Prim DAILY FRIDAY , OC1UBI .R 12. 1 fii. : j ' THE GM # I HA BEE. Pi 7Wicd every rrrrntng , eroeptjundy , The aly Monday mornlog dally , RAMC RT MAI6 o. Ttahuuu..11Q0oumreeMont..1LL00 tillonuti. . , , 50) I One Month 1 O fat waalLT sR , raaLIaIIRD tTRaTRRDx1taDAT , naae roerAID. One Tear. . , . . . , . , t2.00 Three Months t w 812 . . One ) month. . . . . . . . , 20 Araerlmn Men OnmpanySoleJ Agents"-Newsdeal en is the United State , , n cvaaeeroNDMca' A Communtadons relating to New end Edlt6 taI wade $ ahoold be a4lreased to the IbtroeorTue , Vii. afi1RRtf LRmR ; , > ] AIi Ila + tnrae Letter. and nemlttanaw'Ahould' he ddrowed to The Uci Ibnuemse Ooaraar , ol/AnA. Drifts Checks and PntofOro nrdcrr to bema , to pay aWe I. the order of the company. TBE BEE BUBLISRING C01 PROPS , B. , ROSEWATER , Edlto4 Tin nn will bo a iorco atrugglo pros. cntly among thu Democratic candidates for mho prosidency. As usual , ovary ofileo holder in cur court house from ! jams to Baunier A willing to bo re clected. Jtitnsn had his loft shoulder dislocated abovohis ankle justboforo ho wanted to - -enlist , That's his war record. I IT takes a fighting man to bo chairman of the board of public works in Omaha , Mr. Creighton fills the bill , I F0ItAKEf's OITCU sack breecllos were a little too short in the loge , whole Iiond loy'g malaria didn't scent to affect his gait. Tea Republican State Central commit. too has had its mooting at Lincoln and mho issue as tnaio up is whether lleeso or j Rosewater is to bo Suprouno judge of d Nebraska , ' ' RUMOM are flying around that Frank Hstton'a official head is resting insecurely f h on his stalwart shoulders. If the reports - ports should prove true tlio country lj would no doubt find a way to endure the ' afllction , 'LIIE effort of Tom Hendricks was not perceptible to tlio naked eye over in Iowa. He made a thrilling free trade .pooch in Council Bluffs and the city If wont Republican for the first time in II I t several years. L sr month was the coldest September in at least thirteen years , and the average - age temperature of the mouth was no lass than 12.2 degrees lower than in 1881 1 If the year , as a whole , is not to ho fam ous as one of the coldest on record , I what there is loft of it must be very warm. De. NOn4EN GnnsN , Presidontof the a Western Union , has written an article for the North American Uoufcw for November bor , in opposition to the proposal of a United States postal Lele raph. When JolT Davis was President of the Confederacy oracy , ho was very much opposed to the United States taking charge of the forts and arsenals. Tun people of the United Status , gen. orallyapeaking , are n hard headed poe- plo. Time decision of the Now Yore Oourt of Appeals that , under the laws of Now York , stock-watering operations were a permissible form of rascality , did :1 not put up or down the Western Union aharos , It is taken for granted that a j ! law of this sort cannot stand. It may be a good law this year , but by next year j the poopie will have htd an opportunity ' for changing it. 1 Tun system of preferring crditors in y ; failures is strongly condemned by time i " Now York Chamber of Commerce as a : palpable wrong to the general body of creditors and a direct incitement to col- I a l.slvo insolvency. They declare that the I practice is calculated to work a serious injury to the credit of the mercantile oommunitios as the holders of prontis sorynotes on which money is raised are I m generally preferred to the great lose of mi i general business creditors , In Nubraa. ka , under her now law , there are no pro. ferred creditors the sheriff being the assignee - signoo for Qty benefit of all , I Tunm a is an admitted increase in the , oonaumption of boor in England within the last thirty years , amounting to nenr I , f 0 per cent , Tim Economist , howev err points out the fact that time increased creased mnoney expenditure is partly no- counted for by taw heavier taxation now imposed upon the trade , It is also a aasttor of congratulation that , nutsvilh gtaudiu' , general increaser the returns show a decrease in the amount of ardent rpirita consumlod per head. Time incrcas , t , ed consumption