Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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    - IV I1J LOD ) . _ . ' - . - - - , -
- - - - - - - - - FITI7\ 1
' OQ'1'OBIEL o , 13t3.
- - - - - p'
0th PrIic3 SCFV hir '
\Yilh \ Netai'ii1 Tia1 ¶
emarkablo Preparationi
Day's ' Battle by thoTE
anco Workers of 01
Itt , LcRntlcra ( $ 1)IRpRy TI
bntlowlng GnIL hy Cit
lOW a.
Tkc Election In Oh
CflcfluATt , October 8.---Tt
I Ohio to.iuorrow i for SI
itI the logtshture. Titero w
1rto iuoiidtitoiit to thu c
LI change the
) tOII OII-tfl113 )
? atOIfl , 0110 to regtitato the liqi
(1 oIu , to Irohihit it. ¶ 1111
% tflOL Itvo asstnuel a 1cidit
U3 iSSILCS of the , an (
rt of thu rtstitt they will b
tow LIL ; wiug jrtioIt of the
1. ( ovrnor each IlaB.
\MIN AT TItI 1I,1.
October 8.--Th
hristin n1oIlqernco ( fliofl
1111(1 111 ROIlID C :
.ort ) rowu , (
weuIing , in close prodniity
Licoi , in uvury w.rd of thi
3dqUrtUr.4 t tht3 toctioii ! t
1L03u t)3 will he dor.ted
bintturs , Inottoo3 , and hot
kes will be SCCYt3t. Meti w
toyed ti ) ddto tickct9 of bo
ith aflh inativc for the ioci
'IbitOHi afllClt(1II1Ci1t to the co
'ho ' ladius tticinsulvcs will ied
lul olocttouecr for the amendi
iost e.rnct and shrewdest v
oliticiil caiiatgn Iit beeii
tid for the Wonians' Christia
nco Union in thu intorct of
lLow IOWA Wilt. ( JO.
1)R MOINES , Ia. , October 8
ublicaii State Central coni
ight claim thu RtAto and thai
Ill 1i..vo 15,000 majority ov
itd Kinno and 80,000 over Ri
hey have twunty of the
old.over senators and vi1I e
en Sufflltors mad aixty-sover
t t1it I1ouio , which will give
17-two nijirity on joint bal
tily coticetlo forty-four meinb
OUSCS to the ( )0SLtitIt1.
The Dutuo.ratic State Centi
Ee to.uight claim that ICinne
2,000 niiijority over Shorinar
rnsr , and hayes for the Sup
idgo will run probably 5,00
Fie Legislature will be Doinc
Ireenbick by from live to sov
Li joint hillot.
- -
- - -
OENlKA sJJn.tAN' : iuii
\Va.sIltNtIToN , Ootobor 8.
hcrinui and ( hnicral Tidball ,
ecu ott n tuur of ius1ctio1t ai
ilL thu hi
iflt of IInhitiiLry vet
i1rIILd \Ywihiiigion this ito
sutitud tbir dtitiei. ' .Ultoy
way ( ruin the city 110 ditys ,
11110 , trt'iJlol 10Yi8 ( iitilo
ittoiitl thu rouni
lieriiii't : will ;
ncoty of thu L\.rmy of the 'I
) lovclaiiil tito' 17th mid 18t1
fIct : wtiicii ho will rottzrn to L ,
Ioso up th : tltir of hoi olic )
cttuLL1 lL'Jt'LLLtL lit ty lie fuLI
eforo the iiitctiiig cf Ctiitgrcs
'I'liu cuIloIlissiuIwr of 1itott :
ho botrl oI
ordOd tneir dietitoii in tIle ut
or & 31tiiii : Vd. Ediwi , ins
riority of iuvenLion of the
onduettir for electric lanips ,
: tthtItt.ed IlIiur. drlio jftj
't3IItiUIt i1 a P.ttdtitt S.iwyer 'i
t is hUILL LU thu decision cciii
nvoiitiou u lo.tst it year iii
tdjoiiriicd without truisa
UjiLCt33 of inijioztnnco.
of I
'Ilie 5uprcmo Court
3tatei coiivciied , but
raiisactuiii Of any tiuinos
ill to morrow. All the Ju
) resent. There syas the ii
1tioe of iiiuiiibcrtt of the
asc iii wltklt rulu.t to show
t4)-t1L will aoinc
eturIIblu : ) -
oUrt tonorrow. . LIio legal
Juillenrd ngainst ( Jrceii
; ) f
ihtndii No. I ) 011 thu thicket1
b roiched t.j
s'ill vrbLly
VOtl1U.dtIy ] , will not ho argu
) ut. It untI rtcod that a
Liii made t4) aiigiI it to sonic I
Lli'i ttjl'Igl.
(1INJI4t. : JnN'c
Asked to ItO iiitetd cit the r&
December 1st , under the fort
vice .
Secretary Lincoln has rot
I i itti i ital I tevcniio Coiutnt
ter Evatiii left lOr t.juilI8Villu t
'l'lto Navy Depattiuuiit Ii
fornied that. C.iptaiii N. 14. ( .
the in.iriiie eorp , died at Cu
from hearL
raugea , yeturUay
Thu Pieidttnt has accept
tiou of the Nw tliorii 1'ii'i
000 Of 75 niiles iii % Ioiittiit : , I
miles fiont the Columbia rn
' In clu
Surgeon F'&ittiuy ,
quaratitillu station at Slit1 ,
hurts thu week widuig Sept
there were eluvoit casut of y
three t1eistl.
Ai15'itth3 fruits Puiistcola i
hOW caes of yulliw lover ni
yard. Onti u
itt the Nsvy
Otto death on tlio rusorv
weather has beoii intensely I
Thu Secretary of State , on
President , to.thiy nddrooi
thu CoInis3ioiior of Agricu
that , iiiasiiiuch as foreign
liavo chtrgod : that the 1io
the united States are infect
t3aso atid not prt.por for uxp
the t'roitJetit liai tloctlet1
COtIitfltSSt'lIi to iiisestigate tII
curing of pori iii this i
has itatitui as inewbor.
