Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1883, Image 1
THE OMAHA DAILY ' BEE. . , c _ 'rI3IItTFWNTLi : YEAR. UlIt1II11 , NI .13. 'I'lll'ItSDAY : MORNING , OCTOBER 18 , 18&3. NO. 10i. : - TPUy. . _ -i i hart SR Pa MORSE & ra . . Great Fall Sale I SECOND WEEK OF GREAT SALE , MONDAY OCTOBER 15TH 1883. Anticipating a sale that will exceed in magnitude ALL OUR PAST ACHIEVEMENTS , We have made such arrangements in our store stock will be best calculated to and and corps of employes as the convenience and comfort of our friends and patrons , and enable us to transact our immense trade with accuracy - racy and dispatch , . BIG BARGAINS IN . DRESS00005 I _ Our present stock is the larg we have ever shown , even overslu owing all the other stocks of dr goods in Omaha combined. 7,600 yds. Wool Cnslimeres a DeBeges during this sule at 7 worth 15c. 3,000 yards double width N Colors mid Black Cashmere duni tliis sale at 15c a yard , selling eve where at 25 to 30c. 5,000 yards Foule Beiges , S and Wool Garnet mixtures ( Cashmeres reduced to 25c , befit the sale were 37k , 40 and 50c. 3,000 yards 48-inch beauti Colored Cashmeres , Navy BI Garnets , Wines , Brown , N Greens , &c at 45cn yard , worth to 75c. 7,500 yards 42-inch Foule fin all'woo1Sirooda Cashmeres at 0 a yard , before the sale were a b at 75c. , W. . . gain . , , 2,000 yards Novelties Silk e wool mixtures double width v be closed out at a uniform price 60c , worth $1.00 to $1.50 a ya COLORED OAII1ERE Of same make and dyed by Gi emet , the best dyer in France ; import and sell direct two qualiti Quality "M , " very fine , all we in wines , arnets , browns , niyrt navy , car innl , at 57 c ayard , u ally cold at 75c. Quality "N , " the finest Ca mere shown ix COLORS , in addit to myrtle , navy , seal brown , vii etc. , all new shades , mastic , Rio color , drabs , tabac , bronze , cl ' wood brown , etc. , at 75c a yn these goods will be found equal any sold elsewhere at 90c and . BLACK 000051 "GOLDEN STAR CASHMESE "A , " 34 in , all wool black Ct mere , 27c. B , 34 in , all wool black Ca mere , 37ic. C , 38 in , all wool black C more , 50e. D , 40 in , all wool black C , mere , ( , inc. E , 40 in. very fine black C more , 65c. F , 40 in , extra black C mere , 85c. G , 46 in , forest black mere , $1. Wo salicit comparisoNi vitli gn in smaller stores , * wlid pure ] from jobbers , at 20 per cent'hit than above prices. 10 pieces all wool fine 1 cado Satinesdurinrv this sale at t a yard , worth $1.'F5. 10 pieces very fine Silk ' 1 ' I Henrietta at & 1.25 a yard , vv and reduced from 1.85. Cotton FlannelE MUSLIN SIIEETINGS. 10 Bales best quality finest 1 bleached yard wide Muslin 6e. 20 Bales very best heaviest 1 bleached yard wide Muslin 7c. 10 Cases very best Utica and droscoggon yard wide Bleat Muslin at 8ic a ysrd , worth wholesale 12c. 5 Cases good heavy Unbleacl Cotton fiumel at 5e a yard , we lOc. 10 Cases Bleached and 1 bleached Cotton Flannel at a i. morn price of 124c , worth r ally 20c. 5 Cases Wausutta , 2.- yard w 10-4 Bleached Sheeting at 30 yard , worth 40c. 5 Cases Utica , 2 { yard wide , 1 Bleached Sheeting at 30c a y , worth 40c. 4 Cases fine heavy Blacc Sheeting , 2 yards wide , at ; . ' usually sold at 30c to 3ac. 4 Cases best Unbleached Sh ing , 2 yards wide , at 22c , we usually 30c. 100 pair 10-4 white Blanket $1.00 a pair worth $2.50. 100 pair 10.4 white Blan1 of a quality and size that usuu sell at $3.50 and $ L00 will closed out or this sale at a unifn price of $2.50 apair. 150 pair very soft Wool Bin etsr with handsome red or 1 striped borders at $3.80 a pair , actly the sane Blanket retail elsewhere at $5.00. 200 pars of 11-4 six pound wool white Blankets , very he and a bin bargain , durm1g-this at $5.Ol'apair , worth $7.00. 100 pairs very fine rich bordn 12-4 all wool Blankets , porch , by us at auction sales and worth day in New York markets $ LO will be closed during this sale $7.75 , never before sold less t $12.00. 