Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1883, Page 4, Image 4
DAILY BEL 'OMAII.A , WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 17 , 186ii1 ' , THE ( ) M AJ . BEES ru thhel eriry wrrntng , exoopttSnndAY " The ely Mondgnomlog dally. aaNS It Itsm to Tear , $ taOOIThreeMontbs j 1tXMoetM. . , . . , I.WOne ; Month . . . . . . . 1.00 rrrl tEULT eaa , rrSLtsu D ariar UDNI8DAt. TISNSmosrrnD. _ _ _ _ _ , , Ole Sear.p 1.00 ThreeMnnlha.t - " 'EIx > Lerntha , , . , , . . . 1.00 OneMonth. . . . . . . AmerlcAn News Oompany , Sotet Agents"NewSdcab N to the United Stu. waaxtroaDlrcml. ; A CommunkstionsrelatingtoNews andFalt t mstten rbo ih be addresed to the Eoi of Or-Tilt CII. : IrMtLls LILTI10.hQ ' AU Ruslnam Letters and Itemlttnncei shonld'be I addreaaedtoTnnllaa Pu usIIIxo ( barc ; aNamlL Daft. , Check. and i'ostolflco onlors to bdmade pay able to the oiler of the comnny. ; THE BEE BUBLISHIl1G CO. , PROPSI ' E.ROfUWATEE , Editor. .llccting of the Aull Menopoly State Cmnrnlttcc , 'rho rmmnbors of the Anti Monopoly Slate committee nro hereby requested to moot at the Arlington house , Lincoln , e Friday , Oct. 10 , at 2 o'clock p , m. , to place in nomtnntion a candidate for Regent - gent , vice John II. Ames , withdrawn , and to transact other important busi floss. J , BT LILOWN , 1xtnov , Oct. 15 , dliairman , ANn fOWtholdadiug Itepubilcan organs are insisting that the Ohto store wasn't so much of a shower after all , ] 'OCKaTINO fees and shaving warrants arc not mho best of recommendations for a candidate fur re-election to the comity clerk's ' office. PAUL VANIIx1lY0011T still lingers East. Several hundred holders of stock in the Red Boar wino are anxious to discover whorl their money has gone to. Cortxcron Posr is in the city. This announcement will be a genuine surprise to the clerks in Mr. Poste office , wh o catch glimpses of him about once in tw oo months. , Mn. I,1AMS believes in civil service reform form so far as it retains a man in office , but there is a good many eitizons who think that eight years is a pretty long pull at the bottle. Din. Rnxse it surpilsed at the record which his backers are manufacturing far ] tiro. The briofless barrister of Wahoo has sudshonly discovered that lie is a soc and Marshal , and the peer of Story. Tae bankers' couv n'ion is still in sos- Lion at Loutnvillo , but so far as wo have 50 ° 11 no one has yet exp wino l how it is that th&rcdlmction in bank taxation has notSbbon followed by a ilacroaso in 'the rates of discount. SDMO enthusiastic editors have dubbed air. Colby "Tho Big Giants' ' This is a slight mistake in placing the curiositioc i n , the ; mtikbtlM. ML. Colby has alway sr pee as tho' "Man With thoIron Jaw , ' r , . . 71 A + e s a. ry w w Tim bar of Douglaas county who twice assisted in eleotinc Judge Savage to tli e bunch } nd each limo' gave a practioall q timanimous sjtiport to his candidacy wit 1 learn with surprise that h ° never wa s i ueli of atawyer anyhow , , Tax Now York Sun note ! with ap prowil that William S. Holman li steadily refused to accept froopaues dur ing thomany yeara that ho has been i n pubtio life. Judge Savage can boast o f the simo rocord. FnAIcK HArroN has come again to th ° front and this time denounces the civ' it service law as a fraud. As an officer o f an administration pledged to support th o law and maintain it in its operation , Mr , Ration's de Ilarations are the height o f bad taste. Either the Cabinet or th ° First Assistant PostulaMor Genera 1 should resign at onco. And ovary ou ° but Iowa Itupublicana wouldn't woup i f Mr. Greshun's assistant shook the due t of % Yazhinghan from his shoos at once , SoiuiNnxnann , of 1Valuu , is agi tamed over tlio intimation ofTiix , Bs x 'that'ho was a little slow in turning ova r the proceeds of a collection made by kd m for a Chicago client , and dgIes ; thin t ' there nvoro any throats of proeecutio n made , or that he hind pocketed the ro coip ts. We are advised by tie e attoruoy , who had the matte r iq charge , that jiir , Soronborgo r claimed that lain delay in turning over the a collection was duo to his ubsetco