Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1883, Image 8

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N 2iIE
Tiosday Mi-7 ; October 0.
Vcat1icr IflhlICfttII1R.
For the % sivor vnlley , gelI
3rally clearing wiftt11cr. westciIy ciiid ,
riiiig bnronicter , tatioirnry i'r ' ilght fnll
c.1 . tIII'rnturo. , } ' .r tin. , I1iour Va1.
h3 , geiit'tally fnirweatlier , IiortlIwe8torJy
WilIdB , 1)ccnInng ) varlib1 , rsliig baronw
icr in the Rliuthcfl IrtUfll ) , with , thttni
M Ot slight fall ut teiiipcrat'u' ' ' . iiiitl
. fafling baromokr iii tlio iiortherii ior
_ money. Semi to fl. FcarohIwho1cMtlo
cIgar anti tbacco ileater , fur prko II.t.
-Tim contct. .1cwc'ii . the T1iurtt Ifoo
te'tu ' z'tul ' the fluff. Cly l.u3 Iq tIW ad'er.
tiBlil to tn1o iie.t SatiiLiy tlio I31. . , at
the Oiialia , .Ii . Iviig pasik. There III aI ( ) 1)0 fl
tiu1lug c'i.t .t fir a ITIZO if S ID an4 a
iki iao f.r a Built ioii.tct1v1iIi
: -'ri.o . cw collige at ] ldlcvuo Ii now In
full b1at atiti tim nttoi.datico . Is quito god fur
tin , first year. l'rofVnhher , of thIs city , IN
Nt Urn ) uouul u , ! thu3 doisrrtmotit of iuiuIo at. . . ! It
lB flCtIICu $ L.a S1 t1iat hO i1It.ikugoouI cam of
that Iustt of tim curso.
! : -Mr. henry \Tv't1i architect , WM
the dulef aid In tim iunec.aIun Suttirtiny
- vIght , WM thtown from his bore at tlto tlino ,
ttd a.Itliotgh not conbhlered 119 BtIotU.1y Iii.
jured at the tirno of tint accident , IN now cott
fined to IIIN bed , and 1iai Injutrlni which are
ie.ry 8eriotlR.
-The rcmnln3 of P. A. Daily , lurothor of
iIr. James Daily , of thiN city , will an-Ivo by
the 11. & lI. trnlii ( attn Lincoln titli monting.
nnd the f.tneruI Il1 take p1uco from St. 1'I.It- .
mona C.ttbodral at 10:30 : o'clock.
- MAt4OSIC.Tint VroOmtUuOflN of Omaba
ro Iuerduy IniLcd to nccouuluany Caiuit.oI
I.xlgu No , 3 to Council Bhutits noit TIuirliuy
oiiuIitg tu uiiuI Iii la3Itig thu coriuir BUuun of
thO Mn.otaIc tAtnIule. Jamous GIlbert , Mnttur.
I -Tim cIty clerk ye8tordty turned over I. . )
' City Tr asurer hock tlio t.ux lINt for the year.
'ilto bookn how a c.IukItleratJlu Increase of vat.
iiat.ion of 182 , auiul tim nuuiount.uq are a good iu
1Icatton OK totho uropCIIty of tint t'nvti. 'I'Iuo
tbtal tuiucsetl vuduatliti IN $8.tO3,77O thu
total tax ru o Iu &I nultiN on the above umotint ,
itiakitig Uuu actual amount of taxes collected
; . An alarm of tim wa 8IOIfldCd at lOO5 luout
itght faini bo 21 , No. 'J'ui ciuglito huuuuo. 'rite
CAUNO WaN the burtuitug of thu trnnNuaroncy , ui
: frito Y. 31 , C. A. hall. No water rnH thrown
: n(1 tim datnago was intrely nomitutul. 'nut
: dcin.z-tment ruujuoudcd with Its wutual PrI1ut
7 , iieuu.
; - . ' -Tue tutuulr caio running from the dining.
rooni door In tim Paxt..n itt being ulecorated.
1 . . -Tiuo arrangenuent cmuiniltt.eo of tim Coy.
ian Fotutival will incut thl ovotultug to
i jiottlo up .dl blilit.
-Tito firot avpoaranc of the triquartctto ,
, . twlvo n.oinbvrti , of the Turnonu wait made
; Saturday avoniny.
' : -Ed. Witt1j 11aM teen voted a BpecIat vote
. . I of thaunki. for 1118 .uervlceH In the tate Gonnan
fetiva1. lie Hold 176 tlckotui IIIIOBOII.
-Mrs. T. F. Itooth Sunday proNontod her
, , .hu9bauud with a fine girl baby. Motitet nod
, . daughter are doing well.
-The annual rentIng of PaWs in the FIrBt
ConaregnUonni church occurtu this oven.
\ - . lag at 7.k ) o'clock. It hi very deu4rablo that
Interetutod utluoului attend then.
-Tnz 2'uVn.L WIN -On and after this
date the Cuuzzons will charge 82.00 pordayanu1
. ! wIlI give the le.t , tLOOIflIttIlOdatIOflN for that
l.rico in tFuc wortu . P. llutiny & Co.
ortli.u&e4t. .
, -Menbura , ( if St. Goorgo.-Thero will ho a
, u apocial inooting next Thursutay evening , Octu.
bor 11th , and every 'rltursday ovenliug until
Iuuiber notice. Businouvu of Inuportazico. . ) ,
ltothwoII , secretary.
' -Acoloroul man utaunod Butler , in the etn
-ploy of Mr. Coutuut , wue kicked by Mr. Cot , .
I taut's horse Sunday morning atiul mid hit. .
leg broke , , . iltutlor Is pretty voll known a. .
. I thocaterer tothu Piua..ant hour club.
. -Sunday wa. a fo'.tlval day for the
uutn Jews on aocouttt of the ouitranco of a now
bunosN inui into tim Jowl , . ) . nation , lb ar
t rivet ! the 29th of Soittenuber , and was entered
I into the circle in their ustual way. illut flaunt
a lii Saw herman Schoutbergor , and ho BtayB
. with hit. Jestlo anti Ifernunu ScIiui.
berger , at tiioirrot.Idonco , I&O7 Burt street ,
. -'rite First M. B. Suuuuday school gave one
of their regutir unonthly concerts Sunday ,
which w. , . listenad to by a large antI appru.
dative audleucu , the chute ) , being filloul to Its
. S utmost capacity. Tue progratnmoconINtud of
roclLatltutu. by the ublidron , acriptural qututus'
: , , tiont. , u4tort by the pastor , suporhu'
: teutlont zutut Prof. I'ulson. The choir run
tiered siunu very fine music , and the utingiuig
. by the achool WAS uuut.ually good. Otto lduus'
* Ant featture of the . , vuuthig wuuu the lreunttu.
Uon to the vter of a bo.utiful boquotof wax
. flowers by a CI.$4 of little girls , which was ao
knowledged in a few touching Word. . . by ] iov.
0. W. Savidgo.
La3t EveI&tulg'H Prknat'Ios-Convon.
, IlouB Coining ,
Primarioa were hold laat evening to
elect delegateB to the county convoittion
uieoting on SVcdnuaday , to chooao dole.
gates IA ) thu diatrict judicial convention
on Tlturaday.
I' Thu rosuIt eo far uus rocolvoul are
I these ;
Firt.t Ward-F , Slaven , Cliarlea Knuf.
I luau , P. Diainozid , Cliarlea Brandes , F
I Smith.
Second % Yard-Wn. El. Ijarne. M. A.
t ) IuNanuwa , V. Burkloy , T. J. Fitzuior.
riB , Julius Treit.uoIko.