711 air California all wool ] lion ills Blankets at $7.76 a 1 worth $12.00. COMFORTS 100 Bales pure white co filled Comforts , made of best sti ardard Calico , $1.35 , each red , front $2.00. 50 Bales hest Turkey Red Furniture Chintz Comforts $2.00 each , reduced from and not be bought for less than $3 - - - 200 cases , fast color , now fall prints , at 3c a yard , sold er where at 5c. Croheo. Allen , Best Arnold , Prints Oriental , 5 Merimac , a American , -gird Itielunond , Windsor , j lOc Indigo Blue Calico Oc , 20 Cases best Apron Check G hams at Oc a yard. 20 Cases new style , very the Dress Plaid Ginghanls , all this son patterns , at 7e a yard. 200 pieces very finest French Scotch Plaid Ginghams , now patterns , 1 Sc a yard , worth 25 a PM Morse& Co. , STREET. Occupying the largest Store and carrying the Largest Stock of Dry Goods between Chicago and San Francisco , TII i' S E CONI ) W EIiK ; OF OUR IMMENSE Monday Morning , October 15th , 1883. We know that the public of Omaha will expect great results from us and we pro- lose to sell them goods with the three distinct profits of the manufacturer , jobber end retailer , placed , as it were , in the pockets of our patrons. Our magnificent . stock aggregating will be offered at this sale , from our pins and needles L to our Silks and Velvets , from 34 yard of printed Calico to our Richest Fabrics. All will be sold ever known in the annals of the Dry goods trade in this country. 13LAMC partmen That our patrons may obtain t greatest bargains they have ever seen in Black Silks , we have deeid to reduce oflr entire stock , and , is apparent toallwho visit our sto it is by far the largest stock Omaha , and the only one bought Lyons , at The Looms Direct. 50 pieces , 22 and 24 inch Lye Cashmere finish Black Silks will gftbred during this sale at $1.O ( yard ; wbo drby the manufac rer heretofore for $1.25 end $1. 25 pieces Cashmere Princess Bh Silks , double warp , rich , lusty , finish , full 22 , and some 24 inch wide , at $1.35 , worth $1.75 $2.00 , all warranted to wear wr out breaking. 28 pieces Cashmere Alexandre , inch Black Silks , will be sold dun this sale at $1.611 ayard. These the regular $2.00 quality , with perb lustre , heavy weight and always considered cheap at $2.0 ( yard. 20 pieces Cashmere Alexan , 24 inch Black Silica , the qual usually retailed east 1 + 2.50 , will sold by us on this sale at $2.1 + yard. 12 piece widest , heaviest and b quality of Cashmere Alexandre inch l3IaclcSillcs , usually sold by best eastern houses for $3,0t $3.50 aryard , will be sold by during thus bale for $2.50. Ii 6 pieces of the celebrated T isler Freres' Grease I'roof BI : 1 Silks , full 24 inches wide , will I sold at $2.75 a yard. These are finest quality that is made in tb silks , and we .adviso such of 1 patrons its were disappointed in t tanning them front us last sprint call early , as they will sell in first few days of this sale , being only silk made that is warrante to wear shiny or greasy. They a rare bargain , 1 ) - - c FLANNELS ! 25 pieces heavy , wide w Shaker l"Tunnel at Se a yard , w ( , . 6. 25 pieces all wool Itel Finn : at 20c , reduced fromn 25c. A Big Bargain in Californin l - heavy lteti Twill Flannel , dui this sale at 45e , never sold ur GOe. t - 50 pieces best quality Ba : Sackiiig Fhmnels , Ited , 1V d Navy , Cardinal , Pinlc , Light I ! 11 &c. , at SOc a yard , arc sold n where at OOe. 4 Napkins & Towel 100 dozen Bleached Daml Napkins , worth front $1.00 $1.25will be sold in one lot at 7 150 dozen Bleached Dami Napkins , very fine and choice p tern , at 11.00 a dozou , worth h $1.50 to $2.00. 200 dozens very fine Cri Damask Napkins will be soldiu c lot at $1.60 a dozen ; not a deze'i the lot is worth not less than $ . and some $2.50 , i 100 doten ' * 'and $ Doulle ; wdt Damask Napkins at $2.00 a "doz reduced from $3.00. BED SPREADS. 