Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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t ! DR. H. WAGNER ,
I \ &
1Tlngben know1edi * fldtflOFO O at th d&y
, p thin r.ny other. Th DJt fiell of meikaI cence le
ever IneteaIn , n4 It fltmrou , btanchei ire
brought rieirer end neirer to trfctIon , in4
i r one mu cn an loncr grip them All
flencoth , nec4ty torlvlIIn.C ( the1bor. Jnd1tle
: true beyrid ill doubt that dleese , iffoctln the gen
lto-urInry or&n , flee4 ipedl itudy more thin any.
thing elqo , If we would underetd cud know how
treAt them propcrl , .
flIl. 11. SYAt.lNtlt l fully ftWate that there at ,
many phpldanq , anl come ecneble l'P' . " ° will
ondom him forinalln thliC1Ai of leao a epe.
suit ; , but licL happy to knox thit with wwt per.
gen of reilnenient anti tiitellience n enlightcn.
eti ' . 1en I , thken of the aubjed , neil that the Phyelc.
fin who devote , blinqeif to retlTln the itfllctet and
vllng them trout wara thti death , le no lcq a phi
lAnthropt and benefactor to hli race luau the eur
geoti or lthyslclti who by vIoo application etccie in
fttI7 nthrr branch othle jirofealon. And fortunatci
or hunlAnhty , the day I , davtilng when the tale. i'
nnthrophy that coiidemnorl the icthne of folly or
riiue , lika the ieIiz , Uudcr the JewLIi law , to rile
llnired for hna laed away.
A Few Reasons
Why yeu enld tiy the oeebrate4 ) Dr. ii. Wagier' .
etho.Ie of euro :
2. i'D : . II. Waguer I. . a natirral phylclan. "
0. 13 , Fowtza ,
The Oreateet Urlog I'hreoologtt.
HFew can eleel yoi U a doctor. "
Da. .7. Stinre ,
The W.rld' . Oreatut Phyilogoonilet.
3 , "Ton are wondeCfuliy profidentlnjour knowl.
edge of dlMae and modlelne& "
Dir. J. ) .Lai-rnawa.
4. "Tb. aLctod iid ycady reBel In your pres.
coca. " Di. .1. SIMMe.
L "Dr. U. Wagner I. a regular graduate horn
e1lere lloplt.iI , New York city ; has had , ery 1.
tenelie hopltA practke , and Is thoroughly voeted .n
iU brwthe of his beloved eclenee , especially on
shronie die. . . . . .
Des. BaOWiLL Ewiae.
I. "Dr. If. Wagner haj. lrnrnorttlled b
k1 wonderful dlaeoreiy of .i.clHo remodlee fir pe
yate and aelial dus.aaoe.-ttrglnl& City Chronic ! . .
4 s- . "Thouaand. of Inralid. hock to see Irn.-S.
Frti.clso Chronic , .
. Th. Doctor' . ko ezperhnoo aza.peclallM
should rendet lilia Tery uucce.afuL"-Ilooky Moon.
tam New.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At sue time a dIr.csaIon of the ceceet tics was .
tirelyavoldid by the and merikal work. 01
but a few ysare .4o would kardly meotlo. it.
To-day the phyaielan Is of a different opinion ; he ii
aware that it is hi. duty-dIsagreeable thoujh It
&y bo.-to bandie thl matter withoit gl.vee and
peak Zal.l- about 1t and Intelligent and
: os.rUa12r , will think hCr for doing en.
The resnlM att.oU1n thu eotructlve ide. wers fir.
etly a.t und.nW.d. or not properly .tlrnated and
10 importane. being attached to a eubJeci WMCk by
its nacar. do. . alt inILe close lnuUget. ' , It wu
wIlll.gly iWia of , , ! .
The habit Is generally contracted by th. y.un
, etllo attending ichool ; older companion. throng
their eraniple , r.ay be reiponeible fir It , er ii may b.
aoqnirod thrnigi .ocldenl. The .iclteet once ci
pr1eicei , the irictici will be repeated again and
_ , nat l itt. . ! lb. habit bocorne. flrrn and
pletely oalayis the , ictlra. Menta' and neeou , , f.
$ IcUoni are ItwsZly the prlaiary revalt. of eelf.abuae.
Arnei th. inJuiom elect. rosy be mentioned less ! .
tude , Iej.etloa or 1rras.lbU1ty of temper and general
chllIty. Tb. boy .oeks secleslon , and rarely joii.i
Iti the , poe Cf hi. cornpanlon& If hi be a young
pine h wfli be lltti. found in cspany with the other
lox , and is eubled with exooedlng and annoying
beshfoleees In thalt presence. Lascivious dreams ,
jsg1oii aud erupttoni on the face , alno
pronilnost eyaptomL
If the pracks I. , lolenUy pemiated in , more iertous
dl4urbese. tab. pLace. Ores ! palplttlon oh the
k.ei.rt , or epileptic convulelon , , are orperlenced , and
fihe eufferer alay fall intA a complete eLate of Idiocy be.
fe , Ilnhllydeath relloyro him.
To all tboee engage4 in thIs dangerou. , practice , I
would say. ftrit of all , itop It at once ; make every
po.s.lble ffoi to do an ; but If you fall , if your nervou ,
.ysbem Is iJre.Ay too much ahattered , and conee
quently , y.uT will.iower broken , take eonle nerve
tonictoaki youLa youretort. liivlragfreed yourvelf
from the habit , I would further counsel 'you to go
through a regular course of treatment , for It I. a great
ailstako toanpi.o. . thatany one may , for come time ,
, b a t every in Uttle give hlniself 'Ui , to thia fascinating
but dangerous excitement without euliering from its
evil conaequence. at eomo future time. 'The number
of young men wk , , are incapaciatod to flfl tIm dutlea
, . enjoined by wedlock is alarmingly large , and lii moot
J. Cf such tnve , . this unfortunate condition of thlnge can
, . I ho trace4 to the prctlce of aelf.abuso , which had been
abandoned yrara ago. Indeed , a few months' practice
f thl habit i eufclent to Immmluco epurmnatorrhra In
t , inter yeareand I lmae ninny of euch ca.oe. under treat
h .entatth.pre.entday.
1 ; Young Mcii
mm ay be euffering from the effectq of youthful
follIes or indivcretloris will do well to aall themsolree
f this , the greatest boon e'.cr laid at the altar of , uf
tnrthglmumanlty. Da. WAONZa willguaranico to for.
felt $ OO for every case of iemina.l weakness or private
' dIAeaJrn of any kind and clmaracter1whlch hounder.
71 .h
Middle Aged Ion.
There irs many at the age of 90 to O who are
troubled with too frequent evacuation , oh the blad.
, er , often aconrsianle'i by a .iIlrt emarting or burn.
( tog .eeneatlon , and a weakening of the eyatem in a
noanrier the i4tleni nsnot account for. Oil examln.
big the urinary , Iepoeiti a rely sediment will often be
. found , and enmetinmee smialI iarticle of albumen wlU
) alpeaz , or the color will be of thin inllkieb hue , aaln
s elonJ.lug to adark aniltorpid appearance. Therim are
many meny nun who dIe of thIs dlmculty , Ignorant of
the cause , which I. the , ecomnl etago of einIijal.scalc.
nc4e. Dr. W. will guarantee a icriect cure in oh cases
and a healthy roeturatlon of the gcnito.urluary or.
