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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1883)
- - - - - - - - - . _ _ - - - - - - - , - - . - . I j r DAILY BEE-OMMiA , WE1)NESDAr OOTOB'IR 17 , 1883. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S . _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ -I UID STATES - - - - _ . THE DALY BEF OIVIAHA. Wednesday Morning , Ootoborl7s TIioWenhllcr. For the upper MississiI)1)i valley , partly C1OU(13' woatlior and local rulis , 1)rlak BotllteaZterIy ( winl , falling baronccr , , ttionftry or liglit risu of tomporatliro. For tim iflsouri valley , partly clotitly weather atut local ratis , brisk out1iory w 1flt13 , becoming viuln.blo , falling barotn otor , atatloilary or Uglit nsa of tctIIpcrn ture. LOOAL BilE VITIES. -Save money. 1300(1 tn 1. FcftrflhIWhOlel3alO , cigar anti tobaCC ° dealer , fur prko list. -Cold weather inlc the oyster tratlo oflP. 'liio bramls of letulitig Baltimore cr are roiireontod in this market as usual ; but from the list published in another column , by the agent , 1) . II. ilociner , It woull seem that Booth's "Oval Brami" nearly lnnp0 117.05 the dLy tratin , since from it , It appears that over fitly leadin grocerIes , rostMlratts , , znarket. ami hotels , , e , ( a brad , , cxci usfrclp. In tll connection It Is atated as a fact , which any Otto can verify by ltklttg , that ton cases I ut of cvcry ( lOZeil arrIIng daily In exfresH cars for this city anti thV03t. . arc of J1oo1h th'il llrana. -Sale for SaTh-A metliutu izcd Moslor , Balunatin & Co. M'f'g , nearly new , at. a bar. raIn. Inquire at this office. . -Cas trenches are being oponeti on the iItlc streets nttl the tenchi is awful. -Ilarney street will ho one of the lianti. i4omost iii the city when the pavement s fin 18110(1. -A big exciirilon trahii of 01d 1ollown b epcctetl u1 from Liticolti this morning They are coining to attoiul tim Granti budge -It battery of the 1ift1t Artillery unilci Captain .TilCOb ] tawles , ntunbcrliig about fort ilion atiti four guns , paradcl on our htr00t ycthrday. The battery ww in full drct anti made a striking appearance. ' ' " hiM booii flail b 'Plainview" -4' . ; dat of , Knntzo Brothers , in tlio office of tite COUltt clerk. It is ,4tuatetl , on Saiiiitlerii street , nfl Ixiite .Iudgo Rct1ick' rotdotice. -The free night sciwol will be opened nox ? Ioniltty by the board of cilucatiun Inooi1 worti4 block on 1)ougla. street. 'l'iio furiil [ tore hii'.s arrived from Chicago. -Mn. C. :1 : : . Moody , of ICookuk , Iowa , hi ( )1IiCl her IlUSbailti Wilt ) hiasopencd a croeker ILOUMi Oil the corner of Sixteenth aint 1 ) avei jorL. Mr. aitti rrrs. ( rMly arc going lions keeping on tlto ncrth\vc8t curlier , if 1ig1tteciit anil Lake strocts. -Thu tailors of Oniaha hail a niocting Turner hull Monday , rout organizoti thci , ielvos Into a Unimi. There wore n1)ollt ol hundred anti twcntyfivo preio3nt , and the was coiiIderab1e interest iitan1feted by all. 4tt LI. meeting rif tlio laborers at the Uni 1'c1fic foundry , delegates were elected to \Vorkingmnn's ctncnttoii to be lipid on t 17th hmtnnt : Win. Tracy , l'atriek ? slayot ' Patrick ( ) 'Graily , Briioy McGlnn , don Naciln , -having 'ust ' recelvoil large 1uantlUcs furniture In new anti hiaiidsoiiui de8lgit , take pleasurolnlnvlting thepubhic , and us chilly those who are contonipiating furnislil to call nmj look through our stock. To Ui wishing to JurcIlaso we are irearcd to ioi ' I lower vrIce thou have over before booti oiler VISAS. Siiivi.iticK , 1206 , 1208 antI 1210 F'arn street , -The ala Academy of Music was jainhi full lOSt night to see the iiorforma of 'thiuliloon's Picnic , " (111110 fl large ntiin ( ( If lailleis boin in the audience , itntl exceli or(1C1 being inaintalne'l In the gallery. lirinciPal favorite appeii to ho Miss Eu Rico , who wM called again 101(1 agalit to front. The comedy Itulf Is 11111 of the i laughable hits , and the atitilenco WM III ref of laughter continually. 'rile orchestra Munn brothers , tout , Itl first rate. C inana0r Newell is a shlcCCli'4. ' 1'lcnie" riiid 1oc1alt1e , coitttitiiu through week at the Academy. -1'lLO 'l'urncra lioltl a TIiUCtIIIg ? foi night nod elected I' . Aiidrcs ( ( till .J truelusuf delegates to the hIbi4ouri V 'riirzi 1ezIrk , which collies ( lit the tlrit Sit iii November. TitIs hloCletly OXlOCttI tO I : jut' , iiew quarteril In the ilerition school Ii liigoht homey street nhoutNtvoinhcr , , 811 viil hliarcit from the old to the now htithi iiittifc , torclicis , etc. -'rite tiovcrnntent has iiiatle a cot sIt1t the Omaha \Vater coiopaliy for nnl 1II1C4 ale 110W hieIng illstriliutetl. -Quito a little storm of wind aitil made last iilght nit ihilIiOaMaflt (1110 li who Itad to ho nut of doors. ] ? rtflfl the action of the council lalit in hiurryltig up thu grading of 'ruin 8treot nud sonic reiiiarki cIroppo(1 by a c counellinan It vou1d aupoar thutt tlto railway is to ho extended out'lhtlrteeiitli this season. --A low days ngti It. 