Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1883, Image 1

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TlfIli,1'IENTII,1t Ulp Gore O1fA1A [ , NPI ; . FRII1'IOItVVG , fCTUIi1IL ) l2. 1883. NO. ] U0 :
. .
In anticipation of the winter SCASOn/ ( , ' 4 ' 11 'ti , ) ' l (111gacrCll ) I ' ( ' ) ill ' ' l (1111' ( hlrtr ( . ' StCl. ( lately fll'1'iYC(14 f)1 ( ' Olll0 ) elllll ' tr of winter o OOdSai(1 ( 0 win ' g
to the lack of rooni oecawiolle(1 ( 1 ) 3 r the addition of 1\1 L\V I. ) 4111 ; l { ' .1 1l E , N T , ' ' we ilil\r ( ' , # Ili'I ] i 11Lfl the seCon(1 ( f1 ) Ir of our bulldl ( r for alto dlslnilY of
such goods that were crowded out by our mw St0 ( 'li" " , .111 (1 few (1a ( ' 'e will iilnolL a the ( lieY fll(1 ( ( ( liltc ( ) f ( ) nil'
' (3TLA : NJJvIN ; - TIE ] ir 0 p NTFN G , ; . : :
On which occasion which 1 will exceed all f)1 ) ' nlcl ' c'f'FOrts ' ; 'c , will display fun , ° ' the eunsldel'atiun 0 ! the 1)ub11c
' , 4 c : i xl L1 i i .a 'x : e : r ' Rat
a , In referring t0 this new feature ill our business we 110 'i1e yiglu' iI l ] 111C(11atC ( f 1 ttention t0 S)11C 11C\Y al'I'1ViilS In Olli' SILK AND BLACK GOODS
: / ' , 1 l fll1.1 , , , 1 fe of ' the ' , 1 b ' ( ancd. m
x DL lPA:11/1'111I . /1 he f llowinb alai it w 1'll c t lI'brfl1ns just o Ie .
22 Inch Lyons Black Cashmre Silt - - X1,00 Silk Pushes , all ShadoI $ L55 56 Inch Plaid Gilbert Suitings. . . , . . . . 1,30 i
:22 : : : ; : : : - - 1,20 : : : : - : - 1,70 56 Inch Ladles Cloth Sultln s , . , . . - 850
.23 1,35 195
( i tt t ii tt 36 Inch 't ' a1 ! Shades421.2o
.Z4 1.75 -2,30 CahmerosI „
24 " " It _ _ 2,30 tt .1 - - 2.80 " " II
i- 38 Inch . . . , , , , 571-2c
20 Inch Black Brocaded Silk , - - ,95 42 Inch Ihlck Ca.hmere , " ' ' , . . . . . , „ 551-2c 46 Inch English ' , , , , , , , 471-2a
' " tt 42 Inch All-Wool Blank Cashmere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621-2c , ,
20 - - - 1,15 - : 48 itch All-Wool Lublus Goys , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 75c
.24 ti tI - - 1 35 42 Inch All-Wool Black CaEhmei' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 751-2c
.24 ti Brocaded Satin , _ ' _ 1G0 44 loch All-uoI Black Ga , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , - 4G Inch All Wool Lub in i S Cashmeres , all shad es U I L
. 24 ti + t - - 1 75 44 Inch All-Wool B bck , 44 Inch Shooda Cloths , all Ihades. . . . , . . , . . . , , , . , , , , , , 70o
" B.auk Ottomans . . 50c " t'
24 - - _ 2,30 Double Width , Inch ,
24 ' + t 2 ,65 46 Inch All-Wool B a k t ttoutaus , . , . , . , , , . . . 90c 44 Inch Corded Ferule Cloths all shades65c
Ic " 46 , nth All-Wool BI.k Fuula d 75c
21 _ 44 Inch Ottomans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,121.2c'
