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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1883)
_ - - - - - - _ - _ - - - - - i-- i TIiL DAILY BEE--OMAHA , MONDAY , OCTOBER 15 , 18S3 _ _ _ Pnbtlshed etcty vrming , eleeptsuoday , ; Only Mond& murnh g d.lly. RAN. RT 11AII. . - - tie TeRe.f1o.oo t Thtee 1lo--.i . ttlfontn. , . , . . . . . S.a110ne Month. . , , . , . . Tat QIULT UT , rnluelniD LYRRT R Ir0NR8D TTRAe reerAID. One . . . . . . . . . . . $ . ThroeMrnlhe , , , , : 61t Months. . . . , , . . . . Ono Mouth . Amerkan Newe Company , solo Agcnte'Ner min In the United states. maaRSroTDnlrn. ' A Oomu nlatlone reltlnq to Newe and T4 tnettcre ekonh te atdrn eod to t1n } : UtroR o ) tea , RDRIRRN LRTTTRL.q All Rudaca + t tWre i t Remltb nros hmi . I'onuenlNa CowrANY , 0 addresec + l to Tui Darts , Checke and I'ostoflre ordcre to be mad able to the order of the company. THE BEE BUBLISnING COG , FRI E.ROsgwATSa. Edt or. Ax AnU.monopoly leader nppeat the oolunnns of Clio J'rhublfettn , It 1 ns much out if place as a ltepub rooster in Ohio. .iUDou FORAI RR utado 1O p speech ) Ohio during the campaign. In the of election returns it looks like n waste of what' . Tun : usuni fusilndu ngaittst the edit the Iitt : : hilts been begun by the rntl organs. Thu volley is intended to c the firing which is to bo direl ng tlmo candidates of the people of Nebrt Dirt. LAntn's B , tC M , organs rot ntrato 1111(1 defy , but the gcutlotuan .stinkingVntor preserves an idist silonco. The epedlic charges hove' ' aide. Let us have the apocilc de _ 2lunt : : is a dcspcrnto mud comb attack against Ben flutter , but the war Koran lays his wires and sots uj pins in perfect confidonro of loving own successor in the MassachnactLi f house. TIlE Democrats of NDbraBlca have the way in tnakillg non.partisnn non ( ions for the judiciary , Tliousanc Republicans will return the complil by electing Judro Savage to the Supl bench becauao ho is the boat man fun plnco. IT is reported that lion Buttcrwor to succeed Mr. Marble as Counmtssi of PMcnts. Mr. Buttorworth's business should be to grant hams patent on his famous rued flag" ap Congress will breathe casior if it is tected from all infringement. flow much does tlmUnion Pacific pan pay'1 lln OuetrA IIEn for its slli of tau nnou , loty candidates Sava go all coolIpons unman , of Does this come in cash or is it in patronagol Tttit 11un mat explain wiry ho lint ltts pretended service to the people gone over to the Monopoly party , much and what have they pant y Ilaslhig8 GarctteJouru i. Tliia is good , coming from Jim L , t own , the organ of the pass distribu the B. AC M , railroad , No one 1 better than Laird that 'runBEt , : i aupporting railroad candidates. member of the State Convoition , Laird is perfectly aware that Mr. was the choice of the Mo opoli months before that convention mot knows equally well that all corpgra fluonces are being brought to bon tire election of Sam Savidgo in the District , As Tim BItit is opposing .of those candidates it doesn't look much as if 'nut B E was on the track to secure conponsatiot fSoi Union Pacific or any other railroad , Mr. Laird asks us a plain quostto we will give him a plain and apedi ; awor. We will not skulk for wobks Iunco as the gentleman front Stiukin ter has dote when pushed fc answer to the gravest of charges nt his honesty old integrity , 'I'nn B ceivos no compensation in cash fl political support of any old. It c reccivo any in patronage , for tire I reason that it has done no job wo1 two years past. Two yonra ago i its job o1Uco , typo and presses. BEE is alone among its contompl in printing a nawspapor with n , office attachment. Title is a plain answer to Mr. I plain question. And now will the tlommn from Stinking Water conto front and answer the question w1) propounded to him Boarly a month relative to his scheme to fraduloni tain a cattle rsugo in Chaco coup motliode which bear the appears dishonest collusion with gover oficiala and subornation of porji tits part of pretended. settloral LAtvYElt j'SOENItI Relnt , 01 'V Itas decided that inasutucll as Co' ago'a friuids in Onialis. have wards in condng forwards" wi Col's record as a lawyer , flu-Sc gur-wiU assist them , Mr. Su gor proves a lively and spicy biogu -I'iatt tnouthherald. i Lswyor Soortberger is just the kin/1 / yfa Inmt to