it , a r r\ . , . r A r . . . . . rfI.r , , ' DAILY Br , > ; i.rUt11A TUESDAY 'OO1 1BLR 9 , 185 t TI'IE 0 AIIA BEE. hthllshe4 every nerrtlng , eteeptlSnnday. The 1nty1Dnday tnornlegtlally. RRNa IT NAIL. De Year , l10.OOThICOMontke , 91tltonM . . . . , , . b.OJIOn0Month ,1.O TQE VERLLT EE. , PD.LI/ItRD'ETRET E RDNMDAT. TIIRNE'rOettAtt. ' O ne * . . . . , . . . . . . . Thrceilonthe. , . , . ; a O9lE Months. . . . . . . . . One Month. , . . , . , 20 Arnetlcn Newt Company , ; ' Er. In the United States. : ODRRR8r0IDRRCL' A CommnnltaHont telating to New. and Cdltortal - muter. eh.uld bo sidles. * t to the ) CeneE or Tne RDeteroa LR1f.u. / All Ouches reture'and I ei Ittance..houtd ; be ! Eddtoescd t. Tn. ne. ion tbMTART , OIIAI1A. Drams , Cheok. Rnd Poitomce orders to bemade pay ebb to the ondet or the comp.ny. i tiE BEE BUBLISBING COI PROPS/ 8 , nos6wATEa , Editor. ANOTIIEIt naval hulk has been con. dcmnod Tito ueo of the American navy he well undoratood. It was built for ro- pairs. Cor. . Cormv has captured aoveral cdi- tors in I'awnoo mid J lluson but up to Thu date they have nod boon able to explain plain Colby's rocord. TnE political weather prophet predicts e Heavy rise in the price of distilled water in the Slate of Iowa , and a correa- pending decline of sour mash in Ohio. Motet than $600,000 has boon s1)ont for brio ball this year in auI'Iport of 1nro feaaioal clubs , The National gano domes high but we must Iinvo it at any prico. SECRRTAnY Fotni iL is out with a denial that ho has s tid anything about a 2 per oent bond to take the place of the 4 per cant. in assurte that auch a scholno Would be impracticable. Ma , Doruwv's State Central Committee ought to issue an appeal to the votore of to Union army wlto gallantly fought Lito battle 4'f the Union while Mr. Rooao val Bantly stayed at home-to vote against Col. Savage , Sta. ltnesn was a small born railroad I iwyor before ho'buoamo prosecuting at. toruoy for the Fourth district. If ho 3219 any further qualit1cations for the su l ' promo bench the public wonld be glad tel l ave thorn trotted out , . Tun Ropublicall ' primaries in this city for the Judicial Convention , will take place tomorrow afternoon. The general disposition appears to bu to cmlrry out the rccomtiandntiona of time Douglas county , bar. But 1Viiltur Bemolt altml several 9' other great lumiunrius want to elevate r 1 thu judiciay by nouminatiug Mr. Baldwin , Thny are mnkhmg a still hunt amid may capture the primaries. i Souls of the railroad organs , whose editors lmavo , of course , always tahemi n deep interest in questions of Anti. ' ; Monopoly , are clmimorimig for Judge Sav II ago's Anti Mampoly record , Judbu Say. ago was on the bench wlien Anti. Monopoly became al issue in thie suite. As tu presiding Judge , ho very pr imuely took little active interest in politics , and did equally little speaking free thu stump. Naturally , we have no Anti. Monopoly publto speeches of. Jumos W. Savato to publish ) , But the best proof of Judge Savage's sound views on th o ' ' 'i , Anti lltunopoly question is found in hi s famous decision iii the Bally imijunctioi i i aunt , whet ] Liu spoke in words of buramm 8 indignation aaiminat the claim there au i up , that vadtabluumonopolicaof frtituhisu s , could be grunted to private eorpur.itimt e 1n cites , mUmd demuticitmg it as agniimB t publi3 policy and equity. As a Judge o f I l time nest impart colt District court in Nebraska braska , hu hold the scales of justice ovum I 1 , f against usury ovurturo on the part of th u railroads , anti paid his fare like uthu r citizens , when his follow Judgcd through . out thu State were riding on railroad passes. In imis privatu life , Un une twlu I knows James W , Savage has over hind uu easion to be iganrant of what Imis view s wore on the Anti ltnuopoly issuo. TllrliE are rumors that Mr. Grcahau t in his fortimeoming report to Comgree t ; , will discuss limo advisability of incre asiIm + ' the weight of lutta'ra from 0110 lialf to en d ouIeo , thu rate of postego to runain as a ' present. 1Vhlu IIOt thuruforo ruduciim time rate of Itostadu it will fu effect do so ( U an increased weight can ho carried fo Thu annie rate of postaqu. Whnt his ru Cmunundutfon on thu subject will ho h : , ltinmsclf hue not yet d ° turminod , hint i ' ' busy fn cullecting data upon which t c i form an opinion , It id not ut all imigpro " ' bablu also that hu will rccmm muud n emu coot rate of postage for local letters. 