.Extra , ( Wide Blaa k ' Brocaded Silk ( I Velvet , $2.60 25 Inch AU-Wool Plaids/ I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ; . , . . , , 321-2c Asrabett Cloths , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 921.2c
: - 2,65 25 Inch ' . , . . . . " ' . 25c
( I - 3.10 25 Inn h ti : : : . : . : .1. , : : . : : : . : : : : : : : : : 43 Icch Camelot Cloths 85c
"I t ti - 3.45 40 I cb 611 WtJol Buck and W i lt d C h a k s , , . , 3. , 1-2c 44 inch Billiard Cloth$105
' - 3.90 44 Inch Plaid . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . 950 Jorsen Clef h all shades , . . . . , , . , . . , , . , . . , . . , , . , . . . , . , , , . , , , 1.00
.mot k , , ' - :
ra Linen Extra Size ,
I I'.Il Farlla Street. 1
. t
w . , . . . . . ,
- ' , .ry nfiw e6wr1lsa. . ; ; . > 1 < ' , -Cu-I
the Rcpuhlicaas of Ohio Caught Ill the
Greuud Swell and Hurled
Out of Sight ,
While the Democrats Ride to
Power on the Foaming Billows -
- lows of Beer.
The Gambrinue of the Hour Congratulated -
gratulated BY the Leading
Bourbons of the Nation ,
Prohibition I'rocccdH to l'rohitlt In
Iowa by Way nl tllu Back Door.
I - - - - - -
COLU11UUH , October 11.-Moro corn.
ploto returns from tic clactioit indicate
an increase of the Democratic majority ,
and will probably be considurably over
12,000. The Sonata will bo two to ono
Democratic and the house is estiunated
t 43 Itcpublictuls and 62 Domocrah ,
Later returns on the legislative ticket
udicato that the Democratic majority on
. joint ballot will not be more than 24.
Tlio second amendment received about
' . 300,000 votes , and will probably be
atdopted ,
' fi TI1 } Lka1ML.tTWti.
CINCINNATI , October 11.-The follow.
ing aertatora wore elected nccordini to
latest returns : First District , Wan , Cald
well , \Vin. I , O'Brien , A. J Prudan ,
or D.'s ; Second District , C K Ellliott , D , ;
' Third , Simon Brewer , D. ; Fourth , IL
r 1reyore , D. ; Fifth , Jesse N Oren , It. ;
Sixth , \Vni , II , Iteod , D. ; Seventh , Job
\V , Orcgg , It. ; Eighth , John H. Evans ,
R. ; Ninth , 0. S , Welsh , D. ; 'I'unth , A ;
It. Van Cleat , 1) . ; Eleventh , SV. . Diu'
finger , it. Twelfth , A. 0. Cable , D ,
Thirlecutlq J , .1 , hone , R ,
Fourteenth , Gilbert Smith , 1) .
Fiftaanth and Sixteenth , John O'Noil ,
. D , ; Seventeenth , Eighteenth and Nine.
teontliV. . D , Crowull , D. ; 't'wentieth ,
SilonolL lingua IL ; Twontyfirat , .J. V.
Lewis , D. ; Twoiityaecoad , John M.
Dickinson , It. ; Tweutythurd , A lonzo D.
Fasaett , it. Twentyfourth , Twenty
fifth , S. R. Wilcott It. TwentY sixtlu o
? A. . Williane , Gao III. Ely , R. ; Twen
' . ty e0V0uth , 'Pwenth - ninth , T. 0.
I,001810 , IL ; Tliirtieth , Godfrey .Jaeger ,
' I D. Thirty fret , T. 11.Villimus ,
; Thirty ssecond Thomas J.
Ferry , . nd Elmer \Yhito D. ' Thirty.
third , IY H. McL man D , and ( YBrany
Total 22. Republicans 11.
elected are : John It.
; Young , D : ; Geo. W. Hall , D. ; Byron
S wolf , D , ' Freeman Throp , R. ; J.