1,000 full size Crochet Sprea purchased by us at auction sales New York at half price , will sold at OOc , worth $1.25 , 500 extra large fine and hen 12-4 Marseilles Bed Spreads $1.11 ( ) each , would be cheap $1.211. 250 very finest 12-4 11lnrscil Spreads that were imported samples will be sold at a unifo iirice of $2,50 , worth $4,00 ; 5.00. TOWELS , TOWEIJ 2110 'dozen lcrgc size , all lii Iduek and Damask Towels at I cacbwould be a good value at 2 300 dozen Finest IIuclc Dan and hnoited Fringe Towels at each , usually sold at 37 } to 50c. 190dozonFinest IIuclc and Di ask Embroidered knotted fri and , opal work ' 1'owels , all v finest goods , will be sold in one at SUc , worth 75c to $1,50 , Shawl Departme 50 Ladies' heavy Beaver Shawl bnllutif'ul colors , will be sold m7 this sale at $4.50 each , usu considered cheap at $6,00. 100 finest , double all-w reycrsiblo Snawls , size 721c i inches , nt$5,5O each , usually at from $8 to $10. 20 flue double Broello Shawli $20 reduced from $30. 10 Superior Quality 'Do 13roclle Shawls at $30 , reduced f $40. ( 12 best quality Double 13ri - Slliiwls at $35 and $40 , red from$46 and $50. . . .Y.GrJ.a Hosiery DEPARTMENT The bargains in tins departm wjll be suited to the wants of f ninny , as from our cheapest to finest ] rose we soil , our patrons v find one and all at about half , usual price , 100 dozen Ladies Seamless i bleached Bnlbri gan Hose , w double heel and Too at 20e a pai 100 dozen Ladies' Seamless Mn no finish , ribbed Hose , warm heavy , in rod , blue and brown 15c a pair , sold last your at 25c 50 dozen Ladies'.Seamiess Do Ribbed English Hose , extra len and very choice assortment of cc , at 45c , sold last season at O5c 75c. 50 dozen Ladies' Silk hose , black , brown , navy blue , garn cardinals , etc. , at 51.00 a p worth $1.75. About 60 dozen Ladies' fine r 4i and Fancy Enrbr ido hose thrown in a SOc hex , n , pair wortli less than 75c to $1.51 Children'sHosiei ' _ 80do on Childret'sSeanless ] rino Ribbed hose , red , blue , bro' etc. , all Nies , 5i1 to 8 inch at i IL pair ; would ho cheap at 0c. 216 dozen Seamless Hcavy wei cotton striped crud solid color IL sill sires , 5 to 8j- inch , red , 1 ; brown , etc. , warranted fast col at a uniform price of 25c , wi SOc a pair. 60 dozen Child's Seamless S Color Cashmere Won ! hose , sizes , 5 to 8k inch , will ho oth at 25c a pair , worth 50 to 75c. About 80 dozen Child's fine q it English and French Casten hose , all sizes , 5 to 8- inch beautiful colors at GOc , worth to 85c. 35 dozen very finest EnF Cashmere Hose , all sizes and co and not a pair worth less than will he thrown in one lot to-i row Ooc. Table Linens. 25 pieces 64 inch Scotch L Dnlinsk , free from dressing , heavy and a great bargain at 3 never. Shown before by cry one least hint 65c. 13 pieces 68 inch heavy Ci Satin Damask will ho ollored on at 55c , never retailed before than 75c , 25pieces newest and richest 1 terns , sill two yards wide , Dc Satin Duna k , very fine and h ( being our own uuportation , wil i ollored of this sale for $1. 1 yard , are wortli and never sli fare loss than $1,60. . .vim. _ _ _ _ - - - - S.PaMORSE&CO. Great Fall Sale ! SECOND 0i' GREAT SALE MONDAY OCTOBER 15TH1883. Coming at a time of year when household expenses are necessarily large , when a more expensive class of Dry Goods are needed for Winter outfitting than in the Spring. The importance of this sale and the benefits of it accruing to the rich and poor alike , cannot overestimated - mated , e , therefore , ask that every reader of this paper will consult their own interest by studying our prices do &n to the last ward on this age , knowing that the result will be a great saving totem and make our cur store in future , as in the past , the concentrating point for the largest RETAIL TRADE IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY , , KID GLOVES. Autieipnting our Sotni-Ann solo one of tluu largest mmnlfac rers in Franco made for us iu lender : 100 dozon.5 Iiookl new shin Kid Gloves , every air warrant will be sold by on this sale at 7 worth and usually sold at$1.15 , 45 dozen Dogskin driving street cuff gauntlets , all new "o (111(1 warranted , will closed out at$1,25 , worth $2.75 $2.00. 