- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i TiiL DA1L7 Lr.IGOUNCIL - 13f.UI + r'S ' , S.1 UItbnY 4C1UBCR ; 3 , lob3. _ _ _ _ _ i'HE DAILY BEE ' COUNCIL BLUFFS ' Saturday Mornin Ootobor 13 ' 5Un8Ciu1T10i ItAT1S : By Circler . - - . . . 20 eentA per woe ! Ep Ma---- - - /I0.N her I'm oFFICE : o. T Foarl 8trect , Naar Broadway , MINOR MENTION. See Joseph Itoitar's fall goods. Additional local on suvoutlt lingo. Cheap Railroad Tickcta at Buslulell'n. AAefc , and dancing nL tlio Spiritual sociable - ciable tonight. Tlta flock Island fa the outgoing train thin attdrnoon on the ! ) o01 road , , When the Walnut Bureau npcaka of Mihvaukeo , Mimi. , it fs a little off ml geography , Work f8 being rapfslq pushed on Jolnt Short'e now LwoshotY brick building on lower Iruadway. ) Pita State association of the IIorao Thief Detectives will meet at Dca Moines on Wddnesday next , Little Ethel , daughter of .1 , I' , Brain. aril , has been dangerously nick with dip. theria , but Dr. Joifrtee reports her cosi yaleacollt. About 85 Gorman and Daniali orni grants came in over the t/nion I'acifo yesterday morning and took paRSagu over the Rock lalnnd on route for Now York. "They are about our bad and path , " Spiritual clrclotoauorrow , ( Sunday ) afternoon - noon and evening M 3 and 7150 o'clock , at Spiritual hall , Sliu b Bart & Bono'n block. Second Spiritualist aociaty mocte ovary Sunday at 31o Middle Broadwsp , Road u block , up 8t4fro , room 3. Modlums will be in attendance. hors , 2130 and 7130 p , ni , St. Patrick'a Benevolent Society are staking great preparations for their ! quadrille party to be hold on the evening of October 17th at St. Joseph Academy hall. A. . H , Mayno hnn purcluisod the old building now occupying the Govorrnnmlt lot on the corner of Broadway and Sixth street , end will remove it south of the .f Rock ( eland depot , Mr. Chas. Brag lost a valuable pony , ; ; Urn one which has carried TsE BEE Fran ' .t the river. The paly was lot to a than 1 who rode it hard and long through the mud/ injuring it ao that it taa afnco died. Some of the sidewalks in the city are in a moat deplorable condition , and the r attention of the authorities should bo directed to thont with the view of having thorn repaired before the winter menthe tin. M. P. Hanloy , in default of eight hundred dollara ball , was on Wednesday committed to the county jail by Justice J. 0. Stadter , of Carson. HnuloY is ac- ' dwsod of grand larconyupon wluchcliarge ho waived a IProlimfnarY oxlmiuation. a" "The autumn days are come , and the gold and purple loaves are cant beneath the boughs , " so says Park Policeman fs Covalt , who is kept busy raking and carrying away theteavea , which now are literally strewn over the city park , "and clothe it as with a purple garb. " The Bluff City Hose Team Boos to Omaha today to run a hub and hub race with the Tlmrston IToao company of that city for one husdrod dollara. The Blu I City team is a line organization , and if ' mho track is in good condition quick time may ho expect d. The oyetor supper and musical enter- 1 - tafnntent given at the Baptist church on Thursday evening , for' ' the benefit of the Homo of the Friesdlosa , was repeated p * mat evening , with , it is undoratood a bettor - ; , , tor attendance than at the pracoding evening. Tomorrow evening , at the Baptist church , Itov. Mr. Lemon , the pastor , will deliver the second lecture rah the y aeries on the "Life and Character of Moses , " and its ) racticatl lessons na illustrated - trated by the Into election. Gc mid Itoar it. n , ; Thu grading on Broadway , near the T ) ; U. P. Dtttnnry depot , is being proso- cuted with vigor and givea time street iii that locality a decidedly improved imp. ranee. Thu street car lute will be rained to the grade of the street as noon as the grading at the corner of Eighth I amid Broadway is completed. Ollfcer Mullen represented time police 1 force of this city at time fourtm annual ball of the Omaha fire