from n Wahiw. The attorney , not knowing this wont down to 1Vahoo andmado , the col loctiod from Mr. Sornborgor's clerk thorn being of course po threats of pros acutiou. . CONTnoLLxa INOx suggests that , i1 i i iow ottio } extinction of the Nationa 1 debt , our NatlnnaFbanhs' be required to plaeb their capital in the debt of Nation a 'which am not ) iquidating ao rapidly - that is' ' in this consols of Great Britain t And.tho routes of Fmnco. The eimpl o ueetiiin iii regard to such a propoaitle ot itl , Tar4 thesebondssocuro7 And from o American point of view they certainl y are not as secure as our own debt. The y nro not + 'only exposed to incessant an wide fluctuations with the ware and yn jnore o , yarq of thoOld World , but the y nro also epOn to the danger of swooping dynastic changes. ro go abroad for some - thing which to invest that which w ° wit kepi tiie moat secure would be a compliment to the institutions of the of ad world which we have no dlepoeition to tender. ' The ° best way to secure th o natiuna1bank system is to suspend tin ° paypieM of thi natjonald'bt , whoa f i s ar' v does 1 { eicaedpttwt of t ro apri .e prorI i for binkingpurposue.J I ring rnADK ourroox. The unsettled feeling in trade circles which wort , noted n weak ago has Increased rather than dlmunalmod during time past wook. Eastern contras nro more affected than those further wont , but business has bean quieter in all sections than was an- ti cipated and theca has been no rush at b usiness in any department. The gaff. oral opnuon is that the mild weather has unfavorably affected the wholesale busi floss by retarding consumption. ] n job. Ling the movement. has boon fairly native , but has not squalled the September aver. ago. Thorn is conaoquotly n feeling of d isappointment among merchants who looked for at increase rather than a de cling in sales the second week of October. W hile thorn is no depression in trade circles thorn is n general went of confi dance that restrains active movements and cantinas operations in most cases within narrow limits. The unwholesome expansion o [ credits and mho spirit of s peculation in curtain quarters which have been evidenced by recant failures a re among the principal cmlaos of the prevalent distrust , and both nro likely ! o receive n chock from tire greater sorvnliatn and caution which their dis closure has brought about. Last week's f ailures in rho Uuitod Staten and Canada number 157 , its against 183 tire wcok precocding. An increnao is reported in iho Southern Stntos , Smo excitement was noted during time week in both the cot. L ou and ceffca markets , unfavorable cram reports in each instance influencing s i rise in prices and largo trading. A ro . newel o [ activity in the dry goods trade is anticipated its noon as calmer weatlma r sots iii. The grain markota have exhibited snore or lass weakness owing largely to ti a ae small export demand for wheat and th e i ncrease during the week of about 1,000 , . 000 bushels in tire visible supply. The a ccumulation in English markets centimes . times largo , and Choir requirosnbnta arc nioro than mot by current roceipta o f lioma grown wheat and liberal mportA ' L ions from India and Russia , which arc r eported its of a bettor quality than the b ulk of time American crap and obtanr able at relatively low prices. The ae . tnand from the United Kingdom is prin. cipnlly for high grades nuit , able for mix- l eg with the inferior qualities whic h make up n , largo part of the reserve stocks vow in atom hm that country. Ex porters have taken about 800,000 buelnol s of corn from tire Atlnntio ports during t he weak , but tlraro.Las . booms no gmaarnl activity in trio doinnnd , The October crop reports show thai our wheat yield will somewhat exceed 4 00,000,00 bushels , which is nbopt 20 par cant boleti rho crop'of last year , A SOCIAL DANGEJI. The earnest and vigorous agitatios n which has begun over tho'queation o f dtyorco is a , tardy recognition of rho don gar wall which our toe liberal laws a ro throateuinq the gocialfabric. The cause s for whtoh the marriage bond can be die solved iit the