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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1883)
- _ - - . - - ; - - - - - - - - - - - 7--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - my-rr TT1 ; ? _ _ L - - , . : ' TFIE D IL' ? BEE'--OMAHA MONDAY OCTOBER . , 11 188. . 5 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - SUNDAY CEREMONIES. I , L Collsccration of BisbopKniekcror of lb Episcp1 Bicos of ' II1diall1phiA.tIC1Dhja ! , ' A Brilliant Gathering of Distiug- aishod Prelates from All Parts of the World. . TIio CloHitig Iny oftIio Y. M. C. A. Cons etitloit at Spt IngilcItl. 1IIItUjH. 1UMhop lcttlckcrloeker ConRepvneIl. l'IL1t.A1)tPII1A , October 14.-The conS ccratioii of Hey. David Buell Kiticker. becker , D. I ) . , rector of Geisuinano ) 1'rotostatL E'iscopa1 church , 1'liIII1ca1)o. ' us , P.8 bishop of Itidiana , took place today - day at St. Miirks Protestatit Episcopal church , this city , iii thu presence of zt argo coligregation. The conservator 'was Bishop Coxe , assisted by Bishop Benedict , of North Carolina , anti Bishop itobiiison , of % Iissonri. l'Iio aItir was handsomely deborateti. Thu consecration of Bishop Knicker- becker hOld special interest to the people hero , not ilotiu lccatIso of thq esteem in which ho himself is hold , but owing also : o the presence of so umny rii1it reverend - end bishops of the church aiiil such great iitiniber of reverend clergy who are at- - A. toiiding the Episcopal convention. - . As the choir cinergod front the vestry . they begati the hrocelsiolInl ' ' 0 day of i est aiid Gladness. " Following the choir . veI.o Bishlop3 Lynian , 1ohertsoii , Soy- lilour , Scarborough aitti Nilis , their at- tontlaiit ClIallaiIIS , iiiany of the reverend clergy and ArclLhishlop Medley , Metro- 1)OlitaIl of Canada. In the naive vcro lJlShOj.OlCCt Knickerbocker and attend- lag l'rcsbyters , 1tes John B. Wakefield o Indiana , 11ev.V. . 'V. Rayinoiid of lii. diana , and Rev. E. S. Thomas of liiiiio- sota. There were within the chancel rails the ltevs Abralnun Reeves , 'Walter Scott , J01111 J. Faude ; of Indiana , and otlers. Bishop Coxo took his acat upon the ' Episcopal throne Bishops Coxe , Ly- inati and ltobertsoii read services. Bishop \Vhipplo , Of MitiflesOta , Preached a scrinoii froni the text : Matthew , 28 , . . verses 18 , it ) and 20 Bishop Seymour presented the bishop elect and thu Met- ropohitan of Canada read the prayer of I consecration. Rev. H. Syler and Rev II. W. Manii , two deaf mutes , were ordained priests in the Protescant Episcopal church to-day. These are the first deaf mutes over or- daiiied priests iii the Episcoal church in this country. Syler will labor in Phila- doiphia ; Maiiii will take charge of work among deaf intito in the \Vest and Northwest. . TIio Y. 1I. C. A. of' Illinois. ' S1'RINOFIELD , ILLS , October 14.-The State convention of the Young Meiis' Christian Association , closed its husines session last evening. ' [ 'hero wore 158 delegates , eleveii corresponding inein- , , bers and eighteen visiting members pros- oat. A series of resolutions in the interest - : ' : ' est of increased work by the associations of the Sthte were adopted. Local pulpits were filled by prominent members of the L coiivontion in the forenoon aiid evening , I and late to-night a farewell meeting was 5' hold which was very largely attended. , , . , ' STATE POLITIC4Ui NOTES. ' The Domocrits of Ciss Coonty met in SS : : convention Saturday and nominated the . ; following ticket : For treasurer , W. H. Cushing , of Plattsmouth ; clerk , John : , Green , of Greenwood ; shieriff Silas Patterson - \ ; . . torson , of Rock B1uffl precinct ; for - ' \ county judge , M Archer , of Rock BlufFs rcciuct ; county superintendent , James Reynolds , of li'actoryvifle , clerk of district court , W 0. Stowator , of l'fattsrnouth ; surveyor , Solomon Pitcher , ; ( of Eight Mile Grove ; ComlflissiOfler for third dstr1ct , Alex. Stiles , of Sunlight. , The ticket is gcneridly reputed to be a strong one , and will make a warm fight Will Cushing , who heads the ticket for treasurer , is one of the most popular . young mdi of Plattsiaouth , a favorite with all classes , and will make a lively . race for the position.Vill's lexicon ¶ contains no such word as "fail" in whatever - over ho undertakes , as has been proven in several contests heretofore , tvid Cass coittity will have cause to congratulate itself when Mr. Cusliing takcschargo of her exchequer. The Saline county Democratic canyon- tion met at Crete , Saturday , and cii- dorsed the antintonopoly candidates for county ollices. Most of the nominees were old.hino Democrats , except tIm cnii- S. didato for treasurer , who is a Republican - can S The JotTerson county Republican con- S' 'ontion met at Fairbury , Saturday , and made the following nominations : For . county treasurer , , Johiii Lauterbach ; clerk , 11. P. Scovillo ; sheriff , 1. T. Bcl dcii ; judge , A. II. ldoulton ; superintendent - dent , E. 13. Couhter ; clerk of the district court , A. W. Mathews. In Explaiiatlou. . - . DAVIn Czrv , Neb , , October 11 , 1883. fr.-1c. To thi Editor of Tii On October 3rd I tcleraphed 'I'ii ; Bu froiii Ft oinont that a majority of the Anti-Monopoly Central Coniinittco , for the Fourth Judicial district , had placed in lUflfliIlFItiOfl J. it.Villiams , of this ' j city , for , Judge , and Julia P.tttorson , of Central City , for District Attorney. In your issue of the 4 you make the an- iioiiiiceiiioist , but iiiake toe say that the , Anti-Monopolyconvciition had iionuiiated them , which may occasion seine Iai8Ufl- tlorstaiidiiig nnioiig our fi icads.ViIl you jilease make the correction. I did not iioticu tile error for several days , having bccii sI busily engaged. Very respectfully , S. S. ltaYNOLIs , Chairman Anti.lroiiopoly Central Coni. inittee Fourth .Judichl District , A Tciriffu CollIIoii. UNIONrowN , Pa. , Oct 13.-As the 11 a. in. train oii the Southwest road was aproach11Iig Linnont station , four miles north of Uniontown to-day , it was i-un into by an eligirni at a furnace siding with i ( terrible effect. 'Flie roular engineer 4 on duty iiiid the little furiuco cii- gino % vn being inatixied by a young man who know nothing about his lniiness. 