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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1883)
- - - - - - - _ - - - - _ _ -r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rTTR DAILY ] 3EE--'OMAHA ( , 1ONDA1 OOTOI3Mt 1 , 1883. I _ _ _ _ s * - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE DALY BER - OMAHA. Monday MorningOotobor , 15 Tile Weather. For the tppor Misisti1)l ) ) valley , fair wearnr , variable winds , MisItitig to cr13' , tationary or riiIi broincLcr and totnoratnro. ; For tim Mirtouri valley , fair weather , ottcr1y winds , nslng , foI lowed by faIing , barometer , rising tent poraturo in the 8ontllern port1ot , fittt tionary or falling tcmporauvo in the iiorhiern Iortiot. LOOAL BREVITIES. -Svo moncy. Sent ! t 1. Vearonwl.olelo , cIgar and tobacco dealer , for lirico llt. -Tho faintly of the Into Mr. Johit , Ulclaril , , on oltI and hhgily ) ) ( rcldont. of tllN % city , litn erected a very IRtIcb.otno and costly montiineti In 1'roiect ) liii ! cemetery. It L niade of Qiilncy granite ansi wolgl over tlvo toiu , , and leirs a very piroPrlatG and loautl. fully vorlcd lIlcriItton. -A ja..enger on tim 1)cnver train yest.or. ci iy ttotl that there had been a , tnow fall of fourteen Inches there , atul on Frhday evening ; the 1)envor pooiio wore making the most of i , with 8lelghR , cUtterfl , etc. --'rite Sunday School Iarvet lIone concert , t at the FlrRt CongregationahIt church , last evening , WM a granti HUccen anti was largely atctnlod by both ticliolarA and the IUl)1iC. TuG U. 1' . graIn exhibit % va kindly loaned for the 1)t1)OO of decorating the church , and hail a vciy beautiful effect. A collection va irnule anti amounted to 87.85 , all of whIch I. to bo n1i1ihied to the relief of the poor of thIs city during the coming winter. H.i1 Ntni. 'I'hie ncv of the death of Mr. John G. .la. cobs , tim well kiiuwrt itnilertakor 011(1 county ' coroner at Itivcrttlo , California , wn to. ceiveii hy tologrphi yostrilay. The retnalitis are on their way Ett in charge of Mr. , , J8. cobi. More ezt ntod , iotice hereafter. - I'EibSON.Ii. ; Nr. .1. ir-i. loft for Chlcag ycHtort1iy. ( len. C. 1 ? . Mantlorison left for the ewit Inst c nIght. NissAnniolticharclii , of this city , Is enjoy. ing a vacation trip visiting norne of the iirI CIjflI oa.tern citioti. Airiong other. tilio wli ; take in St. Louii , Chicago , Springfield nod , Lincoln , Illinois. Tue following are among yesterday'i , arri. a1s at the l'uxton : P. 11. Cronoy , Erie , ; l'a. ; ] i. 11. ltoocublistt , N. Y. ; Jon. 11. ] Iaii c Joy and wife , Gen. T. litthltitu , SL Louis ; E. tugtlon , N. Y. ; I. If. Mickloy , City ; J. .1. Clarluion , N. J. ; Jait. A. flolai'laln , IC 0. ; MiSa Vcatem.Bt. l'aui ; J. E. French , Clove. I 'and ; W. II. flee , London , 1ug. ; It. 11. flul Jock , N. Y. ; W. S. Tasker , C. II. Holbrook , , Ja. ; C. A. Wulkup , C.iilar JnIlds ; W. A. 3owlor , E. II. SmIth , Chicago ; J. 13. Moni ' non , Ft. .Meaon ( ; Jay B. Adams , Central City ; E. Vs. Ju.itice , Grand Island ; T. W. ; iluckburn , LIty ; W. 11. SIbley and wife , J. I 3) . Sibley a i svlfo , Council Bluffs ; J. ] { Iughes , 0. W. hobart and wife , W. II. ] ! Irth , iv. . C. Urquehart , Chicago ; D. Thompton , . Willis Vines , St. Louis , H. King , St Louis ; .w. wouk , 'an Francisco ; M. M. Jowott , Loavoaworth ; W. A. lloinlck , St. l'aui ; M.L. 3 , Hayward ; 11 , 0. Brown , Norfolk ; I , : j. Marith , Chicago ; W. J. Moore , N. Y. ; 4 W.I3. ; Riggs , P. 1' . 0. 0. ; Henry Llttis , Kisa. bay ; Charles Bykeii , New York : W. A. War. . nor , Mass. ; Ed Ilenit , Iow [ Y.rk ; Jnn ( L Lauthr , Beaver Data , Win. ; E. H. Kinno , NoYork ; 0. U. Thompsoi. Chicogo ; 1 ? . If. L UnzTlk , Ifewark , N. J. ; J 0. M. Itlchatd.i , OhcMqWm. ; Kootz , MhlvatakoeVr if , Gay lord , Jos Moinea ; J. Moyer. , Chicago ; M. Cuttcri , Now York ; John 11. McCwio , liur. lington ; J. I ) . Coplin , 1)onvor ; 1.1. Shornian , Xeokuk1T. ; Bullock. Burlington ; D. J. : Ina , Burlington ; II. iiirgun , Lkeolu ; .A. llui.ton , Rock Island ; S. W. Bennett , : t'kirrt3 , I ) . T. ; Carry A. Rectl , Council IllulTs ; : . 0. Green , Council Bluffs ; .1. l , Curby , St. Lthiit J. F. 11111 , Knitsas City ; II. Silvorton , . 4.iork ; Ily hymens , Chicago ; A. 11 . ( Thicago ; .T. 11. lIpli , Nobrtuika ; 11. 1) . 0Ii1C , Now haven ; E. J. Guinpoit , Now York ; ' 1' . E. Orton , Now York ; 'I' . D. l'ar. d i.nol , Now York : J. S. Frisbio , Now Yort ; Ceo. II. Grron , Chicago , C. Vi' . Spalabury , Now York ; A. ft Vuirron , Now York ; Fred. 'inrahoucr , Colorado ; If. Itynalda , Chicago ; T , 0. jhnson , , Al C3asady , SL Louis ; Jtoirt Ii. Cltambera , l'rivldonco , ii. I. ; Vi' . I i ) . Wernant , New York ; F. J. IscShiano , ; # $ . itarrlngton , SIun City ; J. it. Ilawkiita , Crcaton , Ta. ; U. A. Phinnoy , Westfield ; A. .f3. Bradley , Omaha ; W. D 11111 , Boattico ; Co4'O. IlickokVilliazna , S. A. Mo. , Whorton , North Bond ; J. I. Clarkaon , Scmuiy. icr ; E Ifuriburt , Coluinbue ; V. ' . It. Dogau1 iroinont ; S. If. Kahn , Chiloago ; A. 11. Var. net , New York ; Fred Marshall , Chicago ; .J. 1 ? . Noylondoe , Kearney ; W. F. McMillnn ; 1. Y.ilond , Chicago ; E. B. Winter , St. Paul ; :11. : v. Baker , St. Loui ; W. C. Cotton. thod ; vito anti child , Nob. ; A , J. Garrett , l'eorits ; S. W. holler , Council Illul ! . ; ] [ onz-y UftnUn , Now York ; G Chessington , 3toiie Lake , Iowa ; J. IL Itoynolds , Nebrwska : i' . 