I ;
l Fourth Ward-Charles H. Browne ,
3 Jeroinu Ientzul , .1. S. Vriglit and others.
t1 [ Nuuines of rwnaiiudur iuuislaId.
Third Vard.-.Juhn O'Coisiioll , Auuat
I Vets , Frank ] togeruu , Cluarina Webur ,
, Henry GTobu ,
Fittli , Want-A. N. Forgueum , Jim
Cruit hton , l'.it Tobiii , lt Loary , 'cVm. ,
: Luoll , .
Sixth Ward-Samuel Trersnaui , James
St4plleuISOfl , D. P. AngeI , B. . II. Lnca ,
' 3 Thu rojuoblicana hold their primaries
on Vednula ) ' U elect twelo delegates
from this cunty to time judicial convun.
titu , which jueutaon Thursday ,
t TiLe workinginon will lucid a conven.
I Lion on Wcdiuday , the 1'1h.
- - -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
All IllDffCSiYO G rinuPouiic B1ck
a Binc by 11isC1IllIa1c. [
Caine iaIiett , 4t , . ( ' ' I ii ComirL amid
IJli..cIN . $111110 Iuik on 111k
The proc that filed o'er from jail
IA ) ( Ito ilico court yeBtorduty under
the mnarBilaiship of Officer Flynn wa. a
imiuttloy and curious ommo , TIii'y eru
ItiZCl t1I li time court , ordercl to take
aent , amid the name of E3toplien Plumyd
called. Stephen waa ( tile of tile boyk in
idmie , amid a very good lomkilIg clue , too ,
lie vnR charged with being nois.y on the
uulreetn when in a atato of iiitoxicatioii ,
hut , imituldug qIl'mto a tollitig julea for him.
acif , that timi. waa Ida lirat utirenso , niuti
thu lirimi. tittio lie haul over boemi iii jail ,
time bimid hearted juilgo 1etliiui , olr with a
3 line ,
,1.luim Nowtomi , a regular old ttt7iiclo
'i'iu , , " Wuol thU iiext victini cliurged with
hituvimig too ituileli Imumi .ult . SLiltilIy ( tutiti lie
lulko % i'iiL ill ( ci' a : i Iiiu , , 4til'rctl 'l'uui
IisolI niu1)enrcut ) befutie the court ngn'iri ill.
a itotsi Iduied cutiul I tioui tin i I I iq Imuir liuL
suirueted lit. noble br.tin. lie had ii. . ,
% 'IBIIIO nicans ( if mippiurt anti ho diulmu't
itmuik ns if Ito cam tl ! to Ituivu nity , 'I'Iiu
jinigu 110 .ity . ott huimim this time and
sculL liiiti up for thirty days on bread amul
.Jiist at thia point umomobody up etairim
onmptied a
. nuoKur OF WAT1t
OUt (1001's mumui tIme moat of it in the
bn.acttiumit witidiiw uimii Chief Clerk Putt.
ioIl. After the dud chirk Ittid milmakun
himself dry ( lie court jroueetted , Jay
\nuulidurford , lt..1)ert . ? tliiaon and Tout
O'Connor vru till lined iieat'ily for iuitox
ieatitlm ,
' 'Carl Schmuck , " mmaid lila honor
A terribly bruised up little Geriunu
ato.ud forth , lilt. face covered with bruises
limit1 1)0th his eyes half closed with 1)1110k
titud blue bumui1.s , . , It wits 'ery ovidutit
Littit ; Ito had 1)0011
(3ItUnLI.POtiNIJI ) ,
amid lie pr(1ceel.l (0 ( toll lila story in very
Ouruimami in whichu ' ' "
rapid 'guscluiagen" vtis
altIlt , the umily hit elhigilmlti 'u u 4. mIr
[ 'cimizell ti'ttiisiiited for thu bemmutti. of thu
coiut. , .
'Flie little Ournmaui , who is a clerk ium
time City lintel , clutmimnil flnt ho hituil becit
pomiiuuled Iiy two of liiui cull iumntes , Bum ho ,
a pillatur , atiul ii ci nil ittt it ii i . .i . ii itt. ' [ 'lie
pi.i iii ( ml B cliii ii IOU t hiit the i mmliii Ittid the
tteiileiis aimul Iirui ihed Ii i inset F ii p , but
a story for time etturl , uumt , the judge laid
ii heavy Ii no u ill 11 uii k o of Ii fly d i11rum timid
W.uta ) , amid let Sciutuck uIup.trt , Ito havimig
I .euit . 1311 IhicieiitIy I uttislieui , ,
George Br.aui , vus , Il' ' , agilmit for ralsilig
ti , row dua'ui mit Cni'iju 1.Itmhlemi'tm estilhhlumli.
uimouut , tutu site mt iii nit npj > otrtiimco bu
Moe thutit Getirgu got lii. duo. I Lu 1)tlt ) iii
time coiiimter clitirgo tittit his vntcIt mimi
cmiii lutul licoit stoleui in Cmu'riu'a imumimso.
hut the judge did mint euitertaili title yarim
anti hue. . . ! limumi $2 uiitd e.stjt. .
bounced out of court followed by two of
her fommmido coiiiinini.uiiB. and pveauutlv
IOtiiiCtMl in agnhli , ci'iiitbvtl up to the
jndgea desk tllIL Bt ) vigorously denounced
Browum , 1111(1 nmado muich violent gestures
to cilhiululumizo her dommituid timuit Ito sh.uI.1 . .
be kojtt away ( rout her humummo that almu up.
mtot. [ lie iiikzmttuid into the imortly lap of the
astomuishmeti imitigiatnitu.
"I limie 0U teli dohlnrs"said time judge ,
Carrie ! uluiiikud don't ' , the inommey uittd
sweIt out of court.
Ii EtIINO'H ilhibsta Stilvo is the itmost wonder
fuil imetuhlug iticthiuitt lit Limo world , Try It.
A COLOICIfl ) .l'.N'H lUCK.
Time l'mmlItiual usot Altogetliem
Jiuirmiiomi lmiuH.
If what han transpired in ( lila coimi-
ititmuity nItty be takuim as nit indieatlon of
what itt true of other comtiiitusiitios , the
1t01)lIii'tCatim of ( lila couiitry mis ux
bullied a remntirkabio tiogree of iltietiBilieNts
during the itist four or five tioiitlms eon
corTuiuig t"o nogni. No eunice % vas ( Ito
fact of time imitcmmtion of Itoldimig a colored
national convontiomi mimtide lmubiio jim 1tiy
lust thinit our stalwart friends of time flu'
pubhican jourmitilmu logint to draw homig ,
tmioltumeiioly 81gb. , ttttd circulate coluimimma
of editorial itrphmcaies of [ ho dreadfully
demmtornl'uliig result. . which must iiiev'it.
ably grow out of such gathioriimgs. 'l'hoir
ProPImea'oa iii this rttiuimeet , Itowovor , vih1
ho rated with ( linac thtit are coliimnuuuly
received from time sigiittL service bureau.