110 was ruiiiiiiig at a riiiI ; i-ate towards the crosilng when ho saw a collision would be iiie4tihlu unless he checked up. Tiistead of staying at his 1mst ftnd stop.iin thu cingino as the ; as sengers say he could have done , ho i-c- versed the brakes itiiil leaped off , letting the engine gi rishiiiig broadside into the middle of the ; asseIIer train , 'J'lioro were eighteen f)0i-$0115 in the car and the scene WilS frightful. Mcii , women and children wer knocked out of their seats in every dircctton afld few escapel being niangled' , brmsel and scalded. The ear took fIre instantly and was WraPped lit flames almost. before thio passengers could be gotten out. It was entirely coti- sunied. Most of the rnssengcrs were sPattered with blood , but , miraculous as it may seem , no elm vas killed. - - - l'aUOlClG TIIfl l'OOL. , The Most flxtenslyo anti Siicces,1il S''Iiuhlo Ever l'erLCttatctl , : : s' Yoni , October 14.-The falsifica. tiOll of the reports of the races at Jerome Park , Saturday , is the theme of the towii. The Times sayi : Thu wholesale swindle of Saturday , by the falsification of the result of the .leaoine Park race , by which l)00l.schlers throughout the country lost itiany thiousaiids was the most extensive and successful swindle of the kitid ever perpetrated in this country. It involves losses to liool.sehl- ers niul book-makers throughout tIm coon- try \vhiichi vill aggregate $100,000 in idi probabibty. Ot this sum about $25,000 % -as lost l' Pool-Sellers in Coney Island , A. siiiular , and to those who hiohi a certain theory as to the authims of the swindle , a significant fact is that the look liia' ers of this city lost nothing , Their loolcs ) were heavy , for the races at slerine [ 'ark good money races and the odds such as to ilisuru good books. No lCt.5 were paiti liy nil ) ' of tIm book iiiakers here until after the coiicliision of the races and their return from .lcroine l'ark. A 1MOLJ4 SLII'-W11E114E1C. Sale of ( lie Pacer , lolitistii 1)r- 000. . CIlIcAoo , October 14'rhe pacer , Jolin. ston , Who tiaceil a mile over the Chicago track last Tuesday iii 2:10 : , beating all previous records at trotting or pacing , Ima just been sold to Commodore N.V. . Fittsoii , of St. Paul , owner of Little Brown Jug , record 2:11 : , the next fastest - est lacer , VonAriiiiii , Funny \Vithier- SOOii ) , and a number of other good trot- toni. The price lail was $25,000. l'ctor V. .Johnston , his driver , says ho is coiii- ( dent the horse can go even faster. It seems almost incrdibIe , but lie asserts lie has driven Johnston a ( luarter in 21)A ) see- 011(15 , whichi is at thu rate of I :58 : for a mile , anu a half nub in 1:03 or at the rateof 200. CRIMINAl , IttCORI ) . . MUItIEiIIU ) ) Foil IllS MoNE. . INIIANA1'OLb ) , October 14.-Robinson Brown , a farmer living near Coal Jlltill , was murdered last night and the body placed on the track of the Indianapolis t' St. Louis road. The ovidciice before the coronor's jury developed the fact that lie hind becii niurdered at I'etcrson's Station for his money. The police are on the track of the man who is supposed to have comnnttel the deed. IIOLI ) 1IIGIi'.VtV noniuntv. KANMtS CITY , October 14.-At 11:10 : to-iiiglit Augustus Sehaols , tre tsurcr of the order of railway conductors , and Charles Achitonachit , conductor of the Missouri Pacific , wore robbed at the iimz- zics of cocked revolvers by four highiway- TIlCii Oil the Kaw river bridge betweeii Kansas City and \Vyandotto. Schiaols was relieved of $200 , a watch and chain and $700 funds of the order , The robbers - bers escaped. The money taken had been subscribed toward the entertain- meat of the national convention of rai- [ way conductors , which opens hero Wednesday next. Soclalibtic ClinoN. PITTIiUIW , October 13.-Thie International - tional Socialistic Workmen's association convened hero to night and will remain in session several days. Nineteen dclii- gates are present The declaration of principles prepircd by Eerr Most , which lie preseiited for adoption , recites at great length that government , church , school and all other institutions are controlled - trolled by cpitalisth ; declares that acbn- test is inevitable ; that the existing class must be destroyed by relentless rovohti- tionary activity ; that free comnnmuiiity of popery must be established ; that wealth in time hands of one persoim must be limited - ed to $100,000 : that free commerce between - tween nations and individuals must be universal , and that all other doctrines must be carried into effect at any sacri- flee oflifo or property. Tiio Wives of Sharon. SAN FnAscIco , October 13-The case of Miss [ 1111 , claimmmiiig to be the wife of Senator Sharon , and charging him with adultery , was called in the police court this mnorniimg. Owing to the ru- ported abseiice of Neilsomi , Miss 11)11's attorney , froimi the city , counsel fof the prosecutiii asked a continuance for (1110 week. 'J'he motion was opposed by Shmar- oil's attorney , who insisted that time CLSU ; should iiroccecl on the day set. October 16th. After a long argument the court granted time continuance. 'fimo probal'ihi. ' ties are the case will be tried as mi.-rnisde- meaner and not felony , as oriminaIly in- totidod , it having been discovered by Miss [ fill's counsel that time ieroii with whmomim the adultery is charged is a single woman and not mnarried , as was stated in the cnn1daint , - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mh1i ) og I lati tiIiNer , SrItANTON , Pa. , Oetober 13.'l'lio .Tohmn L. uh1is'ami coinbimiation , billed at time driving park this afterimoon failed , owing to threatening weather , to .givo an cxlii- bition. 'l'hmu crowd was greatly incensed amid clamored to have their adimmissiomi mimonoy refunded , amid overpowered the ticket sellers. A miunmbcr of persons were bruised and trampled imomi. Tim manager ( IscajIed on horseback. 'I'o-imigiit while Sullivan svns in a barbei- slump , ii large crowd asseimihied outside imootumg , hissimmg mimmil thtreatoimimmi. his life. 'I'lio ml- lice in trying to disperse time crowd were assaulted armd two of them severely kick- (1(1. ( Sullivan escaped to his hotel which was timed closed. uveit rioters were ar- restcn. DIvore auIL Iciil ii , DmNvIlm : , ( ) ctber 1'I-'I'Imu 'I'ribun u's Grand , Junctjon ( Col. ) special says : A your ago time wifu of 11. A. hlerrick , a well-to-dim raiichimnau in this county , left himmi. Jiorrick afterwards obtained a ( I ivorce amid married Margaret Tlmonmpson , : M'i im. liorrick No , 1 returned a short timmie 8111cc , amid meeting lien-irk timid wife , shot , and instantly killed imis secommd wife , She was admmiitted to bail and comnrmmeimced prceechiimgs ti reovur sonic of hiurriek's prperty 'i'ii is afternoon , while time siiurmll with .Mrs. lhmrrmck were at time i-audi hooking up time cattle , Ilerrick shot amid killed Mrs. Ilurrick , mmml tlmeim mao himself imp to time shmei-1f1 Excitumnomit ms imitemise. KlflII iSa'mzs. CINOINNATI , October 14-At 9 o'clock to-miiiimt time pipe used to