Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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8 rim DAILYBEEOMAUA _ , TUESDA1. OCTOBiR 16 , 1883.
- - -
Tuoday Morning , October 16.
1'ht Woatier.
For the tipper Miss.ilIIi vrl1ey , fair
wethor , followed Tucsdfty ni1it by local
rains , outheatorly Wifl(1B falling baro.
meter , sUtionary or slightrio of trnnpcr.
nturo. For the Mis.onri vnlloy , partly
CIOU(13' weather , local rain9 , southeasterly
vinds , falling barometer , at.tiouary or
highit rise of temperature.
' -Save money. Scmil to E. Fearonwholostilo
cigar anti tobacco dealer , for irke list.
-Tho train from the wct this morning was
t blgono , having tlilrtcemm cars , thrco of which
were of emigrants.
-Cold weather makes the oyster trade
baonz. The ltflflla ofleading l3altlmnoro IMLCk.
ers are reprasentetl In this market as mi.unl ;
but from the list 1nmblishod in suuither column ,
1)y the agent , 1) . B. learner , it would seeni
that Booth's "Oval Irand" nearly mnonopo-
hizos the city trndn , since from It , It appears
that over fifty leading groccdes , rostsuratmts ,
, nsrkot.s ammil hotel use 1Fis brand .rcInsivcli , .
In tItle connection it is stated as a fact , whilclm
any one can ' . orify by looking , that ton cases
omit of every dozen arriving daily in express
cars for this city and the West. are .1 Jiooth'a
Ol2 lIflZ 04.1.
-A travelling band of nmusiclan. fromn ] 3a.
vans wore giving concerts In our Lreots ycs
torday morning.
-Twcntyfivo silver brick , vxmhmzed at about
sto ; ® , 81IP0(1 ] nst on Saturday by
the 0. S. & It. company.
-Anion fromn thia Union Pacific headquarters -
ters vanquished a mime at Papillion saturday ,
21 to 11 , and the boys say thoydidn't half try.
-Moyer Bros. yesterday norning roceIueI a
cablegram announcing that Julius Meyer had
nnlsed on the other side and was In Paris.
-TIm remains of Dr. Luco , formerly of La
' Platte , but rccchthy in the western part of the
' State , passed through the city on Sunday , on
time way to lila former homo for Interment.
-Judge Beneko has not yet taken his place
umpon the bench at. the l'ohmco Court , but is ox-
poctectod to be scoim there today. Ito
uilt find everything in perfect order. Judge
Anderson , who has served during his abeonco
is an old hand at the l'ohico Court btts1iuous.
-We are glad tAm chronicle the fact tlv.t no
indictment was found by the grand Jury
' against Will Hahn , charged with setting fire
to his own store. The charge was generally
discredited at the time. Mr. Hahn will prob.
ably renmain in the city and go Into businoEs
-The slumas of the lower end of the city
svero raked over yesterday and $31.20
lishied up for tIme police court. Time offender. .
wlmo were fined were Curry , Van Ormnan ,
Hayes , Berry , hart , Maxwell ; these ilis.
charged were Walters , ] Connedy , Kaatner ,
i1cN.nnra . and Ilyan. Akogether a very
vood howme.
-having just received large quantities of
furniture In new and bandsomno deSIgns , we
take pleasure In inviting the public , and ospo.
daily those who are contemplating furmilsiuing ,
to call antI look through our stock. To those
wishing to purchase wo are prOpared to make
lower prices than have ever before boemu oifered.
CHAI3. Simivamuicic , 1200 , 1208 and 1210 Farnuun
street ,
streetliddlo Nixon , a boy of fifteen years , for.
morly an apprentice In the U. 1' . Khapcuu , loft
home on tIme 17th of August last , and has not
4 ) een hoard from since. Any Information sent
to his widowed mother , Mrs. Ann 31. Nixon ,
8th street , between California and Casswould
bo thankfully received , mus ho was her only
support. Mr. Nixon , formerly watchman at
the U. P. shops , deserted luis wife and five
small children about four years ago.
-'rho of unclaimed baggage In iro'
ross for the past few days , Inn. developed some
funny Incident. . , not tim leant of which was
our well known ex.councllunan , Mr. Hennnmm ,
uvlio was so Intent on securing a box of tool , .
that ho bid against hum.elt ! several times in
$ iuccesslon.
-In the District Court yesterday the
; . I following prisoners % were arraigned : John
Jtoonoy , burglary ; hugh ilayliss , rape ; Mollie
Anderson , grand larceny. They all plead not
4 guIlty. They murder case of Simatto was post.
k 1oned until flits mourning. Time crimni.
nal business will be taken up
L4 - -Tue death of Miss Eugenlmm Mooredauglm.
'l ' tor of Mr. amid Mrs. 0. V. ' . Moore , the funeral
] uotIce of which is in another column. . . , is one
particularly sad , as shun was ongsgod to ho
niarriod to a young gentleman In Denver ,
formerly of Omaha , and lied already i'rued
her bridal trouBoau. She we. . taken sick with
a violent cold a muouth ago , and died Sun.
day. 11cr woddimmg tires. will be her shroud
and Death the bridegroom.
u Twenty-Four hours to Live.
Vromn John Kuhn , Lafayette , Imul. , yhuo an.
imouncea tlu4.t he is now in "vorfect health , "
we have the following : "Oumo year ego I was ,
to all appearance , in time last stages of Con.
ssumnptlon. Our best phytsicimmns gave my case
UI , . I finally got so low that our doctor said
that I could not live twonty.four bomirs. Mv
friead. thea purchased o bottle of flit. WM
which considerably boaeflttcul mao. I contin.
uod until I took nine bottles. I am new in
verfect health , having used no other mnedi-
clue. "
On . a Proposition to Expona Thirty
Thousftnd DoiImuIbr School
. fluildings , Etc.
