Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1883, Image 1

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- . : - . , ------1 rw--ur-r-ri i rnijiL7 iY1L 7iJ .
. ; t1H ; OMAHA DAILY BEE. .
& THIRTEENTH YEAR. _ _ _ O1AlI , NEB. WEDNESIAY MORtHNG - , - OOTOBEI _ _ lOq _ 1883. _ - _ 08.
? hc Ti1 &c & of Co1 ter cep.
i1I Ocr Ohio Iowa ,
The Republican Ticket Victorious
in Both , with Temperance
Tacked to It ,
Iowa Retains the Banner by Roll-
lug Up a Hugo Majority
for Sliormati ,
' An Enormous Vote Polled , the
Scratches Numerous , and
S the Count Slow ,
. Midnight Reports Give Ohio to
' the Democrats.
: The F'lgULeS a.i Far a' TIie Go.
_ i 01110.
CT.RVELANfl , October 9.-A heavy vote
W3 polled at ziooii. The Democrats
clatm 4,000 majority in the city. The
. ' Republicans coiicole them 8,000. The
, I , second amendment workers are active.
They have headi1uartcrs at every ward
* } . except the third. Iii most of the pro.
citict.s the ladies are industriously ped
dung both tickets impartially to get votes
for prohibition. Coffee and caco served
: ;
2 i. . t.-At the llopublieaii headquar.
I tors they announce the straight tickets
. are being voted with a great deal of
tI : scratching by the Democrats. More than
I i half tlio entire vote was 1)OllCt1 at noon.
CINCINNATI , October t-In ) Southern
. , Ohio the weather is mild. pleasant and
favorable to a full turnout of votes. So
far as heard from hero the P11 ia the
heaviest in the Republican vards. As to
I' how the vote is going no one can do
. more than guest , a the ballot is secret
' andno counting is done till after 6 p. in.
' Women have appeared at seine polling
places asking votes for the second ameiid-
mont. Ministers and prominent church
members also attended the Polls for the
SMUO purpose. Thu Dwnocratic tickets
wore lrilited with the vote against
this aniendmnnt. The Republicans
prntcd with yes or no , so that
. the person desiring to vote for it iiiust
erase no. It is not likely the amendment
viIl roccivo anything iiear a majority in
this county , but will get a much larger
vote than the Prolubitionisbi usuafly
1)011 Owing to the length of the ticket
and the amount of scratching reports to.
) night will ho late anu incomplete.
: Mrs. J. Elkim Foster , of Iowa , the re
i , puted anther of the lirolmibitioli amend.
. mont of that State , is on the ground go.
. : ing ironi ward to ward in a carriage di.
P. rectimig the temperance forces ,
Mottocs are profusely displayed at the
t second anicndmuent headquarters , like ,
"BOtL and the Baby vs. Boodle and
F Beer , Vote for the second amend.
. meal ; and down will go the saloon and
. t taxes , and up will go the home and our
boys ; " "Vote for Sallie and the babies. "
' : The ladies wear badges , with the State
I , coat of arias and tIme inscription , "Time
I ; A Second Amendment , For God amid Home
' and Native Land. " A largu majority
Lgainst both amendments is probably
\ , , hero ,
\S The weather is warm and bright
and a big vote is being polled. Repro.
+ , sentatives of both parties are interested
4 in time second' amendment , but it is be.
: lieved it will get a comparatively light
. vote ,
vimu iouiims.
' ; CoLw.mnus , October 9.-Three hundred
' amid twcnty.fivo s'ards amid precincts
t show a net Republican gain of 1,658 ;
. ' , total vote , 81,008 ; first amnendmnent ,
' 12,010 ; secomid amendment , 41,679.
1 ' Nothing additional from Ciimciiiimmiti.
Three wards of Cleveland included in the
; above give a Republican gain of 236.
, CoLimiImus , October 9.-TIme election
E " was for state officers entire with
. the exception of Secretary of Slate , aid
i ' was also for macmimbers of the Legislature ,
fi which will elect a United States Senator
r/ to succeed I'endloton. The election to
. 4day was also on the adoption or rejection
. ; of three amnendimmemits to the constitution ,
.iI ' 4as follows : The first proposed aniond.
meat is inteimded to reorganize the judie
iary of tIme state , time other two proposed
amnondmueut are relative to time liquor
l -tratlie amid are hi time following language :
y ' 'Second-time additional section in amid
i ' , i with section 18 , of the schedule , shall b
, repeated and these slimmil be submnitted
; , for it , time foltowimmg : 'Time General As
' aembly of the State of Ohio shall regu.
late time traflie in intoxicating liquors , si
as to provide agaimmst the evils resulting
tl therefrom , amid its power to levy taxes on
assossmneimts thereon is miot limited by ammy
: provision of this constitution. ' "
, Time other iroiosed amnemmdtmieimt is as
follows : Third ' 'Time additional" in ammd
with section 18 of time schedule simall be
repeated and there slimmil be substituted
for it tim following : ' 'Time immimufacture
of mind the tr.mflic in intoxicating liquors
to be used as a beverage are forever pro.
liib'itcd and time general assemmibly shall
provide by law for time cmiforccmnciit of
this provmion. "
. - Amiiendnmeimts to time constitution to
carry must receive a majority of all votes
caat for Governor , Comuparisomi of z'e
turns to.nigiit will be mmmdc with time vote
for Secretary of State Nowimmamm in 1882.
Tlio i'catimer during time day was fume in
all portioiis of time State , Indications
Point to time largest vote over polled in
the State , consequently time rottmrims will
hoslow aiui. very late.
It will be understood that by time first
amendment is mneant that which reads ,
" 1'imo general assembly of the State of
'Ohio ' shall regulate traflic in intoxicating
liquors so as to provide against time evils , "
etc. The second amendment is that one
which prohibits time manufacture and
I na1o of liquor , oto , Time great fight was
over the second amendment. The otimer
amendment ( relating to time judiciary )
cuts uo figure v1matevor in time election ,
hence it will ho omitted from our report.
One hundred wards and precincts show
V Ziet Republican gain of 682 in a total
'vote of 22,032. First amendment 2,880 ,
second amendment 11,360 , If this ratio
8 kept up throughout tIme State , prohibi.
ilon will have carried time State by soy-
cml thousand imiajority. Forakor , in
nearly every instance , is polling a vote
miearly eluftl to that 1)0110(1 for time secomid
ammmemmdnmont , exceeding it in sonic wanis ,
C1NC1NATI , October 9.Au onornunma
vote was polled in Ilamniltomi county to.
day. At 10 o'ciock ( lilly five recimicts
Imad been hoard froni , wlmicii give a net
reltlblicamm gaimi of 202. Botim ImArtics
chtitmi time county. The reform Democrat
vote is sniali , 1)robably not to exceed
1,1100. Time lopiililicamms ciaimn lmrgo
gammis iii time ( iem'nmmum wards and elaini
that 1"oraker will orerconme Newmnami's
mimajori y oF 1mit year , which was 1OSt ( , )
iii I laimmiltoim cilmttty , Time Delmio3ratsnre
oitimt11 liojefiil that. t1103' hare carried
tue omitiin county and State ticket.