1 dispatch front 1Vasltiuglen states thu notwithsla mling all dust has been sai upon tie subjuot of reduced poalagc thoueauds of puoplo are still Ignorant ti the haw. Iiundrede of furdgn lutle , are pnatOd daily , upml wlmiclm only tsr cents postage has been Itraid , the sundo buliuving that Limo reduction in donusti rntea uxtemds also to the foreign rorvlc u In all thu large cities drop loaurd , wit only a onu cunt stamp uttaehud to thou are mimuled by bnsliula 'rho f'oatofll Dupartinelt is flopdud with inquiries to the effect of tjmo now law upon thu of . gtitmpi , and although ropCatud assu rncos have buomi'madu ' lust limo lhr0 ; a stud sixes are still good , inure inforiimati i h wanted , Iii rutswur to these g00tiot + A thu Deparflnont I is proparfng a circula wllicls will bo pgitud iii each Podtottic 4 , explunfng once morq thu effect of the r cent reduction , so that n11 may undo t gland , mud stating that time titrco { nnd si cent stamp , arc still receivable for vn tsgu on nil classes of matter at their fu t < alue. k TO.DAY'S 1 JF CTIUt1.S. General elections Hill be held ta day ih I0w a and Ohio nnd treat ilmtorest centers in the result in both states. In each , Limo liquor licensing question has entered us a distracting infhtemice in thu ca npaign the issue in Iowa beimig license against prohibition and in Ohio a submissfen of of thequcstion whether tnoroaball ho free traffic in liquor , complete suppression of the businosa or an adjusted tax condor the Scott law. Time officers to ho elected in fowa to dny are n Governor , Lieutenant. Governor Superintendent of Public In. struction , a fudge of the Supreme Court , part of the Senate , and time full IIooso of Itoprosemitatives , A Itopresemmtatlvo in Congress will be chosoa in tlo Sixth ui9. Uict to 011 time vacancy caused by time death of the lion. Mnrsuna E. Cotta. For Governor Limo itepublicaus have nominated Buren It. Sherman , tlmo prosunt incumbent , for ru elaction ; the Danmo crata have unnmed.JudgoL. G. Iinue , and tau Oroenbackers James B. Wuaver. For Congresamimim time Itupublicaus lmvu nominated Edward H , Stiles , time Demo. crats .lolui Cook and the Greenbnckers W. S. Icunworthy. Thu vote of time State for Secretary of State last fall was : lepublican , 143,061 ; Democratic , 112 , 180 ; Greenback , 30,817 ; scattering , 8i)0. The vote of the 6th1 COltgressional Iis trict at time sumac time was : Republican , 11,260 ; Ilenocratie , 8,040 ; Greenback , 8,609 ; scattering , 10 , 'rime ' Legislature last chosen had 82 Republican mmnjority on joint ballot. Time Legislature to be chosen on Tuesday will elect a United States Senator to succeed time Iloi. W. B , Allison , ltupublicumi. Ohio will elect a Governor , Liattenant Governor , two Judges of thu Supreme Court , ( ono to fill a vacancy , ) Attorney General , Auditor , Treasurer , School Coln. tnksioner , and Munibor of thu Board of Publio Workn , and Legislature. For State officers there are four full tickets in time field , the candidatca for Governor being : Republican , Joseph B , I'orakor ; Dumo cratic , George Iloadloy ; Greuuhack , Chas .lomikins , nnd Prohibition , ; Furdimiaul Schumacher , Time vote of the State for Secretary of State last fall was ; Republican publican , 21)7,760 ) ; Denocratio , 31f ( , 874 ; Greenback , 6,346 ; Prolmihition , 12 , 402. 'l'ine ' Logishitmiru last chosen bad 40 Ropubltcan majority nn joint ballot , The Legislature to ho cltoset on Tuesday will elect a United Status Senator to succeed the lion. George II. 1'oudlcton , Deno crnt , The 1,0 1)10 ) of Ohio are also t 0 vote upon titrco propnsed amemdtnenta t o of time Oeiatitutiun of their State , one o f which relates to time judiciary mud time others to limo liquor tr Lilo , Lilo latter bu hag iii direct tom follows : First propo sition-'I'Imu ndditional soction'1 in amid tvitli aection 18 of Limo sahudulu shalt be repealed , and tlmoeu almail be subatitmited ( or it Limo following : " 'rho Guueral An. aolmIhiy nhadl meguluto the trdlie ; iii iu- tnxicutiug lignorc so has to provide ngnian t evils rcaultiug therefrom ; mmd its power to levy taxes or asseasnientu thereon id not limited by any provn of limo Can ' " . . ' ' ' ' alitution. Smelled propodition. 