is duo to more imoopulnr use of boor an d light winos. The con- gumption of wino has increased from 262gallons to 409 gallons per lead , and w tl1at of boor from .608 barrels to ,700 Barrels per head. „ POSTMASTEIt GENEIIAL GImE.IIAM is at. tending strictly to businosaand the result hsa promptly shown itself in title portion of Limo West , Since Chief Clerk Stacey lmasuccoedod to the shoos of the late ; . OoneralP ) Vandervoorts there has Loan . , a marked improvement in the nail ser , rlco from and to Omaha and several ha. portaut changes have been made which have greatly betoittod the patrons of the poatofico. Mr. Stacey has shown Alm. 1 golf to ho both a gentleman and a buei yy nesa man who has found nothing of more ! importance to attract his attuntion than ' the duties of his office , The poatnl clerks . . leave now for the first time a chief and % , . they have not boon slow to appreciate It. , Thu business community has alroadybeen greatly benaitted by Mr. Stacoy's enor , getio work and botoro long we hope to 4drrouiclo n more oufcionteorvlcu between diounoil Bluffs mind Omnabs , L T1113 OCTOIJER EIECTJUNS. The estimates received on Tuesday night from Ohio anti Iowa have been ma- tonally modiGed by later returns. Tim outcome is a surprise all around , In Iowa whore the Democrats have been so hopeful and where our own Morton was at the front tiith his principal stock in trade , the Republicans still maintain their grip. To bo sure , time old time tnn- joritios of 70,000 or 80,000 have beet cut down during the p lst two years Iowa made by the prohibition issue , which Republican lenders in the corner-atone of their po litical faille , llut Buron Sherman has been ro clected , and Allison will also succeed himself in the Sonata. It is very doubtful , however. whether the Legislature as now constituted will sub. unit another prohibition amendment , mainly because ltopublia'ms may not wish to risk defeat of their congressman , and possibly the lass of their State , in another - other struggle over the temperance issue uoxt year. Time tnexpected always happens and it has happened in Ohio. Up to the night of electionltepublican leaders wore san guile of success , and tIme Democrats tlmeuusolvcs had virtually conceded Fora. ker's election. IIoadly had entered time campaign in the midst of a factional fight. He had boon at oltspoket lie. pulhican np to 1872 , and his radical apeechcs during and after the war undo his nomination distasteful to time old Cop. porlmead and Bourbon oleumont in Ohio. It was also charged that ho had bomuglit lus election for $50,000. Ira the midst of time campaign ilia health broke down , and lee had to retire , while Forakor a lungs seemed to be in good order , It was con ceded , however , that Foraker was in every way inferior to IIoadly , in point of ability but Governor Foster and oilier leaders thought that an unknown - known and untried man had the beat show of success. had John Sharman boon the nomnimoe it is probably that time Ito. publicans : would have carried Ohio in spite of their blunder of forcing time temperance issue which drove thousands of foreign born Republicans ever to the Democracy. The official returns are not yet in but it is conceded that madly is elected and time Legislature is probably Democratic. The significance of this result is found in the fact that the vote polled was nearly - ly as largo as that cast at a presidottial election , The Republicans mustered their entire strengtim as against a discordant Democracy and they are beaten , Ohio fins always boon Republican when a full vote was polled. But now it is adebata- blo State. It will be very hard for time Itopublicans to carry it next year against the tide that has sot in. It was predicted that Limo Goruas who last year Lad bolted the Republican ticket would comp back , but the policy of Foe- ter has only widened thobreach. Twee ty years ago the Germnan vote was almost solidly Republican. They wuro all op. posed to slavery and loyal to the flag , 't'hey were liepubhicala on principle because - cause they believed in free speech , free soil mid free moon. 