'as reported tlit Kiualian , an old atitt ell known iT. ] doctor , had boon killed whillo coupling the Northern Pacific yard at lirahitard , and his obituaries vera extousively % till. It iio ! tntnsj'Iros that ho Y&UI tiot utah. ThoMiuonlol.odgo , of which I a member , looked the Iliatter Uli ant . Liut ho hail met with an accident but . in the ytril at New Tacoinia , and ho w tally injured but hall oito leg taken oil the knee. Ills wife Iii now wRit 1dm i bt dohii well. -Tue Entro ous club gays a p1 IartY , tlto tirt of the renlai , at tlt ] ait . night. -lont1ay evening , about 1030 t loan 1181uSd Itliko Cutinioglunu : trouble with some woinsit niid In 1k shotbrow , a svasli howl at idni and strt , Oil the Ief arili , severing the tuna iint IlIlysIclaIl t Lw called in niut dicia youiid. , I . -'Flie kleChitI section of the ccllps 1 ' ' began iflnday night , was not ' isi I night on account of the steruty veat : sky belag hidden by heavy black cloud Vret1 Mctz , tito well known Iroi just ruturited frohil the west , after iurcliused about. t5OO ( ) bnshe1 of ha 3its establishment. -Block Watcliinaiz Murphy , wlthle of 'tV. ' \ , U ! ) the alley Iii tlio rear ' wholesale iture on Monday stight dii that I.IIO back window wa ( ijCii. HO ouht Aib1btauce , arid being joined by S 3Cnlght and Desinond , a descent wits I . the tore ( rota both front juni reir. 1' ) Is ) ' , the front door wai also open , uftlcexs cx1)e.ied to gintl gavg on lii hiuky at wosk No one was seen at 110W the ) ' don't know wbetber an atte ItIs4e at robbery or the store wes foci - left open in tee eveulsig r1 ' 1 - THE CITY COUNCiL. Ilinflicr f Aithis Ortrc P&c & iith Variolls Nat ra11 ! , The Contrao ( Vt Orticreil lb hurry ti' lS'o1c ( fl loiiglaM Strect. A regular meeting of the city council vas hold Inat ovonhig and rol call showed the following members presemt : Anderson , I fohmn , Dunhuun , Ilascahl , laufinaun , hcdfiukl { , Thrano aiid Mr. l'rcsidcnt. 'PIto journal was read and approved. FETITIONH ANI ) COMMUNHJAThlN4. From tue Inyor : Approving the or diflanCO fixing thin pay of registrarn amid also tliar uxciudimig blocks 72 and 78 fromn the fire limits. Filed , From George Wliitmack : llcmiigmtilmg hits position OIL the lOliCe force. 1caig { nation accepted. From the Mayor : Appointing John Curry to fill thie vacancy on the force. Approved. Front the mayor : Appointilig Fred 11o honstino inspector of sewers. Comi. firmed. Froiti the Inayori lxphaiiihmmgthto reasons for his vote of the itotim in thu appropria. t'ioii ordinance iiiakitig thu allcvaiioo to \Vmii. Fitch ( ¼ Co. for sewer work , which TM oil account of erroneous duo. cniption. The veto was stiataineti. The oflicial bond of Johut Curry as po liCenilhhl Was njiprovel. Front the iitayor : Appointing Johmn Flyitti as spoebol ioiicomimamt at loIl' lied. . ford's coal yard , without expense to the city. Confimmnod. F'romn .John A. hfarbachi anti others : 3 ltuqucstiimg cortalit nioduuic.ttiohis of thic . grading on 17th street and agreeing tc . 1)y the cost thereof. r 'rime proposition was oppcsd by Mr. llohtmim on the ground thatsmnmilar requests S had already hiucit refused others , I ( Mr. Louder titoveti to refer to tim coin mnittco eli public jiroperty and ituprovo mnenta. Carried. t : From roakhcnta 011 Saunders atrcut I'ro tustitig agaitiut. time street being widoite I. to 7f1 feet front Cumiiig street to Indinun street , and asking that it ho flu foot Om I not aver 70 feet at the outside , nit tic . count of interfering with public improve . imimits. Filed. From Chief Engineer Butler : Askint leave of absence to attend the chileft' con ii , vontiohi at Now Orleans October 21 y . Granted. 1. Froimi .Tas. Croighttohi , chtafrimiaui boari of public works : Unfavorable to auloviul li hay scales to be located on any part a pavud streeta. Amprovcd and filed. at A number of billa were referred with : U. out reading. no Front the city physician : Asking time various 1)OfldS about thto city be filled ill : rO as they are ntiisiuiCOs. lieforred. Frotit 'tV. ' Y Lowe : Complaining tin an coiitractorii are hilling in Itis 1)roPcrt ho vithi dirt aItti entering a protest IigILLIU ho sti1t action. Referred. , n , Front the City Engiucor : ishting tu tel , weeks leave of absence. Granted wit the understanding that ho be married lose his salary. 0 I Tenth atrc From property owners on we Asking that sidewalk be laid on Tent lie. between Douglas and Chicago of uiiifox img , idthi. 080 11y 1)ormnissiofl Mr. Itoduiold ofrored iko resolution that the sidewalk from Doe od. las to Capitol avonufi be of a unifom 11111 width of twelve foot and from Cispil avenue to Davenport street six fet toil Filed. FroniM. A. higgins : Asking for I nec uctioti of porsohihil tax , Filed. her From Michael ltedington : Asking Lo : t be recomponsoti for certain jrading dote to Thirteenth and. Dorcas streets. 1 1100 ferred. the Front the City Engineer : Comnidaini n iit of the ihtBlccter of tim Sixteenth n 00114 Chicago street sewer , .Telf O'Noil , e was suggestmimg the propriety of lila reuto a ii ' 1'Liboiird of publia works endorse loll's City Eumg'tmtcer1s atatcmnInts and requ thte Thu charge VIts ihtCOIflhetChlcy auid d alice of the City Engineer and board public works. itlay 'l'Iio coiiimiitmiiicatiomiis were ruforrc , 1. the coniuiittco on vaterworks ammtl ser alloy ngo , mutt ! the illHjeCtOr suspended vu iitlay til till ilhvcL3tigati'hm. ' 'i'lto boarti of ) t1huiC works wait tiuti fliiVe idid. izeti to miccurO another inspector. jhly 1)urItti8so1t the ciLy ongilmeer 1 itmicI tamlul several mmmstnmmcca ill which the % b 'ill I ittor inspector ititti allowed the work bu alighited , mid 51)01(0 ) of the iimmporti Itract of having a faithful iusiiector on wIlIer work , lie aniti time inspector had cltam hhmi with being in a little ring nit of nppointmiients , and itjipe mlii to time council to say if Ito htitti over 1 ) r a it considered guilty of sucit mum ohitmse. From citizens of time Second w uiglmt Coiiiplahmiiitg of the xmuuiner in w eoittlt ltasumttsiwn'n tlniry is kept1 tioclaritig leitalu ItthiSaitCo timid ashmug that it be invest1 street ed by a cotmmmnittoo. Prayer granted street : F'roin the City 'I'rcasurur Stating ho had tendered yinet for dainag chiaimgo of grade oil llartie amid t % , Tiin , . streets and tramisinittimig rccetpts. F . con. 1'romii the City Engineer : Cahini nins .11 tontiumi to the necessity of haute tllumn. , coiistrucUon of culvortim oil Cu crittuut street mid on Faruianm street neat' killed Referred. Its was 'I'hio coimtract aimd bond of it , C. fotmuti jason and .loaopht Archijiusid for pit . in district twenty. it "A. ' the alloy aviumg mel not YLt tilprO vet ! . below Tlmo contract tind bond of Win , imul lie ' Co. for curbing and guttorhimg Nit street ; Chits. ( lartlumor for constructi ahluwMka , anti hugh Murphy Ioasaimt constructing sewer mu sewer district ' ii.iarti were all approved. Councilninu Icutufumutmin wa ox Iock , a amid granteti three weeks leave i it IimW sonco. 