- : - - - = : : ; i-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - , - - - _ -s- - . . . . . - iT61 1fEDAfA BEE---OOUNCILBLUFFS FRIL'AY OOTOB1R12q 1883. _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , ' , r OUNIL BLUFFS. I Friday Morning , October 12. I i f Eyc&rti. - tOcentperwek 1 ? OI - $10.00 per OFFICE : 0. 7 PoaXl Strent , Near flroiidway. - MINOR MENTION. 3oo Joseph Reitor' fall gootii. AtldiUoiuit local on oventh pago. . Choal ) 1taflrou1 Tic3ote at ; Buhno11'i. A quui1ty of inthre8iflg local floW8 , incung tim common couc11 report , th unavoidably crosvdod ouL The rccdlta ) Of cattle at the Uion , BLock ) flr(1S nro arorago hirgo now.a.dayn. : IiighLy care of cattlu yore received Wod. no5day. , Jusiico Abbott. yost.JrlRy iucd an I onJtr for the killing and inirial of a glanIorcd Iioro. Thu animal jB ono left nc.r tlio ayluiit by horsoLradon' . German preaching Sunday at 7:30 : p. in , n ( the Eallgdical church oti thu corner nor of Pierce atroot and Glen avenue , by the miuonary , Peter Bolgor. A very succonaful and onjoyabic enter. taiitiiieiiL wa that given by the ladies of ho Bapt.t ! church. laBt oveniug , ( or thu benefit of the Home of the FriondloR8. Onpithi Lodge No. 3 , Covert Lotigu No. 11 , and St. Jolin' Ledge No. 25 , of O a1ia2 were ropreauntod in the Maomc ! procos1on yesterday by good delegations. George Edgar yesterday tracked up a lady's gold watch , to1cn in OmAha , and some other jewelry , which a colored I man had given to a vrtituta hero , and the latter turned it over on demAnd. , Tho5o who attended the Congrega. tional sociable laaL evening , at thu roi. donco of N. M. Wallace , are louti in their praises of their entertainer , MrN. : Wallace , Mrs. Harknu8l , Mr5. Judd and , Mra. Churchill. John Coylo and James Coylo were brought into Ju8tico Schurz court yeBtor- day , being accuecd ofassaultingand boat. . ing one B. J. Donahoo. They gave bonds and the cauao wa conti&iuod until thol5thinst.at9a. in. t H I The now foundry old the old power building in o rapidly approaching coni pletion that it will be roofed early next. ° week. Mr. Hondrin , the proprietor , ia ' pufting in machinery aa faet aa the vro gresa of the work will permit. Next Sundsy evening Rev. J. G. torn- on , paator of the Baptiet church , will do. t liver the eucond diecour8o in the aerie , on "The Life and Character of Moo , " and Ito practical loason. The aubjoct of the 'ath ' eoction will ho treated o , and thehearing of the reault. will be liown. Mre. D. A. Benedict line o large a stock of ladica' furni.hing good8 aB to flecoMitath enlarging the 8toro and mak. ing chnnge to butter aecoininodato the stock. in the plannmg it. has boon decided - cided to reduce the Atuck na well as enr large the store , and , n5 will be suoii by a notice olaowhoro , iiho offore ajocLal bara gaills , coat price , on certain geode for t thirty daya. Tiiu Thz ofFers huartiod , congratula- . I Lions to Mr. : Frnnk B. VauBrunt and hie charming young wio , nuo Mise Lutio I a1iabury , who wore united by Rev. J. T.Mackoy , nttho roaidenco of the btldo'e parents on Third avenue. Mr. Van 1 . lirunt is one of the rno8t promising and . entorprieing of the buBincas men of Coun. .l cii BluiTh , being a partner in the firm of I. Van Brunt , TIIOtfl1)BOfl & Co. , wholesale 1 dealera in agricultural jtnjthznenth. Mr. and Mre. Van Brunt will go to liouao. I keeping on Fourth atreuh A aupper and mualcal ontorhtinrnont WaS 1VCii laBt evening at the Bajtist church , for the benefit. of the lloiiio of thio FHondlcas. Among the inuaical nunibera givonwaa an inatrurnontal duet , by Mra. Georo and Mr. E. C. Cole , 1 which waa enjoyed. Iitra. Ooorgo' clusa ) pleaaod the audience with their Ringing. C Thu vocal quartottn by Miaa Luck , M. Jleldon , JiliBs 13db Boldmi , B. C. Cola I and Elmer Stacy , wits lieu. Thu now r ; Bavarian band gave its aurvicea free , aiitl f ' ; I playel seine excel out 1110810. 