UnionSEatos are incronsin g year by year until they are now so numor ousthat they availed of to an otnorrnou s extant , t' 'rho evil is tvidee road an a growILg , and its vary extent re mnltin g our people callous to its affects. Las t week in Now York , a cangregatfon in a church consecrated to the rites of reli gion , listened quietly to the former main iatAr of the gospel , who openly navocato d n greater laxity in mina laws dieaolvin g tire marriage tie. Few are aware o [ mho alarming incroae o in divorces in this country during th ° past ten years. At a meeting hold ii i Philadelphia last week over whic l1 Bishop Paddock presided , eomo iii taroeting statistics on the subject war a presented. In Mgino there war o 57 aivorcnagrantod in 1872 , an imncrone u of nearly GO tier cant in the last twofer y years. Ira Now Hampshire divorces line e increased Iran 107 in 1860 to 914 i n 1862 , _ Other Now England states to r Wish records equally bad , if not wars 0 In the eomo period Din'saclmeott5 i n creased her divorces from & 19 to 00 0 ; Connecticut from 14 in 1810 to 440 i n 1880 ; antl Rhode Island , free 103 Burin g 1800 to 301 in 1583. In four of tli o Now England stales , whore 720 divorce were granted in 1860 , theca worn 1,100 i n 1570 , and ,1,439 in 1878 , In Ohio th a ratio of divorcee to marriages wills ono i n twenty-six in 1865 , and that in 1881 ! h o ratio had grosnt to be otto in seventeen Two counties in Minnesota ware named + where , during the last ion years , divorce S have incr0ased filly par cent faster time n marriages. San Francisco loads tire his of afties in the divorou line , the ratio be ' fag ono hr G 810 last year. Chicago i ° oracle more moderato , her proportion of divorces to marriages boiug one i 1 , l 4.10 last year , but avou this is fearful t I ) cuntonmplato. these ought i U awaken public attention to this growls g erl } , The marriage relation is the foultdntia n of human society. Anything which fond a to lower its sacredness is m1 injury t ° public morale. Looked upon purely a a an ordinary contract , it maybe ntthlesd C , broken by mutual consent. Time spirit o f our laws has not so considered } , thupg' ' thole operation in severe ) States has boo n practically to throw dawn the barrio ro which society ices erected for fns ow m praeartation. Tlwro fe veal of a eounda r Public sentiment on this subject. It i s one of the glories of tire Itoptnn Cat holi c church that it has sternly set its mac e agahmt this evil by prohibiting dvorco ( s between meubore of its cam nunton , Tax Rcpubllearl warts to know wha t ] laeawator thinks about Reynold'e high handed proceeding after denouncing tin I action of rho DouPhas county centra 1 committee fin appointing delrgatoa t0 th e State convention. Our brilliant cwntom F porgy might just as moll line asked Why n horse chestnut isn't as good its n chestnut boreal In the one case the commttto nr rogated to Itself the tight to represent time republicans of this county ( n a dole. gate convention , n proceeding for wldch they had no authority whatever. In the other case , a majority of the central camrn tntttco , through Dir. Reynolds , simply oxoroisad the usual authority to fill a vacancy oatmeal by the withdrawal of a candidate. Tim action of the Northern Pacific railroad in declining to become a party to the special contract system by which the Central sad Union Pacific roads have b een bleeding San Francisco ehippore , will bo received with rejoicing on the covet oral cannot but accrue greatly to mho benefit of mho note lino. 'rho special C011lMCta } laVO Leon mho most odious tuna of the railroad tyranny , 'l'hoy wore devised to crowd out competition by moans of rho sailing vessels around Cape h arms and bound all shippers in return for slightly sauced rates to ship all freight by rife all rail route , Then the rates to mimosa who refused to sign the c ontracts were raised and epics of time conpnny visited time docks upon mho ar- r ival of ovary sailing vessel and noted for Euturo vangoanca the nanos of ovary merchant who dared to patronize time Chipper ship lines , The St , Paul Pionccr . 