0 fracas Front thtu City Engineer : 'frminsmmi ick hilimi final acceptance of auvor in 1)'tstrh n y. A 10 , by J. E , Ililoy. lteferrotl , ed the The coiltrD.ct amid bond of It. ( I konBou i' ' Co. , for curbing mitt gut a which Faritauti street front Ifitit to 18tIi , ferreti. his last Froimi the hoard of Pubilo 'i' ' I icr , ti 10 th work PresentIng s'stiimmatca of 5. Morne Morrison for grading en er , Itna street , 2t28tJ ) ; atnt Charles Gi haviuig for conatruethutg aitlowalkum , $17.1 , H'J miy for frd. ' it , was moved amid carried that pae4uig the council adjourn , it adjourn ti Moze'si ohm lliIttlil ) ' tiveulitig Let a board of I icoocrud zatloim , and thu clerk was iumstruc advertise the ( act. at ouiee Officers ItESOLVTION8. made vu By llli8cali ; 'i'Jtat the city cmmgiim ttniuikO ; flume the line of Leuvoimwortli strool antI time izmt.orsoctiohl with Twoumtkith strut U hitsiiio mtmark tim smilimo with stakes. all , and By Ilascail : That the comitmct itihit wss curbiiii imimd guttorimmg 'l'ltlrtocntii LutiuUiy be directed to with the ' once so that said street unity be and the street car track laid before winter eeLs In Adopted. By Dunham : Timat the C. , St. P. , N. & , ly. liarO lonmmmmssmomm to 1itit alt alloy in block 17hl to grade tinder ( liroctmoim of Limo city engineer witlmout expense to Limo city. Referred with power to act. By Thrano : Tti lay culvert across Touitii street near hickory. ileferrod. By ilascath ] O toMe certamui city property to F.V. . Gray for turin of ten years at. 8O per year. AloltCd. fly bum : To allow ( leo. W'hiitinoro 2ri 011 account of breakage to his hack. Adopted. . width of Ijy Itotiritmid : ltegulatmiig Tenth street sidewalk na above quoted. Aloptel. By 1atifmanui : To allow the cork. jugmumehi and farmers to hold their coui veumhloim iii time Council chamber on Wednesday afternoon if court to not In session. Adopted. By ICaufmnaim : To rulvortise for bids for curbing flfll gumttoring a certain por. tion of 'reuithm street. Adopted. TtE1OILTfl 01' ( : OMMITnEI3 , Jumdichtry : Ioconnnclmding nhlownmmco of time bill of John D. howe , 12t.47 Adopted. SLroeta ammd Grades : ltocornmondiumg that alloys No. 0. 18 , 19 , 8 and 24 be 1ayod , with Sioux Falls granite ; alloys No , 4 , 5 , 7 , 22 with the salumu ; amid alloys No , 211 , 2l , and 28 with Colorado sand. atone. Adopted. On Police : Recommending increaac of vay of clerk of police judge from 6C to 37flafLer Norcunber lust , Adopted. ( ) ltlIANOY.S. .Ami ordummaitco appropriating thmo sun of $3,776.25 out of the South Ounsin sewer ( imnd , iii favor of SVin. Fitch S Co. , waa lost. Aim ordinance cst.abhishtiiig time east imimi of Sauumdcrs atreot between the imorti line of Indiana street and Cunmmimg atree WM passed. I A ordinance prcscribiiig the duties ala fixiumg thu pay of registrars was pMsed. : A special orditmammco levying a tax fo I time coziatruction amid repair of aidewalk I and appropriatiitg imm000y for time con structioit of sIdewalks was passed , Aim ordinaumce declaring the pommd c I ahmgumtumt water on lots 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 , i block 191 1)0 declared a nuisance and b . required to filled was passed. . An ordummancu establishing the wcm limo of 23d atreot. Referred on secon . reading. I Aim ordinance ordorimmg cortamn alley I imased with Sioux Falls granite , certai l other alloys with Colorado samid stoma . amid alley No. 28 witit mimacadnm hiiii . atone , was passed. Aim ordinance fixing the salaryof pOliC court clerk at $71 i , was lost , there heir . but seven mnunmbura prusumit and Coumici . mmmaltVoodwortim voting in time negativ Amm ordummrttmco establishing the grade :1 : 11th atreet from Pierce to William : i was passed. f FO1IT T1IOIINHUIIGII. Its Abandonment by the Sixth limfis i'yIts Prolsalule tt Wimen tImrce coimipaimies of time Six .y immfantry waimt to Fort Tltornburgh k it spring , they had a hard road to tra 0 over. To got supplies from the railro ii was a difficult aiitl oxpeimsiVo undi Dr taking , and ill Wits doomned boat to less time trouble by building a road from C tt' Im tor station on time Union Pacili3 to F Imi ; Thornburgh. Mcii wars detailed for ti purpose , amid Major Bush , wo belle i.hind i. chief cimargo of the work , aidad several officers , eacim of wimoni ima bol squad of mnoim. From Carter to F it. Jiridgor the road roquirodbut little lab aotttit of Fort Bnidgor much heavy wire ro was done , ono item being tlmat of ctmtti timber and making several miles of con to roy road , am all about timirtoumi miles ncr miD various 5ViLImiIY places. Bridges 'iv It , . constructed across the streams n . time entire distaimce of 100 nillcs Liif mmmdc so good as to enable troops or a immt plies to oscr rapidly in case Old trouble utimould arise in the Uimi 'al. Agency. Whoim that locality was seii the oil for ii 1most for troops smile years ii .ludge Carter built a road south of IF cit. liridger , timrotigh a bug cammyoim over ( If divide , across time most dullicult port of time route , itmmd tlmst road 'iviiI bug I to iuaiim its a mnotitmumment to his energy 'oreitturprmae. . mmd. 