Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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rin L11i4 J3.b1AOAilA , 'IiIURS1)i" ) (1O1B1 ( LI , _ _ _
. :1.IE : DALY .1EE.
Thursday Morning , October 11.
-Save innnoy , Sentt to ] , 1eron1who1eli ,
. dgr nd tobacco dea1r , for prke 114.
-'rhere wilt b a VnM HICCIIDR Of th
1wIckh3cr at thoclty hail tin next 8aturday
cvonlng lt 7O o'clock , to o.nhlcr tim &d.
wib111ty of elcctlng Iio dt1egiiU to thu
av'rk1ngniei. ' Cfl1CI4lOt1I C.llCd Fur WuJius
4ay , the 17th lint.
-Th6 ( ) nia1 Clinical sodety will nieet gt
Uio resldencu if I)1innutt ) , , tnllir Ct11L41
ATCUUC ntid lllghteontli pLrcet , on T1iur1y
ccnlng ( Jt.o1cr I liii , nt 8 i Iick. iu&o
-The ec.illul Per1u4 ut i'dih1t RIven by
the loiitli1y Suchil dub will ho liiuugiirntcil
October Itti at MuuI3 11 11 , riio oiiitiiIt
too iii arrahlgonIOIlt tll 3uIr cuiiItq iii 8
F. AtkinR , JI ( , 1oti 11 , 1 CIi.ui.
Cliency , JaniciIurjliy P. FiIier nul Il.
ltirtli. Jr11104' irchetitra 'lI1 1uraiili thu
. music.
-Mr. henry V4) , wirn wit , intiici iy a
. fall from liii tiurso during thu iaratli of $ at.
iirJay cvciing , % iii ulile tu ho nbuut
: day.
-There "a' little of Interest g4lilIg un in
t.lic District coutt ycskrday. Iin iuu ( if S i.
man Vs. Tiiiiiirni , nil old nctitm , Yiii Ofl tiiri
before JuilgoVakeley. . Iii NuvilIus court
t.116 CI5O nf Ktihit sti. l'arkcr Ii still on ttL1.
-LaRt evening t1i CoiigreiiLtiiii of Irae1
io1d servl o In the Uiilt.rhui ciiurdi1 17th
S and Caa strec.
-Tho runnln race hctwoon thu omaha anti
u Council 1iIui1 Iioo tcHl1l t.ko.i plicu i&nxt &
f Saturday hero.
' -On Titosday , the Lh InI. , by the Itav. J.
4 w. iIarTiI John U.Vool anti Mlui lht Ci.
mlth , boihof Omah : , were united iii the
, bonds of matrimony.
i -1rIaco , CiAorMlo1 12a.Q boii connectcd with
c Dillon by an otoriion of the .South I'.irk rail.
. : road and now ther6 are about 8,000 mon push.
lug the now Ilito to LoaJililo.
-1'Iio litlicomen of Omaha givi , their nu (
: iwal ball at Crounsu's hail this ovstilnv.
; 1'rt1t1eiit Arthur and Quoui Victoris lrnvo
boon liivit&nl , unti nuiIhr of thom Iuso yet
tvi.sgrslIu3d their regrct , ' 0 they ntust ho
i coutiug.
c -In the po1lc court yost.riiuy 1l1a Cuu.
% inghuu , tot actress at the Cttiniqtta , wAi 'ii ,
fur quazrcilit with her rijutiuxiato , but 'ahon
this jinio.l tht Iici rouiniuat.e ubusoil her Kilo
. ww ( ii4cI.FjOtI. ) )
-Theru Is goino It051)'Ct of a foot race ho
lug arrngui betvoun a Council BIutfi man
nitI Scsiumus , .tf this city , v1mo has quito a
rocorti. This Is t.ooecur at thetlrlving iiumrk at
the time of thu lmosu race trnxt Saturday.
-Charles VaKlflCr. of St. I'aul , NabrMka ,
ilati iiticcode4 in raiimig very HUCcO.ilmfUlIy ii
croi' of Scotch Fife wheat , and .cniii a sam
plo in to Uzntlmi to iJrvu that Nobr.tska can
do in well us Miniminota In thiN diruetluim.
--Mr. Vili1um Snyiior sold yestortiay to P.
0. Hlmobaugh , tom eleguutt Ci. spring ,
latest style ithaton. This is ouu of thu finest
3nc1 moat attr.tcttvo vlecos of work Mr.Stiyder
1n. over turmouti out of bin shop , anti Is a vehicle
that even a king mght he vroud to own.
-This altcrncseu the Union l'aclfica
will play the ICeyetono buoto bail club at Ce-
Iumbuii. A ball and lantlUot limo been ar-
rangoti as a treat t s the Oiiilma boys , and
they will be met at th depot byn bru4 band.
-Thu attoutlanco of nil umomnbers of thu
Pleasant hours Club Ls respectfully roqmie4od
at Itasonli3 tutu , Ststtirilay cvonimmg , October
13th , at 7:30 p. in. A full attandanco Is do
, airoti to olcct now officers for tbo season of
1883.1.V. . : i , . MoMLIhmn , Secretary.
-A reception will ho tendoroth the iMtur
of the Elghteuutlt Struct M. F. church , 11ev.
J. 11. Lumlom , at the intriori of thu church ,
, Thi. evonimig Oct. 11 , ci. 8 o'clock , to
which a cordial Invitation i uxtonticul tim all.
7 It lus earnestly slusirod that. all Mothudl4i ummil
' . friozids of sister churcitta. In thu city ho
I ent. TImt young voolilo aru eltccIily In.
' vitod.
: -Thu 11cr. Father Beocklnor , of TumimammIa'b
IIt1 noidiow of thu Bishop that liluco , is at
iresummt in this city and will lecture on Iioxt :
: uaday ovemiltig at 730 ; in the CatitilioCatho.
diaL The Killijoct being , "Jmprtualona imindo I
.y by travels In Europe , or thouglmtnsuggcstuttby
the tombd if O'Connell , Napoleoti aimil St.
. - rotor. " TIii lecture litis buomi ilolivured In
thu Australlisa Colonlee and Cniifnrnia. One
' secular paper referring to the lart relating to
I the tomb of St. J'etemsays : 'In thi8 part ol
liii ittldrm Ito ovitioncd the P ° 55(5Kl ° Il of do.
crIptivo P ° ° of a very high order , and whomi
4 tollIng LI , hoarcrK of tlmo glory which nos
CTOWI1 $ the totuli of St. Peter , altno4 time per.
Section of word painting wa ronchc4. " Ad.
inlsalon vIll be free , but after thu loctuma
coltmectlou will ho taken up In old of thu char' . object fur which the ruvoroimil char'I I
labors I. o. , tlm rebuilding of the O4stImotiraI
Church tif hobart. el
-A slmutt.eui Comumacito imommy which the In .
diana 1)rentud to l'rcsldent Artlnmr at Fort
VMha'ak durimig bli rocemtt visit to theli
.untry , lasat'tl Umrotmgh this city Tucsrmy ir nn
au uxprciI car isjutmml to the ( iroat Father In I ti
- VMhIugtm. It. Wall is genuine "l1Iuto. " Lus
-.Iho Injunction suit agalmiat the Board ot
Y.ducatlou has boon wlthtirawmm alimi tim ea' , zq di
amnlnation of tMltomerml ) will lirocead. 'l'horo Im ur
Lomb question w to how thu tt'aclmors of tirasy.
lug amid maIimtIug are to be tiiismluect. Seer
. -'Clmr1io Swoboof the Merchants National or
bank , discovered the skoletou IA
of wlmt ho suim.