doparttneatTlmrs i day night. Ho ruporta a big thaw amid a courteous reception. This was no more than was expooted , for time force in Omrlma are noted for their courtesy mid hospitality. William Gibson , wltn for some time bas boon confiuod in Limo county jail fu order to become sutilcimttly sober for a trial in Justice Abbott's court , was yes. tarday placed under bonds to keep th the , eaeo until time next term of th District Court , Justice Abbott Placed the bonds at $50 1 Tim fcrat of a series of parties to be given by Limo Iloy nl Arcanum society o0 currod at time hall of that oiler laetoven. tug. Thu parties fsaugulTated by this so efety last wfutor wore iii every rue rec t oxeeudmbiy ammo , and judging front thou tr inaugural ball last evnig , o will ne t thin louse ammY of their l1 ° D ularit Y Several of tim guests wino were in t e attend the Masonic eorcaloulos on T9mra ' day ronlained over and spout yestardn Y in looking about Limo city and hiking it h scenery froth the bluffs in time rear , 2 r They oxproas tlmantselvos well ploaae a e withm the advantages and facilities offere by Council Bluffs over other cities of tin o 4 , flame pnp411atiol. I Hon. D. C. Blomnur , representative tt ) the recent euuioll of the Sovoroigr t Grad Lodge of I. 0. 0. F. , which con versed at I'nvfdortco , It , I , , gave th utombers of Hawkeye Lodge Jut evmnin an oxentplification of time unwritten war of the order. Time instructions of M r d JJlootuor were thorough and ahowc d luarked research and study upon his pn rt tau d wore listened to by all Odd Folio b preseut with great interest amid attottiat 84miie of the railroad oflielals are P tIsrently hurt in their-their-tooling e , beeauao time traveling public cotnplal n drat dummy trains on the U. P , si ao track and across the bridge run but on c u an hour cads Way , and they add that tim o public mummy tool grateful for limo co n , vauteuco already alfbrded by time ruunin g , Ui dUl uwlea. s'es , grateful because tiU aty donated $ 10OOO worth of street o U time prorniao of a train every half Item r , which prmnieo is now unblushing ) y bmkrl , uuh time public are told to ho thankful flint time railroad gives khan nngibiug at all for the Fl0,000. Time days of reconstruction nro slip. ( oats to bo tang ninon peat , but the Dom- ocrnln t411 ( et reviving lima old custom of threwin ; melt mho name of such precincts as may ho necessary to suture time counting - ing ht of n defeated candidate , This ti me they want to thaw- oat ! ho veto of Second word u ! Council hlulfs , nail thus count in Gronoweg , for SGhto 5onntur , IVhile Mr. Creumveg might manta an ex culloni Senator it ho were n Republican , n either ho nor anyone also will ever rep tenant the Damocratsof this county iE to do en ft be necessary to throw cut nail emend in. Thera is natty vary lifts d anger of n calmest , Tin ; Ill : } : has repeatedly called the attention tention of time Schaal Hoard to the fact that prupur steps had not bumf taken tor limo protection of the scholars nod tench era fame cold while attending school , and far time toe Pin g of the school roan in n c omfortable Cuurlition. Several limos during limn pruaont tarts our schools had t0 1)e. CIUBL'll owing to time diengrocftble mind cold imapcrduro of time ecltool rooms am id Limo lock of fuel nail proper facilities for tearing than warm , On last ' 1'hurs any five rooms iii time high acheol building - ing were closed nod tltu scholars aunt to that humus far time rulann that the heating - ing npL4ratus ( was nut rat ardor. This nlrnuld hero bean alma + dea to lmlg ago fu enter that the sehelnra any hnva line nor- vi ces of their teachers , mutt for which the tax payers null parents arty. It will bu some tuna before lima homing Igmpnra to n eau be repaired , outing which mama the InnImils will hu compelled to rmnain at hnnto , Dr.Veat , dentist , 1'L Pearl street. - _ A. 1'olllllul 1Vnr , Thursday evening Time Olcllo published a ncurrilnue article hl which it