'fito ohhicera Wilt ) were engaged iii road imuiltliimg mist suummmmwr , speak of mor iiiuiistmre they had canpiug ! up anmong imilmes , by the sitles of vuro struauims tic' water iii witicim halt vcro abtmmmdiumt , for' where time atimiosphero was so doligl : : to ( lurimit the imonted terimi iii time vaubuyi 111CC lrniowtimeuim. It is mmot probable time Fort 'ihonimburgim ymhi ever ho immipr god so us to mumako it whiter ( luatters ft the garrison , but umicim inuinmuer a cotilinimi aicd two ( If macmm nmay ho aummt timurim , moum llnnmhuct't4 itmisiai Salvo hirei gciimmimme a 1. SR hIll who use it will ttiitffy. I'nico. I'm'y It. mhutcI NISS Ll'FZtbiiE1LWOOJ gut. . A Grain ! Coimeert to Do Arrftngci that Honor ot' 11cr Return , is , ' : Durimig thmo past toti yenta t1uite a ; at. ber of Onmutha's mmiusicnl daugimtora , dkite havimmg studied uimtlor the best. voice t : : ' : . em of titis city sumd vicimmity , acquiril - tbto mnusicmd knowbutigo iumd utmituru lcitlc teachers could Impart , have placeti I aving solves imdor time training aimtl tuitl three foreign teachers of great ability Fitch world wide reputatioii. Several of : hmoias petratmed timoir studies in Boston , ott on tif New York Cit7 and still others iii . for cage , St. Louis antI leading mnusice . .lio. tom's A ( ow iuro enabled to reman dur time best of training ( or a yea cused omme or two for eiglmtueim months , ) ( tili. all these favorite oiitms none receive . . tor ummmusical attvaimtagos or devoted iittmmg Iliac to time atmutly ummtlcr mm foreigim it " 0. tiuiin NissLizzioCaldurwood , Site re oxcohicmmt 'mmmstnuuctiomm iii this city ti : , Jn. Mrs. Mary H. Latey , a favorite pm turing time late Mtuluino ittmdvmmaderf ; also lLs to. able tuition front ? ifiss FAIIIIy Kell liostoim , and filially flIt mmuihmiter ? orks : course of close study mmd hard dci ) mmu b ( discipline under the very ommmimmoumt t 101 m iloatoim , mtadnmmmo lilumli. trdtmur Miss Calderwood imlUt jUSt rctui , Ito. Oumutima to locate peruimaimummtly , i bmomior of 1mev returum a gramiti com whelm bei'mg arrammged to take iaco at timu ) mmioot week , A crowded house xua1i. 'ivarmum woleommmo is nuuretl. Time mmr ted to those who are to ParticiPate ill tI curt and other fmarticuiltra will b hat or. ccc uio Siimco Lh1m'i1Lm.tKsCO. imi I at its populuur , others are tryimmg I , t , timid tutu , but look for brtumd- mmu.u&w.1Sa w nra for - - street -Street Coimmmiilw'Ioumor Moammoy ii cork at ilolog solute good work grading for a i paved ipictim of St. I'IlliOflmoUA's catlidral out B LU N H EA K. Nysteriou Bisappearailco of thu As- sistailt 1i1allac of th Nobaska Te1OhOilC Caally1 it. DHeft of Oumo Tijoulsumnd Do1Iar l'iituitl lum 11114 Auwiuuhlts , An time Associated Press dispatches yes- terdruy nmmimouumcod to time world time dis- apponraitco front Lincolim of A , F. hun. ( loll , time sist.'tuit general mnalmager of time Nebraska telephone county , the 11mm imo longer refrumimma from muioiition'timg time fact and dcscribiimg tim circnimmstammces , wimicim imavo boon known ( or several days. Mr , Flemoui Drake , tue general mnatmagor of Limo Nebraska telephone company , bus becim III Lincoln since Sattmrdnp , oxamimiim. ing time accommnts mmd records of the tele. phiommo oxelmange there and ito finds thorn 1ADLY MIXED , Mr. Blundell heft Lincoln a week age \Vothmcsday saying to itis rooimi-mnato that Imo was going for a visit to Ft. Madison , Iowa , and wotiltl porimaims be gone as loimt as a wook. He said lie wommid not tell Mr , Drake that ; lie was going as hue mighi find some work for imimmi to do timat woult m hoop bmiumi so ho would slip quietly away , m and perimaps Iclepimoimo Drake ( rota thu .Junction. S'mmmce Ilmat time ho has no boon imoard from. D Ilium nbonce tk't caused great aimxiet m and thou imuspicloim. Telegrams won 1. sent both front Omnalmum and Liii coIn to Ft. Madison , aimi 1 nothmiii in regard to lila wimurcabout could he discovered. lie was 'ivell know : i r Fort Madiaon , amid especially by tbI S telegraph inca , and they numaworeti in I quiro3 froimi Omaha saying that the hmad seen notimitig of Imini amid wore quit I& 1 sure ho had itot been there. flu us Ii been audi at l'acific Junction when it 0 1)aflsed timrougii Saturday a week by a Omaha gentlenaum , who joked iuini abor l I goilug to Fort Madison , as it was mmdci ' 4 stood that Blundell hAl ) A s'i'EETIIlUtT ml s at timat ulaco. Ho told timis gentlenmum that imis paroumts 'ivlio imad comne to th 3 , (3 country front Eumglaud on a visit , 'ivoro I Fort Madison and imad tolegrapimed iii : :0 : to meet thorn there. Ho was to retui with timommi to Lincohim , by Tuesday 1 tg \Vednesday 1 at tim latest. Siimco tim : 0. time imotimiug whatever ims been lmcard of imini , Mauiager Drake ituts oxttmmiimmcd ti :15 books in the teiophono office at Linco : and finds about ommo thousand dollars d foil. Parts of time books nra models bookkoepmng and ether places ( till of o ocurity. What Bluntloll could hare doiio wi mm- time motley is time mumystory. lie w sober , he did not gamable , ime was not ' man of OxIolmSiVe ] udmits , Ito bind imo o : tim depending on him for support , ho w dntW'ing a large salary , auid lie imas pm tat 1)oity in England amid III