'I'm additiommal cuctiumi" fu and with section 1 18 of Limo uchedulo shall be repealed , uiii 1 thure.slmidl ho sttbstituteti for it time fol lowing : 'Titu nuumufneturo of and tr fhi 0 in intoxicatilig liquors to be used as I a beverage aru foruver proliibited , and tin 0 General Assembly sluull provitio by law for Limo onhrccnmmt of this provision. " STUI' 7' , ! ! : SIJINILg , , "Stock wateritmy' is a swindle. It is m quick method of luvying perpetual tnxa Lion upon all olases of producurs ami d consumiiors. , Upon usury dollar of f ctt tious enpihtl mddud in tiia nuuniur to tim wealth of corpnrmitu uuouqumltcs Limo lieu 1l ° aru called upua to pay interest in th forum of dhideids , Tlmntthis is miuw rec ogaized to b0 the case is soon by th great inooti ° g held lust wuclt by th clmuuber of wnunurco in Now York City Alarmed by Limo duet ton of time Court o Appuiils that tlturo is at present no law ii New York to provumit eormrmitiutm , from wntori ° g their stock iudutinituly , fit chauibor of ci mmercu , a body mansion of time wealthiest timid ablest mimorelmomt iii time metropolis , adopted a resoltitin Balling upon thu railroad conmmitto to re porL cot a aubsoquunt meeting wIma 1 aiimundlmieltntoexidtilig laws are necu s s mlarylo pr ° tuct thu publio from this di a 6 'graceful ' abufe of curporato powor. 0 'I'lmo resolution is tinmuly mad pronml t aetloit will ho nouu ton early. Our gre g enrperatiuus of uvery' description nru stn g gj goring umdur a loud of iletitttius caplti j r which uxhorhitmt charges flout tlnu pul lie is hardly 'table to boistur up cmi th u unrlcyt. Time lists of thu oxehaugos iii s tilled with wtirtllluss securities which Lim , printing prudses during the p11st five ycm m ml , bavu huuti taxed to iasuu Vialuati l . properties havu bean dulugud with wat to rand while actual iuvustora have hue t shorn of their miewy great specubmto d havu stepped in from out of the rain wit the larger portion of time available fund j ' ' of both aloctltoldure 'l'imo interests } at a time publiu at large dummnnd that tl 0 swimidlo shall be stopped. rA R'u liavn reached a point in 'ti ' e dovulopnmomit of corporate institutlom , at which all time power of U In state must be invoiced to protect' tliu it it turcats of time puoplo and the atato fro cu tlwir irrespansiblu acts and conitat tue trenching on limo righta of imidividuai d 'l'imo profits of corporations must be him I itul by law in so far as law can prcvut ca time outrageous swindlca perpetrated ii om der time mnuno of Imereasud capitalizftin as All interests nro bound together iii tl r , du. ire wIlioh can only' ho made effucL1 o , 1 ' n national law fotbidding over can ' u tnlizatintl and future operations Iii r thosu which have disgraced the mnnip x Irforaof tko Erto and Western Unit nconipaules. . co - - - - . Turua is a forced cheerfulness on ho sides in Ohio , which looks very much like carefully suppressed anxiety , Thu I'nclllu ltmllroaci .1tnopoly. ) Cldcago Tribune , It is atutotunced with snmo fiourislm of trumpets that. passenger ra a butweon Kansas City or Omial i and Saut Francisco has born reduced to $96 , " with time santo rate to I'ortlahd , to cuutplvy with the admissiom of time North Pacific into the pool. Lt time first place , time amount of time reduction is trifling ; in the next playa , the "reduced" rate is outrage. oualy exorbitant , and is from twice to thrice as tnucl'm ' as the average charge for ton hauls in otimor sections of the country. 'l'imo ' railroads by means of com bination ch' ' < rgct u ndertio now schedule , $116 for cnrryinO a passenger about 1,700 miles. This is at time rate of nearly six cents per mile. A slccping bertlm , which is iudmspousablo in so long a journey , costs probably $20 Immure , amid sboulcl be estimated as a tart of thu trausportatiou charges fn a civilized country. This brings time charge to $115 , svhicli is at time rate of about auvetm cents a mile. 'l'ime heel rates m the various Pacmlo roads are still more exorbitant , ruuuing as high as eight or 10 cents a nmilo , it is said. On the roads running front Kansas City amid Ommnla eastward the tllrnugh rates are nbout two mad omo hnlf emits per smile mind time local rates three ceimta per smile. 