CJmuIjsSitII ( [ liIl , Ge're
I'ioI. 0. 1 ? . Clunidler , 1. Ii
D , Curtis tutU l'rof , E D ,
President states lie lits : fl )
guar.ulteo liu ocpette of
B toii , hut Ii i iii ) dtflIt ) thLt i
itiaiiititUe of the interu
Cougrei svill iticet all hiIl
tlilH ) UIpi)4U. 't'Jto C ) JiiIt 31
cultui o , as cbnii'pian of thi
is directed irnutinon his a
proceed to work. without do
A Nutinn ) 1unk.u
floiror , October 8.-Tb
duiit.s of this city adopted
petitioning Ouiro.u , tu pi
; ; ;
I1atk1ltl ! baiikrupt IMV teqilii
and creditor.
rOVlSioiis for olebtor
I l 1103' recnllluetiol tito adopti
tI4flWCIt0 lull with posihly a
- - -
Qtinrnhitliit , at Xess On
i' OnuNi , October 8.-
ernor withdaisvs the quiiraiit
itiatloit oveiiibcr .1 and ittoti
hig quarantine regulations so
October 15 vessels from iitli
will be ( lotnulel act 10.33
dtys at qtitirnntino for Obsul
sPection aIi(1 infection.
I'lic ' crm BiOcntcia1 A
Aprpri1cIy Osr
Tue Turnouts lit 1hIIntleIpl
1)urg atul ' 1tMlIlnSt
PIlLttiELt'llt , October 8. .
111511 bi.ceiitunnhtl iariulo to.d
of the largest of its kitni over
iii the city , Fully 20,000 iooi
u1iielcs svere in hue. So grc
rowd nlcng Chustitit street ti
ice ss ore compelled to rollo ot
111110 Genittiut bi.contennial
lay cue of the largest of it
Vitilessed in this city , 20,001
- in the str
-,000 vehicles being
Louis Latluor was granti lot
olitite1 It. P. 1)ecliert chic
rho Iroccssioit was COIflloS (
livisions. 'l'lio first COhtsiStCl
Lableaux ; the second of Orttiid
md dotaclimoitth of the Secoti
IIitl fencibles ; the third of iir
Lien , Odd Fellowil , the
Reti ilien , Knights of
miii charitable nut ! honeliem
Canideti organizations formed
division and 1iroducool ninny
In the fifth division the butch
fine display. The sixth di
composed of the bakers' orgati
soveittli of brewers , most of '
inoutited ; the eighth represe
trades industries and inanufac
Hue atartcd front Broad an
streets and over a ant
princial streets. The street
line of the proceioii vu
jammed and window seats wo
P1T1'i1UJRft , October 8.-Tb
nial of the landing of the Ii
colonists upon American shor
brated in a fitting manner by
residotitsto.dty. The weathi
tiful , and everything conspir
the celebration a grand si
the greatest eVetit in the local
the German p1)ulattoIi. Th
and Allegheny procession , idi
least ten illilea long ,
thousand persons and foui
wngoxis ill line , was iiidCsCnil )
e5lue. All trides were ropre
eluding butchers , bakers , tan
workers : uii1 carpenters , wliil
tion in the world had repres
costunics , all forming a gr.I
show ss'liich 1 < e1it two 1itiiidr
s1ectat ; in good hutitor for
\Vhen thu head of the
reached DitLtilIld sqtlire : ,
city , ii meitiltg wai orgtItiZC :
drcsse3 made I ) ) ' Prof. I'ittl
Iloit. .1. Id. Kirk1atriek , .1. 1'
others. Tit night is given I
certsbalbi , ittul laIl(1Iiet. ' 1
order prevailed all day nod U
0011053 W15 observable on the
This evwitig , while the
were vetlirnini. hlIne. } Ieii
nod IlurtoatiVnhuer fell fm
and were both instinitly kill
tier's tieck va broken nit
skull was crushed. So far
thieso wore the only accidcnt
WAIIINOTON. October 8.
bratioti of the bi-ceiiteiiiiial t
lag of Cerininis in America
atted last evening with a sac
at. the theatre , and
jug biiiiiess houses nil d
Pennsylvania avenue , Sev
tutU other thurotiglifaics , wer
orateil svith flags anti stre :
stars am ! stripes and GerIl
being ititorwoveit in inatty b
signs. Preintmatiolis for thin
cession , svhiehi is to move at
wore visittlo long before 1100
streets adjacent to Mottiit Vu
where the jIrt(1o forinoid ,
with an entluisitistie tliroiig.
Oiiic.tito , October 8.-1i
of this city have ) ostponeI ii
her 3rd thin cehlnatioii of tI
in the lTiiited States by tIn
'lie" .
Dn MO1NE , Octoltor 8.
inaiis c1elrntutl tim fuititidint
town lcrti , this evening with
Bghit itid speeches iii
( enlInui itt 'Pirur huh.
NEv.RK. N. .J , October
111:111 : I b Ct11 t CII , iiuil sv.ts Itiji I
cestiful. Biiities is'ui' , slispotit
aljliIrSitd. 1'lie uiLie , ptip
tue streets. 'l'Jtui procnssiui ,
I , iiIt hung to titi icl tid o tI 20 ,
't'hte ) . ) vi : FOVIUSS
Goveriior tutu stall , the luta
vited gtIo3ts. Samuel .1. 1t
ietl the t ratio , , iii Futgl i
l'hiIliii Belz of New York ,
atidress. Thu cci elulillics c
the G
patriotic air4 sting by
itig societies anulti ( lislilay of
'i'RnNTON , N. J. , Octol
Ourtiiiui Bi.cetetitiial svuts
sorveil licie. 'Fitu liroceuc
viewed hiy the luitlyor. A hi
was addrtussetl by C.ipt. E.
ittid otliere. . 'rite feuttivitie
two large halls.
Tli Fatal Fasciiiatiaii o
Mo1iug o thc Colorc
1'vccvh1 11g14 0t t lst ,
Vj co JItilt lt ( ioiivei
Ti t n li ) INI ' 1' ' " 1 Ci ci V
I PII1LI > Eh1I11A , Oetbtr8 ,
3 convolitiofl of the ProtttU
1 Church , in tim United State
I thiis , norhing. t
stuiteti that tin , I
. with great 1Ieariiro in ti
tahiti lye to tizeutilig with
ttiiil thuit they I
1 1)opntie ,
. the Biiihttps of Iissiuuit tint
coiiicr with a ctinhi
1 Iiiiitu 1)1 ] ) epiities. 'h'hu
r vuilud h'r the apOtIit11leiit
. from the lhtiiiu of leputio
and two aynOi. ,
II 1 Rev. Dr. Jolla \Y. hlrc
COHllflitlOb O11 110W hiocesv
report rcconineiidiiig the I
country of Muuitoo front
1. Michigan to that of west
11 Agreed to.
a Buy , Samuel \V. Yoho.
thto coiniiiittteo Oil the coni
btshoits , reported thuit they I , LitI _ uXiltulU'
eti the tctiiiioiiiaIs of 11ev. Dr
4t3sistalit l3islioii.I'lect of Vir
Mr. l'otter , Aisistaiit Itishi
Now York , and Iev. Dr. Kiti
llisliop.Etec of hintiustia , foti
iltio form , tI1 ritcoiiiiieiitled t
tutu to consent to their eoiiso
Roy , \V. It. 'Vilbcrt , S. 'U.
ibis , Preseiit a inittonity restated
stated that those signing it
concur iii giving their coiisttiit
secration of the aitsistutilt. bib )
tiitio haul
giiiia , M
to ascurtaiti whether the hisui1
bishop , would coitiiuo. 1'I
the coitunittec ott thu con
hihtops wits 1haced on tb caht
The inotnorn1 for the dlvii
diocese of 'E'emiessao niut a prc
thic saino were roferroot to the
Dli 11O55 dioceses.