Notice is hereby givemi that at the nozt
county election , to ho hold in the city of
Omaha on Tuesday , November ( JUm , 1883 ,
th o ] 3oaM of Education of the School
Dthtrict of Omaha , County of Douglas ,
Etath of Nebraska , willaubmuit to time vo-
iota of Aaid district the lmposition to
authorize the said Board to expend tim
um of thirty thousand dollars , for the
ocuriug of sites and time erection of
, chooi buildings. One four room brick
addition to the Hartman School building
On Fifteenth near \Viliiaumu street , at an
estimated cost of nine tliow.and five bun.
drod dollars , omiu site and one building to
be erected thereon on the Southwest cor.
nervE Douglas and 30th atreots , at an us.
thnated coat of oighteim thmousamid dollars ,
one situ neatItascall 8 Park , at. an osti.
mated cost of one thousand dollars , and
one situ near Ilanscont Park at an cati
ln.ato4l coat of fifteen hundred dulhtr3.
411 suild expenditures to be made without -
out any BjCCULI levy . ,
EJJEN IC. Loza ,
I'rcsideut Board of Education ,
CKLs .O4iOR , $ eeretary
OM414 , P.ct.ube ! ' 1419
.t , The Splendid I'ArIC.r Stoves at Milton
, . : Rogt3rs & 'Sn8' ,
He Forics ills Wifc's ' Infle1ity for
ills Chu1rdll's '
And Ah1ovs t1C le..troyer to lcpaii
In Pence.
Tim following story , which comes well
VOUCIICl for , and in fact , bears the stanip
of truth on its face , being stranger than
fiction , shows that maim soniotimnes oxet.
cisc that. "charity" which is said to be
the greatest of all virtues.
Ono night mat week a mimalu wont to atm
officer of time police force , azimi , calling
imini to one side , toll him a queer story.
lIe sail timLimo had married a beautiful
woman , and had lived with her for soy-
oral years , never once suspecting her
fidelity , in fact Ito would have staked lii ,
life on her being true to him , and. would
have trusted her under any
and all circumstances and temptations.
For a month paL aH intiniato Porsofll
friend huiitl bcomm frequently calling at hits
house and lie being often called away
loft theni to timemiuselycs , both being
mnusicinils , to time evening Iloaaalmtly
Ono nghit lie went liomno at nit mm.
usunliy early hour and emi trying to get in
found time door locked though the lights
wore still burning. lie 01)0110(1 LImo slats
of the shmuttcrs amid saw that thio parlor
was empty , and also that there wna no
one in the room OccupiCl by hihimself and
wife as a sleeping room. lie
timp1med on time window , tiuinking
tim lady muighut bo in the
ball , wimoim , to his surprise , lie saw her
run itito the latter room on dishma.
billo and turn tim light out. A few mo-
nioiit.s after Bib came to the door , asked
who was there amid admitted luimmi. She
was trembling and leoked at hmimmi
anxiously , but ho put on a well simulated
look of innocence and , making an excuse
that lie lund forgotten some papers , left
the Imouso , almost distracted by Limo aus
Piciomi that forced itself on his mind. ho
would not believe it and finally thrust it
from his mnimud as unworthy of himself
and an insult to his wife.
A few days hmitor ho saw ammothior cir-
cumuiatanco which comulirnied his 8UsilCiom1
ar.d ho , still preferring to be certain be.
fore lie took any rash act , came to time
oflicor , who was a personal friend , and
asked hmimmi to gs with hmimmi to Ijis own
lmouso and remain without whiilo lie forced
atm entrance and discovered time truth of
his surnmises. lIe hind provided lmhumsolf
with a dark lantern amid time necessary
tools , and knowing exactly every foot of
Limo interior of time promises , was conli.
dommt that ho could got in without arous
imig tim inimmaks and thou , if lie was wrong ,
could go away without tlmcir knowledge.
Ho had . tohd time gomitienian
that lie was unexpectedly called out of
towim amid asked hiimm to say to his wife
that ho would not return until next day.
Time officer coimsontod to go with lmiimi
and about 2 o'clock the two stole noiselessly -
lessly into time front yard of time promises ,
which wore on one of time outer streoum.
Time oflicor stood in time back ground aiicl
time husband dextrously amid quietly
opened time hUmid. amid raised time window -
dow , the latter job occupying several
minutes. Ho then climbed over the
sill and disappeared.
Omico inside , lie told the olhicer afterward -
ward , bin heart beat like a sledge hiamn-
mor and at every mnevemmient of Imimu limbs
the muscles creaked like rusty imimiges.
lie felt like a criminal and it was seine-
time before ho could muster up the courage -
ago to go to lute wife's chamber and comi-
firm or dispel his horrible suspicions.
At laL ho crept nion time hall , opened
time door and-behold his worst fears out-
done. Time two wore sleeping side by
The man never know how lie got
out. Ills kimoes smote together
and his bruimm seomnod to be on fire. Ho
could not dishonor his wife aim.l . time
mother of his chmildreim , and lie quietl3
amid emnposodly told time officer that lie
was a doiikuy , treated him , paid himim for
his trouble , amid was very merry , an if
doiighmtcd at being found wrong.
Time sequel would make a long story.
lb walked time streets until late iii time
mioxt day and fimmally made up Imis muind
miot to ruin iii , imonmo mmd disgrace thmo wo-
imman iii her children's eyes. lie passed time
day quietly amid imi time evening wimemi
Lucy were niommo told hot time whole story
and that lie was ready to forgive amid for.
got , amid that she immuet toil 1mev seducer
to leave towim at omico or he would mmot
live to sco another day. 'I'Ime ummiortu-
unto vomnan at longtlm coimfossod all on
liar luiees , and itmiplored liii. forgh'cmmes. ,
and time vrotcli vlmo tried to destroy time
fammuily's immippiness , next. duty was told by
time womnamm time whole circuimmatanco , amid
in already outside time boundaries , oven of
the Ummitod States.
Never Give Up.
