, f L COUNCIL BLUFFS. 't Thursday Morning , October 18 , SUBSCR1tT10ti RATFS : is Ry Carrier - - - - - - - to tents per week By Mal - - - - $10.09 { tr Year = - l OFFICE : o , 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , " MINOR MENTION. Sec Joseph Ileitor's fall goods. Additional local on seventh page , Cheap ILailroad Tickets at L'uslunoll's. ' The inco ring Sioux City rim , l'nciflo t train yostordny morning did not arrive until noon. W. F , Callison and Jonnno Ilarrnsou , of Oakland , rcro yost rday granted par , mission to wed. Yostorday's heavy rain aniscd a wash. out on the Chicago rC Northwcslorn road and the passenger train duo hero at ft:45 : was several hours late in consequcnco. IIdf a ton of hard coal has been do. nated by Brown .C Myers to the ilo is of the Friendless , which gladdens the hearts by warming the bodies of the in mates. A telegram was received atpolicohead. quarters yesterday morning requesting the police to look out for two mcn wlm left Ida , in Ida county , with a team which Bras covered by chattel mortgage , :1 : ? . Weis , who has recently become a partner of the agricultural thin 0 ? Shu gart , Waite rC Weis , is erecting a fine and commodious residence on South Eighth street , between First and Second avenues. lfappily wedded were Mr. B. C , Church , of Sterling , Ill , , and Miss Mary Patterson , daughter of Wm. L , I'atter- amen , of thus city , manager of the Key. atone Manufacturing company. TIIE BEE offers congratulations. J John ' 1' . Stewart is ovorhnuling and greatly improving his pork 1101180 preparatory atory to the conunonconlent of the wui- tors business. Phu packing busincas will begin in about two weeks and the in- I ) dications now are that there will be a larger number of hogs killed there than during any provioue year. M Owing to the inclemonc of the watch er Tuesday evening the fee programme arranged by the Bavarian band to ho giv. ( en in the public park was postponed. The band is arranging far a park concert some evening next week and as they arc great favorites with the music lowing pub. lie a largo attendance will no doubt be present. , ' Justice Schurz was yesterday occupied in the trial of the case of the state of lL Iowa v' a , Jalma Barrett , The defendant t" was accused of stealing an overcoat front the wagon of Joel lfutehinsou , a farmer a living south of the city. Justice Schurz , a in default of proper bonds , committed the defendant to jail until next Monday for tlmo commission of the crime. IIIr. P. C. Miller , whose card appears in THE Bin : , has done a generous act for which ho receives the thanks of there who are cared for at the home of the Friendless. Ho has donated the paper % and work to paper two rooms at the Home thtt needed papering to make them look cheerful and homelike. There are two more rooms that licod papering. Time matter of the application of M. IVlmon and 0. E , Bowan for a writ of ] habeas corpus came up before Jud o Aylesworth yesterday and was adjourned until next Friday o order to obtain more evidence froCarroll countY , wnon I the case will be finally determined as to the proper hroceodnnga having boon ' . .taken in the inferior court which corn- ii initted them to jail. "To Eli Clayton , tronu friends and as- 14 Aociates , October 10 , 1883 , " was the p .legond engraved on a handsome gold. a headed cane pr osonted to Hon. Eli Clay. t ton , who has served with ability as Proe , idont of the board of su orvisos. The preaeltation waa made at the 0 dent i t ihouse Tuesday evening. The cane was ' from lama associates on the board front f which ho retires , and sonic other of his any friends. Mr. Clayton was corn. pletely surprised. The Council Bluffs District conference + ' ) f the M. E. church , moots at Emerson , t'ucsdayWednesday atdThursday Octo- per 30 , 31 and November 1 , llev. J. % . lsnistrong , of rho Broadway M. E. hurali