'ream , from whom we secure time information - formation , notoa that at time recent conference at San 1rancisco strong influence was brought to bear on time Northern Pacific , both by time Central anti Union rands on rho one hand , and time almippcr5 on the other. " ] fir. Muir , the representative of ! hit now road , wit a from time outset strongly inclined to favor thw mercleaute , but was linnlly incline d to defer his action in mho matter. Time result of Ms deliberations is now made public. Timm the decision is an eminent. ly wise one , can scarcely be doubted , 1 t put the Northern Pacific from time star t in the positiomi of trying to deal fair ] Y nod honestly by the business interests o f the wort. It shows that the manager S of this road are broad-minded enough t o rocoguizo time right of time slipper to choose a carrier for hut goods , amid that they are willing to take their chance s others in a fair competition far busi Hons. Time effects of this refusal to onto r into time pool will , of course , be mnost iut portent. The days of the spacial con stract tract system are now numbered , and the other rends must prepare to look out to r themselves as best they can. " Litt , S..S. RxYNOLDS , of Butler county is being hauled over the coals by coura t ' ii railroad organa for his action in connoc Lion with the nomination of tlmo Anti. monopoly candidate for J udgo of the Fourth Judicial District. According t o thong papers , Mr. Reynolds has commit ' todaterrjblooutragewhichiswitlmoutpra cadent , Now what did Dir. Roynolas do 1 1Vhoritt die ha usurp authority 1 Tltn antimonopoly convention Jar time Fourth district nominated Mr. Higgins I of Platte county , for judge and ad journed. Judge ' 'Higgirna , eomo aa g Inter , notified fife judicial comnmittao , o f which Dir. Reynolds is chairman , that h o could not accept time nomination. There upon Mr. Roynolas and line ccnnlnittc o consulted as to the most available can tlidato , and , a majority agree d upon Dir. Williams and instructed Mr Reynolds to lravo tlmnt eolactiorn mead ° public. Mr. Reynolds telegraphed t e Tnx Burt from Fremont to have Mr Williams announced as the candidate it i place of Higgins. This is time sum tots I of Dir. Reynolds' otfaueo mind we woult 1 like to know why ho should be do ' It is common usage in oyory politico ( party for mho central commtttao or tie o ozocutivo committee to fill vac , timcie e when candidates decline nomination s made by a convention. It is done i n ovary campaign by stoma committees am I by county committees and it is regardo d everywhere an tmcrfectly regular. I t would 1 o preposterous to recall convoit ' bone ovary time a vacancy occurs form I guy cause and time proper parties to ac t in such emergencies are executive corn ' mitt0os , WE are pnhnod to observe that accord ing to rho Omaha II'cpuGlcmnona ' ( of tie o blots on Judge Savage's record was hi s failure to secure the acquittal of a roam I w1w confessed to having committed mu r der , That settles it , A lawyer who can' t latest justice liar rno right to aspire to tie S Suprotue Boncb. State IIcetleuN In Novrntber , The State elections yet to occur ihf e year will ho hold onTuoldayNov. U , ' 1'h o cnntplato item is aA follows : Cemaotlcut will elect one-half it s Senate and its full house of ltopna0ttta ' rives. hiarylnnd will elect Governor , Con ' troller , AttornoyGenoral , and Logisla , turn , DlaysnbhueottswillelcOtCovornorLieu tens t.Governor , Secretary of State ' ' ' 'I'ronsury + r , Attorney Genera ! , Auditor r and Logielaturo , DUoncsota will elect Governor , Lieu tonat' Covornor , Secretary of State , Treasurer , AttornoyOouural , and Rimil road Oun nissiomor , and veto upon three pm a ninunanmunte to tin Couetitutiat n of time State , width firuvfau O l that time general uloetioua shall be held herouftu r aim November in each year ; (2) ( ) that tin re Secretary of State , the Treasurer , out I moo Attorney Oouoral shall curve tw o years and mina State Auditor four years and ( J ) fix time torsos of service of time ' Judges and the Clerk of tlm Suprom e Court nod of the Judges at