'They loft time licit party only udtur that party sceued to ho drifting into the prohibition camp , Time Germuus are slow to unovu and their return will also be slow. Thu lessen taught by the October elections is plain. It shows Republicans time folly of forcing limo Temperance issue into politics. It alsa shows that enmall bore leaders are not competent to take time places of such men as bluff lieu Wade and honest San Kirkwood in a critical period , CURRENCY CON7RACT10N Last month time public debt was do- cloased by nearly fifteen millions. Time ability of time goverunemt to keep up so rapid a roduotiom and the continuous bond calls is creating more or loss un- easinese among time natimal banks. Auy now call for boude must take in time three par cants , and we have time aesur ance of Comptroller Knox that time ro coot call for $15,000,000 of tlmis class of bonds included about $1,500,000 do. posited by oue hundred coed twenty. seven banks to secure circulation , 'lieu govurumomit now holds $202,000,000 of three per cents an account of bank cir- culatiou , wlmilo hero me $105,000,000 of four mud a half per coots and only $11 , 000,000 of fours deposited for the same purpose If time surplus revenue cou tiuues to warrant any largo calls for bonds the tlmruo par cents are the only ones open to rodenption. Every call of this class of bonds will tumid to contract time back eurronoy ntnro mid More , and the question now is , what simall , or Call , be done to prevent money fromn becou fug searco mul dear iu the future. It is true that if all the three par coura were called iii that timoro would still renalu ontetamtdiug 8738,920,000 in fours , which will not uaturo for twenty-four years to coma , and $250,000,000 of four and a halls whicht will not immature for time next eight years. But these "bang" bonds are scarcely accessible to the barks for Limey are moetly hold for trust fends , and by investors who taro tnuro for security titan higlm rates of interest. Even if iltu banks ivoro tlis posed to substitulu other bonds for thmuir threes , they are pruveumtod by the high proniuum whiclm time long bonds conmmond , and the inability to procure more than ninety per cant of their face valuatiom ium circulation. And mgnin if the banks whiclm bold the $202,000,000 of threes now on deposit wore to enter time unarkot to purchase long bonds there would be a still further advance in time latter. Under the cireumstauces time banks are disposed toglve up their circulation , and during th , ton amid a half ncntlma ending min Saturday , September 23 , there laud been an actual docruaeo of $10,000,000 in such circulation. While time present policy of rapidly reducing the debt may not cause immediate trouble , yet ft is certain to lead to difficulties by and by. This mat. ter will doubtless receive attention from the bankers' convention , now min eceaimu at Louisville , ICy , . and a plan of relief may be suggeekl , but whether Congress would consent to give it consideration is solnetiling for which there is no surety , SIIYSTER IVOIlh1NCMI N. There are a number of so-called work. iugmen , who spend about two months of every year in tramping around town , loafing on street corners and ahooing off their mouths about "time entice of labor. " They talk about candidates and figure arsuud with ward politicians for time packing of priuanes and tnmetor of votes. Eel before convontimts have moot they buttouhulu candidates for beer umonoy and nmake ungagonromts for do. feating their oppouonts. A day or two before election Umese shyster workingmeu biro out to the camdidatee of all parties , and wlmem time tug of war comes they go frown po11 t. ( , 1)011 "working dmeir racket" of rnmfiuus candidates. It is mainly disgust withauchtricketcrs and sharks that kucps respcctablo workingmen - ingmen away from time pulls ntld causes therm to refuse to give aetivo support tea a Workingumami's ticket. Thutu are 3,000 workingmen in Omaha. 'l'imey are just as iutelligomit as nay imi may city fm time union , amid they take juat is much iuturest in ovorythiug that portmirls to time welfare of labori'ug umn. They are not , however , inclined to play into time lmanda of time shyster workingmen who make politics a trade. 