criticise the re Jautus 1V. Savage. If llfr , Soon ) record as an attorney was von properly ho would be writing his behind the bars of a penitentiary. A few months have passed sit Soonborgor was visited by an i lawyer on behalf of sotto C ' i clients of the Wahoo attorney charged hint with collecting ' al and denying their receipt wi ; Ir . turned the proceeds into his own I1Ir. SoOnboryer true made , thou ; unwillingly , to disgorge , under of prosecution , lie is a sweet I Jdntl of a reformer to criticise cord of Judge Savage. We might incidentally rotnarlc fs barely possible that Sam Clap tire PlaUsmouth herald , may a ate how delicate Mr. Soomborgl siton was at the time mentioned. I s Till ; .AJWY CifANaRS. Tim changes made necessary by impending rotroment of General malt have at laat becu decided upon , though the official order is not public the stations as telegraphed on Sntu evmting are doubtless correct. The manditig general will leave 1Vnhuri On November 1st , and await his r uiott , which will take place tinder G.I year lad' nit the 1st of Fubrl Cenoral Shonnan's object in rolingi lug his command thus early is said 1 duo to his desire to enable General 1 idan to take cammnnd of the army fore the opening of Congress and to sent his report to that body tit ita session. As the ranking major general , Go hlatcock was given the choice of , ions , lie has decided to retain his cut command , which is that of the lactic , with headquarters at ( lover Island. General Schofield will transferred to the Division the Missouri , with headqunrtot Chicago whore General Slmridmi iina mandod so long ami so ably. Cc I'opu will once more move his head tors from the saddle and transfer the San Frnnciaco na conntmidor of tin vision of the Pacific , 'I'hut retinae Colonel Veit , aonm weeks ago , reir the last commnnter of the Depart of the South. lie will have no RUCel 9'ho department will be consolidated the Department of the Enat tinder oral Ilancoek's canntand after Nave lat. 'I'htia will leave an entire sot o oflicora to be provided far. Cal. Cu who wasso poristcnt in his eudeavl oust Ccl. 'T'aylor from Newport Barr will now have to hunt another act and in all probability will go fu west , General Pope's transfer leaf vacancy at Leavenworth to which 1 tiler General Augur will fill by tnt from San Antonio. General McIC the youngest of the brigadiera , has since his appointment connm the District of New Mexico , will rc Gunoral Augur in the Dopartmeil Toms , No changes arc noted in any o outer departments anti it is not pro' ' that there will be for some Limo to e ' 1'horo is the possibility that Congros ; winter niay promote General Shcrid tilt rank of General of the Army tin nu agreement between the ineub the two parties that in such an Goncral Hancock shall be made Lie ant General. If this is Bono there bo a vacancy in the list of Majot orals which will be fllnd from the I diors , General lloward is the rat Brigadier Central and has strong c for promotion on the grounda of so ty , liia brilliant war record , and his ability incurred in action. Co Terry and Crook will also be p by their friends for promotion. S Cengresss make no change in the It garding rank , the next vacancy will tvlioir General I'opo retires , two ) tottco. TILE LiaAL TRNDEi CAS' Tie United States Supreme Co its present term will probably take i case involving the constitutionality legal tert'der act. Thu issue , it wi remembered , grows out of a comm transaction in which a citizen of York after the resumption of specii ntonts , tendered a citizen of Count payniont in greenbacks of the sun 1878. Those greenbacks hind oiicc redeemed and reissued under the n May 31 , 1878 , and when tondcrci refused on the ground that such worn constitutionally illegal. Tlt was begun In 1870 and carried t Supreme Court on appoa ) . If the hearing proceeds , this will the third unto that the court of ii resort has boon called to pass up validity of tlo legal tender The legal tender act of 1802 pr ' that greetibacks or United States shall be "lawful money and a logs dor in payment of all debts , pu private , within the United States , duties o1 in1pgrta. " In the case of I burn vs. Griswold , the court decide I act , and its supplements , "unwarl by the constitution , so far as they I to contracts made before their taunt. " In 1871 tlm court , hnviul 1 sonmwhat changed in its vorsomiol I bare majority reversed this do p Thus we luwo had two opposing of upon this particular bratolt of th t jeep , anti the case should I be reargued in justice to t country , to Congress , and to Supreme Court. Thu greenback originally isauoei as a war measure , is well to understand whether alto tacit years of peace , Congress car I ize indefinitely their issue. 