'l'huru 4 i wore aovoral rccitatioiia tliiit svoro vuhj I rendered and vull received. Altogether thu evoiiin wue an enjoyable cue , nut ! I ? it in a pity it. waa ao at.oriny , no the net. ; roceiptu would doubticea liiivo boon 0 laior. ) t _ _ - _ _ Dr. Woat , denti8t , 14 l'eurl atroet. 'j ItCPUIJIICLLIIH IIIl U ) GOt MjorItIen3 , I'ottawnttornio county hue elected the b ozitiro Republican county ticket , with 4 the OXCOItioU of oijo anlorviaor ) , Eli Clayton , itopublican , who haa aerved the county well in this calacity , giving C ilaco tofliahiton , Democrat. Thureturna C ' are all in , but those from Lincoln town- 4 ali ip are not ncceaibIo , na they are . acalod. Tim man who brought thuni in waa a iiioinber of the board of election , helped make out tim roturna and iiiade out the 1)011 book , but ho could iiot. tell bow many votea wore cast in the town , . nor how numy wore caat for any of thu candidatca , nor what the iziajority wile. C 1. IIoaIlUi4' "thought it. wua about. a tie . ! majority , ' No one ha yet beoi found who can report. the vote correctly. - 'rho majority for Phiihhijn , ltupublica.i , forsuporrisor , outaido of Lincoln , ia $0 , aa corrected bylutet dispatchea. So his olectioii , which waa doubtful , Ia conceded by the Deinocrata , Thu majority in the county for the State ticket b about 400. Judge iteed v , will not. be found to be bohiiid the roit ] , of the ticket , but. Great "Scotti" there waa a hard 1111(1 windy tight made againL liIiii. . C . ' 1 The IlCjI'OaUlItAtlVCa , Davis mill Clay. I . " ton , received ainujority of about 250 , Caraon , for Stoto Senator , i about 185 ahead of Oronoweg , who tiiado a good : run. run.John lluiiiiott , for treasurer , hia 405 . majority , while Kirkland rohla up 1,100. ( Juittar , for alioiiih hi 300. - Ofeourso , thieao figurea do not iticludu the vote of Lincoln , which znay change them aoine , unlou it. IrOYeS to be "about 4 tie , anyway. " Wilohebalo Trade. Duiuottc , Cuibert & Co , have juetre. tiied a car load of the boat. Kentucky : cider. uiid alao carry largo atock of . uyatoris , cailditia , augar toya and a lartw . supply of holiday geode , and are full ) prepared to receive and fill order in . wliuloaalo iota atwholeealo pricea. Their entire atock ii now and of the bcBt , quahity. , * . - , c&iid iii your or'Iora at. once and aecuru ' lirgaln. . .N s , 10 and 18 Pearl atcuet , Council ilir , Iowa. r 1. COIt It. STONF ClItItNIEM. InIil 8quar. ' , 1tI.I and I'Itiint ) . Tliun.day iuoiiihiig , October 11th , the dRy to which wM lI05tl0IIel the core Iflilily of laying the corner alone of the flaw JlatfliC Ttmple , h Council BIu1F , corner of BrOalWay and Fourth atreota , iiioied dark and gloomy , with threaten. inga of rain , whIch threata were fultilled 111)1)1st. 11 o'ClOCk. Notwitliathndhig thi8 the brethren of the MyAtic Order not. in goodly number. at. thio , lodge room , where tim Grand Ledge waft called l.a order and opened by Grand Miiter ( Jon. It. Van Saun. ThY. i'RoCEstoN wa. f rniod under coiiititid of Grand 1'Iarnliiil ' J.V. . l'erogoy , in the following ord. r , U. P. Thuid. ) 'l'tItpl irq Iti uniform unoler Coltil I IItt iti of , "l " . ' t But lucia t. 0 .in ioii odor , Sir 'V. B , Licy. 'l'wo , 'L'ylura with d.awn aworol. Tyler iji . , holuit lotigu % % otII award. 'I HttllIOhI of oldeat ledge ; Eiterwl Ahh.roIItiCu. . Follow CIaItF. Niator Masoii. Stowards. Junior lcacon. . Seiiiiir Ikacoua. Secrotarie. . 