'l'ime ver- furmnnce of this merchantable class last fall and last spring was so palulably die. honest and disreputable that it cannot and will not again be repeated. The pot house workingman may get up a raid oti candidates , but thuy can't nmuatur a cor- poral's guard. Tito true Amiti.Monopo lists in this city amid county , wimetilo they are fhrmors or workinguiun or miner- chunta will find a way to express their will without playing into time hands of blood-suckers aid vultures. Din CIIAnLES Fostnn is a disappointed matt , lie was a eaudidatu fur time Summate mid Garfield was elected. lie was a candidate - didato again amid Jolum Sherman walked clf in the Senatorial brogune. Ile because a President maker and was booked himself for a Cabinet position. He was to have beet Poetmnnstpr Geimeral , but Janos car- nod off the prize. lIe set up the pins again , planted imiuuself on Forakor for time Pendletonian succession , but the Lugisla turo happens to be largely Democratic. Mr , Foster will now be compelled to ro tutu to private life uumluea Mr. Arthur collies to his relief witlm a furoigu nliesion. TILE IIUItlaU Oh'JOIIN 13. ' oNoLorlcunI IneltWrapped In the 8epuluhurmul Glooui of Nasty Charges. Meech ! Correspondence of Tile Ulm , Cunrn , Nub , Oamber 10.-'I'hure ' is a hirgu attumidaucu at time minimum ml eeaiiwu hi time Gramuld Ledge of Good 't'eulpturs this your , ' 1'Jmu western part of tim mutate lull a vary full repmoecntauioml , which is at iudicatiomi that time order is reaching omit anti duitrg a god woric oht time frontier. John B , Finch is lucre , fresh fromm his Ohio ciunpaign for IIoadly uud time Du. ulocracy , and tuids that he Jule a light emi hue hands in time Grand Lodge , which viii lay him out for all thou in time Stale. At the last annual session of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge , lucid iii Chicago , as cue of time roprosemlt tiv'os of timis Grand Lodge ho undertook to lay 11. W. G. S. , F. G. iCeeus , umi time shelf , priuei pally because lirothur Keomis lucid ammo ntturestimg docu uuuta which the Liu- coht Democrat would have been glad to have had whet Finch was auinJ , that paper hr libel , and Ieons us now hero witht a fighting force to aid iii the pernnnert rutiieulemit of time IJou , Johns B , as time uroat tear Imunnmco light of Nebraska , 'l'ime chmtgue madu nb'uinet John mire tau true , its time wvttur hits reason to kuou' „ front seeing time dodumunte , mimmd Finch "must go. " 'Phu sussioui will ho an interesting one , and it is nut at mill unlikely that all ehuu gla which hove lmutufume buun sub. juets of utuwspnper cnunuulmt nghinet Fimirh will bo subatmudiudud ell thutiraud Lodge. 'I'hie ' will eurtaimily be the case , uuluae he acwpL4 time hectic and retires front time field , If him duturmuites to tight it omit , him will be metumiehud at time result. Time sessihtt will mpun at 10 a um. today - day and will probably close to nunrow. Onsrtlvoiu. i Newt ) itic GOT' 8C0OPF I ) . tlnAttcnmpt to Itoonu Unlby In Neumahm Btanglod la thollud , Correepomidenco of 'ftiE Jiuir. NOIITmI AUliUItN , Oetubur 9-Your on- torpiising paper does good work in thu people's cause and is highly approeiatcd by us rural citizens of time "Oarlen County , " 'flue Center still boonma , 'J'hemgh trade has slaehonul up a little in the past brook or two , time building boom eem times. ' 'ime weather is flume. Indeed , this is a typical Nebraska full mold affords good opporhitilty for time fnrmmier to get iii his Gall work. Nor is time politician slow " iii hie " "gutting work , 'l'imo grading on the II , t1s bI , extenelou south frcum Numaba City t" Salem is he. ium rapidly pushed. Mummy of time brdges are u m amid it is Imo ) oil that lime irom avili be ail laid befoo add wus hit , r , 'Fmu ! politiaml outlook is still mired. Thu result of time last assonbly utdy eomm plicatus mmrmtture more. I'ursuant to a call for mot independent pease convuntluu to bu hold iu Ulu'er ' e hall at thus plaru on time 8th , that mi per iod in time lust fseuus of time chuuty Rr pore over time snuuriquet of "Mau my V tern umtu a numnbf'Y ' ) yesterday at time a poiuluml dace some drawn thither b al desire to ) aricI'Jm