of this city , will deliver an ad- resa on "The preacher as a citizen ; his rivileges and obligations , " Time close udy that Mr. Armstrong has given to is subject is a guarantee that ho will wont thoughts more worthy time con- doration of the conference. The indications at time present time &o & that the number of western cattle ! amportod to eastern markets this fall seventy five thousand short of time ipuients last season , This is partially Icountod for by the severeness of last t filter and the poor condition of the cat- ) they being unfit for long drives , and pm the discrimination of Chicago buy- in favor of four year olds. A great t ) mber of wostetn stocknmon , by such . jcriminationhoing necessitated to hold fr cattle until naat season. B ministers of time gospel ; all pmctio onera of medicine ; all porsonms engaged ally to perform time marriage core try ; and all p0reons whomsoever pine- g midwifery in Pottawattomfo lnty , thou shouldst at once nako re n to the county clerk of all things o by you in matters provided by law eroin time narria4o coretnomiy hub been formed , or the birth or death of a be. has been ministered to. live this r immediate nttentlon , as mho law lain and implicit. County papers i8o copy. i he police yesterday received notice to h and arrest one Jacob llavorly , of Nob. , wlto is charged with imving a little girl 7 years old. Ilaverly cribed as wegiun about 100 pounds , foot and 8 ldclnes mu height , is heavy and broad shoulders , nail of right 9b tidck and heavy , having been hod , scars on middle finger of right I , face heavy and coarse , eyes blue. and unsteady , whiskor8 dyed black , ea dark gray. Ilaverl to addicted 'ink Therfa $50 reward offered i $ arrest and conviction , t , amas Ball wants a divorce from ' hall , Ills wife , to tvhont ho was led in 1808 , and with whole Ito lmaa , d ever since , until tlmis aututor. lla the court that time reason ho ) a diyorco is because Sarah Jamo is medlar with other men , aid that ammo { yen him , Thomas , notice that oilier may visit her whenever they choose as they like. IIo says tat when rrjed Ssali lee had sono masne , ho boa invested in al estat and Yacm y 1 „ , . , . oily W DO rid of a faitlmloss wife , but desires time custody of three children and the control of time property , Lower Broadway was in a deplorable condition yesterday. Time street lied been partially filled up to grade and un fortunately the contractor comnnoneed to grade from the foot of the hill , so that the earth dumped there acted as a damn , and was the cause of consiierable ( dartm ming. Nearly nil the collars along that part of time street were filled , greatly to the damage of their contents , amid the floors of buildings that had not yet hecn raised above tlto grade tt ere flooded with mud ant tvator. The heaviest looser was Mr , ,1 , .1. Dickoy. 'J'ho front wall of the foundation of his grocary caved in letting a flood of nntdd water into his cellar all over time vegetables stored there , Last Juno at ta time of the flood Mr. Dickey lost heavily also , am at that time flue floor of lima building gave way ail let his stock down into a collar full of water , Since thou time building has beau raised and a brick wall Put ulv der it which gave wa Y iast ni B ht , Yesterday the papers ware flied for a case in equity before Judge Reed to abate a nunsanc0. 