1'reaeu rera. Pant Warden. Juniur VIiidCflI. Sui&ior VatoIuiis. l'a.Kt Maatera. Mast era. Th.yal . Arch MMon. ( ; raeicl 'I'ylur with drawn aword. Onuid Stewards with whiitu r.da. , A llrothiur with : a golden VueSul COO. aitting corn. Two Hicoliren with Silver Vcsaeld , one nntniIIitIgVine itnel the othiur Oil. I'rincipal Arehjitoct. with quaru , Level end Plumb. . Grand Secretary and Tronaurer. Btllu , , Siuaru aid CW111.8eS ; , carried ' ) y Mrn.ter . of the Lodge , .uiiiwrtod by wo Steward , . Graini Chaplain. P&iat Gratid % Vauden. . I'iiat Deputy Gietid Mastora. Past. ( iraiiol Maatoia. ChicfMiigiatrnto of the Plao. Two Large Lighta , borne by two MM or. o.f . L..dgoa. . G Grand Vard'n. . Oiau Lodge Light , berne by a Maator f a Lodge. Deputy Grand Maatcr. Muster of the Oldest Lodge , bearing ho Lo.k . , of coitatitutiotilt , Grand Dtacoti. Grand Maider. Grand Sword Bearer , with Drawn word. Two Stewards with % Vhlto Rods. oittaa , OF MAItOIII. The him ot titarchi was west on Broad- ray to Miiitt atruet. Si.uitli . ( in Miiii to , First. avonuo. \Veat oii First avenue to P&ar Jnrthi oti Pearl to Broadway. } : iiBt on BLILdWlLy ( tAb CIrIIUI of Fourth , there the hue was fortued in open ordur Uvel sod , marched onto the iilit.foriio laid Il the U.or joists of the 110W temple , mid forimiud in a hollow Btuure , wlicru ho following OitDEft OF EXEUlMi VM observed : Prayer by Grand Chaplain , T. J. I Iacke'y. Musmo by the U. 1' . band. Reading of the list of relics by the ] ramd , Suerebtry , placed iii the cormiur itono , as follows : Daily pmeIers of Council Bluffs. Gold mimeolal issued to John iCohlor by Iasonio order , with suitable inscription , tatimig that the lot. on which the tonlpic vas erected Wits liurchasod froni Itima. JCnight. Tumuplar modal. Modali of Council BlutFo Agricultural sssociatinmI , by J. T. Oliver. Govoromnent coitia of 1883. Government jatago atamnpa of 1883. List of tIhicora and members of Masomi- C Lodge. Mechanical relic by Christ Straul , time olitractor. First annual report of the Council iluiflo City watorworka. Ammmmala gif the Grand Lodge of Iowa or 1883. Coimstitiith'.ii ' . anti coroinonica of ( I rand 4odgo ( If 1'Vli. 1'rocuciimiql ) of the Grand Chapter of owa for 18& . Tramialectiwla of the Grand Couimnandcry f Iowa for 1882 , After the zouding of time hat of contumita ho box was deposited by thu Grand 'reasuror. By order of the Granil Marsimal t1u a , raftammiemi durimig tiia ahligimig of dmi ode , veirod the atomic to ; t I.ltico . anti the iramid Muater with the asaistamico of lii. eputy , and time Grand \Vurdens laid it quliro , level amid plumb. 'Ihie ( iiaiid ! iiarshittl by order of time l Iramid 1Iiistur presented the articles of i' onsecration , amid thu corn of PiemitY , the h'hiio of ghietiuiess , timid thu oil of IOLCO P iero by the iiroier ohilcera iureol , upomi ho static. Time three lesser lighta vuro iaeed. iii hOaitioJl ) nimel hhWera atruwmi % or all and prayer olbirod by the Grand Tarshal , After this ( ho Chief Architect was pro. P umitod to the Grand Muster , who eiitod him with the iniplummiunta of ida i' ' raft. mimid cluergod himmi to coimijileto the niililiiig in miuchi workoinimliku mmmcc us 0 liltI the nproval ) of his fuhlowimiuu amid 115 OWn C0118C101110 , Oramid. Secrutttry J. ' 1' ' . I'arvin i'as lieu introduced to thu ( iramiu rIaster itnel poke mis follows : ( IIIANI ) I4ICitTA 11 , ' 5 IIEMAIIKH. Ho said that three score years and ten ii , aa the timmie allotted for 1111111 tti live , hiut lie 1111(1 ulm'eiady Ii'sCt1 three acoic 'ears umiol hio1ud , to live yet a few years I 0 ho of service to lila fuhlowimiumi amid the' raft , so ho could miot atrurd ti ) risk lii. t iu'iltie by aeakimmg iii thu falling miii C vitht uncovered iieiul. At which iimit. ho replaced his hat. Ito omttImiued : Noithier caji I afford to keO1I you standing hero to listu to any Lumigthy talk , so t will forego the dohil'ery lf the spoechi I had partially prepared , ft is said , anti truly , that ho who F 01(1805 ( two epuars of grass to grow whore ' one grew before is a public benefactor , r I say that lie who erects a buildum , whothur it be a church for the worship of Geol , or for educational , charitable