in thu scramble for "fat offices , " atmd some impelled by a curiosity that a call 1 where real origin and dcslgn , being so un certain , would naturally draw in fact , tltouujlm this snuno call was discovered to have originated lucre it was only a cur- muse that Church II' we designed it. Ilow correct that surmise was mommy ho judged by time fact hunt Ur. llowe nttended the convention in pemnn and was semi tug. log on amid prompting lime strikers to have time convontlon hnmedintely put a ticket in the field , and faiiiuq in this tried to spring an ndjournment , before a commit' too seiocted to report on time time and manner of holding a regular people's vemtiou could ha heard. Such a rentureeomo act oum the part of Mr. Howe , whose past reputation for party integrity hsa not been the moat enviable , cannot help but hasten the ono. votabie catastrophe of his burial , Llnyil Mason was chosen chairmnan of the meutimm , and , on motion , appointed limo commmttou above mentioned. The report of time committee was adopted and fixed limo time of holdiuv the primaries on time 27th of time moutim , too came day the Republican county con'outiomt meets , amid time date of time people's couvcntiumt ou time followimmg Monday. Mr. lirontly and friuuds were present and controlled the convention in spite of time alforts undo far llowo and Colby. In regard to time judicial contest , Dlr. Mundy , boiug time possessor of auch a high character mud ilnolegal attainments , will muul'iubtediy carry this county by a large majority , C , B. . . - - - - - ilcutelce Null's. BCATIIICE , October 10.-Mr , Colby's nonmimatiomi for .Iutigo of time First time. trict hum been met by time resentment of time people of ( Inge coummty. Time delega- tiou from this county to time district comm. vention wlmich nominated him was put up hm time usual currnpt nmannerfow mespcct able Itepublitaus participating in time primaries. Time Express , time only lte- publican paper in Dir. Uolby's own town , is up in nrnms against aim , amid is heartily supporting the Anti Dlonopolyamdidate. Besides this , the respectable leading Republicans - publicans of the county , fooling outraged bud humiliated by his non. nation , imave joined hands to conpnas his detest. The result of these thinge will be that bar , itrntly will receive from 500 to 700 majority iii Gage county. Pawnee and Johnson clnumtes will also give hint large maj'ri- tios. Ili , owe eouuty , Nemaba , wdl give him all the way h uui 500 tt 1 it'll ' wnjority. Colby will hardly knou th mr he is ruunuig. With fair and square work and nn trading with Immune ducks , the Anti- bTonopoly ticket of Gego county will have a walkaway. It is composed of fur e cceptiutmablo material , generally acceptable - blo to all good citizens. Yours , J. W. STATE JOTTINGS. A potitinm signed by 601) voters asks that Ilult county be dlvided. An effort is befog made to org tnizo a mill. tary cmnpsuy at I'umica. A Polish woman was killed near Columbus ou the tith by a runaway tuam. 'l'imo Aluxmulria cme mery will be ready for busluo s by the iiuet of Novmuher. Ogallala expects to eentl 1,100 cars of cat- the to mimrkot in hlo of time next thirty days. Shire Dlnv lilth Tium Carrabhm , of Etn- ersoa line Yubl cattle to the amount of $69 ; 77CmTim Tim , Uuitarinns of the State kohl their tint anumal uleetiug at Lincoln , October : tO , old 81. 'Elm' 1h ubbell News enjoyed a square men ! "if n four pourul sweet potato , a Jouatiun from to a f.u m of A , Rruder. 'I'Iw ficightiog buisnesn ( omit of Sidlloy con- tlunes tai be hmrge. tVithln n few Jaya re. et itil' , ; 3i0o00 pounds weru wagnuodott to the mini tii. 