. ' )57 vim'ili ammd pm eciucts are iii ati 1
give a not lteitmblicaii giit of I .81 1 . 'lime
lteItmllteatm3 ) elaimmm large gains hi Cinciii.
imati , At eleven o'clock it is sare to at' :
timat the eltirc Democratic county ticket
imi Momitgomnory county is eletetl.
Slight ilepublicami gaimis all arommimd.
heavy vote 1)0110d for second omnemid.
Thu STATR IN 1)OL'ftT. )
Cotutnus , October 9.-At mklmilglmt
time rcsult on the state ticket. anl Legis'
iature is iii douht. Ciiiirnmami ! Ilarger of
time Donmocratie commmmnittoo says ho timimiks
timat timeit' mmitLjority will be about.
7,000 emi time state ticket amid
time State vill carry the Legislature.
Time lteinmhlicami comumittec expects to
elect time Governor by a few hummdrcd , but
concedes that it tiopemmils eli the result in
Cimmcimmmiati and Cleveland. Time returns
are so nicagro tiid. : neither connuit.
tee are over conlidemit. Time impression
prevails that the second amnemidmiment. vill
carry. In case it does neitimercommnitteo
seemingly care for tim legislature. ( ov.
ernor Foster concedes that time result do-
pemids emi Cimicimumati and Cleveland. lie
says calculations as to stromig localitiesa
have been reduced on both sides.
10 Wsl ,
Dis MoINms , October 9.-TJme weather
is rclorted as being 6mm all over ( ho
state , warm and clear. A very heavy
vote is being polled overywimore , and so
far everything reported orderly , although
there is a very deep feolimig on all sides.
Then are reports of fusion being made
in several portiomma of the state on the
democratic amid greenback tickets , but
these reports cami be traced to mme certain
authority. In Dos Moines a very Imeavy
vote is being polled but very quietly. A
great imiany ladies are at work and Intro
lunches amid hot cofl'ee limier time polls.
First lluiletin-'liie Second ward iii
Dos Moines , incomplete , gives Sherman
:123 : , Kimimic lO8 , Wearer 3 ; 144 scratched
tickets to count. East Ilarrisomi towii-
ship , Republican 101 , Deimiocratic 13 ,
Greenback 45. LinviIlc , .Iasper county ,
Stiles 70 mnajorit.y. Three lrecincts in
the Sixth district give a net Republican
gaiti of 145. Carroll City , Carroll county ,
Sherman 251 , Icinne 241.
Secomud Bulletin-Glidden Cam mol
- , commit-
ty , Siiermnaim 177 , Kimi"c 77 , Weaver 6 , a
Republican loss fromn two years ago of
29.Vasliimmgtomt City gives Sherman a
majority of 1 ° 1. A light vote polled at
Dat'eimpsrt. So mmmcli iucratehimmg done it
uvill be late before result will he known.
Third Bulletin-Second ward , Des
Moines , conmplcto count gives Sherman a
majorityof 57.
1'ourtli Bulletin-Madison township ,
Polk county , gives Siiermami 174 , Kinne
134 , Weaver 38 ; Republican loss , 18.
Roiand township , \Vebster county , Sher.
maim 65 niajorily , Republican gain of 22.
Third ward of Des Moines , straight vote ,
Republican 601 , Democrat 208. Lincoln
townslmip , Page county , Simemnian 93 ,
Kilino 49 , Weaver 12 ; for Judge , Reed
93 , hays 1t ) , Clmurim 12. Coin , Page
coumity , Representative , Butler 93 , Liii-
coin 49 , Eloise 12. Scratched Republican -
can tickets 36 , Democratic 18.
Fifth Bulletin-Fremomit comnity , Mon.
roe township -State ticket , itepublicaim
109 , Democratic 90 , Greenback 23 ,
Dubuque coumity , Dodge town8hip-Statc
ticket , Democratic 12:3 : , itejiublicait 55 ,
Greenback 12. Chiickasaw county , Oher.
okee towimsimip-Sherman 331 , Icimmimo
104Vcaver 23 , itoed about 10 bchmud
imis ticket. .1 ones county , Delaware
tomsmsimil-Straiglmt ticket , Republican ,
417 , Demnocrutic 227. .Jnspor county ,
Newton towumsimip-Total nummiber of votes
848 ; State ticket , Republicans 210 , Deni.
ocr.tts 178 , Greenback 74 ; 256 scmatcimed
to be counted. 1mm Webster Cmty , limimmi-
ii ton coumity , Boone tomvimsiiip-.Simcrimiau
: ou , Kinno 177 , Weaver 65. Eioven
preciiicts show a loss of 163 over last yc"mr.
1armomi , Linncountycomiipletoreturmmsfromn
toss nslujs : Sherman (118 ( , 1immiie 36 ,
Weaver 58 , tIOVI1iflt' Sun , Louisa town-
mmlui , Simerman 325 , Kimmno 110. Davemi-
pert , Scott county , Fifth ward complete ,
[ Cimimie 331 , Sherimiaim 234Veavoi' 4 ;
for relresentativo , Scimmidt 323 , Ormuit
:138 : , MeMmumus . ? .17 , Mullen 227 , hayes
242 , lteod 214 , Church 9 , Day 2.
Sixth Bulletin-Coumicil Blufi's is conceded -
ceded by 200 to the Republicans ; county
close. lii two towiishiips in .Jas1er comm.
ty , including time city of Nowtoim , time Re.
1)tiblicamiState ticket has a majority of
48 ovorbbtii time Democratic amid Greenback -
back tickets.
Suvemithi Bulb timi-Ottunnra five
- , precincts -
cincts , Stiles 821 , Cook 230 , balance not
counted. Four lrecincts , includiimg time
Third ward. of Davenport , Scott county ,
ICumne 1,117 , Simermimaii 539 ; for Judge ,
hayes 1,118 , Reed 512 , Cimurcim 20 ; for
roreseimtutives , Schmidt l48 , ' , ( Jrammt
1,0W , Miller 561 , MoManus 599. Tlmir.
ty-livo precidels in the state simo'mv a Ito.
publicaim loss of 33(1. ( Fivu tow'nsliijs in
Jasper county , give S tiles , Republicamm ,
for Congress , 275 mimajority , a gimimi of 201.
Time county is estimated at 600 mnajority.
Clinton City , Fourth ward , straight
ticket , Simernian 149 , Kiimmmo 8i5. Oeeolit
City , Clarke ectmnty , Sliernetu 230 , Kiimno
139Yeaver 81 , Iteed 242 , hayes 133
Er Gus' , Cmmrpommtcr iii elected to time Leg.
islaturo fromim'obstor county by a sweep.
lag majority. Fort Dodge City gives
hlopimluijuom 489 , Domimocratic 479.