Thu coiivuittiomi litta moot , done its work ,
timId dinpun.ud . , the c.uiuitituunts . thereof
hitivo returned to their 3081)ectivo voca.
tjIIB. , Aiid all tlmlit svithi.ut . , any of the
dreadful comic.Imijtnmitm . , forushituhtwucl , in
the PrutlictiomIs of our imrophiutie quill.
drivers. 'l'jts Bss , in rucumit odittumims ,
itdtmiits that we have itmttdo nipiut lrotrusi
during time sh&ort lmeriod amtco our lituni.
tlomt froni bommdugo , but iimtpiiu. tIttIt. time
caUse of ( tilt' fuimhiiru tu litivo attained
the level of social equtdity with the
wImitc is attributed t , time foot of our
haviImj K Iarg t jiroportion of ' 'umtrohltiblu
hller't nimiouug us , following this with time
inmvlicatiout ( lint tim oiitiu race , cellect.
ivuly uimmd izmdts'idumdly speAkimig , ahould
0XUCt to coimtimmuo III ft condition of 1)0.
ittical amid social uibjecti.mi . ; bocaueo of the
lrosumco , of thtls.bmmuxliumu , element , Does
time editor of 'i'ii l3it macan to say that
time "unrehittblo idlers" auttomig Ui consti.
tuto a larger per iummtago ( .f . tito colored
i)0IlUhtiCO of America , tinium those wimo
earn their bread by homiest toil I Or
wtmuld he Bay titttt thu base element miummi.
bors a lttrgu roportiou of otmr entire 1)00.
hilo , ( colored , ) thitut exists amimotmg the
otimor elutuisus of inhiiibjtamts. , That titeru
is ii tomt hargu ; ) roJ..rti.ul . . . of simiftlusa col.
ored Ijoilu , is ii fact which , to bo candid ,
imiut. be readily tidumittod , but would you
insist upon tile cmmii'umtt1oit mm ? timeuto
mullets to ixmdustiious ctizommN , mum a coimdi-
tOut t.i Ilmu JrlJmflOtilm ) ) of uiuahjl'ied mnuin-
tur of limo nice to I)0s'ttioits ) of trust antI
bettor , "
Thu Itolmulmijenu of titim 3d inst. , eays ,
timat 't lie ) ieglous have fortuot ten that
tlwy miru Autmiti icuim c'itizuiims , " If this bu
ti uu , it tony bU said iim almswer , timat thmu
ziegrmus hiivu , 1. VgmttCll i fact whilci , the
tthltur , ) of 'i'lu , ltt.ltmbllnum lullthmurs of
iiis ilk soeumm hover to hitivu mitilto learimuil ,
It Ammiorican citizumiiisip involves a its
cliuiiiii time lurivilego of castizmg oiiu's lint.
lot for cainhiulatus of nil other cInsea of
1)001110 ) but tlose ot' hile own , thou time tie.
gre , fiB flit Americami eltizun , hits ir'emt
himitsell nit ilimmimunso BtICuCt.B , Thio teat of
umteiit iii tim case of tim colored titan-as
udgod by [ lie average ofilcu.iioldmjr ci.
DillCusOektJr of time Republican jmarty-ie
tltitt hmu komqum Imlumisuif l.urtectly . coimiotited
in his 1ut'usutit coii.lttIiiiVlmothuur . , they
lIeu accorded tjttiti oi.l.rtuiilties . . fur a(1
Valiculmicuit to l.I ( . it icuil or flot ;
whether there mite Ut are i.ut . c1uttices of
oil ) p1. . 'y ' tiieui t uti'ured thuetu I u em m no tinma
t'itli limo schools-ui fact , w hmatever illity
lie I Ito llfl3tflC.ht3N , thu cuitiru Hujmimhhicuum
pr tS ituiitcs iii ululh'oriiug thmotii two lee.
tmres ; etteii day uluoll thu beauty of i'i ;
tietico amid mni ekumess whmeui colored 111011
talk of cumumiug together for the lmrIo
of devising ways mimilt Itmeamla for time ru
mnu'al of thet.o OhStFtmCtiluii9. 'l'hto ns
tuertioti which limuik ammehi freqioimt cirem ) .
latioti through ( lie c.lnimdms , of ltuluulllcnll
lmaIlrs , lecuiusu timeir shut In lultick , lutist
ho regarded as a gross 1100111. mmd himuiutor
111)011 tim race by ovcry sulf.reaimectimuj
tmleuliior of it.
It lii it geii.rmtihy adittittoil fact that. race
prejudice , winch constitutes timim great int
j.etli . 111011 1 , to t ho gull uruil elovnt i mni of I ii
colored itlllUl loam I' ' ° 'I ' tie , ma lint. hotimu ulud
hr l.11r13' . I in t.s , him t is cu ,111 , umoti t o iii I v" '
ties. No fmtir.nimmtied , Iuer8u1 vu.tild at.
tel t too u1 mci ho t Ii is hati l maroils Hell ti.
lit oil t to miny uin mici1ulo of runs. . it i om' Chtris
timim : civihiz itmoui , miumil hence t.hiu baleful
oiled. wlui ci m iiifmd Is us fuunmm ti m a umoumitul u
hmg vhti"Ii it receives thu ouglm time eumiiduet
of ( lie itepimhlteati lIEIY ) : twttrth ii. , ad
I I II (41 ( of miii ren4u timsihitu mipolu ugy. I L i ti
Into duty fur professiommuil nhtiitlurtmra to at. .
to imtj mL tu , cast oul I ill Ii Ii Poll I Ito character
( if L'retherick Doilgitis. , by on utilig to
hits recciut jutmtiiic action such iuiisurallu
immntio aim that of seekimmg tufilce. Suit.
1 eapttetiiig colored iimeui ms'ommld aluurli time
timumlugiut of seeking uhlico bc'taittso of timoir
c..utiIuxkmu . , , . lhmt while they may tint.
LXlCCt. ohilce because of tlicir being mmu
gnes , wuhd , you any tinmt time fmnt of
their black faces remniurs thmmi iueiigiimlu
tu ) IOSititmtls ) of 1tibhic , trust atul cimmolim
nieumtl I t. is ii right. IrillciPio t1ilt Cur.
omnums , Irimmiincn , itiad Scammdlmmrtvimiui , inhi.
'iduahly stuahimtg , should tint. ( lolImnutul
olfleo iinti tue Imlero griuminul of titoir ite.
longing to thmea rosmuctivu [ natAoimniitios ;
ltt. , fiouui this hrimlciiIo would you at.
toimi1it to diacrimmmiummito against them with
respect to umouniumatioums or nppumiutltiomit
t , , gutvetmmtnuimtiil Ioaitulinl , Anul time case
of time liege. . ) itt h.erfet1y fuaraihul to tlmis.
Froumm .rimmciples . , tue aotmimdmiuss of which
iuiust ho uumivursnily coumccue(1 , Imo Is a ito.
tiubhican. lint lie is lmiumimnn , miutd [ hero
fore zuuseejtihho ( if recekring ilmlprum.aiomts
which imuigit. disturb Imis l.reeumt . party ic
latiomisimili. C'ltu8 DiJiat.c. .
% % 'eIl ltewzirded
A liberal rowmmnl will ho .uitl to ativ
Wilt ) Vlil proultice a cnuuu of I .lver , iiuliituy or
Stnuiueii coutphtdmmt that Electric IiIttcrs will
Iut tlucuIlly citto. ltuIutg tlmeiii auiottg , It u'mhi
Cuut you ! mmuLiiiitr for thu itmouUeiio , If It hills to
vtmro ott. . ! yum s iii ho well rewarded for. your
troiululo bcsiiu. , . All Blood dloauuo , 1tihloui.
1u13J45 , .J utumm&iico , Comistipuitiuuui until general uluti
I itty aru .1ttlekly . cmtted. Suutltl'ncthuuti gattratitec'ul
or IltOflO rufmitdeul. , l'uks only fifty eeiuui
bottle. For sale liv 0. 1" . ( ioonuAui.
itiv : Oititit4 ,
Geuiemal 1iawl lima' Arrival ( ifilcimihly
stiumioituiioul : ti , thu lepai'tmiieutt.
II'IQ'lt'll.S ' ) Dii'i or 'nip. Pr.Arrn.