'l'imo complaint is nmado by Eliem and C , It , Mitchell , and is signed by a largo number of residents amidlmsines much of time southern part of time city. It sets fortlm as facts that the Continental Oil mind Transportation com- ae has erected a wooden oil talc and woodcut platforms , and that by reason of the leakage amid wste of the all this wood is saturated with keroseto oil , and is 'rendered ' highly inflamnnabic. That there is no prataettou whato"orfrom fire , not oven a fence or atcckado around time tank and platforms to keep off tramps or loiterers who may carelessly drop lira front a 1)11)0 or cigar. That no watcluuon is statiemd there to guard the property front the match of the incendiary or the mparks front time hundreds of loannotves that Lass and r0Ilass there , 'Pleat there is stored in time tank 00,000 gailons of inflautumablo oil , which in case of a fire would cause a terrible explosion ; and thtit time complainants fuel that their lives and property are in eoistant danger - ger , It arena to ho time desire of time business eel that time necessary storage tanks far time Lil busiuoas should be trn dcr one of time umamy accessible bluffs , whore there would be little or no danger from lire , Dr.Vest , dentist. 14 Pearl street , - - - - - A IIYI'OOIt1TI IIIJSIt1t I ) . ,1 nlvorcoCommit HioryAIotdrtl'imtlh- Curtr.g IvnngciINt. A good runny of the Council Blufrs people hill remember a certain 11ev. (1) ( ) J. T. llfnrtiu , who held revival meetings for a while last spring in time Baptist churclm m this city , and who loft time city with no enviable reputation , IIo was run in by the police while hero for at. tempting to beat a board bill , but was released - leased by order of time mayor , mid finally loft the gentleman who want security for his board at the Metropolitan to pay time Lill contractc.l thorn , lie has umde a worse record at other places than ho did hero , Time Cldicagobraid shows lmim up ill fine style as follows : The case of Mrs. Elizabeth Crayto. Martin was of decide ( ercat. Mrs. Martin is a tall , wC , , stied , beautiful brunettu with rofnu uti armors and at. tractive ways. She said alms was married in this city in 1875 to John Tift Martin , the Evaogohst , whose Ufaith cures in Michigan have attractuu so much atten tioi of late years. Four days after time wedding they wont to Elk- hart , lad. , whin ho pretended to have a fit of from and in a walk fn the woods shook fior and toro her clothing in ribbons and nearly frightened the life out of her. lie explained this by saying that ho did it bt , use of his sorrow - row for Imfs brother. re ho failed to pay their ( motel bills i 1 t a is trunks wore lucid by the landlort then wont to Deroit where Jove I I rruwed seine money amd was tinM. , tt olmendod for embezzling , htmt ski ij for Canada. While in ' 1'oronto Imo humid a lecture writ- tau for him , intitlod "Time Ideal and Real of time Scriptures. " ilium drawing powers as n lecturer wuro so small that lie had to give that up. They sponged upon all of time boarditmg lmuses iii 'l'or onto , and succeeded in gutting generally disliltod. lie went to a watch nmuting ono night and ut the way abused ) ni9 wife badly , but was very Iuous while in mooting. After time services were over ho attended his wife to her bounding. house , cursing bur the mast of the way. At one hotel lie made lmer sit up fn time parlor until after mid , night before sueuriug a roout , acid them retired to a roam and nmdo her sit up the rest of time night while lie slept peacefully in leis downy couch , Front Detroit they wont to Buffalo , wlioro he was arrested wimilo out walking with his wife and taken to jail. She , hud no momoy mid was con poled to stalk time streets until about mini glut a dication at time jail for lodging Lbeing otlno avail amid all to aoue time Episcopal minister failing. At last time jailer getter tor a roan at a lodging houru ou pete time 'ail where situ eflmor count , and brush as socurit for lnor bill. B the assistammce of sono old acquaint. aura the Buffalo trouble wasbrid edover mid they next "bobbed u p seroimul " in New Yok , The spout utbout a year in time nnotroPoliutI during which time time y moved fittoen tinnes timid 'maid ' relit but dice. In a quarrel in Now York ho tried to kill Imor with an ice- l pick aid silo was compelled to fight for leer life with all of a tlmorou glmly terrified wonmu , Ile 'thus ' drink a