or hitisimies. is also ii Public bone' ( actor. I had hoped to sveak on the teachings of our order , but. tlmos teachings are all to be foumid in our ritual amid our lodge roonia , As these flower. , and corim , and wino , and oIl arc omnbietrnm of irnaco , and I oy , and gladmiciss , and plenty , so we teach by wmiblouis the truths of life , amid ( lie ijifluonco of thesu teachings is shied all around you. At the close of the brief remarks the Oraiid Marshal , by order of the Grand Master , ProclsiuWd that the eurner atone Hf time Macoak toniplo wan laid square , level and ihtmmb , true and trusty. Thu baud struck up a march , and the procession moved 1tck to the Imall on hirnadway , 1111(1 ( the lirothiron scattered for dinner. Tim NP.W TP.MPLa. The building , as it will appear , will hieio , a frontage of lWi feet. and a depth . , f 100 feet. 'rime front will have au do. ration of sixty.eihit. feet , wimilo a tower will rise twomity.hvo foot above the roof , ittid over the mmiain etitratico , which will be of ( loitimic stylo. Tim front is to be of i.resael brick with atomic trimmnimmgs and terra cotta orimanioimtatlinms. , Time firM floor will be used for stores , atiti , boting eixtecn foot in height , will be airy , light , attractive and convenient. . Ott the BeCoIltd floor thu inaifl part. will lIe t1od for a h.U1)hiC . ball hiO by 100 feet , without a ; iilttr or 1.051 . , the floor above being aiiiiioirteoI tim a tulsa mnalmiler. 'I'Iio rest. if thu aQcond floor vihI be devoted tO tifilce's a , Cl ithmor ronIa , , On thu timird hour will be oIlier offices , III I I C" ro ' 1)1mm ) a , etc. , amid di e I cmnpi a ) ieiter , eehiieim till Io , ftlOIIt : jr i' 60 feet , with Ii hirgo (1111110 iii the cemiter of the ceiling , ( or vutmtilitioti. light amid oriiatmiunt. , I'IktlIi ( mt1taguthicr , time hiutlehimig Will he a nitirkeol imillirovoItlemit to thu city , and will be tte , which will collect crudit. on time umiturpriso of the order which , erects it. . Till' HTOtflIIOL1JEIL9 , 'Fun atochhitIers , ) of the Council Bluffs lIaiioiiic 'l'emnile Associntiomi : ire : 'rita lmoAIW di' 1iIiIiOT0ltR. B. L. Shitigart , Preidomit. I. A. Miller , Yico.President. , J'eV , Itidefer , , 'l'roasuror. A. BVitlker , 0. F.Vriglit. . It. . P. Bryant. Joiiii lluniiott , , p. j , Marshall. P. II. Hayes , T. B , Lacey , Secretary. : ) . II , Wind , M. Duquotto , Fohiti Keller , .1. IV. Laing , L. 'V. Vymmlan , .J , 'IV. Chapman , J. Ii.'uitm , , B. Ci. Sears , 'Viii lain itlooro , .J. Lynian , r , 'p. Oliver , 8. liistmian , r , w , Peregoy , G. A. Holmes , , E. Urock , T , .T. Evans , . R , Davis , : r , . 11. MossIer , I. .Janies , F. lit. Olmstoad , ; . P. Limidscy , 0. 'F. Phelps , N L. Rogers , J. Eaton , - , . Voat , A 0. Graham , VeIls Cook , .1. IV. Burger , 1. F. Strickling , C. TiE. Hurl , . B. Atkins , t : ; . H. Jackson , L B. Ilarrington , E. Mott , allies McMullen , S. S. Nash , il Clayton , J. A. Roberts , . . Linus , j. , Brainard , . N. Baldwin , S. I. ICing , . 0. Hofl'znnyr , , T. A. Churchill , I. Wildo. oFFzuElui. The officers of Bluff City Lodge are : J. B. Atkins , Worshipful Master. .1. P. Oliver , Senior Warden. M. It. Slytor , Junior Wardon. G. L. , Iacobs , Treasurer. T. B. Lacey , Secretary. IV. D. Stilhmnami , Senior Ieacon. N : , Diiquette , .Junior Deacon. S. S. Nash , Tyler. Thu otlicers of Excelsior Lodge are : T S Couch , Worshipful Master. E. Mutt. Senior Varduii. I. A , Miller , Treasurer. J N. . Sl'epard , Secretary. .1. . S. Seephenson , Senior Deacon. Coo. Ilarringtou , Junior Deacon. S. S. Nash , Tyler. The officers of Star Chapter , No. ' 17 , 1 I. , A. M. , are : l. , Couch , Moist. Excoileiit. High f 'riezit. J. B. Atkins , Excehiomit King. Jiae'jh , Lymnau , Excellent Scribe. T. B. hays , Caitain of the host. - N , F. Story , Principal Sojourner. 3 .1. Eit.on. Treasurer. F4. Mott , Se.retary. 