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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1883)
THE DAILY I3II : COUNCIL BLUFFS , MONDAY OCTOBER 1883. Lri t DAILY BEES' ' OUNCI L BLUFFS , Monday Morning , Ootobor 161 sunsc1thl'fiot RATES : fly Carrier - - - - - - - 20 cents per wrek 137 MM - - - - - - - - 110.00 her fear OFFICE : o , 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway , MINOR MENTION. Sco Joseph Bcitor's full gOod5. Cheap ItAdlroad Tickets at Buslmell's. There are twelve guc8ts at the hotel Du Schontz. Regular month i Odd Fellows I'rotoc live association thus evening at Odd 11 el- low's hall. Raymond mid Campholl have corn monced the coustruction of the Bryant street bridge , The Pacific Express company has reduced - duced the rates on small parcels between Council lihiffs and Onaha to 15 cent , . 'rho ' silv'or medal has been awarded to Jas , llfulqucen , by St. .Tosoph's acade my , for good conduct for the past two weeks. Who says Council Blufrs can't have laved streets ? Already seven wagon loads of brick fragments have bocn dumped in the mud pools on Broadway. William Stoinkopf is building a Iaru brick building es the coruor of Maul street and Washiington avenue. Whet coinplotod it is to be occupied by Linn as a grocery store. ' A now sidewalk is under process of ! construction on Mynster street , between 5thn and 6th and is the private enterprise - ' priso of one of the citizens of that vii - i comity. 1 The Macedonian , of this county , says that during the storm last Monday oven- fa Afr.Vm. . Johnson , of Wavoland township , lost Live head of steers by S lightning. ! All members of the board of trade l should attend the adjourned meeting this evening as business of importance to all who arc interested in the prosperity of the city will be discussed. 1 II. F. ITattenhauer is removing the building occupied by lain as a carriage factory , on the corner of Seventh and Broadway , to his now location on Fourth + Street. The old and only original Bavarian Baud returned to Council Bluffs Satur' Y day evening. They have boot npondiug the summer at Las Vows , Now Mexico , playing at the Hot Springs. C. B. Bowen and M. Maser , who wore left under the care of Jailor Schontz by the sheriff of Carroll county , on a charge of swindling , went to leave this city and have applied for a writ of Iiabcas corpus. The gross earnings of the Chicago , 11IIlwaukoo & St , Paul railway company for the first week in the present amounted to 8530,000 , an increase of $30.000 over the corresponding week of last year , I Dr ; Dootkin , realizing the necessity of ' a drug story on lower Broadway , has pur charcd a lot between Seventh and Eighth atreots and will soon erect a large brick building thereon , to be used for such a purpose. Max Mohn whip soon conunonco the erection of a three atory building on lower Main street , adjoiauig the Creston ] mouse The new building will be 25 by 100 foot , witht a frontage of cut stone , in conformity with his present building , The Board of Supervisors will convene flits morning for the purpose of canvass- l fng the returns of the recent o ection. The official returns will not naterialy change the result as heretofore ( published In TiIs Ili u. Postmaster Armour almouncos that f hereafter the p0atolldco will ho 01)011 ) on Sundays from 11 o'clock till 1. Chicago 1 time. ] loduced to local Limo this nieans from half past ten o'clock until half past twelve. The now grain elevator of Brace cC Burton , at I'oraia , is on of tire largest and most complete of any on the M7 ivaukee road. It is almost completed , : uid the firm is already taking in large quantities of grain. ( iCO. H. Champ , Jr. , nioniber of the Teal estate firm of diiutball ; .tp Champ , will , on Wednesday aftornoou , October 17th , be married to Miss Alla D , Coch- rano , a chaining and accomplished hello of Lal'orto , Indiana. After an extended tour through the