Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1883, Image 1

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Great Fall Sale s
i. MONDAY , OCTOBER 15TH , 1883.
Anticipating a sale that will exceed in magnitude
" ' ' ' We have made such arrangements in our store stock
and and corps of employes as will be best calculated to
x' the convenience and comfort of our friends and patrons ,
and enable us to transact our immense trade with accuracy -
racy and dispatch ,
Our present stock is the largest
we have ever shown , even overshadowing -
owing nil the other stocks of dress
goods in Omaha combined ,
7,500 yds. Wool Cashmeres and
DeBeges during this sale at 7c ,
worth 15c.
3,000 yards double width New
Colors and Black Caslun-re during
this sale at 15c a yard , selling every-
vrhere at 25 to 30e.
I 5.000 yards Foule Beiges , Silk
and Wool Garnet mixtures 6-4
Cashmeres reduced to 25c , before
. I the sale were 37k , 40 and 500.
I 3,000 yards 48-inch beautiful
Cole ed Cashmeres , Navy Brue
Garnets , Wines , Brown , New
Greens , &c at 45c a yard , worth GU
J' to 75c.
. t . / 1,500 yards 42-inch Foule finish
V , all wool Sh + oda Cash neres at 60c
; ( a yard , before the sale were a bark -
k gain at 75c.
. , 2,000 yards Novelties Silk and
wool mixtures double width will
be closed oi't at a uniform price of
, 50 ; worth $1,00 to $1.60 a yard.
( ,
Of same make and dyed by Guil-
emet , the best dyer in France ; we
import an t sell direct two qualities :
Quality "M , " very fine , all , wool ,
hi wines , ga. nets , browns , myrtles ,
navy , c 'rdinal , at 57hc a yard , usually -
ally cold at 7bc.
Quality "N , " the finest ( Jash-
mere shown nr cor4ons , in addition
( to myrtle , navy. si al brown , wines ,
etc , , all new shades , mast ! , mouse
color , drabs , tabac , bronze , Clair ,
wood brown , etc. , at 7bc a yart ;
these goods will be found equal to
t any sold , elsewhere at 90c and $1.
I' ' . . , BLACK GOODS !
"A" 34 in all wool black Cask-
mere , 27 c.
B , 34 in all wool black Cashmere -
mere , 37 c.
C , 38 in , all wool black Cash
mere , bOc.
D , 41) ) in , all wool black Cashmere -
more , Gic ,
, E , 40' in , very fine black Cashmere -
mere , 65c ,
F , 40 in , extra black Cashmere -
mere , 85c. '
G , 46 in , finest black Cash
mere , $1 ,
We snilcit co nparison with goods
i .n sntttller stores , who purchase
t Y from jobbers , at 25 per cent higher
thou above prices.
10 pieces all wool fine Brocade -
cade Satins duniri g this sale at 87c
a yard , worth * 1.5.
10 pieces very fine Silk War
Henrietta at 111,25 a yard , worth
and reduced from 1.85.
Cotton lannels !
10 Bales best quality finest Un-
ble"ched yard wide Muslin G c ,
20 Bales very hest heaviest Unbleached -
bleached yard wide Muslin 7 c.
10 Cases very best Utica and An-
droscoggon yard wide Beached
Muslim at 8c } a ysrd , worth at
wholesale 124c.
5 Cases good heavy Uebeaclied !
C ltton flannel at 5c a yard worth
10 Cases Bleached and Un
bleached Cotton Flannel at a uni-
ntorn price of 12Sc , worth usually -
ally 20c.
5 Cases Wausutta , 2- yard wide ,
10-4 B cached sheeting at 30c a
yard , worth 4Uc.
5 Cases Utica , 2yard wide , 10-4
Bleached sheeting at 30c a yard ,
worth 40c.
4 Cases fine heavy Bleached
Sheeting , 2 + yards vidH , at 25c ,
usually sold at 30c to 3 ic.
4 Cases best Unbleached Sheeting -
ing , 2yards wide , at 22c , worth
usually 3Uc.
100 pair 10-4 white Blankets at
$1,00 a pair worth $2 i0.
100 pair 10-4 wlli e Blankets
of a quality and size that usually
sell at $3.50 and $1.00 will be
closed out on this sale at a uniform
price of $2.50 a pair.
150 psir very soft Wool Blankets -
ets , with handsome red or blue
striped borders at 53,80 a pair , exactly -
actly the same Blanket retailing
elsewhere at $5,09.
200 pa rs of 11-4 six pound all
wool white Blankets , very he vy
and a big bargain , during this sale
at i 5,0 ( a pair , 'worth ' $7.50.
100 pairs very fine rich bordered
1-4 all wool Blankets , purchased
by us at auction sales aid worth today -
day in New York markets $10.00 ,
will be closed during this sale for
$7.75 , never before sold less than
$ t2.00.