'r. ii. Lacy , J.nyal Arch Captain. J L. P. .Itidaomi , Grand Master Third - roil. B. JL Fonda , Grand Master Second roil. - 3.V. . tIling. Gramid Master First Veil , S. S. Nash , Tyler. 'I'iio ohhicora of Ivanhoe Comnuindory , o. 17 , K. ' 1' , are : T. B. Lacey , Emmilnomit Comninandor. J. W. l'oregoy , Oeuerahissinio. 3 C. E. II , Caumpheil , Captain General. - F. P.OIl ) ) , I'rohito. 'P. S. Couch , SeiiirVarden. , , . B. 1'i1ot. ' , . .JumiiorVaitlumt , . .1.V. . ltitlefor , , Treasurer. Ij. I. .1 otis mi , Itecoudor. II. c : , Cihloy , Statiulard Bonror. ? 4.p1' . Limidsoy , Sword Bearer. - B. It. FotitiaVardor. , . 5 , 8. Nash , Sentinel , Several cases of dipthtorhi iii towii. vuryloel , ) ' thea Dr. JeIl'eria Preventive mid Cure , coitsequemitly no deaths. Heist Eatato TraliHfora. The following clouds wore filed for ro- rd in tIm recorder's oflicu , October I , reported for the Bam : by P J. Mc. laimoii , real eatzuto agent : \Villani Itoynolda to S. 11. llophimis , art. lieso , , 21 , 74 , 40-i00. Mary A. MeCca ot at to Lucy 1L Fair , A rert lots 11 and 12 , block 2 , Street's add -$1.00. County Treasturur to Charles B , Iihkle , artaw iie. } amid viurt aol itw.j10 , 74 , 11 -$11711. Frank Froverto loluii 0 l'ontious , so } , .74,1I-$3,200. .1. 0. Ptiitiouis , , to Henry IV , I'ontiotms , art w mooj , 17 , 7'l , t1-$1tiOO. Jolmn , Ii , JuhIorsomt to ltohiort Sexey at. I , iia lick , 26 , .12-l,200. 'I'otul sales , $ U$07,74. , PoIlce Court. It.V. . ItiIIy anti .Jack Cole voro before is Honor JutIu Ayleawortlu yeturday or tlruithummimoas iuttti imnimicderato elr'iving. 'hey lititl , the usual tutu. 'I'hiu Caine of Armiold , ieasio , itccuseel of I temmiptitig to tilackmnail J ohu Nicholsomi , 011105 U for trial this imiornimig , T - Casady & Orcult , carpets. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICI.-pucIat sdomtt.enieit , , , such a. 'ounti , To Loan , For Reo1 ! To Rent , V&mit. , loin ! . rig , etc. , will be In.edc4 In this column at the low its of TKN CENT1 i'V.II. LlNi to , the SM tnweUon ml FIVE CEN'TM t'iii UNIl for rich oubeequoni In. ertloti. Lco a4eott.tncuta it our oSlo. , 2o. 1 'earl Strt , ne&r Ilroedwiv WANTB , vy Tuilisa 1)elivered by carrier. ! only Iwrnty wmt4 S riewriu- ' . toy , will , i' ° ° . " doll.r TmIIIJIL - - FOIt. 8ALE AND BENT. . . - - - - - - - i ; oit ieKwrA hoe. . of Ut. room. - . - - lnoulr , of I. . 1) , Il.michetl 1OItHALiiiIoue _ iud lot , uorthwe.t corner of 1 TOZIIh in ! dros4'ay. Jous W , iLimie. lACKINU iiOU8i I Orit l'&cktmgtwu.erwpscity 100 hog. twrd.y wIth illinoeleru IjliIiUoIw ; wehloctt'tt : for .a.leo I. , . . . Apply to OlELL PAY , 'uunc1I Wtu , ls. September 10 , IbSL . - Enpkie Hardware Co. r , V' . 4.I IC . Hardware ! . L 101) and 111 S. Multi Street , . COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA , w ] tE 1 ; cL1f : : rcm , WhOLESALE 1)1A14E1S { IN HATS , CAPS BUOK GLOVES , 842 tuid 344 Broadway , . . . . coUNoIr BLUFFS , IOWA. Ice Ci'oalli ' Priiit & Coiiloolioiiery ( 'arties , Socmables and Pmiics supplied on short. notice , and goods delivered tc all varta of the Cit. ) ' . Vienna Bread , and l'103. Fiiiu Cigars. w. T. BRAUN'S European Restaurant , 104VesL Broadway , . . - . COUNCIL BLUFFS. ROUSES , LOTS AND LANDi cuJ3.t 1L23.cI Q1G1. Loney Loaned , Abstracts Furnished x. . : J- . xa Vo. 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. MAYNE & PALMER , DKALEIU3 IN ) ulk and Barrel Lime Louisville & PoIand Cement MIChIGAN PLAHTKR , hAIR AND SEWER PIP1 , hARD AID SOPr COAL AT LOWEST PRICE. o , 039 Broadway , - - - - - COUNCIL flLUITS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLLER , ' : , , o c4 p4 1- 1 CD 1he. . . CD . 1 o. _ .e L r' MerchantTailors. 