OM.tlI.t , Nub , Wtubur 2 , 1882.
l'uuijor ' .1 uihiut 1' . 11 uiwkimis , comummtissary
of auttaistonco , having reported at these
hueadqu irtcr. iii eommmpliuiuicu with 1)ai'uI
graph 1 , mmjecitiI ordcr.m No. 177 , cmirrent
series frommt the iteadquartors of [ lie army ,
'ill auttouticud ws cliii , ! coulitniasary of sub-
aisteitce of the department. mmd purchas.
ing anti depot commissary of mubitmic
itt. tht'ilm ulace.
Tue following is published for [ ho information -
formation aumd guidalmcu of nil comicernud :
WAmiIIINuToN , Soptuiumhur 2 ( , ' 188 : ; .
CaptaIn Leonard hay. Niuttli Infaurty , Iort McIiut.
tvy , , Wu.
SimI-ItoforriuIg to your letter of the
9th iiustiiumt , asking whiuthiur time service
clmuvromm should be worn on tIme uimiforimm
coat , blouse and overcoat , or ommiy on tIn ,
usuiforiti coat. ; I have the honor to informti
37011 thud. the regultttkmuus appear to be
sped tic , . . .armugrtmpht . 2748 Lirovides [ limit
timi. . ser'ic chevron situihl he worn ' 'upon
lot , Ii sleuvt's ot tin. . umifuui'imt , coat below
the , " - , it. said about cithur
the ovurcoat or blouse.
Very respectfully ,
IL C. Dnur ,
Adju alit Commermil ,
1st Lieutenant .lntnes A , Bucimanan ,
F.iirtht . , iiiftiiutry , it. rehies'ud from duty 1mm
ctuumiuectjomi with dupnrtmueuit colnpet'itomm
tu.mti tvill rejoin hum station itt Fort Sidumoy ,
Nelraskn. ,
'l'hio travel directed is it000ssary for the
tmUlhiO Burvico.
Leave of absence fmmr one niontlm , to
bike e'tIict whirni hmia services can be spar.
ed by hmis host coutiummttmidor , toni with p-
1111151l1 ( tei apply to superior iteulqtiarters :
for nut oxtwtsion of two umomithis , is gniumt-
ed 1st. Lioutomiaimt. 0. A. Iloolhi , Suvuumth
iimfmiii tiy.
Recruit Ucorge W. Shuilkoimback , enlisted
listed at Fort 1) . A. itussohi , Wyo. , s as-
sigimod to the Ninth imifuintry.
0mm time recomiiumtuimdiitien of the Inoiienl
director of thu dupzirtmnunt , Surgeon F.
Muachunmn , U. 13. A. , will Pocucd to Fort
Douglas. Utah , , report for duty to the
eomtmummaimdimmg ethicur thurcof tonI ruhiovo
Surgwu , S. iii. Ilortomi , il. S. A.
Asumimitamit ; Simrguuum D.Veim.oi , U. S. A. ,
will 1inieuod tAm FOrt Prod. StituloVyo. . ,
roimort for dtmty to the comnmuandimmg out.
cer thereof and relieve Assistant Surgeon
II. M. Orouikliitu , U. S. A.
/thslmuthlit Surgeon Crwiikhito on'being
ruliuved by Assiataimt Surgeon Woisul ,
vilt ; mroueud t.o Fort D. A. Russell , Wyo , ,
rt'lmort. to thu comnnuumding olhicor thmuroof
for ditty amd relieve Assistant Surgeon
B , . S. Vickury , U. S. A.
Assistant Surgeon N. Strong , U. S.
A. , will procuod to Fort \Vaaiiikie , Wyo , ,
roiort to tim comtuiawliimg ofilcer thuroof
aunt ruhiove Aaistaitt Surgeon . 11. Ar.
tlmur , vhmo will then proceed to Fort
Douglas , Utah , , ammd rPort for duty to
the commuaiiding othicor thereof. . horton LLIIII Assistant Sur.
goutli Vickory hutviitg boon relieved will
coiliply with l'antgrnpim 7 , Svecinl Orders
No. 211 , lIuaiqlmartera of the Army , Ad.
jutautt Oumlorat's olhico.
2d I4ioutcnalmt James A. Goodin ,
Seventh imifammtry , is rohiov1 frommi duty
as ami aseistauit at time doimartimient comnpo.
titi.i . ) ) amiti will return to hiis station at
1"rt Laratnie , Vyo. , with P.rlnsion to
deitty term ulaya on route.
Time travel directed is necessary for the
service ,
public _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ilucklemi's Armilos Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of the world ,
Vnrrtiimtout to sqioedily euro Ilurns , Cuts UI.
cers. SKIt hihueuuin , Foi'ot Sore. , Cncers I'lles ,
Chillbltuluit. , Cortus 'Fetter , dhiapped hmmmmds ,
aiid all skIn Ol'Ultitit. . guaranteed to cure In
story Instance , or money uifunded. 2t cents
or bog ,
A ( Yard.
For their very great kitiduesa and syrn.
pathmy during ( ho illness and decease of
my wife , Icathimirlimo Kaufutimina , I desire
to tltatik toy fdouide mmd hors , and I
t.aho the liberty of especially mentioning
( hue thoughtful help of Fred. Schm4dt and
wife. ED. 1CAvtAiN ,
Mi 0111811a Tourist T s a Lr Trig.
.t ltIghll3' Seuiu.ntti.muml . Inr3' ' . % 'IiIcli I
Vell tut Iumiitlo it.'ul ,
The escape of Mr. . ! iitlus F'esttier froni
time ilusatto ayluuui at Liimcnitm lint atreauly
bouti chir.mmicled , numul nialmy liae hiecut
thu silrnijses n' ' t ) lds whmureutliuts , auml
time ilmimmimor iii widoti lie UNetletl.
IL seurn timat dmiriimg tile til)461100 of
Dr. ? 1Intlmewoui lie uruuiulo a trip duuwmi tn'mi
with two koepur , iiumi , , uminking a il.uiM
illu oxctmsu to 5(01) ( mirnuumd Limo .nruimr ,
coolly walked .lr. . 1 t , was geuturttlly
lUIiuJ'ed that. Ito wuis nssite.l . its lmi
Itull ,0 , I iy an ( ) m u utlmn ft i ul ti , hi i t 1 uc I limit its
it , imiut3 , Ito wa't ell'uctuimtily eotmenlutul iii
this city for sus'eruui Iki ) 5
It ii. itOt' . ' chttjullt'.l ly % l'eii.1uust..d tRm'tik
thutit Ito left , ) ' ( . ill ti shill' br tin'
I ho di It'll r'lvur c.uui I m I y , litivi utg uti tu t I It
$800 jim Im in , ussesfic uu m , .1 ii I his i it mi sI i in a .1
luy ) ) niid we I caleuuhutted to stu'mku fi'imiImu ,
wlmure'ut' hi. . . otiti hum till
% goes. lrumltlly
get. uimL of the jiirunlmcti.'mm . of time Nuhz'ii.
kim. uithmot'it ice withmuttiL uumy trntm Ie.
I t. hm Imot. I ih'ely that time ynutig luau
uvihl ngdui : bo muecuied by time zimitiuoritu.n
at LiuunIn , nmmd utile. . lmu uiiiuld , , ho anal-
bITt (1 ii , 1 my it. nub ttccidt'uit aim f I iu I tug
1 tidily lie wi I I soomm I.lmtue . I Im iummmtul f ln.yoimd
' hue utlo : of tii o late tumid tim u cli argo umtty
tiutitohit. htiuui more titan ii teruti at tIme uutj.-
- . -
A Ittiui Oil ii Ilriug Slore.