't'bo St. poll l'hntugruph says that St. Paul is 6mat b'c"u fm ; time alibiing place for h nest of druiekan roughs amid readies that defy tholuu' amid ebdleugu art et. l.uyt Friday night Lurglore Lanka hit , 1)r. I'hum's etnro nt Ayr , mil c trricd nit cxnsidtrt , his property , consi4huig of soscu watiiee , 1,2011 cijars , $100 worth of jeuulry and some cutlery. Time town of Plielpv Center , Phelps cmmmuty , is on taw move to a pointsovun tnllos snuthatst , if time Ioresout lua.mtiuu , cm time cut "tl of the It. & 3l Time town site cornImany duuatod huts to mdl pers0mis nioviilg their ludldinge. They laud a base ball game at Cuhunbus time other day botweou time tiletlre , and lawyers that hruko uIp in a big row at the close of the 0lth burin , , time uugdro hmaving a run to pre. sorre hie piiy.ical being fromtm unuhldbmtion. Near Kearney , nn the 8th , Mrs. Lizzfo 1Vat- snt trod a 5 uumths' old san as ere di iviug 0loilg time road , buying a con tied to time route of the wagon. The cow hecaue mminuuotgnable rmtltl tmil5et tlmn ivagol , , Itmstumtly : killing time baby aid lujury time uurthor tit such an extemit as to nn'd 'r recovery doubtful , 1Vhilu a yilnilg nuul minuted Nutlor was a- i.istingturmnuving a buildhtgfrouu laul'urto to IVuyiu , ono tiny last week , tire /npst / ulm liar brlku ill miser wlmeru time burro was hitchwl , tumid flybmg hack struck Ida out time ! mead , iu tlhetiumg a term hue svuuud amid pruduehmg coal ( iii ssiun of the hratu , it Butt nccouuts lw cos still tdtve , though umiconselmu , mid but little hopes were eutertahued u'f his recovery. (1. V iAmter is a cmdid"t' ) fur uflice hu 1)hody bud Ifitehcoek cocotio + , llit is out pnrtienbr siunn time uflity ) uud lint ; i mmturud thin dull at his own $ tm id u. thhtm. Ile l + not at ell hick u'arl it m condos ! fnrwarl and sltutelmes his uiu ditlcati"us tw bdlnu'.m ohm religdhu I san h 3lsthudhat , lmavimug nu couiideuuu in gaud works , but bolluvu bm juetniratbum by f.dth aluao. In iwlitfus I loan , t very little to the 1)uuwcracy ) , bultuviug it to rti oruselt u sysbtni of guvorlumunt in favor of lieu trade , ulth just me little ndvalnruuu t , keep fat the troaslu. ry ; sum to favor of high license , and alum will- hug tlmt all umomi eta } review nmy recant buck to 18tH , amid wlll hold myself la rutuilness to repel any attack uladeuumcltimer ; umy private , otlicial or judiciulchrnctcr. " ICrep tire Judlolary Toro. Imoslmlru ExpnlYS. flout. .1. 11. Broady , of Bruwnvillu , hue received time uuaniumtms nonuinatiou of tau Anti Dlonwpuly uud Demucatie ) con vvntiumie ml mid tmu time only cuuupuIitni- agaimist tbo ate utblicitu notu meo. DIr. Brom l is svull known thrum'hhut this Ilmtiiunil , districtlu.ivim' hemm m reaitiunt of Bowmivillu for about tiftemm years , bud practiced in tun district court of eachh county from which lie asks support. Umdur ordinary circuumstulcce Time Ex' prods could support its party num. mmee , but in this test mmce Dlr. J , 11. Ilrouuly is so highs mibovu imis Itupublicau conmputitor that partisanship should cut mm figure. Upon time name of J 11. Jtruady as a ctttzun , as amt nttor- tey , us ma politician-no word of ill hue or am bu spukea. Upright as a citizen , hon. enable amid able iii lute praeticu as mn attor bey , uumd cienu huudetl min time polities of hho party , lie has cunmu to be regauded as time lit men to sit unmet limo bvuclm jt this district , amid adumumetur a desiued rebuke to the bummar ulcunumit amul the bununor euuuljdatc of thu ltepublicatn party. DL , heady is a Dontocimt. 'l'hieis mum ardent Itepublcau pupur , Ilan Dlr , Iirruly is au bo morahle us well Imo. nn able ) mull ; aidbelioviu' thmtt he whm survea hula counlr' beat sloth llku yisosurvo his mart ' beat , 'lime Ex frees temders voluntari Its heat sup ) ort to time best eaid'Idute for au old cu that first of all should be ] meld apart fromm I olitical nianhpulution and lair. tuaari djctation. DIr. Broady has suuply beet called out to eatiefy a popular do. mnnd , and while polling the full Demo cattle and Anti Momiupoly vote will cut down the Itepubllcan vote as has never been done nt title district before. ICeep time jutlieinty puro. Iluukleu'n Aruloa Salvo , The greatest medical wonder of the world. Wturnntod to speedily cure Burns , Cuts Ub core , Salt liheunm , Fever Sores Cancers lr'ilon , Chilblains , Cores 'latter dhsppod jtnndi , and nil skin eruptions , guaranteed to cure in every irutnuco , or money rofundtd. 