The oiitttittco on prayo
whioni was referred the cluing
out tlto svonls "Pnottataut.
roportut such alteration us i
ileittorhihs ; irosentett on the
' 'A'tlltrningu't tutu ' 'itorisloit c
of Coiniiioii l'rayer , " which w
to the prowr coiuiitlees. A
tttlini of , , , evriahs , , the bo
slotHs vas called to order by I
thit , 1 house
A lilessago frn
ithi a resulutinti , syuts reati a
The ropurt of the Bishop
idiowcd four Inindrod ct ii ,
Itishiop Dunlnii , of Nov
reported slow ittgrcss of ( ii ,
the Territories of New 1li.xii
Zoila mid ivskcd for six Itoh
lissionary Ilishiops Brewer ,
uiittt 1'tddock , \\'niihIiiIgtoi
reported satisfuctoty progn
diiirchi Iii their jtiristlictioi
Vilier , of 4Iab.ina , a1ioko
aniolig the colored 1ot)1)1o of
lie saul thu jiesciiL tnio is t1
pitious for woIk of the churcl
colored PeoPle , Oiihy a few
atiol these are dostlueti to ni
tuntely the salvation of the
vi1d orgies of revivaIs have ii
ciatiot , for the co1rcd , race.
tiuii is what shotohl be dotiti wi
nattt ( if the colored etiiiie.
ho set apart by theinstulves ?
would rather Ids Imud , ihiulo
than that lie ehtinild give hii
; 1eis1iitioii looking to di
ill social life by lines of d
[ Cries of gtmd. )
The church is RtOjped at
hold front pursuing such ci
cathohicicity. The bisho1
nualitet drawing the color hut
cesa the bishop of North Cs
relative to work uuiloiig the
1lu of the south. Ho said
hishin1a iycro unaiiiiiously t
sliou1d ho no soimmatu 1
Bishop Lyninii was aitlisius
colnreu noon as alt evaiigeli
iii charge of the Iieiiitelitiary
urn city , told the bisltiip tb
his PnisOlt sevtra1 colored in
could lint find niiy hf thu ii
were of the Eiiacuial
resolutii , n VIts tidiiptcd apprc
tioui of the humid of lilsulagot
hg Mrs. A. 'l' \'iiig , n3socia
'l'lie report tf the tuxecutis
of the Aiiioicai church hi
conuinisiuii ictut read. 'fht'
colhectiuig $1,000
purpohes .
tiucti yenta a a
ing fizitol. 'l'he whole itiiitlt ,
tioos for toid vere 101. 'I
smiter voted loans to 20 c
IIIII'5IOh1I1. 'Phie tretenirur's n
rutcuipts $50,479 ; piyiiiuttts : ,
vcstineiita account , $12,000
trust ctunluuiies , baiiki , et
Adj.niniied till tn.iuiriw.
TIit ree Lipt Is
MiN1.troLuH , Otijbur 8.-
of the Free Baiitistu. ltev
atiliiiiiitcil to act cli the c
ht'jiie , iiltbStiII. Dr. Clieiiey
the report of the coinutilttce
hIll , , lOll tOld it vas
( lay afternoon was stit apar
the city. A. coutnuuicatic
front the Ohio delegation as
fererice to meet in thit Sth
retointloits svono sibuliitte(1.
Chietiey tOld Itnuisont Dii
ed reports fruui lb
of Nova Scotia nut ?
eousfereuico of the . Ct
cluirehi of tim United States
'I'lu clerk rust ? to rejwrt from
311CC bnrd , , smhtichi ssas
'I'lio early iart f the utfttJrui (
sitiitetl iui Ii4teuiiuig to thu rd
feieitt eiiiiuuiittces , which
to their bevorlil eoiniiittees.
live eoiitiuiitteo tif the F. E.
duty iiiet anti ccusiduraldo , r
11055 WOK tinitsacteti. 't'iiis
curs the utuiiIIaI , meeting i.f
I 1111051 III iary ieciety , ; tlsti the
of the hilittlo lflitti3jIi.
'I'IIU Vu.sto'ii t&ssiciatjijii (
I i3t3 I tiUt I Ii is aft OiIiOil I.
A. Shieiihierd , to give prt
at $ i0,00t ) , f , , a
seitool flu 11(1 , ( III CI irid
the , issueiatjtii I' ° Y
ilitiUIte(1110i413 Wuel c'iusithert
iuiitteo s.1is uiipoiuitcd Li , diii
to Iii ) liresulited to the ci a
ceroiuig the ll.ur. 'l'hiu r
ciatimitta recniiiuuieuuhiuig thit
eoiresiotdiuig iecl utiry Iw
tulopted , , iil ii cci , , uiiittuo
, , toiiuiote ; such tlhicur. dj
Iii i'ILtIIlItlI
SSLP Luiiti , October 8.
huh ii i i ci , , foruice i if ti
I CIItIICII livId two uicssiouis Si :
j , to u oetl t II I /t pii I. iii
tj.tiiritii I , Situ I tht a tid 1yiuzu
jIillCtjii ( KpotlceIH. : 'l'IIu ) '
) 011 t ho ituiluita tb
: kcepiiig their dtiVeluutIit ituo
their iruvi1egis tout ! thief
Wilt uld hiu reuit hoyi , id iii I ;
cret iOoetIIig ( If thu iriesthii
t4i.ihtoy to give iitotructiiiiui , I
) ( ted to gti cii ti iistiiiiis t
thu tJuiited Statui. Ttiiiitir
1 J I 11(111 Cl i ul reli Coinoti tu t ii III
itiouts ti , fiirthuiur itetioji in ri
, , , , , III L3tah mi a
vtiuititit itt cuiliruly SI'ioii ,
I of whom tore p'.lygIIuoiht.