eoimdut. mmiii- imioniac gas used in Maci-him's brewery , burst 'whore it passed thmroimgim a stable , where it lifltmratud gas muid twenty-three horses were killed thereby in a few zmio- meats , No other damnmigo. / FORTY 1lIIbIO UE11S. 4. Wonilerful Theory that OtmeerliR time % 'ciflirc , 1Iniphiiess and Iahtb othveryone , Iii his quiet nut ! city hIlrary at Lbs cioo of a imusy day sat mm geimtlenmn mimI uk wife , lie aborbett in a new book amid she In a imesvspaper. Quickly glaiicliig twarl , her hmuq- band , ihie mskeml , at a certain tnfimt In the ar- tlit. " .illIl , s'lmat l the genii theory" ' "l'hie germim theory -woil-ye ; Jmmt look lii thin cncydoic'dIa mmitler ' ; erimi , ' thst will cx- l'lAln It l ( ) immimeli bcttcr titan I cati , " Acccirthhtigly hm' ' lie oiimimciI the book at thin vortl imamimed and rca.I : ( eon 'l'heory of I eaoA thmt'iry iclvmweil by tim atlost amid lest. imisestirators amid scinntlst ol Limo t1nio. it siIose ) ; thm , urface of the earth , thin air amid water Li , be itmhimhiItcd to a gremtor or lcs extent s'Ithm a iccuhimr growth of thin lotvet. forum of fmmimmIcoimmimiomily ; termimeil tactctirm , \YIIOSC 1Ot'r ( reIirodmictltti , mimiler fa- s'tirahlo , comuhltioii' I so sery great that a Imiglo germ will to filteon mull- lieu I ii twenty-four lmommr' tluuio , auth ehieckeul In Its huucroao woiuhul grow to a luIas of eight iitiiutlu'ctl t.emu , I ii three ulayi' ti uume , If since aumil food be fmmruulshmcd , 'I'Imere Is no coumd tUoti miumiher vhufeIm I t can be said to be ab. soiit , iiiiles'i it lie frouui tim-e or air filtered through cottoum-battluig lii umuinerotis layers. A sIngle .1-eu ( if sviitcr isoititimmimig a germ , iiut into water boiled , filtered nuil tutu freed ( rein liacteula , sslhl glow imurky lii a ihimy or two freumi time ilevolopinemut of now grumu. \Viueui it ha con.diloroil that It reiluiro mthont ( .rLy I ilhl 1011 to svcighm one gnu ii , imuio reiliote Itlea ciim be imol. ; of the capacity of germ relirodmietion. l'ret. , l chum 'l'ynilahi , iii a late work , elaborately treaL of the In- fhmlemwe of gcruiu Iii the tiroiu.igattoii of dis- oa.qo mmuiil chiQmgC4.tufOi1 tlii C.IUIW thieiuice1itiiii anml doveli.iommeuit . of s'ery IIIRIIV of thu all- imiciit * most iuijmiriomis tomuiaii. l'nfessur , I'au- tetmr , mmii , 'umiiuuomit Freuu'ii savant , 11aM c.mrrled his ei igluitl : miuid I'otiitmfnl cx terinmeuitM so far , aiiil ( remit thmciui uledmiend such iracIc.l ro' siiht as very grc.mthy to uhluuiiii'mh tue mimumhier of cacs ( if aimtlurax aiiioimg sheep auth chicken cholera ammlinmg fowls - his theory thiit : timIo are osuuitiilly and iletimally germut ills- eases. ' 1'iio gt'ruumm are carded into thi sys. tout through thmo hmuuigs , thio stiniacii , and pus. sflmhy the ski ii , but through thto i hugs chilully. Omico iii thio 5'stolmi , they beglmi to uluvolop , poisoiiitlg tue 1,1(14,11 , luivaihiuig tlmn uiero ceuiturs , disturbing the fuuiutlimumal activity of the great orgmni : of thu lody iiiitl Induciuig a general iuumiairmumuumt of time vital processes. l'iiey are the cause of fes ers , riiemumumatiumi1 Ilul lit's disuaci of time khluioys2 pmiommmumonla blood io'i'.uimliig , liver dinu.e , .hiphithieria . immaumy other aihiutentq. Lately l'romussor i'ochm , a fauimeus ( ernian ) iiysicinm , : imovod that comisumnttioui ) of the hmmuigs is ( limo to this cause -thu Iresoulco f a liecuihiar germ. ; Vheii thu circimlittioum is boiuiidlngthme nerves elastic and thu systeumi all aglow % vltii life and cimergy , thiti genus seeiii to dtmvcloi lsiriy , If at iii ! , limit with weakened nerves , leer di. gestion or imiaIaisiimiliatlomi of food or lb lowerhig of vitality front ammy ciomso , a change enucs. miiiml in this imupover- ishmet I amid w'cakencil ilmuhl the gcrmmm linds a gemmial iioiuiu anti duvehmiies until .yuu ItOIlIS of ihiic ; arc distiuctly miutnifestud. 'rids i scull lii the every day expcr'mtiimco of all. 'Fun iltIalthmy maim m'014j1tl the lntlueumcs uiroumul imini mid does not take cold , viuh1u thuso whose systouilk have lcColumO VI3ik froimm memy close readily contract colds. ' 1'1i is eli time saummo iriumciide as the gemimi theory. The germums mit- tack any sveahceumcd spot mu the holly , and lix. lug tlmotuielves Upon It , begin their propaga. timul. It k lihtilim timereforo that if , is ( lilly by fiirtifyimmg time weak ) of the tjod' that time genus of disease Cliii bo rnMistctl ammd tins'- en frozim time system , But this has nimmiost hem'e- proveil no impossibility - toforo , aiid it has hucim time stuutly ( if I)1m3'SICillIlS fur years how best to aecommm1lislm it.'ithmin the past ( ow ycans , however , a iJncrar.Ltin has beemi attractimmg great atteim- tentloim , mint emily thirouglmnu t time entire houd , Limit aimmm the uuiedicti irofession amid scion- tiits geumerahlv , which is i.uiuti this thmco' ry , amid it mmmay safely be said , lie reummetly has ever beemi foummd s imichm can so successfmihiy phitco tito systemmi lit a condition to resist the genius uf tlhoaso \Vunmior's Safe Cure. 'fimi am'ticlo is uuuimestiomiab1y the bout amid most eliicieumt that has ever been discovered for this jnmnpose. aflhl- " .lohmn , say , John ! does the encyclopedia advertise Wnnmier's Safe Cunc ? mI should hot wonder , dear , it's a grand remedy ' , amid that pammiplilot we received time othiem m'hmy stated that Dr. Umuumim , of time Ummited States Medical Coliego , endorsed it. itt miii events the wonderful cures it ii accommmii'mshing cuititie it ; to be honorably mioted among time great discoveries of time present century. " However time fitets above stated unity be , time trutim reznain , that time gormim theory of ihis- ease is the correct iuuo , anti tlmat thin great renmotly mentioned is time omiiy ( limo which has ever beemi founmi that can iit time system imi a condition tO kill timco germs before tiny oh titlu a hold uiion time body , amid umitlormimme time life. H EA II UtiirrG LEA MS. Pat1 Accidllt Oil th Bllr1illtoll & iflsouri Ra1ro. ! it Sumuashm at. thie Trnnsflr-Rtumuiorcii Coilishum Iii % 'y. > umiIuig. The railroads ao beginning to furnish a goodly amount of imewa iii tIme way of aecideiits of late , A special to 'Tima BEn from Lincoln , tinted October 14th , says : A dreadful death , time result of liquor , occurred mit time brick yard three mnikms south of town this afternoon. 'I'imo 13 , & , [ . train from Denver was comimmg iii about half-past three , and imear this place a man was discovered walking on time track amid beside - side him a wommian , his wife , evidently c- postuhitimig with himmi. 