Eighth Builetimm-Lator returns froni
48 vmccincth give large Republican gains
in inter'iom' counties.
Ninth Bulletin-Time Second ward of
Cc.ummcil Bluffs gives Sherman 418 , Kiino
284. Returns arc coming in very slowly ,
owing to the length of the county tickets
and time desperate scrathiming by all par-
tics. Returns received warrrnt the con.
elusion that the State has elected time entire -
tire Republican ticket. by a majority of
not loss than 80,000. Stiles , Jteubii.
can , for Congress in mime Sixth distrmct , is
believed to be elected by a small majori-
ty. ; Fifty towns and precincts show a
itopublicaim loss of 216.
Tenth Bulletin-Des county Democratic -
cratic by 800to 1,000 majority ; Itepubli.
cans concede it by 600 to 800. Water.
lee 135 , Cedar Falls 142 , Laorto City
152 , Republican majority. I' ifty.seveii
proc'uicts show net Itopulilican loss ci
282 , Time Des Molimes city vote not yet
counted , Probable ltepubhicamm majority
of 1)00. ) Time state coimitmifitee t'stimnato
time mmmjority on the state ticket at from
82,500 to8O,000 itopublicami on all except
.ltmdgo Reed , anti 80,000 majority for
him ; forty to forty-live Republican omm
joint ballot in time Legislature. 'l'lme l4eg
usinturo is very close on ProiIilmit0m1.
A t.oNn Tioun ? .tNU A III ( VOT ) : .
Dis : Mott:8 : , October 9.-TIme electiomm
returns semit to the associated vross to-
idgiit.will ho commmpaved with time vote on
secretary of state iii 1S82 live reports
from each connt' in time state have been
arranged for by flio State Register to be
sent at 10 , 1 1 nimd lii o'eiock. Time re-
imort will be late , as in this state no
cotmntimig I votes Li dommo till time iml1s
are closed ad the mmwst. of time
111)115 nra olmeim miiit'ml 7 o'clock , aiim ! mimaim'
of tliemmi until S. It is also a long ticket
all over time tttto , so that time coummt urill
be slouv as cll mis lute , I mm the elf ) ' of
le Tttoiimes , at 6 o'clock , mis immammy votes
Imavo boon liilet1 mit mmiost of time vreciimets
an ever east at ally Imreritls election.
'l'hie imulicatiomis are that time poll of time
State will be as large as time Presidemmtinl
vote iii 1880. At S o'clock rain 1mm set
imi. uvldcli many immterfere with the tm'amms.
imuissiomm of returmis.
Two reports emily intro beemi received
mmp to this hourTanmimeler : , which gives
a ropublicami mmmuijority of 100 , a lle1mubli-
can gain of 82 , and time oily of Brooklyn ,
Pimuvesciek county , which gave Shermmuami
231 , Kimmue 149 , Weaver 20 , a Itopubii.
can lots of 23. Stiles , itopublicamu , for
Comigress , has four votes ahead of Slier.
imuaui.Ve send these as thmo first rotumm'mus
received. hereafter dispatches will be
consolidated imy counties. Time polls
closed in 1)es Mounes at. 7 o'clock.
Nearly 6,00 votes vero cast iii this city.
Second ward iii Des Itloimmes , inconi-
3)10(0 ( , gives Simermnami :123 : , Kinno 308 ,
\Vcaver3 ; 14'lscratclmed tickets to eommmit.
Time Dommiocrats claimnud this ward by 200
immajority. Aim Oskrloosa dispatch says
three precincts in the Sixth Congressional
district give a not republicaim gaimi of 145.
Carroll City , Carroll county , 261 for
Siiornmn , 241 for Kimitme ; a Democratic
gnimm of 13.
Twelfth Bimllet'nm-Timo ltelmlbiicafl majority -
jority in Council BluiTh is about 200 ,
a large Republican gain. Time county
elects time entire Republican ticket with
the 1iosihlo exception of Senator. lire-
flier county mulvices say 600 immajority for
Simerman. Plymnoumity probably Demmuo-
cratic by 200 majority.
Thim'tecntii Bulletin-Two
- townships
ill Biiclmnmmmi county give time Demnocrats
620 , Republicans 54l. ( Five wam'ds iii
this city give Sherman 5t7 mmuajority ; two
wards mint yet counted , but will increase
time majority to 000. Webster county
county will give tutu republicati state
tjckot $00 nmajority.
Time total vote in time city of Bmmrlmng-
ton was 3,139. Deimuocrats have carmied
time county by about 600 majority , being
100 less tuami last year. The Democrats
claimed time county by 1,000.
Time election laaSCt oli'quietlyat Cedar
itupicis. Time weather was fume till late
iii the afternoon. Women worked vigorously -
ously at time poils. A iargo vote was
cast. Time primicipal contest was on seim-
toy. It iii proaable tlmp Republican ins-
jority in the county. will e 700. Two
Republican reprcsemitative are elected.
Tim Republican aemiator is probably
- - - -
'rum : nnscir c.i'AImNEioK.
I'Amus , October 8.-It is reported timat
Col. Bademis , commanting time French
forts fromn Flaipimong , has had aim engage.
meat with time Chinese regulars at
Bacninh , and ( list time Cimimmeso were
defeated. Time French gunboats will cut
nIT retreat. Col. Badomis' force mmmnbercd
560 muon. Time victory is important.
Framico's agreement with time black flags
of 'roflqumilm gramits them arrears of imy
afll free possession of the territory be-
twcen Lookai and Ilummgimoa. Epidemics
decmimmiimmated the forces of time Black
Flags , aimd mumammy moore are deserting.
'l'hloy abandoned timoir works near hanoi ,
mind motre'atod beyond Dai amid ( ho rapids
of time canal towards Lackai. 'l'imoy have
also partially evacuated Soimag. ( Time
French troops are in excellent imealtlm
mlmiI spirits. 'fimo apoiutmmme1mt of ( iou ,
Campenon minister of war , is oflicially
Tutu Feyci' at Ilm'euvt oum.
Mouuits , October 0.-Reports froumu
Tirewton , Ala. , give two deaths since time
: M , thirteen cases uimder trcatmneumt. Time
doctors are of time o'iuiioui ; that it is imomn-
orrhagic mnalariuil fever. Neiglmboming
towns are cnarantiuiiuug.
Traiuis are ordered to go through
Browtoui witimout stopping. Mobile is
quarantined to'day.
The Orm'gon 1'Itncmis.