1)oKed to have bumm an IndIKU a Itulleyue1
last Sunday , flour the sIte of the new college ly ke
It ; WM liretty badly broken up. liii brought ,
home the 10W01 jaw and IflS7t of e.u- couLd a pe
lug some earrin s such a Intilamin wear.
-"Soilby Anim , " one of the hardest cadet
- that over drketmed the iort.aI of the ioIlct I
court , W1SK up eiterday for dl4urbance ti
le I as black M cuai anti with an lltth I af
I beauty , The judge silichargod her , and a ) se
iiauod through the crowd shim cauaod quito I su
laugh byezclidmlng , "If you over catch me It I re lt
hero again-I'll turn white. " Time Impomutibili
I ti of the znetelnorphotid W&K what amuaed thi
: loungers.
-The Hlbsrnlan IlI e company , A. 0. H. vo
wIU hold azi adjourned meeting on Sunday , do
the 14th inaL , at 2 o'clock i' . mu. , in Feeney ; st
ouuo1ly's hail , Sixteuth and Burt. Mom.
, bees are eicIaIly roque4od to ho thor P
liunctuaUy st that hour , aa election of ofilcurs lie
anti several other Important matters nra to be wi
finally ranged. cit
-At the meating called Mond8y uvening to
lIsten to the report of the delegates to the 1o
j. National colored coayontluu at I.ouIsiIlIo
* 1UIifl. G. W Itoblinen and W. It. Gamble to ar
' addttweosl their bruthor ou the bubjoct of CO
ivh4 they listi seen and ieard at LoulsylIlo Ji
.atnd what wouhi be the romuIt. of the great M
I , .
. . . - .
T1 o Borg oi Public V1ors ys , Th
Ollthha V/atc / Collplly. :
Ch iaiIrnan ( reItitim I4It. flown on
IillII IIti)1)liI H.
About six weeks ago a m caolution stas
it ) : MttI by the city eunuch which wu in-
tru dUcuI to uruvolit thu intorluromico by
pr iato corporitiuiis with t.Imi , work of
pa ving amid othiur 1mublic iumlirovomnrnlts.
Ilm is wits mnuruly ( ho cam ryilig mit of thim
l l it of a mvaolutiun 8uOtlt
niu mmtlis ago orderiiig thu gts IuII watci
com nhi..uiwm to mimako all thu n0003snry ( JX
c.t viititmni on sIrcutM urdumod to ho jnvid ,
hu foru thu work of nvitig wan coin
lim eliceti
Bat little nttuiitmomi hmn bumi pall to
I lm i ii in I rusol ii 111,11 , all d t ho i ash I
t i mit I Ito work iii Stijici i mm I u miii cli t. ( rail I
(111 (1 hIM fimicu Jitis u101111U11113' btuii dt-
ltI ) tI limit IL littlu by thu opurmitiiimis ol
th u 1 , I 1-11111 Ii I thur timmu or Limo ' itbur i
th u twi m ( : ( lIliIntII I l.5 ni iii 0d , s Ii mcli geim
urn I ly kupt. rmlm t milmi act of t hi is mavl iim.
wo rk5 ( iniimta gimlig , , , , 11mg clohu UI
th ou' liucle aimd ol Lull liulmig cuiim1ullud Li
su 1oimd work to imliuw thu itltui'a Ct
tjim jitli their job.
Chairimmini Cruighmtimn of limo Iioarti o' '
Pu blic % 'iikii , , hmin bumi tryiimg hum Iui
I ii UI It H ii iii 1 thu iiimll Ic i in iii i'tjiiii.ji ibs IU
fmsn t a 1ts.qmllu , its thu wimitur lIrtmmmisc41
to close iii variy amid hits puhmed Graimi
ilmmm olmg time ictit. , Limo hittur buimig equall )
nuo rgutia iii his omlduIlvormm to knup thu
bal l rolling.
'l imo work ( In Ilarimoy street line been
bad ly intem riipted of Into mmmiii ycs-
tort hity mmmurmmimmg itmIr. Crciglmtoim
wui mt. to Mr. I I hut , who wait bussing tim.
job of amuikimmg comilmoctiona s'itIm wntui
Imma ilIms , ittiti atlliimg lila attenhi'im , to tlIL
fac t tmitt. ) ho wits delaying Mr. Grant iiimd
tha t. lii , W118 vi.lmitimmg LImo urdure of time
con Imei I , relIle8t ( ed Ii hit to Jill up time
tro miches mit once. Mr. hunt wan , accord-
lug to 1'.Ir. ' . Crofghmtomm'a atatuimmuimt , dohav
elii edly ititieimuiitlummt maid intid but littlu
ittt eiitimim , to thu request of limo latter
irm uit Imad about 100 amen at work nut1
tIfo , rcd to naBitit thu vatur Coill-
Itnm I"a mmmcli iii t1Ilimit up the
trui mclmea fico of charge. Iii time aftor-
1100 11 ? mlr. Omuigimitut again vhsitetl time
ecem mu , of itctitim , , which wus mit the inter-
mme thiiu at llammmuy aumd Foumtocnthm , amid
fou uul timiit hut only 111111 thu troumehies dug ul
in t ime mnormmnmg bcem * loft atilt opell , btt *
timi d. how ( sumta woru beiiit opomied. I km
reum uonstrateti with Mr. Iiuumt , will ) do-
lieu him mumd imt.imnistcd , tied. ho wotiht till
till time ( Ittoluen ' 'wliemi lie got good aimd
rea dy " Idr. Creightoum Jimuti somimu
wo rth with Iluumi , anti at length ,
lee sing all itmitiommee , imreuct1ed Lu ' 'go
f'r , ' hmimit. " An i .5OIl kumowu lie hmad hit.
shu tildor bommu Initkcut , nitumie titmie ago , muiti
us unbio ; , yet. to lift his right. aria to imis
he ad , but lie umscd his arimi to goutl
ttd vumumtagu. Itilti nlti aiuiIictL , 1mb 1mditt
cx treiu.iliea . to IlummL't. with cuimkimi
nid urmiblo fiicc. ,
After obtiuumii.g . annie th.gtet , of antisilits
fac titsim iii this Immmnulmer Ill r. Croighutou.
wv itt to City Attorney Ctmmiuiehl'ms office
nut d consulted lttttm met tAm the legal right of
th e vatur commipany to pmm.eoud with the
wean rk aimil lunder luumimhmu 111111rVItuumUumts ,
an ti finding that his vwwa wemu coincided
wi th , dettjrmniumed to cimforcu tlmo rule to
th very letter , its Ito says ho in tirud of
in terfurencufruuit private immoimtijmoiten.
Ilucklouu's Alimloms SaIvm.
The grtmatost muodical wonder of the world.
V arraimtud to PoodhIy euro Ifurims , Ciitm , ( Il.
col s , Salt. ithotiuim , Fovet Sores Cancers
Ch llhhdns , Corns 'rotter , dijappod ituids ,
mm ml nil skimi ormmLitns. ( gumtrmumtoet to cure lii (
ev ery Imistiiimcu , or niommoy rofimumileti. 25 rents
or box.
Why are Lmi'rrrr , LnAI 'Co.'H Gloves
th u bent ? Ilitcatmea timoy urn ( iNUI4Il
OA uvoltruA Ituen 2Mw
'WILtT iOt3 IT MIitN ?
A. Scimeumu , 1r I he tueothum of u
Unit.d HL&i.i r4olm.iol house ,
Mayor Chase hutsi rocuivod a black
rat an follows , which remuli rnther curi
ou sly. It hmna oitlunmtly bocum auimt to
tim e Mayova iii time ctmtmntry for circulation.