east they will return to this city November let. The Grand Lodge of I. 0.0. F. , of Nol raska , will convene in Omaha next Wednesday. Thursday the annual pn. ratio taloa place and in the evenin ; thou Will be a grand banquet and ball at the Masonic Tem du , The Grand Lode of Iowa convenes at Ottumda at the name tune , E , B. Gardner will go from here as one of the representatives , Mayor Bowman , who spout so much tone and money on the fall meeting of our agricultural and driving 1a rlt assci iltlon , says lie wishes he head 1agone dowil to Chicago and backed BI Sun p Friday , as le intended to , lie aught have evuu again. Big Soap was a popular horse hero at the September meeting , and Friday he von first money in the 213 race in Chicago , Last Friday Dr , Bollingor , assisted by Drs , Deotkinand Emnionde , successfully performed , for the first time in Council duffs the delicate surgical operation I known wld as lithotom ' chi cousmall of cutting a steno from thu bladder. ! n this instance the atone was composed or oxalate of lime , and wcigliod 180 grains , Airs. G , Phillips , the patient is feeliul much relieved , and bids fair to recove r rapidly. Superintendent 1V , J , Iiaucoclc , of tam e .Anlericau and SVeils Fargo express con Ipanics , pill today acrd to the nigh hundred olllcea in his division cam110 t arts of list of Anmorican express olllces also the now tariff circular , schedule o Nebraska end agents' guide. SuItorn n tendent hlancock aided byF , L Clark usaistaut eupcrinteudent , are Icing nnhc towards perfecting timid popularizing tit Autoricanand IVells Fargo express con 1 panics business in Iowa and Nobmask a Pottawattaunie county is well euppliu Irtith otlucntional facilities , wldchi nro a prociated by time public , as the followil report , furnished a lint reporter County Superintendent Cooper will skins Thlro arc 285 public schools ill thl ) cour ty1 pf which t15 are bgraded. Theo t4)f value of time school property is 8274,301 ( hero are 15,074 pupils in attendance b tivtdn time ages o1 and 21 'oars. TI :1s tnl iuDlber of mimic pupils ia 7,801 ; tl number of ferrates is 7173. Of the tot number of school houses 200 nro wooden framed buildings. The tofal numnbor of teachers omplni'ocl is 280 ; the average waBcs1for month is30,51 , 'b'lue (110140 publishes an item from which any one unacquainted with the sit- uatian would imifer that the paper bo het that a9 311 him as $20 each hind l/eon paid by tliu I for votes in the Second ward , If the managing editor hind never boon in politics ho might poe- sibly ho gullible enough to swallow mlcli n story , but lie knows the value amid price of votes in Council Bluffs too well to take may st ck in Helm a tale oven if it was told in lime own paper. Ii , B. Stone , assistant general mnama- ger ; W..1 , Davonimrt , general freight agent ; W , T , Merrill , euperiutondont at Burlington : J. II. Duggoi , superintendent dent at Creston , nn(1 C. W. Eckermian , suporintondullt of motive power , of the Chico o , Idurlington d Quincy railroad , wore Bare last week oxmniniim g the comma - ma 'e rn pert g. Owiim to thin lateness of Imo soasoi it was datcrnmmed not to contulonco this fall the construction of the now passenger 1111(1 freight depot lull lower Maui street. 'Fame prcsemt Freiamt ; ( depot will bit enlarged and ronmodolcd seas as to accommodate for Limo present the increase of business , " 11'hint a provoking thing to have a valise that wePt stay skull" was the ox- clamntirnl of a youmig lady of the city , M alma boarded thu ( took Island train going it cast last Saturday evening. So was , as was exloriomiccd lseveral gumitlenmun who were seated near where time accident ] mppeumed , nod who kindly volunteered to assist the lady to gather time unruly fmuinino articles from mmder their scats and divers places ill time car , and handed then : to her ladyship for replncetnmit. " 1'os men , but I epcct y'ou'vo got man all , 'ee pt tllu-tlm-musk " replied one of thw assistants seated near. The lad' passed on and took a scat in the rear of time last car , while Cnu sympathizing gem ! . tleinon were left to enjoy time fragrance of extract of rose , and dream of hair. pine , powder , buttons , brushes , etc , Dr. West , dentist , l4 I'aarl streot. Snatchd by the Stars. James Johnson , a darky , was coin' planed of mmd arrested for assaulting and battering Avery in a saloon , Friday niglmt , Ile was fined for it , Jolui Snioidloy , who is now ill the calabooso , is waiting for trial on the charge of beating a board bill at time Ohio House , and obtaining money under false pretences. lie nsemned the role of a tolerably wall to do but verdant ran er. lIe represented to Mr. Allison host of Oho Ohio Jlouso that ho had $500 in tam blink , amid that ho was in the city to dispose of a car load of potatoes - toes , which were at time duiiot. lie ran up quite 11 little bill for cigars , with which he was very liveral Thursday uvening ho borrowed enough cash of Mr. Allison to buy n pair of overalls. Friday afternoon ho came nrwitli an order for $50 on John lemma , signed by Wni. Man. ning , lie said that Mono would pay it oIL presentation , but that lie could not find him , amid ho wanted to use the moo : : uy immedintely. Allison refused to advance - vance tlecash , and demanded time return - turn of time anmount ho had loaned hhni. The fellow wont out , and , as lee did mint return , a warrant was taken out , and lie was arrested. Ile will have a triad today - day , amid , if found guilty , will be made an exalnplo of. A mat , named Liggot , Nine resides in the country , was found in a state of intoxication - toxication and put in the cooler , Ho had a toani and wa roa and some flour. The tern was ? nit in a barn , and after time follow had sobered oil ie was allowed - lowed to pay $7.00 aimd take time flour hmomo , ' ' GeorQo Peters was arrested for an assault - sault with intent to do grant bodily imar m on one fl , J. Franks on election night. An effort was also umadc to prix John Reynolds up fn time ganrrol. It aceuie that Frnnka and a coralanion roundly abused I ooors in Whites saloon for souw net of a brother of Petora' . Peters an- miouucd his intention of thirashimig the two , when Air. Iioynolds , under who Peters is en : played by time Waterworka conmpaum told lulu not to touch tlmo men amid insistotl on his going ] onto. Peters dared Framka to out of doors , which chal- luugo Franka accepted , The result was a tight in which Franks was worsted. 1'lle trial was sot before Justice Schuz , for Saturday evening , but the conmplaiu- munt eoncludod to drop time whole nattor , and the nman was discharged. Saturday , a miuui too drunk to toil his namimu , hits not run in by the police , but urns bawled to the eotmtral station on a dray. This nmoruiug lie will bo porinitted to toll what it tviia that so mdl'ected lmiuu , Officer Clough : ran in a drunlc Satur day evomug , but ho was released yesterday day umorniug , as lie wanted to go to No. brnska , ani was sober enough to get to the trausfur. A full and complete stock of the latest styles of overcoatimig , worsted , cashmere suitngs amid dress goods just received at Sumitli t Follers' . Call and examine tlmeir hook , _ . .v---- Coining Itrloro tun C"uuno1) Couuoll N3 quorum of nldornmou putting in an appearance , there was uo nmeotimig of the common council Saturday evening , But tlmia ovuniug important huauuae ( will Bono before that body , ' 1'le oriinatce providing for paving streets hiaviug now beconmo a law , time comicil will be called upon to decide what streets arc to be improved this full , and will order the ndvcrtiaeuumits fur bids. Another matter that will cone up , is time lotitiou to give the Union Pleitio another street mianell ' Durant , o m which to rum a truck frui the transfer to Main . To this proposition there is n vigorous hick at the part of hproperty owners elm the street min quustiou as they claims their property will he very materially duinuged ! f the petition be granted. L 'I'hcio is also quito a fcolinb of opposi that developed among the eiUY.uus in gen o oral who declare ugniust time duuatimig of f ' any uuore valuable propuity to time U,1' , ' compamiy. 