Never was sttchi a nishm tutumule on mutt ) ' ilnug store
a.u. lu now at C. I. ' . ( b..ulmiuutm's for a trial Inut
tb of Dr. Kimtg's New , iiscot cry fur Cuim.
stltumlutioum , Cougks anti Colds. 4II lwrsuulus
affected witim tuutltmtia , iurntchuith. , , ht.utirsunu.uuu. ,
, e'ero cough. . . or tuli' mufleutioim of tutu tiituot
aunt hiuutgs , calt get a trial hottl of this great
renuely tree by calling at above drug store.
leyimlai { izo , 1MO.
A. MOII'l MINIS'I'Ei { .
II. , Hti the Cunmgu'egmmt bit itluti. ' .1 hey
' 'SiiIi' ' Illuit.
At. [ lie conclitua ut of tue survicui at. the
AfricauiuI. B. chitireli Sututi 13 ? imigiit , a hue
suit. of clothes was Presuuitod [ I ) thu imas.
lot , ltuv. ! ihitclueil , by a iumumibcr of time
umialu nuuirmbers of the commgrcgmitioim , thin
presoumtatiout mipeecim being tummule by Cyrus
I ) . Dell. ? ilr. Mitclmehi was tumble to
express the depth of his gratitude jut
w , mrds. 'l'lmu fuhhu uwi ng cuummpliuumeumtary
resolution sa. timuui mudopted :
\V1IamtuA , thu lov. { liii ItIitclmeil has ,
duiriimg thu year of lmiuu iniumistratinim lam this
city an 1taatir ill chuurgum : of the A. 'uT. B.
Church , always tteju..rtoi hmiuiiself jut stichu
uuinumuior as to have Wet. our untito conli.
deuce itt htiuit mei a u'niusisteut , , CuJliSCiCtl-
tlOiltS Chiristiutum gentlomimait ; ammd
Viiaitu.s , tim 11ev. i'mlitchiehl mis at nil
tunes ( liBi.Iaycd . earumest. ( b.mvuutjoIt to the
cinise of prommuoting the religious , nt.r.d .
muutti social status of tIme 1)0(11)10 ( to Witlltit
he hiuls mniumisuted ( dimeing his resiluumcn
hero , thereby gut'llmilmg for huimutseif ( lit ,
im'ighuest apprceimttioti mitiul syutllathly of thtu
people both in aunt uummtsnlu uf thu chuu'cl , ,
UI thu great. work which lie has so vuhl
begun atmd directed , tiiat. of erecting a
itaumtlsomno aimd comnumiodjons church builti.
iitg ; therefore be it
Ji'cRolvcl , As tim souse of timis meothmg ,
that wo believe it woumlut be for the best.
luitorests of the A. l.l . E. clmtmrcht iii thmis
community timat [ lie ltov , Mr. Mitchell b
rettmrmmed to this charge for the ensuimig
coutforemice year. W thiorefero timost. re
slOCLfuihlY ) reqtmest of thu Very Itevoucuid
BisitopVnrd , that , if it bo nut itt commihiet.
withi his uoumvictiouis as to whit. nitty be
best iii time lIremniacs , [ butt hue ftuvor tutu
poohilo of thmis co tummauuityn itim thu return
of the Roy. Mr I'd itchuli mis tlmoir I)15t01' )
for time ituxt comiforencti your.
1mm mtdtljtjuiuu to all tlmis the Itidies of the
church lresontcd imiun with hiuiif a dnumm
i'mimo hitieti almirt. . , mul Li ttl'50 % 'mts mtmutdt'
Iti ) uttitl lurusuilted 10 lmin. , The suit svtus
mimado at Liumdqucst'us.
IJUnAN lti.oon.-it ( ) [ Ito purity numtl vi.
tuhity of time blood ( ieje1ml the vigor and
health of the wimole mtystwmi. Diseasu of
Vtt'IOtIM kituls iS oftoif oiily ( lie sign tlmut
utatmit'ti is trying to romitovo time distui'bimmg
caumiuti. A i'uimicdy [ lint gives life tout
vigor to time blood , oratlicates mucrofuimu
tutu other ilmmpuritios fi'ouit it , as Ilooti's
Suii'sajuat'ihimi uiidoubtedly does , mmtimst be
the uuieaniu of ) reve1mtiug Itnilly diseases
thittt IVOUIU occur without itt 1150. Sold
by demuhnitt
'rim. , Unlomi Paclilu I'xteuiskuui to the
Pacillo Cultist.
Messrs. Charles Francis Admuins , Jr. ,
Fruid L. . Autos amul Ezra II. Baker , of
Bostoim , directors of Limo Ummioii Puciflo
railway. vito arrivuti iii time city on Sat.
urday , loft yesterday afternoon for the
vumut ,
Thtoy wuruiumturviewed by a lIKE repro.
mucitbitive ott the subject of tue alleged
extension vhieh is ColttOlllllatoi ( to
run front Suit Lake City to Saum
Frautcisco.'hilo l'itr. ' AduiluB did ritit
deny timat tii ro wau good fouutdation for
time report ho dochittod tus give ally 1uirLi.
iulars ,
It is , itowovuir , prutty well itmuloratood
that time absorption of the D. It. ( 1. by
time 0. 13. Q. timid B. M. , and thu
friendly rulatiomma butween these romidus
tutu titum Coittnil l'actIic , tins coiiupehled the
Union Pacific hue t i take souno Bttulti for
its owit Itrotoel ion ,
Iii the spring ut 1881 articles of incor-
POrstiOut were tiled jut Salt Luke City fur
a line through to Snut Francisco , yin Eu.
ruka , Nov. The C0lUlU1Y Was guaraim-
teed iron , ties and roiling stock as fast
as tlmoy wore needed , although other
roads were imitable to obtain thuir sup.
plies. A sort of half way
put a check on the work , muid buyoumd tue
Preliminary survey noLImin has over been
dmtu toward time construction of tIme line ,
Now thmat the 0. , II. & Q. and B. & M.
lines Immivu gobbled UI ) Cii ) B. u it. 0.
atid are known to have a tacit itudor.
stLutdimlg with the Comitral l'acitic , thu U.
P. folks feel that they must do suinetiiiimg
to make thtounsolyus juido1mutleutt nuth , uI.
thought they arc puslnutg their way
timroughi to Pugot'm. hound , will build ( iii.
hue to otrset it consohidat'iout of iumtureats
between the 8outlmurn amid Coumtral Pncit'ue.
it is anythingtohiunt _ the UltionPacilic.
Dur City Bumglnetir Blouted a Meuuu.
her ot a Pmimmtous SocIety.
Oity Engineer Rosowmitor yesterday ro-
olvod a nottfiation of his election to
.Ito American Society of Civil Engineers.
'l'imis ' orgmuuiiztttiuui iS lmlrtieumltiriy rigid in
its rcquireluIcumtJu for lmmonmitursllip , each
ammccessfuh npiuhmciumt iteimig obi iged to
, , btaiim ( hue recouiiiumciidatuomi ( If
live ineiniters of ( lie , society ,
to lrodulco ) lrf'f. ' ( lint lie. has iuctui , fOr
live years at the imemul of solute uimtj.ortnut. .
1itmblic work , f.ull ( to obtaizm the tImlani.
llltlIlB comisemmt of all time other iuonibt'rs.
This is a great hinuwr aiid is the first
tiuiuo it has ever bcoum coimfurred on any
Nebrashati , Thmtit it is ju4tiy given goes
WitliOlit. aayimmg.
At ! UnsllcccssfnI A1I6rn' ' at Bnr1ary ,
4 nri'aiv Esean , lii a om tim Omiialua
elgIi Inuvl.nuI , .