It is is bill to be nmtrodmicetl lit Cotigrotu
fo r thio erection eta Uiiltuil Staten school
ho use tp ho Icascd to tito city whore it is
er ected , It reads an follows ;
A Ill for this eruotioum of a United
St atus scimoid Imusti at - - . Be it uti.
ite ttid by tIme Suminto IIIItL Ilouso ( If IUj ) . te
ro suimtutivos .mf . Limo United Staten of
A ummurica iii Congress mutsemnidud , 'l'hat pr
th e Sucrohtry of the 'rrumstiry lie , and hereby ea
hmu roby is , authorized amid directed to
lO We coitetructod , mundor cuittiact , it stilt.
lib li ) achool liouBo at , Iii ILCC.rd- . ) (
al ice with Vlitfl and mupuclllcatioum to be I $2
pr eviously mnido miii illPrVcl ly Imlumm. co
l' reviled , , that the situ , tuf umuliieleuut srze , \
mimlI liret have beemi dotutitud by 11w miuu
ni cipiti atitimorities or citizens of Si
A unt iiroridetl further , That time State ci Si
- - tuhail imtlyu ceded to tint IJimited A
St ates exclusive jurisdiction over the
nu ; and for thtt Imorelut mmmcii-
oned the emmim of titotismimmit dol. es
ts is hereby lqprOpriatell ) unit. of amm ty
liU ) fliyb in the ' 1'roiaimry mut otherwiaL
) Iro1rimIted , to be expended under thm
rection of the Secretary of time Troas.
\'imou the building is couuplotud tlic
crtmuy tuE thu Iuitimmior is hereby auth :
izod and directed to lease it fcoumm yenu
) year to the iaummieiptI nuthuom-itlos ol Jo
- for free schiol PUrl)5c5 exclusive
, in coimsimlormitioui of suit autlioritium
eping time buildimmg fully insured and iii
rfect repair.
_ _ _ w
A Run on a 1)raug Hthro. ap
Never wan such a ruKis mnwiu on aumy drug stor I IJ
Is now at 0. hr. Goodmamma for a trial bet
e of Dr. Kiuig's Now 1)isoovcry for Coim.
nmptiutm , Coughs amid Cohils. All inomu
loctod with mtthmna , lnnchltk , homsrsonose
vere coughs or amy altoctlou of tue throa co
it iuttgt.1 can got a trial bottle of this great :
ined ) ' ( tvc by caliluig t atsvo drug store , w
uvulu size , 81f $ ) . el
Army Orders , elby
Major Horace B. Buraharn , judge ad' L'I
cato , U , S. A. , judge ntls'oeato of thc
jmartineiit , will , iii compliance with in . Si
rtlctioILa of time dupattmnunt counniantlor
, t D
'C0ett tO Fort Niobr.mra , Nubr , on pub.
business ; having commmilutod t1os Ia ) Itm
ll return to iii ) irover st.imtloii in tltii I Sq
Time following unmet ! imiomi wmlietod at
rts Douglas , Utah , anti Omaha , Nob. , f3im
e aboiglicti ate follows : William Gordon I Ta
company 11 , and George l'nuooat tc p
lEiAlI7 A , 8ixth infantry ; James 13. hi
annioro , Edward J , Ryan anti Daniel u
. to the Fourth
Young infantry , Pr
A general court-martial i appointed to u
iume ut at Frrt , Niobutta , Nub. , oimtiio l7tiu
1111 3' of October , iHsi : , or as 5iI1 ( tilorefli.
ic r as 1ractcimble , , , for time trial ( 'f
lie ter .Jtlumm , it. VaIIttce , troop II , 1 ifti. .
ca valry , nuid such oIlier i ° ° ' 85 1111(3
1)0 brought before uL , ,
lctaIL fur time GoitrECaptaitis \S 111mm
I I. Jhislco , FIlItll , iuifniutry ; I bury Liii.
Ill cott , assistnumt aurgeuli ; Gerimird II.
I4u ilmim , Fourth tuifaimtry , flhlti I' irat Lieu.
te nauita Earl P. 'i'imouoa , 1 ifL'm cavalry ,
tij il ltidnmrt L'.uilnum , Fifth vitvairy Semi
, um d Liouut.umaumt . F'rLl SV.'r . , Fifth
: ; i % airy ; itImjor I bract ) Ii. liurimimnuim ,
Ill uMe Adocnth , U. S. A. , Judgu Ad-
vo catu.
A general court mamthtl in nppoiumted to
tume ot at ltrt Omuuidma , Nuli. , miii thu 1It1i
iii ) ' f O.toimer . , l88 J , ( Jr : t.q amuoul I hiercaf
'or as lrmtctiCItJl0 , , fur time ft ltd ( if I'm ivtti'
I uil m ii I I I lijesuimiti I , vomImottmy I , 4 tIm I ii.
mu t ry. tti mml such ' it ii or lmisulmora , 115 Immay
bu imrouimzimt before IL
1 ) mitiiti for thu Cinmrt-Ciiptnitmum Clnts
.1 , 'tmum Ilurmumaimil , ltii Immfnumtuy ; , Jtiimii V.
1 iii I , i , . .1 tlu I ii ( miii try am ud I I i mIIIIO No mit' ,
Ith Imiftimtry ; ; J't , I4iuutumm.umt Iuigi I.u.
'lil t , : ; tii 4t I I 11l0m3 ; 2iid l4iuumtuimantum
[ 'n mmmk Ii. t mmmii mit ; . 4th Jmifammtry , nail
'lu amlt.s ( 9 i'iit , ritim Am til1tm' : ttmmguiimmm'l
: I f.ihli.m , lilt Immuiiimtiy. 1st Lieuteiiiuit. ;
Thme itlnrti l True , 'Itim I iif.mumtry , , Judge
tl vocntu ,
I1E J Ianioiit Of the Urill Grog this
Itmall Vcry Lilit ,
Oim si Of llmc' II'ttt hImiIi , ( MIH ( ) f'ltil (1ritlns
N.hrn'4cn hut. Ivem limsul ,
O ur coummuimurcini etlitor inul a talk smith
mimic of time firma of Ilinmelmaugli . 1.Terriammm .
yes terday coumeeriming time comimmg crop.
It was lvnrimcd that time harvest , which
corn hmmolmeos iii aimout two weeks now ,
vihi show corn to Iowa becim very slightly
inju urcd 1)3' front or Limo excessive rammge ,
ill f act , it will be ommo ( tf time beat crepe
Ne braska lmatu over Imitti. Parties who
hav e tmawelol thiroimtRlm Icaumsati luivo iii.
form uied thin flruum that Ntmbrtu.ka iuas a
iumue ii bettor crop timami thmmit State , iii-
the ugh Icaimsaum iuiitl been voted fully five
ir cent above an imi thu aummummmer.
comc WIT , ! , AVILIIAUIi
OIItI UL ' 10 lmult4hmOIH tim thu aere , although in
51)11 10 jmlttces it CUIIICS i1 LII 60 or 70 bmosh-
-iimd naimm , wlmLtro theme lint. 1)0011 fl
micct ureii crop , an low aim 20 huslmeimu. ' ' flesp
jitte to of the State that. are reported aim
Imtiv iimi. timmi bt.t crops of corn this year
axe , Butler amid Polk counties.
E'ii riiiimfitil is oxteim.liumg . fimrtimcr secat
eme ry your muid consculmmommtly corn jim 1)011mg
rtds ed mluoro a few yemue ammo at all was
foti imml , iimmd emmcmnmnmgiimg reports coimmo
trou t StittunimS mum far west as l'luiii Creek
and Cozad.