the District Court of the State. M1Naierippf trill elect its Legislature , Nahraaka will elect a Justice .fit s Supreme Court and Rogonta of time State University , New Jersey will elect Governor , part o E its Sunstoand its full Houeo of Itepreeon tativee , Now York will tSecretary nf State , Cmrtmllar'reaeureq AttornoyQoneMl , Euginoor utd Surveyor , and bolt m 1 f 1 branches of ! ho Legislature , time veto u pen a proposition to abolish contracts labor from time State prisons. Pennsylvania will lect Auditor Gene n il and 13tato Treasurer , Virginia will elect pat its Senate and its full Assembly. VOIOE OF THE STATE PRESS , ] trap nn Eye on Thorn , Gnldl City Caviler. Time platform-which we give in full on our brat page-reads like n joke , and creates a strong suspicion that time mn china , in spite of its pretended chaotful news , has bean awfully acnredby leer fall's cyclone. IVhon n cannnilteo heeded by C hairman Gore , and composed in pert o [ V alentine from Cumiug , amid Nye from D ouglas , presents each resolutions aim are elamvbora reported , ton convention pro. aided over by Church Howe theca items Leon as awful slraiu smnowhoro. Time public can afford to keep watch of those r esolutions. Not the Alan liar duelge , Rurtonlan ( Rep ) . Our delegation to the State convention voted for n man mho poor of Jntlgo Say. ago , namely , Judge Lake , but .ludgo Lake was not ttoninated ; time machine s elected ° mean farbelow .htdga Savngo in legal ability , Dr. DI , B , Reese of Wnlnooy who leas threputation of an ordinary c ountry Iatvois n tlemisant gentleman and he boon district attorney for two menus but fa un moltular in lets wn t b reason of Kie iolitia'il antecedents. This is a fair un redudiced statement o f time standing of time lte ublican nomine 0 for the highest 'udicail oIlico in mho gift of the people. * * * * And now it will ho in ardor for these patriots - triots to toll us it is our dot to vote fo r Mr. Rocco beCAUse lie is nominated no t because lie is the poor of .Tudgo Savage Time machine nominntoa hfe , and not y boys work your elbows to elect lmim abthty goes for nothing after a convey . time has put it seal on rho candidate Di r. RoOSO me the chofco of rho U. P , and B. & M. , mid is noted more for hfe abili . ty an n strnddlPr than na n juriebor coon . sailor. In plain words M , B. Reese i s not the eau rho Republican masse a hoped would be brought out to dofea t so eminent a lawyer its Judge Savage. - - - A Third ] [ into Lawyer. rlsttamouth Joumal. The nomination of M. B. Reese tom r Supreme Judge is generally regarded srs n every weak and im fro or one and is al tome equivalent to a defeat in advauco Rocca was a resident of this city some ter n yearn ago , and is described as third o r fourtlm rate lawyer , and a vary pee r scholar , its rho city which ha kept for a rshort time , will show. The Republica n delegates from Cana county canto ] ram o from rho convention pretty theroughl r disgusted. PERSONALIZES. Wilkie Collins Is said to smoke almost con ' ntnntly. henry Vfllard'a combined salaries are eai d to amount to $80,000 a year. Alfonso saemN to be about as big n man i n Spale its time Athletic base ball club in Phila . phla. Philip Armour , tbo Chicago speculator , lie R a freshm bouquet of flowers at hits desk ever y day , The Princoaenf Valoa 1RbecOmingdanE'Plm o Prince would no doubt ba batter pleaaad i [ aim would become bllud. Die Juhu Sullivan hw , announced his ha toation of going abroad , and Mr. Tag Wit son would do well to bogm dodging innnedi ntoly , Dan Macedonia Aragon Is the name of moo who killed two cowboys in Ariaoua. H will be killed himself If ho iloesn't change hI s naaro , : mfrs. David hauls i' sand to be vary happy and oho says that her life is a continual roan d of pleasuro. Yes , It must be a great round i f it le around David , oan Bonhour Is now GI years old. IVho u th ere la "n bull after ItosuDuuhour"nowaday R it moat be a eiglrtte see the old girl gettln K over a five-barred fence , 1'mbably the moat envied wanmr in th e world is Jane Johnson , of Leeds , England win is 89 years old , and has been