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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1883)
THE BEE- 7 , Music Hall ! h.Ole aJl ® , Zttaa.l. .3' . ThTL.JLL.II ! , , i COUNCIL IOWA Proprietor of Musi ( Ilall and General Manager for the Celebrated , Co1 , Of Mendota , III , , for WcsterM Iowa , Northern Kansas and Missouri , Nnhraska , Southern Minnesota , and Dakota Territory , and Dealer in the Matohleo3 WEBER , t , . . LINDE1VIAN , . . t , . AND HARDMAN 7 I P ianus. , -ALSO- PTTIDBTT AND- . . ; . : B&.STE1ItJST ! l ' , COTTAGE ORGANS I q J. ' 'i ' . ' -ALL KINDS OF- MUSICAL MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , -SUCH ASA - -A FULL LINE OF- Musk Boxes , Italian Strings , Music Books and Binders , i Sheet Music Etc , Etc Fine Kinds Toys. 1 , 's ' Li a specialty in the Piano line , I would recommend most heartily the Ilardmaia iaiao ! L fine tone , finely finished , first-class instrument in every respect ; they are not the cheapest , 'ntaos , but within the reach of all who really desire something that will last a lifetime. THY 'I'LIEM. They are fully warranted for SEVEN YEARS. SHODDY PIANOS AND ORGANS .o largely advertised like patent medicine , and like it , good for everything and nothing in particular , l DO NOT KEEP IN STOCK. Icannot afford to sell them , its I live too near home. But if desired , I am prepared - pared to furnish any of these eheap Pianos and Organs at eastern prices , save freight , provided I am not held responsible. In connection with this I will state that my Organs contain G full octaves of Reeds , to one set , and do not call a single octave of reeds , afull set , as advertised by shoddy makers and dealers. I sell Pianos and Organs on Monthly and Quarterly Payments ; also for cash , with small extra discount. Send , for circular. , Addre553 i. . J. MUELLER , Rio. 103 South Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ; THE OLD DOMINION. a Noble Typo of the Old Virg1niaa - The Bloc Rialto Ncgro Stationary , The Story or Hull Bun. ) ! ratans ( Ye. ) Curteelwndonro of ( Thk a Thus. IVhat a now world I bravo found down hero in this now landl It is one of the grao faults ill our montnl makeup that we avt seu but litho beyond our own our reundit gs. The sky shuts in round about us like a buck that is rendVo do not sco beyoml its purple rim. We rotnoni bor thu outside world uuly as wo saw it last , forgetting that d10 test of the world is rushitijin moo , too ; that the roar of fro gross 15 heard quite bo 'ond the roach of our own oars' that the fo go and thu furnace , ahnosi around thu ghllo of the earthen tro turning shares into plowshares rid spears into puning hooka Ault do not forgot that the world is boominb down hero , after its fashion just as it is in NoYork , Boston nnt 14)11(1"11 , Many stiles ronuto front any railroad wheru1 have boon a pondiii g the Past two weeks away up on the limo itni ro 1 found things riving along abuut as California ; lively as in Oregon or 'I'11o ardor of things is brokuti a bit , 811(1 mho fannt of 4P00 acres , on which I found hospitality , has a vallovcd up many a 51(1811 ( ] moue ; but it is in thu bite of pro. gross , and all sown hnppy , all are cur. mitily quite industrious , content , hotiost , Prosperous. Thu railroad cars that hug thu Piedmont are all the line gronniug under thu loads of fat sleek cattle , hogs , turkey , chickens , and fruits. Only lust nook 1 saw tw o carloads of Concord grapes on their way to Washhnjstun The brandy we drank at this old Virginia lumuu 1115 distmllud not moro thunttol stiles away. And with all this material progress tut us put it upon reconl that tom Virginamt ! is still the \'irginiau. . And lot us be thankful for that. lie , with his solid no ticua of honor , truth , piety , purity , hos- pitalit' , is a good anchor to thr nation , 't'his old Virginian , udor whose solid 11mho auy 1 have ] rd y logs , is building a barn , Every