Coneultatlon free. Thorough examination and ad.
vice , $5.
All communIcatIon. .houhi ho addrevqed , Dr. henry
Henry Wrgmier , I' . 0. 239 , Denver , Colorado.
'i'ho Young Man' . Pocket Companion , by Ir. hi
Wagner , Is worth its weIght ii. gull to young men.
t'rlc , , $1,5. Sent by mail to any addreor.
Let Zour Light Shine.
l .
' Dr. Wagner , the celebrate. ! specialist , of Denver ,
. 0010. , SIS t.artmncr etreet , believes In letting thoworld
know u hat lie can , lo , antI l doing for thoumajl , of
his fellowmnen. Ills treatrimeirt for Im ! ii
euro to win him a name that joterity oct11 blosi. Ten
thousanil tsstlmonIals horn all over tire ( Jolted Statee
( ruin these lie has cured , Is Iroof PositIve that hodoce
our , the euret case , of tieo ) diseases. Thu aflhlcted
from chronic antI sexual dlsenes of every Idrid will
find him their h ot friend. herd his whertlseineritln
all our cIty lepers , and mu on him for advIce , as we
knowyou will corroborate u lii sayIng ho Is the euf
ferer' . true frlend.-tocky MouunIn News ,
Relief to the Afflicted.
- fir medtcrncs , a. In icience , time epocialiets are the
ones who alwaya conies to the front and mwcurnplIsl
great resulte. 'ibis remark I. esioclally ap1Ilcablu tote
to Dr. U. Wagner , of tub city. Ito stanls at the Lop
of lislrofcsolott , amid the cures ho perforni for the
, .4 , i.-siis.Jt' . unfortunatM would .com , , wonderful if riot proimerly
F' viewed in tholiglitof ircientillo aoiulremnent& Ito I.
' endorsed by thu DINt eminent of the medical faculty.
Ills oIIIce at 313 Laratnlr street , where ho will epeucll.
il3 olhecta curu for the eulTurlng of either eox , no rnat
a tsw how complicated their comamilcrmt.-i'omcroye )
Chronic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
Pcraon.nt a distance who wiTh tobo treated by Dr.
Wagner nrvd not heel backward becauvo of inability
to bit him. If they lll w' to the doctor lie will
acrid a list of 1ue'tiosm , who nables hIm to eeimd
medicines , couneel anti to tliousauclo ho hal
uoer ecen. lie has i' in 000ry city , town arid
itotlon In Colorailc aohl as all over the UnIte
Htate4. 14c0 hI. ad xi his adyertisoment.-Dczi
Tee Tribune.
Shall We Reform ?
Speetilo remedies for all diseases I. th3 theory
practice it IreseIit of educated end experience
phyelclani. end In all large communitlei. they habi
their pcialtie. . to extol in which they dIrect theli
, .tutiloo arid practice. Dr. Wapier I. a inoocasful II
lustration of thu modern school of epecialties. mod hli
unpreoedentd encore. In the treatment of prisati
discasca Is as wonderful a it 1 llatturing.-Prof. J ,
Those who need medIcal relIef for the moel
delicate of dlseasco wiliflud an iyrnpllelii and auo
tearful ihyalcia.n In the lereorl of Dr. Wagner. Na
1543 lArlruer eteest , s ho Ic highly rocomnuwirded by tb
irmeitlcal profession at borne And aboard.-loinuroyi
Iomnocrat. Bigotry and ignorancu best glie way t4
v.-Iedomn and the 1e 1hyaldan belletti. In letting hI
lIght shine fox the glory of hI. fellow rum. Prlmrter'
ink l the forth he cnn bust use to guide the wear
arid elek one to the fountain of health lb this . artict
alroull be bietrumneutal as a "TOiChItli iii. ' art up
coabtfl to guide eufferthg humanity 10315 Larime
street , Lcnver , Colorado , it will iaser the vurio
tirr which It was wrItten. Addresa
P. 0. bos or caU at 13 Larimer litreet ,
Denver , Cob.
rfte'd the ocuIz2 headed Th0 Necesolty for th
$ pIall , '
Itcal EetMo Tranafarg.
The fo11osing deed voro flied for ro.
cord In tito recorder's oflico , October
14 , reported for the lba by P. J. Mc.
MflhiObh , real estate aoItt :
i'oter Johnson to Ncrwak township ,
pnr nw 8 , 76 , 4-$2i.OO.
Atiguet lUopp'llhg to NorwMk towllship ,
part sv 15 , 76 , 42-$35.OO.
\v , It. Vaughtin to F. J. Day , lots 10
aiitl 11 , block 83 , Ferry atld-$10.00.
J. 0 Sargciit to A. , J. Lewis , 50 ,
origiiial plat-$420.00.
Total sales , .ttI0.00.
CouNciL 111.UFFS , October 15 , 1888.
E. B. Cratidall to , lniio It , CrandnI ,
lot 1 , b1oc1 13 , Stutsiiutti's ' 2d nth1-200.
B. L. Upsoii to Martha , J. Jncksoii ,
awk 8O 15 77 , 52-$720.
'rilollias IhWfllrill , Athnr. to Josiah
Daiiforth , lot 4 , block 10 , Gthnes' add-
Lticy M. Far to 7.1. Norman , lot.s 11
nun 12 , block 2 , Stnttnman's 2J. add.-
B. L. Upeon to Olirer S. Lain , nwl
sok , 15 , 7' , 42-4500.
.F'ratik Frorer to Robert McElratta , e
ooj , 13 , 74,42-41,000.
0. 1' . Mace to E. A. GaEusha , ne ee
10 , 74 , 89-41.
J05011h PiersOll to J. F. llincapart se
.e.f , 2 , 74 , 38-450.
Mary E. Voght to W. F. Wright , wr
nek , 22 , 76 , 40-$2,500.
51. C. McCalIa to Robert J. Edwardo ,
BW , 30 , 74. 89-40,000.
Sarah J. Caughey to E. B. Crandall ,
part. iioI , awL 31 , 75 , 43-$500.
Total anlo. , p11,881.
Oftiolal CIaIOYUI.
The board of supcrvteors concned yes.
torday for the purpose of making an olli-
cml canvas of the roturne of the recent
election. Tim official canvas ehowe that
there were 7073 'votoo cast , which indi
catea that there was a very large vote
polled outaido of thua city , as there wa a
very light vote polled in the dlfferont
wards in thia city. Below will be founri
the official vote :
Governor-Sherman , 3,028 ; Rhino ,
a,378. Sherman's rnajoity 250.
Supreme Judge-Reed , 3,41 , Uayes ,
3,356. Reed'e ' majority p85.
Senator-Carson , 3,583 ; Gronoweg ,
3,470. Canon's majority 113.
itepreeoutativee - Clayton , 3,662 ;
Holinni , 3,304. Claytisn'i majority over
Holmes - . Davis , 3,745 ; Cramer ,
8,339. Davis' majority over Cramer 406.