75 pair California all wool Mission -
sion Mills Blanketsat $7.76 apair ,
worth $12.00.
100 B.rl s pure white cotton
filled Comforts , made of best stand
ardard Calico , $1,35 , each reduced
from $2.00 ,
50 Bales hest Turkey Red and
Furniture Chintz Comforts at
$2,01) each , reduced from and can
not be bought for less than $3.U0 ,
200 cases , fast color , new dark
fall prints , at 3c a yard , sold everywhere -
where at 5e.
Cocheo ,
Allen , Best
Arnold , Prints
Oriental , 6 cts ,
Merimac ,
Arnericai' n
' Y ard ,
Richmond ,
Windsor ,
lOc Indigo Blue Calico Gc ,
20 Cases best Apron Check Ginghams -
hams at Gc a yur ,
20 Cases new style , vorv choicest
Dress Plaid Glaghauis. all this season -
son patterns , at 7c a yard.
200 pieces very finest French and
Scotch Plaid Ginghams , now Fall
patterns , l 5c a yard , worth 25c.
a R Morse & Ca ,
1315 & 1317 FARNAM STREET.
Occupying the largest Store and carrying the Largest Stock of Dry Goods betwecu
Chicago and San Francisco ,
Tuesday Morning , October 9th , (883. (
We know that the public of Omaha will expect great results from us and we propose -
pose to sell them goods with the three distinct profits of the manufacturer , jobber
and retailer , placed , as it were , in the pockets of our patrons. Our magnificent
stock aggregating
; 3aQaaQ.a
will be offered at this sale , from our pins and needles to our Silks and Velvets ; from
a yard of printed Calico to our Richest Fabrics. All will be sold
ever known in the annals of the Dry Goods trade in this country.
Silk Department.
That our patrons may obtain the
greatest bargains they have ev rr ye
seen in Black Silks , we have de"pled
to reduce offr entire stock , and , n
is apparent toall who visitour store ,
it is by far the largest stock nn
Omaha , and the only une bought in
Lyons , at
The Looms aireot.
50 pieces , 22 and 24 inch Lyon- ,
Cashmere finish Black Silks will b.
offerec.durin this sale at $1(10 a
yard ; were sod by the manufacturer -
rer ) sereafore for$1.25 and.L10.
25 pieces Cashmere Princess Black
Silks , double warp , rich , lustrous
finish , full 22 , and some 24 inches
wide , at $1.35 , wnrih $1.75 to
$2.00 , all warranted to wear without -
out breaking.
28 pieces Cashmere Alexandre , 24
inch Black S lks , will be sold during
this sale at $1.65 nyard. Tlt.'se n e
the regular 52.00 quality , w th superb -
perb lustre , heavy weie tt and are
al vayd considered cheap at $2.00 a
yard ,
20 pieces Cashmere Aloxandn
24 inch Black Silks , the gnuli y
usually retailed east $2,50 , will be
sold by us on this sale at , $2.10 a
12 pieced widest , heaviest and best
quality of Cashmere Alexandre 2l
i clt Black aiilie , usually-old by till
best easternn houses for $3,00 t
$3.50 a yard , will he sold by us
during this sale for $2,50.
6 piece of the celebrated Trup-
isier Freres Grease Proof Blnek
Silks , full 24 inches wide , will be
sold at $2,75 a yard. These are the
finest quality that is made in these
A Iks , and we tulvise i.uch of our
patrons as were diaapp + inied in ob-
tainl ig them from us lasts ring to
call early , as .hey will sell in the
first few days of this sale , being tht
only silk nude that is warranted n it
to wear sit ny or greasy , 'I'hey ai e
a rare bargain ,
- - -
25 pieces heavy , wide while
Shaker Flannel at 150 a yardworth
2 JC ,
225 pieces all wool Red Flannels
at 0c , reduced from 25c
A lhiu I3ar air in ( lalifornia very
heavy lted 'I. will Flannel , during
this suite alt 45c , never sold under
GOc ,
50 pieces best quality Basket
Sackine Flauiels , Ited , Wine ,
Navy , Cardinal , Pink , Light Blue ,
&c , at SOc a yard , are sold elsewhere -
where at 60c ,
Napkins & Towels
100 dozen - pleached Damask
Napkins , kortlt front $1.0O to
$1,25ivill besold in one lot at 75c.
150 dozen Bleached Damask
Nupkiua , very fine and ( 'hoice pat-
t'rnM , at $1.00 a dozen , worth from
$1.50 to $2.00 , ,
200 dozens very fine Cream
Unmask Napkins will be sold in one
let at $1.611 a dozen , not a dezei in
the lot is worth notless than $2,00
and some $2.50.