Lincolmm. I to 1 sleeping room auijoimmed time office amid 'ii ' ad fumhdmcd withimiucim taste but mmot boyer rhis luieSna. ills library , every book which lie had road , showed hiium to eli . a mimamt of intellectual tastes , amid he 'ii ar respected ammd liked wherever lie art known. Blundell had lived in Limic mat aboul five yonra , being first in tIme in office of the B. M. , and had also bc we , a telograpimer anti iii early days itmi act by lIE WAS AN lNflLISIiMA ( I a and his PeoPle in time old country 'iv or t He was a member of I or ; Lincoln Y. ir. C. A. , itnul of good aLma rk hmg in the church. In all electrical in ing tens Blmiimdoll was a genius , and iiivenl In- nmy useful contrivaimcca to use iii I 053 telephone ofFice at Lincoln. Time oil [ ore itself was always as imoat as wax a md evorythiimg run with great systeimi. ( us imad just invented and bad receive up. patent oil aim itmiprovod push button t ( 'immy phone. kilt lr. Blunulull's friends , mamtl everyb act' ein to' bo his friend , refmmso utterly go , believe tiint ho has done aumythiuig wri ort and expect sOfliO OxlIahimtiOii to time iii L Limo tory before bug. Some think lie Itoh been injured , some timat lie Imas met 'ii rosuddeim tie itli aoimiewhmero , and others amid that ho has got married aumd jtust g away for a little weddumig trip. ' ti GIve Up. if you are smuttonitig l hUm how ZLfli dcpre of iqilmits , 11)55 ( if appetite , getieral debility , anu I oalero.I blood , 'weak Chmstltiithli , ) , lteuiiiaeh itful any diuaso ci n bilious iizitmire , by all in I far bottle of Electric hitters. that will be surpnied to see thu rapid iniprorem : tImt mviii follow ; yinm vihI be inspired with ) Ved life ; strength nmtd tictlvity will return ; r a nut ! i.i.180ty Will C 1040 , awl iieneoforthm Vol ly or riJo'ico : iii time itt the rntO't .Eleetrku Ull Sold at lifly cuids a bottle by C. 1' . 1' iou's . ' writ.i 25c , lIen ! Estate Trtsimulbrss. Time followitmg deeds were flied I ) , record in time couimty clock's oflice tuber 15th , reported for Tim DEc 1 tim Ames' real etato agemiCy John Oraff to Magimus P. Nelson , a of mmw k sea 10 , Town 10 , it 6 , hmtmimm. OQO , after Atmgumstus Kountzo ammd wife to C oumeit' Krurnuhw ii lots 8 amid 9block 2Ko ird add. , $203. mg a 11 Aimnie Stockdalo to Abono P. r sucim w tl lot 7 , block 7 , Reed's 1st add , Limumu. t0O. ion of John A. Ilotbacim iiutl wife to Jot 1 I'stul , 'iv tl iota 8 , 1) ) , 10 , block 9 , Pa : imlmt add. , $1,100. timoimm Andrew ltosewatIr to Leah Lens in water , 'iv ti 0 34 ft of lot 7 , block Clmi.Oummalma , $1,660. I Mmumoim L. Dorwin and vbfo to I 1 Coum- , Dubanoy. w * 1 , hart mme so at . 1 Un. 15 , 13 , $ IQOO. Coo. 11. Ilogga mid wife and Lo U Hill to Rebecca A. Bohhiter , 'iv d , li ( II t bik ii , Arbor l'laco , $350 , .4. To Fhiza 0. Crossioy to liias P. It . ) wTtl , mm of lot S in block 81 , 0 Cl , CI $1200. Lroud Henry 0. Jones and 'ivifo to N ( irihlImm , 'iv d , o of so . Sec 11 , 1 : $ lt00. ; egg , itt rupted BuokleIm'H rntui Halve , ill and Tue gmiuttest znodic'al ' woimder of tlum cacimerVarcautod to 81)OuIliY euro lhmrns , CuI curs , Salt lthotum'i , Fever Sum-os. Cancers I . Chllblaluts , Corns , 'rotter , Cimaisped .mieu o sod all isklui eruptions , guaranteed to mmmd mum every Instance , or money reftmntled. icart is or box , - , 1)0)11 1'OSTO11lOI : ; Clmaumgea in Nebraska during liii mu comm. uadimmg OcLoboV I'Jtim , 1883-furnisi ' ' "ms'hmm Vaim'leck C givcmm 'I'iin Bea by , , Poatofuico 1)epartitient ; S vo be. Diticoutmimued - Cottage 11111 , lu iummi.County. . l'ostmmmaetors Appointod-Dougla Ouster Ouuimty , W'm. 11. Commmstoc inantown , Seward County , Olin : as becmm llowbaimd ; Craft , Ilarinu' . County , sldowaik Wingard ; Lcihm , Colfax Coummty , hlanumey. Sum'iitlm ; Mound , howard Cotumt ) Nettle E. Nowiumil ; Norris , Cedar ( Joumn- ty , Ceo. 1)ommgiass ; Oconto , Custer Cotmim- ty , B. 0. Watts ; I'islmeivilbe , Knox Coun. ty , Chins , 3larschumil ; St. .laincs Cedar 1 Couimty , Chums. N. It. Locke ; Soutfi Iind , Cass County , Hobt. 0. McFaninimd ; Vat. eimtiume , Ciicrry Coumnty , Burley 0. hall. I OW.t. Estnblusimed-Qmmigioy , Clinton coummty , Michael F. Qimigloy , postmaster , Nrmmno chamiged-Qimorim , Plymouth commimty , to Friumgsloy. 1)iacouitimmned-Clark , Mills county. l'ostinasters appoimited-IlattOim , l'olk county , .Iatmies Frazier ; ? mlouiteitim , Gtmtim. rho cotmimty , loimn Iloojs ; Verimoum , Van huron cotintyhenry _ - _ Eimrummami - , jturenr IuscovCVy , That is ( hilly briumging Joy to time imontes of t1iismusaittI by Mav'ulig flatly of their ilcar ( mimes ' fromim mm cirly grave. 'truly Is 1)r , Klmmg's New Discovery for Coii'stmuimptioui Collis : , 001,14tmtliusma , , liromicliltis iliiy 1over , hess of 'Voice , Ticklimig iii Uio 'i'hroat , l'ain mum Side amid Chest , or aliy disease of tiso Tiirin'st nimil ' ' Ltiuign , ii IMIMILIVO 1110. ( lmaratmtee'l. ' 'l'rial Ilotticu free at C. F. Goodmimnim's Drug Store. haio slzo 81.00 RESOLUTIONS. Time TeftnmstCr'4U11101i ' Meet 'amid Ex- lircos Their SehitlulmoutH. At a meeting of the Tosrnstora' Union held at Limo hoard of Trade rooms , Wednesday - nesday eveiming , October 10th , time follow- jug resolutions ware adopted : I WihumnuAs , D. A. Miller , thio verson 1 who was respoimsibie for bringimig time nil- itia to this city at time timmie of time strike I time ( lump , is agnhum a camididate for the ollico of Sheriff ; timeroforo t RCiiOli'Cl , That we , time Teamsters' Ummion , protest agaimist time caimdidacy of r said Mu or ; timatwo hold lain respoiisi- 0 lie for all time trouble at time time of time - strike , as well as for time deatiu of Mr. i Arrnatroimg and the escape of imis mnur- a deror. i J&'csOi'rCl , Fnrthmermorc , that if said a Miller should receive time mtommmimmation . from time ilo1mublicaim party we will use y our utmitoat endeavors logmtimately to ac 0 compliahu imuit defeat. ii. Rclcil , 'l1hnt mm copy of these rosolmm 0 tions bu pubhisimed iii Tlme Omnalma Daily n ammd Weekly Bun. It isfl ma , , i.i.WI 11 OYAI.IW1 ? mr itt of 1mm 0of : b. , b.til , til no 'a as as 0- AKIMG [ is as nd 111 be POWDER ruts 'as Pure. ) ifl Absolutely . mmd nowder noror vane. . A marvel of iunit iomm strength sad whmoIcssOmeiieO. 