Auditor-Kirkland , 4,094 ; Crow , 2- ,
950. Kirkland'i majority 1,144.
Treaaurer - Bennett , 3,737 ; Cooper ,
3,328. Benott'a majority 410.
Sheriff-Guiltar , 8,814 ; Lucae , 3,223.
Guiltar's majority 586.
SurveyorToetivon , 8,818 ; Judson ,
3,170. Toativerfa majority 642.
Superintendent of Public Schools-
Mathews , 3,818 ; Rough , 3,223. Mathow'a
majority 595.
C.roner-Connoll , 3,734 ; Waltere , 3 , .
314. Connell's majority 420.
Superviaor-Phillips , 3,508 ; Graham ,
3,523. Graham's majority 15.
Clayton 3,400. Itislitoit 3,526 ; lUsh-
ton's majority , 120.
The herd lav was carried by a large
it 'will be seen by the above that the
Republicans have carried the entire
ticket with the single exception of two
members of the Boarti of Supervisors-
Messrs. Graham and ltiahton. This will
give the entire ariageinent of the couxi-
ty business to the Democrats , and tune
elono can tell how well they will fulfill
the trust iInp000d upon them.
Missouri V&lbcy Corre.podencc ,
MISSOURt V.&LLBY , Ia. , Cctobor 15.-
The new Masonic temple in this place is
rapidly being pushed to completion.
Cheney'a new hotel , nearly completed ,
will be one of the finest in Western
The Dem.orate of thu vicinity are to
have a grand ratification meeting here tonight -
night , as this county ( Harrison ) went
solid Democratic on the local ticket.
S. Altachuier , one of ocr live merchants -
chants , is in Chicago on builnees.
The city schools are progresailig finely
under the present corps of teacher. .
Tire now railroad bridge at this place
is rapidJy nearing completion. It will be
a great accommodation to the travelling
public , as at precent the ferry boats have
to run up mid dowis stream to turn
around , anti ofteit run onto a sand bar.
flatiron tei the Slouch ,
The talk now is that Judge Louf-
bourow , of thio Circuit Court , will be
promoted to the bench of the District
Court irlieui it is vacated by Judge Reed ,
who has leOfl called to the Supreme
bench by the votes of the people. For
Use positioii floW occupied by Judge
LOUfbOUPOW there are only three canS
didates in Council Bluffs , so far as heard
from. Capt. Ilaight , the present county
attorney , N. M. Pusey and M S. Mayzie.
Tim BiE would not like to be called
UpOn to ( leCido between these aspiralits.
I COltLlttJdROLAIi.l
Wheat-No. 2 spuing , 7Cc ; No. 3 , 63o ; to.
joctod , bOo ; good dornnnd.
Coril-DoaIerH are payIng 3132c ; rejected
corn , Chicago , 4Oj51c ; now mnixoil , dOe ; white
cot ! , , SOc ; tire rocolpts of corn are light.
Oats-lit good demand at 2Oc ,
llmry-.i 00G ( 00 tori ; soc ier bale.
] tyu-lOo ; light supply.
Corn Srenll 23 100 poundo.
Wood-Good supply ; irlcus at yards , is oo@
Coal-Dohitrered , hard , 11 00 per ton ; soft ,
5 50 pr tOfl.
Butter-Plenty and In . fair demand at 25e ;
creamery SOc. '
Eggiu-leaily sale at 15c vcr dozen.
Larul-b'airbanlc's , wholesaling at lie ,
i'oultry-iirm ; tlealcro are paying for
chlclouis ICc ; live , 2 ro 11cr dozen ,
Vegetables-l'otatooo , 50c ; onions , SOn ; cab.
bages , 30j40e ( her dozen ; apples , 3 501 00
per barrel
Flour-City flour , 1 G03 40 ,
Brooumia-2 00@3 00 iOF uloz.
Cattle-S 00@3 50 ; calves , S 007 50.
lingo-Market for longs quInt , au the pack.
log houaed'aro closed ; shippers are iuaylng 4 OC
® 4 75.
; A Letter U , a Soldier In the Con
, . . letlorato AVIIIy Just Iteclevea
On the 21st of June , 1864 , a youn
lady residing in Frankfort , ICy. , sent x
letter addrtutaed to Lieutenant J. IC. I'
South , Company 0 , Fifth KontuckX ! n
: fantry , Lewis Brigade , Wheeler's Divis
ion , which w forwarded but never re
coivcd by Mr. South. After the war
I letter came into the possession of thu
C Rev. B. 0 , Guorraut , of Mount Sterling
who placed it in a box with a number o
other mementoes of hi. comrades of thu
"lost cause , " where it is waa diacovere
C by Mr , W. F. Haven , editor of Thu
Mount Sterling Sentinel , who forwarded
tIm lon.inissing letter to Mr. South ,
who recolvel it one day last week. The
fair writer at the titno she wreto the let-
for was tim betrotheti of Mr. South , but
is long since niarried to another lush ,
slid blow resides in Louisville. L'teuten.
( tIlt South is ( ho llflpp3' father of a falully
residing iii Ileadillg P01111 , ? ur. South
illtObbtlS to 8011(1 the loiw.scaled letter at-
tei' lie reads the contents , to the lady as a
ronhilutlot of their former frieuidehuip.
Eirs nou 1)l.fl.
The Actors's GrIef' lbr flue Splctttlkl ,
Intelligent , Ltvluig Aititual.
ew York Tinuc , .
Many people vhto saw tr. Joseph IC.
Embunit. ill ' 'Fritz anong tim aypsics , "
will rolnolulber the aplelldkl , rough.coated
St. Bernard dog that playeti a part with
so touch intelligeiucc. This remarkable
aiiiimial died mat , ltoiuday , front the etreet
of wounds iii his imitestiies ( caused by two
sharp bones whiiclt ho 1usd swallowed ,
ills uiabno was llayartl , Jr. , anti ho
PtIrclIaSetl by Mr. Euimiet for his wife at
the boiucli show in this city itoarly three
years ago. lie wm one of the largest
dhge iii existence , if not the largest. lie
stood 84 inches high at the shoulder , was
7 feet bug anti niessured 13 incites front
the toji of hi ! head to the Point of hi.
11050. Mr. Eiuiniet said last itight
that no nouioy could have bought the
aninial. lie woult not have sold liitu for
lie took the animal away from his
ouuiier and to the matinee at the Grand
opera.hiouso , where ho was playing. "I
took hibui into iity dressing-rioln nun said
'Lie dowiu. ' lie lay down iii the corner ,
and 1 loft my rife to make friondi with
hl'Ilfl , I found her lying with lierdead on
his zieck when I returned. Ho afterward
seemed to regard her as his charge , and
always took care of her when I away.
lie would never leave her ido iiUih
Caluie , and then he would resign lii.
charge. One evening she was eutThring
from neuralia , and I found her crying
in the dressiiig.roons and the dog whining
in sympathy at her side. I told julia to
lie down , He went to sloop and I got a
carriage and sent her houito. The dog
awoke and began to hunt for her. lie
realized shut he had neglected his charge.
Ho rashed wildly about , smelling every
grent in ioarch of her cloak. H. ran
on the stage and smelled every person.