'I'lmo cmigmmiecr whistled amid thus womimumn loft time track , but time mimami , wimo was drunk , did not get. ofIqimickly cimougim nimd was knocked off by time oimgilmo. 'fimo 1)10w kuilcd hini liii- mmmodiateiy timid time body was brought into towmm. Ills name was John ltctldy , a brick-maker. I mm his pockets were fommimd two bottles of whiskey. our IN ONE ROIJNH. 0mm Thursday night a curious accident occurre'il at time traimsfer , 'l'he 1)onver passenger traimi , No. 1 , svas pulling arouimd thin ' ' 1 , " and iii doing so took time 01)pCIlitO course froimi that usuahi folioss'cd , pulliimg in by time house ti-ac amid bakiimg : iii ) tim time emigimme house , im'ii ich staimt1m at time apex of time ' 'Y. ' ' Eitimer time' air brmmkcms famlemi to work or time engineer 101010 Il. nmiscalcuiation amiti time rear car of time traiii , aim enlist ) ' cmii- igramit car , went crnmmimiimg timrimughm time iloors of time eligimme hmommso , drove time yard emmgiilo out through time back minors and climnh d up miii its boiler , Fortunately time pmmsseimgera 11(1(1 ( hOt yet. Imoim loaded on or time mcclilcimt. must have iieoim ii mmmost surioU nime , but liii it hmapjieimed mm epic s'mms hurt and a do. lay of time trniim in loam-lug for time west wemm till ) mmmost serious lmrt : of timd bummi- 11085. ANOTJIIht : SMA8I [ . Time ovcrimmmmd train fronm Ogdoim , due jim Onmaima mit. 3:20 : p , iii , l'riday , did tint get iii until 2:30 : p. in. Sitmirday. 'lime railroad nmemm were s'ury reticent concern- iimg time matter , but. a pmisscluger stated timat time tlelay was cmsmmsed by mm cohlisinim hctwcumi a frimighit. imimil passummgur traiim jliRt west of 'hmeyumimmo. Thii I'LOft1Ng ( ; ( rr.oh'y. ( cncral 14mmager ilowitt. , of time Cimicago , St. , Paul , Miumimcapoiis & ) mnahma road , acconipaujeil hy quite mm large ImartY of railroad mmmcmi , yesterday visited time Flor. once cut ( ill' timid mimado quite a trip over time six miles eu which work has beeim in jmregre'ms ( ni-so long a time , 'I'hmey cx- pressed themselves as well ploaaed with lime work. Itccuimt. land slides proimmiso to prolong time work let three mnmoimtiimm to Caine. , ACENERALCHANGEII The iloliromont of Gon. Sormfin an 1110 oflSCllOllt Cli8UCS of Mi1trv ! Gh1ofaills , - - - - A Vlgom-nuq ltcprlmumtnil of Ijiouf. hub- litisoti tm' "Conduct Umibecomim- In a ( ] entheuumaui. " \\Ashi lOTON , ( . ) ctobet 13.-'L'lmis after- litlomi , as a result of further deliberation flit the subject , amid in aceortlanco with time irforemice of ( lenensi hancock mat other ( Itileers , it. has loim decilctL that General Iiaimcocl shall remnant in couim- mmmammtt of time division time ulAtlautme , with hmonalq uisrters at Now York. ( loneral Scimot'meht svill take commnnammd of time divjsiofl of i'mlissnmri ' ss'it Ii hmemuhmitmarteri , iii ( 'tiicago , amid ( loneral I'opo svill sue- ceed time last namnel in commimmiatal of time 1mcilie tlh'isioii with imeamlqumsrters at Sait Frammeisco General Augur succeeds Iiijmii' General Pope hi comnmmiamul of the dopartimmemit of i\Iissonri \ with heamiquar. tom's at. Fmrt 1eavemmwnrtim , Brigadier. Ucimeral S S. Imlmuckemmzie svihl succeed ( eneral Augur iii comnniand of time do- lirtlmmcmmt of 'I'exas. ' [ 'tie department of tIme South has Imeitim coimsolklmited with time ( leLlartillemit. of time East , syitli ( loimeral llnimcock in counmnaimd Ciommeral Sliermimaim will on I''ovemnbor 1st repair to his hiomimu at St. Linus 1111(1 await his retiremmiont. 'i'imo General will imo attended prior to imi rotircmimemmt , hmy tunic of his aido'de.camn1's s'hitmmi lie immay ilesigimate to Limo Atljimtaimt lemierah Mit- jor ( "emmeriti I Imnmcock was oti'orcd lime coimnmmmuiml of I he Division of iI issommni , but ( leeliliell it , mroferriimg to retain imis 1)rcsemmt communitnl , his letter of dec11. iiatiui Was received mit time \Vnr lkj'art. mmment to-day. Surgeomm Stems , of time Tmhmtriiie ilos1i. tal service , atathuumed at Savmtmmuiaii , immis beemm ordered by time Stmrgeoim General to proceed to llrosvtomi , Aiim , , amid imivesti- gate time aliegial epiuluimmie at. that place. 'l'hme Lommisiauma Shito hoard of health has becim re(1uested ti scud a commipo- tent limsiluctor to act with Surgoomi Stoumo iii time immvestigatioim. imnl'iIIMANIIN ( ; IiOmmmmTsON , A general order 1mm boon issued pro- muimigatimig time action of time l'reskiemit upoui time timmdings amid sentence of time court martial iii tIme case of Liemmteimant Iobcrtson , time First cavalry. 'l'lw semitommco of time court was that Licutcmm- nut Robertson be suspomuled front iii rank and comnmmiammd for six imioimtims amid commtimmed to time iimmmits of' his post for time sitimic period mind be riimrimmiaimdod 1mm geim. oral orders. 'I'lmo proceedings alomme of tim court arc approved by time l'residet. Time litidimigs and sentemmee are disapproved amiti Lieutennimt. Rubcrtmiomm is relieved froimm armost aimd ordered to resume - sumo his lrovor duties. 1mm time order proummulgmitiimg time above Secretary Liii- cola writes follows ' 'No its : asseimt cmii be given to time doimioralizeng idea which Becimis to be ammo of time thmcoric's of time defense - fenso in this case , that no nerious othicimso is coimmmnitted by an officer iii falseiy car tifyimmg to a secmd vmiucimur for time snmmme mmmommtim , if it. is given as security for a Iomm , amiti is miot oximocted to be lire. sented for paymncimt. Aim olilcer may mint. properly give as security which is no less than a power of attormmoy to disgrace lmimself. Time president. is not. willing Ii ) ' his approval of this fimmilimig and scimtencc to sammction time view that time commduct of tue accuced , found by time court to be culpable , should. be considered - sidered imiorely neglect of duty to be fol. iowed by slight. IUimisiimuelmt. It is to be hoped Liemit. Robertson vihI not again have occasion to pin'auatlo a'cotmrt that time coilectioim ef imim inoimtimly say is so trivial a matter to him that lie does imot reniemnber a fortnight before it beconmes due , whether or imot lie hiss already drawim it , and lie will be imioro careful iii future to avoid violating time samictity of imis oflicial certificate , trusted as beimmg made oim time imommor of an officer amid gemi- tlcimiamm. " A general court martial will meet at. Fort Keogh , Montana , aim time lOUt iimsL , for time trial of First Lieutemmnimt Chmaries E. Ilargons , of time Fiftim infantry , aim a charge of Imaving dmmpiicatcil his pay no- coummts. 