'I'hhu heavy shippers of lOWu r Mani street aru dushroua of 8eeuriug tit u L facilities that the mood promisca to nllnrd If the right of he ' ' g u way earl sci urcd. 'I'm e u : mttur slhould be thoroughly investigate , before mummy action is tukoii , Anothe matter that thu Council thruatens to dis d 11080 of is time old ulonroe building which p now obstructs North Sixth : street , It tea ng Waslied from its foundations into tit by miuddlo of time street by the flood of tit v ; first of Juno last , rlilrs. Monroe claim r to be financially ummablo to 1'Upbteo tam al building on the lot , 'r'ime house is min 0 ; nu obstruction to time highway' , and Wi U 'probably ' lie dcclured such , amid as sue e be romnovcd by ' the city. 'lwrufs l no di he posttiou to op pre5a or injure a poor wit al oWt so thu louse wilt b0 rcmiio1' c c 1 carefully as possible , anti as it must be sot sonowliero , it is proposed to sot it beck on its foundation , as it can be tut trouble there with as little expense and as anywhere , PEIG50NAU , O , M , Bruce , a prominent businees non of 1Vnlmlt , this county , and n Ina lhu druggist of dint place spent Sunday with his nuDler- nne friends in this mnetrlolls. ) Jolla T , Stewart and funnily went east last otonhlg over time t'hlcago , flock Island k h'ncllc. Capt. II. L , henry departed Saturday eve- ping for thn oast. It is hinted by his friends that the weddlog belle will rinv after his nr rival at Condmg , . V and that himself and a wealthy lull an ncclnnpllallcd lady of that city will ho the Interested parties Ur , l'auhsnn hiss giro to Chicago. Idw1n llnrbrldge , of foomor township , was in the city Satruday. lUchard Ryan has returned troni a trip over tire Sioux City 1L' Pacific In Nebraska ( lolly Louis , of Marro , well-known ha title city , and unpleasantly prenhment at present , was in town yesterday on a chaff to his parents , , Tustico Vaughn may bs found hum his office , where ho will be pleased to toil you all about electric lights , if ho hiss thno betwcou soltS. Ile is kept pretty busy dhpcnsing jutico , 1. J. , Men , of Loner , spent Sunday hr time city. city.1J. 1J. YItzer came down from Sioux City yes. tcrlay morning andipeut Sunday hum the city. Mrs , T. F. Ford left Council Blnfrs last 1'd day for her future hnlno In Sioux City. There are indeed few ladies In Cosncil llhulre who could ho more missed thmu Mrs. Furth. Umr ostentatiously active In every good nod charl- table work , her place will not easily ho filled , p Mr , and Mrs. It , C. 7'rinnbel , who were ro- cmltly married , at Glenwood , trlll arrive this mornhlg from Denver wiwme they have been on a short tour. S. II. Foster his. beau confined to lrfs room for thin past three Jays , ( ruin tire effects of a wmtnd in time foot , caused by the dropping of a largo pane of glass upon it. Miss May Chapman , of tide city , is visiting Mrs. Dave Bowman , of Ommaha. She hill return turn Mollie the lust of tide. , f , w. l'ollyck , of Clinton , Sundayod at time Ogden. .r. 1' . Cover , of Denison , was at taw Ogden yesterday. G. S. Ibmgforrl , C. 1i , Grcou amid II , hey. nolde , of Chicago , stayed over Sunday in the city , guests of the Ogden. W , Ii. Fry , of Omaha , was at thin Ogden yosterday. Con. S. S. Curtis , wife amid daughter of Keokuk , came In from the west Saturday mornir'g and left hr tire evening for their home. G. C. Tuttle , of Baltiumore , Olio , was his the city Saturday. II , Goldsniitlr , of Omaha , was visible on the streets Saturday. Atr. amid Dirs. Johul Sibley , of Dee lioinos , are visithlg friends and relatives in the city. 