He rushed back to the dressing-room ,
and , putting his nose to the roultd , be-
gait to follow her trail. He wound his
way among the scenery till he readied
tke stago.door , and there he pounded
with lii. great paws and howled. I called
Georg. Wilton , my agent , nuid told hint
to take the d.g home. When he returned
lie said the dog had takeut him. When I
reached the hotel I found him running
around her bed whining , but when ho
saw me he 5t01)1)ed and lay down in his
corner. On the stage I nevertauglit hint
anything. One uuighit I said to hius 'Vy
di-ln't you pring dot pundlol' He come
and put lii. paws on my shoulders anti
his nose by my ear as if whispering. I
took the point and said 'Vat ? ' lb Put
his nose up again , and I said , 'Oh , dot's
all right. The audience thought it was
immense. They did itot liiow itwas the
dog's own idea. Ho actually understood
the English ] ahigtiage , and would do ally.
tning 1 told him. "
Mr. Enuunct told Thio Tiines reporter
many other instances oftho dog's sagacity ,
ahowiiig hint to have becis an animal of
wondurful intelligenco. Thu tears came
to the actor's eyes while he was speaking ,
and his wife , who sat near , showed signs
of deep grief. "I plutyod hero out Molt-
day uiight , " saki iilr. Einlnet , "with a
broken heart. We put Bayard in a grave
in the handsomest part of our park at Albany -
bany , and I ant going to erect a lifc.sizo
statue over bun. Cii his tooth shall be
carved the German words : 'Preuo
hund ich hobo dich'-'Truo I
, - dog , love
thee. '
Au Ebopingy Iowa Pale' go down floe
Mlssotu'i In mt SinG' .
St. .Srsopli tln2ette.
A giddy but decidedly yotung married
cotu1ilo arrivel St the whitrf : at tIm foot of
Francis street iii a skill yesteiday zulorn-
ing. The young hiusbauid jtmipcd out as
the prow touched the batik- , and after
uioorihlg his frail craft assisted lii. female
luarthiur out , when a Gazette reporter ,
who happened to ho joresciot , tuck au
inventory of their cargo , which consisted
of a frying.pan , CtISJC.IOt , amid three or
four well-worn bedquiitou. Seeing a liriut-
class iteumi iii thio young uuuarimuers , the reporter -
porter asked the "caIdtiu1" for an account
of his trip. lb said lie wotuld give it ,
provided his botuno should umot allear ) ,
lie was told to pruceed , and his uuame ,
which hue did uiot withhold , uhioul'l not be
given. lie stated that Ito was 18 years
of age , rLIlI a resident of Sioux City ; that
hue fell iii kvo with thin girl who is how
his wife-a sity matron of 12-but that
thou girl's inothuer would not listen to their
marriage. Thin old woinaut was called
away to Kansas City , and the couple comi
chided to take advaiiage of her absence
and get married while lie was goon
They carried out this prograuiunio , and
tteru united iii wedlock last 'l'uuwday
hulorzuimig. Knowing that it wouldn't dote
to remiiain iii Sioux City until ' 'the old
woman" ruttiruied , and hiring of rather a
a romantic turn of unioud , thuy determined
oil a bridal tour imi a skiff (1OWII thou river ,
so they got together a camp outhit
and started oh thou' journey , lying by
at night itnu ] alcepimig on thou bank of the
'l1hie young groom frankly admitted that
lie wits dead broke , and wished to find
a puurchiaaer for his skifF and outfit. ii
this ho was successful , and soon , aria in
aria with his girl , lie trudged up to time
lluttoui house , Seeing his bride snugly
ensconced , lie sallied forth to muon time
town , but as lie stayed over his allotted
titmie , the bride put oii her bouuioot and
started out to but her liege lord. Slit
hind been gene but a few minutes wheui
thou young hiemuedict ioturned , nuid fiuodiui
his wife gone , hoe indulged iii a rogulsi
old-fashilomoed bo.lloo , nun then HtartoL
out to fimud her , lie was auccesful , alit
, they returned its happy as cinmuis at higl
I tide , Paid their reckoning , and took thou
departure for a less uxpuiosivo boarding
house ,
A. ( bent ltocomiuneimclatloei ,
. Butler Co. Pro. . .
During our ten years of residence Ii
Butler county , we have not seen a tirmu
when the nomination of a candidate rip
joarcd to give bettor satiefaction to al
t classes of 1)001)10 thian does that of Mr. J
. It , Wilhiunis for district judge. I'ohitica
. lightning struck in thu right spot tim
. time , or else the indications are wonder
- fully deceiving.
3 Of the five papers iii the county , thiro
h Itoupuibtican , one Indopondouit and on
, Democratic , all are unreserved in thel
f support of Mr. Williams , Our exchange
S lii this judicial district will iil00 riot.
I the fact that we art , a kind of unanlinou
LI thing over on thu tall end of the district
'rILE iuov AGA1ST ltUltQl.AitS ,
An Ainriut 's'lutcIi l'iomptl.v NotI1tc
the 1'silttIly nuu't ' i.lglrt.
tIm Gas.
Now York Sue.
A btirghur alarm , in the foriut of a wood.
nit inattilug , hiss roceuitly bocit unvented
it consists of strips of cooti , four feet
long , nut inch slid a half wide , stud Ohio.
eighth of all itichi thick , The strips are
fastouicti together by cloth , so that ( ho
lulattitig cati ho rolhed Ill ) , Every other
strip is ettt'uiupeti yLthi wire. 511(1 britos
sprimugs. I'hto spriligs separate two series
Of that brass ulates , to each of which is
attached a sure , which cottlbeCts vitht a
battery and an electric bull , 'l'hme wire of
( ho tqper series is connected with ( lie
uiegattvo polo. \Vhuon one steps on the
inattimig ty ( , series of plates nto pressed
together , the circuit is coiuiploted , itbul an
electric bell rings. When thu weight. is
removed the soringa force thoilateounpart ,
and the circuit is broken , The luehls CAll
be regulated so as to stop at once or keep
on ringimug.
Tli matting is deudgneti to be laid
uutitler thu carpet iii front of the tionre
and w'inttowa of houses or in front of safes'
or bureaus. Tb. battery , Whihu.'hi consists
of three euutall jars , is kept in a closet.
'l'lio electric bell can bo hung to stilt the
owitor's faiicy.
A reporter of The Suit witnessed an
exhibition of the working tot tim imiatting.
The box containing the electric bell hung
on the wall of tint inventor's otl'ico , and
the battery was in the cup.board of a
stationary washistanni. The boll was so
constructed that by turuhoig a catch it
would ivo a single stroke , give a
succession of itrolces , lmtstiug only whulo
the circuit was completed , or ring comi-
tinuously even after the circuit was
broken. All three ways vero tried. The
reporter sto1ed otitaido of thio rooni nuud.
thou walkorl in. As his foot Proasoti Uro
carpet inside of the doorway thu bell be.
gnu to ring , and at the same irioutnuit a
gmts.buriier near by s1raug into light. The
same circuit witich load rung the bell
lighted the gas.
"The great beauty of this invention , "
said the gentleman in charge , "is its slur-
plicity and chtsapiieia. None of the inst.
thug will be sold. it will ho rented at Uio
rate of 5 cont.s a day per window' or door.