'l'iIi , UuuItss OIII1tI
CIlulAoo , , ( ) ctubr 8.'I'I
oruon club of this city priqio
1 its oiguoli i7.utt.iQ it ti i ri iugluii
Otiil will be ( iiiuiud iii eac
'I i11 sflrIoiii4 svutrds ii , the
svjIl be uojijiojittuil ( ii
( I tit'u u'f the state. A ftur ci
5 z.otioiis urn Perfuctocl ii isti
II if will 1w etilutI for the P ° 1'
ing a stub vitemnuchih. ,
Iui uiui to 1)i a
, . M usn ioi.Is , O.tnbur 8.
0 t 0 ( Ii ) ' a svtiu hi ii , : ii , an uuieL
hiiiriiua to death iii I"raor
r factory , which was striietc
Ill IiHb itighit and destroyed
H. 1itorcd , the Fuihthiu , to so
toils tutu i.irt of the bui
of IC full holiiiid bun , etittluig of
. TWO huiiudrcd ineiibers
Pioneer associtothoit , reachito
in afteriiooit nit heft for Chic
- - -
An Ubsenro EiIish Powii
to t eyiiour Msas
Story ,
The Sensation Offioia1l
atul Tranquility Rui
The French Military I
Savoy Induces a Vit
Kick from Switzorl ;
Caroiinal iloCalio ipicnls
Ity a ad .1 tiHi lull 1ir I I Is
( iISIttiIi I'OflILN
iiVMOt11t N.ibX.
WArll1uflToN , October 8.
iliessuigLi vat4 rocived itt the I
of State lii tiny fniii Onus
that. hillel
1)01111) ' , atistlig
U iitttin IIIIII thiutt. there is Ito I
telotirted , usassinttt ion of Ui
Cotistil Styiittitii , svlii 15 tihi
'I'ltis teleginon silts I ecsivtid
hut , sent. by the Acting SeerCt
yost uday iiioiii i iig , uig h
ti.ii on the subject.
A dipatehi fvt.sui l4IuuihouI say
Now York
sculL utti ti fact to
$ oyiuutir , t.J Cuintciui , lion
itt curt cuicy iii
ed , 5Vii3 1I1It
obscure town in
1tftili ) ill liii
, , : , , but it hiittl thou no
iii fact. Tin ) story tt ciltir
lliUTII4Ii MAII. $ .
] , oNIiox , October 8.-Posh
oral .Fnwcutt tuiinuiieua it is I
ud by the govertititoith uofter At
IA ) relic .v' the lIresoutt colitraci
etinveynilcu of ittitihs hotw
Etnitnin tutu the Uuiitod Sit
thereafter will be di1iitdi :
thrice weekly from Qtieuttst
stead of iiiaking littig coittr :
Putrt1t1eu will iitnnthly seki
etlicient. vesebo for the trio
the until i.
riin roNqD1N SETTLItM
The Pukin cot )
: CIiini : hiving rejeeto.t
rahidullit drawi up by Fou
priiiio , itiuiisl or , ii niuliotini , to
meat. of the 'l'iiuiquin uhllestut
losiring frouitiur Iiuo , . 111)50
cussed : Begiiuiiiuig at the Iii
utitodo by the arii of the Print
it followethtis artut ma
thin until it coliucs to the c
the rapids. This it skirts
Ited river. It Lhteis reuts utiw
river tiuttit thu towi& of II
reached. At that it. is
estuildislt a Chtinoie cost
Fruice , bowovor , non rogar
thoticinsuts uotserioiisaitil iLls
precipitate sottleittt'iit iii tli
It is expected G&t. E. L
, , uuudint of I boo 19th ii , in'
siccetl C ; out. 'UI ii hautliii as I
inter of sstoi.
'l'hi e ( hi ith liii give.i ciltrot ,
1ItIIt that 1tuusia is uthittit
loan of oitt hiuuidrud ioithioi ,
T1tJ JAVA Eitu1ruo ) :
Advices ill by 110511 front B
IiL uf September shuw , th
qtiuikeis which occurred iii
I lie s'maits of Stiiult di'l hot
tii II iii the city ( if
that , Ililly Ii few lishoriiiuui sv
by thu tiditi waves. Ailviu
Cilia Ii liii I Ito ° I" , its seit t t , i
( Pres of the extent of tht lb
I I southern coiuist of Suiitru , a
. coast of Java.
8IASIS11 ItiitE41
Thu Spanish , iiiiisturiiul c
I eratoil four hours Iuishli thu c
. tehegriiii ( ruin Due 410 For
I the j1tuuiishi uoinbisathor to F
tivu t the instills given ti 1
. iii Puiri. 'I'ie Lbtiriui says
sotisfuoettuni I
I iuieiut ileiros :
I sv it Iii in t tinoki ug tifl I iii
I for redress.
' ' iiowspapers ol
'I'lie htIthiilg
. hot satislieti with the ioctiiiii 0
goverillulouit ill regaril tO ) 1f
I I ICI it i it I'tiri s tutu i I isist ii pi ii
, of the kiiig's rojily t
I Ur.tvy's nioIiigy. ' [ 'Iris iii
. kii , iii i eply to ti olohtgtttini
. tint ! navy ijhicers , sutiti ho vi
to sacuilice his life for thu it
. liberty of the cotuitry : , , itl ii
I his turn uy.
r ' [ 'he Uiited States rstinrii
arrived at Gibraltar SuLttiitli
miui sviss nruic
' ' ° ° Swiss , Ihcors wloi s
Sasny to ascertiji whinthiur
lie Freutoli so
slits I i tue thoit I
. fuilti heal thuzo , tj .ort
. itiilitory works hitivo hiucit CO
4 tO I , uitr.d izvcl p' rL liii , cif Lii :
- 'I'Iie IVCI , Ihlillilit uf Swit
thitireftro iuittkti tot oiiurg
3 I itgaiiist this hiroach ( if tn
4 '
A . ) . AI1l
Cuirdi itti S1 cOuthi , . , ( if I ) ihl
Ii ; ! utter so hilohi says ,
j iustice itiiil gni iii t4Iullsi ut In
. lIl&I , llliiI ) ' ( If thu foni.iur
heell rtnh rest
ii grttivuoluuo3 115 VU
. Ot roitittilli it , lit. t1iiio if Ca
, , ho julaced ulpul ii 1OV..tI sri
U Ill iii , ft iii 1' itis i ii this respect.
. I loOtS Ill it ask Ii Ir his iiui ilu
f . IIM iig.oiiist other
I I t3P , iiil , j iistico.
I. Ii
I I Ihl I' ( en 11:01 : govuruilliell
i. . I he I iiu inn uttiult uif ow I uiti
ii iilt ( , ( leruiaiiy.