timber in this barn 1 have had to approe and prniso for its solidity tad lwrmateuce. Ills head is u seventies , but to stumps about uuutl thotitps ovurythtng with his big oak nick to sea that it is "solid ! solid ] solid ! Mall ! " flu is building a stow wall about his thousands of mountain acres , and , al. thorgh to well knows le will newer live to see it eoumpleted , ho lays the fouila- tioi deep in the earth ; solid ! solid ! solid ! ' 1 mid his character , as well as those of his noighibors scours to ho quito as substumi tial. At breakfast one morning , a bottle of hotiuy , so-called , was brought upon time table to be spread npoti the crisp amid smoking corn cakes , 'Yell , this"limey' Proved to be glucose. This glucose has boon euru(1 in a tor a "halo commb" which aono Yaskca Lae made by Yachin- e . Time good and gray old nlan had ] Gnishted g gra e , But ho getup up , lie struck his fiat in mho air , std 1 tell you he fairly turned the atntosplioru uluo. "Iu rrauco , sal , that grocer's store would be shut up and confiscated iii tor minutes , sail lie would be tried for adultery , salt ! Yes , sal ; time laws of Moses meat just that , salt. It menus tint you shall not adulterate sugar , or collee , or tea , or honey , or any of God's gifts to mat , sail ! IIonoy ? honey ? That's the work of honest boos , sal ! It's glucosoglucose-sticky , stinking glucose , sal ! " Whatever advance the Virginia negro , male of darker if not coarse clay that ourselves , may be making in other parts of tlriscontincnt , in the heart of the Blue Ridge ho is stationary as a post. Not one , with a sin lo exeoption , owns the land on which his neat little whitewashed but stands in its little patch of corn amid potatoes ; nor does ho aspire to own it. lb generally has a cow and a few pigs , many ( tens , a few turkeys , lots of dogs , and a 1)orfcct cloud of merry little lover about his homand all are very happy-healthy , too. Of course they are ignorant , amid must rennin so , oven as those of n bettor class or more favored color , in a sparsolysettledregion. On Sunday no oho , black or whits sootted to think of going to church. But down in a little dinmplo of the earth , under the oaks , a dozen or two of young negroes gathered amid passed time greater part of Uro sweet September day swinging - ing each other , laughing , chatting , sing. ing amid making marry in time most in. nocont and Arcadian way. Thu old Vir- gmnma gentleman assured nun that they are goad at heart , fairly honest , reasonably - ably industrious , very happy , and very hopless. ] lie constantly sconcd to be making presents to some one of time ) run. dred or so on his lands of shoes , limits and clothing of one kind and another , and 1 am sure they all love the old gentleman - tloman amid regard lrinm ulnost with rev- eromcw. Ono afternoon , along with a anmall party , I wont hunting for wild turkeys over Limo vast track of four thousand acres of 1tm11 and valley , wood and meadow land. And I ant sure we galloped through about fifty orchards , amid saw quite as many deserted hones with time oleo cultivated fields of blun grass , and atAnes falling back into a state of nature. Now I knowit is suited and believed that the owners of these fields toll in the war. Not so. These moon pushed over the Blue rammgu long auo. Even as early as the day when time presort state of " ] lli noh5 County , State of Virginia , these little - tle nountain homes wore being massed together , and resolving themselves into great cattle ranches Uko this one on which I have jwt heals spending the timoat dehm hurtful days of mmmy life. how ninny strange , old.nuw stories one Ands dowmi hero among these ancient people. And how many curious relics of days "be. fore time war , sal. " In time Iast mouth of President Jack- son's 5dnmfnmstratiol lie called in a young artist , wlunn I um not permitted to nanmu now , to do a miniaturu of his deceased wife