11 ' constitutional or not it is for the c e decide , and tltu country will ho g have the quostioi definitely act-thin - the case be decided in favor of the lant , it will put an std to tlto ru.i t redeemed greenbacks as legal tl If but the hills would probably cunt ) circulnto , for nobody doubts the d of tllo gove uncut to redeem ti 5 gold , ' 1'hoy would simply luau the y tender character , cud stand on an ty , in this particular , with the ut a national banks. 0 11'EST OX TJIM MISSOURI. a The long.prolnisod era of r o "OOmpotitiet'I um the 1Vest has cat t , a vengeance. Thu cherished he y overland shippers have ripoiied 3 gigantic pool representing 50,00 d of road , Scarcely had the last r on the Northern Pacific been dru fore it joined with titu eoiiu nurc t turca furthrr south and agreed Li /f / taut rates at the war standard , 1. duction of a few dollars has boo ; . is thus passenger tariff not so much peace the public as to equaliao ra cording to mileage. This is the old a of modern com otion that fails to t Itots , The Utah AC Northern and Northern Pacific have partitioned ll tana into districts and sttled upon t vision of the traffic. 'Plto Colorado is an infant of a year , yet its domi std power is unquestioned between Missouri river and the Rocky mount So , too , with the Itlo Crando. As as it had crossed into Utah and Lit ened to bocmno a rival of the Union chile , it was forced to an "understand by which rates would be tnaintn'ne the old Iguro. ) Thu list might be tinued indefinitely , The leasott of that the doYs of cin petition are past relief can comu only throught Nntl laws. - - The construction of the joint I rail road of the Northern I'adlo Utah d Northern between Butte Iielena in Montana bas been aband until spring. As mattora now stool Narrow Gauge is corralled at Blacker or rather at Doer Ledge , where obliged to discharge east.atdo froi Which are hauled front that point wagon over a mouitaili road of for more ntilcs , 1lnttera at the junction of the roads are in rather bad shape , and songers between Butte and llelett subjectud to such outrageous impel that the ill.feeling consequent upnu treatment will tnnku it elf felt in t over channel 1mry oiler to the j irate travelers. The junction of th rends , where the passengers , baggag omit matter have 1)0011 trnusfurre about twoutilea front tlteNortlleri P town of Garrison. It is now prof by the Northern Pacific pcoplu to their trains at Gnrrisoi only mad nI the junction , thus forcing travelers the Utah anti Northern for the E1 travel two ntilcs by wagon and pass through the salute point at which the barlc from the Narrow Gauge. F this will continue to be done or the eS Norther will ho forced to extut track parallel with the Northern P to Cttrrisnn , The townaito of Gar has heel bought up by parties inter in the Northern Pacific , and for the of adding to the proiita of the ofltcin the sttloot tOW111htS the travelingpul forced to this inconvenience. Work has already begun on thu railroad through the south part of comity , Nob. Thu road will run DeWitt straight west tine Blue .dams county , crossing the St. J Denver between Fairfield std E About eight miles south of Geneva i form a junction with the St. Joe r'v ver about two niiiea west of Dulvi This lute will be built north to CI and from there to Fairntontand pro thence to Seward. The B , AC M , company is quiet work on the proposed branch from ( on the Republican Valley line , to S , Kansas , This branch is deubtles ; t01tdedto head elF the Salina , Lincol Decatur road. While the luanagors lattoraroalurunishingaround Nebrasl bonds and ethot aid , the B , 011 M. si asks for right of way and depot Inch Fur this reason the now company is to got left uttloss they enter the fie equal terms wit-hi the B , & M. A apoudent writing from Vnshington , the B , tC ens , shows ) now rapidly gutting over ground : "For smut pint the Burlington