If you are sufforimig with how and deprosseil
51)irits , iotis of aprntito , gctmeriul debility , di. .
ordered 1)100(1 , weak coumstitumtion , lieMlacimo , or
any disease of a bilious misturu , by all umoans
lrmro a bottle of 1loctrio bUtter. . You
uu'ili ho suiririt.ett to see time raplil imnjmrovommuont
that wili follow ; you will boiimm.plrod witim now
lifo strei.gth mmmi activity will retumrmm ; immin
an ( umusury will c'ue , anduimommcoIortim you will
rejoice iii time in thu iraise of Eiectrlo Bitters.
Sold at fifty cents mm bottle by 0. 1 ! . Good.
- -
A I'Ieasamit Sundy Sohmool Enter.
The annual imarveat amid efferimig comm.
cert , of time Sunday School of limo First
Congregational church took place Sunday
evening and was largely attended , and a
complete success.
It has always been thio custom of time
scholars to give so much ovuryyear to limo
P ° ' . and it was decided timis fall to coni-
mence as early as l)0581b10 and raise time
immommoy by this concert , time receipts of
which bad previously been given to sonic
vOr church iii time State.
Time scimool has boon occupied for time
Past two Sundays in formnimmg timoir colico.
tiommis mmmt.o mmii o1i.mriimg to be giveim on tlmts
occasion amid time receipts thus coliocted
froimm time scholarsammmommiitod. to $54 , while
time amoummt collected fromim the comigroga-
tiou last o loziimmg was erj , nuikitig $87 in
all. 'rime school hind for use in trinmmning
time cimurcim time spiommdiml grain exhibit of
the tlmiion I'aciuio railway , imacul at time
last State Fair , amid time design was
an arch , imi time buildin
of which each clasmi too
part amid in which each was rcproaczmtwl
by one static and by timeir otfurimig , pro-
seated In a basket pf liowors amid imung
tromxi time rcspoctivo stomios 1mm tIme arch.
'i'imo Kuystommo was In two Imzt. iii
which the young ladles amid young nien's
bible class were roprosont.od. , This stone
was coimiposod entirely of white flowers
- . .j- . - - - - . .
and across the taco was a sickle of rod
flowers , presented by the young ladies
class. Suspended from time keystone was
a basket of fruit.
Time concert consiskd of each class
presommting its oiToring and a number of
mniscellatieous rccitatmomms. One of time
mnont interesting features was hint limo
programme watt carrie. ! out wimoliy by the
cimildren , who knew their parts mmd came
oil in turn , without once being promnptl
ly superimmiomident or teacher , thus avoid.
big time usual mnonotoimyofsucim affairs.
Bmmekinmi's Arnica Salve.
The greatest mne.hical wommder of the wori.i. .
Vnrranta.i I. . , speedily cure Burns , Cuts' , Ill.
COTS Salt lUtetium , Fever Sores. Cancers Flits ,
Cimifhlains , Corns Totter , Cimnpod hands ,
and all skin eniiitons ( , guarnnteol to cure In
every Instamuco , or money refunded. 25 cents
or her.
Bctli ono of Prolililldnt
Citizolls ,
A Sati .Jommrsmoy Fromii time l'muIfIc :
Coast to Omftlmn.
The public generally was shocked
Sunday by the annouimccmnoiit , unexpected
to a great many , of time death of Mr.
Joimmi 0. Jacobs , of this city , which occurred -
curred at Riverside , Cab.
Mr Jacobs wont west early in the ruin-
mar , accompanied by his wife and cimild
in limo hope of recruiting lila health , which
for some time past had bcoit gradually
failing. lie made the trip by easy stages ,
spendinga fewweoka in Utah , under whose
dohigimiful chimm1atic influence lie felt mnucim
luetter amid no wrote back to lii. friends.
lb Vroccedcd cmi to California in tUne to
participate iii the Trienmmial Conciavo of
ICnighmta Tomupiar in Sami Francisco , amid
than wommt to Riverside , a fammious resort
in Southern California. Letters wore received -
coived from him from timmio to time , and
wore gommerahly encouraging. 0mm Saturday
a dispatch was received by Mr. C. W.
Baker , wimo was iii clmnrgo of Mr. .Jacobs'
lUsiIiOBS , sumyitig , ' Mr. Jacobs is
failing. Come at once. ' In ao-
cordaimco with liii. , imo loft
Oii tue iioon train Sunday for River.
aide. At 4:30 : thiatovomiinga socomid nies.
amigo was rccoivcd , saying "Mr. Jacobs is
dead ; will leave with the body to-mor-
row. " Both time dispatches wore from
his wife.
Mr. Baker was recalled by telegraph
and news was received yesterday by time
same menus , that time bereaved wife was
oil liar way by the Soulhmrn route to
Omaha , wimeroitisoxpoctedmmimo will arrive
John ( I. Jacobs was bormi in York
county , Pcnmisylvamiia , amid was , at time
time of iii. death , about 45 years of ago.
lIe caine to Ornaima nimmetoomi years ago
and went into time real estate business ,
purchasing limo property on wlmicii
"Jacobs' block" miow statids. Ho imiado
a trip to time Montana mimics later 0mm amid
made quite a "stake" out there , and ro-
turmmimi , ovomituahly wont into partner.
almip with Jacob ( lish in time umidurtakimi
business , at which lie has coimtinume
mmpto time presemit limo , time busimmoss ,
simmco his partmier's demise , being run iii
lii. own mmamno. Ho was actively intor-
catod in politics on several occasions and
was twice elected coroner , his last term
not yet having expired.
Three years ago Mr Jacobs married a
immost estimable lady in East ] Jorhin , Pa. ,
and loaves one semi loss than two years
old lIe lund but just fitted up a comfortable -
able home onDougias street amid alloxpoct.
od that Ito hind many years of domestic
happimmess before hmini , so that time blow is
all time more severe. 1mm lii. business and
social relatiomis , Mr. .Jacobs was equally
popular. Genial amid ploasantto au , at-
tomitivo to business and a man of exemplary -
lary habits , lie drew to him alike patromis
amid friends. lie was a member in good
standing of St. Johmi'n Lodge No. 25 , A.
F. A. M. , of which lie was treasurer
for several turin. ; of Ommialmmi Chapter No.
