed. lie crowded his way in and soon coapru ) ( ending the situation made advances which induced her to scream for hole. The rascal lit oat , but was followed 5Un10 distance before 1)u eluded huts followers. The police have hilt description and are after hiuu , but there is little lirospuct of his being caught. Such fellows arc hero today and soliiuwhoro else to-morrow. Carpets. You will find just wluit you want lull the prices just right at CAHHAnY & O1wurr'8. COMMEItOJA1j. COUNCIL IrtUF1gs IIAIIAST. Wheat-No. 2 xpllug , 71c ; No. 3 , 03c ; ro- joeted , Lee ; g xnl dmntind. tiara-Dodurs arc paying 31 @ 32c ; rejected corn , Chicago , 40u)45c now mixed 9tc ) ; white corn , LOc : time rocolpts of corn are light. Oats-In goad damned at 20c. ] Icy-I 00,0 00 per ton ; SAc per bale , ltyo-loo ; lights I'l ' 1y , Corn llloal-12b par 100 pacnde. hood-Good supply ; price at yards , G 0O © 0 00 , Coal-olivorcd , 11ard,1100 , per ton ; soft , G fA per tan. Iluttcr-1'lonty and hr fair demand at 2tc ; creamery $ Oc. Jiggs-Slendysale atILuper dozen , Lard-Fnlrfauk's , wholesaNug lit lie. Poultry-Firm ; dealers are paying for chlekeas IGc ; live , 2 50 per Boron. Vegotnhles-l'otaGruv , Idk ; oufotta , roc cab. tinges , 8O ® lOe per dozolr apples , 3 GO u 100 per barrel Flour-City flour , l 5O3 40. Brooms-2 00(3 ( (0wr ( ; doz. Idva s70cn. Cattlo-3 0023 M ) ; calves , t (1027 ( so. ] logs-Market for hogs quiet , as the pack. Ina hnasu5 are closed ; sbippors are paying 100 ® 47G. ltidtluloro's Jlest Crop. Now Orlenn5 I'Icayuue , Ilaltinioro Js hotter known for oysters than for statesmen It is butter for Balti mow. A beech Of clamB i8 much lucre Valuab1O to a state than adozem cmimDalt politjciaas. Although 1'ounnl's mudicatod complexion lxwder is perfectly Iiarmides4 ( rod nuu.expl ( ire still It goes oil and Awakes a good report. Sold by all druggists _ The oxorhrn front D1e1U1lu 1)akota thus s6A5tf has reached alarming 'rroortlonu ' ) , and it is amt ilerilod by the radioed authorltlns that the mOlgration from the eruvincu exceeds the hmnlgratluu tutu Jt during the swoon of 1hi83. Him lforors front C""ubsNnrn Throat. etc. , should try "Jlruten'a BrotuAfal Troche ; a siinplo but stns rwnedy , &ld only ( n tosu. l'rtce 25 cla , FLEEING FROM FIRE. The Fri ltfnl ; Race of an Engine Down a b1Dnntalnr A FluruNiQ Oil Train Detnohetl front rho inglnc , [ 1)t sues Some l'ns- senger Cars An hngl. : neer'H Story , New fork Sen. DvNKlltg , N. V. , Supt , 22.-"I don't. . oxpact to live mttclt longer , and after 1 alit doatl I avnut you to put in 1110 papers the story of that ride I hind front Pros. poet to jiroetoit to 1813th. " 'Pilo ' speaker was 1)utl' Brown , an old loeoutotivo engineer , who vi us lyifg at his 1)0)111) in l'orthuld , this county , dying with eonsulnptiou. This eras several weeks ago. On tilt 7th of this month he died , lie avns liuarly 130 years old , his story of the awful rklu is this : " ] n 1813111 t'aa ruunhng a mixed train sir the Buthtlo , Corry , / Erie railway , 91io track but VCCIt 1 respect or il1a ville Summit and ltroctou Junction is SO crooked that , while the dtstaneo is actt ally only ten miles , the eurvos make it actually by rail fourteen. Tito grade for the whole diatanee is oversov'enty foot to the mile. About hunt o'clock ( l1) the uigllt of .l1) gust 17,18t'd ) , wo ranched the Smmimit with a train of tlv0 passenger carsr six oil cars nod a box car. Thu hatter contained twoval al le trotting lurses anti their keepers with them , ell their way l believe , to the Cleveland muetiu 'I'hcre were fifty or sixty 1)ascan6ers in the two cars. got the signal froul the conductor to start , 1(11(1 l 11(111(1(1 out , 1Vo had rot utt tier eousidealko hotulway , whomi , Makin' back , 1 saww that nu oil car i1) the middle of the train was sit tire. 1 ruvursud toy Cilgiue and whistled for brakes. The conductor and brakenan jwn