1.1010 economIcal th or. the ordinary kinds , isnd cannot ho sold incompetfti with the multitude of low test , fihort weight. alum phosphate poxdors. Sold only in Carla. hays ! us mc i'owchor Co. , 100 'iVaiI Street Now York. re duo SPECIAL NOTIOE at- Led rSpecla1s will Positively not bo insert UflIOSS imald in ativance , lmo leo nd TO LOA1-MOflOY. lie LOAN-Tho Omaha iavitsgs Bank d a MITO is ) make loans on Omaha city iouougtai county reai eatutoat currcnt rate of iiitert No cotniniulosi charged. mast lowest rat of inter oNuv 1O WAN-The ) [ iiainii' LOan Ageiscy , 15th & Douhas. : 233.t . TO 1OAN-Cahi at Law otlico 01 B. u'mg1OSF.Y . , room 8. Creighton lilock , BiW'tijih'On citflhirtgae , root imas j4 Nebraska National i3ankfluiidicE. 184.1 rith oNEY TO LOAN-J. T. iiehtty oasis ois cha Bay i I : property. 211 Hotithi 14th St. sehsti 0110 U1LP wAzl'rka' . day. tmsi'IV at .1. ( . Murphy i.t the Mork . , 842.1 ! 514Cl ( at ' the Duan hioute , optic . ) - girl dus . \T.NTmm-A 841. 0 , 01. - - - - camel _ ' _ coii1toiit : gIrl for gerieram iso You \IVAN'rnuA O5sg ( has , 1208 turk naci ' nent 13 1 Mslui. iCOi' ! now pntm.t work in a utiiiil Isousu aisit fausihy. Auphi I u ill 2118 Burt St. 20zi.m tors , . In every cotiIit3' tO sell ; tasl. \ t of tile Osoit reccntly 1iktCiitCd 55(0 eltmo ( . L proilt. aisti tiXehttlilU territory iveii. Addresa stasis I Sterling ManiIcturifli * C. . , itii Farnail 01158L. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I for s , rcrun-Four reiisblo men to caisaAJ.'s , cit 0c fl article of househiohi necessity. taiary .nisinilsion clI t Liol ) irisaiit St. fruns 12 tO : by to rio 5enerai Isouewcrk at mv d II\TANTnDGIrl 887. l , ' ' - cook attise ilarnoy 131. P.e.tau \\TANTuD-A 320 untzoTANrEIA eorge 5rt1eiaw h.rhar at Ke&t&icy untzo \\TANrEI-A \ . I pay $15 user week. ' ' ) - . girl or aaouin to jo arc imkey , \yAN'rEI-il.ulImIo , , 1014 iIo'artt a I ; uuts. WILl ! inV. . 1'TANTEIi-Iu'hT sgents to soil th. best ' line 01 IASIIIW ( lIflU Childoia's goosts ever rker's ad. Sale. insole Irmevery honas a. tail is egeni chow the good , . ) .gents era mating $100 a Rose. ? dlm..s , wIth stemp , i. . Ji. ( Jo.5 U bouth ila Chiic.x0. iii. 30 ! 142 , - ' - goosi tinner eb cure. muit tic ' \TANTID-A iruatworthy. Ad1rcasU , F. ! aimny Steile 'cb. 25 0 1lJ 'rIIICKLAYIOIl WANTP.D-At Ysaltosi , B 'iv. . L ) Four goosm bricklqcra.Vsgcs 35 i'er we wilt . Comb work iii long as weather permit. it 3 him sireed l'M. II. VALFN'li1 sma.moI Yanklon , I vries , TA'rEt ) iiiuilctIateIy , ' 5 good tinner tiy mnahumi , wrU anti tions. Illair Nd. . . 21 . ecntI for the "Queen Lichaol ' or. - A new under garment for ladini , UI soft , floaihlo rubber. Sure protection to the 6 , l _ , a'tar , when neco.eary to he worn. Details for 5 , fast ss aiot can thow It , Large Inoitta. t with atasrIs "l.aslie ( UundegarnisnI ! 1iiut&c qo..No Th worhil'Ab11m1 : sroo'i , siicrgut&Q & iliell to Mill ta U ! . \'Ab11m-1 fur thu suter. ( 'sill i'lti , tflet. ! $ , SOtitit 10th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - umutic , - ' ) - ( ' gitI to tb general tiotia - cure lii \\TA1'nI-(100'1 bid1 , 1815 Douglas stout 13 i2l.I . ? ; rEI-A girl atsisit , 24 ar * out to ii \ \T. of flats ) ' , ' 1' . 0. ulelusu N. 16th St. 3vook ' - TANFIL-A gociti , niart amen with 005 med for ttiuttssssitslonsir , to tsiri new bttslni A itr.t.vlais cluawO ftic' I iiu.'l 1518.15 of time money. AdJrbg for usia week , " 3. IL J. " BC 21 ( Hnaha , ( loge - - - aisle otmioe gUt a \ \ home In faisitly of three to do geuserat sCrovu work , mistime OlllY , housci ( 'Series U'et I lrcnuaudJ8uo , . k , Cur- . ' . - . rica N. iAKrnn-Aoinhisctent girl for general henry work , ( leruis&iij'rclcritl taso Iii fiusil ' ply inUaediteI3' to Mr. neurge % V , Aiisui cc S 0 .3 &uust iuitlihosum sneuues. Take St itsiry's su 'I Miss eve , vtreolcr. r- - _ itJ1 _ ' Dnfants and Children Without Morphine or NarnoUni , IThat gIves oni Children rosy c1ieck. What ctmrcs their fevers , imiak theni 1Cep ; : 'Tie ( 'usetorla , When BabIes fret , find cry by turns , What cures their coUc , kills their worms hut Caitnrlri. , 'iThst qimlcklv cures Constipation , Sour Stounsth , Colds , IndIgestIon : hut Cntor1fl. Farewell then to Morphine Syrups , Castor Oil and l'arrgorlc , and Stall Cnstorl. - Contnur LjnImont nab- sointo euro for Rheumst1Nm , Sprains , Burns , Gauss , &o. , guid an intanta.UOOnl3 Paln.roIIOVOr. Natiollal Balk OF OMA-flA. Capital , - - $100,000.00 C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't. M. T. BAIhLOW. Crmshior. ACCOUntS coticitod and kept subJect - Joct to sight chock. Cortlfhcfltos of Dopoelt losuod pay- abio in 3 , 0 and 2 months , bearing lntorostOrofl doiPand without In- torost. Advanoos made to oustomoro on approved securities at market rate of intorost. The intorostB of Cuntomors are ciotioiy guardoci and every Inch ty compatible with principles of sound banking freely oxtondod. . Draw otghtdrafts on EnginndI IandSootlafldafld all parts of Eu- 5'0 P0. Soil European Pasongo Tickota. Collecfion PmmptI Maoe. - BESTTHREADFSEVGMAcHIE S f , , - . SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON : IS ENTIRELY The Product of American Industry ! PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE : THE BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR IIAND AND MACHINE SEWING. Full assortnicnt constantly omm Hand anti for sale by HENRY FllRMAN , Fremont , Neb. , to do housework. Mrs. John T. \ VASTEDolnl ate. 38447 ' : ) - . itotit hiois , su flPPrOultlCCS to ' \ learn the trade of moss iiioulsitng. Ap1) ' to Omaha Iron Works , U. I- . railway , beL 1 thu and 18th steeds. 