It cabi be shut off hi the day and used at
night. The wires can not be cut for they
can't be scout. "
"Do. . the 5 cexits a day include keep.
ing tire battery in order ? "
"Yes , it includes everything , " replied
the gontleatan. "I have toot told you all
the advaustagos of the matting. To ye. .
pie living iii the country it La iiivaluable.
When tlin weather is warm all LIre doors
and windows can be loft open , if the
mattiiig is in front of them. if auiy one
should step inside , clang goes the bell ,
and eaverybody knows that there is a
visitor , burgiarious or other , "
The Slox end Crows.
A Washiuuigtou telegram to The Boston
Advertiser says : The clerk of Senator
Daweru' comimtitteo is busy writing up the
tcstiinoiiy taken during their late trip
among the Sioux and Crow Indian. ,
\Vhiuui conuploted it will make about live
hundred lurinted pages , and. tipeut it. tire
report will be based. Tito nmtter vill
uuot be submitted to the senate umrtil after
the holidays , in order to allow the whole
committee an opportuinty to becoumie
ncquaiurtod with the subjects cliscrusserl
and join iii the recoiutunumidations made.
Only three sciretors went on the journey
-Messrs. Diwes , Logan and Caimierori of
\Viscoutaiu. Although having , theoretically -
ally , very diflbreuit views ott thin indian
question , throy are agreed on nu subject.
'rhis is the proposed cession of the Sioux
reservation , that it may be opeued tip for
settlement. They will urge Unit this
agreeiuoent made botweuii the Sioux chiiefs
auid the counniissicn of last year be re-
pudiaterl by the seuiate , although it has
becui accepted by the house. They foumud
that the commission , comisisting of cx-
Gov. Eduuiumids of DAkota , ez-Ohticf
Justice Shannon of the saute territory ,
and James II. Teller , brother of Secretary
Teller , obtained tire conseiit of the chiefs
by systematic threats and urtisrejuroselita.
By this means tue Indians apparently
agreed to give up 11,000,000 acres of time
best Isuids in the mrorthrwest for 25,000
COWS Ituiti 1,000 bulls , at tire highest
prices au equivalcuot to 9 ccuoth an acre.
At every agourcy the indiatra disclairnoul
tue bargaimi. amrd tire chriuftu wino iiiade it.
rojudiated their owit action. 'I'lroy voru
told that the comnmuuirusioui load absolute
power Li ) take their lands without. coirsrd.
eratioui , nuid force thrciot to mumigrate , aird
that thou whole armny cotild be called ujmrr
at mtmiy timno to drive tuenr away. Mr.
'leller wa'o introduced as "tire one who
sits by thou side of time great fatluor iii
\Vasiringtomo , " to influence this chiefs whit ,
obey him , Thro ageurts Btotti Iii fear tif
tire CoimOhrulsulioht aunt tuxuggerateti tire
iiohtueneu of its ouieimrbers to the couumicils.
All three are rcsidumrts of lalcota , and
tire feelimig iii tirat. territory is s mitromog
in favor of dipossessiiig time Sioux ( of
their fertilos lauids west of tire Mmioaouri
that. it requires no oxplaimation to account
for their willing omideavors to gut. thou
agreements signed by alimuost any oiieauis.
The eornniitteo fouiod thott : no several
liostances uuinre duhimritu threats wore ooindo.
At P1mm Ridge agcuucy one of tim leadimug
chiefs declared tiost hue hind boon tiircateir.
, ed witir tire loss of lois buildings and farimi
uiioiess tire agreemuooiit wits sigmred. ' 'Ijavo
you anytiriuog to prove thiiut ? " iiu tvutt
'nuked , "Yes , " he said , rurd forthwith
produced a wrttcu by ouiu l'ark.
hurst , thou forimoor itguuot there , no which
thro total destructioro of hum bumldiuigs was
, hold Over irimro if hmo stood out. 'I'hii ,
otter amid other docuinumits with flIt
aitioe Iirhuuao will appear iii thin report
'I'hmero caui be no doubt tAint the ngroo
u meuut was 1)UHiOed through by mu syeteum
of falsehrood and iimtimitlatioio whoicht syat
a disgrace to tire commorissioum , mimed shoowi
with.whmtt reason thou Indiamos lowe hearuoud
to distrust tue good faith of tire govern
u intuit iii its efforts to deprive theui oJ
I their tumid.
it is sure that tire comoinittee will utah.
a atroiog report , urgiuog , first , that tin
I agrcenieiit is not votlid , because three
I fourtios of time adult lmidiamrs have iiol
1 . signed it , and unit rocogmmizing tiurut thu
aigirattires of tiireu.fourtlos ol time ciiief
- are b'uiud'mmug on time tribe ; nuod , secouid
that if correct in its furmmo it shrould be tue
aside on tire ground. thriut it ejorluigs frau
deceit amid coercion clear amrtl pahpalilu i
rejected by tile Sioux withorut. exception
i nuud should be hr ordinary decency so
I ) asidu by tire seurato , Secretary 'L'ohho
. will be asked to conuuuounicatu his idea
1 before thou report is uuuadu , but ire caui no
. wuhu out tire ifmhhiressioJr immailo on tii
1 conunittee by tue agumits amid Indians , I
t tlroir rocniuimnuumidatiouus are adapted it I
- tire intention to ask ( lout. one or two sul
coinmittuemu ho autiioriaod to visit tii
us luitlian country again iouxt. year to wodet
S vor to umiako some honorable coumipact wit
r thro Sioux , which will enable thrcumi to sui
S render part of timeir laud at. fair rates , fo
ii it uurust be umrdurstood timat at vrusout thr
a tribe occupies an area uiroru thrali twice i
large its Massachusott , But to whoed
thoni out .f it for U cents an acre is a lit.
ti. too iatl. More than the lucre question
of the Sioux resorvatiour has been imivest-
igated by the coinuitittee , slid other
uuuattors will ho brought before congress.
Aiuoiig them are several reccuot. orders of
time limdiit bureau , whr'rch are needlessly
severe aiid tyrmtical. Tire ctuintuuitteo
will itoh. indorse time iulaut of uuusking the
liuliatus hrcurtlurs , giriiug each buck a pony
slid gnu , but will nulvocato gralitimug thuirl
land jut severalty sun oulcouragiug thmemmi
to become maruutors. The first thibug to do ,
httiwevet' , is to Ptmt sit ciuti to thu systeuui
of iioco1utiolt witicit blow prevails , mllni
hiruvo it utudorstooti ahutOli tiuo tribes ( list
they are to be treated fairly aird not like
prisuuloers. 'l'Iris l'oUt utot lo , liloru clearly
lirovoti to tircumt titan by auiiiulhmig the
work tuf thu Sioux cohrimuiSsIohi , uututi
duluatiiii at least oumo Pehiehila to frigltton
time luidinirs into surrcutdcriiig the ( suds
gttarauteod iysolouuuro treaty.
A Yelling Ititby
iu ; sonoctirhig to tue avoldoti. itutbhcs uu ith culls ,
huahuies Itli ennui , balIe vcltIr , eahuh , burrirs ,
IdLes , aches , sluratmis , or iuslmus are botmuil tn ho.
cr11110 uitiii' ' temumutit. . Of t1i hrttms'iutuid , , Dr.