can'icted n I dnmkennoss over two hundred tltnos , We notice that Mrs. hoary Ward Bceeho r aeeongmnulea her husband during his e tour In 'fuxaw. ' 'hoeldlady evidently dueau' L fool its if iho t'ould tamer Henry yet. Madam Modjeskn'smnaiden name way lisle more ] lendn , If it. wore not for the struwbarr Y mark an liar left arm we might mistake he r for a IIDAT relative of the well-known Ilolo ° Blazes , lun ] and the American hog arc being any grossed hl the Gnnn + we. It is extremely ma ttfyln thus to leave foreign goyonnnenta put tlug ttia Amertcml hog to time eomo class wit h Zola. Bismarck is so superstitious that ho wi Ir never begin an undertaking oem Friday , mo sign an ingwrtautdecanent on that dap. II is.ntd to leave predicted time day nil hour I : hue own deatlm , mud to ho greatly interested 1 n Astrology. 7llrgonoffthoRusainunovelist , wavirendm la souw of his ideas and hAblte , its , thong cover married , lie lived for thirty years wit : m the singer Vlnrdut Uurclu , wills the woman ' e unabated also lived in the family. lie left on ee child by thia wonmmm. Clara Louise Iollagg Is now said to be en gaged to a Air. Royal IT. Bassett , of Blrtnlu g hem , Cuun. This loaves Bmtboldl's statue u ! liberty as the only ponom on rho cuntlaont tor wheat bliae Kellogg has not , at sumo limo nr ether during the past century , boom fortaall y euguged , 'l'imey say tint Jnh , the Apache chtof' ' t I lend. Wel , teap be so ; Lilt at1lAt wine Wpm ct they said utbet Jesse .hunon , and Sitting Bull , And Lupt .luck , and the n + Nt of our molar n heroes , aerlmapt it would he wlaor to wad t awhile till Mr. Julm comes iu out of time wood with hi. grip saek full of scalps , Cldof Justiro Coleridge will not visit Ka ens City , ti ° viug nuvor robbed u raitwem l' trulu , and haelmg no luteutfnu of lnaldlug n irk factory he was not regarded as a pmtl marly notable uttraetiun by thu lCanaas CIt pnoulo , who are junk maw to n cundittru u rhupeutly over s " 1'rimcoaa Chuck" open n troupe. Charles Gondnight has the largest eattl 0 rnmeh ha the world at time baud ut the Re d ! liver , Texas. ] Iu hegmm buying Immd tau r yeah e , getting x70,000 amere ut cents m m acre. lore prise has rismt , 2 uu acre , lie I ; stilt buytnmr , lie aoutrols 700,000 acres , T a inclose its lands 250 udlea ut fea' uu to ralulred Ile has 90,000 cattle. Mare Anderson 1swdtivuly refuses to mcely e the dlwomld ulxklAce that the 1'rhicn u f 1Vulee salt her , though It cost her a ! loud o f tears After trylug it au bofnra a glass. Sit , hoe also rutmunod a beautiful fxadln lag ys Itl Homily thanks. The l'rincess of IVules , wino l she hoard Limit' , onlerod a chrome of btaryum I Invited nor to play n game of lmvn toned s with her lu the fralace back yard-Titusvtll [ e lloruld , Time objection to Frank Intton seams to that he stayed at home And kept too 1lepubU from lafs role Into irretrievable ruin and holwm Jaaa anarchy , while mho teat of tin amntry' servants were flattening their par'Iered ' mw & / agalurt mho UIuG + glaas whmduws of exctlrsn n trahme. It Ill behooves us to repay the see vices of this futhfal creature with ingratitud But if the w01st eoumes and he is thrown ou t of a job at IVMlmington he can at any tiul te step Iota the Iwuitinn uj a rnute carrlnr u ° tld s pafler. It's may therefore , consider his eaa mien fullod to a certain extent. Mr. . Obrion pn + nomlca her name with a delicate accent nu the first syllable , [ t wool I be a + mewbat affected to put It on the second where it don't belong , and of course nohad lr c an Llama her far that biro. Ohrtun wsat ' tx + Up , Ile a xakhful neighbor tells , to call on a riend. liar clay brought a buxom servant tl e the door , who Informed her that Mrs. - - - was n ot at home. "Oh , not at home ! I am very s orry , " said Moe. Obdon , pronouncing her words with n languid accent , which gnro them a distinct rlnR of high culture. ' IYIII you toll her that Mrs. Ubdon cnllodt' "I will , mum. " "Ara you quite sera you can romtm bar the name. " "Oh , falz , ye ; I'll remember It mum , l/'lirynv / is arnmom , Indnde , where I coma from : VALLEY