AC Missouri railroad company have boot mink careful survey of a lute ( roust Odell , . et or near the line of the Salina , Li AC Fremoit , and the road trout that via IIanovor and 1Vashingtol now surveyed and recOn On Wodnealay night a meeting c business ntci of this pla.o was call the Opera house , for the purpose of ferring with officials of the II , e v M , proposed to commence work or the from Odell to Wushiit tan iuunedii if the po0p10 of 1Vaslungton and 1 vor would procure thou the right o to the State line. This company ht naked aid in the way of bands , and request of merely the right of.way accepted by our people without a jour , 'Plio company officials say the begin work within tun days after lows a guarantee of the rigJrt.of.wa' It is uuderatood in Ontaha that Fingoraldtm ) woll.kuown railroad' or , has takeut a contract for 100 mill is uegutiatiug for tennis noel grad this city to begin work in a week days , I Ohuoyonno has dole a land oflico . 11055 during the month of , Septonb total of 47,789.0.1 acres vero dispot During the month 28,324 08.100 I were filed 111)011 under the deser while final' proof was uade to 1,71 100 acres , Pro.o iption entries . covered 2,060 14.100 acres , and nit homestead entries tiled , embraced a 68.100 aoos , Under the head of bur Culture"soventoon entries wore a elnbraciui 2,300 acres , while twt homesteads took away J.0 acres ' from the public drinin , Forty I' pru empttnn declaratory statuntont e covered 7,860 acres ; throe coat In 0claratory statonenta embraced 000 0 for iniutornl mud hllu application a t tncludud 1,140 acres , One entry c t hands was made. Thu rocuipta . oflico front August 13th to Sop1 30th wore $36,023,60 , , I. Colonel Jaunes Tullis , special 0 agent of the Gover bent , trio hai 0 iuvestigattug hand frauds in the f tories of the ] tacky ntountatma , say has been senor big swearing by wi f ill sous of the ofliees turd large ; r of land have boon patented by 1 0 who had jut nu wise complied wit Y land laws. ' 1'lo desert land.ep a has been violatud with a rocklussnl l was lwsitively astounding , In ' cases it was found that nbsolutel' ' I tug had been done toward reclaim ] lands , and yet what are known n garded as good citirets have gone the lad ollieerw old made soluni 1 that the laid bml been reclaimed t Ii the eumlitioia of thu Inw eongdiei whet in fact io mark niadu by i hoods could be found upat entire a Otltur tracts were taken up mid s desert act whielt are nn e desert than . the valley , the Olio river , Other lands I found to have boon taken up and timber-culture act upon whilt r growing at the time of original 1' more forest trues than the haw n alum final proof is to ho made 0 hon stead act has notboon fairly ; ' ' and thousands of acres has bean ttr : . by persons who have not coaphei one single requirement of tlio Fraudulent testimony was produce fraud and with full intent and urfo defraud the overnment. Tone of ti ands of acres of the public lands fenced up by wealth atck.rnnchors leaving atul settlers without rnn ill the family cow. In one instance found that a man living near a cit Montana hind fenced 0,000 acre Public lands and in his lcindness of 1 lonnittedtho town people to pa' their stock in the enclosure for the crate sum of $1 per utonth pet head. Time Denver exposition has closed , the managers find themselves wiggle rho small end of the horn. The act to ntako a financial success of a fn dtd not pan out to the satisfaction o stockholders , and nn effort is now 1 made to save this content from bank cy. The acheue is such a rare spec of Colorado gall , that , hind the tna molt been wine , they would have p it on exhibition during the palmy do the show. It would kayo been a I bettor card than shriveled agtlashe patril et' pumpkins. The exposition Orly is valued at 500,000 , plastered $200,000 in bonds , and $1,000,0 stock , which seems to have pretty thorougldy soaked , is now proposed to distr a majority of the stock among time ties of the State and adjoining State Territoes for $161,000 in cash. The meters of this method. of raising the by public douttiotts , arc cotiiid01lt i 1)t workedrnccessftllly by judicious j uro on the authorities. Mr. Love one of the prine'pal owners of the ceru , is not as abort sighted as the leagues , lie sees iii the schema a er anent appropriation , amid hints tilt the public become interested then , are more chances of accuring govern aid. 