I. Itt1jItAI ) 'olisT1
I. TIiI (11110 ( 1ttV1iD is
IL ! OV1iVl 1.1.1' , October 8.- '
I , couuittoo Of thu now Ohio
I. ill uessiin at thu ( JaiL lint
uiuiti ratifyiig , the uurratigolilo
y in Ci
the Itrei1)U nineltuigs
Chictgui to lix rates hutweoi
river hiollIls. 'I'hoy wern
L. siuii tutid the ulttc'iuio of thit
II fi i iii ( ill hole UI itacerttuti
igii nroi hiutnuiinti iiiii iii Id hi
li 1 inuiit they will hitibtius
' . CIIt ( ruuct. I t is suoki , hiow
K. . Cliigii ; tuid Iistttuu , I Illitti
L. . to I tim jit ii. Shin iIi i
I IIII. nut CtulU , tO ii satislieti ,
Ii ) , of
tt i * that out
vulvud will out to.iiiorrow.
TI , i 'it IIY 41 iArjr hEll
1JiNv1ut , October 8 - A
ttockhuulders of t
ttl IIg ( If thu
tnt ltio. ( runtle itnilri'id : ClIlj (
l's itt Colcr.idii IA ) (1:1 :
ig iutoualy ) ) L53011 ft reMllltb ,
st the crCetitfl ( I ! a gilihural liii
of III illion , thui bitt tils j suili oil
ig situihl tim thirty years , ititti
coat littoreist. 'I'htu issues
1)11 coed $30,000 per niiki cc
till c1udiit till the prior tnort
on fluiishtod road. Thirou.
tiitiro stock was represented r
i Il.
- - -
oItI'LljtI : , tiiCoi
tltI.I , 01' 1415510S5 Foil lii
4l.litiV , N. V. , ( ) ctoh'cur
Albany ClOut. iif ( . ) ycr isiiil Tot
case Of the PCPl against lor
iItIlij chi.orged isith , nil nttoto
AsciiibIyiiiait 1ruulloy , s.os ca
loiring thu seiisatioital dotul li
whieti liscot Cotikiltig and
ot hack into
wt.e tryiiii to
States Setiato , Bradley0 svs
thient and Sossioiis was vo
oler 'vistididates. Ouio norus
PrecillItateol a 5eIt5Atihil UOlt
tuittiro niitt the pittillo by i
Pco Mid proc1aining Set
otlored him $2,000 if Ito WI
Ills votts fniii l'latt niat C
Oliauncey nt. 1)upow arid
VIiecIor. 'l'ho alleged iiiie
was ilneeil III tim liaiids of
Sharp , thou iileakUr of the a
sdioiii it SS.iSR retniiieo ? nuid
gItiuI iii charge of tie stale the CIllullIlithOt ) of it
8essliiis ( hthliiel every clnsrgo.
, uittvo's report. Infleol to bear
ituid Sessioiis was ititlicteol hi
jury of A Ibatiy county. 'L'ho
1011501 dttuojretl a 11(1st ( pilOiliO
iiitskiiig to fornial itiotiout to tl
judge deciduti to go on svi
0111) ' two jnn'rs ' svero obtniio
court noljotirnool for ( liii thii
' Ilt'nn TIIIiP t.iTUit
Ltisiit , , October 8. - ( euni
the iIofnuiItiig ltiitinter : iuild s
thu lnuolon niitl Ltei1iliito
torrosteil ot his sistur's lionise ii
lb ? just retuniteit fntii , , tl
\Vantloru ciubeazhont neatly $1
' fuitnis niul lost.
of tini btik'i : , ,
Tita (11,1) iLtNH iZI.i
GALVESTON , Oetobir 8.-'I'I
of 1) . hI. Itoguiii , an ( lIlt grnhi
of ago , 1011(1 sVllO lint ! just
widosv tif 80 , svui , buinglitnizot
duriiig the ahsoiice of the con
tltoisuu1 : ilollars was tibstrut
secret drawer.
.IHAI.oL1sV Ati lInAT
Quiscv , III. , october s.-
Indluult iloctur iiaiiied .1 isepht
liii : killed his wife , it white ss
I o.duty , auth thou eoiiiiiiitt
Jiniloniny wits the cause.
DKS MOIHV.I4 , October 8.-
idt'iitlif itiunioll county , I ) ) '
\\'in. I I tort , colitinht toil stile
aft urnoint liy sluootiiig IlinlI
Iieoil. : No cause cult ho utas
wits itt goiitt eirctintstiotces a
f.iutily trouhilos.
it I'tle Ii'I.ili.
Cutotno , October 13.-i'ho
1133 ihic flihluso'ilig speibds :
TIio buisitioss portion of Ut
Miskihl"is , , eight iiiles i
'E'wo ) ltivers , was io1ntst out
yesteishoy ; 1.1 hIItildiilg rcr
1,055 , $20,000i itisturalICti , $ f
At Lafutyotte , I itd. , the lii
wick & F1Ircr , dry good
Liabilities , $30)00 ( ) ; , isstits ,
At Knrihakou , III. , E. D.s
i rig , hi rupi Otell iiIililei tiled
iicteti t ii t lie anoiiutt of $ I 2,1
teruil tttitii5t : hilt , , .
AL Cioloitu , lit.Vrn. . i1eut
oil rusiilunt of that city , c
10i0 IitliiLlUIltIi ) 1irlhitlay b
sohiici ) ivati liii Ilicin' , SI y : tt I en
I' In.ut It. III ii I oe , , ii
Losviur , , 1tuus. , Otohei
ci train hicoiiintivu ( if the It
(11 toad was nut iutto by a I
' [ 'lie uligilleer utitl liruIltilil ji
I ( iii t sh ii t tillg I dl'ittonin . ' [ 'It
ltlI)1lt tti this city whore till )
tutU btirkd itself in the cell
oxIlresM olilee itt the stiul
notch oluuiiitige. ! olary NULI
hiross olhico 5Vt18 killed.
'I'iLk ( ? . I lilt V.I
BLT1MOIii , October -
Fuovishi , ii desccitdttiit of ( iii
III Carroltoui , olic of the si
hochtuatiiiit ( If liide3tondeiiei
ihtitigliter of the luttu ( ] uui.V
lull taken thit , black 'uil in
Sales cotivetit.
A Coii I isO lii i. ii
CruINxAT7 , October 8.-I
thu t.Jiitud Status Flectnic I
iiy , Jtiiige ? lioawehI , of I
l'iouts Ciurt , luts gr.titod
struuiliiiig the uxpi4ituliui co
dcl LI ic 1(111
fri JIll t von ug
the jIiroril on ule'tnie ' lights
t I br I leuuriilg. 'l'hi o 111:11 : titI II
tiiitttk wuro ititulo lv the
' 1'IItSUI'IIi ItO
, lii I IIiJOVlltltt 51 * lug
I Night.