CluucAoo , October 9.-Two Inumidred of
tIme Orouon pioneer excimrsionists arrived
by special train from St. Paul timis after-
110011. Time excursion is a notable one ,
in that it is participated iii by oumly those
svhmu vomut to Oregon in ' 45 or prior to
that year. Tiuoy heft for time east thus
ovcnimmL' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A l'raniVrookeil ,
Orrtw.t , October 1.-1'luu'oimgii time
lmreakiumg of aim axle of a baggage car
three ; mauu.senger cars on time Caiiatla
Pacific u'ailway were thrown from thio
track 811(1 inmmIme(1 ( , smear Temix Itivieres ,
Nearly two hundred passengers vere in
time mrs. A nhlummior were severely in.
jured , bet it is timnunlut not dammgerotmsiy ,
Thmuul itCCOuulIH ftim' It.
ALI.ENIowN I'a October '
, , 9.-'limo
Evangelical conference Vmis morning
spent half an iioimr in prayer for time sime.
cess of time I'rolmibition tickets in Ohmic
amid hours ,
It'nthm of 1'.I im. O'Connor.
.11 * UFAX , Octolcr 9.-Mrs. O'Conimou- ,
widow , died from fttortiouu. Dr. Archi.
bald Lawson , a promnirueumt. physician , hiss
loft ( lie city it is said to avoid arrest ,
The funeral of Tourguoumifh , the novelist , at
St. Petersburg was very large. Tiiomisarmts
followed the renmalims to the grave. 'rime
streets and windows of resIdences were
crowded ,
S.V. . Dunoomb , United States register for
the Aberdeen ( Dak , ) land distrIct , (110(1 there
last nlgiit.
The Government has obtained a erdlct hi
Now York in an action for the condornnatloui
of thouaands of cigars notbearing the number
of the factory.
InvetdiatIon is making of the explosions at
Lyons ammd Bordeaux. They are generahly regarded -
garded as tim6 work of u-evolutIonIsts ,
- -
for Murder ill lnthalla1
Two Oolorod Funerals Suddenly
Arranged at Dodge Oity ,
- .
t 'oLuiei' uthim "I'Imt I hituTlihug Going"
svlthm Ills Ruin huutoihuo'
C1tIMINti 1t1Oplt1) .
A stuinimuanmu ulUNti.
Fov Vi'u : , lad. , O tbur 9-Sam-
uci A'mleDowell uvuis itmuumg hero this umfuer.
1)OOIm ) for the mmummrdt'r of Louis l4snument in
ilutrcli last. Melowell 5muul Lmtiiueutt
uuero commupauu'mouis , uttiti occtipietl a ca 1mm
together iii a clearing. II Domu'ell brim'
tally umiimm'tliurod Imuumuuut. , mind timemu set
tire to time cabin jim tIme Imopo of burning
the reumisiums. lie uvums eoit'ieted cmi
uvimolly circunistaumtini evidence , ( lover.
mior l'orter refuseul to mumtomfem'e. Mc.
Dowell walked to the scntl'oltl cm mu mumost
stoical mnammmmcr. lie saiti lie imotol nothing
to say. Although lie fell seven foot his
neck olid umot lireak numd ho uuiis twelve
uuiiuuutes struttighimmg to death , lie told
his PimYsicinhm last mmigimt that ' 'Ito timid un
fault to timid witlm time. judge or jury uulmo
Wilt ) commv'icted luini. " Thus is regartled
as a virtual confessioim ,
Louisviut.u , October -Cruumuiimiml ( iii.
formumtioum was tiled in ( ho United States
court this morning against It. S. Crtmnm-
bauuiim , collector of iuitormial revumue for
time Second district of Kemmtucky , each of
oiglmtcounts , clmargiumg that. ime uiseti iiiii
ofhicial governuumont envelopes fir tIme pur.
1)080 of saving post.ago. ( lute of the letters -
ters sent 1mm the envelopes mu qtmestit'mu ' referred -
ferred to Crunibmiugh's amnusiumg can u'umss
for time Secrotrirysiuip of Limo Navy , vice
Chandler , wlmoumt iio expected to ho elect.
ed Senator from New llamnpsimmro. Cnmuuul
baugim was oimdeavoriumg t lmmuvo time State
lteimtmblicamiiouivent'momt ommdim'so imimn for
time positiomm , but fmmiied. No cmiii lucre
believes timat Crunmbammgh wilful y did
mummy wrong , but let his vmumity amid mmiii
ti'tt rout nuvuty with his jmmdgunemtt.
A couinmt OAI'rumiuii ) .
Now Youug , October 9.-.Johuui S. Mmmx-
well , fromim 1lillsbtmrg , Ohio , hits beemi umm'-
rested ( 'ii time charge of having iii his pus-
sessioui several thu iy f'umuislmed lmlm.ttm-
graphs of United States Treasury lmutea ,
for which lie was omudeavorimug to have
1)hates engraved. A large uutmiumbem of
finely executed plmtograplms of iegst t.oui-
tici' notes vcre found in his pnsesi'mui ,
amid iii his i'oomn was nit untlimbilmed letter
to his uvifo , sayimmg lie lmati coumti'muctcd for
it pai't of time work , and that it would cost
hint $1,600. He said ho would acrid her
' ' " and hem in-
sonic of time 'goods , gave -
strtmctiomms how to get rid of thmoni. He
promnised to scud sommm next week for her
her to iractico witlm , anti thou lie uvould
scud her more. ' 'Keep7 ilmimigs going. "
lie writes , "amiti wImemt I ge my baud. 1mm it
vilI go mcrry. ' . a
Two nitt
Sr. Louzu , Oitober , 1iA dispatoii
from Dodge City , Kansas. says a doubit
mumder was committed there esturday.
Bell Smitiu , a negro who kept a
whisky dcii , hind sommuo trouble with Iiumr.
risen hhiliummutum , aumothmor negro , and eliot
Immumi in time stomach , time ball paasiimg
throughi time body amid breaking his spume.
As Ililiman fell imo grappled with Smumithm ,
wreumchueol time 1)i5tol froumi imimu , stud bhouv
imium brains out. lie thou reloaded time
pistol amid fired two ummoro bills into
Smumith's body , after wiuichm lme fell back
TIrE oyutmnm : cNFEsSEI ) ) .
LoNDoN , October 9.GeorgeVnrden ,
defaulting ocretnry amid mumammager of time
Londoum and lt'mvcrplate bamuk , comifessea
time crimume mind immillicfltes ot hers.
NEw Yommn , OctoiJer -Great interest -
est is bikoum in time relmrt of time Coumiummis-
siommers of accouumts iii time Carm'ohl copum , ,
fi'auds , uviuici ) nlIeg's t lie frumuuds couilti
have been imuado only tiirimmgli gross care
leasumess ; that. Cam'm'ull mumimat. iiitvii uiccoum-
plicos ; that. prmofa exist timat coulomls of
time surplus bond issue were uqed , mmd
that a radical i'eorgmmimiatiimm : of Limo hluman-
cioti depmrtmnent : is necessary. Mayor
Edson says , imm looking over time report
several features struck Imium , Ouic wits
time immammmmcr in su'hmicim Limo iumtercat mmccoumumt
hiati 1)Ceui ) coumdimcted jim time cemnptrollcr'd
ofhice , anotimor is time ahhegeat itmum I immit. time
surjiiua em' dilIcroimeo betweeum time coum-
polls printed amid time coupons issued wore
not. destroyed.