8UmtU1ON dIANE'S SUCCE'Jomu. Time death of Surgeomi ( utumormil Crane , of time armmmy is likely to emuise a wiirnm cotmtcst for time vacmimt surgimmimi goimerai. ship. It sviil be remnemmibortid that. time deceased and Medical J'umrvoyor limix- ter contested for time positinim for several nmommthms before Limo I'resideimt gave it. to time forimmor oil account ( If semmionity. Dr. Bmix- tar's fmientla ciaiumm timid lie is now time senior imiemlical ofiiccr of tue arniy , timid if time President follows time prcccdeimt adopted iii Comm. Cramie's ca8e , lie iii cmi- titled to 1)rommmotiolm. As Lime President 1mm time power to liii time vacancy by seine- tioim , it. is almost too early to preulict what time rcsmmit will b. 'I'iio prewcimt Assistammt Surgeon ( uimurmmi , Dr. Murray , is an iL1)1mlicahmt , amid there tire several otimor immedical otilcers wimo comild be iii- ducod to accept time appointimmeimt. Anal her i41)IIi , Heist hlOiImO MmCM i'iims , ( letober 14'I'hmo last spike oil time iCiuiismiii City , Sprimmgficld ! dcimm- Plus road cormmmectiimg Jcmmmmsts : City tumid 1uimmphmis was driveim : i 0 tlmimu ovemmiimg fifty immilea west. of ircimmpimis , sccmmriimg aim unbroken line betus'cemm t.imo two cities. I'rosidemmt Netthutoim leaves for iCatisas City to-immirrnw , mmiorimiiig ma a special ti'iuiii. 1rcigimt tm'aimmmm will ho rummning 'l'imimrsday , amid passenger traiiims time 22d just. l'riueciul lm.r a lnetom- Sm'iumNmmm'num ) , October 14.-At. time tetmim of thu Circuit. Comirt just closed mit. Ilardin , Omihhmnuim county , ammo oftimu grad- untes ( f time St. L'ums Eciectmo ! ilcdjc'mtl college wamm pxoiieeimted mind fommnmi guilty of im'actieiimg iiiediciimu without license , in s'jifatjtmim of thu 1 ilimmois immolical practice mmdi ; , 'l'imc Statim bommrml of imumultim imimim to fused to recogmmizu iuis (1i1)ioflmfl. frommi limit Si : . IjOlilil Eclectic college as a lamsis for time mmccossmiry iiceimso , and thu young miman tmssmmixmimmg to practice after this to- fuimii : , suit was brmmmghmt. by time tt.ato at. torimy uzmder tint statute. IthIuus Is , 4tislius Nuw Yomti. October 14-'I'ho funerni services of Ioctsmr Charles ihluimmi ntimal were hold hmermi this aft.crimoom , 4i. large imuimaber of ilistimiguisimud ! iTiLiSOiiN wore iircsunt. . 'Fime remmmsiims will be taku ii to \S'nsimington , l'cimimmsylvmumia , t.o-immi i-row , for crummuitiomm , ammil ii dolugimtiomm of ! mI asomms froum I'imiladehpimma will iiccommmpaimy Limo body to time creum8tory Ihuhtsli lug hpi'uIiil ( omit tmm ( t. 1 , Br , 1ua , October 14-'l'hu Nomtlmorn Pioiuie limes givuim forimmal notice tim time 'Vrmmns.Coitiimuimtal , Asmmechstiomm lust it. will mucit iso a imrt.Y l.a time renewal of time special emsimtrmmot systurim which immis lie' ' oto. fore hecim in force btweeim hmu Union auJ Central l'acifio COiiiImnuica amid immor. . - - - - - chantR in San Francisco. The Northmormi Pacific officials say they recognize time fact. that there are sonic classes of freight which will go by way of Cape iiormm iii. stead of across time comitimuemit , nmul do mmci coimsidor thmo special contract system can be arranged to hi-event It , TEII It il'iI NOTES. Thin POl.5OliN (11 ihiltlummoro anti i'ittilmirg sync vlctlimiizeil Satmmnlay by bugmm thi'qatchmo.4 of .lerumnci l'amrk races , 'flme livery lnrmi of V. llcmimiett amimi two ltrlsat stables , at .Imilict iii , , alUm thi'oiui'rsemm , Lumrmmoil. L54 , $ l2,000 immstmrmmlmc'e , $ , ( XO. ) \Vahmliiiteui ga coimipamly imn.q counplloil 'situ timO ulemmimuimIs ( if time strlklmmg coal imovel. ens , amid time mumomu motumnumed to work. A liiimtehm fcmms time l'emmsmieeia missy vanmi " -'i'rt'd thmo list of yellow fever imii boemi iii'ehiarged , atmil thmrti weru un sl'mm of aim ) ' IiUV , ' ea'es. \I mtmmmiti ( onioui , agemi I I , ropni mmiammdoi % at school I mm fromitouu , N. .1 . , ( or ci remmimiti mmg liii. lta'iwr hal liiii't , miimil told timmit lion i'.ireimts ' svouhti lo imifoimmmnd , ( lI'tIWiiL'l herself. 'limo lmmatirmiimeo 1tmtlil , summimimemmod to I laser. l3"s theatre , Cimie.igim , at 2mhS Smitturdmsy mitten- 101,1mm , insimig tii ii tiimmmihi 111157.11 lii cute otiit'tm fntimmtiimg ( ill I ) 'iinh'trmm street , hull time fact timmit mm mmiitl : nec Leriorunmimmco 5V1i5 I ii Irtgrtts4 svitlm mm huge house iirecmmt , itcemuMlommeil summit , excite' iflt'tit ( iii tlmo street , but dlII umot extummil ti thtO&te iii the timoatre very fts' , iii time mummiit'imca svt'no immado mnvmtro ( Il the lmmm'kiommt mmmmtll mitten timit iiatoil loch ( lnire'mm mISS mis' atul time crowd himul tiIsiiereti , COmmiitl'lfl of the trnatmry Otnbor 13 : ( ( Ihi t'tilut mmmiii hmmhliOim , , ! OIItI I a,1)2th ) sli or diii fin's timmil I iuihliu , S1.'O I (8tM7 ( ; frartlomimil sli 'er cimi , $2dfl3,87 ! ; tliiiteml bmtt's uiite'i , i2 , . t'msk ' : : ; ; tobti , $ ltNijiu,3Oi , ( 'ortlticmmtcs . , mmt- st.auidlmmg : ( iihil , ,5O,73 ( ) ; sils or , $1 , ( I- 701 : cmmrnoney , S I 2uso,00Q. : 'I'imrce ( linmmmmmn lmiisirt'r'm attemmijitomi to cross thu cimuai nt .1 illttt , I II , , $ .mttmniimmy lii a loiki mig iiiat , si imicim smmnk miliium t time iuililIitI ut thu st reamim , amid tui miamimeil t congo lmmmommtis runt \ tmm. ( ; ilmiski , svero ilnosymied , 'I'ime fohiow'mmmg t'aiuitahiat.s ilium ) tiheui artIcles I miciuni utinmitl uig the L milLed $ tmite Stu'atmmsimlii : i iuii CsIUuhm.imm ) ' mit i tiammy vltlu a cmm ii Lal ( if ti I 000tRXl m ( . v. t umi mmtanii , 'I iii mit I hu.cim , h:1. : ( mmiimtanil , l'arla'i' C. Cimammuhior , i'ug'mmtm : 1 , 1 1 mnmee , ititul j iuiimi \Vmuti'rbury. . 'I'imo himmo Is to nmmmm ( noun Atlantic to l'mueiiic ports. ui msytur ElsImi , of New \'ork , hiss rommmuusel \Vuim. 1' . Simeanummami foumim time tmthit ( if cuummmmimls u-iuimmer of msccmmumts , lircamuse im meftmst'ul to resigmm imis othlce , I I ii niftummie svmum time mmnukl mug ilmihille uuf his mttitulrt mihlnim time Cmmrnumih frmumis Inuforo thu ummmuyor couiul oxmummiimme ti me dectiimieumt. Chmirges uumiul atiuulalts mmttoct'ummg &huum ethitilal chmmur.ictor tuf i'ui.tmmmcutcr : I liiytl.M , .mf 4t. h.ommis , imave reaclmed time h iistuiti'mm , miopmmrtmmmommt fromim tiitt lust icetuir cimmurged sulthm his tstigmmtl img time mulh'alm's of timat uufilen. First , jssimutaimt I'tist , ' iimmt'.ter ( oimenmut Ilattumm says I'tiMtmuiaitnr I I 11)115 vi II be givomi miii ( uipuInttmmmmty to ulcfummul lmiiiIstlh f iii huersummi fromum timit changes mmiuie mmgmiimmst iii iii , mummil time iutiers 55111 mint ho gi you for luumtihicitiumm : huftm , o hue imui : beoum Imoarti. 'I'imo tYumitod SLiteum nimmmm Of war Ibimiger , now at \ h are lshmumuih , svill itutiru time tmmui of thmis itmitimthi fur Cemit.nal 4t immenica to coiiuiulte thu , ltmrvtuy hut'gmsmm II ) ' Cmmiitai mu .1 . i'hIl ilius. 