A specitil tiutetluog ni the I
I uciutiozi usas luolil unit ( IVLIIIIIJ
. I J1I uuitd iii I I lie I , ieiiihiu rs
A I.L.10 il IIVE0 1
: 'I'lie constructito , of
street school huildiuig iuiid iii
svore disc , , isoil uiiid roifurrud ,
I \Taitnltllie Ncik uuhiticared
liio : chiuluut for a b.ihioitce tend
I ( kuitru street builditig of ( IV
I Nock asserted Lit : lie lint !
. lilillik tl io enuitruet , thi riiii
niid otherwise , tutu thu. lo
p it if the , orchiitoets Itad iiot.
thu plans ,
I Rufuirtuil to a silocitul uon
'J'io ) building coJiIiitiLteuJ
several. projuitiouis il ) toil
I , ig hi t
'I'Jie coninittee were nuLl
0 nIiOiil \'u'udwortll's LIII
oh ins street , butweuut 'I'liirteui
g tecith , liocolid story , ) ( or S
it ti , iuiiiithi.
ol 'l'Iti , duilIoyhi1oIit ) tif to :
ii iiiglit ehiool suits left to the
! en iti1 C , liii iitteu.
Is 'liii' sidiory of the tcuochiiui
I. school whit tixoid itt $1.75 it
I. ! tlIOiO1Y ( IN b'iAi
0 1'Ir. Points stated thu
e teieliui' : ( if tlraviii4 , boil nut' '
01 forth the facts iii iii
L. . luo'l ohiseriiiitutioii ill ( .1
it stittioiiory inaiiiifnctiircrs
1. d isehiti irilog iiuty I ii tent on
iiefereileu to , itiiy 1)1,0 itl
Ll , . . I'iiifltN , udded flint hi
I , . ( loUt hind issued iiisbnuictio :
ii ! uire4dy provided will , ie
Id bur4 shinuid hot he ( ihilI (
of iirticuIutr , ktiid
Ii- ( ItiUS iuiy
1 roufuruilcu tO ( .110 suthiti
' a
ty 14 ton of U Ic high Itci tutu ,
Ii reported as Iiud tot $12o
should ho stated that tin
yr x. so ti huts beeli referred , a
ii. ( hint the salary for the si
ly would , in uy OVUflt , rowii
It mouth.
'iii ' : . hhILIIPoI1T I
Scoiiil flay's Practiceol t
lildilt Ta1lls at Fort I
Liotit , Morriaiii's Bul1' 1
the Platte Team a Fog
the Foot.
Thin Pall Meetitig o1 Izust
CIuIcngo-OltIer Hporthig
SIeIaI lIiintc ) , to 'Fus I3e.
Fr. LiiAvuNssomtTll , Kn. , . , 0
The secolul. day's Practice of I
ineitt tennis was rendered d
dhiuigrecabho 1 } fitful giistu of
following in ( Ito rec.rol of II
mnoiitt of tins l'latte lenin fur ti
HtcONl ) 11.05's stuiio : .
$ eoro
itTh ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
/nkerino , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IllIltIliMtlil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t
Lhnit. 'iIeniuuiti. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
) ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, iIinhltl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .It )
8teveit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71) )
hLtrilck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
& . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ICAII sComit.
h'Intte tosus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MIsouir1. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lahcnta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Touts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CliIC.100) IIAE5.
Oiieiuui , Oetnlohr 8.-Firtui
Chiicuigo dniviimg iiuork ( till t
nih tii ug umleetilig , suontlier
wanuil , track hiatt ! nut ! uinuhasi
Thrun tidtiuto class , 1tiuyltir
SYOU , l'.hisfortoiuto itecotith , Mit
irigtomt third ; tinte , 2 :341 :
Class 2:20 : , pacing , tiulittishi
intereatilig contest botweei
Star and Daisy 1) in the tins
In the third Chiestituit Star 1
at thc shirt tittot was mnorc
( hive distuitce. In the font
hiodi1y. Stiiitnsnry as ohocide
Daisy D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CIie.ituut Star. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
v1It1 Frank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( knrge ( I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
itihly 8cott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'J'huie , 2:22 , 2:21 , 2:2 ,
It , tIm Iiftl , Chestnut St
Scott Ituocet ? a denol heat ( or
litti tile Ianoilcap , , tie ) zulu
live lutoiles , lIeu Bay ( liii
Carter H. tliurrjtoin necoin ? ,
thin ! ; time , 2:04. :
1aiOiiTO liEACil miii
Nw Yoiiuc , Octuhien 8.-
two year oldtitltreo istid otite
ligttl Iirst , Gray Bound. so
Puytoiu third ; Liiiie 120i. :
Piirso TflCU , ne1Iiiit , ulilliw
: ( minus iiilu , Little ICtUic Iii
oiui , A tittulopo third ; tiiio I
Sd hug iIli iss'nti CL'131 Iii ilt
otittli ) , Barn , , 'l'iuuierot riiuit ,
. 1huitie3 Aaron thud ; tiuni I
I'irsu ruoco , iitutule 118 , nil
' ' ' I
fourths mile , I'iku's l'iidu
tutu , l'utrpeott lii i vol ; tiioo , 1 :
Steeple Chime , short Clii
Iirs I , .1 i thti I I uui , , ilton soei ,
. third ; tiiitu 2:16. :
t.oulsvilt.ii hour
: Ioiutsviiti , October 8. .
and weitimur. Suiliuig ru
i weights , nil ages , iiide au
Ii LIlto 1tlgur SYijil , ilojiolo
.1 , SiIvhi third.
Atisticuttt iJil Lwii yo
iuiile. 'l'hie Adiiingtl ssoui , Suit
thud tihuic , 4
11111) ' ( iihiuoro ;
( beeti stakes , thuec can I
. Ibis prior to August lot , l8
Fii'st lieiutS'oiiley Ioughuiss
I I sccouid , Lomug Kimighit tlilrd ;
. Sucoitti Ileult , Ltiig Knight
secttiil , 1jouituiiitto third , I
'Pliiil licuot , Lotig ICuight sv
sceotiti ; tiiio , 1:55. :
. , 'I
: b11i % ot I ho Ibis.