on ivory , This young mar was but mmumuteon , amid the old soldier seems to have taken hits quite to his henrtfron the lottersamld otho'thiugs be had preserved. Thu Inst. few days of Jaclson's adnminis- cratior ho kept ipo artist constantly with him , and at work oil too miniature. Every hour the hero of New Orloamms would come and look over his simul11er in hums deep colmtvrm about his progress of time work , 1 ho room occupied , which was time Golouh'a private ollico at that time , was the cue on the r13l1t , immediately at time head of the stain stairway , 'Phu ' artist-now a gray , old Virginian and oainomt in quite atiother walk of life- says that in those bust few days time I'reai- dent wits left quite alone , 'l'hu files that ii zz about to suck the sweets of ofhice humid flown to ) tis successor , Thu king is deiul ; long live the king. President Jackson humid nothing immure to bestow , and so was loft iii angst entire solititudo , Time geu oral would not let the artist go away , but kept hm'n at his side iii the private oflica I'ou to the last hour , while he looked over and destroyed his papers. As ho came to the last one ho ll lanced at it , let It fail hioarjly for a moment , ( lion raised it up , tore it in two amid throw it os tlmo floor , where bits of paper already lay nman inches dee . springing p , the old ratan threw his two hnnds o tmut binged them down , 511(1 said : "There , thank Godl tlmt is the last of it , time very last of it ; and now I am going home to spend time ronainder of my days at my dear ller uitago , " Saying this ho walked across the roost , took a cobpipo , tilled it , amid sat down , smacking a long thno in silence. The artist also nado at time t'mmo ' n miniature - iature of ivoly of Jackson which ho still has in his posselsio(1 ( , 'l'Imo face is hoav icr , fuller , than two mire neemistomed those it in stool cuts and pamlings. 'I'mo chin is lprolltineimt , massive , aluost double ; the hamr very thick , bristling , and like snow. "Manassas 11ammassasI" 'limo words rammg out slmngelytomofrom time swarthy conductor's lips yesterday s the ears slowed imp at a little village in nu open and half barren laud , There was n ummu- ory , a souse of history , a sound of war , a scent of 1Vatorloo color about this immune , a roar of camuumu , which can noverbemuito disaaaociated from "Diatiasms ! " I wonder if time bihlieal old Alnnnasnli , who kept the little way'shde inn at Ills. 118558 gap ahmnlred years ago and gave his 1181110 of peace , to the place , was n a mmt of war or a man of pence , or felt the weight of cuunon on his shutm fors as 1o boru about this great battle nanmul This railway stutfon is about thirty alines fronn 1Vasiliml toti City , through time city of Jackson which ws laid omit. -and mriedtoo-during , lackanu'sau. ministnttinn ; also tlmrnmughu Aluxamdria , a slnrird town , where \Vnslutigton tveut to clnmrch after hue had buried the hatchet. and that cherry tree opisude. 1Ve lut ; a good dimmer at llnnmtssas , amid hiring a teamu and driver we sot out for the battle fold of llull itun , four umiles distant , over the same road which ltenuregard travelled to meet , lleDowel on July'21 , 1801 , 't'he trouble now is not what to say but what mint to say iii a single letter , llrietly , then , the South was mtssumg for battle at this poiimt. Yout can to this day see smiles of earthworks here. Fort llcuuregnrd is still nu inlpositig piece of fm titicatin11 , earthwork , with pencil. trees , pear trues , willows , and iii fact all kinds of wild ale well as tnluu woods chimmtbiug over. It is too heavy to hovel ( lOWui ammd restore again to low donminiou of the plough , lint nearly nil the other lines and uartlt forts have quiutly stir- rendered to the humsbaudmau , amid , mounting there to dny , time tall corn stamla in re iumunts , flashing its grucu , bent sabres ut the seu. This first battle of huhl Run stands heat in the alphabet of great Amoricaml battles , Greater battles luwe baeti fought hereabouts ; a greater battle , indeed , of this same ground. But the first has fits- ( cued itself upon us. There is a savage fascinmmtiol about it which we who lived ail that day cannot escape. And yet it wits moot yesterday. 