25 cents er box. 81'EEO ON ItAIIjWAY8. Tire Itate at Wilell tic Great Expresses - presses Travel Albany Journel. "It isn't because our nginos can't do it that time railroad trains in this country do not run ms fast as they do inn other countries , " nu eumgineer ou Um Now York Central said yesterday to a , Tournal reporter - porter , lie bud beer shown a , ) uulislmell statonent that time tine nmado in time United States was very nlow compared to the schedules in force abroad , particularly oil time Ellellsii lines , ' 1Vhem there is need of it , 1' time engineer coitiuucd , "ice prow the capacity of our loconotivea ) bud road bed to iucrcaau time eilccd to time highest liuuit. But safety us preferred here to reckless speed. 'Thera many of ua w ho would be glnd to send our nm ch ines at the rate of fifty miles an lour if time tinlo tumble would allow it ammo ! laugh at time little danger , but time rules me atria. " lu n conmpilation of the relative speed of time fastest traiue in time world it is found that time limited express of time New York Central , ruminng at about 40 miles am hour between Now York and Albany , ramiks fourtoenth. Time regular trains min time sane railroad , which average - age about 83j utiles an hour , are at tun foot of the list , 1Vhat is kuowu as "time Flying Dtmtehntan , " rumisinb' front London to Bristol , is time train wlmiclt travels more rapidly than aiy other in time world. It eouupletes a dietance of I18j miles , nunk- iug nu stops , iii tire hours , mmakiug nu average of 59A miles an homer. A train teimich rues between Paddington amid Swimulnu , Euglnnd , takes second place. 'Time dustauee fs 77k smiles , tlto tiumo one hu mr and twemmty-seven minutes , and mutolle ) none , maid time average speed 53j miles. Gernumsy is also progressive amt this matter. Un the railroad between Berlin and Hanover a train is rut which makes the 1521 miuilcs in three hours amid 18 minutes , keeping up an average of over 51 miles an iour. The train front lnudnu to l'uterboro comes next , cover- lem 74 } miles in 1 hour amid 29 minutes. 'I Iils is on am average of 511 stiles. Cas- nda is ahead of time United States as far as expeditious railroad is concerned - ed , a train on the Canada Pacific , from Coteau to Ottawa , making 78 4-10 mules in 1 hour and 8.1 miuules , or fatty miles m ) hoe , iucludimig three stops , The Pemisylvauia Jtuilroad runs time fastest tr.iimi in this country betwounJersey City and Philadelphia , a distamco of 90 miles. It mattes one step and reaches its desti- natiomi imi I hour aad 52 minutes. Time avaragu per hour is 48 3.10 miles. Other trains ure as follows : England-Leedom to Edhtbom o , 399 miles , 9 hours , average 45 miles ; Pennsylvania Bound Brook route-Jersey City to PJmiladelphia , 89 4.10 mules , 2 hours , 5 strops , average 44 710 miles ; Boston to Providence , 44 miles , 1. hour , no stops , average 44 miles ; New York , Boston and Providence , 64 miles , 1 hour , 35 mimiutes , uo stops , average 412.10 utiles ; Grand I'rusk-Montreal to Cotesu , 37k miles , 55 nliuutes , 1 stop , average 41 mites ; I uuadisu P.Icitie-btuntreul to Ottawa , 120 tunes , 2 hour's mind 55 ) minutes , 3 sunpc , avurngo 41 utiles ; New York Con- tmuml-Albumy t" New York , 142 utiles , Iii , sluts , 31 Motes average 41i miles ; I.tltiucru ! uud Ohio-Baltimore to 1Vaclt a ; , 40 utiles , I hour 1 stop , average 1 ales ; New York to New haven , 74 nmilea. 1 hour , 55 minutes no atops , average - ago 30 7.10 miles ; Boston and Albauy- Boslon to Spriugtield , 98 utiles , 2 hours , 34 nmiuutes , 3 stops , average 38 2.10 roles ; Now York to Chicago , 913 miles , :05 immure , average 3i ( nudes. A hint en a Brng Storo. Never was such a rush made out any drugstore as is now at C. F. Gooduun's for a trial hot tie of Ir. IChmg's Now Ihscovery for Con. snumptiun , Coughs ahd Colds. All persmme alfectod with asthmma , brouchltie , hoareemiess , severe coughs or huty ntlectlot of too throat anti lungs , unit get a trial bottle of tlmis great runmdy fro by mdliug at above drug store. Itovulnt size , $1.00. A tEN ) 01 SiA LIONS. Clew a tiny 1Vrostlud a Cub on Anaea pt : Ishtvd , Callftrnla , , san Ilvrbera I'rrs. In uutuu' time egged rocks , ouer which time natters lazily Inched thumuselves into frutlm , mull foam. Larco rowed us. We ( nuked up iii awe and wonour attho dark blrek rocks , upon where Imigher points could ho dimtnetly seen time nests mmd