V1ii.hiug 14:1 ii ic
, New York Sit , , ,
: riy qiiestioiin having b
It ) St. J ii I luii'ui IlgU iiiid ion
of Jay.1
uu'ell its the lmiatwy
ituud a m'ujuti tii iii oif
thu horses itt this tiuuiu trill
L .Ety-Iye.Scu , is it bhutcic go
hltIlltOt , OhiO iuichi high. lb
1 878. lie is it imout of the oh
. 1)leIatItr , daiiu 1\tiduuighit ,
ills lint 1ittlhjt ii0rfrti1tul1e0
t year old iii Chicago , hiiIy IC
Ito iiuut ltnoimzVuuitimig , iii
Lrotteri iii ii gitlllu stiuugglu so
1) IIUVUII hciots lii h'uiish. 11,1
tout ! sixth hiciuts with ii too
S Itiit : ltt thu trot toViuitiii
23 , I 882 , at the stitimo pluL
guishctl Ituimisoll by trotting
I ) hut ri It itciot ii in 2 : ill , . svinmii
olcht ittid wiing I
( hr 8 year
U ' ' that
1,1(1 recoid of
threc yelfi's , lie rotowakutu
V tttttltltiliii this year by aipetl
II yule itit itiy 11 iii , munich
' Icy I"iiid. .Iioy.Eyu.Seu s
ii' . tutriuighut. lteutttu-2:28 : , 2:28 :
tlentluuutuii'ui Duiviiug
50.0th thu 1iulsu of $1,000 Ii
truttiw , thiot oicouid heat iii
lie reumu&iiuuhenoud , that in tIn
ft of the third heat , Jiiliit l'ilui '
' ' 111a Chuarluy C
it 'i'JiI tuiulIaIIi
horse stoic all iuiixuul iii a I
it thu tuutek while ojidoitroriti
- the \'taitoriu wonultir. A
I.ureek lttor , Ii& IV,1I the LI. ) ' :
hi titiokirug 2:11)1 : ) again. /t. to
track , wiuflo tn
Ito the suutuu
thu ti.ycitr.ohzl 100(11(1 1,1
ii )
I. 18 , hue iiiutde 2l6 nit thu
( iii thu 4tJ of1 JuJy , imi \
it 001111 thu . ; . ( ( lt1r
hio'itti , biuuoti u ug I ml 0 unu iti ul
still , hit tiitt : 2:1 : IIj ! , 22 $
ii , .1 Iii ) 21 , lie womi the Ii.yuuo
it. thuueu stiutighit butts , trottli
ii 2:11) ) .
Iii ltiuteniuig in thu grain ? ci
5 huo'so usittit oii.Couijiluiiiig i
ig ilieluholiag tluiw. A t the oj
in. iiu l'ittsbui'g he eapitiruul I
Ii. 000 in ouo , twit1 iii :
us tuiutking the sucniid heat
I ) . CIIJI/JlttIui , iii hi iuuatch with
1W suIt of St.uortIu thuot' iiuwlu i
record uif 217 , for ut gruon
I I' t iciutoit's 1)i lv iiic : 1iak , di
en uueeting , .Jioy.F'o.See Ca
.it ( Ills , with ii rtto.onit of 2I5 ;
to Bitiflulo fuir 0.youtr.oids mud
nil Iittiulily without oxoitfuig I
ho Iuuut huiimg tiI8. ; At ito
Mm tiluW , he srii ill 2:14. : lii
lowur this on ii cub ? anti
As s homeless , wsntierlng youth of tonrtsen , sq
Iloot unknown 3puuthoe , M scomptorstthec1 %
l.a .dltor , & itt , cnyoy to Fr&ner , , .ntIIn ottteinnil
Ore ttJOflibhe oecrrimenti dutte , tht
.hLtosopher , flanjsinln Franklin , ntcr felt sboo bb
buIntii , nor forgot I.s ! hittinbie orIgth , Ito wsq e
thorough , .tl.t , tintltruebino Ameicsn eithren , soho
chteve4 en1iIng Ismo in the ertIce of hI , county.
Tiotnss' ) } clectnlo Oil Li Io true blue-R faIthful
IUbhlO Uvant thsths cureti more people of scho , Mll P1flN ttiti sil oth.r competiti , . reric4te
unlk4. mail whsl
VIct.r A. Loiler , uditor of N lon.
' 1 liscord , IanlIe , 1 * . , up : " 1
his. ti.lng Thomas' Ectecirlo
011 In my fimfly for cvt& ionth ,
hiss used It myehI for catarh and
for , ieseral thine , and
can isy that for lb. Iai.natned lb
gas. alniout , relk ? , an.m to ,
ratarh ha ho1I inewondrrfulty. "
MrL ttelgfrlelI , Marion , 0. , pay ,
ThOmM idKtrIo Oil waq triumph.
asi In her caPe ; he used 1 for a
Psere cold a , , , ) ; .nin lnphde , arid
was rc113odIuS tcw ininuke.
fliounM tclcctrla ( III uteil tntconally or rtcmatt
to intunt.rcceitctrteI Pun'os ; CIi7 bottle uaraake
or , nouuy , ufunilrtI.
hartford ho fell half a secant ? short , bitt
at Providetico a svcek later Ito bnouighl
the 5.yoar.old ru o ird dowii to 2:10k : , corn
lug within half a second of Matul S.'s re
cord. lit Mystic Park , Boston , Se'ptorn
her 20 , ho trotted to iiiilo iii 2:11. hi
hlencoti itark , iii thu saImo cit1 on Tuies
till ) ' , of thus sveck , lie trotted iiumdor un
fiuvorablo ciuttlitloims hi 2:17 , niid on till
fulhwiuig tiny ituitle 2:111.
The Vdllers or Bath : in Chicago Sliu
0111 Froiii lb Fells ,
Thorough Iilspectioii of All AnImal
Recolvoit mit the Union Htock
Yaitls ,
CIl1oAco October 8.-For some tins
past 'rite 't'iines , through its commits , lu
1)0015 oxposilig the hiutlicient iitBpecLioI
of ) cattle ntidhiogs at the toek yards , aol
vocatimIg that thu imiapoctiuii of stock c
all kinds at Limo yard.i be jthacod undc
control of tIme city health dupartuuout c
Chicago , so'itlt full authority tu eoidems
Heretofore the Chicago health detusni
uiierit hins hunt an othicur at the shod
but his authority was next
yiorohi ,
of tht
iiothiiig. To-day , at a niectitig
stock yards directorsaitd thu officers of th
towittif Lake , itwas agreed that the hicalt
of Chicago should have at
solute control of the stoCk yards for in
to co ,
with authority
purposes ,
iloiiiit cattle or other aniniusla au lie s'v
of thu health counsli
lit , the jurisdictitn
fliliflor also to exttnt'l over all ptucking ion
slauglmttr houses nlt.tntuti in time lewis c
Lake. health otlicers wore iinuieditLol :
statioied at each of the three gates of iii
stock yards mind mull cattle cittenitug
tixatutitied. 'I'hiO an
puossiuig 'itit were
uiiutis condetiiiioiui dunitig the day svoi
( in the evot
1iltteed in to soliutratu
itig of each day they soul be shuuighitercu
thus killed iluis ovoti
Fis'o iUlililflhli sveru
. tuuuit'd over to th
bug raid thtoir carcasses
Uttiomi Roiuderiiug coiuipaiiy at $5 each.