1 saw loummgiug against a Innmp post hero met lUamtasaus , not aim lour South- error pulling at his moustache , 1 ap- preached and asked hint of thubattlo. lie had been born since it was fought , So you see it tvmts not Fought yesterday , thin battle of Btll Run , w11oi the caution shook the earth oven to time shores of Oregon. And do you know the North plavCtl time air of "Dixie" in thin first battle ? It is so. Thu South hind met yet learned it , but played "Time Girl I Left hiohr.d ! Me. " Lot us look in upon this battlatiold as we look uptati the face of one whomn the knew well nearly a quarter of a cmdu ago. By a wide well-kept county roads through t corms fields aid clumps of oak , chestut walnut hicko' , and Iltalf a dozen other kindsof scrub tieos , ammo of dent badly shot to pieces , we wore driven toward time muddy , slug- gislr , crooked mild ugly little stream of Bull Run. Inn this drive of four miles we mot one man on horseback ; we passed one man on a horse , amid a barefoot tiegro boy on foot , drivung a little flock of sheep. Overhead I saw a single raven , not a bird , not a squirrelon either ] mud , but tie crickets and grnashoppors in the corn fields and clumps of wed on either 8110 ! of us chirped amid snug iucessautly. At time cud of four miles we turned through a gate to tlio right into a field ; cows were seattored horn amid their around time crescent of time hill ; on limo crust of thlo hill stood a long , frame farnm house ; back of this ) rouse a little brews stone monuntomt to time dead soldiers ; iii front of it , in time door-yard , a gravoatono , The house , wluielt formerly stood here , had been torn to splinters during limo battlu. Time lady buried in the grave in time door. yar(1 was killed hero. She was time smother of time kind old geumtlouan wow now in- hunts this place. This battle-field was his umothor'a fans , it is now his and ho shows you over it. Ile was teaching school down at Alexandria at the time his mother was killed hero-mi school teacher for forty years , lie and lmis sinter live in his old gray house together ; 110 one but tlroso two old deaf People for many a mile about. Time poach trues are breakimm P down under loads of fruit in time heart of time battle-fold , a little way down time slupo of time hill below the grave in the door-yard. Long atrings of fat turkeys tread time tan led grass through orchard chasing the rassho 1 ere , Be- law thin orchard , half a muuilo away and curving around in a muddy crescent , but hidden by a young growth of trees , creeps Bull ] tun. Un the morning of the battle time broad corn-fields elm time other side amid away out yonder , smiles away over tire foot-hills , the federal bayotiets gleanmed by tens of thousands. They were marching for Iieammre god's rear , or rather for time Midland limo , , wluichhhndcone up froth thoSetttlm. lie had cotuu out front 11anassasfour nrilesaway , to 5t01) this mnnvelnatt , as all the world knows. ' 'imo North was not Lobe stopped. Ilemmee the battle lucre , limit thus js trenching on history , and we must draw the hue , You emiu see whore the Southn retreated to whore stoodfuckson "like a atoimo wall , " Back of this house , u hcru the old school. master lives with his oldest aster , about a hundred yards , and ahmiost at the top of time gently sloping hill , eu time outer edge of time tall , r uik corn , and against a young growth of pines , is the place where Jackson got d"wim to pray. And lucre it was hu sat on his ttorsu , was wounded , meld his men is atuhbnrn line that day , while the stornm of battle beat against them , quid so wati his singular panne. On the front of this mlopumg hull tltimt lies lucre , hetweeti this house and the plaeu where Jackson sat on his horse during time battle , time dead lay thickest wmoii time filhmt wan dono. 