Naw Yonu , October 0.-Tiums , Mid.
diotoum , conductor , soil Saumummel B. Ayi'os ,
lmrakemmmauu , cii time ilimumimmittan trmiium imm
coiliaioui witim time Flmmsimiuig tm'aimm itt Ilium.
tore' Poimmt , 8e1temmmbur 10 , svero arrestemi
( Ill time coroner mm wari'aumt cii time cimumrgu
of immmumalaugiitor. Three porsche uvero
killed amid several woumided. Otimer
arrests are expected.
- I. _
1piscoiuul t'iiveimtloum. ,
i'IIILAIIi.i'IIIA October 9-'I'imo
) : , - thirty-
tiiim d general couit'uimtiumm 'if time I'ntest-
unit Episcopal chmummcii iii time IJimited SLut es
remmasemhhed this mmiorumimmg. 'I'hmu commmiim'mt.
tee on dioceses roconmummeumded that ccii-
sent. he ivomu to time ameummorial if do1juities
( If time diocese of Nortlm Cutrolimma aakimmi
time cm'tmatiomi of a mmew diocese iii thtuit
State. 'J'imuy rupoi't favorably its to cluing-
11mg thu mmnumw of time tlioowmo of' Illinois to
Chicago , Adopted , ltuv , Artiuumr C.
Stiisoum , of Iowa , was apmiiited fiurtim
assistant secretary. 'fimo report of the
conuimmittee oil caimonu wmum recomnnuitted ,
Time comuumittec on prayer book recouum-
mnemmded time imroPosoti amumouudument. to arti-
do 8 of time constitution ho mmot submitted
to time conveumtiomm , 'J'imo report of time
conference on i-elation of Limo cimurcit to
time colored peopic of time south at So-
wanco , Term. , July 25th to 28th , , comm.
talus a draft of a canon , providing timat in
any diocese containing a large zmumber of
persouis of color it shall be lawful for
'Biiiops and conventions of time state to
conatituto such Iojuhat'ion into a special
missionary orgammimtion under time cimargo
of time Bishop.
It ; was moved after time words "gloria
patria , " at time end of time altar rubric iii
time prayer book time following words be
added , "Glom-is patria , glory ho to time
Fatimer and to time Soum amid to time iioiy
. ,
- - - - -
( limost ; as It was mum time beginmm'uumg , is now
amid ever shah be : Aumicum , itoforrool.
The order of the olsy wits time report of
time joint. committee elm the book of cciii-
mmmcmi pmyor , it was taken imp smith ( ho
ciimmvcimtioim weumt iumto coimuuu'itteo of time
which , ,
_ _
- - - -
( flmicngt , NOtCH.
CulnAoo October (1.Frederick N.
iCer , tlcfammit'mmig c.tuiimior of Preston , I'utcatl '
& Ct. , liaimkers , had a imcnrimmg on imabemis
eorjnm. before l tidgo Drunmmimouuul iii time
Umuted Sujites Circuit Court , and a tied-
ama uns g'mvemi this mnorut'uuig. 'l'hie Imoiimta
iii tutu ir'semmL iOtittOut nero time aaumw
m'm'iseot mmm time petition , flied in time State
Court , mmii which uuams olemmied. l'Zur uu'mms
arreati'ml iii l'erti , amid sets up time imleum lie
is a hiuitisit subject amid uu'as kidsiappod
hi- time t'nitoul Stutes ohilcouils Judge
I ) iuimumummummi , saul iCer should immure
mumatli.u nppiieat'mout to time ( lnvormmnmcumt of
I'erom for P1'0tCCti0um , mmmiii uthmilo Ito would
dummy time petiticum , remmmamkud that time
ease immuoi.ed mm umumumbor of delicate po'mnt.s
of imuterumatioumal iituu' u'luieh lie urotmiti like
to ceo luresomuteti tom the Supremmmo court ,
ammtl time cotutusel for lur say time matter
uuill he appe.mletl.
Time first ammmuual convemmtiomi of time
Aumioi'taii street railway association be.
gami lucre this mumormm'mmmg , uu'itim an ntteumd-
slice of about mimic hmuumtlred Preskleumts
nini Superimmtommdemmtum of street railways
of time couumtry. Time object of the naso.
ciatiomi is time acqmmisitiomi of
experimimemmtal amid. statistical knouu'ietlge
rolatimmg to time comistructiomu , equipimlemmt
miuiol time oimnitkui ) , of street railways ammil
ushers lowe beomi vretaretl for time pros-
( 'itt sesatoum , 0mm track commstrumctiomm , , ro-
pdliiig ) buillimmgs , collectioum of
litres , roimmoviumg snow amid ice , Time
questiomi of electricity as a umiotivo power
will be givemi epeci'alcommsitlerntiomm.
liseaused Cattle. , October 9.-No umow develop.
tmiuumta to day in regard to caumceroims cattle
( it time Chicago stock yards. Time Dror.
tima' Jourmmuti , a recognized nmmtimority on
cattle , iii lespomiso to mmmi immqmmiry by time
Associated l'ress commcerumiumg time ummatter ,
says : A ( mmmc case of cnmmcor in cattle is
exeeediumgiy rare. All uummimmmals with
. lumps emi time jaws are mmot umoeessnriiy
diseased , yet all mmcli lmrrivimmg at time
.u smile now are coumdemmimied. It is furtimer
elaimumed no mmmoro of these cattin have boon
ctmuling iii lately timmums for time ttst tomi
years and thmmmt time imemultim otlicom's are at
't..Hlu mmumeilt.
P1uIvAummumu , October 9.-A. Kenomoims
dispatch says , timmut time Kemiosiumu Chair
( .ommupamiy lots uncle nmm aasigumummommt to Si-
lois Liallamd. Liabilities $80,000 ; ausuts
$ 100,000. llommry 11 ewett cures about
two thmimd ilmterest iii time bimsimiess. lie is
uilso a irmmmiumcmit pam'tumor iii time Commwmmy
imuuutmfmetumimmg Commmpumy , whose mmmiiivuts
liturumeti a uveek ago iii 1Iilwuumkee , uvutim a
loss of $70,000. It is thmougimt timat his
loss t imero mumay have crippled Limo Keimo-
alma Chma'mr Commupammy.
Naw YonicOctober t-Sacirett ) & Itami.
, kimi mire tlmu Imeaviest losers by time lire at
31 Cortlammd street , last mmigiit. 'l'ime dammi-
age to their stock by fire amid water in
estimumitud at betweemi $30,00 imumd $40,000.
A large muumtber of litimogm'aplmic stommes
itV v raJ riuiting jroBao ) wore rout
dered euitimoly seles atlu It marge uan
I tity of faimcy type incited. Tim stock o
I atatioumery was mmmcii danialod by uvtitor
, Time firmmm was immsureoL Time buildimmg im
. thmo lroiorty of time Uumioui Theological
seumuiumam'y dammmaged $10,000 ; insured ,
Hrlbem-y Trhusi.