SP , I , It , , Goo.V. . Holbroo , _ D. ,
s amuel huh , . ; It. II. IIiggims , D. ;
sF. . Cunningham , D. , R , C , ltosa , R. ;
I John W. Ogden , It. ; John Ii , Littler , R.
The Times Stars footings of the .
Ilton county vote elect ChM. E. Brown ,
Republican , Senator , Win , Peet , I eter
F. Striker , Republican , Itopreeortativoe ;
Wsbnits , Republican , County ' Conmia
sioner. It makes Hoadloy's majority
1,870. The official returns must be
awaited to know to a certainty m to
Senators and Representatives. The ju
diciul amendment is carried beyond
doubt. The first amendment will not
get over 100,000 vota. The prohibition
vote is essiniated at from 6,000 to 20,000 ,
and the Greenback 20,000 ,
CINCINNACI , 0. , October 11-Judge
badly spent several hours in his office.
to dey where ho was visited by a largo
number of friends to congratulate Lima.
Much time was consumed in receiving
reading telegrams of congratulations.
Amiollg tliein was thi6 :
YONK11LS , N. Y. , October 11.-I con
gratulate you on your brilliant triumph.
( signed ) S. J. Tr1.rm.
'l'elegrnms were also received from
Senator Jonas of Louisiana , Robert Gar.
ret of Balti nero , Senator McDwnld ,
Aug. Belmont and many others ,
lho condition of returns in this county
is such that nothing can bu definitely
stated in addition to what hoe beau given
until the official count. This will be
next week. A rumor is current in sonic
places that Gov. Foster and other Ru
publicans were hero to investigate tire
charges of fraud in counting the vote ,
but inquiry among the Republicans reveals
veals no knowledge of auclt charges or of
such investigation.
CoLualuus , 0 , , October 11.-Neither
of thu State committees are making any
elfurt to obtain detinito results frown thu
election since it has beol eonceeded that
ovorythimg is aafelyDmncratic. The Bom
ocratic headquartura was practically
closed today. Notlrinj ; has been done
by the Republican conuntttee. 'l'hofirst
atnunihaout is defeated , and as irearly as
c ii be estiuiated the second anwndnent
will gut about 300,000 votes , and is prob.
ably defeated by all way from ten to
fifty thousand.
Some advocates of the aecnd amend.
nintt claim it has carried , but havu no
fgeros to show it with. Ilamillon and
Cauyahoga dulogatioiis are divided in the
proportion winch has beat reported.
An ustituato has been madu iii whichm
both chniralun of thu connnitteea
substantially agree that the Senate will
stand twenty 1lonocrats , uluveir Itopub
licang ; lfuuso , sixtythrce Dumocrats and
furtytwo Rupublicasa , being a majority
of thirty two on joint ballot. Those fig ,
urea are liable to alight change by thu
final results.
TihF $ L1TI T 1 ItOM IOWA ,
Cn1CAUo , October 11.-Thu .Journal's
Des Moines special says Sherman's nia
jority will reach 30,000. Complete returns
turns from 69 counties , which includes
heavy Democratic ones , give him 13,300 ,
Partial returns from the remaining court.
ties give him 2,770. His plurality will
not be less than 12,000. The Iowa
House is close. The Republicans now
have 64 , opposition 41. Of the remain
lug five the Republicans will got three ,
'l 'ho Senate now stands Republican 37 ,
opposition 8 , in doubt 6 , .Judge Cook is
elected in the Sixth district by a small
DBs Motxl s Ion October 11-Addi
tional returns from tune Iowa election received
coived this forenoon , does not materially
change Oho figures on the State and Leg.
I islature sent to the Associated Prods at
one o'clock this morning. Sherman will
have between 26,000 and 30,000 majority
over Kiuno and from 12,000 to 16,000 ,
over Kimle and Weaver. Thin Senate
will probably stand 40 Republicans to 10
Fusionists and the house 64 Republi
cants to 40 Fusionists.