'I'hero is cup reason why Con should net appropriate front $300,0 $1,000,000 , amid it is toy belief that will , for the mineral resources of country arc worth developing. Co uncut aid would citable us to take ul uortgato , which is due in eight y timid give its a large surplus front ye year. " Mr. Loveland is a matured Dem who has not had a whack at the p crib for twoutythrce loig years. JAMES W. SAVAnu is not now never has been a railroad attorney. tvns not and never could be a tool o1 bench of the monopolies. As a jud1 was notoriously opposed to all techu ties by which corporation lawyers so' ' befog courts and ride rough ehod popular righta. A chromo is oiferc the editor who can produce anythinl n railroad record for Judge Savage. TIIE NEW YORK PAI'EItS \Vhnt Interpreuatlous 'Fhey I'u the Result Iii Ohio. NEw YGIiE , Oct , 0.-Of the Ohio tion'1'he Sun Bays : Of the singular features of the ele is the different ways in which the P bitionvoto affected the Ropubli ' 1'no rural counties , where they put the defeated prohibition amend strongly , responded with big majo for the amondmout , but with hardly average Republican vote. it the e whore the Republicans were afrai push the aniondunout , they made chief gains from too Democrats. Yet the beaten Republicans are loss to oxplatn their defeat even to own satisfaction. Deacoit Richard S thtuka the woolgrowers did it. Mnrsial Hulatead thinks the wino i Drs did it. John Sherman believes Foster did it ; and Foster probably 1 recovered sutliciently to do any tlttt about it. At any rate , it is done , bretheron well dodo. 1Vc iutagitte you will that you all contributed to it titian Tito peaidu have simply registered decree that the Itepubltean party go. That is time meauitlg of a Deno Uovernor and a Domocr.ttic Legial ill Ohio , ' 1'hu'Finms ' says : Tine most aiguiticaut fact about thl close election iii Ohio on Tuesday the slight iutluomeu of any national then. Except 50 far as thus leaders of party wore striving for the moral out a victory , it may be said that the nn issues wore hardly involved at mill. So far us concerns the uwral ell the elections , it is bound to be slight. if the Democrats have c ' the State by a sutall nuajurity they lost the decided majority of last though they were aided by u very strnugor 1roillbitioll diversion ti I that tine. 1 f tlto Republicans , o other ltandhavo reduced their oppe I majority in spite of one Prohibit . they have won no victory that a the State next year , or that cad ha' I great oll'cct ott the uluctieis still I held in other States , lVo tuny ii 1i that Mr. IIoadly a boon for the I i duucy , which Elie set on foot byuu / to establish tt now Democracy , tt ho again heard of , and we ntay be e E surd , timid not less COtitemit , tlut ahornuut's prediction that the nox I publican entldidatu for the Pros 1 will conto ( ruin Ohio will be feuds r hilly by malicious persons guilty u sire to nuke Dlr , Sherntai's lit 1 happy. 'rite Tribune say's : 1 The Ohio ltupublicana were over . dent. It is trite that they have pl o remarkable vote , but they undurem ad the dcspomt ) oaurgy of the B crats , They roliud too unuclm , tippa a upon the goad aharaeterof the ltupt a party , timed Limo bad character of tim D crtuo party , mid Judge Iloadly's t era , fur brattuig that , the class of whom time money of tim liquor t would reach , care totiing about tit y actor of any party , or the moist . any candidate , The advocates of prohibition lint it nitro tujurccl the cause of tumpcra aetiti 6r agaunat the Itupublicm part ; U Republican party had put On the in bank eau of thu known ant 1 tmu nuhuial laws ever for rug ! , the liquor trmOlc , Thu wihlu Dumn hhattle to it fronJudgu ii party was , ; , 'y ' who leas of counsel against it , t U the Sapreuo Court , down to thu u of the corner groggery , wile Was i f it both far grog amid party. If U U Inbition Votes have put ill humidly U Dumoeratio Legislature , they are mm u way to sou the Scott law repea g broken darn , and all the grout d that tilts hues gained in this attoi o regulate the liquor trait-ho - , d I'hu Duutocrahc ruforut ntovon d Cinuinnati is a ludicrous failure , an It It. MuLoan u boss. i A Cnisltcd Porter. oil City Dtlrsard. We arc happy. Tim