7 and 9 Maui StreeL t7I'GXXj . .oHN : : BENO & 00. GENERAL SW.RCIIANPISE. . , MaIn street and 11 l'cal strvet. LIA. X : M.O EN CRESTON HOUSE. , 215 MaIn StreeL IJctel , 217 and 21 Main tzeot. ) H. . J. F. WHITE1 up..talri. OFFICE lte.ldonce , , 500 Willow aonue. ; 1. so hTJRZ. Otucoover JUSTICE American OP TIIH Expreee. I'EACH , S VVAG ER ivimw AND PEED , I. . , cent for tunoraii at rcaonab1o ratve. 22 Fourth etrect. . , M . ST JOHN & OO..OAll BUYE R S , Whole.alobutter tryind fruit Ship'tous. poW. raStby roturu maO. 140 Broadwiy. ) A. BENEDICT SIGN WRITER AND GILAINEII. . . , 0(5cc ( 531 Broadway , Council Biue , Iowa. A COB KU Oil MERCHANT TAILOR , , Suite made at roaaoiabe , ! price. . No. 805 Milo t. - _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - . . P. S 'Vi ' 1TEI. corner 7th and Broadway. CONTRACTOR l'iono AND and I3UILDER .pecitlcatlon , , furnished. V. SIIERJ\1A1T \ DEALER IN FINE IIAIINESS. . , have the varIety that brisge atronago. 121 Main street. allleclMir TAILOR. AMES FRANEY , Artistic Work and reneoushlo chnrpe. 372 liroadwey. . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i : uWE & ON FURNITURE STOVES. , and liou&hohl Supplk. SoS I3roadway. - INDT & B ARTJam03 ATr0RNEVS AT LAW , ! PIok. i'ractco ! In , tto and federal courts. A.IN IT.A.E UI1 And bath house , 421 MId 423 flroadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. 1' . J , Mont. . . . i goincry , sm , p. t'IisIct ! , . - - - - - _ _ - - JUSTICE OF TIlE l'EACE , DVIN - . - . - .AEBOTTNotary - - Public and . General . Coneyancer. 415 Broadway. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L EV SMITH a ; NORTON , Broedway oppoelto Now Opera IIouu. itefittod 1 , $1.10 er day HAIR GOODS 01" ALT KINDS. 3old at the Lowest Prices IN mi : VI8T , QUALIlY CONSIPEICEL ) . t MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , . . 337 IV. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , IflItLERS IN ft000lhos ! , FOY1SiOllS , Boots a.ll Shoes xx'rxcAT -1sj. tAtfli ON TILE DANK OF IIIELANI ) , 1)UDLIN , FOiL SALE , 513 IIItOADWAY , COUNCIL HLUFFt CRESTON HOUSE , [ AX MOUN - , - - PROPRIETOR , 13L7 cl f310 . ITiiai. ti'cct , OUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - IOWA SKELTON , HENDRICKS & RICE , TAILORS , .02 MAIN STREET , COUNCILBLUFFS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? ALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE , EMBRACING MANY NOVELTIES 4OT TO BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS SOLICITED : MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , DEA1EI 1 ? Laes' ! ' Pl11hlli8Jlill Goods , " NtiT1ONi , JEWErAItY , &c. 337 W. Rrondvny , _ . _ COUNCIL 1hi.UlF'S. IOWA. PETER C. MILLER , WItO1.ESALR AN ! ) IIETAII. ? /aII-Paei / arid NIdaw Shadesafld PaIotln In all Its Dr3ches1 FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. 1' . :1,8 : Xan.r1 t. C7U3.ai1 DEVOL & WRCHT. a r'dvare. 504 Broadway anti 10 and 12 Main Sf , , Council Bluffs. PROMPTATTENTIONAND CLOSE PRIOES ON..MAILORDERS , R. S. COLE & CO. , MAN1JFACTUIIfl : AN ! ) hEALERS IN ALt. All the Most Improved Kinds of Lightning Rods And OrnaIJIerIti. Also Woo , ! and Iron I'unp. , Woo4 TubIng and ' . . , Use . . . . . . I'fpe iii. ! Pipe Fixture. fo both No I , .1 604 , l5iuI.tf .l South Main Wood and . . . Iron . . . . . Purnpi. . . . . . . . . . Order. . . . . . . . wIll . . . . receIve . . . . . . . iromit . . . . . . attentIon. . BLUPPS , IOWA - M. CALLACHER , c : E c : c it Ecw Store , Fresh aoods , Low Prico. and PolIte Attendants. First Dow' east of Metropolitan Hotel , Broadway . Steam Laundry ! . 72.q wp A , C. LARSON ' , - - - - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MAOBINERY. . Clifton Restaurant. J. A. ROSS , - - - - - PROPRI TOR. . 537 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 15 the place for A. No. 1 Meals , Day Boa era accommodated and guarantee satihfae t.titi , Model Steam Laundry ! 712 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. N' . A. CHRISTIANSON , - - - roprietor. 