27onmima' J.rlectrk' Oil will cure mull thitu.o corn.
luIairit ,
Giapiric Accutiut of an Upheaval itt
U 0 Tropics.
A coruespolidnuit of Tim 14011(1011 Tel'
egraph residing at Accra , west coast of
Africa , scuds tire fohlowimig huartictilars of
( if f-ito recent uarthqtmaku at timat place
"it was at 2:80 : a , in , on time onornilig of
Sttmidmsy , Aug. 12 , thrat several shrocks of
cnrt.irqriaku were exrerieiicoti. Tito even-
ihig ' had boon cool , with alteritiute
1ioriods of thick hrot air , which toothier
presaged the tinluhierstornu , it beilug the
sunsuIt of the year whrcii toritiudoes p'uss
thu coast. . Tire town , the erthuital nuid
seat of goveritnicuit of the colony is sittuat-
ted on the seou.siroro , whrich is alniost
entirely sauidy , except here murd there ,
where a cluster of dark rocks , shiowiiig
evident signs of volcanic origin , jttts into
( ito sos. Ami angry surf iurerailed all
along tire coast , lashriuig tim shore witir
great ftiry , auitl especially encircling thou
rocky iwoutoutorics above mentioned.
On the nigirt in questloli it was observed
( lost the surf was particularly violent until -
til unit an hour jurir to tire first. shock ,
when Gre water seoumiod to subside and
becouno calm. I noticed
this fact. , because it lrappeiied that 1 was
stuirorumug front a slight attack of coast
fever and was unable to sloop. My hirtut
ioirQssioit ( Oil lrsariiig the house rattle ut
so unusual a uurauner was that a forcible
attempt was being niatlo to burst open
the doors and windows by hiebi5 outside ,
but before tiucre was tinre to strike a 'ighit
a second muon more violcmi shock followed ,
sluicing the fouuidiotiora. . Iii caclr case
( lie shock was procuded by an oxiiloaioit
rosomrobhing in a great degree this uroutid
usually ciuu.ed by this discharge of a gun
from shrips lyiag in the roonletead. lit tire
momutivo villages around tue tonut the
greatest consternation was caused. The
amutive houses , winds load beour but a few
muioiliehlts buforo shrroutied jut darkness ,
wore socur ablaze with higirt , aurti tire
oCCtopMits , who have uirrplearorurt rccohlee.
tioirs of what occurred iii 1863 and 1878 ,
iruurtetliatuly ioudtllcd together in the opomi
streets , chattering , crying siioiiting , amid
praying. uvorit1 ( of the hiatuses , winch
are all btiilt lit a shaky mmmnuier , mutmceumnb-
ed a thu secouid shock , but no loss of life
occurred. Oliristiamusborg castle , whtielo
iii 1863 was wrecked by air earthquake at
tire sauuio tune of year , felt. tire force of
thou ulisturloinico severely. The governor ,
Sir Samuel Rowe , who was sleep'rmog Oil
thu pitir floor , hiadbarelytilnet.odemucenid
iuito tIre courLyard before tire heaviest
shock occurred.
"Several of tire castle walls nuid thuosn
of the neighiboring Eurojeaur Iromuses wore
found to lie cracked the next day. Time
critical phiaso lasted , as far as cotnid be
calculated , from thrirty to forty aucouid.
During thou period-2:80 : a. in. to 8:80 : a.
m.-tirero was a variation of temuiperotturu
of 3 degrees-viz frouni 71 degrees to 74
degrees , anti vice versa. Ito this iortervul
the wiuod hind coouipletely dicti away ,
thou atuuoosphiero being loot nuud almost
"Thou natives , of whown about two
thiousabrd imoimabit the ruijacerit village ,
kept. up a continuous babel , which I
afterward learned wan ltldrcMfuCi to the
'Futiclicit , ' to whiuonu , frumui mull accounts ,
we are imidebted for boimug hut oil tiC ) l'mghot.
ly , nuud for being so sown ouni so easily rid
( if 'jtutlgmuuoort day , ' as tIre iouttrves imaively
tiuscrilie air earthititmulke. it was very
dililcult to trace the direction of thin
carthotiluake , but iumy owlt opiliiOll is that
it. traveled fromru time southowirtut , mtrmd this
is ttomiuewhoat. couohirimoed by the reports.
siurcu received fromur tlmat qnuarrer. Siuimnhl
shocks were repeated at intervals of ouou
hour till 7 o'clock imi thu uotorimimig , amid our
two days sumicu thu 12th slight truoirrs ,
huoLvo beoiu felt , but. muot of tunilhicicoot. IW01 )
to do munich tlaixrage.
' 'l'ersoimotl ly , I imntust owir timat mmty suit'
BatituuOi Oil thou iiighmt of thou 12th yuoo irot
of tue iuieas.umoteat. 'l'hoc umnlurgrotuod
counmiotutiomi amid thu of ( tirnittire ,
tIre chorus of onativto suhiouts mumoti palavering
that was sudduioly wmtfted across thou
itrgooimiu i It tue dead of inigiot , tim q umclc
vmnrimatiomis ( if teimijoeratturu , nun thru mutter.
uomrtu cahiut and fury ef tire mmcm , all comr
tribtuted to reuider tim scene a pucuhiam
nile , to say time ltrmttut of it ; mood to ho uiur
cureimiommioumuly turired out. of a feverish
loud imoto urighit air t.remnimmg . uvitir cliiuumttk
uuniasnon , snot exceedingly olijoctiomumible
u All doimiesutio animmiahe weru wildly xeitud
I arid sirowud muigmus of great alarmim , Simic.
L thu uvemit thou wcmtthmt r hits becommw vu
nouurhcahly cool , coiouuitleriiug emir proxumoumti
I to tire cpuator , thu average tmoiporature
being uoigiit mood 72 degrees , sum
I degrees , shade 86 ( legruos. . "
- -
Insar1d7n .Ncruliw is. tue great spa
. ciSc for gumoeriul debility , turd tor ladle
I ciraumgu of life.
TtIr. Jammoes ] 1uriiImy , of Ciula , , Funitol
I Co. , Iii. , siryn : ' ' , Siiiar&in ) T0p0j7j
- cured imty .laughitcr'a epi1esy. , " At. Drug
r gisto , 81.50. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
it ( ] ( ) Uti Vaulm fr 1'rmuhlTrees. .