2 luIt Movr.MnNT or ( IRAIN
lint ; beomi very light so In ; aumd Lids elateow
umie nt amity apply to the whole C101) ) of alt
kimi d. 'I'lmumu has prialJly not been
simj j,1wd , emet over time Union Pacitie mnore
ilits im 300,00(1 ( buimiseis of wheat , or of mslI
limo hew cr411) immmtl nil kindim of grain ,
mmmo ru timmin 400,000 bushels. Time amnotmnt. (
.f . won atietl * ititimig time line of the Ummitni
Pm citi nimd lirammeimue mnuat aimmount to
ib tit 150.000 bumelmels , while thorn are
pr obably 1100,000 buslicims in the grower's
ima nds.
OIIIIJADO i'iiicua
ha ve been so low that farmern wore rowe
luwi ctaumt to sell. Time Chicago price emi
wi ment is 11(1W 62 comits , nuid fimrnmors are
ge ttiuig corrcsmmidiumg1y front 40 to (12 (
eom mtim , 1111(1 it roacimotl 70 before the do.
cli mum. Holdure of graull are advised that
wh eat it. soon to cotumo Up ituimi Limo imnicm
'ml ' CorIm to go lower. Corn is now 47
coi ttim in Chicago and in time country 24 to
27 cents ,
i'm mint expected to show imp very Imenvy as
th e fioutSlIl line beemi imoniuwliat uimfayorEl
imli lu. Timouc sm'ill ho a big out crop , amid
ry e amid Ititi by will bu fair , mumt very cx-
te nsimoly inuvim , limit time ruturima arc good.
\ ' Imuat is avonmugimig 18 bumsimohm to the
nc r. , while lust your it did rot conic
IIII ISU , 11 Iitit.huls. 'J'IlCIIIg it all iii alt ,
tim e crop in mmli kiimds ( if grimili is time best
N ebraska Imits over kimowim.
co : ' riti itu'iios
TI utt 'sVcnt lo Iiuy , Hum' , Ilthmeh1 Ifli.
1'iosenI at Ion Smull.
In our notice of time presentation of a
etm it of clothes timid purse to 11ev. ? mlr.
Itr itchehi on Summday imiglmt last , we omit-
d to litilhiMit Limo miaumios of time jicroima
wi mo commtributud , 'Phmo follomvixmg comaF
o time list , with the inuteunt given by
ch :
Mr. amid Mrs. l'imilip King , $25 ; Col.
Fr ank Simnmmmnns , $ ; \Vmn. Oglesby , $ fi ;
le oV. . % 'Imitm' , r ; \Iim. ii. L.
.IiO ; Carter Dummenmi , $2 ; .Juts. Cheumi-
y , 2 ; Limmiui Itogortu , $9 ; .1. S. M.
% ' iuuimiimgtoim , $2 ; Levi ItT. Spencer , $2. se
' [ 'lie foliuiwiimg outcim gave a dollar : , Ioiiui ve
uday. , I.V. . Simafroistim , .1. II. Shapsemi , 110
mmmoum Vihiinmmuu ; , ltos.V. . t. Groomi ,
hrmLuim Browum , , Tcssio Nowimman , A , tV
Pa rker , 0. I ) hull. Total , $62.
Mr. mmd Mrs. 1 > imiiil ) Kimm are to be i
pecially coiumuumcumdutl for thmumr gonoroinP.
. 'rime ( PlujOCt was a latitlIsllu ) 0110.
"l'imnt sihiter skIm of lters tlitum snow , ti
A nil simiuoth& aim mmtoimtmmuommtal alaliamutor , "
' \ at. nil neijimireti by Ut4iiltt 1'zzuimIs iuim
Ztledicatoii ( ilimlilil . , I'omvminr. he
HT.tL1'4 4 Li
lmum Dillon 1)t'iIglut aim Audience io
at limo Ogumm 1101040. B
Ba Bh
John Dilloim , tIme f.mmnous couuiodman , h
ho is fasomite with a
a Oimmmmlma audiences1 Il
lmearoti before aim excellent imouso at , tim
oyd's last night , imis oimgagomnont being to
r one night omily.
Time Play produced svan Scott Marbie'4
nmoiy.draumma entitled "Stato's Attor. M
amimi judging from limo mlmanmmur iii L
hich it syin rceivod it mviii mnako a
dod sticceims. Mr. Dillon was supported
Miss Nellie % Valters and a fmrst.claa
mnpammy , the cast being as follows : la
IiIIIM ( ] tOUGS , Statrs At.
torney , , "calm work with thu . tu- iii
wiJOim I holler 1ti. Jaw".John filler I w
tltreug , the returned Cattier.
mitami. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , % y , , fr
aniel llartramn , Quaker farmttr ,
called ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . A. 'mVllco ' . al
iubon Ors7 the village poet , In ac
luvo'aitlm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii. ! , V. hlee
mdro Rouse , Iteal Estate Shark d
amid l'ostnmaster. . . . . . . , . . . . . . J. IC. } 'ernor I to
ringe , Uimderpay of the Sumtre ol
, . . . . . . . . '
erIII hlugheum , the county ciii. co
dat..F' . t.1reeummsn L
cy l3artrmmm , Quakerorsdlscarti. T
ed t her . . . . . . . . . . . . \Vaiter4 I b
de 1sorweil , the IIlsge school
teacher , . . . . . . . . . , Mrs. G. W. Walton ' cr
Gray ; time widow. . . . . . . , , EmuIlte VIlcom
udie ] tollimtstimo wldow'd adopt. at
od datmghter.Misn Uohlmm Macfence' ' I tr
I d
M 0 0 N S H I r
Tli cory , Pra1ic Pay in Oi
cIirio1s ,
Ti' iiiIi rs n liii jshi in 1 fame Olilimlutia I
nI I'Ieim Otsim.
Supcriimlommmhuimt , Iaummes simotulil kiimdly
lee k ' 'II icethe OWtL" Whelm hu etlis the
tem ; elmurs togutimor fin time of i-u
lie viuug liii niimmd ( rout nbumoati.m ciiimemi
ni pnrcumtly ij ' 'drawing' ' ( Jim his '
Ciii lumagiumatiomi. ¶ l'eaeimer.i mirti oititl.d , to
( t1)i ) imiOiiN of their usim COhlVtJrliumg ) li1ter4 , (
smh icii emicroacim lIjolm their legitiummate do-
tics , IL ( toes IItt StOfli Iii nccmi d witim
' 'v catcrmm" courtesy to iimtiimmtite timit ; be-
Cau se III thus fimet time icimool tioni ml it.
run ny to I Ocelvu 11w : .esigiiiti.imms ; . of teach-
era di lliii umg I mm . upiui iou m , iljtomm cur'z.i ii
1ioi iits , ( roam the msimperimmtttlitelmt.
'l imo ci Ii cc I if mmcii 'i d mmii 110 Vi lit cmiii u Im L is
II sum vomit of time iiimtl IOCCIVIJM
I Lol l rush mm I 10 Ii I. ft titmi II ) ) ' Iii Coil t I lii ii t ii ii
iiitl It. hot. delegated 'a itim vorcr to hid-
1100 our I caclmermm mtiommlIly , beeatimmu tlit'y do
immit lqprove , ( Ii' tIme immamiumor mmm svlii ii tue
im ms imig aimil uuttmte iuiati uctutihls 1110 gmv&li.
l'r , o mm iii i m to i' ' tin 1 ash Limit l)111t III itt Cli !
we Iiuiii disaisf&tctumii , in timesti [ 11't1tt !