'l'ime corm is rank and amid tall , limit I dm hot see as mono pro. to , whop looking over time field of Water. lee , that tim. , blood of brave Des has pm any particular perk or vitality upon it , Ihu truth is , if sumo one did not momimt out bm you nil this 'ou would kmsw noth- in g whtever of the battle of Buli itun Nature covers up nil sum him scars' titnu heals time wouns eu time breast of au r conunomt metier , as well as our own 'Vander about lucre for a week , as 1 haw e done , amid , save for the are little brown stauu inonunmout lucre , time old earthwork at Manttsas amid sono scared old trees , you would not know there had over bue I ally battle hero , I Lave picked ouu but - BRE'NING ' ASSOCIATION T Ot Ir * k , , . 4 . . , , y e. : OFLl.B1LATIlD Gee and Bottled Deer a This Excollemit Boor speaks for itself. N f s f B RED ytN G P . SS ORDERS FROM ANY , , , , PART , 01 TUI ' . . ' . ' , , , ry' ' SLAP ! ' OlE PIII. LNLIIEL WEST , K S1a0UIS MD. Promptly Shipped , ALL OUR GOODS ARE MADE TO THE STANDARD O f ® Ur c'u. . , r , ice , X31. $ s e. Fe SCHLIEF f Sole Agout for Onmalma and tlie Wost. Corp Shim Street and Capitol Avuuuo , M. HELLMAN' & 1 , Clothiers ! ' 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET COR. 13TH , OMAhIA , NE1IT1ASK lot amid ono button ! rent n nnldior's ' coat ; that is all. limit au the cartimworks boar lhulnssas , tnmdur a pencil tree , while pick. ! rag up peaches , I found an lndinu arrowhead - head , 'I'Imitik ' of it , amid follow those two factsVhat : other battlen , what other races had fought for time fields of Virginia egos and mmgea bufrro1 Net mummy l lecotio to visit thus btt- tlu liuld. 1 htave aeon a tlousmul at 1Valerloo far a simigle visitor hi ru , Tim great lreimeh wleru the dond wbre lmurrieul oti this sloupilmg hill iunuedialuly mimmdur where Stutiowall Jackson sat his horse during Ilia Ualtle , is still tt troneh. 'I'Imis is a sore that ruhmses to head , it has hecoumu n little dlnimi or rivulet. Time bmues of time dead were mostly falcon away at low close of limo war , Haul this o'cued ' the truuelm nnuw , ' ) 'his purtioti of the bnttlu liuld i mu Mature now , A little line of trees has grown along limo banlcs of this trench. Under these rank young trees a good many sleek-spotted cattle stood yesterday clewiim g the cud and lazily switelmimi ! . flies. You hover hoar a sound of any Iciud around hero at mull , no coumimig amid going of carriages , mina \Vaturhoo mil other grant battle-fluids of Europe , 'L'ime trees are turning mu lit. tlu red rat the blush of early a tunum. There is a hazy gray atnrosplwro aver all lucre which umles tune stmlhlessscum immure still ; weary ghost of time smoke of war , In tow corners of the cld Virginia wor11t fences time wild burry grows manic 811(1 red , mum if drip ling with blood , 'l'ime very earth in rod , as if the hosont of earth por- etuallY forler brave dead who fell iii time rattle lucre , .JOAQUIN MIIdHIt. C011ih1C1tOljlb , ) COUNCIL nLUFFS eiA1Kiir ( , Wheat-No. ' spa mpg , 76e ; No. 3 , 63c ro- Soctod , r0c ; good demand Corn-1)oalors are paying 31a24 rejected corn , Chicago 40r4tc ; raw mixed 49o ; white torn , roc ; time receipts of corn are Ilght. Oath-in good demand at 2Uc. ] [ o-1ocli Ii 00 par tom1 ; title per bolo , ] L - ; ht su m ml . Corn 111ea1 125 per 100 pounds , 'Vuod-Good supply ; prieoa at yards , r OOtJ G 00. 