AaUANY , N. Y. , October 8.-Jim time '
Sessioum-liradley Legislative bribery case ,
time .Judge decides time defense is ommtitled
to twemmty iumatead of h'mvo clmlieumges.
Ex-S1eaktir , Slmarp was excused with time
ummdt'rmttmmdmumg lie wJuitI fllpear wimeum
required. At noon gve jtmrura were ao
cured. 'limo 1)51101 is eximitusted with six
jtmr.irs secured. A imew jmmmul is ordered
lot' to.mmmorrow
'I liti ComuI 1liuuumle. ,
SAN FILtNeIco , October 9.Cl uayumuaa
tlisatcim mummmooummces aevem'tl new cases of
yellow fever , of ii light chumrmcter : _ 'l'uvo
dt'athis are mepom'ted in time last tuu'ommt.y.
f'um' , imoum's. Five deaths tromum fevem' ars
lOLtm'tc'd ) at 1lIumltj i , Lower Cal mforumim. :
l'ussemmgcms 0mm board time yellow fever
steaummur , Newbermm , ( hula immirbor , imavo
mmccli mermmmttted to conic ashore. All dumum-
ger to time city froumm yellow fever mummy
mmow be said to Imavo 1mmmssed.
it l'oHtuuuuHtOi' , $ cuittuuioi'tl ,
Muzu'Auicni' , October 9.--.Judge hod-
gott , hi time Ummited States district court ,
seimtuumeed ' 1' . do-
to-day Iloumry Wrighmt , -
fauultiumg nasistamit vostummanter of Itmicimmo ,
SVis , , to five years oumo day iummprinon'
uuieumt at. Chester peimiteumtiarv , , llhimmois ,
amid pay a flume of $5,000 , wimmcim was time
auimouuit of time do'icit.
1i iuuhuug iti'ljltm'ntloim ,
PI'rsTnummo , October 9.-A cmiii buss
been issued for a convention of river coal
muuiuiers umuxt Monday , to umm'raumgo for thu
o1i1oiiitiuiemit of a board of arbitratioum to
settle dilI'ercumces botwceum time tiimmployew
ammd enipioyera. A. umumnbor of uumiumers
along t lie I m u'ur are mmuw Idle , pemmdi um time
fixing of time uniuming rate for time wummter
F hi , rmnul IuuumeimI.
NEW Yomomc , OctobertL-Suveruil of time
Imromuueum ovem'commlu by imeat nhml ( suumku out
time Ehumm Ihuux ummills tmu'uu inst umigimt mire ro-
coveriimg. 'l'ime l'iis ' lit $30,000. hmmaured.
] irnlm.mim . Elect l'ottor jm'tiacime'l ' time fimum.
oral aerummoum over time reummuins of time wife
of ( iordoum 'mV , Hurzuimamn , ammd duiugimtor ,
into Ilisimop.
Itrro'it ci Hhituu'mvli.
A1.IJANY , N. Y. , Octcb'r t-Frank )
It. Sherwin ; arrested iii Chicago , pleads
imot guilty to six indictments of commtuuumpt
of court mum conuucctioim with time COmBO of
Dtmfumultiumg Casimior 1'Imtulpa , of time state
treasurer's oflico. Bail was fixed at $10-
000 , _ _ _
lioJH by I"Iro ,
Mssiiuuus , October 9-Time total loss
by time bumruming of time ( i'rueumlow opera
imouso building and Cole & ( ic's store last
n'mgimt iii $165,000 , Total insurincu , $07 , .
000 , of wimicim $48,000 is in local stud
$19,000 , iii foreign coumpaumien.
TImE , Hai'thiulIi Statumo.
NEw Yoaw , October 9.-A workiumg
model , twelve foot. high , of time Bartimol-
di statue of liberty , was tuximmbmtud to.
day. Mummy speecimos wore mimado. Ommo
counpatmy guaratit.ees timolaymmmeumt of $00-
. .
- - -r'---
- - -
000 , mmua'kingup the cnth-o amount. mmeeicd
to complete time 1momlostal , immnoly 3l20 , .
000 ,
1ttuvIhuig lioum % 'urJcs ,
Cl.nvIi.Ao : Ii , October 9-Time scimemne
? reorgaumiziug liu'owui , liommnoll Co's.
11'oui worknof , \ otmmmgstouu'n failed , amiti aim
ehi'ort Is being mimatle to forimu a mmmv coin-
pmy witim a calmital stock of $1,200,000
to risnumuumo nil assets amid liab1iitie of time
old comimpaumy ,
Cattin 'J'ratui 'i'eekeu ) .
.1tsms : uii.ut , \\'iM , , October 0.-TIme
stock tramum cmi the i'diluvammlct'e ' numol St.
Paul road mumet with an accident two mull05
frommi lucre last night by time train break.
ing hum twom. Fi'e ears Were dmnolisimed
stud 00 htonutofcomttitmnuidlmngn k1tltul.
1'IttSONA1tT1 IS.
I lemiry Vhihmird's fnyoriti humstrinumt'umt I , , said
to ho Limo uioionceiho. .1 sy ( lutmid's is irobabiy
time thmumummb-scrow.
I I1)emmmmls Kemmmmuey's mien' war cry 1. ' 'lUg I'mmy
sumi Short I Ltmni , " 'l'imh uuhii be cry 'miim' ,
lir , hut ihm : hay mimiti umo hmotmrs boats it _
Mrs. i.aumtry Is rO9Ortel to intro glvemm Mr
Gclhmanlt mm tea party him l'au'l. If lie ucre to
\ i4it Loumulomi Zlr % , 1mtuigtu'y u'omultl robaim1y
gLv huhium a u'ecojUoui ,
, iohmum I , , Stuillvitmu lumlonil. ttu comae scst umeit
imuoimithm. If lie lisp 'emma niomug hum tiih ) at time
I ighmt thu,1 lie un I coo soummethmtuig that uuihl
kuioek time mumnrqmuts of Qucemmisbiury mimics colti.
Scimuyier Coifze imum recammthy Iwucum imear1 *
froumm him Now York. ito says thom Iemmmocratic
ummimjtirity there umihl tiuuimido to 2,000. Sclmuy-
ir's , jmmtlguuuuumt 1mm such uumattora iii rctt3' good.
It Is timIy 1mm tIme railroad 1umslumoss that. liii is
mupt to mmmmmko muuistutke ,
iiuttomm Cook a Lomioloim drammmntie critic ,
itol nimortly mdter scehmig rmtmtu'y 4mmt1Cri4lI' ,
I ) ( ) ' $ ( ) ) of .1 mullet. ' 1'lmI Is p.Mibiy ) ate
to that excltotnnmmt wimicim we arc told Miss
Aumolersoim is occiuulonhmig iii time British capiLul.