personally uttncltud Jas. P. Gnulden , nod used lmt gunge in ruturu : + co to him which is ael aetlm IIL'mlyd outside of1 saloon. Yesterday mooting Afr. Oouklou mot AlrWhittulauy , time writer of lima article , and , attar asking for rind receiving the imi&Irmatiou that he was the author , prod coesud to ilmwnp him. In the uloloe a revolver toll to the sidewalk , though it is no t clniumd that any one attempted to ueo it. Cnphnin llni ght attempted to lart ) the two moo , nn received n savors brow ( rein Mr. ( ieuldon , thouh it is not claimed that the blow was lintmulea for hint. Mr. lYhittlcney did not aufmul himself withm his lists , nun the two were soon parted , In time aftornoou Mr. Gonldou appear. ws before Justice Abbott nod emutlnntud abaltlat h1111arIEr plead guilty soil was fitt ed live sailors and costs. Inforutatfoim was later/ filed , before Judge Aplusworth chnrginb Couldou w iEh carrying concealed wanpnna , to which charge ho also plead guilty , and was lined $ G Rod costs , lie was also charged with diatnrbing time pones , but claiutoa that time charge was justly included in the mina for assault , for whiclm ho hod attend olio u fine. Thin question wan take under advisement by flan city nttorno , 'J'olt Bel : sass notn aBaa n nano lig hting axesPt it eulf dofausu. But thus are sons things that are terribly wxasporntiug , timid for which there is uo ad equate relief at law , ' 1'w sue for libel a course spat to all. But theta is no use in suing nnlcse theta in n possibility rat of cullactiug on t4 judgment. 4 Several cases of dipthoria in town. E verybody uaoa Dr..lufl'uria Preventive affil Cure , wusequontly uo loathe , 1'EItSOYAL9. F. Cramer , of Cleveland hi regl.mtcrcd . at time Pacific , L. V , Crutn , the wide awake hlxurauee agent of Lincoln , rob , , was visible nu the m str eets yostorduy aitornuon. Mr , J , L. Pdmor , of Walnut , Ta. , wai in m the city ywtorday and loft tlds nloruiug for Afissusui , x huro ho will purohrwo largo quail. tit les uI Aleaourl [ applua amid return toVuil. . nut , ' A Loir , mat , of Logan , wa4 an Ogden guest yuxtorda } , 1. , 1' , Gtllotto , e ( Lincoln , Neb , , Ix hi timene 7 city , 1) , ] leykt r , of Anlamazo , 11icim. , is at time Ogdua , Col. W I' ' , Sapp hnx gone to Mt. Vernon , O ut , , , on a short sb.It . to his relatives amid frlmul. Airs , Sapp , who is visiting tlwro 1 now , will ronrn with him. Amaze .1 , hart is at Alcridmt cngngod ht flit IIUKAUUIt BUIt SY1101YI11 : one loaner Itelw dumagua of another for rmmmuiimmg into and killing hfN horse. lion. 1. , It , ] linter , of ] , egan , was at time O gden house ycxtsrdny , z olleo 1'lolctngs , lot U. 1V. ] lavlis was , yesterday in the ' ' P olice Court , fiuL'll by Judge Ayleasvorth fo r cntaEy ] to auimnle , Iii the matter of Arnoldleasfoaccused , 7 of atWutpting to blackmail John A'fchol eau , the case fuse taken up fu time after. noun mina 1Y , A , Listen , n witness for the ptosecukimh , examined. liuton'a 2 tustuuon } ' was Jussio'e ceufonsfun whoa brought to the county jail. The rlso has boon cnutinuod to sumo future tiara to bo ngreud upon by the attorneys. 0 Chief Field has undertake , to enforce flan oraiuaucu against obstructing time sidewalks with boxes and largo signs , Yesterday time signs of 1'iemumt ' : , Redact & Co , , tvuru ruutavud , If time work is thntnugldy ammo lad all wlul uulawtull y obstruct nro cunllrullud to rurnovo tie oh. atCUCHUImtl , it will bu n natter rat can grntulntion mina nn ono will cougPlafp , lnclamttally-Boxes ntul bnslets of goad o0bres for solo , if they rurally obstruct , mi re as much or meta of a nuisnncu na n a l arge sign , Tam lluhklpuriu. Time Ilubrews of this city celebrated or h Thursday time holiest of all Juwieh loll ' days , ' 1'euh Ilakkipurhu , or ' 1'oun ] { glpur This is the Day of Atuuwuaht , flat h which none fu the year is morn subliw S In Its toachmba or , note sulmuu in i doctrimioa. It is observed by ttalin g twenty-four lours mldin whim