'l'fme simm- commm iItt'uL of time stmns cy eoim'.luti of iIiIiii t six huumimuli ed mmml has of time euuaMt miturths of l'mtmmiiumimi ' [ 'tin veusot isiUm mu i.unty of 160 mmmcmi s iil ho untiem' ( 'ommmmmmaimtier Cimuik , It ima.s leaked out timat time mimist extommslvo silmohesmihe linmui ticutli mig iv'itim time i tusiuk uuf nt eu. tnuial ii I mm t'uimaimclmmh truitmi ho , 1 ts himil little , mire hinge , bit time mt'euets mine os.pect"d to mulmuw ss'eii. Nothii mg doll mmi to is muimimumimmceui , bit If thin fuuihtmmt , aetmmslly takci luluuce I t ivi ii cmummstm a tt'nr'ibhi seumitiomm , at tue imead of time imuitiso ima. , been ciemlitud ivi tim huimig a imullilommaire. A mmmcetiumg cahteti at time 'uIerciuiimti' : Ex- thmnimga , St. I , , , mmimu , Suutimnday to hurtinest. um.gai ummut time recimt : ucthn , of time buaruh mIt'tuumijimu cumumu. mmmi.u4iummns ) , I mm mini uotimlg Olmiof iuf i'ihieo , Cutup. beih , iVlOm lumrgei3' uittemmuini by all classes of ci t'izommuu. i o'4Ih utlious were ii4tui iteut dimntimuc- lug time nuLl in uif time cummm tuilmusiommers ammtl cmiii- hug hIm time govonmuor tO Immt.erfui'e. , 'l'iio I'resittemmt imts : iiisul muted . .Ta&uhVhmeoler collector mit I uituinimmul revelinG itt S it I maliohui , I hi. , vice .1 olmmuV. . I liii , uhecemised.Vimeoier is nosy Uimited States u1arslmal of thus Soumthmermm .Diuuti'mct of liiiimois , 1)r. Bmu-telmm , of Fort howard , is 1mm thmo aims- touly of a Uuiittiut States Denmty Mmtnuulmmil of MIlwaukee , clint-gaul witim iiieg.mlhy cxmscttimg 1)tuimsiomm ) fees , hmu being a govi'rmmuumommt exam- mimer , Ito mutamids higim sochuuiy amid iii hIs pro- fessioum. Charles Vance , colored , witmu arrested fur lam. coumy unit jimiloth mit Ness' 1"rnumkilmmIo. . , 'J'hmtmu's- day. 1niuimsy mmighmt time bimiitiIimi was fired tumni 'Vaumcui bmurmmoti to tiemithi. I t is imut kumowmm 1mw time fire was started , whmothmer by Vammco or per- StIllS outside. 'l'elegnmumms amnioummco a decrease of yciio.v fever mit liermoslilu , . Stnlimgemmt uuuummitary immomot- mires ivihi lie takcmm reguirmilug time gnmis'euu of timouue s'imti imuivo (110(1 ( fnomrm Limo favor , so i to Imnuvmut thu ) ( ; ssiiuiiity of dmingor fi-omum thus source mmoxt yost' . Time iooolo anorctmmrumimig ittuti timucity hi musttmummiiig Its wommtuai mimupoct of actIvity. Ommly two ilem'solmH lmmmvo mhId mum time last two days. Plmuitern east of Vicksbung report alanimmiug cattle thistrasuu ( mmmi time hmnultracttlti ulruiumdmt. Cattle mire dyimmg by scones , iuumml umiammy fmiimmli las nra uueriiftimuiy incumumveumlemceul i a prtlcmi u I mug uhrlumhdtug wmitr , to say mmutimiumg of wmutumr fur unulhummury iniumuo. , I \Tiekuulumrg it Iii taut gi , umul di InkI uug s'mmter Iii mit ii premmmi mm mum , aimd i I a liru uuimoimiii hiromiic omit thu cuiummueuiuomices wtimuhd irvu disastrotms lii time oxtroimmu. Jmicuib Nohiliug was arnostni Smutmmrday after. imiNlul uium sluuu debut of imuiviag mum mmnderod A dii Atkimmsoum mit Lafayette , huh. A. bumitilo of huhui ci utiul mig wits femimmut cuiicuitiaui umm is wuioul utimoul imummr tIme A tkl Imuiem , hmummmuauteuiil coytum-eui witim imhuuitl. imuiti boon ctimpioyual out ttia Atkimmsoum fmmnmim. Imumummnaimco Commmunluusiommer 'rariiox , of 5.Imeusmm- aim uuuutt8 , Immili mmmlii to iimuiji Ic time reuuuui t of his ox- anmlmmatimutm imuto time affairs of thmu , City ut Lou- uhomu I umutimnuumico Coutm1imumy , .Jmuhmmm C. I 'milgo , ins- idoumt imimimiager. ' 1 amiuumx says time nuisimit is sxutlsfmmctory I mm timuit time coimu [ Hilly iui iii sniimmti Ii imancluil conuhitiuim , but mmmmsumtisfmscbry I um tlimit It. , mllscltuu5 iiui iintaImt. yiuhmit.lounu of busy , d Is. crtuilltabhui hmmslimoss comudumet mimi rechlhu3uuIy fmtiso mutatummiemmtui mmmadc ummuler oath to time lmmuuu- rmiuico duupartmntuit. 'rimere are no mmiv ( lovolmpnmolmtmm hum time uttnike of time Jtocimeu4tmlr & 1'IttslmuiT cummut mumiumurs at iubols. Slxtiuoiu uumeruif l'imukurtotm'si macmm an' nived amid wore utwonxm imi its aleiumity.sIuurIl1 _ 'Flue coin iammy mmiv has ( mmliy emmo immu mmuhroi I special ol1c0114 ! iuniuloyoul amid are dtutenmmmlmmetl to irmiLect their liroimrty _ 'l'imui uIoxicaim guivermimnomut Imimum mutgotiatoul a loan for tutu mmmliiluns wi tim A immericumiumu amid C en- mImmomuu , time isuuid to Iu tumkeum mit 8t cents omm time thuilar , biianimug imimmo icr edit interest , I I tiv. 'rimuimmmss : .J. Cmuual y , \Vorcestur Muss. , treuusuirnr for Ammmericms of thm i'uim mmcli ( mm immh , mm ut I lies thin oxccuitl vi , of ti a luai mum tiuuit time liookui wi I I lIe Ciilh.tIml NuVummmiler Othu , so timuitiimiem'icmi's cuummti lhmumtlomm calm neach i ) umbi Iii uiu time ulute the fuumul ciosos there , 'I'imuu limo. , .emmtumtiomi tO i1 r , I 'utnimuuil w Ill taku iilacs 1mm third. alt ) ' Ijocemmulier l2tlm. 'I'imo mmmcmi I mm uiour unoicrl itiomm imommutes ( if l'ltt.imimg hmuis luciutu ormieiumui ( Out i ) mmuuiuumm Ii , if the Ammmenicaiu F'liiit ( iisous Vorkers' utmusuici. thou hutmemumusui tutu muuammmmfmuutmurors uutmmiul ( , > 'u3ul hull ) H hi ( lii jounmueymnumm's work. Abumit (1U ( mtmeim arc idle. it leuuimmnul lm' Jilgimor , Vimgcn , Sr. I4OUIK , Octoimer I 1 , -'l'hiU yarlimmoim .mimgmmged iii time various rmmilm'omul yards 1mm Emimit. St. LumiB lucid mm socrut. mmmoctimmg list iuigimt tumid decided to domimmumud aim imicrenso of wages. It is immidomtutonuh , limit tint ululi- mutely kimowim , tiimd. thu doiumumimd svihi ho for aim incromiso fnumuu $2 to $2,115 imur ( lily , mmd fromim $75 to $85 ier mmmoumthm for fire- lush. 'I'iiis is to ho liiesonteml to time otih- curs of time railroads t4)-ItmOI'rOW mummirmmiimg and if imot conmpiietl with by iuoomi all time iuleiI will go emi mm strike , - I'iolui iilmuuu lrilIIIMI Ii , Ohm , Cmscm ! A1i , October 1 ' -'L'hmo 1 Coin- mumimrc'mai - ( Juixo to t ii us mmmormm hug i mmiii i sues figures froimm ovary coummt.y oxcujut St.irk , mm ' osvI mmt I limit. time promi i hi tioim muumummtl iii aim t I eceivwl :109,41:1 : : s'imtes , whmilo thu total t'itU Iii time st.mto is-miss 709,335 , by wiuicii uuimowiimg ( hue nimmumidmummit hits beumm do. foisted , Cmirelul estminates at imiidimiphmt make Limo tutmml veto of Ohio ' 711 ,701 1pmolmihitlomi mimumondimmemmi soLo i201'l , , which gives nearly 70,000 .iimmjority ugmsizmmst vrohmibi. t.ioxm , - - , . , , . - - - - - THE OLD WORLD1 . - - . - _ ' _ Igniflollt Rocoplioll to the Chillcso AfllbssE1h1OrYhich \ Brought Ont 8 Little cco , Nortilcoto Concludes His Oaiir paign ill Ireland and Stirs the Bile of the Tories , Thin Trial ol 0' Iuui mit-il auh t Ito Pros- m.i.t of' I'isi hluneunluit , - Ii'uigime hOt lug 1mm Cork. GENKitAIm IOItttGN