7tN'rtD-t Iothi cook , washier antI Iron cc can \ \ obtain marsiincnt , situation iiy calling on : iilis. FittEK F . auooius : , 237.10 1940 Capitol avenue. . . ' - In a family of two. iusquulre at \ \TANTID-GIrl & CO. . - engine toriuus hiy a practical ongi. 150cr and machinist. Coal rcferCulccs cm be funuilshcit Atidroes "W. if. S. " floe ofhico. 826 lint - ; TAT1DGou1 girls for good families. host \ \ wngcs. pmiy iuismetmuately at eunploymiient bureau 217 N. 18th rt. No. office fee. - - good coat makers. Best of vrIes \ \TANTED-SIx FRANK J. IUMOE , 732-U SITUATIOnS WANTED. TAST1' - U-Situation by a sisan iii a store , or as book.lcecper. Sluak Oerniaii auid Fngllsh. hteferorices. Address "F. F. " United Statu.j hotel. 320.161 - : - POSitiOIl by a thoroughly conipo -I' ' tent book.kcepcr or ealosman host New York roferoucca given. Addros " 1. 8. " lire ollico. 32m-l6 ' - ' as etenoitmither and typo 'y , \I,7AN'FED-1'05ttIOfl J A. " Be otlice. an onor 'A4J' a young man , a situation in soim ik. \ ' oiflce or store. Address "J. B. " lieu office. 204.168 - ) _ as nuiao by middle age , . \ \ lady. Apply at S. E. corner Dodge and 12th. 288.161 - 04 _ as baker by a man whth % \ years' experience mnqtimro at (7. ( 1' . bakery = moth atneot. 238.16 - WANTS. . - MISCIhLLANIhOUS - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ - - - - - or ' TA'B1100u1A einOlo gcutlern'ndosires al \ , unfursmltbcd noon , , neighborhood of Douglas an : 18th or Jora arid 16th mncferroi. "It. 1' . Y. " car ; ' ; Bee. 335.i71 tED-A iresis itulIcti uay. AIspIy to Sin li : \\TAN , Pleasant street , iecond street uett C 0 Covent , between St. Mary's avenue said hlamnsi - etreet. $30.17 a ? ! . _ -\-'TANTnm-To ) kny , a fro'h mdcii cow. lns1uu \ of J. ilait , at mniroThx & maCneON s. e1 Nm1Y81'Ai'ilt-I deiire to - - pu \TAED-A nowetuilsor In lIOflt ( thrh In 'j' ; ; cultist ) ont. Iii eastonus or Central Neisraska. A dncbc , atatluig tertiss and fitti oartictuiars in regard I II patrnige , outfit , competitIon. etc.JAMi8 JAMi8 DOOR , site 30020' Marukato , Slinn. tu ) - ' ' hire ahorso ( or few itionthi. Ilgi ; ; \\TANTnI-'I'o B. licenser corner SIts alit ! hiowar . sue. I' . - . young lady wants a place Its a ui ; : \ \ family wisero use cats work morning and eve a lag. for board club icanusing a trade. Adtreu City. 315.161 ai _ _ too hhiONIOO tori , of machIne alsO atace cast Iron auantcd. Address with arm RiChl.tI1US 5 ; CLAIIRE , 284.23' Omaha , Nub ii St. - 121 - ' ) - exchange 100 or 320 of good tel ; ; \ \ land , but cheap for a span of horse. ant ! ci anil g0 , Quality can nit be too good , Address ti sintl Otnahss. - FOIl IUINT--Uonmtei and Lots. ' " 2130 , Nicely furnished communIcatIng roonis . : _ IawO ilId ChIcago Street. 814.22 rant. " 1tI'ur.'TWOIttrtli5heum ristn1 asith basrit ill 1"IOR 5 ! , Day boarders wauted. 326.18 Nab. RP.itT-Unfurnlhesl room 1014 hfowarsi i40 FOR 333.i7' MRS. WILKIJI srkin 'a0ft RgNT-21i2 Cahiforais , furnIshed room , s trect. Ou. without beard , 332.20 itt. IIIIWFNIreI ? . furnIshed rooms 111th atci eiIIu , 110h1 . hedge antI LaliItol sivelsuc , east side. 00cr. 3SmOI , can oath. , ltttXT-Fnrnl.hod arid unfuruuished roe 7 lit. , 1oim DsavenpoiI street , 38021 im : ; ; : oit lwcur-one ftrnl.he4 room at i1OO ' months , 1014 Webeler street. lihin , 2.17 RENT-FURNISIIF.i ) housE-A geutloi - having a futnished house. containIng it ) roe : ; ot pleasantly elIcited Casitol 11111 , iii deirou ik and rentinc the Ir.nsbeM ansI ( iI board a.Ith the fairer or ad. Ileat * . ' . ' ) put mnntIs , Address "k'urntahot lIeu I : , lice ottice. ) ak. - Lur-NuecIr furnished roc'nis situ or witi RocK. rro board , 1613 Dodge Sm , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 310-2 - - - - - - - - - lmIN'm'--FunItished or unitirnished risen" ' rotact' or aaithssut board uieii'htisiet cars , 2017 Cbs iIe of 3(7.2 ( under.Street. . 2.OO ItENT-Ximly furuulaheil ioonrs sit iiiod ddre.i 4 rates , 1615 CusIo.igO St. 841.2 turing _ _ - - - - ! : .2 _ _ ol ltnNT-A lanufo board1g Is house ascii for patron rent : urntiUrU for sa S chcap , coot1. commodious chIlls. All In oud run L . , at - 421 recurs ( , rrler. lussiulro at Woolens house , cor. 14th : ± . _ and Jackaun strectS. -4s urIc. . rO4iili for KentleusiSli anti Ifs or thure gristle c.sucl one dug u rootus. _ - - - - " ' Iii tare . Ol ( iICNT--Thruu ronuusi of houco N , W. o 3i3.lC I I Inulab arat 20th. $ t.O0. , - 277.1b _ 1,1cI'8 : kgeuu _ - - - - - - - - - - - 'a I Ct luitlio tao - ' - 1311 IhNT-Ntcely furnished front lorlor , is usatu . t51O'IIQUI for one or tao gentenieui. Maci a 08110 150W block 8. I. corner of Howard cud 18th st. 18201 , sjutrO aecouid Seer. N. A. l1.tItJl'1N. 2711. tisiuseut ' LL'T-NIculy furuishod tociut 111 N. 171 house. r1'uO 261. scts.een _ )8.md1 ltltNT-Two email houses by ( 'atmlsen r p01t I Fssxnem etreet. SI house' " - ly , Au'ANTnDTO rent ahIbut tuso upper rooms r , I'ark \ % elegant three story brick hoes's , No. 2000 sd r.rk St. to souse respoussible lerty whim sw board eel 261.11 wIfe. Call cud see ii. . LET-Furnished rooms with board 3803 Call. T fannie St. 82O1mo- ItuNT-Drlck dwellIng house N. 