time n P of the tint star ut the ovouin g of thntday , rbu Israelites in this city gonwrall y closed ihuir places of business and appro priafo services were held in the llo' al Arcauwn hall : 'l'ife services , which war 0 conducted by Rabbi L , linrrie , nssiatc d by L. Ili Aoslorr note eeluuut mina vu hnpr0asivo , Time Israelites horn hav C thou own burial grounds , mid the so eiuty ie becoming c'uito ' strong , lie Irro a ' out officers are L , ll. boelur President i L 11 , ! lards , Secretary ; li. . Freidman Treasurer ; Ai , J , Alichaols , A , J , D1uua el ! amid 13 , GOldate111 , lruatuw , t COItld CdU1UIL 1'tOUILUINgH The U , P. itoad W nnls More. At an adjourned meeting of time corn- man council hold Thursday night , n pa titian signed by most u [ time principal agricultural implumont dealers , nail soy - o ral other citizens swan prcamm es , asking time right of way for time U. 1' . 11. 11. Co. to lay n track far street taro as steam Gars , up llurnnt etrcot from time Transfer to liana street. ] t is easy to eta how ouch n truck would be a benefit to limo U , 1' , rnndand n greataccommodntimh to mho lmplmnest dealers uud other wholesale stoppers , Time petition was referred to mho ludlciary committco , 'l'imo U , 1' . road also asks time city to vacate ilia alleys fu block h , Uritnes''ns simian , which is south of Broadway , np. posits time Alotropalihnn halal , whore the alleged depot of mho U. P , sole track ends , 'l'imo U. I' , road generously , offers to paylar publishing the legal antes to va cate. The matter wan referred. llx Aa'or W. B.1'atmgtan had introduced - duced n resolution in nlletr the I'iluhur Council Bhlfl's ] electric Light company to erect pales and string wires m the streets nun al uy's , l la lralntscd , on buhnl [ of the canliau , that it would furnish one light to time city free of expense. Time m atter wa4 refered to the cemmiUeo of the whale will inatntetioun to report to an adjourned meutfug d the council at 2 o' clock Friday afternoon , At time adjourned nmeotimm g time hoard ssed n rasulutinn rantrt6iho right in ihmeo Pilchor Comncil lJlulfa cumPanY I nail also to the Council 1)lulfs company , at the hens of which is . / . W , Itodefur , to erect poles and put up notices under direction of time common council , They mire rL atrieted to the eau of mho alleys when it in possible to use them , They are required quired to replace all paving whml , paves streets or alleys arc used ; and in case the city stunts to pns o or grade July street au which poles are erected the company must rmnovu said ( xPlcs if ordered so to ae by mho council Time city is not ren dered liable for any damage to private property by renamm of grnutntg the fran- chisu , nor is mty crlizmh debarred from bringing suit against the company for damages. The poles amid wires are to be erected acc ording to thn rules of the Now York board of Fire Unaerwritors , which will llacu than high enough no they will not int erfere with time use of mho streets or all oys. In cenaidaratiau of the franchise either or Loth companies accepting are to furnish lime city with mw light free , to be pintail where the Common Council clay dir ect. Mr. Vaughan expressed itimnsolf as en- tinny satisfied with time meaolutian as pa ssed , soil says mho plant hs now on limo way hero , soil that the company will item. moaratolY proceed to Glruish light for the cit izens. At time Thursday ovaniuq mooting time council passed met ordinauco to provide for the caching , paving , graveling , Atnc ndnmizing amid guttering of streets lad alleys in Council ] ) lulls , Iowa. The ordiunnce gives time council time rig id to ardor tits miaproventmht of any str eet or alley ut the espouse of time property. It requires that the council shall advertise in logo daily papers fn mho city for proposals to perfecta the work , far at least five drays , ammo lengcr , if aeeihea teeeaaary. It any also ndror flea iu any ether paper ft the mn nitudo the job requires warrants 