lot of beer and a peat the night sticking ins and noodles in bur , Occisionall y6 lmu would grasp imor by the throat ail squeeze as Imrd s Ito tou ht oho could g liar lee just wanted Igor to realize how mi would feel when lee choked her is death , Before - fore returuiug to Chicago they sport a night upon time streets of Brooklyn , not having iuomio "enough to got their bug. mugs. ' Yoeoftuu nearly starved- sitmore ofteli titan her huaband ' 1'lmrougim the asaistanco of friouda site ? rot a pros to Chicago , wlmevo alto wont to live with 1mev mothyr , bbut 1to soyn fol. furred aid opem td a coal OGICO at 74 Lust Washington street , Item ho lost track of time nneuui amid touni of Money matters and bat to ship , 'ho mitt his wife heard trout bhp was that lie was ofllciatingas a dlaptiat ltniu- later iii Naremigo. Debug well located there , ho Caine to Chicago for ilia wife. 'l'imo of as far as La Sale wbun she had to IaH ii lice trunks to pa their fare the rest of time way. Bore ho foil into favor with time good ioo Ile and was in clover for three or four weeks when the .oo . lu lost timely faith in life theology nod in. continently bounced hiul , Next he u.w. . . I ported hun a few weeks. and he wotlt'te Davenport whore ho became quito intimate - timato with a good older , and placed u poi the market a patent oil , out of which ho ntado into n strike. This racket playing omit , went to Aurora but hula wan not m thieve , anti Sandwichthieve the moved "on to Sandwich and roped in number of time ( mod ) lillars of nto church , Iles Mrs , Martini tired of the life they were leading , and silo returned to Chicago , lbo soon followed liar , amid they lived tngutlieruntil1879. \1'hilo to Cluica o ho amused himself by torturing hula wife iu mama ways which wre hardless horrible thou thnso of time S pauslh iul uisitiomi. For weeks she claims that shot could not sleep for two hours at a limo for fear of his killium g her iii bed , IIo offered her oisomm choked Imer , threaloued to smother lior , and threatmie(1 to kill her almost every day. At last mime loft him nod went to Call- forum , amid was away front ] limn nearly two years. The last silo heard of Imirn he was work. fog the faith cure at Adrian , Mich , Prone there lee sent her nowapapors mum which wuro long accounts of his wonder , stll cures , IIo told Imov brotlmur that time Lord was good to hint , Iiundreda wuro eouverted under his ministrations amid cures of persons supposed to be troubled with utcurahl0 diseases were froquontiy the results of leis protracted intorvalsof prayer. While in Chicago about that tune they attoudetl a Robson and Cratmo performauco of the "Two Dramios. " lie becanmo very jealous of a lean sitting next to her , and , when they got home , stuck her half way out of time wuiddv to coal off. lie said ho was hat , and so she must be. lie tlmi burned their faumiiy Bible containing their mar , ringo certificate , and told bier he would tremt tor time sane way if she would give hint Incr wedding ring , 4 Our prices are "solemn truths" to some people , BOSTON i'nA Co. CltUittHI.LI ) TO TILE CltEliC , Front W h leli a Sult for Ianiagei May Result. Indian Creek is aeldonout of nnischfof , for long at a time. Every storm that occurs - curs denmonstratea more forcible that somothimig must bo done by the city to protect time property of citizens , or ox- ponsiva litigation and great private and public loss will result. Yesterday a big slice dropped into Indian Creek , from the property of Andrew Jnchsotm and his ais- tars , that fronts on 1Vashimgtoa avenue botweet Madison and Market streets et time bank ofthe creek , at a point just opposite - posite time foot of Elder street , The sewers at this point wore clogged by nmud , and tlmo rain hurl loosened the earth out the bank so that whettha water canto down Elder street , the bank wash- ud ofl ; red carried with it part