100 dozen and t Double Satin
Damask Napkins 1 ; 42,00 a dozen ,
reduced from $3Ut ,
- -
1,000 full size Crochet Spreads ,
nrchnst d by us at auction salts in
New York at half : price , will be
sold at 90c , worth $1.25
500 extra large fine and heavy
I2-4 Marseilles Bed Spreads at
$1.4'0 each , would be cheap at
250 very finest 12-4 Marseilles
Spreads that were imported for
samples will be sold at a uniform
rice of $2.50 , worth $4.00 to
' 5,00.
lcrge size , nil linen
Ruck and D ( mask Towels at 15c
each , would be a good value at 25e.
son dozen Finest hack Damask
and Knoited Fringe Towels at 25c
each , usually sold at 37j ; to 6Oc ,
1GOdozen Finest IIuck and Dam-
a + k + 'nlbroidered knitted fringe
and upon work Towels , all very
finest goods , will be sold in one lot
lit SUc , worth 75c to $1,50.
Shawl Department
50 Ladies' heavy Beaver Shawls in
b"uut fun colors , will he suld dur-
un7 this sale at $4.50 each , usually
considered cheap at 116 00.
100 finest , doublu all-wool ,
ro "ersible Shawls , size 72x114
inches , at $5.5 ( ) each , usually sold
at front $8 to $10.
20 fine double Brneho Shawls at
$20 , reduced from $30.
10 Superior Quality Double
l3roeho Shawls at $30 , rednccd front
12 best quality Double Brochie
Shawls at $35 and $40 , reduced
from $45 and $50 ,
The bargains to this cF partment.
will ho suited to the wants of U'
ninny , ne from our cheapest to f
finest It st we soil , our patrons s ,
find one tend all at about half
usual price ,
100 ( lozen Ladies' Seamless unbleached -
bleached Balbriggan Ilese , with
double heel and' be at 20c a pair ,
100 dozen Ladies' Seamless Merino -
no finish , ribbed Hose , warm and
heavy , in red , blue and brown , at
lbc a pair , sold last year at 230.
" 50 dozen hadipa"Seamless Derby
Ribbed English hos0 , extra length
and very Choi : a assortment of colors
at 45c , sold lust season at 65c to
50 dozen Ladies' Silk hose , in
bhicli , brown , navy blue , garnets ,
cardinals , etc. , at t1U0 a pair ,
worth $1.75.
About 60 dozer Ladies' line Lisle
Cotton and F.mcy Embradored
IIo'o thrown in a 50e IF'X , not u
pair worth less tluui 7bc to $1 , i0 ,
Children'sHosiery '
84) ) dozen Children's Swunless Me-
ri + io Itibhed hose , red , blue , brown ,
etc. , all rizes , 51-to 8k inch at lOc
a pair ; would be cheap at 20c ,
216 d 17.011 Seamless IIcavy weight
cotter striped turd solid color ( lose ,
all sizes , b to 8 } inch , red , blue
brown , etc , , wartant + 'd fait colors
at. a uniform price of 25c , wnrth
Oc a pair.
60 dozen Child'Q Seamless Solid
Color Cashmere Woel hose , till
sizes , b to 81 inch , will be offered
at 25c a pair , worth 50 to 7bc.
About 80 dozen Child's flue quality -
ity English and l reach Cashni re
hose , all sizes , b to 8 inch and
beaehful colors at 50c , worth 75e
to 85c ,
35 dozen very finest English
Cashmere Hose , all sizes and colors ,
aid not a pair worth less than $1 ,
will be thrown in one lot tomorrow -
row 6c.
Table LinenS.
25 pieces 64 inch Scotch Loom
Damask , tree from dressing , very
heavy and a great bargain at 37 } c ,
uiuver shown before by ony one for
least ham IiSo.
111 pieces lib inch heavy Cretan
Satin Dlnlnisli will ho ollered eu this
at 550 , hover retailed before lo.s
than 75c ,
25 pieces newest red richest pat ,
torus , still tire yards wide , D ruble
Satin Danutsk , very flue and heavy ,
being our own unportatiou , will be
ollbred an this snle for $1.00 a
yard , are worth and never shetvn
before less than $1.50.
Great Fall Sale I
Coming at a time of year when household expenses
are necessarily large when a more expensive class of
Dry Goods are needed for Winter outfitting than in the
Spring. The importance of this sale and the benefits of
it accruing to the rich and poor alike , cannot overestimated -
mated , e , therefore , ask that every reader of this
paper will consult their own interest by studying our
prices do An to the last wcrd on this ago , knowing that
the result will be a ' eat saving tot em and make our
our stole in future , as in the past the concentrating '
point for the largest
Anlicipatcng our Sonlf-Annual
sale one of the largest numufactu-
rors in France 11111(10 for us as a
leader :
100 dozen 6 IIonkt new shades ,
k'd ' ( loves , every pair warranted ,
will ho sold by on thus sale ut 75c ,
worth ail usually sold at$1.15 ,
45 doreit Dogskin driving or
street cull'gauntlets. . all new goods
and tievstyles , warranted , will be
closed out at$1,25 , worth $2.75 to
121) ) dozen Ladios' 4 Button Biur-
ritz' Chinn 'is ' Skin Gloves , in new
sha ( CA of tau at $1 a pair , worth
30 (107.011 3 Button "Bon
' _ .roha" Kid Gloves , iii new shades
1i mode , arab , tan , etc , , will be sold
11t 750 , woltfr $1,25.