00.CoalDolivorod Coal-Dolivorod , hard , 1100 per ton ; soft , r ISO per tem. linttor-Ploaty and hi fair demand at 2rc ; croonory 305 Eggs-Steady solo rat ire per dozen. Lard-Fairbatmk'n , wholesaling at loo. l'oultry-Finn ; dealers are paying for cldckonm ICc ; limo , 2 rO per dozen. Vegetables-Potatoes , tOc ; nuiommu , tOc ; cab. bans 3OllOo per dozen ; appfos , 3&064 W per barrel Flour-City flour , l CO3.10 Broonmm- 003 00 per doz. Lvx wrocic. Cattlo-3 0003 Z0 ; calves , r 1007 ro. hugs-Market for lungs quiet , as the packIng - Ing houses are clumiod ; shippers are paying 100 Q47l. A WIFE'S TROUBLE. For anminber of a ears my vvlfu has been troubled wItinchronic rhouumtleuyItbmdt , Iusmileporta ; the hodv cuuetautly ( except merhap. by the very warme.t weather In sunmaor ) . I.ast Chrbtmas roimtne tad a very aelero cold , mini a dlsea.ed coed tine of tlio Idduey. became uanltest , nhlch eubjext mil her to ono caslve suffering a' ' , oho eynnptonu of gravel bucahm nwro promluent , liar urlne bebig cob oecdaaoapahled ky a heavy brlekohat sodlnwnt. After tryingmcvcnl rcmodto , without relief , I pro. cured for her s bottle of Ilunrs IWmnudy , which sow ( oinIhcneud takingaud before throe dse l l passel shu beano hunch better. Homo contluucd using the nadlolue until shu had heed six botlfesand now shu tcele entlrely cured of both nceuntutlem amid khuiy cuugdalnt , She holl.ves bur present cxcelkut health duo solely to the use of limit's Itcmcdy. WIL1.iAlt C. CLSAVYLASD. Norwich , Conn. , May L , 1660. OEATIPYINO ; RESULTS. Under date of May 14 , Mr. E. Tlmmpsen , the well- known grocer and yro'slam dealer , of 78 Orcui atrcet , Now ilayen , Coun. , writes ns follows ; "He , . oral weuka since I was tak.a very III with kldncy ills. urlun , and on examinatlun of my urine .howud a very dlsonsed condltlon of may kidney. , aid i bail ai.n .ymjtoni.of aliruaaalstate of may Ilmer. 'row paseiug mil my urine was aecompauled with severe yaihs In tow small of toy lack and Iehms , lelfow ii by a bmndng seusatlon , and after luau Ing stood an tills ha limo vessel , oho urine ehowcd n very' heavy deposlt of a sodlnwut $ lmtlar to gronud brickdust , sud , lm short , I found that m was In such adlseased cotmlltlen rw to require hnnmedlate hiodlcal tiuahneut , and as 1 was anxious ii , obtaln the hest and hmost.peafy rom coy , I looked alit Inipmlrul carefully , anti Lecaimu mat. lsticd that llnnt'slteuiedywean artklucf oxeellcat merit , amid thercloro I cawludcl to Fho It a trial , amid commenced taking It , amd before I had taken one bottle I fonmol mime a great Iupruvcmest taint I dame o dell to coullnuo It. muse , and by taking only two laltfus tic rosuftlws beori most gratlfybig Iii giving Pao rostorel liealtl , , " 1 lava ordered a snpi fy of llnat a ituuudy fonny store , nod shall hereafter hamu It for rule , ay 1 con. shier It aim excellent article for diseases of thu liver and kldnuys. M R. RISDON , Oll'1 ' Ilisuiiico Aou1 IhEl'ltFJinNTH/ 'hionlx Ausimranoe C4of . s.oudouCash . k soot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ( pact , 60L . . , . . , . , oorxl , I'hu Merchants , of Nesark , N , J. , Cadlol ; 1,276,000. ea bard Fire l'hilalel Lila , ( kpital . , , . 1,2oo,000 , 'lromen'a Fund , Capltai , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1.299,919. 00 -lOeml9OmalaNaUooal 1ank ( Cut _ 1 'l .1)41' ) lie ID Horses Wintered. wlTholuniillerslgned are prepared to wInler bone DouGlo Single or Box Stalls ON ItitASONALN TERMS. nlOlILAND FLACK , ' , wmrou i l A eptA4w D. C.MlTTUllll/o SON , 'rhoueoef Ihoterm"Rho , iino" In connc'etlen with the curporeto nnuw ml a groatroed , cnhvey5nnIdea of met wham ; required by tow larrling pub. III I N E Itc-a Sim.rt IJns , Quick rime and the beat of acernunoda- , N tlon-all of whlclu are fern. lhol by the groateet railway In Ametlca. C HIOAGO , M ILWAUKEE And St. Paul , and oporieki over 4,600 mllesof roadln Northern Illhmob , tvlwommAhi , Iltnneota , Iowa and ilakota ; and ad to rnnlu Iiime. branclmes and couuoc , tonne reach all the t rent buhww , coatis of the p Nwrthwest nod For Wcet , It aaturatly anwers the dcecrlpllon of Short Lille , amid imct itoilte between Cllcnco : , Milwaukee , SL I'aul and Mlnneapolls CldcngeMlhcaukec , La Cnmeso and Wlnoa. Chicago , klllwaukce , Abenlecn and EIlondala Cldcago , Mllwnukcu , Itau Claire and Sllllwator' Chicago , Slum nui co , Vmumiau and Mcrrlf. Chkago , dIIWilukee , Heaver Daum and Oshkoelm. Chleauro , Sills aukeo , Waukaha and Ocnnomowoa , Chicago , 9111wsukcc , Malleon and 1'ralrledu Chloe. Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna nod i alrllaulI. Chicago , Ilelolt , Jeneseplo amid 1IImucralPoint. ( , Meng , , } : Imgin , lhwkfcrd aid Dubuque. Chicago , Clinton , hock aloud and Cedar Itepide Chicago , Council llluas and Omaha. Chicago , Stuux City , Sloux Fall , anti Yankton I Chicago , Mllwnukeu , 91ltchell and Chanuberlaln. flock Ismnnd , Dulnrgno , Hl. I'aul nail Mhmoa'oila ' 1)a\emuport , Calmar , St. Paul alit Minneapolis. ; 1 l'nllnan Sleepers and the FInnt Dlnin fare lnth I world arc run on the hail Ilne , ottho CHIC ACp MILWAUKEE FL ST . PAUL RpILWp Y end everyattoutlnn I , paIto paeecugcrs by a ourte out ongdoyes of the comaaq ; . SS. d. IIEKitltd4 A. V. 11. CAnI'ENTEh , uler'IManager. , nen'11'aee.Agcnl. J. T.CLAKit , OEO11.IIEAFFOIm , I Oam'I Hup'L Asst Cool rasa Ag'L 5ogears iharoknown nod watchueltheu.oof Swift' . Spa ciao for over fifty ycoreamid have never known of afnllureto care hloal I'oimm when praperly taken , Iusalitonmyecruintsfromm1660to1609asdh also I aeuubcr of my neighbors , and to every case that 00510 within nay knnwledgo It eaeeted a cure. In all ny Itfol have nucr known a reumodl that would so , iuCyaccougilishwhat It is recmnu endedto do. Ii. I. DENNARD , I'.rry , Oa hams known and need Swift' . Specific for more than twenty years , and have seen mon wonderful re smite frets is use than from any reined in or out of the l'hannaca'unla. ' It Is aeertalo and sale antidote to ali carts oo blood polson. J , DICItSON SMITIL , If. D. , Atlanta , Oa. . . I The Great Drug Uouso or Chicago. We dnnot imitate to say that for ayear a 1 flavesnlit moro of Swift's HmcclfioS.H. H. ) than , other ltlood I'mtdllure c'mibinal , anti wlthmost tonlshhig results. One gentfahmm who used halt a down bottles says It has Bono him umoro good than treatment whichcost hhu 1,000. Another who has ueal it for a scrofulous aQoetlon ropurte a remaneat cure truui Its Use. VAN HilAAclr , HTFVENSON & 00. EI,000IJIEWARD. will be pull te nny Chemist who will Sndon an. alysisof 100 bottles H. S. H. , ono particle of Mercury , lodldo t'otaselumor any mlueralsubstance. Tiff HWIFTHPh(1FIO CO. , ] ) rawer 9 , Atlanta , Ga , j rWrlto for limo little book , which will be mailed freq. i'ricoa Small sow , eho0 per bottle. Large slro ( holdingdouble quantity ) , $ L.75abottle. All drug. gist. sell It. t NOTICE ! 1 Traveling Public ! 1v 1 v -TIIE- COMMERCIAL HOTEL I -AT- OJBtoool4L , Nebs Ii now uudcrgoing throrouglm repairs , both within and Without , amyl time proprietor haunde it shall be CEO. ONu TO NONE lu the State , next to Omaha. II it. DLAtKWELL , aug 21.2m Proprietor , Nebraska Cornice - AND- j , MANGFACr'lluElls of GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES oT2ri01011 C10'GG' fe r FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOF/NO , PATENT METALIC SKYLIGUT , Fencing ! Iron ll ge , ILIusIralee , Verandas , Otfceaod Dank Itallings , Window and CellarGuards , Eta N. W , COIL. NINTi [ AND JONES STS. ti'M.OAlSElt , Manager. ' pR , BBNDERSON mod . slxteoa to I a eoeanlOoswy andutteCt , years mractlee-twelve la KANSAH CITY , U0. Chicago. Authorized by the state to tree , q CluonloNervoueandl4lvatedteeasee , A.GumaEpilopsyRheumatism Pass , 11 Taps Worm , Uriuary and Skin Ills. oases , Comical , ] Sexud hubOlty ( low rut sexual power ) . I to rua guaranteed or memmey refunded. Charges .ow , Thuusanda of cases cured. No injurious medl. aloes fumiabod oven to 'utlonte ' at a distance. Con. suitatlun free and oootideuUal-ell or write aTe and axperleaoc are its'outant , A DOpK for Latin Salem- Ulvtntud-aud circular. of other thinge sent Baled ' fer fro 1 amt stamps FREE MUSEUM dI mud od w , F