1' . Itoynoldus , ltock Ialaisd ; Iouinaii 'J.homwson ; , J. Van Dusen , Miss J. WiLson1 . Jpsli Whitcombo troupe ; Mris. A. C. Reed : fI. Barber , wife and daughter , San Francisco , I Win. Sander , I'aptllion1 Nob. Well Ituwardoil. Alibertil reward will ho paid tO any part who will iiroduco is cu + o of Liver , Kitinsy o htomach complaint that Eloctcio Bitt.era wil not Mpeedily cure. Bring thteni along , it wli coit yeti ziotWrg for the medicine ii it fails ti cure anti you well rewarded for yea tiouLio besides. AU Blood diseases , Billinis flClsS , Jaundice , ConsUpation and general dab Illtyzu-o quickly cured. Hatisaction gaurautoot or money refunded. Pries only fifty cents ie tuttle , Fur onto by 0. F. GootuAt , , - , . . De3egssie-Eleet. . DENVER , CoLOtobor 14-Ddegatca . liCL to tim general confercuco at Balti move in 1854 , from the Kaiiaa confot encoof tim lit B. Church , are the 1tev J. IL , JIowariI , P. A. hubbard , .1. Vi Braiit.un , and Bert Mitchell. . , IT. W. icING , Con. iteporter , . , I - - IIeIIoLhI , Ohiluirl. NEW You , October 14.-Mrs. Len ; try , accompanied byher mother , Mr Lebr ton , arrived thia uvoniiig on tl atcutiier Oregon. Mrss. Langtry i , ozeellent health and uxprcsacd filea8ui on lcr return to thi5 country. SI brins with her the PY "I'uril , " a iie - one in this country , in which ehu WI open ii ; Burlington , 'It. Mrs. Ccii waIIi % Vubt wa not a pauongcr on LI , Oregon , Her brother Is it ziieinber Mra. Langtry' uul1atIy , and 8110 wol I aboard the tcainer to bid him good'hy but had no intention lieraulf of counut I .tLothicountry. . . . TEAMIHQ TABLES. The Dct&i1c & RICUFd of the Coiltest of llparLmcnt Rifle Tonis , . t Loaydllworth. The Platte Team Gaining Ground With Liout , Merriam Still In the Lead. L'rogrnflhuim of' the Iiiiiit Three Inyu ) ot the lintilo- The SkirliliHhs Litie. Special Iispateh to Tuui liu : : . Ln.tvluNwoiLluI , ] as. , October 13.- There i i no practice to.dny on Divisiouu Itange , owing to the heavy rain mat night. I send you , therefore , tito con citidluig report of the diviaion vractico of each tloinrtunont tcaiii-thtnt of the Platte I forwarded you heaL evening. Tlio tlepariniouut of tito I'latto have three in tluo team , Liouut. Merriam loading , with 12 1ioiuith over the accond uncut , Scrgonuut Chaplin standing No , 4 , and 'I'lioa. Mccliii No. 13. Several of the men of thto I'Intto team have ( liscovoretl aioco we have lCott lucre , that their guna lund bocoino fatuity and have had to change them for uuow rifles , otherwico they consider their atandung would have been bettor.Vo hope , and with good roneon think , the department of the Platte teatti will ahuow UI ) bettor in thu actual competition uiot week , as conic of our really atrouug ahiot have "gone to I0C05" aevoral titno ( luring the pant week , noticeably Sergeant Stay and Cor. poral Weagrail. I couud you a copy of the programme for next week. Thu tcauut will probably return to Omaha October 19th. rn-tiu DAT's ccoiw , ' f4 ' -1 ' - .o O'O fll < 1.'i rr.Arr TiAU , l j . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 28 , 81 426 1 Chapliti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , 416 i ) ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2i 82 394 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 L' . ' 83 391 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 22 71) ) 303 20 Zachitiriaqen . . . . . . . . .29 . 27 18 74 8t12 22 Weagrahf. . . . . . . . . . . . ' 21 25 80 379 31 , . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 24 75 377 311 Iloritick . . . . . . . . . . . .211 27 20 73 375 37 Stay . . . . . . . . . . . .29 29 15 73 37 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 23 73 373 39 DIhlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 27 25 81 3GCI 46 Stov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 17 68 863 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 11 66 318 ( I3 DIviSion Team Practice , October 1 Ith - Wlfll 12 miles , direction 10 o'clock , cold and raw : 1. It. ? ierrlani , 1'Intto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 2. l.t , l'artello , Iakota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422 \Volfortl , 'i'cxan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 .1. Chitiphiti , 1'LLtto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 1 , . I'arhinun , 1)akota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 6. Osboru , 'foxtos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 7. Illrdsall , 'roxan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 8. 