wtl 011 : They uncoupled the passumigur cars and sot the brakes on then , bringing them tea a stop ) . Supposing that the brakes on the bunting nil cars would also be put on , 1 called it brakeman on the box car to draw tlto coupling pie betweoli that ear and the head oil tank , backing so that lie could do it' iutetding to runt far elouih ( away to save the box car and locomotive. As I ran on down the hill , after the pin had boom drnwu , what was my horror to sue that thu burning cars wore following ntc at a speed that was rapidly increasing , 'Plto lump lad not succeeded in putting on the brakes , 1 saw that the roily thing to h0 (10110 was to run for it to Brocton , and the chances were that we would never roach there at the 51100(1 which we would be obliged to , alike around those slurp reverse curves , whore we had uuvor run over twenty miles nit lour. " 11'11001 saw the ( laming cars-for the whole six were on lire by this time- plunging after mu , tutd only a few foot away , I pulled the throttle opon. Thu oil cats caught uie , though , before I gut away. They came with full force aramust thu rear of the box car , mnnshtng in ono end and knocking the horses and their keepers flat on the floor. ' 1'110 heat v is almost unbearable , and , do my best , I couldn't place mloro than thirty feat be- two01t the pursuing eolui m of fire mutt ! ourselves. By the light from the furnace as my fireman opened thu door to pile lit the coal , I caught sight of the face of one of the horsemen ii' the box car , tie ) taw ing climbed up to the grated opening in the and. He was as pale as death , and lie begged mu for Cod's ' sake to give ] ter more steam. I was giving tor thou all the steamu she could carry , laud 0110 grade itself was enough to carry us dowut at time rate of fifty miles nit hour. 's'o wont so fast that the emigino couldn't pump. Every time we struck one of those curves the old girl would almost rue on em sot of wheels , 1111(1 why in the world she didn't ' topple over is sonetltinIr 1 never could understand. She scented to know that it was a race of life mind loath , and worked as if eho were alive , "Tile night was dark , and the roil inn through woods , (1001) rock cuts , and along high enbankmerts. There we wore thundering along at 1)5htning speed , std only a few paces behind us , that firay do- inoIi in pursuit. 'There were fifty thou. amid gallons of oil in these tanks , at Ienst , .rod it was nil in tlamo , a flying avalanche of fire five hmtdred feet long. 'l'Iiu ilantus 10111)0(1 into the air nearly a hundred feet. Their roar was like that of smile brunt cataract. Now round then a talk would explode with a noise like a tumor , when n coltiuul of flanne mutd pitchy aitolce would momlt High above the body of the ( lama , and showers of burning oil would be scattered about i1) tltu woods. Thu whole country was lighted for 1)11108 around , " 1Voll , it wasn't ' long , going at the rntowo mndo , before the lights of Broc tun cane in sight down the valley. Thu relief I felt when these came in view was short lived , for I renlefnbored that train No. 8 , on the Lake Shore , would ho duo at thu Junction just about time itum WO would ranch it. No. 8 , was the Cinciir nati axprosH. Our only hope , all along during the race , had been tiulttime switch. mau at the Junction would think far elolgh to opet the switch there , cong nocting the crosscut track with time Lake Shore truck , old let us runt in on limo Iattur where the grade would be against us , if nnytlmiug , amid where wu could soon gut out of the way of time oil cars , 7'hu awith , of course would now lie closed for the express , an(1 our InBt 1101)0 Wa8 gomlo , u)1los8 the express ells Intu , or aomnohody had 50118(1 enough to hag it.Vtilu ) we wore thimkiug lit this we saw the express tearing aloe6 toward the Junction , Could we reach tlso June- tion , gat the Switch ) , 1111(1 ( time switch ho set lunch for thu express befnro time latter got there ? if not , there would be nit iu- uvitablu crash , to which not only we , but probably seoros cf others would be crushed to loath. All this conjecturing did mot occupy two seconds , but in that two Seconds , J lived years , ' 'Good ' Jodi' 1 said to my fireman ; 'what are we to do Dowl' " 'J'ho fireniin promptly replied-anti lm u8 a bravo little follow--that 1 should whistle for the switch aumil tithe the chances , 1 did so. 