0. L,1'arnoll , of Dcs Mohles , was fn thin city on Saturday last. J. B. Miller , of Springfield , Ohio , is at the Ogden. E. A , Quosiuel , of St. Louis , Is in the city. Cog. It , Bonrl , the popular and extensive jobber of wall paper , eta , returned l'riday night with hits wife from Chicago , wham ho purchased a large stock of choice goods for the wholesale and retail trade , Mrs. G. S. Lawson loft yesterday for San Diego and other points In Southern Califor- nla , where she will visit relatives and frionde for two or three months. Her scum Chcstor cc- companied liar as far as Kallens City. General Agent S. S. Stevens , of the Rock Islmid road , left Saturday night for Chicago to be gone a wcek. J. B. Clapp , of Etono , epcnt S.ttudy In Council humus. It , I , Scott , of Doe Molata , was in tllo city Saturday , 1J. S. Tuttle , of Baltiutoro , pfd , , arrived ill the city Saturday mid Is quartered at the Ogden. -lie Edward Mitehol , of Dlitchelvihle , in. , brother of Ira and Judge Dlitcholl , died ut hits honro In that place ou Friday last , and was buried Saturday at 1 o'clock p , am. Our prices are " solumiimi truths" to sine people. lkSTON'1'EA Co hub a1)d hub , Neck 111)11 Neck. On Saturday nfturnooi at the Ommaha driving park Limo great hub amid flub nice between flue 'L'hurstou hose comnpnny of Omaha anti time .Muhl City' Bose comipany of this city , took placo. 'l'Itu race ( coon the atart to tim finish was a decidedly spirited and hotly eomitested one , and tveTo it not for the fact that thin Bluth' City team failed to mnko a coupling it would kayo boon easily tvou by than , 'rime following partice conposod the Bluff City hose taut : Wni. Pepper in time lend , Churies Mitchell , 1Vmii , lirowu , Charles Strock , .John McSorloy , Charles Aill , Janice Bradley , Bruce Bowe , Tom Brooks , Al ForgravesJamesCursrechor , , and CharesNicholstnn ; and , Icsso 11 altcra , coupler's. .lrraugements are being perfected for a hose race fur $200 a shdo , between these towns , next Saturday nfternoomi , at the driving park in thus city , at which tire a close race stay be expected , 1u thin comifeat for quick coupling betwcou 1Vobbor and Vandorford of thin ' 1'hurs louts , and 1Valtera and Nicholeon of thin Bluffs Cif ) ' , time Thuratomis showed m1 great degree of skill amid dexterity , amid pally Woil. To reduce stock , compelled to enlarge my store room , 1 will for thin text thirty days sell at cost uushin and klmit uudurwenr , hosiery an't corsets , Mns. D. A , BuNi a mer , $37 hdrondway. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE.-sIeclal alvortlsunrenta' , eech as Iost , FouudTu tAon , For Salu'Vu Rout , Wants , ILWni' lug , etc.trlll tr Insertal hI tuts alums at the low rate of TIN ( ENT PEIu IJNU for the first hsurltn n end FiS' cnh"IY flat LINE for tacit aubsuqumtt In sertinn , Leave adwrtlaulent * at our olllcu , No. 7 Pearl Street , ucar ) lnladwav _ 1YANT8 , 1 ' 1.1 - laeqamy w Cowie ) li uffa n lak i1 ' 1'iui I1rx , Uelluercd by currier at only tweet cent ) a 'Cuk. I 1VAt"1iAbuywltli "y , to dditerTuilh } t'ANI Ia-Stxton Ilrst class tailors ; cnatiulnt I1 and it t inakcri. APly { to Jacph ttvller i at0llrrwduyCoundlmOult. , I FOR SALE AND RENT , u U jiOR f A .I-A : go j min } , crap , a ikJ ) ' . Yta o e EcotulrtetCoti ciI mit5. _ I , mt IiKNI'-A houuol ate rooms. Inrutru Dr llanchelt w Il Ol'tSALN IfouAU an tut ' uurthwt , a coruor r IJ Truth and drudva p' , Joan w' . UAtuu , h ' i ) ACIINU IluusnmOu 5AI.N tin IiFNi I Oat. Packing house.eracltyn4hetitwrds II. with alltnodenr aptdianeus ; wua loootnl : p'r gait lease. Apply t ° ODELh & OAT. u9 Council ? nut ! . , la , September 10 , 1833. $4t 4 EmPi ie Hardware Coy Wg L f ( ( 1 Hardware ! i . . o f , eo -I. i Rr ' j 100 and 111 S. Main Street , aJ . , m % . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. I 9 1VIIOLESALE DEALEIIS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 3.2 and 344 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. reaM Fruits CollIeoEi amid Ptcnca supplied on short nonce , and goods delivered to all parts of time city. Vwnua Broad , and Pica. Fine Cigars. w. T , BRAUN'S ' European Restaurant , 404 West Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS tlBoursb.'t .tnci t o1d. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished S. J. MoM dPSON No. 4 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. MAYNE & PALMER DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Coal , nuLIL AND BAfhtti. TJMET.ouusvmLLI : AMU 1'OnTI.ANnCEIIENT , 1IICIIIOAN PLASTER , fAIR AU SEVt'EIi PILE. No , 639 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUIPS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLLER , Ili 1111 - - 1.1. 1 III rya . : .ti r . , : , , A1p I l I . f 1 CD w t . ai 1 O I 'i ( y s = p - = o W arc a n : aiors. 7 and 9 Main Street. naRECTOR4 , COIINCIL SL.IIFFf , x.El. . JOHN BENO & 00 GENERAL , , 18 anti 17 Pearl street. A x : NLUHN , Grocery , 215 Main Street.TONtl' ' 217 and 210 Main street. D tL J , F , VPI ITE , Corner Main and Fifth up stalr . Residence , 800 Willow avonue. N. SC HURZ. DtHrnUover Amerriccaan E ess' D. S VPAG NER , win contract tor tunerraaio at rreasonablelrates. 22 Fourth street , J M. S I F JOHN & CO..CA H BUYERS Wholosalebuttereggs . , poul . , . , . . , tryand fruit. Ship to us. Draft by return mail. 140 Broadway. D A BENEDICT . SIGN Office 33a Broadway AND , Council Bluffs , Iowa. J ALOB KUCH , Stock Complete. Suit.uinado at rc eon blo prices. No. 805 Main St , G , F , S vi ITH. Corner 7th and Broadway. CONTIIACTOit flans AND anti BUILDER specifications , furnlshc& . . v1.vv. SHERMAN , I hero mho variety that b IN FINE I p , . SS. 124 Main street. JAMES FRANEY , Artistic Work and ttaon ANT blo AiL cha ILe , . ' 872 Broadw ay. HtWE & SONS and Household Supplies. FURNITURE 81 > 3Broadway , LINDT & BART , Janice nloamc. ATTOIINETS 1'mctico AT hr LAW state , and federal courts. And butt imuso. 421 and 423 Broadway , L. Sovee sign Prop. P. J , Mont' S AN ITAR UIVI gomery , Di. D,1'hyroldau , JUSTICE OF TILE P111CE , BBVVIN J. ABBOTT , Notaryh'ubiicand Cmmral Cuoloyatcer. 4i5 Broadway. ILE v y hE H 1I USR , Broadway opposite New SMITII&NORTON Opera Mouse , , Refitted 11 , .1.50 per day HAIR GOODS OF ALL RINDS. Sold a e Lowest aces IN ring WEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED. At MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , . - 337 W , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN Oioceios ! , rOY1SiOllS , Boots au lioos tMaCCI4a'RA.TION 13tC,5 NTlS. DRAFTS ON THE DANE OF IRELAND , DUBLIN , FOIL SALE , 843 BROADWAY , COUNCIL DLUF Fb CRESTON HOUSE , MAX MORN , - - - PROPMETO 21Z , L317 and 21 S. Main t5ttroot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA SI EL i TOIL HENDRICKS & RICE TAILORS 1 62 MAIN STREET ! COUNCIL BLUFFS , : 1 / qLLND WINTER ; STOCK NOW COMPLETE EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIE S i SOT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE , Y BEOUR OUR TRADE IS SOLICITED MRS. D. A. EENEDI CT ! DEALER IN t , Lathes' Fllrlli11ill I . NOTIONS , JEWELIf,1 , &O , 337 tiv. fdronrllvny , - - COUNCIL IILUFIrS. IOWA. PETER C. MILLER , Wnm.ESALE AND IIITAIL F9all-Pa . FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE , No.1815outh Porar1I t. rt ounoii Bluffs. DEVOL & WRICHT fe ii : ardrare. 504 Broadway and 10 and 12 Main Sf Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND OLOSE PRICES ON MAIL ORDERS , R. Se COLE & Co ! MANUFACTURER AND DEALERS IN ALL Kinds Lightning s And Ornaments , Also wood and Iron Pumps , Wood TuWng and Gas Pipe amt Pipe Fixtures , for both Wood and . . Iron . , , . , t'umps , . , . , Orders will receive prompt attention , No , G04 South Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA . . Feb 16 ecd t ! ; .r M. CALLACHOER 7 c .EL ® i t ] New Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and I'ollto Attendants. ' { Fifsf Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } cil Bluffs. , I I Broadway Steam Laundry 724 ' iT3lST $ ROA. 