1)olanoy1 1)akota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 0. l'ratoti , l'exais. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 10. .Tances , , Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408 11 Stc1iios , 1)akota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 12. l'eaeock , Dakota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 13. Lt , Jonoa 'i'exai. . . . . . . . 402 14. Atkln , ith.our1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398 7lAM TOTAl. . 'l'OXM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,021 Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,287 l'hittit , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,370 Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,470 141xT11 nix's , nicoiin. LuvrNWORTuI , October 12 , 1883.-Day cloudy , Thermometer 44 ° wind directiou at 12 o'clock , velocity 6 miles. . - 00 O ILATT. : : o : : : : t ' ; i Ser'gt. Stay. . . . . . . . . ) 29 thu ' 4117 I3 Zakarittiion..10 27 26 83 475 16 Weagrall..29 2T 22 78 457 81 Chaplin.$0 .t 26 80 495 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 23 75 448 40 Bobltisou.(893) ( ) sIck not firing Merriam..2 29 27 88 014 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 28 83 479 13 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 16 70 136 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 14 71 419 54 . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 28 83 44 ( ' 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 17 76 451 f8 . . . . . . . . . . . 27 22 78 455 : u ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 20 78 172 18 tiur.nnouuui. 2dLt.V , N. hughes , l3thInf . . . . . . . . .27 28 28 83 4G 20 Sorgt.V. . lEunell , . IL , 23rd . . . . . . 21 i 25 81 471 20 Capt. B. 11. Rogers , 13th . . . . . . . . . . 26 26 79 171 19 Cozp'l (1. ( N , King , F. , 20th luif..27 26 21 77 401 27 Segt.I1aJ. ( ; . Soy. Itiotir , 4th Car. . . .28 28 14 70 48 ' $2 PrIv'tV. . A. .Iohitt. son , 1) . , ltJtCav..27 24 22 73 .151 37 Sgt. Ii. ( ) tton , ii , , . 20th . . . . . . . . . 27 23 81 471) 12 list Sergt. Conroy , I ) , 23rd . . . . . . . . . . 28 28 83 409 21 1st Sorgt W. hi. l'liiI. lips , B , , 23rd loT. . .20 29 25 70 460 30 2d it. 0. 1 , Elliot , 4th Ccv. . . . . . . . . . . 28 1574 .161 29 Corp'l 11. ( l. .Tonoss , ( . , 11111 ! . . . . . : 28 23 81 465 25 Sgt. J. Slolor , baud , 23rd . . . . . . . . . . 26 24 77 453 31 l'riv't. S. P. Crow , , 0 , , 20th luf..29 27 18 71. 139 47 Sgt. 0. V. Grayson , B , , 2111 , liii..25 28 22 75 418 II : Tocun total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6453 iAKOT. ' . . 2(1 11t. J , A. 1tnory : , 11th . . . . . . . . . . 27 18 72 466 2 ; Soi'gt , .1. 7sf. l'ark. ham , C , 7th ccv. .26 28 26 80 494 C Sorgt. N. 1)olany , I , 11th . . . . . . . . . . 26 23 75 485 l'riv't. 0. Stephen , F , 7th . . . . . . . . . . 28 23 71) ) 481 r Cofl'l. .1. Itt Urn. I ihroy , E , 7th cav.2T 29 16 72 417 2 I 2t1 Lt. J. lit. l'ar. ) Wile , 5th muir..29 29 16 74 490 r . Sorgt (1. Lloutloy , F , . 17th . . . . . . . . . . 29 25 82 477 1 1st 1.t. .1. Chance , I 17th . . . . . . . . . . . 26 10 67' 447 4 r Corp'l , C ; . hedge , K , 25th . . . . . . . . . . 29 17 71 .135 4 Sergt. 1' . B. Ginder , 1) , 11th . . . . . . . 26 8 riO 121 5 . Corii'l ( \Voodhurai , 1) , 15th . . . . . . . 27 26 81 451 8 L' l'iit. .1. Is. Ititl , . . band , 15th in ! . . . .27 25 26 713 461 2 , . 1st l3ergt. J. S. ieg. , . nan , 0 , 17th inf.,20 28 25 79 452 3 . 8er , . W. l'oacock , t , 11th ! . . . . . . . 27 23 77 481 1 'r..tis . total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1517 ( TEIMI. Sorgt. W. JAlnOi4l , 8th. . Cay.'S 26 15 69 477 1 , . Sergt. 0. l1Osborn , . , 11. 8th City. . . . . .28 21 0 61 474 1 bot1tt. l. H.Itondiez , 10 j , 11th ! . . . . . 28 21 68 .139 4 In Sergt. 1' , Stearns , l. ro Silt . . . . . . . . . : at 460 It , Capt. .7. \'oIford ( , w .E , 111th . . . . . . . : 26 22 78 405 II Sorgt. \Vootly , 0 , 4' 10th ( . . . . . . . . . . 27 it ) 77 447 4 aPriv't. . C. hhirdeahl , to A , 8th Cay..30 30 30 90 502 af Corii'l. 1) . Iais , I , ut 8tI . . . . . . . . . . 27 27 70 432 Priy't. Ij ; 1' . Cciii. U , bowne,1)lGtb Iuf,29 27 20 76 440 4 ig Corui'l. P. hloeat , I , 16th InC. . . . . . . . ,26 2T 21 74 421 . PrIv't. .1 , l'rater , K , 19th luf . . .23 29 23 80 400 7 I'riv't. 11. ( iritlIth , 1) , 8th Ccv. . . . . . . . Sick. 320 1.t Lt. T.V. . Jones , l0thCav..2.S 29 24 81 483 10 Sergt. .1. Bttglo , L , 8thCav..26 22 12 60 429 fIt Iopt. total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] ) opL Platte grand total six t1ays. . .6397 utVltlON T.tM , uciontuli 12. 1.Ierrlam , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 1tirdqtlh , ' ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8. l'artelho , 1)nkota..f 6 1. ( tiaiiIin ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) . . 0.Vohord ( , 'l'oxas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I' . I 'arhiatti , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 7. 