'l'lmu question is , whey lime rates on rail. road across time Western plains , which were built at thocostof the 1,0"1110 , should be twi o nit mimuch on through travel , t ° put thu ditfereucu ommtiruly within bounds , mud thrieo as much on local travel an Limo elarges on railroads wlmch were built by private enter. Arco and indiviuhal capital. This is a conummdiun wthich Congress will be called upon to Rlmfwer for publio informa lien. ' 'hie policy of the Pacific railroads is now , always has been , and a ) arontl always will hum if , pemitted to follow their own sweet will , to charge the public about the same amount for as it would cost time traveler to walk or the shtppor to wagon Ida goods across the country. Thu only couipotitmn they lm ° vo to encounter is fromn horses mud rattles in shippnmg and pedestrhutisnt for travel. They are ceiftdunt tluat , at thu same cost , peopl9 will prefer time railroad to walling or to wagon transportation , amid they assess upon the public "all the charges time business will bear , " As soon as a now road is completed it is takun into time pool. Thu company in control of time water route is subsidized by time railroads , ( the coat thereof betsK included fn the railroad charges to time people ) in order to shut off cenpotition iroui that side. Thu rates are run up and kept up to the very point whore 1) ° 01)10 would use their lees and pack t heir goods into wagons rather than avail thumnsulves of the railroad - road tr imsporbdion , It tmmat be kept in mind that tlmfs ex tortion in practiced by corporations wlticli wuro built up by time Govurnument and for lime benefit of ratan who paid mothiug originally for their stock. Every dollar of the cost of all the Pacific railroads , amid overt nioro than that , will ho paid from thu solo of bonds issued by time Govern. intuit. and the phnwudl of ) nnd donated outriglmt. by thu G ° verhmuat. Thu chnrtern umider w lmiole torso eumormiinmta gnuite were ntndu cxpru sly resolve to Cuugresn time right t ° tu11meml or repeal ; Let Lima eorporutioms mare still pormimftted 1:4. : . rub time peuplu win furnished tlmu ° t the 11mu mis to conatruct thuir roads. No of flirt. is mum tlu by Congress to prevcut poolimig cur t0 check extortion red discriminatnmi , notwithstaumlimig that body possesses 1111 disptdod nnthnrity to iuturfuru iii helmalf m of time t imblie-a right reserved ox , pruasly for the purpnau of provnntimg tliu mtsuso of time Govertnncat higim ways. Timaro is a golmurul impression , aid good grounds for time saute , that the mmmicgu- meat of thu Northern Ptuilic has uuulu a Burfous error in ente'iug into rum arrange. meat whim time old roads for muinhtiung time oxorbitnmit rates for travel timid trans. pmrlmtion. 'I'hu result will be to merino time miusv route niaiuly to its local tadlio , whtuh is yet to lie developed. But now can time Northern I'ncilie Coumpamiyexpect to sell its hinds at good prices amid till up time territory cn11tiguous to its road rapidly whmm it propoauB to muimsorb all time Imlit thuru umimy be in ngriculturu and comuterce along its lumol ' [ 'lie inducement of prnft ° lutist ho held out to aseuru the suttlememit of a mew country. ltlet will not be did. 0 posed to tmku their fmnilies into the dupths of time Northwest and utignge imi farming or business svitlm time knowledge ° that time cost of travel murl trrumB ) artnti"n o iS rum ulmted b' the cemditions wtmiclu e. s'ailu l before yhu fuvuntitin of thu lecoiimno tivu. 'l'imo growth of time Northern 1'aeili c f couuh'y will umuduttbtedly be retarded by i the conmbumtiun with the utuur Pacitt e n railroads till time basis of time old ptiliey o f e oxtortioti , ilut dais result only addd h cot tlu , injury to the svhulu country uud lh u mjuitiec to time peuplu. It dust rnyu ell s linpu for relief fromim time eoustrueliuu o E n nesv roads , aid time enly retmiedy jut to apply to Cumigr4ss for intervuntiotm. 