A umaw county in Camumuimu is ti be mmanmed at.
ter horti Jormmo , time rtutiriumg gou'ormmor.gcmmerumi.
1.urumo minute a pretty fair miuiur. I Ic labored
tummdtur time , lmmuwinek of an invalid suit erimuulcy
vlft' , uuimopmeftmrrod Otihaum tri' mumtl iilctum'o-
sitmt1mig to staying at lmemmmo auth doing her owmm
lmomusowtrk. ,
I lorbort Sisilo , time beefy Macrh unto has breim
ummakhmug a rmumui bluff 1mm 4mmioridummm iiimgiliatlc
circim , is to get a salary of 81,000 per mmmoimtim
wimiio , . trnvoiiuug uu'ltii time Siuihivaui comnihumntioum. ,
,1.iiI Is equivalent to rmmktmmg Iii thu , oum mm
pair of hues agahuist time other fellow's three
kimige. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TIlE J'0014 A1titNOEMflNT.
I1.w Matters IVemo Irixed lip hut Saum
Salt i.ake Trlbuuumo.
Yostomday Coi. B. C. Dodge , general
mumamiager1 A S. hughes , guimerimi frtigimt
agommt , uu'itlm their uvives , moat S. 'mV. Eccies ,
froigimt ti'omhi'mc agemit of time Denver & ilium
Gnmmmde , cimumme iii froumm Situ Froummeisco , time '
gemitlemmmout imau'ing been in attentlaumee out
time uooI immcotiumg of time railway Comimlat-
miles u'iist of time ? mliasotmm'i river. We
learn that. aim agreenmuumt was minnie be.
tuveemi time various coimmputmmieui to imuike
Situ Fraumcisco muumol I'ortlmumd cardiumoil
Pi1mt5 , time ratd beimig time saummo to oitimei ,
imuiumt frommi time east for all freight. , and L
timoi'e is to be 110 cuttiumg of rates.
Time Northern l'muoitje may coutpotc fem .
Cumliformuis uaimmesa , sitU thim roA ;
I south of it can coimmpute tam
, , Oregon anti Wasimiumgtou 'l'erritory busi -
. fleas , using the steamers belonging t thu )
Oregon vugutioim companumy , aIt tlmc t
hues pt'orat1ng Time Union Pacific imumu I
m time privilege of semmdiumg frhmt over its
Utah 51)01 Nortimermi , timemmeo uveat , prorat
immg with time Nortimorum Pacific. Utah ama ] I
Idaho , did not emmter into time arraimge. ,
uuieumt mmml thm'ms Territory is left opemi to
coumipotitiomi ietweomm time various hues.
Butte amid helena are eardimmmml poiumts , use
mire told , betss'oemm time Union zmimtiNom'Liiorum
Pacific , amid freiglmt trill be exehmommiged at
time jumiction amid prorated. This will ,
for a tiummo mit least , jmiut a qimiotmms to time
lropoaitioum for time third mail betwceum
timesu two cities. Messrs , Dodt'o mmmiii
Ihtmgiiea will i'ou.midmi in limo city to-tiny ,
amid piobabhy longer. Aimotimem' 1)00)1 ) )
mmmeetiuig is to 1)0 held iou laimsaa City cmi
October 1itim ( , 101(1 thuoum sonic timmderstaumd.
iumg mummy be Jiad mis to Utnim freigimt biisi-
A JIsgrumce to the l'eziujoum Bureau ,
Nra Yeri Iturald ,
Juihuim 1) , Burke , mlii of time Fiust Now
York Motmumted Rifles , died in this city
several days since of iumjuries iecemvcd imm
Z1 cavalry eumgagemmmemmt 1mm Virgiumia i 1863 ,
'J'eum years ago lie ) tllhiel ) for mm poumsioum ;
hum aiplucatioim was ' 'pending" for mummy
years , during wimicim timmme lila svoimud mmover
ceased to trouble imiumi , bout lie died whim.
out receivimmg a peimmuy. laumy of imis
coumurades svimo pitrtleilmated in tue liglmL
are in or umomir New York , amid so are soummo
of his rogimmiemital amid COilflhiY ) ohhicem's ;
so timere caum imavo been imo laekof evidence
Its to his idoumtity amid time cause of his
iImjul ies. Time case is a disgrace to Limo
I'emisioim Bui'oatm. Timousamids of able-
bodied voturaums have buomi receiving pomm.
siomma for years , there being mm lack of
mumoney to may claiuums. how mumany disabled
vetez'aims Private limirko are ( lyiumg uumro-
warded because timey lmas'o no ' 'liii tuencu"
mit WTasiuiimgtoui ?
- _
Vhmy thin 1huuisttir hod ii 'rimirm Skhum ,
Modorui Argo.
11ev , lm' . 8- , who iuappemms to pos.
8085 01 ummthmor florid commmluluxiuum , u'ccently
woimt Iumto time shop of a bamber-oume of
isis potrisimiouiom's-to ham shmmmveml. 'limo bar-
Imer was iuimlietotl to miii occutsicumal SJi'tJO
mmftor which his immumd us'oms apt to he
viimomt umomsteady . Tim umimaviimg Limo mmmmmmmstcr
011 time ( ) ccaamomm reform eti to lie imunde a slit
amid brumugimt time 1)iO(1 ) ( to thom eturfncoui a
coimsidem'ablo quantity. 'limo omuiumuster
tuuruied to time mamma timid brother mmmiii said ,
iii It toumu of simlemmmim severity : ' 'You'aeo ,
Jackson , what counus froumm taking too
unueiu dmjimk , " situ , ' ' ropimed Jack.
Ron , it ; uumakes ole skium very teimdaiu , saim ,
It do ) for a ftck , mmmiii. "
f4ilglmtly Hai'eustlu.
A Mr. Aumsorgo , of Wisconsin , 1mm
adopted mm mmovcl way of advertising his I
wife. lie waruma , people not. to trust her
oh his accoummt , its sue hiss loft iota boil
amid board , amid winds up with time follow.
immg wicked stab at imer reputatfoui : "Blue
lois loft a nuummbcr of emmumull children umm ,
cared for , amid I take timis opportunity to
rinuest their respective fathers to call
amid identify their owui and tuko them
away , as I foul timid. I imave supported L
timoumi long cumougim. "
- -
Good hmositim is timogriestest of forLummea I
Sit ) roummody hiss iso ofta restored this pm'mzc ,
to time uiuil'uriuug , mum Hood's Suirsajiaruhla.
'l'ry it ,
, . ,
- - - - - -
The BoarEmeut of the F1att llo1s I1
Own 111 the Third Bay's '
Lieutenant Merriam Maintaina
His Load Against All Oon-
Thin It.nees of tiutu IEiy-Gcumem'mtt Sport-
11mg Nests.
Stierlal lflsjatcii to Tuui : lice.