of time foundation of tire house. Time house is materially injured and time contcuts dam- aged. A suit for damages is tlmreatonned. If this waslmout were likely to ho time lnst it would be a comparatily trivial matter , but time property along that part is subject - ject to a ailniiar wash out. Everybody watch out for the Opening Day of the Now Pavillion , The old buildings are being moved oil ; amid luny bet for the now ones put on. It will be a modal of elegance of design far con- venietco and pleasuro. Bicycles all hero. Como aid sou then. About Coal , 'rliore have beemi several inquiries of into wimy it is that the coal niea of this city can not sell Wyoming coal. A Bun man yesterday interviewed several of the dealers , and tire facts as near as he could ascertain , are as follows : Time coal mines in Wyoning are nearly all owned by time Union Pacifto road , But if any loan or company strikes a vain amid opens up a name ho has no umrkot for it , except as ho ships it over time Union I nciflo road , Time Union l'mv if o road charges hint about as much for transportation Ira the coal will retail for in Onmaha , which really anounta to lproltibititg the sidipumemtt of it. And it is a prohibition that prohibits. Time coma- pany can the buy up time mine at its own prtco. It will be readily scoutt how this policy gives time Utmion Pacific road the control of time Wyoming coal fields , 'J ho Union I'acntio road being the only sellers of 11' outing coal , time dealers Must buy of that con tauY or not at all. The dealers say that time Union Pacific will riot ship mu ' of time coal into this city at all. Ono brat says that it asked timt ucstiou direct as twhat rice the would chare per tat to set a c r load of the coal at the transfer. Time answer vva8 that the company would not ship a cur load of it across the river at any price. Now those wlmu want Wyoming coal and cannot got it , uuty kgow why. Bliss' pattenn opening Saturday , Boehtelo's Opening. Next Saturday is the day sot for the fornmal opening of Bnchmtele's handaomo now European hotel. Time whole mouse will be thrown open far guests at this tinno. The domatds of time guests of this hotel have boon such that Mr. Boclmtolo has Loan eanpOlled to use a portion of the house for several days , but by next Saturday hu lmopos to be ready to acconi iodate all who may desire it , to tlae full capacity of lmia elegant now hotel , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICI8lwclsl adrertlsoments , ouch as Lot , Found , To Loan , For Bale , To hoot , Wunt , , Board. ing , etc , , will bo hearted in this cohtma at ttio low rata of TEN CENTS 1'EIt LINE for the ar.t lu.atioa and FIVE UNNTS 1'ER LINE for each .ubt.cquent In. .ortimp. IeMO aduortleemont..t our o Uco , No , 7 Pearl Street , near liroadway WANT8 , 1fANTED-Er cry buuyinCounclllllu8to take VY Ttisllas , Ildlrcrsd by carricrat only twouty e'ent. A week. % ' - boy , u it ) . to deihor Time Cu. , rA.'rEt ) 8hteen flat clog , tallow : cratpsnt. S 1 and pest uiuyer. , . A qdy to Joieph lieitur , 310 Itro.dsay , Cmidril plum. . Felt BALE AND RENT , $ AI.I-A : laru and wall establbllud udik putt . . , , al.o u)3 ruide"ro , limo utado ar- Iangmuuntaorcut"ru front mho city. Inqulro : at 21108,12th St. , Crunch Mingo , Iowa , I + HALiA : l od ) . Ctluap , at ' . , Hrolt .beet , houac ttmi I . .molt ItnNi' : A bouo of flu. roulit. . Inuuire of Dr Nanchott 14S iiiA1.S Ilouo ad lot , uorlhwcst curlier of J Tenth anJ druadway. JomiN 1v , BArau , 15ACKIK'O I1oUHK SA E Oii 1ti : The 1 Or , Is l'aeUngllnuot lawny loohog. , wrday with allrooderu appllaucas ; wuil located : for aalo or loa.a Apply to ODELL d LAY , Cauncu ICuf. , I. . , Soptombur lo , 1f51 Mrs. . H , J. Hilton IL . I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 973 Broadway , Couaott Blume. r Empfile Hardware Co. , . x 4 ti 4 .4 ] tt,1 : ' r 'CrVI3 O L ZI .EL IJ 1t . Hardware ! , and 111 S , Main Street COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , 9 WJIOLIS4uil ; DE U 1 hiS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Fruits Colitectiollery Parties , Soclnbles and I'ICnlca supplied on short notice , and goods delivered tc all parts of the city. Viomuta Bread , and Pies. Fine Cigars , w. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS IZ3ought and l5o1c1. Money Loaned Abstracts Furn ished MoMARON No. 4 Pear ! Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. TVIAYNE & PALMER DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Coal , IIULIC AND ImAnmuT : , 1dun , LorfsvmLLn AND PORTLAND OEIIuNT , MICIIIOAN PLASTER , HAIR AND SEWEII I'IL'E. No , 839 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , SMITH & TOLLER , R I a II v. t h5m W 1 1 ' . , CD , e Pd --i c ' v- i W ' A - - O J' piaa t 4 lVlerchantTailors. 7 and 9 Main Street. mIRI70TORSr COVNf IL SLIIFZ'F , X. . JOHN BENO & CO GENERAL aERCIIANDIBE r , 18 Snln street and 17 Pearl street. MA X 1If10HN , Oraory , 215 Maln Streets ITNto1,217 , amid 219 Main street. DR . J . F , VPHITE , Corner Main and Fifth ' up etalre. OFFICE Residence , , BOD Willow arcane JUSTICE OF TIIEPEACE , N SCHURZ.JUSTICE . Ofllca over American Express. S S VPAGNER LIYERYAND FEED , r , , WI11 contract for funerals at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street Mr Sr JOHN & CO..CASH BUYERS Wholesalebuttet eggs , pond. , , . . , tryand fruit. Ship to us. Draft by return maC. 148 Broadway. De A. BENEDICT , SIG amp 37RD at way Council Blume , Iowa. MERCHANT TAILOR , JACOB KOCH , Stock Complete. Suits made at reasonable prices. No. 80S bfaln 9t CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , G F SMITH r Comer 7th and Broadway. Plans and specification ! furnished. . .vvvv. . SHERMAN , I taro the variety ALER that bring. patronage. E HNESS. 124 Main street. JAMES FRANEY , Artistic Work [ . TAcharges. . $72 Broadway. - - - FIUSNITUIIE STOVES , HOyVE tz SONt and IIouschold Supplies. 803 Broadway. LINDT & HART , James Block. 1'ractlco in state and federal courts. And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway , L. Sovereign , Prop , P. J. Mont , SANITAR L31V [ omery,31.D.Plgelcfan. JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , ED.vPIN J. ABBOTT . , Notary 1 ubllo and General Convoyaucer. 415 Broadway. g su1T1i A NORTON , REVERE HOUSE , Broadway opposite Now Opera Mouse. Befitted $1 , $1.60 per day OF ALL KINDS. Sold a e owes Prices IN TILE WEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED. At MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , - 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN fflocoi'os ! , Frevisolls ! , Boots aii lioes 1MMx L.4 .TION _ EL.GI7NTdJ. DRAFtS,0N , TIlE BANE OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOR SALE , 843 BROADWAY , COUNCN , BLUFFS CRESTON HOUSE , MAX MORN , - - - PROPRIETOR , 31&3 , S17 anti 219 fJ. Main & troot , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA , - - - - - - SKELTON HENDRICKS & RICE , TAILORS , 102 MAIN STREET COUNCIL BLUFFS. FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES JOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers ! :117 : Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS : MRS. D' . A. BENEDICT f DEAALEIL IN LatHes' Fiiriis1iiii ! NOTIONS , JEWELRY , &C. 337 W. lirondwny , - ' - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA PETER C. MILLER , 1VnOLESALEAND IIETAiTa WJaII-Pa P er and Window Shadesand Palntlng in all Its Draochest FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. 1\To.13l9outh Ponrll5tt. - 47ouz1oi1 : lu.rfra. . Our line of Stoves is the tmost coumpleto in tits city and includes all the most Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvements ! ! 