A Duchess Conimity , New York , fruill
. grower lute a ujuiiicu orehittrd of over 20
1. trees , niod hue. . load uirtmcir tronibhe with tin
Li borere. As he haul tried various runiudic
B with no success amid was imi a fair way t
I lose hiis. trees he sot to uvurk hoimousulf t
t devise a preventive. lii Julie , 1882 , ii
Fr unoido a uiiixturu of one gallon of atm
S two of water , mud one gill of crude carln
, lie micid , stirrilig iii Uro latter as thou suit
t , wore boihimig , lie themi applied tire mmtrx
F Lure ( A ) his trunom , amid as the osuasomi wr
5 dry it roumiaiiitJl ( our the baik long wroug
It. without a second apphicatiomi to pruvwu
U tue imoillurs. front dupos'mtimig their eggi
I 't'lw ezioorimuiohit Wait a suueceots , for a car ,
s ful examioinatiomo made un August. shoowu
) . thou trues to ho coimiouratrvuiy free fri
u tire jiosts ,
I. 'l'hrls year hoe tried the same uoouxtlml
in uigaimn at about thou sallie thin" of the yum
r. miurd un thou samoa murmtuniror ; but , owrmrg I
r froquemit. raimos , not Ire now concludes , ou
is apjhicatioui uvas rnsuhhiciumrtituod this rostl
is is tirat Ire inns over a tiooumiairtt borerms
le cut out and destroy , lie does not doub
They always have the largest and best stock.
in tire light .f hi'rs experktuce in thu first
irustamice , tioat had lie umiatle suveral appli.
catktiis luetwecur tire tuuiddle of 1htt ) ' and
to Aug. 10 there would have beemo bit.
four if rmnry of the 1ets. There iii no
dotibt but thiat. in the uiihxttutu truteti the
carluohe acid is tire iuigtcdronit whm'iehr hiss
doime tioc work. 'l'lno virtulu of ( Iris uucitt
lit destroyiimg tim iiisocts alive or in tine
egg or gernnt state is becoirtiiig bettor tIlt-
ilurstooti by farmrtors arid fruit-growers ,
anti is rro douubt demut'miicd to be a valuable
ageirt jut rithliuig tine country of tine
ininruuiornble posts witln wioicin the orcionrul
urti gnrdenr are uuuluually infested ,
Fur anurnober of cari. my wife his beer , koubbeil
wIUiohrouuicrlenuuatlern , , it belug in iou , , iort'o
the lotly cunetititly ( o0ce14 icrhaIw In lb. uery
wariuuet weather In anion. , ) . last Clurietmas
eotttriucte4 a very cover. euld , earl a Ioiu d mud
lion nh thu. kidney. b.cauo. mnanifevt , w htloli subject
id her toi ia0Ml. sufferIng , as the syuiIIomuu. oh
gravel Iwcaun. urore proutolnemit , her uoriuu. being eel.
or.daceontianle4 by a heacy briekduiI , u.eduiru.nt.
After trylnge..rh reituedlos aidooul relish , I u'ro'
moored for her a botUe of UumuL. lteuu.dy , which clue
roiumezic'ud taltitug , and before three da s haul i' ° "i
she became mciii bett.r , She cuuutiuoue,1 using the
tuordictuis until iii. lusri treed clxbotthroand now mite
feel. enUrely eure4 of tuoUi , beuuuatii'uu and kidney
coniplatuit , Wbe believe. her lurilaltu CacefleOut health
, iuo solely to the uesof litrot' , , uteioie4y.
Wiwiot C. CLaAxLL5 , .
Nerwl.h , CoOn. , May 5 , lh.53.
tinder eat. of slay iS , Mr. . Thompeom , the well.
kesan grocer end i'rov'.iun dealer , ci 78 ( ircen
utterS , New htv.ou , Conui. , vries a. folloac : ° Sey.
end weeks elites I was taken ' cry ill with kiiln.y di. .
ordere' , and on .ianulnatiouu of niy urine lton.sI a
very diseased condition of toy kidney. , an,1 I hiatt
ale mynt1toina of a dipeirsad slat. of my liver. 'I lie
PaIrrr of miuy urise , , , i aeoonrpauuied with ieare
paiiii in tire entail of iuoy back antI bin , , followed tiy
a bunting ceneatlon , aroil after having .tmd aholbe
in the , ee.ei , this unite iliowsil a very linavy deoait ;
( if i .edinusrut siroullar to ground brkkduct , antI , iii
churt , I fouuutl that I was iii audi a tlimeir.L'd condition
Is to require Iuuunreiliiute rne4ieMl tioatnicuut , tnt ! am I
Ca , anxious to obtain tire beut nut , ! utoit speetly ruin
cdy , I looked arid inquired carefully , auutl btcauuc sat-
ialie.d that blunt' . ikiuiLtly was art article ef excellent
urwrIL , auul tliertfurs I couueludeui to glyn it a trial ,
auuti corouuuornoed taking it , arul betro I bait taken otto
bottbu I fouruil suer a great irorpruvernent tmiat I tIe.
chleti to continue its nice. ruid by taking only two
bottles the resulthiu beeuo ruostgrurtlfyliug iii giving
luc ruetorei health , .
"I have ordered a supply of Hunt' . ul.eunedy fouuiy
store , stud cloth hireaftor have it for into , s I con.
muter it. to rxcell.nt article for disease. of the Uror
aut ltidroeys. ' '
Natioual Bank
Capital , - - $100,000,00 ,
C. W. HAMILTON , Pron't.
M. T. I3AI1LOVI , Cachior.
Accounte eollcltod and kept nub-
Joot to sight check.
Cortlficatoc of DeposIt Innuod pay
able In 3 , 0 and 2 monthu , bonring
lntorcstoron demand without in-
Advnncea madoto cuntomoruOn
npprovodfhocurltlosat market rate
of Intoront.
The Intoroiste of Cuotomoro are
clonoly guarded nnd every facli ty
compntlblo with princlplon of
sound banking freely oxtondod.
Draw nlgiitdrnfts on Englnndl r
land , Scotland , and nil parto of Eu
Soil European Pnsnngo Tickota.
Coicction Ps'nmptl } Macta.
United Statcis Depository.
First alioll Baak
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sta
The Oldest Banking Establislunon
In Onrvla , ,
p TO ICOUNTZIt hIitOTlW.li8.
Organised in 1858.
t Organized as. a Nittionimni Batik iii 1863
OAI'JTAIa . . . . . . . ! tOOOOI
. SURL'JIjUS ftNI ) PIt0FITS . $150,001 L
S ovrIcitkH nuasriokS.
fleasAre Xour.vre , iruaiilctit.
Jobs A. Cuteuuuulom' , Vice l'reaIlent.
Ii AUUmJsTUu. iCour.izmr , 2d Vice presIdent.
A .1 , I'oriLjnioN ,
C y , ii. IAvme , Cashiem r
: - % v. It. Ifanaumue , Aiaiatnnt Cashier.
Transacti a general bauuklrug bueirueuos. Issues tint
certificatee bearIng interest. . lrutwi. drafts on Si
Fransciaoo azoil mriuuCIiiah citjie In thu Unitud iltatei
Al.o London iuliiui , iSliuuhuurmcu ) nail the princilut :
. oItIou of tloo c.nitlricuot of Juro a.
oa F. DAVIS & 00. I
u. suocii3soiw TO IMVUI & UNYDIUI4
4 Uonerai Du iors in
rAutuAz fiT , . . . OMAhA.
ro have for sate 100,000 acre. carefully selected lair
ur V.ast.rmo Nebraska , at low prloo anal on easy tory
t'j Iuuiroved farm. for asia it , Douglas Dodge , CoU. '
Platte , Burt , ( iunnlrog Soapy , % veshIziftou , ) lerti
ru and ilutior boU0ti0.
ut Taxes laid it , all iiartd of the Slat. .
to ° ° ° ' ioaneti on improved faints.