1'r.tur , ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it. Iel.wey , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii. Sta1les , , lakotii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .481 10. 1.1 .toiic , ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. l'cacock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Ottcn , 31i'sotiti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,1) ) 13. 'iItrtli , , I'l itte..1 ( I 11. Bentley , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yentorday afternoon ( Friday , Oct. 12) ) there was ii trial akiriniahi utiatchi botwes ii ( loliartrluont teams , there being eight. tar- guOt. S x mcli of cacti toani , iii coin of tlirco mdl tO fl ( argot , wore "sent up" ( III each hue. 'l'luoro was uuo 1jun11 ' 'ott" each target , rapitlity of hire being otto of thio "desirdorata. " No penalty for cx. cea of sliot.a in each target. Seine mcii , ) uuIy fired twenty while othera fired over forty. The following is the record : , 0 , ? 2 , . a9 ( 4-I.ieut. Merriam , Sergt's , Viral .3 Degimu , tthinnoti. . . . . 51 210 lAne. 8-Stay , ; ikar'aaseitVczs. . t. grafT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 223 ( 4-Stevens , lint nick , .Jor. ilec'ti I .littt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 205 Line. ' 8-ilnrtin , Chaplin and 1)11. ( Iory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 236 'l'otal 1)opart.mont ) Platte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883 'rtl lelarttncnt , 1)itlcota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824 ' ( 'otal lcpartniotit Shissouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818 'l'ititi , ] ) ujartmont 'l'exaii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (149 ( PutOIIIAMMt. ( Monday , Octolsr 15-6 a. m. First day's cnmpetitiiin for prizes and places nit Division 'l'eam. 2:30 : ii. iu.-lepartniont 'i'oam match , 'I'ucntlny , October 169 a. in. Secojiti day's cnziipotlthot. . for urizes atiti itlacot on Divishuit Teotti. 2:30 p. in. Toaru sidrittish match. Wcdneday , ( Jctoler 17-9 a , in , Third ( lay's cotmipetition for Prize amid jilaces on Di. vision Team. ( No luitermimission will be taketi on this slay ) . Indivitlital skirnilahi niatch. An. nouticOtitOtit of llamas of members of Iivtasion Teauts. l'resontation of itrizea. ovvucIcuts : OfTicer in charge of conipotition , Major J. C. Batc , 20th Infantry. Ezecutiro olilcor , Captain .1. M. Thompson , 2tth Infantry. llatmgo officer , First Iiout. M.V. . 1)ay , 9th Statistical ohlicer , Second Licut. 11. C. 1fodgo , 22nd Infantry. Q uartorniastor nail Ordinance officer , 5cc- end Liout. W. A , Nichols , 23rd Infantry. A Rumi on a. lirug Store. Never WM such a rush rondo on any drug store an In now at 0. F. Goodman's for a trial hot tie of 1)r. King's Now Discovery for Coti. sumptiomi , Coughs and Colds. All parHons affected with asthumn , hromicldtia , hoarseness , severe coimghii or city affection of tao throat utiti lungs , cait get a trial bottle of this great remedy 1ree by culling at above drug storo. ltcqulia size 1 00. WINTEIt % % ' EATIIEII. Old Boron LC1IVCM hhhi Calling Card br Onitthin. The general verdict of the people not only in this city , but o nowhere too , ro- gardung tito weather , is , that it hu boon beaatly. When rain is least expected , it cornea most , and vice verac. All the auminor han been remarkably and often disagreeably cold , but all at once iaat week it became warm auid sultry , and thunderation set in that promised a ao'rt of reproduction of the aouiou , when 1 andbohold , just no everybody had hauled out larlSO18 , gauze and atraw hats , a Northior scooped down with all thio accoinpanimont of frost , rain and gloom , all but show , which stopped short M it wore , at our vary threshold. Even Saturday morning snow wan reported all over the West and Northwest , and liar. ticularly IICtVY at Bismarck , while rain was fahiing bore eiitl East of us. The winter has uutado us the first call , or left its visiting card , na it wore , an a reminder of what is coon to come. l'eo1iio will now relish the bright fire crackling ill the steven and the tiro.placos , if utot the Ciiil bills that vih1 1iilo in at the end of the tumoitthi. however , it is just poe- aiblo ( lint wo should still crjoy a long and lovely Indian summer. It lice bocut co COOl till along this year that muounothung uttay happen to restore whtatacientiste are tiluaneut to call time climatic equilibrium. Certainly it. w uld aurprico nobody , after the experience humid , if auddenly it chimuid clear dr and old Sol shine down out us benignantly outco more. [ 'Itis woulti be alt the immure welcome to our 1)0Pl0 as much outdoor work vii- mitiluti unfluuiehuod that requires a little Plea1it weather to bring to comishetion. Ei1iecialiy our atruots which are under haviluL contract 1100(1 tItle essential aid Much as lice boon dciii in thin huneof improvomeuut more roninuns still undone , but nit tue smooth naphutit i stnetchi along the several atroeta which have Jun tim 1ood fortune of being the first