porter of the lot car has been crushed. r'Bc yol Itnwdml , salt , ' ho remnl with impressive grandruo to one of occupants of his car. "Dat was a t dollah yo' handed mo a minute ago , " "Alt , was itl" replied the plebe as took it from the outstrotchcd hand examined it. "Take this foryour friend " and pocketing the eaty , my , lnr the the traveller handed the astot ed potmttato of thoroad a load nickel The iusenaiblo body of tlmo porter left at the next station , and after pl cinus had worked on hint for two ii ho recovered suficiontly to murnu chorentl "It w'a'nt do money what ha'lized boss , but he called c'InY frenl' 1 chat uk me down ouch" IAIRAIa11AJIMAN.fWA , i THE UHEATUEHI ' ¶ f tfe I REMEDY I Ilp ; , caa3milbbl' aim sminmImmIIDDIEUII l l Itelleves mid can I' iiilll ' 1 ! 'n'W ' I tttILU,1LI1L GlP 1 i Neuralgia , Oa Tq Sciatica , Lumbar I tlmmmvfmns , relc.ulIE ; , I ; i , ats I SORE THROAT. II I O , , ' ' QU1NS1'.MS _ . . . . . II 'liI "aa'W'l tiPIzAI\Y , jjl i11831aauxmk1D11 Soreness , Cuis , srul ' ' F'ROar'urrt : , I 4eAt t KLVIINV. scu,1 AAI1NIQy1 0 Add allathcrblslllyl I f7 h lI , Orr I alit' palnt. FIFTY CENTS A COT ll 11 it t. BI1lV IIIlf I 1al I Noldbyn1111"Iggisl II llh I . l i I hill I I Dealer. Dltecliuns a , , Ill 1 Imlumig es , I The Charles A. Vogotc jI VIII _ IILiI love . -r. L A , vootu.n m , - . _ . ' _ h , j l u.m..r. . lid. . c. . p , curulncU 141 % aIItI liver plaint and hl cl 6ILI59AT11 constipation other ubstinal oaeoc ) lost Stomach Ittlt , beyond all col eon the best ri f - that rnn be tat L .ir : a Inearle of res _ - Ute strngth a ' ' tot energy of ' , i who aroalnkie G i der the dcblli : cacctsof ' , atrd orders Uilssta 'egetal luInsi le confesaedll STOMACH eqForeRalD b , TTE5 Druggists and era generally. TO THE PUELD Invostlgato for Yourselves. Posnnaster Ocneral Gresham lnavng ! pubtisi willful and malicious falsehood in regard to the acterofTlle Louisiana State Lottery Compant fotlowingfacts arogiven to tiwPublic to pros tatemcnt , that we are engaged in a fraudulent loess , to be false amluntrue : Amount of prizes pad by The Louisiana state ter v Company from Januarl I , S79. to present l'afd to Southern Eaprese CoNew Orleate , T. dL Wescott , Manager . . . . . . . . . . .1t,3 Paid to Louisiana National flank. Jos. it. Oglesby , President. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Paid to State National flank , S. It. NetneiyI're.ident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 i'aW to Now Prieans National Bank , A Paldtvln President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paid to Union National hank. S. Cltarlaron , Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Paid to Citizens' Dank , Il L. Carrlere , l'ros dent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paid to Oerrnanta National Dank , . dole. Calsard , President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Paid to illbernia National Bank. Chas. Paifrey. Cashier. . . . , . . . . . . I Paid to Canal Dank , Ed. Toby , Cashier , . . . Paid to Mutual National ItanL Joe. Mltchcl , Cashier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total paid se above. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t2,2 Paid m sums of under 11,000 at the tarloue otaeec of the Company throughout thoUnltodStatos. . , . . . . . . . 2,0 Total paid torah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bte Far the truth of the above facto we rarer the { tothoolncersof the above named corporation for our legality and standing to the Mayorand 0 of the City ul New Orleans , to the State authori Louisiana , and also to theU. S. Officials of Loul We claim to be legal , honest and correct in a trausactions , as much so as any business in the try , Ouretanding I,000cedcdby alt who wilt I tigateand our stock has for years boon sold a Board of Broken , and owned by many of our known mind rcepected cltizcne. M. A. DAUPAIN , Preeld RarOAPITAL PRIZE S7Gooo. Tickets SA , shares to proportion. 