I Almtuimt I 0 o'clock last. muigitt a il1ti at-
I ttlIlI.t. . Si'lI5 mlu.he : . ly himilgiull a to iou [ hue
I esudemmee of i1 r. 4 % . , 1 1 . ( I r'er , in .Nmrtht
iulr. Grover is ( ho assistammt. city eiii-
iltuel , , tumid is is'u'hh hmuumu ii to mmmtuuiy .1 . unmu'
citiacims. I I o muui.1 . hujum wifu retired Intliet'
tinily , tiumd thto uuight Iwimug wumi mu , thu
% 'iimhW ( stimuli vmtg heft abuumt , tlmiuo imichues
Ill. Soutut uifur ( goilug to bed , Nis.
C ros'ur 11tiCel ( ) a stinuug mutmmtuIl of chuloro
fti , mit jim the 1013111 , SI Iticlu Ittid bueul e.utised
1' thu tiruug Imuuvmi.g . bueut thmm'own tim
tli I' , ttmglt I Ito ( ) [ ) ell tvi umdoiv dun mig their
( list ; sleci. . .
Mr. mmd Mrs. Grover got up uumd thu
rolmi , bc"mmmg unfit. to iuoii in took l.udgiimuui
for thu imiglit itt a imuighintui"s hi.fmt.o. . ( if
cuutirsu their aw'nkullilmg deiettetl timu
) ( > time htutitubt'euuku and imethmimmg
S1t. host.
'I'wo or timrve other attoitipta at lutir-
huti y wc'i C nmudtu in the sanmu itoigliburhoud
but withui.mut success ,
Mi I1llortallt Decision Rciirr Ill 1h
tJllut Statcs Collrt.
Time IJuloit l'aeiIlu , Cumtes Out tiemtd
lii hi.u tti'tiIl ( 'muse.
The fohiowing iuuportututt ( hecisiohl 1ceii
spread tif record itt time United Sttutus
Court. :
Circuit Court , U. S. , District of Ne.
imrmv.ka. ituguust 1' . Arimilt vs. Uumiunm P.m.
cub rnilromuh , iii equity. huller , .1 ustico.
I hiut'o cai'eftuhly uutltiimlct [ tIme hileutil.
iumus aumd evliheiicu itt the case iuiul mini mb
iii Ic to ace huom a docico etuit be reiidei'cd
jim ftuvur , ( if plaimmtmlf. \\'hilu it. mwuluis
Pu obablo tiittt ho tiuoimghtt tlmmut the c mmstml.
hiti.umt aumd thu vmtI'uimu mogimed at iii. ilmtel' .
view with D.uvis , the migummt of the defeimd.
mummt , mumiiuuttuid , to mu colutliuct. for the hun.
chmmuse of time huuimd in cmlltru.ven.y , time
it 10)10 testiimmmm , , cuuImVimmcs lilO tittit it , .
'mtiitI coimtrmtct itmtulu.
' [ hue turiumciiulo of time statute of frauds.
thmtt : mu cumiitract for tue stile of huum lutist
be jut wri'tiiig , is the law f Nebraska , a.
it it , uvurywhic'm e iii timis cu.mmutry , ttumd
tltc'ro is Imo suutisftuctory ovidwmco to tin. ,
thlult tutu papers mumgited by Armtdt jut their
iuumpurfect t'trun , tvould tumituuuutt to a c.ui- .
t.t'.uct. for titi.u mt1o of titis s1.ecit'uc . imumul ,
wlmtttovor uumay inure beeti iulaimttifls uuitd.iu. .
shiimding about it , It wits a unoio verbal
commtr.ic't , tilii it iS lint specifically ci 'it.
formilmtile tI , equity. It , iitiwever , timere
could iossibly be suPposed to have beuui
such a valid coimtrnct , the fmtiiuru of thu
PttttImtitl' to tender thu price of thu intmd ill
due tixmio Pt'eSCtits a bartier to tim ruhie'
ho seeks.
'l'lte agreenuent was undoubtedhy otto
for acash sale. it was not inteumded to
ho a sale nit creitit , but its tim l.ltuuutmii .
had tout the imuolley at thu mmmc thu ; lgi'ou'
iutoutt subattuttituihy : ' ' If you 01)1110
is'itlt time lmmo'ey m'itiiimi thirty da'a you
shall itave thiti 1..mtd _ "
'l'htu plmtiumtitf did not come vithtiut titir-
[ 3' ( itt ) S. It. vnn six or eight tmiomithms be.
fuiro 1w cams migmuiut , when ito mumlys lie
iinilo , time teimdur. hi'uwuver ' , tim iuhaiimtilr
ulmay hiuuvo thu nmghm t his autmu in itt m Imttm. tilume
ttlimliuttCtl to a tender I mutit satisfied it
did tint. Ilium rufus ti also to stioimgthtuzm
Itis own ovifleimc'e by shtowimig whore ho
got thte mnolmoy iiiUumt toll very str.ungly
; Lgmtimist imitit ill thtu balmiiccd state iii iii.
test iumioimy butweumi hmiutiself nod D.ivis ,
who was a disiimterestetl witimes
muid swears positively that no liloli-
or as produced or ofh'ui'cd. or tmhmown htuimi.
Under all ( Ito circuitistancea 1 ant eon
straiuted to hold titmut the uutouiuy was
litivur tendered , timid thmut as [ lie contract ,
if it wuts over mmmado , was for a casit sale
timid not ott credit. , it cuimutot ituw be
speciticahly enforced.
Aitd I atmt of OIniufl therefore titat if
the jutlguimoumt comumplaiuted uf as tuakumi iim
( huoubsuitee of plaimitith'aumd his conmisul
wits autasido time saitto resuit would fol
low a new trial , iumd its the phttiiitull' hmau.
siiowii Ito title to tile mud muir miuiy i'igimu
to coerce a tub front thto dufeunduimit it j ,
UluulIucciotmiry [ 1) inquire whtothuer PltLimmtifl
lachits forbids mu umuw trial , for tIm case omm ,
its mimurits iii umgaimist itimmi , and thu huh
mumust hu dimuuimitised.
A decico will thuroforo be entered by
the ciurk tlistumissuiig the bill.
SAM. F. MILLER , .Judge.
- . -
'fl'IIjLjOW t'I'ItINGS ,
rho Cattle liellig iittuII.d for time
'Vliitei' ,
Tim ' , Vihlow Spritigs Distillery is oiio
if Otmuiha's zmst'iunlortant immstitutiolmB ,
iutd uverytimiuig is now ruutuing snioothiy
ittd nicely down there.
A large tmunmbtr of cattle are put in
Lhoro every winter and kept umitml spring
utd already fully 1,000 head
mayo beomt i.icel ut their wimmte
iuartors. About 8)O ) more will be added
within time liext few weeks , the capacity
if the bainmu being 1,800.
The Willow Springs diatihler' is now
payiimg the Oovermtiaeiit about six thorns.
situ dollars ier day tiix ammd humus never
boon in unoro j.rononuus . shape.
110w to Secure lienithi.
It Is strmungo any one will suiler from do.
rangeuneut brtniglmt on by luipuro blood whiemu
Tli4LINhtA , or 111.001) ANI ) LJV11 t
iYhtUI ) Mill restore health to the tthmyslcai
irgaulzatiout , It is a strsuigtheuuluig syrup.I I
p.leasamit to take , touti thu betit Blood Puritie :
ivor ditcovorod , curIng Scrofulmu , Shllltie
lisorders'eaktmoss of thte iClulnoys , Brysip.
ilas , Ma'arIa ' , Nervous uilsonlers , Isbiilty ,
IIiIIt. counpltdttt.s and Disctuueu. of the hJIttixi
Llyer , Kidneys , Shumtueit. kttm. etc.