, rim . l'ltu MiiiiCmiIl ilmtitmtmCt' mm's m umct I :
tutt eheis 1mm mm 1 . , idy ioiit doimmommtstiat e i , ,
the u. . the ' 'timwry' ' sif their lualtuetIvu
sub jects ; the regular te.ciior is theim ix-
peL ted LI , tiovute forty immhmtiteim to timene
t.til , jotitt. 'a ith their 11U1)iit. , IIILOLIC.11i )
tei cimmimg time dnimmimmg nuid mmmut.ic timummm-
imu1v e. That is , time toncuierms arc tmmmgimt.
tirn t by time cc1tlt. mind thcmm teach to
the ir owmt scimuItis timid whmcii time mipecitd
inst ructors atuuimmld go into the schou'l ' rot'ai
bef ore time scholars uimd teach thiommisotvmum.
As a school othicial dimes Mr. James lro-
nou ricu this timothiod strictly legitimimato
amiti fair to itli ? Cannot Imu then uimder-
Btfli ) d wimy dissatisfaction exists , and if
ito , is it ossemmtiat timat they should ho
tilt l that their reaigh1itioims will ho ro-
cow ed ?
A miotimer cauac arises out of these
mume timuids for prmvocatimlm. Emmormimuius
miali tries are fixed for these itmstru.ainmms ,
umimd beiumg given in time uitammimer lii wimich
the y are at prut.eimt , time fact is fmliy m1.iim-
mmuis trntvd timat by a few weeks dmhig..mmt
app licatinim , nay teacimor cinilit ln'c'uiu
mimmi jily ( jimItlilled to tCtdit timemme braimelu's ,
esp ecially diawimig , tuultieieiitly timorumigim
to meet time demiimmd a imicli I lie comlipro-
hic isitmim of Limo vuiiit's mmnmmd will adimmit of.
' IImrsu immumtructiomme now call for $111) )
an d $90 res1ectively per month , while
time regular temmeimers. in order to bcoumu
etli cieimt iii time faithful i.erforammaumcu . of
the ir dtitiet. , have spout years iii soimmimi-
ari es tumit mmorimmiml tichimil , , amid receive salwa
ari es of frommm 55 to $71) 11cr mrmommtim , and
the y imot oimly immstrmmct in cue branch , but.
ill ninny. Iletico iii ierfm.riimiiig . thmtiir
ow n duties itrud mu ndtlitiomm ieimlg required
to liracticahly nssmmie thmcsu outsidu
bi-a micimes at a ( lifl'eronce of 3O to S40
11e v imuomitlm agaiumst timent iii salaries thomas
no t , Iii thu imatmmro of things , incite i > lcasSt
uri mble commtentmiment. 'rumis is tue causu
If diamitisfactiomi amid time louitiiimtitu von-
so n why olir teachers should mint.
imme imaced or ticcimied obstreperous amid bu
re buked at flair gathieriimgs for inivimig
op iniomis of their oWn.
Mr. James imould realize that. they
co iistituto our school syatemmu time wide I
wo rld over , ammd that an educators ,
th rough whoso instruimuemitahity he muse u
b cammmo aim educator , they should be frc' I
to tlmiuk , suggest , act amid assist ut tIme
be st and wisest method p ) ssiblo for time
imi toiloctual gi-owtim of our chuldremm , lair.
tic titarly wiucit they have discretiuii I
en ough to "keep their places. "
Th11 t'ltLMAIthhS.
El cuitton of I.togtutt'im ) Ia limo JUltCIal
District Cmnveiiiloui.
'limo ' Itepuhhicamu prilmmarios to elect del .
eg ates to time judicial district convontiw I
to be lucid rut 1 p. imm , to-day took imlaci 'I
la st oveumilmg , tumid there viss little or iii I
co imtt'st ill time 'yarioums voting Imrccizmcts o I
tim e city , time rcmmimlt being as follows :
Iii tilt ) FirSt ward thieve syzus but era ,
tic ket , thmo dciogatca voted for tumId elect .
ed beiimg 14'V. . Ilamudimnuor immud Clmarle S
ea ch of whuoimi received 15 votes
Second \Vard-Juimn H. Butler ama I
Fr ed Ileimmu.
Timird Var.t-J. B. Iioulfield and hloum , :
Lu ther It. Vright.
Fourth Vard-V , .1 liroatch and W .
, liccimol.
Fifth Ward-Capt. . \V. Marsh aiim I
Jo iimi iIcDcmmaId
Sixth Vittd-LItii. . I. linker and
. F. Magimm , Eq.
The Dtmmutocrtitic convention , Imeld tt i
lect muiuuo delegates to the district ccii .
mition to Immeet iii this city , wa m
1(1 lit time city hail yesterday afternoon
0. 11. lkdimk , was hmosun ciumirnmamm ant 1
Je rommmo Pemmtzct secretary.
A coimumnittee out credentials ) VI5 ! ap -
) Oilited , coimsisting of A. N. Fergueoii ,
. Desmnoimd and Jaumes Stc1ibeiisomm.
After conundorabtu debate time mflthOi I
II .lIr. lirown iruviuileI , that. time convemi -
oti lullot for Limo aclectioii of nimmo nammie 4
d thrut timosc rticeiviumg time highest RUin .
r of imoten be declerett citoscim.
Mr. Lcnry ammd Mr. liagloy were i' ' -
j)0 1mitLd tellers ,
'l'imii result smuts the selection of time fol .
wimig delegates : W. ii , Ijamos , 0. II ,
rown , A. N , Fergusoim , ( ioo. Gibsumm ,
. v. 1)oamme , Samimuot lLrnmmtn , J. 1)a
owe and 0. It. Itedick , There beiumj a
tie vote between Fred. Drexel aiim I
uumry Grubo , on inotioii of Imir. Grub U
e namimo of Mr. Fred. Drexel was adde ii J
time list.
_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ -
ONC13 MORfl.
ike Gilllgamm Gets Omit ni JaIl am ti
Goell lit Again ,
Quito an exciting little event occurre d l
st night about 5 o'clock on Douglas strut t a
wimichmOflicor Armour had a little set-t 0
ith Mike Gilhipun. 8
'juts latter imuti just bouti diechargo d l
omn serving a torimi iii the jail the bal t. b
ice of life sentence bcimmg cummimutoci o mm
count of good holuvior. t
0mm diseimargiimg the 1irisoiior Judge .kr 1'
orson remarked in a jokimig wa I i
Mike timat imu must hereafter lot tim 0
liceni ef time force aloumo , his last incam . ,
rimtioim being for poummding up Office r
aume whui Was attuumting to arrest hint
he judgu said Niku must leave every ' . T
ody atomic "uxcept Armour , " amid liii S
eated quite a laugh in time court room . T
Strammguly onovgiu Mike took time Judg'r
lii word. .ast oveimbig imo had scum U
oublu tt thu United Staten hotel tuu
I 1 A
- - - -
It 41111 for time Jmuprlutor , irutty SOS Ci ( ' 13.
lmer himsu , ilium idumeti lie mmi
1) ) , .lummg . lad diii tlmm' itt it. , I , the 3ommtii hmmis'-
I lu g cii imis flu rim ii si I k I .mquo nail mit I II
il ike seized time latter sectiimm , of I iie guy
ium t't antI svi'mit % mtlm it tm ( time ( .
imu uis u.