'rime t 'utoPlu ' nnist take time umattur in their own n imumds. They hmtvu provided time funds diruetlY 'anti diruuilY + for the comiatruc tiuu of lime Pacific roads , and they mire umititlud by lmsw to thu ruturfuremico ti pt Cengresa for the prutocti"n of flue public ltmtereat , ! t wmia to that timid time reht tt at munuud tumid repeal the el ° rates wn n reserved , ! t is ( into for time puoplo t al say Lo their ropresuuhttives iii Cumigrus I , thaut they suit act under thu law or giv Wit' t ° ollmuia rlmo mire willing to dim sum ° to reflection upon tun Amerieam m um Govuruumuut t'.tnt thu people should b 0 plum lurml by tiorpuratitius whiclm Imiuv s mtcquircd v.ui mlilu imrupertiod by publi subeeriptiatt tumid m dufimmico of law. u which authurizu and require time Nmitieun ur Legislature to protect them from uxtu r n tion. rs Itorkshn u ltliss. ii lltr. Jo50plm Kunyon , of Otis , Bork 9. shire coumity , Muss „ certifies that Iw ha mil rhuummtsm so that ho could not raise hi l0 hand to his head until 1n triud mu bottlul St. Jacobs Oil. fly using it it few tiumu ho wits entirely cured , Iild'C1'ItICAIi : tVN1)F US. ns It ) IntoreNllmig Rosette or time Vlonn i' litpgsillgn'L'rlnnmplmi of iii Modurm Ruloneu , it - - + - - B Ainmig tire nuniyslrildmigobiects at th n Vienna Electric exhildtion is Jlessr a it Laimtomisaek u' Ililtpura thernn 0leetr batlory. 'l'imo primeiplu of these batter n is the dlr'oct tr mmefornmtinn of ( meat Inn n , ulactriott ' without kassiug tlirough ti m ' of work iii the us strm6o its cam v0 of time emiipltiynurtit of a dynmoui , (1ie , proumiaesrero ] told nut some throe or foe 'm' yonrangoonflip conslrtmctiunofClmmond ) cnku Imoated t'mormuo uluctrio stove , the u. this utnet immportant Urobleni w tu5 ncivnn u ing toward at least a partial aolut ) n ; ht notlming further was heard of it , and ii advance whatever has been mudu simipo tbfs question , th Blesare , Lautcusack & Bittuor exhib a thermo electrie stove , which presenta time form of an ordinary stove ad : can be used as such , It consists of thirty superposed concentrio rings of thirty- two elements each , time rings being insul muted from one autlior , by means of nabestos. The elements consist of tin alloy of two electrically opposed metals istlmo patent not being completed time inventor would not toll coo the exact composition , which fuses at 600 degrees 0. ; on heating this alloy an electric cur rent is generated. The combustion stove is placed in the center , amid a considerable epaco acearates time Etavo from time con centric rings , so Lust time boating of the alloy is not effected direct , and time temperature to wlmich Thu alloy is heated does not oxcued 300 depot's to 400 degrees C. Each concentric rung has its own terminal screw , so that the whole or part of time current can bo used. The currant has aim electric motive force of twenty volts and twelve ohtns reaistauco. The battery is iutendcd for galvano plastic , but ( mud this is an important poihtif ) timestove , as is the case in winter , is kept burning all clay , suficient current power can be obtatnod to charge a numbar of accumulators sufiletent for domestic lighting purloaes , , or to drive a small nntor for duumg dtimestfc work , without any extra exponse. Thera are three telephone rooms for musical repetitions. In ono of them the Berliuur telephone , exhibited by Mr. .1. Berliner , of lianover , reproduces time concert of n mimilitnry band performing at Itouacher's restaurant in time I'rator , Time receiver is nu ordinary Bell ; time trans. mittor is line uxhibitor's invention , is of very simple cemsttucliom , amid admirably adapted for ordinary transmimissfotm of suuer h. Time conversation can be carried et um the lowest tome of voice , nnd every word is repeated with great clearness. The micropliouic transmitter has ousted time magnetic b''I ' min. % Vith time 0x caption of Sit . .eus' ulcctro d namnite tote lmomio all the tthu r s etanms shown at the Rotunda use udtro phonic trausmnit tors ; cord thor can be nu doubt that timid use is justified by the fact that with time micropliouic transmitter no ahoutfng on the part of Limo subscriber is necessary , while with time magnetic tulephmme the subscriber imaa always considerably to raise his voice in order to be heard. Berlinor's trumstnitter consists of a stimuli hard. carbomm putntsuspemded hetweei two conical screws ; time carbon point touches a small , equally hard carbon disk , which is fastened to a nm4tallic mimomimbrano , aid thus time micropholiie contact is made without triction. The circular nmemnbrato is only fixed at one point to the cover of ttso microplmouu case , and , on closing , time case is pressed ngaiuat the cover by a spring which is , together with time carbon disk , fastened to the membramie. Thiel spring servos not only as a conductor be. twoon the carbon disk amid thu induction coil , but also as a regulator is case of time vibrations of the mombraio being too atromig or not strong on.ugh. The trans. mitter battery consists , as a rule , of Lechhauehe element. The repetition of time di0aront pieces played at the restaurant was clear and distinct whemiovcr a soft tumiu was played ; as snout as a nniny 1iucu was purfornied the suands becaimiu cmmfnsud mud indis tiket. 