'That whustlo was ono prolonged yull of agony. It was n shriuk that Soomiled to toil us hbat our bravo old emigiltu knew our danger , timid had her fears. Neither the lirenan mlor myself spoke anothmer word , " 7'hauks be in God ! Time enpincer ; on the uxpruBI train , eooimig us tcammig down that mouutaiu with an ulghtlt of a mile of solid fire iii close pursuit of us , kuuw ill a moment that oily 0110 thing could save us , lbe whistled for brakes , and got his train to u stand not tom feet away frooi the switch , ' 1'110 switcluuau now a1 awero(1 our signal , and we shot imt on tlto Shore truck cud wltizzud o1) up by the Input and through the [ Ilacuhkyarocket. ' ! 1)u burning curs followed us iii , of course , but their race was run. ho had m ro clling power ni wp and after Ue a the chaelim utile avS up the ou suit and in throe Imourss tltoro as troth. fag . 'ft of them but eluukiug wine , "My ftrPman and I wore so weak when we brought our looolnotiyo to a atop that FURNITUREI -TIIE- C H EA P EST ACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture IS AT DEWEY & STONE'S They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS , SALEM FLOUR. T"ls Hair le made at Salem , lllchanlson Cor , Nehrasko , 1i the Combined holler Atone System , w give RXCLl:8lVh : silo of our ilaur to one firm in a plies. Ws liars opened a branch at 1019 Capitol aeon Ontalta. Write for Prices. Address either V 11 , x T'rx1' afa at'PY. , , , Salem or Omaha , prob. we could unit got out of the cab. The two horseuon were uttcoltscious ill flue box cur. 'l'imo horses were ruined. And how long (1O you think we were in nak inn that sixteen 11111051 'IVu ran two miles up the bake Shuro track , .lust twelve mitimiutas from the Suunmit to the Spot whuru we stoppedl A plumb eighty miles tut hour , nut eountntg the lime lost fu getting uudor headway and slopping boyoud . ' ltreeton.'a IOWA 1T1d11IH , All political parties are enjoying tlto luxury of fall poultry. The glucose works at lots City employ over one hundred moll. 'I'lie Catholte church at Pntersolnihie is rapidly approaching conlpletiou. A new elevator in process of erection at IVOOdbiilO where the old one was burled. Criminal prosecutions ( luring th ; year ending Septenber 30th cost Dubuque county $21,1i50..16 The principal of the Anita schools has boon placed elder arrest for cruelly bent. ing ) tis ovmi son with a club , 'Fite Sioux City Strout Railway com- pan ) ' has 1)0011 incorporated , with a eapi- and tul of $100,000 , soon the bobtails will ho runntimg. The Mt. Plo tsant Free Press , deserib jug Uw new jail at that place , says : "Up stairs there is n safe roomsc'i..tllte ladies , with steel doors and stool to the w ittdo s. Iowa City is to have teiophono enunce- bon with Cedar Rapids vin. Solon , Morse and North Liberty. Whet this into is completed lowtt City will have direct tel. uphete conueetiotl witha 125 towns. A Fremont county farmer made 800 galleus of sorgllmn from sovun acres of cane. It can ho sitfuly estimated that 1)u will make nhout$7G per acre out of his venture. Alt ostinlato of the buaiiioq' ) ? luhae of Creston cunt be formed frotp fh'ct that time freight record in this of o0 1s the corrospouding mouth of S tor ur nbout six thousand dollars , vo ' at ! William W. Funk , one . , p nears of l lamilton county , a bachelor about GO years of ago , and a largo property