F'out'r LIAnnNvNitTut : , ICiun , , October 9.
-Time following is time score of time Do-
lartmmueimt of time Platte teaumi in Limo timiril.
iractico rifle umlioot'mmig :
'l'o..iay's . 'rta.i ,
$ ore 3 days Rank.
/.ikat1ssoii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Chmapihmu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 11
Ih' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
tnrthum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) . )9 ) .
jortiami. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 49
iiutrrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .711 220 4'2
i'omiti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 'a.'i
\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Iigmmuuu. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21(1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t57
) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3t
Stoyouiq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 2'0 ' 41.
Cosgrovo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 ' 225
1emit TOTtLS.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
lMkotmu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1i
cilicAclO RACliS.
CulcAno , October 9.-Time romst event
of the day at tlu Chicago Driving park
was time beating of nil previous trotting
amid ptciulg : records by time young pacer
.Toimuiatou , driven by Peter N. Johnston.
Time horse got. a warimmimig ump in 2:22 : on
time second trial amid paced without a.
break or skip iii exactly 2:10 : , thereby
tnkiumg time fastest hmarmiesa record , ever
'I'imo feat accomnphishmctl by time pacer
Johummetoum iii eclipsing all recordu by coy-
erimmg a mumiio iii 2:10 : evoked time wildest
oumtimtisimtsimi amumomig time spectators at thmo
track amid imarticimhmirly nnuoumg time horse-
mmmcmi liresemit who held their watchmen on
luau , Time aumimumal mmnude a hue start amid
cou'oretl time first quarter in 32 uvitimout.
a skip amid passed time half mimile iii l:03fr. :
time ttmroo.qtummrter 1)010 VItB reached in
1:35 : mmmiii lois driver thou , as though
kumowiug lieu's close lie was upomm time
best tunic umade by Sleepy Tom ,
time pacer , amid Mmmd 8 , time trotter ,
touched time yotmug ammimmual with time uvim'ip ,
Time ehi'eet uvots imotiecalmie to every close
woitcimor , amid while time pacer simouved an
accelerated amid atntimuiimg mmiovtmmuemmt hue
mmmaint.aiumed roummarkmmbie steadiness amid
imassed umumiler time wire whim a tromummidoims
swimig but uimovhmg as evenly as a locomumo.
tire. Ilommmommiemi clumiumied for imiumi 2:09 : ,
which us'ns time tmmmmo cue of time judges '
ci'uditcd imimmi , but cs'emi figures were
scored against hiumi to make sure.
'rime imOid WAtIt time miuiBhct ; 2Q '
pacing race of yesterday. &ituiumia
Chestnut Star..1 1 5 2 3 1
) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Vild'Frnmik. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .5 5 21 2 3 .
George ( I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .342562' '
Billy Scott..4 3 4 4 2
'rimimo , 2:22i : , 2:21 : , 2:211 : , 2:25k : , 2:2&4 2:22 : ,
Time frou-for.ahl stallion romeo was mm fine
contest amid resulted iii defeat for the
favorite , MunrQo Chief , by time youuig
horse Phallas. The latter acted lligimty
iii time first two hosts , but then settled
down amid tm'otted imnmmdsoimiely. Suns-
mmuam'y :
Pimahiam..3 . 3 1 1 1
Muimmoc Chief..1 1 2 2 2
Naxey Cobim..2 3 3 3
'I'fumm , 2:20 : , 2:20 : , 2:18 : , 2:19 : , 2:23. :
Time 2:30 : trotting romeo was postpoumed
until to-mmmorrow by daikuicma after four
imeats. Ottawa Cimief.womm time first. iii at
1mm 2:25 : , hova eccomid in 2:23k : , Kitti
Vmiui third amid fourth in 2:24 : amid 2:26k. :
Iii time flteoIle clime over time simort ,
Courier Jiarrisoum bent Boll Boy , Miss
Mommlsey amid ICottie Creel , The latter
roufimsed time eigimt hurdle.
JautoMm : u'smmuc ntcus ,
.rutoua PAulo , October 9.-Mile , Pi.
xamm ( ) uvoum , Buccaneer secomid , Brunswick
third ; tiummo 1'iI. : (
'i'imree.fourtim mmmile , Steve Wood.lark
won , Kimmg Duty umccomu.l , l'nradox third ;
timmio 1:21. :
Mile and a half , hlelemi Waliaco womm ,
Role secoumd , Pmsttom'somm third ; time 2:41. :
Mile , sollimmg ahhownmmcos , Heel and Too '
svomm , Col , Sprague second , Wanderer
third ; timne 1:47i. :
Steeple Chase , short course , Mayor
Wheeler won , , Jiun McGowami second ,
Disturbaumco third ,
PnovznuNciu , October 9-Time October
maccLing of time Nam'ragomumsett Driviim as-
eociatioui 01)elmed to-tiny. Thmm-eo umumnuto
class , Idlowiid 'WOum in straigimt beats ,
Mary Mac second , hattie C. third , Lu- ' ,
imotto fourth ; tiummo , 2:34k : , 2:82 : , 2:33k. :
Class 2:25 : , l'iiot Kimox won , OuorgurA.
uocoumd , 4lkgimeumy Boy timirolVostovor
fourth ; tmmmme , 2:2hi,2:24 : : ? , 2:20 : , 2:28. :
Time ( meruiiumt , , bull 1tves ,
) \rAHmu1Nm.roNOctober 0-Samuel Mel-
ton , 1,1. S. Disrict Attorney for South
Cai'ohiima , hiss writtemi to time Department
of Justice dommyiui time report timatlme hiatt
temidored his resmpiatiomm amid saying lie
hiss mio such iuitontmomm ,
Time Prcsidouit. hiss taken up imis rca-
idenco at time Soldiers' hlonie , mmmiii will
rommmaium there until time ropaira of thowimito
house are couiipi.itod. .
Secretary Frolinglmuysen returned to
\Viumliiuigtomi last night with time Presm-
deuit , amid was at time Department of Statu ?
to.da. Secretary Cluauuollor arrived thmu
mnormmmumg. Covermior Butler calleti on
Secretary Frelinglmuyseu , Cimmustiler amid
Limicolui this umioz-umimmg.
Time places of mnammy striktag comiduc-
t.ors were filled amid time cam-a wore run-
nilmg on time street railroads thus morn-
$1,000uumtI C0tH.
MAcumas , Mo. , Octob5r 9-lit titus
case ' of Herbert Eaton , oil trial for mann- '
slaughter for killing Samuel Kelly , Jr. ,
last Mmtrcim , Judge Dmuiforth iutposed .
hum of 1,000 , amid costs ,
1,10 Must Jlndg.
Nuts' YonK , October 9.-JI'iso court of
aPl)01 hiss comufirniod the 3udgmcumt. in time
case of Edward howe. sentenced t .
micatim for the ummurdes ; of his sister4u,1s'vr ,
)3'amimmy yermmimhj
' _
- - :