't'lme boy cr.ussed over to Farimammi strtt
an ti Imiectiumg Am mmmmutmr rolateti lilt. trotmimles
'ru , lii I I s.m % m' em m I. ft i I ii e Cmtl m fur hum 1mm 'mm si'
mim ud timmliumg . ? mliku tiiertu took time iskum
rin d ( imt'mi tried ti , hike iTiku 'I'lme ititti
re sisti ml nrrcmt nimul thimuuo Wmmmt miullic I
ie t-tm , tu imkhi resimiteil iii t lie uutflccr kiiek
lu g it i iii ( lilt Of t i mite' atat Ii m , iii ly I uuggi m
hmi mmm 'tf t ( ' jail ii , : i express tsiigmulm Au
of I , or t'rizm it t. I imti comm u m ty IX helmet , 'VII
pr I1.miuiy lie 1 ml mu's l't. '
11111 0 ( Ja30 of ttio Utilfod Sa1s s
tm m ) ( , Sluil i"i'oumi I 1mm' 't'lmmiic-
Iiugtu ) JLt't.'rvittloii ,
tJumittai States District Attnmney Lain
lwm tb.Imm . imm time dm13' 1tmt im'ughut. ii
his wiuy tAu time % 'imiIiuihug.u lugemicy t' ' ' tuth.
( l'j ImMLttmmlm.9 1mm tue Citsu ( If the tJmiite ,
Stm itt V. I tarvey Puterwmm , latter kimuuwi
to the lmmdmamms by time imm.mmli . h1umt. i'm '
' ' I I I , u a Iii. r.l ,
'l 'imb , is . C (5 C I I vimicIm act ii in m I , m t mig tu t
tim sot a.smmlim it liluteult. huitied miii
tier aim act. of Congiess ltteimCI
ill 185l grnmmtitig lands iim sumemzmiu3
to t his tribe. 'i'imt imwttia of famnilleim mcci'
ciuc hm t4) I COciro eighty acrs mimi tim.
du et 85 immiueh moore as time agehit nmmgii
dee mmi advisable ,
l 'tmtuistmmt , svimm , is a 'sqiuaw 1011mm , " ( II
nile wimo immarimeti iimto time tribe , nmnimilgemi
to gut hit. mitimmic oil time list of ailrtimmuimts ,
imiud in timis fraduleimt immaimnor obtained
eig hty iteres of tint mimust valuable Jamal.
it ! time imutart. of time reservation.
T ime Iiidiansgot. mlmt. , , "fltowhard , " who ,
lie imis imutummo immtlim'ames , is considered a
liat l eimaricter ; , mmmiii mt is rut their ilmetiga
tjo ii that tim's suit. ma iii ought , which wilt
liii heard at time mmcxi. smttummg of tim Unitcu
Sta tes court iii thu. city.
L'Ii1StN tt.
.1 . 11. Culver , (11 Milford , Ir in the city on
bus i riots.
A nizi Smith , \Vaiuhbmgtoo , is at the
P. ( xt4ni.
E x.Gov , Scott and wife are gnosto of Mr. C.
M. Woodbridgo this seuk.
U. . S. * I1ThIdIt Schmitzur , \V'yeuing , was
nul oug tbo eat.t bound u.sseimgers 'L'umaday.
Mr. Clark , city suitor of The Numupareli.
wa . i surpuiseml Tuesday by the arrival 'f
ag mil.
F.Cunninghiam amid Mrs. M. Brennan of I
Sid ney , Australia , arc travelers stoping over
at the Iaxtummm.
' Go. W.Vaitertm arid wife are at the Pax-
ton . Mr.Vulteis it the amanaupir of the
St ate's Attorney corapnumy.
Senator Marudersomi will leave for \ Yashumigmn
to n uiext Saturday umiul will return to Omaha
ab out thu first of the mu'mith.
0 , F. 000iluiUi loft ye.uUtrday for Phil-
ad elphta ned Now York to attend the annual
co nvention of thu Nmttioiial Vhtjlesalo Drug.
gis ts' association , which meeUs hi New York
on the 17th inst. . Oscar Guodmuan goes East
outer the Philadelphia College of Phar-
in acy.
ltir. Frank Cook ; formerly with one of the
lo ading mmd most poinilar liquor houses in
C hicago , lint. dommned the white apron tumid k
no w ofhcl.timg ) behlmmd the counter at the esJr
ta bhislimout of McNmunmarn and Duncaim. If
ho Is like the ltllltr boys who conic from thu
wfo icked cityho will pri a decided acquisition
fo r the 1iuus.
TIC fuliowtng were among the arrivals at
th e l'aztomm hotel yesterday : It. 1.1. Snyder ,
lC amixv. CityF. ; H. Selden , Chicago ; W. P.
U IILILIIlitt , St. lAluis ; J. \ V.Viistum , New
Y ork ; J , Drunm Beatrice ; (1.V llinmry ,
C hicago ; I. S. i'otvjim , 1.immceln ; M. IL lCay
am maugh , New York ; Julia l'attermton , Pitta $
b urg ; II , 1 ? . Emkinbmecht , Chicago ; II. 11.
N nmmc , ltiish&Ilto , III.V ; II. Johumsomi , $
l ) hiiettgtu ; ' 1' . Grits and daueiiter , illinois ; .1 ,
S. Crommmbargr , New York ; \ \ 'illVihiiummts , '
C liicegoi. ; 16. ltmmssohl , Ogden ; Goo. Cl.ViI. .
hK h ams , hartford , Cunmm , ; , las Scmtt amid 'alfu ,
K oirnoy ; , i. 1'i.ltmchiu , San F'ramicisco ; L . J , .
SM ttitt , 1)unvcrV ; , II. Cramer tied wife , 1)es
M . .mfmmrsGeo.V. ; . Wattermm and wile , Manager
t4ttct. Attorney Coinbitmatiorm. A. Smaithi ,
rmJ4lIiilgtsli , 1) . C. ; I. T. Charkson , Schmuyler ;
v. u. hhigglime , Chicago ; D. iuiniuu.omm , St.
L ouis ; C. V Mouut and wife , Slmeumammdonh ;
. s. .Krett.Imiger , S. Swart. ' , Chicago ; F. 'A ,
( ) ltimstool 1(11(1 Wit. ) , Ciamnell humus ; 11.1. . L.
I [ sIiiit. , llulmmastsvillo ; A. 0. \Villlammis , N.
Y . ; 11. II.Vvh ( , S. 11. Kuiimm , Ciiicagmm ; Mark
M urphy , Evmiisturm , Wyo. ; 11. C. C.mtiy , St.
L ock ; 11. B , Ford , Chicago ; .1. 1 ? . Nylaimeer ,
K oarimoy ; M. ( Ju.Iett r , It. Blaco , Blair , Nub. ;
y , , Iasemmiairt ) , lturliuugcuim ; E , .1. EsiY ,
It iltlrmioru ; 'P. P. llermdcmmbuirg , E. S. Itou.ti ,
L lmmcoin ; .1. M. Vuhfiimiui , Milwaukee ; .11. F.
S tovun.ommVcst Pohmit , Neb , ; . .1.V. . Aklim ,
N . Y. ; F , F. Cowen , IIVagmmer , Clovelimisi ;
J , 0. Crawford , \S'L'Kt Point ; J , A. Smith ,
B uattice ; (1. Itt. Iummubcrtaoim , Lincolim ; MI. . .
S . S. lavI , Falrbury , Nub , ; C. W , IVailor ,
C hicagoV. ; . 13. Ingrain , , Llncoiu ; C. W.
J tmwry , Mttthigaim ; J. J Marsh , Chicago ; L. C
I , . CIillett , .LImucuilmi ; horace Bumt'uglm , ilaltiP
m ore ; E. V. Drake , St. Jleiena. Nub. ; E , Ii.
F arren , Now York ; 0. P. Luuk , Chicago ; U , 1
J oimiisoo , Newark , N. J , ; 11. Iteigelimutum , les
M oines ; C ) . W. Chspimm , hlulyoke , Mass. : (1. (
it ! . Chosm.lngton , Stone Lake ; J. Ii. Clover
nd wile , Nebraska ; J. P. Cook , Toledo , 0 , ;
F . J. Smith , St. Joe ; .1 , j. White , Chicago ;
C eo. 11. Barnes , Newark , Oids ; J. Id.
hmarctsley amid wife , Weeping Water , Nob.