1 , Royal Arch Masommo amid of
ML. Calvary Commmmandory No. 1 ,
iCimighits Teniplar , hi .1l of which ito was
an active worker. his loss will ho ummi-
versaily felt and lila Place miot son be
It is miot known at present whether time
funeral wiil take IhaCo iii Omimalma or imot ,
but it is believed that the remains will
be takemi back to l'emimmBylvauia , whore
iii. mother , timroo brothers mmd two am.-
tors reside , amid will ho mid to rust near
time spot upomm wimich lie was born.
A lureat flmiucovery.
That is ihufly bringimmg joy to time imomes of
tiiotmsammd by savitig iiinmmp of timoir .ioar omme.
front aim early grave. 'Iruly I. lr. Kimig' .
Now Diseuvery for CoIIsmmmm1ltiomI Coughs ,
Colds , Astimimum , Bromicimitis flay F : over , 14055
of Voice , Tlcklimmg in the 'l'Imrnat , Pain tim Side
anti Cimcs.t . , or mummy ilisoaso of the Throat and
Lmmmmg. . . , a polthvo cure. ( immmirunteeti. Trial
liotthei. ( roe at 0. F Guodmmmamm's Drug Store.
Lriro size $1.00
TIlE 1"4tYOlttTfl JOSlE.
Sixxeoim Ilunmireti J'COplO Cl ) to the
Opera House to Sco " Joshima
Whiltcoimmb. "
Long as the llaY of " .Joaimua Whit-
coimmb"hmas been before limo public-bay.
ing beomi lt0s01itd first by Dommimian
Thompson semne five years ago-It still
ronialima in popular favor , soenis to grow
iii it in fact , amid draws big audiences. It
Is s piny of time people and for time people ,
ropresomitimig the old New Englind farmim
life truly amid vividly ; iorhtaps it is time
American p1ay.
At Boyd a Opera blouse last imight there
was not a vacant chair amid time walls wore
lined with people who laughed mncosaammtly
at time conimcaimty of time play. Denmnamm
Timommipson is not alone by ammy menus , hmis
5UiVort being so full of excellent actors.
Julia Wiisomi , as Tot , Is as pleaaammt as
ovcr The simmgimmg , nil of It , was superb
amid could mmot be givemm without roputi.
tiotis amid calls for more.
Frommm hero time Josh \Vhiitconib coma-
Iaiiy goes to Mimmneaihls.
Siimco Lmm'rm'rr Lmtmc it Co. have bo.
comae popuinr , others are tryimmg to immmi-
title , but hook for brand-
mmm.o&w.i&3 w
- - .
Notlet , or Iissolutiomi ,
Notice 13 hereby givomi , that by reasumi
of limo continued iii heuultim of I'.tr. A.
Oruicksiummik roqmmim-imig a chmaiio of cli-
mimIc for him , the copattiiursimmp hereto'
fore oxist'mmmg between time ummdersigmietl ,
under time tirimi imamne of A. Crimicksimmumik
Iut Co. , is this day dissolved by mmmutumml
commaumit , Time business Will hereafter be
coimductcdat time old stammd , corimor of 15th
and Doumlas streets , Oimmahma City , by N.
11. Falcoimer , solely , v1m nasummme all time
imiubebtothimeas of time late firiii amid who is
loime authorized to collect mid receipt
for accoummits , notes , &c. duo to said firma ,
[ Signed. ] A , thiulcicRIlANK ,
N , lb. FALCONEB ,
O3rAUA , Neb , , October 13 , 1883 ,
Omd Fine B1ooo IIOFSO Stock lost-
! llg Ill Oah ,
Also Some Running Stock Belonging
to Arimmatromig ofMontanft.
horses nowadays travel in style ammdstop
over every thousand mnUcs or so to rest in
stable that are hike imotcia , Stepimomison's
barn is 0mm of thmeso hmorso hmoteis , whore
one can timid at almost anytime some sub.
ject for imitorosting turf talk , Tub after.
noon a Bun reporter was called 1mm to see
time stud of ox-Governor Leiand Stanford -
ford , of Caiiformmia , which is quartered at
limo barn , cii r..uto west.
Thmoro is , first , "hljmidoo Rose , " winner -
nor of limo Kentucky stakes for timrec-
ycar.olds. Simo made 2:10k : at Loxin-
ton emi limo 10th of this mnontii , amid ma
how limo chmampiomi of limo world. She is
a very beautiful mare.
"I'otmito , " the next hmorso , hums a record
of 2:18 : , beating .Jay Eye See's four.
year.old record.
"Wild " record
Flower , a two-year-old
of 2:21 : , limo best two-year-old record ox-
"lloion" is and has
a three-year-old a
record of 2:30. :
Timose f'ino animals are imi cimam-ge of
Charles Marvin amid travel 1mm a womidor.
fumi special car , which is now at limo depot.
Thioy arc returning from a long trip
through the cast. whmero they imavo been
Dim nil of the best tracks. We simouid
also mention fine "Aibami "
a two-year-old ,
who is omro of thus stud.
On limo other side of limo bans wore
somim rimnnhmig horses from Louisville belonging -
longing to N. Armstrong , of Montana.
"Lord Raglan , " by Temnbrooek , a three.
year-old , one of limo Saratoga runners
last year ; "Monarch , " by Monarchist ,
who 1mm won many good races , and
"Annie Louise , " by ( ireneli. Thmoro are
also three colts , yearlings , all by Rider
All. Thmeso animals will ho taken west
to.morrow night by Mr. Armstrong. Time
Stamiford horses will not go omm for a day
or two , or until they are thoroughly
rested up. Their next stopping place
will be Ogden. Time keeper of these
horses expressed Imimsoif as mmmuchm Ilensod
at time comivoniencos of our Omnaima stables ,
Meeting of time Anti-Monopoly State
Oommmm itt cc ,
Time members of time Anti-Monopoly
State commmmitteo are hereby requested to
meet at time Arlington house , Lincohmi , sn
Friday , Oct. 10 , at 2 o'clock p. iii. , to
place iii nomination a candidate for Ito-
gent , vice John H. Amnea , witimdrawim ,
and to transact otimer immiportant busi.
lies. . J. Bumntows ,
Miinitov , Oct. 10 Chmairimman.