1Vo hnvo hammered rho prices down as thin as they will stand without breaking , and you arc invited to call mind see ] mow thick the stoves are in comparison. SPECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , slightly tarnished , at a reduction of $5.00 each , mwoaa dm wRZGsP , 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Sf „ Council Bluffs. R. S. COLE & CO. MANUFACTURER AND DEALERS IN ALL All the Most lifiproved Kinds of Lightning Rods . And Ornaments. Also Wood and Iron Pumps , Wood Thing and Cu Pipe and I'Ipe Fixtures , for both No , 604 . . . "R6t. South ' . Main Wool and . . . Iron . . . . . Pumps. . . . . . . . . . Orders . . . . . . . will . . . . receive . . . . . . . prompt . . . . . . . . attention. . . BLUFFS , IOWA lob 15cotf N1. CALLACHER New Store , Fresh Goods , Low I'riees ' and Polite Attendants , ; Wig' { First Door east of Hotel Lot n AY' U Metropolitan , } nca niA a 9 Broadway Steam Laundry 72tL Wp $ OAD 1R3' . A. C. LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MAORINERY. Clifton J. A. ROSS , - - - - - PRO IRITOR. 537 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Is the place for A. No. 1 Meals , Day Boarders accommodated and guarantee satisfaction. o e Steam Laundry 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. Ilas just opened a new mid well fitted steam laundry. (1 ( uarantee good work. Please give me a trial. IF YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON Corner Main and First Avenue , Council Bluffs. IIe has Them. CURE OR NO PAY. ILOAM Mineral' Springs ! We guarantee the cure of the following named dis cases , or mio 'lay ' : IlheurtmtlsmScrofula , Ulcers , Catarrh - tarrh , all Dlnoland Skin Diseases , Dyepepsla , Liver Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases , Gout , Neu ralgia and Asthma These Springs are the fa orlte resort of the tired and debllitatcd , and are the Feeble Ladles' best friend. Good hotel , Livery and Bathing accommodations. Locality hlghly pioturesgno and healthy. Correspondence solicited. Address Roy. 51.51. TIIOMPSONManager. Siloam , gentry Co. , Mo eve Works 17 NORTH MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. KLENCK & JUREY , PROPRIETORS. All kinds of repairing Furniture tepalred and finished. Chairs ro caned and ro seated. All kinds of Upholstering. Locks , Belle and Electric Inetru- ntenis repaired. SIleaking Tubes put in old or now buildings. Keysfltted and Stones repaired. First , etas work guaranteed. Givens atrilal. Titus OYFtCSS , U. N. PUSSY. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS' , Council Bluff. ia. Establisbea - - 1856 Dealers in Forglen and DomeaUo Exchange and home Securities. MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS , The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of Wooden and Metallc Cases. Calls attended to at all hours aVe dcly competition in quality of goods or prices. Our Mr. Morgan has served as undertaker for forty year. anu thoruughly understands his bust. noes. Wareroome,311 Broadway. UPIIOLSTERING In all Its branches promptly attended to ; also carpet iaying and lambrequlns. Telegraphic and mall a ers filled without delay. DR. G , W.PANGLE I REAEER OP Q MAN .I Fifteen lears' experience. Eclectic , Magnetleanti Ilvrbaliet I'hyeiclan , Master of the following die. case. : Catarrh , Nervous Debility , Mental Depress. , iou , Apoplexy , Fits , Loss of Manliness. Cancers Removed Without the Knife , Dropsy - sy Cured Without Tapping , Liver Complahit , KldnP3 Complaint , ldabetee , ( then. matlsm , l'araiysh , White Snelling , Erysipelas , lit. Yftlm , _ Dau.W Woman and Ner Diseases Treated With the happiest Results. Stclal ; attention given to priwte aiid venereal diseases. Located No , 310 Broadaay , Itootnl , ( up. stairs ) , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A Correct Diagnosis Olven Without any Explanation ( rein this Patient. ttTConsnltatlolu free at o.ce. Make Your Conttracts Now for Your Winter Fupply of Missouri