.Pno ( it &uortncmt , , Ncmu .S'eyke ,
A large stock of ) d gous ( and how I
) i'iCtis at the new S/ice uS'orc ( of TirdU&
boh , 1312 Douglas street. . o02t
I r- - - - - - - - - -
/e '
for Infants and Children.
Casforln proni Ut os 1)lgest lout at td'C.N Omit' ChIldren rev cheeks
, 'That cures thUr ( crers , inaties them steen
J'umtti,1eimeUoulstipa - 'TIN ( atS loin.
tiozi , Sour Stomach , Diuirrhict'n , and tbIes tt nut cii' 1t3 tmll'flN ,
Feverislitiena. It lumaurca Iieahtlt and uuat cures theIr coliC , 1111s theIr wnrm ,
imittural sleep , without sitorphtiiae. iltit ( attitI
- % 1iat qiifdmlv cure' . ( 'ontlpatton ,
. . Sour t3totnadh , Coluis , indIgestIon ,
I. Castorla lB l.O well aduttted to Children Unit Ililt Cattorta. .
I knowti rvcotmmmmtcnul it ) ltme. " It as stterIor ii. A , Amueuuzuu o any prescrlpUon , lit , 1) , , rnr.wehI Itmen to ' iulorphtno , Synips ,
Castor on and I'nrvgoric and
82'l'ortlnnd Aie. , IJthot1yn , N. Y. hull CattortM
- -
- -
CENTAUR LINiMENT-nut . itlntolutto cure for lthmettitrn-
r- - - -
thomi , SIl)1iIm4 , Buitiis , Gulls , &c. The mumost , I'o'tvert'itl 1111(1 10110-
trmttliig l'umiut-rcilevluig nitt Ileuthitig itoumiedy lciovn to ittais.
- --N
- - -
z Ti
The Product of American Industry t
Full assortment oonshuttly on Hand and for sale by
_ _ _ _ - HENRY FE1HRMAN. Pr mont. NRh.
1'I.SON 14.
Tue fi.iiuoving . nero among the arrIval. at
the l'axton hutch 3'c'terd.iy : fl. A. Nu't.chutmm ,
Now Stetihicitutcu , , lonrer , ( ' , uh , ; 11.
I'r. . , riiy , St. Iu ( Ii. ; I I . Chii , ( iuuimul L.luimitl ;
'I' . J. Fehty , Forth Platte ; .1. ID. Stacy , city ;
II. B. . , Ciuicagu , ; .1 ! . 'mV. 1tuhuioll ,
Phattsmmtuuuthu ; 1" . ul acitnit , im'ife anti ( laughter ,
11. S. . ' . . ; C. I. Fretuciu , Cotimi , ; It. W. , Imtck.
slut , , Friscut ; H. 0. Writkcimshttv ; , U. S. navy ;
v. A. Carter , Wyouuultig ; J. L. Cuirby , St.
loti. ; Mrs. J. D. Tiu.uinziti . , Iowa ; P. 1)ttggatm ,
, Jicksomi ; , Nub. ; 1. It. Guthrie , l.iticohum ; 11.
C. llcNuuir , St. Lututis ; .1. 0. Shaw and sot , ,
Slier Creek ; Mrs. .1 , Sauuijsou , Mrs. B. mut.l daitghtter , Dot.v..r . , Cot ;
T. .1. Gilitttm , , New Y'irk ; .1' . F. Nyhaitder ,
Kenruey ; .1. C ) . Crawford , Vest I'oimit ; II. N.
\Visttcr S. A. Ilnulges , Now York ;
Dr. Azel Attics , [ tostoti ; ( . .3.V. . Whmita , New
York ; Jas. C. Burke , Chicago ; Joint P.
l'imomnpson , Detroit ; C. B. Case and wife ,
Cim'icat.pu George B. Stovent. . Kuitmuas City ;
M ; D. Welch , Lincoln ; A. A. Schultz , Ch'uea-
go ; S. A. Etnermuon , Atchison ; W. II. Coats , Saginaw ; t. Horton , Chicago ; 11. M.
Northrup , W'yan.lott . ; Eu ] . Everstt , Grand
Isi.mtmd ; George B , Everett , Gr.uid Island ; J
J. Fairbanks , New York ; .1. 0. Sottergan ,
Chicigo ; B. 1' . Fowler , Cotttrah City ; George
A. Blydou , Philadelphia ; Mark A. Burnett ,
A , Nichuolti , Toledo , 0.
\Vhiy are LtI'rIvrLmAK Co.'s Gloves
the besti Because they are cauir
- -
Itoal Estate L'rttuisferg.
TIto fohlowiimg deeds wore tiled for
record jut the county clerk's ollico Oc
t..bur ( kb , reported for Tim Ban by
Autmes' real estate agency :
N N. Edwards amid wift to Sarah B.
Yuigo , ti c Part of block ( I , lCouimtze &
I.ttittt'tu add. , $1.
.1 tutu A Brmudshuaw and vifo to G , H.
Ibggus mid L. 'V. 11111 , q c 70 ncra itt
11 A of sw .j , Bee. 9 , 'F. 15It. 13 , $1.00.
iv. 'I' . Imtucei aumd wifu to 0. H. Bu.ugs
aimd L. W. Hill , ( j C 70 acues itt it
9 , 15 , 1 : , $1.00.
Muoti F. Shtinn mud wife to G. H.
Bogua timid L.V , 11111 , q c 70 acres in mu
of aw , } 9 , 15 , 1 : ; , si.oo.
Hemui'y Lenlois to B. Rasmussen , w
It 0 k ue 10 , 15 , 11 , $207.03.
' [ 'Itolitas L. iurpliy and wife to Lizzie
Ctirtun , m d,1 nero in section 10 , 15 , 13 ,
.14 hun W , Slmauk and wife and Noioit
[ I. Uerruit and wifoto It. W , Thiy , w d ,
ut of u w : i. W ot a w J , iv hart of a e
.1- ' , iltwlundwiiartof o ofswjsec
[ 8 , 1(1. 13 , $3800.
Auidruw j. iltumacoin and wife to W.H ,
Ilulaizer , wdiots 2 and 3 , blk 16 , Hait.
sOoth I'ltu.'e , $975 ,
v. IL Ilulsizer to W. K , Zcmu'foss ,
d lot 3 iii block 10 , Ilailseoimt Place ,
87 , 50 ,
A. J. Simpson and wife to Julia M.
Otuitu , w d , lot 10 in block H , Shtint's , 2d
aid , $500
iiumiry F. Batter and wife to F. Diutk.
ehumuoycr , v (1 , let 10 in block D , Lowe's
lstmudd , $400.
Tiiomimas Morris and wife to Woodmnan
1uutseed Oil Works , w d , w of 1t 1 in
block 1ft9 , Otnahma , $1000.
iltuitt'y 0. Joimes and wife to Isaac
Ilmutt , w ci , lot 2 in block 2 , Elkhtoru , ,
Ymintlieaouources artu. tt't't'u ( ourtlisol
tIll Oltituases of the him' . , u. These
$2tuIutOflsjndicaththoli' : X.osu at
tlpctlto , JJOye1u on
.cite , fulitteus alter
tacrtioi ofbod. su
Jr fouitl , Irrital' " fl , 'V
tptrila , % , ( cr. g
lnitOdiitv .ieiit , . . . .U'tthiO
IfeiirtH. . r .oro the ct
reul Vr. . , , COLVNTIVA'rio ' , antI cia.
mind the ut of a romodythut tate dlrceti
) n the I.ivcr. .AaaLIvormcmIlclneTuTx.