10:00 : lo. in.-Definito returns have
be011 received by the State Register on
the Legislature , and the result is posi
tively known so far as it can be
until the official count has settled
a few close contests. Thu Sunato will
stand X10 Republicans , 9 Democnats and 1
doubtful , the latter fronl Linn county.
where the reault is so close and doubtful
it will take the oficial count to decide.
Senator Ltrabeo , imatoad Of being d0
feated nH reported yesterday , is elected
and so is Barrett. In this count hems.
hreimer , of Mills county , is counted is
elected , nlthoucli thu Ilondrics ( fusion )
claims three majority by throwing out ten
miss rolled ballots for fuiuslneimer , but
the intention of the voters casting tire
imperfect ballots was so plain that Ileins
heiuier will be given the certificate. Thu
11(11150 on complete and bedrock figures
stands as follows : Republicans 62 , Indn-
periileut 1 , Democrats :10 : , Greenbacks 7 ,
tlouhtful J , n R pul lican majority out
joint ballot of 34 ,
Full and totipioto returns from fi0
counties give Sherman 19,424 majority
over Kinne and 4,851 over ICiuno mud
Weaver both. In these 60 counties Sherman -
man has a total vote of 80 624 , Kiuno
07,200 and Weaver 14,673 , , the latter's
vote being made by full returns much
larger than was oxpeeted yesterday and
the day before. Incomplete but pretty
definite returns from the other 49 counties -
ties , giving mnjoritirs simply , makes
Sliornran's uiaj , rity over ICiuno 20,0(10 (
and the majority over nil 8,000 or 0,000
CAPITAri NoTr's.
WAsrnNwroN , October 11.-Attorney
General Browstpr returned \Vrhing
ton mud was on duLy tn day. The I'resi
dent and nil members of the cabinet are
now in the city.
Secretary Folger says it it is probable
he will soon issun a call for 3 per cent
Lands. The amount of the call is rot
dreided on.
Tiig .tultuUL'runAL , DI:1'ARTMBNT
will not have the corn and wheat report
ready until to morrow. Thu estimate at
presort indicates that the cotton crop
wall not exceed 6,800,000 bales. Corn
* iu , ) Vcragu souletluing like 25 iushols
liar , Grc : 'T'otal crop about 1,6226,000,000 ,
Wheat will show an increase
6f pearly 100,000,000 , or about 413,000 ,
00p hue lels. Oats will ahow up
atuurs' titrlke.
Pmrrenunn , I'm. , October 11-A Scott ,
dale ( Pa. ) spoclsl says the minors wire
have been on a strike for several works
against the iron-clad chock weighman
law , went to work last week , the ein
ploycra not insisting on thorn signing ,
but this vveok several Union loaders wore
singled out and dischar od , whereupon
tie rnineraquit work again and refused
to resume until their companions are reinstated
instated ,
t Uu d cr lire Ol d Sr5tciu We Had Our
BcUs and Wallopcd Oar Niogcrs ; l
"Under the Now We Pay Our
Niggors and Wallop Our
Debts. "
Henry Wattorson's ' uparklinl ; Address -
dross to the Bankers' ' Convention -
tion at Louisvillo.
1'roceedilg a of rho lrulllon Brethren
LOUISVILI.d , ICy. , October 11.-The
Baukets' asaociutron rnetat 10:30 : o'clock ,
a. in. George Ar. Davis , of Louisville ,
subuuhtted a paper er bankruptcy which
owing to its length was not read , the au
thor saying that it would ho published.
It was resolved that the interests of the
country demand speedy euacttnmrt by
Can reso of same regulations of cent
mercer amoub thu States , eI t u vulent to a
National law equitable in its previsions
for debtor arid crulitor in all sections of
tlm country.