'rite fault lay its time arramiroeoemt of time tranyntittea at ltnmiuclucr'a ; tlmoy were fioutened to the untraneu of the pa. s'iliomi under which time band sins playing , If they had boon suspomidcd to time trees matt atlmie diataneo fromm the pavilion the elfuct would duabtlesa have boon better. ' [ 'lie two othur teluphonu routs tenanted by the Vienna Private Teloi.rapli c"ni palmy. A Ind ) singing at Iladet ( about twelve miles fromu Vionun ) was aceom nod by a eau phhyi ° g time zither at Kern uuburg , ultout tie ware diattmncu front Vieutut , but emi the tippusite aide , yf time Dunmbu. 'l'liu repotitiomi itself svgs vur successful , hut the peculiar erickimmg noise of introduetiomi ssas emily tun audible mar a greatly interfered with thu perfurmamicu. lu time third roam isms hoard time tinmtl o time jirdt act of Vmdi' . "Alin , " whiult wa buiug performed at time Imigiorinl opera. Thu repililiom svgs a perfect success , amid the solos , ehororteus , time immatruimmuuta miutdic , and also time applause of tune audt dice were reproduced with the greatest cluarneas. 'F'lue VieumPrivate 'l'ulegrapl company 1150 a transmmiter almiiost idemti cud with Burlimur'a , the only ddfiueic e buiug dint it has three panhllol earbe ei cu mtactu inatem l of ouu. 'I'Iiure is am npparmitus , mint gnito now called time Sedluczek Wikullil lucomotiv I laimgt for ilhmsiu ° tiug railway traima. 1 t womdd appear that tlwuunvuidahlu ) vibrmi tion nnd frequent aluicks to which a rail Limy train is exposed would render time arc lamp wholly nulit for illuniinatin' a purpnsea , 'l'lmu lammp nmiccoaafnlly ever canes this dillicidty , and iB used ou time Krumpriuz Rudoif ilutm , in Atmstria. I t camiaists of tsvo vertical tubes of ddl'urent dinnmetur amid cnnuoeted at. time Gott corm p aru pistomia carryilmg Lie an'1Nitls mmtuvu in tlmese iubemi , which mire tilled with glycu riot . At tie bbttomim of omit of time tidn' s ms a stimuli , Mullis plug , ctinncelcd with i lever , whicht torumiuuteis tmi an armiiattmr ° apposed to con eluctru umuno ! t , As ma um Its time etrrdmmt payees , time are eirerim , me roeiatauco , time u _ luetro miagnut is btromgl energized and attracts thu lever. Th ° pishni closes flue couumuticadioh between time turn tubes , causes a alight lowerimg o f the liquid iu onu of the ttmbua , umd con f srquemtiy a wilhdrnwal of thu lewd C carbon , amd the eloctilc arc is brimmed ) As used for locoumtivo hendhiglmts the Imump is attached br the front of time sniuk a , box , and a small Schuekurt dymim im d plueed im front bf time bottom of limo boils feuds time hemp Such m lamip illuminate a spawn of about emu thirl of is mile anm is very useful for lighting up a tumnmu mu cud fur distimigmiaiuimg rcigmnll. o Tratlm Crushed mu 1'arllm : d Is bnund to rise. Crawl down amid bmothte I the truth ad yuu may uoneoniiog Thomas' F c falrie oil yet tlae facts will rise iii , that it i uuu of the boat rmnudiea fur micliui , spridu aim paiua that htw user Set been InvmitoJ , A AlllddtNt111L1' : 11ISIilt. i1 The Stramgo ldN of Ir. I'hllhp I B Jumiwi , of llrooklyn , a Special to The obh l'rodd. Nicw YOILN , October 8. Dr. P111111) ) I Jottuiiit wealth muiser of eeeuntrio habit s svmtR found dead fm tie batlm roumn of h h in llrouklyim today , fie w mm t a mu flume mm Vbysiei ° n of condideruL lmlQmninencu , tint , aecolding to noighboi ' in ) itu11miut buiug lout buomu nllmvud to inetdu his rosidemee for yearn , ! U tome suvemity yeiti d of age rand fa r , parted to have beoi worth over $1,000 io 000 , mid From puputan found in ins possession , e wits bittillirhha ( Imu owned tracts of Imuit o fu Oregon , A1 ioua and Dekotn , amid w , o time proprietor of building lute in liltcl tit , 1)oluwaru mid 11inuesuta , r uwmmod also cemsiderablo provertp fn No 'if wiclm , Comps. , w milu auong ids eflecta svo it feu mi hatiils mind