COUNTY ORGANIZING , A ll Eplhasiasttc McciiaA of All ElcmGUls Opposed to Monopoly RgiG , J udge Savage 11'arnily EndorscA for time Supreme liemch , C orrespondence o [ Tat : ] lzr- Noltrit Lour , Valley Co , , October 14 , -As I intimated in my last hotter would b e the case , mho Democrats , Auti Dyuop oliets and disaffected Republicans , of Valley county , met at Ed. Miller's ' 1in11 , in flw town of North Loup , last night , to organize for time support of Judge Say. a go at time coming election. The meet- i ng was an onthusiastie moo , being at * tended by Democrats and others from all parts of the county , Bono twenty-five or thirty gentlmnon coming franc Ord fifteen miles dlatant The meeting was called to ardor by M. W..1 , llolladay , who named Mr. 0 , S. Kilbourto for chnirnmm , and Stove A. Parks for secretory , which was agreed to , 1r.Iilbourmio , in taking the clinic , explained in a neat and concise mammcr the objects of time meeting , paying well. deserved compliments to Judge Sava o , and advising harmony and unity of action in timer dehiverations , so that they could present a solid front to tlmo enemy , and route him fn his very stronglmld. After sommrouiino , buaiuoas , such as the appointment of conunittoca on finance , the campaign , etc. , time meeting wits ad- dressed by several gentioinou , among tlienn DIr , lTollada tuba delivered a troll in g were fn favor of all parties uniting who opposed to the iron will of mono of and nmeatin time art now i n p other nti tine ells end defeating it. Time orator of the evening was than in- . IIn appeared , min the person - son of DIr , It. If. Clayton , a juurnoy man priutor , who by careful study anti through s his own native talent , has raise do himself to rho bar of this county. He arraigned the Republican party and gave a history of its gradual absor'tron by th o monopolies of the country until now it i governed dntiroly by them. Ho claimed that rho democratic party lied always been the party of the people and tli 0 party of reform , and wee the bayou m sought by rho oppressed everywhere wh 0 nwished to escape from time tyranny of th o great corporations. Ho paid a high Crib ute to time learning and worth of Judge Savage , and by comparison showed hi superiority over his opponent. He reviewed - viewed time services rendered by the Anti - Monopoly catldidato during the war , ahowiug that while Mr. Rosso was a t Noma fu safety , the Judge was at th a head of his reg ment whore the fight was tlmicltest , Mr. Clayton was frequent y interrupted by applause. It was than resolved to meat next Sat. urday in mass meeting at Ord , when a full ticket will bo nommatea. One timing is certain , Valley county will roll up a largo veto for JudgeSat'ngo on November 6th. N. H THE GREATGERh1RN REMEDY ( ' 1mdlDPes anti CIIPPs I if IUIEUMATISiL I iw Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , iIACK.tC11E , ' DEADACflBT00TDA0D1 ; @ SOBE , TNBOAT ' QOINSYfitt' . . . , .nCi6 , SPRAINS , Soreness , Cuts , Srulsel , FnosT'mT'F , i i 1 IIUItNY , S/tA4DYt it And allotherbadltyncbu and palua. . uhIIllIItIIIIIlIiIIllhILI . , it FIFTY CENTS A BOTTtf Sold byaliDmggRtsand m Deniers , Directlun , In 11 ' I . Tha Charles A. YoOeler 1'r. I Iam.wn to aPeOCLIRaIN m , , . MS. i United States Depositors Fast Nalloll Ba * ' -OF OMAHA- Cor.13th and Farnam Sts The Oldest Banking Esfablishmen I Jn Omaha , SUCO&990It9 TO KOUNTZE BROTaERS. Organised ! n 1858 Organized as a National Bank in 1869 CAPITAL $200,00 U SURPLUS AND PItOFITS . $1110,00 ° ornclmu aial0roel. QeaNaw Eoomlrxsl'raldent. Joule A. CRUoaroie , Vice President. A scarce Kotrsrea , Yd Vlce Preeldent. A , J , l'areteroa. F. H. Dwta , Cashier W II. MeaAOlu , Aeslet + ult liseNor. Transacts a general lwgkmg buelnr.a issues ilm e coKlAataa hearing interest. Draws drafts on Ss s Francisco and Irlncipal cities In the United Stake Also London Oublin , Edinburgh and the prmndpa rides nl the , ntlnent of Rnrn e 1 1 . 