120 dozen Ladies' 4 Button Bi ritz' Chamois Skin Gloves ] in r 911aae8 ( of tall at $1 a pair , wo $1.50 t'3O dozen 3 Button "I ' arche" hid Gloves , in now she iii ! mode , drab , tier , etc. , will be s at 75c , woith$1.25. 50 dozen 5 Button "Bun rf Kid Gloves of $1.00 , never bet offered lessthan $1.50. Ladies'llnderw' ' ' _ .ri. . - GCases ; left ou ( oftho.ii'nnrc ; stock Ladies' Fine 'Merino Vi opened by us a week ago , will closed out at 85c each. These be found fully its good as may on selling at 50 to OOc. Very best quality Donestie hei Mernio Vests with silk enlbroide necks and finished scams at I each , exactly the same lot otb ask $1.00 for. 40 dozen Ladies' all-wool Se Vests araF Pants , fine quality finished , a $1 each , never she under $1.25. 80 donor Ladies finest quality wool Coclliueul dye Scarlet and faits , durinn this sale will closed out at $4 asuit , same qu ty always sold at $5. 100 dozen Child's Merino V ( 1111(1 ( Pants at 25c , :15c : , 45c , sn quality usually sold at 40c , 5 Corset'Departme We have secured two of the gr eat bargains in Corsets that I ever been shown in America anC now offer our customers : 100 dozen Satine h'relch Co with O0 boles fund rows of con between , in all colors , red , hl light blue , pink , gold , cream , e white , embroidered with col sine floss , will ho sold of 7uc o worth $1.50. 80 ( lozeu 300 bone Fri itch w ( Corsets , white and drab , will closed outer this sale at$1O0c usually sold at $1,50 and $2,00 We advieo our customers tc cure the alOVO at onto , It wil inipossiblo to duplicate then. V&vets , Plush' ' 4(1 ) ieces oxtrr fins Aret and"Nonpareil" Volveteens at n yard usual retail price One d ( 25 pieces 21 lltcll iiow shit i silk pushes reduced to 2.00 ( IC a yard , sold everywhere ut 2,5 3,00 dollars , ( i0 nieces our finest quality . inch Icirtin and Suitmigs vol r reduced to 15 a and others , diem at 2,75 to 3.00 dollars , r 40 pieces u111vO Iuive loft o r inch flue Skirting volvetil in nov 1 ors at 1,55 a yard would be a gain at $2.00. Cloak Department. SECOND FLOOR FRONT. ' We have a beautiful assortment of Plush , Silk , Satin and Brocade , Dolmans and Jerseys , and call attention - tention to one inrruouso lot of 120 rall-wool Dohnnns , plush trinnnings at $5.00 each , actual value $15,00. 100 all-wool Dolmans , trimmed in cut plush ornaments and cords quid tassels , will be sold at $7.50 each , worth $20. 1n0 new , heavy winter weight Jersey Jackets , just opened at $11 each ; were bought to sell at $15 , but come under the general reduc- , tion. , 50 silk Plush Jackets , quitted silk linings and handsomely trimmed - med ser $25 each , worth $35 , , 5 l euhPluah' garmantstrimmed witliSaala in ornaidouts , Tii , fact , \ t . ' ' culmot' be told from real seal skin , 48 inches long and a great bargain at $48.00. , 25 Seal Plushn Dolmans , 48 inches - es longwith quilted silk lining , seal skin ornaments , a beautiful rich gnrnient at $39 , usually sold at $40.00. ' 4 M33N t3/ l 3 Goods. r F Case men's very fine finished seu , fancy striped undershirts and drawers , two in a box , reduced to 75c each , usual retail price , $1.25. 1 Case fancy vertical stripe Shirts and Drawers , at $1.25 each , never shown before less titan $1,75. 80 dozen fancy mottled and striped Scarlet Shirts and Drawers , at $1.50 each , ( over sold before less tharv$2.00 , . - - - - - . . . . . . . - - , Men's ' Handkerf's. ' . 80 dozen Men's fine linen , full size , printed border , Hernsti 1 haidlcerchiefs , will be sold at 2b each , worth 50c. , i , a Men'sGloves. ' i _ 50 dozen Mot's stitched back , i dogakun driving gloves , all sizes , 7 } . to 91 inch , every .pair warranted , Will be closed out at $1.36. p i