'd. . I A , C. LARSON , - - - - - Proprietor. , LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. C'ifton ' Restaurant f < J. A , ROSS , - - - - - PRO ] 1 ITOR. 537 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Is the place for A. No. 1 Meals. Day Boarders accommodated mid guarantee satisfaction. Model Steam Laundry ! 712 BBOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N. A , CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. H ms just opened a new and well fitted steam laundry' . G uarantee good work. Please { rive , me n trial. Iu' YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON 7 Corner Main and First Avenue. Council Bluffs. He has Them. CURE OR NO PAY. f3IL0M Mineral Springs ! We guarantee the cure of the following named dis- casesornopay : Rheumatism , Scrofula , Ulcers , Ca- larch , all Ulaodand Skin Discagcs , Dyspepsia Liver Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Disease , , Gout , Neu. ralda and Asthma 'fhcso S'blurs ' inn the favorite resort of the tired and debilitated , and are the Fcebmo Ladies' beet friend. flood Ilotel , Livery and Bathing accommodation , . Locality highly picturesque and healthy. Correspondence solicited. Address 11ev' , d6 M. T110MPSONManager. Slluan , Oentry Co. , Mo eve Works 17 NOIITII MAINST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , KLENCK & JDREY PROPRIETORS , luntiture AU kinds of repairing Ieaired and finished. Chairs re-caned slid to seated. All kinds of Upholstering. Lok , , ( Pell , and Eleetrlo Inslrt- menls repaired. Spooking 'Pubes put ht old or new Iluuidlugs. Kesfitted a"dstows repaired. First etas work guaranteed. Glue t , a trial. Time , oyrlcss , a. m. POasr. OFFICER & PUSSY' BANKERS. Council Bluffs Is. Establislfea - - 1856 Dealers in Forgien.and Domcstio Exchange snd Rome securities. w. R.VAUCHAN1a Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council BlufFs. Real estate and collection agency , n Odd Fellows block , over Saving. Bank , lansn' MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The flnest quality and IargcsttockRest of Chicago of Wooden and lletallo Cases Calla attended to at all hours. 1Vo defy coml etitlon in quality of goods or . Out Mr : organ he.cnetl as undertaker for forty years ace tlorsughty understands his husi "lies. 11'arer oms,3il Uroadway. Ui'IIOi.STEiIINO fu all its branches promptly attended to ; also carpet laying and lambrequin. Telegraphio and utahl Jut , . . afcd withnntdclav DR.GsW.PANGLE , READER o ' MET ! I liken years' experience Eclectic , biagnetle and Hurballt 1'h's'clal , vaster of the foil nhog dis wsc. : Catarrh , Nervous I chilli , Mental Uchress' Ion , Apoplexy , Fits , Lao , of Manlike , , . Cancers Removed Without the Knife , Dropsy - sy Cured Wlthtout Tapping. Liver Co ii iaun , hldn y Curnolaint , ilabetCe , illicit. matlsn , ParAlysir , Wldts Ss ellhlc , Eryslpcias , SL I itu. Dalcc. Womnu and Nor Diseases Treated With the Happiest Results , Slodxl attention gitmt to prh atu and venereal dlt'abe. . Luc.twlNeSW11roadsay , Itouui3 , ( up. stairs ) , launch 111,15 , , Iowa , A Correct Diagnosis Given Without any Explanation from the Patient. AI IeIIgnWnnlrtu , at uSce Miku Your Contracts Now for Your Winter supply of Missouri Hurd 'Wood ! AND hAul ) AND SOFT -1VITI- P , OV + IITON , 505 First Avenue , - Council BlufFs , Iowa , And secure the hest artklo situ full meaure stthe let lu.t.thrice. Stoic wood dcihcredto auysart ) of thu city COUNCIL BLUPPS RAILROAD TIME TABLE The following are the time of arrival end departure trains tram the local depots. The train , alert from the Unloa Pacific depot about ten minutes earlier than below stated , and arrive at the depot about tan minute , later. Train , on pool line and K. C. run on Chicago time , s hall hour faster than local. Wabash trains rim on ) St. Louis time , twenty minutes faster than local. U. p. and Lincoln train , run on Council Bluffs Lima CItiCAOO , Roca isLaws AND PACIPIC. Fx t. . Ex.Ye.0:4 Atlantic 6:30 : p , m Pacific ( . : ° m Ex and Mail'.0:50 n. m. Ex and alail'.8:5 : p , m. Doe Molneeaoe..7:15a.m. Des Moines ae..8.53p.m. CumAOO , suSLINOfON AND QUINCY. DCpart. Arrive. Chicago Ex' . . . 