Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    9 l1il : DAILY BEEub.AF A , THURSDAY , OC'I ulilit li , 18E
TUE (1 ; * ' ( t.I11. 13L1 ± e
ruukheil every rrrnlng , etroytHunday. { Thi
anty NDnAA7 mnrnh'g dally ,
* 'd NT MAIL
ne Ytar 4tooo Three Monti . , . , , , tU.ltl
B1t Hontn. ss ) l One NN1lh lA
t.ii. I.sITtAIf.
lln.Year . , . . . . , , .I2.op ueetonthe . , . , . to
ItIL kentha . , . . LailTTOne Mnnnr. . . . . . . . . N +
American Newt Company , Soto ! AgentaNewaded
art In the Unlted attt + L .
wau.m.nuoe. "
A Wmmnnle done relattng to New. .ad i dItorla
tlten ahottk ( bo tit Ire.s I to mho Nettoa or Tn'
' AU nNdn&Ai titter Rnd neulttanon ehonld bt
addree.ed toTni IIRR PvUanRo , WNPANV , ONAna
Arane , Cnecks iii to Hoe ordon to he anode pey
ahle to the order of the company ,
8. R09EWATGRTdltot.
Wi still linpd tp got the ; tiny record of
Mr. Iteao ,
HATING carded tto day in Iowa , for
the Itepubiicrus , I. Sterling Morton can
return tit Nubrasta
I , Clio prultiblti + uu.tai111V0carriod Ohio
the Buckeye State will roll up a Demo
crette majority next year which will
ptoniah oven the nativ. .
) in. COLIIY in suttiug up tlio pins in
the Finn diatrict with great ofLlmeinstn.
Iris enthusiasm is not Nharud by thou.
sands of ditgnstud Republicans who pro.
Ipso t , caM their Votoe fur J. II. Droady.
ALnEADv 2,500 , mepnct4trs of election
have heel sworn in tin Now York City.
That ought to ho enough to inure a fair
and honest vutu , hut iuspoclore do not al.
Trays inspuct.
GENIiRAL S1IEINIa9 Nltye ho 100g9 for
perfect quiet and will accordingly make
! tie home is St. helms. And now St.
Louis business men are mdignantl' in.
silting thnt time Oeuoral might have ox
proved t in tlllToront langnago.
Tint Deiwor iti Ito Grande company
are about t0 ie8nu ; 611,000,000 more
bonds , and thu Northern I'aoifio X20,000 ,
900. Sumo of the invw torg will shortly
feel like Saint Paul , who wiehod that leis
friends could b0 in the nano condition as
kimsolf , "oxcopt the hood. , "
PA1tENTV whose hoys run away from
home to euliut in the regular srmy wil
be ploaeed to hear a Judge of the United
States District Court haii decided that a
minor caomint be legally hnluld by his on-
Uitment , which in in thu nature of a civil
RECHNTLY the St. Iouil nawapapara
( fro filled with accounts of the diesap-
pearancu of 5fary Ohurchfll of that city.
A portrait of the girl was published ,
showing a huufely face , ramdored mpro
ugly by a shock of "banged" hair , whidli
loads the wow York Graphic to romank ;
i that if the picture iA a good cue it be-
llovoc she has "sought aomo vast wilder.
* use to escape looking glsMoe.
Tux Domocrata in the Sorond district
have ondoraud .Tudgo Pound the Repub.
hcan nominee. 't'his is a good move.
rudgo Pound is one of the aoundost law.
Iota and ablest judges on any diatrict
bonelt in tim State. It u highly gratify.
lag to know that the vctora of the Second
diatrict irroapoctivo of party purpoao to
continuo hia servicna. A non partiean
judiciary must come smeller or later.
Tr i indiecriminato BlauBtiter of the
buffalo on the great plain is boginniug
to have ita logical elect. In Dakota the
fall hunt of the Indians Iota proved a die
eel failure , owing to the scarcity of the
sepal herds , and tltoy are said tp bo aoll-
Jn ; , 'off the clothing auppli oil by the Cov
arnmeut for food to last tltoni through
the winter. It is evident that with the
building up of the Northern I'acifiu rail.
road the aborigine muat go , along with
the buffalo.
OOMPETENT Itupublicaua who fought
for lhoir prlneiplca certainly tIhIOUld have
the prefurunco for office , but able bodied
etaY at Ilonlea who ahautod loudly for the
Itopublican party while olhora wore fighting -
, ing for the flag hare no Maims for Ropub
Iiosn support asngainst loyal soldiora who
are fu every way bettor qualified. Tide
to why indopundent Itopublicane ahould
support Colnnol Savage. Mr. Rouse was
in the position of Artemus Ward during
the late war. lie was ready to sacrifice
all his wife's rolatioau on the altar of his
bleeding country.
NOTHING having boon hoard of the
gentleman from Stinking Wstor since the
Slate Convention it is proaumed that he
has gone to IVaehingtou to rehearse "life
piece. " We do not know what the subject -
joct of Mr. Lairl's maiden ofiort in Congress -
gress is to be , but we would suggest ,
"What Simon Kelly and I know about
Homesteading. " If Mr. Laird only made
it explicit enough that speech would cot.
tainiy create a noueation. Delivered
along the Republican Valley as a leeturu
It would draw like a triple X mustard
THE Chinago ZWbuno has discovered
that the views of forty-one Itopublican
Inenleu clout of time next Congress in.
dlcate that the party as a whole oppose a
reopening of the tariff question at limo
zioxt seasion. The views of sovouty-nino
Democratic mnunnbere indicate that their
party will favor a further rovlrion of the
tariff and liberal appropriatiolis for the
ilsiiafppi river , may favor time abolition
of the internal revenue , and a large ) na.
jority favor free tobacco. Moat of the
soventy-vino r'efuso to oxproas themselves
( ni the Speakeship question , but to time
xfeut that they hayo done so Carlisle
100111W to be time favorite. Iliscock Ie the
favorjto Itopublican candidate ,
uvtl rvtt',4T saru'LUs.
Reports from i.o'rdon announce aehort
ago in time wheat crop of Europa. From
till t'sthnatel of the Vlenia Congress it
appears that tine total crop of which in
eighteun countrice is only 050,000,000
or 15 per coot holow time averngo crop in
the same countries for a series of years.
This means that there is an actual doff.
cfency of 1i0,000 bushels and America
will be called upon to make good at least
a portion of Limo deficiency , r
Just what proportion of our crop will
be surplus wo cannot acuratoly eetimnto.
In round numbera only about sixty-five
per cent of the wheat raised in time
country is consumed at humo. Lm till
year ending .Tnnuary Juno 30 , 1882 , wo
exported 122,000,000 or nearly one-
third of our entire crop , in the three
) cam preceding that year the parcontago
of the wheat crop exported ranged from
:15 : to 40. According to the latest ec-
tinfatr of time Agricultural Department
this year our entire crop will amaumit to
417,000,000 bushels , n shortage of 87.-
000,000 bushels ac compared with last
year. Adding to this sum the 50,000,000
hllMhles ! remaining frmmn last year'e crop
and wo shall have 407,000,000 bushoii.
for doneatio and foreign coneumpliom
it is safe to ertiuiate that of this anmeuut
fully 140,000,000 will ho available for
The shortage abroad seems to promigo
good prices for all the surplus which we
out export. Withi a deficiency of 15 per
cant in the foreign crops the value of
wheat abroad must advance beyond hat
year's prices , and the additional demand
cannot ho satisfied Lyn tow million bush.
ole buyoud the quantity that wo have
boon selling for foreign delivery. The
certainty of agood foreign nmarket will ,
in addition , iusuro stable prices for the
wheat solp for home coneumimption ,
A NAVALOfiicer , lately returned from
Peru , waa interviewed at 1Vasliington a
few days nuo by a correspondent of the
Boston Ilcrald , According to his statement -
ment the Uhilinn spoliation of Puru is
cumplofu. 't'he ' worldhaa lung known that
victrious Chili has boon harsh and grasping -
ing in the treatlnont of her prostrate foe ,
and that the conditions of peace olrured
amid finally ncceptod were rigorous , but
few , probably , have realized how merciless -
less and rovuteus the conquering armies
have proved themaolvaf. The following
pluturo of lawless plundering is a disgrace -
grace to the modern civilization which is
svpposud to have gained a foothold oven
on tlw weat coast of South America.
Thu conquerors have packed up and
stilt home every public , literary , scion-
title and arlistie collection in the coun-
try. Thu state and university libraries ,
eommprisumg nearly 500,000 volumes , were
soot a elf your ago , the book-case being
bfvkun up to umuko packing bozos. Time
iisatrtmemits , apecinlells , and collections
of the nlndimal school and the school of
arts , mss well as the telescopes , etc , of
the observatory , are all gone , while the
pictures from the public buildings , palaces -
aces and private houses foil a prey to time
indrvidual lecture among the Olmilian
TuE school board are in an apologetic
mood. Time order for 2,200 drawing
slates low bean rocoiaidered , we are in-
brimmed ihnt tlmo janitors salary has not
yet Leon raised to $1,508 a year and
timejo are ln'nfuso explanations regarding
time necessity for a $1,000 music teacher
to instruct Lhotcachoraaewollas the echol
are , in thn art of reading music. So far as
criticism has shown time members flint
their proceedings are carefully watched
it may piovo valuable to the board of
education , % o are spending moro than
$100,000 auuually for our schools. This
is a large sun for a city of our size and
ought to PCOVO apply eullicient to build
up sod maintain mm excellent school aye.
tom , But our tax-payers will sod to it
that the nmonoy is not wnetcd and that
the neon who disburse it transact the
aehmnol business with mss much care as they
do their owmi. Goad buildinge and good
instruotion in the connuanaclmol branches
must precede flights into the aceoagpliah
moots taught in privnto schools and
acadoiries. A good education , which is
a practical education , ought to precede
all othaa nttainmcute. When that is
fully provided for one will be ready to
talk about conservatories of music amid
art schools in coumectiomi with our school
Mt. Illxtun , a North Platte lawyer ,
who is now ruining for district attorioy
against IIen. E , C. Calkine , shied his
castor jute time political arena during the
uleniorablo Yalentino convontiomi that
trot at Fromout last fall , Mr. Bixler
bounded into fame by making
u 51)0001 w hick was too vulgar
amid filthy to be published in a nowspapor.
Time Valentino organs were ashamed to
print ] lixlcr'a nasty speech , but he was
very promptly rewarded by Governor
Dawes with an almlmointmnont. as district
attorney of time Tenth dintriet , Bixler
and Saul Savidgo had themselves endorsed
in time railway Itpublicami convoutiou ,
and now Ilfxler is baforo the voters of
life district as a reprosoatativo of time
party of moral ideas , If Mr , Calkiua
had no other qualifications than being a
respectable gentleman he ought to beat
Tae responsibility for time failure of
time Creely relief Party proudscs to ho
di0lcult to dotormhme , The elgnal ser-
viceofilcu dedared flntly that the our
maMlor of the Poctus failed t + follow the
supplamnemitiil orders dirooliug hfm to unload -
load his stores at Lyttletou island , Car-
lingtou's dofunso has not boon made pub.
Ito , but he is said to ho couliduut that hu
can prove flint time blunder which led to
tie total failure of time expedition was
time work of time main office , Theta
ought to be no suppression of the facts
In Limo inquiry amid uo "whitewashing'
of those who are to blame for this waste
of provisions ; which , will probably be
soruiy needed this whiter by time A rcti
explorers ,
IT looks as ff there was a great deal of
cold water in the political atmosphere
yesterday in Iowa and Ohmic ,
A Itcrlurst Front Sennlur MandersOf ,
OMATtA , Nab , , October 10 , 1883.
To the raptor of the lies :
Will you favor mo by requesting the
librariarfa of all public libraries in Nebraska -
braska to send me the following informa-
tics : Name of organization , when and
how organized , where located , number
of volumes in library , and whether
books hire free to all comers , with names
of Oflieere and to what address books
should be scut , Very truly yours ,
Reduced Overhtmtd ! tales ,
San Chronicle ,
The recent pooling conference in this
city line attracted the attootion of prou
nmmft Eastormi journals to time nutraguoes
uxtortions ftrtctced by the Pacific rtil
roads on time Leo ilo who are forced to
, atronizo Thom 1 'limey justly decide the
of the passenger ate between
S mil Francisco and Omaha front $98 to
$ tr and dennuco it as a thnuclei in-
etanco of trilling with Imuhlie saitiment
rind intininto that mt would have been far
bettor to rotani the old rate of $100 , as if
at. least lord time nmerit of being symnmotri
cal , The Uhiicago Tribune , referring to
this reduced rate , woiulors why farce on
roads Luilt at the costof thu people should
bu twice as much as on railroads built b
private elite rise and individual capital.
' [ 'hero iii no other nnswor to this query
han that time man who had so muui bem
'fits slupwered u ton theta by the national
Uovornmont have been conerted b suc-
ccc into finnncialho s with an una pearo
able nlplmotto for money. They have long
siuco LCCOIIIO thu possessors of enormous
fortuuos , but with ilia'ustimit vorncious-
11CM they are continually crying for more
load do not hcsitnto t which
will help to awoll their already 1 plethoric
If time managers of the Pacific railroads
were accessiblu to time emotions which
move other men tlmey would be ashamed
to promimulgato the fact that they have
made a pitiful reduction of $3 on the rate
fromn Sat Francisco to Omaha , as it only
serves to enpathizo'hlo extortion practiced -
ticed at present. Lot the realer reflect
but for a moment that for $32.60 lie can
purchase a ticku ; for a fmret-class massage
from Now York to Omaha , a distance of
14(14 ( miles , while ho is conmpellecl to pay
the Union and Central Pacific companies
$05 for a ticket from Onmlia to San
Francisco , a distance only 't00 miles
greater than that between Now York and
Omaha. Not only is the passenger corn
polled to pay the Pacificroads this uxtnr-
tionato rate of fare , but his ttumo is sacrificed -
ficed tp the economical greed of the
monopolies , which induces then to run
their trains at a miserably slow apood.
Lime 1404 miles botwoun Now York and
Omaha is traversed in fortvniuo hours-
aim average rate of thirty miles an hour-
while ninety.four and a half hours are
cnustuned by the Central amid Union Pa-
cilic roads in running 1805 miles , the
average rut being only twenty mmiles an
hour. On the Eastern roads
cars are run , pornitting a passenger to
catn good meal in cntnfortatarcasonablo
price , or excellent stations are provided
whore equally ! rood accoui uodattons may
ho nbtaumed. On time 1'neifia roads the
stations are wrotehed and the meads often
uufft to be offered to people accustomed
to sty degree of luxury in eating urml time
prices are always extortionate. 1Vhen all
tlieau things are taken into account-the
high rate of fare , the time unnecessarily
consumed , the additional expense for
sleeping accommodations inurred owing
to slow speed , the extnrtiomite rate for
meals-the contrast with time charges of
time Eastern roads becomes almost appalling -
ling ; .
Toro can be no question but that this
policy of extortion line done much to
retard time growth of Calilornia and the
Pacific coast States. Thu high fares mind
freights of the Contra ! and Union Pacific
roads have proved a veritable Chinese
wall which has served to exclude thous.
nude of emigrants , who , under more
favorable conditions , would have mndu
their homes in our midst amid helped to
develop time wealth of the coast. That a
set of coon who owe their power and
wealth to time Government and the people
should place n in such an
tmdo is atrocious. Thepeoplo have a right
to demand that thmol gift ahould mint ho
turned into an angino of oppression , , as it
line bean , b these monopolists. That it
should be se trenuherouel employed , and
whu i a protest is mndu and utictie-
mnanled that those who nlidc0 time demand
should be derided , only show that theme
is somutliint' rotten in the present method
of conducting our political affairs.
1Vhothor this putrid part can bo gotten
rid of remains to be seen. That a lively
interest is springing up over time entire
country is a hopeful sign. Perhapa it
hill exert a sufficient pressure on Con.
gress to conpol it to afford somne sort of
relief ,
A Mlsslon That Palled ,
Han Fnncltoo Ca11.
We iOhitiVO It was not stated by Genor
aim Crook that ho had any dietiuct under.
atanding in his verbal treaty with time
Chiricnhua Indians , that , inconsideration
of the easy torus olrored than , little
Chancy MCComm ns was to be delivered up.
Ae that portion of their nmenibors whichf
broke away carried time captive with , thutf ,
those who surrendered were powerless to
uinko any prumieo on this hmead. It was
inmplied , however , flint they were to use
their mtluonco to olfect time boy's release ,
It will bo aeon by tltu account we nmblish
ed yesterday , that Limo two ngomits who
were dispatclmod witlm a museum ttoobtain.
mid Oharloy's release failed in their pur
1)030 for reasons act fsrtlm in their report.
limo thought is hminmiliating thet a govern.
niamtnf over fifty miltomfs of people
should be bailed n its intentione by a
lmumdful of savages , henmod in a unrrow
apace , witlm a cordon of towns and settle.
ufomts eurroundiug qwm at die.
tancee of coniparatively oily a few miles.
It insphes a hapu that thus Indinmis will
eventually meat with deserved punish'
tnent , for we are told that 000 Mexican
troops are on their trail The Mexicans
havu a snnmmnry way of deulhig with the
hontilce. 'J'heir gov0nmmemmt has no rose
vatione to which they are taken acid fed ,
and front which they are allowed to dn.
part In the spring with arias in their
Imauds toresuuutheirtrnrkc , f rnbbrm'yaud
slaughter. Souona tried the phu , of issu
ing ; rations to the dpuchrs once without
accemplisluing any good , siuco which timro
anent of time Mate in Indian trent
Leon changed to accord with
the law of "lox taltonis. "
. Most n' our
readers , we doubt not , would ho satisfied
to have Coroninm nod his mumderoua
"bravos" full jute Muxicat hands ,
A Uaaaialolls Dcsiro to Rob the Mother
Charch of Somc of Her
The Epiacopal Convention Anxious -
ious for More Hymns and
Catholic Musio.
A Variety of tither Itefornis Undei
I'nu.AUEbrnlAA , October 10.-The
oral convention of the I'roteetant Episco-
Iutl church of the United States roasonr-
bled this morning. A mitossage was re
cuived from time Iioudl of Bishop. , stat
imiq that they had adopted a
that the standing cuminitteo of each
hnusobe authorized to mnuut with those
otllera n joint conventinmi committees ;
concurred iii , The communitteoon amend
anent to the eons'itltion ' reported it in
expedient to make any cilamlgo.
Time [ louse wont into a committee of
time whale. Judd , of Illinois , moved t' '
strike from the title lingo of time i'rayem
book the mlfrasu " 'tccordin r to thu use
of time Protest-amt Ipisco pal church "
Rev. 'I'homas W.l liaskius of Quiney ,
said that the imnprrssiomi had gone forth
that his resolution last ovoung relative
to christian education , was intmtdod for
a burlesque , ho was not joking , but serf
ously in earnest ( ho wants $100,000,000
for schools , )
Time arrival of the Canada delegation
wore amiounccd.
Columbus D''uae" (1)hio ( ) wished to
know if it had t' . t n lucidcd on yester
day that time afneduicut was loaf. Judd
called for a division and it resulted-
yeas 73 , noes 70. It was that resolved
to report to the house flint the commit
tee approved time first resolution relative
to the title page : The second resolution
regarding the introduction to the prayer
bunk was taken up.
On roasseutblmg the convention again
welt into committee of the whole. Several -
oral antandmenta were moved making alterations -
terations and changes in the hymn book ,
. and rejected ,
Rev. L. A , Towretto of Now Mexico ,
hoped the number of hymns would be imi-
Rev. Dr. Fulton of Missouri , was as
little disposed as any no to introduce
Calvanistic or quasi Roman hymns , he
said , t'Wny should we leave the devil a1l
the good music ? "
Rev , Fred W. Taylor moved an unend
ment as follows :
"But only such hymns simall be in the
church as are or may be duly sot forth
or allowed byauthorityof the aanio."This
anondmamt was defeated , Section " 0"
in the first resolution of the report of
the committee was then considered.
This section is as follows , Add to the
calendar a feast , to be entitled the transs
figuration of Christ , and assign the same
to the 18th day of January , "
Ilev. Knight moved to amend by atrik-
ing out January 18th and inserting An
gust 0th , ' 1'hu dubatu on the subject
then took an historical turn , pronineimt
uiimiisturs espousing difreront dates. Rev ,
Dr. Morgan Dix , of Now York , preferred -
red mho feast be celebrated on the day
it had always been observed in ea'stent
ohnrches amid now observed in the
Roman church.
Cumsidextion of that portion of section
0 which assigns the feast to January 18
was poet oted. Time balance of section
C was adopted.
Time committee rose and the house ad-
The House of Bishops spent the greater
part of the day's session iii considering
the report of the j nmlt couunitteo en ru-
vision of the put ) er-book in committee
of the whole 'I'fao Metropulittu of
Canada addressed the house. Coneemit
was given to change the m numu of time
diocese of Illinois to the diocese of Chi-
cage. Adjourmtd till to mnorrow ,
The national Mexican Congress proposes
an utnendment to the cuuntttttlun giving full
control of the sanitary regulatons ( W the fed-
end guver"ment.
Thu Maid of the Mist ran the lower rapids
of Niavain river ) esterday aftermon. Fhu
renmmmee In the whirlpool ten nduutos. Ten
thousand pouplu were present.
Imdorlnatlomi lies been received in Mnntrt'al
that C..1. 1)ewey , the forger who a capetl
"ith $100,000 , witi arrested in Sat. Autoniut
Texas ,
A anal niloer mamod Bcnjashm \Vllliatns
witm killed , and atmthor mianud 1Vnm , Cart.
wright seriously injured , by the prumnatlre
dlsadurgr of a blast in the Co-operative mice ,
nearSpringfield , Ill ,
'l'ime tneetinr of general passenger agents , to
talc. , place at Kuosaa City October 16th , to
consider uuatters ouniloctpd with Cnlihinda
business , lies beep pa.tpuned iudeli"ltely ,
uwiug t ) time inability of ( goon iuteruntud to
he present.
The annual convention of the Railroad una
dueters' Life Immsuramice 4lssociatluu of the
United States and Catadn is In se limn pn Cln-
tdnnatt , President , Geo. I.Ilaxrison. Theme
were 118 dele nmtes present. 7'weutyoiiu have
Bled , five were killed amid two disabled during
the year.
Returns to time agricultural departmout of
time condition of cotta up to Oct.her lit
ihuw a reduction iii the general avur.age eon.
dition from 74 to t 8 per cent. Tun hulks.
tlous are the crop will fall short of lust year's
crop inure that a mdltimn bales.
At time general eonferencu of the Evamigell.
cal Alliance at .111ontowar , l'a , yesterday , a
pnrtiun of the survices cunsistcd of prayer
and uttering of thanks for the success of mho
trniperwicu noise fu Ohio iumd Iowa.
The ImnpreuoIom prevails hl uIadrid that
France cuosidero that he line made Nuficdtnlt
reparation fur the immsulting treatmunt of
Every obyslciauhcPmmsnoJshseelgnedacer-
plicate ttua nn cane of yellow ( over uxlets b ,
the city , 'hero is great excitement over the
course of 1)r. Coeltrimo and the position lit
which ho plmcod Pensacola
A cyclomiestruek Arcadia , \Vis „ Tuesday
night caudug deetructluu of a miuntber of
barite soil out l ulldinge amid the lose of ruin.
alderahle live stock. No serious ca.ualtills
toe reported.
Archbishop Freiman of Chicago Carrigan
and ( Jlbbeas of Now l ark amid llisimoia , Cleat.
laud of Viucenmas , and Ciouy of Kliigstma ,
sailed yaaterday for Rome ,
A nunbor of citizens him Semi Francisa , hate
held a meotimm F to take into cxmsideratlmu the
deslrability of holdiug a World's Muir In that
city In 1847. Auothrr amid more de8ultummcet'
lug will lie lucid iii u few days ,
The Irish Natlomal loagne of San Fraacsro (
hits received a anunuuiuattou frr"m the treue
firer of time Natitnlttl league at "ubilu , return.
ii g time sutmi 4,1 Iminntt3'atih ) CIibutl lu San Frau
chit. ) for tic faudlltw of time nmm uteautcd for
the I'hnenix i'ark murders , Thu treasurer
mvi it + a that it wniilml IN , hmikleslllie t ) glee tlw
maoliov to whnna It was douatrd , as the lu.igue
wtnnlat be mdjmdgtsl to syauputhlzo with murderers
derers and enauursgirg iusw sl"atlous ,
A'Furontodispatch says ] tudau offers to
make ammmochfor$8oooaside to row Cmurt.
may hlmself or the bust dine Courtney can
An Enu Claire , Wis. dlslatahm .sys at 7
o'clock last night Jules bueomoners jewelry
et ire was entered by burglar. wklie te pro.
pdetors Ivam at supper. About $4,000 wrth
atjuwulry and watches were token. The rob
Iwrsmad ! uol boon arreetud at tulduiglmt.
nanyl Ittllyt Itallll to the front
Ye feeble , Ick , and.uflrringl
Nn more endure 3out U. , uomire ,
while now we make the oeeminll
Come out the ranks of ratnl Come out
Mod join the Iluslth tinged. !
D4 sett diicaso et oneol Ueeertl
You'll amply lro retold.
Htrlke down D3epe.illa ; ) Htdkel
On Ueneral Debl Ity pounce !
! tout User Comptelnt forever , rout !
Giro nfllousetet the bounce !
Hold fast your weapon. , hold !
nurdeek Dloo4 Haters ueel
They'll win the eght depnvl ; they"11 win ,
And give these Ilia their dune.
lnurdock Doet ! OlUere are a boon In the sick ,
heneatiag unfemlegly , and remember ate eoLn
RvxaTrnxaR p
Till , UrtTrtil : OF' TllE RUIdddT ,
The 1'eurth Uut3's Scure of t ho Ie.
partmentof11"m PhtitoTean
at Lemvonworth.
Special Tlspateh to THE Ilxx ,
FT , DEAvs nvoftrul , Kas , , October 10.
-Time following is the servo of the De.
partmmltof the Platte team to-day :
To-day's Total.
Satre , 4 days , Hank
Merriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 312 l
Chnpllu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 329 8
Rnbm + un . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 314 10
Zraknriaason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 318 18
I'ond. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 312 42
llartimi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8l ! 311 27
stay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 30'2 38
( ( omasck , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 302 37
Weagralf , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 209 42
Co gnuvo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 41
11i11ery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .dl 281 5'
tevems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 205 49
.inrdan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'G7 28'2 53
Ucgttan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 3(0 40
I'latto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
II.Vns thu Man.
It was on a Western railroad , says The
1Vnll Street News. Thu conductor
had heel his rounds amid had takemma scat
heetde a very quiet and mmasslhtmimg pits-
"I'retty full train , " finally observed
the 1asaeugcr.
"Yes. "
"Read seems to be doing a good busi
miess , "
"Oh , the road makes plenty of money ,
"But what ? " asked the passenger , as
time other hesitated.
'Bad nmammioment , It is the worst
nlanagod road ni this whole country. "
"Is that so ? "
"That's so. Time board of officials
might know how to run a aide show to
, t circus , but they can't tackle a rail.
" 1Vlto is the biggest fool in the whole
lit ?
"Well , the superintuimdemct is. "
"I4n glad of that , " said the passenger -
ger , as his face lighted up. "I was
afraid you would say it was the presi-
"Suppose I hind ? "
' 1Vlly , l'1m1 time moan ! ' '
A Ing 1Vho Can tie Opcnul 1VItli a
Cork screw ,
"There doesel't seem to be anything
rcllmarkablu about that dog , " said Mr.
'l'homimas Fitirch'ild quietly , us he poured
cut move of his tifteemm-year old .
madu 1'inu for time party of reporters he
w a9 umtertailling at luuelm in his ple'asamit
! tome in Stratford , Cunu.
Peter thu dog refuted to , barked know-
"But there is , though , " said Mr. Fair-
ehild earnestly. "Hu me just a plain or-
dutmuy dug to look at , isn't he ? "
' ' "
'Yea ,
"Rut he isn't though , " said Mr. Fairchild -
child , still umore earnestly. "He's gut a
puuula , "
"Meaning what ? " said the reporter.
"Meaufng it Diutalic . But here ,
I can show you bottom- than I can explain.
I'etur , stxud up ! "
Peter stood up forthwith , mud displayed -
ed a curious tlmiug projecting froln
htasido. It was hike one cu def a tin spool
with the aperture tightly corked up. Thu
other cud , Mr. Fairchild samd , projected
inward , teaching time inner recesses of
Tutor's atwunch , and was aimilar to the
end in sight ,
"Whyf" said time reporter.
"Dly sun , " said Dlr. Fairchild , "was in
u Now York lmospital atudying. For au
uxpurialeut lie wanted aonmo gastric juice
frumim a dug. Peter latd time great luck to
be aroual. Dly sou tapped hint , mm 1 ,
after extracting the yuico aforesaid , he
thought it wound be a pity to waste so
good a dug , so Ilu corked hint up as you
see , amid Toter is now aim good as new , and
utire Interesting „
"Dues hu like it ? "
' ' 'ell , hu ' mind it. Once iii a
while he knocks the pamiula min a step ors
atomic and that he gets a little sot e ; but
we feud him on bread mid milk for a day
or two amid thou take a corkscrew and
upon bfnm , lie doesn't mind time opunt
ttou iii time least , and guts well at "ace ,
though lip Iota aoulu trouble with wind out
the etomtclm , fur a few hours. "
r3.5f ; ; trV. ' ' ' 'r
fi c'
Thtt ; CROAT
a ! M
c nES
lhiuunlallsm , t Headache , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , , Toothache ,
tart'Thranl.AUenlua..Sill imlis..IIrel.ra ,
ltern. . Nrae.l. , 1'ro. Intr. .
Ale AIL edits miuaGt ralb tan nab ,
vii , ire lluoi Iu udr.4.q . .beer FitJ eWi.A t.ieI
elrrrtla , la II I..ueu i. .
s. PI. . IIILLf : .1,1iN u.n iiin I.Na
J A111Ed MoVEY ,
aractical Horse Sheer
Mato. aeeelaitvof ; Itoeditenend'tendutfoothot
a. , shops , pale alroet bet , 11th and 19th , Old
' I
Ph unlx Aeeunnco L4 , of Londun , Ceeb
k.iet. . . . . , , , , , , , , . , , estdtfAlw
wcetohteterN Y. . Capltid . . . . . . . owooo00
rhu Merelaanta , of Newark , N , L , tlepltel 1ahooo.oo
0"anl Flro,1'Idta icl till. , Capital. . . . . . 1,2e9pO.O6
Plinmau'.humid , l. 1tl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139,91/Ua
OFFICE-Room ; 19 , Omuta Natlonal dank bull
( or. Trhihon.No STe
Dry Goods ! ,
f CO. ,
Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS. MO
Wholesale Grocers I
Cigars and Manufactured Tobaccos
¶ 1 : ' . I1T'HCxLIDq '
gaIvoiiod IroCornics1 Iido CapsFiniaI a asA" . P
Skylights Ae' Thirteenth Street Ncb
t 1
1 p D
Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses + in 7 Sizes from $60
to $120 per 1000.
Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and
Brigands ,
4NSjI _ Esa \ /
} iLE'Ji'I7C3R . 'rra M
J1&2 Lc1 ill
illS1Mpofl ,
" _ Warriage Factory
etr 144J and 1411 Dodge Street ,
OMAHA , - - - - - - NEBRASKA.
SL&NiIFACr lilts OFl
Caroenters' MateraIs
Sash , Doors 1 Blinds 1 Stairs Stair Railill s , Balastors Will o w & Boo r Fra lesi &c f
First-class . feclllties for the manuracturo . of all kinds , of Sfouldtnge , Planing and Hxtchin , a spocislty
from the onuntry wl11 be ' .rompUl executed
Acldren all
oommunleattons to A MOYER , l'ropdoto p
c O .1 ! S ® k. 8 - -
_ tvIanufacturod by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Co.
M , , - . /
Carriages , BugiesRoa , agous
lslo and 1So homey Street and ; tea H , 11th street , ' - a ,
. streetrr0117AH ,
m tasted Catatcm ue furalebid free upon apptleatr.o t $
Buios Carflaes and iVaos
My ltepx dtory U eooataztly f Uod with a select.tock. Best w'orknun.hlp guaranteed ,
Office and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Q h