owner , was adjudged to be tmsanc and sent to Independence last week. Frank Young , who was recently shot in a Clinton saloon row by Photo Ihos toy , died on the 13th. Ilosley is in jail , and probably cannot be convicted of any grouter triune than manslaughter. Chief .iustico Day , upon his retire- nteit front tlto hatch , will renovo to Doe Moines , where lie will practice haw. lie hits purchased two desirable lots iii that city and is having the 1)111118 drawn for a costly residence which itu will build. A sliocicing aecidunt occurred iu Logan township , Ida co itty , on time 8th moist. 1Villinni , the 0 ycnr oid son of A. B. hell , found a revolver belonging to the hired men. The child was cxatlmnmg , it whult time weapon was discharged , the ball ott- turing ilia hand between the ayes nod caustu r instant death , When Mr , Bull reached houw his wife sat in a chair with the lifeless body of time boy i1) Imur arms. A WIFE'S TEOUOLE. For anuntbcr of years my wife has been troubled with chronic rltmunalkm , it kclug In seine lort4o the btxly amstautly ( uxrept perlai'x In Oho very wannu.t weather ! n summer ) . LYst Chulstmas cuutrated a eery resoro cold , Yid u dlscmed cond lion of the kldnuys bOCmlle rnaulfust , which subject eel tier to uxcesstvu surerbtg , as the uyrnptouu of gravel bueatou nuru prtinlnent , her nrlnu being col. orxlmc0inpnnlud by a heavy brlckdnrt sedhncnt. After trying suveral rcelcdla without 1(11(1,1 pro. maul for fur a bottle of Ifuut's Itmncdy , which Yho t ( , unmcnecd takingaud before three das hml passed situ bcwmu nmc)1 ) butter , lute Iotitluttmol trrllig Una mallcuo ) mill situ Itiul used six botllurand now situ feels entirely cored of both rttumn.tlrni and kflinty counplalut .9hu Pollutes her proseue excellent health duo solely to them moot hunt's jtcutctly. , S'ILLIAu U. t1LeAt r LAID. Norslch , Ginn. , play 6,1183 OhA'f FYINO ; RESULTS. Under dalu of hay 11 , Mr. I.'IUompson , tutu well. known grocer Yid prov'slum dealer , of 78 Crean street , New haven , Conn „ writrs as LullusY : "Hev. oral wucku shtcu 1 was taken cry III with kldnuy dis orders , and on utaudnatlou of may uthnu showed a wry dlseiisd cenilltlon of hay kidneyssttd 1 Lai aisosyngdturof adrscnodslalu of toy liver. 'flue psslug of m y unite was aecompmlted with severe palls In thru small of my hack and lame , fullowtd by a bumdng seneatlon , and after having stood awhile hl rho ) uusel , thu urine iltowetla very heavy deposit of a sudiutent similar to gromnl brp kduet , end , Li short , l fuuud that r was in such a dbcased couditiou its to require hnrnodiatu niedleal neatunent , and as I was anxious to obtain titu best stud mnost speedy rcm lily , l fookal and Inquired carefully , std bocautu rut. IsOud thatliuut'e Itein xlywas sit artirlo of excelluut mrlt , and hterrforu 1 concluded to give It a trial , nod ( nmmncnad taking it , and before I had taken one bottle I found euci a great intproveineut that I du. cldud to Comtluuu Ile usu. cold by taklug only two Lollies the resuitInes bums roost gratifylug In giving mu restored health , "I Itavu otdurud a supply of hunt's Itemedv bonny stare , atld shall hereafter tau it for ode , as 1 con. skier it sir excellent article for diseases of the Ihcr artd kldmtes. " DUFRENE & MENDELSSONN , IROHJ TE OTS < -3EM0VED TO OW.fA NATIONAL DLDI The ueoof thoterm n"Rho , S H 0 RI rino' ht connection wtth the corporate nnma of a croatroad , con + ceanldcaof list wliah rnpnired by the trardhtg p1)b lie-a Slt.rt Llne , Quick Tlme II I N E and the best of acctnnmoda - I tloue-nil of which are fern. lahed by the greatest railway In America. C HICAG0 , M ILV AUICEE And St. Paul , It owns nud operat. e over 1.64)0 miles of road ! n Northern 1111nole , Wi.conain , Mutttosota , Iowa end Dakota ; and ad to male hue , branches and ennso- tiona reach nU the great btnlnces centres of the Northwest and Par