1:1 : as j a ito a' and ve1l fitted otetiii : liuind ry. 0 uni ontee good vork , i "p ino t I a 1I' YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON s _ A . PIEJ ROEL , Corner Pilnjti and L'irt Avr'nmlo , flouncil B1iifl'.o. Tie 1ia Them. CURE O O PAY. Mineral Springs ! We guarantee the cure of the following named dl. . . laics , erne pay : Bheematlmu , Scrofula , Ulcer. , Ca .arth , all Illooiand SkIll Iieasei , , bypeisIa , lAyer omIlalnt , Kidney and fliadder Dleoaaew , Gout , Nou. ralgi. an , ! Athrna. These Spring. are the favorite re.ort of the tired % nd debiltakd , and are the Feeble Ladle ? best friend. Goo0 Hotel , lAvcry and Bathing accommodations. becality highly .ictnresque . and healthy. CorrcIogIIetIco solicited. Addre , . lOw. M. M. flIOMl'SONflanagcr. _ _ _ _ _ 8iIoan , Gentry Co , Mo Novelty Works 17 NOIITI ! IAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. KLENCK & JUREY , PROPR1ETUR. All kinds of repairing iurmitun , c1aired and hished. ChaiN rc.caied . * IoI ro eeated. All I.IIICH ) f UplIoiteriIIg. Lock , , hells and Electric Instni- 001104 repaIred. Smeakinc 'lubc IlIaC III old or new buildings. Keatltted a , , , ! htoes rejoiced. FIrt. . las. work guaraztee.l. ( lise is a trial. ilmol. , ovric.s , II. i. reazy , OFFICER & PUSEY BAKERS. ! Council Diu , . . Ii. Establis/eu - - 1856 Dealers in Forgien anti Domestlo Exchange and lonie Securities. WI R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Real estate and colloctionagency. 'i Old Fellow lock , ve Ssylng , . Dante , fansO. MORGAN , KELLER , & CO. , , UNDERTAKERS. Thu finest 'i'Iality and laraest stockwe.t of Chicago \\'OIidI and Sietailu Caes. CtIis attcnde.l to at III Ilours. We defy 00I111CtitiOII in quality ( If gI)4IIIS Ir Irles. Our Mr horgan tIlts iervtci 115 UlIdertakel .r forty years illIl ttIIrougiIly UIIierita'IIIS lie bil. ICSC. Warer000ill , 311 Urua.Iwu ) . Ui'IULSTEICINO ) 0 ieIl it. branclIc lIromitly attended to ; ala. , cadet ai , Ing anli isultIrequin. . Telegrapilia SIIIL 01.11 IIrr , , 0111,11 WlilIIIt , iIrl , DR. GW.PANGLE . , . , OF MAN ! iftoo , , years' experience. Eclectic , lmagnctio and Itrbaliit i'II3Idtlafl , ilaster of tim foli..wing dis. IeeE Cut.arrh Ncr.OU , tebilitv , lleiital iJeirees' on , ApolduXy , lits , Loa. o ) titIhiIIdII. iancers Removed Without the Knife , Drop- By Cured Without Tapping , Acer Complaint , hldny Comnulaint , lliaietites , itheu. OPtil.tn. t'aralais , Vbiw SweliluF , Er35111e155 , fit. . her Disease. Treated , Witit the IIaDpieat Results , SilociaI attention giveti to priytu and venereal Iiscajc , . Locate. ! No , 310 l3rOadwy , Room 3 , ( up' iairs ) , Council Bluff. , Iowa. l. Correct Diagnosis GIven Without any Explanation Irool tile Patient , fCOnlUit&U0fl fits it o&oo. ! ako Your Contracts Now for Your Winter tuppiy of iOU1si hard. Wood. ! AND hARD AND SOFT ca1 -WITh- I. OVERTON , 05 First. Avenue , - Council Bluffs , Iowa , AnII secure tb bist articie and full measure ittho ; ryIo4o.t ! ) rl. Stees wood doih.rd to aay per euUNOhL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE The followjog are the time of arrival and departure I itralna froii the local depots. 'rho teal , . . start fron. 11' ' I the Union Pacific depot about ten minutes eaxiier than below stated , and arrive at the depot about te minutes later , Trims on pool line. and K. C. run on Chicago thne , : a bait hour faster than local. Wabash traIns ram on .4. St. l.oiml , time , twenty OIIIIIItB faster tha , , looml. U. I P. and LIOCI)1II train. dUll on Council Bluff. time. 41 ; cmIicsuu , gocle mk&IC1 , ANII m'Aclymc. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext , . .5:30 : II. 10. I Pacific Ext . . . . , 9't ° m ax and ) laii. . .9tos m. E'c and amau',6:5 : p. n. . De 51oimesae'.7Ia.m. : Des aIiies , ac,6.63 p m. CICAOO ! ! , auzusoros ND QUmNCT. icpart. ) Acme. I Chicago Ex' . . . 