Figumes ilmat. Lie ,
A well known bachelor of Onmahmim , who
h as for twenty.fivo long years been figur-
ag for a wife , but failed to get one , (1-
fl atly concluded to give up time job aud
ive out his few rermma'miuing years without
single branch to dicer his loneliness.
H is life , however , hen not bean a total
b lank , for while , wan laying edge to
01110 callous fomslu heart , he was also
ayimig up a store twr posterity and futureo
ucimulors , which may servo to soften tim
" miiittunms" ( if coming years. flere are
im figures :
' . 'tvo. . who have loft their husbands , 1,872
Iubanth left theIr wives , . . . . . . . . . . 2,371
M arrIed peoitie divorced. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,720
M arried ueopla iblug eternal war.
are. . . . , , , , . . , , , , , , , . , , _ , . _ _ _ 19lO3
who hate each other , bmit dIe-
elmulatelmi public , , . . . , . . . 162,300
hose who Jive tugtut.her in perfect
Indifference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , M0,152
imosti who arc ht.11jy apparently , . , . 127,421
hese who are rebittveiy hsppy . . . . . 135 V
hoe who are really luilily. . . . . ' . . o
ioooo , o 'E
- -
- -
- - - - - - -
- - -
- - -
- -
for Infants and Children.
CnMtorIarouuu.mut'-4 1)lm.rcif Itmim
an ' . Flitttmluimuy , Uolm.mtuia- )
tie n. Sour SWimmacim , Diarritn's , and
F'e verisimmmeas. It insures health amid
nu ttunul sleep , witimout llmOrlimlIII3.
, ,
Castorla ii pa well nomupted to Children that
I r ecommend Iliissiip'rior buoy iIrcripUon
kn own 10 lIme. ' 11. A. Amiciutit , M. IL ,
82rouanl Ave. , flrooklyn , N.Y.
CENTAUR LINIMENT-aim absoltito euro for RhmOtilulfi"
ti rtimi , SitriLlus , Burims , Gulls , .1c. Time immost Powerful anti relic-
ti- atliug l'ztlim-reiiovIiig amul lloimlinmg Itcmed3' kniot'n to Jun11.
T he Product of American Industry
F ull ruusortmont comistammtiy on Ilrumd mmd for sale by
HENRY PUHRMAN. Th'rrnnt. Wnh
rim e Lmat : Steps ileimig Timkemt for Ito
( Unit
O maha nail I'ansa-s Oily hare received
mm cc of the River amid harbor Immiprovo-
mme mmt. A pIir)1)rmlIttmmm ) tiultil ammy cities on
hme 1issuiuri , amid a grout deal of aol ) .
titl itOti wmrk titus liecii nccoItl1)hiimiied for
lie rm'm'r fromit at Oiumima. : Bcginniumg
the vu the amid lulls north of thu water
co rks tim rivm'm is lmriute'eted uiomm'ii to time
tru dge , a di.tammu of two mnmiles , imy a care-
rui'l ly mimadu reivetmimemit of willows I
'l ime last. tfUmisalmd feet of timis is now
mi mig cimiustruictoml imiuder Captaimm Pease ,
bite 1irs seork imavimig been begun about
iv e ycais ago. 'l'iw immat Is 1)0mg WOVCIL
r laid by ii force of twemmty-tis'e mmmcii , immm
fle tiiittel3' huvu time bridge. The mint is
mn mk over time b.umk amll secured in place
Iy toims of rocks lJileI Oil to1m. \hemi
limu iahieti , the Missouri at thus voint will
lie hens feared timami fornm3rly. as the wit-
Low ummat wears excellently ,
Well ltowam-tled.
A liberal reward will be Paid to any party
wh o will produce a Case of Liver , Kidney or
3to mnaeh cvnmilaint that Electric hitters will
not speedily cure. Bring them along , It will
ous t you rioth'mmmg for the mnadiciiic if it falls to
eur o , and you will to well rewarded for
tro umble besidet. . All Blood dkomscs , Bilious. your
0011 5 , .laumudice , Comimitipatiorm , imnd general dubo
tilt y are miuik1y cured. Satiefructiorm gnu rauteed
Jrbot money refunded. Price only fifty ceimlo per
bet tle. For sale itv fl , F' . flooislAtq.
Iteal Istato 'I'raumafem-s.
Time following deeds were filed forI
rec ord in the county clerk's office Oc'
io bur 9dm , reP0ed for Tun by
A mos' real estate agency :
Bernard D&rcen mmmi wife to Oscar B.
Se ldemm , t' . ' ml , lot 8 amid s 10 ft lot7 , blk
14 , 1 mmmprovt.'mrmemmt Aaoeiation additloim ,
$1 000.
lteub'en hose anti wife to Charles B.
Tt ustin , sv d , lot 8 iii block 78 , Oimmaima ,
$7 600
Reuben Ross amid wfo to it. S. Pad.
'lo ck , ' c (1. hits 8 and 4 , blk 18 Smith's
ad ditiomi , $1200 ,
Win , L. McCnguo amid IT. D. heed f-i
.1. Anderson , sv ( iW j lot 6 blk 10 Reed's
le t additiomm , $325.
Win , L. MeCagumo and H. D. Reed to
a. tv , Ahiiquimst , w (1 , e 4 hit 6 blk 10
Il eeti's lot add , $325.
L'O'4i'o " '
I"'IO i ;
Changes in Nebraska durimmg thin week
oi' idiimg October Otim , l883-furmiislmed for
Ti m Bim by'uim. . Van Vleck , of the
P ostoffico Departimieimt :
Eiitabhishmcd-lttoultom , IMump Commnty ,
M m's. L'emmmietia MIuftou , P. M. : River.
mii ilt' , iltutfisic County , Atlani 'iliiains ,
P . M. ; Riverviow , EtmIrlulo County , Ilemiry
LI . Clark , P. M ,
Dkcommtjmuucd-Mcriio , Brown County
I'oatimiastcra Apiminted-Iccene , Kear.
cy County , Mrs. Oriuhma Leasurn ; Mit.
to ri , Samimuders Comuimty , Joseph ( iibbert ;
N ' era , Nuckoli Coumity , Mrs. Alice E ,
Vu 'imitiimg ,
Poatmnantere AplmoiimtmalBurtram , Line
oumity , ZsI. B , 11 umunmer ; Cammm1boli
P , mlk Coumity , L'iremmzo D. Wiiitmawmm ; u
P ony , Brummmor Coumtmty , Cardehia , M.
enmflau ; Itusedalo .Mahmnska County1
D ailies ii. Purdue.
From these snuccu arise throc4ourthe of
the diecanes of Uio bummian race. Those
s ymptotnslnthcatotholrcxjstenco : Lois ot
AppetIte , Bowel. costive , SIck 11s4.
fto tie fmflmieiu alter ceiLing , vcrstome to
o zertlon of body or mind , EruotMion
o f food , Irritability of tcwper , Low
sS pirits , A. feeling of 1savlei ueglecte4
S OIilO hoW , Dtzzlaesi , ) 'Iuttcriug M the
Uear Xlot. beVlro time cyeihlhiyoo1.
o ro Urine , coNsrzPaTI0N , and do-
mend the use eta romcdythat arta dirt-ott
o ntho Liver. AaaLtverincdlclnoTVT'T
I 'ILLS have no o.jual. Their action on the
Rn idmicy. itatt 8km Is also prompts removing
n fl Impurities through tl1C&OUlrC4t"sCT.
a ugers of time ipatsin , " prodnoing trppe.