130,000 for $2. Regular Monthly Drawing wlUtake tea In mho Jlaeanlo llall , Masmdo Temple 1rulld D Ing , InlAUIusIUe , Ky. Thursday , October 25tft , 1883 A Lawful Lottery and Fair Drawings , chartered by the legldatureot Ky. , aid twlae dedir od legal by the highest court hr the State. Ibnd given to llenry' ( boob In the sum of p100,1g0 forth , prompt luyment of all prizes eokt AItnI'OLUrIONINSiNOLENUMDnmtDitAWINOF tlrRverv ticket holder hleewn eupervlsor , eau X11 out mho numlwr on his ticket old see the correspond lag Awnlwr on the tag ; daoe.l In Use wheel in his Ircxunca Those dawmuga x 111 occur on the lul Thursday o1 story month. Kcal the magnificent October Scheme , t 2 m'rezr , tJtOO each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eo0e 5Prltee , 1o00each , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 600 [ > q 1'rlwr , 600 each . , , , , ° lee lilies , ho each , , , , , , , , , ; ; ; ; ; , ; , ; ; ; ; , ! pva00 ; Ylq 1'rizee , ev each , l0 Ono FWI'nws , rOtladl , . , , , . . . , , , , . . . , 10,000 , move Prizes , 10 each. . . . . , , . . , IQour Y rats , each APy'roxmmatlonPr4os YTet 1 , e 1'rizae , 100 oac'u 1,837 Prizes. tuo,4Oc Whole Tickets , $2. Halt Tickets , tl , : t7 T10ketetSD , 55 Tlokotef100 , Rendt money or hank Daft n Letter , or send' b ex ego , Di11iT SENUDYtFAler'EREDLf:1TEft out l'05TOFFICEOKDF11unUlfurthernollca Or don of $5 and upward by express , can be aunt al our expense. Address . .U Orden W J J , WtlOLA9 , LouiorllleEy , d eal tu th Arltt 1r em . . . . e..1 . SAIjT 1 SA1VI' L ci DAVIS & OO ' 9 Washington Avenue and Edt/i Streef , - _ _ _ _ _ ST. LOUIS IMO STEELS JOHNSON & CO. , Wholesale Grocers ! AND JODSKns IN F LOUR , SALT , SUGdRI S CANNED G001S a ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobaccos AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAID POWDER CO SALEM FLOUR. T + . , Is Flour is made at Salem , Rlchardoon Coq Nebraska , to the Combined Roller Stone System. W giro F.CCLUSIVk . solo of . our sour to one arm In a place. We have opened o branch at 1819 Capitol .wen Omaha. Wrlto for relees. Address either V A S.rE1i Z'IN7 cci m Salem or Olnaha. Mob. 9 MAyUFACTUltelt of I 1 IrooCoroices1 Nido CapsfiiiiaIs , I Skylights ko Thirteenth Street Neb , SPECIAL NOTICE TO ' Grouters of Live Stock and Others. WE GAIL YOUR ATTENTION TO , Oil it Is the beat and cheapest food tor stock of any kind. One pound Is equal to three pounds of earn' took fed with Ground 011 Cake in the Fall and Winter , Instead of mmnning down , will tncreaao In weigh { and be In . . good marketable condition In the spreej. Dairymen , as well as other. , who use It can testily Its merit. . Try It and judge for yourealvea1'reco g13.00 xr ton ; no charge for sacks. Address o1 WOODMAN LINSEIID OIL COMPANY , Omaha C , Di , LEIGflTON. H. T , OLARIE. ' LET GHTON' & CL RE f ( SUCCESSORS To KENNARD Dnos. Jf'i'A ' ; Wholesale Druggi sts I --DEALERS IN- Paints Oils Brushes Class OMAHA , - - - - - - - - NEBIZASIiA. 1 MAX MEYER& CD1 , i IMPORTERS OF f HAVANA CIGARS tA AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC A ( N 1 I D PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRAN D Se Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $124 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGAIIS : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands , WE DUPLICATE E ASTERN PRICES. , a . SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. a ! A.I : , . _ .lfr ' ' ° 1 ' A 0 I ? GATE CITY PLANING MILLS. L. IfANUFAOT Elms OF -ALSO- Sash , Doors , Blues/ / Stairs , Stair Railtu s ; Balastors ; WIMGW & Door Frames , &c I Firetelase facilities for the manulacture of all kinds of Mouldings' Plaiting and Matching a spectalty 1 Orden from the country will be IIromptlp executed , Address all oommunleationa to A Mr1YRR , Proprteto J. 0 , PRESCOTT N , P , CURTICE. J. 0. PRESCOTT & CO 0PI 1orleanlo taaad Rottail , PIANOS I Music , Musical Instruments of all Descriptions , xa . tulle I trs to. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK OR SEND FOR PRICES. = o. Iron Farnnm great r p y N J. H. CIBSON CARBIABE ANII AllON IIACTORY } eouxru TWELFTH AND UOWARD TRJJ1S , . . . . OI1 .0.SC.11 e r r r II1J.fl Fartleularattsouoo Ireo to n alrin SaWatrrs luana.od , 1 1 4 _ _ _ ' _ .a.- a