5:35p.m. : ComoilTatiffsex . . . .p.45 Mao and Ex. . . .0 45 m I Mail and Ea. .7:00 : p , m. CIIICA00 and NOariuwxsTNaN. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic EO..5:15 : p. m. PacBfo Ext..9:15 : s. In. Stall and Ex. . .D:20 : a.111 , Mall amt Ex. .6i5 : p , m , Accom ( Sat ) , . . . .5:50 : p. m. Accom ( Mon.1:45 p. m. KANSAS CITY , sr..105 AND COtISCIL nLUPr9. Depart. Arrive. trail and Ex..0:55 : a , m. Express..5:35 : p. m. Express..8:25 : p. m. I 5Lni1 Std Ex. . .8:45 : p. m eatoN BAcit'ma ' Depart. AJrivo. Overland Ex. . . .t1:30atn , OvertandEx..4:00p.m. : Lincoln : a. m. Denver Ex..8m : a. m. Denver Ex..7:00 : p. m. Local Ex..0:30 : a. m. Local Ke..7:25 a. at. Lx..9:05 : a m. Emigrant..5:20 : p. a1. " Ex..0:00 : a. m , WAlttSil , ST. LOUIS AND PACIPIC. Depart. Arrive. ifall and Ec.045 a , m. Mall and Er..4:30 : p. m , Caunon Bai1.4:50 : p. in. I Canton IIail.,11:05a. : m. Sioux CITY AND eactrlc. Depart. Arrive For Sioux CIty.7:55 a , m. Fnn Sioux CityS:50 : P.m. ForFertNlobrara Fan Fort Niobram Neb' . , , , . , 755la.m. Neb.50p.m. For St , l'ar1..7:40 : p. In. i From St. Paui..8:5O : a , m. CHICAGO , a1LWAUNrn ANUT. PAUL. Leaves Omaha. ArhesatOmaha. Stahl and Ex. . . , 7:45 : a. m. Pacific Ex. . . . 0:45 : a , m Atia tlo Ex. . . , 3:40 : p. nL ! Mall and Ex. , 7:25 : p , m All trains daily CHICAGO , NLWAUSxn ( AND ST. PAUL. Leave , Council Blue , , Arrive Council Bluff , . trau and Ex0:20 : a. m. Maul and Ex0:55 : p , m. Itiantio Kr. . . .15m5 : p , m. I Atlantic Ex.p9110a , m. COUNCIL Blur ) AND OUAIIA STItSXT RAILWAY. Leave CotmdiIiluffs Leave Omaha. 4 a , m. 0 a. In 10a. m. l a. 18 a. m. 0 a , in. 10a. m. m.1 p , in. i p. In. 3 p.m.4 I a. m. 1 m. 2p. 114 3 p.m p. m. 5 t. nt. 8 p , m. 14 p. m. 5 p. m. 8 p. m. Street car , nm half hourly to the Union Pacl5o depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at 9 o'clock a. la , and run regularly during the day at 0 , U , 2 , 4 , 5 , and 8 o' clock , and run to city time JI R. Rice M. Da ° r other tunore removed withoutlha CANCERS knife or drawing of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES of kinds a specialty. Over thirty scar practical uxperlcnce Olfica No. 5l'carl street , Council Ideffs , LsrConsultalion free. Mrs. H J 11111011 M B . , , , , , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 222 Broadway. Council Bluffs , JACOB SIiIS. E , V. CADWELL. SIMS & CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL Bi.UFFS , IOWA Olltco , Main Street , hearts 1 and Shugart k Mc. Mahon' , m 1uk. IVIn practice in State and courts L MiiU An , tae .h. Iron. , nil ralo. . , rrreu. . or , it , , . . x , ulm.rrrd. I'Plrad , vbpr.llr ar.i.-t , . . , mural tr ? . datte. proerlr. , ea. I , a-coal , .d . . .w. . .1." au himin , Ln.ore4 alfgkton. nimter. . . , , , . . . " olJ 1.2 lb. yru 15 41.11- n > ely % .n "Tae Nm .tr..llar ter , w , ilrbllll , I'h.I . .i llrr'a Ara. 1 { I..tulI . .nnete4bill I nAhLtiii' nuL1'w , k's. 6ueeiu. . } a.'urrd mil . btu anat. ' , t&t lbS per. roesubaud. St , l , , 1.n. . c Lnn'r ' , yieua.t. .sI ' - - - - - TN nrl.T ° I arernora. tot 0it itti'ruIwt , /nr a I LI' CUn of der ateUU a. - I r me t u . u. ; O C jEEVE , IS , 11111t I. n.mthLu'ti taw Ilunvmult. Ike r .tit. ; , . . . . , . hfi ' .t * 1AmtrIl.O. 1' : , . , 17 V t.lntlwllnl FO y 1'minn , . , .II ILO hens o. . , , i ; y 11 1..1a 11 at I. , n.AUee u unl IW 1.05 .am ur y ; l ot. Itb I aelne 1. q , ) 1'l .bear..i to cult .II tUs t E N : A A1 Vt 1' ' u'n. ' . . . . . . , h rvt h4 11 ql 1ley lert s atns / ' ' t 1 1