'it' . cor. 18th Foil toronto St. , from Nov. let 1883 , to May let , 1884. Fusrnkhcd throughout , gas. city ater and sea en cotutcctiouu. For terms apply on preunhtse. or to T. IS' . T. htlcliards , 100-U IIENT-New store in ToIL' , block on Satin. FOR street. Ocoil location for grocery store , Lutcmsersliol ) etc. husqulro sit l'eojihes flank , Dodge St. REN'T-Tsao furninhed roousis oslo singleatid 1 one double , 1617 ChIcago. 1111-ti Out aunT-Pianos asiC organs at A. IIOSPaS I : . MuIc hail. 184.lino 'lOitREST- Furnished ronnie on the northwest I con. 13'ii and CapitoiavenUo. 139-U loit ImEicT-Furnislied roan , for gentlemen. In. ? 4. quire at A. hloepo's Art anti Music hell. ' I TTOUSISTU lullur-Slo. to8iopcr month. Stores .LL and rooms to rent. City.resldcnoo for sale $500 upward. Vacant iots mali partsof city. Farmlands for solo or cachatige. cachatige.LOUNSIIUTLY & MARTIN'S , heal Estate AgencyS. W. corner 15th and Farnam. 786-ti Felt SALE. ' ) -a- locates ! . MAI1BLE'I4 AOnNCY , - 346-22 217 N. itilhi atreet. I . - SALl--A confectionery arid cIgar stock ausd I-ton . MARBLE'S AGENCY , . 347.22 217 N. 16th atreet. I ' SALE-A thu-it-chars urroceny bus1ncs with a F'3mt caib trade , a short dIstance Irons post. office. MAItULE'S AGENCY , 448.22 217 N. 16th etrcet. I SALE-Twa span of horses , cheap. ' F01t ' NCY e' MAImum1n's AU , ; I 313.22 - _ _ N. 10th street , 'IS' , , , SAI1E-A 'good much dairy of 28 cows , etiA4 , . everything Its llretchasis running order. Good r reasonsioreelling. MAUBLh'.8 AGuNOY k - - 350-22 2m7 N. 16th street. OR SALE-House on leasol ground. eap F ground lease. IIAItBLE'S AGENCY , ii 384.22 217 N. 16th street. 0 - SALE -A two story store , store building and - FOR cheap ground lease , near I'ost office on 16th St. Marhloagency 217 N. 16th St. 345.22 3 ' SALII-liakery doing a good business , cause , j'ion sale avant to go out of bualneis. Apply 11. ; MANNWEILE11 , 11th and } 'arnam. 334-i8 TORE FOil 5AL5-consIstlng of confectiontiry , S Fruits and Fancy NotIons. Also fixud for Ito. . - . taunsint. Good cellar and well. BuildIng 20x62 , 0010 atory. DoIng a good busineics. Cause of sale , want r to go out of business. AddresS 784.huts' 0. 17. connv , Oakland. Nob. .0 huNT ( ut SAIE-Storo building eon. 6th and JOlt St. Good bulhillog forgroccryor Butcher . 51101 , . _ 831.1mb5 ' nuwr-lmcaidonccs and etorobuildinge. BED. lit - FORD & SOuttit , .HIa1 Estate Agency. Office 1. cast eie 14th stout , between Farnam and houglas atrets. - ' 1011 ItKNT-TW0 floors and basement. Elevator "C I ' attAched. 3847 Famnam etreet. ? . - if. it. ' ° ' 1 SALE-85 hiea'l horses , asagone , buggies sod IF' haruiess and itablee lou edit at. Bash rasit alabie , - Cursing St. ti. IEItW'IN. 312.20 - - - - - - - ' - - - ry - OUT-Weiteru house , cur. 14th and T Jackson CHAS. JJ0UGIEIITY. 278.18 ! ; jj'uouu SALE-House 8 roomS , ooe.Isalf lot. facing , JeiTenson square , $4,200. 0r ; Ilouee a rooms , near 17111 and Cass. * 'JCOO , ies. down balance 325 m sir month. L 1.u'somsu , ciose to town. Isoo. Bargains. - LOUKSIIIJ1tY Or ISA IP7IN , - . - HALE-Agoo'tdwehlInlt house of 3 meals ansi for i-lout kitchen No. 1515 hurl street. sale will I take place on preniIst October 24ith 1283 , 5 o'clock . 248.i71 f P n. I ° " HALE (11l8A1'-84ne Grey hound , . iuquIr"A - F as 0. 1' . Muldoon' . blacksmith shop , 13th and St. Leavenworth streets. 233-U , oa BALtt'-A second Isand Ains SewIug : j' ; I. MachIne very cheap. inquire at Bee ofSo. I 19-tt . - HAL'S-TWO portebhi bothers. 10 horse powerl ; , Apply at I B. FITZPATRICK , SISSouth hIthStrsiet. O1 ( SALK-A hOw. end lot at a - Marble. 217 N. 10th 04. 6-If , , LEAMS-Four cboioo lots on toll , St. , long - . Foti , N. 10th 55. J. I. Ub1e. , 62344 - tlALbi-'OGOd botnea shance. at 217 N. 16L per FoR . J , 14. MARBLE. - 3'JtI nan ToiiHALIt-At , .ti&vgalaa sman Wni.icr flaisniansi lu. , 4 Co's Sre proof sate. Inquire at thIs oalro. soil ii itIy. . , HALE-A flrtt clees second hand mop buggy. i. ; FOR Call at 1310 fl&roey , tet 97(1 o ! ° 't ' SATE-lte.ldenoe and busthees property he _ F all oct45 of Omaha , sod Farm Land. us siU parj situ of the fIlets. hihll'OlmD ) & 8011511 irle 793.tf2lS S. 14th 81. b.t. Famnam cmi Dougla. w HALE 011 EXCHANGE-Full lot end thres , ; FoR corner of 11th acid l'aci6c streets. - Nine lots In aouith Omaha. Alec 160 acres of land end nun Santon , Nebraska , and building and stock of Iced , dattilog No. 804 Tenth street. WIll caching. for nlng Nebraska firw linde. Further particular. at Oeo. nO 14. Peterson's Clothing Store , 804 Tenth airceL 192 ; puomu SALK-Din now.uaiseni mu large an smad sicintlttee at this othco. if nicn , - tot MISCELLANEOUS. non I' (1ST-Tuesday Oct. 0th. Itrussels carptts von. T Cv ' .4 tamIng 1 $ perds. Tlsotieidorwdl reecho $10. cc. ; r ; sian ! by rtuunusg ( lie sable jo Ills 0111cc. 'J21..1 - ' iuisigs : LAUISS-MIsse. A. & 5. Me's'ann , 1Sf rJaoThum Dressmaking , 8410 Douglas trCet. Even. - in slrtas.ei. a aiecialtv. 310201 -iTi : : hSb - EDWARD KUEHL Co. , , 0-ti MAGIST1tII OF PAUSVSTERY MID CONDITION. ALIS'V Tenth between Fernan , sad - ' - - Sod street. liar it the ney , asiC , with the iLl of guaz81au sptnita.obtala fo ( lass eel one a gtaeo of (1 , pasit and present. cud o II anti certaIn Clnittlous in lii. future. 12o hand 28 trade % o tiler. Pal I ! IaUaLactIOe g&ThDte.1.