GreatMecting to Fixl'as.sengem' . Itotes
at Kamians city.
General Passenger Agent Morse and
General Ticket Agent. Stabbing , of time
Ummion Pacific , loft last ovormimmg for Kansan -
san City wimero timey will attend time nicet-
ilmg timoro to-day of the General Faa-
sommger and Ticket Agents of limo Califor-
nm lines. There wiil be present repro.
sontativos of time Northern , Southmorn and
Central Pacific roads , time B. & M. , D. &
It. 0. , A. T. & S. F. , A. & P. , T. & P. ,
and 0. H. & S. systoms.
. Time obccc of thus mnoeting is to estab.
imshm the division of the now rates on puma.
sengor business consequeimt upon the en-
trammce of time Northern Pacific. Time reduction -
duction in passenger business , if any are
made , will not ho largo.
connection with lids it aught be
mnontioned that Time St. Louis Globe.
Democrat speaks of Mr. Vining of the
Union Pmfic as a possible pool coummmmmis-
abhor for time California lines.
C , II. lovoy imas gone to Cimicago.
E. W. Nash loft for Salt Lake Sunday.
Sheriff Miller went out to Vatcrloo yester.
Marsimal Bierboiver has left time city for a
day or two.
Rout. .1 , 11. MeSimane caine in from time wcst
yesterday. -
Frank Kniglmt amid family womit cast Stun.
day night.
A. 11. Sander , of l'apiiiion , was mm Smmmulay
visitor to Omuaha ,
A , it. I'eringor and C. S. Lewis , of Central
City , , mro at the i'axton.
hlemmry Dohie , the 1)opumlar slice merchant
un. gone East to buy goods.
M. A. Gottstcin , of Idaho , I. iii time city ,
imavitig traveled mmoarly two thiommi.ammd . miles to
time Iiosezmborg'omnstoiim nuptial. .
Con. P. K Siokels , formnorlyChmhaf Engineer
of the Ummiomi Pacific was. amnommg time l ) ° 'On-
gors out yestertlay for Demmver.
ir. F'lelmarty , for a iommg time private secre.
tary to Governor Nauco , and ma. stucim well
known iii Oummahms , imas gone to Florida for his
Mr. E. 1 ; . Whitmoro , of thoopora house ,
hums returned from a jaunt to Chicago , ' 1mere
ito haul nothing lies. . than a royal good
Miss Mary Morgami , dmghmter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank C. Morgan , has resolved to be.
comas a mmienmbor of time order . ) f the Sacred
heart , and will take lime veil in St. LOUIS next
} 'rlday.
Cci , E. it. George , one of the beat caterers
in the \Vost lois taken charge of time Millard
dimming roomns tiuring time temporary absence of
Mr. Simears in the East. This is assurance
that the labia will ho kept titu to the standard ,
Mr. Ernest Oaldweih , time edItor of The
Press at Sioux } 'umlls , Dak. , Is in time city ens
little trip. Mr. CaIdweli vhll ho rocolleeteil
a. atm 01.1 mmemvspapor nmamm of Ommmaima , one of
the immcorporators of the 'Evoiming Time. "
lucre iii ' 08.9.
lamm Ii. W'hmeoior , Jr. , of Piumttsmmmoutlm. hums
gone limb partneri.ii. . lit tlii. city witim time 1mm.
surammco firam of Iiurtmnau & Sturges , nail coma-
macaced work yesterday. Mr. Wimeelom is
a graduate of the Nebraska imnivorsity , class
of ' 83 , amid is Possessed of fmmmo Inmsluess shill.
ties. Ito Is a woicommio adtiitlomm to the roll of
Oummaima's yoummg amen.
- - -
13. & M. Emigimmeors Coimirnomuco to Simr.
vey Li NOW Track.
Yostdrday a B. & liT. force of on-
gimiecra conmnmoimcod to survey a rou'.o for
a branch road from Boilovuc north to time
ground purchased by the English symidi.
cafe for limo now stock yards and th
town of Edinborougim. Time stock yards
company hiss desired that this track be
built to their property as soon as possible
and so the engineers are to see wluumt is
limo most practicnbio line. As Asaistant
Manager llohdrodge says , "There is sonic
pretty roughm country down there. "
Another scimeimmo , wimicim may be only a
rmmnior , but wimicim a Err : maim received
from jnsi(1e sources , was thmat time B. &
M. contemplates aim exit from Ommmahma
south over time hilts immatcad of umiomig time
river batik , meeting tue prcsemmt track
sommiowimero this side of La Platte , am aim
opduimig umado at time mouth of the little
l'appio. Ammy knowledge of this ma do.
mmied at headquarters lucre.
:11110 : Pftllie Oil the Unioll Pciflo Still
Qoiii Oil ,
Another Train Dommmohisiictl Sunday
Time number of wrecks andaccidommta on
time various roads timrougiiout time country
him of late been alarming , and time Umuiomm
Pacific is imaving its almaro of misimumpa
The amnoko from time iast burning timbers
gathered up from limo wreck at Carbomm
had scarcely died away when miows conies
of anotimor bad affair , tilts titmmo imoarer
Onumba. Time buihetimi board at time depot
tolograpim ofhico yesterday bore , umider
the head "trauma frommm time west , "
the simple legend "trains all late. "
The cause of this was aim accidomit
whmicim occurred Summday night to aim cast.
bouimd freight train between Gmlmoro amid
l'alillioii , near the scene of time old Paw-
mice fight. Of course mme particuinra could
be obtained of railway oflicials , but time
most reliable immfomummation was front an
outsider , amid probably is nearly cor
red.Time train vaa , it is stated , commmmg
down time grade near that point at alively
speed , whmoim sue "broke in two. " The
two brak emnemi wore at time forward end ,
with the ongimieer and the conductor was
in time caboose. The engineer seeing time
state of affairs startiid to imull away frommi
tue section which had broken loose , but
our infonmmant says time brakemen suppos.
iimg ho wamitod to stop , and that time roar
end would be checked on time lull set the
brakes and brouglmt time Iraimu to a stand.