Day dsoi , of Cincinnati submitted ,
without remdimg a paper containing a di.
gust of tire laws of till States on exam' ' ,
Lions mat , references , which will be subjects -
jects for future discussion by the asseira
lion , ' 1'heu came wlurt uii 6 t be called
au experieurco uneeting , in which the dul-
agates from the southerni States gave iu
terestiug sketches of the ninleriul pros
peas of vrrrtnus southern States with eta
tistics which supplied ntartliug inforuta
liar to ihaeu who were not personally -
sonally finuitiar with their position.
GeorgoS. Coo docliued re'ultchon , amt
h. S. Grigo , of Chicago , was uartriuumsly
elected presodent. fur , Cugo is caslnur
of thu 1"irst Nutioaal of Chicuga. F , II ,
Griggs , vice presidotit , wad re uluctd ,
Other officers chosen were treasurer ,
George F. na6er ; general secretary , Ed.
round 1) , ] tnulolpb ; cnrrespardiii seeru-
Jury , ( ioorge lslanabuid. After the eke.
tine of nlhccrs lloi , henry \Vatternou ,
who had been invited to address the aa
toeiation , enured the hall and was conducted
ducted to lire stage , whore , on his hutro
duetion , hewus received with lively and
aIgsrcIativo applause. After a few
pleasing remarlir , relatuu to the occas-
ion to balks and bankers Ire took u
the south , which was tlm a o'ial order of
tire duY , nd , in an ulo I urnt address ,
spoke of that section ,
S'ni sioltY or Till HOUpt.
lion , Henry Wattersar betug Intro.
duced was received whir applause , lie
said , 16 was riot to hear of links and
banking that your did mu the ouor to
call Inc before you. I nut told you wish
me to talk to you about the south. It
is no problem at all. I thank'od at
last we ran say with truth is is amply a
guo.mihical , I expression , [ A IrPhose , ]
'llro whole story of time south ray be
stumped up in a sentence. Sire wasrtclt
and sire lost her riches ; sire was poorund
in bondage , she was act free and tbotiad
. .
to go to work. Shewent _ to work and "
she is richer than she ever was before.
Thus , you soon that it was a ground
hog case , [ Laughter. ] The soil was
hero , the elitruato was Inure , but along
with thorn was the curse of shvury ,
God passed the rod across the hind and
smote the pa0plo. Then in his goodness
and mercy lie waved the wand of eui
cluuntmont , aunt In , like a flower , his
blessutg burst forth , [ Appirwsm , ] Iii.
( lead pray not the South say , ' 'Sweet are
the uses of adversity , [ Appbuisu. ] the
south never knuw what iadopeudeoco
nlernt ; until she was taught by subjection
to subdue herself.V0 lived hr err brad
to aunith ; we bad our debts stud owned
niggers. Under the old syston we
lord/ our debts and wulluped our
rllggera ; tinder the new we hay our m6
gers nod wallop our debts. [ Lnughtur
uttd applriusu.'I 'I'Iru truth is that buluind
the great uutlle the South were to its
rltirt there lay c(1nceallud a superb tuau-
hood , 't'hat thus ilrmuhoud was por'orled
there is too donut ; that it wasted its
energies upon trifles is beyond dispute ;
that it took pride in cultivating what it
called the vices of a guntlemau I ant
afraid must also be alulitted , but at
heart it was 5(11111(1. From that heart
flowed henoat , Auglo Suxon blood , and
when it had to lay aside Ulu
broadcloth and. put un jeans it
tai equal to the euurgoucy.
[ Great npplnuao. ] And the wouea of
the South took their plneei beside tire
met of tire South , and by tine npiuning
% S 110(11 and tie plnwsharu , together they
madu a stanud against tire wolf rut the
door , 't'hat was fifteen years ago , and
today there hi no reward ofrured In a
single Southern State for wolf skins ,
'l'ime fact is , even tire wolves got akiauued ,
thmnsulves mud bravo goue to work. [ Alo-
plnuse , ] 1 beg you to believe , that ur
saying this , my purpose is neither to
nuuso or to mislead you. Thu future of
tie South is as well assured as the future
of theVust. . Why should tutu
nuntuy which is freely loaneul to
Iowa and Illinois be refused to
Alabama cud hi ississippi , You ] ulvu
money to loan ; we bravo a great country
to develup5 u have given hostages to
fortune , cud our works are before you.