'i'ito utetiout of the stock yards board
hieiii tuly uultliouVetl of 113 the stock inc
DeSYoll stittes iii
I I ttithi
I cstuiiuat o t ho ibId
. it : is iiuiiIiiisihllo
I 11)05 o'lh'cIa imomu the hetlIe of Chmicag
I taused by t he sude oh tu Ii uuiorous cuiie
( tile beeves. 'I'lo ciFoct of eatiimg LI
. lut oF , says DeWnif , is septic fever , 1
: lug it degree of blood poiueuuiing very
ihiti. to fever fruii whiter cuuttScH , hieiice t
I iiuabiiity of iliyaiciaus to trace cutlicero
I imiezut. Du\Vohf hitis ito doubt but thu
Ii , uiinbor of deatits hitovo resulted ( isi
r thu coimsutiiptiuun of this utinuit , sold wit
uitit till ) kuowledge of the health autln
itieui. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
de1egmtttto hiuive an , Ivet ? iii ChIcago
of thu Natioi
thu iiuuitiiil ceiiveutioti
Car COiIulhtttleiI.
4s.ocbotInit ( If Street
oxitecteti Olicro sviiI be 150 oiuio'gntustrcsent
I the t.viuhiig duty.
Cole & Ci.ti litti ut , cli total liiuuuber $ tlQ ,
tttitl : iu IJijiout street , leiiuI 11114 , to ott hiioi a
tiireatouu'l to burn ( ketmltiw'n Ohierui heuso ,
50111 thin ouii1r43 block. At 1 is. at. I
( ireuuulotY Opera i'naso was vu lire.
' othuic anti ittil
' ' New York dhiihleruo'
'J'hti , , _ I
oxcimopugu , htouuo.i yeatt'nohzuy ulItenithri tilt ) o1s3iu
! Iayur A. ( ) uikny hull
iuitlrotsI. Thuc W.ChtulitgI ) ill tittiatmi at No.
fr bti.tiu
? regithorly
lirituouiwuty , uttit opemis
tlt1 iuuoruul lug.
Sarah Spencer , of Now York , was killoil
thuti wreck uf ii trait , on thit , C.uiitleii &
I rtdtooiiy , near old Britigu. Five uueut svore
' ' , ,
' ' Cti'ltillt lnsiioctutnui at Port 'i'iwnio
'I'hie ' )
with elc
' ' loire caiittiuuI ii hiIti
\v 1' . , Bill
I Cithiesli behiug iuiiuiggled nurois
I Cobunhihu.
itfilcor j IMi frinit lirewi
. tuutttti
.A. .tuuii
tus'or thr. , is run
the :
Alit , ios
uttud i.o .ti.rtsAIi
. ohio hint ycil.oV ( over
lug ilu n'j..irts 17 uiiitl tWU titI.llid ! iliiiid ,
1 iluiharti store ttihuti fu
Eiuvtut , tlutuiuiaittl
il thu ) lexIctiu National r
thue jiayutieckr
I wily lit thu $ titiIii of tiuc City of MexIo I
I uiIgit , by the 1.i3'iuiuutu's servant.
L _ ICillect ) y it IJeati Tce.
CITOctober 8.-Thu Jo
S iittI' Sjiriiigtiold (1To. ( ) suociiul says :
itf ruuilmond laborers eanipcd
r 1uity uuight imeitr Nuttlotomm , Ark. , on the I
0 r 5118 City , Fort SCltt A ( hilt road. Al.
1 o'clock a deuid tutu full upon the I
I- of whi
hiicuI thuico
. couititiuuiilg seveuu ,
srotre itistituthy killed utiud to 1s'y limit
'lhu otluo'r oecuuiuaits si
C RVlii biikoi , , .
1 uoetiIiuiiI ) ' ilijtlro3i.
H9 ! ! ! 9ARSPRILI
Isncnicfuflypreparcdcztractof the test reme'
it of the vetttatii ) i.tngdon , tilOWil to medical
ItItcr.o1iVc , lfloo.t lut-itkr , . ZJluieUcA I
I ence as
I. Tonlcssttcluua SacaiarU1a , t'cLlowZockSUUln
, JAIuiICllofl , JunIper iivrrlui. , lauI3r.Coi. % S'IId Ciuc
it 3iark anti oilier c1cctc.l rix.t ,'s And ) ucct4.
iu , litedlelne. l1o ntliluuig , dcc , can 0. . , raIny 3d
I . . oo1ntw1tIuMtfactton tote
only by Ito nusulta. We
. ntcrcd
IlooVis8arai..trttLi iI.3
, record
lit itiolt u.ozi . hue iueat of uItouaridi oreolo in .
1ngiauid telto hcne tcnozutlhl or :
I I- tIered of Unribia u1trlnC vi Wch all oiacr remue
'I' ' ttltedto I
! it lcc.rH. 0. 1. . lIoo.l I..JtU .i l iioutl ( ' 0.1 oetuu-rtca'o niid i.end a
ill lv "xuri .flttiIinttun. SuHr ) rlUUhlOfl
uoklluJu4(0r c.o ut iity .1 10 , ytiO
winders iii 11w
50011011 tLiioupiie ( $
lie tuid
, , Iciz iItuLl4
liceit troiti1i't will Ut ad
1 , '
toOk nii'-iiiiI
, . Situ only .
S'earI. iIVOCua na how.
nut i . hot I. . ri so weli Our iuIti'r lntinult ) site lelt
, bunt 11.-ti ttitiii'u ii wck ciitiiIy tICU I merit ttiot
' urtticli iutr itiit II 110W tiyot ani
IlL' . Sto JIaa riot 1:41(11 :
5(10 ildilItiiI. . unit tviIti ttitio liuiiati Ia
1 . , , incc lila Fi.5htg , her
, i'onit . . . mntt lutVU it lit Otto
nti.l vi
(0 Ou outiers 1iiin.i. * Asli , ISltinet.l. lna
r , iIO)1L1 ( II ,
, truly
, , jowotj , t
l\t. 1'rtctalxtori. 0. 1. nooms .t uo. , lott o Druglsta.
ed - - -
Iii. Horses Wmterei
itt Thu uuiiItUlIdKlItl are prepared u siriter
List till Double Single or Box S
to itioitt..u L'LAWE. . . . . .
at Iult .lta V. 0. tt'tllIm & 1
- . . . - - 4 ,
. '
( 1. 10 re a.a. II . .
- - VI