to be considered by our city fathers our citi aLas ace the wonderful improvement itit destined to niche to the whole city , and we iutay eXpeCt 110 cessation of that work from summon to summot until Omaha , fromuu the muddy. . plact famed all over the Vs'est , bucotuues thic cleanest , best paved and most souuuforhi I bho of cities. Thu now houses in tIn course of erection wilt also add tc ; thu gouinral tiJearauco , to : it ; must be confessed thai the style and LIzo of our recent buildings I shown a constant improvement , amid olui that wiii soon loud a iuuotropohitan ap .1 poarnnco grander titan any of our rivals Thieve is enterprise , Push and pride ii 3 Ouiutha. - 4 'J'wenti .1" sit ; ' ( hours I 0 1sLti. 2 Iroin .i.ihsn Ktuhn , Lafayette , Intl. , vho an 1 thst ho is now In "lierfect hutalthm , ' we have the following : "Otto year ago I was .i to all appearance , in the ImiMt stages of Con istumuption. Our lxiat PhYsicians gave my cas 0 1 timidly got ati low that our doctor raii that I could not live twemuty.fur , hours. lit' frioniti. thou lflirchILued a IntIlo of 1)11.VSf IIAL,14'S , iui.sut FOIl Thh1 LUNGS which comistilorably bemiutitteil me. I coutin II uott until I took mitmie bottles. I nun now ii S hlerfeet health , havIng used no other moth - - - DI hiI ) . MOOI1B-In LIt ! . city , October 11 , at 1:30 : n S Eugomuls , ditiughiter iii Mn , auth Mrs. C W. ! utooro , age 11) ) years , 11 mouth and , slays. C 'l'lio funeral viil take place on Tuesday Octolwr 16th. . , at 2 p. iii. , front time residence c 3 her lusretits , No , lOOt ) 1)aveuport street 5 Friends of thofamilyinvltoti. 3 fluckiumi'si trtu1ca Halve. 2 The greatest medical wonder of the worh VarrauitotI to speedily cure flume , Outs , U ] 0 cars , Hisit ithouni , Favor Sore. Cancers l'ihei Oldlblmtiuu , Corn , 'l'uttor , dhappod hand , [ 5 and all skin oruptons ( , guaranteosi to cute i every Instance , or money reftuidud , 25 cent 2 or box. THE HEMP RACKET. Tso llallns ! ! t@llt @ to Take Place Beciulicr 21st. The SimprCImlO 'Court Mnkcn Three Immipormant. 1)cclstoumn. Tue Supreme court of Nebraska has uuiade thmreo inhhiortatlt. decisions recently , nIl'cctimig the lives of uncut who have beout oil tiial for inuider , nfiirnuiiug the decis- bus of thto lower court in two iuistanccs and reversing it in otto , The first of these ls the estee of the Stab vs. 1olliti , the unati charged with committing a umiurdur in a restaurant at 1'Iattunouthu , time details of which arc well known to all our readers , and thu otliorcases are uuiso fnmiiar ; 'l'huo decis- ionsare as follows : I'oliui vs. Sttto , Error from Cans county. Aflirunod. Order fixing day of execution changed to December 31 , 1883. Oplition by Lake , 0. .1. 1. Grand Jury-Selection of-Where no want of good faith in the selection of Pomona from whom grand jurors are drawn is nhiown , the mere fact that one of thenu did not residu in the precinct where ho was nuipposed to , and front wh'tcli ho wan dr.twii , will not invalidatu an iuidictineuit found by thorn. 2. 'l'huo list of electors voting at tIm next preceding general election in the county ftmrnishts a suitable amid lair Unais for tim muoloctiomi. 3. 0mitimuumauice-AI1idavit for-An nfl. davt for a c ntiiuuauice on account of tab- sent wituiessos which fails to show that either their peremutil attendance or testimony - mony will probably be obtained if time be granted is sulhiciont. 4. District Attornoy-Assinianco to- The district attorney in a criminal truth may luo the asaistanco of counsel em- ploycd on private account. hi. Evidence-This' court did not err in refusing to order the muhierill' t ) fire tin revolver with which prisoner killed dn ceased , with the vicar of a.sccrtaiuing its liability to go oil at half cock. 6. In a trial fur murder , evidence of criminal intintacy between the risoui. or's wife and the deceased not brought 1.0 his knowledge before the killing is in- adminsiblo. 7. On questions of insanity-On the question of prisoner's alhiged insanity , mion-oxport testimony is admuisnible. 8. 'L'lmnksgiving day-Adjournnioutn of court to-Tim format adjourunient of court to and opening of it on 'I'haiiks- giving day , no seep in the caeo being ha- ken on that day , is not cause for a new trial , p. Instruction- Reasonable doubts- Lut iuistruction in which it is said that "The poor is doomed to be beyond a reasouiabtu doubt when the evidence is sufficient to impress the judgment and tinderstanding of ordinarily prudent men avitha a conviction on which they would act in their uutost important colt- corns or afraira in life " Sustained. 10. Practice - Statements in pren. once of jury.-It is not error for counsel in arguing in the presence of the jury the competency of a witness , based on testimony givoli of liar admissionc , to maku a reference thereto , to say it is "false , " and that the witness avihl deny it. 11. Separation of jury.