1t. .111 bidders are required to give bonds for the aceoptaneu of the contract if awarded a111 contractors must give heavy bonds fo r the yurfernnntlce of the corhtrnct. Time ordiumice provides that otters cantractia let for eortnin work on any street , time property owners will not be permitted to perionu nay port of the work to the aehimmnt of the contractor. J ] t also pros idca that time city shall be liable to the contractor for any such au annual as it slulll collect by assess- eat met the property , nail that the general oral fitnd shall net be pledged in nn anner for the p nYm oat [ or the fun1lrovdY moot , John Ilaillowanted to paint limo lamp poets in the city for fiFtemn cents u poet , au ' use n goes reaOCYlIIg paint. 'l'imo uuttter sous rofurroSto the committuo alt gas. 'limo council will moot this evening at o'clock to decide what sitcoms it is ne cessary to brass this fall , amid to order ndvettiecmmtts for bids for labor. Itaal ! : state Transfers , Time following deeds were filed for record - cord ill the recorder's ollico , October ° , reported for the BEE by P , ,1. , Mc. Alahon , roll estate ngmrt ; Charles Bmmgu to Michael O'Rourke , lot G , block 1 ° , Ilyait's ' sub-$85D , J , II , Civoly to J , 111 , Cunninghnm , lot 4 , block G , Carson-i00. ( E. A. 'rillinriy to Iii. . ! Clark , of al. , lots 1 and 2 , block 7 , hfacesoniu-S 1G0 , Robert .1 , Cory to R lllunn C. Ilondeiu , 0 , black G , linylisa' 2d silo-$4,000 , , It , Pi. Woodumncy , trustee , to i. . , A. 1'ilfnny , lots ] and 2 , block 7 , Afncodou in-$70 , , f , II , Burroughs to J. Slmickutnnz , lots , 8 lots D , block 3. , 1'wurelt's add in art of lots I' ) null 10 , bluek 8 tad lot 0 , At lock tl all af lot ( i block 1 Mc Afahon , per nnadwfl'lirics sail-$9,3Ci0 , John Bowen to S. Beaty , lot 1 , block , Haneewk-$1GOO. B , L , Cluuubur'e to.1 , Ii , Iloury , part uo 47 , 7G , : t8-)50. ) Lolnmlor Davis to Laura it. Iavin , lots , 7 mina 8 , black 9 , Bayliss affil 141mor'tl lllllh-$1 , N , B Cousiglly to K A. Collaigny , lot 1. , nail purls 1 L fund 1J , block ; 10 , .tunes -:3GU. liemy L. Mailiiaon to Ii , 1' , Alc hiuuomy , part 11i ; uutl sr , 7D , 11-$1 ; .G , A. J , Stophmmsuu to 'I' , ltlttlifl' , lol 0 , block 10 , Ilnyliaa' ° a add,300 , 'fatal smile , , $ lt,4dt : , ) , 'ro rudtrco stack , being compullcd to mdargu may store , roust , 1 svlll for mho oust thirty days soil at coat uuslin and knit undursvcur , boniery amt curauis. Allis. 1) , A , liONnutur , 13711nnasuy , SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICYSlarrlal sdwrllsoDwulu , each u Cwt , F ound , To lean , Fur ti + lo , To Itenlll'utb , Hoard lug , etc. , will be. In.ortal to fhb column at the to rata of TEN CENTS I'Elt LINE for tie ant lmrrtlo uJ , FIVE CEIiIR ! 'Ell IJNE for each mlwequcnt In. w + Itlon , ) .Darr sd + erllromoab at cur omro , Na r 1'esrlStronLneeIIroalx.v - - WANTS , Z'irl' l - . .ery alyw enact uBa o tat 77ullu , Delivered by caMorat only txont F cant o week. 1)U'ANTED-A ) lay , with pony. todeU + or111aRs FOftBALE AND RENT IhOIh111wrhAtwuwof ale toanu luauho u 4 0-h8A1.U aad lot , Dortxcrt oorno - i Twth anJ drosdwey , Jour W , UuaO , ) AC INIi ll USA ' S E lmYltT-Tim 0 Orrlr 1'acklaghuuwroludty Ioohog + r lords 0r 0r with iii lnYdero , apdlsncee ) ; wrU ( ualtrt ; for wb u r tense , ApIay to nuLL : b DAY , Cuuucil IAuae , le. , tkptowtror 10,1h 3 , 1 ( " El = Hardware Co 'r - Lmpkie e I . pf . rtr j 3r1w wT3LOT.A 1 ly.x.I ] iS i u 1F 1 F , 4 I ) ' ' ( r1- 109 and 111 S , Nnin Street , V : Aa r COUNCIL BLUFFS , - . IOWA , - /Setcalf 9 WHOLESALE DEATEItS IN BUCK GLOVE $ , 3t2 and 314 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , iO1V.1 , Fruits Coliteetioliory Parkas , Soclablcs and Plcnmcs supplied on short notice , and gneaa delivered to all [ , arts of time city. Vimuma Bread , nod Pies. Fine Cigars. w. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 404 Wcst Broadway , COUNOL BLUFFS , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS ( Bought aza cl l o1c1. Florae Loaned , Abstracts Furnished 7Pr. 7. MoM E ! ZION No , 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , FMYNE & PALFIER ' f DEALKRBIN Hard and Soft Coal , BULK AND DAmtEL IdME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CIDIENT , MiCRIQAN PLASTER , IiAIR AND SEWEIC'Ii'E. No , 639 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFF IOWA , SMITH & TOLLER , c . , llkl . II 1 t I , I w 4 N a _ :0 rr - ' : . r 4 I- d r ei 1 2 x n. -1 c : ' . C f I 1 o 1.,1 W , e rcan = a ors j 7 and 9 Main Street. DIRZCTORY , COUNCIL BLeU'I'S , IA. . JOHN BENO & CU GENERAL MERCUANDISF , , 18 Main steam and 17I'oorl etreut , - MAX lYlUHN , Grocery , 2763Ia1n StreotST lot II217 uud 210 DtalD street. 1)B. J F WRITE OFFICE , . , Corner Main and Fifth -stairs Ilusldoncc 009 Willow enemies. N SCf11 ' Ui1Z JUSTICE OF TILE I'EACE , . Onlcoowr AmcrtrnnFapresa , S. S. VPAGNER UVERY AID FEED ' . . , Wlll contract for [ wnralr at reasob o'rntes. 22 FourtLtrcot M Sri JOHN & COf.CAtH BUYERS Wholesalabutlor cgga , tapoul , , . . : , tryand rndt. 6h11 , ta ns. Dra ft by rcturo msB. 140 Broadway. SIGN WRITER AND GIIAINER . DI A BENEDICTe , OIIICe 837 Broadway , Council DiDffe , IOUs. JACOB KO 0B MERCIANT TAILOR , , Stack Camtlote , Suits made at reasonable prices No. 805 Dlnln St. GI F SMITH. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , , . corner 7th and Broadway. 1'laneaudepacnptlmeturnlnhcd. ( . ' ) ( y' t DEALER IN FINE IiARNhS8. .w SH rRMAN IrY . , , I hnva the variety' that brings patronage. 124 3lsln street. JAMES FRANEy MERCiIANT TAILOR , Artistic _ Work and rcasenablu charges. 872 Broadway , FU1tN1TUItE STOVES , HU Yr 11 ( SON , and IIoueehold Supplies. So Broadway. ATroRN1YS AT LAW , LINDT & HART ; ) James Block. Practice hr state and Itleml courts. SANITARjUM And bath , liaise , 4:1 and 423 Broadway. L. Sorerclgn , Prop , 1' , J. Moot. gomcryitI.I'hyetcian. JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE , EDVPIN J ABBOTT , , notary Puhliamld Ocnerol Couscyanccr , 415 Broadway. REVS ; ItE HOUSE BMITII & NOICTON , , Broadway opposite Now 01rora House. Refitted 81 , $1,50 per day HAIR GOODS OF ALL KINDS. S old a the owes races IN T111VIST , ( IDAI.ITY CONSIDEItED. Af1tS , D. A , BLNEllIC' ' , 937 W , Broadway , Council BIuITs , Town , SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN . . Y I IO Boots Slioes = MMIGS ] R.EIa.TY N .E1.GbZ ± NT1J. llIL17S ON T1IE DANK OF IRELAND , DU1IT.IN , } 'Oil SATE , Lis BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS CRESTON HOUSE , M AX MORN , - - - PROPRIETOR , 2113 , 217 dhoti 3io f . Mn1on tit , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - - - IOWA SI ; ONf HENDRICB S & RICE , TAILORS 1 02 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING 1VIANY NOVELTIES i1vOT TO B E FOUND ELSEWHERE , OUR TRADE IS SOLICITED FIRS D. A BEN EDICT t Di/ALl1l / ; IN Lade' ! i ' Fiirii1iiig ! ! i'l NOTIONS , .11WEL1tY , &C. 3.17 . 1V. lirondtt'nY , - - COUNCIL 13 hl'I'1 ' + 5 , IOWA. PETER C. BILLER Wllol.E.9At.E AND R1T.liL ( fall-PaPr and Window Shadesaod Paifl1io ID all ifs Bia chest FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE , ITo.1Z Sleuth. 7Pourl Sit. cC7ous .oi1 aluitY a. WRCHT. I a : rhdwTare. : 504 Broarhvay and 10 and 12 Main Sf „ Council Bluffs. PROMPT ATTENTION AND CLOSE PRIOES ON MAIL ORDERS. . R , S. COLE , & CO. , DIANUFAUTUIIEIL AND DEALERS IN AI.L I Kinds Lightning s And Omnmcnla , , , , , , Also Wood mind trop I'umltslVood , . , TuLing and One Clpc mul Plpo Flaturce , tut both , HoG04South , „ E ; ' l > TalnBtroet Wood and . . . iron . . . . . Puuqs. . . . . . . . . . Orders . . . . . . . will . . . . rcccive . . . . . . . prompt . . . . . . . . attention . .C0UN0ILllLUFF6I0R , let l5 eai tl M.CALLACHER 7 cc c _ .d-11 st .J4. Now Store , hest , ( loots , Low titres and l'oltto Atteadanls. ' s- ; { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } LOV ; , tlmiOI1lAuQaAy' ; Broadway Steam Laundry ! 