Hard Wood ! AND ITAIIDANDS0IT ' -WiTI- ] P. OVERTON , 503 First Avenue , - Council Bluffs , Iowa , And secure the best article and full measure atthe very lore.t , price , Stole wood delivered to alq part of the ally COUNCIL BLUPPB RAILROAD TIME TABLE The following are the tlme.f arrival and departure train , from the local depots. The trains start from the Union paciflo depot about ten minutes earlier than below stated , and arrive at the depot about ten minutes later. Trains on pool lines and E. C. run on Chicago time , a hall hour ster thorn load , Wabaeh trains run on St. Louis time , twenty minutes faster than local , U. P , and Lincoln trains run on Council Bluff , time , CIUCA00 , ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC , . Arrive , AtlantloExt.5:30p.m. : PaclfloErcl „ 9:40 m Ex and Mall' „ 9:60' : . m. Ex and Mafl „ 0:5 : p , is. Dee alolnesao . .7:15a.m , Des Moines ac..6.53 p. m. CIIICAao , SUaLINOrox AND QUINCT. Depart , Arrive. Chicago Ex. . . .5SSp.m. : Counallh'uRsex,0.45 ' l Mail and Mx. . . .0 45 m hall and Ex'.7:00 p , m , CIIICAOO meld aoILTIIwxaTsux. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext.:15 p , m. Paciflo 1xto:16 : a. m. Mall and mix" ,020 ; a , III. Mail and Ex , 6:15 : p , nt , Accom ( Sat560 ; p , m , Accom ( lion ) , , M45 p , m. KANSAS CITY , Sr , JOa AND COUNCIL OLUFYB. Depart. Arrive , Sfaii and Mx.0:55 : a. m. Express. . . . . . .5:35 : p , m. Express.8:25 : p , m. l Stall and Ex,8:45 : p. m UxmON PACIFIC. Depart. Axdve. Overland Ex..1I:30a.m , OverlandEx.4:0op : , m. Liucuhl Ex.11:30 : a , In. I Denver Ex..8:00a. : m. Denver Ex..7:00p.mu. Local Ex. , , , .0:50 : a. in. Local Ex..7:25 a. no. " Ex..5:05 : a. m. Emigrant..6:20 p. in. " Ex.5:00 : a. m. wAUAYII , ST , LOUIS ASD PACIFIC. Depart , Arrive , MalI andEc,095 a , m. atoll and Ex , , 4:30 : p , ni. Cannon h ail..4:5o : p , m , I Cartoon DaS11:05 a. n , SIOUX CITY AND PACIFIC , Depart , Arrive For Sioux City:55 : a. m. Fmm Sioux City8:50 : p.m. ForFxrtNlobraru FrmFort Niobrara Neb „ . . . . 7:551a.m. : Neb8:60p.m. : For St ' , , , , ; , . FromSt.l'aul860am , c111cAoo , SILWAUKSS ANO ST. PAUL. Leaves Omaha , Arrives at Omaha. Stall and Ex , . . , 745 ; a , m. I PaclfloEx. , , , 945 ; a m Atlantio Ex , . . , 340 ; p. m. I Mall and Its , . 7:2d p. m All trains dally , chLIca00 , NILWAUXSS AND ST. PAUL , Leaves Council Bluffs. Arlvcs Council Bluff , . Mail and Ex , , , , 9:20 : a , m. Ifaii andEx-556 ; p , m. AUantlo Es.,15:15 : p , m , ( Atlantic Ex19:1o : a , m , caUxcIL DLUPS1. AND OSAIIA.TRu7 RAILWAY , Leave Council Bluff , Leave Omaha , Si. m. Da. ran lO a , m,1. a. 8a. m. Os. m , l0 a , m. m.1 p , nL 2 p. m. 3 p. nL 4 I a. m.1 m. 21) , nL 3 p , m p. m. 5 p , m. 8 p , m. 14 p , m , 6 p , m. 8 p. m. Sttvet care run half hourly to the Unlon PaelSa depot , Ou Sunday the cars begin their tripe at 0 o'doek a , in. , and run regularly during the day at 9 , ii , 2 , 4 , 6 , and 8 o' clock , and run to city time. R. Rice M. D . CANCERS or other tumor. removal withoutthe knife or drawing of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES of klndsa specialty. Over thirty years practicalexperience. Office No. 5 l'earl street , Councli Clad. , giTCon.ultatlml free , VII. R. VAUCHAN Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , Real estate and collection agency , n add Fellow' . block , aver Savinca Bank , f anaa JACOB 31115. 1 : . P , CADWELL , SIMSdt CADWELL , Attorneys it-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA OSIca , Slain Strtet , Room , I and Shugart k Mc. Mahon' , Uluck , Viii practice In Stat. and c b d court. court.PILES. . I treat Piles and Falling of the Rectum for radical and ytnuauent cure , In front ( so to four week. Olleratiolla lulniess. Dtaoasea of the Rectum a Specialty , mt. A , J. COOK , r 11 ddw Item Couucil tauO. , via r Ar , -aMl I t t N l , t 1 1l l I aB l mat I irr t S b ) Ui