At timis juncture time rear section camno
down emi tiiemn and plunged into them
with terrible force , ditching or denmolish.
ing moro or loss , fourtoomi cars , mostly
.oadod with grain.
Happily mimic were reported as injured
so hunt time worst consequences of the
wreck wore the delay occasioned in clear-
ingoff the track to allow otlmer trains to
got by , which was not accomplished until
nearly noon ycsterdaywhmomi time ovorlaud
train , No. 2 , got by and brougimt her pm.
songora in about four hours late.
A prominomit gemitlenman at time depot ,
waiting to goVestsaid ton reporter "Timo
people arc beginning to kick about this
thing. Wo don't know wimemi we get on
a train how whether we will over got
through or not. "
Of course time majority of accidents
nowadays are attributed to time fact that
most of the cuows have had short experi-
mice amid that thmo general massacre of time
old force of conductors is in a large
p'trt responsible for the heavy losses sus
tamed amnco timat occmmrrence. Be that as
it ; may , timers are certainly catastrophes
enough to cause mammy to sigh for time return -
turn of time day when time ox-cart was , if
slow , a safe nieamms of gettimmg across time
A Noted Social Event % Viuichm Occur.
red Stmnday Evoiming ,
A few days ago handsome imivitations
wore issued announcing the forthcoming
nuptial. of Miss Annie Bernstein , eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Bernstein ,
of liii. city , to Mr. Natiuimmi Rosenberg of
New York City.
In response to these cards a large gatim-
ering of friends took place Sunday night at
the hail of the Swedish Libra-
' 7 associatiomi in Lytlo block ,
where time cerommmony was performed at 5
o'clock , Rabbi H. Adoinian , of Des
Moimics , ofiiciat'mmmg.
Time bride is a beautiful young womami ,
and looked very charming iii her dross of
crusimed strawberry silk , trimnnied heavily
with time finest lace. She also wore a
long lace veil amid a wreath of oraumgo
blossom. , while dinmuonds glittered fromn
ear-drops , broochi amid riimgagivcmm her as a
bridalgiftbythio groom. Mr.ltosoimberg is
a prosperous mnorchmamitof Now York City ,
a young imman who immmprcssea one niost fum.
vorably from the first.
Time ceromommy was after time most rigid
style of time Jowishi code , amid was perhaps
hover before performed iii time city. The
bride's sister , Miss ltachmaol Berzmstoimm ,
was hmer attendant , while Mr. Isaac 511.
voratoin , of St. Joe , performed a Bimnhlar
duty for time groom.
Following time ceremony was a
magnificent supper at time Bermistoin rca-
mdemmce emi Captoi avommuewhere the bridal
gifts were , displayed.
After the supper and commgratmmlations
'were ' over time party again proceeded to
the hall , where damicmmmg followed , the
Musical Union orchestra being engaged
for the occasion , amid time night passed
iii the most enjoyable mammmmor. It was
cortaimmly one of time moat notable wed.
dings over soloimimmizod in this city. We
give below a list of time prosomita , wim'mcim
we vommturo to say is seldom the lot of
mummy young brides to receive :
A. Lioberniaun , silver wine set ; 0 ,
Webster , Now York , hmandsonme gold
ring ; L. Rosenberg , Chicago , half dozoum
fume wimito skirts ; Jacob Meyer , Chicago ,
set silverware ; Chmicago llutllimmg Commmpa-
ny , sot lace bed spreads timid simamims ; Boa-
tomi Store , lovely Dolmnamm ; Baifold Bros. ,
Cimicago , sat'mmm doimimamu ; S. Bernstein ,
$1,000 cash amni. $450 set furniture amid
carpets ; groommi , pair mmimmgmmificont dianmoumd
car.rimmgs , diamnommd ring , plaimi gold rimmg ;
II. Spigol , sot silvoruvaro ; Mrs. Gott.
stemmi , Ics Moines , silver cup ;
Mr. and Mrs. C , W. Edgertomi , silver but-
tom , dish ; T. A. Spothmmmmanmm , silver cake
basket ; Mrs. B , ( iottstoimm , silver vase ;
Me , timid Mrs. 14. 11 , Wrighmt , silver salver -
vor ; yelvot amid plate giasa toilet mirror ,
Julius SUmmon , Des Moimmea ; Mr. amid Mrs.
Tanmud , silyor , gold liumed , cake basket ;
elommy ) case , Mr. amid Mrs. T. Bricrsdorf ,
Chicago ; lovely pair tidies , Miss
Heckle , Ilasseim ; silver mmapkimm rimmgs ,
Miss Racimaul Berimatoin ; Mr. 1. . .
Ham-na , Coummeil Bluthim , cbegammt
cabinet toilet set ; Mrs , 5 , Lewis , Des
Moimius , silver smstor ; Marsimai , Field &
Co. , Chicago , eiogammt black silk dress
Iattonm ; ? .Ir. Itosanman , Chicago , silver
wiumo sotB. ; J.tte1souiCidcagobeautifu1
- -
H- - -
' \ _ _ _ i l
L1LiilA ! 1
: for Infants and Children. .
CritorInproimmot cM Dlgestlomm
I and overcommies [ "latuleumey , Uciustipa-
tiorm , Sommr Stomach , Diarrimcva , amid
Feverishness , It Imisum-es iieaithm mmd
natural sleep , without zuorpliltie.
I' Cimataria is so well adapted to Chmhidrrn that
I rccommmmend ft as superior to any prcscrlpUon
kaown to mo. " II. A. ARChER , itt. P. ,
a'rotland Awe. , Ilrixiklyn , N. Y.
9 ,
What gives our ChIllren rosy cimoeks ,
Wimat cures their fevers , makes thorn steep ;
'TI. Castnr , , .
W hen habits fret and cry by turns ,
What cures their cello , kilts their worms ,
htmL Ciiatorln.