1 know that capital is pnnerbislly Mind ,
but what are you afraid 011 It is not our
cotton that alaras you , or our corn , orour
sugar. I'e'hafos it. is our coal add iron ,
\Vithout you , iii truth , uaany of those
products must make slow progress , \Vith
you the south will bloom as a garden and
sparkle as a gold mine , for whether you
tickle ter furtilu holds with a straw or
apply the more violent tillatiou to her fat
meuitaiu sides , sire is ready to laugh a
hurvestof untold riches , [ 1'rolongedap
plause. ]
Coo , of Now York , moved tire adoption
of the following resolutionr :
ltcsOtVed ; Tlrat it is le the settee of the
Amurican llsukura' Association that con
pulsury cntnugo of the standard silver
dollar of 412 grains is against the wel
fsr3 of tire natiou ; that they recommend
to Corvresa time discontinuation of such
coinage , oily hit such aueunla as this de
nrauds of the country nquiro.
After aprotrsctod debate this resoln
tion was adopted.
A resolution was aulopted authorizing
tie I resident , Vice 1 restdont and Exoeu
tire Cuuuoil to prepare and digeat a plan
. . _
"f o 'bo ifesentod to Cbngross.of the Nan
tionnl banking business.
A resolution of tbamks was adopted
and tine convention tuljournod sine die ,
AmtEHTLn I oft FOImBaY ,
ST. Loots , October 11-A dispatch
from San Autnuio , ' says : A young
Juw uaimed Ibdport wrn arrested there
charged with pupetratinv forgery ou lire
counting house of Kidder , Puabody &
Co. , Roston , for :30,000. , Ilalpert du-
nies the eluuge and gave $10 000 bail ,
two largo ilrercanlilo firms going Iris ec-
eurity. Tire forgery is said to iuvu beau
camtaittud sonic time last amullr.
BeacoN , October 11-Information ro
calved states that lltdpert , tine Boston
forger arrested in Sun Antonio today
and released on $10,000 bail , had tut
abunduncu of money. Police Ituspoctor
llanscoa hits gone to Sari Auturio.
lumi.iNU TIIB r1A11. .
Jrasav Cirv , N. J. , October 11-Coo.
Q.Vnrudehh , letter carrier , and sun of
Asaistnt PostuastorVandull , was arrested -
rested this everriug for stealing money
front letters.
uouxcau volt nuuutty.
Orr'AwA , October 11-Sir Jotut lure.
Dunrld wits unseated for county Lennox
an account of bribery by agents in tire
bust election , Sir debit was elected for
two constitumucies , Lennox nod Carlton.
lie will out represmit Carlton.
DANvinLa , Vat. , October 11-John A.
Ferguson , tried for the murder of police.
man Parke , was this afternoon declared
not guilty. Tire jury acted under the
instruetiois of the court drat a anal has
the right to defend hiusolf , even to the
killing of an ollicers if le erideuvors to
arrest bun without a warrant.
MAC11tAH , OAtttrnugus Co. , N. Y , ,
October 11..1. . Tyrrell , foreman of tire
posbl telegraph gang of nee attempted
to phueu tiles ut front of tlm property of
Nu our Brim , , wealthy men , and a light
curled , 1'dard Nter struck
with n 1nick axe , inllictin6 a nrortrl
wnutrd. 'l'ire worlnuol stabbed Napier ,
7'le latter fled tie country.
Denver & ltia arnndu Donds.