west , it naturally nuuwers the descrlptlon of Short Line , and hest Ilouto between Chlcago , II Il attkee , HL Paul and lllnacapotb. Chlcago , dllwmrkeo , In Crosse and ) Yinmia. Chkagly Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Eilendala Chlcago , llllwaukco , Kau L9alre and Stillwater Chicago , Milwaukee lwansau and Merrill. Chlcago , Milwaukee , Oenrer Dam and Oshkosh. Chicago , llllwi ukee , Waukesha and Oeonomowoa. Chlcago , llllwaukec , Madieon and I'rnlrlodu Chloe. Chicago , Mll , aukco , Owatonna and fatribault. Chlcago , Veldt , JauleeIlls einl Mineral I'olmit. Chlcago , Elgin , ltockfonl and Dubuque Chlcag" , Cldon , hock Island and Cedar Itaplde. Chlcago , Councll llluIs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yankton Chicago , lltlwaukuo , Mitchell and Chamberlain. ( lock island , Dubuque , St. Paul and ltlnneapotiL Davculert , Caitnar , St. Paul and Mlnneapolls I'ullman Alecpere and the Finest Dlntng CaraqInchp world taco ran on the nainlinos oftluo CHIp C MILWAUKEE&ST PAULRAILW CY mi l every attention Is pat to passengers by costa sus employes of the company. S. ml. MEItniLL , A. V. 1L CAm'ENTER , Ccn'1 Manager. Ocn'I t'aes. Agent. J. T. CLAItI ( , CEO 11. UCAFF01m , Oen'1 Aup't. Asst Ou'11'aU. Ag'L a I have known and watcberl the uroof Swift' . Spo cilia for over fifty years , anti have nc + er known of afalluratoeuro ti l'olumt when prspcrly'taken. 1 used It On my ecrvants front 1560 to 1905 , as did also auumber of any neighbors , anti iii every casathat cams wlndn my kuotvlcdgu it clreeted a cure. In all Si ) ' llfolhavo haver known a renietly'that would e0 fullynccotnptishwhatit is recent tundedtodo. 1L L , DKNNAIW , Perry , Oe i have known and used Awltt's Specific for more thorn twenty years , situ have scum morn wonderful ro- cults trout Is use than from any remedy in or out of the i itannaco ucla. It ise cerndn and eafo antldoto $ to eli sorts of Mood potuon. J. DICKSON51i1711,1.D. , Atlanta , Ca. r The Oroat Drug lloue0 of Chicago , Wodonothesitate tosaythat forayear pa have sold utoro of Swift's Specific ( S. S. A. ) than other ] hood i'uritiers connblried , and with most tmdsbltg results. One gurttlu"twi who used half a dozen lathes says It has dodo him more gore ( that treatment whlelicoot hlmu11o00. Auothcr who hat uocsl it for a Scrululom aacetlon reports a v rinancnt cure front Its use. VAN SIIAACII , STEVENSON k CO. $1,0001REWARD. WIII herald teeny Chomnlst who will flail , on env alysleof 100bottlus 8.8. S. , one rarttcloof Mercury , Iodide 1'otawlum , or any rnincral eubstanco. TIIESWIFTSI'ECIFIO CO „ Drawer 9 , Atlanta , Ca , ttn'Wrlto for the little book , whleh x111 be mailed free. I'rlco : Small eizo , 11.00 per battle. Large sire ( holding double quantity ) , 11.76 a botUe. All drug. gluts sell It. NOTICE ! To the Traveling Public ! - Till-COMMERCIAL HOTEL I -AT- Ors > tooola , Nob. , Is raw undergoing throrough repairs , both within and wltloutstd the proprlotor httuudt It shall be SEC. OND'1'0 ' NONE l1) the State , oust to Oulaha E. 1t , ohAiItWELL , aug212m lropdotor , i Nebraska Cornice -AND- - - I 1 ' Yoi'ks I e MANUFAOT41tEltS OF ) GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES { ! ] Doranor W13ndowad , ) FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , ' TIN , IRON AND SLATE HOOFING , t PATENT MFTALIO SKYL1011T , Iron Fencin ! Crestmn gs , Dalurtradce , Verandas , Oleos end hank itailings , Window and Cellar Guard. , Eta N. W , COIL. NINTII AND JONES STS. Wbl. OAISER , Manages ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOIISE , I' ' Graham Paper Co . , r 217 sad fie North Mate et. , St. Loins W110LLSALE DEALEIIS IN n00K , t WIUTININC I NIbYti , } PAPERS.1WDAp1'INC { 7 ENVELOPES , 0MW BOARD AND PRINTERS STOCK , tD Carh PaW tor Raga and Vspe 8toek , crsp Iron endMetatn , Paper Stock Wetebouea , 1t3 to 1W North sixth " rtrL eept2td lut- a