\lmat quickly cureq Constipation ,
Sour Stonacim , Colds , Indigestion ,
] mut Cestoria.
Farewell timen to Morphine Synmps ,
Castor Oil and I'aregurlc , anditali
itali Cntorint
CENTAUR LINIME1T-an absolute euro for Ithouma-
tlsmnSpraimis , Ilurums , Ga.ll8 , &c. Tue most Powerful and ionc-
trating l'ain-rcliovlng and Healing Reimiedy known to man.
: iijuv.ij
The Product of American Industry !
Full assortment constantly on Hand and for sale by
- - HENRY P1IURMAN , Premont , Neb ,
vimie colored silk dress pattern and pair
silver canalesticks ; 0. B. Nowbergor.
Chicago , toilet bracket ; Mr. Bienedorif ,
pair beautiful chairs ; Haromi & Co. , Chi-
cairo , pair gold bracelets ; D. omonski ,
half dozen exquisite chemise ; Th J.
Abram. , one Laumgtry rattan cimair ammd
one corner obommy bracket ; Eagle Ice Co. ,
Chicago , set pillow shams ; J. M. Graves ,
Chicago , timrco fine table cloths amid three
bed spreads.
The happy cxiuplo will remain a few
days imi Onmaima amid then go to New York
City will be their future hionme.
Time Independent Order of Odd Vol.
ow. Comivemmo in Oumiaha This
The Grand Lodge of the Independent
Order of Odd Follows of the State of
Nebraska will convene in this city next
Wednesday for a session of three days ,
time place of meetimig to be in Odd Fellows
hall , corner of Dodge and Fourteenth
Iii addition to a full attendance of rep.
resentatives ; the presence of a large num-
bar of oxcursionista on Thursday , thu
second day of the session , is anticipated.
On that day a dinner will be provided at
Masonic hail for all non-resident Odd
Follows. In the afternoon a parade will
take place , and in the evening a grand
ball will be given at Croumiso's ball , in
Honor of the Gramid Lodge. Evening
refreshments will be served at Masonic
The following are time committees imi
charge :
General Committce.-.T. VT. Nichols , Chair.
man ; F. B. Bryant Secretary and Treasurer ;
K Stulit Silas Wright G. Strifhior , If. Oat-
hoff , T. tn1tlm , T. G. hiff , M. Samimpaon Dr.
A. S. Billings , It. E. Livesey , M. H. f5arlo.
ton , J , L. Marble , Mesdanmes S. Wriglmt , .J.
B.Vest , E. Stuiut , H. Livosey , M. H. Carlo-
tm.Day Reception Comnmnittoo mit Masonic Hall
-Johmn Evamms , G. Strifhler , S. B. Livermore ,
N. B. Helium , F. M. Woohoy , M. Samnpson D.
St. Geyor , Mesdames Livesey , West , .Joruian ,
Carleton 1)avis , Foster Olsen , Nelson , Gabbier -
bier , Stuimt , Ses.ommtnn , amnpson Staloy.
Evemmimmg iteceptiomu Comuimmittea at Crounso's
IialI.A. D , Jones , Dr. Joseph Novillim Max
Meyer , H. O8thmOlf , T. .1. Staloy , Mrs. S.
Wright , Miss A. E. Bean , Mesdames B. Ed.
imolm , F. Id. Wooioy , E. L. ArummBtrong.
Floor Comzmmnittee.-F. B. Bryant , T. G.
Cliff , 11. E. Livesoy , II. Boilim , ilai Wrlgimt.
Ticket Commmnujttco.-E. Stuimt , P. Coos , 11.
Chief . . . .
Mnrsimal.--.T. Nichols.
A.ssistmmnts.-ltemmry . Ilolimi , D , llartsorm , A.
S. Ilillings.
From limo latest report of the Grand
Lodge , Jammuary 30Gm , 1882 , we collect
time following facts : Eleven mmow lodges
wore orgammized durimmg time year , nmakmmig
a total of mminoty.cight workmmmg lodges in
thm'ma State at that date , witim a membership -
ship of about 5000.
Receipts for time year 1881-2 were over
$ ; 0oo0.
Besides time ninety-eight subordinate
lodges timero are nineteen Itobekab Do'
gree Lodges , one Gramid Eneampmoxmt ,
and thirteen Subordinate Encampments.
In liii. city there are four subordinate
hodges , one degree lodge , one Robokahi
dogroc lodge , and one encampment.
The event of Wednesday will be an
mm ottamit one both for time organization
an time city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, WI. N
. .
' .
Absolutely Pure.
Thu powder neer varies , A mimi of purity ,
BtentIu , .nd ' holcsomasmme.a. Moru economical thiumm
th. ordinary mmud. . and caumnot be sold iacwUUce
iththewumt.liudc of low is.t , short weIght , alum or
Phoiphats pesdtL Bold oaly Ia caum. . Eos1 Eat.
tauc 1 owder Co. , 106 tsIi Btzcst Kcw York.
SpOc1a1s will Positively not be Inserted f
unless Daid in aavance.
- -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
- -
- -
- - -
TANTED-A first class b5rbtr at Koarney. Net , .
y y by Ed. Gains. I pay iS per week. sos.o
-Sf % TAN'rEI-mmeliahmo girt or womam , to do uuerk 1mm
small family. No.cimmmdrum , 1014 howard strett.
307-161 mis. wimci.
1ITANTED-LaJy agents to sell the bcst selling ;
I V line of Ladles and chmmdren's goods ever offer-
oil. Sales made 1mm every house as fast as agents nun
how the goods. Agents arc makimmg 'Ice a month.
Address , itt ! atamimp , t. . U. Si. Co. , t South May St. ,
Chicago , Ill. 30.1m
1VAI'ITED-A good tinner at once , mut be corn-
V V mueterutand trustworthy. AddressM. F. Mahin ,
Steila Ncb.
B EICKLAYEftS WANTED-At Yankton , Dakota.
Four good brickiayors. Vage. $5 per week umarl
orkasiongasynuther will permit. Come or address -
dress WE. B. VALENTINE ,
21m-m6 Yaakten , Dak.