I'ILt.hiayunoo,1ua1. Ttlelraotbouoa the
lilulnoyti antI 81cm 1btIeo irompt ; romoytnU
ill impurities througlt flueco three sea , .
u.gerl or thto lyatens , " prodnolutg appo.
Ito , soun4 dlgosttnn , regular stoolt. a clear
uklnuntlmtvlgorousuiotlv , TtJTT'$1'Irj4
aiuso ito nausea or grijltng nor Inturfere
with duuliq work and are a perfect
o1dey.rrwh.r..nuS. Olttr' iI.irr.ybu.fl.y
GIIAY RAU1 Out Viiusins C1uango In.
itnutly to a ULossr ilLczc by a single up.
phtcatioq of this Pri , . 6okl by Druggiste , t
rbwitbyexpressoar..coIptor $5.
0111cc , 4 1 ) Xurmy Street. New York ,
fftipeclais will I'osltlvely itot be I1u'erto.
unless tiald in advance.
flUi. ) WAi.T52J.
, 1\ANTutI-A gIrl at tOO uuutli 11th Ml. to cook.
I ua.hi nnm Ituui. Call at lur.ek uc.utdcutco , tlr.
1) . 8. itarlger. ! tl:1Ol
' ' ' 'A'NfiIi.t 'ullab C oman 1. sell tot. tt I.trg3 i.e.
t.ulml aleis fuca\asu.Y.uri , johbittr hou.e.
d1EI'41 " .11. .1. :4. : " ut atud Lu I ) Vuter St. .ew ( o.k.
74IN1'Itgood wo'nut ; cook at T. 0. Stctumu ,
rtst.aturant 2ut uurth lOOt .st. uDi' :
t'ATEi.-u agents Our tiit 'tili'ul. i'ruitect.
1 or , ' . A nes umuilor gtrtttciut fur isutles , of
, soft , tte.llutu rtmblsr. 4ttrt. IruertlOut to the tinuler.
wear , who , neu'es'.ary to tie u.ort. ttetails for 2.OO A
flu. fauut a. lri(1t4.Ctfl shoa It Large profit. . Address
nithta"'i , , "t.autlo. ' ( 'tuibcrart.ucut , , Manutacturtog
( 'n. , No % ltt'"r.'t iltOICO , I 7Qft.ttn
' \TANTEt-4iIrl at N , . . uinti 4herlit.o , arstilue. '
\ \TAN t i.'lSituat 'rn a . clerk Iii a hotel , or uti
to .1 liar , i.y a t .tiiig flu 0) fruui ohio. Sails'
fsctlonguarut.te.'tm. ACdtt.bS J. $ . 1' . . tlss 011kv.
4)cth.2t )
TANru.utut1 'ii a. b..uuk ket'pcr , hate had
expeilemico nmt.t caut Ivu meferetRo.
_ _ ao.s t , - ' ! , _
Felt RENT--Houses anti Lots.
.11 Capacuty of Brunt ry 2'i ha. rd. Icr stay , lOteer.
tolr atYud. , ruinty of Icu. There I. forty acres of
iatd tuth thu. p'o,4'rty. lutut will rout % 4ittt or without
the hoid lirewe ' . ui.uj..liis . eIt luuuults. Owuiat by a
widow Ia .y. CuulI'o. .rresul1d , regardlmug rent with
'i1liJ. : H. ulAik3t LAND CO. ,
in.o ; Ci eston Iowa ,
It 'on htar-.t t'Uito of for gerttletutam. and
wife , llm2 S. mitt. . ttreot. 102-Si
I' ngNr-I'uurituhel rounuis , single an4 for light
houusul.cojdrug. Ilwuuer's , hunch , corner 5th and
I Ott 1IEN'rLsrg. . , , tuu1y turtthdteul ruuuiu.ItilS
Citboaco , tm-eet ,
'to Lrr-NIctsly ftiuuI.luod ru'tu , 1721 Doughat.
rfnur-FUOluhOl r..ompTnittj tTiiTf
ft ritE. St. J'20Irno.
- - ' - - - - - - - . - - - , - - , -
FOIL SALn.-A coul Jut , , Iutu.fturtuio It II itirmuhtues
at a sacrifice Iinjtumre 1fOS Leatiuwrlh 3t.
405 01 'utrb tLui.oIsomi. .
Fan 'At.1In t't ' . city hhtudra 5 acre , laIn ! sd !
siultuti f r .Itvlijn , , For t ott lava orl ,
12 1.1. . lunu I Lie C frotut attert rnr ; ( a.y term ,
lo. , (4) $1115. . . R.u' ' gal , , .
1'i acres at ii lte Ir to P ' .t utlilee , fl.euutlful , husn.
tiuti , $12. tuti ncr , . . YIiI sell 5 acres , Omit ) ' tO '
cent .1.usn ,
2 lots aOx2t" , nest i.1 ll.utlIIcotti lark ; lOOO a hot.
Otty me orceut ut.un'j ,
4 i.e et. ' ( eat ( ttuahta , Oooul lu'uiur.e e'u'ettt. . Will
dim ide. . I. tidi. , itulli dte : ti. . uc , ti , latitl , ( j.ttti Co. ,
3 , 0 ' . tci'ttiti to tuit huytr , AMF:4 : ,
cue U 151)7 Farnain.
. 011 KLS-A No. o'ue ' fotttly ? luoio ulauk browmi
six years old , Onod at.'lumer amid tutthttibi , , for
lady to ditto. Cuill at 121 N. It.ulm dt. 1934I
I ecottul htot ul "Augand" coal hotter ,
nuldutk aize , Iii bvrfect ortlr. 0. ontu' at II.
OflialiTs a t t ) . lbs 8'
( 'i Itts.jrity l'ott HtLE-My sWek of sia1uo and
Xfautcu grocetlo4 , (2ut'eluwuur.j saul fixtures , titus.
tot ! In the iii. . , city of u rotuun. .11w. my general
ttOflt at Nouliat Is , Ios'a. Change of hualnose
soul ( or selling. Call on or ieldrcat.
Si. A. NYI ,
- 210 . ± L _ _ _ - CratonIoti-a , ; - ' .
I.tolt HALL-A & 'coutd haiti ! ' 'Auti.'rbezuii' tt5 ;
Shu.thulzmu . vey , churall. Itluluire at Bee olin. . , ,
I ( % .I1F.WXiiwlui ho ma'd for the of &
'II , I J iii 1cM ' . sIlty , ciutititlit mug tttrlott4 recomery nuatiuscrIlut
and letters atltlrtuuod to lte , t.lgnr Jacobs. No
quu'el'n , atkLd. 1 , (3. fi ( J'i'timtutt ,
-i ! ! : ! ! , _ _ _ . _ , _ City Martulual.
, m'uica Ytt Sit.5 Cuumttliijf1f eoihic'd't
Fruutt and Fancy Notltut , , % b.t lixed tar Itet. .
tu atut , ( boil colitur atuil sell , liutiditig oxO-2
t.tury , Iloimug a good ltUStu.eai , Ctmuu of ails , waum , ono
logo cute ! buunets. Ardost ,
. _ ? ! iI Itit' 0 , E. COlt5y , oakland , Nob.
Absolut ly Pure.
. Thuit. owtjer asyir varies. / umsyci of puzlty ,
.tergtn and ) ( ( ! , ) lt'r ecoitnulca ! thuas
to crdlsary Lltudt. , aid t'iutitGt Lto ookm tue. mietlI
ttlttlleluultiuuJa of low tet , luott sijgl.t , BILfl5 %
luu4pttatu ls'drr , 5o14 otuly hi cans. Royal Iiak
York. , _ , I