-A separation of the jury before the taking of testimony is closed , in a criminal trial , known to the prisoner or his counsel at the time it occurred , but not disclose to the judge until afterverdict , is not caueo for a now trial. 12 , In such case a party i not permit. ted , without objection , to take the chances of a favorable result , and then , if disappointud , for the first Limo corn- plain. 13. Judgment-authentication nf.-A transcript of a judgment of the District Conrt brought to the Supreme Court for review. certified by the clerk of the court under his official seal , in sufliciently nu- thomiticatod. Hart vs. State , Error from Platte county. Affirmed. Order fixing day of execution changed to December 21 , 1883. Opinion by Lake , Cli. .J. 1. Jurors-Competency of-To be competent potent to nerve as a juror in thus Statu , Otto must be an elector of the county wherein hue is called to serve 2. In the absence of a showing to the contrary , one who line served as a juror is presumed to have been iii all respects qualified at the tune of serving. 3. Crimmuinal Laiv-Argurnout to Jury -Limitation of-Au exception was taken by counsel for the prisoner to nut order of the court iirniting their argu- imiouit t" tIm jury to two auth a huh hours ; thuenoupon title time was extezititud thirty uniiiutes. 'i'o the order titus inodi. lied no further objection was made ; amid it ; not appoanimst that more time was utoed , nor that what was allowed was occupied - cupiod , hold that no error was shown , 1. Cnimmainal Responsibility - Mouihul Condition of Accused-If one charged with crimno have the unoiital capacity to I ditinguisli right from wrong in respect totlio iarticular act charged , Ito is ro I spouisibhe. : Sinimncrrnan vs. ShaLe , Error from ICcarnoy county. Reversed. Now trial granted. Opinion by Lake , Cit. J. Crimnimual Law-Murdur-Evidenec I I -To justify a verdict sit niurdor in tin . first degree , tIm cvitleiico must show tluc I I killing to luuvo been done , not only pur. ) posly , but also with deliberation and premeditation. 2. Statutory Couistruction-'i'hio tent "deliberation and premeditation" U8O ( ii imi dofimuiuug tim ditrorent deirues of unur . don , requires the act of killing to htzi'i bomi "ilono with roihectiout" and ' 'con 'a ceivest beforohauuL" Eyidonco oxamuuuiot amid lucid not aufliclont to bring thu cmi within title rule. 3. Unlawful Atternt to Arrest- porsout unity resist cut unlawful atteumup r ; at arrest. and , if necessary , rather that mtubuuiit , 1w may lawfully kill thu vcrum : tanking it , S 4. Clerk Signaturo-Olhicial Title-I 1 . i not a valid objection to a jur' mu. . called together that thin clerk ornutte , lime olhicial title to Ins signature to tb : vaniro. a 5. District judges may hold court to . each other. - - BEARLY POSSIBLiL' , : . 'ery CurloutH Stranger Iscomi cm 4 I"armsutm * Street Yctorday. , , It ; Is generally believed by the peon ) If of title Shale , or at least of Dougin , Coumity , that baru and such like fore cious anituuals have beconuo oxtitict I : those parts , but it would appear frou what a waiidoriumg scribe witnessed yes I : terday morning , that semite spocilnen 'I ' are still discoverable in this State an I , this highly civilized and progrem . : sire city of Omaha. The apociunene , how ever , which were seen by the reporte are exceedingly tame , and it is astonish- lug to observe the wonderful iiowr that man possesses In contrlhing these sa'age boasts , nmtd a child nuight fr..ola frolic withi the young bear referred to without the alighiest fear of bout8 Imarnmed , so gentle lintiho bccommuo. it us dead , On exatnimuing It closely it sri a found to be quite a young cub , out y eght unomuthma cud , amlI weughuing about two hundred ituiuhicis. It nan capture. . in Idaluoby Mr. DilImmuauu of Cheyenne , auth Wa , emit to ? ilr. Richard , lr.lni&or . of Richards' reatanratut , talia Imna it em , exhibititnu. Mr. Duhhmnauu also caught at the muammie tiuito a liii ! rowui uspecimmucum weighuimug upwards of a thousand poumiuds , a lart of which has beeui sent. to Mr. Richard , The nuws.gnthiercr hind thu felicity of tuustiuug some of thuts motisters' flesh , and mmuighty good eating it proveti to be.'hen Inst seen it svas laying on its lmck amid vreseumtetl quito a novel spcctnolo ciii Faumlmani ttroot. 'l'huo 've tumarke of thu pedatriuimis u1uo , drawui out of curiosity , gathered around it were highly emitcrta'iniug. One charming young lady , accouullIamuio(1 ( y a yduuug rnamu with a dude-like formmt , exclaimed "it was top lovely for auiytluim'g , " while a shud ( honing old lady said she could not bear the sight of it. Ahtogcthic'r (1uuito a little sensatiomi was croatetl in the vicimuity by the apponratico of suck a remarkable stranger. Why are Lu'rurr'TAK.