7291 47STr iT 13RQ l1 a V 3' . A , C , CARSON , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHIi1ERY. egg J. A , ROSS , - - - - - PROi'RI TOR , I , 537 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , fa the place for A. No. 1 Aenls. Day ] 3oar tors accommodated aua guarautea satisfaction. Model Steam Laundry ! 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. xr. A. CHRISTIANSONT - - - roprietor. ns just opened a Dew and well fitted steam laundry. 0 unrantee good w ork , Pleaseriya ; nnc1 / . I1 + ' YOU WANT BOOTS ; HOE3 OR RUBBER CALL ON , Corn _ 'r Nnin amid hirst Jlanu u , Gannett Stuffy. Ile low r I'lleul. ' CURE OR O PAY. yl XXj.FILM Mineral Springs ! We guarantee the cure of the followixg named dls- easesernopay : lthenmatismScrolula , Ulcers , Ca- ta rn , , all Dlsaland Skin lliecases , Dyspepsia , TIsor Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Dtseasce , Oout , Neu' totals uul Asthma. These Spring. are the favorite resort of the tired and debilitated , and era the Feeble Iodise' tcet friend. Good hotel , Livery and Bathing accommodations. Locality highly plctureeque and healthy. Correspondence solicited , Address Bev. M. 5 ! . TIOMPSONManoger. Siloam Gentry Co. , 510 Novelty Works 17 NORTII MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. ) t1ENrK & JUREY PROPRIETORS , All kinds of repairing ' , repaired and fin ished. Clmlrore-caned And raecateJ , All kinds of Upholstering , Locke , hells meld Electric ] netru- uleuis repotted. S' ' eaking 'lobes put In old or now buildings , 1cyeBttudand Stoics retnmd , Fhst claw work guaranteed. Give is a trial. rues. orrlcaa , mu. n. rusHT. O FFICER & PUSEY BANKERS , Council Bluffs Is. Establishes - - 1856 Dealers In Furglen and Domestio Exchange and Homo Securities. we. R. VAUCHAN. Justice of 'the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , Real estate and collectlonngcncy , n Oid Fellows block , over 8avlnc. Rank , lulan MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , UNDERTAKERS. The Burst quality and largest stock west of Chicago oI woolen and Dletallo CnetL Calls attended to at ell hours 1Yu Jcly competition in quality of goods or prices Our Sir alargan has renrd n9 undertaker fur forty years anu thoroughly understands his bust. uede. 1Varcrooms,811 Rntadway. UI'1I01.STEIt1NG In all its mmnchas prnlnplly attended t0 ; also carpet InDtg and lambrequha Telegraphic and mall r , rrtl 911u1 without dcl.v , DR. 0 , W.PANGLE r ItDEf OF ' MA7I ! Flfton core experience. Eclectic , Magnetlo and Ilerbalht 1'hyrlrlan , Master of the lalh.whlg di. . arses : Catarrh , Nervous nehlllty , Mental Depress. Ion , Atoploxy , } 'its , T.nau at blanlbcx. , Cancers Removed without the Knife , Dropsy - sy Cured Without Tapping. IJver Compl51ut,1Idn.y Uumutlnt , PlaLctce , llhru. matlnnl'awlyels , lYhlla Sxclling , Eryelpdaa , 6t. vltuf ; lblce. , Woman and lIer Diseases Treated With the happiest Results , Special attention giver , to prlrste and venereal diseases- Located No , 910 Broadway , ] loom8 , ( ut dalrr ) , Council Oluff + , Iowa. A Correct Diagnosis Given Without an y Explanation IYom the Patient , jjrConultsUon free at o&oe. Make Your Coimtracts Now for Your Winter i'upply of Mi oouri Haxd Wood. ! AND IIAIID AND SOFT ca1 -WITR- P. OVERTON 505 First Avenue , Council Blufe , Iowa , Aud secure the best article sod full weuilre at the very Ia.ostpriee. Store wood delivered to say In ui tbadty COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE The following are the time of arrival and departure ! train , from the local depots. The trains start from it the Union Pacific depot about tea minutes earner than below stated , soil arrive at the depot shout tea minutes Inter. Trains on faster lines and K. C. run on Chicago time , s + , a hail hour than local. Wabash train , tun oo st , J St. Louts time , twenty- minutes faster than local. U , P. and Lincoln train , run on Council DIuS. time. CII1CAO0 , KOca 18LAan AND PACII mc. Ikpart Arrive. Atlantic Ext..5:50pm. : PacinoExt..9:4c Ex and Mnil',9:5Oaa em. Ex and Mull'.6:6 : p. In. Dee Dlolnesn..7:15a : m. Des aloinesac..O68p.ma. CIIICAOO , RORLISUrON AND VUINCT. Drpnrt. Arrive. Chics oh ' . . 5a51.m. : CounallB'uffsor..9.45 Mail and Iv. . .0.45 m I Mall and Ex'.7 00 p. w. culeAuo and NoamwrsremtN. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext. . . . . . 15 p , m Pacino Ext..e l5 a. m Mall and iY' : , . .900 a , tn. halt and Ea'.0:15 : p , m. Accent ( Sat ) . . . . . ' , : SO p , n' ' . Aecout ( Moo ) , .1:45 : p. m. KA.Nx.l4 C11vT. ! 0e. .tXD coUScit aLCem's. ucpatt. Arrhe. Mall and I. : , . . . . .9:55 : a m. Ex trrss. . . . . .545 p , m , Eapress..5:25 : p , m , I 31a11 aid Ee. .OJS : p , m ) wuoe PACIFIC , ' Depart. Arrive. f' Overland EX..mt.SOa.nt. Overlandlx..400 p , m. I.lncol" Ex..11:20 : a. m. I tCmcr 1x..8:00 a. m. Dc nvcr Ex..7:00 : p. m. Lucal Ex..0 : 0 a , m. LOCAI ' . , , . . . . . : a. n1. " Ex. . . . . . 9:05 : ii. m. Emigrant.:20p.m. : " Fx. . . . .0:00 : a.m W'AfAII , ItT , moot. AND PACIFIC. Dcpatt. Artvc. Mail anti RA . . .045 a m. Mall and Ex. .4:30 : p. ma. Oannon IIatl.:50 : p. nt. I Cannon Bnu.IiOS : a , in. .roux CITY 450 I'ACOIC Depart. Arrive For SlouxCtty,7:55a.on. : From SluuzCltye:5op.m ForFcrtNlobrara Fan Fort Niobrara Neb' . . , , . , , , ,7tbta.ma. Neb. , . . , . ' 6SOpm. : For St. Paul..7:40 p. m. From St. i'nui. S&A : a m. CIIICAOO , MILWAUKxx AND ST , PAUL. Lease , Omaha. ArAlves at Omaha , ( fail amid Ex , , . . 7:45 : a , m. I I'acttloEx. . , 0:45 : a. m Atlautlo Ex. , . . 8:40 : p , m. I Mail and Ex , . 7:85 p , m All train. dally. ' CHICAGO , HILWAUK.It AND ST. PAUL. t Leaves Council llluas , Arlves Council BIuEs , Mali and Ex. . . . ' 9 2O a. m. Mall and Ky , . 6M p. In. Atlantic Ex , . .15:15 : p , n , . I Atlantic Ex..15:10 : u. m. 'COUiWmL RLUY6. AaJ UnAIIA STRHXT RAILWAY. LeaveCouncil Bluffs Leave Omaha. 8 mm. m. 0 a m 10a. m. 1. a , 8 a , ni. ii a. mu. iOn. ma. la. l p. m. 2p. m. 8 p.m.4 a , m. I m. 21. . m. S p , m ' r p. m. 5 p. In. 0 p. m , 4 p. m. 5 p , m , a p , re. ! Street card run half hourly to the Union 1'aelfe dopot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at0 ' o'clock a in. , and run regularly during the day at 0 , ml , 2 , 4 , 6 , and 6 o' clock , and run to city time , . . Yl' R RiceFlD ' ' , ' Id' or other tumor , removed withoutthe CAN OE R1 knife or drawing of blood. I C RRONt C D1SEASES of kindsa specialty , t i Over thirty years praetlcal experience. Once No , 5l'carl , xtrcct , Council Bluffs , girCor sultalinn free. 1Jrs. R. J , Rtltou ht1 D , ) I r PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , . 227 Broadway , Council Btutls , JACOB SiM4. E , P. CADWELL SIMS dt CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL RLUFF8 IOWA Oa1cc , Slain Street Itooms I and ' 8hugtrt , L Mo. Dlnhon'd mock , lvul practice lu State and nf.r'I COIitY A . . - To MEN .ut All it. , aornfd , , E , from , In..prrxed iedbnMWa1 , , z , , , , , , e , ore , ma. . . us i prrorm Ifl. 5Erufdl' dralofd , lad aolbl.$5 dull , , , . . .rsd1 , e.a a . . . . , eeeu.I5 , mats , e.,4.tnro.L.wmua m.dtnoa , , .d Grr slam. , radufd4 duetcn mid to . , . . 1 pro. re. I.e. trooper . yfdteor Ruhr. . , I ' Ye. WI Nrrena. . . tl.Llllt t'L .If.l h.i. „ , . . . 5 AIt.Tdpe 6 ; TUU am . IIOLUN.W . K h.xfieM fMH , . . wrfd.t. 5 tal. rfWIIII. tail . . r5.1 r.akoo . , .dpta. I , , 1.t" , . C C'.IptP . , yawn , eln.ll , plw.t , a.5a ar.1NT4n . Ii plydd. . a. . . u , .n' 'g . , Vv a V. f. . aa.w r.a J' , nuit o , nrRM , ta tar h nudr rim f. II Inn lhC cur , of d. rurcntnH , S or thr rnnomtteroruau . Tier , is in tntan.kf. ILOUI Imtrwnrnt. CL. mn Idlntnu , .teeam of FLFAA FOfl Tltl"ITY hrrmwtlnK thntuall , Ilrc Iwnr m. . , . lrwra llama U , ' renL'tQ .t hut. 1k , not b n llni whim rvndn411' , , O I hertLedto Iitttrlc cur , . ail Ira. in. t tromLruttoOw h m. fur . ur au4uaburtwllnftIC0N1 F.urle nft D. It 1 a'.ltnate.a BL , i.lrirl,4ihru 4 o , iii. [