seeritiud rupresentir c os'cr$100,000. it ) vas found ii mu fmrlfy It ins ushb mvltion that Dr , dome § lad beta" n property in President Street , that is , is in three-story and basuumont Pluiladutpls brick frout houses , about ten years mug it lie had routed one of thmom ov RALLY pally ! R.liyl ndtyt to the front Ye feeble , Adk , and nt/felngt / No mono endues your ill. , no more , White now Eo make thh oferingi lbme out the rankR o1 I'aln ! Come out itnd join the health lirlgadel Deeert dlsea + e at once ! De ertl You'll amply be repald. Strike down Dyspepelat Strike ! On Ocnerai Debt Ity pounce ) tiout Liver Comploint forever , routi ( lire nillounes. the bounce ! Ituld fast your weapons , held ) riurdock iflood ( litters u et They'll win the fight dei.ond ; they ° 11 win , And give theao lilt their dues. illuntock Itloed Bitters am a boon to the sick , bencating unrallingly , and remember , ate BOLD 5MRTwimaRs , ] twenty years ago hind darosited a per tiou of time purchase money upon 1t witlmtn one nsolith after lie had hired it. , lust nfltr lee moved in his wife died , and then he seemed to be an utterly elman6Ld man , lie distmiased his house. keeper and lived alone. Be used to go tea a baker's store nearby mid buy five cents' ' worth of rolls. These would last him most of the day , tumid what other mcala ho would have he would purchase at restaurants , It was also his custom about midnight every day to get nu oyster slilplter. IIe hover deviated fromis this practice , , Time ecceitrie old doctor was ktmowp in time huighborhood in which lm lived better that time baker or time groceryman , but about his own business he was dumlb Not a word over escaped him. While he would mnko mid miwot friends outside ho never invited them to Iris house. his closet companion never crossed his door- step. There had been strange stories told of ttis anode of life and when a oliconan from the Third Precinct was sent down to take charge of the house he was afraid to penetrate into time rooms , because it was said that springguns amid all aorta of exulosivuswereaeeretcdinthenL Whether this wag inagiuod front time Doctor's conversation is not known , but when a reporter visited tie house lee saw in time hallway a large nuamber of wires and cords mysteriously arranged. Lie found that nn any room of time house Dr. , Jones could either open or , close the door by use of these wires , lie fund also an electric apparatus connected with ovary door. ktmub , by which a thief or cot intruder could , at his will , be paralyzed , so to speak. In his parlor were nothing but a gas stove , an easy chair , sonic very ancient furniture and piles of newspapers arranged - ranged in methodical heaps aid represent. nmg about two tone of waste material. The mantelpiece and a desk in one corner were covered with dust. The old luau's bed oa the second door , was of solid mnhogamiy , at least fifty years old , as far as construe. tion way concerned , amid a perfect marvel of calving , His furniture was thrown all in a heap , amid Ceromier Keller saw to it that police mcn trout time Third Precinct wore do. tailed to take charge of the premises mdil the daeoased's brother , ? 'tr. Ferdinand W. , Keller , arrived. The Coromie 's deputy Benrcbed time clothing of time dead mnmi , found snnme keys , $08 in money amid a bundle of letters , every mitt of diem relating to frnamiciul i natters. Time rehmnius are now in charge of time nnderbukrr ; anti an autopsy hits settled that death was caused by rheunmtisimi of tli0 imemem't. r A b 7O''roE pl. MgRk .5 'k r. t3) t , ; r1 THE GREAT u 3' : Elt. RhenmatisnlcNeural ia , Sciatic. , lumu 0o , Dlckache. Ileudacho , Tuolhnche , aee'/'lu ua1Nn + . lllna .ht.rnln.lh'ul + r. , liurnr , Mnull. . 1'L' " 1' Umueq A111 AIJ. Itllelli m'rlP sill umiin. filmy timea"t. mud mir.ler. .rr..har part ) l'euu + MUtt OI" + duuUu Ii m. + uiu + Yr + Tlrl : t'auu.EK e , titOILIm eo. 