&Co.'s Ghovo the best ? Because they are omrui.ui : CALtroIeIA BUCK 2&4w THE TAX. . OF tNH3. how the New hiaws Will Affect their Cohiectiomi , lii accordance with the decisiomu of At- tonnoy General Powers , the now revenue law , ) yhichi was supposed to apply to the assessment of 1883 , will not becomno opo. rativo until the assessment of 1884. The law makes taxes delimiqucut on the first clay of January following , instead of the first of May of tno year succeeding , as heretofore. County Treasurer flush nays under this interpretation of tIm law , in which County Attorney Cowin coincides , the county taxes for 1883 will not become - come dohuuiquent until miext May. This , however , is not the case with Omaha city taxes. The antonduncut to the city chiartorcontainedan "emnergency clause' which made it take efFect on it passage , which was done before the as- sessnient was made. This intakes the hikes for tue city proper delinquent on the first of iiext January. City 'I'rcrn- curer Buck says the law will prove very beneficial to the city. With the funds lii tim treasury iii February , instead of .Juno each year , the council can begin work on public improvements early in 4ummer and push them to complutioui before winter sets in. While tIm chamige may work a hardship on seine , for the city gouieraliy it will prove a blessing. AN OPEN - SECRET I AMONG THE LADIES . Tile brilliant , fascinatin tints ofConiploxlonforwhic ladies strive arc c1hiefiy ant- ficial , and all ivbo 'will take illo trouble Inayiecure t1irn. These roseate , bewitching hues followthe use of liagan's Magnolia Balni-a delicate , and always reliable article. Sold by alL druggists. The Magnolia Balm con- a1s every bleiiiish , removes Sallowiiess , P a n , Redness , Eruptions , all evidences of exciteutient and every inipor- fection. Its effects are immedlato and so natural thatno humun being can ( ictect its applica" lion. - SPECIAL NOTICES. tlrspoctala will Positively not be inserted unless ijaid in advance. UELV WA2'T111. ( - ) -A good tlnncr at once , miiii.t 1o coinS - 1VMi-num m rutwortty. ) Ailsircas 31. F. Maul , , , attilit Nob. 252.17 TmICKIAYIIt5 WANTEI-At Yankton , Dakota. B Fou' gooi 1rlckIay rs.Yacs t icr icck antI ' 5 ork as lomig as ii cathur ii UI pentilt. 'somno or ad. dress VALMINF , . 2I3 1O Yarmktam , . Ink. - SITUATIONS WANTED. yA.TlD-sut1matIomi a' . ) , ook ) scolcr. Ilaio hail I exhertenco amid can gIve rcfe reilto. S. mlECnNFll. 195.131 , 'riasetiunuilaslo. MIUOELLAIIEOUS WANC ) - rvmit or ctchamjgo , Neliraska mutt \TANTE1)-To V fur a good rsmm lion ! . For I.amtlcular , ad. dress Vmn , ,1. Central City eui , I' . 0. boa 205. 251.1St 'I'OR SALE , IOIt sAIu.nuMEnltTml.v-t'Imu : , tiursu , an ex. sotktit liati timaWami mtiarl 8 carsotil , , ttarantsot I sotnid , mtmto cube , ti cli I muted as a timuri , anti uirrlau htoric , ult for a gtitluntait'ts or 1title etititig hone , try t tteai , cast , , Aihitrests " 1' . II. 0. " lIlt ) . , 'ashi. Co. , eb. L 'rotu : ioit uAt,11-uni.t.tItie aS tiuliteoclutsen ) Fcutte anti Fancy Notion. . Also fixed to , lIe. I tauramit , Cooti cellar and well. Ihtuthlttig 20z62 , on. . story. ) olmtg a gooti buammioss. Cause 01 sale , s tint I t gt ) out butmicai. Address 7d3.jmt , . 0 , t. COIIIW , Oskiant , Nab. OY4 ' p . AK1 $ POWDER Absolutely Pure. LI ThIs jadar nuier .nlci , A muuvnl of puth ) stnsngtm , sad wholesome , es More ocunomnlcsj tha I. Ut ordmiuy ( Itlud. , anti raonoi to .olci Inooia.etItIu . wIth thto multitude of low tisi , short wairhI , ilnios htbo.4ao o ithr. toId uy 1LQI Lla r ia towdejA.IwI1tbtic4bN.w turk. nfants and Children Without Mornhilnn or Narcotino. What gives oume Children rosy chu'eks , What cures their Tovers , utakoq thetis aln'p ; 'Tt ( ' , ssIinla. When llabIc.q trot , and cry by tim ens , % Vhat cures their colla , kills their worms. hut Cntortti. IThat quickly ciurea Conatiptution , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigostlon : lutir Castorits. FrewcIh then to Morphine Syrupi , . , , . Castor 011 and l'aregoric , aunt halt Castorta. Centaur LInImont.-Ab. . solute euro for Rhoumntjam , Sprains , Burns , GtsU , etc. , end ax instantanoons Pnln..relIovor , ti . . 7I ' - V4I _ . i I . . . . . - ' . 1.11 RESTE AtctIm otcanI Imprudence causte nervous debIt- It , . , irematuto lecay , ate. . having tried In vain aye knownremed liii dtsoet'red t. simple mossnt sel - airs , i.htcti he wIll send FREE to hI. fstow.euffemanq , .atddreu. .7. IL ILEEVES. 43 ChaLhsm It. . New York. .1 lITHE BESTTHREAD ron SE\VINC MACHINES ] SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTO S ' ENTIRELY The Product of American Industry ! C ' PRONOUNCED BY EXPERTS TO BE THE' BEST THREAD IN THE WORLD FOR HAND AND MACHINE SEWING. Piull a&sortment constantly on hand and for sale by HENRY PUHBJMAN , Premont , Neb. OMAHA MEDICAL DISPENSARY ! OF FICE A1D PARLORS oIt TilE NEW OMAHA. NATIONAL BANIC Thirteenth , Bet. Farnam and Douglas Sta. 0 OMAHA , NEB. - ' A. S FishbIatt , M. D. , - PROPRIETOR. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TODISEASES OF Throat and Lungs , Catarrh , Kidney and Bladder as Well 'as all Chronic and Nervous Diseases. . I i r : D-Et. F I II I. . A. ' 1' 'P has discovered th&.eitest cure In the world for weakness .t the back anti limbs , InTomuntary discharges , Itispetency general desiiity , nervousness ' languor , conlnslon at Ideas , palpltatlon of the bean , tlniIdlt7 , trcmbIinfdImnees of eight or iddIned'dIseases of the head , threat nose or skin , aectl.n , of the liver , lungs , stomach or bowels-those terrtbho Inibite arising from solItary habits of youth , and secret practIce , 0t01 0 fatal to the ictlrns than the songs of Syrens to the mariners of Vhyaee , bughting their moat redtsa * hopes or antlempatien. , rendering marriage Impossible. Those that are suffering Scorn the at-il practicce which destroy theIr mental and phtiical .stca ) causIng e : NERVOUS DEBILITY , The aytnptoma of hiob arc a dull , dlstrossed mninti , whmcunfIta thorn for performing their business and soclat dutie , , make , happy marrIace impossible , distresses the action of the heart , causiimg flushes of heat , dcprtt'sion of plrits , forebodlnge , cowardice , fears , dreams , restloas nights , dlrzinuss , forgetfulo unnaturah dlechargos , polo In the back and hip. , short breathing , melancholy , tIre casily of company haie preference to ho atone , feeling as tired Iii the mornlmig as whemi retiring , eaminam weakness , lost man. hood , white bone deposIt In the urine , nervousness , confusion of thought trembling , watery and weak ey dypopsla , conicttpaUdn , pahono. . , palfl and weakness in the limbs , etc. , .hould cwnutt ate itnniedtstciy ho restored to perfect hunith. YOUNG MEN Yho have become victIms of solitary alec , that dreadful and destructive habit whica nnnuauiy sweeps to an untimely grao thuiands jf oung men , of exauted talent and brlliitint Intellect _ who nilght otherwise entrance htstenlng senators nith the thutidors of their eloquence or wake to ecstacy the livIng lyre , may call w : full conildeuqe. , . ' - MARRIAGE. Manied person. or youngnten contemplating marriage keing aware of physical weakness , loss of reocroative ruer , Ititpotency , or nmiy .ithcrdisqualillcation epeethily relieved. lie who pieces hlmie1f tunder the care of Dr. Fishbiatt nuy reilgiwusly ona'u In his honor as a gentleman , amid coulid'ntly rely upon tile skill as a pii sIan. , - , . ORGNAL WEAKNESS ImmedIately cured and fimli vigor restored. This distreciltig atliiction-wl.leh renders life a burden Cmi niarriagu Impossible , Is the lwtiaity paiiu by the iictlin for Improper tnthtugen. Young poolu are apt to coitnuit OXCCie from not beIng unsaru of the dreadful comitoqimences that may enauc. 2,0w oho that tijtdcntitartih title subject lll deny that vrocratlon Is lost Koorter by those falling Into improper habits than by 1ndemtt ? Ikeidu. being deprIvd of4le , rTeuruof'healt1ty oltaprlhgs.tltu mnuat serIous ind destructIve BI utthttOmlis of but ) , body and mind arise. 'rho system becomes uIcmnnd , the pt381Cai aqd nitntaI functlcpa anaheim , Litas of procreative utowers , miervotas IrritabIlity , c3s1w1isra , psuiiitatlon of the heart , liidlgestIo. . cotistitu tonal debility , wasting of thu frame1 cough , couisunipilon and death. ¶ ' dURE ' a A' WAItRANTED. Pens ruined In health , b7 unlearned prctcitders who kcop them trilling month after month takthg 1.oii000Us arid Injurious compoumids , should apply lmnmedlatouy. , Djl. ] ? JSHB1ATT , , , , "raduato of one of the ntnstemjnunt collegcs of the Ujmlteil StLte , line effected some of the mnoet stonI.h- mg ctmrc that crc 'tree known ; mnany troubled with rlnglmmg 1mm the ears amid htotid. when asleep , gres * ulrrvousmius , , neimig alanuneel at certain eountlswlth , frtquent blusiulmig. attundat somastinic. is Ith dortings' moent of thu mind s ore cured Immnodtateht' . TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. F. addresses all thios , i'Jio tiara Iuijtirod thomuuselsa' . by Inuproier Indulgence anit eolmtaxy bablt which rulti both body attn tuuInduiettln. LImeiti for tiusinuss , etuuly , scteIy rr niarniage. 'ilieso mire some of the tuslauicholy effucts prodiucoil by the early hablti of youth , viz : Veaknes of the hunk cmiii lImbs , talu& * It. the hail antI dimness of sight , hosi of Iiuui.tumar power , paIpitatImm of the heart. .Iypepsla , nervous Irritability , deratigeutelit of , digesti' . U fumictlotis , debility , commemimptlon. PRIVATE OFFICES , OVER THE OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , OliAUA NEBRASKA. - CONSULTATION FltF.I. Charge. tnoileraWtnod ftbIa : the roach ef tPwho need sclentltio fodlca trcatmttuimt. 'rlit.e who restitont a , llstanru toil caret cali , sill recelyc pronhit attentIon through an aM by .imply ecndlng their sylimlitonts wit ) , restage. f'Addrcss Lock Box $4. Omaha , Neb. 0. 31. LEItTIIII N : ' S H. T. CLARKE. ' 4 1 LEIGHTON & CLARKE , ' ( SUCCEOSOIUI 10 KENNAIII ) 111108. & CO. ) WhOlesale 'Druggists I C -PEALERS IN- Paints Oils Brushes Class , , , , , OMAIIA , - - - - - - - - NEBRASKA. ; Double and Single Acting Power and I/and , PUMPS , STEA PUMPS , Engine Trimmings , Mining Maehinory' Bolting , hose , Brass anc Iron Fittin s atwholeaahe and rorlail , HALLDAY WIND.MILL9 , OJIUR II ' . - : Corner ' 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb ,