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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1883)
z I % kL * ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. , , : : . . . TFlllt.l PI.NTTI : ! YEAR. ' ( 11A11A. N16. TllURSIA1' 11tOltvivG , OC'f ( > BEIt ll. 1883. NO. a1. ! ' - _ - . W Ii Lalnber't & h \ 11 sY N Great Sale ! I883 , r Anticipating a sale that will exceed in magnitude ALL OUR PAST ACHIEVEMENTS , We have made such arrangements in our store stock and and corps of employes as will be best calculated to the convenience and comfort of our friends and patrons , and enable us to transact our immense trade with accuracy - racy and dispatch. BiG 13AhIAINS ( IN DRESS'00005 ! i _ Our present stock is the largest ( we have ever shown , even overshadowing - owing all the other stocks of dress goods to Omalni combined. 7,500 yds. Wool Cashmeres and DeBeges during this sale at 74c , worth 15e. 3,000 yards double Ivi + lt1i New Colors ; itul Black Caylin re during this sale ; t4 I5ea yard , selling everywhere - where at 25 to 30e. 5,000 yards Foule Beiges , Silk i and 1Vool Uurxiet nuxtures b-4 1 CashtrrereS reduc + 'd to foie , before the rule were 37. , 40 and 50c. 3,0O , ( ) yarl 48-inch beautifu' Cole ed Cashutv'res , Nuvy li ue t Garnets , \Viii , Brown , New Greens , &c at 4e a yard , worth 60 i' to 75e. 1,500 yards 42-inch FOule finish all wool Sh"odil Cayh neres at GOe a yard , before the sale were a bargain - gain at 750. . , e. a' 2,000 yards Noveltie Silk and wool mixtures double width will be closed out at a uniform price of 500 , worth $1.00 to $1.50 a yard. . r. r f same nitiko and dyed by Guiles - es (1 ( , the be dyer in France ; we I ( rlanJ sell direct two qualities : Quality "M , " very fine , all wool , in wines , gu ut.ts , browns , myrtles , navy , c'rdiual , at 57o ayard , usually - ally cold at 75e. Quality "N , " the finest Cashmere - mere shown IN COLORS , in addition to myrtle , nity , seal brown , wines , , , etc. , all new shades , inasti , arouse 'I color , drabs , tubas , bronze , clam 9 ; wood brown , etc. , at 75c a yar + l , these goods will be found equal to any sold elsewhere at 90c and $ I. GOODS ! "GOLDEN STAR CASHMESES : " "A , " 34 in , all wool black Cashmere - mere , 2Vc. B , 34 in. all wool black Cashmere - more , $ ,71c. C , 38 fn , all wool black Cuslt mere , GOc. D , 40 in , all wool black Cashmere - mere , G.5c. E , 40 in , very fine black Cashmere - mere , 65e. F' , 40 in , extra black Cashmere - mere , 85c. G , 40 in , finest black Cash wore , $1 , We solicit comparison with goods in smaller stores , who purchase frottr jobbers , at 25 per tort higher than above prices , ti 10 pieces all wool fine Urn- cado Satinesdurin Lhidsalu at 87 c a yard , worth 10 pieces very tins Silk War Henrietta ut &J.5 n yard , wort ! and reduced from $1.85. Cotton Flannels ! MUSLIN SiIEhTINGS. 10 Bales best. quality finest tin- ble.iched yard wide llusliu Gc. } 20 Bales very hest leaviest Unbleached - bleached yard wide Muslin Tic. I 0 Cases very hest Utica tail An- clroscoggor yard wide I3/eacited / llii li at 8c ; } a ysrd , worth at wholesale 124e. 5 Cases good heuvy Unb'eached ' Cotton flannel at 5c a yard , worth l Oc. 10 CuseS Bleached timid Un bleached Cotton hhattrel at n it ui- morn price of , wo tlr usually - ally ' .file. 5 Cases % Vamsutta , 2I yard wide , 1t-4 ( Bicaehed Slr'tetitig at 30e a yard , worth 40c. 5 Cases Utica , 2-yard wide , 10.4 Bleached heetnig at30c a yard , w'rth 400. 4 Cases fine heavy Bleached Sheeting , 2 # yards { 1'1de , at 25c , usually sold at 30c to 3 ic. 4 Cases best Unbleached Sheeting - ing , 2t yards wide , at 22ic , worth usually 311c. ! ' 100 pair 10.4 white Blankets at $1.00 a pair worth $2..U. 100 pair I0.4 whiFo Blankets of a quality 1111(1 SIZe that usually sell at $3.50 turd $1(10 will be elated out on this sale att a ulnform price o $ : .5 ( ) a pair. 150 pair v' ry soft Wool Blank eta , with ha11d ole red or blue striped borders at $3 SO a pair , exactly - actly the sanrn Blanket retailing elsewhere at $5.00. 200 pars of 11.4 six pound all wool white 13L + ttkets , very heavy uud ti big bargain , during this sale at tt5.00 u pair , .vortlt $7.50. 101) ) pairs very floe rich boriil 1'-4 all wool lilu.kets , purchased by is ttt auction stiles Loud worth to- ( bay. iu New { Yorlc luarkets $ 10.0 ( , will be closed during this sale fbr $7.75 , ( lever before sold less than $12.00. 75 pair California all wool Mission - sion Mills Blankets at $7.70 a pair , worth $12.00. COMFORTS ! 100 B II. s pure white cotton filled Counfort4 , etude of best stood , udnrd Calico , $1.35 , each reduced from $2.00. 50 Bales hest TurlcPy Red timid Furniture Chintz Comforts at $2.00 each , reduced from and can not he bought for less than 3.00. T 200 cases , fast color , new dark fall prints , at 3c a yard , sold every- 'where at 5c. Cochco , Allot , Best + Arnold , Print O11CIltd1 . , p.Ct9 , I Iilerinnic , 1 American , T urd. a I Richmond , I Windsor , 100 imidibgo Blue Calico 61c , 20 Cases hest A trop Check Cling- hams itt 414c a yar ( . 20 Cases now style , very choieest Dress Plaid Ginghons , all this season - son patterns , alt 7 tic a yard. 200 pieces very finest French and Scotch Plaid Gnighams , new Fall patterns , J Gc a yard , worth 25c. ® PN STREET1 _ . . r.tld- - Occupying the largest Store and carrying the Largest Stock of Dry Goods between Chicago and San Francisco , TI [ 1' INAIJGURA'I'ION OF OUR IMMENSE FALL SALE ! Morning , 9th , 1Q83. We know that the public of Omaha will expect great results , rota us and we propose - pose to sell them goods with the three distinct profits of the manufacturer , joLber and retailer , placed , as it were , in the pockets of our patrons. Our magnificent stock aggregating : : will be offered at this sale , from our pins and needles to our Silks and Velvets ; from a yard of printed Calico to our Richest Fabrics. All will be sold - _ ° P 'I ° HE 7L1cDwIE ; r PR.ic. ' ever known in the annals of the Dry Goods trade in this country. BLACK Silk Department. That our pairoas in y obtain thh grcutes' b + rgwusuhey + + vecv rye seen in Is lnck Silks , { ve lutve d ide + i to red ce our entire stock , and. a is uppare. . I ; to ttll iv + o vi.itouri . it is by fur the arget stuck in Omaha , and the only are bought iii Lyons , at The Looms Lireot 5ll pieces. 22 timid 24 inelt'Lyon , Casluuere liuislt Black Silks will b oftereli during this.salrt 5100' yard ; were sold by the inauufactn ' rer heretofore fur $1.25 and $1.50. 25 pieces Cash mere PI fucess Black Silks , double warjr , rich , lustrous finish , full 22 , and some 24 'tidies ' wide , at $1.35 , wirtlt $1.75 to $2.09 , mill wn'rauted to wear without - out breaking. 28 pieces Cashmere Alexauttlre , 24 inoh llhtck S Iks , will lie aold duri' g this sale at $1,65 ayard. Tllse a e the roular$2.01) ) quality , iv tli superb - perb lustiii , heuvy wei. lit and are ill ways couhidercd cllcup ILL $2.00 a yard. 20 pieces Cashmere Alexandr 24 inch Black Silks , the qu tli y usually retailed east 12.50 , w II be sold by us on this sale at X2.10 a 31u ( L 1'2 pieced widest , heaviest 1111(1 he , t . of Casilniere Alexandre 2I i cli B1uck Sialcs , usually hold by all best eastern houses for $3.00 t fi3.50 a yard , will he sold by us during this sale for $22.50. t ,6 pieces of flue celebrated 'Pup. pisier Freres' Grease Proof Black Silky , full 24 inches wide , will be sold at 52.75 a yard. ' 'heso sire the fittest quality Lhut is made in these s Iks , luau { ve talvise inch of our plttroasas were di , + upp"inied in oh- taniig them from us lust spring to cull early , as they will sell in time first few days of this smile , hieing Chit. only silk made Clint is { vtrrl'Iltltel It 1 to iveur sh ny or greasy. 'I'liey ate u rare bargain , FLANNELS ! 25 pieces heavy , wide white Shaker Flannel at 5c a yardworth 2 oc. 25 pieces all wool Red Flannels at 2Uc , reduced from 25c A Big Barnin in California very heuvy Red Twill Flannel , during this stile at 45 ; never sold under GOc. 50 pieces bast quality Basket Sacking Finn rels , Red , Wine , Navy , Cardinal , Pink , Light Blue , &c. , at GOe a yard , are sold elsewhere - where at OUe. n Napkins & Towels 1181 dozen Blenched Daumsk Nnptius , aorta from 1 + 1.00 to b l 25wil , l be sold in ocelot at 75c. 150 dnzeu $ Bleached Damask Napkin' ' , very line turd rhoiee putt- I , , , IN. at I .1)1) ) ) a dozen , worth from $1.50 ti $2.00. 200 dozens very fine Creaut Dunn . k Nuphins will be'sold in otn I'd at $ I .Gat a di zen ; not a dozen in the lot is worth not less Chuu $2.00 and suite $2.50. 1114) ) dozen 1 and $ Double Sa 1mn Duunask Napkins ut ; : .u0 a dozen , reduced front $3.00. i BED SPREADS. 1011 ( ! full size Crochet Spreads , purch is (1 by t s at auction stilts in New York atl half price , will be suld at 90c , worth $1.25. 500 extra large fine and heavy 12.4 Marseilles B. d Sprends at L1it1 each , Ivonld be cheap at $1.25. 250 very finest 12-4 Marseilles Spreads that were imported for samples will be sold at a uniform trice of $2.50 , worths $4.00 to 5.00. _ - - - 1 TOWELS. 250'(107.011 lr.rge size , all li"en Pluck 1ud D anaslc 'T'owels at 150 each , would lie a goad value at 25c. 300 dozen I + 'inest ) luck Damask and Kuuited Fringe 'I'nwels at 25cr raeh , usually sold at 37k to GUc. I O0dozen Finest ) luck and Dtan- u + lc Embroidered knotted fringe rind + pen work Towels , all verv finest goods , will be sold is one lot at GUc , worths 750 to $1,50 , Shawl Department GO Ladies' heavy Beaver Shawls in beautifal colors , wall he sold dur- ui7 this solo ut'L50 each , usually considered cheap at 101) finest , double all-wool , reversible Shawls , size 72x144 inches , at ¶ 5.54) each , usually sold atfrom $8 to $10. 20 fine douhlo Broche Shawls at $20 , reduced from $30. 10 Superior Quality 'Double Broche Shawls at $39 , reduced from $40 , 12 hest quality Double Broclie Shawls tit $35 and $40 , reduced from$45 mil $50. E Hosiery DEPARTMENT I The biugains , in this dnpartnieu + will be strata d to the wants of tf. 1111111) , aS front our cheapest to t a st Ii lso we sell , our Iaitr0lis Ili tiuuit cite sail till at about hull thi. usual price. 100 doz 'n Ladies' Seanoless nn- bleuelied Balbriggan Ilose , with double heel and 'I'oe at 2Uc a pair. 100 dozen Ludies' Seamless Merino - no finish , ribbed Rose , warm and heavy , in , ied , blue amid brown , at tl ! ohit puirsal(1 lust yltar : ntr25c : , . . GO dozen Ladies'Seamless Derby Ribbed En'lisli Ili. + e , extra lertgtlt lurid vtuiy choice nssortnueutof colors at 45c , sold lost season at G5c to 7.50. 50 dozen Ladies' Silk lIoae , in bluek , brown , navy blue , garnet , cardiaarls , etc. , ut $1.00 it pair , { { urllt $1.75 , About GO d rzeu Ladies' flue Lisle Cotton aid Futcy larbriidered IIu e Limo vii ui a 50c h"x , iota pairworthless than 750 to $1 iO. - Children'sHosiery ' 80douni Child run's Scautless llle- ri ii Ribbed ! 1(150 , red , blue , brown , etc. . all piles. 5to 8 inch at 1Oe a pair ; would be cheap at 200. 216 d nee S"antlt'ss heavy weight cotton strutted uud solid color Muse , all sizes , 5 to 8.1 inch , red , hi ue brown , etc. , wurrnnt + d fat colors at. . a uniform price of 250 , worth 300 a pair. GO dozen Cinild'a Seamless Solid Color Caslnnero Wanl Ilose , iii I sizes , 5 to 81 inch , will be offered at 25cr it pair , worth 50 to 750. About 81) ) dozen Child's flume qual- fly En2lishi timid I + 'reneh C14SIIIII re Iloe , all sizes , 5 to 8.1 inch amid beautiful colors lit GUc , worth 750 to 85c. 3G dozen very finest English Cashmere hose , all sizes smith colors , aml not a pair worth lrss than $1 , will be thrown in one lot to-Inor- row 6c. Table linens. 25 pieces 04 inch Scotch Loom Damask , free trout dressing , very heavy and a great bargain at 37i1c , neyer shown before by sty one for lesst hen 65c. 13 pieces G8 inch heavy Creme Satin Dauttutlc will he ollered on this itt 550 , never retailed before lees than 75c , 25 pieces newest and richest pat terns , null two yards wide , Doubl + Satin Duniask , very flume and heavy , being our own importation , will hi offered on this salu for $1.0O ti yard , urn worth uud never shovn fora less than $1.50 , I &N Great Fall Sale ! TUESDAY kORNINO , OCTOBED 9 , 1883. Coming at a time of year when household expenses are necessarily large , when a more expensive class of Dry Goods are needed for Winter , outfitting than in the Sprlllg. The importance of this sale and the benefits of it accruing to the rich and poor alike , cannot overestimated - mated , We , Iherefore , ask that every reader of this paper will consult their own interest by studying our prices do vn to the laet w.rd on this page , knowing that the result will be a great saving to thin and make our our store in future , as in the past , the concentrating point for the largest RETAIL TRADI' ; IN TSE WESTERN COUNTRY. OLOVES : Aulicipathig our Semi Annual sale ouo of the largest nianttt'uctu - tors iii Frattco uuuie for us ti ka leader 100 (107.0115 honk , 11ew shiunles , hid Gloves , every pair { vurrauted , will he sold by O 1 this yule at 750 , swurlh and uyuully hold at $1,15. 15 dozen Dogskio driving or Street cull' gauntlets , all tieiv I nods aril new styled , { { 'nrrauted , { vtll be elo ed out at + I..25 , wurtlt $3. 7 5 to $2.O ( . 120 do7.eui Ladies' 4 ltitton Blur- nitr' Olium11unrs Skill GioVCa1 iu new .hu es of tun at $ I a pair , worth 5'1.511 H ) dozou 3 Button " Boa * @ .trclw" li ' Gloves , in uely shades , ti mode , crab , tau , etc. , will be sold itt 750 , worth $1.25. 50 dozen 5 Button "Bout Marche' 1id Gloves of $1.00 , never before all1ored less than $1.50. U ' ' _ r > _ - 5 ( Asses left out of the imtuenao stock Ladies' Fine Merino Vests opened by us a week ago , will be closed out ut 350 coca. The > e will be found fully toy good its lily 0110 is selling at 50 to 60c. Very best quulity Domestic heavy Ilferirio Vests with silk enubroidt red necks 1111(1 fiuiSliLd seaitls at. S5c earls , cxaetly the static lot otlieu s ask $1.(101'or. 40 dozen Ladies' all-wool Scarlet Vests a'id ' Puuf. , fine quulity sillc tinishMd , tit ; $1 each , never shiowi tinder $1,25. 89 dovett Ladies finest quality all wool Cochineal ( lye Scarlet Vests turd Pattts , durirnt this sale will be ciused on C at $4 utsnlt , salute quuli- ty ulw.ys , sold itt $5 , IRIO'MIi ) Child's Mo'itto Vests and I'uuts at 25e , 350 , 45c , snore quality usually sold at 400 , 50cr , CorseteDepartment We have secured two of the greatest - est Iiurguimis in Corsets that huvo over been shown in America uud we' stow o1fl r ow customers : 100 dozen Saline French Corsets with Ott bones and rows of carding hetweer , iii all colors , red , black , liglit hhie , pi11Ic , gold , cream , ecru , white , club odered with colored , sills fluss , will be sold of 750 each , worth $1.50. 80 dozen 300 bore Fri uch woven ( Jorsets , white mid drub , will be closed ooton this sulniut$1. ) O each , usually sold ut$1,50tumid $2.00. We adviFe our customers to sc cure Clue above itt once. It will be iaipnsdible to duplicate thorn. VelvetsPlushes , 40 pieces extrr fine "Areiulitt" and"Nonpareil" Velveteens at Ghi ( ayard usual iottiil price Oie dollar. 25 pieces 21 inch now shudes , silk plashes reduced to 2,00 ( lolhmt II yard , sold everywhere at 2.50 to 3.00 dollars. ( i0 pieces our finest quality 19 melt Skirting and Suitings velvets , reduced to 215 a yard others sell Client at 2.75 to 3,00 dollars , 46 pieced all we have left of 19 inch fiuo Skirting volvuts in newcol- urs at 1.55 a yard would be abur- gniit at $2.00. . s.w , - - . . . Cloak Department. SECOND I + 'LOOIt FRONT. \Ve lutve a beautiful assortment of Plush , Silk , Satin and Brocade , Dnlattals uud Jerseys , lulu call aL- teution to one intuteuso lot of 120 call-wool Dolmans , plush triuttttings at. $5.00 each , actual value $155.00. 100 all-wool Dolmans , trimmed in cut plush ornaureuts uud cords and tassels , will be solo at $7.50 each , worth $20 , l leO new , heavy winter v.iht .1errey . , ] tickets , just opened at * I l each ; were bought to sell av $16 , buteouie under Lilo geucral roiue- tion. 51) Silk Plush Jackets , quilted silk liniuu s and handsomely trimmed - med ser $ ' 25 each , worth $35. . , t . , ; 2G Seal Plush garments trimmed with Seulsrin ornaments , In fact , cannot be told from real seal skin , 48 inches longand a grout bargyiiR tit $48.00. 25 Seal Plush Dolmans , 48 inct- es longwith quilted silk lining , seal skin ornaments , a beautiful rick garment uti$39 , udnally sold at $40.00. - - - 1J,1 Furnishing Good's. i 1 Case men's very fine finished semn , tumey striped turdorshirts and drawers , two in a box , reduced to 750 each , usuul rotdil price , $1.25. 1 Case fancy vertical stripe Shirts ' iuld Drawers , at $1.25 ouch , never shown before less than $1.75. 80 dozen fancy mottled and str i1ad Scarlet Shirts and Drawere , itt $1.54) each , never sold before lose than $2.00 , Men's ' Handkerf's ' r I ' . - . + I 80 dozen Mon'n fine linen , full size , printed bender , Bemstichod handkerchiefs. will be sohi at 260 each , worth 500. Men's ' Gloves. 50 dozen Men's stitched back , dogskin driving gloves , all sizes 71 to 9 inch , every pair warranted , will ho closed out at $1.35. 5 . ' r. . . - . A' nw