Notary Pubbo MWaS lii ollice. Coucigoiidee t
it , g's
" The use of the term "
S H 0 Ri" T.lno" in connection with the
Corporate Caine oha grerutroad ,
coueym an ltie of niet what
required by the traveling rub.
I I N E lie-a htiu.rt Idure , QuIck linac
auiul the beet of accuoninoda'
I tlon-a1l of whIch are turn.
hIrer ! by the groaket railway in Annerk.
And St Paul.
htowus and eiwra.o over 4,5100 nnflreof reeUn
Northern biiiiuoia , Wiseoneln , ) dlnnreota , Iowa anal
likotA ; atud lvi Lu. uotaiui hues tra.nches anti conn.o.
Lion. reach aU thus great ttriress centre. of the
Northwest anti Lar Writ , it saturohly answer. lit.
diwerlptiomi of Short Line , anti fleet Route between
Chlmago , Iillwatokee , St. Patti and Minneapolis.
Chicago , Illiwaukec , Is. Crusoe aunt Winona.
Chicago , Mliwankee. Abertlecu , and Ehisndala
Chicago , lilIsaukee , Erun Claire anti Stiliwatce'
( 'Itki4lo , , Wariasti antI Merrill.
Chulcogo , llllwaukee , Mcaer iain and Oehkrrih.
Chicago , Idilwaeker , Waukeelta and Ocon.Eowoa. .
ChIcago , Milwaukee , Malisox , and l'ralet.tlu Chico.
Ciuimago , liiiaaukre , Owatonnar.ud I'alritiiult.
ChIcago , iheboit ,'le ' amid Mineral Polat.
Clikiugo , Kl ui , iuockforrl aunt flubuqu. .
Chicago , Ci nOon , Rock island and Cedar liapid. .
Chicago , Coancti lime. rood Omaha.
Clultagu , Sioux City , Sioux FaCe and Tinkton
. . MUwauhiro , Uitcloeli and Chamberlain.
mock , lauotilubuqnue , St. Paul amid Iiiiuoospohl. .
ilavenuport , roar , St. l'aut and Ihinneapol
l'ubIcian SleePer and the Finest Dlzuingtre lnth
world am. run on the inaiuulinies ofilo. C
alit erery attention I. . pak to pat.engera 7 onurte
Otis employee of the cumIraily.
B. ml. 1IEIIRILL , A. V. 1 ! . CAItPENTR ,
( ion' ! Manager. ( hen'l l'ass. Agent.
.1 , T. Cl.AIIK , altO II. illLkFVOItD ,
( ieu'i Sept Aes'L Qeni Paa , . Agi.
I hare known antI wt.lred the ii , . of Switbe Spe.
siflo for uv.r fifty year. , anti tiara never knean of
It failure to cure ( hood i'oI.ovu when prsprIy token.
1 ussl it oil Roy csryiut.i ( rota lStO to lut& . , as did also
a ntouttur of noy neIghbor. ' nuod Lu every ease that
( alto within ray knowledge 'it ciTectel a cure. iii all
a , , life 1 liar e uluver known a rerrnoi that would so
tutuy acsouulrliato what it hr rocoontriur. . ( ott to s.
II. t. . LaNN..duL ) , icrry , Ui
have known anti uved Itsift' , Siweifls her more
thaut twmuuty year , , auuil have sceum inure wonderful ro
cult. ts uite than fruomu atsy renteuly in or out of
the l0aruoacouia. , IL irs a cedalui anti safe autidoto
to nfl cotta of booti ilsoul.
.1. IJ1CKSON HtIiTII , ii. D. ,
Atlaita , Ga.
The Great Drug House of Chicago , '
Wudo not hesitate to cay that for a year .a
liarosolt iuoOro of Swift' , H twiflo ( H. S. H. ) ban
other Illoorl i'urillere , , , sun with moat
tourlahitig resiults. Otu geritbomorari who mused half a
dozen bottles .sys it haie , iu'uo ' hini urora good than
treatuuteuit wiulcbu coat hint $ iOta ) Auother , who linus
, , it for a Serofulotia alTection reports a ponnauteilt .
cure trout it , use.
Will be 1ald to aimy CIisrrriIst wino will finn , on an-
nulyuiaOf , lOObotthri hi. H. S. , onuopartlcbo of Mercury , ,
Iodide l'olae.mwn , or any irtinaral mubta.uc. .
! i
hrawer 0 , lUanta , Ga.
_ _ _
.tUlYuLo ! for the iittl bo.k , which will be unaibod
fee. .
I'riee : Small also , i.OOpor bolt ! . . Large size
( hulding double quantity ) , $ i.75a bottia. AU drug-
giat. chi Ii.
To the Traveling Public !
o1LL , - ,
I , uuow urotlergoliug tioruirougli repairs , both within and
without , antI tire irririctr intends it. shall be 5150.
014 1) TO NONOS in the Slate , next to Omaha.
15. IL. IihAllIWi5IJ ,
aug I'ruprlotor.
ebraska Cornice
OllaMollt IOS !
I .4.
cax-mox ,
ron Fencing !
i CrcwtinVs , liahniatralec , Verandsa , 0111cc antI Sank
lint huge , Window mid CciiarGuardi , Etc.
WI ! . GAisiSit , Manager. _
BR. llBNBEllO1 } ' I uructlbciuru. A regular Ovcr graduate sixteen iii
tOOaiuitlOiiVyaumdottuHL' ' In
I years' iracticu-tweile
5 KANSAS 'iTT , MO. u Chicago.
no k
Authorized by the state to tess.
' CiiroruicNervou.and i'rhatedieessol.
. Asthma , Iiiiiieiy , lUteutriatlem , i'iio , ,
! Tape Wonut , ririary and 5k n Lila.
, . 4 ease. , Henuulrral Weaktuastright , loeiou.
- Sexual Vetorlitybosa ( nofnu.iu&Ipower , .
' , refunded. barges
I 'ure'I ' guararutouti or nnoxiy
.OW , ThoUi'anud of onse. cured. No Inmjurloua mesH.
elnci fukileitod even to patienta at a diatanoc. Con.
suitatiun free aurd cotutli cuotini-call or writ. ' ago an
exiurrle000 are Important. A 110015 for beth.-
Uluatratod-and c reuhare of other things cent scale&
fcr we Bomntstarnpo. FIIU1IUVIIE 11 1
I until o'l.w I
I His uimm.v : ot lirgei'ra. ,
- . . tor I. , , , $ ( ' ml , . .Ii fur
- tic ciii , ' , ( ii , ' , algeiut-IrI1 ,
'f the gentoauie , ' tivaius.
I Titi t Is wi uiuletak , . about
this Iitti uiim , uim , m lIft iOit.
\ tIUiuu . , , * 'ScauI sri ) : l.EO.
'I. mi I ( ' ITY mvtnmrcnUng
r , , , I lie m.anl
I I , , , , , I lien , I. , Itejit
at 1101 , It , lint e.nmoorr
Ii , ) , . ' itil Kitetrin lsr'ma '
u1Li Ierti.r to eui' ami tie
E N a , Stat , , IiaI stt to , , It ii fur
I . , , . . iIui
. , , Ii.titiio idr ' : Iiiforiullun , , , , & , tIu , , ( 'heowAt
) .4 , . , , rh. I 'fl
a ,
. , ' ,