'w.w-.u nu Iiaa 'S .I. . . n. rd l v r I 9 830,000 for $2. Regular aionttmlq Drawingwillrnto fact In thu Mas"o lc Itall , Jlasonlu 'I'oruplu Build D lug , In 1ouisrlllu , By. Thursday , October 25th , 1883 A Lawful Lottery and Fafr Drawiug : , cllartereal by the ieglslaluro of Icy „ amid twkw declar ud Icl at lithu hlglust court lit the State. fond glum to Iunry { Count , In lhu , sum of $ iOOOOI , forth , prompt iuymout of all prizua sold. A ItBYOl.lrrlON IY SINGLE NUMIIEIt DIlA1ylNllh ter'Evurv ticket holler lilloami aitperr'lder. call all Out tlio muudWr on hle ticket and sou the rorres and lug ntminlwr on thu tag placwl lii are WliLol { n iii ' , rswnco , Titesu draining , all ) occur on the last 11'humday of miry mouth. ( toad the uagulacent October Scheme. B 1 111ze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 s0,0U 1 hrizo , . , lo,0tr 1 1 Prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b , DoC 1 2 1'rizea , y2,6no each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b,0 b t'rizes , 1dtilleach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b,01x 2u Prizes , bit ouch , , , . , , lee u hxi sizes , 110 oath , . . . . . IDS 2ro { hlzcs , 60 cacti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10xx ( ( eu fazes , 2e etch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,10 r IOW Prizes , mo uuh. . , . . , , , lop a I'dzm , 5110 uachApproxIumtlouPrizoe . 2,7 w , saeh 'S u. s a Prizes , 2)10 ) d 0 I'rizcw , lou each " " W 1,557 l'rizes , g lo. ' Whole Tickets , $2. Ralf Tickets , $1 27 Tickets , $50. eb Tlakots , 5100 , Itunit , iimtcy , or Itaiik Ilraft n tatter , or coed h r sz Bess. INp\T SIiNI ) IIY ItEOlST'BlUil LITrE ( oil l'O5T 0I'FI'EOltiEIt , until further notice. Or tiers or $5 suit upward by express , cau lit , scut at'ou expense. Addnec all colors t. J. J , DOUOL.A u taulsrlllumy d'th.awist 5w sin , It lu RS ewe + . + w gn e R N.ANTD a INVA D it Is r h Onl Parfect substitute for Mother as 1 5111k. Thu uo + t uourlshlujr'letfor hnalldt an mdub' uitii m. Oomiimeudwl by all 1'hc.ldan i' wcepuIInullclluixtec Sold by all dru.gbts , tbcunt Lu nuortheTwmphlet. ( F.IIISTOALF&CO „ r. _ rco tiiAth .bt 411 ' - , . ro E. A. EI TX' . M. I ) . O A , h mlON , 51. I . tteldumcu , ltecldenu , C' ' 1T2ICapttutAre , 2411Oaenprta ° h t KIGLEY & WII4SON , ha a Ph 3ioians and , Surgeon 0. OFFICE : or Boyd'tt Opera lousu , Omaha , Na -s7EIb T ; SAT Er s. , Washington Avenue and Eifth Street , - - - ST. LOUIS MO STEELS JOHNSON I& CO. , Wholesale Grocers ! AND JODI1BI1S IN FLOUR SALT , SUGARt CANNED GOOI LD r ND ALL GROCERS' ' SUPPLIES' A FULL LINE OF TILE BEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Manufactured Tobacco. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLiN & RAND POWDER CO C. F , GOODMAN , Druggist f 7T ' $ } AND DEALER IN Puts , Oils , Yarilislios aild ¶ illdO Glass OMAHA , NEBRASKA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Grower of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO i Oil Cakes ii Is the beet and cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound I. equal 5' ' . three pound..f . . corn Stock fed with Oround Oil Cake In the Fall and Winter , instead of running down , will Incroa.e In .elgb and tie In good marketable condition In the spring. Dairymen , as well as otlors , who use It can .eettfy . Ito . merits. Try It and Judgs for yourseives. Prlce "b.a0 per ter no charge for sacks. Addre o4.aud m. SVOODBAN LINSEED OIL COMI'ANY , Ownha iMUti.d . ' . Td/F / + era .L\Dd Boiler f1 / OMAHA , - . ' NEBRASKA. Build all kinds of Steam Donors , Smoke Stacks , Drseching Lard , water and Oil Tanki , and do a ysaera plato'ironhuslnue. ItupairintrdormInCityandCountry. All work Done at Eastern Prices and Warranted ! Second-hand Boilers will be keptoahaud. had uzperlencVhlthetraduIndifferent Ilanng . many years paria o1 the country , iam eonedmlteongive satisfactl.u , havim ; the lied shop au I tads In the State. She f cnr.lnthandi'IerceStrects. J. M. WILSON Pronrietor MAX MEYER & CON , 2 , t IittL'OItTEItS OF HAVANA CIGARS I AND .IOBBEItS OF DOMESTIC v I ND { I I D 1'ROl'RIE'r01tS OF 'PllE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRAN DS : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Roses in 7 Sizes from $60 to $120 per 1000. AND THE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS ; Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN PRICES. SEND FOIL PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. t i . - r ' -t bli b.d iii x.858 I iuivu tip ; 4 } J = rn i ' d1 TIlE LEADING } arrxa e a . . . . . ,1l n.Pn. sm5 r iv t . , .P r ° Liz , 141)9 ) and 1411 Dodge Streets f OMAHA . . , - - NEBRASKA ; 4 L ? IANUFALTUItEIc Or I I 1 r , I I ' I. I I b , Skylights &q Tbtrt4sathStnet tab ' T \