Nnw YoinK. October 11.-Thu Detrvo r
ltiu ( liramde ' tire
& di'oatoryauthorhzo execution -
ecution of new bonds up to $6,000,000 ,
) 'his ' cnnforurs with the atoekboldurs' ae
tour at the Colorado Springs Ineetim g
October 6th. A syndicate was formed t (
tuku tire bonds.
NaHlrvlllee Jubilant ,
NALUVILiX , October 11.-rho munici
pal shettual today resulted iii an over
wlelming victory for time citizens'rofort
ticket over tire candidates for re olectie n
of the old municipal roginre. Thu re
form ticket was comloosod of blacks an d
whites for the first tune in the history o it
tire city Tire tax payers are jubilan t
over tldefeat of "boss" rule and th e
corrupt ward system.
Colllalon ut Iii .
JANILHVILLKVis , , October 11.-Tw o
wild freight trahis on the Chicago an du
Northwestern railroad collided one mirth
south of lfanover Junction , near here ,
this morning , douuoliahiag throe engines ,
wrecking twelve cars and killing the fire
. . . , w ,
The Town of Arcadia , ' Wiscousitr 1
Sharcll Up aua Ralf Suffocated
Bya Cyclone , {
Tire Air Chare'ed With Sulphur
and Eleotrioity Sufficient to
Put Out the Lights ,
Whllo Uru InllabltantH Pull Down
tire DlhrdH and Scout For
tire Cellar.
LA CItos.SB , Whir. , October 11-Tho
Rcpublican Leader has received further -
ther details of the terrific cyclouo that
struck the little team of Arcadia , Tram-
pculnn county , Monday night , doing so
Itruehl danrago to property and injuring
several people thieve turd in lice county
adjoiuing. Note of the injured will die.
Thu storm struck the town at midnight.
A correspondent says that it came from
the southwest mad that upon i f a appearance -
anco tire air was so charged with d oe-
tricity that lights could not be nmado to
burn std the 1)001110 rushed to their col-
furs in the darkness to order to avoid the
daugor which scorned imminent. The 1
entire outward atnosphoro was of a p0-
culiar sulphuric ardor and the deafening t
roar of the tornado is utterly indescribable - '
able , Burns and outbuildings were
lifted frou their foundations , torn to
fragments amtl scattered proutiscously in
all directions. Broken boards , trees ,
bricks and stones filled the air and
were hurled with such violence in
roue inetancea as to drive theta through
time sides oh buildings. Among time losers
are 19Ltrielc ulmuring and m farmer named
Ulsun , wltu lost ovurything-burn , house
and ontbildiugs ; value not stated , John
Biughmn , grataury , barn and contents
Iv 100 tons of hay , fuur horses amid bloode(1
stoock , $3,600 , Jolut Rnbertson , houro ,
barn and oat buidiugs destroyed , lire
stuck escaped injury ; loss , $2,000. Jamea
Savenoy , barn , fereo , orchard damaged
$6,000. State Senator Connstock's sorg-
humi mill was destroyed and barnwrecked.
There were many otlerdutuages , varying
hour 100 to 1000 , Mrs. Besse and
Miss 1 ipa , wino were time moat seriously
, injured by their falling residence , are
ceiisidored out of danger. The cyclone
segued to hare spout its force upon
North Creek valley , doing the usuuldatn
age to property , but causing no lose of
Wrecked Dy a Drakeman.
MAItsrlALL , Tex , , October 11.-When
tine local Texas Pacific passenger train
i pulled out his morning a new and rgnor-
ant brakeman in his haste to got aboard ,
turned the switch before the truoka
passed , throwing this rear coach with pas ,
eenger down a fftoun foot trestle. 'Part
persons were injured.
- - - - ' -
The 13. & U. Divvy ,
BAvrzMortr , October 11.-The ann nit
meeting of the bored of directors of the
Baltimore & Ohio railroaddeelared a divi
dead of f , per cent payabh Nov. 14th.