time mutt uullurban of hue caie fatuilies wlro resmded Lhero. Tln uugha narrow pass butwcun these rases amid sea are in a ruck inclosed basin iii moat henatlt the precipitous eli0's of uio mium1n island. A plu of eunohtblywmmslued stones aifiirded a handing pluteu , mind we svero at the ntouth of a hlrgo cavu ni uud ueara muteh worn by the waturs through it mass of rock. A railroad trait could pass through this tnnuel at low tide ; at highs title it is sacred to the wild waves mud 1)reakers. To the right thrru is a dcn , atld such a doe , too , hicro were seen at lemuet two hundred little sea helm pupa or cubs rolling nud tummbliug over the rocks , wholy uneomsci hums of bur presuuco , It vita riot mlmmtjf a eliot Iutul boon lired and rocks throws at theui that the large sera lions became alarmed. Duey were mint brave anti made mio attempt to protect their young. On time cntray ( , r.9 soon as they saw ue look. iug iii their nursery time ) give loud barks , irts our roars amid dived deep into time water b'huch rose and fell n foamy breakers at the mouth of the cave. A hundred could have been caught n ltli ease , au stupid did Lucy appear to be. I IYIIilY1W YWIUW" 1THE ; GIIEAI uENh1N 01 ' CIGllOa ' s rIfSi91' m ' fi pli0Y Nola e y wr e ! y , + mr /.Illlyel i . ll ilj { /a / . , i.0 / IIIiM/ milt It II r jij ' , maflu . 11 I Nouralttla , c..ilJllr IraA SciatiLaLunuhago , f.4. .a tie i-u , ' ; GCaQA0116T001IldCQt , ! k' i ' . t GrMYI : s6I1t TBOQ ter n - wr ; rru uvr. ; lmaasuaUA't SoreaotsCutsOrultea 't4' v' ) K'i i i.o-ruri , ' t , , . ' ; aa fltk : s np1.At txat'm , lf' ' gp.mth'ntle ILr111ynci , s t ' IA I m'fg' ' If ' 'mnie alld paa t IIFIY foilS K G OTll.f , I an u"I fe Irmae d It j ' Il h t tw lue , m : I m I mtaur , In nU , i I uuleLes. I , P ' 1N ) i The Charies A , Vcaeler I t lar.w.I. d. itUel re alt d snp.5 , , ed. c.ll t JJJ..I Dry Goods ! SAM'L C. CO. , Washington Avenue and Elfth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS , MO STEELE JOHNSON & Coe Wholesale Grocers ! AND JoBEERS IN FLOUR SALT , SUGARS CANNED GOOiSa N ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES A FULL LINE OF THE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobaccos AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO MANUPMrrUItEmm OF CaIvaoiid IrooCornices1 t iodov CapsFio iaIs Skpllghte do' Thirteenth Street Neb MAX MEYER & Ci , IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS I AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC A ( I D PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Comt nation , Grapes Progress Nebrask , a , Wyoming and Brigands. WE a DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. a Ce Fe GOODMAN , j t Druggist AND DEALER IN Pus ! , Oils , Yarilishes aM ¶ illdo 1ass ' 1 OMAHA. NEBRASKA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO ' Grower s of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO GroUnd Oil Cake. It le the best and cheapest food tor stock of . any kind. One pound le equal to three pounds of eon tuck fed with Ground 011 Cake In the Fate and winter , instead of , . running down will Increase In w.l ' and ho In , good marketabio condition In the eprlng. Dairymen , as well as othere , who It testify . use can its merits It . rlcco7 . n4 Try and Judo for youreolvee. I 5.0o Per ton : no charge far sacks. Addreee % OODs1AN LINSEnD OIL COMPANY , Omaha stn , ' ° - , m , . , . . .rl " { r r MANUFAu'rUIER of of unuOTLv FIRST-CLASS Carriae , BuiesRoa , AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. Isla and 1920 Harney . Street and ° 403 S , lath Street , n trated t atalncfe furulxhe.l tree morn + pnllrntdvn OMAHA , NEB , WILT Boiler allul Slieet Troll orK I ' OMAHA , uuadau kinds of Steam uouer. , Smoke Stacks , , , NEBRASKA , Droeching Lard Ovate . and Olt Tanks , and do , pite Irou bualaoes. Itepetlydng done to City and Country. All wart a roaew Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted 8eoond hand Bollei will be kept oa baud , . of thooountry lam oonAdeotlaoglreeatistadtoa Tlarlnr had , many , year. erperiaaoein the trade In didereet wr.i9thandl'tercubtrak hath lbs brat oho P and too ! In the Sala J. M , WILSON ProDrletor.