TANTED-1miunmcdiatcmy , a good tinmurr iy Itock-
yr well and Sons , Blair ycb. 270.18
7ANTED-Lady agents for the "Queen Protect.
V V or.A now under garment for iadiee , made of
.oft , fexiblo rubber. Sur. , protection to the underwear -
wear , when necessary to be worn. Retails for 2OO
a. feat as aZents can show IL large profits. Address
withstamp , "LedTh , ' Uundergarmemmt Maautacturlag
Co.Io. 8 } day.troet , Chigo , I. 796.3mn
1TANTED-A NEWSPAPER.- ! desire to pur
V S chase a Icpub1ican aeweesper in some thriving
county scat iii cistern or C.tmtral Nobr&.k , , Ad-
tire , , , t.i.timmg ternus and Sum ! pirticutan , in regard to
pitronage , outfit , competition. cit.
JAMES noon , I'
3OO.2O Mankato , Mien. ' -
. a
UTANTED-To , rent or exchange , Nobraka lani ,
5 1 for a good paying ilotel. Wor particulars ad-
dies , Wun. M. Central City Nob. r. 0. box 29.
IOfl . SALE IMMF.lIATELY-Fine horue , an ex-
_ L. ' ocilent half arabiaumare 6yearso1d , guarmumutced
sotmnd , Slime color , wemitramned as a buggy and .
horse , also for a gentleman's or tadies . riding horse ,
very cheap , csi. Addre " 5' . Ii. 0. ' hays , Vamuh.
Co. , Neb. 200-mat
S TORE k'Olt t3ALE-ConItin of confuctioncry ,
Fruits and Fancy Notions. Amso fixed for lies-
taurant. Good cellar amid well. Buimding SOaB ? , one
story. Doing a good busmtmesa. Cause of .aia , want
to go out of bu.lnosm , . Address
700-Im' 0. E. COREY , Oakland , Neb.
r'omu ' 1tENT OIL SALE-Stcro building cor. 0th and
.5i i'icrco St. Good building forgroceryor Butcher
shop. 831.Imo
EOli RENT-liceldoncos and storobutidings. BED.
U FORD & SOUEB , Real Estate Agency. Oltico
cast , Icia 14th troot , between Farnam amid Douglas
streets. 7D-t
1 'o1i 1umcsT-To floor. and basement. Elevator
ii attached. iio7 Famam street. 270-U
i ; uolt SALE-aS head Imorsc , wagone , buggici and
11 imarnessammd , tamjmes for rent at Emnitrant utabic ,
Coining St. (7. DEIIW1N. 312 O
mu CLOSI OIJT-Weatern house , cot. i4tIu anti
1. Jackson etrects. C1IAS. 1)UUOIIEIITY.
Felt SALE-liotno B roons , ono.half lot , incteg
Jefferson .imuare , $4,200.
house B r000u , , near 17th sod Cars. . 2CCO , t&s
down , balance O2A , er month ,
Lot Soxise , close to tom , , E1tOO. Bargains.
.4 Oh SALE-A good dweimlmmg house of S rooia and
summoner kitchen No. 1818 Burt street , aic will
take lmcu or. pruxmLses October mmdli miss , a o'clock
p. ma.
Tit HALE CHEAP-Fine frey IIound Imiqulr.
_ U at O I' . Mumdoon'e bmackanlum shop , 13th sod
Leavenworth .trcet. 233-ti
t'omt ; 5ALt-A soconmi tmaruui "Amenoo , ' bute.&g
J ifacIiliioerychea1 , InqulresiJeeoillce.
- ; gs.- J
1011 BALE-Twoportabioboiiovs , iOboreopower.
_ U Apply at I B. VZflI'ATitICE.
B5 tf 218 South lath Street.
-i-'omt SALE-A house and lot .5 a .aczeOce. J. I.
.1 : ' Marble , 2i7 N. 15th St. 023-ti
-T-'Oil LEASE-Four cluck. Iota ot Wth St. , long
.J Urns , 2i7 N , iCth St. J. L. ILuble. 025-U
.I'oa SALE-GOOd buatno. ctanesa N Oil N. t0t
.11 .treet. J. L. MA1IIILE.
'v-ton BALM-At abargain , I mumail ifoeIer,5ajjmn .
_ I and Co's flee proo safe. laquire it thu 00cr.
.T-OlL BALE-A Ores claM ascend band top buggy.
1' Csiiat1B11Iarnay.treet.
-f-uoIt BALE-Iteshlonos and business property In
_ L1 an parts of Ommusims , sad Farm Land. in all parq
of the t&te. BEDI'OlmD & soumat , 213 8. 14th Ot. bet. F&urnanm and Doula.e.
-I-'oR SALE on EXCIIANaE-ymi lot and three
U dwellings corner of 11th and I'aciflo strest. .
Ziloo lots tim south Omaha. ALso 160 acre. of land
near Santeu , Nebraska , and building and ajock o
clothing No. 804 Tenth street. Will exchange for
ULtimatA farm lands. Further paflicubri at Gee.
U. Peterson' . Clothing Store , 504 Tenth street.
1oiL SALE-Die newspapers mu iar an small
.1. quantities st this otEco. U
'r ° TIlE L.tliES-Miue. , / , , & B. EcYarun , Fash.
.1. ionablo 1)mcssmal.irmg , iSi Isauglasatreet. Even.
icr dresses a aivciaIty. 310 201
S TI1AYEDFroum iremnic , about Octoher 0th a
red cow will. , luite spot. em , face and imind Icc. .
Finder .ill be rewarded by returning her to N. E.
corner 10th and D.uenport. 2ta.lii
.tLWT 303 Teeth street , between Ysresun and 1hz
cey , wIU , with tim. aid of guardisa spirIts , obtain Ia
501 on.sglaceoftb pest stud pvsezmt , .nd 0
eeftaIaecnEUommslath.futu. BOa hand Sb )
maid. so esder , Psi sa safluIac guazaatt1.
. , . _
- . . ' "