NUWS , Till : i'Oi.IOV OP ( 'iihNA. LNt'ON tietmubor 1 $ . ' ' ( ) ' , - - - 'l'zmig , Cimiiicso .mmiia4saIlor , in the cmmnrso of im'ms rommimirks mit immlkestoiie , Satmmrduiy , iii to' ply to mum atldross of ivelcomiso luresemuteti Imlimi ly time mumumiiieipsl : amthuomitiemi tie- clai'ed time Chmimmeso tin immit femur contact. ir wisim to mivuui(1 ( ' ( iiictmtse witim mi eigmu ima- tiutumum , tmt ) the contrary tIme Olmimmeso court. ( ill foreign imutercourso kiiosva jIM ails-aim- lagos , ' [ 'fin 1Iarutmmis hmoinat thai presumut. ( ' ( mtiIiiil ruii'.tiimls between 1uig1ammtl mmmiii Cimimmms wouhit aver continue , rum , : vonis : ) 'I.AN rout imtmutNn. Sir Stmmtlrit NO1'thmeOte driseil hils cammi- paigmi iii trohiumul yestertlay ivitim a speech mit Lium'imo. I to said in order to develop imer tesources lruilamud mmeeded nrlcr nimtt rItltIso ( iumi It thrum , stemuul ) ' goveriimmiuimt , 11(11. otlem's of imnibes ummo tiny aumd soimsa tiommal legishntiomm the miext , followed by vitulumit. tusemusureim of rulurossinIm. I Ia ( lOttimmOIt the laud grant is hCiIOllCimtl ) muons- tire if justly atlmmuimuistcretl _ 'I'imoro simummhd liii mimi coumipact with mmmmtioiial mlistumibem-s , wlmo svtnmld seek to i-tutu thmrougim mmciv mumemumutim-es for local govermumimt'nt , ummiti lie 55-ill imctl commscrsmstivcs to gtmmum'ti mugaimist thmemmi. o'ImoNsmli'H : ( otN4mI ? : , . ( omm. itoger A , Pryor , Aummericisu cu'umim- mmci for 0' Domumiull , lucid immtcrvios s with i'ulessrs ' , ( humy anti Sumllivmsui miimd dis- cussud time eshiummco on Imtim subs. 1 mm view of time mmtatcmmiemmt that tIme crnwmm sYImuil oppose 1)1)51 1 momiemimamut of time t rimil of ( ) 'Ioimimcil , Smmilivnit mummi.l ta-day ho wotilil mint uiimdertuko time defunmue of O'Doimmmelh ummulesi ; timume svas grmtumtcml tm allow expected ss'itmiesses itmiti Charles ltmmssehl , ( ) 'lommimoli'n lemt1Ui : , comumisci , to reacim Engimmmtl. : Tin : immmsmi NATIS.ti , im.stmumi : lieuu a imieut'mmmg at. Chmarlevihlo , County Cork , mmmmmiay , 'I'eii timmtusmsnt iuorstumms ivero jresent , iimciudimmg O'ltriomm mmti I hmirrimmgtou , miiemmilmors of pariiammmummt. \Vhmilo the hatlor svero ( immming a mummimbur ( If police entureti thmo hall amid took time imaimmemi of tlmoue at dimmimor. 'I'Imo imarimihi luliest rofumueti to allow time priests tmnicr his charge tim attoimd the mmicetiimg. Parimoll states timat lie vihl visit Cork shortly. lie imits sultere(1 frommt a severe cold during time [ utuit fortnight. . .A immaim ummummetiVmmtcrs was arrested for stcmiiimmg mimiti receiving bommibo doiuos'mted with time LtImmuhuii ) amid Itiver l1imtto batik , which lost Li 10,000 by time tlufahcmttiomi of 0ccVnrdeuu , secretary amut imniumisger. NORTH tOUP SKETCHES. hrollg of Laii ookors Arriving Baily lo coks Slics for llome. Machuimmo l'ohIiicus l'rodmices Kicking- Tiit "liumug" mtumtl m immi "Simtrt. " of It Cvrresiondenco of Tim Jim : , NomLTlI Louis , Valley Co. , Nob. , Octo- bar 10.'Lemmgtimy'ammd "Simorty" are a pair of bipeds that attract. a great deal of mittemmtioim from Limo travelers win , are comi- uutmimmtly mmrriviimg hero over time IL ' ' " is time condsictor road. 'Leiugthmy" emi time tra'iim rumimmimig botwocim here llastiimgs , which mimakemi a roummd trill every day of time year , amid "Shorty" is time brakommmnim , imewmiboy amid utility mmmmm. Now , you would imatum-ahiy suppose fromim time suggestive cogimommiens of these gemmtlummmeim. thirst time comidumctor was a very tall mmiamm uiimd Imimi assistant a umimort one , but ammeim 1mm mint time case , Time first is called ' 'Leimgtimy" because lie iii .1 feet. I ) 1mm imis stockimmg'i , amid time other is du bcd ' 'Shorty" fm- time reason thiat Imo rencimes tIme uittitmmdo of ( i feet 7 imm his barn feet. , limit. footed. 'i'imcy mmcmii to ho a very comm. geimiuil imair , amid are coiiatnmmt cluuulami. iflhimi ( iii IiWi ott Limo t.raiim. I t is , however. mm strikiimg iiiuimmtrntiomi of Limo wor of 111111(1 over mmmmstter , an the immove mmmeumtus of time giammt mire controlled mmimui.utmt. emitimely by imis dimmmimiutivc hIrtmmer ) : , ' 'Shorty" iii quite nnorator , amid like mumammy other orators we all kimow of , would talk a crowd ts death ovom7 day if time crowd would ommiy stmnmd ummid lmtemm to Imlmn. lie gets oil' time ti-aiim at avery Btultiil , aimti wlmilo lie mulmouts to time crowd always asscmmmbhcd , lie mmmamimmgemi to inter- joeL occasiwmally , "hero's yer Omnorimaw himm:11' ' thus coimmbimmiimg busiimoss witim plemmauro , amid shiowimmg that hmu is a phil- osopimor mum well as s g'mrmimt. limit let time little ormo rmtino imiuu fumiger or imod his head amid timimu talkative ( ioiiittim vilh close imp as tigiut as ii chuimim amid pcdthho his iiaiuura iii miutcmmco , Ott time whole timis mutramige pimir are vomy mouuimir mmli miiommg limo hue , iimmul arc imiuich muhumuired by time Italics. 'I'lmo tliromig of land luummmtcrs frommm time over-crowded cast still comitilmumes to pour jim imeru , 'I'imcy arrive iii juamLios of [ mom tiV ( ) to six , uiiiti Lake temmmuuuu-timium btiiiig Limo toriuuiuiiimu of time rmuli'oad-fronm Limits p'iumt Us tuxaimmimmo the comimity timid pick emit. imoimmemi to suit thuemmi. Alter gmo'.imug iii ivoimuier ut time liultlmi of corn still sbmiuhiumg aimd itimmmmuiumg of Lime average yjolti ( If wheat amid a its this iimumd. vm- diiccti , they ( lime Cliii amul all cmy \o hmtmvu ( IiiO far enough ; thii is time iulaco we luums'e been hunt. jim for , " timid forthwith proceed tO locate. 'flmero al-u yet. tiwtisaimlmI itmud timotmaumida of acres of as good hmumd mis CviiiSVIIS tilled , imear hero thmmit cmiii be bath omm easy termmis , htmL if time inlIu commtimm' mmcii at tIme Imresommt into for ammy length of tiimmo , time immmmd seeker will hmmive to go fur. tImer west. to procure cheap hmummdmm. All timis travel 811(1 commstmmnt arrival of stmamigtirim at Limits poimmt. hits mmmado ii von 1111110 boomim for the hitttle iimUtrOLuOltII O time s'alloy , amid sum iii growing at a woim- derfuml i-mite. Now busimmesmi liousem lit-u buimug ust4rtod every week , nmm ( htmrihg ) time ( limo just vast time Norti l4oUl ) ilsiukimig commmmmmuuy 1mmi opomied tmi Intaimuosus in ii llrmimuul miow buifdimmg , fmesim. ly iuiuiimte1 usimul decorated , ammd furimishmmi with mimmihiogaimy cmtmmitorum amid a mmioimstoz smmfo 'l'imtsy 1croinisu to imimiko ioimims at remisommablo rates amid syihl doutitioss (1(1 gimomi iJLthiumO-us. ' .1' , N. Itubleo is pr dent of time commmjmany mummd J , 11 , Agom cashier , Ammutiior ovidomce , of the mmmotropelmtmou chmaraeti- .orthm Loup amid its cittzezis1 . - - _ _ _ ' , - the fact that a young gentleman by the namno of Ed Miller , imas opcnel a short. order chop imoumso , mmml , whmmst hi more , is recoivimig a flattering support.Vhmo over hoard of a short-order restaurant. except iii ms city or a booming frontier towis 1 Tlmor- was migreat deal of kicking by sOiiiO just. after the noinimnmt'momi of the lteimtuhlicaui county ticket at. Ord. Some delegates weiit miii far a-s to mihiego that Lucre hmai linen crookodmmoss fthmL skui- thtiggoty at time coimvcut'mon , 0mm gentle. inati--a leahummg mheIeato by time hmmno of itobirisemi has felt justified iii refusing to imbitia by time cimo'mco , amul ntmmmotmnces himself as mum imutlopemnient Itopubhican cMuhidate for county clerk. lii time mncnuitimimo the Aimti-.Illoimops arc iiiulimmg their timmme , amid , it. is svimispereti , ssihl put. a mmtremmg ticket iii thmo field , with a lair shutmw of election , N. Ii. Hitching n. , ocimuot li-c , S.itaui'u0. , . , ictohior ) I'I.