Ute , sound digestion , regular stools a clear
e ktnimntavlgorousbodv.TUTT' $ ? 1LLS
c uanc no nausea or griping nor thierferu
with daily work and are a perfect
c oi4eyerrwhero,2lSL OUIee.4t Murrsybt. . .r.
Gear llAma on WIIISKEiLS changed to.
tanUy to it ( ILOSSY BLaCK by a single up.
p licatlon of timlie IfrT. 1OId by Drugglats ,
r bent by express on receipt of 1.
( ) fllco. 44 : Murniy Street , New rork.
What gtven omf , Chiltren rosy cheeks ,
Vlu cured their revert ; , make's flit-mum shcc
'Ti. Csstrl. .
\'hen teubiN fret anmt cry by' ( urns ,
What cures their coila , Ulle tlit-tr worms ,
limit Castortii.
'Vlilit quickly cumros Constipation ,
Sour 5muiui , Colds , IndIgestIon.
limit Cantons.
Fart-well then to Morphine Synlpn.
Castor 011 and l'aregorlc , and
unit Cnstoriai
t rapec1a1s will Positively notbo theortod
u nless naid in advance.
B mtIric1A RutS IVA Ni Rh-St Vitmiktoim , Iatmot&
F , > u good bilclhisurs , Wi.ew it per week and
w ork as big at. weather Still 1tvrriilt. Conic or ad'
dr es wit. ii. vmt.ii'ur'a.
213101 , ( iilC _
'ANTR1s-Lady Itauui , for the "tpmteri I'r..tsct.
I ) or.A hew mim.uior . rsrmcIut itur latilta , , nwtie el
OOs tL , fiexihie itihier. Sure orotei'tlomi to the under-
s ear , whoi uecuoary to ue worn. itetauu. toe $2.
a' . last is , a.mltk. cami , uhom it. Large priiIlts. Atluiremsu
w ith stamp. qattic4' Uunlergsrmnemit MhnufRetlirlllg
5 ilav "trot. ( ' 1. 700-immn
' ! ' ( ITIITFumm 8 Lu e.rusi.ting , f
Fruits amti i"Rmtey Zs'otieims. , liso fixed liii lI.ei- .
ta uramit. ( ) o..i cellar
amiti mmcli. itimitling . 'O'62 , one
st ory. Iloimig a gouslhuioie. . . Csmm'tu iii sale , waimt
to go omit .tf ineipo. . . Ariin's
763 mi' 0. R CU1tEY , Oakland , Nob.
L'nut $ AL
'I Olt.LRUIlRAP-Hime Gr' Ttotmd'ijiufj.
at U. I' M.iki , ' . biitk1itim i.iiuji. 13th ad
i. easeunomtli btiei.t4
1 _ 'oR S mtu un iAriAti .tiiiu i 'tiorin iS lect
t oni ; S feet IJo. aid 15 Iricho lIth. Inquire at
mLlillFt'I' i'UitVm $ ,
22010 Corinilsulori 1ttuiint iii ii. 14th ,
j'tOt SALE-Very liaulsnimu tr.mct ' 1 land 1,46Sby
_ 1 _ 425 . feet , sutured with tlui er , a.IJoiutrmg mliv.
220.13 siittmviut : a BII.L. ;
LsOIi-4At.t-in 01 ' cILy mimnmrs 25 acre , lauii well
.1 SUited I r diviJIou. p'or ten dat e
12 loIs one I i.uc fromim street ears ; easy tartan.
4 It ) to fIJIXI. fluigalmi. ,
10 arros CS ii hits fr am 1'st .etiee , Beautiful ioc'a- -4 ' ;
ti nu. $ m2S an acre , will sell 5 acres. Omily 10 per
te nt , lsn.
2 lot. OOx2 ! ' , ci Ilanseomii Park ; iOO ) a loL
o tily 10 lCtCCUtdOslI.
4 so es Weet Omaha. Coed iniprovonents. Will
d i'.ldo. Sikiidli null t4tt' 20 acres land , Cast. ( to. , .
$ 3 , ci. Ally tcrmt. to suit buyer. AttIR3
2tJ tt 1507 Farnain.
-I oit SALR-A second hand "Aiiierieaii" Sewing
MachIne very cheap. inquire at hoe oSlo.
I 11 RRWAILIWOlbs Ia'.I for tie recovery of a.
! P 11 bkck sailse , comtalnuig marIou mntuUcript.
a miit letters &ddrestd to itey , iIgar Jacb. N
q uestions alked. It. U. ( IIJ1'IlitUR ,
mis-mit Ott ) tlariiaL
Pu" SAI.R-1jortabIe IiIert , iOhoun , mi.wcr'
Ami'ly at 1) . Fi'rzI'aTmucg ,
( ( _ _ _ _ 218 South Ittli Street.
Fsoim s. LR-Two lots , itesirable luentiomi and citeap
Each 8i75 , on goad terms. Jm1uiro , at thi ,
o tlloo. _ 5a4t1
1 _ 'ot , SL-A hon'o aol lot at a esoteticu. .1 , I 'I
I Marble , 217 N. mOth st.
-.soit LEA'-E-F'onr choIce lot , oimiotb iii. , Ionr
h i tinw , iii7 N , letlm St. J. L ! .larblo.
Four SAI.1-28t4 Fuenrilu street 77 toot frontage ,
ire ,1eti , , five rotmnel hou.e$4.000. $
roit ( SALR-.Oood buj.lueai chance , at 2i7 N. ttj. ,
t street. J. L. MAIRIU.
FOR ILtt.i-Am nbamgalna eniall 'los1orHaIniari
amid C&m , tire liroot sate. Inquire at thIs once.
fJ'tOR _ tIALa-A filet class stond haud top buggy ,
I Call .t ilifi ltaniiey t.tromt. . Pitt
I SOIt 1IALC-ltcsldsuoui alit busirimi Jropcrty ma
all parts ofmas1ia , armd Fanimi tAilS , hi alt Ian. '
o f the 5111.0 , BEIFOitD & H0IJRIt , 2i3 S. 14th St. let. Fanrtamn and Uouttit
Olt BAtH Oit CXCIIANOR-FuiI lot anti three
Swelilmig , , corner of 11th and Laciflo streets.
S ine lot , , in south Omaims. Alto 160 acres of lauul
nc sam S.tmton , Netrasia ) , alid buutllrig and toek ot
c lothing No. 54)4 Tenth street , WIll exchangw toi
N ebraska famiji 15111 $ . 1'imrtlier pantleular , at ( leo.
U . l'etontmon' . Clothing Steno , t'04 Ttnth street.
_ .
- - - - - - _ -
ioit ; sr.-oiu newspapers mu lange at , rsntafl
1 _ , umitltIc , at timti. fl1jru tf
or-A Gold bracoict. I'iniier will borewanijed
by leasing caine atihA Si. Clark , Ii ? H 14th
. tret. mills. ii U , FAIINIIAM.
OCr-A large enmellule. coimaiaing luburarico pa.-
icr , note s d mnorrt.i e. Iii favor ci e. r , NIchol.
Finder mstil return toolflcuof
JOhN l. ItcOACUlt ,
544O 01)1 , . l'otoitIt.
Absolutely Pure.
Thi. powder aster varies. A marvel of purity ,
sbgsomeiivw. More
the economical tb
ordtuzy kbd , and cairnct be sold
with thu multituSt .4 low tea , gtot weight , almc.
) diosphMo posder. Sold oaij in , cad. oa1 Usk.
malt IOwmir ( to. , Wail StresS flew Yoet.
- - - - - -
- -