6:3.'iiI.In. : I Coullail r'IIaoL..ga Miflaild Ex..O45 m Mail and Ex,700 p. .i. CIIICAOO and aoaTmmwzMTsIeN. Depart , Arrive. Atlantic Ext . . . . . ; ic p. m. I I'adflc Ext . . . .0:15 : a , mu , 9 Mall anil Ex' . . .9:20 : a. Ill. Itali alIli Ex' . .0:15 : p. in. Accom ( Sat.5:50 : p. III. .ICCOfll (510 ( , , ) . .1:41 : p. m. KAiOIAS cmlc , bT. JOIl AND UU.CIL III.OYY5. Iei'art. Arch e. Mail an , ! Es . . . . .0:55 : a. In. i . . . . . . . . . . . p. in. . . . . . . . .s:2a : II. III. I 3mai aHd Ex. . .6:01 : I" in UamoN iACIYIC. lcpart. Airive , Overland Ex..il:30a.rn. : i OverlandEx . , . 4510 p. in. U114'IIIII EX..11:34) : a. in. I Denver Ev..5:00 : a. in , Lener Ex..7:01) : I" Ill. I L.cnl . . . . . . . . . a. mu. : a. mu. I ' Ev..0:05 : a. in. Emigrant..6:20 : p. In. i ' Ex..eoo : a , in. . W.4uesmi , ii. ! AIUIi ao I'ACIFIC. tcj.art. ) Arrle. tiath amid . ( . . . . . : a. in. i Mail and Ry..30 p. in. Cannon DalI. , . . 4tO ; P. in. Cairoii IlaIl,1105 a. in. aIOUX cmTY Lao racmvmc. IJe'part. Arrive Forfiioiix City.7ti5 : a. in. Frna Siiiu City6O p.m l'orF.rtNioirara I Frill Fort Niobrara ' . . . . . . . . . . : . in. I Neb . . . . . . rev Ct. l'aul. , . .7:4c I' . m. I From St. I'aW . .8bO a , ni. cIlIcAuu , IIILWAUKFJO ANO lit. I'AtJL. Leaves Omalla , Aralves at dinah. . 11.11 and Ex , . , . 7:45 : a. in. l'aciI1cF. , . . . 0:45 : a. in Atlantio Hz , , . , 3:10 : p. In. I Slail and Ra. . 7f P. 10 All train , daily dmlIcsoo , zu.wauaxe ssn we. rica. Leave. Council Hiuffe. Ariveii Council Blues. thu and Ex , , . . ' 0:20 : a. in. i Mail andEx. . ' 6:55 : p. in. Atlantic Ex , . , . Ibl : p. in. Atiantia Ex , . 19:10 : a. in. COUI.CmL avuri Ax : , OMSUA STICEST RAILWAY. Leave Council Iluff , Leave Omaha. Sa. nLOa. UI lOaii , ha , 18a , Di. Da. in. 10a.m. La. 1 ' . in. 2 I" m. 3 Ii.m.4 I a. In. i in. 21. . 10. 5 p. in p. in. t , i. in. S p. ni. I 4 l'.n. 5 i' . in. 0 i. in. Strect mc , , run bRif hourly to the Union Pacifle depot. ' On Sunimay the cars begIn theIr trips at 0 o'clock a. in. , and run regularly during thu day at O LI , 2 , 4 , 5 , and C & clock , and run to city time. R. Rice M. D. " C ANBRS ° ' othertumor. removed witheulija , , knife or .lrnwing of blood. CHRONIC D1EASES o' kinds a specialty. Oer thirty ari. Iraeticl experience. 0111cc N , . 5 Pearl atrect , Council hiwife , tjYCIIIIaIliatlIII ( tree , Mrs. H. J. Hhltoii . . . , 4. B. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 22C Broadway , Council BInfTs. JACOII SIMS. L' . V CAPYEI.t. . SIMS & CADWELL , attorneys mat-Law , COUNCIl , hiLUFF , IOWA Oflic ' , Main Street , Rooms 1 and libugart & Mo. Siahon's Pluck. wul practise In 54. ! . and .ek..I Court. Court.A 1 ! ! M All . , . ibo.q .1. . , frm $ , , , , lit. . . . , , i aChe , rat. . . ir .a , 'vtrll..i. drtes4. 1.4 . . .bI. Sa i4rfoiga lire' . dutIes maOm.il7. . . . . . . . . ii. c.rs..aI a. I.IU , , , r.l , .111. . . . . IIl.IU.a aeSkia. . . 5,4..4 , l.a p.fal. . Ia.it . , , , .a4 ii , , ir , . . . TA. M.dkai W..tl , is it bld.Man ' Tb. .14 , \ pIta . , re.iI,1 II.mmmItv I'h.k.I lIes. & , . , \tt4.l I .bmI , ' Cj 1lI'l AlAdaToro itom.vs. na . . , . b.ples. at i&In . . & IItOaIlo. rIt all r.t . . .a..j. . . . , . % I. p- , , . keU.s , .I.aI , pl..aaa ( . . , , , k 0. iIII , , . Cn.uii. , . , , , . ; aj.aiii II , . . lATU'Uv . a , . , 5..7. 101. mliit : 0 avers , . , , , . . _ . ; . Ocr i.siad , rlflhiy tn , . the cur , s.f ' cC tht' genrr.Uv.'eccan , . , There I. no intitk. aboui , ; . . ' ttit. instrument , Oh. , en. . , ' tIiious .Iicain of EI.V.O. TltI(3ITY carines(1 thr.iugli ( I.e . Oart. Inn , . i ,00le Itirm C , . br.si'j iltiuls Ilu 5,01 ennw , , , , II , , , .iul , Ei.trt , U.4t. , iVirti.wd to run. all IlLS lreinto'ailIoLo. iltafur , or vmnilar , . Kilir lull lnforuiatIn IirONh.p.'eit.e id4tn ( .arpa , . , JIitt ( ru. , trJ tYazJgsie L , O4IICIRn. ILl.