-'I'hreo mmieit were imistaumtiy killed at Camitmilimi , thij coummmty , last. ovehuhmig. while tr-imig to this-n across time railroad track ahead of aim hmnliauma , liiouttiimtitoIm ¼ \'estorn trms'mim , A Imy si-lie sviss iii time wagon with the mmmiis'mis badly hurt. ( ) rttnutIremmmmmiirIh i. Niss'oiuuc : , October 1 .1 -At a mneetimmg ' ' of the Cumitral Labor mmmtiomm tim-nay a rocoumiuitumuiat'uomt smis received f oiumjtlmo Atli-muico i.almr climb urging that all ss-ork'ingmncms ( twin thmeumsolves , into mmmiii- tlmi ) ' oigmsimiJitioiis tim cimmslmho tlmcmms tim mic- fend their righmts , ticsohmmt'momms favoring time auohitiii , of time eomivict systemmi svoro adopteti. CATARH i't i Sanford's ' Radical Oure , hImih Otihihut , SVstiry 1)sehuam-gs ) tm" ' the Not md Eves , Itmuuuitmig oies iii time Heath , crsotms mxei- echo uutit i'oi" r immtamith u rnilci oil , . (9iOkiIlI iUiitliS iiiIOtiOti , muunmumhinmutmo elcansel smut IueakMi , brt'ailm iveteneul , suiaii , tatum anti tue.'uriumg m-etuireui mmiii msmsesehiockeui. ( ? ( lIlghiI , imrouuriiitimu , hrOiiiuitIi-N ) imut , , time 'm'hrmat , i'almtmu iuu tiui Chest , } ( ' * , sVmsmutlmmg of Striummtis at , ilemuim , l.uus iii StiI ! , , etc. , ctmrt'ui. 41110 huottlo italicuti ( . , mne , flume iox ( 'atnrriuah Sol- I i'mmt niiui 'lie Or Saifonits , iuihmni r iii ( lmu ( , IutikngC. of mU urturglmuts % , for $1 , Atuk for Sccu'omuo' listutram , Ctmmm a lutmro ulitIiIatilmi of svitcm ! ilarci , Ammi I'imie , Ca. flr , Iiu1uo1i , C'hosrn hlhoquumme , etc. 1'oti-it S limmeum , kWml CmuEuuuCAl' Co. . hI.'t emi , S 1' tim- time i-eliot mmml uurui cuutmoll , C OLLINS , thus INS'i'ANl' rm' is Ai'i'UEU , 'JOLTAI iiicummm'tiuuuti ' , NmmnalRift , Sciat. \ j I , it-a , Ciumugius , Cold-u , 5t'cuk Hk , . Ituumniicim ; aumul liiuich , iihtotimig - _ c- iaimumu , Numuumhincui , htyuutem'hus , t'uu- _ _ _ : ' - , . mtmusill I'ahmus , l'ahiultstioti D muiuep. - sr' ) . - Liver Couiuplsimmt , lilihloui Fe. _ ; -s , ; ; , icr , Musisria mmmii emululemmiles , tue / , / , , . . 4.COhliNS i'rAsTl:1u4 : ( aim itiQ- fELCTRiC\.Tmt , m u hmArmamtv COMIIINgI ) p , A N I "s tltim a l'.iroumu i'iastorand laugh -'tST ' ' ' , ' r' muOn 'c muryhero S i : Have Found It Wsn the oxcimmation o a man when hm got s bo I ! iimrokrs l'iio Olmmtmmmeimt , 'siukh t a eiaup'o mind sure 3ur0 for Piles aimil nil fkImu Diseases. IUty oonte by aimiui , iomutratd. The American Diarrhwa Cure i tTh.i ; stood the tcst for twenty ycars. Rare cure for ill Never i-sit , . DIsrrhaem , iyuentary , mind Cimole. forbes. oauo's ' Focr all Aiuc Tollic & Coria1 , Ii ii Impossible to supply thu i-spit sale of the saino. BUlt CUlt WARItANTEI ) For lover sail Aguo. suml miii hmIsmn1 troubhos. rItlcF : , stoo. W.J.WHITEHOUSE rnotuu'on. ISTU ST. . OLt1IA. NEtS , Foa" Sale by all Druggists' DR. WHITTIER , 617 Sf. Char/es St. , Sf , Louis , Mo. A htECUtAhi OItAit1ATiot two me4ieal coiheges _ L 1. iuicu huen omuitmimoiul Iomui-r 1mm the treatment of CiuitoNmu. NI1tVOtJH , HK1M AN ! ) fl11iOi ) DIcase ummaim other r113muitlftn 1mm Ht. LouIs , as city llamcr ehmow mmmi miii alit rcutluiuit' , , kimuiw , Consultattoii ( mo suit limviteii. When it ii , imicomivommlent to ytsitu limo city for treatumiemmt , ummedichmuci' cauu bu mmmii hiy mush or express everywimuru. Curable cases gimutnisntocd ; hiero .moubb exit It ii , frammkly mutateul , Call or write. Nontou h'romutruition , Ilililty , itcmmtal and Physical Wt.aiimmoiuuc , Mercumkh ummiul utIierafTctIoiii'ft'mmroat , ( .mLs , , ! 1mJullLk-titl ! iihncuui t'oimuomi Ioneii ( anti tliconuuummpOtli mnci7iui t , , nmarriage , Iuiuomunatismmi , i'hloum. 11I.UiI&I st. tmtion to Ca ; ; ; fruumum oycrwurkid limuulu , tilJmtGiCAL ( 'Atsirecutvu sPecial umtt.otutton. JJiiueamuo , arIeIiii- fiui iuninmmIemuco , ixccssuw , MAERIAGE . whmy , causes. ( llmmeOuiuemmcemi sail cure. Slalici for 25o ; juouutago or muthmimi5. sept 26tlaw1v esternCornice-Ioiks1 IRON AND SLATE ROOFING. C. SPECHT , PROP. 1111 Dougtasflt. . . Omahs , Nob. tANUFAUL'URi1t OF Galvanizea Iron Cornices t4rpormer Wuumdows , Finmshmu , 'tin , Iron and Slate iLout1Ii ( 8iiChut'H hiatmit Mvtaullo Hkyiight , Patoab i4jmmmttul itatchutut liar suid liracket S1uchylum. I sun tie oniurai aetmt for time above flume of guouI. . Iron tuuc1mig , Creutings , Imalumutraimoiu , Veruridas , Iron ba.nI : alimuigs , Wimuiiow iilimnis , Cetiar Utiardi ; also general emit for Pucnuiam , & 11111 stomut Inmulule litinil. Jitf41'JIXj-'i'arta of the Imimmmutmm iuuuily enlarged , ( IOVtiOliOul and strongtiuermed , etc. , Is aruul Immtorcstiimg mtthontimucmnciit long run iii our 11511cr , Imi rv1iiy tt ) Immuiuirtemu we will say that there ja till uvthcmico j tmnmiubmig about tlmtH. 0mm time contrary time auivcdtscnu mire very imlgiuiy iumdorsed. iimtoreimtcJ Irborms mummy get mueithuxl clrcuiaruu ghliig all particulars Iii' aditresuitmig Erie Medical Co.l' O.boz 818 , iluSaho , J _ V' hvon. IIBRK LOAN AND TRIIT CO. Jttth'F1NUtf,2'Efl. ' Capital , - - $250,000. ; JAR. 13. iIiAhmTWmLL , I'residcnt. S A. L. ChAItiCm , Vice-President. E. (1. svciI.s-i'cmurrreamuurer , (3. 1' . SvE1LrEiL Caituier , iJIiIi(7FOii8 : imuel Aiexmimmtler , Owsatd Oliver . L Chsrko , K C. Webstcr , 'nu II l'rMt , Jaui. II. lloau-tweU , D. U. ltcEhlltummsy.I ; irst Mortgage Loans a Specialty 'Tlii CouuIi.any fimimuishes A ilcunianemmt home Institum. m , shore school hlouude mind ether legally issued Mu. lu I dull iuuunItios to NobMkmi comm bum negotiated wum , S minis1 i.iurabie turm Loan. made cmi mproye mIs Ic all welt loitlol ouuntio * ul the tate through iistL.Ig uui corrosocum Iunt sv : DUFREfIE & MENDELSS1IIN. , ARCHITECTS LI11OVED TO OLAflA NATIONAL IILDI : . - - :