50 dozen b Button "Ben Marche'
Kid Gloves of $1,00 , never before
offered lessthan $1.60 ,
9 '
5 Cases left out of the immense
stock' Ladies' Fine 'Marino Vests
opened by us a week ago , will be
closed outat ; 35c each. 'nice will
be found fully as good as any one 'is '
selling at 50 to GOc.
Very best quality Domestic heavy
Merino Vests with silk
necks and finished $ ettnrs at b5c
each , exactly the stuno lot otheis
ask $1.00 for.
40 dozen Ladies' nll wool Scarlet
Vests nod Finite , fine quality silk
finished , nt $1 each , never shown
tinder $1.25 ,
80 dozen undies finest quality nil
wool Cochineal dye Scarlet bests
1111(1 Puits ( , duriun this sale will he
closed out tit $4 It suit , smite quality -
ty always sold at $5.
1 00 dozen Child's Merino Vests
and I'auts at 25c , 35c , 45c , snune
quality nantilly sold at 4Oe , SOc ,
- -
We have secured two of the greatest -
est bargains in Corsets that have
ever been shown in America and we
now offer oax customers :
100 doron Satine French Corsets
with (31) ( ) hones and rows of cording
between , in all colors , red , black ,
light blue , pink , gold , cream , ecru ,
white , ' enlb oidered with colored
silk floss , will be sold et 75c each ,
worth $1,60.
80 dozeu 300 bone Frt rich woven
Corsets , white and drab will be
01060(1 out Oil this sale utL ) u each ,
usually sold at $1,60 , and $2,00.11 ;
We advlFe our customers to secure -
cure tIi above at onto. It will be
tinf".AAibla to duplicate thieiui.
VelvetsPlushes ,
4 ( pieces oxtrr fine "Arcadia"
and" onparoiI" Vclvetenns at G0c
it yard usual etail prieo One dollnr.
25 pICCUA 21 imcli new shades ,
AiiJi lllirhes reduced to 2.00 dollars
a yard , sold everywhere at 2,61) to
300 ; dollars.
( I0 pleCOA our finest quality I0
ouch Skirting ttnd Suitings voivets ,
reduced to 215 a y1u'd others soil
thart ( at 2,76 to 3.O ( ) dollars.
46 pieces ill we have left of 19
inch flue Skirting velvets in nowcol-
ors at 1,65 u yard would be a bargain -
gain tit $2,00. .
Cloak Department. t
We have a beautiful assortment
of tSilk , Sa I ; 1t and Brocade ,
Dolmans and Jerseys , mud call attention -
tention to one imnnenso lot of
120 "nll-wool Dolmans , plush
trinnnings at $5.00 each , actual j
value $15,00.
100 all-wool Dolmans , trimmed
in cut plush ornaments and cords
and tassels , will be sold at $1.50
each , worth $20 , '
100 now , heavy winter weight '
Jersey Jmlkots , just opened at $14
each ; were bought to sell at $15 ,
but come under tike general reduc-
50 Silk Plush Jackets , quilted
silk linings and handsomely trimmed -
med ear $25 each , worth $35 ,
25 Seal Plush garments trimmed
with Seals.nn ornaments. 'In ' fact ,
cannot be told from 'real seal skin ,
48 inches longand a great bargain
at $48 b0.
25 Seal Plush Dolmans , 48 inches -
es longwith quilted silk lining , seal
skin ornaments , a beautiful rich
garment at $39 , usually sold at
$40,00 ,
Furnishing Goods.
1 Case men's very fine finished
scum , fancy striped undershirts and
drawers , two in a box , reduced to
750 each , usual retail price , $1,25.
1 Case fancy vertical stripe Shirts
and Drawers , at $1.26 each , never
shown before less than $1.75.
80 dozen fancy mottled and
striped Scarlet Shirts timid Drawers ,
Lit $1,50 rach , never sold before less
than $2,00 ,
'f& ' I
Men's ' Handkerf's. '
80 dozen Man's fine linen , full ¶ I
size , printed border , Ileinstiched
handkerchiefs , will be sold at 250
each , worth 60c ,
aa a , ,
Men's ' Oloves a
50 dozen Men's stitched back ,
dogsltin driving'gloycs , all sizes , 7 #
to 0 ? hick , every pair warranted ,
will be closed out at $1.35.