4 Loaisialla State Lottery Coral 'IIVedeHereby certify that we supervise tt rajemelmtr for as the Monthly cut Sein.A Drawings of the Loufsiana State Lottery Coma add inperson rna a. a and control LAe Dra ' , ) are conducted tonesly , fafrnesa. and 1)m goal faith toward of ties. and weaulAoriethecompany to use a tilleateuith far-rilnfleagf our signatures aft n Us advertisements " .ll u CowMIBsloitL Inoorporated in IBM for 25 yeare by the log ) tor educational and eharitabno purposae-w'Itt 'tat of U 000,000-to which a reserve fund e a r.oooo time since boeu addei. By an overwhelming popular vote its fr Has made a part of the raoent state coact ufoptad December 2t' , A. Ii. 1870. T'hI. only Lottery ever voted on and ender tkepcopie of any state It raver Scaies or Pelt pond. Its grand single number drawing place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To WIN t rLlNF. 11th Grand Drawhlg , Class L , at N lean. , TUESDAY , NOV. 13th , 1889-lend I Irawmg , CAPITAL PIUZE,175,000. 00,000 TiCKBTSet FIVE DOLLARS EACH Uoui , in Flftha in Proportion. LILT el t&ilDL 1 CAPITAL PRIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 do do . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . 2 PIUZES OF t5x0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a du 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 do 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 do roe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ice do 200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 do 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hot , do 50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11000 do 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ArraozmMAnos torte. . 9 Approtlmationpdreeof $1m , . . , , , . . , . o do do stn. . . . . . . . , . 0 do do 2A. . . . . . . . . . , 1 1907 I'rlaee , amounUng to , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t Ipllntiou for retee to elube.hould be tna artho oaieo of the Comlwny iii New Orieane. l'orfurther lnforatlo write clearly gist a Rddroes. Make t' . 0. Money Oaten peya s addres.Iteglsteredutters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BA New Orlcat f l'odal Notc. and or llnary kttere by Mall prow ( all aurae of 15 and upwarde by Etpnre nxenae ) W ' D M A , DAtll'll f or M. A. DAUPIIIN Now Orleac 007 Seventh St. , 1Yaahingto D t 1J 1 a' t r LOUiSIAII STUB LOTTERY D. Franc Moorc 121 La Sallo Street Chi F Manger of Chicago Oliloo. Tu whom a tutormanon and Helots , lend Moathl , t Drawlug , , D Tuesday , Nov. i t FirstOapltalPrize , 1f5.000. TloketaIt. Ii Fifth. at it each. see full schem abora 1 Dry Goods ! SAM'L CO. , ' Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO STELEfJOHNSON & CO. , Wholesale Grocers ! AND 3011115113 I FLOUR , SALT. SUGAR CANNEB GOOISa NB ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS Al/D LAFLiN & RAND POWDER CO IJN-IIIaI 9 MA.YUFACTUREII OF Calvaoiicd IroDCornices Nindo CapsfioiaIs ; Skylights Ao Thirteenth Street Ne SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Oi CakeM It le the beet and chonpeet food for stock of any kind. One pound Ia equal to three ponde of corn ' tock fed with Oround 011 Cake in the Fail and Wintar , instead of running down , will Increase in weigh and be in good marketable condition in the epdng. Dairymen , ea well ae othore , who . use It can testify Its o4 merits. eod me Try it and judge for youreelroa. I'rIcco wOOBM/iN 25,00 per ton LINSEED ; no charge OIL for coMi'ANYOaaha eacka. Address C. Fe ! AND DEALER IN Pllts , OilS , Yarilisilos aild ¶ illdO Glass OMAHA. NEBRASKA. E , t 7wr a . ; . , t3..o y # , ilt P _ e. . MANUFACTURER OF OF STElcrfLT Fi1IST.CLASS ! t BuaiesRoa , j AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1810 and 1320 Ramey street and 403 8. 18th street , -OMAHA e NEB U tinted Catalogue furnlehed free upon nppilcattan MAX MEYER & COg , IDWORTE1tS OF HAVANA CIGARB r ! AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC A I D 1 1 PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 ' to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands , w1 DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. { a . ' 'IWj O 6 D rl : On Long Time--Small Payments. Prices , A , llosBo.Jri . tea noruty army AIy- ' MANUFAQPUIt5It OF FINE Buies Carriaos aiid Sprill ¶ aolls My , Repoattory i. ooaetuaUy tilled with a aelecttook , fleet Workmaluhip gusnnteed. Of17ce and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Ayunue , Qmal' _ _ _ AeK YUUIt OItOCEItS FOIL TIIE OMAHA DRY HOOP YEAST1 y = WARRANTED NEVEIt TO FAIL , -n = Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Bop Yeast Co. _ - OoliNna lain AND DAYENVOItT ST1tSLTd , OMAHA , NMD.